ChinaAMC Crypto Assets ETFs

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Past performance is not indicative of future results. Before investing in the ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF (the "Fund"), investor should refer to the Fund's prospectus for details, including the risk factors. You should not make investment decision based on the information on this material alone. Please note: </p> <ul> <li>The Fund aims to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of bitcoin, as measured by the performance of the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (APAC Variant) (the "Index").</li> <li>The Fund is passively managed and falls in the Index may cause falls in the value of the Fund. The Fund is subject to new product risk, new index risk, tracking error risk and trading risk with discount or premium.</li> <li>Due to the Fund's direct exposure in bitcoin only, it is subject to concentration risk and risks related to bitcoin, such as bitcoin and bitcoin industry risk, speculative nature risk, unforeseeable risks, extreme price volatility risk, concentration of ownership risk, regulatory risk, fraud, market manipulation and security failure risk, cybersecurity risks, potential manipulation of bitcoin network risk, forks risk, risk of illicit use, trading hour difference risk.</li> <li>The Fund is subject to risks related to virtual asset trading platform ("VATP"), custody risks and risk relating to the difference between executable price of bitcoin on SFC-licensed VATPs and Index price for cash subscription and redemption.</li> <li>Listed and Unlisted Classes are subject to different pricing and dealing arrangements. NAV per Unit of each class may be different due to different fees and cost. Dealing deadlines of each class are different. </li> <li>Units of Listed Class are traded in the secondary market on an intraday basis at the prevailing market price, while Units of Unlisted Class are sold through intermediaries based on the dealing day-end NAV. Investors of Unlisted Class could redeem at NAV while investors of Listed Class in the secondary market could only sell at the prevailing market price and may have to exit the Fund at a significant discount. Investors of Unlisted Class may be at an advantage or disadvantage compared to investors of Listed Class.</li> <li>The Fund is subject to multi-counter risks.</li> </ul> <p> <b>ChinaAMC Ether ETF</b><br /> Investment involves risks, including the loss of principle. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Before investing in the ChinaAMC Ether ETF (the "Fund"), investor should refer to the Fund's prospectus for details, including the risk factors. You should not make investment decision based on the information on this material alone. Please note: </p> <ul> <li>The Fund aims to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of ether, as measured by the performance of the CME CF Ether-Dollar Reference Rate (APAC Variant) (the "Index").</li> <li>The Fund is passively managed and falls in the Index may cause falls in the value of the Fund. The Fund is subject to new product risk, new index risk, tracking error risk and trading risk with discount or premium.</li> <li>Due to the Fund's direct exposure in ether only, it is subject to concentration risk and risks related to ether, such as ether and ether industry risk, speculative nature risk, unforeseeable risks, extreme price volatility risk, concentration of ownership risk, regulatory risk, fraud, market manipulation and security failure risk, cybersecurity risks, forks risk, risk of illicit use, trading hour difference risk.</li> <li>The Fund is subject to risks related to virtual asset trading platform ("VATP"), custody risks and risk relating to the difference between executable price of ether on SFC-licensed VATPs and Index price for cash subscription and redemption.</li> <li>Listed and Unlisted Classes are subject to different pricing and dealing arrangements. NAV per Unit of each class may be different due to different fees and cost. Dealing deadlines of each class are different. </li> <li>Units of Listed Class are traded in the secondary market on an intraday basis at the prevailing market price, while Units of Unlisted Class are sold through intermediaries based on the dealing day-end NAV. Investors of Unlisted Class could redeem at NAV while investors of Listed Class in the secondary market could only sell at the prevailing market price and may have to exit the Fund at a significant discount. Investors of Unlisted Class may be at an advantage or disadvantage compared to investors of Listed Class.</li> <li>The Fund is subject to multi-counter risks.</li> </ul> <p>Please note the above list of risks is not exhaustive, please refer to the Fund's prospectus for details. </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <header> <!