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FILTER( ?end < ?start ) . ?item p:P39 ?statement . ?statement ps:P39 ?position . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 } |violations=0 |query_http_status=500 |query_time=60.12 |query_timeout=True |errors=<code>Cannot parse WDQS response as JSON object (likely reason: query timeout)</code> }} == Use specific office where available == {{Complex constraint section header |label=Use specific office where available |description=Value should be the office of the specific jurisdiction, if available. |sparql=SELECT ?item ?position ?specificOffice ?jurisdiction WHERE { ?item p:P39 [ ps:P39 ?position; ( pq:P1001 {{!}} pq:P642 ) ?jurisdiction ] . ?specificOffice wdt:P1001 ?jurisdiction; wdt:P279 ?position } |violations=0 |query_http_status=500 |query_time=60.07 |query_timeout=True |errors=<code>Cannot parse WDQS response as JSON object (likely reason: query timeout)</code> }} == Cannot hold a position that was formed after death. == {{Complex constraint section header |label=Cannot hold a position that was formed after death. |description=Cannot hold a position that was formed after death. Indicates a potential problem with {{P|570}}, {{P|39}}, or position's {{P|571}}. |sparql=SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?position ?positionLabel ?date_of_death ?date_of_inception WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5; wdt:P39 ?position; wdt:P570 ?date_of_death. ?position wdt:P571 ?date_of_inception. FILTER(?date_of_death < ?date_of_inception ) } |violations=3748 |query_http_status=200 |query_time=28.23 |query_timeout=False |errors= }} * {{Q|Q1238}}: Giuseppe Saragat, {{Q|Q4011164}}, Vice President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, 1988-06-11, 1988-08-23 * {{Q|Q1240}}: Antonio Segni, {{Q|Q4011164}}, Vice President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, 1972-12-01, 1988-08-23 * {{Q|Q1242}}: Luigi Einaudi, {{Q|Q4011164}}, Vice President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, 1961-10-30, 1988-08-23 * {{Q|Q1319}}: Federico Errázuriz Echaurren, {{Q|Q27149969}}, Minister of Education of Chile, 1901-07-12, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q1322}}: José Manuel Balmaceda, {{Q|Q24262884}}, minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, 1891-09-18, 1924-01-01 * {{Q|Q1323}}: Domingo Santa María, {{Q|Q24262884}}, minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, 1889-07-18, 1924-01-01 * {{Q|Q1328}}: Manuel Montt, {{Q|Q24262884}}, minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, 1880-09-21, 1924-01-01 * {{Q|Q1333}}: Francisco Antonio Pinto, {{Q|Q24262884}}, minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, 1858-01-01, 1924-01-01 * {{Q|Q1333}}: Francisco Antonio Pinto, {{Q|Q24262884}}, minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, 1858-07-18, 1924-01-01 * {{Q|Q3044}}: Charles the Great, {{Q|Q181765}}, Holy Roman Emperor, 0814-02-01, 0962-01-01 * {{Q|Q4735}}: John Hamilton, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1604-04-26, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q4896}}: William Hamilton, 3rd Duke of Hamilton, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1694-04-18, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q10665}}: Kim Jong-il, {{Q|Q707631}}, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, 2011-12-17, 2016-05-09 * {{Q|Q11816}}: John Quincy Adams, {{Q|Q326552}}, United States Ambassador to Germany, 1848-02-23, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q15189}}: Paul I of Russia, {{Q|Q20671815}}, Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 1801-03-23, 1961-01-01 * {{Q|Q15189}}: Paul I of Russia, {{Q|Q20671815}}, Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 1801-03-24, 1961-01-01 * {{Q|Q16988}}: Liu Shaoqi, {{Q|Q655407}}, President of the People's Republic of China, 1969-11-12, 1982-12-04 * {{Q|Q27108}}: Alexander Spotswood, {{Q|Q878942}}, Governor of Virginia, 1740-06-07, 1776-07-05 * {{Q|Q28468}}: Mieszko II, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1034-05-11, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q34063}}: José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia, {{Q|Q34071}}, President of Paraguay, 1840-09-20, 1844-03-13 * {{Q|Q34074}}: Jovian, {{Q|Q18577504}}, Byzantine emperor, 0364-02-17, 0395-01-01 * {{Q|Q38163}}: Thomas Thynne, 2nd Viscount Weymouth, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1751-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q43727}}: Leo XII, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1829-02-10, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q44741}}: Francisco Pizarro, {{Q|Q42077331}}, Viceroy of Peru, 1541-07-06, 1544-05-27 * {{Q|Q45618}}: Johann Wenzel von Gallas, {{Q|Q40772409}}, ambassador of Austria to the United Kingdom, 1719-07-25, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q46090}}: Sylvester III, {{Q|Q105426955}}, Cardinal Bishop of Sabina (Vescovio), 1060-01-01, 1100-01-01 * {{Q|Q46090}}: Sylvester III, {{Q|Q105426955}}, Cardinal Bishop of Sabina (Vescovio), 1063-10-01, 1100-01-01 * {{Q|Q46418}}: Constantius II, {{Q|Q18577504}}, Byzantine emperor, 0361-11-03, 0395-01-01 * {{Q|Q48211}}: Alexander Kerensky, {{Q|Q842386}}, Prime Minister of Russia, 1970-06-11, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q49355}}: James Bryant Conant, {{Q|Q326552}}, United States Ambassador to Germany, 1978-02-11, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q51751}}: Black Fox, {{Q|Q7245055}}, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, 1812-01-01, 1839-09-06 * {{Q|Q51765}}: Kuno von Klebelsberg, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1932-10-12, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q52438}}: Willoughby Bertie, 4th Earl of Abingdon, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1799-09-26, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q52940}}: Sigismund III Vasa, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1632-04-29, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53109}}: Count Palatine Francis Louis of Neuburg, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1732-04-06, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q53436}}: Bolesław I the Brave, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1025-06-23, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53437}}: Augustus II the Strong, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1733-02-01, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53438}}: Augustus III of Poland, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1763-10-05, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53440}}: Bolesław II the Generous, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1081-01-01, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53440}}: Bolesław II the Generous, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1081-04-03, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53442}}: Bolesław IV the Curly, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1173-01-01, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53442}}: Bolesław IV the Curly, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1173-01-12, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53443}}: Bolesław V the Chaste, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1279-01-01, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53443}}: Bolesław V the Chaste, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1279-12-14, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53445}}: Henry I the Bearded, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1238-03-26, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53447}}: Henryk IV Probus, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1290-01-01, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53447}}: Henryk IV Probus, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1290-06-30, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53448}}: Henry III of France, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1589-08-02, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53449}}: Jadwiga I of Poland, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1399-07-25, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53450}}: Alexander Jagiellon, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1506-08-19, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53451}}: John I Albert, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1501-06-17, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53452}}: John II Casimir Vasa, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1672-12-16, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53454}}: John III Sobieski, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1696-06-17, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53456}}: Casimir II the Just, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1194-05-12, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53457}}: King Cleomborus III, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1370-11-05, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53459}}: Casimir IV Jagiellon, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1492-06-07, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53460}}: Konrad I of Masovia, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1247-09-07, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53994}}: Leszek II the Black, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1288-01-01, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q53998}}: Louis I of Hungary, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1382-09-18, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54017}}: Przemysł II, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1296-02-15, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54019}}: Stanisław August Poniatowski, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1798-02-12, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54022}}: Stanisław Leszczyński, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1766-02-23, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54030}}: Stephen Báthory, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1586-12-12, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54040}}: Wenceslaus III of Bohemia, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1306-08-12, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54041}}: Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1673-11-10, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54046}}: Ladislaus I Herman, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1102-06-11, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54048}}: Władysław I the Elbow-high, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1333-03-10, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54049}}: Władysław II Jagiełło, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1434-06-10, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54052}}: Władysław III Spindleshanks, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1231-01-01, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54052}}: Władysław III Spindleshanks, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1231-11-10, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54053}}: Władysław III of Poland, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1444-11-10, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54054}}: Władysław IV Vasa, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1648-05-20, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54056}}: Sigismund I the Old, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1548-04-11, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q54058}}: Sigismund II Augustus, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1572-07-17, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q55250}}: Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville, {{Q|Q20766109}}, Governor of Louisiana, 1706-07-09, 1812-04-30 * {{Q|Q55266}}: Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville, {{Q|Q20766109}}, Governor of Louisiana, 1767-03-07, 1812-04-30 * {{Q|Q59400}}: Thomas Osborne, 4th Duke of Leeds, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1789-03-23, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q59451}}: Peregrine Osborne, 3rd Duke of Leeds, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1731-05-09, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q59930}}: Hashim al-Atassi, {{Q|Q7243302}}, Prime Minister of Syria, 1960-12-05, 1961-09-29 * {{Q|Q60560}}: Mary of Guelders, {{Q|Q1475973}}, Regent Diamond, 1463-11-16, 1705-01-01 * {{Q|Q60560}}: Mary of Guelders, {{Q|Q1475973}}, Regent Diamond, 1463-12-19, 1705-01-01 * {{Q|Q60699}}: Zog I of Albania, {{Q|Q1625960}}, President of Albania, 1961-04-09, 1991-04-30 * {{Q|Q62282}}: Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Gotha, {{Q|Q675085}}, Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, 1675-03-26, 1680-01-01 * {{Q|Q62698}}: Georg von Kopp, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1914-03-04, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q63831}}: Hafizullah Amin, {{Q|Q1140706}}, President of Afghanistan, 1979-12-27, 2002-06-11 * {{Q|Q63833}}: Melchior von Diepenbrock, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1853-01-20, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q65248}}: Andreas Peter Bernstorff, {{Q|Q6866144}}, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 1797-01-01, 1848-03-22 * {{Q|Q65248}}: Andreas Peter Bernstorff, {{Q|Q6866144}}, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 1797-06-21, 1848-03-22 * {{Q|Q66735}}: Paul Giesler, {{Q|Q502698}}, Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, 1945-05-04, 1949-01-01 * {{Q|Q66735}}: Paul Giesler, {{Q|Q502698}}, Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, 1945-05-08, 1949-01-01 * {{Q|Q69756}}: Henryk z Wierzbna, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1319-10-01, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q69756}}: Henryk z Wierzbna, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1319-10-09, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q70447}}: Heinrich Förster, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1881-01-01, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q70887}}: Count Johann Hartwig Ernst von Bernstorff, {{Q|Q6866144}}, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 1772-02-18, 1848-03-22 * {{Q|Q71179}}: Eberhard von Danckelmann, {{Q|Q621709}}, Minister President of Prussia, 1722-03-31, 1848-03-19 * {{Q|Q71231}}: Charles the Bald, {{Q|Q181765}}, Holy Roman Emperor, 0877-10-10, 0962-01-01 * {{Q|Q72012}}: Friedrich Wilhelm von Grumbkow, {{Q|Q621709}}, Minister President of Prussia, 1739-03-18, 1848-03-19 * {{Q|Q72087}}: John Talbot, 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1460-07-19, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q72292}}: Fridtjof Nansen, {{Q|Q106297911}}, ambassador of Norway to the United Kingdom, 1930-05-13, 1942-05-22 * {{Q|Q74001}}: Sophia von Kielmansegg, Countess of Darlington, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1725-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q74317}}: James Hamilton, 3rd Earl of Arran, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1609-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q74767}}: Cyprien, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1207-01-01, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q74767}}: Cyprien, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1207-11-01, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q76241}}: Friedrich Ferdinand Alexander zu Dohna-Schlobitten, {{Q|Q621709}}, Minister President of Prussia, 1831-03-31, 1848-03-19 * {{Q|Q76241}}: Friedrich Ferdinand Alexander zu Dohna-Schlobitten, {{Q|Q621709}}, Minister President of Prussia, 1832-03-21, 1848-03-19 * {{Q|Q76508}}: Emanuele Filiberto I, Duke of Savoy, {{Q|Q60399105}}, Governor of the Spanish Netherlands, 1580-09-09, 1581-01-01 * {{Q|Q77932}}: Amalie von Wallmoden, Countess of Yarmouth, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1765-10-19, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q78403}}: August Giacomo Jochmus, {{Q|Q5468294}}, Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, 1881-09-14, 1918-10-30 * {{Q|Q78676}}: Johann Philipp Stadion, Count von Warthausen, {{Q|Q40772409}}, ambassador of Austria to the United Kingdom, 1824-05-15, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q78802}}: Johann Amadeus Francis de Paula, Baron of Thugut, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1818-05-28, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q79018}}: Giovanni Battista Ceschi a Santa Croce, {{Q|Q20671815}}, Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 1905-01-24, 1961-01-01 * {{Q|Q79019}}: Galeas von Thun und Hohenstein, {{Q|Q20671815}}, Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 1931-03-26, 1961-01-01 * {{Q|Q79148}}: Ferdinand von Trauttmansdorff, {{Q|Q5468294}}, Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, 1827-08-27, 1918-10-30 * {{Q|Q79148}}: Ferdinand von Trauttmansdorff, {{Q|Q5468294}}, Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, 1827-08-28, 1918-10-30 * {{Q|Q79181}}: Leopold, Count von Thun und Hohenstein, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1888-12-17, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q80259}}: John Talbot, 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1473-07-07, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q85472}}: Franz von Hartig, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1865-01-11, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q85472}}: Franz von Hartig, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1865-06-11, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q87030}}: Dominik Andreas von Kaunitz, {{Q|Q40772409}}, ambassador of Austria to the United Kingdom, 1705-01-11, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q87065}}: Leopold von Sedlnitzky, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1871-03-25, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q87293}}: Wilhelm von Hartel, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1907-01-14, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q88229}}: Friedrich Anton von Heynitz, {{Q|Q621709}}, Minister President of Prussia, 1802-05-15, 1848-03-19 * {{Q|Q89242}}: Sebastian von Rostock, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1671-06-09, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q90183}}: Benedict Franz Johann von Hermann, {{Q|Q4139207}}, Q4139207, 1815-01-01, 1826-01-01 * {{Q|Q90183}}: Benedict Franz Johann von Hermann, {{Q|Q4139207}}, Q4139207, 1815-01-31, 1826-01-01 * {{Q|Q91629}}: Lorenz, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1232-01-01, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q91629}}: Lorenz, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1232-06-14, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q93968}}: Bernhard von Wüllerstorf-Urbair, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1883-08-10, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q93968}}: Bernhard von Wüllerstorf-Urbair, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1883-08-12, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q96117}}: Johann von Sitsch, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1608-04-25, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q99500}}: Kacper Lahov, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1574-01-01, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q99836}}: Joseph Knauer, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1844-05-16, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q101451}}: Christoph Emanuel von Schimonsky-Schimoni, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1832-12-27, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q102414}}: Paul Albert, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1600-05-06, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q104190}}: Robert Walpole, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1745-03-29, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q106228}}: Karl Schwarz, {{Q|Q157003}}, Jewish Museum Berlin, 1962-10-22, 2001-01-01 * {{Q|Q107243}}: Joseph Christian of Hohenlohe-Bartenstein, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1817-01-21, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q110266}}: Andreas von Jerin, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1596-11-05, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q111971}}: Archduke Rainer Ferdinand of Austria, {{Q|Q5468294}}, Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, 1913-01-27, 1918-10-30 * {{Q|Q112023}}: Heinrich Lammasch, {{Q|Q1006398}}, Federal Chancellor of Austria, 1920-01-06, 1920-11-10 * {{Q|Q112083}}: Charles of Austria, Bishop of Wroclaw, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1624-12-28, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q113510}}: Karl von Scherzer, {{Q|Q40772409}}, ambassador of Austria to the United Kingdom, 1903-02-19, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q114206}}: Woodes Rogers, {{Q|Q5589512}}, Governor-General of the Bahamas, 1732-07-15, 1973-07-31 * {{Q|Q116367}}: Frederick Haldimand, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1791-06-05, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q116972}}: Nuno José Severo de Mendoça Rolim de Moura Barreto, 1st Duke of Loulé, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1875-01-01, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q116972}}: Nuno José Severo de Mendoça Rolim de Moura Barreto, 1st Duke of Loulé, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1875-05-22, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q117302}}: Ælfwold II of Sherborne, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1058-01-01, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q119374}}: Gustav Böß, {{Q|Q641159}}, Governing Mayor of Berlin, 1946-02-06, 1948-12-07 * {{Q|Q119374}}: Gustav Böß, {{Q|Q641159}}, Governing Mayor of Berlin, 1946-02-06, 1951-01-11 * {{Q|Q121895}}: Balthasar von Promnitz, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1562-01-30, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q126819}}: Julio Lozano Díaz, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1957-08-20, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q127254}}: Alexander VII, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1667-05-22, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q128983}}: George Rooke, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1709-01-24, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q128983}}: George Rooke, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1709-01-24, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q129001}}: Zenón Noriega, {{Q|Q9033391}}, Minister of Defence of Peru, 1957-05-07, 1987-04-01 * {{Q|Q130059}}: Matthew Hale, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1676-12-25, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q131993}}: Wilford Bacon Hoggatt, {{Q|Q20801644}}, Governor of Alaska, 1938-02-26, 1959-01-03 * {{Q|Q135111}}: Vere Beauclerk, 1st Baron Vere, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1781-10-21, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q137460}}: Carl Godeffroy, {{Q|Q29511967}}, ambassador to the Russian Federation, 1848-08-27, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q138487}}: Pyotr Stolypin, {{Q|Q842386}}, Prime Minister of Russia, 1911-09-05, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q138487}}: Pyotr Stolypin, {{Q|Q28664491}}, Governor of Saratov Oblast, 1911-09-05, 1996-01-01 * {{Q|Q139268}}: Zaccaria Delfino, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1583-12-19, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q142609}}: William Amherst, 1st Earl Amherst, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1857-03-13, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q151394}}: António de Oliveira Salazar, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1970-07-27, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q154346}}: Jozef Tiso, {{Q|Q6468838}}, President of Slovakia, 1947-04-18, 1993-01-01 * {{Q|Q155167}}: John of Bohemia, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1346-09-03, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q155329}}: Sergei Witte, {{Q|Q842386}}, Prime Minister of Russia, 1915-03-13, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q155581}}: Wenceslaus II of Bohemia, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1305-06-29, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q157077}}: Mary of Hungary, {{Q|Q60399105}}, Governor of the Spanish Netherlands, 1558-10-18, 1581-01-01 * {{Q|Q157100}}: Margaret of Austria, Duchess of Savoy, {{Q|Q60399105}}, Governor of the Spanish Netherlands, 1530-12-11, 1581-01-01 * {{Q|Q157107}}: John of Austria, {{Q|Q60399105}}, Governor of the Spanish Netherlands, 1578-10-11, 1581-01-01 * {{Q|Q158749}}: Albert François Lebrun, {{Q|Q3409222}}, President of the Senate of France, 1950-03-06, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q161672}}: Patrice Lumumba, {{Q|Q3401753}}, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1961-01-17, 1997-01-01 * {{Q|Q161831}}: Siemomysl, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 0950-01-01, 1025-01-01 * {{Q|Q161831}}: Siemomysl, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 0950-01-01, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q163381}}: Peter Martyr d'Anghiera, {{Q|Q110694729}}, Spanish ambassador to the German Reich, 1526-10-01, 1871-01-01 * {{Q|Q163936}}: Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset, {{Q|Q512196}}, Lord Protector, 1552-02-01, 1653-12-16 * {{Q|Q166023}}: James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1734-06-12, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q166023}}: James FitzJames, 1st Duke of Berwick, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1734-06-12, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q166056}}: Cardinal Mazarin, {{Q|Q1587677}}, Prime Minister of France, 1661-03-09, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q167992}}: Zbigniew of Poland, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1107-01-01, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q167992}}: Zbigniew of Poland, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1112-01-01, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q168254}}: Rudolf I of Bohemia, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1307-07-04, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q168339}}: Hisaichi Terauchi, {{Q|Q6500838}}, Minister of Defense of Japan, 1946-06-12, 2007-01-09 * {{Q|Q169502}}: Émile Loubet, {{Q|Q1587677}}, Prime Minister of France, 1929-12-20, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q172471}}: Valens, {{Q|Q18577504}}, Byzantine emperor, 0378-08-10, 0395-01-01 * {{Q|Q176075}}: Robert Bond, {{Q|Q7240356}}, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1927-03-16, 1949-04-01 * {{Q|Q176170}}: Ernő Gerő, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1980-03-12, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q176414}}: Kimba Evariste, {{Q|Q3401753}}, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1966-06-01, 1997-01-01 * {{Q|Q178575}}: Rafael López Gutiérrez, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1924-03-10, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q182035}}: Rab Butler, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1982-03-08, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q182094}}: Luis de Requesens y de Zúñiga, {{Q|Q60399105}}, Governor of the Spanish Netherlands, 1576-03-15, 1581-01-01 * {{Q|Q182309}}: Cyrille Adoula, {{Q|Q3401753}}, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1978-05-24, 1997-01-01 * {{Q|Q185538}}: Constans, {{Q|Q18577504}}, Byzantine emperor, 0350-01-18, 0395-01-01 * {{Q|Q185713}}: Benito Rosales, {{Q|Q852448}}, Revolucionario Nicaragüense, 1850-01-01, 1854-01-01 * {{Q|Q188071}}: Fritz Henßler, {{Q|Q27169}}, Member of the European Parliament, 1953-12-04, 1958-01-01 * {{Q|Q191974}}: Raymond Poincaré, {{Q|Q1587677}}, Prime Minister of France, 1934-10-15, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q195797}}: Jose de Mazarredo y Salazar, {{Q|Q15895305}}, Minister of the Navy, 1812-07-29, 1851-01-01 * {{Q|Q207728}}: Mohammad Najibullah, {{Q|Q1140706}}, President of Afghanistan, 1996-01-01, 2002-06-11 * {{Q|Q207728}}: Mohammad Najibullah, {{Q|Q1140706}}, President of Afghanistan, 1996-09-27, 2002-06-11 * {{Q|Q208665}}: Arthur Henderson, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1935-10-20, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q209441}}: Kyösti Kallio, {{Q|Q24205201}}, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, 1940-12-19, 1971-03-01 * {{Q|Q213542}}: Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein, {{Q|Q621709}}, Minister President of Prussia, 1831-06-29, 1848-03-19 * {{Q|Q213708}}: Prince Frederik of the Netherlands, {{Q|Q2691311}}, Inspector-General of the Armed Forces, 1881-09-08, 1945-09-13 * {{Q|Q213744}}: Christian Graf von Haugwitz, {{Q|Q621709}}, Minister President of Prussia, 1832-02-09, 1848-03-19 * {{Q|Q213851}}: Christian Günther von Bernstorff, {{Q|Q6866144}}, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 1835-03-28, 1848-03-22 * {{Q|Q214880}}: Karl Heinrich Knappstein, {{Q|Q13479634}}, German Ambassador to the United States, 1989-05-06, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q215261}}: Carl von Eisendecher, {{Q|Q13479634}}, German Ambassador to the United States, 1934-08-20, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q215306}}: Friedrich Wilhelm von Arnim, {{Q|Q621709}}, Minister President of Prussia, 1801-01-21, 1848-03-19 * {{Q|Q215381}}: Paul von Hatzfeldt, {{Q|Q456692}}, ambassador to the United Kingdom, 1901-11-22, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q216095}}: Philip Gotthard of Schaffgotsch, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1795-01-05, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q216643}}: Otto Wiedfeldt, {{Q|Q13479634}}, German Ambassador to the United States, 1926-07-05, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q218957}}: Rainiharo, {{Q|Q23782691}}, Prime Minister of Madagascar, 1852-02-10, 1976-01-13 * {{Q|Q219612}}: Fabrizio Paolucci, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1726-06-12, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q224897}}: Juan Ángel Arias, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1842-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q226023}}: João Tamagnini Barbosa, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1948-12-15, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q233201}}: Louise de Keroual, Duchess of Portsmouth, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1734-11-14, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q233989}}: Anna Jagiellon, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1596-09-09, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q241524}}: Paul Gautsch von Frankenthurn, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1918-04-20, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q241842}}: Gábor Ugron, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1960-10-27, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q244380}}: Denis, {{Q|Q23574166}}, Roman Catholic bishop of Paris, 0250-01-01, 0346-01-01 * {{Q|Q245654}}: James Stuart, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1723-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q246960}}: Balázs Horváth, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 2006-07-02, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q247632}}: Mariano Trías, {{Q|Q2723485}}, Vice President of the Philippines, 1914-02-22, 1935-11-15 * {{Q|Q248900}}: Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1905-02-17, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q251430}}: Álvaro de Castro, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1928-06-29, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q251441}}: Álvaro de Bazán, 1st Marquis of Santa Cruz, {{Q|Q195965}}, Governor of Gibraltar, 1588-02-09, 1704-07-24 * {{Q|Q252001}}: John II, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1142-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q253557}}: Anthony Grey, 11th Earl of Kent, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1702-08-19, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q259591}}: Gyula Szapáry, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1905-01-20, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q262559}}: John de la Pole, 2nd Duke of Suffolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1492-05-29, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q263296}}: Maria Dobroniega of Kiev, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1087-12-19, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q263884}}: Camille Chautemps, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1963-07-01, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q267846}}: Taras Fedorovych, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1639-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q271361}}: Ælfheah the Bald, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0951-03-17, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q274606}}: Berengar I of Italy, {{Q|Q181765}}, Holy Roman Emperor, 0924-04-12, 0962-01-01 * {{Q|Q275061}}: Catherine Sedley, Countess of Dorchester, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1717-10-26, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q275408}}: Henry of