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Something like three-quarters of all preschool children in India have iron-deficiency anemia, which impairs learning, and more than half have at least mild vitamin A deficiency. Given India&#8217;s place as one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the persistently high levels of malnutrition among children &#8212; close to double that of sub Saharan Africa &#8212; have to be cause for alarm and puzzlement. And the extraordinary vulnerability of Indian children, as manifested in these figures, holds in it a warning for what might happen as economic growth slows. Any claims of progress in child health have to be tempered by these sobering facts. A <a href="" target="_new">feature in yesterday&#8217;s New York Times</a> focuses on the problem and describes it well, but leaves the questions &#8212; why and what can be done? &#8212; for others to answer.</p> <p>Who those &#8220;others&#8221; are in the field of nutrition is not at all clear, in India or elsewhere. Nutrition has long been a subject area that has fallen between the stools: related to health, yes, but never at the heart of what Ministries of Health consider their main mission. Moreover, a health-centric response to under-nutrition &#8212; which often boils down to providing medical care for severely malnourished children, promoting breastfeeding among new mothers, and distributing vitamin A capsules &#8212; usually fails to address the household food consumption patterns that are shaped by everything from women&#8217;s access to income to the way food is produced and distributed. It is everyone&#8217;s job, and no one&#8217;s.<br/> <a href="" class="more-link">More&#8230;</a></p> </p> <p class="posted"><a href="" title="Comment on Hanging in the Balance: Who Will Deal with Child Malnutrition?">3 Comments</a></p> </div> <div class="br"><br/></div> <div> <div class="alignleft"></div> <div class="alignright"></div> </div> <br/> </div> </div> <!-- end content div --> <div id="right"> <ul> <li id="text-377439231" class="widget widget_text"> <div class="textwidget"><p><a href=""><strong>Global Health Policy</strong></a> is a group blog discussing the issues facing the donor community on everything from HIV/AIDS financing to pharmaceutical R&amp;D to broader health systems concerns. 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