The Scholix Metadata Schema (JSON and XML)

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ISTI - CNR </li> </ul> </section> </div> <div class="row ui accordion affiliations"> <div class="sixteen wide mobile twelve wide tablet thirteen wide computer column"> <h3>Contributors</h3> <div> <h3 class="creatibutors-header ui small header">Researchers:</h3> <ul class="creatibutors"> <li class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="ANDS" href="/search?,+Amir%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Aryani, Amir</span><sup class="font-tiny">1</sup></a> </li> <li class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="ANDS" href="/search?,+Adrian%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Burton, Adrian</span><sup class="font-tiny">1</sup></a> </li> <li class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="DataCite" href="/search?,+Martin%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Fenner, Martin</span><sup class="font-tiny">2</sup></a> </li> <li class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="Elsevier" href="/search?,+Wouter%22" > <span class="creatibutor-name">Haak, Wouter</span><sup class="font-tiny">3</sup></a> </li> </ul> </div> <div> <h3 class="creatibutors-header ui small header">Sponsor:</h3> <ul class="creatibutors"> <li class="creatibutor-wrap separated"> <a class="ui creatibutor-link" data-tooltip="ICSU" href="/search?" > <span class="creatibutor-name">World Data System/ICSU</span><sup class="font-tiny">4</sup></a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="ui sixteen wide tablet three wide computer column title right aligned bottom aligned"> <button class="ui affiliations-button trigger button mini mr-0" aria-controls="contributors-affiliations" data-open-text="Show affiliations" data-close-text="Hide affiliations" aria-expanded="false" > Show affiliations </button> </div> <section class="ui sixteen wide column content" id="contributors-affiliations" aria-label="Affiliations for contributors"> <ul> <li> 1. ANDS </li> <li> 2. DataCite </li> <li> 3. Elsevier </li> <li> 4. ICSU </li> </ul> </section> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section id="description" class="rel-mt-2 rich-input-content" aria-label="Record description"> <h2 id="description-heading" class="sr-only">Description</h2> <div style="word-wrap: break-word;"> <p><p>This software product consists of the XML schema and the JSON schema aligned with the Scholix Guidelines Version 3. It contains the .json and /xsd files together with examples of compatible metadata records.</p></p> </div> </section> <section id="additional-description-1" class="rel-mt-2 rich-input-content" aria-label="Notes"> <h2>Notes <span class="text-muted language"></span> </h2> <div class="ui message warning"> Available at GitHub from </div> </section> <section id="record-files" class="rel-mt-2 rel-mb-3" aria-label="Files" ><h2 id="files-heading">Files</h2> <div class="ui accordion panel mb-10 open" href="#files-preview-accordion-panel"> <h3 class="active title panel-heading open m-0"> <div role="button" id="files-preview-accordion-trigger" aria-controls="files-preview-accordion-panel" aria-expanded="true" tabindex="0" class="trigger" aria-label="File preview" > <span id="preview-file-title"></span> <i class="angle right icon" aria-hidden="true"></i> </div> </h3> <div role="region" id="files-preview-accordion-panel" aria-labelledby="files-preview-accordion-trigger" class="active content 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<tbody> <tr> <td class="ten wide"> <div> <a href="/records/1120275/files/"></a> </div> <small class="ui text-muted font-tiny">md5:b85b897a42ed30a25fe23729c1db9cf1 <div class="ui icon inline-block" data-tooltip="This is the file fingerprint (checksum), which can be used to verify the file integrity."> <i class="question circle checksum icon"></i> </div> </small> </td> <td>14.0 kB</td> <td class="right aligned"> <span> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button preview-link" href="/records/1120275/preview/" target="preview-iframe" data-file-key=""> <i class="eye icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>Preview </a> <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button" href="/records/1120275/files/"> <i class="download icon" aria-hidden="true"></i>Download </a> </span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="additional-details" class="rel-mt-2" aria-label="Additional record details"> <h2 id="record-details-heading">Additional details</h2> <div class="ui 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target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-label="Open external link"> <i class="external alternate icon"></i> </a></dt><dd class="text-muted">European Commission</dd> <dt class="ui tiny header"> <span class="mr-5"> OpenAIRE2020 – Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe 2020 </span><span class="ui mini basic label ml-0 mr-5" id="number-label-1"> 643410 </span> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-label="Open external link"> <i class="external alternate icon"></i> </a></dt><dd class="text-muted">European Commission</dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="ui divider"></div> </section> <section id="citations-search" data-record-pids='{"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1120275", "provider": "datacite"}, "oai": {"identifier": "", "provider": "oai"}}' data-record-parent-pids='{"doi": {"client": "datacite", "identifier": "10.5281/zenodo.1120267", "provider": "datacite"}}' data-citations-endpoint="" aria-label="Record citations" 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