Bohemia, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1335-04-02, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q275408}}: Henry of Bohemia, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1335-04-04, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q275408}}: Henry of Bohemia, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1335-04-10, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q278130}}: Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1572-06-12, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q280544}}: Nicolas Chalon du Blé, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1730-04-10, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q281702}}: Liberato Pinto, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1949-09-04, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q282498}}: Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, {{Q|Q32978760}}, Minister of Grace and Justice, 1811-11-27, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q285653}}: Bartolomeo Pacca, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1844-04-19, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q285662}}: El-Ouali Mustapha Sayed, {{Q|Q2662118}}, President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, 1976-06-09, 1982-10-01 * {{Q|Q289149}}: Étienne François, duc de Choiseul, {{Q|Q1587677}}, Prime Minister of France, 1785-05-08, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q294072}}: Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, {{Q|Q839139}}, president of Romania, 1965-03-19, 1974-03-28 * {{Q|Q294651}}: John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1792-03-10, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q296064}}: Gaston Doumergue, {{Q|Q1587677}}, Prime Minister of France, 1937-06-18, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q297032}}: Georgy Lvov, {{Q|Q842386}}, Prime Minister of Russia, 1925-03-07, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q297812}}: François Tombalbaye, {{Q|Q20849513}}, Prime Minister of Chad, 1975-04-13, 1978-08-29 * {{Q|Q301252}}: Anthony Crosland, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1977-02-19, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q302668}}: Ivan Goremykin, {{Q|Q842386}}, Prime Minister of Russia, 1917-10-24, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q305493}}: Joaquim Pimenta de Castro, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1918-05-14, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q308255}}: Abdolhossein Teymurtash, {{Q|Q1574903}}, Ministry of Commerce of Iran, 1933-10-03, 2000-01-01 * {{Q|Q309930}}: Guy III of Spoleto, {{Q|Q181765}}, Holy Roman Emperor, 0894-01-01, 0962-01-01 * {{Q|Q309930}}: Guy III of Spoleto, {{Q|Q181765}}, Holy Roman Emperor, 0894-12-16, 0962-01-01 * {{Q|Q310247}}: Mohammed Daoud Khan, {{Q|Q1140706}}, President of Afghanistan, 1978-04-28, 2002-06-11 * {{Q|Q310435}}: Louis the Blind, {{Q|Q181765}}, Holy Roman Emperor, 0928-06-10, 0962-01-01 * {{Q|Q310435}}: Louis the Blind, {{Q|Q181765}}, Holy Roman Emperor, 0928-07-03, 0962-01-01 * {{Q|Q310633}}: Demetrius of Thessaloniki, {{Q|Q1464130}}, Varangian Guard, 0306-01-01, 0988-01-01 * {{Q|Q311447}}: Francisco de Miranda, {{Q|Q11942698}}, President of Venezuela, 1816-07-14, 1830-01-13 * {{Q|Q311514}}: James Longstreet, {{Q|Q7889393}}, United States Ambassador to Turkey, 1904-01-02, 1923-10-29 * {{Q|Q311535}}: Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1914-08-27, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q312328}}: John II of Aragon, {{Q|Q112061791}}, Duke of Gandía, 1479-01-29, 1485-12-29 * {{Q|Q312381}}: Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1567-02-10, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q312495}}: Andrei Grechko, {{Q|Q4139172}}, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Ground Forces, 1976-04-26, 1992-06-10 * {{Q|Q315437}}: Anton Corvinus, {{Q|Q109552076}}, general superintendent of the Church of Lippe, 1553-04-05, 1563-01-01 * {{Q|Q315572}}: Nobusuke Kishi, {{Q|Q6500838}}, Minister of Defense of Japan, 1987-08-07, 2007-01-09 * {{Q|Q315858}}: Alexey Andreevich Arakcheyev, {{Q|Q17287317}}, Minister of Defense (Russia), 1834-05-03, 1991-08-20 * {{Q|Q316518}}: Louis-Gabriel Suchet, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1826-01-03, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q317019}}: Henry I of Nassau-Siegen, {{Q|Q325380}}, stadtholder, 1343-01-01, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q317149}}: John Fisher, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1535-07-02, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q317149}}: John Fisher, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1535-07-16, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q317421}}: Abdul Rahman bin Faisal, {{Q|Q850168}}, King of Saudi Arabia, 1928-06-02, 1932-09-22 * {{Q|Q320582}}: Wenceslaus II of Legnica, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1420-01-08, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q320760}}: Konrad IV the Older, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1447-08-18, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q320963}}: Giuseppe Pella, {{Q|Q4011164}}, Vice President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, 1981-05-31, 1988-08-23 * {{Q|Q321278}}: Anselmo José Braamcamp, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1885-11-13, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q321949}}: Francisco Ballesteros, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1832-06-29, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q323745}}: Ernst Heinrich von Schimmelmann, {{Q|Q6866144}}, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 1831-02-09, 1848-03-22 * {{Q|Q325093}}: Ignazio Michele Crivelli, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1768-02-29, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q325738}}: Hædde, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0705-07-11, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q325762}}: Manuel Gutiérrez de la Concha, {{Q|Q32963246}}, member of the Congress of Deputies, 1874-06-28, 1876-01-01 * {{Q|Q326769}}: John de Mowbray, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1461-11-15, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q327778}}: Diego Vigil y Cocaña, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1845-01-10, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q329063}}: Judoc II of Rožmberk, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1467-12-21, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q329592}}: Feliciano Ninguarda, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1595-01-05, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q329665}}: Rudolf of Rüdesheim, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1482-01-01, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q331302}}: John Murray, 1st Duke of Atholl, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1724-11-14, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q331323}}: William Shirley, {{Q|Q5589512}}, Governor-General of the Bahamas, 1771-03-24, 1973-07-31 * {{Q|Q331535}}: Nanker, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1341-04-18, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q331544}}: Tomasz II Zaremba, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1292-03-22, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q332096}}: Alexandros Zaimis, {{Q|Q3409203}}, President of Greece, 1936-09-15, 1974-12-18 * {{Q|Q332111}}: Francisco Morazán, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1842-09-15, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q332405}}: Stafford Cripps, {{Q|Q611513}}, Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, 1952-04-21, 1964-10-19 * {{Q|Q332435}}: Edward Coke, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1634-09-13, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q332616}}: Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1799-08-05, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q332623}}: Samuel Hood, 1st Viscount Hood, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1816-01-27, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q332634}}: George Byng, 1st Viscount Torrington, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1733-01-17, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q332634}}: George Byng, 1st Viscount Torrington, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1733-01-17, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q332738}}: John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1861-06-23, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q332751}}: Ellen Wilkinson, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1947-02-06, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q332972}}: Augustus Keppel, 1st Viscount Keppel, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1786-10-02, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q333102}}: Thomas Denman, 1st Baron Denman, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1854-09-22, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q333102}}: Thomas Denman, 1st Baron Denman, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1854-09-26, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q333216}}: Augustine Birrell, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1933-11-20, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q333358}}: Sir Charles Trevelyan, 3rd Baronet, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1958-01-24, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q333376}}: Walter Runciman, 1st Viscount Runciman of Doxford, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1949-11-13, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q333376}}: Walter Runciman, 1st Viscount Runciman of Doxford, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1949-11-14, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q333378}}: Henry Lowry-Corry, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1873-03-05, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q333426}}: Edward Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1959-12-23, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q333442}}: Herbert Fisher, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1940-04-18, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q333596}}: Edward Russell, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1727-11-26, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q333596}}: Edward Russell, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1727-11-26, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q333628}}: Lord George Hamilton, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1927-09-22, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q333710}}: Reginald McKenna, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1943-09-06, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q333737}}: Lyon Playfair, 1st Baron Playfair, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1898-05-29, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q333745}}: Patrick Gordon Walker, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1980-12-02, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q333749}}: George Goschen, 1st Viscount Goschen, {{Q|Q56761222}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom to Turkey, 1907-02-07, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q333773}}: Michael Stewart, Baron Stewart of Fulham, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1990-03-10, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q333821}}: Emmanuel de Grouchy, Marquis de Grouchy, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1847-05-29, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q334063}}: Spencer Cavendish, 8th Duke of Devonshire, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1908-03-24, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q334172}}: William Rowley, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1768-01-01, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q334172}}: William Rowley, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1768-01-01, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q334222}}: Sir Hugh Palliser, 1st Baronet, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1796-03-19, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q334280}}: Florence Horsbrugh, Baroness Horsbrugh, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1969-12-06, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q334355}}: Robert Lowe, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1892-07-27, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q334385}}: Herwald Ramsbotham, 1st Viscount Soulbury, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1971-01-30, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q334830}}: Tchombé Moïse, {{Q|Q3401753}}, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1969-06-29, 1997-01-01 * {{Q|Q335098}}: Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin, {{Q|Q56761222}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom to Turkey, 1841-11-14, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q335163}}: Guy Carleton, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1808-11-10, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q335230}}: James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1863-11-20, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q335289}}: Francis Scott, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1751-04-22, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q335295}}: Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1504-08-08, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q335347}}: Archibald Campbell, 3rd Duke of Argyll, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1761-04-15, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q335358}}: William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1630-04-10, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q335381}}: George Ramsay, 9th Earl of Dalhousie, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1838-03-21, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q335381}}: George Ramsay, 9th Earl of Dalhousie, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1838-03-21, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q335394}}: Charles Lennox, 4th Duke of Richmond, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1819-08-28, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q335501}}: Charles Metcalfe, 1st Baron Metcalfe, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1846-09-05, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q335550}}: Henry Bruce, 1st Baron Aberdare, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1895-02-25, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q335611}}: James Hamilton, 2nd Marquess of Hamilton, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1625-03-02, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q335625}}: James Hamilton, 4th Duke of Hamilton, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1712-11-15, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q335630}}: Charles Douglas, 3rd Duke of Queensberry, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1778-10-22, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q335636}}: James Douglas, 2nd Duke of Queensberry, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1711-07-06, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q335771}}: George Talbot, 4th Earl of Shrewsbury, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1538-07-26, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q335804}}: Murdoch Stewart, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1425-06-02, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q335979}}: Ludovic Stewart, 2nd Duke of Lennox, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1624-02-16, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q335979}}: Ludovic Stewart, 2nd Duke of Lennox, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1624-07-30, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q336005}}: Arnold van Keppel, 1st Earl of Albemarle, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1718-05-30, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q336126}}: William Douglas, 1st Duke of Queensberry, {{Q|Q110314996}}, Member of the House of Lords of Great Britain, 1695-03-28, 1707-05-12 * {{Q|Q336138}}: Charles Abbott, 1st Baron Tenterden, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1832-11-04, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q336320}}: Philip Howard, 20th Earl of Arundel, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1595-10-19, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q336421}}: Robert Crewe-Milnes, 1st Marquess of Crewe, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1945-06-20, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q336437}}: John Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1840-07-28, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q336437}}: John Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham, {{Q|Q3238289}}, Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, 1840-07-28, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q336556}}: George Jeffreys, 1st Baron Jeffreys, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1689-04-18, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q336556}}: George Jeffreys, 1st Baron Jeffreys, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1689-04-18, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q336618}}: Edward Seymour, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1621-04-06, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q336645}}: James Hamilton, 5th Duke of Hamilton, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1743-03-02, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q336660}}: Arthur Herbert, 1st Earl of Torrington, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1716-04-13, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q336660}}: Arthur Herbert, 1st Earl of Torrington, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1716-04-14, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q336660}}: Arthur Herbert, 1st Earl of Torrington, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1716-04-13, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q336660}}: Arthur Herbert, 1st Earl of Torrington, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1716-04-14, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q336670}}: Henry Howard, 6th Duke of Norfolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1684-01-13, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q336675}}: John Hay, 2nd Marquess of Tweeddale, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1713-04-20, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q336713}}: James Ogilvy, 4th Earl of Findlater, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1730-08-15, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q336713}}: James Ogilvy, 4th Earl of Findlater, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1730-08-19, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q336750}}: Hercules Robinson, 1st Baron Rosmead, {{Q|Q772727}}, Governor of Montserrat, 1897-10-28, 1971-01-01 * {{Q|Q336796}}: James Hamilton, 1st Earl of Arran, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1529-04-05, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q336942}}: James Hamilton, 6th Duke of Hamilton, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1758-01-17, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q336986}}: Thomas Howard, 5th Duke of Norfolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1677-12-13, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q337015}}: George Douglas, 1st Earl of Angus, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1402-09-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q337015}}: George Douglas, 1st Earl of Angus, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1403-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q338354}}: Charles Adderley, 1st Baron Norton, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1905-03-28, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q343273}}: Jean I, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1454-05-08, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q343323}}: Attilio Piccioni, {{Q|Q4011164}}, Vice President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, 1976-03-10, 1988-08-23 * {{Q|Q344330}}: Johann V Thurzo, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1520-08-12, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q344780}}: László Rajk, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1949-10-15, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q345762}}: Hemming of Denmark, {{Q|Q18341329}}, monarch of Denmark, 0812-01-01, 0935-01-01 * {{Q|Q345839}}: José Justo Milla, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1838-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q347013}}: Vratislaus II of Bohemia, {{Q|Q45341328}}, King of Bohemia, 1092-01-20, 1158-01-01 * {{Q|Q347013}}: Vratislaus II of Bohemia, {{Q|Q45341328}}, King of Bohemia, 1092-01-20, 1198-01-01 * {{Q|Q347652}}: Laurent Gouvion Saint-Cyr, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1830-03-17, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q348441}}: John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1435-09-23, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q348932}}: Richard FitzAlan, 11th Earl of Arundel, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1397-09-29, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q350170}}: Hieronim, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1062-01-01, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q350175}}: Żyrosław I, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1120-01-01, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q350248}}: Vasil Kolarov, {{Q|Q14946265}}, President of Bulgaria, 1950-01-23, 1990-04-03 * {{Q|Q350857}}: Christian Rakovsky, {{Q|Q1145714}}, Prime Minister of Ukraine, 1941-09-11, 1991-09-17 * {{Q|Q352566}}: Robert de Vere, Duke of Ireland, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1392-11-30, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q354309}}: William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1598-08-04, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q354309}}: William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1598-08-05, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q354823}}: Lambert II of Spoleto, {{Q|Q181765}}, Holy Roman Emperor, 0898-01-01, 0962-01-01 * {{Q|Q354823}}: Lambert II of Spoleto, {{Q|Q181765}}, Holy Roman Emperor, 0898-10-19, 0962-01-01 * {{Q|Q356173}}: George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1478-02-27, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q356691}}: Sidónio Pais, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1918-12-14, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q356933}}: François Christophe de Kellermann, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1820-09-23, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q357932}}: Francisco José Fernandes, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1925-07-19, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q358912}}: John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1680-08-05, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q359143}}: Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1632-11-05, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q360559}}: An Lushan, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 0757-02-02, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q361204}}: Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1456-11-10, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q361204}}: Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1456-11-12, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q362526}}: Hans Jákupsson Debes, {{Q|Q1000921}}, Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands, 1769-01-01, 1948-01-01 * {{Q|Q365742}}: Samuel W. Black, {{Q|Q5589688}}, Governor of Nebraska, 1862-06-27, 1867-02-21 * {{Q|Q367181}}: Vojtech Tuka, {{Q|Q45369}}, Prime Minister of Slovakia, 1946-08-20, 1969-01-02 * {{Q|Q367578}}: Vladislaus II of Bohemia, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1174-01-18, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q367578}}: Vladislaus II of Bohemia, {{Q|Q45341328}}, King of Bohemia, 1174-01-18, 1198-01-01 * {{Q|Q369681}}: Chen Duxiu, {{Q|Q849418}}, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, 1942-05-27, 1982-01-01 * {{Q|Q369681}}: Chen Duxiu, {{Q|Q2708520}}, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, 1942-05-27, 1943-03-01 * {{Q|Q370225}}: Florencio Xatruch, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1893-02-15, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q370866}}: John Winthrop the Younger, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1676-04-06, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q372463}}: Georgy Pyatakov, {{Q|Q1145714}}, Prime Minister of Ukraine, 1937-01-30, 1991-09-17 * {{Q|Q374393}}: Alexander Sergeyevich Menshikov, {{Q|Q17287317}}, Minister of Defense (Russia), 1869-05-01, 1991-08-20 * {{Q|Q374655}}: Pavlos Kountouriotis, {{Q|Q3409203}}, President of Greece, 1935-08-22, 1974-12-18 * {{Q|Q375010}}: Charles Bent, {{Q|Q17089908}}, Governor of New Mexico, 1847-01-19, 1912-01-14 * {{Q|Q375068}}: Charles Joseph, comte de Flahaut, {{Q|Q20942020}}, ambassador of France to Germany, 1870-09-01, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q377029}}: Edward Stanley, 3rd Earl of Derby, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1572-11-03, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q377335}}: James Douglas, 14th Earl of Morton, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1768-10-12, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q379587}}: Patriarch Nikon of Moscow, {{Q|Q849170}}, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, 1681-08-27, 1917-11-10 * {{Q|Q379627}}: Noe Zhordania, {{Q|Q1975365}}, Prime Minister of Georgia, 1953-01-11, 1991-08-23 * {{Q|Q379953}}: Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of Sully, {{Q|Q21032621}}, Pair of France, 1641-12-22, 1814-06-04 * {{Q|Q380341}}: Kamehameha II, {{Q|Q5589655}}, Governor of Hawaii, 1824-07-14, 1959-08-21 * {{Q|Q380529}}: Vladimir Nazor, {{Q|Q268984}}, President of Croatia, 1949-06-19, 1990-12-22 * {{Q|Q382767}}: James Garfield Gardiner, {{Q|Q4294939}}, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, 1962-01-12, 1995-01-12 * {{Q|Q383401}}: Afonso Costa, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1937-05-11, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q384856}}: Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1461-01-08, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q401897}}: Brooke Claxton, {{Q|Q3251800}}, Minister of Health, 1960-06-13, 1996-07-12 * {{Q|Q427831}}: Nathaniel Butler, {{Q|Q732859}}, Governor of Bermuda, 1601-01-01, 1612-01-01 * {{Q|Q430144}}: Willem Hendrik Teding van Berkhout, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1809-06-04, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q431074}}: René Viviani, {{Q|Q1587677}}, Prime Minister of France, 1925-09-06, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q431074}}: René Viviani, {{Q|Q1587677}}, Prime Minister of France, 1925-09-07, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q431952}}: Benjamin Church, {{Q|Q19826104}}, Surgeon General of the United States Army, 1778-01-01, 1813-03-13 * {{Q|Q432771}}: Thomas of Woodstock, 1st Duke of Gloucester, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1397-09-08, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q433525}}: Francisco Bertrand, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1926-07-15, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q433531}}: Policarpo Bonilla, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1926-09-11, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q433553}}: Terencio Sierra, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1907-09-25, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q433698}}: Francisco Bográn, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1926-12-07, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q433809}}: Luis Bográn, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1895-07-09, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q433873}}: Miguel Oquelí Bustillo, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1938-04-18, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q434730}}: Gabriel García Moreno, {{Q|Q6797798}}, Mayor of Quito, 1875-08-06, 1946-01-01 * {{Q|Q435382}}: José María Guerrero de Arcos y Molina, {{Q|Q852448}}, Revolucionario Nicaragüense, 1852-01-01, 1854-01-01 * {{Q|Q435382}}: José María Guerrero de Arcos y Molina, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1852-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q435502}}: Claudine, Lady of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1515-11-29, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q436922}}: Richard Palmer, {{Q|Q104600122}}, Metropolitan Archbishop of Siracusa, 1195-08-14, 1844-05-20 * {{Q|Q436922}}: Richard Palmer, {{Q|Q105823158}}, archbishop of Messina-Lipari-Santa Lucia del Mela in Italy, 1195-08-14, 1986-09-30 * {{Q|Q437295}}: Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1662-11-20, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q437571}}: Richard Neville, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1471-04-23, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q437917}}: Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1601-02-25, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q437951}}: Juan Francisco de Molina, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1878-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q438324}}: Ponciano Leiva, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1896-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q438437}}: Vicente Mejía Colindres, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1966-08-24, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q438448}}: Vladimir Kokovtsov, {{Q|Q842386}}, Prime Minister of Russia, 1943-01-29, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q438898}}: Céleo Arias, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1890-05-28, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q441815}}: David P. Thompson, {{Q|Q7889393}}, United States Ambassador to Turkey, 1901-12-14, 1923-10-29 * {{Q|Q445357}}: Henry, {{Q|Q114836091}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Åbo, 1156-01-01, 1200-01-01 * {{Q|Q445357}}: Henry, {{Q|Q114836091}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Åbo, 1157-01-26, 1200-01-01 * {{Q|Q450178}}: Gábor Baross, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1892-05-09, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q450984}}: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., {{Q|Q7889399}}, United States Ambassador to Vietnam, 1985-02-27, 1997-04-11 * {{Q|Q450984}}: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., {{Q|Q28796675}}, ambassador to Germany, 1985-02-27, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q451113}}: Miguel Ricardo de Álava y Esquivel, {{Q|Q15895305}}, Minister of the Navy, 1843-07-14, 1851-01-01 * {{Q|Q452070}}: Carlos Manuel de Céspedes del Castillo, {{Q|Q1370482}}, President of Cuba, 1874-02-27, 1902-01-01 * {{Q|Q454299}}: Sicco van Goslinga, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1731-09-18, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q455140}}: Bartolomeo Platina, {{Q|Q19823475}}, Prefect of the Vatican Library, 1481-09-30, 1501-01-01 * {{Q|Q455317}}: Bernardino Machado, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1944-04-29, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q455795}}: Kamehameha III, {{Q|Q5589655}}, Governor of Hawaii, 1854-12-15, 1959-08-21 * {{Q|Q458995}}: Charles Henry Darling, {{Q|Q3238286}}, Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1870-01-25, 1949-03-31 * {{Q|Q459235}}: Johann Christoph von Bartenstein, {{Q|Q5468294}}, Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, 1767-08-06, 1918-10-30 * {{Q|Q459947}}: Edmund Beaufort, 2nd Duke of Somerset, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1455-05-22, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q461614}}: Gudfred, {{Q|Q18341329}}, monarch of Denmark, 0810-01-01, 0935-01-01 * {{Q|Q462684}}: Harpagus, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, -0600-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q463630}}: Juan Valera, {{Q|Q37140063}}, ambassador of Spain to Portugal, 1905-04-18, 1910-01-01 * {{Q|Q464346}}: Sükhbaataryn Yanjmaa, {{Q|Q756265}}, President of Mongolia, 1962-05-01, 1992-09-03 * {{Q|Q464363}}: Swithun, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0862-07-06, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q464363}}: Swithun, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0863-07-06, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q464674}}: François Louis, Prince of Conti, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1709-02-22, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q467325}}: Thomas Erskine, 6th Earl of Kellie, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1781-10-09, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q467442}}: Albert II, Count of Weimar-Orlamünde, {{Q|Q325380}}, stadtholder, 1245-02-25, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q469785}}: Kuzma Minin, {{Q|Q4147437}}, Mayor of Nizhny Novgorod, 1616-05-21, 1991-12-26 * {{Q|Q470398}}: Kamehameha