Posłuchaj podcastów o e-commerce - IdoSell
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palcem","WcisnijAbyWybrac":"Wci\u015bnij aby wybra\u0107","Wczytywanie":"Wczytywanie...","WybierzKraj":"Wybierz kraj","WybierzPanstwo":"Wybierz pa\u0144stwo","fpTopMenuInstallationTekst":"Procedura wdro\u017cenia","fpTopMenuManualTekst":"Poradnik","fpTopMenuOrderTekst":"Za\u0142\u00f3\u017c sklep","fpTopMenuTermsTekst":"Umowa, regulamin i rozliczenia","fpTopMenuTimeTekst":"Czas realizacji"};</script> <style> @import url(',wght@0,100;0,400;0,500;0,700;1,400;1,500;1,700&display=swap'); </style> <main class="template d-flex flex-column"> <section id="hero_section" class="main_banner"> <div class="main_banner__container col-12 col-md-6 px-0"> <h2 class="main_banner__eyebrow --green">Śniadanie z e-commerce</h2> <h1 class="main_banner__title">Posłuchaj podcastów IdoSell o e-commerce</h1> <p class="paragraph --medium"> „Śniadanie z e-commerce” to krótkie, przyjemne i wypełnione wiedzą spotkania z ekspertami. 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Gościnnie Marlena Kiwicz', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 3', link: '', }, { title: 'Bezpieczeństwo e-biznesu. Dlaczego niezawodność infrastruktury jest tak ważna? Gościnnie Marcin Dawidowicz', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 3', link: '', }, { title: 'Odcinek specjalny. Prawo a cross-border.', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 3', link: '', }, { title: 'Odcinek specjalny. Porozmawiajmy o trendach w e-commerce na 2024 rok.', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 3', link: '', }, { title: 'Odcinek specjalny. Porozmawiajmy o Black Friday.', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 3', link: '', }, { title: 'UI w sklepie internetowym. Po co jest i jak może pomóc w sprzedaży?', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 3', link: '', }, { title: 'Dlaczego e-sklepom jest potrzebny PR? Strategia, archetyp, media relations.', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 3', link: '', }, { title: 'Budowanie brandu w e-commerce. Jak stworzyć markę, która będzie rozpoznawalna?', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 3', link: '', }, { title: 'Płatności w sklepach internetowych. Czy to tylko sposób na sfinalizowanie transakcji? Może coś więcej?', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 3', link: '', }, { title: 'Wykorzystanie AI w sklepie internetowym. Jakie procesy można zautomatyzować i dlaczego warto to zrobić? Gość Tomasz Zdziebko', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 3', link: '', }, { title: 'Skrócona ścieżka zakupowa (Express checkout) – nowy standard, który powinien mieć każdy sklep?', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 3', link: '', }, { title: 'Po co właściwie ten audyt? Gość: Piotr Kałwa', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 3', link: '', }, { title: 'Odcinek specjalny. Czy korzystanie z ChatuGPT w e-commerce jest zgodne z prawem? Gościnnie Rafał Malujda', photo: '', category: 'Odcinki specjalne', link: '', }, { title: 'Dlaczego warto sprzedawać i pomagać? Jak teraz wygląda e-commerce w Ukrainie? Gościnnie Meest', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 2', link: '', }, { title: 'Czy fulfillment jest dobrym rozwiązaniem dla e-sklepów w czasie rosnącej inflacji? Gościnnie Omnipack', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 2', link: '', }, { title: 'Jak wykorzystać płatności odroczone, żeby zwiększyć sprzedaż w trudnych czasach? Gościnnie PayPo', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 2', link: '', }, { title: 'Jak zbudować lejek sprzedażowy, który naprawdę zadziała? Gościnnie Revhunter', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 2', link: '', }, { title: 'Trendy w e-commerce na 2023 rok - odcinek specjalny', photo: '', category: 'Odcinki specjalne', link: '', }, { title: 'Jak Amazon może napędzać sprzedaż na nowych rynkach?', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 2', link: '', }, { title: 'Black Friday, Walentynki, Dzień Dziecka... Jak przygotować sklep internetowy na wysoki sezon zakupowy?', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 2', link: '', }, { title: 'Jak sprzedawać ubrania w Internecie? Pięć sposobów na sukces - gościnnie Shopee', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 2', link: '', }, { title: 'Model subskrypcyjny. Jak wykorzystać go w e-commerce?', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 1', link: '', }, { title: 'UX w sklepach internetowych. Proste rozwiązania potrafią zwiększyć sprzedaż nawet o 160 proc.', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 1', link: '', }, { title: 'Jak stworzyć strategię dla reklam Google, która na pewno zadziała?', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 1', link: '', }, { title: 'Jak w 3 tygodnie założyć sklep na kolejny rynek i rozpocząć sprzedaż za granicę?', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 1', link: '', }, { title: 'Jak zbliżyć doświadczenia zakupowe klienta online do doświadczeń ze sklepu offline?', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 1', link: '', }, { title: 'Co Polacy kupują w internecie? Dlaczego sprzedawcy powinni to wiedzieć? Omawiamy raport IdoSell', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 1', link: '', }, { title: 'Cross-border – jak zacząć sprzedawać za granicę i zdobyć tam nowych klientów.', photo: '', category: 'Sezon 1', link: '', }, ]; const filtersContainerButton = document.querySelector('.filters_container_button'); const filtersDiv = document.querySelector('.filter_container_div'); const resetButtonContainer = document.querySelector('.filters_heading'); const podcastContainer = document.querySelector('#podcast_container'); const filterContainer = document.getElementById('filter_container'); // Tworzenie kategorii let allCategories = []; function createFiltersList(podcast) { if (!allCategories.includes(podcast.category)) { if (podcast.category === 'Odcinki specjalne') { allCategories.unshift(podcast.category); } else { allCategories.push(podcast.category); } } } // Zdefiniowanie funkcji do filtrowania podcastów bazowane na wybranych kategoriach function filterPodcast() { // Pobranie kategorii, które są obecnie wybrane const selectedCategories = allCategories.filter(category => { const checkbox = document.getElementById(category); return checkbox && checkbox.checked; }); // Pobranie sezonów, które są obecnie wybrane const selectedSeasons = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('.podcast_badge.selected'), ).map(badge => badge.getAttribute('data-season')); // Jeśli nie wybrano żadnych kategorii i sezonów, pokaż wszystkie