夏女士的个人简历_夏女士介绍 光伏招聘_储能招聘_氢能招聘-碳索人才网

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that.startIm() }).catch(() => {}) }, 2000) } } }) }, manageJob: function() { location.href = qscms.locationList.companyJoblist }, selectJob: function(item) { this.showSelectJob = false this.jobid = this.startIm() }, joblistOpened: function(key) { var that = this that.joblist_loading = true if(key == 'clear'){ that.keywords='' } httpget(qscms.apiList.imJoblist, {keywords:that.keywords,company_id:that.preview_id}) .then(res => { that.dataset_joblist = [] that.joblist_loading = false that.joblist_ready = true }) .catch(() => {}) }, goLogin:function(){ var that = this if (parseInt(that.utype) === 0) { // 未登录 that.$confirm('当前操作需要登录企业账号', '提示', { type: 'warning', confirmButtonText: '去登录' }).then(function() { location.href = qscms.locationList.loginCompany + '?redirect=' + location.href }) } else if (parseInt(that.utype) !== 1) { that.$confirm('您当前登录是个人会员,如需查看简历联系方式、请先退出当前账号,登录您的企业会员进行查看。', '提示', { type: 'warning', confirmButtonText: '立即切换' }).then(function() { Cookies.remove('mobile') 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that.popupWechatQrcodeWindow('company_pc_interview_invite') }) .catch(function() { that.btnLoading = false }) } else { that.btnLoading = false return false; } }); } else { this.showInvite = false } }, getUserInfo: function() { var that = this httpget(qscms.apiList.userinfo).then(function(res) { if ( === true) { that.isLogin = true that.utype = that.preview_id = } }).catch(function() {}) }, // 监听页面滚动 getScrollTop: function() { var scrollTop = 0 if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop } else if (document.body) { scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop } this.rightFixed = scrollTop >= 400 }, getSupplementary: function() { var that = this httpget(qscms.apiList.resumeSupplementary, { id: id }).then(function(res) { if ( !== null) { that.supplementary = let img_list = that.supplementary.img_list let newDataList = [] let current = 0 if (img_list && img_list.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i <= img_list.length - 1; i++) { if 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'升级套餐': '取 消' } } return false } else { that.$message({ type: 'success', message: res.message }) that.getContact() /** * 【ID1000719】 * 【新增】公众号引导弹窗场景(下载简历) * cy 2023-7-17 */ that.popupWechatQrcodeWindow('company_pc_download_resume') } }) .catch(function () { }) }, doInterview: function() { var that = this if (that.utype != 1) { this.$confirm('当前操作需要登录企业账号', '提示', { type: 'warning', confirmButtonText: '去登录' }) .then(function() { location.href = qscms.locationList.loginCompany + '?redirect=' + location.href }) .catch(function() {}) } else { if ("1" != 1) { this.$message.error('该简历还未审核通过,不能继续此操作') return false } this.showInvite = true } }, handlerDownPdf: function(isExport) { var that = this if (that.utype === 0) { location.href = qscms.locationList.loginCompany + '?redirect=' + location.href return false } if (that.preview_id != id) { if (that.utype === 2) { that.$confirm('当前操作需要登录企业账号', '提示', { type: 'warning', confirmButtonText: '去登录' }) .then(function() { location.href = qscms.locationList.loginCompany + '?redirect=' + location.href }) .catch(function() {}) return false } if(that.contactData.show_contact === 0) { that.$confirm('当前操作需要先下载简历,确定下载该简历吗?', '提示', { type: 'warning', }) .then(function() { that.downloadResume() }) .catch(function() {}) return false } } /** * 【ID1000730】 * 【bug】简历详情页-下载简历-pdf文件链接没有任何条件限制 * cy 2023-7-26 */ if (isExport == 1) { + qscms.memberDirname + "/resume_save/" + id) } else { httppost(qscms.apiList.exportPdfByPhp, { id: id }).then(function (res) { // 打开页面并自动调用打印功能 var newWindow =; 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