St Aloyzius Gonzaga in Glory by LE GROS, Pierre the Younger

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The figure of the saint has been brought forward and is accompanied by clouds and angels. <!-- Comment End --> </td></tr></table> <script> //<!-- if (window.parent.frames.length==0) { document.write('<br><div CLASS="CREATED"><img src="/support/gif/kockak.gif" align=center></div><br><br>'); document.write('<div CLASS="CREATED">&copy; Web Gallery of Art, created by <a href="/ekren.html">Emil Kr閚</a> and <a href="/dmarx.html">Daniel Marx.</a></div>'); } else { document.write('<table width="100%" border=0 cellpadding=4><tr><td CLASS="COMMENT" colspan=2><img src="/support/gif/kockak.gif" align=center></td></tr>'); document.write('<tr><td CLASS="COMMENT">Looking for <a href="/transpar.html">high-resolution image files</a></td>'); document.write('<td CLASS="COMMENT"><a href="/donation.html">Donations</a> for maintaining and developing the Gallery are welcome.</td></tr>'); document.write('<tr><td CLASS="COMMENT" colspan=2>Please send your <a href="/email.html">comments</a>, sign our <a href="/guestbook.html">guestbook</a> and send a <a href="/support/post/sendcard.html">postcard</a>.<br><b>&copy; Web Gallery of Art, created by <a href="/ekren.html">Emil Kr閚</a> and <a href="/dmarx.html">Daniel Marx.</b></a></td></tr></table>'); } //--> </script> </tr></table> </body></html>

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