JobPosting - Type
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This is usually used for telecommuting jobs where the applicant does not need to be in a physical office. Note: This should not be used for citizenship or work visa requirements. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/applicationContact" class="ext ext-pending" title="applicationContact">applicationContact</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/ContactPoint" class="core" title="ContactPoint">ContactPoint</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Contact details for further information relevant to this job posting. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/baseSalary" class="core" title="baseSalary">baseSalary</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/MonetaryAmount" class="core" title="MonetaryAmount">MonetaryAmount</a> or <br/> <a href="/Number" class="core" title="Number">Number</a> or <br/> <a href="/PriceSpecification" class="core" title="PriceSpecification">PriceSpecification</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The base salary of the job or of an employee in an EmployeeRole. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/datePosted" class="core" title="datePosted">datePosted</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Date" class="core" title="Date">Date</a> or <br/> <a href="/DateTime" class="core" title="DateTime">DateTime</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Publication date of an online listing. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/directApply" class="ext ext-pending" title="directApply">directApply</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Boolean" class="core" title="Boolean">Boolean</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Indicates whether an <a class="localLink" href="/url">url</a> that is associated with a <a class="localLink" href="/JobPosting">JobPosting</a> enables direct application for the job, via the posting website. A job posting is considered to have directApply of <a class="localLink" href="/True">True</a> if an application process for the specified job can be directly initiated via the url(s) given (noting that e.g. multiple internet domains might nevertheless be involved at an implementation level). A value of <a class="localLink" href="/False">False</a> is appropriate if there is no clear path to applying directly online for the specified job, navigating directly from the JobPosting url(s) supplied. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/educationRequirements" class="ext ext-pending" title="educationRequirements">educationRequirements</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/EducationalOccupationalCredential" class="core" title="EducationalOccupationalCredential">EducationalOccupationalCredential</a> or <br/> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Educational background needed for the position or Occupation. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/eligibilityToWorkRequirement" class="ext ext-pending" title="eligibilityToWorkRequirement">eligibilityToWorkRequirement</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The legal requirements such as citizenship, visa and other documentation required for an applicant to this job. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/employerOverview" class="ext ext-pending" title="employerOverview">employerOverview</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">A description of the employer, career opportunities and work environment for this position. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/employmentType" class="core" title="employmentType">employmentType</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Type of employment (e.g. full-time, part-time, contract, temporary, seasonal, internship). </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/employmentUnit" class="ext ext-pending" title="employmentUnit">employmentUnit</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Organization" class="core" title="Organization">Organization</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Indicates the department, unit and/or facility where the employee reports and/or in which the job is to be performed. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/estimatedSalary" class="core" title="estimatedSalary">estimatedSalary</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/MonetaryAmount" class="core" title="MonetaryAmount">MonetaryAmount</a> or <br/> <a href="/MonetaryAmountDistribution" class="core" title="MonetaryAmountDistribution">MonetaryAmountDistribution</a> or <br/> <a href="/Number" class="core" title="Number">Number</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">An estimated salary for a job posting or occupation, based on a variety of variables including, but not limited to industry, job title, and location. Estimated salaries are often computed by outside organizations rather than the hiring organization, who may not have committed to the estimated value. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/experienceInPlaceOfEducation" class="ext ext-pending" title="experienceInPlaceOfEducation">experienceInPlaceOfEducation</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Boolean" class="core" title="Boolean">Boolean</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Indicates whether a <a class="localLink" href="/JobPosting">JobPosting</a> will accept experience (as indicated by <a class="localLink" href="/OccupationalExperienceRequirements">OccupationalExperienceRequirements</a>) in place of its formal educational qualifications (as indicated by <a class="localLink" href="/educationRequirements">educationRequirements</a>). If true, indicates that satisfying one of these requirements is sufficient. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/experienceRequirements" class="core" title="experienceRequirements">experienceRequirements</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/OccupationalExperienceRequirements" class="core" title="OccupationalExperienceRequirements">OccupationalExperienceRequirements</a> or <br/> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Description of skills and experience needed for the position or Occupation. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/hiringOrganization" class="core" title="hiringOrganization">hiringOrganization</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Organization" class="core" title="Organization">Organization</a> or <br/> <a href="/Person" class="core" title="Person">Person</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Organization or Person offering the job position. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/incentiveCompensation" class="core" title="incentiveCompensation">incentiveCompensation</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Description of bonus and commission compensation aspects of the job. Supersedes <a href="/incentives" class="core" title="incentives">incentives</a>. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/industry" class="core" title="industry">industry</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/DefinedTerm" class="core" title="DefinedTerm">DefinedTerm</a> or <br/> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The industry associated with the job position. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/jobBenefits" class="core" title="jobBenefits">jobBenefits</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Description of benefits associated with the job. Supersedes <a href="/benefits" class="core" title="benefits">benefits</a>. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/jobImmediateStart" class="ext ext-pending" title="jobImmediateStart">jobImmediateStart</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Boolean" class="core" title="Boolean">Boolean</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">An indicator as to whether a position is available for an immediate start. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/jobLocation" class="core" title="jobLocation">jobLocation</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Place" class="core" title="Place">Place</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">A (typically single) geographic location associated with the job position. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/jobLocationType" class="ext ext-pending" title="jobLocationType">jobLocationType</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">A description of the job location (e.g. TELECOMMUTE for telecommute jobs). </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/jobStartDate" class="ext ext-pending" title="jobStartDate">jobStartDate</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Date" class="core" title="Date">Date</a> or <br/> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The date on which a successful applicant for this job would be expected to start work. Choose a specific date in the future or use the jobImmediateStart property to indicate the position is to be filled as soon as possible. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/occupationalCategory" class="ext ext-pending" title="occupationalCategory">occupationalCategory</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/CategoryCode" class="core" title="CategoryCode">CategoryCode</a> or <br/> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">A category describing the job, preferably using a term from a taxonomy such as <a href="">BLS O*NET-SOC</a>, <a href="">ISCO-08</a> or similar, with the property repeated for each applicable value. Ideally the taxonomy should be identified, and both the textual label and formal code for the category should be provided.<br/><br/> Note: for historical reasons, any textual label and formal code provided as a literal may be assumed to be from O*NET-SOC. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/physicalRequirement" class="ext ext-pending" title="physicalRequirement">physicalRequirement</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/DefinedTerm" class="core" title="DefinedTerm">DefinedTerm</a> or <br/> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a> or <br/> <a href="/URL" class="core" title="URL">URL</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">A description of the types of physical activity associated with the job. Defined terms such as those in O*net may be used, but note that there is no way to specify the level of ability as well as its nature when using a defined term. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/qualifications" class="ext ext-pending" title="qualifications">qualifications</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/EducationalOccupationalCredential" class="core" title="EducationalOccupationalCredential">EducationalOccupationalCredential</a> or <br/> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Specific qualifications required for this role or Occupation. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/relevantOccupation" class="core" title="relevantOccupation">relevantOccupation</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Occupation" class="core" title="Occupation">Occupation</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The Occupation for the JobPosting. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/responsibilities" class="core" title="responsibilities">responsibilities</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Responsibilities associated with this role or Occupation. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/salaryCurrency" class="core" title="salaryCurrency">salaryCurrency</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The currency (coded using <a href="">ISO 4217</a>) used for the main salary information in this job posting or for this employee. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/securityClearanceRequirement" class="ext ext-pending" title="securityClearanceRequirement">securityClearanceRequirement</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a> or <br/> <a href="/URL" class="core" title="URL">URL</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">A description of any security clearance requirements of the job. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/sensoryRequirement" class="ext ext-pending" title="sensoryRequirement">sensoryRequirement</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/DefinedTerm" class="core" title="DefinedTerm">DefinedTerm</a> or <br/> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a> or <br/> <a href="/URL" class="core" title="URL">URL</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">A description of any sensory requirements and levels necessary to function on the job, including hearing and vision. Defined terms such as those in O*net may be used, but note that there is no way to specify the level of ability as well as its nature when using a defined term. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/skills" class="core" title="skills">skills</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/DefinedTerm" class="core" title="DefinedTerm">DefinedTerm</a> or <br/> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">A statement of knowledge, skill, ability, task or any other assertion expressing a competency that is either claimed by a person, an organization or desired or required to fulfill a role or to work in an occupation. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/specialCommitments" class="core" title="specialCommitments">specialCommitments</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Any special commitments associated with this job posting. Valid entries include VeteranCommit, MilitarySpouseCommit, etc. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/title" class="core" title="title">title</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The title of the job. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/totalJobOpenings" class="ext ext-pending" title="totalJobOpenings">totalJobOpenings</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Integer" class="core" title="Integer">Integer</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The number of positions open for this job posting. Use a positive integer. Do not use if the number of positions is unclear or not known. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/validThrough" class="core" title="validThrough">validThrough</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Date" class="core" title="Date">Date</a> or <br/> <a href="/DateTime" class="core" title="DateTime">DateTime</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The date after when the item is not valid. For example the end of an offer, salary period, or a period of opening hours. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/workHours" class="core" title="workHours">workHours</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The typical working hours for this job (e.g. 1st shift, night shift, 8am-5pm). </td> </tr> <!-- Properties for Term: Intangible--> <!-- Properties for Term: Thing--> <tr class="supertype"><th class="supertype-name" colspan="3">Properties from <a href="/Thing" class="core" title="Thing">Thing</a></th></tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/additionalType" class="core" title="additionalType">additionalType</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a> or <br/> <a href="/URL" class="core" title="URL">URL</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">An additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between something and a class that the thing is in. Typically the value is a URI-identified RDF class, and in this case corresponds to the use of rdf:type in RDF. Text values can be used sparingly, for cases where useful information can be added without their being an appropriate schema to reference. In the case of text values, the class label should follow the <a href="">style guide</a>. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/alternateName" class="core" title="alternateName">alternateName</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">An alias for the item. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/description" class="core" title="description">description</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a> or <br/> <a href="/TextObject" class="core" title="TextObject">TextObject</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">A description of the item. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/disambiguatingDescription" class="core" title="disambiguatingDescription">disambiguatingDescription</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">A sub property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate from other, similar items. Information from other properties (in particular, name) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/identifier" class="core" title="identifier">identifier</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/PropertyValue" class="core" title="PropertyValue">PropertyValue</a> or <br/> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a> or <br/> <a href="/URL" class="core" title="URL">URL</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of <a class="localLink" href="/Thing">Thing</a>, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See <a href="/docs/datamodel.html#identifierBg">background notes</a> for more details. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/image" class="core" title="image">image</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/ImageObject" class="core" title="ImageObject">ImageObject</a> or <br/> <a href="/URL" class="core" title="URL">URL</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">An image of the item. This can be a <a class="localLink" href="/URL">URL</a> or a fully described <a class="localLink" href="/ImageObject">ImageObject</a>. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/mainEntityOfPage" class="core" title="mainEntityOfPage">mainEntityOfPage</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/CreativeWork" class="core" title="CreativeWork">CreativeWork</a> or <br/> <a href="/URL" class="core" title="URL">URL</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Indicates a page (or other CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main entity being described. See <a href="/docs/datamodel.html#mainEntityBackground">background notes</a> for details. <br/>Inverse property: <a href="/mainEntity" class="core" title="mainEntity">mainEntity</a> </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/name" class="core" title="name">name</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Text" class="core" title="Text">Text</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">The name of the item. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/potentialAction" class="core" title="potentialAction">potentialAction</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/Action" class="core" title="Action">Action</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/sameAs" class="core" title="sameAs">sameAs</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/URL" class="core" title="URL">URL</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">URL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Wikidata entry, or official website. </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/subjectOf" class="core" title="subjectOf">subjectOf</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/CreativeWork" class="core" title="CreativeWork">CreativeWork</a> or <br/> <a href="/Event" class="core" title="Event">Event</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">A CreativeWork or Event about this Thing. <br/>Inverse property: <a href="/about" class="core" title="about">about</a> </td> </tr> <tr><th class="prop-nam"><code> <a href="/url" class="core" title="url">url</a></code></th> <td class="prop-ect"> <a href="/URL" class="core" title="URL">URL</a></td> <td class="prop-desc">URL of the item. </td> </tr> </table> <!-- List properties that have this term as an Expected type --> <!-- List subtypes/subproperties --> <!-- List subs (Subtypes/subproperties/enumeration members/etc.) for Term --> <!-- list supersedes and superseded references --> <!-- list source references and acknowledgements --> <!-- list examples --> <!-- Examples block for term: JobPosting--> <div id="examplespannel" class="jumptarget" title="Examples"> <h3>Examples</h3> <div class="example-head"> <button class="clip clipbutton eg-0028" data-clipboard-target=" .clipsource" title="Copy example to clipboard"> <img src="/docs/clipboard/clippy.svg" width="18" alt="Copy to clipboard" /> </button> <a id="eg-0028" title="Link: #eg-0028" href="#eg-0028" class="clickableAnchor" >Example 1</a> <div class="tooltip"> <span class="tooltiptext eg-0028">Copied</span> </div> </div> <div class='ds-selector-tabs ds-selector'> <div class='selectors'> <a data-selects='original_html' class='selected'>No Markup</a> <a data-selects='microdata' class=''>Microdata</a> <a data-selects='rdfa' class=''>RDFa</a> <a data-selects='jsonld' class=''>JSON-LD</a> <a data-selects='structure' class='extabs'>Structure</a> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0028 original_html selected"> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Example notes or example HTML without markup.</div> <pre class="ds-tab-content prettyprint lang-html linenums clipsource "> <div> <h2>Software Engineer</h2> <p><strong>Location:</strong> Kirkland WA</p> <p><strong>Industry:</strong> Computer Software <br><strong>Occupational Category:</strong> 15-1132.00 Software Developers, Application <br><strong>Hours:</strong> Full-time, 40 hours per week <br><strong>Salary:</strong> USD 100000 </p> <p> <strong>Description:</strong> ABC Company Inc. seeks a full-time mid-level software engineer to develop in-house tools. </p> <p><strong>Responsibilities:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Design and write specifications for tools for in-house customers</li> <li>Build tools according to specifications</li> </ul> <p><strong>Educational requirements:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related fields of study.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience requirements:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Minumum 3 years experience as a software engineer</li> </ul> <p><strong>Desired Skills:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Web application development using Java/J2EE</li> <li>Web application development using Python or familiarity with dynamic programming languages</li> </ul> <p><strong>Qualifications:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Ability to work in a team environment with members of varying skill levels.</li> <li>Highly motivated.</li> <li>Learns quickly.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Benefits:</strong></p> <ul><li>ABC Corp provides top-tier employee compensation benefits and a relaxed, team-oriented work environment, including: Medical, Life, Dental</li> </ul> <p><strong>Incentives:</strong></p> <ul><li>Performance-based annual bonus plan, project-completion bonuses</li> </ul> <p>If interested in this position, please email us your resume, along with salary requirements and a cover letter to Jobs@abc.123.</p> <p>Date Posted: 2011-10-31</p> </div> </pre> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0028 microdata "> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Example encoded as <a class="ds-tab-note" href="">Microdata</a> embedded in HTML.