Creating Dynamic Visual Content with Text-to-Video Tools

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This insatiable appetite for videos is every marketer and content creator’s dream come true — an incredible opportunity that can be capitalized on in more ways than one.\u00a0There’s a problem, though: creating videos is time-consuming and effort-intensive.\u00a0But thanks to the advancements in generative artificial intelligence (AI), making videos is easier than ever."> <link rel="canonical" href=""> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@graph": [{"@context":"","@type":"Corporation","brand":"Success by Text","name":"Text","sameAs":["",""],"url":""}] } </script> <link rel="icon" href="/success/favicon.png"> <meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" /> <meta property="og:type" content="article" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Creating Dynamic Visual Content with Text-to-Video Tools" /> <meta property="og:description" content="Our eyes are always wide open. It’s not a clever quip but a fact. Last year’s data shows we watch videos for 17 hours every week! This insatiable appetite for videos is every marketer and content creator’s dream come true — an incredible opportunity that can be capitalized on in more ways than one. There’s a problem, though: creating videos is time-consuming and effort-intensive. But thanks to the advancements in generative artificial intelligence (AI), making videos is easier than ever." /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Success by Text" /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Our eyes are always wide open. It’s not a clever quip but a fact. Last year’s data shows we watch videos for 17 hours every week! This insatiable appetite for videos is every marketer and content creator’s dream come true — an incredible opportunity that can be capitalized on in more ways than one. There’s a problem, though: creating videos is time-consuming and effort-intensive. But thanks to the advancements in generative artificial intelligence (AI), making videos is easier than ever." /> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Creating Dynamic Visual Content with Text-to-Video Tools" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@Success__Team" /> <meta property="og:image" content="/success/_hu99d568b091745ed09e50218d44359c4e_0_b687b92b714792a046a0c97401c69986.jpg" /> <meta name="twitter:image" content="/success/_hu99d568b091745ed09e50218d44359c4e_0_b687b92b714792a046a0c97401c69986.jpg" /> <link rel="preconnect" href=""> <script> scrollOffsetFunction = function() { var navElements = document.getElementsByClassName("c-navbar"); if (typeof navElements[0] !== "undefined") { var navRect = 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It’s not a clever quip but a fact. Last year’s data shows we watch videos for 17 hours every week! This insatiable appetite for videos is every marketer and content creator’s dream come true — an incredible opportunity that can be capitalized on in more ways than one. </p> <p>There’s a problem, though: creating videos is time-consuming and effort-intensive. </p> <p>But thanks to the advancements in generative artificial intelligence (AI), making videos is easier than ever. We’re talking about <strong>text-to-video </strong>(T2V) tools, of course! </p> <p>What’s the role of T2V tools in <strong>video creation,</strong> and how can you benefit from it? Stick around till the end of this <strong>blog post </strong>to find out. </p> <div class="block-product-banner v--chatbot b--u-py-1.5 b--u-px-4 b--lg:u-px-8 b--xl:u-px-4"> <div class="md:u-flex u-items-center u-justify-between"> <div class="u-text-center md:u-text-left u-basis-7 b--u-py-1.5 b--md:u-pr-2"> <h3 class="b--u-text-xl b--u-mb-1.5">Grow sales with ChatBot</h3> <p class="b--u-text-sm b--u-mb-1.5">Optimize your sales process. Leverage customer experience for revenue growth.