IV, {{Q|Q5589655}}, Governor of Hawaii, 1863-11-30, 1959-08-21 * {{Q|Q470641}}: Charles, Prince of Viana, {{Q|Q112061791}}, Duke of Gandía, 1461-09-23, 1485-12-29 * {{Q|Q470647}}: Demetrius Zvonimir of Croatia, {{Q|Q253779}}, Ban of Croatia, 1089-04-20, 1105-01-01 * {{Q|Q470890}}: Harold Laski, {{Q|Q6467494}}, Labour Party Chair, 1950-03-24, 2001-06-09 * {{Q|Q472054}}: Amir Kabir, {{Q|Q13561063}}, Prime Minister of Iran, 1852-01-09, 1906-08-01 * {{Q|Q472054}}: Amir Kabir, {{Q|Q13561063}}, Prime Minister of Iran, 1852-01-10, 1906-08-01 * {{Q|Q476702}}: Joseph Smith, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1770-01-01, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q476702}}: Joseph Smith, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1770-11-06, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q478746}}: Auguste Champetier de Ribes, {{Q|Q3409222}}, President of the Senate of France, 1947-03-06, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q478746}}: Auguste Champetier de Ribes, {{Q|Q21032552}}, Senator of the French Fourth Republic, 1947-03-06, 1948-01-01 * {{Q|Q492391}}: Andor Jaross, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1946-04-11, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q501379}}: Andreas von Baumgartner, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1865-07-30, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q503816}}: Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1554-09-04, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q504369}}: Henry Halleck, {{Q|Q783785}}, Chief of Staff of the United States Army, 1872-01-09, 1903-08-15 * {{Q|Q504489}}: Andrew Dickson White, {{Q|Q326552}}, United States Ambassador to Germany, 1918-11-04, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q507922}}: Domingo Vásquez, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1909-12-09, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q509060}}: James Dundas, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1862-10-03, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q510930}}: Andriy Livytskyi, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1954-01-17, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q511623}}: Maternus of Cologne, {{Q|Q115431500}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Cologne, 0328-01-01, 0400-01-01 * {{Q|Q511623}}: Maternus of Cologne, {{Q|Q115689512}}, bishop of Tungrorum, 0328-01-01, 0344-01-01 * {{Q|Q515214}}: Karol Šmidke, {{Q|Q19967563}}, Member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, 1952-12-15, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q515693}}: Theodoros Pangalos, {{Q|Q3409203}}, President of Greece, 1952-02-27, 1974-12-18 * {{Q|Q516808}}: Pál Rajner, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1879-01-18, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q517370}}: André Bruère, {{Q|Q20942020}}, ambassador of France to Germany, 1943-12-23, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q522239}}: John II, Count of Blois, {{Q|Q325380}}, stadtholder, 1380-01-01, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q522239}}: John II, Count of Blois, {{Q|Q325380}}, stadtholder, 1381-01-01, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q523601}}: André de Toulongeon, {{Q|Q1549592}}, Grand Squire of France, 1432-01-01, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q528996}}: Rainilaiarivony, {{Q|Q23782691}}, Prime Minister of Madagascar, 1896-07-17, 1976-01-13 * {{Q|Q532587}}: Song Jiaoren, {{Q|Q16056439}}, Chairperson of the Kuomintang, 1913-03-22, 1976-11-16 * {{Q|Q533003}}: Ercole Consalvi, {{Q|Q386359}}, Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, 1824-01-24, 1967-08-15 * {{Q|Q534372}}: Charles Saunders, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1775-12-07, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q535515}}: Jean-François-Auguste Moulin, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1810-03-12, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q537067}}: Jamtsangiin Damdinsüren, {{Q|Q756265}}, President of Mongolia, 1938-01-01, 1992-09-03 * {{Q|Q539486}}: Pietro Nenni, {{Q|Q4011164}}, Vice President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, 1980-01-01, 1988-08-23 * {{Q|Q540308}}: Johan Ludwig Mowinckel, {{Q|Q6866400}}, Minister of Trade and Shipping, 1943-09-30, 1947-12-06 * {{Q|Q540532}}: Frederick of Hesse-Darmstadt, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1682-01-01, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q540532}}: Frederick of Hesse-Darmstadt, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1682-02-19, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q543131}}: Gordon Drummond, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1854-10-10, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q543131}}: Gordon Drummond, {{Q|Q6544432}}, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, 1854-10-10, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q543858}}: Æthelwold of Winchester, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0984-08-06, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q544076}}: John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1410-03-25, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q546959}}: Charles-Julien Lioult de Chênedollé, {{Q|Q3151611}}, regional pedagogical inspector (France), 1833-12-02, 1964-01-01 * {{Q|Q547527}}: Maria Karolina Sobieska, {{Q|Q3273712}}, King of Poland, 1740-05-08, 1815-05-03 * {{Q|Q549431}}: Jorge Ubico, {{Q|Q5340773}}, Vice President of Guatemala, 1946-06-14, 1966-07-01 * {{Q|Q550281}}: Alexei Polivanov, {{Q|Q17287317}}, Minister of Defense (Russia), 1920-09-25, 1991-08-20 * {{Q|Q551342}}: James Watson Gerard, {{Q|Q326552}}, United States Ambassador to Germany, 1951-09-06, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q552001}}: Qu Qiubai, {{Q|Q849418}}, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, 1935-06-18, 1982-01-01 * {{Q|Q554278}}: Augustin Robespierre, {{Q|Q3780304}}, member of the general council, 1794-07-28, 1800-02-17 * {{Q|Q555891}}: Charles II, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1589-01-01, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q555891}}: Charles II, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1589-05-17, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q555891}}: Charles II, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1589-11-29, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q556274}}: Ulick Burke, 1st Marquess of Clanricarde, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1657-07-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q556274}}: Ulick Burke, 1st Marquess of Clanricarde, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1658-04-29, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q560571}}: Otto Blehr, {{Q|Q6866400}}, Minister of Trade and Shipping, 1927-07-13, 1947-12-06 * {{Q|Q560595}}: Charles FitzRoy, {{Q|Q6544433}}, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, 1858-02-16, 1873-07-01 * {{Q|Q560630}}: Omer Nishani, {{Q|Q1625960}}, President of Albania, 1954-05-26, 1991-04-30 * {{Q|Q560962}}: José Travassos Valdez, 1st Count of Bonfim, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1862-07-10, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q561440}}: Baiju, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 1260-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q561465}}: Ivan Gudovich, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1820-02-03, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q562044}}: Tiburcio Carías, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1969-12-23, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q562492}}: Gotō Shinpei, {{Q|Q11525354}}, Governor of Tokyo, 1929-04-13, 1947-05-03 * {{Q|Q568395}}: John Fortescue, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1479-01-01, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q569387}}: Rutger von Ascheberg, {{Q|Q83154862}}, governor of Gothenburg and Bohus County, 1693-04-17, 1719-01-01 * {{Q|Q569387}}: Rutger von Ascheberg, {{Q|Q84546626}}, governor of Skåne County, 1693-04-17, 1997-01-01 * {{Q|Q571596}}: Ante Pavelić, {{Q|Q18643511}}, representative in the Croatian Parliament, 1938-02-11, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q571807}}: John Norris, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1749-06-13, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q571807}}: John Norris, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1749-06-14, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q571807}}: John Norris, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1749-06-13, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q571807}}: John Norris, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1749-06-14, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q573308}}: Anthony Grey, 9th Earl of Kent, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1643-11-09, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q574358}}: Mindon Min, {{Q|Q116195778}}, King of India, 1878-10-01, 1947-08-15 * {{Q|Q579407}}: François-Marie, 1st duc de Broglie, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1745-05-22, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q585635}}: Bernard Nieuwentyt, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1718-05-30, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q589924}}: Vicente García González, {{Q|Q1370482}}, President of Cuba, 1886-03-04, 1902-01-01 * {{Q|Q592239}}: Cenwulf of Winchester, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 1006-01-01, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q597299}}: Florent of Hainaut, {{Q|Q325380}}, stadtholder, 1297-01-30, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q597539}}: Patriarch Joseph, {{Q|Q849170}}, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, 1652-04-25, 1917-11-10 * {{Q|Q597676}}: Ferenc Keresztes-Fischer, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1948-03-03, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q600308}}: Niccolò Oddi, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1767-05-25, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q601491}}: Mohamed Amin Didi, {{Q|Q1064606}}, President of the Maldives, 1954-01-19, 1968-11-11 * {{Q|Q602260}}: George Prevost, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1816-01-05, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q602260}}: George Prevost, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1816-01-05, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q603499}}: John Ker, 1st Duke of Roxburghe, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1741-02-24, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q606047}}: Antonio de Olaguer y Feliú, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1813-01-01, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q606299}}: Sir Arthur Dyke Acland, 13th Baronet, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1926-10-09, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q606448}}: Dmitry Golitsyn, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1844-03-27, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q608523}}: János Kamara, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 2000-07-03, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q610969}}: António Granjo, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1921-10-19, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q611078}}: António José de Ávila, 1st Duke of Ávila and Bolama, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1881-05-03, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q611180}}: Fontes Pereira de Melo, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1887-01-22, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q616117}}: Stigand, {{Q|Q1136284}}, Elmham, 1072-02-28, 1969-01-01 * {{Q|Q620555}}: Alexander Trepov, {{Q|Q842386}}, Prime Minister of Russia, 1928-11-10, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q621041}}: Aleksey Shcherbatov, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1848-12-15, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q622584}}: Alfonso of Aragon the Younger, {{Q|Q112061791}}, Duke of Gandía, 1425-01-01, 1485-12-29 * {{Q|Q630750}}: Noël Bouton de Chamilly, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1715-04-06, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q640101}}: Estácio de Sá, {{Q|Q25471912}}, governor of Rio de Janeiro, 1567-01-01, 1889-11-15 * {{Q|Q641219}}: Arthur Conolly, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1842-06-17, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q643332}}: John I, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1137-06-29, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q644434}}: William Thomas Pritchard, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1907-11-01, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q645284}}: Wigthegn, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0836-01-01, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q647264}}: John Hooper, {{Q|Q1837494}}, Anglican Bishop of Worcester, 1555-02-09, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q647319}}: John Clifford, 9th Baron Clifford, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1461-04-06, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q647419}}: Archduke Karl Joseph of Austria, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1664-01-27, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q647967}}: Matthew Aylmer, 1st Baron Aylmer, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1720-08-18, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q647967}}: Matthew Aylmer, 1st Baron Aylmer, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1720-08-18, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q649389}}: Jorge García Granados, {{Q|Q6594745}}, President of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, 1961-01-01, 1986-01-14 * {{Q|Q649797}}: Nestor Lakoba, {{Q|Q2655879}}, Prime Minister of Abkhazia, 1936-12-28, 1994-11-26 * {{Q|Q652157}}: Osmund, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1099-12-09, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q654942}}: William Edward Forster, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1886-04-05, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q655548}}: Karol Ferdynand Vasa, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1655-05-09, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q656008}}: Hachisuka Mochiaki, {{Q|Q1054379}}, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 1918-02-10, 2001-01-06 * {{Q|Q656008}}: Hachisuka Mochiaki, {{Q|Q11525354}}, Governor of Tokyo, 1918-02-10, 1947-05-03 * {{Q|Q656131}}: Guillaume d'Estouteville, {{Q|Q63975429}}, bishop of Digne-les-Bains, Riez and Sisteron, 1483-01-31, 1916-02-15 * {{Q|Q659069}}: Edmund Andros, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1714-02-24, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q659082}}: Tafari Benti, {{Q|Q3409186}}, President of Ethiopia, 1977-02-03, 1987-09-10 * {{Q|Q660630}}: Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1427-01-09, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q661633}}: Gábor Vajna, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1946-03-12, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q662533}}: Hrólfr Kraki, {{Q|Q18341329}}, monarch of Denmark, 0600-01-01, 0935-01-01 * {{Q|Q662588}}: Eugenio Montero Ríos, {{Q|Q29934477}}, president of the Supreme Court of Spain, 1914-05-12, 1985-01-01 * {{Q|Q662625}}: Serhiy Yefremov, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1939-01-01, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q662625}}: Serhiy Yefremov, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1939-03-10, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q662625}}: Serhiy Yefremov, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1939-03-31, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q663376}}: Pyotr Saltykov, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1773-01-06, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q667835}}: Thocomerius, {{Q|Q673697}}, lord of Wallachia, 1310-01-01, 1346-01-01 * {{Q|Q668508}}: Thomas Cobham, {{Q|Q1837494}}, Anglican Bishop of Worcester, 1327-09-04, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q671250}}: József Kristóffy, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1928-03-29, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q671585}}: Jonathan Law, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1750-11-06, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q671908}}: John Stafford, {{Q|Q29282}}, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1452-06-03, 1558-11-27 * {{Q|Q676336}}: Giacomo Medici, {{Q|Q59193318}}, national councillor to the Chamber of Fasci and Corporations, 1882-03-09, 1939-03-02 * {{Q|Q678000}}: Sancho I of Gascony, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0816-01-01, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q678692}}: Cecil Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1675-11-30, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q679617}}: Ödön Beniczky, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1931-01-20, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q682686}}: János Tóth, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1929-12-23, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q683364}}: Konstantin von Benckendorff, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1828-08-06, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q685423}}: Lucius Pinarius Mamercinus Rufus, {{Q|Q40779}}, Roman consul, -0550-01-01, -0508-01-01 * {{Q|Q687135}}: Bertalan Szemere, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1869-01-18, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q687153}}: William Martin Leake, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1860-01-06, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q689274}}: Count Friedrich Wilhelm von Haugwitz, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1765-08-30, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q689274}}: Count Friedrich Wilhelm von Haugwitz, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1765-09-11, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q689489}}: Béla Wenckheim, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1879-07-07, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q692406}}: Spurius Servilius Priscus, {{Q|Q40779}}, Roman consul, -0560-01-01, -0508-01-01 * {{Q|Q693839}}: András Benkei, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1991-08-08, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q695276}}: Edward Boscawen, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1761-01-10, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q695276}}: Edward Boscawen, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1761-01-10, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q698020}}: Ferenc Gyulay, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1868-09-21, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q698123}}: William de Croÿ, {{Q|Q60399105}}, Governor of the Spanish Netherlands, 1521-05-28, 1581-01-01 * {{Q|Q698422}}: Auguste-Alexandre Ducrot, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1882-08-16, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q698824}}: Miklós Kozma, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1941-12-08, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q699327}}: Wang Ming, {{Q|Q849418}}, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, 1974-03-27, 1982-01-01 * {{Q|Q699674}}: Saigō Tsugumichi, {{Q|Q6500838}}, Minister of Defense of Japan, 1902-07-18, 2007-01-09 * {{Q|Q700939}}: Zhang Wentian, {{Q|Q849418}}, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, 1976-07-01, 1982-01-01 * {{Q|Q701344}}: Vladimir Bakarić, {{Q|Q1195270}}, Prime Minister of Croatia, 1983-01-16, 1990-05-30 * {{Q|Q701387}}: Tivadar Batthyány, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1931-02-02, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q702198}}: Ludwig von Cobenzl, {{Q|Q5468294}}, Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, 1809-02-22, 1918-10-30 * {{Q|Q702198}}: Ludwig von Cobenzl, {{Q|Q5468294}}, Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria, 1809-02-23, 1918-10-30 * {{Q|Q702198}}: Ludwig von Cobenzl, {{Q|Q29511967}}, ambassador to the Russian Federation, 1809-02-22, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q702198}}: Ludwig von Cobenzl, {{Q|Q29511967}}, ambassador to the Russian Federation, 1809-02-23, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q704601}}: Arseny Zakrevsky, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1865-01-23, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q704603}}: Manuel Pavía y Rodríguez de Alburquerque, {{Q|Q106597599}}, Q106597599, 1895-03-01, 1939-01-01 * {{Q|Q704662}}: John, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 0501-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q706123}}: Jules Cambon, {{Q|Q20942020}}, ambassador of France to Germany, 1935-09-19, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q706168}}: Conrad Emil Lambert Helfrich, {{Q|Q2889557}}, Commander of the Royal Netherlands Navy, 1962-09-20, 2005-09-05 * {{Q|Q708753}}: Liao Zhongkai, {{Q|Q16056439}}, Chairperson of the Kuomintang, 1925-08-20, 1976-11-16 * {{Q|Q708753}}: Liao Zhongkai, {{Q|Q16056439}}, Chairperson of the Kuomintang, 1925-08-25, 1976-11-16 * {{Q|Q709198}}: Matsuda Michiyuki, {{Q|Q11525354}}, Governor of Tokyo, 1882-07-06, 1947-05-03 * {{Q|Q709220}}: Mykola Vasylenko, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1935-10-03, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q709340}}: Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1524-05-31, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q709735}}: Arthur Havelock, {{Q|Q1772596}}, Madras Presidency, 1908-06-25, 1947-08-14 * {{Q|Q709906}}: Arthur Hood, 1st Baron Hood of Avalon, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1901-11-16, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q709932}}: Gao Gang, {{Q|Q553169}}, Vice President of the People's Republic of China, 1954-08-17, 1954-09-27 * {{Q|Q710046}}: Hugh Latimer, {{Q|Q1837494}}, Anglican Bishop of Worcester, 1555-10-26, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q710604}}: Pietro Teuliè, {{Q|Q26844985}}, minister of War of the Kingdom of Italy, 1807-06-18, 1861-03-17 * {{Q|Q711992}}: Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1399-09-30, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q712089}}: Luís Alves de Lima e Silva, Duke of Caxias, {{Q|Q53739358}}, governor of Maranhão, 1880-05-07, 1889-11-18 * {{Q|Q712089}}: Luís Alves de Lima e Silva, Duke of Caxias, {{Q|Q122982258}}, President of the Brazilian Council of Ministers, 1880-05-07, 1961-09-08 * {{Q|Q712878}}: Mario Cecchi Gori, {{Q|Q2052}}, ACF Fiorentina, 1993-11-05, 2002-01-01 * {{Q|Q714286}}: Ion Inculeț, {{Q|Q312271}}, President of Moldova, 1940-11-18, 1990-09-03 * {{Q|Q714463}}: Artur Ivens Ferraz, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1933-01-16, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q714475}}: Henry Beaufort, 3rd Duke of Somerset, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1464-05-24, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q714480}}: Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1483-11-11, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q714681}}: Michael de la Pole, 1st Earl of Suffolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1389-09-05, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q714874}}: Harald Klak, {{Q|Q18341329}}, monarch of Denmark, 0844-01-01, 0935-01-01 * {{Q|Q715051}}: Sir William Parker, 1st Baronet, of Shenstone, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1866-11-13, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q715792}}: Thomas FitzAlan, 12th Earl of Arundel, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1415-10-22, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q715849}}: Zhou Fohai, {{Q|Q707830}}, Vice President of the Republic of China, 1948-02-28, 1948-05-20 * {{Q|Q715919}}: John Holland, 1st Duke of Exeter, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1400-01-24, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q716136}}: Li Yuanhong, {{Q|Q707830}}, Vice President of the Republic of China, 1928-06-03, 1948-05-20 * {{Q|Q716762}}: Richard Saunders Dundas, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1861-06-03, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q718202}}: Hans Krabbe-Carisius, {{Q|Q6866144}}, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 1845-07-23, 1848-03-22 * {{Q|Q718233}}: Sándor Zöld, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1951-04-20, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q718333}}: Juan Lindo y Zelaya, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1857-04-23, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q719423}}: Stephen Gardiner, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 1555-11-22, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q719792}}: Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1576-10-02, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q719793}}: John Neville, 1st Marquess of Montagu, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1471-04-14, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q720735}}: Kintomo Mushanokōji, {{Q|Q28796675}}, ambassador to Germany, 1962-04-21, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q720760}}: Mostafa Chamran, {{Q|Q1089480}}, Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics, 1981-06-20, 1989-01-01 * {{Q|Q721275}}: James Gambier, 1st Baron Gambier, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1833-04-19, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q721655}}: Robert Lemaignen, {{Q|Q2986313}}, European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, 1980-04-03, 2014-01-01 * {{Q|Q721670}}: Ascelin, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1148-01-31, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q721770}}: Walter Nash, {{Q|Q25998902}}, Minister of Social Development, 1968-06-04, 1972-04-01 * {{Q|Q722559}}: Mohammad-Javad Bahonar, {{Q|Q1445474}}, Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, 1981-08-30, 1984-08-18 * {{Q|Q723978}}: Wayne MacVeagh, {{Q|Q7889393}}, United States Ambassador to Turkey, 1917-01-11, 1923-10-29 * {{Q|Q725442}}: Ferenc Erdei, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1971-05-11, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q726243}}: Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1521-05-27, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q727082}}: Domingos Oliveira, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1957-12-25, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q727220}}: Leopold Skulski, {{Q|Q6867235}}, Ministry of Interior, 1940-01-01, 2011-01-01 * {{Q|Q727612}}: Juan Bautista de Anza, {{Q|Q17089908}}, Governor of New Mexico, 1788-12-19, 1912-01-14 * {{Q|Q728283}}: Waifer of Aquitaine, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0768-06-06, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q728514}}: Ricardo Samper Ibáñez, {{Q|Q47273791}}, Minister of Industry, Energy, and Tourism, 1938-10-27, 2004-01-01 * {{Q|Q735026}}: Brian Houghton Hodgson, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1894-05-23, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q736924}}: Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez Castelao, {{Q|Q3409188}}, President of the Xunta of Galicia, 1950-01-07, 1981-04-06 * {{Q|Q738598}}: Hovhannes Katchaznouni, {{Q|Q1123764}}, Prime Minister of Armenia, 1938-01-15, 1991-09-25 * {{Q|Q741030}}: Nicholas Ridley, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1555-10-26, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q741030}}: Nicholas Ridley, {{Q|Q1587771}}, Bishop of London, 1555-10-26, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q741447}}: Birinus, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0650-12-06, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q741447}}: Birinus, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0651-12-06, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q744548}}: Francesco Bonvisi, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1700-08-25, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q745286}}: Sir Thomas Hardy, 1st Baronet, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1839-09-20, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q745833}}: Dudley Carleton, 1st Viscount Dorchester, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1632-02-15, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q748127}}: George Perkins Marsh, {{Q|Q7889393}}, United States Ambassador to Turkey, 1882-07-23, 1923-10-29 * {{Q|Q748303}}: Charles Cathcart, 9th Lord Cathcart, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1776-08-14, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q749200}}: Opizio Pallavicini, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1700-02-11, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q752046}}: Orontius of Lecce, {{Q|Q122830585}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Lecce, 0068-08-26, 1057-01-01 * {{Q|Q754780}}: Athanasios Kanellopoulos, {{Q|Q3559112}}, Minister of State of Greece, 1994-12-16, 2004-03-10 * {{Q|Q760750}}: Cosmo Gordon, 3rd Duke of Gordon, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1752-08-05, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q765660}}: Gurdon Saltonstall, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1724-09-20, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q766517}}: Nicholas Golitsyn, {{Q|Q842386}}, Prime Minister of Russia, 1925-07-02, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q766517}}: Nicholas Golitsyn, {{Q|Q4151330}}, Governor of Arkhangelsk Oblast, 1925-07-02, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q767917}}: George Cathcart, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1854-11-05, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q769876}}: Augusto de Vasconcelos, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1951-09-27, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q771788}}: Carlo Bellisomi, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1808-08-09, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q774900}}: William of Aragon, Count of Malta, {{Q|Q796593}}, President of Malta, 1450-01-01, 1974-12-13 * {{Q|Q776006}}: Fabrizio Serbelloni, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1775-12-07, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q778897}}: Georges Davy, {{Q|Q69764057}}, Inspection générale de l'Éducation, du Sport et de la Recherche, 1976-07-27, 2019-10-01 * {{Q|Q779978}}: Willem van Haren, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1768-07-04, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q782229}}: Jakub Szach, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1583-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q783111}}: Ramón Villeda Morales, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1971-10-08, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q820429}}: Peter of Oubril, {{Q|Q19401847}}, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to France, 1848-01-04, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q824110}}: Pierre de Margerie, {{Q|Q20942020}}, ambassador of France to Germany, 1942-01-01, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q826766}}: Sir George Arthur, 1st Baronet, {{Q|Q6544432}}, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, 1854-09-19, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q834576}}: Charles Raymond de Saint Vallier, {{Q|Q20942020}}, ambassador of France to Germany, 1886-02-04, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q834984}}: Boris Stürmer, {{Q|Q842386}}, Prime Minister of Russia, 1917-09-02, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q855760}}: Blažo Jovanović, {{Q|Q1149153}}, President of Montenegro, 1976-02-04, 1990-12-23 * {{Q|Q860118}}: Edward Courtenay, 1st Earl of Devon, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1556-09-28, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q869340}}: William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1793-03-20, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q869340}}: William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield, {{Q|Q1449039}}, Lord Speaker, 1793-03-20, 2006-07-04 * {{Q|Q869340}}: William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1793-03-20, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q871005}}: Ervin Cseh, {{Q|Q18643511}}, representative in the Croatian Parliament, 1918-06-12, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q873749}}: Joseph von Colloredo-Waldsee, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1818-11-26, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q873749}}: Joseph von Colloredo-Waldsee, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1818-11-28, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q877126}}: Giovanni Battista Caprara Montecuccoli, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1810-06-21, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q878167}}: John Harvey, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1852-03-22, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q878167}}: John Harvey, {{Q|Q6544433}}, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, 1852-03-22, 1873-07-01 * {{Q|Q878789}}: William C. C. Claiborne, {{Q|Q878632}}, Governor of Mississippi, 1817-11-23, 1817-12-10 * {{Q|Q879169}}: Manuel Estrada Cabrera, {{Q|Q5340773}}, Vice President of Guatemala, 1924-09-24, 