-- topNav Start--> <div class="topNav"> <div class="sectionInner"> <div class="logoCol"><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="javascript:trackingFloodlight('00');"> <picture> <img src="../crypto-lib/images/cmn/img-chinaamc-logo-en.webp" alt="ChinaAMC" title="ChinaAMC" /> </picture> </a></div> <div class="miscCol"> <div class="langMenu"> <span><a href="" target="_blank">ChinaAMC (HK)</a></span> <span><a href="javascript:chgLang('tc');" onclick="javascript: trackingFloodlight('006');">繁體</a></span> <span><a href="javascript:chgLang('sc');" onclick="javascript: trackingFloodlight('007');">简体</a></span> <span class="active"><a href="javascript:;" onclick="javascript: 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data-track="005">About<br /> ChinaAMC (HK)</a> </div> </div> </header> <!-- topBannerRow Start--> <section class="topBannerRow"> <div class="topBannerInner"> <h1>A new era of Crypto Assets in Asia begins.<br /> Embracing <span>Web 3.0</span></h1> <div class="starter"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/banner/img-starter-en-m.webp" /> <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/banner/img-starter-en.webp" /> <img src="../crypto-lib/images/banner/img-starter-en.webp" alt="Asia's First Spot" /> </picture> </div> <div class="cryptoRow"> <div class="cryptoItem"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/banner/img-bitcoin-en.webp" alt="Spot-ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF" /></a> </div> <div class="cryptoItem"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/banner/img-eth-en.webp" alt="Spot-ChinaAMC Ether ETF" /></a> </div> </div> <div class="kvRow"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/banner/img-kv-m.webp" /> <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/banner/img-kv.webp" /> <img src="../crypto-lib/images/banner/img-kv.webp" alt="Bitcoin & Ether" /> </picture> </div> <div class="etfDetailsRow"> <div class="etfDetailsCol"> <div class="etfCode">3042</div> <div class="etfName">ChinaAMC <br class="mobileBreak" />Bitcoin ETF</div> <hr /> <div class="etfContentRow"> <dl> <dt>Tracking index</dt> <dd>CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (APAC Variant)</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Listing date</dt> <dd>30/04/2024</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Management fee</dt> <dd>0.99%</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>The minimum lot size</dt> <dd>100 Units (All Counters)</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Number of shares per lot</dt> <dd>100</dd> </dl> </div> <hr /> <div class="btnCta"><a href="" target="_blank">Product Details</a></div> </div> <div class="etfDetailsCol ethTbl"> <div class="etfCode">3046</div> <div class="etfName">ChinaAMC <br class="mobileBreak" />Ether ETF</div> <hr /> <div class="etfContentRow"> <dl> <dt>Tracking index</dt> <dd>CME CF Ether-Dollar Reference Rate (APAC Variant)</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Listing date</dt> <dd>30/04/2024</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Management fee</dt> <dd>0.99%</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>The minimum lot size</dt> <dd>100 Units (All Counters)</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Number of shares per lot</dt> <dd>100</dd> </dl> </div> <hr /> <div class="btnCta"><a href="" target="_blank">Product Details</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- topBannerRow End--> <!-- moreAboutCryptoRow Start--> <section class="moreAboutCryptoRow aboutCrypto"> <div class="videoBg"> <video id="example_video_1" x5-video-player-type="h5" class="video-js" data-setup='{ "controls": false, "autoplay": true, "preload": "auto", "loop":true, "muted":true }' autoplay loop webkit-playsinline playsinline> <source src="../crypto-lib/video/video-bg.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <div class="videoBg video02"> <video id="example_video_2" x5-video-player-type="h5" class="video-js" data-setup='{ "controls": false, "autoplay": true, "preload": "auto", "loop":true, "muted":true }' autoplay loop webkit-playsinline playsinline> <source src="../crypto-lib/video/video-bg.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> <div class="aboutCryptoInfoGroup"> <div class="aboutCryptoInfoRow"> <div class="tmbCol"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/about-crypto/icon-bitcoin-m.webp" /> <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/about-crypto/icon-bitcoin.webp" /> <img src="../crypto-lib/images/about-crypto/icon-bitcoin.webp" alt="比特幣ETF" /> </picture> </div> <div class="descCol"> <div class="bigTitRow">Learn about<br />Crypto Assets ETFs</div> <div class="cryptoTit"> <img src="../crypto-lib/images/about-crypto/img-bitcoin-en.webp" alt="Spot Bitcoin ETF" /> </div> <div class="cryptoDesc"> <p>Similar to gold ETFs, spot Bitcoin ETFs are exchange-listed investment funds that enable indirect investments in Bitcoin without purchasing or holding the Bitcoin.