News Cycle in Launchpad

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In addition to the readability and weight, however, the project is extending News Gothic&#x27;s glyph coverage to alphabets derived from Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek, including the accent marks and diacritics required by languages outside of Western Europe.</p> <p>If you wish to contribute, the most valuable thing you can do is test out the font on real-world documents and Web sites, and provide feedback -- particularly with Cyrillic and Greek characters, which are entirely new designs.</p> <p>At the moment, the stable release is regular weight only. Italics, boldface, and more are on the roadmap. You can find the latest release in the downloads panel on the right side of this page, plus on the project homepage, where updates and test samples appear as well.</p></div> <ul id="external-links" class="horizontal"> <li> <a id="homepageurl-link" class="sprite external-link" rel="nofollow" href="">Home page</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="yui-g"> <div class="yui-u first"> <div id="project-info" class="portlet"> <h2>Project information</h2> <div class="two-column-list"> <dl id="owner"> <dt>Maintainer:</dt> <dd> <span id="edit-owner"> <span class="yui3-activator-data-box"> <a href="/~n8" class="sprite person">Nathan Willis</a> </span> </span> </dd> </dl> <dl id="driver"> <dt>Driver:</dt> <dd> <span id="edit-driver"> <span class="yui3-activator-data-box"> <a href="/~n8" class="sprite person">Nathan Willis</a> </span> </span> </dd> </dl> </div> <div> <dl id="licences"> <dt>Licence:</dt> <dd> Other/Open Source <div class="scrolled-box"> (SIL Open Font License, </div> </dd> </dl> </div> <p> <a class="menu-link-rdf sprite download" href=""><abbr title="Resource Description Framework">RDF</abbr> metadata</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="yui-u"> <div class="portlet"> <h2> <span class="see-all"><a class="menu-link-series sprite info" href="">View full history</a></span> Series and milestones </h2> <div id="timeline-loading" class="hidden"> <img src="/@@/spinner" /> Loading graph... </div> <!-- Opera ignores overflow:hidden for iframe, so use scrolling=no. --> <iframe id="timeline-iframe" name="timeline-iframe" class="timeline-iframe hidden" style="border: 0" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="216px"></iframe> <script> //<![CDATA[ function timeline_iframe(auto_resize, include_inactive, start, size) { var timeline_url = "+timeline-graph?"; 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<br /> <a class="menu-link-source sprite info" href="">Browse the code</a> </p> </div> <div class="two-column-list"> <dl id="product-vcs"> <dt>Version control system:</dt> <dd>Bazaar</dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> </div> <div class="yui-u"> <div><div class="portlet" id="portlet-latest-bugs"> <h2><span class="see-all"><a href="">All bugs</a></span> Latest bugs reported</h2> <ul> <li> <a href="" class="sprite bug-undecided" title="Undecided - New">Bug #1961807: Missing a couple of extended latin characters</a> <br /><span class="registered"> Reported <time title="2022-02-22 15:44:51 UTC" datetime="2022-02-22T15:44:51.599693+00:00">on 2022-02-22</time> </span> </li> <li> <a href="" class="sprite bug-undecided" title="Undecided - New">Bug #1841265: Issue with quotation marks: U+2018 and U+201C</a> <br /><span class="registered"> Reported <time title="2019-08-23 18:22:50 UTC" datetime="2019-08-23T18:22:50.325446+00:00">on 2019-08-23</time> </span> </li> <li> <a href="" class="sprite bug-undecided" title="Undecided - New">Bug #1443572: Update repo description</a> <br /><span class="registered"> Reported <time title="2015-04-13 17:41:57 UTC" datetime="2015-04-13T17:41:57.764230+00:00">on 2015-04-13</time> </span> </li> <li> <a href="" class="sprite bug-undecided" title="Undecided - New">Bug #1443571: 0.5.1 issues</a> <br /><span class="registered"> Reported <time title="2015-04-13 17:40:20 UTC" datetime="2015-04-13T17:40:20.370523+00:00">on 2015-04-13</time> </span> </li> <li> <a href="" class="sprite bug-undecided" title="Undecided - New">Bug #1443534: Improve NAME table</a> <br /><span class="registered"> Reported <time title="2015-04-13 16:27:13 UTC" datetime="2015-04-13T16:27:13.882941+00:00">on 2015-04-13</time> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div> </div> <div> <div class="portlet" id="portlet-top-contributors"> <h2> <span class="see-all"><a class="menu-link-top_contributors sprite info" href="">More contributors</a></span> Top contributors </h2> <ul> <li> <a href="/~chealer-gmail" class="sprite person">Philippe Cloutier</a> 4 points </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="yui-u"> <div id="structural-subscription-content-box"></div> </div> </div> </div><!-- yui-b --> </div><!