Category:Scores featuring the tenor voice - IMSLP

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class="external text" href="//">Z</a> </p> </td></tr> </table> The list below includes all pages in the category "<b>Scores featuring the tenor voice</b>". These include both original works and arrangements that specifically include one or more solo parts for the male <a href="" class="extiw" title="wikipedia:Tenor">tenor</a> voice.<p>→ <i><b>See also</b></i>: <a href="/wiki/Category:Scores_featuring_the_voice" title="Category:Scores featuring the voice">Scores featuring the voice</a>.<br /> → <i><b>Sort this list</b></i> by <a href="/wiki/Special:CategoryWalker/Scores_featuring_the_tenor_voice/" title="Special:CategoryWalker/Scores featuring the tenor voice/">work type, instrumentation, composer, and more</a>.&lt;/center&gt; <hr /></p> </center> <!-- NewPP limit report Preprocessor node count: 91/1000000 Post-expand include size: 8284/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 530/2097152 bytes Expensive parser function count: 0/100 --> <!-- Saved in parser cache with key imslp_wiki:pcache:idhash:111412-0!*!0!*!en!*!* and timestamp 20241211150314 --> <br /><div lang="en" dir="ltr"><br style="clear:both;"/> <script>if(typeof catpagejs=='undefined')catpagejs={};$.extend(catpagejs,{"p1":{"0":["The 3 Jolly Pigeons (L\u00f6hr, Harvey)|SScores\\1","Der 46. Psalm (Berneker, Constanz)|SScores\\1","Der 69. Psalm, Op.1 (Materna, Jonas)|SScores\\1","The 98th Psalm (Titcomb, Everett)|SScores\\1","Der 145te Psalm, Op.6 (Grabeler, Peter)|VVocal Scores\\1"],"3":["394052786, Op.69 (Ng, Sissel)|SScores\\1"],"A":["\u00c0 Clichy (Adam, Adolphe)|VVocal Scores\\1","\u00c0 l'heure o\u00f9 s'\u00e9veille la rose (Dassier, Alfred)|PParts\\1","\u00c0 la France!, Op.121 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SScores\\1","\u00c0 Laure (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","\u00c0 Lydie (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\1","Ab oriente venerunt (Praetorius, Hieronymus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ab unda algente, B.IV\/7 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\2","L'abbaye, Op.16 (Koechlin, Charles)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","L'abeille (Barbier, Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric)|SScores\\1","Les abeilles (Fourdrain, F\u00e9lix)|SScores\\1","Les abeilles (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Abelard (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Abendglocken (Beer-Walbrunn, Anton)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Abendl\u00e4uten, Op.22 (Kistler, Cyrill)|SScores\\1","Abendlied zu Gott, Hob.XXVc:9 (Haydn, Joseph)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Abendlied (Violet, Emil)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Das Abendrot, D.236 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Des Abends, Morgens und Mittags (Pezel, Johann Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Abendst\u00e4ndchen (Schiebold, Carl)|SScores\\1","Abendzauber, WAB 57 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Abide With Me (Meale, John Arthur)|SScores\\1","Abide with me (Molloy, James Lynam)|SScores\\1","Above the Tumults of a Busy State, Z.480 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Abraham auf Moria (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Abraham, Op.65 (Molique, Bernhard)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Abramo (Torri, Pietro)|SFull Scores\\3","Die Abreise (Albert, Eugen d')|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\3|LLibretti\\1","Abschied vom Liebchen (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Der Abschied, G.26 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Abschiedsgesang, WoO 102 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Abschiedsgru\u00df (Silcher, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Abschied (Heydrich, Richard Bruno)|SScores\\1","Abstractium (Chakraborty, Utsyo)|SScores\\1","Abu Hassan, J.106 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Accedite gentes accurrite populi, BuxWV 1 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Accingeteui Amanti (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores and Parts\\26|PScores and Parts\\26","Acclami al Signore (Trovato, Angelo Maria)|SScores\\1","Ach bleib bei uns Herr Jesu Christ, GWV 1129\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ach dass die H\u00fclfe aus Zion \u00fcber Israel k\u00e4me, GWV 1125\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach dass die H\u00fclfe aus Zion \u00fcber Israel k\u00e4me, GWV 1154\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Ach da\u00df die H\u00fclfe aus Zion \u00fcber Israel k\u00e4me (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Ach da\u00df doch Zions H\u00fclfe k\u00e4me, HoWV II.156 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Ach dass ich h\u00f6ren sollte (Theile, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ach dass ich Wassers genug h\u00e4tte (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ach Davids Sohn du Trost, GWV 1121\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Ach eitle Herzen, GWV 1142\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach es geht mir wie einem, GWV 1117\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach es ist ein elend j\u00e4mmerlich Ding (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, F.96 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores\\1","Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1106\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1124\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1149\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ach Gott von Himmel (Agricola, Martin)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ach Gott wie elend sind wir dran, GWV 1155\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach Gott wie lange soll der Widerw\u00e4rtige, GWV 1122\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach Gott wie manches Herzeleid, GWV 1133\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach Gott! dein Zion klagt und weint, TWV 1:10 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ach Gott! Wie beugt der Eltern Herze geliebter Kinder, TWV 1:15a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein, BWV 2 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid, BWV 3 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Ach grosser Gott mein Herz, GWV 1152\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach grosser Helfer, GWV 1160\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach guter Hirte lass dich finden, GWV 1140\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach Herr die Frommen warten deiner, GWV 1167\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach Herr strafe micht nicht in deinem Zorn (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Ach Herr, ach Herr meiner Schone (Zeutschner, Tobias)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ach Herr, du Sohn David (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Ach Herr, gedenke nicht der S\u00fcnden (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ach Herr, mich armen S\u00fcnder, BWV 135 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Ach Herr, mich armen S\u00fcnder (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach hilf mich leid (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Ach ich f\u00fchle keine Reue, H.365 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ach Jesu heile doch die Plagen, GWV 1153\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ach Jesu Satans \u00dcberwinder, GWV 1122\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Ach Jesu teure Rettungsquelle, GWV 1121\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach Jesu wie bist du so treu, GWV 1132\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ach Jesu wir sind wund, GWV 1154\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach Jesus weicht er will zum Vater, GWV 1134\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach jungfraw wolt jr mit mir gan? (Zirler, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Ach Jupiter h\u00e4tt'st du Gewalt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ach lass dich unsers Elends jammern, GWV 1119\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Ach liebster Jesu komm herein (Liebe, Christian)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Ach mein herzliebes Jesulein (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ach meines Jammers und Herzeleids, GWV 1175\/26b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\3","Ach sagt mir nichts von Gold und Sch\u00e4tzen, GWV 1142\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Ach scheydens art (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ach Seelen wacht der Wolf kommt, GWV 1149\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach Seelenfreund wo bist du hingegangen, GWV 1129\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach Sterbliche bedenkt das Ende, GWV 1157\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach stirb mein Herz, GWV 1127\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach s\u00fcsse Ruh, die stets mein Geist empfindet, TWV 1:33 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ach was erhebet sich die arme Erde (Hildebrand, Johann)|PParts\\2","Ach was hab ich ausgerichtet, GWV 1163\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Ach was soll ich S\u00fcnder machen, GWV 1144\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ach was soll ich S\u00fcnder machen, H.366 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Ach welchen Jammer bringt die S\u00fcnde, GWV 1153\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach wenn kommet doch die Stunde (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Ach wie fl\u00fcchtig, ach wie nichtig, BWV 26 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Ach wie fl\u00fcchtig, ach wie nichtig (Franck, Michael)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ach wie nichtig, ach wie fl\u00fcchtig, GWV 1157\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\3","Ach wie nichtig, ach wie fl\u00fcchtig, TWV 1:37 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ach wie nichtig, ach wie fl\u00fcchtig, TWV 4:6 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Ach wie soll ich doch in Freuden leben, SWV 474 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ach wo find' ich meine Liebe, GWV 1112\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach wo soll ich Jesum finden, GWV 1129\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach zarter Jesu, GWV 1112\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach! ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe, BWV 162 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Ach! sieh ihn dulden, bluten, sterben (Beck, Christoph Friedrich)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ach, edles Bild, von Tugend mild (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Ach, Herr, straf mich nicht, SWV 24 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ach, Jesus stirbt (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost, BWV 114 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\2","Ach, mein Herze schwimmt in Blute, TWV 1:29 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ach, sollte doch die ganze Welt, TWV 1:32 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ach, Vater unser, der du bist, W70 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Ach, welche Bitterkeit der Schmerzen, TWV 1:34 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ach, wie ist's m\u00f6glich dann (Jentsch, Max)|SScores\\1","Ach, wo bin ich hingeraten, TWV 1:41 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Ach, zu den tiefsten Jammerh\u00f6hlen, TWV 1:48 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","The Acharnians (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|VVocal Scores\\2","Achille in Sciro (Manna, Gennaro)|SScores\\2","Achtet es eitel Freude, GWV 1133\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Acis y Galatea (Literes, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Acis, Op.6 (Wormser, Andr\u00e9)|VVocal Scores\\2","Ad arma volate (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Ad beatam Virginem canticum, H.340 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Ad cantus laetitiae (Anonymous)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ad coenam agni providi, LV Anh.1 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\2","Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamavi (Brunetti, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamavi (Hassler, Hans Leo)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Ad Dominum cum tribularer (Phinot, Dominique)|SScores\\1","Ad te Domine levavi, K.153 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ad te Domine levavi (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Ad te levavi animam meam (Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio)|SScores\\1","Ad te levavi oculos meos, LV 405 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\4","Addio monti (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Adducentur regi (Cervi, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Ad\u00e9la\u00efde et Ferdinand (Villebichot, Auguste de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Adeste fideles in A-flat major (Tinel, Jef)|SScores\\1","Adeste fideles in F major (Tinel, Jef)|SScores\\2","Adeste fideles in G major (Tinel, Jef)|SScores\\2","Adieu natuerlic leven mijn (Edelinck, Pieter)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Adieu, Dear Native Land (Wallace, William Vincent)|SScores\\2","Adieu, Op.14 (Liebling, Emil)|SScores\\1","Adieu, Ye City-Pris'ning Towers (Tomkins, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18","Adieu, Ye Streams (Atterbury, Luffman)|SScores\\1","Les adieux \u00e0 Suzon (Di\u00e9mer, Louis)|SScores\\1","Adieu (Jonci\u00e8res, Victorin de)|SScores\\1","Adina (Rossini, Gioacchino)|VVocal Scores\\1","Adiuro vos, filiae Hierusalem (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Adjutor in opportunitatibus (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","Adjuva me Domine (Conseil, Jean)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Adon olom (Lewandowski, Louis)|SScores\\3","Adoramus te Christe, LV 1083 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Adoramus te Christe (Aichinger, Gregor)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Adoramus te Christe (Goller, Vinzenz)|SScores\\1","Adoramus te Christe (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Adoramus te Domine, Op.78 (Remondi, Roberto)|SScores\\2","Adoramus te, Jesu Christe a 6 (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\1","L'Adorazione dei magi (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Adoremus in aeternum (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","Adorna thalamum, LV 869 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Adresse des sterbenden Dichters an die Jugend (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Advent Magnificat - Tone V (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","Adventlied, Op.71 (Schumann, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","The Adventure Club, Op.55 (Leavitt, William John de Wolf)|VVocal Scores\\1","Die Advokaten, D.37 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Die Advokaten (Fischer, Anton)|PParts\\1","Aerial Requiem, Op.27 (Alburger, Mark)|VVocal Scores\\1","Afflictus est (Schmitt, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Afraid, Alas, and Why so Suddenly? (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Afternoon Calls (Sawyer, Henry S.)|SScores\\1","L'agence Rabourdin (Bernicat, Firmin)|VVocal Scores\\1","Agitata alma mia, GraunWV B:III:12 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Agnus Dei a cinque, Op.8 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Agnus Dei II (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Agnus Dei in A major (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\2","Agnus Dei in F major (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\3","2 Agnus Dei (Morlacchi, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Agnus Dei, Op.7 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Agnus Dei, ZWV 37 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Agnus Dei (Anzuetto, Daladier)","Agnus Dei (Bianciardi, Vincenzio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Agnus Dei (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Ah che incertezza amara (Danzi, Franz)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ah dolente partita, SV 75 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Ah Domine Iesu (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores\\1","Ah Me! My Mistress Scorns My Love (Bateson, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Ah peccatores graves (F\u00f6rster, Kaspar)|SScores\\2","Ah se fosse intorno al trono (Apell, David August von)|PParts\\1","Ah! si vous saviez (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Ah, pi\u00f9 tremar non voglio, K.71 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|SScores\\2","Ahi che in sentirlo io moro, S.384a (Marcello, Benedetto)|SFull Scores\\3","Ahi come a un vago sol cortese giro, SV 101 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Ahi dispietata morte, ahi crudel vita (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Ahi qual crucio, GraunWV B:III:13 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ahi tormentosi abissi (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","6 Airs harmonized for 3 and 4 Voices (Knyvett, Charles)|SScores\\1","Airs italiens du XVIII si\u00e8cle (Viardot, Pauline)|SScores\\8","Al festivo aplauso heroyco (Literes, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Al mexor zenit (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Al prodigio mayor de la gracia (Zumaya, Manuel de)|PParts\\1","Al que en solio de rayas (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Al relox seas compara (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|PParts\\1","Alados Gerarquias (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|PParts\\1","Alas, How Barbarous We Are, Z.482 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","L'Albatros (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Albion, thy sea-encircled isle (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Albricias pastores (Paris, Juan)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Album der Wiener Meister (Various)|SScores\\1","Album for Mandssang, Op.30 (Grieg, Edvard)|RRecordings\\12|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Album for Mandssang (Kjerulf, Halfdan)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","El Alcalde de Bel\u00e9n (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Alcun non pu\u00f2 saper da chi sia amato (Rore, Cipriano de)","Alcyone, M.34 (Ravel, Maurice)|SScores\\1","Alegres Pastores (Delgado, Francisco)|PParts\\1","Aleph. Ego vir (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Aleph. Quomodo obscuratum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Alessandro nell'Indie (Caballone, Michele)|SScores\\3","Alexander (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Alice Brand, Op.76 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\2","Aliquot Cantiones (Regnart, Jacob)|PParts\\4","All Creatures Now are Merry-minded (Bennet, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18","All Day Long They Twist My Words (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\1","All solch dein G\u00fct wir preisen, BuxWV 3 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\7","All that I Ask of You Is Love (Ingraham, Herbert)|SScores\\2","All the World's a Stage (Muffett, Jake)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","All Things are Thine (Sowerby, Leo)|SScores\\1","All This Night, Op.33 (Finzi, Gerald)|SScores\\1","All wilden Tier im gr\u00fcnen Wald (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","All'apparir di quelle luci ardenti (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","All-Night Vigil, Op.37 (Rachmaninoff, Sergei)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\30|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Allan Water (Button, Henry Elliot)|SScores\\1","Alle die gottselig leben wollen, HoWV II.79 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Alle die vor mir kommen sind, GWV 1140\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Alle die vor mir kommen sind, GWV 1140\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Alle Dinge sind m\u00f6glich, GWV 1121\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Alle Kreatur Gottes, GWV 1148\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Alle Schrift von Gott eingegeben ist, GWV 1147\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Alle Schrift von Gott eingegeben ist, GWV 1159\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Alle, die gottselig leben wollen, TWV 1:54 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","All\u00e9gorie (Charpentier, Gustave)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Allein auf Gottes Wort (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Allein Gott in der h\u00f6h II (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Allein Gott in der h\u00f6h I (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Allein Gott in der H\u00f6h sei Ehr (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 33 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Alleluia Absorta est mors, FbWV 701 (Froberger, Johann Jacob)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Alleluia in B-flat major, MH 362 (Haydn, Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Alleluia, Op.23 (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Alleluia, Wohl dem, der den Herren f\u00fcrchtet (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Alleluia. A Hymnal (Various)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Alleluia. Ich danke dem Herren (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Alleluja 'Dominus regnavit decorem' (Pagueras, Cayetano)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Alleluja! Christus surrexit (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Alleluja, laudem dicite (Hassler, Hans Leo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Alleluja. F\u00fcrchtet euch nicht (Topf, Johann)|SScores\\1","Alleluya, Op.1 (Garcia, Juan Pablo)|SScores\\1","Aller Augen warten auf dich, Herre, SWV 429 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Der Allergr\u00f6sseste, von Weisheit, Macht und St\u00e4rke, TWV 1:229 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Alles Fleisch ist Heu und alle seine G\u00fcte, TWV 4:4c (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Alles Fleisch ist wie Gras, GWV 1157\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Alles vergehet (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Alles was die Erd' enth\u00e4lt (Call, Leonhard von)|PParts\\1","Alles was einen Fehl hat, GWV 1147\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Alles was ihr bittet, GWV 1135\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Alles was ihr bittet, GWV 1135\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Alles was ihr tut mit Worten oder mit Werken (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\8","Alles was ihr wollet, GWV 1145\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Alles was mir mein Vater gibt, GWV 1141\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Alles, was ist auf dieser Welt (Ritter, Christian)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Allez mes premieres amours (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Allons au vert bocage (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Allor che il giogo barbaro (Martinez, Marianne)|SScores\\2","Allor che lieta l'alba adduce il giorno (Striggio, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Alma cortes'e bella, Ch.85 (Gabrieli, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Alma cortese in piu bel lembo involta, LV 3 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Alma Dei creatoris, K.277\/272a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\3","Alma real dignissima, LV 177 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater for 5 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater for 8 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Alma Redemptoris Mater G minor (Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater in A major (Zeiler, Gallus)|SScores\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater in D major, R 300\/7 (Rathgeber, Valentin)|PParts\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater in D minor (Nov\u00e1k, Jan Franti\u0161ek)|SScores\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater, IJD 3 (Dunstaple, John)|SScores\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Alma redemptoris Mater (Graziani, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","Alme giuste alme innocenti, S.632 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Almighty God, to You all Hearts are Open (Thompson, Jacob)|SScores\\1","Almo factori omnium (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Alone with Russia, Op.63 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Alone, Op.225 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SFull Scores\\1","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, GWV 1139\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, TWV 1:74 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, TWV 1:76 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, TWV 1:81 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores\\1|PParts\\11","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, SWV 380 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt (Franck, Melchior)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt (Praetorius, Hieronymus)|SScores\\1","Also hat Gott geliebt die Welt, HoWV II.Anh.22 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Also heilig ist der Tag (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Also heilig ist der Tag (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Also ists geschrieben, GWV 1130\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)","Also ists geschrieben, GWV 1130\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","4 Altdeutsche Minnelieder in Madrigalenform (Koessler, Hans)|SScores\\1","2 Altdeutsche Volkslieder (Keller, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","Das alte Jahr ist nun dahin (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Das alte Jahr vergangen ist (Hassler, Hans Leo)|SScores\\1","Alte Madrigale und andere a cappella-Ges\u00e4nge (J\u00f6de, Fritz)|SScores\\1","6 Altniederl\u00e4ndische Volkslieder (Kremser, Eduard)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Alvus tumescit virgines (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Alyssa, M.38 (Ravel, Maurice)|SFull Scores\\1","Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats, BWV 42 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|BBooks\\2|OOther\\3","Am Geburtstage des Kaisers, D.748 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Am g\u00f6ttlichen Segen ist alles gelegen, TWV 1:93 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Am Kreuz erblasst, Op.76 (Rinck, Christian Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Am Lindenbaum (Keller, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Am M\u00fchlenwehr (Uthmann, Gustav Adolf)|SScores\\1","Ama l'Aquila Giove (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","El amanecer (Eslava, Hilari\u00f3n)|SScores\\1","Amantes serafines que ardeis (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","Amarus, JW 3\/6 (Jan\u00e1\u010dek, Leo\u0161)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15","Amate Jesum omnes gentes, H.271 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Les Amazones, Op.26 (Chaminade, C\u00e9cile)|VVocal Scores\\3","Amen in C minor (Mattei, Stanislao)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","The American Flag, Op.102 (Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Anton\u00edn)|VVocal Scores\\1","The American Flag (Busch, Carl)|VVocal Scores\\2","L'Amfiparnaso (Vecchi, Orazio)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\13","L'ami de ma dame (Binchois, Gilles)|SScores\\2","Amicus meus, H.127 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Amidst the Myrtles as I Walk (Battishill, Jonathan)|SScores\\1","Amiti\u00e9, reprends ton empire, H 10 (Berlioz, Hector)|SScores\\1","Amor obligado poco fino es (Durango y de los Arcos, Mat\u00edas)|PParts\\1","L'Amor Possente (Chianei, Candido)|SScores\\1","Amor vittorioso (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Amor, wie ist dein Lieblichkeit (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Amore mi assisti (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\1","Amors Macht, D.Anh.I\/20 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","L'amour et les allumettes (Dubost, Louis-Antoine)|VVocal Scores\\1","Amour, tu fais de nos coeurs (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Amoureux d'une valse (Moniot, Eug\u00e8ne)|VVocal Scores\\1","Amyntas with His Phyllis Fair (Pilkington, Francis)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\17","An Adelheid, Op.51 (Krebs, Karl August)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","An aller welt (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","An den Fl\u00fcssen Babylons (Kirnberger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","An den heiligen Franziskus von Paula, S.28 (Liszt, Franz)|SScores\\1","An dich mein hort (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","An die K\u00fcnstler, S.70 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","An die Sonne, D.439 (Schubert, Franz)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","An Episode from the Life of Franz Schubert, Op.61 (Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail)|VVocal Scores\\1","L'an et le moys, le jour, l'heure et moment (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","An Evening Prayer (Kleber, Henry)|SScores\\2","An filius non est Dei, BuxWV 6 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","An Irish Folk Song (Foote, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","An Occasional Oratorio, HWV 62 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\27","An Opera of Daniel (Lambert, Edward)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","An Wasserfl\u00fcssen Babylon a 7 (Wannenmacher, Johannes)|SScores\\4","An Wasserfl\u00fcssen Babylon, W162 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Anbetung dem Erbarmer, H.807 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Anchor che col partire (Rore, Cipriano de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\20|PScores and Parts\\20|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\2","The Ancient Mariner (Barnett, John Francis)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Ancient of Days (Coombs, Charles Whitney)|VVocal Scores\\1","And shall Trelawney die? (Macirone, Clara Angela)|SScores\\1","And Ye Shall Serve the Lord Your God (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","Die Andacht fragt nach dir, GWV 1111\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Andenken, D.423 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Andere Kern-Spr\u00fcche (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|PParts\\1","Andreas Christi famulus \u00e0 8 (Crecquillon, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Andreas Christi famulus (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\2","Androm\u00e8de (Lekeu, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","L'Anfione, Op.7 (Grossi, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Angel-Voices, Ever Singing (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","Angele Dei, Marginalia No.93 (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","Angele Dei, Marginalia No.94 (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","Angele Dei, Marginalia No.95 (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","Angelum amatorem (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Angelus autem (Tejeda, Alonso de)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Angelus Domini apparuit (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Angelus Domini descendit, ZWV 161 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Angelus Domini descendit (Mapelli, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Angelus Domini descendit (Pagueras, Cayetano)|SScores\\1","Angenehmes Wiederau, BWV 30a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Les anges de Bethl\u00e9em (Boisdeffre, Ren\u00e9 de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Angla, Op.60 (Hummel, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\1","Anima Christi sanctifica me (Durante, Silvestro)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Anima Christi sanctifica me (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Anima Christi sanctifica me (Valentini, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Anima Christi, Op.82 (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","Anima Christi (B\u00fctner, Crato)|SScores\\1","Anima Christi (Dyson, Peter)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","Anima mea liquefacta est, IA 38 (Anonymous)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Anna regnum progenies (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Annabel Lee, Op.41b (Holbrooke, Joseph)|VVocal Scores\\1","Annabel Lee (Lacy, Frederick St. John)|SScores\\1","\u00c4nnchen von Tharau (Silcher, Friedrich)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Annie o' the Banks o' Dee (Glover, Stephen Ralph)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Anoche cuando dorm\u00eda (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Antequam comedam suspiro (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","The Anthem Book of the Methodist Episcopal Church (Converse, Charles Crozat)|SScores\\1","The Anthem Book of the United Free Church of Scotland (Various)|SScores\\2","Anthem Fuddugol Ddirwestol (Owen, John)|SScores\\1","Anthem, 2 Hymns and 2 Dismissions (Wyvill, Zerubbabel)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","12 Anthems and 12 Psalm Tunes, 2nd Book (Smith of Market Lavington, John)|SScores\\1","12 Anthems and 12 Psalm Tunes, 3rd Book (Smith of Market Lavington, John)|SScores\\1","3 Anthems (Beckwith, John)|SScores\\1","6 Anthems (Bond, Capel)|SScores\\1","6 Anthems (Milton Sr., John)|SScores\\1","20 Anthems (Chapple, Samuel)|SScores\\1","30 Anthems (Croft, William)|SScores\\6","Antiennes pour les V\u00eapres d'un Confesseur non pontife, H.33-35 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ant\u00edfona de Nossa Senhora (Pedro I)|SScores\\1","Ant\u00edfona portuguesa de Santa Rita (Meireles, Jos\u00e9 Rodrigues Domingues de)|SScores\\1","Antifone mariane, Op.17 (Grassi, Ciro)|SScores\\14","Antigone, Op.55 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Antigono (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\3","Antiphona ad Confractorium (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","4 Antiphons (Weigl, Nivard)|PParts\\1","Das Antlitz des Herrn, GWV 1150\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Antoniuslied (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Antwort, Op.45 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|SScores\\1","Aperite mihi portas justitiae, BuxWV 7 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","El Apocalipsis (Bret\u00f3n, Tom\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Apollo, s'ancor vive il bel desio (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\18|PScores and Parts\\18|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\25","Apollon aux muses (Massenet, Jules)|SScores\\1","Apostole Christi Jacobe (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Apostolische Chor-Music (Briegel, Wolfgang Carl)|SScores\\2","Apotheosis sive Consecratio SS Ignatii et Francisci Xaverii (Kapsperger, Giovanni Girolamo)|SScores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","Appariran per me, LV 82 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Applausus, MH 144 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\2","Applicatio, MH 323 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\2","Applicatio (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2","Approche toy, jeune roy debonnaire (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","L'arabe (Chausson, Ernest)|SScores\\1","\u00c1r\u00e6\u00f0i, dirfska og orka og kraftur (\u00c1rni Beinteinn G\u00edslason)|SScores\\1","Ard\u00e9, corazon, ard\u00e9, Op.148 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Ardens est cor meum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ardens est (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","L'Ardito (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Are You Lonesome (Le Boy, Grace)|SScores\\1","Argentina, mi pa\u00eds (Giunta, H\u00e9ctor Fernando)|SScores\\1|PParts\\35","\u00c4rgre dich, o Seele, nicht, BWV 186a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","\u00c4rgre dich, o Seele, nicht, BWV 186 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\16|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","Ariadne, Op.4 (Smieton, John More)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","12 Ariae ex Canticis Salomonis (Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von)|PParts\\13","24 Arias and Cantatas, I-Vc Torr.Ms.B.21 (Various)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Arias and Cantatas, P-Ln C.I.C.14\/2 (Various)|SScores\\1","2 Arias (Myslive\u010dek, Josef)|SScores\\1","27 Arias, D-B (Various)|SScores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Arie spirituali, Op.9 (Fasolo, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Arien (Krieger, Adam)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","4 Ariettas and a Duetto (Catalani, Angelica)|SScores\\1","2 Ariette (Teichmann, Antoni)|SScores\\2","4 Arietten und ein Duett, Op.82 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Arise Oh King (Toker, Hakan Ali)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Arise, Awake (Morley, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Arise, Shine, for Thy Light is Come (Elvey, George Job)|SScores\\1","Arise, Shine, Op.7b (Cobb, Gerard Francis)|SScores\\1","Der arme Mensch mu\u00df, durch der S\u00fcnden Schuld, TWV 1:231 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Arminio, HWV 36 (Handel, George Frideric)|SFull Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\3","Armonici entusiasmi di Davide, Op.9 (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Aromatica rosa Americana (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Arresta al quanto a tue vittorie, GraunWV B:III:15 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ars longa vita brevis (Turchetto, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Ars, Lux et Veritas (Rodr\u00edguez, Iv\u00e1n Enrique)|RRecordings\\1","The Art of Venus (Lambert, Edward)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1|LLibrettos\\1","Art thou weary, art thou languid (Schnecker, Peter August)|SScores\\1","Art Thou Weary? (Gaul, Harvey B.)|SScores\\1","Artaserse (Ferrandini, Giovanni Battista)|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\3|LLibretti\\1","L'arte musicale in Italia (Torchi, Luigi)|SScores\\4","Artifex mirus (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","As Discords 'neath a Master's Hand (Andrews, Mark)|SScores\\1","As I laye a-Thynkynge (Elgar, Edward)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","As it Began to Dawn (Chaffin, Lucien Gates)|SScores\\1","As it Began to Dawn (Harker, Frederick Flaxington)|SScores\\1","As Pants the Hart (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","As the Day Breaks (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","As Vesta Was, from Latmos Hill Descending (Weelkes, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","As We Have Borne the Image of the Earthy (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Ascendens Christus in altum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ascendente Jesu in naviculam (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Ascendit Deus (Carturan, Carlo)|SScores\\2","Ascendo ad patrem meum (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Ascendo (Maillard, Jean)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Aschermittwochlied, Op.11 (Abeille, Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","The Ash Grove (Dunhill, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Asperges me, Domine (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\4","Asperges me, K.204 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\2","Asperges me (Binchois, Gilles)|SScores\\1","Asperges me (Feast, Charles F.)|SScores\\1","Asperges me (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Aspiciens a longe (Comes, Joan Baptista)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Assumpta est Maria (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Assumpta est Maria (Comes, Joan Baptista)|SScores\\1","Assumpta est Maria (Paciotto, Pietro Paolo)|SScores\\1","Assumpta est Maria (Quagliati, Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Assumpta est Maria (Valeri, Valerio)|SScores\\1","Assumpta est Maria (Xavier, Jos\u00e9 Maria)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","At Halfdans Kjerulfs Statue, EG 167 (Grieg, Edvard)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","At the Wicket Gate (Geibel, Adam)|SScores\\1","Atala et Chactas (Deransart, \u00c9douard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Atalanta, HWV 35 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|LLibrettos\\3","Atencion que para hacer en todo (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|PParts\\1","Atene edificata (Cimarosa, Domenico)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Athalia, HWV 52 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Athena's Soldier (Ruiz Molina, David)|SScores\\1","Atrapasuenos (Lewalter, Rainer)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\16","Attale et Erimene, MH 11 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\2","Attendite a falsis profetis (Strata, Giovanni Battista)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Attendite et videte (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Attilio Regolo (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Au bon lapin saut\u00e9 (Villebichot, Auguste de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Au feu d'amour (La Rue, Pierre de)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Aubade, H 78 (Berlioz, Hector)|SScores\\1","The Auctioneer (Leslie, Charles Eddy)|SScores\\1","Audi benigne Conditor (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Audi Domine hymnum (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Audi dulcis amica mea, LV 42 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Audite caeli, S.7 (Lalande, Michel Richard de)|SScores\\1","Audite mortales state cum metu (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores\\1","Audite nova, LV 483 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Audite populi (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|SScores\\1","Auf Christen posaunet, F.95 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Auf Christenmensch, GWV 1120\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\4","Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein, BWV 128 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Auf Danzig la\u00df in jauchzenden Ch\u00f6ren, NesF E20 (Freislich, Johann Balthasar Christian)|SScores\\1|PParts\\3","Auf Darmstadt, GWV 1055 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Auf dem rechten Wege ist Leben, GWV 1169\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die auf den Herrn harren, GWV 1174\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die auf den Herrn hoffen, TWV 7:9 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Auf dich, Herr, traue ich, SWV 462 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Auf diesen Tag bedenken wir, GWV 1136\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|VVocal Scores\\3","Auf frohlocket mit vollen Ch\u00f6ren, GWV 1136\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Auf gehet dem H\u00f6chsten mit Danken, GWV 1109\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Auf ihr Christen auf zum Streit, GWV 1162\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Auf ihr Herzen schickt euch an, GWV 1138\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Auf mein Geist lass alles stehen, GWV 1111\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Auf mein Geist, auf zum Erg\u00f6tzern, GWV 1065 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Auf schm\u00fccket euch, GWV 1161\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Auf Zion auf ermuntre dich, GWV 1101\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Auf Zion schreie Hosianna, GWV 1101\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Auf Zion werde Licht, GWV 1111\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Auf, schmetternde T\u00f6ne der muntern Trompeten, BWV 207a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Die Auferstehung Jesu (Witt, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu, SchW B2:301 (Scheibe, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\4|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2","Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu, WFV XIV\/10 (Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich)|PParts\\1","Auferstehung und Lob Gottes (Schaeffer, Julius)|SScores\\3","Auferstehungs-Historie (Scandello, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Die Auferweckung des Lazarus, Op.132 (Loewe, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\4","Die Auferweckung Lazarus (Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich)|SScores\\3","Aufmunterung zur Freude, G.18 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Aufmunterung zur Freude, G.108 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Augen, streuet Perlentr\u00e4nen, P.33 (Pachelbel, Johann)|SScores\\1","Auguste jam coelestium, D.488 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Augustin, Op.32 (Sommer, Hans)|VVocal Scores\\1","L'aultre jour jouer m'aloie (Conseil, Jean)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Aumone (Neukomm, Sigismund)|SScores\\1","Aurea luce, et decore roseo (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Aurora sch\u00f6n mit ihrem Haar (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","L'aurore, M.45 (Ravel, Maurice)|SScores\\1","Aus dem Danklied zu Gott, Hob.XXVc:8 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, BWV 131 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Aus der Tiefe, Op.30 (Henschel, George)|VVocal Scores\\1","Aus der Tiefe, SWV 25 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Aus der Tiefen rufe ich Herr h\u00f6re meine Stimme, H.419 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Aus der Tiefen rufen wir, GWV 1113\/23a (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Aus Goethe's west-\u00f6stlichem Divan, Op.69 (Huber, Hans)|SScores\\1","Aus Gottes reichen Allmachtsh\u00e4nden, GWV 1123\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Aus gutem Grund (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Aus meines Herzens Grunde (Wolder, David)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Aus Osten, Op.42 (Franz, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, BWV 38 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, GWV 1163\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, GWV 1165\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, W105 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (L\u00fctkemann, Paul)|SScores\\1","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Praetorius, Michael)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Auserlesene Oden zum Singen beym Clavier (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ausfahrt (Keller, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","21 Ausgew\u00e4hlte Kirchenkompositionen (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\2","Ausgew\u00e4hlte Werke von Andreas Hammerschmidt (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ausgew\u00e4hlte Werke von Leopold Mozart (Mozart, Leopold)|SScores\\1","Ausgew\u00e4hlte Werke (Kerll, Johann Caspar)|SScores\\48|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Die Ausgie\u00dfung des Heiligen Geistes, WacR IV:3 (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\5","Auswahl maurerischer Ges\u00e4nge (Various)|SScores\\1","L'autrier que