podcasty if (selectedCategories.length === 0 && selectedSeasons.length === 0) { return podcastList; } // Filtruj podcasty na podstawie wybranych kategorii i sezonów return podcastList.filter(podcast => { return ( selectedCategories.includes(podcast.category) || selectedSeasons.includes(podcast.season) ); }); } function handleNewBadgeClick(event) { const selectedSeason ='data-season'); const checkbox = document.getElementById(selectedSeason);; } function createNewContainer(podcast) { // Tworzenie nowego elementy dla podcastów const newDiv = document.createElement('div'); const newh3 = document.createElement('h3'); newh3.classList.add('podcast_header'); const newParagraph = document.createElement('p'); const newLinkImage = document.createElement('a'); const newLinkTitle = document.createElement('a'); const newLinkPodcast = document.createElement('a'); const newImage = document.createElement('img'); const newBadge = document.createElement('p'); newParagraph.classList.add('paragraph'); // Ustawione atrybuty i tekst dla elementów newLinkImage.href =; newLinkTitle.href =; newLinkPodcast.href =; newImage.src =; newImage.alt = `Podcast IdoSell - ${podcast.title}`; newImage.classList.add('mb-4'); newBadge.innerText = podcast.category; newBadge.classList.add('podcast_badge', 'mb-2'); switch (podcast.category) { case 'Sezon 1': newBadge.classList.add('--first_season'); break; case 'Sezon 2': newBadge.classList.add('--second_season'); break; case 'Sezon 3': newBadge.classList.add('--third_season'); break; case 'Odcinki specjalne': newBadge.classList.add('--special'); break; } // Dodanie atrybutu data-season do newBadge newBadge.setAttribute('data-season', podcast.category); // Dodanie event listenera dla newBadge newBadge.addEventListener('click', handleNewBadgeClick); // newImage.loading = "lazy"; newLinkImage.append(newImage); newh3.innerText = podcast.title; newLinkTitle.append(newh3); newLinkPodcast.innerText = 'Odsłuchaj podcast'; newLinkPodcast.classList.add('link'); newLinkPodcast.classList.add('--with_arrow_right'); // Dodane elementy do kontenera newDiv.append(newBadge); newDiv.append(newLinkImage); newDiv.append(newLinkTitle); newDiv.append(newLinkPodcast); newDiv.classList.add('podcast_item'); // Dodany kontener z divami do kontenera podcastów podcastContainer.append(newDiv); } function showAllFilters() { // Stwórz checkboxy dla każdej kategorii allCategories.reverse(); for (const category of allCategories) { const filterElement = document.createElement('input'); const newLabelContainer = document.createElement('div'); filterElement.type = 'checkbox'; = category; const labelElement = document.createElement('label'); labelElement.setAttribute('for', category); labelElement.innerHTML = category; labelElement.classList.add('label_podcast'); newLabelContainer.classList.add('label_container'); 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} .splide--ttb > .splide__arrows .splide__arrow--prev svg, .splide--ttb > .splide__slider > .splide__track > .splide__arrows .splide__arrow--prev svg, .splide--ttb > .splide__track > .splide__arrows .splide__arrow--prev svg { transform: rotate(-90deg); } .splide--ttb > .splide__arrows .splide__arrow--next, .splide--ttb > .splide__slider > .splide__track > .splide__arrows .splide__arrow--next, .splide--ttb > .splide__track > .splide__arrows .splide__arrow--next { bottom: 1em; top: auto; } .splide--ttb > .splide__arrows .splide__arrow--next svg, .splide--ttb > .splide__slider > .splide__track > .splide__arrows .splide__arrow--next svg, .splide--ttb > .splide__track > .splide__arrows .splide__arrow--next svg { transform: rotate(90deg); } .splide--ttb > .splide__pagination, .splide--ttb > .splide__slider > .splide__pagination { bottom: 0; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -ms-flex-direction: column; flex-direction: column; left: auto; padding: 1em 0; right: 0.5em; top: 0; } @media (min-width: 979px) { .splide__slide { flex-direction: row; 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(module.exports = t()) : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : ((n = 'undefined' != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : n || self).Splide = t()); })(this, function () { 'use strict'; var d = '(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)', R = 4, W = 5, n = { CREATED: 1, MOUNTED: 2, IDLE: 3, MOVING: R, SCROLLING: W, DRAGGING: 6, DESTROYED: 7, }; function x(n) { n.length = 0; } function _(n, t, e) { return, t, e); } function D(n) { return n.bind.apply(n, [null].concat(_(arguments, 1))); } function G() {} var v = setTimeout; function p(n) { return requestAnimationFrame(n); } function t(n, t) { return typeof t === n; } function X(n) { return !r(n) && t('object', n); } var o = Array.isArray, w = D(t, 'function'), M = D(t, 'string'), z = D(t, 'undefined'); function r(n) { return null === n; } function g(n) { return n instanceof HTMLElement; } function m(n) { return o(n) ? n : [n]; } function y(n, t) { m(n).forEach(t); } function b(n, t) { return -1 < n.indexOf(t); } function E(n, t) { return n.push.apply(n, m(t)), n; } function L(t, n, e) { t && y(n, function (n) { n && t.classList[e ? 'add' : 'remove'](n); }); } function P(n, t) { L(n, M(t) ? t.split(' ') : t, !0); } function C(n, t) { y(t, n.appendChild.bind(n)); } function k(n, e) { y(n, function (n) { var t = (e || n).parentNode; t && t.insertBefore(n, e); }); } function B(n, t) { return g(n) && (n.msMatchesSelector || n.matches).call(n, t); } function S(n, t) { n = n ? _(n.children) : []; return t ? n.filter(function (n) { return B(n, t); }) : n; } function A(n, t) { return t ? S(n, t)[0] : n.firstElementChild; } var h = Object.keys; function N(n, t, e) { if (n) for (var i = h(n), i = e ? i.reverse() : i, o = 0; o < i.length; o++) { var r = i[o]; if ('__proto__' !== r && !1 === t(n[r], r)) break; } return n; } function T(i) { return ( _(arguments, 1).forEach(function (e) { N(e, function (n, t) { i[t] = e[t]; }); }), i ); } function O(e) { return ( _(arguments, 1).forEach(function (n) { N(n, function (n, t) { o(n) ? (e[t] = n.slice()) : X(n) ? (e[t] = O({}, X(e[t]) ? e[t] : {}, n)) : (e[t] = n); }); }), e ); } function I(t, n) { m(n || h(t)).forEach(function (n) { delete t[n]; }); } function F(n, e) { y(n, function (t) { y(e, function (n) { t && t.removeAttribute(n); }); }); } function j(e, t, i) { X(t) ? N(t, function (n, t) { j(e, t, n); }) : y(e, function (n) { r(i) || '' === i ? F(n, t) : n.setAttribute(t, String(i)); }); } function H(n, t, e) { n = document.createElement(n); return t && (M(t) ? P : j)(n, t), e && C(e, n), n; } function Y(n, t, e) { if (z(e)) return getComputedStyle(n)[t]; r(e) || ([t] = '' + e); } function q(n, t) { Y(n, 'display', t); } function U(n) { (n.setActive && n.setActive()) || n.