<br /><br /> Bitcoin ETFs are issued and managed by fund companies, listed on traditional stock exchanges, and invested in Bitcoin according to the ETF's investment objectives and strategies. They aim to provide investors with investment returns that closely track the performance of a Bitcoin index (gross of fees and expenses). </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="aboutCryptoInfoRow ethRow"> <div class="tmbCol"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/about-crypto/icon-eth-m.webp" /> <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/about-crypto/icon-eth.webp" /> <img src="../crypto-lib/images/about-crypto/icon-eth.webp" alt="Bitcoin ETF" /> </picture> </div> <div class="descCol"> <div class="cryptoTit"> <img src="../crypto-lib/images/about-crypto/img-eth-en.webp" alt="Spot Ether ETF" /> </div> <div class="cryptoDesc"> <p>Spot Ether ETFs are fund products listed on traditional stock exchanges that track the value of Ether. Like spot Bitcoin ETFs, spot Ether ETFs are managed by fund companies and invested in Ether according to the investment objective and strategy. These funds aim to provide investors with investment returns that closely track the performance of an Ether Index (gross of fees and expenses). </p> <div class="btnRow"><a href="" onclick="javascript: trackingFloodlight('009');" target="_blank"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/about-crypto/btn-en.webp" alt="Crypto Assets Encyclopedia" /></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- moreAboutCryptoRow End--> <!-- whyCryptoRow Start--> <section class="whyCryptoRow whyCrypto"> <div class="whyInner"> <div class="titRow">Why Invest in Crypto Assets ETFs?</div> <div class="stitRow">The role of Crypto Assets in portfolio diversification and performance enhancement is becoming increasingly prominent.</div> <div class="paraRow"> <p>Bitcoin's low correlation with mainstream financial markets makes it an effective tool for diversifying investment portfolios. Meanwhile, as Bitcoin gains wider acceptance and institutional investors incorporate it into their portfolios, its higher risk profile is expected to contribute to better portfolio performance.</p> </div> <div class="seplineRow"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/cmn/img-light-sepline.webp" /></div> <div class="cmnChartRow chartRow"> <div class="chartTitRow">Figure1: Bitcoin price positively correlated with global macro liquidity </div> <div class="chartPicRow"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/why/img-chart-en-m.webp" /> <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/why/img-chart-en.webp" /> <img src="../crypto-lib/images/why/img-chart-en.webp" alt="Figure1: Bitcoin price positively correlated with global macro liquidity" /> </picture> </div> <div class="chartRemarksRow">Bitcoin has little correlation with other major asset classes over the past 10 years. (january 1, 2014 - December 31, 2023)<br /> Source: Bloomberg, as of December 31, 2023.</div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- whyCryptoRow End--> <!-- newAssetsRow Start--> <section class="newAssetsRow"> <div class="newAssetsInner"> <div class="titRow">The most potential new asset in the Web 3.0 era that cannot be missed?</div> <div class="paraRow"> <p>Changes tend to bring new opportunities. As the digital economy of Web 3.0 emerges as one of the most promising investment opportunities in the future, Crypto Assets have become the most important, most watched and most widely accepted asset. Among all types of Crypto Assets, Bitcoin and Ether are poised to play a central role with their respective technical advantages and growing investor interest.<br /><br /> Since the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approved the issuance of the world's first batch of spot Bitcoin ETFs on January 11, 2024, spot Bitcoin ETFs have recorded huge inflows. </p> </div> <div class="seplineRow"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/cmn/img-light-sepline.webp" /></div> <div class="cmnChartRow chartRow"> <div class="chartTitRow">Figure2: Funds continue to flow into U.S. spot Bitcoin ETFs </div> <div class="chartPicRow"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/new-assets/img-chart-en-m.webp" /> <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/new-assets/img-chart-en.webp" /> <img src="../crypto-lib/images/new-assets/img-chart-en.webp" alt="Funds continue to flow into U.S. spot Bitcoin ETFs" /> </picture> </div> <div class="chartRemarksRow">Source: Bloomberg, China Asset Management (Hong Kong), as of March 31, 2024.</div> </div> <div class="paraRow"> <p> Following the United States, Hong Kong is becoming the pioneer in Asia with the issuance of spot Bitcoin and spot Ether ETFs. This will in turn promote a wider acceptance of Crypto Asset ETFs in more markets worldwide.<br /><br /> With more investors allocating capital money into Crypto Assets, Crypto Assets such as Bitcoin and Ether are positioned to become mainstream assets in the new economic era. </p> </div> </div> </section> <!-- newAssetsRow End--> <!