</div> <pre class="ds-tab-content prettyprint lang-html linenums clipsource "> <div itemscope itemtype=""> <meta itemprop="specialCommitments" content="VeteranCommit" /> <h2 itemprop="title">Software Engineer</h2> <span> <p><strong>Location:</strong> <span itemprop="jobLocation" itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="addressLocality">Kirkland</span> <span itemprop="addressRegion">WA</span></span></span></p> </span> <p><strong>Industry:</strong> <span itemprop="industry">Computer Software</span> <br><strong>Occupational Category:</strong> <span itemprop="occupationalCategory">15-1132.00 Software Developers, Application</span> <br><strong>Hours:</strong> <span itemprop="employmentType">Full-time</span>, <span itemprop="workHours">40 hours per week</span> <br><strong>Salary:</strong> <span itemprop="salaryCurrency">USD</span> <span itemprop="baseSalary">100000</span> </p> <p itemprop="description"> <strong>Description:</strong> <span itemprop="hiringOrganization" itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name">ABC Company Inc.</span> seeks a full-time mid-level software engineer to develop in-house tools.</span> </p> <p><strong>Responsibilities:</strong></p> <ul itemprop="responsibilities"> <li>Design and write specifications for tools for in-house customers</li> <li>Build tools according to specifications</li> </ul> <p><strong>Educational requirements:</strong></p> <ul itemprop="educationRequirements"> <li>Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related fields of study.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience requirements:</strong></p> <ul itemprop="experienceRequirements"> <li>Minumum 3 years experience as a software engineer</li> </ul> <p><strong>Desired Skills:</strong></p> <ul itemprop="skills"> <li>Web application development using Java/J2EE</li> <li>Web application development using Python or familiarity with dynamic programming languages</li> </ul> <p><strong>Qualifications:</strong></p> <ul itemprop="qualifications"> <li>Ability to work in a team environment with members of varying skill levels.</li> <li>Highly motivated.</li> <li>Learns quickly.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Benefits:</strong></p> <ul><li>ABC Corp provides top-tier employee compensation benefits and a relaxed, team-oriented work environment, including:<span itemprop="jobBenefits"> Medical, Life, Dental</span></li> </ul> <p><strong>Incentives:</strong></p> <ul><li><span itemprop="incentiveCompensation">Performance-based annual bonus plan, project-completion bonuses</span></li> </ul> <p>If interested in this position, please email us your resume, along with salary requirements and a cover letter to Jobs@abc.123.</p> <p>Date Posted: <span itemprop="datePosted">2011-10-31</span></p> </div> </pre> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0028 rdfa "> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Example encoded as <a class="ds-tab-note" href="">RDFa</a> embedded in HTML.</div> <pre class="ds-tab-content prettyprint lang-html linenums clipsource "> <div vocab="" typeof="JobPosting"> <meta property="specialCommitments" content="VeteranCommit" /> <h2 property="title">Software Engineer</h2> <span> <p><strong>Location:</strong> <span property="jobLocation" typeof="Place"><span property="address" typeof="PostalAddress"> <span property="addressLocality">Kirkland</span> <span property="addressRegion">WA</span></span></span></p> </span> <p><strong>Industry:</strong> <span property="industry">Computer Software</span> <br><strong>Occupational Category:</strong> <span property="occupationalCategory">15-1132.00 Software Developers, Application</span> <br><strong>Hours:</strong> <span property="employmentType">Full-time</span>, <span property="workHours">40 hours per week</span> <br><strong>Salary:</strong> <span property="salaryCurrency">USD</span> <span property="baseSalary">100000</span> </p> <p property="description"> <strong>Description:</strong> <span property="hiringOrganization" typeof="Organization"><span property="name">ABC Company Inc.</span> seeks a full-time mid-level software engineer to develop in-house tools.</span> </p> <p><strong>Responsibilities:</strong></p> <ul property="responsibilities"> <li>Design and write specifications for tools for in-house customers</li> <li>Build tools according to specifications</li> </ul> <p><strong>Educational requirements:</strong></p> <ul property="educationRequirements"> <li>Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related fields of study.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Experience requirements:</strong></p> <ul property="experienceRequirements"> <li>Minumum 3 years experience as a software engineer</li> </ul> <p><strong>Desired Skills:</strong></p> <ul property="skills"> <li>Web application development using Java/J2EE</li> <li>Web application development using Python or familiarity with dynamic programming languages</li> </ul> <p><strong>Qualifications:</strong></p> <ul property="qualifications"> <li>Ability to work in a team environment with members of varying skill levels.</li> <li>Highly motivated.</li> <li>Learns quickly.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Benefits:</strong></p> <ul><li>ABC Corp provides top-tier employee compensation benefits and a relaxed, team-oriented work environment, including:<span property="jobBenefits"> Medical, Life, Dental</span></li> </ul> <p><strong>Incentives:</strong></p> <ul><li><span property="incentiveCompensation">Performance-based annual bonus plan, project-completion bonuses</span></li> </ul> <p>If interested in this position, please email us your resume, along with salary requirements and a cover letter to Jobs@abc.123.</p> <p>Date Posted: <span property="datePosted">2011-10-31</span></p> </div> </pre> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0028 jsonld "> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Example encoded as <a class="ds-tab-note" href="">JSON-LD</a> in a HTML script tag.</div> <pre class="ds-tab-content prettyprint lang-html linenums clipsource "> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "baseSalary": "100000", "jobBenefits": "Medical, Life, Dental", "datePosted": "2011-10-31", "description": "Description: ABC Company Inc. seeks a full-time mid-level software engineer to develop in-house tools.", "educationRequirements": "Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related fields of study.", "employmentType": "Full-time", "experienceRequirements": "Minumum 3 years experience as a software engineer", "incentiveCompensation": "Performance-based annual bonus plan, project-completion bonuses", "industry": "Computer Software", "jobLocation": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "Kirkland", "addressRegion": "WA" } }, "occupationalCategory": "15-1132.00 Software Developers, Application", "qualifications": "Ability to work in a team environment with members of varying skill levels. Highly motivated. Learns quickly.", "responsibilities": "Design and write specifications for tools for in-house customers Build tools according to specifications", "salaryCurrency": "USD", "skills": "Web application development using Java/J2EE Web application development using Python or familiarity with dynamic programming languages", "specialCommitments": "VeteranCommit", "title": "Software Engineer", "workHours": "40 hours per week" } </script> </pre> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0028 structure extabs" data-ex="eg-0028"> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.