passa (Busnois, Antoine)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Autumn Song (Pease, Alfred Humphries)|SScores\\1","Ave ancilla trinitatis (Brumel, Antoine)|NNaxos\\0","Ave Atque Vale, Op.114 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ave color boni vini (Bruhier, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Ave gratia plena (Spataro, Giovanni)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Ave Maria a 8 (Cannicciari, Pompeo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ave Maria alta stirps, LV 644 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria do Carmo, M.R. Op.37 (Santos, Marcos Vinicius Ribeiro dos)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ave Maria dulcis et pia (Pasino, Stefano)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maria for 4 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Ave Maria for 8 Voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ave Maria for Tenor, Choir and Organ (Viro, Angel)|SScores\\2","Ave Maria gratia plena (Adlgasser, Anton Cajetan)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria gratia plena (McManus, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria gratia plena (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ave Maria in A major, ICS 19 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ave Maria in A major (Cattaneo, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in A major (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\3","Ave Maria in A minor (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in A-flat major (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ave Maria in B-flat minor (Doss, Adolf von)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in D major (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in D minor (Nichifor, Serban)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maria in E-flat major, Peters 30 (Waud, J. Haydn)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in F major, Op.4 (H\u00f6gn, August)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in F major (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in G major (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in G minor (Giorgi, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ave Maria moderna, Op.21 (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria No.1 (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria No.1 (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria No.2 in D minor (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria No.2 (Witt, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria zart (Braun, Johann Georg Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maria, Op.1 (Benoit, Peter)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria, Op.3 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria, Op.36 (Heinze, Gustav Adolf)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria, Op.55 (Pedrosa, Juan Antonio)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria, Op.104 (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ave Maria, PG 92 (Olmeda, Federico)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","Ave Maria, PG 95 (Olmeda, Federico)|SScores\\2","Ave Maria, SV 213 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Ave Maria (Aliseda, Jer\u00f3nimo de)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Batiste, Edouard)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Benoit, Peter)|SScores\\2","Ave Maria (Boumard, Jean)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Brassart, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ave Maria (Calzolari, Elia)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Carreras, Miguel)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Caudana, Federico)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Champagne, Claude)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Ch\u00e9rouvrier, Edmond)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Costa, Jo\u00e3o Am\u00e9rico da)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maria (Dancla, Charles)|SFull Scores\\1","Ave Maria (Demersseman, Jules)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Donizetti, Gaetano)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Faure, Jean-Baptiste)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maria (Goller, Vinzenz)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Gordigiani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ave Mar\u00eda (Guerra Sard\u00e1, Cratilio)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Honhon, Adrien)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Jansfort, Simon)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Lalanne, J. M. de)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Lejeal, Alois Francis)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Mapelli, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Menke, Johannes)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Miltitz, Carl Borrom\u00e4us von)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Niedermeyer, Louis)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Oczko, Michael John)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ave Maria (Onslow, George)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Pozzoli, Ettore)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Smart, Henry Thomas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maria (Stith, David Joseph)|SScores\\1","Ave maria (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Ave Maria (Thieriot, Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Toscano, \u00c9mile)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Veccia, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella 1688 (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ave maris stella a 3 voci (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\2","Ave maris stella \u00e0 deux voix (Adam, Adolphe)|SScores\\1","Ave Maris Stella No.2 (Rosewig, Albert Henry)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella, JWV 161 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Ave maris stella, Op.18 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella, S.59 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Ave maris stella (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Ave maris stella (Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria)|SScores\\3|PParts\\4","Ave maris stella (Dunstaple, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maris Stella (Dur\u00f3n, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Ave maris stella (Perosi, Lorenzo)|SScores\\2","Ave maris stella (Polignac, Edmond de)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella (Power, Leonel)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella (Proch, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella (Salas, Esteban)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella (Soriano, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave maris stella (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Ave Regina caelorum for 5 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Ave Regina caelorum for 8 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Ave Regina caelorum, LV 554 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Ave Regina caelorum (Almada, Christian Alejandro)|SScores\\1","Ave Regina caelorum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ave Regina caelorum (Obrecht, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ave Regina caelorum (Werner, Gregor Joseph)|SScores\\1","Ave regina coelorum in F major (Zeiler, Gallus)|SScores\\1","Ave regina coelorum und Alma redemtoris mater, Op.36 (G\u00e4nsbacher, Johann Baptist)|PParts\\1","6 Ave Regina Coelorum, ZWV 128 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\8|PParts\\9","Ave Regina Coelorum (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Ave Regina coelorum (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ave Regina Coelorum (Poglietti, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ave Regina coelorum (Power, Leonel)|SScores\\1","Ave regina in B-flat major (Aufschnaiter, Benedikt Anton)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2","Ave regina in C minor (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Ave regina (Menegali)|SScores\\1","Ave stella matutina (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Ave verum corpus, Op.81 (Spada, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ave verum corpus, T 92 (Byrd, William)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Ave verum corpus (Brunetti, Domenico)|RRecordings\\1","Ave verum Corpus (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Ave verum in E-flat major (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Ave Verum, Op.166 (Bonis, Mel)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ave verum (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Ave Verum (Dumler, Martin G.)|SScores\\1","Ave Verum (Warren, Francis Purcell)|SScores\\1","Ave Virgo gloriosa, F 11.31 (Frescobaldi, Girolamo)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Avecque vous (Cornet, S\u00e9verin)|PParts\\1","Avecques vous mon amour finira, LV 38 (Lassus, Orlande de)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Aveja para labrar (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Aveugle par amour (Sivry, Charles de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Avorio e gemma ed ogni pietra dura (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Awake Up, My Glory (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Awake Up, My Glory (Haynes, Battison)|SScores\\1","Awake Up, My Glory (Wise, Michael)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ay Jes\u00fas (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Ay que abismo de luzes (Veana, Mat\u00edas Juan de)|PParts\\1","Ay que alegre festivo alborozo (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1"],"B":["Bacchanalian (Distin, Theodore)|SScores\\1","Bacchic Song, Op.72 (Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail)|SScores\\2","Bacchus to Melpomene (Linley, William)|SScores\\1","Les bacheliers de Salamanque (Burty, Marc)|SScores\\1","Baci soavi e cari, SV 27 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Badelied, D.Anh.I\/21 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Bagatelle for Soprano, Tenor and English Horn, Op.456 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Bailecito (Massa, Juan Bautista)|SScores\\1","Bajazet et le joueur de fl\u00fbte (Guiraud, Ernest)|SScores\\4","Bajeczka o myszce (Wallek-Walewski, Boles\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","The Ballad of Barbara Allen (Girtain IV, Edgar)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Balletti a cinque voci (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Das Bandel, K.441 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6","Les Bandits (Raoux, Louis-Alexis)|SScores\\2","Le bapt\u00eame de Clovis (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|VVocal Scores\\1","\u00dear sem j\u00f3lalj\u00f3sin lj\u00f3ma (Hallgr\u00edmur \u00deorsteinsson)|SScores\\1","The Barber of Seville, TH 18 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|SScores\\1","La barbi\u00e8re improvis\u00e9e (O'Kelly, Joseph)|VVocal Scores\\1","Bardengesang, D.147 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","The Barks (Hastings, Frank Seymour)|SScores\\1","Barmherzig treuer Gott (Strattner, Georg Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Barmherzig und gn\u00e4dig ist der Herr, GWV 1163\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Barmherzig und Gn\u00e4dig, Op.26 (Grell, Eduard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Barmherziges Herze der ewigen Liebe, BWV 185 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\1","Le basile (Solage)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","6 Basque Songs (Guridi, Jes\u00fas)|SScores\\1","Le batelier, Op.22 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Be Glad, O Ye Righteous (Smart, Henry Thomas)|SScores\\1","Be Still and Know that I am God (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","Be ye Angry (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Be Ye Therefore Followers of God (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)|SScores\\1","Beata Dei genitrix (Guerrero, Francisco)|SScores\\1","Beata es Maria, H.25 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Beata es, virgo Maria, Ch.8 (Gabrieli, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Beata es, virgo Maria, quae Dominum portasti (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\1","Beata Mater (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Beata quoque agmina (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Beatam me dicent (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Beati inmaculati in via a 13 (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Beati omnes in G minor, S.25 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Beati omnes qui timent Dominum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|PParts\\1","Beati omnes qui timent II (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Beati omnes qui timent I (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Beati omnes, ZWV 94 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Beati Omnes (Janitsch, Johann Gottlieb)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14","Beati Pacifica (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Beati quorum remissae sunt (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Beato l'uomo (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Beatus auctor seculi (Praetorius, Hieronymus)|SScores\\1","Beatus auctor seculi (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Beatus ille qui procul negottis (Turchetto, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Beatus Laurentius (Aleotti, Vittoria)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Beatus Nicolaus, LV 1137 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Beatus Nicolaus (Anonymous)|SScores\\2","Beatus qui intelligit (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Beatus vir a 4\u00ba concertato (Jommelli, Niccol\u00f2)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir for 3 voices (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir in B-flat major (Caldara, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Beatus vir in C major, IAC 14 (Caldara, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Beatus vir in C major, IAC 15 (Caldara, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Beatus vir in C major, INP 13 (Porpora, Nicola Antonio)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir in C major, INP 15 (Porpora, Nicola Antonio)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir qui inventus est (Molli, Antonio)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Beatus vir, Op.56 (Elsner, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Beatus vir, qui non abiit (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Beatus vir, RV 795 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Beatus vir, S.26 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\3","Beatus vir, S.27 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir, S.28 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir, SV 268 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir, ZWV 76 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Beatus vir (Foggia, Francesco)|PParts\\1","Beatus vir (Harrer, Gottlob)|SScores\\2","Beatus Vir (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\20","Beatus vir (Theile, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Beau le cristal, LV 574 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","La beaut\u00e9 du diable (Alary, Giulio)|VVocal Scores\\2","Beauty Sat Bathing By a Spring (Pilkington, Francis)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Beaux yeux, les doux vainqueurs (Gu\u00e9dron, Pierre)|SScores\\1","Becker Psalter, Op.5 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\172","The Bees Madrigall (Butler, Charles)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Bees (Fletcher, Percy Eastman)|SScores\\1","Befiehl dem Engel da\u00df er komm', BuxWV 10 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Befiehl dem Herrn deine Wege, GWV 1123\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Befiehl dem Herrn deine Wege, GWV 1156\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Befiehl dem Herrn deine Wege (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Befiehl du deine Wege, GWV 1156\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Befiehl du deine Wege (Altnikol, Johann Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Befiehle dem Herren (Bahr, Johann)|SScores\\1","Befiel dem Herrn deine Wege, Op.85 (Rinck, Christian Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Befleissige dich Gott zu erzeigen, GWV 1117\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Die befreiung Israels, WacR I:11 (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Begr\u00fc\u00dfung, MWV D 2 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7","Beguine Motets (Steer, Michael Maxwell)|SScores\\1","Beg\u00fcrtet eure Lenden, GWV 1136\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Behold I Have Given You Every Herb (Harris, Cuthbert)|SScores\\1","Behold Now, Praise the Lord (Titcomb, Everett)|SScores\\2","Behold, how Good and Joyful (Clarke-Whitfeld, John)|SScores\\1","Behold, I Shew You a Mystery (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Behold, O God Our Defender (Sowerby, Leo)|SScores\\1","Beh\u00fcte dein Herz mit allem Fleiss, GWV 1122\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Bei dem Herrn findet man Hilfe, GWV 1165\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Bei Gott ist mein Heil, GWV 1174\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Bei Jesu ist recht viel Vergn\u00fcgen, GWV 1112\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Die Beichte, Op.97 No.1 (K\u00fccken, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Beim Aufgang der Sonne, Op.11 (S\u00e4mann, Karl Heinrich)|VVocal Scores\\1","Beitrag zur f\u00fcnfzigj\u00e4hrigen Jubelfeier des Herrn von Salieri, D.407 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Bekehret euch zu mir, TWV 1:121 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","The Beleaguered (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Il Bell'umore (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Bella movet Israel bella terris (F\u00f6rster, Kaspar)|SScores\\1","La bella prigioniera, A 15 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","La Bellezza (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Bello sol rutilante (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","The Bells, Op.35 (Rachmaninoff, Sergei)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\24|VVocal Scores\\3","The Bells (Fox, George)|VVocal Scores\\1","Belshazzar, HWV 61 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Bemmenuto (Valente, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","Ben mi credea passar mio tempo, LV 18 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Beneath a Weight of Hapless Love (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Benedic Anima Mea and Gloria in F major (Danks, Hart Pease)|SScores\\1","Benedic Anima Mea in B-flat major (Sparks, P. B.)|SScores\\1","Benedic anima mea (Du Mont, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Benedicam Domino (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Benedicam Domino (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Benedicam Dominum qui tribuit, LV 875 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Benedicam Dominum, BuxWV 113 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Benedicam Dominum, HV 55 (Eybler, Joseph)|PParts\\18","Benedicam Dominum (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores\\1","Benedicam Dominum (Du Mont, Henry)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Benedicamus Patrem (Eberlin, Johann Ernst)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Benedicamus Patrem (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Benedicite gentes, LV 877 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Benedicta et Venerabilis (Alzedo, Jos\u00e9 Bernardo)|SScores\\1","Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas (Zeutschner, Tobias)","Benedicta tu es (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\5","Benedictio et claritas (Mielczewski, Marcin)|SScores\\1","Benediction Service (Warren, Francis Purcell)|SScores\\1","Benedictus Deus in G major (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel (Croce, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Benedictus Dominus, Deus Israel (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Benedictus Dominus, LWV 64\/2 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|SScores\\1","Benedictus es Domine, LV 856 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Benedictus es, Domine, HerEy 64 (Eybler, Joseph)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Benedictus in B-flat major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Benedictus in C major (Ireland, John)|SScores\\1","Benedictus in C major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Benedictus in G major (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores\\1","Benedictus sit Deus Pater, ZWV 207 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Benedictus, Fuga ex una (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\2","Benedictus (Adonay, Marcelo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Benedictus (Seixas, Carlos)|SScores\\1","Benedictus (Wiltberger, August)|SScores\\1","Benedictus (Wiltberger, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Benedite il Signore (Soto de Langa, Francisco)|SFull Scores\\2","Benedixisti Domine terram tuam, LV 709 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Benedixisti Domine, K.150 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Benedixisti (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Benedixisti (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\5","Bequemliches Leben, gem\u00e4chlicher Stand, TWV 1:123 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Berceuse d'\u00e9t\u00e9 (Robert, Fernand-Raoul)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Die Beredsamkeit, Hob.XXVc:4 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Bereite dich mein Geist zur Freude, dein Gl\u00fcck ist gro\u00df, GWV 1066 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Bereitet die Wege, bereitet die Bahn, BWV 132 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Berenice, HWV 38 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\24|LLibrettos\\3","Berges-Zauber f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerchor und Horn, Op.36 (Reinhold, Hugo)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Bergm\u00e4nnisches Trinklied (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Berlepsch Lieder (J\u00fcrgens, Karl)|SScores\\9","Berlurette et Larfaillon (Liouville, Frantz)|VVocal Scores\\1","Beschaffens gl\u00fcck (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Beschliesset einen Rat, GWV 1158\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Besorge deines Herzens Feld, GWV 1118\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Bespiegelt euch in Jesu Leiden (Rolle, Christian Friedrich)|SScores\\3|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2","Bessre dich Jerusalem, GWV 1151\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Bestelle dein Haus, GWV 1157\/09b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","La bestia che io vidi (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Betet stets in allen Anliegen, GWV 1135\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Bethany (Rhys-Herbert, William)|VVocal Scores\\3","Bethlehem Down (Warlock, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Betr\u00fcbte Seele merke auf, GWV 1121\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Betr\u00fcbte Sulamith geh hin, GWV 1120\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Betr\u00fcbter Lohn der Missetaten, TWV 1:125a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Betr\u00fcbter Tag in Zion t\u00f6nen, GWV 1127\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Betr\u00fcbter Tag vor allen Tagen, GWV 1127\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Die Betstunde, Op.60 (Kron, Louis)|SScores\\1","The Better Day Coming Tomorrow (Thompson, Will Lamartine)|SScores\\1","Bewaffnet mit Schrecken erf\u00fcllet die Nacht, L.542 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\2","Bewahr dein Herz o frommer Christ (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Bewahre deinen Fuss, GWV 1147\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Beweise Herr, deine wunderliche G\u00fcte (Zeutschner, Tobias)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Bey Paucken und Trompeten, GWV 1274\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\17|PScores and Parts\\17","Bey Paucken und Trompeten, GWV 1277\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\17|PScores and Parts\\17","B\u00ed b\u00ed og blaka (Sigf\u00fas Einarsson)|SScores\\1","Il bianco e dolce cigno (Arcadelt, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18","Il Bianco e dolce cigno (Benigna, Lorenzo)|SScores\\1","Biblis (Massenet, Jules)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Bicinium super Salve sancta parens (Coclico, Adrianus Petit)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Bicinium (Bellermann, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Bien, bien je vous pardonne (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","The Bill of Fare (Merz, Karl)|SScores\\1","Bind an der Teufel ist bald hin, GWV 1122\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","The Birth of Christ, Op.66 (Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong)|VVocal Scores\\1","Bisher habt ihr nichts gebeten in meinem Namen, BWV 87 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\2","Bittet so werdet ihr nehmen, GWV 1114\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Bittet so werdet ihr nehmen, GWV 1135\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Bittet so wird euch gegeben, GWV 1135\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Bixby's Home Songs (Various)|SScores\\1","Bjergpigen (Rosenfeld, Leopold)|VVocal Scores\\1","\u00dej\u00f3\u00f0v\u00edsa (Bl\u00f6ndal, \u00deorvaldur)|SScores\\2","Bl\u00e5 grottan, Op.43 (Netzel, Laura)|SScores\\1","The Black Vulture (Rogers, Chris)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Blanc et clairet sont les couleurs (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Blaset mit der Posaune zu Zion, GWV 1102\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Blaset mit der Posaune zu Zion, GWV 1125\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden, BWV 6 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\30|VVocal Scores\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Bleib' bei mir, Op.72 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Bleib' bei uns Herr (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Bleibe bei uns denn es will Abend werden (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Bleibe bei uns, denn es will Abend werden (Fischer, Johann Christoph)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Bleibe in Gottes Wort und \u00fcbe dich, GWV 1118\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Bleibet fest in der br\u00fcderlichen Liebe, GWV 1148\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Blessed are the Undefiled (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","Blessed are They that Considereth the Poor, HWV 268 (Handel, George Frideric)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Blessed be the God and Father (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Blessed Be the Lord (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Blest are the Pure in Heart (Christiansen, F. Melius)|SScores\\1","Blest the Objects of Your Care (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Der Blinde (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind (Crandell, Kelly)|SScores\\1","The Blue and the Gray (Sudds, William F.)|VVocal Scores\\1","Blue Eyes (Daly, Joseph M.)|SScores\\1","Blurry Tale, Op.69 (Toker, Hakan Ali)|SScores\\1","Das Blut Christi wird unsre Gewissen reinigen, TWV 1:171 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Bl\u00fcten aus dem Osten, Op.63 (Weingartner, Felix)|SScores\\1","The Boatman's Good-Night (Schira, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Boldog, akit tan\u00edtasz (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Bolero (Frontera de Valldemossa, Francisco)|SScores\\1","Bon di Cariselli (Cambert, Robert)|VVocal Scores\\2","Bon Soir (Carulli, Gustavo)|SScores\\1","Bone Jesu verbum Patris (Baal, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Bone pastor, H.265 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Bonum est et suaue (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Book Lice (Jacobs, Paul)|SScores\\1","2 Bookes of Ayres (Campion, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Les bords de l'Ebro (Bosselet, Charles-Marie-Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\1","B\u00f6se Leute merken nicht aufs Recht, GWV 1103\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die Bosheit dreht das schnellste Rad, TWV 1:331a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","The Boston Musical Institute's Collection of Church Music (Comer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Bouche qui n'as point de semblable (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Bow down Thine ear, O Lord (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)|SScores\\1","Bow down thine ear, O Lord (Greene, Maurice)|SScores\\1","The Boy (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Br\u00e4utigam kommt, GWV 1161\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Bread of the World (Nunn, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Break Forth into Joy (Prentice, Ridley)|SScores\\1","Breathe Soft, Ye Winds (Paxton, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Bremisches Choralbuch (Reinthaler, Carl Martin)|SScores\\2","The Brethren's Tune and Hymn Book (Various)|SScores\\2","Breton Folk-Songs (Lehmann, Liza)|SScores\\2","The Bride of Dunkerron (Smart, Henry Thomas)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Bride, Op.25 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","A Briefe Discourse (Ravenscroft, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\24|PScores and Parts\\24|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","A Briefe Introduction to the Skill of Song (Bathe, William)|SScores\\2","Brigg Fair (Grainger, Percy)|SScores\\1","Brighter Than the Sun (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|LLibretti\\1","Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning (Coombs, Charles Whitney)|SScores\\1","Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens, BWV 148 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\1","Bringet her dem Herrn Ehre, GWV 1109\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Bringet her dem Herrn Ehre, GWV 1174\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Bringt ihm auf den Alt\u00e4ren, L.524 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\2","Broderbud (Olsen, Ole)|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Broutez, camusettes (Tessier, Charles)|SScores\\1","A Brown Bird Singing (Wood, Haydn)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Der br\u00fcderliche Theilung (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\1","Das Brummen, WoO 9 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Bryllups-Serenade (Olsen, Ole)|SScores\\1","Das Buch mit sieben Siegeln (Schmidt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Bucura-te Marie (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Buds of roses, virgin flowers (Stevenson, John)|SScores\\1","The Building of the Ship, Op.35 (Barnett, John Francis)|VVocal Scores\\1","Der b\u00fc\u00dfende S\u00fcnder, MH 147 (Haydn, Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15","Der Butterr\u00e4uber von Halberstadt (Sothilander, Georg L.)|SScores\\1","Buvons ma commere (Appenzeller, Benedictus)|SScores\\1","By the Light of the Jungle Moon (Atkinson, J. Caldwell)|SScores\\1","By the Waters of Babylon (Crampton, Thomas)|VVocal Scores\\1","Bye-Bye Till We Meet Again (Vickers, George M.)|SScores\\1"],"C":["C'est le jour de la No\u00ebl! (M\u00e9tayer, Henri)|SScores\\1","The Cab Catch (Caldicott, Alfred James)|SScores\\1","Caccia d'amore (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","La caccia del toro (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","La caduta di Gerico (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\3|PParts\\1","Caecilia Virgo et Martyr, H.415 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Caecilia (Braune, Otto)|SScores\\2","Cain, overo Il primo omicidio (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores\\3|PParts\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Call Forth Such Numbers (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\2","Call Me Back, Pal, O' Mine (Dixon, Harold)|SScores\\2","Can You Blame the Women After All? (Bowers, Frederic V.)|SScores\\1","Canada (J\u00f3n Fri\u00f0finnsson)|SScores\\2","Can\u00e7\u00e3o Sacra Barroca No.1, PVM 8 (Silva, Wenyo de Oliveira Arag\u00e3o da)|SScores\\1","Canciones populares espa\u00f1olas, Op.24 (Alejandre Prada, Manuel)|SScores\\1","4 Canciones sobre Poemas de Heinrich Heine, Op.24 (Parodi Ortega, Luis F\u00e9lix)|SScores\\1","Candid'allhor del ciel, LV 73 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Candida man qual neve (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Canon for 2 Tenor Instruments (Josquin Desprez)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Canon for 12 Voices in G major, K.348\/382g (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Canon f\u00fcr 4 Tenor oder Ba\u00df Stimmen, G.24 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\1","Canta ancor (Gomes, Carlos)|SScores\\2","Canta Jerusalem, MH 269 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","C\u00e1ntabros nobles, Op.4 (Arriaga, Juan Cris\u00f3stomo de)|PParts\\1","Cantai hor piango, LV 1 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Cantai: or piango (Willaert, Adrian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Cantantes (Bridson, Robert Edward)|SScores\\1","Cantantibus Organis (Letondal, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Cantantibus organis (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Cantata 'Rejoice in the Lord', Op.16 (Ngo, Ethan)|SScores\\1","Cantata 'We Do Not See' for Voices with Strings, Op.8 (Tripodi, Leandro)|SScores\\1|PParts\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Cantata al Sepolcro di nostro Signore, S.29 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Cantata al sepolcro di nostro signore, S.30 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Cantata del Centenario, Op.52 (Alejandre Prada, Manuel)|SScores\\1","La cantata e disfida di Don Trastullo (Jommelli, Niccol\u00f2)|SScores\\1","Cantata for the Opening of the Polytechnic Exhibition, TH 67 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Cantata in Memory of Alexander I (Glinka, Mikhail)|SScores\\1","Cantata Marii Uniri (Cibisescu-Duran, Iulia Narcisa)|SFull Scores\\1","Cantata nel secondo centenario della nascita di Don Nicola Mazza (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Cantata No.1 (Mulzer, Marco)|RRecordings\\4|SScores\\4","Cantata No.3 (Mulzer, Marco)|RRecordings\\6|SScores\\6","Cantata on the Accession of Emperor Leopold II, WoO 88 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|SScores\\2","Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II, WoO 87 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Cantata paa 1ste Januarij 1801 (Grosmann, Heinrich Ernst)|SScores\\3|PParts\\24|VVocal Scores\\1","Cantata Paa Christi Himmelfarts Dag Gud farer op (Grosmann, Heinrich Ernst)|SScores\\5|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1","Cantata per il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Maest\u00e0, 1764 (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Cantata per il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Maest\u00e0, 1766 (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Cantata per il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Maest\u00e0, 1769 (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Cantata per la traslazione del sangue di S. Gennaro, 1769 (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Cantata per la traslazione del sangue di S. Gennaro, 1781 (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Cantata Salom\u00f3n, Op.42 (Alejandre Prada, Manuel)|SScores\\1","Cantata Santa Brigida (Albergati, Pirro Capacelli Conte)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Cantata to Karl Hals, EG 164 (Grieg, Edvard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Cantata, BWV Anh.2 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","2 Cantatas (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","17 Cantatas, D-B Am.B 222 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\19","46 Cantatas, D-B (Various)|SScores\\7","30 Cantatas, Duos, etc. (Bononcini, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Cantatas (Nielsen, Carl)|SScores\\3","Cantate 'Les Droits de l'Homme' (Mourey, Colette)","Cantate da Camera, Op.4 (Mazzaferrata, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Cantate Domino canticum novum (Turini, Gregorio)|SScores\\2","Cantate Domino ministri eius (Quagliati, Paolo)|SScores\\1","Cantate Domino, Ch.6 (Gabrieli, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Cantate Domino, Op.22 (Indy, Vincent d')|SScores\\2","Cantate Domino, SV 292 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Cantate Domino (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\1","Cantate Domino (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Cantate Domino (Perini, Annibale)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Cantate en l'Honneur de la Sainte Vierge, Op.62 (Guilmant, Alexandre)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Cantate laudem Deo (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","Cantate til Kongen's F\u00f8dselsdag, G.173 (Gerson, Georg)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\26|VVocal Scores\\2|LLibrettos\\1","Cantate til Reformations-Jubelfesten (Bay, Rudolph)|SScores\\1","Cantate ved Form\u00e6lings-Acten (Naumann, Johann Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","Cantate ved Universitetets Fest, Op.84 (Hartmann, Johan Peter Emilius)|VVocal Scores\\1","Cantate (Chavaneau, Emmanuel)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\15","Cantemus Domino gloriose enim magnificatus est (Rinoldi, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Cantemus Domino gloriose enim magnificatus est (Rubino, Bonaventura)|SScores\\1","Cantemus Domino gloriose enim magnificatus tuus (Beretta, Francesco)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Canten acordes los Angeles y hombres (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Cantica Sacra de Beata Virgine Maria, Op.24 (\u017bukowski, Otton Mieczys\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Cantica Sacra (Fast, J. J.)|SScores\\1","Cantici spirituali (Capello, Giovanni Francesco)|SScores\\22","3 Canticles (Cummings, Robert)|SScores\\1","Canticle (McManus, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Cantico delle creature (Artm\u00fcller, Conrad)|SScores\\1","Canticum Beatae Mariae Virginis (Gombert, Nicolas)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Canticum in honoris BMV inter homines et angelos, H.400 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Canticum morti (Verheyen, Pierre-Emmanuel)|SScores\\1","Canticum pro pace, H.392 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Canticum sacrum, K086 (Stravinsky, Igor)|SScores\\2","Cantiones sacrae octonis vocibus (Philips, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\8","Cantiones sacrae, Op.1 (Hacquart, Carolus)|PParts\\1","Cantiones suavissimae (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|PParts\\4","24 Cantiones, lieder, chansons, et madrigali, LV 1573.8 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\4","Cantionum ecclesiasticarum, Libro 1 (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Le cantique des cantiques, Op.16 (Boisdeffre, Ren\u00e9 de)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Cantique nuptial, Op.45 (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Cantique pour messe de mariage (Yung, Alfred)|SScores\\1","Cantique pour No\u00ebl (Le Guennant, Auguste)|SScores\\1","Cantiques sacr\u00e9s pour les principales solemnit\u00e9s des Chr\u00e9tiens (Various)|SScores\\1","24 Cantiques (Lef\u00e9bure-W\u00e9ly, Louis James Alfred)|SScores\\1","Il canto dei profughi (Anzoletti, Marco)|SScores\\1","Canto delle Palle (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Canto Llano de la Inmaculada Concepcion, FO 68 (Corr\u00eaa de Araujo, Francisco)|SScores\\2","Cantus Ecclesi\u00e6 (Darley, William Henry Westray)|SScores\\1","Cantus lugubris in obitum Friderici Magni (Reichardt, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Cantus sacri tribus vocibus aequalibus, Op.66 (Ravanello, Oreste)|SScores\\37|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Canzon del Cucco e Rossignuolo (Croce, Giovanni)|SScores\\3","18 Canzonets (Travers, John)|SScores\\2","Canzonette a 3 voci (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores\\1","24 Canzonette a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Hassler, Hans Leo)|PParts\\4","Canzonette, Libro 3 (Lambardi, Francesco)|PParts\\1","6 Canzonette, Op.5 (Cannabich, Carl August)|SScores\\1","6 Canzonette, Op.10 (Cannabich, Carl August)|SScores\\2","Canzone (Bodro, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Canzoni alla francese (Banchieri, Adriano)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","24 Canzoni Napoletane, Libro 1 (Scandello, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\4","Caractacus, Op.35 (Elgar, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\31|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Caractacus (Read, John Francis Holcombe)|VVocal Scores\\1","Caractacus (Wesley Jr., Charles)|SScores\\1","Caritas numquam excidit, Op.22 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Carmina Christo (Haweis, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Carne de donsella (Madre de Deus, Filipe da)|PParts\\1","Il Carnevale di Venezia (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Carnival Waltz (Kram, Richard)|SScores\\1","Caro dolce ben mio (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Caro mea vere est cibus (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Caro mea, Op.6 No.12 (Fasolo, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Caro mio Druck und Schluck, K.Anh.5\/571a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|SScores\\1","Carol from a Chester Mystery Play (Dyson, Peter)|SScores\\4","5 Carolina Low Country Spirituals (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Carols for Christmastide (Zitterbart Jr., Fidelis)|SScores\\1","3 Carols for Tenor and Lute (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Carro della Morte (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Casada soy, marido tengo (Rodr\u00edguez Peris, Mart\u00edn Jos\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Cast Thy Burden on the Lord (Hosmer, Elmer Samuel)|SScores\\1","Catacombenmis (De Vocht, Lodewijk)|SScores\\1","Catarina and Felinio, Mn.108 (Florczak, Lukas)|PParts\\11|LLibrettos\\1","Catches, Glees and Canons, Op.4 (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Cathedral Chants of the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries (Rimbault, Edward Francis)|SScores\\1","Cathedral Chants (Gooch, Frederick)|SScores\\2","Cathedral Chants (Various)|SScores\\3","The Cathedral Magazine (Various)|SScores\\3","Cautivos de Ysrael (Paris, Juan)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","A Cavalier War Song (Hopkins, John)|SScores\\1","Ce beau temps me fait resjouir (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Ce ne fut pas (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Ce qui fait r\u00eaver (David, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Cease Myne Eyes (Morley, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Cecilia, volgi un sguardo, HWV 89 (Handel, George Frideric)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Celebrate this Festival, Z.321 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Centenary Singer (Various)|SScores\\1","Cento concerti ecclesiastici (Viadana, Lodovico da)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","A Century\u2019s Penultimate (Wood, Charles)|SScores\\1","La cerva verr\u00e0 saltando (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Cessoz mon cueur (Colin, Pierre)|SScores\\1","Chamber Suite for Soprano and Tenor, Op.1132 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\4","Chanson du berger de la grotte verte (Girardin, Louis Stanislas de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Chanson galante (Ravel, Maurice)|SScores\\1","29 Chansons a quatre parties (Manchicourt, Pierre de)|PParts\\4","Chansons \u00e0 quatre voix, Op.39 (Schmitt, Florent)|SScores\\2","3 Chansons de fous (Ferroud, Pierre-Octave)|VVocal Scores\\1","Les chansons de la Guerre, la chasse, le chant des oyseaux, l'alouette, le rossignol (Janequin, Cl\u00e9ment)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Chansons des bois d'amaranthe (Massenet, Jules)|SScores\\1","Chansons et madrigaux (Hahn, Reynaldo)|SScores\\1","29 Chansons musicales a quatre parties (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","32 Chansons musicales a quatre parties (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","34 Chansons musicales a quatre parties (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","35 Chansons musicales a quatre parties (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","28 Chansons nouvelles en musique a quatre parties (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\4","33 Chansons nouvelles en musique a quatre parties (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 1 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","29 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 1 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|SScores\\1","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 2 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","26 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 2 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\2","22 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 3 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","24 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 4 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 5 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 5 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 6 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\2","29 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 7 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 8 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","27 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 9 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","26 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 10 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","28 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 10 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","22 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 11 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","28 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 11 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 12 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","30 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 12 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","24 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 13 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","27 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 14 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","19 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 15 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","30 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 15 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","20 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 16 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","29 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 16 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","28 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 20 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","28 