1966-07-01 * {{Q|Q881002}}: William Hull, {{Q|Q5589680}}, Governor of Michigan, 1825-11-29, 1835-11-03 * {{Q|Q881007}}: José Trinidad Cabañas, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1871-01-08, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q881015}}: Luis Arturo González López, {{Q|Q6594745}}, President of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, 1965-11-11, 1986-01-14 * {{Q|Q881094}}: Miguel Paz Barahona, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1937-11-11, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q881114}}: Vicente Tosta, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1930-08-07, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q881119}}: Miguel R. Dávila, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1927-10-12, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q881133}}: Juan Manuel Gálvez, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1972-08-20, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q881518}}: Manuel Bonilla, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1913-03-21, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q882920}}: Alfred P. Swineford, {{Q|Q20801644}}, Governor of Alaska, 1909-10-26, 1959-01-03 * {{Q|Q886002}}: John Green Brady, {{Q|Q20801644}}, Governor of Alaska, 1918-12-17, 1959-01-03 * {{Q|Q886414}}: Merfyn Frych, {{Q|Q459188}}, Kingdom of the Isles, 0844-01-01, 0900-01-01 * {{Q|Q886792}}: Sir John Wentworth, 1st Baronet, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1820-04-08, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q887354}}: Kamehameha V, {{Q|Q5589655}}, Governor of Hawaii, 1872-12-11, 1959-08-21 * {{Q|Q887531}}: Francisco Ferrera, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1851-04-10, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q887582}}: Francisco de Aguilar, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1900-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q887640}}: Francisco Inestroza, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1864-03-15, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q887664}}: Crescencio Gómez, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1921-05-09, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q887800}}: José María Medina, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1878-01-23, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q887849}}: José Santiago Bueso, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1857-05-06, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q887862}}: Francisco Zelaya y Ayes, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1848-10-20, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q887866}}: José María Bustillo, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1855-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q887873}}: Coronado Chávez, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1881-06-22, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q888054}}: Marco Aurelio Soto, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1908-02-25, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q888353}}: Jacques Philippe de Choiseul-Stainville, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1789-06-02, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q888401}}: Robert Coontz, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1935-01-26, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q888479}}: Emiliano Madriz, {{Q|Q852448}}, Revolucionario Nicaragüense, 1845-01-24, 1854-01-01 * {{Q|Q888509}}: José Zepeda, {{Q|Q852448}}, Revolucionario Nicaragüense, 1837-01-25, 1854-01-01 * {{Q|Q888747}}: Manuel Pérez, {{Q|Q852448}}, Revolucionario Nicaragüense, 1852-01-01, 1854-01-01 * {{Q|Q888753}}: Laureano Pineda, {{Q|Q852448}}, Revolucionario Nicaragüense, 1853-09-17, 1854-01-01 * {{Q|Q888888}}: Braulio Carrillo Colina, {{Q|Q27977064}}, President of Costa Rica, 1845-05-15, 1847-05-08 * {{Q|Q888943}}: Leon Abbett, {{Q|Q3001120}}, Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1894-12-04, 1947-01-01 * {{Q|Q889077}}: Mahathammaracha I, {{Q|Q959495}}, Front Palace, 1368-01-01, 1438-01-01 * {{Q|Q895326}}: Bouzes, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 0600-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q898698}}: Branko Mikulić, {{Q|Q16020744}}, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1994-04-12, 1994-05-31 * {{Q|Q898698}}: Branko Mikulić, {{Q|Q16020744}}, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1994-04-12, 2000-06-06 * {{Q|Q902355}}: Kálmán Darányi, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1939-11-01, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q910933}}: Mountstuart Elphinstone, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1859-11-20, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q913848}}: Richard Helms, {{Q|Q5261025}}, Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, 2002-10-22, 2005-07-15 * {{Q|Q913848}}: Richard Helms, {{Q|Q5261025}}, Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, 2002-10-23, 2005-07-15 * {{Q|Q916426}}: José Santos Guardiola, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1862-01-11, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q919338}}: John Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1444-06-05, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q919422}}: Zakhar Chernyshyov, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1784-08-29, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q919763}}: Diego de Almagro II, {{Q|Q42077331}}, Viceroy of Peru, 1542-01-01, 1544-05-27 * {{Q|Q930199}}: Fernando Calderón de la Barca, 1st Marquis of Reinosa, {{Q|Q29934477}}, president of the Supreme Court of Spain, 1890-01-09, 1985-01-01 * {{Q|Q930683}}: Frithestan, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0933-09-15, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q931448}}: David Collins, {{Q|Q1779581}}, Governor of Tasmania, 1810-03-24, 1855-01-01 * {{Q|Q932769}}: Ivan Zarutskyi, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1614-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q933789}}: Thomas Holland, 2nd Earl of Kent, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1397-05-03, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q935269}}: Robert Dinwiddie, {{Q|Q878942}}, Governor of Virginia, 1770-07-27, 1776-07-05 * {{Q|Q936487}}: Seguin I of Gascony, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0816-01-01, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q936744}}: Louis of Praet, {{Q|Q43542408}}, ambassador of Spain to the United Kingdom, 1555-10-17, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q936766}}: Thomas Parker, 1st Earl of Macclesfield, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1732-04-28, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q936766}}: Thomas Parker, 1st Earl of Macclesfield, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1732-04-28, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q936913}}: John Erskine, 23rd Earl of Mar, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1732-05-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q937535}}: Kobie Coetsee, {{Q|Q972690}}, Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, 2000-07-29, 2009-05-10 * {{Q|Q938320}}: Peter of Rates, {{Q|Q105528151}}, Bishop of Braga, 0060-01-01, 0400-01-01 * {{Q|Q940564}}: John Rennie, {{Q|Q5097071}}, Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, 1981-09-30, 1994-01-01 * {{Q|Q940626}}: Luis González-Brabo y López de Arjona, {{Q|Q37140063}}, ambassador of Spain to Portugal, 1871-09-01, 1910-01-01 * {{Q|Q942577}}: Ralph de Stafford, 1st Earl of Stafford, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1372-09-08, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q943984}}: Stratford Canning, 1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe, {{Q|Q1997207}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom to Russia, 1880-08-14, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q943984}}: Stratford Canning, 1st Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe, {{Q|Q23005304}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom to the United States, 1880-08-14, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q944370}}: Johannes de Graaff, {{Q|Q585592}}, Governor of the Netherlands Antilles, 1813-01-01, 1848-01-01 * {{Q|Q945379}}: Thomas de Beauchamp, 12th Earl of Warwick, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1401-04-17, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q946015}}: John Hope, 2nd Earl of Hopetoun, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1781-02-12, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q947450}}: Giulio Piazza, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1726-04-23, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q949281}}: Jean-Richard Bloch, {{Q|Q21032552}}, Senator of the French Fourth Republic, 1947-03-15, 1948-01-01 * {{Q|Q950551}}: William Knight, {{Q|Q1225095}}, Anglican Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1547-01-28, 1569-09-20 * {{Q|Q950631}}: Rainier I of Monaco, Lord of Cagnes, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1314-01-01, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q950716}}: Joan Casanovas, {{Q|Q27650843}}, Vice President of Catalonia, 1942-07-07, 2008-12-03 * {{Q|Q950749}}: Martí Barrera i Maresma, {{Q|Q114975480}}, Minister of Labour, 1972-04-26, 1977-12-05 * {{Q|Q952717}}: Thomas Smartt, {{Q|Q6866029}}, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 1929-04-17, 2009-05-10 * {{Q|Q953078}}: Roger Mortimer, 4th Earl of March, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1398-07-28, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q953120}}: John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1485-08-31, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q957071}}: Vasily Lukich Dolgorukov, {{Q|Q19401847}}, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to France, 1739-11-19, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q957773}}: John de la Pole, 1st Earl of Lincoln, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1487-06-16, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q959708}}: Jules Ferry, {{Q|Q3409222}}, President of the Senate of France, 1893-03-17, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q960087}}: Juan Argüello, {{Q|Q852448}}, Revolucionario Nicaragüense, 1830-01-01, 1854-01-01 * {{Q|Q963200}}: Philip Stanhope, 2nd Earl Stanhope, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1786-03-07, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q963943}}: Francisco Andrade Marín, {{Q|Q6797798}}, Mayor of Quito, 1935-09-06, 1946-01-01 * {{Q|Q965437}}: Hunald of Aquitaine, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0774-01-01, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q965953}}: Diego Portales Palazuelo, {{Q|Q24262884}}, minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, 1837-06-06, 1924-01-01 * {{Q|Q966188}}: Raffaele Riario, {{Q|Q3773764}}, perpetual governor of the city of Velletri, 1521-07-19, 1548-01-01 * {{Q|Q968038}}: Dong Biwu, {{Q|Q655407}}, President of the People's Republic of China, 1975-04-02, 1982-12-04 * {{Q|Q968500}}: Henri François Delaborde, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1833-02-03, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q970434}}: Ostap Dashkevych, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1536-11-25, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q971050}}: Alberto Membreño, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1921-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q971050}}: Alberto Membreño, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1921-02-06, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q971331}}: William Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1570-03-17, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q971967}}: Jean Poton de Xaintrailles, {{Q|Q1549592}}, Grand Squire of France, 1461-10-07, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q972109}}: Lucius Valerius Potitus, {{Q|Q40779}}, Roman consul, -0550-01-01, -0508-01-01 * {{Q|Q973289}}: Juan O'Donojú, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1821-10-08, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q982204}}: José Vicente de Freitas, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1952-09-04, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q982358}}: Pedro de Sousa Holstein, 1st Duke of Palmela, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1850-10-12, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q983131}}: Thomas Roe, {{Q|Q56761222}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom to Turkey, 1644-11-16, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q983152}}: James Hay, 15th Earl of Erroll, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1778-07-03, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q983257}}: Reijnjer van Tzum, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1670-09-21, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q983527}}: Lupus I of Aquitaine, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0710-01-01, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q983624}}: Lupo II of Gascony, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0778-01-01, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q983997}}: William Alexander Henry, {{Q|Q6627794}}, list of mayors of the Halifax Regional Municipality, 1888-05-03, 2016-04-01 * {{Q|Q984384}}: Fatali Khan Khoyski, {{Q|Q2063223}}, Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1920-06-19, 1991-10-18 * {{Q|Q1000401}}: Gyula Ferdinandy, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1960-01-16, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q1000874}}: Thomas Montacute, 4th Earl of Salisbury, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1428-11-21, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1026458}}: Katherine Stanhope, Countess of Chesterfield, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1667-04-09, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1026694}}: Philip Stanhope, 2nd Earl of Chesterfield, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1713-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1026694}}: Philip Stanhope, 2nd Earl of Chesterfield, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1714-02-08, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1028893}}: Charles Wager, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1743-05-24, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q1028893}}: Charles Wager, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1743-05-24, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q1036252}}: Károly Hieronymi, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1911-05-04, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q1049710}}: Casto José Alvarado, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1873-08-09, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1057262}}: Árpád Házi, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1970-11-13, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q1060753}}: Ivan Pidkova, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1578-06-26, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q1063999}}: Charles Craven, {{Q|Q3773752}}, Governor of South Carolina, 1754-12-27, 1776-03-26 * {{Q|Q1064426}}: Charles Laurent, {{Q|Q20942020}}, ambassador of France to Germany, 1939-02-16, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q1064877}}: Charles Hope, 1st Earl of Hopetoun, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1742-03-09, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1064944}}: Joseph Souham, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1837-04-28, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q1078849}}: Christian August von Seilern, {{Q|Q40772409}}, ambassador of Austria to the United Kingdom, 1801-10-15, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q1078849}}: Christian August von Seilern, {{Q|Q40772409}}, ambassador of Austria to the United Kingdom, 1801-11-15, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q1079181}}: Christian Christophersen Sehested, {{Q|Q6866144}}, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 1740-07-19, 1848-03-22 * {{Q|Q1095380}}: Clarence Campbell, {{Q|Q586959}}, NHL Commissioner, 1984-06-24, 1993-01-01 * {{Q|Q1097261}}: Claude II de l'Aubespine, baron de Châteauneuf, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1567-11-11, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q1097361}}: Alexander Prozorovsky, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1809-08-21, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q1100653}}: Anacleto Bendaña, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1859-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1109528}}: Inocente Rodríguez, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1900-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1113533}}: Cesare Alberico Lucini, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1768-02-19, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q1114560}}: Stjepan Svetoslavić, {{Q|Q253779}}, Ban of Croatia, 1030-01-01, 1105-01-01 * {{Q|Q1120725}}: Karol Bacílek, {{Q|Q19967563}}, Member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, 1974-03-19, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q1124178}}: Noman Çelebicihan, {{Q|Q2387033}}, Prime Minister of Crimea, 1918-02-23, 1991-03-22 * {{Q|Q1133579}}: Cornelis Lampsins, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1664-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1191129}}: Christopher Monck, 2nd Duke of Albemarle, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1688-10-16, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1195122}}: Luis Castello Pantoja, {{Q|Q26227641}}, Defence Minister of Spain, 1962-09-27, 1977-07-04 * {{Q|Q1223227}}: Diether VIII of Katzenelnbogen, {{Q|Q325380}}, stadtholder, 1402-02-26, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q1223231}}: Diether V., {{Q|Q325380}}, stadtholder, 1276-01-13, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q1225283}}: Béla Orczy, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1917-02-07, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q1226130}}: Athelm, {{Q|Q108429130}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Bath and Wells, 0923-01-13, 1135-01-01 * {{Q|Q1226130}}: Athelm, {{Q|Q108429130}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Bath and Wells, 0926-01-13, 1135-01-01 * {{Q|Q1226190}}: Lyfing, {{Q|Q108429130}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1020-06-18, 1135-01-01 * {{Q|Q1226222}}: Wulfhelm, {{Q|Q108429130}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Bath and Wells, 0941-02-17, 1135-01-01 * {{Q|Q1226222}}: Wulfhelm, {{Q|Q108429130}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Bath and Wells, 0942-02-17, 1135-01-01 * {{Q|Q1230967}}: Lucius Sempronius Atratinus, {{Q|Q189851}}, Roman censor, -0500-01-01, -0442-01-01 * {{Q|Q1235715}}: Proculus Verginius Tricostus Rutilus, {{Q|Q40779}}, Roman consul, -0550-01-01, -0508-01-01 * {{Q|Q1235790}}: Frank Calder, {{Q|Q586959}}, NHL Commissioner, 1943-02-04, 1993-01-01 * {{Q|Q1236613}}: László Piros, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 2006-01-13, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q1237685}}: Dominick Daly, {{Q|Q6544433}}, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, 1868-02-19, 1873-07-01 * {{Q|Q1238385}}: Alfred Biliotti, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1915-01-01, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q1240471}}: William de Ros, 6th Baron de Ros, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1414-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1241117}}: Eustace Percy, 1st Baron Percy of Newcastle, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1958-04-03, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q1241479}}: Lucius Pinarius Natta, {{Q|Q172907}}, praetor, -0400-01-01, -0365-01-01 * {{Q|Q1245193}}: Franciscus Sonnius, {{Q|Q107097380}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Antwerp, 1576-07-10, 1961-01-01 * {{Q|Q1248333}}: Ugo La Malfa, {{Q|Q4011164}}, Vice President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, 1979-03-26, 1988-08-23 * {{Q|Q1249298}}: Ferenc Ripka, {{Q|Q383291}}, Mayor of Budapest, 1944-03-09, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q1252199}}: Douglas Hamilton, 8th Duke of Hamilton, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1799-08-02, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1252244}}: Gedeon Ráday, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1937-09-22, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q1252644}}: Károly Ráth, {{Q|Q383291}}, Mayor of Budapest, 1897-07-30, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q1261083}}: William Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1469-08-05, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1262453}}: Georges Bonnet, {{Q|Q3315433}}, Ministry of Budget, Public Accounts and Civil Administration, 1973-06-18, 2007-01-01 * {{Q|Q1263487}}: Mirza Sa'id Khan Ansari, {{Q|Q13561063}}, Prime Minister of Iran, 1883-11-17, 1906-08-01 * {{Q|Q1265421}}: Josip Runjanin, {{Q|Q18643511}}, representative in the Croatian Parliament, 1878-02-02, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q1265605}}: Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke of Buckingham, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1460-07-19, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1265657}}: Su Song, {{Q|Q29898672}}, ambassador of the People's Republic of China, 1101-01-01, 1949-01-01 * {{Q|Q1265762}}: Juan José Alvarado, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1857-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1271226}}: Robert Hallam, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1417-09-13, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q1272586}}: Wulfstan, {{Q|Q1837494}}, Anglican Bishop of Worcester, 1095-01-24, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q1272586}}: Wulfstan, {{Q|Q1837494}}, Anglican Bishop of Worcester, 1095-01-25, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q1272586}}: Wulfstan, {{Q|Q1837494}}, Anglican Bishop of Worcester, 1095-01-26, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q1276231}}: Jean-Baptiste Broussier, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1814-12-13, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q1284098}}: Turibius of Astorga, {{Q|Q24012892}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Astorga, 0460-01-01, 0747-01-01 * {{Q|Q1286003}}: Edmund Beaufort, 4th Duke of Somerset, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1471-05-06, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1286673}}: Edmund Mortimer, 5th Earl of March, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1425-01-27, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1286864}}: Edmund Stafford, 5th Earl of Stafford, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1403-07-30, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1287021}}: Edmund de la Pole, 3rd Duke of Suffolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1513-05-04, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1287021}}: Edmund de la Pole, 3rd Duke of Suffolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1513-05-10, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1287072}}: Edmund von Thermann, {{Q|Q13479634}}, German Ambassador to the United States, 1951-02-27, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q1289024}}: Jenő Sipőcz, {{Q|Q383291}}, Mayor of Budapest, 1937-01-01, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q1289971}}: Spurius Servilius Priscus, {{Q|Q189851}}, Roman censor, -0460-01-01, -0442-01-01 * {{Q|Q1290817}}: Eduardo Barrios, {{Q|Q27149969}}, Minister of Education of Chile, 1963-09-13, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q1292161}}: Edward Fitzgerald Beale, {{Q|Q1837673}}, United States Ambassador to Austria, 1893-04-22, 1918-01-01 * {{Q|Q1292576}}: Edward Hopkins, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1657-03-01, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q1293748}}: Edward Stanley, 1st Baron Monteagle, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1523-04-06, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1306345}}: Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachnyi, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1622-04-20, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q1322010}}: Nasir bin Murshid, {{Q|Q1048127}}, Sultan's Armed Forces, 1649-01-01, 1959-01-01 * {{Q|Q1322010}}: Nasir bin Murshid, {{Q|Q1048127}}, Sultan's Armed Forces, 1649-04-14, 1959-01-01 * {{Q|Q1332495}}: John de Vere, 13th Earl of Oxford, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1513-03-20, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1337095}}: Ferdinando Stanley, 5th Earl of Derby, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1594-04-26, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1337379}}: Peter Shafirov, {{Q|Q28036318}}, Russian ambassador to Turkey, 1739-03-01, 1991-12-21 * {{Q|Q1337379}}: Peter Shafirov, {{Q|Q28036318}}, Russian ambassador to Turkey, 1739-03-12, 1991-12-21 * {{Q|Q1337469}}: William Howard, 1st Baron Howard of Effingham, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1573-01-22, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1342608}}: Hercule, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1604-11-21, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q1342999}}: Enguerrand VII, Lord of Coucy, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1397-11-18, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1344779}}: Terence Cooke, {{Q|Q115435010}}, Roman Catholic Archbishop for the Military Services, USA, 1983-10-06, 1984-01-14 * {{Q|Q1346632}}: Jebe, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 1225-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q1350278}}: Viktor Kochubey, {{Q|Q28036318}}, Russian ambassador to Turkey, 1834-06-15, 1991-12-21 * {{Q|Q1351171}}: Jean Rapp, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1821-11-08, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q1352013}}: John Crawfurd, {{Q|Q4279832}}, Governor of Singapore, 1868-05-11, 1946-04-01 * {{Q|Q1352291}}: Michael de la Pole, 2nd Earl of Suffolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1415-09-17, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1352291}}: Michael de la Pole, 2nd Earl of Suffolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1415-09-18, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1352291}}: Michael de la Pole, 2nd Earl of Suffolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1415-09-23, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1355040}}: Sir George Cockburn, 10th Baronet, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1853-08-19, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q1359457}}: Dionisio de Herrera, {{Q|Q852448}}, Revolucionario Nicaragüense, 1850-06-13, 1854-01-01 * {{Q|Q1361078}}: Ernulf, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1124-03-22, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q1361456}}: Philipp Ludwig von Sinzendorf, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1747-09-23, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q1361456}}: Philipp Ludwig von Sinzendorf, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1747-09-28, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q1363205}}: Henry of Blois, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 1171-07-08, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q1363372}}: Roy Geiger, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1947-01-23, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q1363930}}: Roger of Salisbury, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1139-12-11, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q1363930}}: Roger of Salisbury, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1139-12-18, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q1364973}}: Magnús Guðmundsson, {{Q|Q20087600}}, Minister of Fisheries, 1937-11-28, 1963-11-14 * {{Q|Q1366247}}: Mansfield Smith-Cumming, {{Q|Q5097071}}, Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, 1923-06-14, 1994-01-01 * {{Q|Q1366303}}: Ferdinando d'Adda, {{Q|Q110546839}}, apostolic nuncio to United Kingdom, 1719-01-27, 1938-11-21 * {{Q|Q1366710}}: Mirza Davud Huseynov, {{Q|Q1044136}}, president of Tajikistan, 1938-03-21, 1990-11-30 * {{Q|Q1367954}}: Esmé Stewart, 2nd Duke of Richmond, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1660-08-10, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1368799}}: Thomas Crerar, {{Q|Q4294939}}, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, 1975-04-11, 1995-01-12 * {{Q|Q1369794}}: Esteban Guardiola Amorós, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1900-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1371413}}: José María Calatrava y Peinado, {{Q|Q29934477}}, president of the Supreme Court of Spain, 1847-01-16, 1985-01-01 * {{Q|Q1372092}}: James Henry Craig, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1812-01-12, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q1375583}}: Marian Zyndram-Kościałkowski, {{Q|Q6867235}}, Ministry of Interior, 1946-04-12, 2011-01-01 * {{Q|Q1376494}}: Severyn Nalyvaiko, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1597-04-21, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q1378170}}: Paul von Nicolay, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1866-04-16, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q1378170}}: Paul von Nicolay, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1866-04-28, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q1379393}}: Pier Luigi Carafa, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1655-02-15, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q1379642}}: Giovanni Battista Tommasi, {{Q|Q20671815}}, Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 1805-06-13, 1961-01-01 * {{Q|Q1379650}}: Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere, {{Q|Q20671815}}, Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 1951-11-14, 1961-01-01 * {{Q|Q1381694}}: John Leake, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1720-08-21, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q1381694}}: John Leake, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1720-08-21, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q1383555}}: Rida al-Rikabi, {{Q|Q7243302}}, Prime Minister of Syria, 1942-05-25, 1961-09-29 * {{Q|Q1386282}}: Honoré I, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1581-10-17, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q1388154}}: Patiens, {{Q|Q15729481}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Metz, 0150-01-01, 0300-01-01 * {{Q|Q1390561}}: Aleksandr Myasnikyan, {{Q|Q1123764}}, Prime Minister of Armenia, 1925-03-22, 1991-09-25 * {{Q|Q1392575}}: Francisco da Veiga Beirão, {{Q|Q1723031}}, Prime Minister of Portugal, 1916-11-11, 1974-05-16 * {{Q|Q1393849}}: Guillaume Adam, {{Q|Q115787235}}, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Smirne, 1341-01-01, 1346-01-01 * {{Q|Q1395951}}: Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1455-05-31, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1396326}}: Samuel Saenger, {{Q|Q30160513}}, ambassador of Germany to Czechoslovakia, 1944-05-06, 1973-01-01 * {{Q|Q1396490}}: Rainivoninahitriniony, {{Q|Q23782691}}, Prime Minister of Madagascar, 1868-05-05, 1976-01-13 * {{Q|Q1397935}}: Lorenzo Arrazola y García, {{Q|Q29934477}}, president of the Supreme Court of Spain, 1873-02-23, 1985-01-01 * {{Q|Q1398378}}: Henry Percy, 1st Earl of Northumberland, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1408-02-29, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1398662}}: John de Mowbray, 4th Duke of Norfolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1476-01-23, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1398768}}: Fausto Dávila, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1928-11-28, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1403211}}: Felipe Neri Medina, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1900-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1403593}}: Pomellina Fregoso, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1468-01-01, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q1405858}}: Lucien, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1523-08-22, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q1421286}}: Fitz-John Winthrop, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1707-11-27, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q1429232}}: Joseph Iléo, {{Q|Q3401753}}, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1994-09-19, 1997-01-01 * {{Q|Q1431407}}: James Howard, 3rd Earl of Suffolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1688-01-07, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1431726}}: Roger Manners, 5th Earl of Rutland, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1612-06-26, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1439512}}: Michael de la Pole, 3rd Earl of Suffolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1415-10-25, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1441549}}: Francis Howard, 5th Baron Howard of Effingham, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1695-03-30, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1441671}}: Francis Newman, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1660-11-18, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q1445454}}: Kul Tigin, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 