-- yui-main --> <div id="side-portlets" class="yui-b side"> <div id="involvement" class="portlet"> <h2>Get Involved</h2> <ul class="involvement"> <li> <a class="menu-link-report_bug sprite bugs" href="">Report a bug</a> </li> <li> <a class="menu-link-ask_question sprite answers" href="">Ask a question</a> </li> <li class="disabled" title="Launchpad needs to know where the user can help translate"> <div style="padding: 0.3em 0 0.3em 0.3em"> <div style="display: inline-block" class="sprite warning-icon action-icon">warning</div> <div style="height: 1.2em; float: right"> <img src="/@@/gray-arrow-right.png" style="top: 50%; bottom: 50%; margin-top: -5px; position: relative; height: 9px; width: 14px; padding: 0" /> </div> <span>Help translate</span> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="downloads" class="top-portlet downloads"> <h2>Downloads</h2> <div class="version"> Latest version is 0.5.2 </div> <ul> <li> <a href="" title="TTF versions of News Cycle Regular and Bold"></a> </li> </ul> <div class="released"> released <time title="2015-07-30 19:11:00 UTC" datetime="2015-07-30T19:11:00+00:00">on 2015-07-30</time> </div> <p class="alternate"> <a class="sprite info" href="">All downloads</a> </p> </div> <div id="portlet-latest-announcements" class="portlet announcements"> <h2> <span style="float: right;"><a title="Atom 1.0 feed" href=""><img src="/@@/rss.png" /></a></span> Announcements </h2> <ul> <li> <div class="latest-announcement"> <a href="/newscycle/+announcement/13558">0.5.2 released</a> <strong>on 2015-07-30</strong> <br /> This release changes only the licensing terms, not the glyphs, metrics, or fe... </div> </li> <li> <a href="/newscycle/+announcement/13323">0.5.1 releaed</a> <strong>on 2015-03-19</strong> <br /> Version 0.5.1 has been released. This is a bugfix release only, correcting a ... </li> <li> <a href="/newscycle/+announcement/9352">0.4 Released</a> <strong>on 2011-12-12</strong> <br /> News Cycle 0.4 is now available for download, in both TrueType and OpenType f... </li> <li> <a href="/newscycle/+announcement/8207">0.2 Released</a> <strong>on 2011-04-21</strong> <br /> News Cycle version 0.2 is now available, on the Launchpad page as well as at ... </li> </ul> <div class="see-all"><a class="menu-link-announcements sprite info" href="">Read all announcements</a></div> <div class="actions"></div> </div> </div><!-- yui-b side --> </div><!-- yui-t4 --> <div id="footer" class="footer"> <div class="lp-arcana"> <div class="lp-branding"> <a href=""><img src="/@@/launchpad-footer-logo.svg" alt="Launchpad" width="65" height="18" /></a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">Take the tour</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">Read the guide</a> &nbsp; <form id="globalsearch" method="get" accept-charset="UTF-8" action=""> <input type="search" id="search-text" name="field.text" /> <input type="image" src="/@@/search" style="vertical-align:5%" alt="Search Launchpad" /> </form> </div> </div> <div class="colophon"> &copy; 2004 <a href="">Canonical&nbsp;Ltd.</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">Terms of use</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">Data privacy</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="/feedback">Contact Launchpad Support</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">Blog</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">Careers</a> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; <a href="">System status</a> <span id="lp-version"> &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; aa29ae0 (<a href="">Get the code!</a>) </span> </div> </div> </div><!-- yui-d0--> <script id="json-cache-script">LP.cache = {"related_features": {}, "team_membership_policy_data": [{"name": "Restricted Team", "value": "RESTRICTED", "description": "", "description_css_class": "choice-description", "style": "", "help": "", "disabled": false}, {"name": "Moderated Team", "value": "MODERATED", "description": "", "description_css_class": "choice-description", "style": "", "help": "", "disabled": false}], "administratedTeams": [], "importances": ["Unknown", "Undecided", "Critical", "High", "Medium", "Low", "Wishlist"], "statuses": ["New", "Incomplete", "Opinion", "Invalid", "Won't Fix", "Expired", "Confirmed", "Triaged", "In Progress", "Fix Committed", "Fix Released", "Does Not Exist", "Unknown"], "information_types": ["Public", "Public Security", "Private Security", "Private", "Proprietary", "Embargoed"], "target_info": {"title": "News Cycle", "url": ""}, "context": {"self_link": "", "web_link": "", "resource_type_link": "", "translations_usage": "Not Applicable", "official_answers": true, "official_blueprints": false, "official_codehosting": true, "official_bugs": true, "information_type": "Public", "active": true, "all_specifications_collection_link": "", "valid_specifications_collection_link": "", "bug_reporting_guidelines": "As a friendly reminder, this Launchpad project page is for the development of the fonts themselves, not for the Google Web Font service or for Open Font Library. For problems with either of those services, you will need to report issues on the bug trackers for those services.