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 25 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","30 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 31 (Janequin, Cl\u00e9ment)|PParts\\2","24 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 32 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","60 Chansons zu vier Stimmen (Eitner, Robert)|SScores\\2","3 Chansons, M.69 (Ravel, Maurice)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","2 Chansons, Op.226 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","2 Chansons, Op.227 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Chant de guerre, Op.63 (Schmitt, Florent)|VVocal Scores\\1","Le chant de la nuit, Op.120 (Schmitt, Florent)|VVocal Scores\\1","Chant de Mai (Strelezki, Anton)|SScores\\1","Le chant des amis (Thomas, Ambroise)|SScores\\1","Le chant des Ca\u00efdjis (Mass\u00e9, Victor)|SScores\\1","Chant des chemins de fer, H 110 (Berlioz, Hector)|SFull Scores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Chant sur la mort de Haydn (Cherubini, Luigi)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Le chanteur et la danseuse (Cohen, L\u00e9once)|SScores\\1","Chants for Certain Psalms (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","6 Chants Populaires Fran\u00e7ais (Set 2), Op.100 (Indy, Vincent d')|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Chants sacr\u00e9s (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\5","24 Chants (Gray, Jonathan)|SScores\\1","La chapelle du bon Dieu (Reynaud, Siffrein)|SScores\\1","Chaplet of St. Michael (Heitmann, Jay John)|SScores\\1","The Chaplet (Boyce, William)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","6 Characters in Search of a Stage (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\2","Charlottenburgian Rhapsody, EV 52 (Bitzan, Wendelin)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Chassons ennuy et toute desplaisance (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Che avvenne, che fu, A 101 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Che dolce mirare, S.399c (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\1","Che dolce pi\u00f9, che pi\u00f9 giocondo stato (Paien, Gioan)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Che pi\u00f9 d'un giorno (Lechner, Leonhard)|SScores\\3","A Cheerful Word (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","Cherubic Hymn No.2 (Bortniansky, Dmytro)|SScores\\1","Cherubic Hymn No.4 (Bortniansky, Dmytro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Cherubic Hymn No.5 (Bortniansky, Dmytro)","Cherubic Hymn No.6 (Bortniansky, Dmytro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Chez Niniche (Villebichot, Auguste de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Chi chi li chi (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Chi la gagliarda (Donato, Baldassare)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Chi nel Signor confida (Porpora, Nicola Antonio)|PParts\\1","Chi vuol udir i miei sospiri in rime (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Chiedei paingendo alla mia (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1","Child Jesus Comes from Heavenly Height (Lutkin, Peter Christian)|SScores\\1","Childe Jesus (Clokey, Joseph Waddell)|VVocal Scores\\1","Chirurgie (Ferroud, Pierre-Octave)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Choeur \u00e0 4 parties et solo de t\u00e9nor (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\1","Choeurs sans accompagnement, Op.37 (Alary, Georges)|SScores\\2","The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","The Choir (Various)|SScores\\1","Chopin (Orefice, Giacomo)|VVocal Scores\\2","5 Choral Ballads, Op.54 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)|VVocal Scores\\1","Choral for Soprano, Tenor, Choir and Organ, Op.559 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","3 Choral Pieces, Op.9 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\3","6 Choral Pieces, Op.83 (Peters, Rob)|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","6 Choral Pieces, Op.90 (Peters, Rob)|PParts\\1","3 Choral Pieces, Op.112 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\3","6 Choral Pieces, Op.132 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\6","2 Choral Songs (Vi\u00ebtor, Alba Rosa)|SScores\\2","5 Choral Songs, Op.29 (T\u00e4glichsbeck, Thomas)|PParts\\13","Choral-Buch zum Hamburgischen Gesangbuche (Schwencke, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Chorale Harmonisations, BWV 1-438 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18|OOther\\30","Chorale No.1, Op.1 (Thomopoulos, Dimitris)|SScores\\1","2 Chor\u00e4le zu Hochzeiten, D-Tu Mk 86 (Various)|PParts\\1","15 Chor\u00e4le, ULB Mus Ms 1199 (Reich, Johann Baptist)|PParts\\1","383 Chorales, D-B Am.B 46\/II (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","135 Chorales, D-Bsa SA 818 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","149 Chorales, D-LEb Peters Ms. R 18 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","389 Choralges\u00e4nge (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\154","5 Choralkantaten, WoO V\/4 (Reger, Max)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Choralpassion, Op.7 (Distler, Hugo)|SScores\\1","Ch\u00f6re des bei dem Erntefest im Bubene\u010d versammelten b\u00f6hmischen Landvolkes (Ma\u0161ek, Vincenc)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ch\u00f6re zu Herders Entfesseltem Prometheus, S.69 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","3 Ch\u00f6re, Op.167 (Lachner, Franz Paul)|SScores\\1","Chorgesang am heiligen Abend, Op.8 (Zumsteeg, Emilie)|SScores\\1","Chorges\u00e4nge, Sammlung 1 (N\u00e4geli, Hans Georg)|PParts\\1","3 Chorlieder, Op.18 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|SScores\\1","Chorus for the Jubilee of Osip Petrov, TH 68 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","A Chorus Girl (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Chorus of Spirits and Hours (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\2","3 Choruses for Male Voices (Bantock, Granville)|SScores\\3","4 Choruses in Old Sonata Form (Salzedo, Carlos)|SScores\\1","Christ der ist erstanden, 1st tune (Bruck, Arnold von)","Christ der ist erstanden, 2nd tune (Bruck, Arnold von)","Christ der ist erstanden (Mahu, Stephan)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Christ der ist erstanden (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","Christ in the Universe, Op.55 (Davies, Walford)|VVocal Scores\\1","Christ is Born (Clokey, Joseph Waddell)|VVocal Scores\\1","Christ is Risen from the Dead (Roberts, John Varley)|SScores\\1","Christ ist erstanden, TWV 1:136 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Christ ist erstanden (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\2","Christ ist erstanden (Finck, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","Christ ist erstanden (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Christ ist erstanden (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\3","Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\20|PParts\\36|VVocal Scores\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\27|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Christ lag in Todesbanden, W17 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\4","Christ lag in Todesbanden (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\2","Christ lag in Todesbanden (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Christ lag in Todesbanden (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Christ lag in Todesbanden (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Christ lag in Todesbanden (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Christ lag in Todesbanden (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\32|PScores and Parts\\32","Christ our Passover (Foote, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Christ Our Passover (Shepperd, Frank N.)|SScores\\1","Christ our Passover (Vogrich, Max)|SScores\\1","Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Warren, George William)|SScores\\1","Christ Triumphant, Op.35 (Clough-Leighter, Henry)|SScores\\1","Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, BWV 7 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|BBooks\\1","Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, GWV 1104\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (Bernhard, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (Heintz, Wolff)|SScores\\1","Christ Was Born on Christmas Day (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Christ, the Victor (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Christbaum, Op.84 (Kammerlander, Karl)|SScores\\2","Christe adoramus te, SV 294 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Christe qui lux es (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Christe qui lux es (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Christe, Redemptor omnium (Riscos, Juan)|SScores\\1","Christen, \u00e4tzet diesen Tag, BWV 63 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Christian Heart-Songs (Zundel, John)|SScores\\1","Christlicher und seliger Glaubens-Kampf (Kessel, Johann)|PParts\\7","Christmas Anthem in F major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","A Christmas Carol (Christiansen, F. Melius)|SScores\\1","Christmas is Coming (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","3 Christmas Motets (Galliculus, Johannes)|SScores\\1","Christmas Ode (Cooke, Benjamin)|DSketches and Drafts\\1","Christmas Oratorio, Op.11 (Stenov, Michael)|RRecordings\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Christmas (Somervell, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Christoforus, Op.120 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|VVocal Scores\\4","Christum lieb haben ist besser, TWV 1:137 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Christum wir sollen loben schon, BWV 121 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\1","Christum wir sollen loben schon (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Christum wir sollen loben schon (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Christus am \u00d6lberge, Op.85 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|PParts\\29|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Christus der ist mein Leben, TWV 1:138 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Christus der ist mein Leben (Vulpius, Melchior)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Christus der uns selig macht, GWV 1121\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Christus factus est (Asola, Giammateo)|SScores\\2","Christus hat einmal f\u00fcr die S\u00fcnde gelitten, TWV 1:140 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Christus hat uns erl\u00f6set, GWV 1127\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Christus ist aufgefahren, TWV 1:145 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Christus ist des Gesetzes Ende (Kirnberger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Christus ist nicht eingegangen, GWV 1135\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Christus kommt her von den V\u00e4tern (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Christus resurgens ex mortuis, LV 550 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Christus resurgens ex mortuis, LV 712 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Christus Rex, Op.79 (Ryelandt, Joseph Victor Marie)|VVocal Scores\\1","Christus, der ist mein Leben, BWV 95 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\2","7 Chromatische Motetten des Barock (Blume, Friedrich)","Church and Sunday School Hymnal (Brunk, John David)|SScores\\3","Church Compositions (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","10 Church Pieces for the Organ with 4 Anthems in Score, Op.2 (Jones, William)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","The Church Praise Book (Various)|SScores\\1","Church Psalmody (Steggall, Charles)|SScores\\1","The Church Singer (Converse, Charles Crozat)|SScores\\1","Chwa\u0142a Tobie S\u0142owo Bo\u017ce (Harasimiuk, Piotr Tomasz)|SScores\\1","3 Ch\u0153urs a cappella, Op.40 (Schmitt, Florent)|SScores\\2","Ch\u2019io non t\u2019ami, cor mio, SV 70 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Ch\u2019io t\u2019ami, SV 98 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Cibavit eos (Matucci, Giovanni Bonaventura)|SScores\\1","Cibavit eos (Ramella, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Cilicio Caecilia membra domabat (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","La Cimotoe (Araja, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Cingari simo venite a giocare (Willaert, Adrian)|NNaxos\\0","Circumdederunt me (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Cithara Davidis Poenitentis, Op.13 (Rathgeber, Valentin)|PParts\\9","Clair de lune (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Clairi\u00e8res dans le ciel (Boulanger, Lili)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\19","Les clairs de lune, Op.9 (Koechlin, Charles)|SScores\\1","Clama in fortitudine (Xu\u00e1rez, Alonso)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Clamabat autem mulier Chananaea (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Clamabat autem mulier (Lusitano, Vicente)|SScores\\1","Clamat anus cum jubilo plena (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Clare Poems (Steer, Michael Maxwell)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Clarice cara mia sposa, K.256 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Class and Chorus (McIntosh, Rigdon McCoy)|SScores\\1","2 Clavier- ein Sing-Rondo, eine Serenate und 2 Neujahrslieder (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Clavierst\u00fccke (Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\4","Cleofide (Agricola, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\4","Cleopatra (Anfossi, Pasquale)|SScores\\2","The Close of Day (Clapp\u00e9, Arthur A.)|SScores\\1","The Cloud Cap't Towers (Stevens, Richard John Samuel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","The Clouds (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Clover Blossoms (Boott, Francis)|SScores\\1","Clytemnestre (Wormser, Andr\u00e9)|VVocal Scores\\1","La coccinelle (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Cocotte et chiffonnier (Petit, Albert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Coelestis urbs Jerusalem (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Coeli enarrant gloriam Dei (Sayve, Lambert de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Le coeur est bon (Sermisy, Claudin de)|SScores and Parts\\26|PScores and Parts\\26|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Coffee Cantata (Karolic, Dragan)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|LLibrettos\\1","Le colima\u00e7on, Op.47 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","The Collected Compositions of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort (Albert, Prince Consort)|SScores\\4","Collected Songs (Hensel, Fanny)|SScores\\2","A Collection of 30 Standard Psalm Tunes (Various)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Catches, Canons and Glees (Nares, James)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Catches, Canons and Glees (Warren, Thomas)|SScores\\8","A Collection of Favorite Glees, Catches and Rounds (Various)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Hymns (Various)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Motets or Antiphons (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Old Christmas Carols (Rimbault, Edward Francis)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Psalm Tunes sung in Newbury Church (Various)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Psalm Tunes, Anthems, Hymns, and Chants (Wainwright, John)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Psalm Tunes (Webbe Jr., Samuel)|SScores\\2","A Collection of Tunes (Lawrence, William)|SScores\\1","Collegerunt Pontifices (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Colonial Song (Grainger, Percy)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Coloritum (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Columbus, Op.11 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Columbus, Op.36 (Hummel, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\2","Columbus, Op.60 (Brambach, Carl Joseph)|VVocal Scores\\1","Come and Worship the Lord (Adams II, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Come away, Death (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Come Away, Sweet Love (Greaves, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Come Hither, Ye Faithful (Berwald, William)|SScores\\1","Come Holy Ghost (Boyce, William)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Come le limpide onde (Martinez, Marianne)|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\9","Come Let Us Be Merry (Pearsall, Robert Lucas)|SScores\\1","Come live with me and be my love (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Come nave ch'in mezzo all' onde sia (Lechner, Leonhard)|SScores\\3","Come to Me Love at Twilight (Henderson, Effie)|SScores\\1","Come Unto Him (Johnston, Edward F.)|SScores\\1","Come unto Me, ye weary (Jordan, Charles Warwick)|SScores\\1","Come, Bounteous May (Spofforth, Reginald)|SScores\\1","Come, Dear Companions of th' Arcadian Fields, Z.483 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Come, Fairest Nymph (Mornington, Garrett Colley Wellesley)|SScores\\1","Come, Gentle Spring (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Come, Gentle Zephyr (Horsley, William)|SScores\\1","Come, Lay by All Care, Z.484 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Come, Let us Join our Cheerful Songs (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","Come, Lord Jesus, Come (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Come, My Dear One, Share My Gladness (Roberts, John Varley)|SScores\\1","Come, with High and Holy Gladness (Blair, Hugh)|SScores\\1","Come, ye children (Higgs, Henry Marcellus)|SScores\\1","Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Anthem (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","Comfort Ye, My People (Federlein, Gottfried Harrison)|SScores\\1","The Coming of the King, IDB 11 (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\3","10 Commandments Songs (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","Commemorative Poems (Janssen, Christiaan)|PParts\\16","Commencement Hymn (Paine, John Knowles)|SScores\\2","Communion Service in D major (Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert)|SScores\\1","Communion Service in E-flat major (Osborne, George Alexander)|SScores\\1","Communion Service (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Communion Service (Velu, Charles)|SScores\\1","Como la Luz ha nacido (Salas, Esteban)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Compieta concertata, e breve \u00e0 3 e 4 voci, Op.3a (Cherici, Sebastiano)|PParts\\12","Completoria (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2","Completoria (Meucci, Giovanni Vincenzio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Completorium in G major, B.Anh.34 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3|PParts\\2","Completorium (Gorczycki, Grzegorz Gerwazy)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Completory Concenti, Op.25 (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|PParts\\12","Comrades (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)|SScores\\1","Con jubilo en el orbe (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Con lagrime e sospir (Verdelot, Philippe)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Con ossequio, con rispetto, K.210 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Concentus Sacri (Rosewig, Albert Henry)|SScores\\1","Concentus Vespertinus seu Psalmi minores (Sperling, Johann Peter)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Conceptio tua (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores\\2","Concerti Ecclesiastici, Book 4 (Moro, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Concerti ecclesiastici, Op.19 (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|PParts\\3","Concerti Sacri Motetti a 1, 2, 3 e 4 voci con Violini e senza, Op.11 (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Concerti Spirituali, Op.3 (Melani, Alessandro)|PParts\\5","Concerti spirituali, Op.8 (Merula, Tarquinio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Concerti, Book 2, Op.7 (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Concerti, Book 3, Op.12 (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)|PParts\\5","Concerti, Book 4, Op.16 (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)|PParts\\5","Concertini a 2, 3, 4 e 5 voci con il basso continuo (Allegri, Gregorio)|SScores\\1","Concerto sacro di salmi intieri, Op.14 (Milanuzzi, Carlo)|PParts\\2","Concerto sacro di salmi intieri, Op.21 (Milanuzzi, Carlo)|PParts\\1","Concertuum sacrorum (Scheidt, Samuel)|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Concordi laetitia (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","La concordia de' pianeti (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2","Conditor alme siderum (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Conditor alme siderum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Confestim montes adiit (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Confirma hoc Deus (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Confirma hoc Deus (Salieri, Antonio)|VVocal Scores\\1","Confitebor in D major (Bonno, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Confitebor in G major (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Confitebor No.5 (Mayr, Giovanni Simone)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine, LV 848 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Confitebor tibi Domine, S.31 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine, S.32 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine, S.33 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Confitebor tibi domine, SV 265 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi domine, SV 267 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine, ZWV 70 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine, ZWV 72 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Confitebor tibi Domine, ZWV 73 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine, ZWV 100 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine (Foggia, Francesco)|PParts\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine (Le Quoynte, Louis)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Confitebor tibi, Domine, RV 596 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\1","Confitebor (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Confitebur, K.79 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Confitemini Domino (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Confitemini Domino (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Confitemini Domino (Zeutschner, Tobias)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Confortamini (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Confortare (Dyson, George)|SScores\\1","Congaudete in solemnitate Sancti Antoni (Gagliano, Giovanni Battista da)|SScores\\2","Congratulamini Mihi (Aleotti, Vittoria)|SScores\\2","Congratulamini mihi (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6","Congratulamini mihi (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Congregati sunt inimici nostri et gloriantur in virtute sua (Graziani, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","The Congregational Harmonist (Clark, Thomas)|SScores\\1","The Conqueror (Leslie, Charles Eddy)|SScores\\1","Conscendit iubilans (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Conseil tenu par les rats, Op.123 (Schmitt, Florent)|SScores\\1","Consiglio Amoroso (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores\\1","Consign'd to dust beneath this stone (Battishill, Jonathan)|SScores\\1","Consolationes piae ex psalmis Davidicis (Coclico, Adrianus Petit)|PParts\\4","Construction for Voices and Orchestra, Op.435 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1","Consurgite fortes ad arma venite (Scorpione, Domenico)|SScores\\1","Le content est riche (Sermisy, Claudin de)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","Il contento (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","La contesa di Pallade e Venere (Sarro, Domenico Natale)|SScores\\1","Continuatio theatri musici (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Continuer je veulx ma fermet\u00e9 (Bourguignon, Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\1","Contrapuncti Compositi (Franck, Melchior)|PParts\\4","Il convegno (Lucantoni, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Convertentur sedentes (Mozart, Leopold)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","The Copenhagen Chansonnier (Various)|SScores\\1","Copre madonna ad arte con freddi (Virchi, Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Coram Crucifixo, Op.20 (Walczy\u0144ski, Franciszek)|SScores\\1","Corona aurea super caput eius (Burlini, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Corona gemmarum coelestium (Nodari, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores\\29","Coronation Cantata, Op.56 (Glazunov, Aleksandr)|SFull Scores\\2","The Coronation (Seward, Theodore Frelinghuysen)|SScores\\1","Corpus Christi (Warlock, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","The Corsair (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\6","Cos'\u00e8 l'amore? (Gomes, Carlos)|SScores\\2","Cosmus, CNW 19 (Nielsen, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Cottage Melodies (Bradbury, William Batchelder)|SScores\\3","La couronne de fleurs, H.486 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Courtes Litanies de la Vierge, H.90 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","The Coventry Carol (Dyson, Peter)|SScores\\1","The Coventry Carol (St. Pierre, Anthony)|SScores\\1","The Cowley Carol Book (Woodward, George Ratcliffe)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Crabbed Age and Youth (Stevens, Richard John Samuel)|SScores\\2","Cranbrook (Clark, Thomas)|SScores\\1","The Crane Book, Op.117 (Hirschfeld, C. Ren\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Creator alme siderum (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Crederci, Op.25 (Masotti, Celestina)|SScores\\1","Credidi in B-flat major (Leo, Leonardo)|SScores\\1","Credidi propter quod locutus sum, S.34 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Credidi propter quod locutus sum (Fabri, Stefano)|SScores\\1","Credidi, A 648 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Credidi, ZWV 85 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Credidi (Merula, Tarquinio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Credo a 8 voci (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","Credo in B-flat major (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Credo in C major (Naumann, Johann Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","Credo in D major (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\18","Credo in E minor (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores\\1","Credo in F major (Lotti, Antonio)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Credo in unum Deum (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Credo sopra un motivo variato della 'Lucia di Lammermoor' (Pepe, Marcello)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Credo! (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Credo, A 585 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\2","Credo, A 602 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Credo, IGB 7 (Binchois, Gilles)|SScores\\1","Credo, K055 (Stravinsky, Igor)|SScores\\1","Credo, ZWV 31 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Credo (Pedro I)|SScores\\3|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\2","Credo (Tallini, Gennaro)|SScores\\1","Credo (Zachara da Teramo, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Cresce la pena mia (Tromboncino, Bartolomeo)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","5 Cretan Preludes (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Cries of London (Gibbons, Orlando)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Cross and Crown (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","The Crown of Praise (Kieffer, Aldine Silliman)|SScores\\1","The Crucifixion and Resurrection (Berwald, William)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Crucifixion (Stainer, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Crucifixus (Caldara, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Crucifixus (Nichifor, Serban)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Cruda Amarilli, SV 94 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Cruda Amarilli (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Crudel acerba inesorabil morte, LV 12 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Crudel perch\u00e9 mi fuggi, SV 55 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Crudel, di che peccato a doler t'hai (Fiesco, Giulio)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Crudelis Herodes Deum, S.62 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Crudelis Herodes Deum, ZWV 112 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Crudelis Herodes (Palucci, Antonio Maria)|SScores\\1","Crux fidelis, inter omnes (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\3","Crux fidelis (Oliveira, Manoel Dias de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Crux Fidelis (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|SScores\\3","The Cryer (Hall, King)|SScores\\1","Cual la paloma (Bret\u00f3n, Tom\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Cultus laterutico-musicus, Op.4 (Spie\u00df, Meinrad)|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\30","Cum appropinquaret Iesus (Accademico Bizzarro Capriccioso)|SScores\\1","Cum audisset Joannes (Cardoso, Manuel)|SScores\\2","Cum descendisset Jesus de monte (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Cum egrotasset Iob fleuit (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Cum factus esset Jesus annorum duodecim (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Cum Invocarem (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Cum invocarem (Lazzari, Ferdinando Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\6","Cum invocarem (Theile, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Cum invocarum, exaudivit me (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Cum natus esset Jesus (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Cum natus esset (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Cum Sancto Spiritu in C minor (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Cum Sancto Spiritu in D major, IGD 117 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Cum Sancto Spiritu in D major, IGD 118 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Cum Sancto Spiritu, A 584 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Cum transisset sabbatum (Pagueras, Cayetano)|SScores\\1","Cunis solennib (Profe, Ambrosius)|PParts\\7","Cupid Once Upon a Bed of Roses (Roberts, John Varley)|SScores\\1","Cupido blind, das Venus Kind (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Cur mundus militat, H.379 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Cur plaudit hodie Mater Ecclesia (Lucio, Francesco)|SScores\\1","The Curlew (Warlock, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\6","Currite ad aras, ZWV 166 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Currite, populi, psallite timpanis, SV 297 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","A Cycle of Songs, Op.68 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|SScores\\2","Cyclops (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\4|LLibrettos\\1","Les cydalyses (P\u00e9navaire, Jean-Gr\u00e9goire)|SScores\\1","Cymbalum Genethliacum (Helder, Bartholom\u00e4us)|PParts\\6","C\u0153leste Convivium del Signor (Danielis, Daniel)|PParts\\1","C\u0153li enarrant, Op.42 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","C\u0153ur de J\u00e9sus Enfant (Guilmant, Alexandre)|SScores\\2"],"D":["D'altro non calme (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","D'amour me plainctz et du mal que je sens (Goudimel, Claude)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","D'amour me plains (Pathie, Rogier)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","D'ou vient que ce beau tems (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","D'un seul soleil vient toute ma lumi\u00e8re (Janequin, Cl\u00e9ment)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8","Da aber Johannes die Werk Christi h\u00f6rete (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Da die Zeit erf\u00fcllet war sandte Gott (Endler, Johann Samuel)|SScores\\1","Da die Zeit erf\u00fcllet ward (Wiedner, Johann Gottlieb)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Da dieser Elende rief h\u00f6ret der Herr (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Da Gott wollte Zorn erzeigen, GWV 1116\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Da Jakob nu das Kleid ansah (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund, SWV 478 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|PParts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Da Jesus erkennete, GWV 1126\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Da l'estrem' orizzonte (Rore, Cipriano de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Da le belle contrade d'oriente (Rore, Cipriano de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Da pacem Domine in diebus nostris (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Da pacem Domine, Op.6 No.1 (Fasolo, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Da pacem, Domine (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Die da reich werden wollen, H.308 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Da truncken sie die liebe lange nacht (Heintz, Wolff)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Da voi cari lumi (Karolic, Dragan)|SScores\\2","Da ward Jesus vom Geist, GWV 1120\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Daf\u00fcr halte uns jedermann, GWV 1150\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Daf\u00fcr halte uns jedermann, TWV 1:155 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Dah Dah! (Kram, Richard)|SScores\\1","Dai crini omai scuotete (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7","The Daisy Chain (Lehmann, Liza)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Dakota Odowan (Various)|SScores\\1","Dal cor ripieno di celeste fiamma, S.644 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Dall oriente l'astro del giorno (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\1","Dalla Francia un saluto t'invia, In.255 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Dalla spiaggia dei mondi (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Dalle odorate spoglie (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\19","Dame Venus Hence to Paphos Go (Bateson, Thomas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","La damnation de Faust, H 111 (Berlioz, Hector)|RRecordings\\4|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\20|PParts\\76|VVocal Scores\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\46|LLibrettos\\1","Danish and Norwegian Melodies (Stokes, Charles)|SScores\\1","Danke f\u00fcr alles dem der dich geschaffen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Des Dankes Wort sei mir verg\u00f6nnt, WAB 62 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Danket dem Herrn aller Herren, GWV 1174\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Danket dem Herrn prediget seinen Namen, GWV 1174\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Danket dem Herrn, TWV 1:157 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Danket dem Herrn, TWV 1:163 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Danket dem Herrn (Topf, Johann)|SScores\\1","Danket dem H\u00f6chsten, GWV 1109\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Danket Gott, frohlockt mit H\u00e4nden, GWV 1174\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Danket mit Jauchzen dem Herrscher der H\u00f6hen, GWV 1174\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Danket preist Gott in der H\u00f6he, GWV 1109\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Danksaget dem Vater der uns t\u00fcchtig gemacht hat, GWV 1165\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Danksaget dem Vater (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Danksaget dem Vater (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Dankt Gott lobt ihn ihr Frommen, GWV 1109\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Danny Boy (Violette, Andrew)|SScores\\1","Dans cette \u00e9table (Noyon, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Dans les bois, Op.103 (Plante, Cyril)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","La danza augurale (Mercadante, Saverio)|SScores\\1","Daran ist erschienen die Liebe Gottes, TWV 1:168 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Daran ist erschienen die Liebe Gottes (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Daran ist erschienen die Liebe Gottes (Theile, Johann)|PParts\\1","Dark Night of the Soul (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Darum preiset Gott seine Liebe gegen uns, GWV 1132\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Darum preiset Gott seine Liebe gegen uns, GWV 1139\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Darum s\u00e4et euch Gerechtigkeit, JLB 4 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Darum will ich auch erw\u00e4hlen, JLB 3 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Dass Gott sei ist ihnen offenbar, GWV 1156\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","The Daughter of Jairus (Stainer, John)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","A Daughter of the Forest (Nevin, Arthur)|VVocal Scores\\1","David and Goliath (Bliss, Philip Paul)|SScores\\2","Davidde penitente, K.469 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Davids Sohn, la\u00df mich H\u00fclfe schauen, TWV 1:204 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","The Day I Was Sot Free! (Lucas, Samuel)|SScores\\1","The Day Is Past and Over (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","The Day of Resurrection (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","The Day of Resurrection (Vogrich, Max)|SScores\\1","Dazu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes, BWV 40 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|BBooks\\1|OOther\\3","Dazu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes, TWV 1:207 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Dazu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","De Amor la ofizina (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","De Coelo veniet (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\2","De Cora Lux (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","De Oorlog (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\1","De profundis et Memento (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","De profundis in G minor (Salieri, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","De profundis, CG 88 (Gounod, Charles)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1","De Profundis, H.156 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","De Profundis, H.222 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","De Profundis, LWV 62 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","De profundis, Op.17 (Dupr\u00e9, Marcel)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","De Profundis, S.23 (Lalande, Michel Richard de)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","De profundis, SwWV 170 (Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon)|SScores\\2","De profundis, ZWV 95 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|PParts\\2","De profundis, ZWV 96 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","De profundis, ZWV 97 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","De profundis (Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand)|SScores\\2","De profundis (Gherardi, Galeotto)|SScores\\1","De profundis (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","De profundis (Willaert, Adrian)|SScores\\1","De Profundis (Zehar, Farid)|SScores\\1","De Schelde (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","De torrente (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","De vitae fugacitate, SWV 94 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","De Vogels (Diepenbrock, Alphons)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dear Friend of Mine (Macy, James Cartwright)|SScores\\1","The Death of Osceola (Baker, Benjamin Franklin)|SScores\\1","Deborah, HWV 51 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Debora (Manna, Gennaro)|PParts\\2","Decantabat populus Israel, LV 191 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Decas prima, oder Musicalischen Fleisses erster Theil (Zeutschner, Tobias)|PParts\\8","Decora lux aeternitatis, S.57 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Decora lux, In.151 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Deep Peace (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Deerfield Collection of Sacred Music (Willard, Samuel)|SScores\\2","Defuncto Herode (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Deh fino a quando o Dio, S.612 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Deh rinforzate il vostro largo pianto (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Deh! dove? senza me (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\2","Dein armer hauf, Herr, thut klagen (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Dein edles Herz, der Liebe Thron, BuxWV 14 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\1","Dein Herz folge nicht den S\u00fcndern, GWV 1129\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Dein Leben lang habe Gott vor Augen, GWV 1120\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Dein sind o Gott die Gaben, GWV 1117\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Dein Vater soll nicht schelten (Hildach, Eugen)|SScores\\1","Dein Wort ist da erwarte du Allm\u00e4chtiger, L.527 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Dein Wort lass mich bekennen, GWV 1163\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Dein Wort machet mich klug, GWV 1149\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Deine Augen (Bret\u00f3n, Tom\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Deine Gnade m\u00fcsse mein Trost sein (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Deine Hand hat mich gemacht und bereitet (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Deine Toten werden leben, GWV 1157\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Deiner Sanftmut Schild, TWV 1:211 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Del gran regno delle amazoni, K.434\/480b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Della terra e di quanto in s\u00e8 contiene, S.623 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Le d\u00e9luge, Op.45 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\34|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Dem dunkeln Scho\u00df der heilgen Erde, WoO 20 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Dem Gerechten muss das Licht immer wieder aufgehen, GWV 1128\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Dem Gerechten muss das Licht immer wieder aufgehen, GWV 1129\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Dem Gerechten muss das Licht, BWV 195 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Dem Hocherhabenen sei Preis und Ehre (Gleichmann, Johann Andreas)|PParts\\1","Dem Vaterland (Meyerbeer, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Demut ist allen Menschen gut (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Den F\u00fcrsten des Lebens habt ihr get\u00f6tet, GWV 1128\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die den Herrn suchen, GWV 1123\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Den Menschen, die aus dieser Zeit (Herold, Melchior Ludolf)|SScores\\1","Den Reichen dieser Welt gebeut, GWV 1142\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Den Segen hat das Haupt, GWV 1108\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Denen die berufen sind, GWV 1162\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Denk ich Gott an deine G\u00fcte (Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter)|SScores\\5|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der H\u00f6lle lassen, JLB 21 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Dennoch bleib ich stets an dir, TWV 1:224 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Dennoch bleib' ich stets an dir, R 5.1.21 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\1","Dent Voces Organa Lire (Sborgi, Gasparo)|SScores\\1","Deo Gratias (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Le d\u00e9part des hirondelles (Villaret, Frantz)|SScores\\1","La Deposizione dalla Croce di Ges\u00f9 Cristo Salvator nostro, K.300 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Derni\u00e8re Messe des Vivants, RH 525 (Gossec, Fran\u00e7ois Joseph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\18|VVocal Scores\\1","El Desembre congelat (Rondeau, Michel)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\26|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","A desiuner la belle andouille (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Despierta Bato dormilon (Jerusalem, Ignacio)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","El desterrado (Mangiagalli, Carlos)|SScores\\1","Dettifoss (Sveinbj\u00f6rn Sveinbj\u00f6rnsson)|SScores\\1","Dettingen Te Deum, Utrecht Te Deum and Utrecht Jubilate (Handel, George Frideric)|SScores\\1","Deus dux fortissime, ZWV 60 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Deus in adiutorium II (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Deus in adiutorium I (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Deus in adjutorium, Op.11 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Deus in nomine tuo (Hahn, Bernhard)|SScores\\1","Deus misereatur nostri (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Deus misereatur nostri (Walter, Johann)|SScores\\1","Deus misereatur, Op.26 (Reed, William)|SScores\\1","Deus misereatur, Op.59 (Wiske, Charles Mortimer)|VVocal Scores\\1","Deus misereatur (Denton, Robert)|SScores\\1","Deus noster refugium, RCT 13 (Rameau, Jean-Philippe)|SScores\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Deus qui sedes super thronum (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Deus tuorum militum, SV 280 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Deus Tuorum Militum (Sborgi, Gasparo)|SScores\\1|PParts\\7","Deus, tuorum militum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","15 Deutsche Ges\u00e4nge von Matthisson (Reichardt, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Deutsche Kirchenmusik (Vogler, Georg Joseph)|SScores\\1","Das deutsche Lied (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","16 Deutsche Lieder (Himmel, Friedrich Heinrich)|SScores\\1","4 Deutsche Lieder, Op.144 (Marschner, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Deutsche Motette, Op.62 (Strauss, Richard)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Deutsche Spr\u00fcche von Leben und Tod (Lechner, Leonhard)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Deutsche Trauermesse, D.621 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Deutsche Weltliche Ges\u00e4ng und T\u00e4ntze (Franck, Melchior)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Des deutschen Liedes Sendung, Op.62 (Meyer-Olbersleben, Max)|SFull Scores\\1","Deutsches Hochamt, MH 629 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1","Deutsches Liederspiel, Op.14 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|SScores\\1","Deutsches Schwert und deutscher Sang (Rauchenecker, Georg Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Deutschlands Liederkrone (Brand, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Les deux n\u00e9gresses, Op.49 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Les deux parfaits notaires (Barbier, Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric)|VVocal Scores\\1","Les deux rus\u00e9s (M\u00fcller, Jules)|VVocal Scores\\1","Deux vieux amis, CG 374 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\1","Dextera Domini, FWV 65 (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Dextera Domini, LV 878 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Dextera Domini (Concina, Giovanni)|SScores\\2","Dextera Domini (Zane, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Dezember (St. George Tucker, Tui)|SScores\\1","Di piaceri foriera (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Dialogi, Teil 