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }); } function K(n, t) { return n.getAttribute(t); } function J(n, t) { return n && n.classList.contains(t); } function Q(n) { return n.getBoundingClientRect(); } function V(n) { y(n, function (n) { n && n.parentNode && n.parentNode.removeChild(n); }); } function Z(n) { return A(new DOMParser().parseFromString(n, 'text/html').body); } function $(n, t) { n.preventDefault(), t && (n.stopPropagation(), n.stopImmediatePropagation()); } function nn(n, t) { return n && n.querySelector(t); } function tn(n, t) { return t ? _(n.querySelectorAll(t)) : []; } function en(n, t) { L(n, t, !1); } function on(n) { return n.timeStamp; } function rn(n) { return M(n) ? n : n ? n + 'px' : ''; } var un = 'splide', i = 'data-' + un; function sn(n, t) { if (!n) throw new Error('[' + un + '] ' + (t || '')); } var cn = Math.min, an = Math.max, fn = Math.floor, ln = Math.ceil, dn = Math.abs; function pn(n, t, e) { return dn(n - t) < e; } function hn(n, t, e, i) { var o = cn(t, e), e = an(t, e); return i ? o < n && n < e : o <= n && n <= e; } function vn(n, t, e) { var i = cn(t, e), e = an(t, e); return cn(an(i, n), e); } function gn(n) { return (0 < n) - (n < 0); } function mn(t, n) { return ( y(n, function (n) { t = t.replace('%s', '' + n); }), t ); } function yn(n) { return n < 10 ? '0' + n : '' + n; } var bn = {}; function wn() { var s = []; function e(n, e, i) { y(n, function (t) { t && y(e, function (n) { n.split(' ').forEach(function (n) { n = n.split('.'); i(t, n[0], n[1]); }); }); }); } return { bind: function (n, t, r, u) { e(n, t, function (n, t, e) { var i = 'addEventListener' in n, o = i ? n.removeEventListener.bind(n, t, r, u) : n.removeListener.bind(n, r); i ? n.addEventListener(t, r, u) : n.addListener(r), s.push([n, t, e, r, o]); }); }, unbind: function (n, t, o) { e(n, t, function (t, e, i) { s = s.filter(function (n) { return ( !!( n[0] !== t || n[1] !== e || n[2] !== i || (o && n[3] !== o) ) || (n[4](), !1) ); }); }); }, dispatch: function (n, t, e) { var i; return ( 'function' == typeof CustomEvent ? (i = new CustomEvent(t, { bubbles: !0, detail: e })) : (i = document.createEvent('CustomEvent')).initCustomEvent( t, !0, !1, e, ), n.dispatchEvent(i), i ); }, destroy: function () { s.forEach(function (n) { n[4](); }), x(s); }, }; } var En = 'mounted', Sn = 'move', xn = 'moved', _n = 'shifted', Pn = 'click', Cn = 'active', kn = 'inactive', Ln = 'visible', An = 'hidden', Dn = 'slide:keydown', Mn = 'refresh', zn = 'updated', Nn = 'resize', Tn = 'resized', On = 'scroll', In = 'scrolled', u = 'destroy', Fn = 'navigation:mounted', jn = 'autoplay:play', Rn = 'autoplay:pause', Wn = 'lazyload:loaded'; function Gn(n) { var e = n ? n.event.bus : document.createDocumentFragment(), i = wn(); return ( n && n.event.on(u, i.destroy), T(i, { bus: e, on: function (n, t) { i.bind(e, m(n).join(' '), function (n) { t.apply(t, o(n.detail) ? n.detail : []); }); }, off: D(i.unbind, e), emit: function (n) { i.dispatch(e, n, _(arguments, 1)); }, }) ); } function Xn(t, n, e, i) { var o, r, u =, s = 0, c = !0, a = 0; function f() { if (!c) { if ( ((s = t ? cn((u() - o) / t, 1) : 1), e && e(s), 1 <= s && (n(), (o = u()), i && ++a >= i)) ) return l(); p(f); } } function l() { c = !0; } function d() { r && cancelAnimationFrame(r), (c = !(r = s = 0)); } return { start: function (n) { n || d(), (o = u() - (n ? s * t : 0)), (c = !1), p(f); }, rewind: function () { (o = u()), (s = 0), e && e(s); }, pause: l, cancel: d, set: function (n) { t = n; }, isPaused: function () { return c; }, }; } function s(n) { var t = n; return { set: function (n) { t = n; }, is: function (n) { return b(m(n), t); }, }; } var e = 'Arrow', Bn = e + 'Left', Hn = e + 'Right', c = e + 'Up', a = e + 'Down', Yn = 'ttb', f = { width: ['height'], left: ['top', 'right'], right: ['bottom', 'left'], x: ['y'], X: ['Y'], Y: ['X'], ArrowLeft: [c, Hn], ArrowRight: [a, Bn], }; var qn = 'role', Un = 'tabindex', e = 'aria-', Kn = e + 'controls', Jn = e + 'current', Qn = e + 'selected', Vn = e + 'label', Zn = e + 'labelledby', $n = e + 'hidden', nt = e + 'orientation', tt = e + 'roledescription', l = e + 'live', et = e + 'relevant', it = [qn, Un, 'disabled', Kn, Jn, Vn, Zn, $n, nt, tt], ot = un, rt = un + '__track', ut = un + '__list', st = un + '__slide', ct = st + '--clone', at = st + '__container', ft = un + '__arrows', lt = un + '__arrow', dt = lt + '--prev', pt = lt + '--next', ht = un + '__pagination', vt = ht + '__page', gt = un + '__progress' + '__bar', mt = un + '__toggle', yt = un + '__sr', bt = 'is-active', wt = 'is-prev', Et = 'is-next', St = 'is-visible', xt = 'is-loading', _t = 'is-focus-in', Pt = [bt, St, wt, Et, xt, _t]; var Ct = 'touchstart mousedown', kt = 'touchmove mousemove', Lt = 'touchend touchcancel mouseup'; var At = 'slide', Dt = 'loop', Mt = 'fade'; function zt(o, e, t, r) { var i, n = Gn(o), u = n.on, s = n.emit, c = n.bind, a = o.Components, f = o.root, l = o.options, d = l.isNavigation, p = l.updateOnMove, h = l.i18n, v = l.pagination, g = l.slideFocus, m = a.Direction.resolve, y = K(r, 'style'), b = K(r, Vn), w = -1 < t, E = A(r, '.' + at), S = tn(r, l.focusableNodes || ''); function x() { var n = o.splides .map(function (n) { n = n.splide.Components.Slides.getAt(e); return n ? : ''; }) .join(' '); j(r, Vn, mn(h.slideX, (w ? t : e) + 1)), j(r, Kn, n), j(r, qn, g ? 'button' : ''), g && F(r, tt); } function _() { i || P(); } function P() { var n, t; i || ((n = o.index), (t = C()) !== J(r, bt) && (L(r, bt, t), j(r, Jn, (d && t) || ''), s(t ? Cn : kn, k)), (function () { var n = (function () { if ( return C(); var n = Q(a.Elements.track), t = Q(r), e = m('left'), i = m('right'); return fn(n[e]) <= ln(t[e]) && fn(t[i]) <= ln(n[i]); })(), t = !n && (!C() || w);[R, W]) || j(r, $n, t || ''); j(S, Un, t ? -1 : ''), g && j(r, Un, t ? -1 : 0); n !== J(r, St) && (L(r, St, n), s(n ? Ln : An, k)); n || document.activeElement !== r || ((n = a.Slides.getAt(o.index)) && U(n.slide)); })(), L(r, wt, e === n - 1), L(r, Et, e === n + 1)); } function C() { var n = o.index; return n === e || (l.cloneStatus && n === t); } var k = { index: e, slideIndex: t, slide: r, container: E, isClone: w, mount: function () { w || (( = + '-slide' + yn(e + 1)), j(r, qn, v ? 