CERN Document Server
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:opensearch=""> <channel> <title>CERN Document Server</title> <link></link> <description>CERN Document Server latest documents</description> <language>en</language> <pubDate>Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:12:13 GMT</pubDate> <category></category> <generator>Invenio</generator> <ttl>360</ttl> <atom:link rel="self" href="/rss?f=author&ln=zh_TW&p=Torres-Sanchez%2C+Roberto" /> <opensearch:totalResults>5</opensearch:totalResults> <opensearch:startIndex>1</opensearch:startIndex> <opensearch:itemsPerPage>25</opensearch:itemsPerPage> <image> <url></url> <title>CERN Document Server</title> <link></link> </image> <atom:link rel="search" href="" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Content Search" /> <textInput> <title>Search </title> <description>Search this site:</description> <name>p</name> <link></link> </textInput> <item> <title>Performance evaluation of HL-LHC crab cavity prototypes in a CERN vertical test cryostat</title> <link></link> <description>Three proof-of-principle compact crab cavity designs have been fabricated in bulk niobium and cold tested at their home labs, as a first validation step towards the High Luminosity LHC project. As a cross check, all three bare cavities have been retested at CERN, in order to cross check their performance, and cross-calibrate the CERN SRF cold test facilities. While achievable transverse deflecting voltage is the key performance indicator, secondary performance aspects derived from multiple cavity monitoring systems are also discussed. Temperature mapping profiles, quench detection, material properties, and trapped magnetic flux effects have been assessed, and the influence on performance discussed. The significant effort invested in developing expertise in preparation and testing of these crab cavities has already been fruitful for all partners, and more is to come within this ongoing program.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Hernández-Chahín, Karim</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Burt, Graeme</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Christophe, Jarrige</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">De Silva, Subashini</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Macpherson, Alick</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Navarro-Tapia, Maria</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Torres-Sanchez, Roberto</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Tutte, Adam</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Verdú-Andrés, Silvia</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 12 Oct 2017 04:13:07 GMT</pubDate> <guid></guid> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">['']</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc=""/> </item> <item> <title>Diagnostic developments at CERN’s SRF testing facility</title> <link></link> <description>As part of CERN’s re-establishment of an SRF cold testing facility for bulk niobium cavities, diagnostic instrumentation and testing procedures on our vertical cryostat have been upgraded, with particular attention given to quench location, ambient magnetic field control, thermometry and thermal cycling techniques. In addition, preparation and measurement procedures have been addressed, allowing for improved measurement of cavity properties and detailed study of transient effects during the course of cavity testing.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Macpherson, Alick</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Aull, Sarah</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Benoit, Antoine</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Fernández López, Pablo</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Hernández-Chahín, Karim</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Jarrige, Christophe</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Junginger, Tobias</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Maesen, Pierre</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Schirm, Karl</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Torres-Sanchez, Roberto</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Valera Teruel, Raul</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 12 Oct 2017 04:13:01 GMT</pubDate> <guid></guid> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">['']</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc=""/> </item> <item> <title>CERN’s bulk niobium high gradient SRF programme: developments and recent cold test results</title> <link></link> <description>Recent results from the bulk niobium high-gradient cavity development program at CERN are presented, with particular focus on test results for the 704 MHz bulk niobium 5-cell elliptical cavity prototypes produced for the Superconducting Proton Linac (SPL) project. Successive cold tests of bare cavities have been used to refine the cavity preparation and testing process, with all steps done in-house at CERN. Current performance results are discussed with reference to observables such as ambient magnetic field, field emission levels, and quenches.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Macpherson, Alick</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Hernández-Chahín, Karim</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Jarrige, Christophe</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Maesen, Pierre</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Pillon, Francois</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Schirm, Karl</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Torres-Sanchez, Roberto</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Valverde Alonso, Nuria</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 12 Oct 2017 04:12:51 GMT</pubDate> <guid></guid> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">['']</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc=""/> </item> <item> <title>Measurement Report for the Four-Rod LHC Crab Cavity. Cold Tests held in July 2014</title> <link></link> <description>The performance of the four-rod cavity prototype considered for the HL-LHC upgrade has already been assessed at CERN at cryogenic temperatures three times in the last two years [1, 2, 3]. In this report, the results of the latest measurements, carried out in July 2014, are shown. These measurements were to check the improvement of the cavity performance due to the change of the input and pick-up antennas. An estimation of the residual resistance of the Niobium was also performed.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Navarro Tapia, Maria</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Burt, G</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Calaga, Rama</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Hernandez Chahin, Karim Gibran</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Junginger, Tobias</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Macpherson, Alick</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Torres-Sanchez, Roberto</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">CERN. Geneva. ATS Department</dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 02 Jul 2015 08:19:38 GMT</pubDate> <dc:date xmlns:dc="">29 Jun 2015</dc:date> <dc:source xmlns:dc="">CERN-ACC-NOTE-2015-0016</dc:source> <guid></guid> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">2015</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc="">0016</dc:hasVersion> </item> <item> <title>Plans for an ERL Test Facility at CERN</title> <link></link> <description>The baseline electron accelerator for LHeC and one option for FCC-he is an Energy Recovery Linac. To prepare and study the necessary key technologies, CERN has started – in collaboration with JLAB and Mainz University – the conceptual design of an ERL Test Facility (ERL-TF). Staged construction will allow the study under different conditions with up to 3 passes, beam energies of up to about 1 GeV and currents of up to 50 mA. The design and development of superconducting cavity modules, including coupler and HOM damper designs, are also of central importance for other existing and future accelerators and their tests are at the heart of the current ERL-TF goals. The ERL-TF could also provide a unique infrastructure for several applications that go beyond developing and testing the ERL technology at CERN. In addition to experimental studies of beam dynamics, operational and reliability issues in an ERL, it could equally serve for quench tests of superconducting magnets, as physics experimental facility on its own right or as test stand for detector developments. This contribution will describe the goals and the concept of the facility and the status of the R&D;.</description> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Jensen, Erk</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Brüning, Oliver</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Calaga, Rama</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Schirm, Karl</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Torres-Sanchez, Roberto</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Valloni, Alessandra</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Aulenbacher, Kurt</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Bogacz, Alex</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Hutton, Andrew</dc:creator> <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Klein, Max</dc:creator> <pubDate>Wed, 17 Jun 2015 05:51:33 GMT</pubDate> <guid></guid> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <media:content xmlns:media="" url=""/> <dc:title xmlns:dc="" xml:lang="fr"/> <dc:hasPart xmlns:dc="">['']</dc:hasPart> <dc:hasVersion xmlns:dc=""/> </item> </channel> </rss>