AWS re:Invent 2024 FAQs | Amazon Web Services
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class="heading display">FAQs</h1> </div> </div> <h2 class="heading heading-4 sub-title" data-fade-in> <div id="text-9ad10e4793" class="cmp-text"> Find information about all things re:Invent here—event sponsorship, accessing content, and more. </div> </h2> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="newfaqlist aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div id="newfaqlist-83d9b91382"> <nav class="C23SubNavigation" data-component="C23SubNavigation"> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="navigation-wrapper" data-navigation-wrapper=""> <div class="anchor-list" data-anchors-wrapper=""> <div class="anchor-link-wrapper"> <a href="#faq-about-re-invent" class="anchor" title="About re:Invent" data-anchor-link="" data-cmp-data-layer="{"-cta-0":{"@type":"awsevents/components/newfaqlist/cta","dc:title":"About re:Invent","xdm:linkURL":"#faq-"}}"> <span class="heading heading-4"> About re:Invent </span> </a> </div> <div class="anchor-link-wrapper"> <a href="#faq-general" class="anchor" 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class="content-wrapper" data-fade-in> <div class="title-wrapper"> <div class="eyebrow gold" data-eyebrow> </div> <h3 class="heading heading-1">About re:Invent</h3> </div> <div class="faq-wrapper" data-fade-in> <ul class="faq-list"> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='What is AWS re:Invent?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> What is AWS re:Invent? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>AWS re:Invent is a learning conference hosted by AWS for the global cloud computing community. The in-person event features keynote announcements, training and certification opportunities, access to more than 2,000 technical sessions, the Expo, after-hours events, and so much more.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Who should attend re:Invent?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Who should attend re:Invent? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>The event is ideal for people who want to transform their businesses with the cloud, hear the latest innovations with AWS and explore new technology, and anyone who wishes to level up their cloud-computing skills to advance their careers.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='When and where will re:Invent take place?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> When and where will re:Invent take place? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>AWS re:Invent will take place December 2–6, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada, across multiple venues. Explore the <a href="/experience/plan-your-trip/" title="Plan your trip">Plan Your Trip</a> page for more information on venues and transportation.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Will I be able to watch a livestream of re:Invent?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Will I be able to watch a livestream of re:Invent? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes, you can register to livestream re:Invent keynotes and innovation talks, and get access to on-demand breakout sessions. Registration for the livestream is free and can be done ahead of time <a href="/register/virtualregistration/">right here</a>.</p> </span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bump"></div> <div class="subnavsection"> <div id="faq-general"> <div class="C9FAQList" data-component="C9FAQList"> <div class="content-wrapper" data-fade-in> <div class="title-wrapper"> <div class="eyebrow gold" data-eyebrow> </div> <h3 class="heading heading-1">General</h3> </div> <div class="faq-wrapper" data-fade-in> <ul class="faq-list"> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Where is the conference agenda?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Where is the conference agenda? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>You can find general information about the conference agenda—like times and locations for badge pickup, meals, sessions, and the Expo—plus venue and transportation info on the <a href="/experience/agenda/" title="Agenda">Agenda</a> page.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Is there an age requirement to attend re:Invent?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Is there an age requirement to attend re:Invent? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes. All attendees must be at least 18 years of age by the day they pick up their conference badge.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Are there day passes or Expo-only passes available?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Are there day passes or Expo-only passes available? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>No. A full conference pass is required to attend re:Invent.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Will there be a mobile app for re:Invent?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Will there be a mobile app for re:Invent? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes. The AWS Events mobile app is available now for download on both <a href="" target="_blank">iOS</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Android</a> for in-person attendees. Before the event, in-person attendees can use the mobile app to view the session catalog, reserve seats, network through <a href="/peertalk/" title="PeerTalk">PeerTalk</a> to sign up for meetups or schedule meetings with other attendees during the week, and view event sponsors. During the event, you can use the app to find your way around the re:Invent campus, get customized recommendations for content, participate in gamification activities, continue making connections with other attendees through PeerTalk, and get answers to FAQs.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='How can I connect with other attendees at re:Invent?