1 (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Dialogue nocturne (Massenet, Jules)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dialogus inter Angelos et Pastores Jud\u00e6, H.420 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SFull Scores\\2","Dialogus von der Geburt Christi (Keiser, Reinhard)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\48","Diane au bois (Debussy, Claude)|SScores\\1","Dicebat Jesus scribis et pharisaeis (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Dich meiden zwingt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Dichosos Ruyse\u00f1ores (Due\u00f1as)|PParts\\1","Dichte Lieder, EV 58 (Bitzan, Wendelin)|SScores\\1","Dicite in gentibus (Adlgasser, Anton Cajetan)|SScores\\1","Dicite pusillanimes, K.286 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Didone abbandonata (Jommelli, Niccol\u00f2)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\10","Dienet dem Herrn mit Furcht (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Dies est laetitiae (Messaus, Guillielmus)|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Dies est l\u00e6titi\u00e6 (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Dies irae, A 691 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Dies Irae, LWV 64\/1 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dies irae, Op.12 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Dies Irae, Op.131 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Dies irae (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Dies irae (Zamponi, Giuseppe)|PParts\\1","Dies ist der Tag den der Herr gemacht hat, GWV 1174\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Dies ist der Tag den der Herr gemacht hat, R 1.38b (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Dies ist der Tag den der Herr machet, GWV 1128\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Dies ist der Tag der Herr macht (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|VVocal Scores\\1","Dies ist der Tag, da Jesu Leidenskraft (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9","Dies ist der Tag (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Dies mei transierunt (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Dies Natalis, Op.8 (Finzi, Gerald)|RRecordings\\2|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\2","Dies Volk ehret mich mit den Lippen, GWV 1152\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Dieses ist ein Spruch des H\u00f6chsten, H.378 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Dieu cupido ce grand vilain (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Dieweil die Welt in ihrer Weisheit, GWV 1141\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Dieweil wir empfahen ein unbewegliches Reich, GWV 1136\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis (Simonelli, Matteo)|SScores\\1","Diffusa est gratia (Mapelli, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Dignus Es (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Digo que no e de cantarla (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","Dilexi quoniam exaudiet Dominus (Allevi, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Dilexisti justitiam (Tebaldini, Giovanni)|VVocal Scores\\1","Diliges proximum tuum, LV 694 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Diminutions on 'Pulchra es anima mea', SVP 1.28 (Rognoni Taeggio, Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dimmi Clori gentil perch\u00e8 non ami (Leoni, Leone)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Dimmi qual'\u00e8 colei (Bottaccio, Paolo)|SScores\\1","Din di rin din (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Dir, Seele des Weltalls, K.429\/468a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Dirtyscape, kwv.4 (Kushki, Mohsen)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","La disfatta di Dario (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Dite almeno, in che mancai, K.479 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Dithyrambe, D.47 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Dithyrambe (Berger, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Diuersi linguaggi \u00e0 9 (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores and Parts\\22|PScores and Parts\\22","The Diver (Vogrich, Max)|VVocal Scores\\1","5 Divertimentos harm\u00f4nicos (Pinto, Lu\u00eds \u00c1lvares)|SScores\\5","Divine Harmony (Alcock Sr., John)|SScores\\2","Divine Harmony (Bishop, John)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Divine Harmony (Weldon, John)|SScores\\3","Divine lodi musicali, Libro 1 (Riccio, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Divine lodi musicali, Libro 2 (Riccio, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Divine lodi musicali, Libro 3 (Riccio, Giovanni Battista)|SScores and Parts\\56|PScores and Parts\\56","Dixerunt impii non est vobis salus in Deo vestro (Savioni, Mario)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus a 12 (Benincasa, Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Dixit Dominus a due cori (1742) (Leo, Leonardo)|SScores\\2","Dixit Dominus a quattro voci concertato (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Dixit Dominus and Magnificat, K.193\/186g (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Dixit Dominus Domino meo (Cocchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus for 7 voices (Rovetta, Giovanni)|PParts\\1","Dixit Dominus for 8 Voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Dixit Dominus II (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in A major (Feo, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in B-flat major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\4|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Dixit Dominus in B-flat major (Meucci, Giovanni Vincenzio)|SScores\\1|PParts\\4","Dixit Dominus in B-flat major (Porpora, Nicola Antonio)|SScores\\2","Dixit Dominus in B-flat major (Rastrelli, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in C major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in C major (Manna, Gennaro)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2","Dixit Dominus in C major (Rastrelli, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in D major, RV 807 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in D major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3","Dixit Dominus in D major (Meucci, Giovanni Vincenzio)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Dixit Dominus in F major, S.45 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in F major (Manna, Gennaro)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2","Dixit Dominus in G major, FaWV I:D1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in G major, M\u00fclH 164\/3 (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\2","Dixit Dominus in G minor (Manna, Gennaro)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus I (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus, BuxWV 17 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\7","Dixit Dominus, H.202 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus, H.204 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Dixit Dominus, HWV 232 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Dixit Dominus, IFT 24 (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Dixit Dominus, IFT 25 (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Dixit Dominus, In.122 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Dixit Dominus, S.44 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus, S.46 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus, S.47 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus, S.48 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus, ZWV 68 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2","Dixit Dominus (Antoine, Merle)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus (Bertali, Antonio)|PParts\\2","Dixit Dominus (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Dixit Dominus (Foggia, Francesco)|PParts\\1","Dixit Dominus (L\u00f3pez del R\u00edo, Manuel Antonio)|PParts\\1","Dixit Dominus (Milanuzzi, Carlo)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Dixit Dominus (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5","Dixit Dominus (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Dixit Jesus Petro (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Do Hani (Lubomirski, Konstanty)|SScores\\1","Do Pie\u015bni (Bursa, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Do zdrowia, Op.10 (Rudkowski, Mateusz)|SScores\\1","Doctor bonus amicus Dei (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Doctor egregie Paule (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Doe You Not Know (Morley, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Dolce \u00e8 per voi soffrire (Steffani, Agostino)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dolcemente dormiva la mia Clori, SV 52 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Dolci son le quadrella (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\20","Domine ad adiuvandum me festina (Harrer, Gottlob)|SScores\\1","Domine ad adjuvandum in C (Zipoli, Domenico)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Domine ad adjuvandum me festina (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Domine ad adjuvandum, In.126 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Domine convertere, LV 849 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Domine Deus in simplicitate (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Domine Deus meus, LV 616 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Domine Deus salutis meae, H.207 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Domine Deus, Agnus Dei (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\2","Domine deus, Deus virtutum (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\17","Domine Dominus noster quam admirabilis (Ziani, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Domine fac mecum misericordiam, K.155 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Domine in auxilium meum respice, LV 867 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Domine in auxilium meum, K.154 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Domine in furore tuo argus me (Bargnani, Ottavio)|SScores\\1","Domine Jesu Christe in A minor, S.100 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Domine ne in furore tuo (Theile, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Domine non secundum, FWV 66 (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Domine non sum dignus (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Domine probasti me, S.49 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Domine probasti me, ZWV 101 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Domine probasti me (Beretta, Francesco)|PParts\\1","Domine salvum fac regem, BuxWV 18 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Domine salvum fac regem, S.23 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Domine salvum, H.283 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Domine salvum, H.287 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Domine salvum, H.296 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Domine salvum, H.301 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Domine salvum, H.302 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Domine salvum, H.305 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SFull Scores\\2","Domine secundum actum meum, LV 474 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Domine, in virtute tua (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)|SScores\\1","Domine, non sum dignus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Domine, quis habitabit tabernaculo tuo? (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Domine, tu mihi lavas pedes (Sousa, Jos\u00e9 Alexandrino de)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","A Domino factum est istud (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Dominus a dextris, In.133 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Dominus dabit benignitatem, K.285 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Dominus regnavit, Op.49 (Nuffel, Jules van)|SScores\\1","Dominus regnavit (Desmarets, Henri)|SScores\\1","Donna Flavia e Don Perichetto (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","Donna gentil per farui pi\u00f9 perfetta (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1","Die Donnerode, TWV 6:3 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0","Dont vient cela (Sermisy, Claudin de)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","A dorad vendidos (Garc\u00eda, Joaqu\u00edn)|PParts\\1","Dorian Service (Tallis, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dormendo un giorno a baia a l'ombra Amore (Arcadelt, Jacob)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Dormi non piangere, Op.149 (Giuliani, Mauro)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Dort oben auf dem Berge (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dos Canciones de Rosal\u00eda de Castro (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","La double \u00e9preuve (Vercken, L\u00e9on)|VVocal Scores\\1","Douce amiti\u00e9 fille du ciel! (Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang)|SScores\\1","Doux Matin (Bigot-Duschek)|SScores\\1","Dov' \u00e8 quell' usignolo (Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria)|SScores\\2","Dove sei stato mio bel alpino (Macchi, Mario)|SScores\\1","Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\1","Drama Christi (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","3 Dramatic Songs, Op.69 (Holbrooke, Joseph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","The Dream of Endymion (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (Elgar, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","The Dream of Jubal, Op.41 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|VVocal Scores\\6","Dream Pictures, Op.19 (Whiting, George Elbridge)|SScores\\1","Dream-King and His Love, Op.31 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\2","Dream-Love (Fletcher, Percy Eastman)|SScores\\1","Dreaming (Shelley, Harry Rowe)|SScores\\1","Drei sind, die da zeugen im Himmel, TWV 1:374 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Dreifach ist der Schritt der Zeit, D.70 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","30 Dreystimmige Ges\u00e4nge (N\u00e4geli, Hans Georg)|PParts\\1","Dreystimmiges Canonisches Lied, G.36 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Drink to Me only with Thine Eyes (Button, Henry Elliot)|SScores\\1","Dr\u00f8mte mig en dr\u00f8m i nat (Poulsen, Brian Stenger)|SScores\\1","Drottinn, sem veittir fr\u00e6g\u00f0 (\u00cds\u00f3lfur P\u00e1lsson)|SScores\\2","Dr\u00fcckt dich des Schicksals schwere B\u00fcrde (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","Du bist ein Mensch, GWV 1156\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Du bist mir, schn\u00f6des Gut der Erden, TWV 1:384a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Du bist wie eine Blume, WAB 64 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Du fonds de ma pens\u00e9e (Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon)|SScores\\1","Du Friedef\u00fcrst, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 116 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Du Friedef\u00fcrst, Herr Jesu Christ (Gesius, Bartholom\u00e4us)","Du Frieden-F\u00fcrst Herr Jesu Christ, BuxWV 20 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5","Du gehst o Jesu willig, GWV 1119\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Du gewaltiger Herrscher richtest, GWV 1163\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Du Gott, dem nichts ist verborgen, TWV 1:389 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Du hast mit deinen Vaterh\u00e4nden (L\u00f6w, Rudolf)|SScores\\1","Du hast, o Jesulein, kein Bett (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Du Herr Gott Zebaoth Gott Israel, GWV 1150\/53a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Du Hirte Israel h\u00f6re, GWV 1132\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Du Hirte Israel, h\u00f6re, BWV 104 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Du kleine Herde freue dich, GWV 1136\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Du Lebensf\u00fcrst Herr Jesu Christ, BuxWV 22 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Du lechzendes du d\u00fcrres Land, GWV 1138\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Du machst mir, strenger Tod, kein Leiden, TWV 1:392 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Du \u00f6ffnest deine Hand, L.541 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Du rufst o Gott die Sterblichen der Erde, HoWV II.141 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9","Du sagst ich bin ein Christ, GWV 1149\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Du schalks Knecht alle diese Schuld, GWV 1163\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Du Schalksknecht, SWV 397 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\15","Du schmachtende du m\u00fcde Schar, GWV 1138\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Du sollst dies Ringlein tragen (Bellermann, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Du sollst Gott deinen Herrn lieben, GWV 1154\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Du sollst Gott, deinen Herrn, lieben, FaWV D:D10 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Du sollt Gott deinen Herren lieben (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Du sollt Gott, deinen Herren, lieben, BWV 77 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Du starker Keltertreter, HoWV I.5 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Du Tochter Zion freue dich sehr, H.411 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Du Tochter Zion, freue dich, TWV 1:407 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Du unerschaffnes h\u00f6chstes Wesen, GWV 1117\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Du Vater bist voll G\u00fcte, H.367 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Du wagst es du L\u00e4sterer, L.523 (Benda, Georg)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn, BWV 23 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|BBooks\\1","Du wunders\u00fcsses Kind, Op.17 (Horn, August)|SScores\\1","Du, bekr\u00e4nzend uns're Laren, J.283 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Duchess of Padua (Lambert, Edward)|SScores\\1|OOther\\1","Due Canoni a tre voci, Op.7 (Curschmann, Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Due\u00f1o adorado (Delgado, Francisco)|PParts\\1","Duerme Ni\u00f1o hermoso (Paris, Juan)|SScores\\1","Duet for Glass Harmonica and Tenor, Op.2294 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Horn in F and Tenor in A minor, Op.2441 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Natural Trumpet in C and Tenor, Op.1742 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Bassoon, Op.1328 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Cello, Op.1327 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Cello, Op.2267 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Cello, Op.3095 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Cornet, Op.1734 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Guitar, Op.1886 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Piano, Op.1329 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Piano, Op.1330 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","2 Duets for Tenor and Bass, Op.2149 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","24 Duets (Asioli, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","2 Duets, Op.10 (Faur\u00e9, Gabriel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","4 Duets, Op.10 (Asioli, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","2 Duets, Op.18 (Taneyev, Sergey)|SScores\\4","3 Duets, Op.27 (Hall\u00e9n, Andreas)|SScores\\2","6 Duets, Op.34 (St\u00f6hr, Richard)|SScores\\6","6 Duets, Op.46 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","2 Duets, Op.106 (Prokofiev, Sergey)|SScores\\2","Duett aus 'Claudine von Villa Bella', G.54 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Duett aus den Ungl\u00fcckbringenden Pantoffeln, G.164 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5","Duette, Op.38 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|SScores\\2","4 Duette, Op.176 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\2","12 Duetti (Asioli, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","Duetti, terzetti, e madrigali a pi\u00f9 voci (Lotti, Antonio)|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Duetto della Semiramide, G.19 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Duetto di Metastasio, G.183 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5","Duetto d\u2019Adriano, G.53 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5","A Dugout's Ballad (Schmitt, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Dulce est e incundum (Giovannelli, Ruggiero)|SScores\\1","Dulcibella, Whene'er I Sue for a Kiss, Z.485 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","The Dulcimer (Woodbury, Isaac Baker)|SScores\\2","Dulcis Christe bone Jesu (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Dulcis Christe (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dulcissime amantissime benignissime (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Dum aurora finem daret (Boeck, August de)|SScores\\1","Dum refulget in caelo, B.Anh.21 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","Dum ti Dum (Kozeluch, Leopold)|SScores\\2","Dunque fia ver (haime) che mi convegna (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Duo Concertante, Op.439 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Duo Seraphim clamabant (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Duo Seraphim clambant alter ad alterum (Falconieri, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Duo Seraphim (Lambert, Edward)|SScores\\1","Duo sui dodici modi (Various)|SScores\\1","Duos and Trios II (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6","2 Duos with Piano, Hob.XXVa:1-2 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, W145 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Durch Adams fall ist ganz verderbt (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\21|PScores and Parts\\21","Durch Christi Auferstehungskraft, TWV 1:397 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Durch G\u00fcte und Treue wird Missetat vers\u00f6hnet, GWV 1163\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Dwelling in Beulah Land (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","The Dying Christian to his Soul (Richardson, B. J.)|SScores\\1","The Dying Lover (Thomas, William Edwin)|SScores\\1","The Dying Soldier (Barker, Nathan)|SScores\\3"],"E":["E ben ragion se l'eterno mottore (Caimo, Gioseppe)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","E molti altri ancora (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","\u00c8 nato per noi un bambino (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","E sch\u00f6n und zart, von edler Art (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","E tra verdi arbuscelli (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","The Eagle's Force, T 281 (Byrd, William)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Easter Anthem in E-flat major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Easter Anthem in G major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Easter Cantata, Op.22 (Philips, Eugen)|VVocal Scores\\2","Ebbiva lo Rre (Ruta, Michele)|SScores\\1","Ebialenma Tohan Malen (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Ecce Deus noster Salvator noster nobiscum est (Cecchelli, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Ecce fidelis servus, Op.54 (Faur\u00e9, Gabriel)|SScores\\2","Ecce Maria (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Ecce nos reliquimus omnia (Santa Maria, Salvatore)|SScores\\1","Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum, LV 1129 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Ecce nunc benedicite, ZWV 99 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Ecce Nunc Benedicite (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\12","Ecce nunc benedicite (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\1","Ecce panis angelorum (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","Ecce panis angelorum (Sabino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1","Ecce panis, Op.66 (Guilmant, Alexandre)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ecce panis (Tritant, Gustave)|SScores\\1","Ecce quam bonum (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Ecce quomodo moritur (Reutter, Georg)|SScores\\1","Ecce quomodo (Cunha, Ant\u00f4nio dos Santos)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Ecce sacerdos magnus, Op.25 (Surzy\u0144ski, Mieczys\u0142aw)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ecce sacerdos magnus (Caudana, Federico)|SScores\\1","Ecce sacerdos magnus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Ecce sacrum paratum convivium, SV 299 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ecce virgo concipiet, K.287 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ecce virgo concipiet (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ecclesia triumphans, Op.3 (Meyer von Schauensee, Franz Joseph Leonti)|PParts\\11","Ecclesiastes 9:9 (Roberts, Joshua A.)|SScores\\1","Ecclesiastes, or The Preacher, Op.3 (Alburger, Mark)|SScores\\10","Ecclesiodiae (Walliser, Christoph Thomas)|PParts\\3","Ecco che un altra volta, o piagge apriche (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Ecco quel fiero istante (Costa, Michael)|VVocal Scores\\3","Ecco Silvio, SV 97 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Ecco, Dio \u00e8 la mia salvezza (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Eccoti pago Enea (Manna, Gennaro)|SScores\\1","L'echo (Schimon, Adolf)|SScores\\1","The Echo, Op.37 (Kulling, Franz Albert)|SScores\\1","Echoes (Sullivan, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Eclectic Tune Book (Bradbury, William Batchelder)|SScores\\1","Eden, Op.40 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\4|LLibrettos\\1","Egmond en Hoorn (Cartol, Hendrik)|SScores\\2","Ego flos campi et lilium convallium (Guglielmo Veneziano)|SScores\\1","Ego flos campi, Op.6 No.10 (Fasolo, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Ego mater agnitionis, H.371 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Ego pro te rogavi Petre (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Ego sum panis vivus in D major (Pozzoli, Ettore)|SScores\\1","Ego sum panis vivus, IGP 20 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Ego sum panis vivus (Costantini, Alessandro)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ego sum panis vivus (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Ego sum resurrectio, LV 542 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Egrediamur (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Egredietur virga (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Die Ehe soll ehrlich gehalten werden, GWV 1113\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die Ehe soll ehrlich gehalten werden, TWV 1:332 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der ehlich Stand ist billig g'nannt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ehr sei Gott in der H\u00f6h allein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\15|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he! (Gregor, Christian)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, FaWV D:E1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\3","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, GWV 1105\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, H.340 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, H.342 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, H.352 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, INS 3 (St\u00f6ssel, Nikolaus)|PParts\\1","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, NesF A72 (Freislich, Johann Balthasar Christian)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, R 5.1.44b (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\2","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he (Arnoldi)|SScores\\1","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he (Bach, Johann Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ehre sei Gott in her H\u00f6he (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Eile mich, Gott, zu erretten (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Ein Abt den w\u00f6ll wir weihen (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","Ein alt b\u00f6s Weib, runzelt am Leib (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ein Arzt ist uns gegeben, TWV 1:416 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BWV 80 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\18|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12|OOther\\2","Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, TWV 8:7 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, W95 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (Franck, Melchior)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein feste Burg (Agricola, Martin)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ein gl\u00e4ubigs Flehn, in Jesu Namen, TWV 1:421 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein guter Mensch bringt Gutes hervor, GWV 1122\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Ein hei\u00dfer Durst, TWV 1:422a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend wei\u00df, BWV 134 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|OOther\\1","Ein Jammerton, ein schluchzend Ach, TWV 1:424 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ein jeglicher Baum der nicht gute Fr\u00fcchte, GWV 1149\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ein jeglicher Baum wird, GWV 1149\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ein jeglicher guter Baum, GWV 1149\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ein jeglicher wie ihn der Herr berufen, GWV 1117\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ein Jungfrau mir gefallen th\u00e4t (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ein Kind ist uns geboren (M\u00fcller, Wilhelm Adolph)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Ein Kindlein in der Wiegen (Corner, David Gregor)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Ein K\u00f6nig der die Armen, GWV 1101\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4","Ein L\u00e4mmlein geht und tr\u00e4gt die Schuld, GraunWV B:VII:4 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\6|PParts\\1","Ein L\u00e4mmlein geht und tr\u00e4gt die Schuld, GWV 1119\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ein L\u00e4mmlein geht und tr\u00e4gt die Schuld (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ein meidlein zu dem brunnen ging (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Ein Mensch ist in seinem Leben wie Gras, GWV 1157\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ein Mensch ist in seinem Leben, TWV 4:18 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Ein neues Lied wir heben an (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\21|PScores and Parts\\21","Ein Neujahrshymnus (Marx, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Ein Pudding (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Ein Reicher schmachtet in der H\u00f6lle, GWV 1142\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)","Ein Richter mu\u00df im Urteilsprechen, TWV 1:429 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein sch\u00f6nes weib erfrewet mich (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Ein seliges Kind Gottes, TWV 1:431a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein ungef\u00e4rbt Gem\u00fcte, BWV 24 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Ein ungef\u00e4rbt' Gem\u00fcte, TWV 1:434 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein Vater lernt sein Haus besorgen, GWV 1162\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott (Meyerhoffer, Georg Christoph)|SScores\\1","Eine Deutsche Messe (Taubmann, Otto)|VVocal Scores\\2","Eine gute Nacht (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Einen Jux will er sich machen (M\u00fcller, Adolf)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Einen Propheten wie mich, GWV 1123\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Einen solchen Hohenpriester sollten wir haben, TWV 1:418 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Einf\u00e4ltiges Kirchenlied (Lavater, Johann Caspar)|PParts\\1","Eins bitte ich vom Herrn, BuxWV 24 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Eins bitte ich vom Herrn, GWV 1112\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Eins bitte ich vom Herrn, GWV 1112\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Eins ist Not in Jesus' Schule, GWV 1141\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Einsamer Spazierflug (Kammert\u00f6ns, Christoph)|SScores\\1","A el golfo del mundo (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","A el pan de los cielos (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Electiones diversorum motetorum distincte quatuor vocibus (Various)|PParts\\1","Elegiac Quintetto Vocale (Heinrich, Anthony Philip)|SScores\\3","6 Elegies for Voices and Continuo, Op.3 (Jackson, William)|SScores\\2","3 Elegies, Op.17 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Elegischer Gesang, Op.118 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Elegy on the Death of Mr. Shenstone (Arne, Thomas Augustine)|SScores\\2","Elegy to the Memory of Jonathan Battishill (Wesley Jr., Charles)|SScores\\1","30 Elementar-Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr den M\u00e4nnerchor (N\u00e4geli, Hans Georg)|PParts\\1","Elend bringt Pein dem Herzen mein (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Elend ich rieff (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Die Elenden sollen essen, BWV 75 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\19|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\20","\u00c9l\u00e9vation au St Sacrement, H.264 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\3","El\u00e9vation pour la paix, H.237 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Elia (Reutter, Georg)|SScores\\2","Elijah, Op.70 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|RRecordings\\3|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\26|DSketches and Drafts\\1","Elimi Tut! (Alever, Gizem)|SScores\\1","Elisium (Winter, Peter von)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ella (Geibel, Adam)|SScores\\1","Elle craint l'esperon (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Elle d\u00e9bute ce soir (Lhuillier, Edmond)|VVocal Scores\\1","Elle!, Op.27 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Ellen McJones Aberdeen (Edmonds, Paul)|SScores\\1","Elletione de motetti, Libro 1 (Various)|PParts\\4","Ellys (Litta, Paolo)|VVocal Scores\\1","Eloa, Op.70 (Lefebvre, Charles)|VVocal Scores\\2","Elslin liepstes Elselin (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","The Elves' Dance (Bennet, John)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Emendemus in melius, LV 420 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Emendemus in Melius (Bridson, Robert Edward)|SScores\\1","Emendemus in melius (Fabri, Stefano)|SScores\\1","Emendemus in melius (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Emily Jane was a Nursery Maid (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Emmaus, Op.46 (Meinardus, Ludwig Siegfried)|SScores\\1","En el entierro de un amigo (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","En famille sans le savoir (Mortreuil, Victor)|VVocal Scores\\1","En filant ma quenouille (Gouin, Pierre)|SScores\\1","En gratulemur hodie, SV 302 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","En la cama de la culpa doliente (Veana, Mat\u00edas Juan de)|PParts\\1","En novus Elysiis, SWV 49 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Encore un coup, un petit coup (Bon Voisin)|SScores\\1","The End of the Sabbath (Carnall, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Ende gut und alles gut, GWV 1167\/09a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Das Ende kommt, der Tod, GWV 1165\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Endymion's Dream, Op.65 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)|VVocal Scores\\1","L'enfant prodigue (Caillebotte, Martial)|VVocal Scores\\1","L'enfant prodigue (Debussy, Claude)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Der Engel des Herrn lagert sich, TWV 1:235 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Die Engel frohlocken, GWV 1105\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Engel Heer begeht ein Freudenfest, GWV 1105\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Der Engel Heer singt in der H\u00f6he, GWV 1105\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","The English Girl (Steane, Bruce)|SScores\\1","3 English Melodies, Op.264 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\3","English Romantic Partsongs (Various)|SScores\\1","English Songs, HWV 228 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\11","Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease (Xu, Xavier Shuang)|SScores\\1","L'ennuy, le dueil, la peine et le martyre (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Ent\u00e4ussre dich mein Herz, GWV 1169\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die entdeckte Verstellung (Keiser, Reinhard)|VVocal Scores\\2","Enthalte uns dein Wort, GWV 1146\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Entlaubet ist der Walde (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Entlaubet ist der Walde (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Entra l'uomo allor che nasce, D.33 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Entre deux jardins (Villebichot, Auguste de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Entsagen, WAB 14 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Envoy (Hollinrake, Horace)|SScores\\1","Epitaphium Carpentarii, H.474 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\3","Epithalamium, Op.37 (Hedges, Anthony)|VVocal Scores\\1","Er hat alles wohl gemacht, GWV 1153\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Er hat alles wohl gemacht (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Er hat seinen Engeln befohlen, GWV 1110\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Er ist gesetzt zum Auferstehn und Falle, L.517 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Er ist nicht mehr (Kellner, Johann Christoph)|SScores\\1","Er rufet seinen Schafen mit Namen, BWV 175 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12|OOther\\1","Er selbst der Herr, GWV 1102\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Er selbst der Satan, GWV 1120\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Er, der Messias, ist ein Stein, TWV 1:445 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Era il bel viso suo (Schiavetti, Giulio)","Era il bel viso suo (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Era illusione (Mangiagalli, Carlos)|SScores\\1","Era l\u2019anima mia, SV 96 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Erat Iesus (Tejeda, Alonso de)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erat Jesus ejiciens daemonium (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\2","Erat Joseph et Maria (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Erbarm dich mein o Herre Gott, GWV 1155\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Erbarm dich mein o Herre Gott, GWV 1155\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erbarm dich mein o Herre Gott, GWV 1163\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Erbarm dich mein o Herre Gott, H.372 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Erbarm dich meyn o herre got (Hegenwald, Erhard)|SScores\\1","Erde Luft und Himmel krachen, GWV 1102\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Die Erde trinkt f\u00fcr sich, SWV 438 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ere Morning Break (Argentesi, Dario)|SScores\\1","Erforsche mich erfahr mein Herz (Hiller, Johann Adam)|SScores\\1","Erforsche mich Gott und erfahre mein Herz, GWV 1145\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Erforsche mich, Gott, Krebs-WV 151 (Krebs, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Erforsche mich, Gott, und erfahre mein Herz, BWV 136 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\1","Erforsche mich, Gott (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Erfreue dich o Christenheit, GWV 1136\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Erfreue uns wieder, GWV 1155\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Erfreut euch sch\u00fcchterne Gem\u00fcter, GWV 1128\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen, BWV 66 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\1","Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde, BWV 83 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\1","Ergib dich Gott allein, GWV 1169\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ergreifet den Harnisch Gottes, GWV 1120\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erhalt uns Herr bei deinem Wort, BuxWV 27 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort, BWV 126 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|OOther\\1","Erheb ihn ewig o mein Geist (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Erhebe dich du Richter der Welt, GWV 1102\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Erh\u00f6htes Fleisch und Blut, BWV 173 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Erh\u00f6re Herr mein \u00e4chzend Flehen, GWV 1125\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Erh\u00f6re uns nach der wunderlichen Gerechtigkeit, GWV 1115\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Eri\u00e7\u00f3 (Iglesias Carr\u00e9, Xavier)|SScores\\1","Erinnerung von G\u00f6the, G.27 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\1","Erinnerungen, D.424 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Erkauftes Volk lass alles Trauern sein, GWV 1136\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erkennet dass der Herr Gott ist, GWV 1132\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erkennet dass der Herr Gott ist, GWV 1144\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Erkennet doch da\u00df der Herr seine Heiligen wunderlich f\u00fchret (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","The Erl King (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Ermuntert euch ihr tr\u00e4gen Herzen, GWV 1118\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ermuntert euch und wacht, GWV 1149\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ermunterung im Herbst, G.105 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Ermuntre dich betr\u00fcbter Geist, GWV 1129\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","2 Ernste Ges\u00e4nge, Op.56 (Rinkens, Wilhelm)|SScores\\11","8 Ernste Lieder, Op.46 (W\u00fcllner, Franz)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Erntedankfest-Cantate, Op.65 (Gast, Friedrich Moritz)|SScores\\1","Erntefeier, Op.104 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|VVocal Scores\\1","Er\u00f6ffnet die Tore der Held ist gekommen (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Er\u00f6ffnet euch ihr Augenquellen, GWV 1127\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Errette mich Herr, GWV 1164\/53a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Erschallet, ihr Lieder, BWV 172 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\29|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11|OOther\\1","Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag (Erythr\u00e4us, Gotthard)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Erschrecke sichre Welt, GWV 1163\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Erschrecklich ist es, GWV 1142\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erschrockne Herde fasse dich, GWV 1131\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erschrocknes Zion sei erfreut, GWV 1128\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Erst wirdt erfrewt mein traurigs Herz (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Erstanden ist der heilge Christ (Vulpius, Melchior)|SScores\\2","Erstanden ist der heilige Christ (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores\\1","Erstanden ist der heil\u2032ge Christ (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Der erste Fr\u00fchlingstag, Op.28 (Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang)|SScores\\1|PParts\\49","Der erste Psalm (Fr\u00f6hlich, Friedrich Theodor)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Die erste Walpurgisnacht, Op.60 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\6|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Die ersten Menschen (Stephan, Rudi)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Ert\u00f6nt ihr H\u00fctten der Gerechten, NesF A76 (Freislich, Johann Balthasar Christian)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ertrage nur das Joch der M\u00e4ngel, TWV 1:479 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Eructavit cor meum a 6 (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Erue, Domine (Dietrich, Sixt)|SScores\\3","Erwache doch mein Herze, R 5.1.50 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|SScores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Erwache tr\u00e4ge Christenschar, GWV 1111\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Erwache von dem S\u00fcndenschlafe, L.528 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Erwacht ihr Heiden, GWV 1111\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Erw\u00e4g', O Mensch, TWV 1:487b (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Erwecke dich, Herr (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Erwin (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SFull Scores\\5","Erw\u00fcnschtes Freudenlicht, BWV 184 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\2","Erzittre toll und freche Welt, GWV 1120\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Erz\u00fcrne dich nicht (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Es begab sich dass Jesus, GWV 1157\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Es danke Gott wer danken kann, GWV 1109\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Es danken dir die Himmelsheere, GWV 1109\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es danken dir Gott die V\u00f6lker, H.340 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Es dringt doher (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Es erhub sich ein Streit im Himmel, SWV Anh.11 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Es erhub sich ein Streit, BWV 19 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Es erhub sich ein Streit (Bach, Johann Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es erhub sich ein Streit (Weckmann, Matthias)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Es f\u00e4hret Jesus auf mit Jauchzen, TWV 1:489 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2","Es f\u00e4llt ein holder Tau der Gnade, GWV 1138\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Es geht gen disen summer (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\3","Es gieng ein landzknecht (Bruck, Arnold von)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Es gieng ein wolgezogner Knecht (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Es het ein biderman ein weib (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Es ist besser niedrigen Gem\u00fctes sein, RoemV 187 (R\u00f6mhild, Johann Theodor)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2","Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, BWV 9 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (Griepenkerl, Friedrich Conrad)|SScores\\1","Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist, BWV 45 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|OOther\\1","Es ist ein einiger Gesetzgeber, GWV 1145\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Es ist ein grosser Gewinn, TWV 1:503 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Es ist ein k\u00f6stlich Ding geduldig sein (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Es ist ein k\u00f6stlich Ding, GWV 1110\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es ist ein k\u00f6stlich Ding, GWV 1110\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es ist ein k\u00f6stlich Ding, TWV 1:504 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\3","Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Praetorius, Michael)|RRecordings\\3|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\47","Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Schmitt, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Vulpius, Melchior)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Es