</p> <div class="sm:u-flex u-items-center sm:u-text-left"> <p class="b--u-text-2xs b--u-text-black-600 u-basis-5 b--u-my-1.5">Trusted by <strong>2,500+</strong> companies</p> <div class="b--sm:u-pl-3 u-basis-12"><img src="/success/images/product-marketing/logos-chatbot.9d5da96f1b0006d3205c173af7c37646713a2d4503b8213385426dc417f5bae1.png" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> <div class="u-text-center u-basis-3 u-relative b--u-py-1.5"> <a href=";source_type=website&amp;" class="c-btn v--signup b--u-mb-1.5" data-controller="track" data-track-category="Interactions" data-track-action="Link click" data-track-label="Product marketing banner (article)" data-action="track#send" >Discover ChatBot</a> <div> <span class="u-mr-md u-inline-block b--u-text-sm"> <svg xmlns="" width="11" height="8" class="u-mr-xs"> <path d="M9.1.3L4 5.4l-2-2c-.3-.3-.7-.4-1-.3S0 3.5 0 4c0 .4 0 .8.3 1l2.8 2.8c. 1 0 0 0-.8-.8c-.4 0-.8 0-1 .3z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> Free 14-day trial </span> </div> <svg class="block-product-banner__hand" fill="none" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 93 81"><path d="M36.4 36.8c1.2.4 6 1.2 8.4 1.5 5-.6 15.4-2 16.7-2.7 1.6-1 11-4.7 11.9-5.4.7-.6 1.1-1.2 1.8-.6.7.5 7.2 11.9 7.4 13.5.2 1.6-10.5 6.3-11.2 6.5-1 .3-14.3 5-15.1 5l-10.7-.4a479 479 0 0 1-14-2.5c-1.6-.4-5.1-2.5-6.5-2.8-1.3-.3-7.2-1.3-8-2-.7-.7-.3-2.5-1.1-3.5-1.2-1.4.3-2.2-.5-3.4-1-1.5.6-2.4-.3-3.7-.6-1 0-2 .5-2.3-.6 0-2.3-.6-3.7-2.4-1.8-2.3-.8-1.8 0-2.5.8-.6 6.4 2.3 9.1 3.5.6-.5 1.5-2.3 2.2-2.8 1-.6 3.5-.6 5 .2 1.3.6 2.3 3.1 2.6 4.5l5.5 2.3Z" fill="#FFD000"/><path d="M82.1 43.3s-6 4.5-13.4 7.9c0 0-7.2 2.8-11.5 3.7-4.3 1-11 1-20.3-.7-9.2-1.8-10.3-3.6-11.4-3.9l-8.3-1.7c-.8-.3-2.3-1.5-2.2-2.5l.2-1m7.4 2.3s-7.2-2.2-7.8-2.7c-.6-.5-1.6-2-.3-2.7m8.7 2.7s-7.4-2.5-8-2.9c-.7-.4-2.7-1.9-1-3.3m9.5 3.3L16.3 39c-1.2-.4-3.5-2-3-3.2.7-1.2 1.2-1 1.2-1m10 4.1s-8.8-3.8-10.2-4.2c-1.4-.4-4.6-2.3-4.5-3.2 0-1 .3-1.5 2.2-1.2 1.9.3 13.3 5.7 13.3 5.7m-5.5-2.8s1.5-2 1.8-2.2c.3-.2 2.8-2 4.7-.6 1.8 1.4 2.4 2.2 2.9 3.5l.5 1.6s3.6 1.8 5.5 2.3c1.8.5 7.1 1.4 10.6 1 3.5-.3 11.8-1.2 14.2-2.4 2.4-1.3 9.9-4.3 11.7-5.6 1.8-1.3 2.8-1.5 2.8-1.5m-49.2 4.1-1-.4" stroke="#1B1B20" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round"/><path d="M84.4 48.9c-1.7 1.4-4.3-1.2-5.3-2.7l4.2-2.5c-2.3-5-6.7-12.4-8.6-15.2l-4 2c-.2-.3-1-1-.9-3.3.1-2.8 2.5-2 4 .1l.9 1.2c1.9 2.8 6.3 10.1 8.6 15.2 1 2.6 1.7 4.6 1 5.2Z" fill="#1B1B20"/><path d="m74.7 28.5-.8-1.2c-1.6-2-4-3-4-.1-.2 2.2.6 3 .8 3.2l4-2Zm0 0c1.9 2.8 6.3 10.1 8.6 15.2m0 0c1 2.6 1.7 4.6 1 5.2-1.6 1.4-4.2-1.2-5.2-2.7l4.2-2.5Z" stroke="#1B1B20" stroke-width="1.4"/></svg> </div> </div> </div> <h2 class="block-heading u-text-p4" >Text-to-video tools: The trendiest way of making video content</h2> <p>Text-to-video is an AI-based <strong>video generator </strong>that turns text prompts into videos. The sole purpose of this technology is to simplify video creation and make it accessible to the masses. It is a game changer for marketers, content creators, and individuals keen on leveraging the increasing demand for videos for business growth. </p> <p>The innovation follows in the footsteps of text-to-image converters. This is unsurprising, given the increasing adoption and widespread use of different types of generative AI in the last two years. </p> <p>However, what is impressive is T2V’s capacity to revolutionize video marketing and dynamic visual content creation. </p> <p>What can you <em>really </em>do with an AI video generator? </p> <p>You can <strong>create videos</strong> from scratch, edit pre-made videos, or even enhance <strong>online videos </strong>in <strong>just a few clicks. </strong>Forget about technical knowledge; you can make videos without any traditional gear. Instead of spending weeks creating a high-quality marketing video, you can get it done in minutes. </p> <p>The drastic reduction in production time and cost is one of the most significant benefits of AI-driven <strong>video generators. </strong>Plus, you can produce quality video content at scale. </p> <h3 class="block-heading u-text-p5-bold" >How AI-generated videos work</h3> <p><strong>AI-generated video </strong>tools are still in their early stages of development but predominantly use a combination of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) algorithms. You can provide T2V tools with input prompts, and they will