'tabpanel' : 'group'), j(r, tt, h.slide), j(r, Vn, b || mn(h.slideLabel, [e + 1, o.length]))), c(r, 'click', D(s, Pn, k)), c(r, 'keydown', D(s, Dn, k)), u([xn, _n, In], P), u(Fn, x), p && u(Sn, _); }, destroy: function () { (i = !0), n.destroy(), en(r, Pt), F(r, it), j(r, 'style', y), j(r, Vn, b || ''); }, update: P, style: function (n, t, e) { Y((e && E) || r, n, t); }, isWithin: function (n, t) { return ( (n = dn(n - e)), (n = !w && (l.rewind || ? cn(n, o.length - n) : n) <= t ); }, }; return k; } var Nt = i + '-interval'; var Tt = { passive: !1, capture: !0 }; var Ot = { Spacebar: ' ', Right: Hn, Left: Bn, Up: c, Down: a }; function It(n) { return (n = M(n) ? n : n.key), Ot[n] || n; } var Ft = 'keydown'; var jt = i + '-lazy', Rt = jt + '-srcset', Wt = '[' + jt + '], [' + Rt + ']'; var Gt = [' ', 'Enter']; var Xt = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, Media: function (i, n, o) { var r = i.state, t = o.breakpoints || {}, u = o.reducedMotion || {}, e = wn(), s = []; function c(n) { n && e.destroy(); } function a(n, t) { t = matchMedia(t); e.bind(t, 'change', f), s.push([n, t]); } function f() { var n =, t = o.direction, e = s.reduce(function (n, t) { return O(n, t[1].matches ? t[0] : {}); }, {}); I(o), l(e), o.destroy ? i.destroy('completely' === o.destroy) : n ? (c(!0), i.mount()) : t !== o.direction && i.refresh(); } function l(n, t) { O(o, n), t && O(Object.getPrototypeOf(o), n), || i.emit(zn, o); } return { setup: function () { var e = 'min' === o.mediaQuery; h(t) .sort(function (n, t) { return e ? +n - +t : +t - +n; }) .forEach(function (n) { a(t[n], '(' + (e ? 'min' : 'max') + '-width:' + n + 'px)'); }), a(u, d), f(); }, destroy: c, reduce: function (n) { matchMedia(d).matches && (n ? O(o, u) : I(o, h(u))); }, set: l, }; }, Direction: function (n, t, o) { return { resolve: function (n, t, e) { var i = 'rtl' !== (e = e || o.direction) || t ? (e === Yn ? 0 : -1) : 1; return ( (f[n] && f[n][i]) || n.replace(/width|left|right/i, function (n, t) { n = f[n.toLowerCase()][i] || n; return 0 < t ? n.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + n.slice(1) : n; }) ); }, orient: function (n) { return n * ('rtl' === o.direction ? 1 : -1); }, }; }, Elements: function (n, t, e) { var i, o, r, u = Gn(n), s = u.on, c = u.bind, a = n.root, f = e.i18n, l = {}, d = [], p = [], h = []; function v() { (i = y('.' + rt)), (o = A(i, '.' + ut)), sn(i && o, 'A track/list element is missing.'), E(d, S(o, '.' + st + ':not(.' + ct + ')')), N( { arrows: ft, pagination: ht, prev: dt, next: pt, bar: gt, toggle: mt, }, function (n, t) { l[t] = y('.' + n); }, ), T(l, { root: a, track: i, list: o, slides: d }), (function () { var n = || (function (n) { return '' + n + yn((bn[n] = (bn[n] || 0) + 1)); })(un), t = e.role; ( = n), ( = || n + '-track'), ( = || n + '-list'), !K(a, qn) && 'SECTION' !== a.tagName && t && j(a, qn, t); j(a, tt, f.carousel), j(o, qn, 'presentation'); })(), m(); } function g(n) { var t = it.concat('style'); x(d), en(a, p), en(i, h), F([i, o], t), F(a, n ? t : ['style', tt]); } function m() { en(a, p), en(i, h), (p = b(ot)), (h = b(rt)), P(a, p), P(i, h), j(a, Vn, e.label), j(a, Zn, e.labelledby); } function y(n) { n = nn(a, n); return n && (function (n, t) { if (w(n.closest)) return n.closest(t); for (var e = n; e && 1 === e.nodeType && !B(e, t); ) e = e.parentElement; return e; })(n, '.' + ot) === a ? n : void 0; } function b(n) { return [ n + '--' + e.type, n + '--' + e.direction, e.drag && n + '--draggable', e.isNavigation && n + '--nav', n === ot && bt, ]; } return T(l, { setup: v, mount: function () { s(Mn, g), s(Mn, v), s(zn, m), c( document, Ct + ' keydown', function (n) { r = 'keydown' === n.type; }, { capture: !0 }, ), c(a, 'focusin', function () { L(a, _t, !!r); }); }, destroy: g, }); }, Slides: function (i, o, r) { var n = Gn(i), t = n.on, u = n.emit, s = n.bind, c = (n = o.Elements).slides, a = n.list, f = []; function e() { c.forEach(function (n, t) { d(n, t, -1); }); } function l() { h(function (n) { n.destroy(); }), x(f); } function d(n, t, e) { n = zt(i, t, e, n); n.mount(), f.push(n); } function p(n) { return n ? v(function (n) { return !n.isClone; }) : f; } function h(n, t) { p(t).forEach(n); } function v(t) { return f.filter( w(t) ? t : function (n) { return M(t) ? B(n.slide, t) : b(m(t), n.index); }, ); } return { mount: function () { e(), t(Mn, l), t(Mn, e), t([En, Mn], function () { f.sort(function (n, t) { return n.index - t.index; }); }); }, destroy: l, update: function () { h(function (n) { n.update(); }); }, register: d, get: p, getIn: function (n) { var t = o.Controller, e = t.toIndex(n), i = t.hasFocus() ? 1 : r.perPage; return v(function (n) { return hn(n.index, e, e + i - 1); }); }, getAt: function (n) { return v(n)[0]; }, add: function (n, o) { y(n, function (n) { var t, e, i; g((n = M(n) ? Z(n) : n)) && ((t = c[o]) ? k(n, t) : C(a, n), P(n, r.classes.slide), (n = n), (e = D(u, Nn)), (n = tn(n, 'img')), (i = n.length) ? n.forEach(function (n) { s(n, 'load error', function () { --i || e(); }); }) : e()); }), u(Mn); }, remove: function (n) { V( v(n).map(function (n) { return n.slide; }), ), u(Mn); }, forEach: h, filter: v, style: function (t, e, i) { h(function (n) {, e, i); }); }, getLength: function (n) { return (n ? c : f).length; }, isEnough: function () { return f.length > r.perPage; }, }; }, Layout: function (n, t, e) { var i, o, r = (c = Gn(n)).on, u = c.bind, s = c.emit, c = t.Slides, a = t.Direction.resolve, f = (t = t.Elements).root, l = t.track, d = t.list, p = c.getAt, h =; function v() { (o = null), (i = e.direction === Yn), Y(f, 'maxWidth', rn(e.width)), Y(l, a('paddingLeft'), m(!1)), Y(l, a('paddingRight'), m(!0)), g(); } function g() { var n = Q(f); (o && o.width === n.width && o.height === n.height) || (Y( l, 'height', (function () { var n = ''; i && (sn((n = y()), 'height or heightRatio is missing.'), (n = 'calc(' + n + ' - ' + m(!1) + ' - ' + m(!0) + ')')); return n; })(), ), h(a('marginRight'), rn(, h('width', e.autoWidth ? null : rn(e.fixedWidth) || (i ? '' : b())), h( 'height', rn(e.fixedHeight) || (i ? (e.autoHeight ? null : b()) : y()), !0, ), (o = n), s(Tn)); } function m(n) { var t = e.padding, n = a(n ? 'right' : 'left'); return (t && rn(t[n] || (X(t) ? 0 : t))) || '0px'; } function y() { return rn(e.height || Q(d).width * e.heightRatio); } function b() { var n = rn(; return ( 'calc((100%' + (n && ' + ' + n) + ')/' + (e.perPage || 1) + (n && ' - ' + n) + ')' ); } function w(n, t) { var e = p(n); if (e) { (n = Q(e.slide)[a('right')]), (e = Q(d)[a('left')]); return dn(n - e) + (t ? 0 : E()); } return 0; } function E() { var n = p(0); return (n && parseFloat(Y(n.slide, a('marginRight')))) || 0; } return { mount: function () { var n, t, e; v(), u( window, 'resize load', ((n = D(s, Nn)), function () { e || (e = Xn( t || 0, function () { n(), (e = null); }, null, 1, )).start(); }), ), r([zn, Mn], v), r(Nn, g); }, listSize: function () { return Q(d)[a('width')]; }, slideSize: function (n, t) { return (n = p(n || 0)) ? Q(n.slide)[a('width')] + (t ? 0 : E()) : 0; }, sliderSize: function () { return w(n.length - 1, !0) - w(-1, !0); }, totalSize: w, getPadding: function (n) { return parseFloat(Y(l, a('padding' + (n ? 