0731-03-03, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q1449766}}: Franz Xaver Wolfgang von Orsini-Rosenberg, {{Q|Q40772409}}, ambassador of Austria to the United Kingdom, 1796-11-14, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q1452585}}: Henry Holland, 3rd Duke of Exeter, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1475-09-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1453161}}: Jacques de Beaune, {{Q|Q1809082}}, Superintendent of Finances, 1527-08-12, 1561-01-01 * {{Q|Q1453161}}: Jacques de Beaune, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1527-08-12, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q1490067}}: Héctor Caraccioli Moncada, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1975-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1494470}}: José Francisco Milla Guevara, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1900-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1501274}}: Vincent Rumpff, {{Q|Q13479634}}, German Ambassador to the United States, 1867-02-13, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q1504053}}: Georg Dietloff von Arnim, {{Q|Q621709}}, Minister President of Prussia, 1753-10-20, 1848-03-19 * {{Q|Q1507024}}: George Bryan Porter, {{Q|Q5589680}}, Governor of Michigan, 1834-07-06, 1835-11-03 * {{Q|Q1507844}}: George Manners, 11th Baron de Ros, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1513-10-27, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1507985}}: George Nevill, 5th Baron Bergavenny, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1535-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1508226}}: George Browne, 8th Viscount Montagu, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1793-10-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1508656}}: George Wyllys, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1645-01-01, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q1508656}}: George Wyllys, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1645-03-09, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q1521796}}: Henry de Beauchamp, 1st Duke of Warwick, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1446-06-20, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1524074}}: Gilbert Thomas Carter, {{Q|Q5589512}}, Governor-General of the Bahamas, 1927-01-18, 1973-07-31 * {{Q|Q1530497}}: Regnerus Livius van Andringa de Kempenaer, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1813-12-03, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1546690}}: Grigory Broydo, {{Q|Q1044136}}, president of Tajikistan, 1956-05-23, 1990-11-30 * {{Q|Q1546846}}: Grimkjell, {{Q|Q458461}}, Bishop of Chichester, 1047-01-01, 1558-12-11 * {{Q|Q1550508}}: José Lino Matute, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1854-07-25, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1564885}}: Vlado Janić, {{Q|Q18643511}}, representative in the Croatian Parliament, 1991-05-04, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q1565072}}: Heymo, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1126-01-01, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q1567383}}: Aleksa Ivić, {{Q|Q18643511}}, representative in the Croatian Parliament, 1948-11-23, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q1567407}}: Jovan Veselinov, {{Q|Q889830}}, President of Serbia, 1982-02-08, 1991-01-11 * {{Q|Q1592570}}: José Olaguer Feliú, {{Q|Q106102639}}, Captain General of the 5th Military Region, 1929-09-21, 1939-01-01 * {{Q|Q1592570}}: José Olaguer Feliú, {{Q|Q106102639}}, Captain General of the 5th Military Region, 1929-11-21, 1939-01-01 * {{Q|Q1593109}}: Hector-Louis Langevin, {{Q|Q1195049}}, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, 1906-06-11, 2011-05-18 * {{Q|Q1597848}}: Heinrich Imig, {{Q|Q27169}}, Member of the European Parliament, 1956-02-24, 1958-01-01 * {{Q|Q1603457}}: John Wastell, {{Q|Q105958303}}, Member of the 1642-48 Parliament, 1515-01-01, 1642-09-01 * {{Q|Q1607345}}: Henry Vere Huntley, {{Q|Q6544433}}, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, 1864-05-07, 1873-07-01 * {{Q|Q1608145}}: Herbert Chitepo, {{Q|Q19056184}}, President of Zimbabwa, 1975-03-18, 1980-04-18 * {{Q|Q1613677}}: James Hamilton, 7th Duke of Hamilton, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1769-07-07, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1616824}}: Wit de Habdank, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1325-12-05, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q1617371}}: Charles Middleton, 1st Baron Barham, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1813-06-17, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q1624654}}: John de Beaumont, 2nd Baron Beaumont, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1342-04-14, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1638516}}: William Herbert, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1491-07-25, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1640029}}: Hyde Parker, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1854-05-26, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q1645898}}: Giacinto Provana di Collegno, {{Q|Q26877864}}, minister of the Navy of the Kingdom of Italy, 1856-09-29, 1861-03-17 * {{Q|Q1648032}}: Peter des Roches, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 1238-06-16, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q1649791}}: Pedro de Alberni, {{Q|Q887010}}, Governor of California, 1802-03-11, 1849-12-20 * {{Q|Q1655987}}: Ebrahim Khan Kalantar, {{Q|Q13561063}}, Prime Minister of Iran, 1801-04-14, 1906-08-01 * {{Q|Q1659293}}: Ilī-padâ, {{Q|Q18811}}, Grand Vizier, -1200-01-01, 1320-01-01 * {{Q|Q1666926}}: Pedro Agustín Girón, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1842-05-14, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q1679470}}: Jakub von Salza, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1539-09-04, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q1685579}}: Jean II, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1505-01-01, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q1685579}}: Jean II, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1505-10-11, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q1688527}}: Johann IV Roth, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1506-01-31, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q1690914}}: Joaquín Rivera, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1845-02-06, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1691536}}: Joe Modise, {{Q|Q972690}}, Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, 2001-11-26, 2009-05-10 * {{Q|Q1692045}}: Johan Ludvig Holstein-Ledreborg, {{Q|Q6866144}}, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 1763-01-29, 1848-03-22 * {{Q|Q1694703}}: Jan Gryfita, {{Q|Q106878163}}, Ecclesiastical Dukes of Nysa, 1167-01-01, 1290-01-01 * {{Q|Q1695482}}: Johann Maximilian von Lamberg, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1682-12-12, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q1695482}}: Johann Maximilian von Lamberg, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1682-12-15, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q1699294}}: John Beaumont, 1st Viscount Beaumont, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1460-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1699295}}: John Beaumont, 4th Baron Beaumont, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1396-09-09, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1700394}}: John Hastings, 2nd Earl of Pembroke, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1375-04-24, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1700877}}: John Logan Campbell, {{Q|Q3409577}}, Mayor of Auckland, 1912-06-22, 2010-11-01 * {{Q|Q1701151}}: John de Mowbray, 2nd Duke of Norfolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1432-10-28, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1701309}}: John P. Wilson, {{Q|Q5260191}}, Department of Rural and Community Development, 2007-07-09, 2017-07-19 * {{Q|Q1701495}}: John Webster, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1661-04-05, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q1705141}}: Joseph Leu, {{Q|Q18510612}}, Member of the Swiss National Council, 1845-07-20, 1848-01-01 * {{Q|Q1708072}}: Joseph Talcott, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1741-10-22, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q1709199}}: José Francisco Montes, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1888-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1709216}}: José Francisco del Montenegro, {{Q|Q852448}}, Revolucionario Nicaragüense, 1851-08-11, 1854-01-01 * {{Q|Q1709269}}: José Jerónimo de Zelaya Fiallos, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1869-04-05, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1709278}}: José Julián Tercero, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1900-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1710264}}: Saadallah al-Jabiri, {{Q|Q7243302}}, Prime Minister of Syria, 1947-06-20, 1961-09-29 * {{Q|Q1710555}}: Juan López, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1900-01-01, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q1741772}}: Thomas Fitch, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1774-07-18, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q1744481}}: Klas Horn, {{Q|Q17538712}}, governor of Uppsala County, 1632-08-22, 1640-01-01 * {{Q|Q1751411}}: Sauvolle de La Villantry, {{Q|Q20766109}}, Governor of Louisiana, 1701-01-01, 1812-04-30 * {{Q|Q1752477}}: Nicholas Shaxton, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1556-01-01, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q1755794}}: Jean François Leval, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1834-08-07, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q1756382}}: Miguel Tacón y Rosique, {{Q|Q43542408}}, ambassador of Spain to the United Kingdom, 1855-10-12, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q1767209}}: William Leete, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1683-04-16, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q1769652}}: Johan Castberg, {{Q|Q6866400}}, Minister of Trade and Shipping, 1926-12-24, 1947-12-06 * {{Q|Q1774732}}: Claude François Bidal d'Asfeld, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1743-03-07, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q1777383}}: Sofus Arctander, {{Q|Q6866400}}, Minister of Trade and Shipping, 1924-08-20, 1947-12-06 * {{Q|Q1783673}}: Birger Stuevold-Hansen, {{Q|Q6866400}}, Minister of Trade and Shipping, 1933-08-13, 1947-12-06 * {{Q|Q1789888}}: Cícero Romão Batista, {{Q|Q59390631}}, vice governor of Ceará, 1934-07-20, 1947-07-26 * {{Q|Q1801360}}: Lamberto, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1494-03-01, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q1810423}}: Lars Abrahamsen, {{Q|Q6866400}}, Minister of Trade and Shipping, 1921-07-21, 1947-12-06 * {{Q|Q1829436}}: Nanning van Foreest, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1745-08-15, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1832126}}: Anton Gerard Hamel, {{Q|Q130809967}}, Chair of Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University, 1907-04-14, 1923-01-01 * {{Q|Q1832126}}: Anton Gerard Hamel, {{Q|Q130809967}}, Chair of Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University, 1907-04-15, 1923-01-01 * {{Q|Q1834123}}: A. J. Mundella, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1897-07-21, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q1849165}}: Jacob Thomas Jozef Wellens, {{Q|Q107097380}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Antwerp, 1784-01-30, 1961-01-01 * {{Q|Q1871728}}: Louis Henri Armand Behic, {{Q|Q33022816}}, Q33022816, 1891-03-02, 1900-01-01 * {{Q|Q1871777}}: Louis-Joseph-Charles-Amable d'Albert de Luynes, {{Q|Q62084773}}, Q62084773, 1807-05-13, 1860-01-01 * {{Q|Q1873587}}: Lucius Funisulanus Vettonianus, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 0098-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q1874148}}: Ludwig Aloys von Arco auf Valley, {{Q|Q13479634}}, German Ambassador to the United States, 1891-10-15, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q1879477}}: Léonard Mulamba, {{Q|Q3401753}}, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1986-08-12, 1997-01-01 * {{Q|Q1881666}}: Aman Andom, {{Q|Q3409186}}, President of Ethiopia, 1974-11-23, 1987-09-10 * {{Q|Q1891422}}: Manuel Antonio de la Cerda, {{Q|Q852448}}, Revolucionario Nicaragüense, 1828-11-29, 1854-01-01 * {{Q|Q1891430}}: Manuel Arzú y Delgado y Nájera, {{Q|Q852448}}, Revolucionario Nicaragüense, 1835-02-15, 1854-01-01 * {{Q|Q1891630}}: Manuel Montes de Oca, {{Q|Q15895305}}, Minister of the Navy, 1841-10-20, 1851-01-01 * {{Q|Q1891785}}: Manuel de Jesús Calvar, {{Q|Q1370482}}, President of Cuba, 1895-12-20, 1902-01-01 * {{Q|Q1892842}}: Thomas Hutchinson, {{Q|Q1274366}}, Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, 1780-06-03, 1780-10-25 * {{Q|Q1905362}}: Marcin Gerstmann, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1585-05-23, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q1918196}}: Meir Auerbach, {{Q|Q1622615}}, Kamikaze, 1878-05-08, 1921-01-01 * {{Q|Q1920626}}: Thomas Cecil, 1st Earl of Exeter, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1623-02-08, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1921022}}: Egbert fan Burmania Rengers, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1806-02-24, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1931136}}: Cornelis Gerard Moeringh, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1758-03-07, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1931136}}: Cornelis Gerard Moeringh, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1758-04-07, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1931343}}: Marcellus Bisdom van Vliet, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1806-09-29, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1942163}}: Rombertus van Uylenburgh, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1624-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1942163}}: Rombertus van Uylenburgh, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1624-06-04, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1943431}}: François Grimaldi, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1309-01-01, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q1947900}}: Moriz Esterházy von Galántha, {{Q|Q1006360}}, Federal minister (Austria), 1890-11-08, 1920-10-01 * {{Q|Q1948788}}: Adriaan Engelvaart, {{Q|Q20740176}}, Minister of Defence, 1893-02-03, 1928-09-01 * {{Q|Q1950407}}: Abraham de Veer, {{Q|Q585592}}, Governor of the Netherlands Antilles, 1838-02-01, 1848-01-01 * {{Q|Q1958980}}: Samuel Zborowski, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1584-05-26, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q1960967}}: Duco van Haren, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1801-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1965609}}: Dmitry Ulyanov, {{Q|Q2387033}}, Prime Minister of Crimea, 1943-07-16, 1991-03-22 * {{Q|Q1966604}}: Sjuck fan Burmania Rengers, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1784-03-30, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1968514}}: David Murray, 2nd Earl of Mansfield, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1796-09-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1972589}}: Ralph de Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1425-10-30, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q1972641}}: Yehuda Leib Tsirelson, {{Q|Q25552854}}, Mayor of Chișinău, 1941-07-06, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q1972886}}: Antony Adriaan van Iddekinge, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1789-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1972886}}: Antony Adriaan van Iddekinge, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1789-05-28, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q1975761}}: Francisco Gómez-Jordana Sousa, {{Q|Q3113035}}, Deputy Prime Minister of Spain, 1944-08-03, 1962-01-01 * {{Q|Q1978355}}: Vladimir Cherkassky, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1878-03-03, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q1984768}}: Pavel Mikhnovych, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1638-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q1987609}}: Johannes van Walbeeck, {{Q|Q585592}}, Governor of the Netherlands Antilles, 1649-01-01, 1848-01-01 * {{Q|Q1990764}}: Nikolay Kiselyov, {{Q|Q19401847}}, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to France, 1869-11-26, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q2002519}}: Cornelis Boelens, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1822-08-10, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2004136}}: Nicolaas Perk, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1804-04-22, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2013061}}: Edzard fan Grovestins, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1729-12-30, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2013685}}: Cornelis van Foreest, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1761-08-11, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2030009}}: Domingo Dulce, 1st Marquis of Castell-Florite, {{Q|Q32963246}}, member of the Congress of Deputies, 1869-11-23, 1876-01-01 * {{Q|Q2030814}}: Mykhailo Doroshenko, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1628-05-31, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q2031583}}: Ype Staak, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1808-05-12, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2032858}}: Albertus Lycklama à Nijeholt, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1753-06-02, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2033409}}: Gherman Pântea, {{Q|Q25552854}}, Mayor of Chișinău, 1968-02-01, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q2035664}}: Philippe-François-Joseph Le Bas, {{Q|Q3780304}}, member of the general council, 1794-07-28, 1800-02-17 * {{Q|Q2037065}}: Cornelis Johansz de Witt, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1769-10-12, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2038853}}: Simon Vratsian, {{Q|Q1123764}}, Prime Minister of Armenia, 1969-05-21, 1991-09-25 * {{Q|Q2040026}}: Juan de Oñate, {{Q|Q17089908}}, Governor of New Mexico, 1626-06-03, 1912-01-14 * {{Q|Q2045713}}: John I, Lord of Egmond, {{Q|Q325380}}, stadtholder, 1370-01-05, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q2062740}}: Sebastiano Antonio Tanara, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1724-05-05, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q2066175}}: Ivan Sulyma, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1635-12-12, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q2071390}}: Syds Scheltes Tjaerda, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1546-12-13, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2075907}}: Peter II Novák, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1456-02-15, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q2078430}}: Sigfred, {{Q|Q18341329}}, monarch of Denmark, 0800-01-01, 0935-01-01 * {{Q|Q2079301}}: Gerard Brantsen, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1809-12-21, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2082837}}: Alexander Khatisian, {{Q|Q1123764}}, Prime Minister of Armenia, 1945-03-10, 1991-09-25 * {{Q|Q2086520}}: Philip de Harcourt, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1163-02-07, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q2090099}}: Ildefonso Díez de Rivera, Count of Almodóvar, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1846-01-26, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q2090572}}: Frederick Carter, {{Q|Q7240356}}, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1900-03-01, 1949-04-01 * {{Q|Q2097759}}: Pyotr Potemkin, {{Q|Q19401847}}, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to France, 1700-01-01, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q2097782}}: Pyotr Vasilyevich Maximov, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1915-11-01, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q2103648}}: Isaac Nijhoff, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1823-02-27, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2108261}}: Preczlaw of Pogarell, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1376-04-14, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q2112211}}: Scato Gockinga, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1759-09-11, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2129556}}: Ralph de Cromwell, 3rd Baron Cromwell, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1456-01-13, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2132829}}: Hendrik Puteanus, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1625-09-29, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2134685}}: Govert Suijs jr., {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1756-01-17, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2145068}}: Abraham Perrenot, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1784-07-10, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2149943}}: Richard Kiliani, {{Q|Q27990083}}, ambassador of Germany to Australia, 1927-01-01, 1952-01-01 * {{Q|Q2150634}}: Richard Squires, {{Q|Q7240356}}, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1940-03-26, 1949-04-01 * {{Q|Q2152349}}: William Craven, 6th Baron Craven, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1791-09-26, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2156606}}: Willem van Alblas, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1502-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2156777}}: Robert Coulondre, {{Q|Q20942020}}, ambassador of France to Germany, 1959-03-06, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q2157556}}: Robert Herzog, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1886-12-26, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q2157651}}: Robert I, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1142-01-01, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q2157651}}: Robert I, {{Q|Q110293312}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wrocław, 1143-04-20, 1930-01-01 * {{Q|Q2159009}}: Robert Treat, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1710-07-12, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q2159225}}: Robert Willoughby, 6th Baron Willoughby de Eresby, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1452-07-25, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2161949}}: Roger Wolcott, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1767-05-17, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q2169494}}: Carel van Roorda, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1670-03-06, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2176464}}: Berend Hendrik Bentinck tot Buckhorst, {{Q|Q20740176}}, Minister of Defence, 1830-09-24, 1928-09-01 * {{Q|Q2186169}}: Matthijs Dulken, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1634-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2197969}}: Huijbert van Eijck, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1754-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2198369}}: Johan van der Does, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1704-04-04, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2198375}}: Dirk van Foreest, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1782-03-27, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2200607}}: Georg Rudolph Wolther Kymmell, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1814-03-10, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2201389}}: Jan Willem Janssens, {{Q|Q20740176}}, Minister of Defence, 1838-05-23, 1928-09-01 * {{Q|Q2218147}}: J. J. Seabra, {{Q|Q59346277}}, Minister of Transport of Brazil, 1942-12-05, 2023-01-01 * {{Q|Q2220287}}: Parthemius, {{Q|Q594819}}, Mayor of the Palace, 0548-01-01, 0560-01-01 * {{Q|Q2227089}}: Saud al-Kabeer, {{Q|Q850168}}, King of Saudi Arabia, 1814-01-01, 1932-09-22 * {{Q|Q2228191}}: François van Bredehoff, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1721-05-14, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2233667}}: Alexandre Quirin Collard, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1807-10-16, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2236222}}: Willem Jacob Kloek, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1811-12-03, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2239708}}: Johan Petrus van Hylckama, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1816-10-28, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2242334}}: Pieter Adriaanszoon van der Werff, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1603-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2242334}}: Pieter Adriaanszoon van der Werff, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1604-01-04, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2244089}}: Christiaan Casper Stumph, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1820-01-06, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2248538}}: Sir William Temple, 1st Baronet, {{Q|Q683120}}, Privy Council of the United Kingdom, 1699-01-27, 1708-05-01 * {{Q|Q2252489}}: Felix Ist, {{Q|Q15729481}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Metz, 0128-01-01, 0300-01-01 * {{Q|Q2254699}}: Gerhard ten Berge, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1682-05-26, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2258032}}: Jan Wilmsonn Kymmell, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1823-09-23, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2259575}}: Isaäc Rammelman Elsevier, {{Q|Q585592}}, Governor of the Netherlands Antilles, 1841-05-06, 1848-01-01 * {{Q|Q2262911}}: Balthasar de Monconys, {{Q|Q3238290}}, police lieutenant general, 1665-04-28, 1667-01-01 * {{Q|Q2263485}}: García I Jiménez of Gascony, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0819-01-01, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q2263772}}: Laes fan Burmania, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1691-12-02, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2270048}}: Félix María Calleja del Rey, 1st Count of Calderón, {{Q|Q36859635}}, civil governor of Cadiz, 1828-01-01, 1834-01-01 * {{Q|Q2270048}}: Félix María Calleja del Rey, 1st Count of Calderón, {{Q|Q36859635}}, civil governor of Cadiz, 1828-07-24, 1834-01-01 * {{Q|Q2273963}}: Arent van der Mijle, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1580-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2276021}}: Albert Braams, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1816-11-19, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2280150}}: Aznar Sánchez of Gascony, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0836-01-01, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q2280749}}: Rainier II, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1407-06-01, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q2284446}}: Berend Alring, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1824-01-03, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2285946}}: Hendrick Thibault, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1667-12-25, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2286798}}: Philip Vegelin fan Claarbergen, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1738-07-28, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2293530}}: Godas, {{Q|Q325380}}, stadtholder, 0533-01-01, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q2295988}}: Jan Buuc, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1389-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2300631}}: Adriaen Anthonisz, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1620-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2306860}}: Giovanni Battista Bussi, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1726-12-23, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q2312365}}: Jan Thomasz Grinwis, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1753-01-12, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2315544}}: Jacob van der Tocht, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1680-12-09, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2325676}}: Julia García-Valdecasas, {{Q|Q3315324}}, Ministry of Territorial Policy and Civil Service, 2009-02-05, 2018-06-07 * {{Q|Q2327128}}: Stanisław Grabski, {{Q|Q4294477}}, Ministry of National Education, 1949-05-06, 2006-01-01 * {{Q|Q2327452}}: Miguel Abadía Méndez, {{Q|Q3062487}}, Ministry of the Interior, 1947-05-09, 2011-05-04 * {{Q|Q2331419}}: Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar, {{Q|Q3695560}}, Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 1960-09-26, 1973-08-14 * {{Q|Q2332266}}: Mieczysław Jagielski, {{Q|Q4380777}}, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, 1997-02-27, 1999-01-01 * {{Q|Q2342624}}: Johan de Verwer, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1577-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2358099}}: George Percy, {{Q|Q878942}}, Governor of Virginia, 1632-01-01, 1776-07-05 * {{Q|Q2364228}}: William Neville, Earl of Kent, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1463-01-18, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2367577}}: Valentin von Rätien, {{Q|Q262415}}, Roman Catholic Diocese of Passau, 0475-01-01, 0999-01-01 * {{Q|Q2370227}}: John Peter Van Ness, {{Q|Q5190572}}, Mayor of the District of Columbia, 1846-03-07, 1973-01-01 * {{Q|Q2370262}}: Hryhoriy Loboda, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1596-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q2377176}}: Stepan Vytvytskyi, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1965-10-09, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q2389136}}: Alexandre Paul Guérin de Tournel de Joyeuse de Chateauneuf-Randon, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1827-10-22, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q2389372}}: Mikhail Petrovich Bestuzhev-Ryumin, {{Q|Q19401847}}, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to France, 1760-03-08, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q2390335}}: Willem Conraetz, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1802-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2392256}}: Hugh de Courtenay, 9th Earl of Devon, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1340-12-31, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2393651}}: Robert Herrick, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1938-12-23, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2394380}}: Aleksandr Roediger, {{Q|Q17287317}}, Minister of Defense (Russia), 1920-01-26, 1991-08-20 * {{Q|Q2400526}}: Michel Silvestre Brayer, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1840-11-28, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q2408139}}: Laurent Mbariko, {{Q|Q3401753}}, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1972-12-30, 1997-01-01 * {{Q|Q2409048}}: Gerard Kloek, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1760-02-29, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2419126}}: Theophilus Eaton, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1658-01-07, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q2421053}}: François-Charles Blacque-Belair, {{Q|Q62584993}}, Mayor of Poullaouen, 1860-04-20, 2019-01-01 * {{Q|Q2422261}}: Mykola Skrypnyk, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1933-01-01, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q2422261}}: Mykola Skrypnyk, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1933-07-07, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q2427370}}: Thomas Southorn, {{Q|Q3135366}}, Chief Secretary for Administration, 1957-03-15, 1997-07-01 * {{Q|Q2428092}}: Thomas Welles, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1659-01-14, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q2428653}}: Menno David van Limburg Stirum, {{Q|Q20740176}}, Minister of Defence, 1891-07-22, 1928-09-01 * {{Q|Q2430278}}: Adriaan Bergsma, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1780-07-25, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2435201}}: Jan Engelbart Sanders van Well, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1814-04-06, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2444825}}: Willem van Haren, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1708-04-15, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2446813}}: Ambrosius Gellius fan Hylckama, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1650-03-20, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2448151}}: Martinus van Toulon, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1818-03-25, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2450786}}: Chormaqan, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 1240-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q2454746}}: Ivan Osterman, {{Q|Q19401847}}, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to France, 1811-04-30, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q2455653}}: Jacob Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer Obdam, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1812-08-31, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2458491}}: Jacob Goris, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1623-06-15, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2458930}}: Willem Blok, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1823-08-29, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2460197}}: Hassan al-Amri, {{Q|Q1192903}}, Prime Minister of Yemen, 1989-01-01, 1990-05-22 * {{Q|Q2460824}}: Turki bin Abdullah Al Saud, {{Q|Q850168}}, King of Saudi Arabia, 1834-05-10, 1932-09-22 * {{Q|Q2461919}}: Johan Vincent van Schellaert of Obbendorf, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1683-04-27, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2467685}}: Bruno van der Dussen, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1741-02-02, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2467685}}: Bruno van der Dussen, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1742-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2468034}}: Matvey Sulkevich, {{Q|Q2387033}}, Prime Minister of Crimea, 1920-07-15, 1991-03-22 * {{Q|Q2469263}}: Johan Franco Beijen II, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1789-03-31, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2476550}}: Juw Dekama, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1523-10-24, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2480619}}: Dirck van Hensbeeck, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1569-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2481574}}: Jorden van Foreest, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1559-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2481809}}: Dirk van Foreest, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1717-12-07, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2483157}}: Hubertus Ingenhuys, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1657-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2497553}}: Cristóbal Mendoza, {{Q|Q11942698}}, President of Venezuela, 1829-02-08, 1830-01-13 * {{Q|Q2499793}}: Genial, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0627-01-01, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q2499961}}: Justus of Urgell, {{Q|Q49967564}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Urgell, 0527-01-01, 0531-01-01 * {{Q|Q2503478}}: Carl van Lennep, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1567-04-23, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2505172}}: Johan van Lom, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1538-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2521523}}: Halfdan Hvitbeinn, {{Q|Q1294765}}, Monarch of Norway, 0800-01-01, 0872-01-01 * {{Q|Q2522853}}: Victoriano Castellanos Cortés, {{Q|Q13341442}}, President of Honduras, 1862-12-11, 1982-01-27 * {{Q|Q2524761}}: Pieter Boellaard, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1720-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2525566}}: Wilco thoe Schwartzenberg en Hohenlansberg, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1788-05-24, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2530994}}: Felix of Aquitaine, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0675-01-01, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q2538611}}: Arent van der Burgh, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1735-05-30, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2545109}}: Walter Koch, {{Q|Q30160513}}, ambassador of Germany to Czechoslovakia, 1947-12-26, 1973-01-01 * {{Q|Q2545543}}: William Cumin, {{Q|Q1080277}}, Bishop of Durham, 1160-01-01, 1530-01-01 * {{Q|Q2558529}}: George Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1737-01-29, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2559464}}: Margaret, Duchess of Norfolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1399-04-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2567990}}: Aliaksandar Ćvikievič, {{Q|Q2045068}}, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, 1937-12-30, 1990-07-27 * {{Q|Q2573722}}: Cayetano Valdés y Flórez, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1835-02-06, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q2573722}}: Cayetano Valdés y Flórez, {{Q|Q45213921}}, President of the Congress of Deputies, 1835-02-06, 1876-01-01 * {{Q|Q2576752}}: William F. Lloyd, {{Q|Q7240356}}, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1937-06-13, 1949-04-01 * {{Q|Q2577822}}: William Allardyce, {{Q|Q3238286}}, Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1930-06-10, 1949-03-31 * {{Q|Q2577822}}: William Allardyce, {{Q|Q5589512}}, Governor-General of the Bahamas, 1930-06-10, 1973-07-31 * {{Q|Q2578296}}: William Compton, 1st Earl of Northampton, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1630-06-24, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2579129}}: William Harding Jackson, {{Q|Q5261025}}, Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1971-09-28, 2005-07-15 * {{Q|Q2581065}}: William Willoughby, 5th Baron Willoughby de Eresby, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1409-12-04, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2581565}}: Willis Winter Bradley, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1954-08-27, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q2585405}}: James Graham, 1st Duke of Montrose, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1742-01-07, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2587484}}: Przecław Lanckoroński, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1531-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q2587484}}: Przecław Lanckoroński, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1531-06-20, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q2595262}}: Yoshikawa Akimasa, {{Q|Q11525354}}, Governor of Tokyo, 1920-01-10, 1947-05-03 * {{Q|Q2596609}}: Jan Cornets de Groot, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1640-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2598715}}: John Coape Sherbrooke, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1830-02-14, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q2599981}}: Jan van Foreest, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1651-10-27, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2600693}}: Gaston d'Audiffret-Pasquier, {{Q|Q3409222}}, President of the Senate of France, 1905-06-04, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q2606668}}: Jurrian Stroink, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1684-08-20, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2607815}}: John Pope Hennessy, {{Q|Q5589512}}, Governor-General of the Bahamas, 1891-10-07, 1973-07-31 * {{Q|Q2607896}}: Henry Arthur Blake, {{Q|Q3238286}}, Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1918-02-23, 1949-03-31 * {{Q|Q2607896}}: Henry Arthur Blake, {{Q|Q5589512}}, Governor-General of the Bahamas, 1918-02-23, 1973-07-31 * {{Q|Q2619530}}: Boris Chicherin, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1904-02-16, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q2621718}}: Alexander Tormasov, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1819-12-07, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q2621983}}: Dmitry Tolstoy, {{Q|Q33021757}}, minister of Public Instruction and Fine Arts, 1889-05-07, 1900-04-18 * {{Q|Q2624036}}: Ignatius of Moscow, {{Q|Q849170}}, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, 1620-01-01, 1917-11-10 * {{Q|Q2625112}}: Metodija Andonov-Čento, {{Q|Q678492}}, President of North Macedonia, 1957-07-24, 1991-04-16 * {{Q|Q2625139}}: Krzysztof Kosiński, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1593-05-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q2628520}}: Robert du Chastel, {{Q|Q16009147}}, mayor of a place in Belgium, 1825-04-05, 1830-01-01 * {{Q|Q2636676}}: José Américo de Almeida, {{Q|Q59346277}}, Minister of Transport of Brazil, 1980-03-10, 2023-01-01 * {{Q|Q2637426}}: Felipe de Neve, {{Q|Q887010}}, Governor of California, 1784-06-17, 1849-12-20 * {{Q|Q2641699}}: Alexander Alexandrovich Savinski, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1931-01-01, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q2642330}}: Alexander Ippolitowitsch Schtscherbatski, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1952-05-06, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q2647631}}: Jan Gerard Kemmerling, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1818-01-15, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2655517}}: Joseph Hopper Nicholson, {{Q|Q7444376}}, Secretary of State of Maryland, 1817-03-04, 1838-01-01 * {{Q|Q2656463}}: Jacob Hendrik Schorer, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1822-01-19, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2656612}}: Gazanfar Musabekov, {{Q|Q205602}}, President of Azerbaijan, 1938-02-09, 1990-05-18 * {{Q|Q2665208}}: Bruno van der Does, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1791-09-21, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2666814}}: Saint Ovidius, {{Q|Q105528151}}, Bishop of Braga, 0135-01-01, 0400-01-01 * {{Q|Q2668150}}: James Murray, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1794-06-18, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q2671499}}: Simon van Halewijn, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1727-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2672410}}: Gonchigiin Bumtsend, {{Q|Q756265}}, President of Mongolia, 1953-09-23, 1992-09-03 * {{Q|Q2673043}}: Alexander Hume-Campbell, 2nd Earl of Marchmont, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1740-02-27, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q2673043}}: Alexander Hume-Campbell, 2nd Earl of Marchmont, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1740-02-27, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2676237}}: Johan Matthias Singendonck, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1819-07-11, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2689286}}: Hendrik Verschuir, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1813-04-15, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2694428}}: Lubbert Adolph Torck, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1758-10-11, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2695889}}: Aione, {{Q|Q105839662}}, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Benevento, 0886-01-01, 0969-05-31 * {{Q|Q2698899}}: Iakōbakēs Rizos Nerulos, {{Q|Q3559112}}, Minister of State of Greece, 1849-12-10, 2004-03-10 * {{Q|Q2704730}}: Edward Law, 1st Baron Ellenborough, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1818-12-13, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q2708195}}: Lupo III Centule of Gascony, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0820-01-01, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q2708598}}: Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1764-03-06, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q2708598}}: Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1764-03-06, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2712007}}: Frederic Creswell, {{Q|Q972690}}, Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, 1948-08-25, 2009-05-10 * {{Q|Q2714210}}: Arthur Capell, 1st Earl of Essex, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1683-07-13, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2723961}}: Michael Onuphrius thoe Schwartzenberg en Hohenlansberg, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1758-04-27, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2724621}}: Mayurasharma, {{Q|Q5352166}}, Emperor of India, 0365-01-01, 1876-05-01 * {{Q|Q2728538}}: Cornelis Dirkszoon, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1583-08-13, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2728941}}: Jacob Jan Cambier, {{Q|Q20740176}}, Minister of Defence, 1831-10-04, 1928-09-01 * {{Q|Q2735391}}: Everhard Dirk van Meurs, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1822-06-11, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2741281}}: William Kerr, 3rd Marquess of Lothian, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1767-07-28, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2741463}}: William Kerr, 2nd Marquess of Lothian, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1722-02-28, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2744728}}: Ralph Dundas Tindal, {{Q|Q20740176}}, Minister of Defence, 1834-08-04, 1928-09-01 * {{Q|Q2759684}}: Jelle Broers Hylckama, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1618-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2768500}}: Jacob van Foreest, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1708-01-03, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2783516}}: Jean-Jacques Uhrich, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1886-10-09, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q2787798}}: Willem van Strijen, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1765-01-11, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2809463}}: William Berkeley, {{Q|Q878942}}, Governor of Virginia, 1677-07-09, 1776-07-05 * {{Q|Q2811920}}: Stewart Menzies, {{Q|Q5097071}}, Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, 1968-05-29, 1994-01-01 * {{Q|Q2819700}}: Edwin Taylor Pollock, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1943-06-04, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2821876}}: Abraham van Overbeke, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1638-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q2825218}}: Adrien Marie Devienne, {{Q|Q3409222}}, President of the Senate of France, 1883-07-09, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q2827836}}: Aeghyna, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0638-01-01, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q2833385}}: Alexandre Abd-El-Nour, {{Q|Q65181122}}, Mayor of Bazeilles, 1956-01-23, 2017-01-01 * {{Q|Q2833398}}: Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Bibikov, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1822-08-01, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q2835008}}: Alfred Canel, {{Q|Q65535340}}, Q65535340, 1879-01-10, 2018-01-01 * {{Q|Q2835374}}: Alfred Oberkirch, {{Q|Q21032552}}, Senator of the French Fourth Republic, 1947-01-05, 1948-01-01 * {{Q|Q2836330}}: Camilo Torres Tenorio, {{Q|Q853475}}, President of Colombia, 1816-10-05, 1819-12-17 * {{Q|Q2839741}}: Alphonse Chodron de Courcel, {{Q|Q20942020}}, ambassador of France to Germany, 1919-06-17, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q2841106}}: Amantius of Rodez, {{Q|Q124533545}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Rodez, 0440-01-01, 0500-01-01 * {{Q|Q2842520}}: Juan Manuel Montalbán y Hernanz, {{Q|Q47504279}}, Rector of the Complutense University of Madrid, 1889-02-03, 1970-01-01 * {{Q|Q2844526}}: Amshuverma, {{Q|Q19700527}}, King of Nepal, 0621-01-01, 1768-01-01 * {{Q|Q2849925}}: Edmund Boyle, 7th Earl of Cork, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1798-05-30, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2850918}}: Anne-Pierre-Chrétien de Lamoignon, {{Q|Q55186687}}, municipal councillor of Paris, 1827-03-21, 1834-04-20 * {{Q|Q2853457}}: Antoine-Dieudonné Belle, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1915-03-10, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q2854103}}: Antoine Joseph Maurice d'André, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1860-01-07, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q2861955}}: Armand Rivière, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1891-10-13, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q2863043}}: Arnaud Baville, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1813-10-24, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q2867368}}: Sumner Ely Wetmore Kittelle, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1950-12-29, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2867397}}: Henry Hughes Hough, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1943-09-09, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2867406}}: Philip Williams, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1942-10-31, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2867425}}: Martin Edward Trench, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1927-01-06, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2867434}}: Joseph Wallace Oman, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1941-07-01, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2867531}}: James Harrison Oliver, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1928-04-06, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2874976}}: Aymery de la Châtre, {{Q|Q19823475}}, Prefect of the Vatican Library, 1141-06-04, 1501-01-01 * {{Q|Q2887049}}: Vicente de la Fuente, {{Q|Q47504279}}, Rector of the Complutense University of Madrid, 1889-12-25, 1970-01-01 * {{Q|Q2893387}}: Thomas de Camoys, 1st Baron Camoys, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1421-03-28, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q2899645}}: Bertrand Pierre Castex, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1842-04-19, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q2906650}}: Jacob Gary, {{Q|Q20021267}}, Minister of Economy, 1974-12-18, 2013-01-23 * {{Q|Q2907909}}: Isaac-Meir Levin, {{Q|Q7970888}}, Warsaw City Council, 1971-08-07, 2006-01-01 * {{Q|Q2918377}}: Henry Gurney, {{Q|Q56760958}}, High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to Malaysia, 1951-10-06, 1963-01-01 * {{Q|Q2918956}}: Antonio Cornel Ferraz Doz y Ferraz, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1821-02-14, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q2920776}}: Paul Martin Pearson, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1938-03-26, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2920834}}: Waldo A. Evans, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1936-04-15, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2947132}}: Charles Harwood, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1950-10-23, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2947300}}: Robert Morss Lovett, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1956-02-08, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2958041}}: Charles-François Desbureaux, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1835-02-26, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q2958465}}: Charles Bagot, {{Q|Q3238289}}, Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, 1843-05-19, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q2958465}}: Charles Bagot, {{Q|Q6544432}}, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, 1843-05-19, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q2958585}}: Charles Bosson, {{Q|Q21750197}}, mayor of Annecy, 2001-12-14, 2017-01-01 * {{Q|Q2958681}}: Charles Carroll the Settler, {{Q|Q4818647}}, Attorney General of Maryland, 1720-01-01, 1776-01-01 * {{Q|Q2958996}}: Charles Eden, {{Q|Q16202700}}, Governor of North Carolina, 1722-03-26, 1776-11-12 * {{Q|Q2959005}}: Charles Thomson, 1st Baron Sydenham, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1841-09-19, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q2959005}}: Charles Thomson, 1st Baron Sydenham, {{Q|Q6544432}}, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, 1841-09-19, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q2959112}}: Charles François Xavier d'Autemarre d'Erville, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1891-02-18, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q2959468}}: Charles Joly-Leterme, {{Q|Q114030312}}, architect-voyer of Paris, 1885-01-09, 1895-06-13 * {{Q|Q2959594}}: Charles Lawrence, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1760-10-19, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q2959935}}: Charles Olivier de Saint-Georges de Vérac, {{Q|Q20942020}}, ambassador of France to Germany, 1828-10-28, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q2960134}}: Charles Robert Sherman, {{Q|Q3001112}}, Supreme Court of Ohio, 1829-06-24, 1841-01-01 * {{Q|Q2960723}}: Charles de Viry, {{Q|Q62075809}}, corps des tribunaux administratifs et des cours administratives d'appel, 1888-02-05, 1987-01-01 * {{Q|Q2971262}}: Floris de Voogd, {{Q|Q325380}}, stadtholder, 1258-03-26, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q2976633}}: Claude-Alexandre Ysabeau, {{Q|Q65530714}}, municipal councillor of Tours, 1831-03-18, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q2976787}}: Claude-Marie Carnot, {{Q|Q10418210}}, Chief of Army, 1836-10-16, 1937-01-01 * {{Q|Q2977514}}: Claude Guillaume Testu de Balincourt, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1770-05-12, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q2979740}}: Morris Fidanque de Castro, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1966-12-09, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2979750}}: Archibald Alexander, {{Q|Q20551567}}, Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, 1958-01-04, 1969-07-01 * {{Q|Q2990983}}: Julian, Count of Ceuta, {{Q|Q325380}}, stadtholder, 0800-01-01, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q2997451}}: Corneille-François de Nélis, {{Q|Q107097380}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Antwerp, 1798-08-21, 1961-01-01 * {{Q|Q3002788}}: Crisogono Malcondini, {{Q|Q19823475}}, Prefect of the Vatican Library, 1123-01-01, 1501-01-01 * {{Q|Q3005832}}: Thomas Colepeper, 2nd Baron Colepeper, {{Q|Q878942}}, Governor of Virginia, 1688-01-01, 1776-07-05 * {{Q|Q3005832}}: Thomas Colepeper, 2nd Baron Colepeper, {{Q|Q878942}}, Governor of Virginia, 1689-01-27, 1776-07-05 * {{Q|Q3007908}}: Custodio García Rovira, {{Q|Q853475}}, President of Colombia, 1816-08-08, 1819-12-17 * {{Q|Q3013185}}: William Craven, 1st Earl of Craven, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1697-04-09, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3018202}}: David Kirke, {{Q|Q3238286}}, Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1654-01-01, 1949-03-31 * {{Q|Q3018507}}: David Murray Anderson, {{Q|Q3238286}}, Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1936-10-30, 1949-03-31 * {{Q|Q3024302}}: George Dundas, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1834-10-07, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q3032159}}: Nicomedes Pastor Díaz y Corbelle, {{Q|Q47504279}}, Rector of the Complutense University of Madrid, 1863-03-22, 1970-01-01 * {{Q|Q3034228}}: Gonzalo O'Farrill y Herrera, {{Q|Q15895305}}, Minister of the Navy, 1831-07-19, 1851-01-01 * {{Q|Q3034228}}: Gonzalo O'Farrill y Herrera, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1831-07-19, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q3041053}}: Wigbold Adriaan van Nassau, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1797-10-24, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3041129}}: Albert Kikkert, {{Q|Q585592}}, Governor of the Netherlands Antilles, 1819-12-16, 1848-01-01 * {{Q|Q3041208}}: Dunbar Douglas, 4th Earl of Selkirk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1799-06-24, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3044813}}: Govert Suijs, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1671-05-03, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3052273}}: Emile Gumbs, {{Q|Q493655}}, Premier of Anguilla, 2018-05-10, 2019-05-14 * {{Q|Q3055730}}: Haji Mirza Aqasi, {{Q|Q13561063}}, Prime Minister of Iran, 1848-01-01, 1906-08-01 * {{Q|Q3055730}}: Haji Mirza Aqasi, {{Q|Q13561063}}, Prime Minister of Iran, 1849-07-01, 1906-08-01 * {{Q|Q3056904}}: Ernest Couteaux, {{Q|Q21032552}}, Senator of the French Fourth Republic, 1947-11-29, 1948-01-01 * {{Q|Q3057064}}: Ernest Mame, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1883-02-07, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3059899}}: Eugène Goüin, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1909-05-31, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3059956}}: Eugène Lagarde, {{Q|Q75728142}}, sub-prefect of Sélestat, 1859-12-08, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q3060094}}: Eugène Pic-Paris, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1917-07-30, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3061297}}: Euages, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 0533-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q3062511}}: Joaquín Urzáiz Cadaval, {{Q|Q26262159}}, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain, 1957-10-11, 2004-04-17 * {{Q|Q3067148}}: Fatafehi Tu'i Pulotu'i Langi Tu'oteau, {{Q|Q42298576}}, Monarch of Tonga, 1770-01-01, 1845-12-04 * {{Q|Q3067148}}: Fatafehi Tu'i Pulotu'i Langi Tu'oteau, {{Q|Q42298576}}, Monarch of Tonga, 1770-01-01, 1875-01-01 * {{Q|Q3068631}}: Ferdinand Morin, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1957-02-08, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3072685}}: Fyodor Dubasov, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1912-06-19, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q3081493}}: Francis Holburne, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1771-01-01, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q3081493}}: Francis Holburne, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1771-07-15, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q3082700}}: Vilmos Tóth, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1898-06-14, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q3083600}}: François-Nicolas Preuilly, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1776-04-25, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3084996}}: François Joseph van Lilaar, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1820-11-08, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3087782}}: Jan Jacob Slicher, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1806-09-15, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3090044}}: Frédéric Michel Lajolais, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1808-09-28, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q3093973}}: Gabriel Taschereau de Baudry, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1755-04-22, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3099084}}: Gaston Meillon, {{Q|Q65467667}}, Mayor of La Ferté Macé, 1973-08-14, 2016-01-12 * {{Q|Q3101091}}: Geoffrey Lloyd, Baron Geoffrey-Lloyd, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1984-09-12, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q3101410}}: George Augustus Eliott, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1790-07-06, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3101511}}: George Darby, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1790-11-26, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q3101960}}: George O'Brien, {{Q|Q3135366}}, Chief Secretary for Administration, 1906-04-12, 1997-07-01 * {{Q|Q3102435}}: Georges Cartier, {{Q|Q21750197}}, mayor of Annecy, 1960-06-02, 2017-01-01 * {{Q|Q3103473}}: Georges Schiever, {{Q|Q21032552}}, Senator of the French Fourth Republic, 1947-09-25, 1948-01-01 * {{Q|Q3105073}}: Giacomo Oddi, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1770-05-02, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q3105168}}: Gianantonio Davia, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1740-01-11, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q3105280}}: Marcellus Boss, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1967-03-21, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q3107699}}: Girolamo Spinola, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1784-07-22, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q3113266}}: Sir Graham Moore, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1843-01-01, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q3127296}}: Jacob Gaasbeek, {{Q|Q325380}}, stadtholder, 1459-02-06, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q3130262}}: Hendrik Mentz, {{Q|Q972690}}, Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, 1938-01-01, 2009-05-10 * {{Q|Q3131326}}: Henri Jacques Goüin-Moisant, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1823-04-05, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3132719}}: Henry David Cooke, {{Q|Q5190572}}, Mayor of the District of Columbia, 1881-02-24, 1973-01-01 * {{Q|Q3132985}}: Henry Orrion, {{Q|Q63758843}}, member of the departmental council of Loire-Atlantique, 1971-03-22, 2015-04-02 * {{Q|Q3133589}}: Christian Elisa Uhlenbeck, {{Q|Q2125721}}, Commander of the Royal Netherlands Navy, 1897-01-07, 1939-01-01 * {{Q|Q3136093}}: Hippolyte Morel, {{Q|Q65467936}}, Mayor of Saint-James, 1922-01-22, 2017-01-01 * {{Q|Q3138862}}: Hoamer, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 0533-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q3141634}}: Jan Teding van Berkhout, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1766-10-02, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3142738}}: Hugues de Noé, {{Q|Q1549592}}, Grand Squire of France, 1450-01-01, 1470-01-01 * {{Q|Q3155921}}: Ithamar, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 0656-06-13, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q3158384}}: Jacques Bozzi, {{Q|Q62020462}}, mayor of Charleville-Mézières, 1961-01-25, 1966-01-01 * {{Q|Q3158384}}: Jacques Bozzi, {{Q|Q62020462}}, mayor of Charleville-Mézières, 1961-05-25, 1966-01-01 * {{Q|Q3158384}}: Jacques Bozzi, {{Q|Q65479777}}, Q65479777, 1961-01-25, 1966-01-01 * {{Q|Q3158384}}: Jacques Bozzi, {{Q|Q65479777}}, Q65479777, 1961-05-25, 1966-01-01 * {{Q|Q3158766}}: Jacques Douffiagues, {{Q|Q62537707}}, Q62537707, 2011-10-16, 2015-12-13 * {{Q|Q3159874}}: Jacques Richomme, {{Q|Q62587593}}, Mayor of Troarn, 2018-09-25, 2019-12-31 * {{Q|Q3160349}}: Jacques de Tarentaise, {{Q|Q115680354}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Moûtiers-en-Tarentaise, 0429-01-17, 0450-05-01 * {{Q|Q3160951}}: James Boyle Uniacke, {{Q|Q7240360}}, Premier of Nova Scotia, 1858-03-26, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q3161200}}: James Kempt, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1854-12-20, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q3161690}}: Jan Kemp, {{Q|Q6866029}}, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 1946-12-31, 2009-05-10 * {{Q|Q3163674}}: Jean-Alexandre de Bourjolly, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1865-09-13, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q3163933}}: Jean-Baptiste Ceineray, {{Q|Q114030312}}, architect-voyer of Paris, 1811-06-29, 1895-06-13 * {{Q|Q3163933}}: Jean-Baptiste Ceineray, {{Q|Q114030312}}, architect-voyer of Paris, 1811-06-30, 1895-06-13 * {{Q|Q3165484}}: Jean-François Bougenel, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1865-03-25, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q3168183}}: Jean-Michel de Lepinay, {{Q|Q20766109}}, Governor of Louisiana, 1721-01-03, 1812-04-30 * {{Q|Q3170994}}: Jean Briçonnet, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1493-10-30, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3172556}}: John Holland, 2nd Duke of Exeter, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1447-08-05, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3172822}}: Jean Joseph François de Sahuguet d'Amarzit de Laroche, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1802-12-26, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q3175375}}: John of Coutances, {{Q|Q1837494}}, Anglican Bishop of Worcester, 1198-10-02, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q3176799}}: Jehan de Chanteprime, {{Q|Q2638620}}, Controller-General of Finances, 1411-10-24, 1547-01-01 * {{Q|Q3180361}}: Yevmen Lukasevych, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1929-12-20, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q3181515}}: John Forbes, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1796-03-10, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q3182792}}: John Yeamans, {{Q|Q3773752}}, Governor of South Carolina, 1674-01-01, 1776-03-26 * {{Q|Q3184295}}: Joseph-Henri Girot de Langlade, {{Q|Q63758859}}, member of the departmental council of Puy-de-Dôme, 1856-04-11, 2015-04-02 * {{Q|Q3184321}}: Joseph-Julien Le Gonidec de Kerdaniel, {{Q|Q56321095}}, commissaire de justice, 1844-02-11, 2022-07-01 * {{Q|Q3184971}}: Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres, {{Q|Q6544433}}, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, 1824-10-27, 1873-07-01 * {{Q|Q3185235}}: Joseph Leccia, {{Q|Q65530714}}, municipal councillor of Tours, 1956-05-22, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3185541}}: Joseph Rambaud, {{Q|Q65462876}}, Mayor of Vaugneray, 1919-03-28, 2015-01-01 * {{Q|Q3187719}}: Juan Manuel de Salcedo, {{Q|Q20766109}}, Governor of Louisiana, 1810-01-01, 1812-04-30 * {{Q|Q3198512}}: Gundulf, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1108-03-14, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q3215553}}: Jan Kloek, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1804-12-05, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3261219}}: Louis Benoist de La Grandière, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1788-07-03, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3261270}}: Louis Billouart, {{Q|Q20766109}}, Governor of Louisiana, 1770-09-09, 1812-04-30 * {{Q|Q3262921}}: Louis Pierre Edouard, Baron Bignon, {{Q|Q20942020}}, ambassador of France to Germany, 1841-01-06, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q3266895}}: Luis de las Casas y Aragorri, {{Q|Q20766109}}, Governor of Louisiana, 1800-07-19, 1812-04-30 * {{Q|Q3271322}}: Léon Say, {{Q|Q3409222}}, President of the Senate of France, 1896-04-21, 1958-10-04 * {{Q|Q3287617}}: Maurice Suckling, {{Q|Q3984931}}, Third Sea Lord, 1778-01-01, 1832-01-01 * {{Q|Q3294852}}: Mariot Arbuthnot, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1794-01-31, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q3295697}}: Martin du Bellay, {{Q|Q3238290}}, police lieutenant general, 1559-03-09, 1667-01-01 * {{Q|Q3299027}}: Mathurin Crucy, {{Q|Q114030312}}, architect-voyer of Paris, 1826-11-07, 1895-06-13 * {{Q|Q3299821}}: Matthew Whitworth-Aylmer, 5th