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Find fast answer in our FAQ's section. </p> </div> </div></div></div> </div> <!-- end topout --> <!-- end centartop --> <div id="centerbottom" class="centered yjsgsitew"> <!--MAIN LAYOUT HOLDER --> <div id="holder2" class="holders"> <!-- messages --> <div class="yjsg-system-msg inside-container"> </div> <!-- end messages --> <!-- MID BLOCK --> <div id="midblock" class="sidebars sidebar-main"> <!-- component --> <div class="inside-container"> <div class="yjsg-row qsearch"> <div class="yjsg-col-1"> <div class="qsearch-in-holder"> <input id="qsearch" name="search" class="qsearch-in" placeholder="Quick search" type="text" data-list=".yjquestionslist"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="yjsg-row yjquestionsrow"> <div class="yjsg-col-1"> <div class="yjquestions"> <h3 class="yjquestions_category"> <a href="faq/joomla-templates-club-faq.html"> Joomla Templates Club FAQ </a> </h3> <ul class="yjquestionslist"> <li> <a href="#qanswer49" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer49"> What are the benefits of Joomla Temlates Club? </a> <div id="qanswer49" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>What are the benefits of Joomla Temlates Club?</h3> <p>As a Joomla Templates Club member, you’ll be given exclusive access to every single one of our<a href="demos/index.html"> top-rated Joomla templates and extensions</a>, including all PSD and other source files. You’ll also get priority access to our newest releases for the life of your membership. <br /><br />Need help getting started? Your membership also gives you unlimited access to our <a href="joomla_support/index.html">members-only support forums.</a></p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer62" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer62"> How Much Does Membership Cost? </a> <div id="qanswer62" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>How Much Does Membership Cost?</h3> <p>We've created a variety of membership options to suit almost any budget. Click <a href="pricing.html">here </a> for a detailed overview of our pricing structure.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer61" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer61"> Do You Have Demos Available? </a> <div id="qanswer61" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>Do You Have Demos Available?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">Absolutely! Each one of our templates can be fully explored through our demo site.<br /><br />Click <a href="demos/index.html">here </a> to take a look.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer60" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer60"> Are There Any Domain Licensing Restrictions? </a> <div id="qanswer60" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>Are There Any Domain Licensing Restrictions?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">Due to overwhelming demand, as of July 2nd, 2012 we no longer enforce domain limits. You’re free to use our products <br />on as many personal websites as you like. If you opt for our Developer membership tier, you’ll also get support for our products used on your or your clients websites.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer59" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer59"> I’ve Signed Up, But I’m Unable to Login or Download. What Gives? </a> <div id="qanswer59" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>I’ve Signed Up, But I’m Unable to Login or Download. What Gives?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">Our system is set up to grant you immediate access upon receipt of payment. If you’re unable to login or initiate a download, just send us an email and we’ll take care of it. Be sure to provide proof of payment and your login details so we can assist you as quickly as possible.<br /><br />If you recently upgraded from a free membership to one of our paid plans, you may have to logout and clear your web browser’s cookies before accessing the paid membership area.<br /><br />If you used 2checkout as your payment option, please note that the fraud check process could take anywhere from 6 to 24 hours. Access will be automatically granted after the process is complete.<br /><br />If you’re attempting to access your account using a proxy, you will not be able to login or download. If the system <br />detects login attempts through multiple IP addresses, your membership may be automatically suspended. <br />Sharing any of our paid accounts is strictly forbidden. If you feel that your account has been suspended in error, please <a href="contact-us-after-sales.html">contact us</a>.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer58" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer58"> What is Your Refund Policy? </a> <div id="qanswer58" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>What is Your Refund Policy?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">We are incredibly proud of the templates and extensions we offer at We are unable to offer <br />refunds for items already downloaded. If the purchased item has not yet been downloaded, we may, at our sole <br />discretion, offer you a refund in some cases. <a href="contact-us-after-sales.html">Contact </a> us with any refund requests or questions about this policy.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer57" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer57"> Can I Resell Your Products? </a> <div id="qanswer57" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>Can I Resell Your Products?</h3> <p>You are not permitted to resell any of Youjoomla Proprietary licensed ( see license in footer ) &nbsp;files; javascript files, CSS files, images to any third party, or use access to such files &nbsp;as a selling point with clients or potential clients.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer56" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer56"> How Long Can I Use Your Products? </a> <div id="qanswer56" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>How Long Can I Use Your Products?</h3> <p>We do not require continued membership for the use of our templates or extensions. Once your membership <br />expires, you will no longer have access to security updates or new products. Any previously installed products <br />are still bound by your initial membership agreement. <br />Hosting plan changes and site relocations do not affect this policy.<br /><br />Note: After membership expiration, no further technical support, either through our member forum or email, will be offered.