process these instructions into videos. </p> <p>Although T2V tools share similarities with text-to-image<strong> </strong>tools, the process is infinitely more complex than generating a picture. It’s harder for ML algorithms to learn and predict the sequence of images to capture motion. There’s also a lack of large datasets of top-class videos that can be used to train T2V generators. </p> <p>Despite such developmental hurdles, <strong>text-to-video </strong>generators can help you create unique and original videos. Besides the benefits we discussed so far, this capability to make original videos gives AI video generators a unique edge over stock videos. </p> <h2 class="block-heading u-text-p4" >What’s so special about text-to-video tools? </h2> <p><strong>Dig deeper, </strong>and you will learn that <strong>text-to-video </strong>tools are highly versatile. We’re talking of unlimited creative possibilities here. </p> <p>You can convert any existing or brand-new content collateral into a video. Best-of-class T2V tools can convert anything from text files, PDFs, and existing blog articles to scripts, emails, <strong>social media posts,</strong> and even presentations into videos. </p> <p>There’s more. </p> <p>You can convert long-form videos into short visual content, make edits to your scripts to change existing videos and create branded digital avatars with the help of text-to-video generators. </p> <p>Traditional methods of video-making may take weeks or even months to show such dynamic results. But with the help of T2V tools, you can make videos on autopilot without compromising the output quality.</p> <p>Some of the latest T2V tools can even create dynamic or interactive videos instead of run-of-the-mill videos. So, if you want to experiment with new styles of video content, text-to-video tools can become a key enabler for you. </p> <aside class="post-aside" data-target="article-aside.section"> <div class="post-aside__block block-contextual-article"> <p class="u-text-p8-bold u-text-gray-700 u-text-upper u-mb-md">Related article</p> <a href="/success/text-to-speech-technology/" class=""> <article> <img src="" srcset=" 2x" alt="From Text to Voice: Advancements in Text-to-Speech Technology" class="u-mb-md"><h2 class="u-text-p7-bold u-text-gray-100">From Text to Voice: Advancements in Text-to-Speech Technology</h2> </article> </a> </div> </aside> <h2 class="block-heading u-text-p4" >How to use text-to-video tools </h2> <p>As easy as using text-to-video tools is, you still need to observe a few best practices to leverage the technology to its optimal capacity. While we cannot provide a stepwise guide to using T2V tools because it varies from product to product, the following are some broad guidelines that can help you get started. </p> <h3 class="block-heading u-text-p5-bold" >Start by shortlisting good text-to-video generators </h3> <p>Many text-to-video generators are available in the market, but not all of them can be a good fit for your immediate requirements. So, you must choose a T2V tool that makes your life easy. No matter what, a trustworthy text-to-video-making tool should have: </p> <ol><li> <p>An intuitive user interface that is easy to use.</p> </li><li> <p>Contextual knowledge of natural language so it can understand and process all textual prompts.</p> </li><li> <p>Ample scope for personalization.</p> </li><li> <p>Multiple video formats.</p> </li><li> <p>Speed and efficiency.</p> </li></ol> <p>These five parameters are non-negotiable, and you should look for them when shortlisting T2V software. Instead of blindly trusting the brand, look for reviews on unbiased platforms to understand the pros and cons of the text-to-video tool. This will help you gain clarity over its utility. </p> <h3 class="block-heading u-text-p5-bold" >Learn the art of writing AI prompts </h3> <p>Generative AI tools rely entirely on the prompts you provide to do their work. The same rings true for text-to-video generators, especially because creating videos is a complex process with multiple variables to consider. So, whether you’re a content creator or a digital marketer, you must learn the art of writing prompts to use an AI video generator. </p> <p>Here are some rules to follow: </p> <ol><li> <p>Keep it simple, clear, and concise. Avoid the use of ambiguous language.