Baron Aylmer, {{Q|Q390776}}, Governor General of Canada, 1850-02-23, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q3301240}}: Maurice Palmade, {{Q|Q3315433}}, Ministry of Budget, Public Accounts and Civil Administration, 1955-01-03, 2007-01-01 * {{Q|Q3308202}}: Michael Francklin, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1782-11-08, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q3319516}}: Lyckle Eables, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1536-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3326755}}: Manuel Alberto Freire de Andrade y Armijo, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1835-03-07, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q3327505}}: Muhammad ibn Abi'l-Saj, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 0901-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q3349204}}: Odette Roux, {{Q|Q62085613}}, Mayor of Les Sables-d'Olonne, 2014-01-30, 2019-01-01 * {{Q|Q3353709}}: Paul Benjamin Vogt, {{Q|Q6866400}}, Minister of Trade and Shipping, 1947-01-01, 1947-12-06 * {{Q|Q3355149}}: Orazio Filippo Spada, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1724-06-28, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q3357230}}: Peregrine Maitland, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1854-01-01, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q3357230}}: Peregrine Maitland, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1854-05-30, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q3359502}}: P. K. Le Roux, {{Q|Q6866029}}, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 1985-06-23, 2009-05-10 * {{Q|Q3366048}}: Adam van Foreest, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1640-05-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3371014}}: Paul Delarbre, {{Q|Q65531211}}, Q65531211, 1936-05-16, 2019-12-31 * {{Q|Q3372542}}: Frederik Julius Kaas, {{Q|Q6317024}}, Justice Minister of Denmark, 1827-01-11, 1848-03-22 * {{Q|Q3378913}}: Philibert Babou, {{Q|Q1809082}}, Superintendent of Finances, 1557-09-01, 1561-01-01 * {{Q|Q3378913}}: Philibert Babou, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1557-09-01, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3379035}}: Philip Ludwell, {{Q|Q3773752}}, Governor of South Carolina, 1716-01-01, 1776-03-26 * {{Q|Q3384849}}: Pierre Dugué de Boisbriand, {{Q|Q20766109}}, Governor of Louisiana, 1736-06-07, 1812-04-30 * {{Q|Q3385994}}: Pierre Loubat, {{Q|Q63758883}}, member of the departmental council of Tarn, 1950-10-02, 2015-04-02 * {{Q|Q3386598}}: Pierre Philippe Baignoux, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1848-01-03, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3388734}}: Hendrik Hoogers, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1814-10-24, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3391807}}: Claudio Moyano, {{Q|Q47504279}}, Rector of the Complutense University of Madrid, 1890-03-07, 1970-01-01 * {{Q|Q3395176}}: José Rodríguez Carracido, {{Q|Q47504279}}, Rector of the Complutense University of Madrid, 1928-01-03, 1970-01-01 * {{Q|Q3407692}}: Dušan Cekić, {{Q|Q12283244}}, Mayor of the City of Skopje, 1939-01-05, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q3407824}}: Prospero Santacroce, {{Q|Q110546064}}, apostolic nuncio to Germany, 1589-10-02, 1920-01-01 * {{Q|Q3408165}}: Q3408165, {{Q|Q12283244}}, Mayor of the City of Skopje, 1960-09-28, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q3408569}}: Prudent-Jean Bruley, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1847-01-20, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3408724}}: James Sutherland Spore, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1937-04-27, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q3408724}}: James Sutherland Spore, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1937-04-28, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q3418241}}: Ralph Burton, {{Q|Q96776432}}, member of the 13th Parliament of Great Britain, 1768-01-01, 1768-03-16 * {{Q|Q3425676}}: René-François Julien, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1871-11-18, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3426917}}: René Tamarelle, {{Q|Q64826440}}, Mayor of Bihorel, 1968-03-17, 2014-01-01 * {{Q|Q3435407}}: Robert Holgate, {{Q|Q1363910}}, Anglican Archbishop of York, 1555-11-25, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q3435942}}: Robert Monckton, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1782-05-21, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q3436431}}: Robert Tresilian, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1388-02-27, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q3436431}}: Robert Tresilian, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1388-02-27, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3439851}}: Gustaf Löwenhielm, {{Q|Q1749063}}, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, 1856-07-29, 1876-03-20 * {{Q|Q3440458}}: Aubrey de Vere, 20th Earl of Oxford, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1703-03-12, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3440973}}: Bernhard Brænne, {{Q|Q6866400}}, Minister of Trade and Shipping, 1927-09-07, 1947-12-06 * {{Q|Q3441569}}: Ronald Webster, {{Q|Q493655}}, Premier of Anguilla, 2016-12-09, 2019-05-14 * {{Q|Q3441623}}: Lars Oftedal, {{Q|Q6866400}}, Minister of Trade and Shipping, 1932-04-19, 1947-12-06 * {{Q|Q3444531}}: Niko Miljanić, {{Q|Q1149153}}, President of Montenegro, 1957-10-20, 1990-12-23 * {{Q|Q3446505}}: Stjepan Debeljak Bil, {{Q|Q18643511}}, representative in the Croatian Parliament, 1968-11-23, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q3459641}}: Peregrine Bertie, 13th Baron Willoughby de Eresby, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1601-06-25, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3459650}}: Wulfsige III, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1002-01-14, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q3470965}}: Samson, {{Q|Q1837494}}, Anglican Bishop of Worcester, 1112-05-12, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q3471183}}: Sam McCluskie, {{Q|Q6467494}}, Labour Party Chair, 1995-09-15, 2001-06-09 * {{Q|Q3473052}}: Laufilitonga, {{Q|Q42298576}}, Monarch of Tonga, 1865-12-09, 1875-01-01 * {{Q|Q3497194}}: Ahmad Agha Duzdar, {{Q|Q2276266}}, Mayor of Jerusalem, 1863-01-01, 1867-01-01 * {{Q|Q3497552}}: Oliver Stanley, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1950-12-10, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q3498487}}: Stephanus Petrus le Roux, {{Q|Q6866029}}, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 1974-01-25, 2009-05-10 * {{Q|Q3500179}}: Josip Cazi, {{Q|Q18643511}}, representative in the Croatian Parliament, 1977-11-22, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q3503904}}: Miha Marinko, {{Q|Q495877}}, President of Slovenia, 1983-08-19, 1991-12-23 * {{Q|Q3509112}}: David Starčević, {{Q|Q18643511}}, representative in the Croatian Parliament, 1908-11-18, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q3512801}}: Pero Car, {{Q|Q268984}}, President of Croatia, 1985-11-15, 1990-12-22 * {{Q|Q3524927}}: Thomas Bohier, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1524-04-03, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3525621}}: Sir Thomas Troubridge, 1st Baronet, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1807-02-01, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q3527172}}: Gerard van Brandwijk, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1725-11-20, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3528543}}: Henry Louis Larsen, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1962-10-02, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q3544781}}: Navaandorjiin Jadambaa, {{Q|Q756265}}, President of Mongolia, 1939-01-01, 1992-09-03 * {{Q|Q3557485}}: Victor Paillard, {{Q|Q51236772}}, Councillor of Paris, 1886-03-31, 1977-01-01 * {{Q|Q3568389}}: William Anderson Black, {{Q|Q3251819}}, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, 1934-09-01, 1979-04-02 * {{Q|Q3568503}}: William Claiborne, {{Q|Q878942}}, Governor of Virginia, 1677-01-01, 1776-07-05 * {{Q|Q3568593}}: William Edwin Safford, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1926-01-10, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q3568869}}: William Parker, 4th Baron Monteagle, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1622-07-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3568934}}: William Sayle, {{Q|Q3773752}}, Governor of South Carolina, 1671-03-04, 1776-03-26 * {{Q|Q3572957}}: Youssef Saheb Ettabaâ, {{Q|Q20716218}}, Minister of Finance, 1815-01-23, 1955-09-07 * {{Q|Q3572957}}: Youssef Saheb Ettabaâ, {{Q|Q20716218}}, Minister of Finance, 1816-01-01, 1955-09-07 * {{Q|Q3575376}}: Chang Jen-Chieh, {{Q|Q16056439}}, Chairperson of the Kuomintang, 1950-09-03, 1976-11-16 * {{Q|Q3577164}}: Ælfric Puttoc, {{Q|Q1837494}}, Anglican Bishop of Worcester, 1051-01-28, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q3579900}}: Édouard Isambard, {{Q|Q65467847}}, Mayor of Pacy-sur-Eure, 1904-07-19, 2017-01-01 * {{Q|Q3579921}}: Édouard Laffon de Ladebat, {{Q|Q2962002}}, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, 1925-02-25, 1953-01-01 * {{Q|Q3587779}}: Élie de Gontaut-Biron, {{Q|Q20942020}}, ambassador of France to Germany, 1890-06-03, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q3591993}}: Étienne-Bernard Malye, {{Q|Q100715823}}, Military governor of Strasbourg, 1821-03-22, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q3592060}}: Étienne Benoist de La Grandière, {{Q|Q61235115}}, mayor of Tours, 1805-12-18, 1965-06-01 * {{Q|Q3618853}}: Anton Kochinyan, {{Q|Q1123764}}, Prime Minister of Armenia, 1990-12-01, 1991-09-25 * {{Q|Q3623581}}: Arnegisclo, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 0447-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q3625433}}: Mikhail Khitrovo, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1896-07-12, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q3642228}}: Bonosus, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 0610-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q3643409}}: William Palmer, 2nd Earl of Selborne, {{Q|Q14984399}}, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 1942-02-26, 2001-06-08 * {{Q|Q3656077}}: Sergei Konstantinovich Gershelman, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1910-11-30, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q3659955}}: Carlo Vincenzo Ferrero d'Ormea, {{Q|Q25174735}}, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia, 1745-05-29, 1848-01-01 * {{Q|Q3687615}}: Constantin A. Crețulescu, {{Q|Q66685911}}, Q66685911, 1884-03-21, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q3703132}}: David Carnegie, 4th Earl of Northesk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1729-01-14, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3724495}}: Emilio Pucci, {{Q|Q25927210}}, mayor of Florence, 1824-03-31, 1859-04-27 * {{Q|Q3738808}}: Vladimir Dzhunkovsky, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1938-02-21, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q3738808}}: Vladimir Dzhunkovsky, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1938-02-26, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q3740206}}: Gabriel Siscar i Siscar, {{Q|Q15895305}}, Minister of the Navy, 1829-08-11, 1851-01-01 * {{Q|Q3740224}}: Francisco de Eguía, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1827-01-06, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q3740644}}: Ivan Trubetskoy, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1750-01-27, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q3740694}}: Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgorukov, {{Q|Q4151339}}, governor of Moscow Oblast, 1830-11-08, 1995-01-01 * {{Q|Q3754816}}: Manuel Llauder, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1851-03-06, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q3755944}}: Luis María Bandrés, {{Q|Q12257651}}, Basque Counsilor for Language and Culture, 2009-12-02, 2016-11-28 * {{Q|Q3767969}}: Giovanni Porzio, {{Q|Q4011164}}, Vice President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, 1962-09-22, 1988-08-23 * {{Q|Q3768895}}: Girolamo Bartolommei, {{Q|Q25927210}}, mayor of Florence, 1818-01-01, 1859-04-27 * {{Q|Q3771118}}: Giuseppe Antonio Osorio Alarçon, {{Q|Q25174735}}, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia, 1763-06-09, 1848-01-01 * {{Q|Q3771175}}: Giuseppe Pavoncelli, {{Q|Q59193318}}, national councillor to the Chamber of Fasci and Corporations, 1910-05-02, 1939-03-02 * {{Q|Q3772751}}: Godfrey de Luci, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 1204-09-18, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q3774796}}: José Gaos, {{Q|Q47504279}}, Rector of the Complutense University of Madrid, 1969-06-10, 1970-01-01 * {{Q|Q3784946}}: Henry Howard, 7th Duke of Norfolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1701-04-02, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3806461}}: James Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1463-11-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3809147}}: John Cavendish, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1381-01-01, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q3809147}}: John Cavendish, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1381-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3809294}}: John George Alexander Leishman, {{Q|Q326552}}, United States Ambassador to Germany, 1924-03-27, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q3809433}}: John Bowes, 9th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1776-03-07, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3809494}}: Dansranbilegiin Dogsom, {{Q|Q756265}}, President of Mongolia, 1941-07-27, 1992-09-03 * {{Q|Q3809567}}: John Ratcliffe, {{Q|Q878942}}, Governor of Virginia, 1609-01-01, 1776-07-05 * {{Q|Q3810120}}: Josceline Percy, 11th Earl of Northumberland, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1670-05-31, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3839123}}: Ludovico, Count di Belgiojoso, {{Q|Q40772409}}, ambassador of Austria to the United Kingdom, 1801-05-15, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q3854232}}: Mél of Ardagh, {{Q|Q999475}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Ardagh, 0488-02-07, 0500-01-01 * {{Q|Q3908051}}: Gerard van Brandwijk, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1762-09-10, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3913976}}: Alexander Hendrik Metelerkamp, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1816-06-03, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3925177}}: Jan Claesz. Diert, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1574-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3934447}}: Ernst Brinck, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1649-12-04, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3934872}}: Richard Sampson, {{Q|Q458461}}, Bishop of Chichester, 1554-10-05, 1558-12-11 * {{Q|Q3962265}}: Adriaan van Heerdt, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1714-07-16, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q3990688}}: Thomas Manners, 1st Earl of Rutland, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1543-09-20, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q3990734}}: Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1739-01-01, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q3990734}}: Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1739-11-15, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q3990745}}: Thomas de Courtenay, 13th Earl of Devon, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1458-02-03, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q4008655}}: Adriaen Cornelisz. Vereyck, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1682-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q4023933}}: Cornelis Cornelisz. de Lange, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1712-01-29, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q4057244}}: Charles Adam, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1853-01-01, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q4057244}}: Charles Adam, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1853-09-19, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q4061701}}: Nikolay Alekseyev, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1893-03-13, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q4063873}}: Q4063873, {{Q|Q4139086}}, Head of the Republic of Buryatia, 1944-01-01, 1994-07-01 * {{Q|Q4063873}}: Q4063873, {{Q|Q4139086}}, Head of the Republic of Buryatia, 1944-08-18, 1994-07-01 * {{Q|Q4068505}}: José Aranalde Gorbieta, {{Q|Q3115471}}, Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, 1855-01-12, 2011-11-22 * {{Q|Q4068505}}: José Aranalde Gorbieta, {{Q|Q3115471}}, Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, 1855-01-12, 2011-12-22 * {{Q|Q4070025}}: Q4070025, {{Q|Q5589626}}, Governor of Amur Oblast, 1912-04-22, 1991-10-08 * {{Q|Q4075390}}: Tykhin Baybuza, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1598-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4080786}}: Nikolay Bezak, {{Q|Q4151336}}, Governor of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, 1897-04-12, 1991-11-30 * {{Q|Q4083737}}: Q4083737, {{Q|Q5589626}}, Governor of Amur Oblast, 1913-04-16, 1991-10-08 * {{Q|Q4087060}}: Beornstan of Winchester, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0934-11-06, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q4087060}}: Beornstan of Winchester, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0934-11-09, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q4098864}}: Yakov Bulgakov, {{Q|Q28036318}}, Russian ambassador to Turkey, 1809-07-07, 1991-12-21 * {{Q|Q4098864}}: Yakov Bulgakov, {{Q|Q28036318}}, Russian ambassador to Turkey, 1809-07-19, 1991-12-21 * {{Q|Q4100108}}: Nikolay Vasilevich Busse, {{Q|Q5589626}}, Governor of Amur Oblast, 1866-08-28, 1991-10-08 * {{Q|Q4101390}}: Charles Lees, {{Q|Q5589512}}, Governor-General of the Bahamas, 1898-07-26, 1973-07-31 * {{Q|Q4109115}}: Aleksandr Verkhovsky, {{Q|Q17287317}}, Minister of Defense (Russia), 1938-08-19, 1991-08-20 * {{Q|Q4115732}}: Muhammad Tawfiq Nasim Pasha, {{Q|Q1571396}}, Prime Minister of Egypt, 1357-01-01, 1878-08-28 * {{Q|Q4115732}}: Muhammad Tawfiq Nasim Pasha, {{Q|Q89271310}}, Minister of Religious Endowment, 1357-01-01, 1878-08-28 * {{Q|Q4116470}}: Abol-Qasem Qa'em-Maqam, {{Q|Q13561063}}, Prime Minister of Iran, 1835-01-01, 1906-08-01 * {{Q|Q4116470}}: Abol-Qasem Qa'em-Maqam, {{Q|Q13561063}}, Prime Minister of Iran, 1835-06-28, 1906-08-01 * {{Q|Q4120888}}: Q4120888, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1589-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4121000}}: Anthony St Leger, {{Q|Q60585908}}, Member of the 1559 Parliament, 1559-01-01, 1559-01-23 * {{Q|Q4140861}}: George Howard, {{Q|Q94911433}}, member of the 18th Parliament of Great Britain, 1796-01-01, 1796-05-25 * {{Q|Q4141904}}: Alexander Golovkin, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1760-11-04, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q4142274}}: Q4142274, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1628-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4150312}}: Heinrich Gross, {{Q|Q19401847}}, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to France, 1765-01-01, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q4151781}}: Q4151781, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1646-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4155120}}: Thomas Darcy, 1st Baron Darcy de Darcy, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1537-07-10, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q4155904}}: Ambroise, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1433-01-01, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q4156028}}: Antonie, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1427-01-01, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q4156110}}: Antonio, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1358-01-01, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q4156529}}: Gabriel, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1358-01-01, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q4156543}}: Louis, Lord of Monaco, {{Q|Q2457774}}, Prince of Monaco, 1402-01-01, 1604-11-29 * {{Q|Q4164706}}: Vasily Vladimirovich Dolgorukov, {{Q|Q17287317}}, Minister of Defense (Russia), 1746-02-11, 1991-08-20 * {{Q|Q4171088}}: P. P. Durnovo, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1918-12-21, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q4176877}}: Vasily Yershov, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1729-01-01, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q4202141}}: Sam Ratulangi, {{Q|Q20668532}}, Governor of North Sulawesi, 1949-06-30, 1964-01-01 * {{Q|Q4228898}}: Stepan Kolychyov, {{Q|Q19401847}}, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to France, 1805-05-14, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q4231102}}: Sawa Kononowicz, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1637-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4237051}}: Samuel Koszka, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1602-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4245935}}: Ivan Petrizhitsky-Kulaga, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1635-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4257021}}: Boris Legran, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1936-01-01, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q4265448}}: Mykhailo Lozynsky, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1937-11-03, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q4267170}}: Tsagaanlamyn Dügersüren, {{Q|Q756265}}, President of Mongolia, 1986-01-01, 1992-09-03 * {{Q|Q4268773}}: Sargis Lukashin, {{Q|Q1123764}}, Prime Minister of Armenia, 1937-12-11, 1991-09-25 * {{Q|Q4282707}}: Volodymyr Martynenko, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1988-04-18, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q4287290}}: Yukhym Medvedev, {{Q|Q679817}}, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, 1938-06-07, 1938-07-25 * {{Q|Q4287623}}: Pavel Medem, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1854-01-10, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q4308384}}: Apollos Musin-Pushkin, {{Q|Q4139207}}, Q4139207, 1771-01-01, 1826-01-01 * {{Q|Q4308384}}: Apollos Musin-Pushkin, {{Q|Q4139207}}, Q4139207, 1771-07-10, 1826-01-01 * {{Q|Q4313565}}: Semyon Naryshkin, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1775-12-08, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q4317518}}: Jacko Nerodycz-Borodawka, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1621-09-08, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4320037}}: Andrii Nikovsky, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1942-01-01, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q4322674}}: Yevgeny Novikov, {{Q|Q28038712}}, ambassador of the Russian Federation, 1903-10-04, 1991-12-25 * {{Q|Q4325239}}: Josceline de Bohon, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1184-11-25, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q4329885}}: Aubrey de Vere I, {{Q|Q1798290}}, Lord Great Chamberlain, 1112-01-01, 1126-01-01 * {{Q|Q4336245}}: Aemilius Cool, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1688-11-16, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q4339172}}: Yakiv Ostryanyn, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1641-05-06, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4346523}}: Cornelis Cornelisz. de Lange, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1682-03-05, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q4347861}}: Q4347861, {{Q|Q5589626}}, Governor of Amur Oblast, 1915-01-01, 1991-10-08 * {{Q|Q4347861}}: Q4347861, {{Q|Q5589626}}, Governor of Amur Oblast, 1919-01-01, 1991-10-08 * {{Q|Q4352803}}: Cornelis Cornelisz. de Lange, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1653-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q4399816}}: Q4399816, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1587-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4399819}}: Bohdan Różyński, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1576-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4399821}}: Q4399821, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1589-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4399821}}: Q4399821, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1592-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4406044}}: Ivan Saltykov, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1805-11-14, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q4406044}}: Ivan Saltykov, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1805-11-26, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q4410790}}: Q4410790, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1575-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4415527}}: Paulus Roelof Cantz'laar, {{Q|Q585592}}, Governor of the Netherlands Antilles, 1831-12-15, 1848-01-01 * {{Q|Q4419686}}: Johann Matthias Simolin, {{Q|Q19401847}}, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to France, 1799-01-01, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q4419686}}: Johann Matthias Simolin, {{Q|Q19401847}}, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to France, 1799-09-19, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q4422604}}: Q4422604, {{Q|Q4139090}}, President of the Sakha Republic, 1928-01-01, 1991-01-01 * {{Q|Q4440819}}: Harm Jan van Bolhuis, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1824-10-05, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q4441358}}: Volodymyr Stakhiv, {{Q|Q6866156}}, Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1971-01-01, 1991-08-24 * {{Q|Q4443926}}: Tikhon Streshnev, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1719-01-26, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q4455390}}: Sahak Ter-Gabrielyan, {{Q|Q1123764}}, Prime Minister of Armenia, 1937-08-19, 1991-09-25 * {{Q|Q4456468}}: Nicolae Testemițanu, {{Q|Q4294353}}, Ministry of Health, 1986-09-20, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q4460255}}: Q4460255, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1638-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4462700}}: Sergey Mikhailovich Tretyakov, {{Q|Q1837906}}, Mayor of Moscow, 1892-08-06, 1991-06-12 * {{Q|Q4469198}}: Carel Lodewijk de Pagniet, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1789-03-26, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q4490179}}: Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Suffolk, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1554-03-05, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q4498468}}: Q4498468, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1569-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4499092}}: Henry Holland, 1st Viscount Knutsford, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1914-01-29, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q4517229}}: Hryhoriy Chorny, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1630-03-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4521017}}: Maciej Szuła, {{Q|Q16157109}}, Hetman of Zaporizhian Host, 1596-01-01, 1648-01-26 * {{Q|Q4526585}}: Q4526585, {{Q|Q4151336}}, Governor of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, 1919-08-01, 1991-11-30 * {{Q|Q4545141}}: ... Legh, {{Q|Q60585635}}, Member of the 1512-14 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1512-02-02 * {{Q|Q4545143}}: ... More, {{Q|Q60576871}}, Member of the 1402 Parliament, 1401-01-01, 1402-09-30 * {{Q|Q4567041}}: Ambortius Lindvig, {{Q|Q6866400}}, Minister of Trade and Shipping, 1946-05-09, 1947-12-06 * {{Q|Q4579648}}: Willem Alphonse Mijsberg, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1728-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q4590686}}: Johan Furstner, {{Q|Q2889557}}, Commander of the Royal Netherlands Navy, 1970-01-01, 2005-09-05 * {{Q|Q4590820}}: Kjotve the Rich, {{Q|Q973658}}, Caudillo, 0872-01-01, 1936-10-01 * {{Q|Q4667341}}: Abhaya Malla, {{Q|Q19700527}}, King of Nepal, 1255-06-14, 1768-01-01 * {{Q|Q4679508}}: Adam Moleyns, {{Q|Q458461}}, Bishop of Chichester, 1450-01-18, 1558-12-11 * {{Q|Q4681847}}: Adelbert Althouse, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1954-05-17, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q4684154}}: Adolf Samassa, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1929-01-31, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q4684239}}: Adolfo Jiménez Castellanos, {{Q|Q107525383}}, Q107525383, 1929-01-18, 1939-01-01 * {{Q|Q4703315}}: Teodor Morawski, {{Q|Q25598671}}, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, 1879-11-21, 1917-11-26 * {{Q|Q4710465}}: Albert Hickman, {{Q|Q7240356}}, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1943-02-09, 1949-04-01 * {{Q|Q4712294}}: Albertus Morton, {{Q|Q60586163}}, Member of the 1625 Parliament, 1625-01-01, 1625-05-17 * {{Q|Q4712428}}: Albino Pérez, {{Q|Q17089908}}, Governor of New Mexico, 1837-08-08, 1912-01-14 * {{Q|Q4714031}}: Aldwulf of Rochester, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 0739-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q4718301}}: Alexander Bannerman, {{Q|Q6544433}}, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, 1864-12-30, 1873-07-01 * {{Q|Q4718512}}: Alexander Campbell, {{Q|Q6544432}}, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, 1834-01-18, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q4719683}}: Alexander Montgomerie, 10th Earl of Eglinton, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1769-10-25, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q4722180}}: Alfred, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 0943-01-01, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q4723287}}: Alfred Petersson, {{Q|Q10686194}}, Minister for Rural Affairs, 1920-10-11, 2010-10-05 * {{Q|Q4723587}}: Alfred Walton Hinds, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1957-12-25, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q4723647}}: Alfred Winsor Brown, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1938-09-07, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q4730620}}: Allan Gee, {{Q|Q6467494}}, Labour Party Chair, 1939-08-12, 2001-06-09 * {{Q|Q4735284}}: Alphege of Wells, {{Q|Q108429130}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Bath and Wells, 0937-01-01, 1135-01-01 * {{Q|Q4737552}}: Alured, {{Q|Q1837494}}, Anglican Bishop of Worcester, 1160-08-07, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q4741789}}: Ambrose Flux Dundas, {{Q|Q3695560}}, Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 1973-04-29, 1973-08-14 * {{Q|Q4741868}}: Ambrose Shea, {{Q|Q5589512}}, Governor-General of the Bahamas, 1905-07-30, 1973-07-31 * {{Q|Q4758662}}: Andrew Stuart, {{Q|Q109769073}}, Bâtonnier de Québec, 1840-02-21, 1849-05-30 * {{Q|Q4759028}}: Andrew of London, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 1278-04-08, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q4771424}}: Antero Soriano, {{Q|Q17071640}}, Governor of Cavite, 1929-06-15, 1944-01-01 * {{Q|Q4772042}}: Anthony Babington, {{Q|Q60585656}}, Member of the 1536 Parliament, 1536-01-01, 1536-06-08 * {{Q|Q4772740}}: Anthony Hoskins, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1901-06-21, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q4773113}}: Anthony Missenden, {{Q|Q60585664}}, Member of the 1542-44 Parliament, 1542-01-01, 1542-01-16 * {{Q|Q4773349}}: Anthony Restwold, {{Q|Q60585766}}, Member of the 1554-55 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1554-11-12 * {{Q|Q4773349}}: Anthony Restwold, {{Q|Q60585811}}, Member of the 1555 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1555-10-21 * {{Q|Q4773698}}: Anthony Webbe, {{Q|Q60586066}}, Member of the 1572-83 Parliament, 1570-01-01, 1572-05-18 * {{Q|Q4777013}}: Antonio Valdés y Fernández Bazán, {{Q|Q15895305}}, Minister of the Navy, 1816-04-04, 1851-01-01 * {{Q|Q4789093}}: Aretas William Young, {{Q|Q6544433}}, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, 1835-12-01, 1873-07-01 * {{Q|Q4790682}}: Arimalla, {{Q|Q19700527}}, King of Nepal, 1216-01-01, 1768-01-01 * {{Q|Q4795379}}: Arnost, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1076-07-21, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q4800007}}: Arthur Porter, {{Q|Q60585908}}, Member of the 1559 Parliament, 1559-01-01, 1559-01-23 * {{Q|Q4803719}}: William Conyers, 1st Baron Conyers, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1524-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q4803719}}: William Conyers, 1st Baron Conyers, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1524-04-24, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q4810908}}: Astley Cooper Key, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1888-03-03, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q4821448}}: Augustus Hervey, 3rd Earl of Bristol, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1779-12-23, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q4831488}}: Aymer de Lusignan, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 1260-12-11, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q4840776}}: Badenoth, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 0900-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q4843834}}: George Cunningham, {{Q|Q3695560}}, Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 1963-12-08, 1973-08-14 * {{Q|Q4851799}}: Andries