Open Source T-shirts |
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We will respond immediately with the technical requirements that we need... and a very reasonable price. </p><p> The printing techniques we use are the screen printing, the vinyl and the sublimation, each with its possibilities and limitations. </p> <h2>Silkscreen textile printing</h2> <p> Screen printing is the oldest technique of textile printing and lets you print in any color garment. The durability is excellent. It is a suitable technique for medium and large print runs, required for prepress work that make face very short runs. The price depends on the garment used, the number of colors to print and the number of garments. </p> <h2>DTF textile printing</h2> <p> The DTF (Direct to Film) printing technique allows the printing of a single garment, or orders numerous of T-Shirts, polos or sweatshirts, in any material (cotton, polyester) and color. It allows multicolored designs, and very small details. It's resistant following simple washing guidelines (cold water, garment inside out, and without bleach or abrasive products). </p> <h2>Textile vinyl</h2> <p> The vinyl allows you to print a single garment of any material and color. It's very resistant, provided a few simple caring guidelines are followed (cold water, garment inside out, no bleach or abrasives). </p><p> Its limitations are the reduced number of colors available, and that very small details are not allowed in the design. </p><p> The design will be in vector format, in flat colors. If there is text, do not forget to convert it to curves. </p> <h2>Textile Sublimation</h2> <p> The sublimation allows to print a single garment and in full color designs (photographic images, gradients...). The impression is indelible, his touch on the garment is inappreciable and is the most durable of all printing techniques. </p><p> Its limitations are to be printed in white or very light colored clothing (the inks foreshadow the color of the garment) and the garment must be polyester. Fortunately we have a polyester shirts that faithfully simulate the feel and appearance of a cotton shirt. </p> <h2>Laminated printed stickers</h2> <p> Very long-lasting laminated printed stickers. Once printed the stickers, is applied another layer of protector vinyl, to make one tough sticker. </p> </p><p> Send us the design via email to <a href=""></a> and consult us, without any obligation, about the proper technique for your design and its price. </p> </div> <!-- /Content --> </div> <!-- /wrapper --> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <!-- block to stop menu overflow --> <div class="footer"> <!-- Footer --> <div id="social-badges"> <span> Yell this out: <a href="" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" class="icon_share_mini"><img src="/images/social/twitter_gray_32x32.png" alt="twitter"/></a> <a href="" title="Share on Mastodon" target="_blank" class="icon_share_mini"><img src="/images/social/mastodon_32x32.png" alt="mastodon"/></a> <a href="" title="Share on Telegram" target="_blank" class="icon_share_mini"><img src="/images/social/telegram_32x32.png" alt="telegram"/></a> </span> </div> <div id="currencies"> <form class="cool_form" method="get"> <!-- label for="currency">Currency:</label --> <select name="currency" style="width:100%;" onchange="submit()"> <option value='AUD'>AUD</option><option value='BGN'>BGN</option><option value='BRL'>BRL</option><option value='CAD'>CAD</option><option value='CHF'>CHF</option><option value='CNY'>CNY</option><option value='CZK'>CZK</option><option value='DKK'>DKK</option><option value='EEK'>EEK</option><option selected="selected" value='EUR'>EUR (€)</option><option value='GBP'>GBP (£)</option><option value='HKD'>HKD</option><option value='HRK'>HRK</option><option value='HUF'>HUF</option><option value='IDR'>IDR</option><option value='ILS'>ILS</option><option value='INR'>INR</option><option value='ISK'>ISK</option><option value='JPY'>JPY</option><option value='KRW'>KRW</option><option value='LTL'>LTL</option><option value='LVL'>LVL</option><option value='MXN'>MXN</option><option value='MYR'>MYR</option><option value='NOK'>NOK</option><option value='NZD'>NZD</option><option value='PHP'>PHP</option><option value='PLN'>PLN</option><option value='RON'>RON</option><option value='RUB'>RUB</option><option value='SEK'>SEK</option><option value='SGD'>SGD</option><option value='THB'>THB</option><option value='TRY'>TRY</option><option value='USD'>USD ($)</option><option value='ZAR'>ZAR</option> </select> </form> </div> <!-- div id="languages"> <a href='/customization?page=customization&lang=en_US'> <img src='/images/navigation/lang_en_US.png' alt='en_US'/> </a> </div --> <div id="copyright"><div> <!-- <img src="/images/navigation/copyleft.png" alt="copyleft"/> 2008 FreeWear, All Wrongs Reserved --> <img src="/images/navigation/geeks2.gif" alt="42" /> </div></div> </div> <!-- /Footer --> </div> <!-- /frame --> <div style="display:none;"> <a class="accordion_toggle_fake"></a> <a class="accordion_toggle_fake"></a> <a class="accordion_toggle_fake"></a> <a class="accordion_toggle_fake"></a> <a class="accordion_toggle_fake2"></a> <a class="accordion_toggle_fake2"></a> </div> <!-- script type="text/javascript" src="/js/iCarousel.js"></script --> <!-- Fix Mootools on Firefox >18 --> <script type="text/javascript"> String.prototype.contains = function(string, separator){ return (separator) ? 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