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer55" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer55"> Can You Send My Invoice Under a Company Name? </a> <div id="qanswer55" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>Can You Send My Invoice Under a Company Name?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">Yes. To change the invoicing details for your account, login and visit your <a href="join/profile.html">Edit profile</a> page.<br /> From there, you can edit your information, including name and Tax identification. <br />Changes will automatically be applied to your invoice.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer53" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer53"> Can I Share My Membership Details? </a> <div id="qanswer53" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>Can I Share My Membership Details?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">Given our already incredible pricing structure, we do not allow sharing of membership plans. As a paid member, <br />you are not permitted to sub-license, assign or transfer your membership to any third party. Our system allows for only<br /> 2 distinct IP address logins. If abuse is suspected, you will be subject to automatic suspension <br />of your membership privileges.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer52" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer52"> Can I Use Your Products on Client/Non-Personal Websites? </a> <div id="qanswer52" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>Can I Use Your Products on Client/Non-Personal Websites?</h3> <p>If you choose to sign up for our Developer membership, we will offer support for our products used for your clients. However this does not grant you the privilege to publicly post files protected by Youjoomla Proprietary license <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 18px;">&nbsp;( see license in footer ) &nbsp;</span>for download on any domain or download/file share/email services. <br /><br />For all other memberships, we only offer support for our products used on your own personal web sites.<br /><br /><strong>Any violation of this policy may result in the immediate suspension of your membership</strong>.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer51" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer51"> Can I Remove visible Branding from Your Templates or Extensions? </a> <div id="qanswer51" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>Can I Remove visible Branding from Your Templates or Extensions?</h3> <p> <em>For Non-Developer Memberships:</em><br /> <br /> Visible Branding removal on any of our templates can be purchased for <a href="join/signup59bc.html?acc=3"> $35.00 per domain </a> . After your purchase, you will <br /> receive an email with instructions on how to remove our branding from your template. All copyright notices in our <br /> extensions must remain intact. If you’ve failed to receive an email, you can also find branding removal instructions<br /> in your <a href="join/member8644.html?tab=downs"> member download section </a> .<br /> <br /> <em>For Developer Memberships:</em><br /> <br /> Developers are permitted to remove any site-visible branding on our templates. Code-level copyrights must remain<br /> intact. All copyright notices in our extensions must remain intact with the following exceptions:<br /> <br /> you may remove any site-visible branding from YJ Contact Us or YJ Live Search extensions.<br /> <br /> For additional information, please consult the licensing information within our footer link <em>License</em>. </p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer353" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer353"> How Can I Remove Visible Template Branding? </a> <div id="qanswer353" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>How Can I Remove Visible Template Branding?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">Instructions for removing visible branding from our templates will be emailed to you shortly after the<strong><a href="join/signup59bc.html?acc=3"> branding removal purchase</a></strong>. If you fail to receive an email, you can also find branding removal instructions in your <br /><strong><a href="join/member8644.html?tab=downs">member download section</a>.</strong></p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer50" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer50"> What Constitutes ‘Unauthorized Use’ Of Your Templates? </a> <div id="qanswer50" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>What Constitutes ‘Unauthorized Use’ Of Your Templates?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">Unauthorized use includes any of the following: copying, distributing, or offering any of Youjoomla Proprietary license&nbsp;restricted files ( see license in footer ) for resale&nbsp;without prior written approval. We also prohibit the copying of our products to any other medium, <br />including (but not limited to) CD, DVD, Floppy, or thumb drive.<br /><br />We aggressively protect the hard work we’ve put into our unique themes and extensions. We take any violation <br />of our copyrights very seriously and will take immediate legal action against any individual or corporation <br />engaged in the piracy of our copyrighted works.<br /><br />Note: does not grant exclusive rights to any of the themes or extensions <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 18px;">Youjoomla Proprietary license&nbsp;restricted files ( see license in footer )&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;found on our website.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer63" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer63"> What are Your Terms of Use? </a> <div id="qanswer63" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>What are Your Terms of Use?</h3> <p>All products are provided as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. <br /><br /> explicitly denies any and all warranties expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any warranties of accuracy, reliability, state or worthiness for a particular purpose by any vendor, customer, or associate offering information, products, or services linked to the website. <br /><br />Users agree to accept full responsibility in assessing independently the accuracy, completeness, quality and/or usefulness of any information or other content displayed on this website. <br /><br />The user understands that is not accountable for, and does not have any liability to any such user, with respect to any information, product or service offered by others who are linked to the website. This essentially means that the website should not be held responsible for any external links that originate on this or any other website.