Nashville Video Production, Web Design & Development |Snapshot
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wp-post-image" alt="webdesign" /></div> --> <div class="service-icon"> <img class="top" src="" alt="Nashville Web Design"> <img class="bottom" src="" alt="Nashville Web Design"> </div> <h2>Web Design</h2> <p>Our team of designers and developers creates stunning, interactive sites that communicate your message effectively.</p> </a> <a href="/web/20160317040256/" class="serv one large-3 columns columns video animate-in" data-animate-delay="250"> <!-- <div class="icon"><img width="38" height="36" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="video" /></div> --> <div class="service-icon"> <img class="top" src="" alt="Nashville Video Production"> <img class="bottom" src="" alt="Nashville Video Production"> </div><!-- end service icon --> <h2>Video Production</h2> <p>Our producers and directors artfully craft stories to create the maximum impact for your audience.</p> </a> <a href="/web/20160317040256/" class="serv one large-3 columns animation animate-in" data-animate-delay="500"> <div class="service-icon"> <img class="top" src="" alt="Nashville Video Production"> <img class="bottom" src="" alt="Nashville Video Production"> </div><!-- end service icon --> <h2>Animation</h2> <p>Our digital artists make the intangible come alive using a combination of imagination and technical skill.</p> </a> <a href="/web/20160317040256/" class="serv one large-3 columns visibility animate-in" data-animate-delay="750"> <div class="service-icon"> <img class="top" src="" alt="Nashville Web Design"> <img class="bottom" src="" alt="Nashville Web Design"> </div><!-- end service icon --> <h2>Visibility</h2> <p>Our digital team uses both SEO and Email Marketing as a hybrid approach to further push your message to your audience.</p> </a> </div><!-- end services and row --> </section> <section id="section-3"> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <h2 class="animate-in">We live to over-deliver for our clients</h2> <div class="border animate-in"></div> <div class="animate-in"><p>Headquartered out of Nashville, SnapShot Interactive is a true digital agency bridging the gap between high-quality video production, award-winning web design and development, and creative online marketing strategies. We help clients, big and small, showcase their companies and products to the world in a fresh, engaging way.</p> </div> </div> </div><!-- end home-about --> </section> <section id="section-4"> <div id="featured-work"> <ul class="desktop"> <li style="background: url( no-repeat center center;"> <a href="" class="portinfo"> <div class="clientlogo"><img src=""/></div> <div class="portcred"> <div class="projectCategory"> <span style="margin:12px 0 0 0; float:left;"> <img src="" height="18" width="auto" alt="Nashville Video Production"/> </span> <span style="margin:8px 0 0 10px; float:left; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-weight:600;"> UL Lighting </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li style="background: url( no-repeat center center;"> <a href="" class="portinfo"> <div class="clientlogo"><img src=""/></div> <div class="portcred"> <div class="projectCategory"> <span style="margin:12px 0 0 0; float:left;"> <img src="" height="18" width="auto" alt="Nashville Video Production"/> </span> <span style="margin:8px 0 0 10px; float:left; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-weight:600;"> Kipp Academy </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li style="background: url( no-repeat center center;"> <a href="" class="portinfo"> <div class="clientlogo"><img src=""/></div> <div class="portcred"> <div class="projectCategory"> <span style="margin:12px 0 0 0; float:left;"> <img src="" height="18" width="auto" alt="Nashville Video Production"/> </span> <span style="margin:8px 0 0 10px; float:left; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-weight:600;"> Mapco </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li style="background: url( no-repeat center center;"> <a href="" class="portinfo"> <div class="clientlogo"><img src=""/></div> <div class="portcred"> <div class="projectCategory"> <span style="margin:12px 0 0 0; float:left;"> <img src="" height="18" width="auto" alt="Nashville Video Production"/> </span> <span style="margin:8px 0 0 10px; float:left; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-weight:600;"> Aegis Health Group </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li style="background: url( no-repeat center center;"> <a href="" class="portinfo"> <div class="clientlogo"><img src=""/></div> <div class="portcred"> <div class="projectCategory"> <span style="margin:12px 0 0 0; float:left;"> <img src="" height="18" width="auto" alt="Nashville Video