</div> <div class="ds-tab-content structureout extabs eg-0028" style="margin-left: 5px;"> </div> <div class="structuretext clipsource extabs eg-0028"></div> </div> <div class="payload eg-0028" style="display: none;">{ "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "baseSalary": "100000", "jobBenefits": "Medical, Life, Dental", "datePosted": "2011-10-31", "description": "Description: ABC Company Inc. seeks a full-time mid-level software engineer to develop in-house tools.", "educationRequirements": "Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related fields of study.", "employmentType": "Full-time", "experienceRequirements": "Minumum 3 years experience as a software engineer", "incentiveCompensation": "Performance-based annual bonus plan, project-completion bonuses", "industry": "Computer Software", "jobLocation": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "Kirkland", "addressRegion": "WA" } }, "occupationalCategory": "15-1132.00 Software Developers, Application", "qualifications": "Ability to work in a team environment with members of varying skill levels. Highly motivated. Learns quickly.", "responsibilities": "Design and write specifications for tools for in-house customers Build tools according to specifications", "salaryCurrency": "USD", "skills": "Web application development using Java/J2EE Web application development using Python or familiarity with dynamic programming languages", "specialCommitments": "VeteranCommit", "title": "Software Engineer", "workHours": "40 hours per week" }</div> </div> <div class="example-head"> <button class="clip clipbutton eg-0251" data-clipboard-target=" .clipsource" title="Copy example to clipboard"> <img src="/docs/clipboard/clippy.svg" width="18" alt="Copy to clipboard" /> </button> <a id="eg-0251" title="Link: #eg-0251" href="#eg-0251" class="clickableAnchor" >Example 2</a> <div class="tooltip"> <span class="tooltiptext eg-0251">Copied</span> </div> </div> <div class='ds-selector-tabs ds-selector'> <div class='selectors'> <a data-selects='original_html' class='selected'>No Markup</a> <a data-selects='jsonld' class=''>JSON-LD</a> <a data-selects='structure' class='extabs'>Structure</a> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0251 original_html selected"> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Example notes or example HTML without markup.</div> <pre class="ds-tab-content prettyprint lang-html linenums clipsource "> See JSON example. </pre> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0251 jsonld "> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Example encoded as <a class="ds-tab-note" href="">JSON-LD</a> in a HTML script tag.</div> <pre class="ds-tab-content prettyprint lang-html linenums clipsource "> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "name": "Mobile App Developer", "hiringOrganization": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ACME Software" }, "relevantOccupation": { "@type": "Occupation", "name": "Software Developers, Applications", "occupationalCategory": { "@type": "CategoryCode", "inCodeSet": { "@type": "CategoryCodeSet", "name": "O*Net-SOC", "dateModified": "2019", "url": "" }, "codeValue": "15-1132.00", "name": "Software Developers, Applications", "url": "" } } } </script> </pre> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0251 structure extabs" data-ex="eg-0251"> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.</div> <div class="ds-tab-content structureout extabs eg-0251" style="margin-left: 5px;"> </div> <div class="structuretext clipsource extabs eg-0251"></div> </div> <div class="payload eg-0251" style="display: none;">{ "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "name": "Mobile App Developer", "hiringOrganization": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ACME Software" }, "relevantOccupation": { "@type": "Occupation", "name": "Software Developers, Applications", "occupationalCategory": { "@type": "CategoryCode", "inCodeSet": { "@type": "CategoryCodeSet", "name": "O*Net-SOC", "dateModified": "2019", "url": "" }, "codeValue": "15-1132.00", "name": "Software Developers, Applications", "url": "" } } }</div> </div> <div class="example-head"> <button class="clip clipbutton eg-0268" data-clipboard-target=" .clipsource" title="Copy example to clipboard"> <img src="/docs/clipboard/clippy.svg" width="18" alt="Copy to clipboard" /> </button> <a id="eg-0268" title="Link: #eg-0268" href="#eg-0268" class="clickableAnchor" >Example 3</a> <div class="tooltip"> <span class="tooltiptext eg-0268">Copied</span> </div> </div> <div class='ds-selector-tabs ds-selector'> <div class='selectors'> <a data-selects='original_html' class='selected'>No Markup</a> <a data-selects='jsonld' class=''>JSON-LD</a> <a data-selects='structure' class='extabs'>Structure</a> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0268 original_html selected"> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Example notes or example HTML without markup.</div> <pre class="ds-tab-content prettyprint lang-html linenums clipsource "> A job where one must be in the United States to apply. </pre> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0268 jsonld "> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Example encoded as <a class="ds-tab-note" href="">JSON-LD</a> in a HTML script tag.</div> <pre class="ds-tab-content prettyprint lang-html linenums clipsource "> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "name": "Telecommute from anywhere in USA!", "applicantLocationRequirements": { "@type": "Country", "sameAs": "", "name": "USA" } } </script> </pre> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0268 structure extabs" data-ex="eg-0268"> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.</div> <div class="ds-tab-content structureout extabs eg-0268" style="margin-left: 5px;"> </div> <div class="structuretext clipsource extabs eg-0268"></div> </div> <div class="payload eg-0268" style="display: none;">{ "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "name": "Telecommute from anywhere in USA!", "applicantLocationRequirements": { "@type": "Country", "sameAs": "", "name": "USA" } }</div> </div> <div class="example-head"> <button class="clip clipbutton eg-0280" data-clipboard-target=" .clipsource" title="Copy example to clipboard"> <img src="/docs/clipboard/clippy.svg" width="18" alt="Copy to clipboard" /> </button> <a id="eg-0280" title="Link: #eg-0280" href="#eg-0280" class="clickableAnchor" >Example 4</a> <div class="tooltip"> <span class="tooltiptext eg-0280">Copied</span> </div> </div> <div class='ds-selector-tabs ds-selector'> <div class='selectors'> <a data-selects='original_html' class='selected'>No Markup</a> <a data-selects='jsonld' class=''>JSON-LD</a> <a data-selects='structure' class='extabs'>Structure</a> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0280 original_html selected"> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Example notes or example HTML without markup.</div> <pre class="ds-tab-content prettyprint lang-html linenums clipsource "> JobPosting for a position that requires applicants to have a bachelor of science in computer science from a program accredited by ABET. </pre> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0280 jsonld "> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Example encoded as <a class="ds-tab-note" href="">JSON-LD</a> in a HTML script tag.</div> <pre class="ds-tab-content prettyprint lang-html linenums clipsource "> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "Systems Research Engineer", "qualifications": { "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential", "credentialCategory": "Bachelor of Science", "about": "Computer Science", "recognizedBy": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ABET", "url": "" } } } </script> </pre> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0280 structure extabs" data-ex="eg-0280"> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.</div> <div class="ds-tab-content structureout extabs eg-0280" style="margin-left: 5px;"> </div> <div class="structuretext clipsource extabs eg-0280"></div> </div> <div class="payload eg-0280" style="display: none;">{ "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "Systems Research Engineer", "qualifications": { "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential", "credentialCategory": "Bachelor of Science", "about": "Computer Science", "recognizedBy": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ABET", "url": "" } } }</div> </div> <div class="example-head"> <button class="clip clipbutton eg-0465" data-clipboard-target=" .clipsource" title="Copy example to clipboard"> <img src="/docs/clipboard/clippy.svg" width="18" alt="Copy to clipboard" /> </button> <a id="eg-0465" title="Link: #eg-0465" href="#eg-0465" class="clickableAnchor" >Example 5</a> <div class="tooltip"> <span class="tooltiptext eg-0465">Copied</span> </div> </div> <div class='ds-selector-tabs ds-selector'> <div class='selectors'> <a data-selects='original_html' class='selected'>No Markup</a> <a data-selects='jsonld' class=''>JSON-LD</a> <a data-selects='structure' class='extabs'>Structure</a> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0465 original_html selected"> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Example notes or example HTML without markup.