'Right' : 'Left')))) || 0; }, }; }, Clones: function (s, e, c) { var n, t = Gn(s), i = t.on, o = t.emit, a = e.Elements, f = e.Slides, r = e.Direction.resolve, l = []; function u() { (n = h()) && ((function (o) { var r = f.get().slice(), u = r.length; if (u) { for (; r.length < o; ) E(r, r); E(r.slice(-o), r.slice(0, o)).forEach(function (n, t) { var e = t < o, i = (function (n, t) { n = n.cloneNode(!0); return ( P(n, c.classes.clone), ( = + '-clone' + yn(t + 1)), n ); })(n.slide, t); e ? k(i, r[0].slide) : C(a.list, i), E(l, i), f.register(i, t - o + (e ? 0 : u), n.index); }); } })(n), o(Nn)); } function d() { V(l), x(l); } function p() { n < h() && o(Mn); } function h() { var n, t = c.clones; return ( ? t || (t = ((n = c[r('fixedWidth')] && e.Layout.slideSize(0)) && ln(Q(a.track)[r('width')] / n)) || (c[r('autoWidth')] && s.length) || 2 * c.perPage) : (t = 0), t ); } return { mount: function () { u(), i(Mn, d), i(Mn, u), i([zn, Nn], p); }, destroy: d, }; }, Move: function (i, s, o) { var c, n = Gn(i), t = n.on, a = n.emit, f = i.state.set, r = (n = s.Layout).slideSize, e = n.getPadding, u = n.totalSize, l = n.listSize, d = n.sliderSize, p = (n = s.Direction).resolve, h = n.orient, v = (n = s.Elements).list, g = n.track; function m() { s.Controller.isBusy() || (s.Scroll.cancel(), y(i.index), s.Slides.update()); } function y(n) { b(S(n, !0)); } function b(n, t) { || ((t = t ? n : (function (n) { { var t, e; && ((e = h(n - x())), (t = P(!1, n) && e < 0), (e = P(!0, n) && 0 < e), (t || e) && (n = w(n, e))); } return n; })(n)), Y(v, 'transform', 'translate' + p('X') + '(' + t + 'px)'), n !== t && a(_n)); } function w(n, t) { var e = n - _(t), i = d(); return (n -= h(i * (ln(dn(e) / i) || 1)) * (t ? 1 : -1)); } function E() { b(x()), c.cancel(); } function S(n, t) { var e = h( u(n - 1) - ((e = n), 'center' === (n = o.focus) ? (l() - r(e, !0)) / 2 : +n * r(e) || 0), ); return t ? (function (n) { o.trimSpace && && (n = vn(n, 0, h(d() - l()))); return n; })(e) : e; } function x() { var n = p('left'); return Q(v)[n] - Q(g)[n] + h(e(!1)); } function _(n) { return S(n ? s.Controller.getEnd() : 0, !!o.trimSpace); } function P(n, t) { t = z(t) ? x() : t; var e = !0 !== n && h(t) < h(_(!1)), t = !1 !== n && h(t) > h(_(!0)); return e || t; } return { mount: function () { (c = s.Transition), t([En, Tn, zn, Mn], m); }, move: function (n, t, e, i) { var o, r, u = x(); n !== t && ((o = t < n), (r = h(w(x(), o))), o ? 0 <= r : r <= v['scroll' + p('Width')] - Q(g)[p('width')]) && (E(), b(w(u, t < n), !0)), f(R), a(Sn, t, e, n), c.start(t, function () { f(3), a(xn, t, e, n), i && i(); }); }, jump: y, translate: b, shift: w, cancel: E, toIndex: function (n) { for ( var t = s.Slides.get(), e = 0, i = 1 / 0, o = 0; o < t.length; o++ ) { var r = t[o].index, u = dn(S(r, !0) - n); if (!(u <= i)) break; (i = u), (e = r); } return e; }, toPosition: S, getPosition: x, getLimit: _, exceededLimit: P, reposition: m, }; }, Controller: function (r, o, u) { var s, i, c, n = Gn(r).on, a = o.Move, f = a.getPosition, l = a.getLimit, d = a.toPosition, t = o.Slides, p = t.isEnough, e = t.getLength, h =, v =, g = D(E, !1), m = D(E, !0), y = u.start || 0, b = y; function w() { (s = e(!0)), (i = u.perMove), (c = u.perPage); var n = vn(y, 0, s - 1); n !== y && ((y = n), a.reposition()); } function E(n, t) { var e = i || (L() ? 1 : c), e = S(y + e * (n ? -1 : 1), y, !(i || L())); return -1 === e && v && !pn(f(), l(!n), 1) ? n ? 0 : _() : t ? e : x(e); } function S(n, t, e) { var i, o; return ( p() ? ((i = _()), (o = (function (n) { if (v && 'move' === u.trimSpace && n !== y) for ( var t = f(); t === d(n, !0) && hn(n, 0, r.length - 1, !u.rewind); ) n < y ? --n : ++n; return n; })(n)) !== n && ((t = n), (n = o), (e = !1)), n < 0 || i < n ? (n = hn(0, n, t, !0) || hn(i, t, n, !0) ? P(C(n)) : h ? e ? n < 0 ? -(s % c || c) : s : n : u.rewind ? n < 0 ? i : 0 : -1) : e && n !== t && (n = P(C(t) + (n < t ? -1 : 1)))) : (n = -1), n ); } function x(n) { return h ? (n + s) % s || 0 : n; } function _() { return an(s - (L() || (h && i) ? 1 : c), 0); } function P(n) { return vn(L() ? n : c * n, 0, _()); } function C(n) { return L() ? n : fn((n >= _() ? s - 1 : n) / c); } function k(n) { n !== y && ((b = y), (y = n)); } function L() { return !z(u.focus) || u.isNavigation; } function A() { return[R, W]) && !!u.waitForTransition; } return { mount: function () { w(), n([zn, Mn], w); }, go: function (n, t, e) { var i; A() || (-1 < (n = x( (i = (function (n) { var t = y; { var e, i; M(n) ? ((i = n.match(/([+\-<>])(\d+)?/) || []), (e = i[1]), (i = i[2]), '+' === e || '-' === e ? (t = S( y + +('' + e + (+i || 1)), y, )) : '>' === e ? (t = i ? P(+i) : g(!0)) : '<' === e && (t = m(!0))) : (t = h ? n : vn(n, 0, _())); } return t; })(n)), )) && (t || n !== y) && (k(n), a.move(i, n, b, e))); }, scroll: function (n, t, e, i) { o.Scroll.scroll(n, t, e, function () { k(x(a.toIndex(a.getPosition()))), i && i(); }); }, getNext: g, getPrev: m, getAdjacent: E, getEnd: _, setIndex: k, getIndex: function (n) { return n ? b : y; }, toIndex: P, toPage: C, toDest: function (n) { return (n = a.toIndex(n)), v ? vn(n, 0, _()) : n; }, hasFocus: L, isBusy: A, }; }, Arrows: function (o, n, t) { var e, i, r = Gn(o), u = r.on, s = r.bind, c = r.emit, a = t.classes, f = t.i18n, l = n.Elements, d = n.Controller, p = l.arrows, h = l.track, v = p, g = l.prev, m =, y = {}; function b() { !(function () { var n = t.arrows; !n || (g && m) || ((v = p || H('div', a.arrows)), (g = x(!0)), (m = x(!1)), (e = !0), C(v, [g, m]), p || k(v, h)); g && m && (T(y, { prev: g, next: m }), q(v, n ? '' : 'none'), P(v, (i = ft + '--' + t.direction)), n && (u([xn, Mn, In], _), s(m, 'click', D(S, '>')), s(g, 'click', D(S, '<')), _(), j([g, m], Kn,, c('arrows:mounted', g, m))); })(), u(zn, w); } function w() { E(), b(); } function E() { r.destroy(), en(v, i), e ? (V(p ? [g, m] : v), (g = m = null)) : F([g, m], it); } function S(n) { d.go(n, !0); } function x(n) { return Z( '<button class="' + a.arrow + ' ' + (n ? a.prev : + '" type="button"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 40 40" width="40" height="40" focusable="false"><path d="' + (t.arrowPath || 'm15.5 0.932-4.3 4.38 14.5 14.6-14.5 14.5 4.3 4.4 14.6-14.6 4.4-4.3-4.4-4.4-14.6-14.6z') + '" />', ); } function _() { var n = o.index, t = d.getPrev(), e = d.getNext(), i = -1 < t && n < t ? f.last : f.prev, n = -1 < e && e < n ? f.first :; (g.disabled = t < 0), (m.disabled = e < 0), j(g, Vn, i), j(m, Vn, n), c('arrows:updated', g, m, t, e); } return { arrows: y, mount: b, destroy: E }; }, Autoplay: function (n, t, e) { var i, o, r = Gn(n), u = r.on, s = r.bind, c = r.emit, a = Xn(e.interval, n.go.bind(n, '>'), function (n) { var t =; t && Y(t, 'width', 100 * n + '%'), c('autoplay:playing', n); }), f = a.isPaused, l = t.Elements, d = (n = t.Elements).root, p = n.toggle, h = e.autoplay, v = 'pause' === h; function g() { f() && t.Slides.isEnough() && (a.start(!e.resetProgress), (o = i = v = !1), b(), c(jn)); } function m(n) { (v = !!