</p> </li><li> <p>Add all relevant details. This may include the style of the video, character information, narrative structure, etc. </p> </li><li> <p>Make sure your prompt is complete. Incomplete or vague prompts will confuse T2V tools.</p> </li></ol> <p>The best way to refine your prompt is to learn by trial and error. But if you lack time, you can utilize tools like ChatGPT to write AI video prompts for you. </p> <p>In any case, always treat the first video as a test and refine your prompts in successive attempts to get exactly what you want from your videos. </p> <h3 class="block-heading u-text-p5-bold" >Review and refine your AI-generated videos </h3> <p><a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" href="">AI-based</a> text-to-video generators are still evolving. That’s why you need to carefully review the videos generated by these tools for quality, accuracy, and originality. Don’t consider it a con; reviews are integral to any video-making process. </p> <p>Keep an eye out for everything from factual accuracy to copyright infringement. </p> <p>It’s going to be very helpful in improving the final output.</p> <p>Remember that, as with any other genAI tool, these models need feedback data to improve their performance and improve with time. So, you will have multiple uses of review data if you collect it. </p> <h2 class="block-heading u-text-p4" >Why go for AI-generated videos?</h2> <p>The answer is simple — AI <strong>video content </strong>can significantly improve <strong>customer experience. </strong></p> <p>AI video generators can create video content tailored to your viewers’ preferences in real time. Since these tools are trained using data, they can analyze various elements, allowing videos to develop the most engaging combinations. </p> <p>So, text-to-video tools have the potential to create videos that are nearly impossible to ignore. </p> <p>You can differentiate yourself from your competitors by showing your prospects what they want to see instead of overwhelming them with generic garbage. </p> <p>The other winning advantage of AI-generated videos is the accessibility factor. From text-to-speech tools to alternative text for users with screen readers, closed-captioning, etc., AI-generated videos can boost inclusivity. That is a major upgrade that will work in your favor. </p> <h2 class="block-heading u-text-p4" >Real-life use cases of text-to-video tools </h2> <p>Zoom presents an excellent case study for the advantages of using text-to-video tools. The brand’s sales team struggled with training videos because the process was tedious and time-consuming. The instructional designers were unable to create quality content. </p> <p>That was until the team turned to AI-generated videos. </p> <p>The team was able to create dynamic training videos that were interactive and engaging.  They saved up to 90% of the time they would otherwise spend making videos. They also pushed out training videos en masse and boosted productivity, saving $1500 in costs per employee. </p> <p>In another successful instance, an educator from Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School in Birmingham, United Kingdom, created personalized educational videos using T2V tools. These videos were tailored to be accessible to students with diverse learning styles. </p> <div class="block-product-banner v--chatbot b--u-py-1.5 b--u-px-4 b--lg:u-px-8 b--xl:u-px-4"> <div class="md:u-flex u-items-center u-justify-between"> <div class="u-text-center md:u-text-left u-basis-7 b--u-py-1.5 b--md:u-pr-2"> <h3 class="b--u-text-xl b--u-mb-1.5">Grow sales with ChatBot</h3> <p class="b--u-text-sm b--u-mb-1.5">Optimize your sales process. Leverage customer experience for revenue growth.