</div> <pre class="ds-tab-content prettyprint lang-html linenums clipsource "> Example of Job markup for experience standing in place of formal qualifications. </pre> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0465 jsonld "> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Example encoded as <a class="ds-tab-note" href="">JSON-LD</a> in a HTML script tag.</div> <pre class="ds-tab-content prettyprint lang-html linenums clipsource "> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "Software Engineer", "educationRequirements": { "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential", "credentialCategory": "bachelor degree" }, "experienceRequirements": { "@type": "OccupationalExperienceRequirements", "monthsOfExperience": "60" }, "experienceInPlaceOfEducation": true } </script> </pre> </div> <div class="ds-tab eg-0465 structure extabs" data-ex="eg-0465"> <div class="ds-tab-note" >Structured representation of the JSON-LD example.</div> <div class="ds-tab-content structureout extabs eg-0465" style="margin-left: 5px;"> </div> <div class="structuretext clipsource extabs eg-0465"></div> </div> <div class="payload eg-0465" style="display: none;">{ "@context": "", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "Software Engineer", "educationRequirements": { "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential", "credentialCategory": "bachelor degree" }, "experienceRequirements": { "@type": "OccupationalExperienceRequirements", "monthsOfExperience": "60" }, "experienceInPlaceOfEducation": true }</div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- mainContent --> <!-- Footer start from PageFooter.j2 --> <div id="footer"> <p><a href="/docs/terms.html">Terms and conditions</a></p> <div id="versioninfo"> <span class="sep">•</span> <span class="sep">•</span> V28.1 <span class="sep">|</span> 2024-11-22 </div> </div> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-52672119-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <!-- Footer end from PageFooter.j2 --> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": { "brick": "", "csvw": "", "dc": "", "dcam": "", "dcat": "", "dcmitype": "", "dcterms": "", "doap": "", "foaf": "", "odrl": "", "org": "", "owl": "", "prof": "", "prov": "", "qb": "", "rdf": "", "rdfs": "", "schema": "", "sh": "", "skos": "", "sosa": "", "ssn": "", "time": "", "vann": "", "void": "", "xsd": "" }, "@graph": [ { "@id": "schema:subjectOf", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "A CreativeWork or Event about this Thing.", "rdfs:label": "subjectOf", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Thing" }, "schema:inverseOf": { "@id": "schema:about" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Event" }, { "@id": "schema:CreativeWork" } ], "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:title", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "The title of the job.", "rdfs:label": "title", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" } }, { "@id": "schema:salaryCurrency", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "The currency (coded using [ISO 4217]( used for the main salary information in this job posting or for this employee.", "rdfs:label": "salaryCurrency", "schema:domainIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, { "@id": "schema:EmployeeRole" } ], "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" } }, { "@id": "schema:potentialAction", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Indicates a potential Action, which describes an idealized action in which this thing would play an 'object' role.", "rdfs:label": "potentialAction", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Thing" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Action" } }, { "@id": "schema:incentives", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Description of bonus and commission compensation aspects of the job.", "rdfs:label": "incentives", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" }, "schema:supersededBy": { "@id": "schema:incentiveCompensation" } }, { "@id": "schema:employerOverview", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "A description of the employer, career opportunities and work environment for this position.", "rdfs:label": "employerOverview", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" }, "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:JobPosting", "@type": "rdfs:Class", "rdfs:comment": "A listing that describes a job opening in a certain organization.", "rdfs:label": "JobPosting", "rdfs:subClassOf": { "@id": "schema:Intangible" } }, { "@id": "schema:experienceRequirements", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Description of skills and experience needed for the position or Occupation.", "rdfs:label": "experienceRequirements", "schema:domainIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Occupation" }, { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" } ], "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Text" }, { "@id": "schema:OccupationalExperienceRequirements" } ], "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:sensoryRequirement", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "A description of any sensory requirements and levels necessary to function on the job, including hearing and vision. Defined terms such as those in O*net may be used, but note that there is no way to specify the level of ability as well as its nature when using a defined term.", "rdfs:label": "sensoryRequirement", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:URL" }, { "@id": "schema:DefinedTerm" }, { "@id": "schema:Text" } ], "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:disambiguatingDescription", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "A sub property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate from other, similar items. Information from other properties (in particular, name) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation.", "rdfs:label": "disambiguatingDescription", "rdfs:subPropertyOf": { "@id": "schema:description" }, "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Thing" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" } }, { "@id": "schema:applicantLocationRequirements", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "The location(s) applicants can apply from. This is usually used for telecommuting jobs where the applicant does not need to be in a physical office. Note: This should not be used for citizenship or work visa requirements.", "rdfs:label": "applicantLocationRequirements", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:AdministrativeArea" }, "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:baseSalary", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "The base salary of the job or of an employee in an EmployeeRole.", "rdfs:label": "baseSalary", "schema:domainIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, { "@id": "schema:EmployeeRole" } ], "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:MonetaryAmount" }, { "@id": "schema:Number" }, { "@id": "schema:PriceSpecification" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:url", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "URL of the item.", "rdfs:label": "url", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Thing" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:URL" } }, { "@id": "schema:industry", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "The industry associated with the job position.", "rdfs:label": "industry", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:DefinedTerm" }, { "@id": "schema:Text" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:responsibilities", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Responsibilities associated with this role or