(n = void 0 === n ? !0 : n)), b(), f() || (a.pause(), c(Rn)); } function y() { v || (i || o ? m(!1) : g()); } function b() { p && (L(p, bt, !v), j(p, Vn, e.i18n[v ? 'play' : 'pause'])); } function w(n) { n = t.Slides.getAt(n); a.set((n && +K(n.slide, Nt)) || e.interval); } return { mount: function () { h && ((function () { e.pauseOnHover && s(d, 'mouseenter mouseleave', function (n) { (i = 'mouseenter' === n.type), y(); }); e.pauseOnFocus && s(d, 'focusin focusout', function (n) { (o = 'focusin' === n.type), y(); }); p && s(p, 'click', function () { v ? g() : m(!0); }); u([Sn, On, Mn], a.rewind), u(Sn, w); })(), p && j(p, Kn,, v || g(), b()); }, destroy: a.cancel, play: g, pause: m, isPaused: f, }; }, Cover: function (n, t, e) { var i = Gn(n).on; function o(e) { t.Slides.forEach(function (n) { var t = A(n.container || n.slide, 'img'); t && t.src && r(e, t, n); }); } function r(n, t, e) { 'background', n ? 'center/cover no-repeat url("' + t.src + '")' : '', !0, ), q(t, n ? 'none' : ''); } return { mount: function () { e.cover && (i(Wn, D(r, !0)), i([En, zn, Mn], D(o, !0))); }, destroy: D(o, !1), }; }, Scroll: function (r, s, u) { var c, a, n = Gn(r), t = n.on, f = n.emit, l = r.state.set, d = s.Move, p = d.getPosition, h = d.getLimit, v = d.exceededLimit, g = d.translate, m = 1; function y(n, t, e, i, o) { var r = p(); E(), e && ((e = s.Layout.sliderSize()), (u = gn(n) * e * fn(dn(n) / e) || 0), (n = d.toPosition(s.Controller.toDest(n % e)) + u)); var u = pn(r, n, 1); (m = 1), (t = u ? 0 : t || an(dn(n - r) / 1.5, 800)), (a = i), (c = Xn(t, b, D(w, r, n, o), 1)), l(W), f(On), c.start(); } function b() { l(3), a && a(), f(In); } function w(n, t, e, i) { var o = p(), n = (n + (t - n) * ((n = i), (i = u.easingFunc) ? i(n) : 1 - Math.pow(1 - n, 4)) - o) * m; g(o + n), && !e && v() && ((m *= 0.6), dn(n) < 10 && y(h(v(!0)), 600, !1, void 0, !0)); } function E() { c && c.cancel(); } function e() { c && !c.isPaused() && (E(), b()); } return { mount: function () { t(Sn, E), t([zn, Mn], e); }, destroy: E, scroll: y, cancel: e, }; }, Drag: function (r, i, u) { var s, t, o, c, a, f, l, d, n = Gn(r), e = n.on, p = n.emit, h = n.bind, v = n.unbind, g = r.state, m = i.Move, y = i.Scroll, b = i.Controller, w = i.Elements.track, E = i.Media.reduce, S = (n = i.Direction).resolve, x = n.orient, _ = m.getPosition, P = m.exceededLimit, C = !1; function k() { var n = u.drag; j(!n), (c = 'free' === n); } function L(n) { var t, e, i; (f = !1), l || ((t = F(n)), (e =, (i = u.noDrag), B(e, '.' + vt + ', .' + lt) || (i && B(e, i)) || (!t && n.button) || (b.isBusy() ? $(n, !0) : ((d = t ? w : window), (a =[R, W])), (o = null), h(d, kt, A, Tt), h(d, Lt, D, Tt), m.cancel(), y.cancel(), z(n)))); } function A(n) { var t, e, i, o; || (g.set(6), p('drag')), n.cancelable && (a ? (m.translate(s + N(n) / (C && ? 5 : 1)), (e = 200 < T(n)), (i = C !== (C = P())), (e || i) && z(n), (f = !0), p('dragging'), $(n)) : dn(N((o = n))) > dn(N(o, !0)) && ((t = n), (e = u.dragMinThreshold), (i = X(e)), (o = (i && e.mouse) || 0), (e = (i ? e.touch : +e) || 10), (a = dn(N(t)) > (F(t) ? e : o)), $(n))); } function D(n) { && (g.set(3), p('dragged')), a && ((function (n) { var t = (function (n) { if ( || !C) { var t = T(n); if (t && t < 200) return N(n) / t; } return 0; })(n), e = (function (n) { return ( _() + gn(n) * cn( dn(n) * (u.flickPower || 600), c ? 1 / 0 : i.Layout.listSize() * (u.flickMaxPages || 1), ) ); })(t), n = u.rewind && u.rewindByDrag; E(!1), c ? b.scroll(e, 0, u.snap) : ? b.go( x(gn(t)) < 0 ? n ? '<' : '-' : n ? '>' : '+', ) : && C && n ? b.go(P(!0) ? '>' : '<') : b.go(b.toDest(e), !0); E(!0); })(n), $(n)), v(d, kt, A), v(d, Lt, D), (a = !1); } function M(n) { !l && f && $(n, !0); } function z(n) { (o = t), (t = n), (s = _()); } function N(n, t) { return I(n, t) - I(O(n), t); } function T(n) { return on(n) - on(O(n)); } function O(n) { return (t === n && o) || t; } function I(n, t) { return (F(n) ? n.changedTouches[0] : n)['page' + S(t ? 'Y' : 'X')]; } function F(n) { return 'undefined' != typeof TouchEvent && n instanceof TouchEvent; } function j(n) { l = n; } return { mount: function () { h(w, kt, G, Tt), h(w, Lt, G, Tt), h(w, Ct, L, Tt), h(w, 'click', M, { capture: !0 }), h(w, 'dragstart', $), e([En, zn], k); }, disable: j, isDragging: function () { return a; }, }; }, Keyboard: function (t, n, e) { var i, o, r = Gn(t), u = r.on, s = r.bind, c = r.unbind, a = t.root, f = n.Direction.resolve; function l() { var n = e.keyboard; n && ((i = 'global' === n ? window : a), s(i, Ft, h)); } function d() { c(i, Ft); } function p() { var n = o; (o = !0), v(function () { o = n; }); } function h(n) { o || ((n = It(n)) === f(Bn) ? t.go('<') : n === f(Hn) && t.go('>')); } return { mount: function () { l(), u(zn, d), u(zn, l), u(Sn, p); }, destroy: d, disable: function (n) { o = n; }, }; }, LazyLoad: function (e, n, o) { var t = Gn(e), i = t.on, r =, u = t.bind, s = t.emit, c = 'sequential' === o.lazyLoad, a = [En, Mn, xn, In], f = []; function l() { x(f), n.Slides.forEach(function (i) { tn(i.slide, Wt).forEach(function (n) { var t = K(n, jt), e = K(n, Rt); (t === n.src && e === n.srcset) || ((t = o.classes.spinner), (e = A((e = n.parentElement), '.' + t) || H('span', t, e)), f.push([n, i, e]), n.src || q(n, 'none')); }); }), c && v(); } function d() { (f = f.filter(function (n) { var t = o.perPage * ((o.preloadPages || 1) + 1) - 1; return !n[1].isWithin(e.index, t) || p(n); })).length || r(a); } function p(n) { var t = n[0]; P(n[1].slide, xt), u(t, 'load error', D(h, n)), j(t, 'src', K(t, jt)), j(t, 'srcset', K(t, Rt)), F(t, jt), F(t, Rt); } function h(n, t) { var e = n[0], i = n[1]; en(i.slide, xt), 'error' !