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Długa 40<br />Moczydłów<br />05-530 Góra Kalwaria' ] , [ '+48 (0)22 715 52 53' ] , [ '+48 (0)22 756 56 76' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 47.38704, 18.83968, 'agent', [ 'Masterquality System Kft.' ] , [ '/images/rsz_masterq.jpg' ] , [ '2038 Soskut<br />Kando Kalman u. 4.<br />Hungary' ] , [ '+36 70 310 4777' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 49.99776, 14.58073, 'office', [ 'Ishida Czech Republic' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml.gif' ] , [ 'Obchodni 134<br />Čestlice, 251 01<br />Česká republika' ] , [ '+420 220 960 422' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 50.087667, 14.481219, 'agent', [ 'NETTO ELECTRONICS S.R.O.' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/4.gif' ] , [ 'Malesicka 45A 130 00, Praha 3, Czech Republic' ] , [ '+420-271-001854' ] , [ '+420-271-001879' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 42.1811332, 24.342058, 'agent', [ 'TACT2007 LTD.' ] , [ '/images/tact_sml.jpg' ] , [ '11 &quot;Prohladen kat&quot; str.<br />1362 Sofia' ] , [ '+359 2 442 1040' ] , [ '+359 888 888 179' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 59.443794, 13.044076, 'agent', [ 'Wraptech Svenska AB' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/wraptech.gif' ] , [ 'Kallstorpsvagen 8 664 91 Grums, Sweden' ] , [ '+46-555-61615' ] , [ '+46-555-13214' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 57.6444, 11.98364, 'office', [ 'Ishida Sweden' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/ishidaeurope_sml_1_1.gif' ] , [ 'Lunnagårdsgatan 4<br />SE 431 90 Mölndal' ] , [ '+46 (0) 31 871320' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 52.54629, 5.460988, 'agent', [ 'Scale Systems Holland B.V.' ] , [ '' ] , [ 'Albatroslaan 185, Lelystad 8241 CK, The Netherlands' ] , [ '+31-320-263-402' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 51.4919462, 5.4026007, 'office', [ 'Ishida B.V' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/ishidaeurope_sml_5_1.gif' ] , [ 'Ishida Europe B.V.<br />De Dieze 5<br />5684 PR Best<br />The Netherlands<br />Tel +31 499-39 36 75' ] , [ 'Tel +31 499-39 36 75' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ ' <p><strong>Spares and Services</strong></p><p>General Enquiry Telephone: +31 499 39 36 75</p><p>Spares Email: <a href="" id=""></a></p><p>Service Email: <a href="" id=""></a></p><p><strong>Working Hours: </strong>08.30 – 17.00</p><p><strong>Outside of Working Hours: </strong>Tel: +31 499 39 36 75 (<em>if you have a service contract you will be connected to the service engineer on call</em>)</p>' ] ], [ 39.543051, -0.45222, 'agent', [ 'GB Mundipack S.L.' ] , [ '/images/mundipack_sml.gif' ] , [ 'Parque Technológico, C/ Leonardo Da Vinci n°-2, 46980 Paterna, Valencia-Espana' ] , [ '+34 963 661 075' ] , [ '+34 961 399 074' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 41.3985559, 2.1808505, 'agent', [ 'CIMA SA' ] , [ '/images/cima_sml.gif' ] , [ 'Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes<br />774<br />7a Planta<br />E-08013 Barcelona' ] , [ '+34 93 246 9405' ] , [ '+34 93 231 6062' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 41.257156, -8.644761, 'agent', [ 'Helmac (Dini Argeo Group)' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/logo_helmac.png' ] , [ 'Via della Fisica, 18 – 41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO)' ] , [ '+39-0536-070960' ] , [ '+39-0536-077123' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 45.5438922, 9.0124395, 'agent', [ 'Interideatre s.r.l (Fresh vegetables and fruit)' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/interideatre.png' ] , [ 'Via Roma 79<br />1-20020 Barbaiana Di Lainate (MI)' ] , [ '+39 02 932 57067' ] , [ '+39 02 932 56994' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 44.5404803, 10.8428923, 'agent', [ 'Helmac (Dini Argeo Group)' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/logo_helmac.png' ] , [ 'Via della Fisica, 18 – 41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO)' ] , [ '+39-0536-070960' ] , [ '+39-0536-077123' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 45.568511, 9.013342, 'agent', [ 'ITECH Italia S.r.l.' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/itech2.png' ] , [ 'Via Como 6/8 <br />20020 Lainate, Milano' ] , [ '+39 02 934 350 69' ] , [ '+39 02 935 445 36' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 37.947344, 23.744349, 'agent', [ 'EUROPACK I.S. S.A.' ] , [ '/images/europack_sml.gif' ] , [ '27 Ypsilantou str.<br />GR - 166 75 Glyfada<br />Athens' ] , [ '+30 210 9607 102' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 40.738757, 22.861303, 'agent', [ 'PANTELIDIS INDUSTRIAL WEIGHING &amp; PROCESS AUTOMATION S.A.' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/pantelidis.jpg' ] , [ '120km Pallas Odou, Thessaloniki - Kilkis 545 00, Greece' ] , [ '+30-2310-787-129' ] , [ '+30-2310-787-821' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 38.013235, 23.678718, 'agent', [ 'ICS-Karafillis SA' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/11-ICS-Karafillis.png' ] , [ '10-12 Tenarou Str, 121 36 Athens, Greece' ] , [ '+30-210-5778-260' ] , [ '+30-210-5754-285' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 49.113131, 9.78259, 'office', [ 'Ishida Germany' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_4.gif' ] , [ 'Ishida GmbH<br />Max-Planck-Straße 2<br />74523 Schwäbisch Hall' ] , [ '+49 (0)791 945 160' ] , [ '+49 (0)791 945 16-99' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ ' <p><strong>Spares and Services</strong></p><p>Spares Telephone: +49 (0) 791 945 16 40</p><p>Service Telephone: +49 (0) 791/94516 – 56</p><p>Service Email: <a href=""></a></p><p><strong>Working Hours:</strong> 08.30 – 16.30</p><p><strong>Outside Working Hours:</strong> 24 hour (only for Service Contact) – +49 (0) 791 / 94516-56</p>' ] ], [ 48.9825406, 2.517972, 'office', [ 'Ishida France' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_1.gif' ] , [ 'Paris Nord 2<br />50, rue des Chardonnerets<br />CS 67108 Tremblay en France<br />95975 Roissy CDG Cedex' ] , [ '+33 (0)1 48 63 83 83' ] , [ '+33 (0)1 48 63 24 29' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ ' <p><strong>Spares and Helpdesk</strong></p><p>Spares telephone: 0033 01 48 63 83 72 or 0033 01 48 63 83 75</p><p>Spares email: <a href="" id="|"></a></p><p>Helpdesk telephone: 0033 01 48 63 83 66</p><p>Helpdesk email: <a href="" id="|"></a></p><p><strong>Working Hours:</strong> 08.30 – 12.30/13.30 – 17.00 and until 16.30 on a Friday</p><p><strong>Helpline:</strong> 08.30 – 12.30/14.00 – 18.30 and until 18.00 on a Friday</p>' ] ], [ 35.0499805, 33.3953154, 'agent', [ 'MK Matrix Packaging Ltd' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/14.png' ] , [ '16, Pompiias Street<br />Strovolos Industrial Area<br />2033 Nicosia' ] , [ '+357 22 61 00 74' ] , [ '+357 22 57 00 31' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 48.242302, 16.347457, 'agent', [ 'Dipl.-Ing. Christl GmbH' ] , [ '' ] , [ 'Kuhngasse 16<br />1190 Wien 19' ] , [ '+43 (0)1 368 2666' ] , [ '+43 (0)1 368 3516' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 44.664297, 20.924698, 'agent', [ 'Birotehna d.o.o.' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/s_birotehna_bafna_-329x90.png' ] , [ 'Karadjordjeva 21, 11300 Smederevo, SERBIA' ] , [ '+381-26-640-333' ] , [ '+381-26-226-050' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 46.238325, 14.409776, 'agent', [ 'ISISTEM d.o.o.' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/5.png' ] , [ 'Poslovna cona A 12 SI-4208 Šenčur Slovenia' ] , [ '+386-31-626-363' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -33.999865, 25.53431, 'agent', [ 'Avocet Pty. Ltd. (Port Elizabeth Office)' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/15_9.jpg' ] , [ '40 Saddlewood Villas, Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth. P.O.Box 16514, Emerald Hill 6011 South Africa' ] , [ '+27-41-368-2341' ] , [ '+27-51-368-2341' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -26.243114, 28.082315, 'agent', [ 'Avocet Pty. Ltd. (Johannesburg South Office)' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/15_8.jpg' ] , [ 'Unit E2, Supreme Industrial Park, Cnr Heidelberg &amp; Southern Kliprivierberg Rds, Steeledale. P.O.Box 9650, Edenglen 1613 South Africa' ] , [ '27 (11) 613-5838' ] , [ '27 (11) 613-4454' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -26.065534, 28.1961536, 'office', [ 'Ishida South Africa' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_5.gif' ] , [ 'Riverside Industrial Park Unit 18<br />Ossewa Road, Chloorkop,<br />P.O. Box 3553, Kempton park 1620' ] , [ '+27 (0) 11 976 2010' ] , [ '+27 (0) 11 976 2012' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -29.099341, 26.156622, 'agent', [ 'Avocet Pty. Ltd. (Bloemfontein Office)' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/15.jpg' ] , [ '7 Willis St, Hospital Park, Bloemfontein P.O.Box 26404, Langenhoven Park 9330 South Africa' ] , [ '+27-51-525-2086' ] , [ '+27-51-525-2812' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -26.078823, 27.910804, 'agent', [ 'Avocet Pty. Ltd. (Johannesburg North Office)' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/15_7.jpg' ] , [ 'Unit 3, 1 Kielboot St, Lazer Park Honeydew. P.O.Box 9650, Edenglen 1613 South Africa' ] , [ '27 (11) 794-3643' ] , [ '27 (11) 794-3463' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -32.992528, 27.92004, 'agent', [ 'Avocet Pty. Ltd. (East London Office)' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/15_6.jpg' ] , [ '5 Epson Road, Stirling, East London. P.O.Box 923, East London 5200 South Africa' ] , [ '+27-43-735-1561' ] , [ '+27-43-735-1561' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -33.86276, 18.70249, 'agent', [ 'Avocet Pty. Ltd. (Cape Town Office)' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/15_1.jpg' ] , [ 'Unit 8 Okavango Park, Patrys Singel, Brackenfell. P.O.Box 4146, Durbanville 7551 South Africa' ] , [ '+27-21-982-7321' ] , [ '+27-21-981-7576' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -29.822002, 30.947475, 'agent', [ 'Avocet Pty. Ltd. (Durban Office)' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/15_5.jpg' ] , [ '10 Maxmead, 8 Reed Place, Pinetown. P.O.Box 2090, Westville 3630 South Africa' ] , [ '+27-31-701-5225' ] , [ '+27-31-701-5188' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -1.2431053, 36.8764484, 'office', [ 'Ishida East Africa Ltd' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/ishidaeurope_sml_1_1.gif' ] , [ 'Premier Industrial Park, Baba Dogo Road<br />P.O Box 538 – 00618, Ruaraka, Nairobi' ] , [ '+254 (0)202 000425' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 32.095838, 34.952177, 'agent', [ 'PRISMA' ] , [ '' ] , [ '22 Ha-avoda Street<br />Industrial Zone Rosh Ha-ain<br />Israel Ha-ain P.O. 1355<br />ISRAEL' ] , [ '00972 3910 4441' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 29.9613669, 31.3076019, 'agent', [ 'Alpha International Co.' ] , [ '' ] , [ '6 Misr Leltamir Towers<br />P.O. Box: 44<br />Zahraa El Maadi<br />Maadi<br />Cairo' ] , [ '+202 2517 1393' ] , [ '+202 27011172' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 47.147125, 8.428859, 'both', [ 'ITECH AG' , 'Ishida Switzerland' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/itech.png' , '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_5.gif' ] , [ 