-- compareRow Start--> <section class="compareRow compareCrypto"> <div class="compareInner"> <div class="titRow">Crypto Assets comparison</div> <div class="cmnChartRow chart01Row"> <div class="chartPicRow"> <div class="chartPicInner"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/compare/img-chart-01-en-m.webp" /> <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/compare/img-chart-01-en.webp" /> <img src="../crypto-lib/images/compare/img-chart-01-en.webp" alt="Crypto Assets comparison" /> </picture> </div> </div> </div> <div class="seplineRow"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/cmn/img-light-sepline.webp" /></div> <div class="cmnChartRow chartRow"> <div class="chartTitRow">Figure3 : Tracking difference of futures Bitcoin ETFs</div> <div class="chartPicRow"> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 768px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/compare/img-chart-02-en-m.webp" /> <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/compare/img-chart-02-en.webp" /> <img src="../crypto-lib/images/compare/img-chart-02-en.webp" alt="Crypto Assets comparison" /> </picture> </div> <div class="chartRemarksRow"> The data is based on the return of one of the Bitcoin futures ETFs listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange compared with the return of Bitcoin and is for reference only. It does not represent the return performance of all Bitcoin futures ETFs listed on the Hong Kong Exchange.<br /> Source: Bloomberg, date as of March 31, 2024. </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- compareRow End--> <!-- productHighlightRow Start--> <section class="productHighlightRow brightSpot"> <div class="productHightLightInner"> <div class="titRow">ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF and Ether ETF Product Highlights </div> <div class="productHightLightContentRow"> <div class="highlightItem"> <div class="itemTitRow">Presenting legal and secure Crypto Assets investment opportunities to institutional and retail investors.</div> <div class="kvRow"> <picture> <source media=" (max-width: 768px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/highlight/img-chart-en-m.webp" /> <source media="(min-width: 769px)" srcset="../crypto-lib/images/highlight/img-chart-en.webp" /> <img src="../crypto-lib/images/highlight/img-chart-en.webp" alt="ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF and Ether ETF Product Highlights" /> </picture> </div> <div class="descRow"> <ul> <li>Investing in ETFs provides a higher level of safety compared to owning Bitcoin directly, as these ETFs are approved by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and have established partnerships with regulated Crypto Assets exchanges and reputable custodians.</li> <li>The investment threshold is only $100.</li> <li>Allowing for equity-like direct access through brokerage accounts, with a settlement period as short as T+2.</li> <li>Bitcoin and Ether are the most liquid Crypto Assets. The introduction of spot ETFs on traditional stock exchanges can further enhance liquidity.</li> <li>ChinaAMC Spot Bitcoin ETF and Ether ETF are managed under the supervision of the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong, striving to reduce unnecessary regulatory risks associated with Crypto Assets trading.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="highlightItem"> <div class="itemTitRow">Innovative in-kind dealing</div> <div class="descRow"> <p>Hong Kong has introduced a groundbreaking redemption model, surpassing the United States in innovation. Investors now enjoy the flexibility of redeeming their ETF holdings in cash or in kind.</p> </div> </div> <div class="highlightItem"> <div class="itemTitRow">Dual share classes— listed and unlisted. Multiple currency options: HKD, USD, CNY</div> </div> <div class="highlightItem"> <div class="itemTitRow">China's top-ranked ETF manager with 26 years of asset management excellence</div> <div class="descRow"> <p>ChinaAMC, our parent company, has been ranked as the best ETF issuer in China, with a renowned reputation both domestically and internationally. Having established a strong presence in Hong Kong for over 16 years, we proudly stand among leading ETF managers, equipped with deep-rooted experience, extensive industry knowledge, and expertise.</p> </div> </div> <div class="highlightItem"> <div class="itemTitRow">Collaborating with leading institutions to provide maximum protection for customers </div> <div class="descRow"> <p>ChinaAMC (HK) partners with world-renowned institutions across various industries to ensure a superior level of fund safety and liquidity, including an experienced custodian in Hong Kong, a leading Crypto Assets exchange authorized by Hong Kong regulators, and prominent market makers.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- productHighlightRow End--> <!