Occupation.", "rdfs:label": "responsibilities", "schema:domainIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, { "@id": "schema:Occupation" } ], "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" }, "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:additionalType", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "An additional type for the item, typically used for adding more specific types from external vocabularies in microdata syntax. This is a relationship between something and a class that the thing is in. Typically the value is a URI-identified RDF class, and in this case corresponds to the\n use of rdf:type in RDF. Text values can be used sparingly, for cases where useful information can be added without their being an appropriate schema to reference. In the case of text values, the class label should follow the <a href=\"\">style guide</a>.", "rdfs:label": "additionalType", "rdfs:subPropertyOf": { "@id": "rdf:type" }, "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Thing" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:URL" }, { "@id": "schema:Text" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:alternateName", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "An alias for the item.", "rdfs:label": "alternateName", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Thing" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" } }, { "@id": "schema:sameAs", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "URL of a reference Web page that unambiguously indicates the item's identity. E.g. the URL of the item's Wikipedia page, Wikidata entry, or official website.", "rdfs:label": "sameAs", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Thing" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:URL" } }, { "@id": "schema:Thing", "@type": "rdfs:Class", "rdfs:comment": "The most generic type of item.", "rdfs:label": "Thing" }, { "@id": "schema:estimatedSalary", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "An estimated salary for a job posting or occupation, based on a variety of variables including, but not limited to industry, job title, and location. Estimated salaries are often computed by outside organizations rather than the hiring organization, who may not have committed to the estimated value.", "rdfs:label": "estimatedSalary", "schema:domainIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, { "@id": "schema:Occupation" } ], "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:MonetaryAmountDistribution" }, { "@id": "schema:MonetaryAmount" }, { "@id": "schema:Number" } ], "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:workHours", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "The typical working hours for this job (e.g. 1st shift, night shift, 8am-5pm).", "rdfs:label": "workHours", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" } }, { "@id": "schema:jobImmediateStart", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "An indicator as to whether a position is available for an immediate start.", "rdfs:label": "jobImmediateStart", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Boolean" }, "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:educationRequirements", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Educational background needed for the position or Occupation.", "rdfs:label": "educationRequirements", "schema:domainIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, { "@id": "schema:Occupation" } ], "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Text" }, { "@id": "schema:EducationalOccupationalCredential" } ], "schema:source": [ { "@id": "" }, { "@id": "" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:mainEntityOfPage", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Indicates a page (or other CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main entity being described. See [background notes](/docs/datamodel.html#mainEntityBackground) for details.", "rdfs:label": "mainEntityOfPage", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Thing" }, "schema:inverseOf": { "@id": "schema:mainEntity" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:URL" }, { "@id": "schema:CreativeWork" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:jobStartDate", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "The date on which a successful applicant for this job would be expected to start work. Choose a specific date in the future or use the jobImmediateStart property to indicate the position is to be filled as soon as possible.", "rdfs:label": "jobStartDate", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Text" }, { "@id": "schema:Date" } ], "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:securityClearanceRequirement", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "A description of any security clearance requirements of the job.", "rdfs:label": "securityClearanceRequirement", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Text" }, { "@id": "schema:URL" } ], "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:totalJobOpenings", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "The number of positions open for this job posting. Use a positive integer. Do not use if the number of positions is unclear or not known.", "rdfs:label": "totalJobOpenings", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Integer" }, "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:relevantOccupation", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "The Occupation for the JobPosting.", "rdfs:label": "relevantOccupation", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Occupation" }, "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:incentiveCompensation", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Description of bonus and commission compensation aspects of the job.", "rdfs:label": "incentiveCompensation", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" } }, { "@id": "schema:skills", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "A statement of knowledge, skill, ability, task or any other assertion expressing a competency that is either claimed by a person, an organization or desired or required to fulfill a role or to work in an occupation.", "rdfs:label": "skills", "schema:domainIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, { "@id": "schema:Occupation" }, { "@id": "schema:Organization" }, { "@id": "schema:Person" } ], "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Text" }, { "@id": "schema:DefinedTerm" } ], "schema:source": [ { "@id": "" }, { "@id": "" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:datePosted", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Publication date of an online listing.", "rdfs:label": "datePosted", "schema:domainIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, { "@id": "schema:RealEstateListing" }, { "@id": "schema:CDCPMDRecord" }, { "@id": "schema:SpecialAnnouncement" } ], "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Date" }, { "@id": "schema:DateTime" } ], "schema:source": [ { "@id": "" }, { "@id": "" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:employmentType", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Type of employment (e.g. full-time, part-time, contract, temporary, seasonal, internship).", "rdfs:label": "employmentType", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" } }, { "@id": "schema:Intangible", "@type": "rdfs:Class", "rdfs:comment": "A utility class that serves as the umbrella for a number of 'intangible' things such as quantities, structured values, etc.", "rdfs:label": "Intangible", "rdfs:subClassOf": { "@id": "schema:Thing" } }, { "@id": "schema:employmentUnit", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Indicates the department, unit and/or facility where the employee reports and/or in which the job is to be performed.", "rdfs:label": "employmentUnit", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Organization" }, "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:applicationContact", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Contact details for further information relevant to this job posting.", "rdfs:label": "applicationContact", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:ContactPoint" }, "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:jobLocation", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "A (typically single) geographic location associated with the job position.", "rdfs:label": "jobLocation", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Place" } }, { "@id": "schema:occupationalCategory", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "A category describing the job, preferably using a term from a taxonomy such as [BLS O*NET-SOC](, [ISCO-08]( or similar, with the property repeated for each applicable value. Ideally the taxonomy should be identified, and both the textual label and formal code for the category should be provided.