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> How can I connect with other attendees at re:Invent? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Expand your connections through <a href="/peertalk/" title="PeerTalk">PeerTalk</a>, the peer-to-peer networking program that’s designed to help facilitate meaningful connections among the re:Invent community.</p> <p> </p> <p>PeerTalk uses AWS AI/ML services to transform how attendees connect at re:Invent. With PeerTalk, you can effortlessly discover and connect with like-minded professionals from across the globe. Once you opt in through the AWS Events App, PeerTalk will suggest potential connections based on topics of interests, and then you can easily search, filter, and chat 1:1 or in groups in designated PeerTalk spaces across the re:Invent campus.</p> <p> </p> <p>PeerTalk is available for in-person attendees through the AWS Events mobile app for you to start making connections onsite at re:Invent.<b></b></p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Will bootcamps be offered at re:Invent?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Will bootcamps be offered at re:Invent? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Bootcamps will be included in reserved seating for in-person attendees at no additional cost.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Will certification exams be offered at re:Invent?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Will certification exams be offered at re:Invent? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Certification exams will not be offered onsite at re:Invent, however all in-person re:Invent registrants will receive a 50% discount for any AWS Certification exam. You can access your voucher and see additional details in your attendee portal.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='What meals are served during the event?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> What meals are served during the event? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be served on full conference days. All dishes will be labeled with the following allergens/ingredients: dairy, gluten, tree nuts, shellfish, eggs, peanuts, soy, alcohol, vegetarian, and vegan.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Will kosher and halal meals be available?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Will kosher and halal meals be available? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes. Halal and kosher meals will be available while supplies last. Please contact <a href=""></a> to pre-order your meal.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='How can I get information about becoming a sponsor?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> How can I get information about becoming a sponsor? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Please contact our sponsorship team at <a href=""></a> to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='How can I contact customer support?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> How can I contact customer support? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Please send an email to customer support at <a href=""></a>. Our team will respond to you within one business day.</p> </span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bump"></div> <div class="subnavsection"> <div id="faq-registration"> <div class="C9FAQList" data-component="C9FAQList"> <div class="content-wrapper" data-fade-in> <div class="title-wrapper"> <div class="eyebrow gold" data-eyebrow> </div> <h3 class="heading heading-1">Registration</h3> </div> <div class="faq-wrapper" data-fade-in> <ul class="faq-list"> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='What is the cost of a conference pass?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> What is the cost of a conference pass? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>An in-person conference pass is $2,099 (USD), and gives you access to the keynotes, innovation talks, sessions, labs, the Expo, re:Play, and other event activities as well as transportation and meals on main conference days. Registration for the livestream is free.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='What are group passes?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> What are group passes? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Group passes provide an easy way to purchase multiple re:Invent passes in a single transaction. When you buy group passes, you’ll receive a registration code that can be shared with the number of people equal to the passes you purchased. Each person will then use that code to register themselves. For groups of 10 or more, check out our <a href="/group-ticket-offers/" title="Group ticket offers">Group Ticket Offers</a> program for additional benefits.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Are there discounts for buying more than one pass?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Are there discounts for buying more than one pass? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes. Group Ticket Offers provides one free pass for every 10 passes purchased, plus a $150 discount on all passes. To take advantage of this offer, select the <b>Group Ticket Offers</b> option when purchasing your passes online, and the discounted pricing and free passes will be applied to the purchaser’s attendee portal within three business days. For more information, view the <a href="/group-ticket-offers/" title="Group ticket offers">Group Ticket Offers</a> page or contact customer support at <a href=""></a>. <a href="" target="_blank">Terms and conditions</a> apply.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='How do I purchase group passes?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> How do I purchase group passes? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>During registration, you’ll see the option to purchase group passes. If you plan to attend the event, you’ll be able to apply a pass to yourself after you complete the purchase.