-- subscriptionChannelsRow Start--> <section class="subscriptionChannelsRow purchasing"> <div class="subscriptionChannelsInner"> <div class="titRow">Trading platform</div> <div class="stitRow">In-cash Dealing</div> <div class="channelsListingRow"> <div class="channelsItem"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/subscription/img-logo-01.webp" /></div> <div class="channelsItem"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/subscription/img-logo-02.webp" /></div> <div class="channelsItem"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/subscription/img-logo-03.webp" /></div> <div class="channelsItem"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/subscription/img-logo-04.webp" /></div> <div class="channelsItem"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/subscription/img-logo-05.webp" /></div> <div class="channelsItem"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/subscription/img-logo-06.webp" /></div> <div class="channelsItem"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/subscription/img-logo-07.webp" /></div> <div class="channelsItem"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/subscription/img-logo-08.webp" /></div> <div class="channelsItem"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/subscription/img-logo-010.webp" /></div> </div> <div class="stitRow">In-kind and in-cash Dealing</div> <div class="channelsListingRow"> <div class="channelsItem"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/subscription/img-logo-09.webp" /></div> <div class="channelsItem"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/subscription/img-logo-011.webp" /></div> <div class="channelsItem"><img src="../crypto-lib/images/subscription/img-logo-012.webp" /></div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- subscriptionChannelsRow End--> <!-- productInfoRow Start--> <section class="productInfoRow"> <div class="productInfoInner"> <div class="titRow">Fund information</div> <div class="productInfoContentRow"> <!--productRow start--> <div class="productRow"> <div class="productTitRow">3042 ChinaAMC Bitcoin ETF</div> <div class="infoGroup"> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt> Investment Objective </dt> <dd>The investment objective is to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of bitcoin, as measured by the performance of the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (APAC Variant)</dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt> Index </dt> <dd>CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate (APAC Variant) </dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt> Listed exchanges </dt> <dd>Hong Kong Stock Exchange – Main Board </dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt> Base currency </dt> <dd>USD </dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt> Over-the-counter currencies </dt> <dd>HKD, USD, CNY </dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt> Stock code </dt> <dd>HKD counter 3042.HK / USD counter 9042.HK / RMB counter 83042.HK </dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt> The minimum lot size </dt> <dd>100 Units (All Counters) </dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> </div> </div> <!--productRow end--> <!--productRow start--> <div class="productRow eth"> <div class="productTitRow">3046 ChinaAMC Ether ETF</div> <div class="infoGroup"> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt>Investment Objective </dt> <dd>The investment objective is to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of ether, as measured by the performance of the CME CF Ether-Dollar Reference Rate (APAC Variant)</dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt> Index </dt> <dd>CME CF Ether-Dollar Reference Rate (APAC Variant) </dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt> Listed exchanges </dt> <dd>Hong Kong Stock Exchange – Main Board </dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt> Base currency </dt> <dd>USD </dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt> Over-the-counter currencies </dt> <dd>HKD, USD, CNY </dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt> Stock code </dt> <dd>HKD counter 3046.HK / USD counter 9046.HK / RMB counter 83046.HK </dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> <!--infoRow start--> <div class="infoRow"> <dl> <dt>The minimum lot size </dt> <dd>100 Units (All Counters) </dd> </dl> </div> <!--infoRow End--> </div> </div> <!--productRow end--> </div> </div> </section> <!-- productInfoRow End--> <!-- aboutAMCRow Start--> <section class="aboutAMCRow aboutCAMC"> <div class="aboutAMCInner"> <div class="titRow">China's top fund company</div> <!-- detailInfoRow start--> <div class="detailInfoRow"> <div class="subTitRow">ChinaAMC </div> <div class="infoColGroup"> <!-- col start--> <div class="col"> <dl> <dt>26<span>Years</span></dt> <dd>of Asset management experience</dd> </dl> </div> <!-- col end--> <!-- col start--> <div class="col"> <dl> <dt><span>USD</span>300<span>Billion</span></dt> <dd>Assets under management</dd> </dl> </div> <!-- col end--> <!-- col start--> <div class="col"> <dl> <dt>TOP 1</dt> <dd>China ETF Manager</dd> </dl> </div> <!