ist eine Art, GWV 1155\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es ist eine Stimme eines Predigers, F.89 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Es ist eine Stimme eines Predigers, GWV 1104\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es ist ein\u2019 Ros\u2019 entsprungen (Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","Es ist erschienen die heilsame Gnade, GWV 1105\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Es ist erschienen die heilsame Gnade, GWV 1170\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es ist euch gut dass ich hingehe, GWV 1137\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Es ist euch gut, da\u00df ich hingehe, BWV 108 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|OOther\\2","Es ist genug dass wir, GWV 1117\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es ist genug mein matter Sinn, GWV 1169\/45b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Es ist genug, so nimm, Herr (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit, GWV 1167\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit, TWV 1:509 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Es ist gut auf den Herrn vertrauen, TWV 1:512 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Es ist hie kein Unterschied sie sind allzumal S\u00fcnder (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Es ist in keinem andern Heil, GWV 1109\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es ist kein guter Baum, GWV 1149\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Es ist keine Obrigkeit ohne von Gott, TWV 1:513 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Es ist leider zu beklagen, GWV 1106\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe, BWV 25 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|BBooks\\1|OOther\\3","Es ist nit alles Golde (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Es ist noch um ein Kleines, GWV 1142\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es ist umsonst dass ihr fr\u00fch aufsteht, GWV 1146\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es ist umsonst, da\u00df ihr fr\u00fch aufsteht, TWV 1:515 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Es ist viel Not vorhanden (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Es ist vollbracht, GWV 1126\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es jagt ein J\u00e4ger g'schwinde dort (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Es jauchze aller Kreis der Erden, GWV 1105\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Es jauchzen aller Engel Scharen, GWV 1136\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es klinget oft, kl\u00e4glich nach, TWV 1:518a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Es k\u00f6mmet die Stunde, TWV 1:520 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Es kommt die Zeit dass wer euch t\u00f6tet, GWV 1137\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Es kommt die Zeit, GWV 1137\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es kommt ein Schiff geladen (Weinreis, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Es liegt ein Haus im Oberland (Reuter, Oswald)|SScores\\1","Es liegt so abendstill der See, Op.11 (Goetz, Hermann)|VVocal Scores\\1","Es mi Rosa bella (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|PParts\\2","Es m\u00fct vil leut (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Es naheten aber zu Jesu allerlei Z\u00f6llner und S\u00fcnder (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Es rei\u00dfet euch ein schrecklich Ende, BWV 90 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|OOther\\2","Es sei denn dass eure Gerechtigkeit, GWV 1147\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es sei denn dass jemand geboren werde, GWV 1141\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es sei denn dass jemand von neuem geboren werde, GWV 1141\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es sei denn (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Es sei fern von mir r\u00fchmen, TWV 1:526 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Es sind Gerechte denen gehet es, GWV 1127\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Es sind ja Gott sehr schlechte Sachen, GWV 1142\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Es soll geschehen ehe sie rufen, GWV 1148\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Es sollen dir danken alle deine Werke, GWV 1111\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Es sout ein Meiskin halen win (Sampson)|SScores\\1","Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Es steh Gott auf (Kuhnau, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Es stehen Jesus Augen offen, GWV 1123\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Es steht ein einsamer Weiher (Keller, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Es steht geschrieben, GWV 1151\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Es taget vor dem Walde (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Es wallen die Herzen entz\u00fcndete Flammen, GWV 1062 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es wallen die Herzen in freudigem Triebe, GWV 1060 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es war ein Mensch der machte ein gross Abendmahl, GWV 1143\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Es war einmal (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Es wechselt Lust und Traurigkeit, GWV 1113\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es werden nicht alle die zu mir sagen (Fehre, Christoph Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Es werden nicht alle die zu mir sagen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Es werden sich erheben falsche Christen, GWV 1166\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es wird des Herrn Tag kommen, GWV 1102\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es wird ein Durchbrecher, TWV 1:539 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Es wird ein unbarmherzig Gericht, TWV 1:542 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Es wird eine Rute aufgehen (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Es wird Freude sein vor den Engeln Gottes (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Es wird grosse Not auf Erden sein, GWV 1166\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es wird sein die Wurzel Jesse, GWV 1111\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es woll uns Gott gen\u00e4dig sein (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\28|PScores and Parts\\28","Es wollt ein alt Mann auf die Bulschaft gan (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\2","Es wolt ein fraw zum weine gan (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Espagne et Tyrol (Herv\u00e9)|VVocal Scores\\1","Esprit doux de bonne nature (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Esset meine Lieben und trinket, GWV 1126\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Est modus in rebus (Turchetto, Andrea)|SScores\\1","A este Sol peregrino (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Esther, HWV 50b (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Esther (Manna, Gennaro)|PParts\\2","Esto mihi in Deum protectorem (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","Estote ergo misericordes, LV 192 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Estote Fortes in Bello (Comes, Joan Baptista)|SScores\\1","Et in terra pax hominibus (Power, Leonel)|SScores\\1","Et incarnatus est, Op.1 (Siscar Llor\u00e9ns, Marta)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Et oltre al mio destino (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Et respicientes viderunt revolutum lapidem (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Et resurrexit, SV 260 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|RRecordings\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Et Vidi \/ Bestia (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","L'\u00e9ternelle idole (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\1","L'\u00e9ternelle s\u00e9r\u00e9nade (H\u00fce, Georges)|SScores\\1","Des \u00e9toiles qui savent rire (Avni, Boaz)|SScores\\1","Les \u00e9toiles sont belles (Psimikakis-Chalkokondylis, Nikolaos-Laonikos)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2|PParts\\8","Etz chajjim hi (Alkan, Charles-Valentin)|SScores\\2","Euer Leben ist verborgen mit Christo in Gott, GWV 1103\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Euge bone (Tye, Christopher)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Euge serve bone, H.375 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Euphonia (Vit\u00e1sek, Jan Nepomuk Augustin)|SScores\\9","Eure Rede sei allezeit lieblich, GWV 1154\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Euro gentil, LV 69 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Euterpe, Op.76 (Horsley, Charles Edward)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ev'ry Bush New Springing (Cavendish, Michael)|SScores\\2","Der evangelische Kirchenchor, WoO VI\/17 (Reger, Max)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\5","The Eve of Saint Agnes (Surette, Thomas Whitney)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Eve of St. Agnes (Barnett, John Francis)|VVocal Scores\\2","Evening Prayer (Abbot, John M.)|SScores\\1","The Evening Primrose (Boden, Andrew David)|SScores\\1","Evening Service in G major (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Evening Service, Z.231 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Evening (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Every Town Is Your Home Town (Branscombe, Gena)|SScores\\1","Everyman, Op.17 (Davies, Walford)|VVocal Scores\\7","\u00c8ve (Massenet, Jules)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2","Evocations, Op.15 (Roussel, Albert)|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Das ewige Licht geht da herein, GWV 1107\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Ewiger Gott, aus des Gebot (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Ex altari tuo Domine (Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio)|SScores\\2","Ex Sion species decoris ejus, K.139 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Exaltabo te Domine (Croce, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Exaltabo te Domine (Descarries, Auguste)|SScores\\1","Exaltabo te, Domine (Cattaneo, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Exaltata est sancta Dei Genetrix (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Exaudi Deus orationem meam, LV 851 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Exaudi Domine (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Exaudiat te Dominus, H.162 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Exaudiat te Dominus (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Excalibur (McAlpin, Colin)|PParts\\7","Exercices de chant (Rill\u00e9, Laurent de)|SScores\\1","Exiit edictum (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Exiit sermo (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Exiit sermo (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Exita fuorem et memento belli (Sances, Giovanni Felice)|SScores\\1","Exotic Suite, Op.29 (Vasilenko, Sergey)|VVocal Scores\\1","Expectans expectavi, LV 873 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Expeditionis musicae classis I, Op.1 (Gletle, Johann Melchior)|PParts\\15","Expeditionis musicae classis II, Op.2 (Gletle, Johann Melchior)|PParts\\16","Expeditionis musicae classis IV, Op.5 (Gletle, Johann Melchior)|PParts\\6","Expeditionis musicae classis V, Op.6 (Gletle, Johann Melchior)|PParts\\19","Expugna impugnantes me, W.YE 7 (Bach, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","Expurgate vetus fermentus (Buel, Christoph)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Exsultate Deo (Hassler, Hans Leo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Exsultate justi in Domino, LV 349 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Exsultet orbis gaudiis, ZWV 114 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Exsurgens Joseph (Comes, Joan Baptista)|SScores\\1","The Extract of Opera (Root, Frederic Woodman)|SScores\\2","Exultate Deo (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\20","Exultate gaudete iubilate laetamini (Ziani, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Exultate omnes gentes in Domino (Melvi, Francesco Maria)|SScores\\1","Exultate, iusti, in Domino (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Exultet c\u00e6lum laudibus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Exultet omnium, C.112 (Cl\u00e9rambault, Louis-Nicolas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Eye-Oeil-Ojo-Auge (Torre, Salvador)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|OOther\\1","Ezio, HWV 29 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|LLibrettos\\3"],"F":["25 Fables de La Fontaine (Bruneau, Alexandre)|SScores\\1","Factum est silentium in coelo (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\2","Factus est repente (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\1","Fader w\u00e5r (D\u00fcben, Gustaf)|SScores\\1","Fahr wohl, Op.94 (K\u00fccken, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Fahrt ihr Sinnen auf die H\u00f6he, GWV 1146\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Fain Would I Change That Note (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Fair and Ugly (Travers, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Fair Cloe, My Breast So Alarms, Z.486 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Fair Daffodils (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\2","Fair Hebe when Dame Flora Meets (Bateson, Thomas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","The Fairy Boat, Op.4 (Foerster, Adolph Martin)|SScores\\1","The Fairy Bridal (Hewitt, John Hill)|SScores\\3","The Fairy Ring (Cummings, William Hayman)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Fall of Babylon (Nicholds, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Fall, leaves, fall (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\1","Fallax gratia, LV 475 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Fame's Penny-Trumpet (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Familienpolka (Sch\u00e4ffer, August)|PParts\\1","The Family Choir (Various)|SScores\\1","Fammi una gratia, amore (Isaac, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","F\u00e1nas\u00f6ngur (\u00c1rni Thorsteinson)|SScores\\1","Le Fanfalughe a 2, 3, 4 e 5 voci con il basso per sonare (Donati, Ignazio)|SScores\\1","Fantasia for Tenor and Organ, Op.536 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\2","Fantasie recercari contrapunti a 3 voci (Various)|PParts\\3","Fantasie, Recercari, Contrapunti a 3 voci, Libro 1 (Willaert, Adrian)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Fantasy, Op.42 (Davies, Walford)|VVocal Scores\\1","Far Away (Lindsay, Maria)|SScores\\1","Fare thee well thou native vale (Danby, John)|SScores\\1","Farewell to Arms, Op.9 (Finzi, Gerald)|SScores\\1","A Farewell (Neff, Lyle K.)|SScores\\1","The Farmer's Boy (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Fasciculus myrrhae (Peranda, Marco Gioseppe)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Fast allgemeines Evangelisch-Musicalisches Lieder-Buch (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\3","Father and Daughter (Grainger, Percy)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2","Father Finn's Carol Book (Finn, William J.)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Father's Come Home (Whiting, S. K.)|SScores\\1","Father, All-Holy (Wood, Charles)|SScores\\1","The Fatherhood of God (Schnecker, Peter August)|SScores\\5","Fatherland, GP 92 (Bax, Arnold)|VVocal Scores\\1","Fato, fortuna, predistatio, caso ventura (Lechner, Leonhard)|SScores\\3","Faune et flore (Bird, Melvin Clive)|PParts\\26","Faust et H\u00e9l\u00e8ne (Boulanger, Lili)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Faust Symphony, S.108 (Liszt, Franz)|RRecordings\\3|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|PParts\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","3 Favorite Scotch Songs (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\1","Fear No More the Heat o' the Sun (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Fecunda tierra que en puro seno (Literes, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Die Feier des Todes Jesu, WacR III:9 (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Die Feier des Wohlwollens, Op.36 (Kuhlau, Friedrich)|VVocal Scores\\2","Der Feinde sch\u00e4umende Menge st\u00fcrzt w\u00fctend auf dich her, L.530 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Die Feinde wollen Jesum fangen, GWV 1158\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\11","Feldmahlergratitudesong (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","La Felicit\u00e0 dell'Anfriso (Guglielmi, Pietro Alessandro)|SScores\\1","La felicit\u00e0 della terra (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Felix namque, H.360 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Fest- Bus- und Danck-Lieder (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|PParts\\12","Fest-Cantate, Op.48 (Tietz, Philipp)|VVocal Scores\\1","Festgesang, WAB 15 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Festina lente (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Festival Te Deum, Op.25 (Reed, William)|SScores\\1","Festive Harmony (Various)|SScores\\1","Festkantate, WAB 16 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\3","Die Festzeiten, Op.66 (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Feuillets d'album, H 121 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\5","La fianc\u00e9e (Ren\u00e9, Charles)|SScores\\1","Fidi compagni a suon di tromba, GraunWV B:III:27 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Fiera stella, LV 14 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","The Fifth of November (Wallace, Dorian)|SScores\\1","Fighting Men (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Filiae Ierusalem surgite ite in montem myrrhae (Duponchel, Jacques)|SScores\\1","Filiae regum (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Filius meus, parvulus est (Ugarte, Joaqu\u00edn)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Filius prodigus, H.399 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Fill the Bowl with Rosy Wine, Z.487 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","La fille de Jepht\u00e9 (Broutin, Cl\u00e9ment)|VVocal Scores\\1","Filli cara (Giovannelli, Ruggiero)|SScores\\1","Filli e Nadolmio (Sellitto, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Film Cue 072091 (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15","Firenze, Juvenilia No.20 (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","The First Christmas Tree (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Fischerlied, D.364 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Fischerlied (Panny, Joseph)|PParts\\1","Das Fischerm\u00e4dchen, Op.4 (Oechsner, Andreas Johann Lorenz)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","The Fisherman and His Child (White, Charles Albert)|SScores\\1","Five Sayings of Jesus, Op.35 (Davies, Walford)|VVocal Scores\\1","Five Times by the Taper's Light (Storace, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Flag of Our Country (Mathiot, A.)|SScores\\1","Flanziquiyo (San Juan, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Flavio Crispo, S.120 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Flavio, re de' Longobardi, HWV 16 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|LLibrettos\\3","Fleisch und Geist stimmt nicht zusammen, GWV 1123\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Fleur de n\u00e9flier (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\1","Fleurette (Kelly, Ian Donald Killeen)|SScores\\1","Fleuriste et typographe (Villebichot, Auguste de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Fleurs des landes, H 124 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\11","The Flight of the Eagle (Norris, Homer Albert)|SScores\\1","The Flirt (Bridge, Frederick)|SScores\\1","Floriana (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\2","Die Flucht der heiligen Familie, Op.13 (W\u00fcllner, Franz)|SFull Scores\\2","Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z.324 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\2","Foeno iacere pertulit (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Fog in the Desert, kwv.6 (Kushki, Mohsen)","3 Folk Songs (Schoenberg, Arnold)|SScores\\1","3 Folk Songs, Op.49 (Schoenberg, Arnold)|SScores\\1","La folla dei poveri \u00e8 qui (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Fond Love is Blind (Bateson, Thomas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Fons citharizancium - Sub Arturo - In omnem terram (Alanus, Johannes)|SScores\\1","For He is Risen, Op.54 (Clokey, Joseph Waddell)|SScores\\1","A Ford Song (Flivver, A.)|SScores\\1","Foresters, Sound the Cheerful Horn (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","La for\u00eat (De Jaer, Baudouin)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Forgiveness in Righteousness (Labrecque, Denis G.)|SFull Scores\\1","Fortem virili pectore (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Fortuna desperata, IA 265 (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Fortuna Nasci pati mori (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","La forza della virt\u00f9 (Keiser, Reinhard)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Four Jolly Smiths (Leslie, Henry Temple)|SScores\\1","Four Leaf Clover (Brownell, Leila M.)|SScores\\2","The Four Winds (Busch, Carl)|VVocal Scores\\1","8 Four-Part Songs (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","6 Four-Part Songs, Op.30 (Mounsey Bartholomew, Ann)|SScores\\1","Fra le dorate chiome (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Fra pioggie, nevi e gelo (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Fra Rold til Rebild, CNW 22 (Nielsen, Carl)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Fraget nach dem Herrn, GWV 1114\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Franciscus, Op.36 (Tinel, Edgar)|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Fratres sobrii estote, LV 368 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Fr\u00e9d\u00e9gonde (Ollone, Max d')|VVocal Scores\\1","The Free Church Psalmody (Various)|SScores\\2","Freier Sinn und froher Mut, WAB 147 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Freluchette (Montaubry, Jean Baptiste Edouard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Fremdl\u00e4ndische Volksweisen, Op.87 (J\u00fcngst, Hugo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Freu dich, du werte Christenheit (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Die Freude der Hirten \u00fcber die Geburt Jesu, HoWV I.1 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\3","Freude Freude \u00fcber Freude, GWV 1105\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Die Freude reget sich, BWV 36b (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11","Freude, sch\u00f6ner G\u00f6tterfunken (Winter, Peter von)|SScores\\1","Das Freudenfest, P.163 (Danzi, Franz)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Freue dich des Weibes deiner Jugend, SWV 453 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Freue dich herzlich, GWV 1131\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Freue dich und sei fr\u00f6hlich du Tochter Zion, GWV 1101\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Freue dich, du Tochter Zion (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Freue dich, erl\u00f6ste Schaar, BWV 30 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\24|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Freuen und fr\u00f6hlich m\u00fcssen sein, GWV 1169\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Freuen und fr\u00f6hlich m\u00fcssen sein, GWV 1171\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Freuet euch dass ihr mit Christo leidet, GWV 1119\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Freuet euch dass ihr mit Christo leidet, GWV 1137\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Freuet euch der Barmherzigkeit Gottes (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Freuet euch des Herrn, GWV 1174\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Freuet euch mit den Fr\u00f6hlichen, GWV 1113\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Freuet euch mit den Fr\u00f6hlichen, GWV 1153\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Freuet euch mit mir, GWV 1144\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Freund warum bist du kommen, GWV 1122\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Freundlicher Gruss mit Buss (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Freundlicher Held, ich hab erw\u00e4hlt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Freundschaft (Meyerbeer, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Fre\u00fcntlich von art (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Freut euch Gottes Geist die Taube, GWV 1138\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Freut euch, ihr Christen alle (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\4","Freut euch, ihr lieben Christen I (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Freyhir (Mathieu, \u00c9mile)|VVocal Scores\\1","Fried gib mir, Herr auf Erden (Vento, Ivo de)|SScores\\1","Der Friede Gottes welcher h\u00f6her ist, GWV 1130\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Friede Gottes welcher h\u00f6her ist, GWV 1131\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Friede Gottes welcher h\u00f6her ist, GWV 1131\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Friede Gottes welcher h\u00f6her ist, GWV 1138\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Friede sei mit euch (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Der Friede (Schnyder von Wartensee, Franz Xaver)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Friede, WoO 39 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Frieden (Reznicek, Emil von)|VVocal Scores\\1","Frisch auf du edle Musikkunst (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\2","Frisch auf, ihr Kloster Br\u00fcder mein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Frisch auff und last uns singen (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Frisque et gaillard (Clemens non Papa, Jacobus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","The Frog (Newton, Ernest Richard)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Fr\u00f6hlich soll mein Herze springen (Cr\u00fcger, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Fr\u00f6hlich soll mein Herze springen (Ebeling, Johann Georg)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Fr\u00f6hlich wollen wir Alleluja singen (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Fr\u00f6hlich wollen wir Halleluia singen, W158 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Die Fr\u00f6hliche Sommerzeit, Teil 1 (Sommer, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Fr\u00f6hliche Stunden, GWV 1154\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Frohlocke werte Christenheit, GWV 1105\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Frohlocke werte Christenheit, GWV 1128\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Frohlocket ihr Himmel, GWV 1105\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Frohlocket mit H\u00e4nden alle V\u00f6lker, GWV 1136\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Frohlocket und preiset den herrschenden Sieger, HoWV I.11 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\3","Frohlocket, ihr Engel, TWV 1:564 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Frohlockt lasst frohe Lieder h\u00f6ren, GWV 1174\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Fr\u00f6lich wil ich singen (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Fr\u00f6lich zu seyn zu dieser zeit (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Fr\u00f6liche und liebliche Ehrnlieder (Praetorius, Christoph)|PParts\\8","Frolocke! Darmstadt, GWV 1054 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","From hardy climes and dangerous toils of war, Z.325 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","From Mouths of Babies (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","From My Youth, Op.51 (Nikolsky, Aleksandr)|SScores\\1","From Stormy Windes (Turges, Edmund)|SScores\\1","Fromme Herzen finden nicht, GWV 1110\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)","Der Frommen Weg meidet das Arge, GWV 1104\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die Frucht des Gerechten ist ein Baum, GWV 1126\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Fr\u00fches Morgengebet (Kim, Hee Cheol)|SScores\\1","Fr\u00fchlings Orakel, G.39 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5","Fr\u00fchlings Seele, Op.34 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|SScores\\1","Fr\u00fchlings-Phantasie, Op.23 (Gade, Niels)|VVocal Scores\\1","Fr\u00fchlingsd\u00e4mmerung (Thuille, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Fr\u00fchlingslied, D.243 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Fr\u00fchlingsnacht, Op.139 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\1","Fr\u00fchlingswanderschaft (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Die Fr\u00fchlingszeit (K\u00f6llner, Eduard)|SScores\\1","Fuga in subdiapente (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","La fuga (Lucantoni, Giovanni)|SScores\\2","Fugensammlung, Teil 1 (Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","2 Fughe dissimili in una (Raimondi, Pietro)|SScores\\1","4 Fughe in una dissimili nel modo (Raimondi, Pietro)|SScores\\1","F\u00fchr uns Herr in Versuchung nicht, GWV 1121\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","F\u00fchr uns Herr in Versuchung nicht, GWV 1122\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","F\u00fchr uns Herr in Versuchung nicht, GWV 1150\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","F\u00fchre meine Seele aus dem Kerker, GWV 1175\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","F\u00fchret einen guten Wandel, GWV 1122\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","F\u00fchrwahr, er trug unsere Krankheit (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","La fuite (Bizet, Georges)|SScores\\1","La fuite (Duparc, Henri)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","La fuite, Op.38 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Full Fathom Five (Teichmann, Roger)|SScores\\1","Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline, HWV 264 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\1","Funeral Cantata (De Assun\u00e7\u00e3o Rondon Mello, R\u00f4mulo)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\1","Funeral Dirge of Gen. Zachary Taylor (Barnes, G. L.)|SScores\\1","Die Furcht des Herrn ist Zucht zur Weisheit, GWV 1119\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","F\u00fcrchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir, BWV 228 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","F\u00fcrchte dich vor der keinem, GWV 1103\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","F\u00fcrchtet den Herrn, ihr seine Heiligen, TWV 1:570 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","F\u00fcrchtet euch nicht wenn euch die Leute, GWV 1137\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","F\u00fcrchtet euch nicht, ich verk\u00fcndige euch (Topf, Johann)|SScores\\2","F\u00fcrchtet euch nicht (Bach, Johann Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","F\u00fcrwahr er trug unsere Krankheit, BuxWV 31 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","F\u00fcrwahr er trug unsre Krankheit, GWV 1119\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","F\u00fcrwahr er trug unsre Krankheit, GWV 1125\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","F\u00fcrwahr, er der Herr Messias trug unsre Krankheit, TWV 1:575 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Fy du plaisir qui mille ennuis attire (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Fynsk Foraar, Op.42 (Nielsen, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1"],"G":["25 Galliards, Pavans and Chansons (Attaingnant, Pierre)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","A gam agozi Jehova (Akabuogu, Chukwudimma)|SScores\\1","A Game of Fives (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Gantz neue lustige T\u00e4ntz und Liedlein (Haiden, Hans Christoph)|PParts\\4","Der gantz Psalter Davids (Hemmel, Sigmund)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Die ganze Welt liegt voller Kranken, GWV 1114\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gar oft sich schickt, dasz eim gel\u00fcckt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","La gara amorosa, S.498 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\1","Garden of Kama (Vincent, Henry Bethuel)|SScores\\1","The Garden of Olivet (Bottesini, Giovanni)|SScores\\3","Gartenlieder, Op.3 (Hensel, Fanny)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Gastibelza (Monpou, Hippolyte)|SScores\\2","Gaude et laetare Ferrariensis civitas (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\2","Gaude laetare turba fidelis, ZWV 168 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Gaude Maria Virgo (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Gaudeamus omnes in Domino (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Gaudeamus omnes in Domino (Quagliati, Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gaudeamus (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Gaudens gaudebo (Cervi, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Gaudent in coelis animae Sanctorum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Gaudent in coelis, LV 502 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Gaudete omnes et laetamini, SwWV 182 (Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Gaudete, Christus est natus (Anonymous)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|OOther\\1","Gaudete, jubilate et exultate (Angelini, Romano)|PParts\\1","Gdzie jest tw\u00f3j sen? (Le\u015bniewicz, Iza)|SScores\\1","Gdzie\u017c to jedziesz Jasiu? (Bursa, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Gebet unserm Gott allein die Ehre, GWV 1153\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gebet (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Die Geburt Christi, Op.90 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|VVocal Scores\\1","Gedenke des Sabbattages, GWV 1158\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gedenke Herr an die Schmach, GWV 1170\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Gedenke, Herr, wie es uns gehet, BWV 217 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gedenket an den der ein solches Widersprechen, GWV 1108\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Gedenket an den der ein solches Widersprechen, GWV 1119\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gedicht an die Jugend (Kim, Hee Cheol)|SScores\\1|PParts\\3","Die Gedichte und das Requiem f\u00fcr Mignon, Op.91 (Rubinstein, Anton)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","3 Gedichte, Op.13 (Volkmann, Robert)|SScores\\1","4 Gedichte, Op.88 (Lachner, Franz Paul)|SScores\\1","4 Gedichte, Op.107 (Lachner, Franz Paul)|SScores\\2","8 Gedichte, Op.116 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","6 Gedichte, Op.134 (Marschner, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Geduld! Wenn Menschen sich zum Teufeln machen, TWV 1:589 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Geduldig sein und hoffen, TWV 1:587 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gedult hofft gnad (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Gedult und Demut (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Geh aus, mein Herz und suche Freud (Harder, August)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Geh mein Herz in deine Kammer, GWV 1135\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gehe hin, bis das End komme (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Das Geheimnis des Herrn ist offenbaret, GWV 1118\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Das Geheimnis des Herrn ist unter denen, GWV 1170\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Das Geheimnis des Herrn ist unter denen, GWV 1170\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Geheimnisvolle Rose, Op.84 (Klinger, Ernst)|SScores\\1","Gehet ein durch die enge Pforte, TWV 1:592 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gehet hin in alle Welt (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Gehorsam ist besser denn Opfer, GWV 1169\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Geht hin und lehret alle V\u00f6lker (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Der Geist des Herrn, GWV 1138\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","3 Geistliche Abendlieder, Op.65 (Fuchs-Sch\u00f6nbach, Ernst)|SScores\\1","Geistliche Concerten, Teil 2 (Vierdanck, Johann)|PParts\\6","3 Geistliche Ges\u00e4nge, Op.63 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|SScores\\1","Geistliche Ges\u00e4nge, Op.110 (Reger, Max)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Geistliche Harmonien (Horn, Johann Caspar)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","50 Geistliche Lieder und Psalmen (Osiander, Lucas)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","6 Geistliche Lieder (Kollmann, Augustus Frederic Christopher)|SScores\\1","6 Geistliche Lieder, Op.45 (T\u00e4glichsbeck, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Geistliche Lieder (Luther, Martin)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Geistliche Oden (Various)|SScores\\1","20 Geistliche und Weltliche Teutsche Lieder (P\u00fchler, Johannes)|PParts\\4","Geistliche Volkslieder mit ihren urspr\u00fcnglichen Weisen (Various)|SScores\\1","Geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien, Theil 1 (Profe, Ambrosius)|SScores\\1|PParts\\6","Geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien, Theil 2 (Profe, Ambrosius)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien, Theil 3 (Profe, Ambrosius)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\7","Geistlicher Lateinisch und Teutscher Concerten und Psalmen Davids (Selich, Daniel)|SScores\\1|PParts\\12","Geistliches Lied (Loewe, Carl)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gellerts geistliche Oden und Lieder (Egli, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr der Gott Israel, GWV 1171\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Gelobet sei der Herr der Gott Israel (Heinichen, Johann David)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr der Gott Israel (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr mein Hort (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich, GWV 1133\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich, GWV 1153\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich, GWV 1155\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich, GWV 1162\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich, GWV 1165\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich, GWV 1165\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Gelobet sei der Herr, GWV 1171\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr, GWV 1174\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr, TWV 1:598 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei Gott der mein Gebet nicht verwirft, H.385 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei Gott und der Vater unsres Herrn Jesu Christi (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei Gott und der Vater, GWV 1141\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Gelobet sei Gott und der Vater, TWV 1:607 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gelobet sei Gott und der Vater, TWV 1:608 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei Gott und der Vater (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Gelobet seist du, Christe (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BWV 91 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (Anonymous)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\24|PScores and Parts\\24","Gelobet seist du, Jesus Christ, TWV 1:611 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gelobet seist du, Jesus Christ, TWV 1:612 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gelobt sei Gott im h\u00f6chsten Thron (Vulpius, Melchior)|NNaxos\\0","The Gem Rose (Arakelian, Grigor)|SScores\\1","3 Gemischte Ch\u00f6re (Hausegger, Siegmund von)|SScores\\3","Gen Himmel f\u00e4hrt der Herre Christ (Eccard, Johannes)","Gentle God (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Gentle Maiden See Before Thee (Avery, H.)|SScores\\1","Gently Lead Us (Jerome, Frederick)|SScores\\1","Gently, Gently Wake the Song (Root, George Frederick)|SScores\\2","Genus superni luninis (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Georgian Song (Balakirev, Mily)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Der Gerechte h\u00e4lt sich weislich, GWV 1158\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Gerechte muss viel leiden, GWV 1108\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Gerechte schlage mich freundlich, GWV 1134\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Gerechte schlage mich freundlich, GWV 1134\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Gerechte wird gr\u00fcnen, GWV 1174\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Die Gerechten m\u00fcssen sich freuen, FaWV D:D4 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Der Gerechten Pfad gl\u00e4nzet, GWV 1139\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Gerechten Seelen sind in Gottes Hand (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Die Gerechten werden sich des Herrn freuen, GWV 1101\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die Gerechten werden sich des Herrn freuen, GWV 1113\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die Gerechten werden weggerafft (Stoltzenberg, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Gerechten Wunsch muss doch geraten, GWV 1109\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gerechtigkeit erh\u00f6het ein Volk, GWV 1106\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gerechtigkeit ihr F\u00fcrsten, L.537 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Germanenzug, WAB 70 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Germania (T\u00e4glichsbeck, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Gesammelte Werke (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\71","Gesang der M\u00f6nche, WoO 104 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Gesang im Gr\u00fcnen, IBR 501 (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Gesang-Lehre (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\4","12 Ges\u00e4nge am Klavier, Heft 2 (Woelfl, Joseph)|SScores\\1","4 Ges\u00e4nge aus 'Wilhelm Meister', D.877 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Ges\u00e4nge der heiligen Liturgie (Various)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","7 Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr 4 M\u00e4nnerstimmen, Op.11 (Steinacker, Karl)|SScores\\1","10 Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerchor, Op.97 (Raff, Joachim)|SScores\\3","2 Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Bass (Schumann, Robert)|SScores\\2","Ges\u00e4nge und Lieder, Op.116 (Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","Ges\u00e4nge zur Leichenfeier, Op.29 (Gross, Johann Benjamin)|SScores\\1","6 Ges\u00e4nge (Schicht, Johann Gottfried)|SScores\\1","5 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.13 (Gade, Niels)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","4 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.20 (Goetz, Hermann)|SScores\\4","6 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.25 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","3 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.26 (D\u00fcrrner, Johann Ruprecht)|SScores\\1","5 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.31 (Schreck, Gustav)|SScores\\1","6 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.37 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","3 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.52 (Vierling, Georg)|SScores\\1","3 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.66 (Lachner, Franz Paul)|PParts\\1","3 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.73 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|SScores\\3","3 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.91 (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2","5 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.104 (Brahms, Johannes)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","4 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.124 (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\2","4 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.141 (Lachner, Franz Paul)|SScores\\2","8 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.165 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","5 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.235 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","3 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.354 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","Ges\u00e4nge, Sammlung 4 (Weber, Bernhard Anselm)|SScores\\1","8 Gesangquartette, JWV 26 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","2 Gesangsquartette, JWV 68 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\2","Geschwinde, ihr wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\21","Der gesegnete Kelch, GWV 1126\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gesellschaftliche Ges\u00e4nge, Op.11 (Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\6","Das Gesetz des Herrn ist ohne Wandel, GWV 1118\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Des Gesetzes Werk ist beschrieben, GWV 1150\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gespr\u00e4che \u00fcber die Evangelia, Teil 1 (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gest\u00e4ndnis eines getreuen Liebhabers, G.16 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Gethsemane (Williams, Charles Lee)|VVocal Scores\\1","Die Gewaltigen raten, GWV 1123\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ghirlanda de Madrigali a 4 voci (Aleotti, Vittoria)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\23|PScores and Parts\\23","Giacea la mia virt\u00f9 vinta e smarita (Zanotti, Camillo)|SScores\\1","Gianguir (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\8|PParts\\5","La Giara (Casella, Alfredo)|SScores\\1","Gib dem Volke dass sie essen, GWV 1148\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gib unserm F\u00fcrsten und aller Obrigkeit, SWV 373 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Gionata (Piccinni, Niccol\u00f2)|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Giona (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Il giorno si bello (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\1","Giorno terribile (Calegari, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Giovane illustre, sopra il Mincio nata (Striggio, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","The Gipsy Countess (Glover, Stephen Ralph)|SScores\\4","Gitene Ninfe (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Gi\u00f9 ne' tartarei regni, S.423 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Giuditta, R.500.9 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4","Giulietta mia (Gomes, Carlos)|SScores\\1","Giunto alla tomba (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Il Giuseppe riconosciuto (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\4|PParts\\10","Giustino, HWV 37 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\3","Give Me Not Love, Op.61 (Beach, Amy Marcy)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Give Thanks to God (Novello, Vincent)|SScores\\1","Glaube Liebe Hoffnung (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Der Glaube, BreB A2.WoO 5 (Bergt, August)|PParts\\1","Glaube, Hoffnung und Liebe, D.954 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Des Glaubenstrieb ist stets gesch\u00e4ftig, GWV 1162\/42a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","6 Glees for 3 and 4 Voices (Denman, Henry)|SScores\\1","4 Glees (King, Matthew Peter)|SScores\\1","6 Glees (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","6 Glees (Spofforth, Reginald)|SScores\\1","6 Glees (Walmisley, Thomas Forbes)|SScores\\1","5 Glees, Op.12 (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Gleich wie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel f\u00e4llt, BWV 18 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\37|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Gleich wie ein kleines V\u00f6gelein (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Das Gleichnis vom barmherzigen Samariter (Beer, Hans-Peter)|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\57","Gleichwie du nicht weisest den Weg, GWV 1141\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","La gloire, Op.131 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SScores\\1","Gl\u00f6mska (Andr\u00e9e, Elfrida)|SScores\\1","Gloria d'amore (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gloria e lode a te, Cristo Signore (Stella, Simone)|SScores\\1","Gloria in altissimis Deo (Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita)|SScores\\1","Gloria in C major (Zane, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Gloria in D major, RV 588 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6","Gloria in excelsis Deo, BWV 191 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Pease, Frederick Henry)|SScores\\1","Gloria in excelsis, A 587 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Gloria in excelsis, A 606a (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\2","Gloria in excelsis, In.142 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Gloria in G major, RV Anh.24 (Ruggieri, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1","Gloria Patri et Filio, Z.105 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gloria Patri et Sicut erat (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Gloria Patri in E-flat major (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Gloria Patri pour le De Profundis, H.205 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Gloria Patri, Op.10 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Gloria Patri, Op.26 (Saar, Donat)|VVocal Scores\\1","Gloria Settings (Binchois, Gilles)|SScores\\4","Gloria Solemne in C major, W.YE 3 (Bach, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","Gloria tibi Trinitas, Op.30e (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","Gloria, A 617 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gloria, laus et honor (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Gloria, Op.105 (Alburger, Mark)|VVocal Scores\\1","Gloria, ZWV 30 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3|PParts\\10","Gloriose confessor (Guerrero, Francisco)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Der glorreiche Augenblick, Op.136 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","Glory be to the Father (Ayrton, Edmund)|SScores\\1","Glory be to the Father (Overend, Marmaduke)|SScores\\1","Glory to God in the Highest (Bayley, Clowes)|SScores\\1","Glory to God in the Highest (Bortniansky, Dmytro)|SScores\\1","Glory to God (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|RRecordings\\2|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Das Gl\u00fcck von Edenhall, Op.143 (Schumann, Robert)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","Gl\u00fcck zu dem Helikon, SWV 96 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Gl\u00fccklich lebt vor Noth geborgen, Op.3 (Kalafati, Vasily)|SScores\\2","Der Gl\u00fcckliche, G.17 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Gl\u00fcck (Dreyer, Heinz Theo)|SScores\\1","Die Gnad kombt oben her, LV 747 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Der Gnadenbrunn fleusst noch, GWV 1141\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Der Gnadenbrunn' fleusst noch, GWV 1143\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die Gnadent\u00fcr ist aufgetan, GWV 1144\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Go Tell Amynta, Gentle Swain, Z.489 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Go Tell it on de Mountains! (Burleigh, Harry Thacker)|SScores\\1","Go, Happy Rose (Iliffe, Frederick)|SScores\\1","Go, Idle Boy (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","The Goblet, Op.61 (Arensky, Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","God in me (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","God is Gone Up! (Hopkins, Edward John)|SScores\\1","God is Our Refuge (Foote, Arthur)|SScores\\1","God of the Earnest Heart (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\1","God Our Life, Op.14 (Smith, David Stanley)|VVocal Scores\\1","God, Be in My Head (Davies, Walford)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","God, that madest earth and heaven (Hogarth, George)|SScores\\1","God, Who is Rich in Mercy (Garrett, George Mursell)|SScores\\1","Going Out with the Tide! (Pease, Alfred Humphries)|SScores\\1","The Golden Cloud Did Sleep (Dargomyzhsky, Aleksandr)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Golden Lyre (Taylor, Virgil Corydon)|SScores\\1","The Golden Threshold (Lehmann, Liza)|VVocal Scores\\1","Le golfe de Baya (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SScores\\1","Golgatha, Op.65 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|VVocal Scores\\1","Gondelfahrer, D.809 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Gondoliere des Dogen (Reznicek, Emil von)|VVocal Scores\\2","Good King Wenceslas (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Good News (McIntosh, Rigdon McCoy)|SScores\\1","Good Night, Beloved! (Monk, Edwin George)|SScores\\1","Good Night, Good Night Beloved (Lindsay, Maria)|SScores\\1","Good Night, Good Night, Beloved (Pinsuti, Ciro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","The Good Old Plough (Hutchinson, Asa B.)