Lourisz. Swaenswijck, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1643-06-22, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q4865230}}: Bartholomew Bourchier, 3rd Baron Bourchier, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1409-05-18, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q4865230}}: Bartholomew Bourchier, 3rd Baron Bourchier, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1409-05-27, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q4867155}}: Basil Feilding, 2nd Earl of Denbigh, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1675-11-28, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q4887328}}: Benedict of Sausetun, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1226-12-25, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q4888689}}: Benjamin G. Orr, {{Q|Q5190572}}, Mayor of the District of Columbia, 1822-04-10, 1973-01-01 * {{Q|Q4890864}}: Beorhtheah, {{Q|Q1837494}}, Anglican Bishop of Worcester, 1038-12-26, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q4890873}}: Beorhtsige, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 0901-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q4890882}}: Beornmod, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 0900-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q4896149}}: Mirza Ali Khan Amin al-Dawla, {{Q|Q13561063}}, Prime Minister of Iran, 1904-01-01, 1906-08-01 * {{Q|Q4902276}}: Hector Livius van Haersma, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1820-01-15, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q4965795}}: Johan Ingenhuys, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1623-10-23, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q4967126}}: Géza Teleki, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1913-09-27, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q4967964}}: Brihtwine, {{Q|Q1225095}}, Anglican Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1027-01-01, 1569-09-20 * {{Q|Q4967965}}: Brihtwine II, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1045-06-08, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q4969350}}: Brithwine I, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1014-01-01, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q4985108}}: Budislav Šoškić, {{Q|Q1149153}}, President of Montenegro, 1979-01-01, 1990-12-23 * {{Q|Q4993703}}: Johan Sigismund Schulin, {{Q|Q6866144}}, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 1750-04-13, 1848-03-22 * {{Q|Q4998678}}: Burgric, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 0901-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5005024}}: Béla Scitovszky, {{Q|Q30577840}}, Minister of Interior of Hungary, 1959-08-20, 2010-05-29 * {{Q|Q5024343}}: Calvin C. Bliss, {{Q|Q1853515}}, Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas, 1891-12-13, 1927-01-01 * {{Q|Q5024476}}: Calvin Pease, {{Q|Q3001112}}, Supreme Court of Ohio, 1839-09-17, 1841-01-01 * {{Q|Q5039076}}: Carew Raleigh, {{Q|Q105958303}}, Member of the 1642-48 Parliament, 1625-01-01, 1642-09-01 * {{Q|Q5045539}}: Dirck Fredericksze Beuckel, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1671-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q5063239}}: Ceolmund, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 0901-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5067369}}: Johan Herman Sigismund van Nagell, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1784-10-30, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q5067754}}: Chai Shao, {{Q|Q83460}}, general, 0638-01-01, 1300-01-01 * {{Q|Q5075692}}: Charles Boscawen, {{Q|Q96804831}}, Member of the 1689-90 Parliament, 1689-01-01, 1689-02-01 * {{Q|Q5076140}}: Charles Cathcart, 8th Lord Cathcart, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1740-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5076140}}: Charles Cathcart, 8th Lord Cathcart, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1740-12-20, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5076407}}: Charles Compton, 7th Earl of Northampton, {{Q|Q18115939}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom, 1763-10-18, 1927-04-12 * {{Q|Q5076955}}: Charles Douglass Smith, {{Q|Q6544433}}, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, 1855-01-01, 1873-07-01 * {{Q|Q5078060}}: Charles Glemham, {{Q|Q60586163}}, Member of the 1625 Parliament, 1625-01-01, 1625-05-17 * {{Q|Q5081666}}: Charles Pilsworth, {{Q|Q96776424}}, member of the 9th Parliament of Great Britain, 1735-01-01, 1741-05-11 * {{Q|Q5081850}}: Charles R. Hicks, {{Q|Q7245055}}, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, 1827-01-20, 1839-09-06 * {{Q|Q5083121}}: Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 6th Marquess of Londonderry, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1915-02-08, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q5112037}}: Christopher Christian Cox, {{Q|Q383699}}, Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, 1882-11-23, 1971-01-01 * {{Q|Q5112037}}: Christopher Christian Cox, {{Q|Q383699}}, Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, 1882-11-25, 1971-01-01 * {{Q|Q5113186}}: Christopher Sackville, {{Q|Q60585857}}, Member of the 1558 Parliament, 1550-01-01, 1558-01-20 * {{Q|Q5128951}}: Claude Matthews, {{Q|Q23073738}}, Minister for Energy, 1954-01-09, 1972-06-19 * {{Q|Q5129318}}: Claudio Antón de Luzuriaga, {{Q|Q29934477}}, president of the Supreme Court of Spain, 1874-01-01, 1985-01-01 * {{Q|Q5144954}}: Colin Campbell, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1847-06-13, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q5161996}}: Connop Price, {{Q|Q5246599}}, Dean of Chelmsford, 1998-01-01, 2000-01-01 * {{Q|Q5196791}}: Cuthbert Horsley, {{Q|Q60585664}}, Member of the 1542-44 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1542-01-16 * {{Q|Q5196791}}: Cuthbert Horsley, {{Q|Q60585727}}, Member of the April 1554 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1554-04-02 * {{Q|Q5196791}}: Cuthbert Horsley, {{Q|Q60585685}}, Member of the October 1553 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1553-10-05 * {{Q|Q5196791}}: Cuthbert Horsley, {{Q|Q60585766}}, Member of the 1554-55 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1554-11-12 * {{Q|Q5196791}}: Cuthbert Horsley, {{Q|Q60585908}}, Member of the 1559 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1559-01-23 * {{Q|Q5196791}}: Cuthbert Horsley, {{Q|Q60585811}}, Member of the 1555 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1555-10-21 * {{Q|Q5199921}}: Cyneferth, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 0901-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5199922}}: Cyneberht of Winchester, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0800-01-01, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q5199931}}: Cynered, {{Q|Q458461}}, Bishop of Chichester, 0900-01-01, 1558-12-11 * {{Q|Q5199938}}: Cyneweard of Glastonbury, {{Q|Q108429130}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Bath and Wells, 0975-07-03, 1135-01-01 * {{Q|Q5207511}}: Dabney S. Carr, {{Q|Q7889393}}, United States Ambassador to Turkey, 1854-03-24, 1923-10-29 * {{Q|Q5208988}}: Dai Davies, {{Q|Q6467494}}, Labour Party Chair, 1998-04-02, 2001-06-09 * {{Q|Q5212376}}: Damianus, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 0664-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5217011}}: Daniel Dulany the Elder, {{Q|Q4818647}}, Attorney General of Maryland, 1753-01-01, 1776-01-01 * {{Q|Q5217721}}: Daniel Joseph Greene, {{Q|Q7240356}}, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1911-12-12, 1949-04-01 * {{Q|Q5218541}}: Daniel Rapine, {{Q|Q5190572}}, Mayor of the District of Columbia, 1826-05-11, 1973-01-01 * {{Q|Q5218541}}: Daniel Rapine, {{Q|Q5190572}}, Mayor of the District of Columbia, 1826-07-29, 1973-01-01 * {{Q|Q5218875}}: Daniel Symmes, {{Q|Q3001112}}, Supreme Court of Ohio, 1817-05-10, 1841-01-01 * {{Q|Q5231625}}: David Boyle, 1st Earl of Glasgow, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1733-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5232260}}: David Cecil, 3rd Earl of Exeter, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1643-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5232496}}: David Colyear, 1st Earl of Portmore, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1730-01-02, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5238949}}: David Redick, {{Q|Q1402980}}, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, 1805-09-28, 1873-01-01 * {{Q|Q5251749}}: Degadoga, {{Q|Q7245055}}, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, 1824-01-01, 1839-09-06 * {{Q|Q5253683}}: Delfina Ortega Díaz, {{Q|Q3066216}}, First Lady of Mexico, 1880-04-08, 1917-01-01 * {{Q|Q5256904}}: Denewulf, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0908-01-01, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q5256904}}: Denewulf, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0909-01-01, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q5272996}}: Dick Herrick, {{Q|Q5246599}}, Dean of Chelmsford, 1981-05-05, 2000-01-01 * {{Q|Q5273546}}: Dick White, {{Q|Q5097071}}, Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, 1993-02-21, 1994-01-01 * {{Q|Q5279476}}: Diora, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 0780-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5280891}}: Dirk de Vrije, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1681-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q5287928}}: Dodgson Hamilton Madden, {{Q|Q7270754}}, Queens Counsel, 1928-03-06, 1993-10-03 * {{Q|Q5294786}}: Donald Maclean, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1932-06-15, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q5311655}}: Dudd, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0780-01-01, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q5311932}}: Dudley North, 3rd Baron North, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1666-01-16, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5311966}}: Dudley Ryder, 3rd Earl of Harrowby, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1900-03-26, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q5312101}}: Duduc, {{Q|Q108429130}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1060-01-24, 1135-01-01 * {{Q|Q5315534}}: Dunn, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 0747-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5324901}}: Eadberht of Selsey, {{Q|Q458461}}, Bishop of Chichester, 0716-01-01, 1558-12-11 * {{Q|Q5324915}}: Eadhun, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0838-01-01, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q5325424}}: Eahlstan, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 0867-01-01, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q5325424}}: Eahlstan, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 0868-01-01, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q5325461}}: Ealhferth, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0871-01-01, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q5332347}}: Ecgbald, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0780-01-01, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q5339315}}: Edmund Braye, 1st Baron Braye, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1539-10-18, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5339321}}: Edmund Brinsley Teesdale, {{Q|Q3135366}}, Chief Secretary for Administration, 1997-03-05, 1997-07-01 * {{Q|Q5339407}}: Edmund Daundy, {{Q|Q60585646}}, Member of the 1515 Parliament, 1515-01-01, 1515-02-05 * {{Q|Q5339452}}: Edmund Fanning, {{Q|Q6544430}}, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, 1818-02-28, 1867-07-01 * {{Q|Q5339452}}: Edmund Fanning, {{Q|Q6544433}}, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, 1818-02-28, 1873-07-01 * {{Q|Q5339566}}: Edmund Horne, {{Q|Q60576874}}, Member of the 1406 Parliament, 1401-01-01, 1406-03-01 * {{Q|Q5339758}}: Edmund Prideaux, {{Q|Q89047593}}, Member of the Third Protectorate Parliament, 1659-01-01, 1659-02-06 * {{Q|Q5339793}}: Edmund Root, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1961-02-27, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q5339795}}: Edmund Rous, {{Q|Q60585727}}, Member of the April 1554 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1554-04-02 * {{Q|Q5339795}}: Edmund Rous, {{Q|Q60585766}}, Member of the 1554-55 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1554-11-12 * {{Q|Q5339795}}: Edmund Rous, {{Q|Q60585908}}, Member of the 1559 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1559-01-23 * {{Q|Q5339795}}: Edmund Rous, {{Q|Q60585811}}, Member of the 1555 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1555-10-21 * {{Q|Q5339807}}: Edmund Saunders, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1683-01-01, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q5339807}}: Edmund Saunders, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1683-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5339825}}: Edmund Sheffield, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Normanby, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1735-10-30, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5340507}}: Eduardo Alonso Colmenares, {{Q|Q29934477}}, president of the Supreme Court of Spain, 1888-03-31, 1985-01-01 * {{Q|Q5341978}}: Edward Boyle, Baron Boyle of Handsworth, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1981-09-28, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q5342511}}: Edward D. Taussig, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1921-01-29, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q5343135}}: Edward Goodwin, {{Q|Q60585654}}, Member of the 1529-36 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1529-11-03 * {{Q|Q5343776}}: Edward John Dorn, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1937-01-01, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q5343776}}: Edward John Dorn, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1937-12-10, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q5344497}}: Edward Montagu, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1557-01-01, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q5344497}}: Edward Montagu, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1557-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5344519}}: Edward Morris, 1st Baron Morris, {{Q|Q7240356}}, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1935-10-24, 1949-04-01 * {{Q|Q5345338}}: Edward Simpson, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1930-09-06, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q5345405}}: Edward Stanhope, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1893-12-21, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q5345470}}: Edward Story, {{Q|Q458461}}, Bishop of Chichester, 1503-03-26, 1558-12-11 * {{Q|Q5345708}}: Edward Vaughan, {{Q|Q96803682}}, Member of the 1661-79 Parliament, 1661-05-01, 1661-05-18 * {{Q|Q5345843}}: Edward Were, {{Q|Q4917818}}, Bishop of Derby, 1915-04-08, 1927-07-07 * {{Q|Q5345977}}: Edward Wood, {{Q|Q60586145}}, Member of the 1586-87 Parliament, 1586-01-01, 1586-10-15 * {{Q|Q5346174}}: Edwin "Pa" Watson, {{Q|Q786242}}, White House Chief of Staff, 1945-02-20, 1946-01-01 * {{Q|Q5347793}}: Egfrid of Lindisfarne, {{Q|Q1080277}}, Bishop of Durham, 0830-01-01, 1530-01-01 * {{Q|Q5362456}}: Elizabeth Boyle, Countess of Guilford, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1667-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5379763}}: Enrique Molina Garmendia, {{Q|Q27149969}}, Minister of Education of Chile, 1964-03-08, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q5392012}}: Hieronymus Wolter Kymmell, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1824-12-17, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q5393688}}: José San Juan Browne, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1846-07-21, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q5405323}}: Santos Isasa y Valseca, {{Q|Q29934477}}, president of the Supreme Court of Spain, 1907-12-18, 1985-01-01 * {{Q|Q5406261}}: Manuel Antonio Díez, {{Q|Q3556895}}, Vice President of Venezuela, 1916-12-29, 1999-01-01 * {{Q|Q5408382}}: Antonio Leocadio Guzmán, {{Q|Q3556895}}, Vice President of Venezuela, 1884-01-01, 1999-01-01 * {{Q|Q5408382}}: Antonio Leocadio Guzmán, {{Q|Q3556895}}, Vice President of Venezuela, 1884-11-13, 1999-01-01 * {{Q|Q5416908}}: Everard Fawkener, {{Q|Q56761222}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom to Turkey, 1758-01-01, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q5439108}}: Faisal al-Shaabi, {{Q|Q1192903}}, Prime Minister of Yemen, 1971-01-01, 1990-05-22 * {{Q|Q5441114}}: Fedor Hodža, {{Q|Q19967563}}, Member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, 1968-09-17, 1992-01-01 * {{Q|Q5441962}}: Felipe Clemente de Diego y Gutiérrez, {{Q|Q29934477}}, president of the Supreme Court of Spain, 1945-01-01, 1985-01-01 * {{Q|Q5448463}}: Filip Bajković, {{Q|Q1149153}}, President of Montenegro, 1985-02-15, 1990-12-23 * {{Q|Q5457256}}: Cornelis Jacobsz. van Steyn, {{Q|Q13423499}}, mayor of a place in the Netherlands, 1646-01-01, 1825-01-01 * {{Q|Q5472610}}: Forthhere, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 0737-01-01, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q5480145}}: Francis Barrell, {{Q|Q96803789}}, Member of the 1679 Parliament, 1679-01-01, 1679-03-16 * {{Q|Q5480147}}: Francis Barrington, {{Q|Q60586171}}, Member of the 1628-29 Parliament, 1628-01-01, 1628-03-17 * {{Q|Q5481161}}: Francis Greville, {{Q|Q96776411}}, member of the 3rd Parliament of Great Britain, 1710-10-11, 1710-10-13 * {{Q|Q5481446}}: Andrés Figueroa Figueroa, {{Q|Q65768002}}, Secretary of National Defense, 1936-10-17, 1940-12-01 * {{Q|Q5481474}}: Francis James Jackson, {{Q|Q56761222}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom to Turkey, 1814-08-05, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q5482544}}: Francis Swanton, {{Q|Q96803682}}, Member of the 1661-79 Parliament, 1661-01-01, 1661-05-18 * {{Q|Q5482823}}: Francis Winnington, {{Q|Q96776428}}, member of the 11th Parliament of Great Britain, 1754-01-01, 1754-04-18 * {{Q|Q5483809}}: Francisco Portusach Martínez, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1919-01-01, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q5484128}}: Francisco de Haro, {{Q|Q795295}}, Mayor of San Francisco, 1849-11-28, 1850-01-01 * {{Q|Q5487222}}: Frank Herman Schofield, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1942-03-21, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q5493459}}: François de Nicolay, {{Q|Q64826598}}, Mayor of Le Lude, 1963-11-21, 2018-01-01 * {{Q|Q5494308}}: Francisco Ramonet, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1844-09-21, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q5495028}}: Fred Dutton, {{Q|Q21028311}}, White House Cabinet Secretary, 2005-06-27, 2009-01-01 * {{Q|Q5497166}}: Frederic Weatherly, {{Q|Q6410906}}, Parliament of the Kingdom of Laos, 1929-09-07, 1947-11-01 * {{Q|Q5497454}}: Frederick C. Alderdice, {{Q|Q7240356}}, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1936-02-26, 1949-04-01 * {{Q|Q5497891}}: Frederick Grey, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1878-05-02, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q5503966}}: Friedrich von Greuhm, {{Q|Q13479634}}, German Ambassador to the United States, 1823-12-01, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q5522116}}: García Gómez, {{Q|Q112173621}}, count of Saldaña, 1017-01-01, 1462-01-01 * {{Q|Q5529580}}: Gebmund, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 0693-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5535002}}: Geoffrey le Scrope, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1340-12-02, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q5535915}}: George A. Alexander, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1969-01-01, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q5536034}}: George Abbot, {{Q|Q105958331}}, Member of the 1648-53 Parliament, 1648-02-02, 1648-12-16 * {{Q|Q5536429}}: George Arney, {{Q|Q5096798}}, Chief Justice of New Zealand, 1883-04-07, 1908-01-01 * {{Q|Q5537306}}: George Brown, {{Q|Q19600679}}, Protestant Bishop of Dunkeld, 1515-01-01, 1600-01-01 * {{Q|Q5538445}}: George Day, {{Q|Q458461}}, Bishop of Chichester, 1556-08-21, 1558-12-11 * {{Q|Q5539234}}: George Fenwick, {{Q|Q887090}}, Governor of Connecticut, 1657-01-01, 1776-10-10 * {{Q|Q5541657}}: George Leland Dyer, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1914-04-02, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q5542079}}: George Malcolm, {{Q|Q6866034}}, Minister of Agriculture, 1930-08-18, 1947-08-15 * {{Q|Q5542842}}: George Neville, 1st Baron Latimer, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1470-01-08, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5543073}}: George Owen, {{Q|Q60585857}}, Member of the 1558 Parliament, 1558-01-01, 1558-01-20 * {{Q|Q5544054}}: George Ross, {{Q|Q1402980}}, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, 1801-01-01, 1873-01-01 * {{Q|Q5544761}}: George St Poll, {{Q|Q60585685}}, Member of the October 1553 Parliament, 1550-01-01, 1553-10-05 * {{Q|Q5544761}}: George St Poll, {{Q|Q60585857}}, Member of the 1558 Parliament, 1550-01-01, 1558-01-20 * {{Q|Q5544761}}: George St Poll, {{Q|Q60585766}}, Member of the 1554-55 Parliament, 1550-01-01, 1554-11-12 * {{Q|Q5544761}}: George St Poll, {{Q|Q60585811}}, Member of the 1555 Parliament, 1550-01-01, 1555-10-21 * {{Q|Q5545269}}: George Tomlinson, {{Q|Q3477306}}, Secretary of State for Education, 1952-09-22, 1992-04-10 * {{Q|Q5545307}}: George Treby, {{Q|Q96776431}}, member of the 12th Parliament of Great Britain, 1761-01-01, 1761-03-25 * {{Q|Q5546144}}: George Wellesley, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1901-04-06, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q5550531}}: Gerdt Henrik Meyer Bruun, {{Q|Q6866400}}, Minister of Trade and Shipping, 1945-04-17, 1947-12-06 * {{Q|Q5553102}}: Gershom Stewart, {{Q|Q27908372}}, member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, 1929-12-05, 1998-07-01 * {{Q|Q5557749}}: Juan Antonio Monet, {{Q|Q15895369}}, ministro de la Guerra, 1837-04-03, 1851-09-20 * {{Q|Q5560793}}: Gilbert Beesby, {{Q|Q60576870}}, Member of the 1401 Parliament, 1401-01-01, 1401-01-20 * {{Q|Q5560928}}: Gilbert Glanvill, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1214-07-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5561741}}: Giles of Bridport, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1262-12-01, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q5564860}}: Gisa, {{Q|Q1225095}}, Anglican Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1088-01-01, 1569-09-20 * {{Q|Q5564976}}: Gislhere, {{Q|Q458461}}, Bishop of Chichester, 0785-01-01, 1558-12-11 * {{Q|Q5576242}}: Juan Gómez Millas, {{Q|Q27149969}}, Minister of Education of Chile, 1987-03-16, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q5576437}}: Godfrey Giffard, {{Q|Q1837494}}, Anglican Bishop of Worcester, 1302-02-03, 1559-01-01 * {{Q|Q5576589}}: Godfrey of Chichester, {{Q|Q458461}}, Bishop of Chichester, 1088-10-01, 1558-12-11 * {{Q|Q5576979}}: Godwine II, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1046-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5576980}}: Godwine I, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1013-01-01, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5578375}}: Fredrik Johan Björnström, {{Q|Q18677295}}, lääkintöneuvos, 1889-09-23, 1919-01-01 * {{Q|Q5585592}}: John Campbell, 1st Earl of Breadalbane and Holland, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1717-03-19, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5585717}}: Henrik Wilhelm Bredberg, {{Q|Q652009}}, State Council of the German Democratic Republic, 1877-12-10, 1960-09-12 * {{Q|Q5606621}}: Gregoir of Moray, {{Q|Q19921364}}, Bishop of Moray, 1101-01-01, 1127-01-01 * {{Q|Q5606879}}: Gregory Dexter, {{Q|Q20765611}}, Governor of Rhode Island, 1700-01-01, 1775-11-07 * {{Q|Q5608900}}: Griffith Lloyd, {{Q|Q60586145}}, Member of the 1586-87 Parliament, 1586-01-01, 1586-10-15 * {{Q|Q5613219}}: Ernst Creutz, {{Q|Q81721872}}, governor of Västerbotten County, 1635-02-01, 1638-01-01 * {{Q|Q5622699}}: Guy de Bryan, 1st Baron Bryan, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1390-04-17, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5622699}}: Guy de Bryan, 1st Baron Bryan, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1390-08-17, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5623736}}: Gwriad ap Elidyr, {{Q|Q459188}}, Kingdom of the Isles, 0755-01-01, 0900-01-01 * {{Q|Q5625849}}: Magnus Durell, {{Q|Q84690731}}, governor of Kristianstad county, 1677-09-26, 1719-01-01 * {{Q|Q5639912}}: Hajji Mohammad Hossein Isfahani, {{Q|Q13561063}}, Prime Minister of Iran, 1823-01-01, 1906-08-01 * {{Q|Q5645920}}: Hamo Hethe, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1352-05-12, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5645953}}: Hamoud al-Gayifi, {{Q|Q1192903}}, Prime Minister of Yemen, 1985-01-01, 1990-05-22 * {{Q|Q5645953}}: Hamoud al-Gayifi, {{Q|Q1192903}}, Prime Minister of Yemen, 1985-03-22, 1990-05-22 * {{Q|Q5646057}}: Manuel Alcalde Velasco, {{Q|Q27149969}}, Minister of Education of Chile, 1869-01-01, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q5649186}}: Hannibal Vyvyan, {{Q|Q60586171}}, Member of the 1628-29 Parliament, 1601-01-01, 1628-03-17 * {{Q|Q5665043}}: Alejandro Garretón, {{Q|Q27149969}}, Minister of Education of Chile, 1980-07-30, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q5667740}}: Alfredo Guillermo Bravo, {{Q|Q27149969}}, Minister of Education of Chile, 1941-01-01, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q5671668}}: Harry Powlett, 4th Duke of Bolton, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1759-10-09, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q5671668}}: Harry Powlett, 4th Duke of Bolton, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1759-10-09, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q5671711}}: Amand de Gascunya, {{Q|Q502471}}, Duke of Gascony, 0660-01-01, 0864-01-01 * {{Q|Q5673678}}: Harry van Heerden, {{Q|Q6866029}}, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 1933-07-17, 2009-05-10 * {{Q|Q5676268}}: Andrés de Valdivia, {{Q|Q6344866}}, Captain general of the Army, 1575-05-05, 1763-01-01 * {{Q|Q5680460}}: Hastings Yelverton, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1878-07-24, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q5690147}}: Heahmund, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 0871-01-01, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q5690147}}: Heahmund, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 0871-03-26, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q5696134}}: Heca, {{Q|Q458461}}, Bishop of Chichester, 1057-01-01, 1558-12-11 * {{Q|Q5697996}}: Antonio Cano Ramírez de Arellano, {{Q|Q29934477}}, president of the Supreme Court of Spain, 1836-12-01, 1985-01-01 * {{Q|Q5699032}}: Antonio Marín de la Bárcena, {{Q|Q29934477}}, president of the Supreme Court of Spain, 1930-10-06, 1985-01-01 * {{Q|Q5709107}}: K. J. Ellilä, {{Q|Q24205201}}, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, 1957-10-06, 1971-03-01 * {{Q|Q5709511}}: Helmstan, {{Q|Q1271558}}, Anglican Bishop of Winchester, 0850-01-01, 1560-01-22 * {{Q|Q5712042}}: Aurelio de Astorga, {{Q|Q24012892}}, Roman Catholic Bishop of Astorga, 0693-01-01, 0747-01-01 * {{Q|Q5714116}}: Heneage Finch, 3rd Earl of Winchilsea, {{Q|Q56761222}}, ambassador of the United Kingdom to Turkey, 1689-01-01, 1922-01-01 * {{Q|Q5717598}}: Baltasar Paldea, {{Q|Q11942698}}, President of Venezuela, 1817-01-01, 1830-01-13 * {{Q|Q5718158}}: Henry Bertram Price, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1941-09-23, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q5718442}}: Henry Bowlby, {{Q|Q4917819}}, Anglican Bishop of Coventry, 1894-08-27, 1918-09-06 * {{Q|Q5718541}}: Henry Brandeston, {{Q|Q1636762}}, Bishop of Salisbury, 1288-02-18, 1559-07-01 * {{Q|Q5720194}}: Henry Daubney, 1st Earl of Bridgewater, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1548-04-18, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5720760}}: Henry Edward McCallum, {{Q|Q3238286}}, Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1919-11-24, 1949-03-31 * {{Q|Q5722018}}: Henry Glass, {{Q|Q20804488}}, Governor of Guam, 1908-09-01, 1971-01-04 * {{Q|Q5722186}}: Henry Green, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1369-08-14, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q5722186}}: Henry Green, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1369-08-14, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5723111}}: Henry Holbeach, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1551-08-12, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5724850}}: Henry Lennard, 12th Baron Dacre, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1616-08-08, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5725410}}: Henry Manaton, {{Q|Q63462632}}, member of the 1st Parliament of Great Britain, 1696-01-01, 1707-05-12 * {{Q|Q5725410}}: Henry Manaton, {{Q|Q96776409}}, member of the 2nd Parliament of Great Britain, 1696-01-01, 1708-05-11 * {{Q|Q5725410}}: Henry Manaton, {{Q|Q96776411}}, member of the 3rd Parliament of Great Britain, 1696-01-01, 1710-10-13 * {{Q|Q5725410}}: Henry Manaton, {{Q|Q96809427}}, Member of the 1701 Parliament, 1696-01-01, 1701-02-17 * {{Q|Q5725410}}: Henry Manaton, {{Q|Q96812323}}, Member of the 1705-07 Parliament, 1696-01-01, 1705-07-25 * {{Q|Q5725410}}: Henry Manaton, {{Q|Q96810213}}, Member of the 1701-02 Parliament, 1696-01-01, 1702-01-10 * {{Q|Q5725410}}: Henry Manaton, {{Q|Q96808528}}, Member of the 1698-1700 Parliament, 1696-01-01, 1698-09-03 * {{Q|Q5725410}}: Henry Manaton, {{Q|Q96812089}}, Member of the 1702-05 Parliament, 1696-01-01, 1702-08-31 * {{Q|Q5725963}}: Henry Montagu, 1st Earl of Manchester, {{Q|Q687908}}, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, 1642-01-01, 1875-11-01 * {{Q|Q5725963}}: Henry Montagu, 1st Earl of Manchester, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1642-01-01, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5726004}}: Henry Mordaunt, 2nd Earl of Peterborough, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1697-06-19, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5726057}}: Benjamín Claro Velasco, {{Q|Q27149969}}, Minister of Education of Chile, 1968-10-15, 1990-01-01 * {{Q|Q5727081}}: Henry Pole, 1st Baron Montagu, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1539-01-09, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5727235}}: Henry Priestman, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1712-08-20, 1771-01-01 * {{Q|Q5727235}}: Henry Priestman, {{Q|Q1362267}}, First Sea Lord, 1712-08-20, 1904-01-01 * {{Q|Q5727432}}: Henry Redford, {{Q|Q60576870}}, Member of the 1401 Parliament, 1400-01-01, 1401-01-20 * {{Q|Q5727432}}: Henry Redford, {{Q|Q60576871}}, Member of the 1402 Parliament, 1400-01-01, 1402-09-30 * {{Q|Q5727432}}: Henry Redford, {{Q|Q60576873}}, Member of the October 1404 Parliament, 1400-01-01, 1404-10-16 * {{Q|Q5727987}}: Henry Sandford, {{Q|Q1307504}}, Bishop of Rochester, 1235-03-03, 1558-11-30 * {{Q|Q5728124}}: Henry Scott, 1st Earl of Deloraine, {{Q|Q18952564}}, member of the House of Lords, 1730-12-25, 1801-01-01 * {{Q|Q5729185}}: Henry Thynne, {{Q|Q96776409}}, member of the 2nd Parliament of Great Britain, 1708-01-01, 1708-05-11 * {{Q|Q5729295}}: Henry Trelawny, {{Q|Q96810213}}, Member of the 1701-02 Parliament, 1702-01-08, 1702-01-10 * {{Q|Q5729397}}: Henry Unton, {{Q|Q60585766}}, Member of the 1554-55 Parliament, 1501-01-01, 1554-11-12 This complex constraint violation list is limited to 2000 cases; 1748 cases have been skipped. == Contemporary constraint in 'of' qualifier == {{Complex constraint section header |label=Contemporary constraint in 'of' qualifier |description= |sparql=SELECT ?item ?de ?deDied ?born { ?item p:P39 ?statement. ?statement pq:P642 ?de. ?de p:P570/psv:P570 [ wikibase:timeValue ?deDied ; wikibase:timePrecision ?deDiedPrecision ]. ?item p:P569/psv:P569 [ wikibase:timeValue ?born ; wikibase:timePrecision ?bornPrecision ]. FILTER (?born > ?deDied) FILTER (?deDiedPrecision = ?bornPrecision) } |violations=3 |query_http_status=200 |query_time=50.61 |query_timeout=False |errors= }} * [[Q6334387]]: [[Q5584469]], 1630-03-16, 1693-02-21 * [[Q20734827]]: [[Q78454]], 1584-07-10, 1779-04-23 * [[Q21280640]]: [[Q552232]], 1646-10-09, 1664-03-09 == Check kapellmeister == {{Complex constraint section header |label=Check kapellmeister |description=Check {{Q|Q215793}} |sparql=SELECT ?item { ?item p:P39 [ps:P39 wd:Q215793; # maitre de chapelle pq:P642 ?of ]. MINUS { ?of wdt:P31 [] }. } |violations=1 |query_http_status=200 |query_time=0.21 |query_timeout=False |errors= }} * [[Q16027366]] </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p>Templates used on this page: </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Template:Autodescription" title="Template:Autodescription">Template:Autodescription</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:Autodescription&action=edit" title="Template:Autodescription">view source</a>) (semi-protected)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:Autotranslate" title="Template:Autotranslate">Template:Autotranslate</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:Autotranslate&action=edit" title="Template:Autotranslate">view source</a>) (protected)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:Complex_constraint_section_header" title="Template:Complex constraint section header">Template:Complex constraint section header</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:Complex_constraint_section_header&action=edit" 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