<br /><br /> shall not be liable for any potential damages sustained by or arising from use of the information, products, and/or services offered herein. No warranty of any kind is implied by your use of</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer86" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer86"> YJSimpleGrid footer copyright information </a> <div id="qanswer86" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>YJSimpleGrid footer copyright information</h3> <p><span style="color: #555555; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 18px;">If you are using YJSG for commercial offering, we ask you to retain visible "Powered by YJSG Framework logo" only if you are publicly showcasing Joomla! Templates powered by YJSG.&nbsp;<br />Any copyright notices within template head files must remain in tact. &nbsp;If you wish to disable the YJSG link , you can do so from template manager.</span></p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="yjsg-row yjquestionsrow"> <div class="yjsg-col-1"> <div class="yjquestions"> <h3 class="yjquestions_category"> <a href="faq/developer-membership-faq.html"> Developer Membership FAQ </a> </h3> <ul class="yjquestionslist"> <li> <a href="#qanswer47" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer47"> Do I need to pay for visible template branding removal as Developer member? </a> <div id="qanswer47" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>Do I need to pay for visible template branding removal as Developer member?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">As a developer member, you do not need to pay to remove site-visible branding removal from our templates. We permit <br />developer members to replace the “Custom Design by” footer text with “Designed by <em>Your Company</em>” <br />or “Powered by<em> Your Company</em>” at no additional charge.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer64" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer64"> How Can I Remove Visible Branding as a Developer Member? </a> <div id="qanswer64" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>How Can I Remove Visible Branding as a Developer Member?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">Instructions for removing visible branding from our templates will be emailed to you shortly after completing developer <br />membership registration. If you fail to receive an email, you can also find branding removal instructions in your <br /><a href="join/member8644.html?tab=downs">member download section</a>.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer65" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer65"> How Long Can I Use Your Products as a Developer Member? </a> <div id="qanswer65" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>How Long Can I Use Your Products as a Developer Member?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">We place no limits on product use for projects deployed for clients during your membership period. Your clients <br />are not required to obtain a membership for continued use. However, if you wish to use any of our products for<br /> any new clients, you need to renew your membership. To help keep your development costs down, we offer<br /> discounted renewal rates for developers.<br /><br />For more information about developer renewal discounts, look under the<a href="join/member93c5.html?tab=renew"> Add/Renew </a> tab on your member page.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer66" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer66"> Can I Resell YouJoomla Products as a Developer Member? </a> <div id="qanswer66" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>Can I Resell YouJoomla Products as a Developer Member?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">You are not permitted to resell any of our products or files that hold Youjoomla proprietary&nbsp;license ( see License in footer ) to any third party, or use access to those products as a selling point with clients or potential clients.</p> </div> </li> <li> <a href="#qanswer67" class="yjquestion_title yjinline triganswer67"> Can I Remove YJSG Framework Copyright Information as a Developer? </a> <div id="qanswer67" class="opendialog spacing smaller zoom-anim-dialog mfp-hide"> <h3>Can I Remove YJSG Framework Copyright Information as a Developer?</h3> <p style="margin: 0.5em 0px; overflow: hidden; padding: 3px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px;">If you are using our framework for any commercial offering, you are required to retain the “<em>Powered by YJSG Framework</em>”<br />logo on <span style="text-decoration: underline;">any</span> public display of your YJSG templates.<br /><br />If you are privately presenting a YJSG-based template to a client, you are not required to retain the “<em>Powered by YJSG Framework</em>” logo.<br /><br />The “<em>Powered by YJSG Framework</em>” logo and the link to must remain displayed in the site administration<br /> area on <span style="text-decoration: underline;">any&nbsp;</span>commercially offered YJSG-based template.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="yjsg-row yjquestionsrow"> <div class="yjsg-col-1"> <div class="yjquestions"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end component --> <!-- end mid block insidem class --> </div> <!-- end mid block div --> </div> <!-- end holder div --> </div> <!-- end centerbottom --> <!-- footer out --> <div class="footer_out dark"> <div id="yjsg7" class="yjsg_grid gridsfx-footermenu gridsfx-footermenu gridsfx-footermenu gridsfx-yjme yjsgsitew"><div id="user21" class="yjsgxhtml first_mod yjsgsfx-footermenu"><div class="yjsquare footermenu modid173"><div class="h2_holder"><h2 class="module_title">Youjoomla</h2></div><div class="yjsquare_in"><ul class="defaultmenu"> <li class="item-156 lifirst "><a class="afirst" href="customer-testimonials.html" >Customer Testimonials</a></li><li class="item-338"><a href="meet-the-team.html" >Meet the team</a></li><li class="item-339"><a href="pricing.html" >Pricing</a></li><li class="item-340 active "><a href="faq.html" >FAQ</a></li><li class="item-342"><a href="contact-us.html" >Contact us</a></li><li class="item-337"><a href="" target="_blank" >Developers</a></li><li class="item-470 lilast"><a class="alast" href="promotions.html" >Promotions</a></li></ul></div></div></div><div id="user22" class="yjsgxhtml yjsgsfx-footermenu"><div class="yjsquare footermenu modid174"><div class="h2_holder"><h2 class="module_title">Products</h2></div><div class="yjsquare_in"><ul class="defaultmenu"> <li class="item-343 lifirst "><a class="afirst" href="joomla-templates.html" >Joomla! 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