</p> <p> </p> <p>Upon completing the purchase, your group codes will be available in the attendee portal under the <b>Pass management</b> tab. Provide the registration code to each person attending, and they will apply the code when registering to remove the cost of the conference pass. Each person must register themselves through their own account. </p> <p> </p> <p>View <a href="" target="_blank">Group Ticket Offers</a> for information on volume-based group pass discounts and incentives. For purchases of 50 passes or more, please reach out to customer support at <a href=""></a> for more information.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='What are the payment options to purchase passes?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> What are the payment options to purchase passes? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>During registration you can choose to use your credit card or to bill passes to your AWS account. Due to the length of time it takes to process billing, the option to bill passes to your AWS account will only be available through November 15, 2024. After that date, passes can be purchased using a credit card only. </p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Do I need to be registered to attend the conference?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Do I need to be registered to attend the conference? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes. You need to be registered for re:Invent in order to attend any event sessions or functions. A valid conference badge and lanyard are required when in the designated event spaces.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='How do I register for re:Invent?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> How do I register for re:Invent? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Register now</a> to join us in Las Vegas for re:Invent 2024. All attendees will need to select <b>Create account</b> to register, even if you’ve registered for a previous event. If you are unable to attend in person, <a href="/register/virtualregistration/" title="Watch re:Invent online">livestream registration</a> is available now.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='How do I update my registration information?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> How do I update my registration information? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Profile information can be updated through your attendee portal under the <b>Event profile</b> tab. To make any other changes, email customer support at <a href=""></a>. Note that email addresses cannot be changed in your account after registration is complete.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Where can I access my receipt for the event?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Where can I access my receipt for the event? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Resend your receipt and confirmation email through the <b>Pass management</b> tab in your attendee portal.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='How can I purchase a re:Play party guest pass?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> How can I purchase a re:Play party guest pass? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>During registration, select the re:Play party guest pass, or choose the option to purchase additional passes from your attendee portal after you’ve completed registration. The purchase will generate a registration code that you will provide to your guest, which they will use to register themselves. Your guest will need to have a badge in order to attend re:Play. If you are already registered, you will not need to purchase a re:Play party pass for yourself; entry is included in your general event registration.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='What is your cancellation policy for conference registration?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> What is your cancellation policy for conference registration? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>If AWS receives your cancellation notice by <b>October 18, 2024</b>, you will be issued a full refund of your registration fees via the original payment method.<br /> <br /> If AWS receives your cancellation notice between <b>October 19, 2024</b>, and <b>November 29, 2024</b>, AWS will issue you a 50% refund of your registration fees via the original payment method.<br /> <br /> If AWS receives your cancellation notice after <b>November 29, 2024</b>, you will not be eligible for a refund.<br /> <br /> Event registrations may be transferred to another participant upon approval by AWS and at its sole discretion. To request a transfer of your event registration, contact us at <a href=""></a>.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='I can no longer attend. How do I transfer my event registration to someone else?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> I can no longer attend. How do I transfer my event registration to someone else? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Contact us at <a href=""></a> to transfer your registration. Note that we are not able to transfer hotel reservations. Transfers are approved by AWS at its sole discretion.</p> </span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bump"></div> <div class="subnavsection"> <div id="faq-hotels-and-transportation"> <div class="C9FAQList" data-component="C9FAQList"> <div class="content-wrapper" data-fade-in> <div class="title-wrapper"> <div class="eyebrow gold" data-eyebrow> </div> <h3 class="heading heading-1">Hotels and transportation</h3> </div> <div class="faq-wrapper" data-fade-in> <ul class="faq-list"> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Are there discounted hotel rates for attendees?