{"title":"Nonlinear Fuzzy Tracking Real-time-based Control of Drying Parameters","authors":"Marco Soares dos Santos, Camila Nicola Boeri, Jorge Augusto Ferreira, Fernando Neto da Silva","volume":47,"journal":"International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering","pagesStart":1163,"pagesEnd":1178,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/7029","abstract":"The highly nonlinear characteristics of drying\nprocesses have prompted researchers to seek new nonlinear control\nsolutions. However, the relation between the implementation\ncomplexity, on-line processing complexity, reliability control\nstructure and controller-s performance is not well established. The\npresent paper proposes high performance nonlinear fuzzy controllers\nfor a real-time operation of a drying machine, being developed under\na consistent match between those issues. A PCI-6025E data\nacquisition device from National Instruments\u00ae was used, and the\ncontrol system was fully designed with MATLAB\u00ae \/ SIMULINK\nlanguage. Drying parameters, namely relative humidity and\ntemperature, were controlled through MIMOs Hybrid Bang-bang+PI\n(BPI) and Four-dimensional Fuzzy Logic (FLC) real-time-based\ncontrollers to perform drying tests on biological materials. The\nperformance of the drying strategies was compared through several\ncriteria, which are reported without controllers- retuning. Controllers-\nperformance analysis has showed much better performance of FLC\nthan BPI controller. The absolute errors were lower than 8,85 % for\nFuzzy Logic Controller, about three times lower than the\nexperimental results with BPI control.","references":"[1] P. Dufour, \"Control Engineering in Drying Technology: Review and\nTrends\", Drying Technology, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 889-904, 2006.\n[2] C.I. Siettos, C.T. 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