\n\nHere, you can report problems with:\n* The appearance of a glyph\n* The spacing and/or kerning of a glyph\n* Glyphs you would like to see added\n* Rendering problems that you see when the fonts are locally installed (as TTF or OTF)\n* Feature problems (such as ligatures, alternates, or substitutions)\n* General malaise about life\n\nIf you are reporting a rendering or a feature problem, please note what OS you are running and what application(s) you see the problem in -- especially if you see it in some but not all apps. Same goes for if the problem appears when you print out documents.", "content_templates": null, "bug_reported_acknowledgement": "If the issue you're experience is a rendering or hinting problem, we may pester you for further details, like at what sizes you see it, and we may ask you to test it in other apps. Sometimes we may ask you to experiment with similar letters to see if the problem occurs there, too (like accented versions of the letter or similar letters with the same accent).\n\nFor appearance/shape, spacing/kerning, or glyphs-you'd-like-to-see-added, we may ask you to point us towards an example that you like from elsewhere on the web. This is really important if it is a character from a language we don't personally write.\n\nFor general malaise, we will recommend hilarious sitcoms and web videos viewable online in your region. Laughter is the best medicine.\n\nIn any case, we'll do everything we can to track down the root cause of the problem, and polish it up.", "official_bug_tags": [], "recipes_collection_link": "", "webhooks_collection_link": "", "bug_supervisor_link": null, "active_milestones_collection_link": "", "all_milestones_collection_link": "", "translationgroup_link": null, "translationpermission": "Open", "qualifies_for_free_hosting": true, "reviewer_whiteboard": "", "is_permitted": "", "project_reviewed": "", "license_approved": "", "private": false, "display_name": "News Cycle", "icon_link": "", "logo_link": "", "name": "newscycle", "owner_link": "", "project_group_link": null, "title": "News Cycle", "registrant_link": "", "driver_link": "", "summary": "News Cycle is a realist sans-serif font family based on specimens of the 1908 News Gothic typeface from ATF.", "description": "Inspired by the original News Gothic, which found an eminently useful life in print media news coverage, the goal of this project is to design a highly readable open font suitable for large bodies of text, even at small sizes, and that is available at multiple weights. In addition to the readability and weight, however, the project is extending News Gothic's glyph coverage to alphabets derived from Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek, including the accent marks and diacritics required by languages outside of Western Europe.\n\nIf you wish to contribute, the most valuable thing you can do is test out the font on real-world documents and Web sites, and provide feedback -- particularly with Cyrillic and Greek characters, which are entirely new designs.\n\nAt the moment, the stable release is regular weight only. Italics, boldface, and more are on the roadmap. You can find the latest release in the downloads panel on the right side of this page, plus on the project homepage, where updates and test samples appear as well.", "date_created": "2010-08-25T19:26:50.509151+00:00", "homepage_url": "", "wiki_url": null, "screenshots_url": null, "download_url": null, "programming_language": null, "sourceforge_project": null, "freshmeat_project": null, "brand_link": "", "branch_sharing_policy": "Public", "bug_sharing_policy": "Public", "specification_sharing_policy": "Public", "licenses": ["Other/Open Source"], "license_info": "SIL Open Font License,", "bug_tracker_link": null, "series_collection_link": "", "development_focus_link": "", "releases_collection_link": "", "translation_focus_link": null, "commercial_subscription_link": null, "commercial_subscription_is_due": false, "remote_product": null, "vcs": "Bazaar", "http_etag": "\"aca115d08a8333c86a7a8ebaba68872e5ca013e2-46c98f7696f07660f25c0160ac17a6e1d7298b3c\""}};</script> </body> <!-- Facet name: overview Page type: main_side Has global search: True Has application tabs: True Has side portlets: True At least 42 queries/external actions issued in 0.71 seconds Features: {'profiling.enabled': None, 'hard_timeout': '5000', 'app.mainsite_only.canonical_url': None, 'js.yui_version': None, 'app.maintenance_message': None, 'markdown.enabled': None, 'charm.recipe.create.enabled': 'on', 'oci.project.create.enabled': None, 'bugs.webhooks.disabled': None, 'baselayout.careers_link.disabled': None, 'visible_render_time': None} raa29ae0 --> </html>

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