-- col end--> </div> </div> <!-- detailInfoRow end--> <!-- detailInfoRow start--> <div class="detailInfoRow btmRow"> <div class="subTitRow">ChinaAMC(HK)</div> <div class="infoColGroup enVers"> <!-- col start--> <div class="col"> <dl> <dt>16<span>Years</span></dt> <dd>Deeply cultivated in Hong Kong </dd> </dl> </div> <!-- col end--> <!-- col start--> <div class="col"> <dl> <dt>50+</dt> <dd>Products</dd> </dl> </div> <!-- col end--> <!-- col start--> <div class="col"> <dl> <dt>90+</dt> <dd>Awards</dd> </dl> </div> <!-- col end--> </div> </div> <!-- detailInfoRow end--> <!-- detailRemarksRow start--> <div class="detailRemarksRow">Source: China Asset Management, China Asset Management (Hong Kong), as of April 16, 2024.</div> <!-- detailRemarksRow end--> </div> </section> <!-- aboutAMCRow end--> <!-- awardsRow end--> <section class="awardsRow"> <div class="awardsInner"> <div class="titRow">Recent Awards</div> <div class="awardsListingRow"> <!-- awardItem start--> <div class="awardItem"> <dl> <dt> <div class="txt">The Asset<br /> Triple A Sustainable Investing Awards 2024 </div> </dt> <dd> <ul> <li>Asset Management Company of The Year (China offshore)</li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </div> <!-- awardItem end--> <!-- awardItem start--> <div class="awardItem"> <dl> <dt> <div class="txt">The Asset<br /> Triple A Sustainable Investing Awards 2023 </div> </dt> <dd> <ul> <li>Asset Management Company of The Year - Mutual Fund (China offshore)</li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </div> <!-- awardItem end--> <!-- awardItem start--> <div class="awardItem"> <dl> <dt> <div class="txt">BENCHMARK Fund of<br />the Year Awards 2023 </div> </dt> <dd> <ul> <li>Best China Equity ETF Issuer</li> <li>Long/Short Equity – Best in Class</li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </div> <!-- awardItem end--> <!-- awardItem start--> <div class="awardItem"> <dl> <dt> <div class="txt">Insights&Mandate<br />Professional Investment<br />Awards 2024 </div> </dt> <dd> <ul> <li>Best China Fund House</li> <li>Best RMB Fund Manager</li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </div> <!-- awardItem end--> <!-- awardItem start--> <div class="awardItem"> <dl> <dt> <div class="txt">Fund Selector Asia<br />House Awards 2024 </div> </dt> <dd> <ul> <li>ETF House of the Year</li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </div> <!-- awardItem end--> <!-- awardItem start--> <div class="awardItem"> <dl> <dt> <div class="txt">Asia Asset Management<br /> Best of the Best Awards<br />2023 &amp; 2024 </div> </dt> <dd> <ul> <li>Best China Fund House</li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </div> <!-- awardItem end--> </div> <div class="awardsRemarksRow">Fund Selector Asia House Awards 2024: Fund Selector Asia, as of 30 Jan 2024; Benchmark Fund of the Year 2023: Benchmark, as of 29 Nov 2023; Insights&Mandate Professional Investment Awards 2024: I&M, as of 1 Mar 2024; The Asset Triple A Sustainable Investing Awards 2023: The Asset, as of 2 May 2024; Asia Asset Management Best of the Best Awards 2023&2024: Asia Asset Management, as of 3 Feb 2023 and 30 Jan 2024. Investment involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Past performance does not represent future performance. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or invitation to anyone to invest in any funds and has not been prepared in connection with any such offer. The material has been prepared and issued by China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited. This material has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission</div> </div> </section> <!-- awardsRow end--> <!-- footer start--> <footer> <div class="footerInner"> <div class="footerInfo"> <p>Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance, future return is not guaranteed and a loss of your original capital may occur. This material does not constitute an offer or solicitation of any transaction in any securities or collective investment schemes, nor does it constitute any investment advice. This document is provided for information purpose only and shall not be relied upon for making any investment decision. The information in this material reflects prevailing market condition and our judgment as of this date, which are subject to change, we are not obliged to inform you of such change. Certain information or data in this document has been obtained from unaffiliated third parties; we have reasonable belief that such information or data is accurate, complete and up to the date as indicated, but we make no warranty or representation as to the completeness and accuracy of data and information sourced from such unaffiliated third parties. Please refer to the prospectus of funds for more details, including risk factors. If necessary, you should seek independent professional advice. The material has been prepared and issued by China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited. 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