Production"/> </span> <span style="margin:8px 0 0 10px; float:left; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-weight:600;"> TN SCORE </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li style="background: url( no-repeat center center;"> <a href="" class="portinfo"> <div class="clientlogo"><img src=""/></div> <div class="portcred"> <div class="projectCategory"> <span style="margin:12px 0 0 0; float:left;"> <img src="" height="18" width="auto" alt="Nashville Video Production"/> </span> <span style="margin:8px 0 0 10px; float:left; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-weight:600;"> Loveless Cafe </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li style="background: url( no-repeat center center;"> <a href="" class="portinfo"> <div class="clientlogo"><img src=""/></div> <div class="portcred"> <div class="projectCategory"> <span style="margin:12px 0 0 0; float:left;"> <img src="" height="18" width="auto" alt="Nashville Video Production"/> </span> <span style="margin:8px 0 0 10px; float:left; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-weight:600;"> Align </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li style="background: url( no-repeat center center;"> <a href="" class="portinfo"> <div class="clientlogo"><img src=""/></div> <div class="portcred"> <div class="projectCategory"> <span style="margin:12px 0 0 0; float:left;"> <img src="" height="18" width="auto" alt="Nashville Video Production"/> </span> <span style="margin:8px 0 0 10px; float:left; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-weight:600;"> UL Website </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> <li style="background: url( no-repeat center center;"> <a href="" class="portinfo"> <div class="clientlogo"><img src=""/></div> <div class="portcred"> <div class="projectCategory"> <span style="margin:12px 0 0 0; float:left;"> <img src="" height="18" width="auto" alt="Nashville Video Production"/> </span> <span style="margin:8px 0 0 10px; float:left; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-weight:600;"> iCitizen </span> </div> </div> </a> </li> </ul> <div class="mobile"> <ul> <li> <a href="/web/20160317040256/" class="serv2 one web-design"> <!-- <div class="icon"><img width="33" height="31" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="webdesign" /></div> --> <div class=""> <img class="bottom" src="" alt="Nashville Video Production"> </div> <h2>Web Design</h2> <p>Our team of designers and developers creates stunning, interactive sites that communicate your message effectively.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160317040256/" class="serv2 one large-12 video"> <!-- <div class="icon"><img width="38" height="36" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="video" /></div> --> <div class=""> <img class="bottom" src="" alt="Nashville Video Production"> </div><!-- end service icon --> <h2>Video Production</h2> <p>Our producers and directors artfully craft stories to create the maximum impact for your audience.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160317040256/" class="serv2 one large-3 animation"> <div class=""> <img class="bottom" src="" alt="Nashville Video Production"> </div><!-- end service icon --> <h2>Animation</h2> <p>Our digital artists make the intangible come alive using a combination of imagination and technical skill.</p> </a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20160317040256/" class="serv2 one large-3 visibility"> <div class=""> <img class="bottom" src="" alt="Nashville Video Production"> </div><!-- end service icon --> <h2>Visibility</h2> <p>Our digital team uses both SEO and Email Marketing as a hybrid approach to further push your message to your audience.</p> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <div style="clear: both; "></div> <div id="section-6"> <h2 class="animate-in">CHECK OUT THE LATEST FROM OUR BLOG</h2> <div class="border animate-in"></div> <div class="row"> <div id="article-list"> <article data-equalizer> <div class="large-5 columns animate-in" data-equalizer-watch> <div class="thumbnail-container"> <a href=""><img width="735" height="435" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="SSI blog - march - feature"/></a> </div> </div> <div class="large-7 columns article-info animate-in" data-equalizer-watch> <h3><a href="">Video On Your Website: A Picture’s Worth A Thousand Words, If Not More</a></h3> <p>We Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends…and Videos Remember what it was like to be in high school? Homework could be such a drag after a long day of classes, friends, and sports. I remember one time; I had a book r... <a class="continue" href="">Continue Reading</a></p> </div><!