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Are there discounted hotel rates for attendees? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>The re:Invent hotel blocks are now closed. Contact the hotel directly to make a reservation. Any discounted rates for nights booked directly with the hotel are provided at the hotel’s sole discretion.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Will a deposit be charged to my credit card for the hotel reservation?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Will a deposit be charged to my credit card for the hotel reservation? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes. You are required to provide a credit card when making a hotel reservation. A one-night deposit will be charged to your card directly by the hotel prior to the event</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='When will I receive a confirmation of my hotel reservation?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> When will I receive a confirmation of my hotel reservation? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>The hotel will email you a confirmation directly. Be sure to check your junk/spam folder if you haven’t received it. You can call the hotel directly and ask to speak with in-house reservations to request the confirmation email or to make any changes to your reservation.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='How do I make changes to my reservation?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> How do I make changes to my reservation? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Call the hotel directly and ask to speak with in-house reservations to make any changes to your reservation, including modifying and canceling your stay. The hotel blocks are now closed, and re:Invent customer support can no longer assist with reservations.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='What is the cancellation policy for the hotel reservation?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> What is the cancellation policy for the hotel reservation? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>All reservations made through the re:Invent block follow the hotel cancellation policies. Please contact the hotel directly to inquire about their cancellation policy.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Will there be transportation provided around the re:Invent campus?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Will there be transportation provided around the re:Invent campus? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes. Campus shuttles travel between campus properties and run continuously during event hours. More details will be available closer to the event.</p> <p> </p> <p>Badge-holders can also take the Las Vegas Monorail for free from Flamingo, Harrah’s/The LINQ, or MGM Grand stations by showing their badges to the re:Invent ambassador at the entrance.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Do I need to be registered to ride the conference shuttles?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Do I need to be registered to ride the conference shuttles? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes. You must have a valid conference badge in order to ride the conference shuttles.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Are you offering accessible transportation?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Are you offering accessible transportation? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes. Accessible transportation will be available during transportation hours. Attendees can make arrangements at least one hour prior to their pickup. The phone number will be available prior to the event.</p> </span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bump"></div> <div class="subnavsection"> <div id="faq-content"> <div class="C9FAQList" data-component="C9FAQList"> <div class="content-wrapper" data-fade-in> <div class="title-wrapper"> <div class="eyebrow gold" data-eyebrow> </div> <h3 class="heading heading-1">Content</h3> </div> <div class="faq-wrapper" data-fade-in> <ul class="faq-list"> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='What type of content will be available in-person at re:Invent?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> What type of content will be available in-person at re:Invent? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>In-person attendees can attend keynotes, innovation talks, bootcamps, breakout sessions, builders’ sessions, workshops, chalk talks, code talks, lightning talks, self-paced labs, spotlight labs, and workshops. View the <a href="" target="_blank">content page</a> to learn more about each session type.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='When will the session catalog be available?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> When will the session catalog be available? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>The <a href="" target="_blank">session catalog</a> is available now, and additional sessions will be added in the future. View the public catalog to discover a wide variety of session types, activities, and more. Registered attendees can begin favoriting sessions through their attendee portal now.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Will there be reserved seating?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Will there be reserved seating? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes. Reserved seating is now open and available for bootcamps, breakout sessions, builders’ sessions, chalk talks, code talks, innovation talks, spotlight labs, and workshops. Registered attendees can start favoriting and reserving sessions now in the attendee portal catalog and the AWS Events mobile app. If you're unable to secure a reserved seat for a session you're interested in, walk-up seats are available for most session types.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='What if I couldn't get a reserved seat?