'Riedstrasse 1<br />6343 Rotkreuz' , 'Ishida Europe AG<br />Riedstrasse 1<br />CH-6343 Rotkreuz' ] , [ '+41 (0)41 790 7447' , '+41 (0)41 799 7999' ] , [ '+41 (0)41 790 7449' , '+41 (0)41 790 3927' ] , [ '' , '' ] , [ '' , '' ] , [ '' , '' ] ], [ 35.016893, 135.778151, 'office,strategic partner,headquarters', [ 'Ishida Japan, Ishida Co. Ltd (Headquarters, Japan)' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_1.gif' ] , [ '44 Sanou-Cho, Sakyou-Ku, Kyoto<br />606-8392 Japan<br />' ] , [ '+81 75 771 4141' ] , [ '+81 75 751 7129' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ ' <p><strong>Asia-Pacific</strong></p><p>For all Asia-Pacific Service enquires please visit the regional office. </p><p><a href="" id="|"></a></p>' ] ], [ 35.0314812, 135.982661, 'office', [ 'Ishida Shiga Integrated Facility' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/ishidaeurope_sml_5_1.gif' ] , [ '959-1 Shimomagari, Ritto, Shiga, Japan' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -23.500783, -46.755789, 'office', [ 'Ishida DO Brasil LTDA' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_1.gif' ] , [ 'Rua Henry Ford, 803 - Módulos 04 e 05<br />Condomínio Bresco<br />Presidente Altino, Osasco/SP Brazil<br />CEP 06210-108' ] , [ '+55-11-2899-1830' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 37.64442, -122.13868, 'strategic partner', [ 'Heat and Control, Inc. (California)' ] , [ '/images/Heatandcontrol_sml_4.gif' ] , [ '21121 Cabot Blvd., Hayward, CA 94545-1132, U.S.A.' ] , [ '+1-800-227-5980,  +1-510-259-0500' ] , [ '+1-510-259-0600' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 40.0503687, -76.373105, 'strategic partner', [ 'Heat and Control, Inc. (Pennsylvania)' ] , [ '/images/Heatandcontrol_sml_4.gif' ] , [ '415 Running Pump Road, Lancaster, PA 17603, USA' ] , [ '1 (800) 648-5313 or 1 (717) 519-5240' ] , [ '1 (717) 519-5260' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 45.486673, -91.739651, 'agent', [ 'Rice Lake Weighing Systems (Except Weighing/Cubing)' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/rice-lake.jpg' ] , [ '230 West Coleman Street, Rice Lake, WI 54868, U.S.A.' ] , [ '+1-715-234-9171' ] , [ '+1-715-234-6967' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -36.946877, 174.898243, 'strategic partner', [ 'Heat and Control Ltd.' ] , [ '/images/Heatandcontrol_sml_1.gif' ] , [ '1/32 Barmac Place<br />East Tamaki<br />Manukau 2013<br />Auckland' ] , [ '+64 9 274 4182' ] , [ '+64 9 274 5756' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -43.54581, 172.57962, 'agent', [ 'ECL GROUP' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/ecl_logo_w200.jpg' ] , [ '32 Magdala Place Middleton Christchurch 8024' ] , [ '03 339 8788' ] , [ '03 338 4575 ' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -37.920391, 145.162023, 'strategic partner', [ 'Heat and Control, Pty. Ltd.' ] , [ '/images/Heatandcontrol_sml_4.gif' ] , [ 'Mulgrave Business Park 14 Enterprise Court, Mulgrave, Vic. 3170, Australia' ] , [ '61 (03) 9535 0100' ] , [ '61 (03) 9561 2403' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -27.530043, 153.095694, 'strategic partner', [ 'Heat and Control Pty. Ltd.' ] , [ '/images/Heatandcontrol_sml_2.gif' ] , [ '407 Creek Road, Mt. Gravatt, Brisbane, QLD 4122, Australia' ] , [ '+61-(0)7-3877-6333' ] , [ '+61-(0)7-3343-8371' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -34.621362, -58.403451, 'agent', [ 'Andres Moretti e Hijos S.A' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/s_Andres-Moretti-E-Hijos-S-A.jpg' ] , [ 'Carlos Calvo 2740, 1230 Buenos Aires, Argentina' ] , [ '+54-114-308-1365' ] , [ '+54-114-943-1864' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -34.560149, -58.45347, 'strategic partner', [ 'Heat and Control