== t.type && (V(n[2]), q(e, ''), s(Wn, e, i), s(Nn)), c && v(); } function v() { f.length && p(f.shift()); } return { mount: function () { o.lazyLoad && (l(), i(Mn, l), c || i(a, d)); }, destroy: D(x, f), }; }, Pagination: function (f, n, l) { var d, p, t = Gn(f), e = t.on, i = t.emit, h = t.bind, v = n.Slides, g = n.Elements, o = n.Controller, m = o.hasFocus, r = o.getIndex, u = o.go, s = n.Direction.resolve, y = []; function c() { d && (V(g.pagination ? _(d.children) : d), en(d, p), x(y), (d = null)), t.destroy(); } function b(n) { u('>' + n, !0); } function w(n, t) { var e = y.length, i = It(t), o = E(), r = -1; i === s(Hn, !1, o) ? (r = ++n % e) : i === s(Bn, !1, o) ? (r = (--n + e) % e) : 'Home' === i ? (r = 0) : 'End' === i && (r = e - 1); e = y[r]; e && (U(e.button), u('>' + r), $(t, !0)); } function E() { return l.paginationDirection || l.direction; } function a(n) { return y[o.toPage(n)]; } function S() { var n, t = a(r(!0)), e = a(r()); t && (en((n = t.button), bt), F(n, Qn), j(n, Un, -1)), e && (P((n = e.button), bt), j(n, Qn, !0), j(n, Un, '')), i('pagination:updated', { list: d, items: y }, t, e); } return { items: y, mount: function n() { c(), e([zn, Mn], n), l.pagination && v.isEnough() && (e([Sn, On, In], S), (function () { var n = f.length, t = l.classes, e = l.i18n, i = l.perPage, o = m() ? n : ln(n / i); P( (d = g.pagination || H('ul', t.pagination, g.track.parentElement)), (p = ht + '--' + E()), ), j(d, qn, 'tablist'), j(d, Vn,, j(d, nt, E() === Yn ? 'vertical' : ''); for (var r = 0; r < o; r++) { var u = H('li', null, d), s = H( 'button', { class:, type: 'button' }, u, ), c = v.getIn(r).map(function (n) { return; }), a = !m() && 1 < i ? e.pageX : e.slideX; h(s, 'click', D(b, r)), l.paginationKeyboard && h(s, 'keydown', D(w, r)), j(u, qn, 'presentation'), j(s, qn, 'tab'), j(s, Kn, c.join(' ')), j(s, Vn, mn(a, r + 1)), j(s, Un, -1), y.push({ li: u, button: s, page: r }); } })(), S(), i('pagination:mounted', { list: d, items: y }, a(f.index))); }, destroy: c, getAt: a, update: S, }; }, Sync: function (e, n, t) { var i = t.isNavigation, o = t.slideFocus, r = []; function u() { var n, t; e.splides.forEach(function (n) { n.isParent || (c(e, n.splide), c(n.splide, e)); }), i && ((n = Gn(e)), (t = n.on)(Pn, f), t(Dn, l), t([En, zn], a), r.push(n), n.emit(Fn, e.splides)); } function s() { r.forEach(function (n) { n.destroy(); }), x(r); } function c(n, i) { n = Gn(n); n.on(Sn, function (n, t, e) { i.go( ? e : n); }), r.push(n); } function a() { j(n.Elements.list, nt, t.direction === Yn ? 'vertical' : ''); } function f(n) { e.go(n.index); } function l(n, t) { b(Gt, It(t)) && (f(n), $(t)); } return { setup: function () { e.options = { slideFocus: z(o) ? i : o }; }, mount: u, destroy: s, remount: function () { s(), u(); }, }; }, Wheel: function (u, s, c) { var n = Gn(u).bind, a = 0; function t(n) { var t, e, i, o, r; n.cancelable && ((r = (t = n.deltaY) < 0), (e = on(n)), (i = c.wheelMinThreshold || 0), (o = c.wheelSleep || 0), dn(t) > i && o < e - a && (u.go(r ? '<' : '>'), (a = e)), (r = r), (c.releaseWheel && ! && -1 === s.Controller.getAdjacent(r)) || $(n)); } return { mount: function () { c.wheel && n(s.Elements.track, 'wheel', t, Tt); }, }; }, Live: function (n, t, e) { var i = Gn(n).on, o = t.Elements.track, r = && !e.isNavigation, u = H('span', yt); function s(n) { r && j(o, l, n ? 'off' : 'polite'); } return { mount: function () { r && (s(!t.Autoplay.isPaused()), j(o, et, 'additions'), (u.textContent = '…'), i(jn, D(s, !0)), i(Rn, D(s, !1)), i([xn, In], D(C, o, u))); }, disable: s, destroy: function () { F(o, [l, et]), V(u); }, }; }, }), Bt = { type: 'slide', role: 'region', speed: 400, perPage: 1, cloneStatus: !0, arrows: !0, pagination: !0, paginationKeyboard: !0, interval: 5e3, pauseOnHover: !0, pauseOnFocus: !0, resetProgress: !0, easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.25, 1, 0.5, 1)', drag: !0, direction: 'ltr', trimSpace: !0, focusableNodes: 'a, button, textarea, input, select, iframe', live: !0, classes: { slide: st, clone: ct, arrows: ft, arrow: lt, prev: dt, next: pt, pagination: ht, page: vt, spinner: un + '__spinner', }, i18n: { prev: 'Previous slide', next: 'Next slide', first: 'Go to first slide', last: 'Go to last slide', slideX: 'Go to slide %s', pageX: 'Go to page %s', play: 'Start autoplay', pause: 'Pause autoplay', carousel: 'carousel', slide: 'slide', select: 'Select a slide to show', slideLabel: '%s of %s', }, reducedMotion: { speed: 0, rewindSpeed: 0, autoplay: 'pause' }, }; function Ht(n, i, t) { var e = Gn(n).on; return { mount: function () { e([En, Mn], function () { v(function () { 'transition', 'opacity ' + t.speed + 'ms ' + t.easing, ); }); }); }, start: function (n, t) { var e = i.Elements.track; Y(e, 'height', rn(Q(e).height)), v(function () { t(), Y(e, 'height', ''); }); }, cancel: G, }; } function Yt(r, n, u) { var s, t = Gn(r).bind, c = n.Move, a = n.Controller, f = n.Scroll, e = n.Elements.list, l = D(Y, e, 'transition'); function i() { l(''), f.cancel(); } return { mount: function () { t(e, 'transitionend', function (n) { === e && s && (i(), s()); }); }, start: function (n, t) { var e = c.toPosition(n, !0), i = c.getPosition(), o = (function (n) { var t = u.rewindSpeed; if ( && t) { var e = a.getIndex(!0), i = a.getEnd(); if ((0 === e && i <= n) || (i <= e && 0 === n)) return t; } return u.speed; })(n); 1 <= dn(e - i) && 1 <= o ? u.useScroll ? f.scroll(e, o, !1, t) : (l('transform ' + o + 'ms ' + u.easing), c.translate(e, !0), (s = t)) : (c.jump(n), t()); }, cancel: i, }; } a = (function () { function e(n, t) { (this.event = Gn()), (this.Components = {}), (this.state = s(1)), (this.splides = []), (this._o = {}), (this._E = {}); n = M(n) ? nn(document, n) : n; sn(n, n + ' is invalid.'), (t = O( { label: K((this.root = n), Vn) || '', labelledby: K(n, Zn) || '', }, Bt, e.defaults, t || {}, )); try { O(t, JSON.parse(K(n, i))); } catch (n) { sn(!1, 'Invalid JSON'); } this._o = Object.create(O({}, t)); } var n = e.prototype; return ( (n.mount = function (n, t) { var e = this, i = this.state, o = this.Components; return ( sn([1, 7]), 'Already mounted!'), i.set(1), (this._C = o), (this._T = t || this._T || ( ? Ht : Yt)), (this._E = n || this._E), N(T({}, Xt, this._E, { Transition: this._T }), function (n, t) { n = n(e, o, e._o); (o[t] = n).setup && n.setup(); }), N(o, function (n) { n.mount && n.mount(); }), this.emit(En), P(this.root, 'is-initialized'), i.set(3), this.emit('ready'), this ); }), (n.sync = function (n) { return ( this.splides.push({ splide: n }), n.splides.push({ splide: this, isParent: !0 }), && (this._C.Sync.remount(), n.Components.Sync.remount()), this ); }), (n.go = function (n) { return this._C.Controller.go(n), this; }), (n.on = function (n, t) { return this.event.on(n, t), this; }), ( = function (n) { return, this; }), (n.emit = function (n) { var t; return (t = this.event).emit.apply(t, [n].concat(_(arguments, 1))), this; }), (n.add = function (n, t) { return this._C.Slides.add(n, t), this; }), (n.remove = function (n) { return this._C.Slides.remove(n), this; }), ( = function (n) { return this._o.type === n; }), (n.refresh = function () { return this.emit(Mn), this; }), (n.destroy = function (t) { void 0 === t && (t = !0); var n = this.event, e = this.state; return ( ? Gn(this).on('ready', this.destroy.bind(this, t)) : (N( this._C, function (n) { n.destroy && n.destroy(t); }, !0, ), n.emit(u), n.destroy(), t && x(this.splides), e.set(7)), this ); }), _createClass(e, [ { key: 'options', get: function () { return this._o; }, set: function (n) { this._C.Media.set(n, !0); }, }, { key: 'length', get: function () { return this._C.Slides.getLength(!0); }, }, { key: 'index', get: function () { return this._C.Controller.getIndex(); }, }, ]), e ); })(); return (a.defaults = {}), (a.STATES = n), a; }); //# var splide = new Splide('#splide', { height: 500, cover: true, type: 'loop', }); splide.mount(); </script> <style> .hs-form-3e2c885e-8974-4f5a-9bd4-105b016f6b45_7f2b6b14-2129-4888-b8fd-705665937291 .hs-form-field.hs_segmentacja_uproszczona > label { display: none !important; } </style></div></div> </div> </div><footer class="footer"> <div class="container footer__wrapper"> <div id="backToTopButton" class="back_to_top_button"> <i class="fas fa-chevron-up"></i> </div> <nav class="footer__menu"> <a href="" class="footer__menu_link">OFERTA</a><a href="" class="footer__menu_link">MOŻLIWOŚCI</a><a href="" class="footer__menu_link">USŁUGI</a><a href="" class="footer__menu_link">INTEGRACJE</a><a href="" class="footer__menu_link">EDUKACJA</a><a href="" class="footer__menu_link">BLOG</a><a href="" class="footer__menu_link">ZAŁÓŻ SKLEP</a><a href="" class="footer__menu_link">MIGRACJA</a><a href="" class="footer__menu_link">KONTAKT</a> </nav> <div class="footer__bottom"> <div class="copyright"> <span class="copyright__text"><span class="d-block d-sm-inline mb-2 mb-sm-0">©2000-2024 IdoSell (IAI S.A.)</span></span> </div> <div class="social_media"> <a href="" class="social_media__link --facebook"><i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="" class="social_media__link --youtube"><i class="fab fa-youtube"></i></a> <a href="" class="social_media__link --linkedin"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a> </div> <div class="footer__account"> <ul class="footer__account_collapse d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center justify-content-md-end"> <li class="footer__account_element"> <a class="footer__account_link" href="" rel="nofollow"> Logowanie </a> </li><li class="footer__account_element border --left"> <a class="footer__account_link" href="" rel="nofollow"> Polityka prywatności </a> </li> <li class="footer__account_element border --left expand"> <a href="#" class="footer__account_link "> PL </a> <div class="expand__holder d-none"> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <!--koniec footer--> </div> <script src="/gfx/new_design/js/app.js?r=18"></script> <div class="cookie-banner off"> <span class="cookie-banner-title cookie-banner-title--mainTitle">Strona korzysta z plików cookies</span> <p class="cookie-banner-description">Pliki cookies są wykorzystywane w celu zapewnienia poprawnego działania serwisu, analizy ruchu na stronie oraz dostarczania spersonalizowanych treści i reklam. 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Dzięki tej zgodzie będziemy mogli lepiej dopasować reklamy do twoich zainteresowań. </p> </label> </div> </div> <div class="cookie-banner__buttonsWrapper"> <button class="cookie-settingsBtn button --outline">Spersonalizuj</button> <button class="cookie-dismissBtn button --solid">Zaakceptuj wszystkie</button> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> const cookieBanner = document.querySelector(".cookie-banner"); const settingsDiv = document.querySelector(".cookie-banner__settingsDiv"); const buttonElement = document.querySelector(".cookie-dismissBtn"); const buttonCookieSettings = document.querySelector(".cookie-settingsBtn"); const marketingCheckbox = document.querySelector("#marketingCheckbox"); const adUserData = document.querySelector("#ad_user_data"); const adPersonalization = document.querySelector("#ad_personalization"); function dismiss() { const consent = { ad_storage: "denied", analytics_storage: "denied", ad_user_data: "denied", ad_personalization: "denied", personalization_storage: "denied", functionality_storage: "granted", security_storage: "granted", }; if (settingsDiv.classList.contains("off")) { // Użytkownik kliknął "Zaakceptuj wszystkie" consent["ad_storage"] = "granted"; consent["analytics_storage"] = "granted"; consent["ad_user_data"] = "granted"; consent["ad_personalization"] = "granted"; consent["personalization_storage"] = "granted"; } else { // Użytkownik wybrał konkretne zgody if (marketingCheckbox.checked) { consent["ad_storage"] = "granted"; consent["analytics_storage"] = "granted"; } if (adUserData.checked) { consent["ad_user_data"] = "granted"; } if (adPersonalization.checked) { consent["ad_personalization"] = "granted"; consent["personalization_storage"] = "granted"; } } // Zapisz zgody w localStorage localStorage.setItem("user_cookie_consent", JSON.stringify(consent)); // Usuń banner cookieBanner.remove(); } function isDismissed() { return localStorage.getItem("user_cookie_consent") !== null; } function showCookieSetting() { marketingCheckbox.checked = false; adUserData.checked = false; adPersonalization.checked = false; settingsDiv.classList.remove("off"); buttonCookieSettings.classList.add("off"); buttonElement.textContent = "Zaakceptuj wybrane"; } if (buttonElement) { buttonElement.addEventListener("click", dismiss); buttonCookieSettings.addEventListener("click", showCookieSetting); } if (!isDismissed()) { if (cookieBanner) { cookieBanner.classList.remove("off"); } } </script> <style> .cookie-banner { background-color: white; border: 1px solid gray; border-radius: 5px; position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; width: 600px; max-width: 90%; transform: translate(-50%, -45%); padding: 20px; z-index: 10; max-height: 88%; overflow: auto; font-weight: Poppins; color: #171717; } .cookie-banner * { font-family: Poppins !important; } .cookie-banner .cookie-banner-title { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2rem; } .cookie-banner-title--mainTitle { font-size: 1.4rem; } .cookie-banner .cookie-banner-description { margin: 15px 0; } .cookie-banner .cookie-banner-description a { color: #1aac7a; } .cookie-banner__settingsDiv { margin: 15px 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .checkboxElement { margin: 10px 0; display: flex; } .checkboxElement label, .checkboxElement input { cursor: pointer; } .checkboxElement input { margin: 10px; } .checkboxElement label span { font-weight: bold; } .checkboxElement label p { color: gray; } .cookie-banner__buttonsWrapper { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .cookie-banner__buttonsWrapper button { width: auto; } .off { display: none; } @media (max-width: 756px) { .cookie-banner__buttonsWrapper { flex-direction: column; } .cookie-banner__buttonsWrapper button { margin: 5px auto; width: 100%; } } </style></body> </html>