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> What if I couldn't get a reserved seat? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Reserve seating is now open for qualified attendees. However, if you're not able to secure a reserved seat, there are walk-up seats available for most session types.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='In what venues will content be available?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> In what venues will content be available? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Content will be delivered across five venues on the Las Vegas strip: The Venetian, Wynn, Caesars Forum, MGM Grand, and Mandalay Bay.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Can I attend sessions at multiple venues?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Can I attend sessions at multiple venues? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes. Please note the venue where your session will take place and plan for proper travel time between venues.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='Will content be available on demand?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> Will content be available on demand? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Yes. The keynotes, innovation talks, and breakout sessions will be available on demand through the website after they are presented at re:Invent.</p> </span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bump"></div> <div class="subnavsection"> <div id="faq-accessibility"> <div class="C9FAQList" data-component="C9FAQList"> <div class="content-wrapper" data-fade-in> <div class="title-wrapper"> <div class="eyebrow gold" data-eyebrow> </div> <h3 class="heading heading-1">Accessibility</h3> </div> <div class="faq-wrapper" data-fade-in> <ul class="faq-list"> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='What accessibility services will be available?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> What accessibility services will be available? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>We want re:Invent to be accessible for everyone. The following services will be available at the conference for all attendees with no advance request required:</p> <ul> <li>Assistive listening</li> <li>Translations for keynotes and innovation talks (Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, and LATAM Spanish)</li> <li>Dispersed and designated seating</li> <li>Lactation rooms</li> <li>Reflection rooms</li> <li>All-gender restrooms<br /> <br /> </li> </ul> <p>These additional services can be requested in advance:</p> <ul> <li>ASL (American Sign Language) interpretation</li> <li>CART (Communication Access Realtime Transcription)</li> <li>Sighted guide</li> <li>Mobility device rental</li> <li>Accessible transportation</li> </ul> <p><br /> To request any of these services or inquire about a service you don’t see listed, including neurodivergent and sensory need requests, contact customer support at <a href=""></a>.</p> </span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bump"></div> <div class="subnavsection"> <div id="faq-safety"> <div class="C9FAQList" data-component="C9FAQList"> <div class="content-wrapper" data-fade-in> <div class="title-wrapper"> <div class="eyebrow gold" data-eyebrow> </div> <h3 class="heading heading-1">Safety</h3> </div> <div class="faq-wrapper" data-fade-in> <ul class="faq-list"> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='What is the AWS re:Invent code of conduct?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> What is the AWS re:Invent code of conduct? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>We firmly believe in the value and importance of an environment where all AWS community members feel welcome and safe. This <a href="" target="_blank">Code of Conduct</a> explains the behavior we expect from AWS community members at interactive AWS events and programs, and across AWS blogs, online forums, and social media platforms. All attendees must comply with the AWS Code of Conduct.</p> </span> </div> </li> <li class="cmp-accordion__item faq-item" data-faq-item> <button class="question-wrapper " data-faq-question title='How are you keeping participants safe at re:Invent?' data-grouping='FAQs'> <h4 class="cmp-accordion__header heading heading-4"> How are you keeping participants safe at re:Invent? </h4> <div class="chevron"> <svg xmlns="" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 10 16"> <path d="M2.05.78L.72 2.1 6.62 8l-5.9 5.9 1.33 1.32L9.28 8 2.05.78z"/> </svg> </div> </button> <div class="answer-wrapper" id="-panel" data-cmp-hook-accordion="panel" data-faq-answer> <span class="copy body "> <p>Your safety and security are important to us. Additional details about security measures and behavior expectations for re:Invent attendees may be found in the <a href="" target="_blank">AWS Event Terms and Conditions</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">AWS Code of Conduct</a>. All attendees at re:Invent commit to the AWS Event Terms and Conditions and AWS Code of Conduct as part of the registration process.</p> </span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="experiencefragment aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div id="experiencefragment-ae49858639" class="cmp-experiencefragment cmp-experiencefragment--footer"> <!--Extended container component to add the image container wrapper when enabled--> <div id="container-3263729b0e" class="cmp-container"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="footer horizontal-gradient-line aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div id="footer" class="C12Footer" data-component="C12Footer"> <div class="flair"></div> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="copy-wrapper " data-fade-in> <div class="logo-date-location"> <div class="image logo-wrapper"><div data-cmp-is="image" 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