S.R.L.' ] , [ '/images/Heatandcontrol_sml_4.gif' ] , [ 'Juramento No. 2059-Piso 9<br />Of. 912, 1428 Buenos Aires' ] , [ '+11 (54) 114-788-0533' ] , [ '+11 (54) 114-781-0588' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 25.204849, 55.270783, 'agent', [ 'ARAB SCALE TRADING LLC' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/13.jpg' ] , [ 'P.O.BOX 117251 Damascu St., Midfa Bidg. Office no. 202, Dubai, U.A.E.' ] , [ '+971-2676403' ] , [ '+971-2676405' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 25.2644933, 55.3661075, 'office', [ 'Ishida Middle East' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_5.gif' ] , [ 'Warehouse E16<br />P.O. Box 293841<br />Dubai Airport Free Zone<br />Dubai' ] , [ '+971 (0)4 299 1933' ] , [ '+971 (0)4 299 1955' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ ' <p>General Enquiry Telephone: +04-2991933 Ext. 5317</p><p>Email: <a href="" id="|"></a></p>' ] ], [ 41.001592, 29.152172, 'agent', [ 'CAS ELEKTRONIK SAN.TIC.A.S.' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/12.gif' ] , [ '34775 BOSTANCI CAD.MEVDUDI SOK.NO:26 Y.DUDULLU UMRANIYE, ISTANBUL,TURKEY' ] , [ '+90-216-540-8120' ] , [ '+90-216-540-8128' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 40.9762207, 29.0778279, 'agent', [ 'Elbak Limited' ] , [ '/images/elbak_sml.gif' ] , [ 'Bostanciyolu,<br />Kuru Sokak No. 20<br />Yukaridudullu, Umraniye<br />34776 Istanbul' ] , [ '+90 216 590 02 40' ] , [ '+90 216 590 06 40' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 22.336117, 114.147473, 'agent', [ 'Hong Kong Packing Equipment Centre Ltd.' , 'Che Scientific Co (Hong Kong) Ltd.' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/hongkong_1.png' , '/webadmin/contacts/images/che-scientific.png' ] , [ 'Unit 02&amp;03, 21th Fl., Citic Telecom Tower, 93 Kwai Fuk Road, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong' , 'Unit D, 18th Fl., Roxy Industrial Centre, 58-66 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong' ] , [ '+852-2610-2277' , '+852-2418-1302' ] , [ '+852-2484-9275 / 2425-7647' , '+852-2481-1302' ] , [ '' , '' ] , [ '' , '' ] , [ '' , '' ] ], [ 13.671767, 100.619738, 'office', [ 'Ishida Asia Technical Center' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml.gif' ] , [ '293 Warehouse Chodthithanawat 1 Unit 4, Debaratana Km.1 Rd., Bangna-Nuea Bangna, Bangkok 10260<br /><br />293 คลังสินค้า โขติธนวัฒน์1 ยูนิต4 ถนนเทพรัตน กิโลเมตร 1 บางนาเหนือ บางนา กรุงเทพ 10260' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 13.6953278, 100.535459, 'office', [ 'Ishida Thailand Co. Ltd' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_1.gif' ] , [ '123/13 NonseeRoad<br />Khaweng Chongnonsee<br />Khet Yannawa<br />Bangkok 10120' ] , [ '+66 (2) 681 9990' ] , [ '+66 (2) 681 9994' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 13.820697, 100.523987, 'agent', [ 'N.C.R. Engineering &amp; Trading Co., Ltd. (Case Ready Solutions/Retail Products &amp; Systems/Industrial Scales)' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/NCR.jpg' ] , [ '800/3 Wongsawang Rd., Bangsaue, Bangkok 10800 Thailand' ] , [ '+66-2-910-8590' ] , [ '+66-2-586-9075' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 13.08392, 80.226319, 'strategic partner', [ 'Heat and Control, Pvt. Ltd.' ] , [ '/images/Heatandcontrol_sml_4.gif' ] , [ 'E2, 3rd Avenue, Anna Nagar East, Chennai, 600 102, India' ] , [ '+91-44-4210-3950' ] , [ '+91-44-4210-3949' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 28.4951339, 77.0797348, 'office', [ 'Ishida India Pvt Ltd' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_1.gif' ] , [ '382<br />Ground Floor<br />Udyog Vihar<br />Phase-2<br />Gurgram - 122 016<br />Haryana<br />India' ] , [ '+91-124-4844-391' ] , [ '+91-124-3854393' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 43.399372, -80.303287, 'strategic partner', [ 'Heat and Control Canada, Inc.' ] , [ '/images/Heatandcontrol_sml.gif' ] , [ '1111 Franklin Blvd., Unit 13<br />Cambridge, ON<br />N1R 8B5' ] , [ '+1-866-337-3312,  +1-519-623-1100' ] , [ '+1-519-623-1052' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 43.596557, -79.746367, 'office', [ 'Ishida Canada Inc.' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_1.gif' ] , [ '2220 Argentia Road, Unit 7 Mississauga, ON., L5N 2K7, CANADA' ] , [ '+ 1-647-428-0279, +1-888-517-1556(Toll Free)' ] , [ '' ] , [ ',' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 20.5661197, -103.31433, 'strategic partner', [ 'Heat and Control, Inc. Mexico &amp; Latin America' ] , [ '/images/Heatandcontrol_sml_3.gif' ] , [ 'Circuito De La Productividad Sur 107<br />Parque Industrial Guadalajara<br />El Salto<br />Jalisco C.P. 45690' ] , [ '+52-3-689-1146' ] , [ '+52-3-689-1147' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 31.791702, -7.09262, 'agent', [ 'Multivac -Bureau Maroc' ] , [ '/images/multivac.gif' ] , [ '356, Bd. Brahim Roudani Extension. Intersection Bd. Ghandi et Rte El Jadida Maarif Extension. Casablanca-Maroc' ] , [ '+216 71 963 963' ] , [ '+216 71 860 230' ] , [ ',' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 28.033886, 1.659626, 'agent', [ 'Multivac -Bureau Algérie' ] , [ '/images/multivac.gif' ] , [ '36 Rue A. Les crêtes Hydra. 16035 Alger-Algerie' ] , [ '+216 71 963 963' ] , [ '+216 71 860 230' ] , [ ',' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 36.8829782, 10.3042799, 'agent', [ 'Multivac North Africa' ] , [ '/images/multivac.gif' ] , [ 'Immeuble VITORIA, Bloc B, Angle de la rue du lac Victoria et les passages du lac Maracaibo et du lac Neusiel., Les berges du lac 1053, Tunis' ] , [ '+216 71 963 963' ] , [ '+216 71 860 230' ] , [ ',' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 55.815273, 37.515037, '', [ 'PRINTSHOP' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/10-Proshop.jpg' ] , [ 'Kosmonavta Volkova Str.10/1 127299 Moscow, Russia' ] , [ '+7-495-790-7606' ] , [ '+7-495-790-7606' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 55.781076, 37.627397, 'office', [ 'Ishida Russia and CIS' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_1.gif' ] , [ '3-ya Rybinskaya Ulitsa, 17, Moscow <br />107113, Russian Federation' ] , [ '+7 499 272 05 36' ] , [ '+7 499 272 05 37' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ ' <p><strong>Spares, Service and Others</strong></p><p>General Enquiry Telephone: +7 499 272 05 36</p><p>Spares email: <a href=""></a></p><p>Service email: <a href=""></a></p><p>Spares, Services and Other Fax: +7 499 272 05 37</p><p><strong>Working Hours: </strong>Monday – Friday 09.00 – 18.00 </p><p><strong>Outside of Working Hours: </strong><a href=""></a></p>' ] ], [ 50.44773, 30.54272, 'agent', [ 'Mirratex Engineering Ltd' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/mirratex.png' ] , [ 'Prospekt Mykolaya Bagana, 10А, app. B6, 02072<br />Kiev, Ukraine' ] , [ '+38 044 499 65 07, +38 044 561 56 12' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 3.070615, 101.559882, 'office', [ 'Ishida Systems (M) Sdn. 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Ltd' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_1.gif' , '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_1.gif' ] , [ '189, Wonmi-ro, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea' , '5F, 189, Wonmi-ro, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea' ] , [ '+82-32-668-1550' , '+82-32-661-4144' ] , [ '+82-32-668-1558' , '+82-32-661-4156' ] , [ '' , '' ] , [ '' , '' ] , [ '' , '' ] ], [ 10.497617, -66.846407, 'agent', [ 'Industrias Metarmes C.A.' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/s_xacta-venezuera.jpg' ] , [ 'Centro Plaza, Torrec C, Piso 19, Oficina C, Los Palos Grandes, Caracas, Venezuela' ] , [ '+58-212-285-5595' ] , [ '+58-212-285-7214' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ -34.901113, -56.164531, 'agent', [ 'Citek Ltda.' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/s_citek.jpg' ] , [ 'Cerrito 282 bis al 284, Montevideo, Uruguay' ] , [ '+598-2-915-5380' ] , [ '+598-2-915-8780' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 6.912095, 79.852358, 'agent', [ 'API MACHINERY (PVT) LIMITED' ] , [ '' ] , [ '39 Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo-3, SRI LANKA' ] , [ '+94-11-257 3028 / 533 3028' ] , [ '+94-11-257 4178' ] , [ ',' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 1.355878, 103.822324, 'agent', [ 'Malayan Daching Co Pte. Ltd.' , 'FPM Asia Pte. Ltd.' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/malayan-daching.png' , '' ] , [ '5 Tanjong Penjuru Crescent, Singapore 608970' , '140 Paya Lebar Road #10-06, Az@Paya Lebar, Singapore 409015' ] , [ '+65-6763-4545' , '+65-6743-8182' ] , [ '+65-6763-6656' , '+65-6743-8184' ] , [ '' , '' ] , [ '' , '' ] , [ '' , '' ] ], [ 24.868332, 67.085078, 'agent', [ 'FAR EASTERN IMPEX (PVT) Ltd.' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/far-eastern.png' ] , [ 'F.E.I. Centre, G-3, Central Commercial Area, K.C.H.S.U., Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi-75350, Pakistan' ] , [ '+92-21-452-0127/0128/0219' ] , [ '+92-21-454-7323' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 54.393145, -8.52329, 'agent', [ 'SF Engineering' ] , [ '/images/sflogo.gif' ] , [ 'Grange<br />Co Sligo' ] , [ '+353 (0)71 91 63334' ] , [ '+353 (0)71 91 63553' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 51.867036, -8.474097, 'agent', [ 'STEPHEN OBRIEN RETAIL SYSTEMS LTD' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/s_Stephen.png' ] , [ 'Musgrave Cash &amp; Carry, Airport Road Cork, Ireland' ] , [ '+353-21-431-2100' ] , [ '+353-21-431-2428' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 4.710989, -74.072092, 'agent', [ 'Imtecol sas.' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/imtecol.png' ] , [ 'Centro Comercial Y Empresarial Iserra 100 (Cra 54 No 98 A 31) Local 127 y 129 - Bogota' ] , [ '+57-1-635-9969' ] , [ '+57-1-635-9979' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 31.286528, 121.651417, 'office', [ 'Shanghai Ishida Electronic Scales Co., Ltd.' ] , [ '/images/ishidaeurope_sml_1.gif' ] , [ 'Building 2, No.86, MinXue Road,<br />Pudong<br />Shanghai<br />China 201209' ] , [ '+86 21 5854 2100  &lt;br/&gt;Aftersales Hotline: 400-821-8678 (Industrial product) &lt;br/&gt;Aftersales Hotline: 800-820-2310 (Retail &amp; Logistics product)' ] , [ '+86 21 5854 2668' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] ], [ 35.883469, 14.39989, 'agent', [ 'PORTELLI WEIGHING SYSTEMS' ] , [ '/webadmin/contacts/images/PWS_1280x144_2.png' ] , [ '88-89, Triq San Pawl, Rabat RBT1240, Malta.' ] , [ '+356 214 597 35' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ '' ] , [ ' GENERAL_ENQUIRIES__PLEASE_CALL___356__21459735__CONTACT_SALES__PWS_SALES_IVPORTELLI_COM_OR_CALL___356__21459735__EXT__1__SALES___CONTACT_SERVICE_REPAIRS_CALIBRATIONS__PWS_SERVICE_IVPORTELLI_COM_OR_CAL' ] ] ]; if (Modernizr.touch) { var isDraggable = false; } else { var isDraggable = true; } var mapCenter = new google.maps.LatLng(20.4, 20.0); var mapOptions = { zoom: 2, center: mapCenter, scaleControl: true, draggable: isDraggable, overviewMapControl: true, overviewMapControlOptions:{opened:false}, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }; var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("location_map"), mapOptions); //bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({maxWidth: 500}); 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