\\n\nNote: for historical reasons, any textual label and formal code provided as a literal may be assumed to be from O*NET-SOC.", "rdfs:label": "occupationalCategory", "schema:domainIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, { "@id": "schema:Occupation" }, { "@id": "schema:Physician" }, { "@id": "schema:EducationalOccupationalProgram" }, { "@id": "schema:WorkBasedProgram" } ], "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Text" }, { "@id": "schema:CategoryCode" } ], "schema:source": [ { "@id": "" }, { "@id": "" }, { "@id": "" }, { "@id": "" }, { "@id": "" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:validThrough", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "The date after when the item is not valid. For example the end of an offer, salary period, or a period of opening hours.", "rdfs:label": "validThrough", "schema:contributor": { "@id": "" }, "schema:domainIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Demand" }, { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, { "@id": "schema:LocationFeatureSpecification" }, { "@id": "schema:PriceSpecification" }, { "@id": "schema:OpeningHoursSpecification" }, { "@id": "schema:Offer" }, { "@id": "schema:MonetaryAmount" } ], "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Date" }, { "@id": "schema:DateTime" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:hiringOrganization", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Organization or Person offering the job position.", "rdfs:label": "hiringOrganization", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Person" }, { "@id": "schema:Organization" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:qualifications", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Specific qualifications required for this role or Occupation.", "rdfs:label": "qualifications", "schema:domainIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Occupation" }, { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" } ], "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Text" }, { "@id": "schema:EducationalOccupationalCredential" } ], "schema:source": [ { "@id": "" }, { "@id": "" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:identifier", "@type": "rdf:Property", "owl:equivalentProperty": { "@id": "dcterms:identifier" }, "rdfs:comment": "The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of [[Thing]], such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See [background notes](/docs/datamodel.html#identifierBg) for more details.\n ", "rdfs:label": "identifier", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Thing" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:PropertyValue" }, { "@id": "schema:URL" }, { "@id": "schema:Text" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:benefits", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Description of benefits associated with the job.", "rdfs:label": "benefits", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" }, "schema:supersededBy": { "@id": "schema:jobBenefits" } }, { "@id": "schema:jobBenefits", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Description of benefits associated with the job.", "rdfs:label": "jobBenefits", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" } }, { "@id": "schema:directApply", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Indicates whether an [[url]] that is associated with a [[JobPosting]] enables direct application for the job, via the posting website. A job posting is considered to have directApply of [[True]] if an application process for the specified job can be directly initiated via the url(s) given (noting that e.g. multiple internet domains might nevertheless be involved at an implementation level). A value of [[False]] is appropriate if there is no clear path to applying directly online for the specified job, navigating directly from the JobPosting url(s) supplied.", "rdfs:label": "directApply", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Boolean" }, "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:jobLocationType", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "A description of the job location (e.g. TELECOMMUTE for telecommute jobs).", "rdfs:label": "jobLocationType", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" }, "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:specialCommitments", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Any special commitments associated with this job posting. Valid entries include VeteranCommit, MilitarySpouseCommit, etc.", "rdfs:label": "specialCommitments", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" } }, { "@id": "schema:image", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "An image of the item. This can be a [[URL]] or a fully described [[ImageObject]].", "rdfs:label": "image", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Thing" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:URL" }, { "@id": "schema:ImageObject" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:name", "@type": "rdf:Property", "owl:equivalentProperty": { "@id": "dcterms:title" }, "rdfs:comment": "The name of the item.", "rdfs:label": "name", "rdfs:subPropertyOf": { "@id": "rdfs:label" }, "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Thing" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" } }, { "@id": "schema:physicalRequirement", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "A description of the types of physical activity associated with the job. Defined terms such as those in O*net may be used, but note that there is no way to specify the level of ability as well as its nature when using a defined term.", "rdfs:label": "physicalRequirement", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:URL" }, { "@id": "schema:DefinedTerm" }, { "@id": "schema:Text" } ], "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:description", "@type": "rdf:Property", "owl:equivalentProperty": { "@id": "dcterms:description" }, "rdfs:comment": "A description of the item.", "rdfs:label": "description", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Thing" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": [ { "@id": "schema:Text" }, { "@id": "schema:TextObject" } ] }, { "@id": "schema:experienceInPlaceOfEducation", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "Indicates whether a [[JobPosting]] will accept experience (as indicated by [[OccupationalExperienceRequirements]]) in place of its formal educational qualifications (as indicated by [[educationRequirements]]). If true, indicates that satisfying one of these requirements is sufficient.", "rdfs:label": "experienceInPlaceOfEducation", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Boolean" }, "schema:source": { "@id": "" } }, { "@id": "schema:eligibilityToWorkRequirement", "@type": "rdf:Property", "rdfs:comment": "The legal requirements such as citizenship, visa and other documentation required for an applicant to this job.", "rdfs:label": "eligibilityToWorkRequirement", "schema:domainIncludes": { "@id": "schema:JobPosting" }, "schema:isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "schema:rangeIncludes": { "@id": "schema:Text" }, "schema:source": { "@id": "" } } ] } </script> </body> </html>