|SScores\\1","The Good Shepherd (Oczko, Michael John)|SScores\\1","Good-Night (Barton, Claude)|SScores\\1","Goodnight Song (Dyson, Peter)|SScores\\2","The Goslings (Bridge, Frederick)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Gospel Harmonist (Whittemore, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Gotentreue, Op.138 (Rauchenecker, Georg Wilhelm)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Gott deine Gerechtigkeit ist hoch, GWV 1175\/39c (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott der Herr der M\u00e4chtige redet, GWV 1101\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott der Herr der M\u00e4chtige redet, GWV 1103\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott der Herr ist Sonne und Schild, GWV 1113\/54 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Gott der Vater Jesus Christus (Kuhnau, Johann)|SScores\\1","Gott der Vater wohn uns bei (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Gott der Vater wohn uns bei (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Der Gott des Friedens, TWV 1:250 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott du bist derselbe mein K\u00f6nig (Meder, Johann Valentin)|PParts\\1","Gott du erh\u00f6rest Gebet, GWV 1160\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gott du Gott Israel deinem Namen sei ewig Ehr', P.173 (Pachelbel, Johann)|SScores\\1","Gott du labest die Elenden, GWV 1161\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott eilet mit den Seinen, GWV 1157\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Gott f\u00e4hret auf mit Jauchzen, BWV 43 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\18|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|BBooks\\2|OOther\\2","Gott f\u00e4hret auf mit Jauchzen, F.75 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores\\2","Gott f\u00e4hret auf mit Jauchzen (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Gott f\u00fchrt die Seinen wunderbar, GWV 1115\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott gebe euch viel Gnade und Friede, GWV 1109\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott gef\u00e4llige Music-Freude (Volckmar, Tobias)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gott gib dein Gericht dem K\u00f6nige, GWV 1125\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott hat den der von keiner S\u00fcnde wusste, GWV 1119\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott hat den der von keiner S\u00fcnde wusste, GWV 1125\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott hat Geduld mit uns, TWV 1:653 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott hat uns berufen, TWV 1:656 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott hat uns das ewige Leben gegeben, TWV 1:657 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott hat uns nicht gesetzt zum Zorn, GWV 1139\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Gott hat uns selig gemacht, GWV 1117\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Gott hilf mir denn das Wasser (Theile, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott hilf mir, BuxWV 34 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gott ist der Herr (Pachaly, Traugott Immanuel)|SScores\\1","Gott ist die Liebe, GWV 1139\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gott ist ein rechter Richter, TWV 1:663 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott ist getreu, GWV 1121\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott ist mein Hirt (L\u00f6w, Rudolf)|SScores\\1","Gott ist mein K\u00f6nig, BWV 71 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Gott ist treu, GWV 1159\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott ist unser Zuversicht, JLB 1 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Gott ist unsre Zuversicht und St\u00e4rke (Doles, Johann Friedrich)|PParts\\1","Gott ist wundersam in seinem Heiligtum (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Gott ist's der in euch wirket, GWV 1163\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott kennt und siehet die Gedanken, GWV 1160\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott kommt mein Herz lass dich bewegen, GWV 1102\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott liebt die Welt, GWV 1139\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott macht ein grosses Mahl, GWV 1143\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Gott macht ein grosses Mahl, GWV 1143\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)","Gott man lobet dich in der Stille, GWV 1109\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Gott muss richten, GWV 1102\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott rechnet ach was soll ich machen, GWV 1163\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott segnet den Frommen ihre G\u00fcter, TWV 1:679 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Gott segnet den Frommen ihre G\u00fcter (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gott sei Dank der uns den Sieg gegeben hat (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gott sei Dank durch alle Welt (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gott sei gedanket dass ihr Knechte, GWV 1111\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\19|PScores and Parts\\19","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig denn Menschen wollen, GWV 1158\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig nach deiner G\u00fcte, GWV 1122\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig nach deiner G\u00fcte (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig nach deiner G\u00fcte (Theile, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig, TWV 1:681 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig (Kuhnau, Johann)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Gott sei uns gn\u00e4dig, GWV 1109\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Gott selbst ist Richter aller Welt, GWV 1102\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott sieh uns gn\u00e4dig an (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Gott sorgt f\u00fcr mich, Op.177 (Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Gott steigt herab, L.511 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Gott stellt mit Knechten Rechnung an, GWV 1163\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gott straft den Kanken auf seinem Bette, TWV 1:684 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Gott und Menschen sind getrennt, GWV 1104\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Gott unsers Herrn Jesu Christi, TWV 1:254 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Gott unsrer V\u00e4ter hat Jesum, GWV 1130\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Die Gott vertrauen, die erfahren, TWV 1:344 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott wacht ob den Seinen, GWV 1110\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Gott warum verst\u00f6ssest du uns, GWV 1151\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Gott widerstehet den Hoff\u00e4rtigen, GWV 1120\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Gott wie Dein Name (L\u00fcbeck, Vincent)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4","Gott will mich auch probieren, GWV 1121\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott wir warten deiner G\u00fcte, GWV 1174\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott wird alle Werke, GWV 1150\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott wird ein schwaches Menschenkind, GWV 1107\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gott Zebaoth wende dich doch, GWV 1117\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott! Du l\u00e4ssest mich erfahren, TWV 1:638 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott, bei dir ist die lebendige Quelle, TWV 1:633 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6","Gott, deine G\u00fcte reicht so weit (Drobisch, Carl Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Gott, du bist gross, Op.98 (Spohr, Louis)|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Gott, man lobet dich in der Stille, BWV 120 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Gott, wie dein Name, so ist auch dein Ruhm, BWV 171 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\1","Gottes Kraft ist in den Schwachen, GWV 1153\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Gottes Liebe gehet weit, TWV 1:640 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Gottes Rat ist wunderbarlich (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gottes Rat ist wunderbar (Petri, Balthasar Abraham)|SScores\\1","Gottes Wille meint es gut, GWV 1114\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gottes Wort und Jesum lieben, GWV 1123\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gottesfurcht, der Weisheit Quelle, TWV 1:639 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gottlob der Glanz der Freiheit strahlet, GWV 1149\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gottlob der Satan ist geschlagen, GWV 1122\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gottlob! nun geht das Jahr zu Ende, BWV 28 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|BBooks\\1|OOther\\3","Der Gottlose bestehet nicht, GWV 1125\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Der Gottlose dr\u00e4uet dem Gerechten, GWV 1124\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Gottlose ist wie ein Wetter, TWV 1:251 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Der Gottlose lauert auf den Gerechten, GWV 1164\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Der Gottlose lauert im Verborgenen, GWV 1158\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Gottlose lauert, da\u00df er den Elenden erhasche, TWV 1:253 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Gottlosen Arbeit, JLB 2 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\3|PParts\\5","Der Gottlosen Opfer ist dem Herrn ein Greuel, GWV 1147\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die Gottseligkeit ist zu allen Dingen n\u00fctz, GWV 1123\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gouttes et pleurs (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Das Grab, D.329a (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Das Grab, D.643a (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Das Grab (Schnyder von Wartensee, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\2","Grablied bei der Begr\u00e4bnisfeier Klara Vespermanns (Stuntz, Joseph Hartmann)|SScores\\1","Grablied (Graetz, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Grablied (Keller, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","The Grace of God That Bringeth Salvation (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Gradual do Esp\u00edrito Santo (Silva, Jo\u00e3o de Ara\u00fajo)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Gradual e Ofert\u00f3rio de Quinta-feira Santa II (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Gradual e Ofert\u00f3rio de Quinta-feira Santa I (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Gradual e Ofert\u00f3rio do Esp\u00edrito Santo (Ferreira, Miguel Teodoro)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Graduale pastorale (Labler, Franti\u0161ek Xaver Martin)|PParts\\1","Graduale (Krogulski, J\u00f3zef W.)|SScores\\1","6 Gradualien, Op.318 (Czerny, Carl)|SScores\\1","Grand Magnificat in C major (Novello, Vincent)|SScores\\1","The Grand Rally! (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)|SScores\\3","Grand Sonata, Op.16 (Loewe, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Grande messe des morts, H 75 (Berlioz, Hector)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Grands Motets, LWV 77 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\18","Gr\u00e6nlandsv\u00edsur (Sigf\u00fas Einarsson)|SScores\\1","Gravi pene in amor si provan molte (Guami, Gioseffo)","Gravi pene in amor si provan molte (Paien, Gioan)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Grazie agl'inganni tuoi, K.532\/Anh.A 54 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Great and Marvellous (Turner, Edmund)|SScores\\1","Great is the Lord (Federlein, Gottfried Harrison)|SScores\\1","Great Mass in C major (Rieder, Ambros)|SScores\\8|PParts\\18","Great Orpheus Was a Fiddler (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|SScores\\1","The Greeting Glee (Barker, Nathan)|SScores\\1","Greiffenbergische Psalter- und Harfen-Lust (M\u00f6ller, Johann)|SScores\\4","Grilanda musicale (Various)|SScores\\1","Gross sind die Werke des Herrn, GWV 1138\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gross sind die Werke des Herrn, GWV 1139\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gross sind die Werke des Herrn, GWV 1171\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gross sind die Werke des Herrn, GWV 1174\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\15","Gro\u00df und wundersam sind deine Werk' (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Gross und wundersam sind deine Werke, GWV 1134\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gro\u00df und wundersam sind deine Werke (Petri, Balthasar Abraham)|SScores\\1","Der grosse Drache z\u00fcrnt (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Grosse Garce (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Der grosse Gott der Herr, GWV 1150\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der grosse Gott will seinen Sohn, GWV 1161\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\8","Der grosse Hirt stirbt f\u00fcr die Herde, GWV 1132\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Grosse Messe, Op.16 (Becker, Albert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Grosse Messe, Op.37 (Braunfels, Walter)|SFull Scores\\1","Grosse St\u00e4dte, grosse S\u00fcnden, TWV 1:702 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der gro\u00dfe Tag des Herren (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Grosse Vokalmesse (Rauchenecker, Georg Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Grosser Helfer komm und rette, GWV 1165\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gro\u00dfer Tag, du Tag der Freuden, GWV 1063 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Grosser Vater voll Erbarmen, GWV 1145\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Grosserer-Societetets Centenary Cantata, Op.31 (Nielsen, Carl)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Das gr\u00f6\u00dfte Kind (Mattheson, Johann)|SScores\\2","Der gr\u00f6sste Lehrer Jesus spricht, GWV 1147\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Growing Up (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Gru\u00df dem Vaterlande, Op.121 (Blum, Carl Wilhelm August)|SScores\\1","Guarda qui, che lo vedrai, Hob.XXVa:1 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\2","La guerri\u00e8re (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\1","Guillaume le Conqu\u00e9rant (Bernard, \u00c9mile)|VVocal Scores\\1","Guillot, un jour estant deliber\u00e9 (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Gustate et videte (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Gute Nacht o Wesen, GWV 1131\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Gute Nacht o Wesen, GWV 1143\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gute Nacht, s\u00fc\u00dfe Ruh, Op.21 (Nolopp, Friedrich Ernst Arnold Werner)|SScores\\1","Gute Nacht, vergangnes Jahr, TWV 1:704 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gute-Nacht (K\u00e9ler, B\u00e9la)|SScores\\1","Guter Hirte frommer Herden, GWV 1132\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Guter Hirte willst du nicht, GWV 1132\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Guter Hirte willst du nicht, GWV 1132\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Guter, seltzamer, und k\u00fcnstreicher teutscher Gesang (Schmeltzl, Wolfgang)|PParts\\4"],"H":["Ha del olvido (Dur\u00f3n, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Habe deine Lust an dem Herren (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\2","Habe deine Lust an dem Herrn, GWV 1153\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Habe deine Lust an dem Herrn, TWV 1:705 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Habe deine Lust an dem Herrn (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Habt einerlei Sinn untereinander, GWV 1158\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Habt ihr nicht gesehen den meine Seele liebet, R 5.1.75 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\1","Habt nicht lieb die Welt, R 5.1.76 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\1","Habt nicht lieb die Welt, TWV 1:710 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hadumoth, Op.40 (Le Beau, Luise Adolpha)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Haec Deum coeli (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Haec dies quam fecit Dominus, S.56 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Haec dies quam fecit Dominus, ZWV 169 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Haec Dies, Op.6 (Jongen, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Haec dies, ZWV 170 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Haec dies (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Haec est dies (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\8","Haec quae ter triplici, LV 540 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Hagoromo (Komatsu, K\u014dsuke)|SFull Scores\\1","Hagoromo (Migot, Georges Elbert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hail monarch, sprung of race divine (Blow, John)|SScores\\1","Hail Smiling Morn (Spofforth, Reginald)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Hail the King!, Op.104 (Bartlett, Homer Newton)|SScores\\1","Hail, Bright Cecilia, Z.328 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Hail, lovely Nymph, whom Britain's isles adore (Chard, George William)|SScores\\1","Hakon Jarl, Op.142 (Reinecke, Carl)|VVocal Scores\\1","Halelwiah Drachefn (Various)|SScores\\1","Halleluja Dank und Ehre, GWV 1109\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Halleluja Dank und Ehre, GWV 1109\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Halleluja denn der allm\u00e4chtige Gott, GWV 1136\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Halleluja! Er lebt, TWV 1:712 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Halleluja! Weihnacht ist da! (Nestler, Theo)|SScores\\1","Halleluja, Op.63 (Rinck, Christian Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Hallelujah in C major (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Hallelujah Jesus lebt, GWV 1128\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Das Hallelujah von Pfeffel (Droste zu H\u00fclshoff, Maximilian Friedrich von)|SScores\\1","The Hallelujah (Waite, John James)|SScores\\4","Halleluja (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Halt im Ged\u00e4chtnis Jesum Christ, BWV 67 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\2","Halt, was du hast, TWV 8:9 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Halte! fausse route (Decq, Adhemar)|SScores\\1","Haltet meinen Sabbat, GWV 1158\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Hamilton's Select Psalmody (Various)|SScores\\1","The Handel Collection of Church Music (Johnson, Artemas Nixon)|SScores\\1","Hans Beutler der wollt reiten aus (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","Hark to Philomela singing (Knyvett, William)|SScores\\1","Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Arnold, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Hark! the nightingale is singing (Stratton, Stephen Samuel)|SScores\\1","Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Hark, Hark, My Soul (Lansing, A. W.)|SScores\\1","Hark, Hark, the Lark (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\4","Hark, how the wild musicians sing, Z.542 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Harmonia cantionum ecclesiasticarum (Calvisius, Seth)|SScores\\3","Harmoniae angelicae cantionum ecclesiasticarum (Bodenschatz, Erhard)|SScores\\1","The Harmonic Minstrelsey (Janes, Walter)|SScores\\1","Harmonie du Soir (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Die Harmonie in der Ehe, Hob.XXVc:2 (Haydn, Joseph)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Harmony of Sion (Roome, Francis)|SScores\\2","Harnasie, Op.55 (Szymanowski, Karol)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","The Harp of Glory (Dale, William Thomas)|SScores\\2","The Harp of Judah (Emerson, Luther Orlando)|SScores\\1","The Harp of the West (Various)|SScores\\1","Harpa de Si\u00e3o (Lehmann, Jo\u00e3o Baptista)|SScores\\3","Harpens kraft (Mondrup, Christian)|SScores\\3","Harre auf den Herrn, GWV 1142\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Harto de tanta porfia (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Das H\u00e4schen (Bunk, Gerard)|SScores\\1","Hassan, RT I\/9 (Delius, Frederick)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Hast du denn, Jesu, dein Angesicht, TWV 1:718 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hastings's Church Music (Hastings, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Hat uns der Teufel gen Teiningen bracht (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","Die Hauptsumma des Gebots ist Liebe, GWV 1159\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Das Haus der Gottlosen wird vertilget, GWV 1170\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Hausmusik aus alter Zeit (Riemann, Hugo)|SScores\\1","Have You Seen But the White Lily Grow? (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","He is Risen! (Gadsby, Henry Robert)|SScores\\1","Heac est dies quam fecit Dominus (Caruso, Giuseppe)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Health to My Dear (Spofforth, Reginald)|SScores\\1","Hear my voice, O God (Neate, Charles)|SScores\\1","Hear the Easter Bells (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","Hear the Voice and Prayer (Tallis, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Hear, O thou Shepherd of Israel (Yarwood, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Hearken unto Me, My People (Sullivan, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Heart To Heart (Salaman, Charles Kensington)|SScores\\1","Heave The Anchor (Barrett, William Alexander)|SScores\\1","The Heavenly Hallelujah (Randall of Wellingborough, William)|SScores\\1","The Heavens Declare the Glory of God (Macpherson, Charles)|SScores\\1","Hebet eure Augen auf gen Himmel, GWV 1102\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Hebet eure H\u00e4nde auf, GWV 1174\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Hebrew Hymnal for School and Home (Various)|SScores\\1","Die Heiden freuen sich, GWV 1111\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Heil du mich lieber Herre, H.376 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Das Heil ist ferne von den Gottlosen, GWV 1118\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Heil unserm K\u00f6nig (Schinn, Georg)|PParts\\1","Der Heiland ruht auf Flut und Wellen, GWV 1115\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Heiland warnt, GWV 1149\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die heilgen drei K\u00f6nige (Fr\u00f6hlich, Friedrich Theodor)|SScores\\1","Der Heilig Geist vom Himmel kam (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\10","Heilig ist der Herr Zebaoth (F\u00f6rster, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Heilig ist der Herr Zebaoth (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Heilig ist der Herr (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Heilig ist Gott der Herr Zebaoth (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Heilig ist Gott der Herr Zebaoth (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Heilig ist unser Gott, HoWV II.96 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Heilig, heilig, heilig heisst Gott, GWV 1141\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Heilig, heilig, heilig ist der Herr (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Das heilige Feuer (Uthmann, Gustav Adolf)|SScores\\1","Heilige Flammen der ewigen Liebe, TWV 1:719 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Heilige Geist so recht lehret, GWV 1137\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Heiliger Jesus und Sonntags-Freud (Scheiffelhut, Jacob)|PParts\\2","Heiliger Saame g\u00f6ttlicher Kraft, TWV 1:720 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Heilmittel (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Heimlich bin ich in Treuen dein (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Heinrich der Finkler, Op.15 (W\u00fcllner, Franz)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hej bracia czyli \u015bpicie (Krogulski, J\u00f3zef W\u0142adys\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Held, du hast den Feind gebunden (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","H\u00e9l\u00e8ne, H 40 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Helft mir Gottes g\u00fcte preisen (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Helft mir Gotts g\u00fcte preisen (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Die helle Sonn leucht jetzt herf\u00fcr (Vulpius, Melchior)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Hemmt eure Tr\u00e4nenflut (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Henry Miller in Brooklyn, Op.77 (Alburger, Mark)|SScores\\1","Henry of Navarre, Op.48 (Whiting, George Elbridge)|VVocal Scores\\1","Henry VIII (Sullivan, Arthur)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Heptaphonum opus musicum (Fiebig, Johann Christoph Anton)|PParts\\7","H\u00e9raclite et D\u00e9mocrite (Douay, Georges)|VVocal Scores\\1","Herbei, wer lustig sein will hier (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Herbes et fleurs qu'on voit renaistre (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Herbstgef\u00fchl (Kralik, Mathilde)|SScores\\1","Hercules, HWV 60 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Here in Cool Grot (Mornington, Garrett Colley Wellesley)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Here's to Thee, Dick, Z.493 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Hermanns Tod, WacR I:10 (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\1","The Heroes (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|SScores\\1","Herr Christ der einig Gottes Sohn, GWV 1139\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Herr Christ der einig Gottes Sohn, GWV 1159\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn, BWV 96 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Herr Christ, der einig Gottes son (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Herr Christe tu mir geben (Eccard, Johannes)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Herr deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben, GWV 1125\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Der Herr denket an uns, BWV 196 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Herr der K\u00f6nig freuet sich in deiner Kraft, GWV 1165\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr der unter ihnen ist, GWV 1147\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Herr du bist Gott, GWV 1174\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Herr du machst dein Werk lebendig, GWV 1113\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Herr du weissest alle Dinge (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Der Herr erh\u00e4lt alle die da fallen, GWV 1131\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr erh\u00f6re dich in der Not, GWV 1174\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr erh\u00f6re dich in der Not, GWV 1176\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herr erh\u00f6re mein Gebet, GWV 1163\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr es ist dir keiner gleich unter den G\u00f6ttern, GWV 1141\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Herr gedenke nicht (Neithardt, Heinrich August)|SScores\\1","Herr gehe nicht ins Gericht (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Der Herr geht aus des Grabes Banden, GWV 1128\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr gibt Weisheit, GWV 1131\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Herr Gott barmherzig und gn\u00e4dig, GWV 1163\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herr Gott des die Rache ist, GWV 1167\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr Gott dich loben wir, GWV 1109\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Herr Gott Vater mein starker Held, GWV 1161\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Herr Gott Zebaoth wer ist wie du, GWV 1115\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herr Gott Zebaoth, GWV 1131\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Herr Gott Zebaoth, wer ist, wie du, TWV 1:750 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr Gott, Beherrscher aller Dinge, BWV 120a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|OOther\\1","Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir, BWV 130 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Herr Gott, dich loben wir, BWV 16 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Herr Gott, dich loben wir (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\1","Herr Gott, dich loben wir (Silcher, Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Herr grosser Gott ach sieh doch, GWV 1152\/53b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herr haben wir nicht in deinem Namen, GWV 1167\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Herr hast du nicht guten Samen, GWV 1116\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr hat alles wohlgemacht, GWV 1153\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr hat gesagt zu meinem Herrn, GWV 1159\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)","Der Herr hat Gro\u00dfes an uns getan (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Der Herr hat Grosses an uns getan, GWV 1174\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr hat mich gehabt, GWV 1107\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Der Herr hat offenbaret seinen heiligen Arm (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Herr hat seine Stadt verlassen, GWV 1151\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Der Herr hat unsere Gerechtigkeit hervorgebracht, GWV 1146\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr h\u00f6ret die Armen, GWV 1155\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr ich habe lieb die St\u00e4tte deines Hauses (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Herr ich habe lieb die St\u00e4tte, GWV 1112\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Herr ich rufe zu dir eile zu mir (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Der Herr ist allen g\u00fctig, GWV 1105\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist allen g\u00fctig, GWV 1148\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist aufgefahren in die H\u00f6he, GWV 1136\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist deine Zuversicht, GWV 1120\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist freundlich, GWV 1103\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist gerecht in allen seinen Wegen (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist gern bei denen Seinen, GWV 1113\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist Gott der uns erleuchtet (Liebe, Christian)|PParts\\1","Der Herr ist Gott der uns erleuchtet, GWV 1138\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist gross in seinen Werken, GWV 1123\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist gross zu Zion, GWV 1101\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Der Herr ist gross, GWV 1171\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Der Herr ist Hirt, GWV 1132\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist ihre St\u00e4rke, GWV 1174\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist in seinem heiligen Tempel, GWV 1138\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist K\u00f6nig des freue sich, GWV 1101\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist K\u00f6nig und herrlich geschm\u00fcckt, GWV 1101\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, BWV 112 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|OOther\\3","Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, GWV 1140\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, GWV 1140\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, GWV 1148\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist mein Gut, GWV 1169\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist mein Hirt (Klein, Bernhard)|RRecordings\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Der Herr ist mein Hirt (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist mein Hirt, GWV 1132\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Der Herr ist mein Hirte (Br\u00e4uer, Carl Ehregott)|PParts\\1","Der Herr ist mein Hirte, Op.19 (Grell, Eduard)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist mein Hirte, TWV 1:266 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist mit mir, BuxWV 15 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Herr ist nah und niemand will ihn kennen, GWV 1104\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist nahe allen die ihn anrufen, GWV 1114\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Der Herr ist nahe allen, TWV 1:274 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist nahe bei denen, GWV 1114\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist nahe bei denen, GWV 1129\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Herr ist nahe bei denen, GWV 1152\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist nahe bei denen, TWV 1:275 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist nahe (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Herr ist Richter aller Welt, GWV 1102\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist siegreich auferstanden, GWV 1130\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist Sonne und Schild, GWV 1123\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist treu, GWV 1122\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist wahrhaftig auferstanden, GWV 1130\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Herr Jesu Christ du h\u00f6chstes Gut, GWV 1152\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr Jesu Christ du h\u00f6chstes Gut, GWV 1152\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herr Jesu Christ du h\u00f6chstes Gut, GWV 1160\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Herr Jesu Christ wahr Mensch und Gott (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend, TWV 1:755 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr Jesu Christ, du h\u00f6chstes Gut, BWV 113 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18|OOther\\2","Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott, BWV 127 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\2","Herr Jesu Christ (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Herr Jesu Geist wahr' Mensch und Gott (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Herr Jesu Licht der Heiden (Westenholz, Carl August Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Herr Jesu, Gnadensonne (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Der Herr kennet die Tage der Frommen, TWV 1:281 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Der Herr l\u00e4sset sein Heil verk\u00fcndigen, GWV 1126\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr lebet, TWV 1:284 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Herr lehre doch mich da\u00df es ein Ende, H.310 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Herr lehre mich tun nach deinem Wohlgefallen (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Der Herr machet zunichte, GWV 1164\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr macht alles wohl (Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb)|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Herr nachdem er mit ihnen geredet, GWV 1136\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr nun l\u00e4ssest du deinen Diener, GWV 1169\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr nun l\u00e4ssest du deinen Diener, GWV 1169\/45a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Herr nun l\u00e4ssest du deinen Diener (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Herr nun l\u00e4ssest du deinen Diener (Jacobi, Christian August)|SScores\\1","Herr nun l\u00e4\u00dft du deinen Diener, BuxWV 37 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Der Herr regieret, TWV 1:285 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Der Herr schauet vom Himmel, GWV 1150\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Herr sende den Sch\u00f6pfer der Tugend (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Der Herr sprach zu dem Knechte, GWV 1143\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Herr strafe mich nicht in deinem Zorn (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Herr tue meine Lippen auf (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Der Herr \u00fcbet Gewalt, GWV 1152\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr unser Gott sei mit uns, GWV 1145\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Herr unser Gott, GWV 1174\/17 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Herr unser Herrscher wie herrlich ist dein Name (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Der Herr vergibt die S\u00fcnden, GWV 1160\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr verst\u00f6\u00dfet nicht ewiglich, TWV 1:288 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\2","Herr warum trittest du so ferne, GWV 1121\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr weiss alle Dinge, GWV 1160\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr weiss die Gottseligen aus der Versuchung zu erl\u00f6sen (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Herr wenn ich nur dich habe, GWV 1175\/31a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr wenn Tr\u00fcbsal da ist (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Herr wer ist dir gleich unter den G\u00f6ttern (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Herr wer wird wohnen, GWV 1145\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Herr wie du willst so will auch ich, GWV 1114\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Herr wie gro\u00df ist deine G\u00fcte, RoemV 201 (R\u00f6mhild, Johann Theodor)|PParts\\1","Herr wie lange willst du mein so gar vergessen, GWV 1121\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr wie sind deine Werke so gross, GWV 1109\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Herr wie sind deine Werke so gross, GWV 1156\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Herr wir warten deiner G\u00fcte, GWV 1174\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Der Herr wird den Elenden, TWV 1:291 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Herr wird dich segnen aus Zion, GWV 1169\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr wird euch in Tr\u00fcbsal, GWV 1123\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr wird K\u00f6nig sein, GWV 1101\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr wird mit Gerechtigkeit, F.81 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores\\2","Der Herr wird seinem Volk Kraft geben (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Der Herr wird seinem Volk Kraft geben, GWV 1130\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr wird seinem Volk Kraft geben, GWV 1131\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr wohin sollen wir gehen, GWV 1129\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Herr Zebaoth der Gott Israel, GWV 1174\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Der Herr zeucht Gerechtigkeit an, HoWV II.120 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Der Herr zu deiner Rechten, F.73 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores\\1","Herr! Dein Wort erh\u00e4lt, TWV 1:735 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr! Meiner Sehnsucht Seltenheit eilt, TWV 1:764 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Herr! Schau! Die Seele steht dir offen, TWV 1:766a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr! straf mich nicht in deinem Zorne! (Knecht, Justin Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Herr, dein Wille geschehe, Op.1 (Fuchs-Sch\u00f6nbach, Ernst)|SScores\\1","Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben, BWV 102 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\25|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\1","Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben, TWV 1:734 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr, die Wasserstr\u00f6me erheben sich, GWV 1115\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht mit deinem Knecht, BWV 105 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|OOther\\1","Herr, h\u00f6re meine Worte (Grotthuss, Dietrich Ewald von)|SScores\\1","Herr, ich bin beide, TWV 1:753 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr, ich bin nicht wert (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Herr, ich habe lieb die St\u00e4tte deines Hauses, TWV 2:2 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Herr, ich lasse dich nicht, BuxWV 36 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Herr, nun l\u00e4ssest du deinen Diener, SWV 432-433 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Herr, schau doch meine matte Seele, TWV 1:767 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Herr, sei mir gn\u00e4dig, denn mir ist Angst, TWV 1:769 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Herr, sie haben nicht Wein (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Herr, unser Gott! (Schnabel, Joseph)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Herr, was mu\u00df ich tun, da\u00df ich das ewige Leben erbe, TWV 1:775 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Herr, wer wird wohnen in deiner H\u00fctte?, GWV 1145\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Herr, wer wird wohnen in deiner H\u00fctte (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Herr, wie du willt, so schick's mit mir, BWV 73 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|OOther\\1","Herr, wie lange willst du mein so gar vergessen (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Herr, wir liegen vor dir, TWV 1:782 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Des Herren Segen machet reich, H.368 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Des Herren Tag wird kommen, GWV 1166\/12a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herren v\u00e5r Gud, BuxWV 40 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Des Herrn Rat ist wunderbarlich, R 5.1.30 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|SScores\\2","Hertz und Auge m\u00fcssen weinen (St\u00e4hle, Mika Ruben)|RRecordings\\9|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Herz bedenke was du bist, NesF A71 (Freislich, Johann Balthasar Christian)|SScores\\2","Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0","Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\21|PParts\\34|VVocal Scores\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\86","Herz, mein Herz, h\u00f6r' auf zu klagen (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Herz, Mut und Gier weicht nit von dir (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Herzbrechend ist das Augenbrechen, TWV 1:782a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr, BuxWV 41 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, O Herr, TWV 1:783 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herzlich tut mich verlangen, GWV 