-- end large 6 columns --> </article> </div> </div> </div> <section id="section-5" class="animate-in"> <div id="dev-callout"> <div class="row dev-row"> <div class="large-6 columns dev-left"> <div class="dev-person"> <h4>Daniele<span>Kimes</span></h4> <img src=""> <h5>Director of Business Development</h5> </div> </div> <div class="large-6 columns"> <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 columns" style="padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 10px;"> <p>Ready to start a project? Fill out the form below to contact one of our business development specialists.</p> </div> </div> <div class="form-wrapper"><div class="wpcf7" id="wpcf7-f83-o1" lang="en-US" dir="ltr"> <div class="screen-reader-response"></div> <form name="" action="/web/20160317040256/" method="post" class="wpcf7-form" novalidate="novalidate"> <div style="display: none;"> <input type="hidden" name="_wpcf7" value="83"/> <input type="hidden" name="_wpcf7_version" value="3.9.1"/> <input type="hidden" name="_wpcf7_locale" value="en_US"/> <input type="hidden" name="_wpcf7_unit_tag" value="wpcf7-f83-o1"/> <input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="61b07ade48"/> </div> <div class="row collapse"> <div class="small-6 columns"> <span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap name_first"><input type="text" name="name_first" value="" size="40" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text wpcf7-validates-as-required" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" placeholder="First Name"/></span> </div> <div class="small-6 columns"> <span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap last_name"><input type="text" name="last_name" value="" size="40" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text wpcf7-validates-as-required" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" placeholder="Last Name"/></span> </div> <div class="small-12 columns"> <span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap Email"><input type="email" name="Email" value="" size="40" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text wpcf7-email wpcf7-validates-as-required wpcf7-validates-as-email" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" placeholder="Email"/></span> </div> </div> <div class="row collapse"> <div class="small-6 columns"> <span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap Phone"><input type="tel" name="Phone" value="" size="40" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text wpcf7-tel wpcf7-validates-as-required wpcf7-validates-as-tel" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" placeholder="Phone Number"/></span> </div> <div class="small-6 columns"> <span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap Company"><input type="text" name="Company" value="" size="40" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text" aria-invalid="false" placeholder="Company"/></span> </div> </div> <div class="row collapse"> <div class="small-12 columns"> <span class="wpcf7-form-control-wrap Message"><textarea name="Message" cols="40" rows="10" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-textarea wpcf7-validates-as-required" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" placeholder="Message"></textarea></span></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Send" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-submit"/> </p></div> </div> <div class="wpcf7-response-output wpcf7-display-none"></div></form></div><p></p></div> </div> </div> <div class="hfooter"> <div class="row"> <div class="large-12 columns"> <div class="footerleft"> <div class="menu-footer-menu-container"><ul id="menu-footer-menu" class="menu"><li id="menu-item-84" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><!-- no session or cookie set --><a href="">Home</a></li> <li id="menu-item-384" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page current-page-ancestor"><!-- no session or cookie set --><a href="">What We Do</a></li> <li id="menu-item-235" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><!-- no session or cookie set --><a href="">Talent</a></li> <li id="menu-item-912" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><!-- no session or cookie set --><a href="">Internships</a></li> <li id="menu-item-383" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page"><!-- no session or cookie set --><a href="">Contact</a></li> </ul></div> <ul class="social left"> <li><a href="" class="facebook" target="_blank"></a></li> <li><a href="" class="twitter" target="_blank"></a></li> <li><a href="" class="instagram" target="_blank"></a></li> <li><a href="" class="linkedin" target="_blank"></a></li> <li><a href="" class="youtube" target="_blank"></a></li> <li><a href="" class="vimeo" target="_blank"></a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footerright"> <p>Stay Informed. 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