MIFB Registration
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// Add this line // Define a common configuration object for both inputs const commonConfig = { initialCountry: "auto", separateDialCode: true, // Add this line to display the dial code geoIpLookup: callback => { fetch("") .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => callback(data.country_code)) .catch(() => callback("us")); }, utilsScript: "", placeholderNumberType: "MOBILE", customPlaceholder: function (selectedCountryPlaceholder, selectedCountryData) { return removeCountryCodeAndFormat(selectedCountryPlaceholder); }, }; // // Initialize intlTelInput with the common configuration for both inputs // const telIti = window.intlTelInput(tel, commonConfig); const mobileIti = window.intlTelInput(mobile, commonConfig); // Add this event listener for the mobile input mobile.addEventListener('countrychange', function () { var mobileCountryData = mobileIti.getSelectedCountryData(); var mobileCountryCode = mobileCountryData.dialCode; mobileCountryCodeInput.value = mobileCountryCode; mobile.placeholder = removeCountryCodeAndFormat(mobile.placeholder, mobileCountryData.iso2 .toUpperCase()); 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