1165\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herzlich tut mich verlangen (Hassler, Hans Leo)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Heth. Cogitavit Dominus (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Heth. Cogitavit Dominus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Heu me quid faciam misera tulerunt Dominum meum (Leoni, Leone)|SScores\\1","Heulet denn des Herrn Tag ist nahe, GWV 1102\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Heure du soir (Adam, Adolphe)|SScores\\1","Heures d'amour (Kastner, Jean-Georges)|SScores\\2","Heut ist der Tag recht freudenreich, GWV 1105\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn, BuxWV 43 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn, GWV 1129\/15 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn (Gesius, Bartholom\u00e4us)|SScores\\2","Heute geht aus seiner Kammer, TWV 1:787 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hey diddle diddle (Nathan, Isaac)|SScores\\1","Heyri\u00f0 t\u00edmans kr\u00f6fur kalla (Magn\u00fas Einarsson)|SScores\\1","Hezekiah (Armes, Philip)|VVocal Scores\\2","Hiawatha (Burton, Frederick Russell)","Hibernia (Weyman, David)|SScores\\1","Hic est beatissimus Evangelista (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Hic est Praecursor dilectus (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Hic vir despiciens mundum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Hide Not Thou Thy Face From Us, O Lord (Farrant, Richard)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Hier hab ich manche Plage, TWV 1:794 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Hier ist mein Herz, geliebter Jesu, TWV 1:795 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hier will ich bei dir stehen, HoWV I.Anh.5 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|PParts\\1","High Germany (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Hilf dass ich rede stets, GWV 1165\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Hilf deinem Volk und segne dein Erbe (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Hilf Gott, wie ist der menschen not (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\19|PScores and Parts\\19","Hilf Herr die Welt ist frech, GWV 1134\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Hilf Herr! O hilf, du gro\u00dfer K\u00f6nig, TWV 1:803 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hilf, Herr, die Heiligen haben abgenommen, TWV 1:800 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hilfft mich jetzt nit fre\u00fcntlicher gru\u00df (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Der Himmel dacht auf Anhalts Ruhm und Gl\u00fcck, BWV 66a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1","Die Himmel erz\u00e4hlen die Ehre Gottes, BWV 76 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\22|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Die Himmel erz\u00e4hlen die Ehre Gottes, SWV 455 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Himmel lacht! die Erde jubiliert, BWV 31 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\28|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Der Himmel majest\u00e4tischer Lieder, L.539 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Himmel und Erde sind voll seiner G\u00fcte, L.535 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Himmel und Erde vergehen (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Himmel und Erde vergehen (Klein, Bernhard)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Himmelsk\u00f6nig, sei willkommen, BWV 182 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\19|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Himmelssonne, Seelenwonne, GWV 1112\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Himno de Yeron (Castillo Hidalgo, Mauricio Andr\u00e9s)|SScores\\1","Hinni, Op.29 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores\\2","Der hinunter gefahren ist (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Hiob's Todessang (Loewe, Carl)|VVocal Scores\\2","Der Hirte Coridon I (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Die Hirten bey der Krippe zu Bethlehem (Westenholz, Carl August Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Hispaniae schola musica sacra (Pedrell, Felipe)|SScores\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Historie extraordinaire d'un pantin de bois (Torrent, Claude)|SScores\\2","L'hiver, Op.18 (Bordes, Charles)|SScores\\1","Hoc in templo, summe Deus (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Hoch tut euch auf (Klein, Bernhard)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Hoch vom Himmel komm ich her (Luidke, Matth\u00e4us)|SScores\\1","Das hochbetr\u00fcbte F\u00fcrstenhaus, GWV 1175\/16b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","H\u00f6chster Formierer, GWV 1153\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","H\u00f6chster, deine Macht und G\u00fcte, HoWV II.178 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","H\u00f6chsterw\u00fcnschtes Freudenfest, BWV 194 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\16|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|LLibrettos\\1|OOther\\6","Hochzeit der Thetis, Op.120 (Loewe, Carl)|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Hochzeitsbraten, D.930 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Hochzeitsglocken, WoO 159 (Mo\u00f3r, Emanuel)|VVocal Scores\\1","3 Hochzeitslieder, Op.71 (Volkmann, Robert)|SScores\\1","Hodie Christus natus est, SWV 456 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Hodie Christus natus est, SwWV 163 (Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\21","Hodie Christus natus est (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","Hodie Christus natus est (Feltz, Louis)|SScores\\3","Hodie Christus natus est (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Hodie Christus natus est (Rousseau, Samuel Alexandre)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hodie completi sunt dies Pentecostes, Ch.57 (Gabrieli, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Hodie completi sunt dies Pentecostes (Hassler, Hans Leo)|SScores\\1","Hodie completi sunt dies Pentecostes (Naldi, Romolo)|SScores\\1","Hodie in Bethlehem (Cervi, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Hodie nobis de coelo pax vera descendit (Porta, Costanzo)|SScores\\2","Hodie (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Hoert hier mijn lieve gheselle (Edelinck, Pieter)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Hoffen wir allein in diesem Leben, GWV 1129\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Hoffen wir allein in diesem Leben, GWV 1165\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Hoffet auf den Herrn allezeit, GWV 1114\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die Hoffnung die sich verzeucht, GWV 1121\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Das hohe Lied, WAB 74 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores\\6","Hoheit Stolz und Fleisches Wahn, GWV 1104\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Hohelied (Franck, Melchior)","Holla, gut Gsell (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Die h\u00f6llische Schlange (Meder, Johann Valentin)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","The Holy Child, Op.37 (Parker, Horatio)","The Holy City, Op.36 (Gaul, Alfred Robert)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Holy Night (Brewer, John Hyatt)|SScores\\1","Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\2","Holy, Holy, Holy (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|RRecordings\\2|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Homage to Belgium (Nichifor, Serban)|RRecordings\\4|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Home Thoughts (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Homeward Bound (Read, John Francis Holcombe)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hommage \u00e0 Aurel Stroe (Malancioiu, Gabriel)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Homo quidam fecit cenam magnam (Cima, Tullio)|SScores\\1","Homo quidam fecit cenam magnam (Gherardi, Biagio)|SScores\\1","Homo Quidam (Desmet, Aloys)|SScores\\1","Honey in duh rock (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Honorabile est inter omnes, LV 477 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Hoogmis (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\1","Hopeful for Voices Raised (Locks, Stephen Mark)|SScores\\1","Hor ch'a noi rimena (Rasi, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Hor fuggi infedele ombra (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","H\u00f6r zu von neuen sachen (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Hora Novissima, Op.30 (Parker, Horatio)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\4","H\u00f6re mein Volk (Petri, Balthasar Abraham)|SScores\\1","H\u00f6re Tochter schaue drauf, GWV 1161\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","H\u00f6ret zu, es ging ein S\u00e4mann aus (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","H\u00f6rst du den Ton, der deinen Namen feiert (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","H\u00f6rt Jesus will zum Vater gehen, GWV 1134\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","H\u00f6rt Menschen h\u00f6rt, GWV 1118\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Hortus Conclusus (Crachelius, Tobias)|SScores\\1","Hortus Musicus I, Op.20 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\6","Hortus Musicus II, Op.36 (Peters, Rob)|SFull Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Hosanna \u00e0 saint Viateur (Descarries, Auguste)|SScores\\1","Hosanna Filio David (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Hosanna to the Prince of Light (Blumenschein, William Leonard)|SScores\\1","Hosanna to the Son of David (Weelkes, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Hosianna dem Sohne David, TWV 1:808 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Hosianna dem Sohne David (Tunder, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Hosianna gelobet sei der da kommt, H.383 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Hosianna Jesus ziehet bei uns ein, GWV 1101\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Hosianna sei willkommen, GWV 1174\/09 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Hosianna! Dieses soll die Losung sein, TWV 1:810 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hostias et preces (Sabbatini, Luigi Antonio)|SScores\\2","Hostis Herodes impie (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Houtebeen (Franceschina, John Charles)|SScores\\1","How Beauteous are Their Feet (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|SScores\\1","How Beautiful upon the Mountains (Smith, Robert Archibald)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","How Excellent is Thy Name (Risher, Anna Priscilla)|SScores\\1","How far is it to Bethlehem? (Shaw, Geoffrey Turton)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","How Goodly are Thy Tents (Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore)|SScores\\1","How Great Are the Blessings, Z.494 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","How Lovely are Thy Dwellings (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","How sleep the brave (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\2","How Still and Peaceful is the Grave (Tye, Christopher)|SScores\\1","How Sweet Is the Air and Refreshing, Z.495 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","How the Viking Got his Horns (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1|OOther\\1","Hoyda, hoyda, jolly rutterkin (Cornysh, William)|SScores\\2","Le Hoyoux (Mathieu, \u00c9mile)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hujus obtentu Deus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Humorous Quartets for Men's Voices (Kratz, Lee G.)|SScores\\2","Humptie Dumptie (Macirone, Clara Angela)|SScores\\1","The Hunt Is Up (Hatton, John Liptrot)|SScores\\1","Hunting Song (Bullard, Frederic Field)|SScores\\1","A Hunts Up (Bennet, John)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Hush, Hush! Tread Softly (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\1","H\u00fctet euch, da\u00df eure Herzen nicht beschweret werden (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Hvi vil du dig saa klage, CNW 177 (Nielsen, Carl)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Hymn 337, Op.10 (Carozzi, Napoleone)|SScores\\1","Hymn for a Dead Comrade (Macy, James Cartwright)|SScores\\1","A Hymn for the Fast Day (Addison, John)|SScores\\1","Hymn for the Golden Jubilee of the Priesthood of Pope Leo XIII (Wiegand, John)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hymn na Zwiastowanie Naj\u015bwi\u0119tszej Maryi Panny (Gruberski, Eugeniusz)|SScores\\1","The Hymn of Adam and Eve (Galliard, Johann Ernst)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Hymn of the 4 Voices Without Lyrics (Eom, Dae-Ho)|SScores\\1","Hymn to Adversity (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Hymn to Eros, Op.19 (Strube, Gustav)|VVocal Scores\\2","A Hymn to God the Father (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","A Hymn with Various Harmonies to the Same Melody (Kollmann, Augustus Frederic Christopher)|SScores\\1","Hymne \u00e0 l'Et\u00e9, Op.61 (Schmitt, Florent)|SScores\\1","Hymne \u00e0 la Libert\u00e9, RH 628 (Gossec, Fran\u00e7ois Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Hymne an die Kunst, Op.25 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hymne an die Musik, Op.82 (Baldamus, Gustav)|SScores\\1","Hymne auf die Natur (Neubauer, Franz Christoph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\2","Hymne de la Nuit, Op.60 (Neukomm, Sigismund)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Hymne des Marseillais, H 51A (Berlioz, Hector)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\13","Hymne til kunsten, CNW 113 (Nielsen, Carl)|SScores\\2","Hymne, Op.7 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Hymnen der orthodoxen orientalischen Kirche (Preyer, Gottfried)|SScores\\2","3 Hymnen, Op.50 (Krufft, Nikolaus von)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","3 Hymnes \u00e0 saint Nicaise, H.55-57 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Hymni in sacris pro defunctis (Hor\u00e1k, V\u00e1clav Emanuel)|SScores\\1","4 Hymni Mariani, Op.47 (Walczy\u0144ski, Franciszek)|SScores\\1","Hymni Sacri de Sanctissimo Sacramento, Op.22 (\u017bukowski, Otton Mieczys\u0142aw)|SScores\\2","4 Hymni, Op.7 (Gordigiani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Hymnos Andron, Op.53 (Parker, Horatio)","12 Hymns and 4 Anthems, Op.1 (Bond, Hugh)|SScores\\3","12 Hymns and a Favourite Lyric-Poem (Milgrove, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Hymns and Tunes as sung at St. Thomas's Church (Warren, George William)|SScores\\1","12 Hymns from German Masters of 15th Century (Gerber, Rudolf)|SScores\\1","Hymns of Praise and Prayer, with Tunes (Various)|SScores\\1","4 Hymns (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Hymns, Op.122 (Sudds, William F.)|SScores\\1","2 Hymns, ZWV 111-112 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","3 Hymns, ZWV 113, 117 & 120 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","2 Hymns, ZWV 118 & 114 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","2 Hymns, ZWV 120 & 113 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|PParts\\1","Hymnus amoris, Op.12 (Nielsen, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Hymnus an den heiligen Geist, D.948 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Hymnus in Coena Domini, Op.14 (Kinkel, Johanna)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14"],"I":["I am Alpha and Omega (Stainer, John)|SScores\\1","I am the Light (McIntyre, Richard)|SScores\\1","I am the Resurrection and the Life (Morley, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","I am well pleased that the Lord hath heard (Ellerton, John Lodge)|SScores\\1","I Cannot Help Loving Thee (Johns, Clayton)|SScores\\1","I Could Live in a Desert If Only with Thee (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","I dannati (Tallini, Gennaro)|SScores\\1","I Discovered (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","I dolci colli (Striggio, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","I Get to Heaven, Op.54 (Lutter, Wilhelm)|SScores\\3","I gondolieri (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\2","I Have a Little Sweetheart (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","I Heard a Great Voice (Johnston, Edward F.)|SScores\\1","I heard a voice from Heav'n (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","I languish to complain me (Bennet, John)|SScores\\1","I lieti amanti e la fanciulle tenere (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","I Looked, and Behold a White Cloud, HWC 344 (Willan, Healey)|SScores\\1","I Love My Darling Lassie (Pease, Alfred Humphries)|SScores\\1","I Love My Jean (Bennett, George John)|SScores\\1","I Love the Lord (Carter, George)|SScores\\2","I Loved You (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","I molteplici Egitti alle spalle (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","I penitenti al sepolcro del redentore, ZWV 63 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","I pescatori (Gabussi, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","I piansi, or canto (Willaert, Adrian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","I Prithee Send Me Back My Heart (Hall, King)|SScores\\1","I Saw Fair Cloris All Alone, Z.498 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","I Shall Not Die, But Live (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\1","I Skoven, Op.11 (Rung, Frederik)|SScores\\1","I Spy Celia, Z.499 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","I Thought My Love (Farmer, John)|SScores\\1","I Was Glad (Attwood, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","I Will Arise, and Go to My Father (Creighton, Robert)|SScores\\1","I Will Arise (Owst, Wilberfoss George)|SScores\\1","I will Greatly Rejoice in the Lord (Cruickshank, William Alexander Campbell)|SScores\\1","I Will Lay Me Down in Peace (Hiles, Henry)|SScores\\1","I Will Lay Me Down in Peace (Sullivan, Arthur)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\1","I will Lift up Mine Eyes (Clarke-Whitfeld, John)|SScores\\1","I Will Magnify Thee O God (Neate, Charles)|SScores\\1","I Will Magnify Thee, HWV 250a (Handel, George Frideric)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\12","I Will Sing of Thy Power (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","I'm so Lonely (Orrin, Ed. W.)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ich armer Mensch, ich S\u00fcndenknecht, BWV 55 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\1","Ich armes Keutzlein kleine (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Ich armes Keuzlein kleine (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Ich armes Meidlein klag mich sehr (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich beschwere euch, ihr T\u00f6chter (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Ich bin arm und elend (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich bin das Brot des Lebens (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Ich bin das Licht der Welt (Pfleger, Augustin)|SScores\\1","Ich bin der Erste und der Letzte, TWV 1:816 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Ich bin der Herr dein Arzt, TWV 1:817 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben, GWV 1165\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben, SWV 464 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Ich bin die T\u00fcr, GWV 1140\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich bin ein guter Hirt, BWV 85 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\2","Ich bin mit meinem Gott zufrieden (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Ich bin vergn\u00fcgt an diesen G\u00fctern, TWV 1:823 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich danke dir da\u00df du mich dem\u00fctigest, H.386 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich danke dir Gott ewiglich (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich danke dir Herr dass du zornig bist gewesen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ich danke dir, Gott (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Ich danke dir, Herr, von ganzem Herzen, SWV 347 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich dienet eim Herren drei ganze Jahr (Reuter, Oswald)|SScores\\1","Ich eifre mich schier zu Tode, GWV 1151\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich elender Mensch, wer wird mich erl\u00f6sen, BWV 48 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|OOther\\4","Ich erz\u00e4hle meine Wege, GWV 1141\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich fahre auf zu meinem Vater, TWV 1:825 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ich freue mich dess, das mir geredt ist (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich freue mich im Herren (Vierdanck, Johann)|SScores\\1","Ich freue mich im Herrn (Kuhnau, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich freue mich in dir, BWV 133 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\2","Ich freue mich und bin fr\u00f6hlich in dir (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich f\u00fcrchte keinen Tod auf Erden, TWV 4:4b (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ich glaube Gott und seinem Worte (St\u00e4hle, Mika Ruben)|RRecordings\\6|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Ich glaube, lieber Herr, BWV 109 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn, BWV 92 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Ich hab in mich gesogen, D.778b (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Ich hab mich Gott ergeben, GWV 1169\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)","Ich hab mich redlich ghalten (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ich hab' in Jesu Trost und Wonne, GWV 1130\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Ich hab's gewagt (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Ich habe den Herrn alle Zeit f\u00fcr Augen (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Ich habe dich zum Licht der Heiden gemacht (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Ich habe einen Held erwecket (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich habe euch zuvorderst gegeben, GWV 1130\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich habe f\u00fcr dich gebeten, GWV 1162\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich habe in Gottes Herz und Sinn, GWV 1165\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden, GWV 1175\/26c (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden, TWV 1:833 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden, TWV 1:835 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden (Kuhnau, Johann)|SScores\\1","Ich habe meine Zuversicht, BWV 188 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Ich habe mir vorgesetzt, GWV 1124\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich halte aber daf\u00fcr, TWV 1:840 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Ich halte es daf\u00fcr, R 5.1.91 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\1","Ich halte es daf\u00fcr (Liebe, Christian)|SScores\\1","Ich h\u00e4tt mir ein Endlein f\u00fcrgenommen (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich hatte mich verirret, TWV 1:842 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ich hatte viel Bek\u00fcmmernis, BWV 21 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\19|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\21|OOther\\2","Ich hatte viele Bek\u00fcmmernisse, GWV 1129\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich hoffe darauf dass du so gn\u00e4dig bist, GWV 1153\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich hoffe darauf da\u00df du so gn\u00e4dig bist, RoemV 189 (R\u00f6mhild, Johann Theodor)|PParts\\1","Ich hoffe darauf, da\u00df du so gn\u00e4dig bist, TWV 1:847 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Ich hoffete aufs Licht, TWV 4:13 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ich irre noch in S\u00fcndenwegen, GWV 1132\/12a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich kenn des Klaffers Eigenschaft (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich kenne dich (Petri, Balthasar Abraham)|SScores\\1","Ich klag den Tag und alle Stund (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Ich klag den tag (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ich komme jetzt als ein armer Gast, GWV 1126\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ich lasse dich nicht, BWV 1165 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|PParts\\1","Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn!, BWV 157 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Ich lebe, mein Herze, zu deinem Erg\u00f6tzen, BWV 145 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|OOther\\3","Ich liebe den H\u00f6chsten von ganzem Gem\u00fcte, BWV 174 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|OOther\\2","Ich liebe Jesum voller Freuden, GWV 1159\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich lieg' im Streit und wiederstreb', GWV 1131\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Ich liege und schlafe ganz in Frieden, GWV 1115\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich liege und schlafe (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Ich muss im Leben immer wandeln, TWV 1:852 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich preise dich Herr denn du hast mich erh\u00f6ret (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 177 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\2","Ich r\u00fcf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (Utendal, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Ich sahe an alles Thun (Bernhard, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\10","Ich sandte die Propheten nicht (Bernhard, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Ich scheid dahin (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich schell mein Horn (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich seh' euch fast mit bittern Tr\u00e4nen, TWV 1:862a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich singe meinen Gott zu ehren, GWV 1171\/11 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich soll und musz ein Bulen haben (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0","Ich steh mit einem Fu\u00df im Grabe, BWV 156 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\3|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\43|OOther\\1","Ich stund an einem morgen (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Ich stund an einem morgen (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Ich verschmachte fast, GWV 1152\/12a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich wage mich an Gott, GWV 1121\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich war tot und siehe ich bin lebendig, H.325 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Ich war tot, und siehe, ich bin lebendig, TWV 1:872 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ich weine, durch der Armut plage, TWV 1:872a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich weis mir eine M\u00fclnerin (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Ich Weisheit wohne bei der Witze, GWV 1174\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich wei\u00df mir ein Meidlein, LV 750 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ich weiss, dass mein Erl\u00f6ser lebet, SWV 457 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ich wei\u00df, da\u00df mein Erl\u00f6ser lebt, TWV 1:874 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ich wei\u00df, da\u00df mein Erl\u00f6ser lebt, TWV 1:876 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ich wei\u00df, da\u00df mein Erl\u00f6ser lebt, TWV 1:877 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Ich weisz ein stolze Mullerin (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich werde nicht sterben, SWV 346 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich werfe mich zu deinen F\u00fcssen, GWV 1160\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ich werfe mich zu deinen F\u00fcssen, TWV 1:882 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ich wickle mich in deine Wunden, GWV 1130\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich will den Herren loben allezeit (2) (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Ich will dich all mein Leben lang (Vierling, Johann Gottfried)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Ich will dich lieben, meine St\u00e4rke (Zingsem, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Ich will dir mein Hort lobsingen, L.510 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Ich will euch wiedersehen (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ich will ihnen einen einigen Hirten erwecken (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ich will ihre Speise segnen (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Ich will in aller Not (Eberlin, Johann Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich will in den St\u00e4dten Juda, GWV 1161\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich will in Friede fahren (Krieger, Johann)|SScores\\1","Ich will meinen Geist ausgie\u00dfen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ich will meinen Geist, JLB 7 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ich will mich Gl\u00fccks betragen (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich will mich mit dir verloben in Ewigkeit (Franck, Melchior)|PParts\\1","Ich will mich mit dir verloben (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Ich will mit Brandopfer gehen (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich will nun fr\u00f6hlich singen (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Ich will rein Wasser \u00fcber euch sprengen, TWV 1:891 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich will selbst meine Schafe weiden, H.382 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich will singen (Briegel, Wolfgang Carl)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ich winselte wie ein Kranich, TWV 1:894 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ich w\u00fcnsch alln Frauen Ehr durch einer Frauen (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Idyle (Dupuy, Bernard Aymable)|SScores\\1","Idylle sur le retour de la sant\u00e9 du Roi, H.489 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Idylle, Op.15 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\4","If ever I more riches did desire, Z.544 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\1","If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","If Love and All the World Were Young (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","If Thou Indeed Derive Thy Light from Heaven (Dyson, Peter)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","If Ye Love Me (Tallis, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Ihn la\u00dft tun und walten, H.375 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ihr Armen freuet euch, GWV 1103\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr armen Menschen lernt doch beten, GWV 1135\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ihr brausenden Wogen, L.518 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Ihr Christen findet euch zu Gott (Hoffmann, Johann Georg)|SScores\\1","Ihr die ihr mit vergn\u00fcgtem Blick (Rezel, Andreas Christian)|PParts\\1","Ihr die ihr ohne Liebe lebt, GWV 1126\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr Freunde Jesu kommt herbei, GWV 1119\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Ihr frommen Schafe wacht, GWV 1140\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr Frommen, richtet euch empor, GWV 1167\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Ihr Gedanken kommt zusammen, GWV 1126\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\3","Ihr Gl\u00e4ubigen ent\u00e4ussert euch der Sorgen, GWV 1148\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr Gl\u00e4ubigen lernt von der Welt, GWV 1150\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr Gr\u00e4ber \u00f6ffnet eure Pforten, GWV 1167\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ihr habt nicht einen knechtlichen Geist, TWV 1:904 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ihr heiligen Br\u00fcder, GWV 1132\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr Heiligen lobsinget dem Herren (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ihr Heiligen lobsinget dem Herrn, GWV 1133\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ihr Herren was recht und gleich ist, GWV 1114\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Ihr Herzen r\u00e4umt die S\u00fcnde aus, GWV 1138\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr Lieben glaubet nicht einem jeglichen Geist, GWV 1140\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Ihr Lieben glaubet nicht einem jeglichen Geist (Endler, Johann Samuel)|SScores\\1","Ihr Lieben lasset uns untereinander, GWV 1145\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ihr Lieben, lasset uns untereinander, TWV 1:909 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ihr Menschen h\u00f6rt Gott ladet euch, GWV 1161\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr Menschen h\u00f6rt, GWV 1161\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ihr Menschen richtet euch empor, GWV 1156\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr Menschen wacht der Satan will, GWV 1116\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr Menschen, r\u00fchmet Gottes Liebe, BWV 167 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","Ihr Pharis\u00e4er dieser Zeit, GWV 1126\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ihr schlummert, ihr schlafet (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ihr sch\u00fcchternen Blicke beharrlischer S\u00fcnder, TWV 1:912 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ihr seid alle Gottes Kinder, TWV 1:915 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ihr seid nicht fleischlich, GWV 1134\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr sollt nicht sorgen, GWV 1156\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr sollt sehen was f\u00fcr ein Unterschied, GWV 1142\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ihr stolzen Pharis\u00e4er schweigt, GWV 1147\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr S\u00fcnder schickt euch an, GWV 1125\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Ihr unsre neuen Leiter, K.484 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ihr werdet traurig sein, GWV 1129\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ihr werdet traurig sein, GWV 1157\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr werdet weinen und heulen, BWV 103 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\3","Ihr werdet weinen und heulen, GWV 1133\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr, die ihr euch von Christo nennet, BWV 164 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Ihrsgleichen lebt auf Erden nicht (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Illumina oculos meos, LV 1081 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Illustris Corona Stellarum Duodecim, Op.3 (Faitelli, Vigilius Blasius)|PParts\\9","Iluminare Jerusalem (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Im Anfang war das Wort, GWV 1124\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Im Blute wird er dir erscheinen, L.522 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Im Freien (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Im Garten leidet Christus Not (Eccard, Johannes)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\18|PScores and Parts\\18","Im Gegenw\u00e4rtigen Vergangenes, D.710 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Im Mai (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Im meyen h\u00f6rt man die hanen kreen (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Im Schweiss deines Angesichts, GWV 1146\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Im stillen Friedhof (Wolf, Hugo)|SScores\\1","Im Stra\u00dfencaf\u00e9 (Hirsch, Cornelius)|SScores\\1","Imitazione del veneziano (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","Immaculata conceptio (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Immisit Dominus pestilentiam, ZWV 58 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\4","Immutemur habitu (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Imperial Edition Tenor Songs (Various)|SScores\\1","3 Imperial Requiem Masses, Op.2 (Laucher, Joseph Anton)|PParts\\1","The Imprisoned Songster, Op.23 (Raff, Joseph Kaspar)|SScores\\1","Impromptu for Chorus and Strings, Op.2266 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\5","Impromptu for Soprano, Tenor, Chorus and Organ, Op.2253 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\5","Improperium expectavit cor meum, LV 852 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","In a Gondola (Beach, John Parsons)|SScores\\1","In a Persian Garden (Lehmann, Liza)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","In allen meinen Taten, BWV 97 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\1","In allen meinen Taten, GWV 1146\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","In coena Domini (Graziani, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","In convertendo Dominus (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","In convertendo Dominus (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","In convertendo Dominus (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","In convertendo, S.63 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","In convertendo, ZWV 91 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","In cuius nunc praeconia (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","In dead of night profound (Havergal, Henry East)|SScores\\1","In deinem Schmuck gehen der K\u00f6nige T\u00f6chter, HoWV II.Anh.34 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","In den Wunden Jesu sterben (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","In des Gerechten Hause, GWV 1113\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr, SWV 446 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","In dich hab ich gehoffet (L\u00fctkemann, Paul)|SScores\\1","In dich wollst du mich kleiden ein, TWV 1:938 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","In die tribulationis (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","In diser welt, hab ich kein gelt (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","In Domino confido (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","In Domino gaudebo (Bentivoglio, Giulio)|SScores\\1","In Ephraim ist allenthalben L\u00fcgen, TWV 1:940 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","In Exitu Israel de Egipto (Basili, Francesco)|SScores\\1","In exitu Israel, S.64 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","In exitu Israel, S.65 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","In exitu Israel, ZWV 83 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","In exitu Israel, ZWV 84 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","In exitu Isra\u00ebl (Adolfati, Andrea)|SScores\\1","In exitu Israel (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","In Fairyland, Op.33 (Morgan, Orlando)|SScores\\1","In festo corporis Christi canticum, H.344 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","In Filli sch\u00f6nen \u00c4ugelein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","In finem dilexit eos (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","In Freud erhebt sich ganz mein Herz (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","In Gottes Namen fahren wir (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","In hoc apparuit (Sambataro, Carmelo Luca)|SScores\\1","In honorem Sancti Xaverij canticum, H.355 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","In illo tempore assumpsit Jesus Duodecim (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","In illo tempore cum turba plurima (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","In illo tempore loquente Jesu (Gombert, Nicolas)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","In illo tempore (Soriano, Francesco)|SScores\\1","In Jewry God is Known (Thomas, William Edwin)|SScores\\1","In Jewry is God Known (Clarke-Whitfeld, John)|SScores\\1","In Kedars bangen H\u00fctten, L.534 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","In memoriam Dylan Thomas, K084 (Stravinsky, Igor)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","In Memoriam (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","In memoriam (Reznicek, Emil von)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\2","In mezo al mar (Strohbach, Siegfried)|SScores\\1","In mezzo a' tristi affanni, S.624 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","In monte Oliveti, Responsoria, Op.98 No.1 (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","In myne zynn (Busnois, Antoine)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","In Natali Domini gaudent omnes Angeli (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","In nativitatem Domini canticum, H.314 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","In nobil sangue vita humile e queta, Ch.180 (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","In nomine Iesu omne genu flectatur (Cima, Tullio)|SScores\\1","In obitum augustissime nec non piissimae Gallorum reginae Lamentum, H.409 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1","In Old Japan (Forsyth, Cecil)|SScores\\1","In omnem terram exivit, S.651 (Marcello, Benedetto)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","In omnibus requiem quaesivi, LV 249 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","In Paper Case (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\2","In Paradisum (Nichifor, Serban)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","In Peace 'mongst Ourselves (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","In Praise of Neptune (German, Edward)|SScores\\1","In qual parte del ciel, LV 72 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","In questa tomba oscura (Various)|SScores\\66","In seiner Ordnung schafft der Herr, Op.36 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|SScores\\1|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","In Some Kind Dream, Z.497 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","In suprema nocte coenae (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","In te Domine speravi (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","In te Domine speravi (Kusser, Johann)|PParts\\1","In te domine speravi (Pohle, David)|SScores\\1","In te Domine speravi (Saladino, Michele)|SScores\\2","In te Domine speravi (Schieferdecker, Johann Christian)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","In te speravi Domine, LV 690 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","In te, Domine, speravi (Gombert, Nicolas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","In the Beginning (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","In the Forest (Roberton, Hugh S.)|SScores\\1","In the Garden (Harris, Victor)|SScores\\1","In the Lonely Vale of Streams (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","In the Merry Month of May (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","In the Moon-Shower, Op.70 No.4 (Loomis, Harvey Worthington)|SScores\\2","In Thee, O Lord, Have I Put My Trust (Tours, Berthold)|SScores\\1","In Thee, O Lord (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)|SScores\\1","In this mazy life's career (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","In una verde piaggia (Asola, Giammateo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","In virtute tua (Cavalli, Francesco)|SScores\\1","In voce exultationis (Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio)|SScores\\2","In Zion t\u00f6nen Freudench\u00f6re, GWV 1101\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","The Inarticulate Burr (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","L'incendio di Troia (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\3","Incipit lamentatio Jeremi\u00e6 (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Incipit lamentatio (Allegri, Gregorio)|SScores\\1","Incipit oratio Jeremi\u00e6 (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Inclina cor meum (Rogier, Philippe)|SScores\\1","Inclina Domine aurem tuam (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Inclina Domine (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","The Indian Emperor, Z.598 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Indica mihi quem diligit anima mea (Riccio, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Indica mihi quem diligit anima mea (Viadana, Lodovico da)|SScores\\1","Indica mihi quem diligit anima mea (Vitali, Filippo)|SScores\\1","Ines de Castro, Op.53 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Infans fudit sanguinem (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Ingiustissimo Amor, perche si raro (Arcadelt, Jacob)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ingiustissimo Amor (Paien, Gioan)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ingrediente Domino (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\8","Ingressus Angelus (Praetorius, Michael)|SScores\\2","Iniquos odio habui, LV 233 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Iniquos odio habui (Valentini, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Inno delle nazioni (Verdi, Giuseppe)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\26|VVocal Scores\\1","Inno e Responsi per il S. Natale a 4 voci, violino e organo (Perti, Giacomo Antonio)|SScores\\1","INRI, Oratorium (Artm\u00fcller, Conrad)|SScores\\1","Inspire Us Genius of the Day (Eccles, John)|SScores\\1","Inspirer and Hearer of Prayer (Jackson, Samuel P.)