</p> <div class="sm:u-flex u-items-center sm:u-text-left"> <p class="b--u-text-2xs b--u-text-black-600 u-basis-5 b--u-my-1.5">Trusted by <strong>2,500+</strong> companies</p> <div class="b--sm:u-pl-3 u-basis-12"><img src="/success/images/product-marketing/logos-chatbot.9d5da96f1b0006d3205c173af7c37646713a2d4503b8213385426dc417f5bae1.png" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> <div class="u-text-center u-basis-3 u-relative b--u-py-1.5"> <a href=";source_type=website&amp;" class="c-btn v--signup b--u-mb-1.5" data-controller="track" data-track-category="Interactions" data-track-action="Link click" data-track-label="Product marketing banner (article)" data-action="track#send" >Discover ChatBot</a> <div> <span class="u-mr-md u-inline-block b--u-text-sm"> <svg xmlns="" width="11" height="8" class="u-mr-xs"> <path d="M9.1.3L4 5.4l-2-2c-.3-.3-.7-.4-1-.3S0 3.5 0 4c0 .4 0 .8.3 1l2.8 2.8c. 1 0 0 0-.8-.8c-.4 0-.8 0-1 .3z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> Free 14-day trial </span> </div> <svg class="block-product-banner__hand" fill="none" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 93 81"><path d="M36.4 36.8c1.2.4 6 1.2 8.4 1.5 5-.6 15.4-2 16.7-2.7 1.6-1 11-4.7 11.9-5.4.7-.6 1.1-1.2 1.8-.6.7.5 7.2 11.9 7.4 13.5.2 1.6-10.5 6.3-11.2 6.5-1 .3-14.3 5-15.1 5l-10.7-.4a479 479 0 0 1-14-2.5c-1.6-.4-5.1-2.5-6.5-2.8-1.3-.3-7.2-1.3-8-2-.7-.7-.3-2.5-1.1-3.5-1.2-1.4.3-2.2-.5-3.4-1-1.5.6-2.4-.3-3.7-.6-1 0-2 .5-2.3-.6 0-2.3-.6-3.7-2.4-1.8-2.3-.8-1.8 0-2.5.8-.6 6.4 2.3 9.1 3.5.6-.5 1.5-2.3 2.2-2.8 1-.6 3.5-.6 5 .2 1.3.6 2.3 3.1 2.6 4.5l5.5 2.3Z" fill="#FFD000"/><path d="M82.1 43.3s-6 4.5-13.4 7.9c0 0-7.2 2.8-11.5 3.7-4.3 1-11 1-20.3-.7-9.2-1.8-10.3-3.6-11.4-3.9l-8.3-1.7c-.8-.3-2.3-1.5-2.2-2.5l.2-1m7.4 2.3s-7.2-2.2-7.8-2.7c-.6-.5-1.6-2-.3-2.7m8.7 2.7s-7.4-2.5-8-2.9c-.7-.4-2.7-1.9-1-3.3m9.5 3.3L16.3 39c-1.2-.4-3.5-2-3-3.2.7-1.2 1.2-1 1.2-1m10 4.1s-8.8-3.8-10.2-4.2c-1.4-.4-4.6-2.3-4.5-3.2 0-1 .3-1.5 2.2-1.2 1.9.3 13.3 5.7 13.3 5.7m-5.5-2.8s1.5-2 1.8-2.2c.3-.2 2.8-2 4.7-.6 1.8 1.4 2.4 2.2 2.9 3.5l.5 1.6s3.6 1.8 5.5 2.3c1.8.5 7.1 1.4 10.6 1 3.5-.3 11.8-1.2 14.2-2.4 2.4-1.3 9.9-4.3 11.7-5.6 1.8-1.3 2.8-1.5 2.8-1.5m-49.2 4.1-1-.4" stroke="#1B1B20" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round"/><path d="M84.4 48.9c-1.7 1.4-4.3-1.2-5.3-2.7l4.2-2.5c-2.3-5-6.7-12.4-8.6-15.2l-4 2c-.2-.3-1-1-.9-3.3.1-2.8 2.5-2 4 .1l.9 1.2c1.9 2.8 6.3 10.1 8.6 15.2 1 2.6 1.7 4.6 1 5.2Z" fill="#1B1B20"/><path d="m74.7 28.5-.8-1.2c-1.6-2-4-3-4-.1-.2 2.2.6 3 .8 3.2l4-2Zm0 0c1.9 2.8 6.3 10.1 8.6 15.2m0 0c1 2.6 1.7 4.6 1 5.2-1.6 1.4-4.2-1.2-5.2-2.7l4.2-2.5Z" stroke="#1B1B20" stroke-width="1.4"/></svg> </div> </div> </div> <h2 class="block-heading u-text-p4" >Text-to-video trends to watch out for </h2> <p>As we mentioned earlier, the text-to-video AI market is still in its initial stages and has immense scope for growth. </p> <p>In the coming years, you will witness more diversity in language, voiceovers, and execution flexibility from T2V applications. Expect increased adoption and mainstream usage of text-to-video tools because the technology is here to stay.</p> <p>Early adopters can continue to leverage the novelty of T2V tools to their advantage and retain the learnings to streamline their usage in the future.</p> <p>Text-to-video tools have the power to democratize video creation. And the sooner you take advantage of it, the better the payoff. Why not give it a shot?</p> <section class="u-relative" style="background-image: url(/success/anniversary-report-background.svg); background-position: center; background-size: cover;"> <div class="o-decor" style="z-index: 1;"><img src="/success/anniversary-report-decor.svg" alt="" height="334" class="u-hidden md:u-block o-decor__item" loading="lazy" style="width: 16%;" /> </div> <div class="u-relative"> <div class="o-feature v--textual v--inverse"> <div class="b--u-px-4 b--u-pt-4 b--md:u-pb-4 b--md:u-mln-12"> <h2 class="b--u-text-xl b--u-mb-3 u-text-center md:u-text-left">Get a glimpse into the future of business communication with digital natives.</h2> <a href="" class="c-btn v--dark u-w-full u-items-center u-justify-center" data-action="track#send">Get the FREE report</a> </div> <div class="b--md:u-pr-2 b--u-pt-2"><img src="/success/anniversary-report.png" class="" width="448" height="468" alt="" /> </div> </div> </div> </section> </article> <div class="post-grid"><section> <h2 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