|SScores\\1","Intende voci orationis meae, K.156 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Intende voci, D.963 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Inter natos mulierum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Inter vestibulum et altare (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\2","Interludes pour la messe 'Dominicis Infra Annum' (La Tombelle, Fernand de)|SScores\\1","Intimations of Immortality, Op.29 (Finzi, Gerald)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\30|VVocal Scores\\1","Intonuit de coelo (Biechteler, Matthias Sigmund)|SScores\\1","Introduction and Fugue on 'Non Nobis Domine' (Diettenhofer, Joseph)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Introduttione a i Balletti (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","3 Introits (Whitlock, Percy William)|SScores\\1","Introits (Ley, Henry)|SScores\\1","Introitus della Messa da Requiem (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","L'invenzione della croce (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\2","Invidia ai morti (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Invidioso Amor del mio bel stato (Striggio, Alessandro)","Inviolata, integra et casta es Maria, H.48 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Inviolata (Riga, Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\1","Invitat\u00f3rio e Jaculat\u00f3ria da Novena de Nossa Senhora da Concei\u00e7\u00e3o (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","L'invito (Alary, Giulio)|SScores\\1","Invocation to Music (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|VVocal Scores\\2","Io allora non avevo visto il mare (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\1","Io amai sempre, et amo forte anchora (Willaert, Adrian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Io la vidi (Verdi, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Io mi pensai (Arcadelt, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Io non son per\u00f2 morto (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Io sempre t'amer\u00f2, S.617 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Io t'amer\u00f2, Op.140 (Cruz, Antonio de la)|SScores\\1","Io vo gridando come spiritato (Conversi, Girolamo)|SScores\\3","Ipsi sum desponsata (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Ir Christen algeleiche (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Iris, G.154 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\7","Iris, vos rigueurs inhumaines (Bo\u00ebsset, Antoine de)|SScores\\1","6 Irish Songs, Op.85 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\6","Irlande, H 38 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\17","Irret euch nicht, GWV 1150\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Is it a dreame (Blow, John)|SScores\\1","Is There a Time (Neate, Charles)|SScores\\1","Isabella, ormai mi rendi, A 112 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Isaias (Mancinelli, Luigi)|VVocal Scores\\2","Isis (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","\u00cdslandslj\u00f3\u00f0 (Laxdal, J\u00f3n)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","\u00cdslenzk s\u00e1lmas\u00f6ngsb\u00f3k (Bjarni \u00deorsteinsson)|SScores\\1","Israel in Egypt, HWV 54 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Israel in the Wilderness, Op.43 (Gaul, Alfred Robert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Israel vergiss mein nicht, GWV 1125\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Das ist das ewige Leben (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Das ist das ewige Leben (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Das ist das ewige Leben, GWV 1104\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Das ist das ewige Leben, GWV 1111\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Das ist das ewige Leben, TWV 1:176 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Das ist die Freudigkeit die wir haben zu Gott (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ist dieser nicht des Menschen Sohn, GWV 1127\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Das ist ein k\u00f6stlich Ding, GWV 1155\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ist es recht da\u00df man dem Kaiser Zinse gebe, BuxWV 54 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ist euch das Kreuz bitter und schwer, TWV 1:944 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ist Gott f\u00fcr uns wer mag wieder uns sein, GWV 1139\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Das ist je gewi\u00dflich wahr, SWV 277 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Das ist je gewisslich wahr, TWV 1:183 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ist jemand in Christo, GWV 1160\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Das ist meine Freude, D-B: 30282 (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Das ist meine Freude (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Das ist meine Freude, TWV 1:188 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Das ist meine Freude, TWV 8:17 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Das ist mir lieb (Praetorius, Hieronymus)|SScores\\1","Das ist mir lieb (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Das ist mir lieb, SWV 51 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ist nicht Ephraim mein teurer Sohn (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Iste confessor in G minor (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Iste confessor, In.152 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Iste Confessor (Felici, Bartolomeo)|SScores\\1|PParts\\13","Iste Confessor (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Iste confessor (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Iste confessor (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Iste Sanctus pro lege Dei sui (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Isti qui amicti sunt (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","It was a lover and his lass (Stevens, Richard John Samuel)|SScores\\1","It's a Bonnie World (Brueton, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Ite in universum mundum (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Ite, angeli veloces (Hindemith, Paul)|VVocal Scores\\3","Itzt blicken durch des Himmels Saal, SWV 460 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Itzund ich mich vergleiche (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Iubilate Deo omnis terra (Massari, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Iustorum animae (Quadri, Riccardo)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Ivy and Holly, R66 (Moeran, Ernest John)|SScores\\1","Ize\u00ffl (Piern\u00e9, Gabriel)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\17"],"J":["J'aime mon dieu et sa saincte parolle (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","J'ay content\u00e9 (Sermisy, Claudin de)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","J'ayme trop mieux souffrir la mort (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","A ja sobie podrygom (Lachman, Wac\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Ja, mir hast du Arbeit gemacht, JLB 5 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","The Jackdaw of Rheims (Bath, Hubert)|SScores\\1","The Jackdaw of Rheims (Fox, George)|VVocal Scores\\1","Jacksonville Florida 1995 (Costello, Andy)|SScores\\1","Jaculat\u00f3ria de S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 (Bastos, Martiniano Ribeiro)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","J\u00e4gers Feierabend (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Das Jahr ist fortgelaufen (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Das Jahr st\u00fcrzt hin ins Meer der Ewigkeiten, L.515 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Die Jahreszeiten, Hob.XXI:3 (Haydn, Joseph)|RRecordings\\48|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\15","Jairus begehrt, Jesus gew\u00e4hrt (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Jam Sol Recedit Igneus (Felici, Bartolomeo)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jam sol recessit aureus, ZWV 115 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Janitor coeli, doctor orbis pariter (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Jason, Op.26 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\9","Jauchze du Tochter Zion, GWV 1101\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jauchze frohlocke gefallene Welt, GWV 1105\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Jauchze, Darmstadt sey voll Wonne, GWV 1053 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt - Mein Herz ist bereitet (Anonymous)|SScores\\4","Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt, SWV 36 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Jauchzet dem Herrn alle Welt, GWV 1173\/17 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jauchzet dem Herrn alle Welt, TWV 8:10 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Jauchzet dem Herrn alle Welt (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores\\1","Jauchzet dem Herrn alle Welt (Hiller, Johann Adam)|PParts\\1","Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt, P.213 (Pachelbel, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt (Topf, Johann)|SScores\\1","Jauchzet Gott alle Lande, GWV 1171\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Jauchzet Gott alle Lande, GWV 1174\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jauchzet Gott alle Lande (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Jauchzet ihr Himmel erfreue dich Erde, GWV 1105\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Jauchzet ihr Himmel freue dich Erde, GWV 1105\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Jauchzet ihr Himmel freue dich Erde, L.607 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Jauchzt ihr frohen Christenscharen (F\u00f6rster, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\1","Je dors, je suis heureux (Beauplan, Am\u00e9d\u00e9e de)|SScores\\1","Je n'ay plaisir si-non en ta presence (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Je ne l'ose dire (Certon, Pierre)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Je ne veux point a l'amour consentir (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Je plains le tems de ma jeunesse folle (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Je sens sur mon ame plouvoir (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Je t'ayme, ma belle, ta danse me plait (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Je vous salue, Marie! (Rill\u00e9, Laurent de)|SScores\\2","Je voy des glissantes eaux le ruisseaux (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Jean \u00e9tait un petit homme (Torrent, Claude)|SScores\\1","Jedermann sei untertan der Obrigkeit, TWV 1:960 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Jehovah, quam multi sunt hostes mei, Z.135 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Jephte (Carissimi, Giacomo)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Jephtha, HWV 70 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Jerusalem du Predigerin, GWV 1104\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Jerusalem f\u00e4llet dahin, GWV 1151\/28a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Jerusalem f\u00e4llet dahin, GWV 1151\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Jerusalem sieh deinen K\u00f6nig an, GWV 1125\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jerusalem surge, H.130 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Jerusalem wie oft habe ich, GWV 1106\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Jesen, Op.4 (Hristi\u0107, Stevan)|SScores\\2","Jesse Virga (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Jessy Lea (Macfarren, George Alexander)|VVocal Scores\\2","Jesu amabilis (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\12","Jesu benigne \u00e2 cuius igne (Capricornus, Samuel)|PParts\\1","Jesu clemens pie Deus (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Jesu corona virginum, ZWV 116 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Jesu Corona Virginum (Sborgi, Gasparo)|PParts\\3","Jesu delitium vultus (Geist, Christian)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Jesu der du meine Seele hast, GWV 1144\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Jesu du h\u00f6chste G\u00fctigkeit (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\2","Jesu dulcedo cordium fons (Capricornus, Samuel)|PParts\\1","Jesu dulcis memoria, BuxWV 57 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Jesu Dulcis Memoria, JKB 55 (Baruk, Jason)|SScores\\1","Jesu frommer Menschenherden, GWV 1140\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Jesu hilf siegen, GWV 1137\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jesu komm mein Trost und Lachen, BuxWV 58 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\6","Jesu Leiden Pein und Tod, GWV 1125\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesu lieber Meister, GWV 1155\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jesu mein Herr und Gott allein, GWV 1109\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesu meine Freude, Krebs-WV 110 (Krebs, Johann Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Jesu meine Freude, TWV 1:966 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Jesu meiner Seelen Licht, GWV 1119\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Jesu mi dulcissime (Marini, Biagio)|SScores\\1","Jesu redemptor omnium, S.60 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Jesu rege mein Gem\u00fcte, GWV 1153\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Jesu Retter in der Not, GWV 1162\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesu rex admirabilis (Capricornus, Samuel)|PParts\\1","Jesu salvator noster (Cordans, Bartolomeo)|SScores\\1","Jesu segne du dies Jahr (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Jesu, corona virginum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Jesu, deine Passion (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\4|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\28|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\35|OOther\\2","Jesu, meines Lebens Leben, BuxWV 62 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Jesu, nostra redemptio (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Jesu, nun sei gepreiset, BWV 41 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11|BBooks\\2|OOther\\2","Jesulein du Tausendsch\u00f6n, BuxWV 63 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Jesus auf das er heiligte das Volk, GWV 1126\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Jesus Christus nostre salus (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Jesus Christus unser Heiland, der von uns den Gotteszorn wandt (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\33|PScores and Parts\\33","Jesus Christus unser Heiland, TWV 1:976 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Jesus Christus, ob er wohl (Arnoldi)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod \u00fcberwandt (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\31|PScores and Parts\\31","Jesus Christus, unser Heiland (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Jesus geht der Welt zum Segen, GWV 1119\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus gibt sich selbst zu essen, GWV 1126\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Jesus ging hinauf auf einen Berg, GWV 1123\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus hat die rechte Lehre, GWV 1159\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus in pace imperat (Capricornus, Samuel)|PParts\\1","Jesus ist bereit zu retten, GWV 1114\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Jesus ist der beste Lehrer, GWV 1164\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Jesus ist die Segensquelle, GWV 1146\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Jesus lebt sagt es an, GWV 1128\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Jesus lebt sagt es an, GWV 1128\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Jesus meine Zuversicht, GWV 1130\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus meine Zuversicht, GWV 1130\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Jesus nahm zu sich die Zw\u00f6lfe, BWV 22 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12|BBooks\\1","Jesus nimmt den Himmel ein, GWV 1136\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus nimmt die S\u00fcnder an, GWV 1144\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jesus nimmt die S\u00fcnder an, GWV 1144\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Jesus only (Rotoli, Augusto)|SScores\\1","Jesus schl\u00e4ft, was soll ich hoffen?, BWV 81 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|OOther\\1","Jesus sorget f\u00fcr die Frommen, GWV 1123\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jesus spricht von seinem Leiden, GWV 1119\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus stirbt ach soll ich leben, GWV 1125\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jesus weint ob Salems Schaden, GWV 1151\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Jesus' Augen stehn voll Tr\u00e4nen, GWV 1151\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus' Augen stehn voll Tr\u00e4nen, GWV 1151\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus' Herz ist voll Erbarmen, GWV 1148\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Jesus' Liebe heilt die Kranken, GWV 1155\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\10","Jesus' Liebe ist gesch\u00e4ftig, GWV 1134\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus, meine Zuversicht (Cr\u00fcger, Johann)|SScores\\2","Jesus, zu dir rufen wir (Trenner, Stefan)|SScores\\2","Jetzt bringt Sanct Martin Gsellschaft viel (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","Jetzt geht der Lebensf\u00fcrst zum Tode, TWV 1:989 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Jetzt merk ich wol, dasz ich mich soll zum Gl\u00fcck (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Jetzt Scheiden bringt mir Schwer (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Le jeu, le riz, le passetemps (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Jeune poule et vieux coq (Abadie, Louis)|VVocal Scores\\1","Jewish Hymnal (Various)|SScores\\4","Jhesu Christ, Saint Mary's Sone, Op.33 (Oldroyd, George)|VVocal Scores\\1","Job (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\5","Le jockey de Zaza (Petit, Albert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Jocus Nuptialis (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Jod. Manum suam (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Johann Cr\u00fcger's Choral-Melodien (Cr\u00fcger, Johann)|SScores\\1","Johann Rudolf Ahles ausgew\u00e4hlte Gesangswerke (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Johannes est nomen eius, LV 1086 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Johannes Passion (Selle, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Johannes-Passion 1757, TWV 5:42 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Johannes-Passion, H. 789 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SScores\\1","Johannes-Passion, H.785 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Johannes-Passion, SWV 481 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Johannes-Passion (Scandello, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Johannes-Passion (Walter, Johann)|SScores\\1","Johannespassion, BWV 245 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\28|PParts\\35|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\27|LLibrettos\\1|OOther\\17","Johannespassion (Mulzer, Marco)|SScores\\1","John Barleycorn (Bridge, Frederick)|SScores\\1","Johnnie Cope (Sweeting, Edward Thomas)|SScores\\1","Le joli tambour (Strohbach, Siegfried)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","J\u00f3nas Hallgr\u00edmsson (Sigf\u00fas Einarsson)|SScores\\1","Jor\u00addan\u00adis or\u00adas prae\u00advia (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59 (Handel, George Frideric)|SFull Scores\\3|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Joseph lieber Joseph mein II (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Joseph Lieber Joseph mein (Walter, Johann)|RRecordings\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Joseph (Macfarren, George Alexander)|VVocal Scores\\1","Joshua, HWV 64 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Joy to the Victors (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","The Joyous Birds are Singing (Zimmermann, Agnes)|SScores\\1","Jube Domine, MWV B 10 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Jubel Music. Op! op i Andagtsfulde Siele (Grosmann, Heinrich Ernst)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\1","Jubilate Deo in D major (Sparks, P. B.)|SScores\\1","Jubilate Deo omnis terra, LV 854 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Jubilate Deo omnis terra, S.9 (Lalande, Michel Richard de)|SScores\\1","Jubilate Deo omnis terra (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Jubilate Deo, HV 91 (Eybler, Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\21","Jubilate Deo (Aiblinger, Johann Kaspar)|SScores\\1","Jubilate Deo (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Jubilate Deo (Praetorius, Michael)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Jubilate Deo (Quagliati, Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Jubilate in G major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Jubilate, o amoeni chori, RV 639 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Jubilate (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","The Jubilee Anthem (Smith, John Stafford)|SScores\\1","A Jubilee Ode, Op.36 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|VVocal Scores\\1","Jubilus Bernhardi (Capricornus, Samuel)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\3","Juchhe (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\4|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\15|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\38|LLibrettos\\1","Judicium Salomonis (Carissimi, Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Judick et Halonferme (Deransart, \u00c9douard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Judith (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Judith (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\19|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Jugendtr\u00e4ume, Op.28 (Krasinsky, Fritz)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Julh\u00e4lsning i toner (Various)|SScores\\1","Julia, Your Unjust Disdain, Z.500 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","A June Moonrise (De Lamarter, Eric)|SScores\\1","Der junge Krieger (Keller, Karl)|SScores\\1","Der j\u00fcngste Tag wird bald sein Ziel erreichen, TWV 1:301 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Der j\u00fcngste Tag wird bald sein Ziel erreichen, TWV 1:302 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Juravit Dominus (O'Connell, Rev. W. H.)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Justitiae Domini (Trovato, Angelo Maria)|SScores\\1","Justitiam colui, certamina longa (Gattola, Paolo Maria)|SScores\\1","Justorum animae in manu Dei sunt (Kozeluch, Jan Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\1","Justus ut palma florebit (Mapelli, Luigi)|SScores\\1"],"K":["Kaiserrequiem, K.51-53 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|PParts\\11","Kalanus, Op.48 (Gade, Niels)|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Kanon 'Bedenket es gut', Op.11 (Lutter, Wilhelm)|SScores\\3","Kantata ku czci Sw. Pam. Henryka Sienkiewicza, Op.13 (Walkiewicz, Eugeniusz)|SScores\\1","Kantata o Anti Star\u010devi\u0107u (Glasnovi\u0107, Vinko)|SScores\\1","Kantata (Sveinbj\u00f6rn Sveinbj\u00f6rnsson)|SScores\\1","Kantate f\u00fcr Irene Kiesewetter, D.936 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Kantate zum Geburtstag des S\u00e4ngers Johann Michael Vogl, D.666 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","12 Kantaten (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Karavaanikuoro, Op.21 No.1 (Kuula, Toivo)|SScores\\1","Die Karpathen (K\u00e9ler, B\u00e9la)|SScores\\1|PParts\\31|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Kdo\u017e jste bo\u017e\u00ed bojovn\u00edci (\u010cechtick\u00fd, Bohuslav)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Kehr wider gl\u00fcck mit freud und wonn (Peuerl, Paul)|SScores\\1","Kehre wieder du abtr\u00fcnnige Israel, GWV 1125\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Kehre wieder Jungfrau Israel, GWV 1170\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kehret wieder kommt zur\u00fccke, R 5.1.108 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\2","Kein Adler in der Welt so sch\u00f6n (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Kein H\u00f6hers lebt, noch schwebt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Kern-Spr\u00fcche (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kerstmis (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\1","Kev\u00e4t, Op.27a No.8 (Kuula, Toivo)|SScores\\1","6 Keyboard Sonatas and an Ode (Zinck, Hartenack Otto Conrad)|SScores\\3","Kiedy ranne wstaj\u0105 zorze (Moniuszko, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Killiecrankie (Moonie, James Anderson)|VVocal Scores\\2","Kindlich gro\u00df ist das gottselige Geheimnis, TWV 1:1017 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","King David (Macfarren, George Alexander)|VVocal Scores\\1","The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Shelley, Harry Rowe)|SScores\\1","King Olaf's Christmas (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\1","King Richard the Second, Z.581 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","The King Shall Rejoice (Boyce, William)|SScores\\1","The King shall rejoice (Goss, John)|SScores\\1","Kingdom Songs (Various)|SScores\\2","The Kingdom, Op.51 (Elgar, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\32|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1|LLibretti\\2","Kings Shall See and Arise (Bridge, Frederick)|SScores\\1","Kirchen- und Tafel-Music (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\9","Kirchen-Musik f\u00fcr kleinere Stadt- und Landch\u00f6re (Aiblinger, Johann Kaspar)|PParts\\2","4 Kirchenges\u00e4nge, WoO VI\/20 (Reger, Max)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Kirchweihfest-Cantate, Op.60 (Gast, Friedrich Moritz)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Kirke-Arie, Op.108 (Krygell, Johan Adam)|SScores\\1","Kiyoyori (Tuttle, Marshall)|SScores\\1","Das Klagende Lied (Mahler, Gustav)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\3","Klage (Gl\u00fcck, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Kl\u00e4rchen auf Eberstein, Op.97 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|VVocal Scores\\2","Klein bottle canon (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Klein ist mein Trost auf dieser Erd (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Die kleine Herde lebt in Schrecken, GWV 1131\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kleine Hochzeits-Kantate, WoO 16 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","3 kleine lateinische Messen, Op.14 (Hetsch, Louis)|PParts\\1","2 Kleine Lieder zu Heine, Op.2 (Materna, Jonas)|SScores\\2","Kleine Passionsmusik (Loewe, Carl)|SFull Scores\\1","Klopstoks Auferstehungs-Gesang (Lobedanz, Georg Carl Friedrich)|SScores\\1","3 Kolendy polskie (Rogosz\u00f3wna, Zofia)|SScores\\1","Kollebloemen, Op.20 (Tinel, Edgar)|VVocal Scores\\1","20 Kol\u0119d, Op.21 No.3 (Nowowiejski, Feliks)|SScores\\1","Kol\u0119da z Ewanieliey S. Lukassa (Anonymous)|SScores\\3","Kom heiliger geist, Herre Gott (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Komm du sch\u00f6ne Freudenkrone (B\u00e4stel, Johann Ernst)|SScores\\1","Komm du sch\u00f6ne Freudenkrone (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Komm Gott sch\u00f6pfer (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\19|PScores and Parts\\19","Komm o Tod du Schlafes Bruder, GWV 1165\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Komm wert'ster Jesu sei mein Gast, GWV 1113\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Komm werter Tr\u00f6ster, GWV 1137\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Komm wieder Herr zu der Menge, TWV 2:12 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","Komm, du s\u00fcsse Todesstunde, BWV 161 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12|OOther\\2","Komm, Gott Sch\u00f6pfer, heiliger Geist (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\3","Kommet her sehet an die Werke, GWV 1161\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommet her und sehet die Werke, GWV 1113\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kommet her und sehet die Werke, GWV 1152\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Kommet her zu mir (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Kommet herzu lasset uns dem Herrn frohlocken, GWV 1174\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommet herzu lasset uns dem Herrn frohlocken, GWV 1174\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1","Kommet lasset uns anbeten, GWV 1101\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Kommet lasset uns anbeten, GWV 1109\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommet la\u00dft uns auf den Berg des Herrn gehen (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Kommt frohlocket mit Danken, GWV 1174\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommt her und schaut, GraunWV B:VII:5 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\5","Kommt her zu mir spricht Gottes Sohn, GWV 1161\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Kommt herbei zerstreute Schafe, GWV 1144\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kommt h\u00f6rt Jesus Lehre an, GWV 1164\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Kommt Jesus \u00f6ffnet seine Schule, GWV 1141\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Kommt lasset uns heute in freudigen Ch\u00f6ren (Hobein, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Kommt lasst euch bauen, GWV 1118\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Kommt lasst euch den Herren lehren, GWV 1145\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommt Seelen kommt nehmt eure Pflicht, GWV 1169\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kommt Seelen seid in Andacht stille, GWV 1119\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Kommt Seelen stellt euch ein, GWV 1126\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommt seht doch Gottes Freundlichkeit, GWV 1161\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kommt S\u00fcnder Jesus ladet euch, GWV 1143\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kommt S\u00fcnder Jesus locket euch, GWV 1144\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommt vor Gottes Angesicht, GWV 1169\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Kommt wir wollen wieder zum Herrn, GWV 1152\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kommt zu Gottes Abendmahl, GWV 1143\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommt, ihr Sch\u00e4flein, TWV 1:1010 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Kommt, la\u00dft uns anbeten, Op.46 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\6|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\5","Kompositioner (Rung, Henrik)|SScores\\1","Der K\u00f6nig der Himmel (Jentsch, Max)|SScores\\1","Der K\u00f6nig jauchzt (Agricola, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","K\u00f6nig Trojan, Op.8 (Parker, Horatio)","K\u00f6nig, ein Herr ob alle Reich (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Konzertarien (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|VVocal Scores\\2","3 Koorliederen voor Vlaanderen (Tinel, Jef)|SScores\\4","Kopparslagaren (Zander, Johan David)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Koral-Melodier til den Evangelisk-christelige Psalmebog (Zinck, Hartenack Otto Conrad)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Korsfarerne, Op.50 (Gade, Niels)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2","A k\u00f6zel\u00edt\u0151 t\u00e9l (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1","Kreuzigung, Op.2a (Stenov, Michael)|RRecordings\\1","Kriegersang (Mandyczewski, Eusebius)|SScores\\1","Krieges-Angst-Seufftzer (Hildebrand, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Kronstorfer Messe, WAB 146 (Bruckner, Anton)|RRecordings\\4|SScores\\5","K\u00fcndlich gro\u00df ist das gottselige Geheimn\u00fc\u00df (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Kurze und leichte Messe, Op.50 (Stehle, Johann Gustav Eduard)|SScores\\5","K\u00fcsset den Sohn da\u00df er nicht z\u00fcrne (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","K\u00fcsset den Sohn, GWV 1104\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Kv\u00f6ldv\u00edsa (Wiehe, Holger)|SScores\\2","2 Kwartety m\u0119skie, Op.18 (Cyrbes, W\u0142adys\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Kyrie a 4 voci (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Kyrie a 4, con Strumenti (Sardelli, Federico Maria)|SScores\\1","Kyrie Angelicum (Paumann, Conrad)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Kyrie Brevis a 5, Op.1 (Sousamidis, Savvas)|SScores\\1","Kyrie eleison - Vater auf dem Himmelsthron (Trenner, Stefan)|SScores\\2","Kyrie eleison in F major (Perez, Davide)|SScores\\1","Kyrie eleison in G major (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Kyrie Eleison No.1 in C major (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, SWV 458 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\4","Kyrie eleison (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Kyrie eleison (Cocchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Kyrie eleison (Henschel, George)|SScores\\1","Kyrie et Pater noster (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","Kyrie for 3 Voices, JKB 56 (Baruk, Jason)|SScores\\1","Kyrie for 8 Voices (Sarti, Giuseppe)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kyrie in A minor (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Kyrie in C major (Porta, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in C minor, JKB 59 (Baruk, Jason)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in C minor, MWV B 12 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Kyrie in D minor, D.31 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in D minor, D.49 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in D minor, In.169 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Kyrie in D minor (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Kyrie in D minor (Karolic, Dragan)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in E major, IGD 130 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in E major, IGD 131 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in F major, BWV 233a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kyrie in F major (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Kyrie in F major (Porpora, Nicola Antonio)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in G major, 1765 (Valli, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Kyrie, Christe, Kyrie (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|SFull Scores\\2","Kyrie, Sanctus and Agnus Dei, ZWV 26 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Kyrie (Berecz, Mih\u00e1ly)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Kyrie (Durante, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Kyrie (Farn, Kat)|SScores\\1"],"L":["A la dolce ombra de le belle frondi (Rore, Cipriano de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\18|PScores and Parts\\18|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","A la nave (Scolari, Giuseppe)|PParts\\1","Laboravi in gemitu meo (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Laboravi in Gemitu (Rogier, Philippe)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Laboravi, RCT 16 (Rameau, Jean-Philippe)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Le Lac L\u00e9man, Op.2 No.11 (Jean, Fran\u00e7ois-Xavier)|SScores\\1","Das Lachen, G.104 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Das Lachen, WoO 13 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Lacrime di Davide, Op.21 (Marini, Biagio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Lacrimosa (Torrent, Claude)|SFull Scores\\1","Ladainha de Nossa Senhora das Dores, CPM 50a (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Ladainha de Nossa Senhora (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7","Ladainha de Nossa Senhora (Souza, Jer\u00f4nimo de)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Ladainha in A major (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Ladainha in A minor (Rodrigues, Francisco de Melo)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6","Ladainha in B-flat major (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Ladainha (Silva, Francisco Manuel da)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","The Ladies (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|SScores\\1","The Lady of the Lake (Macfarren, George Alexander)|VVocal Scores\\2","Lady on the Silver Throne (Goodhart, Arthur Murray)|SScores\\1","The Lady's Birthday (Warlock, Peter)|SScores\\1","Lady's Musical Library (Jarvis, Charles)|SScores\\1","Lady, When I Behold Your Passions (Farnaby, Giles)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Laetamini vos o caeli (Grandi, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","Laetaniae della Beata Vergine, SV 204 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Laetare mater ecclesia (Filippini, Stefano)|SScores\\1","Laetare turba (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Laetatus sum in his (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Laetatus sum, H.161 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\3","Laetatus sum, S.69 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Laetatus sum, S.70 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Laetatus sum, SV 199 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Laetatus Sum (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\17","Laetatus sum (Della Ciaja, Azzolino Bernardino)|SScores\\1","Laetatus sum (Falconi, Philipo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Laetatus Sum (Perosi, Lorenzo)|SScores\\1","Laetatus sum (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Laetatus sum (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Laetemur omnes (Cervi, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Laetentur coeli (Carturan, Carlo)|SScores\\2","Le Lagrime d'Erminia, Op.6 (Marini, Biagio)|SScores\\1","Laissez chanter les oiseaux (Tagliafico, Dieudonn\u00e9)|SScores\\1","The Lake Isle of Innisfree (Bird, Peter)|SScores\\1","The Lamb of God, Schleifer 115 (Gilchrist, William Wallace)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Lamb (Karolic, Dragan)|SScores\\1","Lamed. Matribus suis dixerunt (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Lament to my motherly (Saral, Ali Riza)|SScores\\1","Lamentabatur Jacob (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Lamentaci\u00f3n de S\u00e1bado Santo (Puente, Juan Manuel de la)|SScores\\1","Lamentatio Henrici Noel (Dowland, John)|SScores\\1","Lamentationes Ieremiae Prophetae (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\2|PParts\\2","3 Lamentationes Jeremiae in Coena Domini, S.71-73 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","6 Lamentationes pro hebdomada sancta, ZWV 53 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\15|PParts\\47|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","3 Lamentationes pro hebdomada sancta, ZWV 54 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\6","The Lamentations of Shinran (St. Clair, Richard)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Lamentationum, Liber 1 (Petrucci, Ottaviano)|SScores\\2","Lamentationum, Liber 2 (Petrucci, Ottaviano)|SScores\\2","Lamentazione per il Venerd\u00ec Santo Lectio 2 1686 (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Lamento d'Arianna, SV 107 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\17|PScores and Parts\\17","Lamento di San Francesco Saverio (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores\\2","Lamento (Chianei, Candido)|SScores\\1","Die lange und kurze Zeit, G.106 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Languente miseris (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Lapidabant Stephanum invocantem (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Las Canciones de B\u00e9cquer (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Las je n'yray plus (Costeley, Guillaume)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Las Siete Palabras (S\u00e1nchez, Jos\u00e9 Luis)|SScores\\1","Las! faut il qu'on m'estime legere (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Lasciar' il velo (Layolle, Francesco de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","La\u00df Darmstadt unter vollen Ch\u00f6ren ein jauchzendes Frolocken h\u00f6ren (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Lass dein Ohr auf Weisheit, GWV 1138\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Lass der Gottlosen Bosheit ein Ende werden, GWV 1134\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Lass der Gottlosen Bosheit ein Ende werden, GWV 1160\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","La\u00df dich's nicht irren (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Lass die Weinenden nicht ohne Trost, GWV 1157\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Lass dir an meiner Gnade gen\u00fcgen, GWV 1135\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Lass dir wohlgefallen die Rede, GWV 1135\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","La\u00df meinen Mund deines Ruhmes (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Lass mich beizeit mein Haus bestellen, TWV 1:1034 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Lass uns miteinander rechten, GWV 1163\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lass, F\u00fcrstin, lass noch einen Strahl, BWV 198 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\19|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Lasset die Kindlein zu mir kommen (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Lasset euch niemand verf\u00fchren, GWV 1149\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Lasset euer Licht leuchten, GWV 1158\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Lasset eure Lenden umg\u00fcrtet sein, GWV 1102\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Lasset fr\u00f6hlich sein, GWV 1170\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Lasset uns aufsehen auf Jesum, TWV 1:1023 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Lasset uns dem Herrn singen, GWV 1174\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Lasset uns doch den Herrn, GWV 1148\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Lasset uns doch den Herrn, GWV 1156\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Lasset uns Gott lieben, TWV 1:1026 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Lasset uns Gutes tun, GWV 1117\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Lasset uns halten an der Bekenntnis, GWV 1103\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Lasset uns hinzutreten zum Gnadenstuhl, GWV 1155\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lasset uns laufen durch Geduld, GWV 1162\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Lasset uns nicht schlafen, GWV 1116\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lasset uns Ostern halten, GWV 1128\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lasset uns Ostern halten, GWV 1128\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Lasset uns rechtschaffen sein, GWV 1108\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Lasset uns rechtschaffen sein, TWV 1:1029 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Lasset uns unser Herz, GWV 1175\/39a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Lasset uns untereinander, GWV 1112\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Lasset unsere Bitte vor, GWV 1174\/54 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Lasso ch'il crederia, LV 322 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Lasso, dicea, perche venisti Amore (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","La\u00dft uns das Kindlein wiegen (Gippenbusch, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","La\u00dft uns ein St\u00fcndlein lustig sein (Franck, Melchior)","La\u00dft uns sorgen, la\u00dft uns wachen, BWV 213 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Lasst uns zu Gottes Tempel eilen, GWV 1112\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lasst uns zur dunklen Laube gehn (Schikaneder, Emanuel)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","The Last Night of the Year (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\2","The Last Temptation of Jesus Christ (Sisca, Todd Michael-Michael)|SScores\\1","A Late Lark (Delius, Frederick)|SFull Scores\\1","Lateinische Messe No.3, Op.25 (Pembaur, Josef)|VVocal Scores\\4","Latin Mass in D-flat major (Moniuszko, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Lauda anima mea Dominum (Aichinger, Gregor)|SScores\\2","Lauda Ierusalem (Casini, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1|PParts\\7","Lauda Jerusalem Dominum (Della Ciaja, Azzolino Bernardino)|SScores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem Dominum (Desmarets, Henri)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem in D major, FaWV I:L2 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem, H.158 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Lauda Jerusalem, S.78 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Lauda Jerusalem, S.80 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Lauda Jerusalem, SV 202 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem, SV 203 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem, ZWV 102 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem, ZWV 104 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\19","Lauda Sion a 2 voci, Op.3 (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\2","Lauda Sion Salvatorem (Caruso, Giuseppe)|SScores\\2","Lauda Sion Salvatorem (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Lauda Sion, H.268 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Lauda Sion, MH 215 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|OOther\\1","Lauda Sion, Op.73 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3","Lauda suflete al meu pe Domnul ! (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Laudamus, A 596 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Laudate Ceciliam, Z.329 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\2","Laudate Dominum for 9 voices (Foggia, Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Laudate Dominum in D major, BC.161 (Morlacchi, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum in G major (Rastrelli, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Von Sachsen, Johann Georg II.)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum quoniam bonus, LV 343 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum quoniam bonus, S.57 (Lalande, Michel Richard de)|SScores\\2","Laudate dominum, CPM 76 (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum, H.152 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum, H.214 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum, S.83 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\3|PParts\\6","Laudate Dominum, ZWV 87 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Laudate Dominum (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Laudate Dominum (Mayr, Giovanni Simone)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Laudate Dominum (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum (Vogler, Georg Joseph)|SScores\\1","Laudate Jehovam, TWV 7:25 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\2","Laudate mulierem fortem, C.115 (Cl\u00e9rambault, Louis-Nicolas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Laudate pueri Dominum for 8 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri Dominum, H.149 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Laudate Pueri Dominum, Op.3 (Sousamidis, Savvas)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri Dominum (Anzalone, Giacinto)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Laudate Pueri Dominum (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\19","Laudate pueri Dominum (Foggia, Francesco)|PParts\\1","Laudate pueri Dominum (Graziani, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri Dominum (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri Dominum (Wiering)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri in A major, FaWV I:L3 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri in C major (Durante, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri in D major (Nov\u00e1k, Jan Franti\u0161ek)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri in G major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, A 646 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Laudate pueri, A 647 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, CPM 77 (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, K.deest (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, S.81 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, S.82 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, S.84 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, ZWV 81 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Laudate Pueri (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Laudate pueri (Strungk, Nicolaus Adam)|SScores\\7","Laudes Mariae resonans (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Laudi a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Animuccia, Giovanni)|PParts\\4","Lauert nur ihr Otterschlangen, GWV 1158\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Laughing Trio (Operti, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Laut verk\u00fcnde unsre Freude, K.623 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Lauter in der Liebe wandeln, GWV 1145\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lautrier priay de danser deux fillettes (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","The Law of the Lord is Perfect (Foote, Arthur)|SScores\\1","The Lay of the Four Winds, Op.8 (Bauer, Marion)|SScores\\1","Lazarus, D.689 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Lazarus (Edwards, Julian)|VVocal Scores\\1","A le guancie di rose (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Lead, Kindly Light (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","The League of the Alps (Busch, Carl)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Leap of Roushan Beg, Op.75 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\1","Das Leben war das Licht der Menschen, GWV 1107\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Lebensbild, D.425 (Schubert, Franz)|OOther\\2","Lebensfrohsinn (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Lebenslied, D.Anh.I\/23 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","The Lee Shore (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)|SScores\\1","La Lega (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","The Legend of Saint Cecilia (Benedict, Julius)|VVocal Scores\\1","La l\u00e9gende humaine (Dupont, Auguste)|VVocal Scores\\1","3 Legenden, Op.37 (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\4","Legenden (Loewe, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Leget ab alle Unsauberkeit, GWV 1118\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Leget alles ab von euch, GWV 1147\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Leggiadre Donne, che quella bellezza (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Lehre mich tun nach deinem Wohlgefallen, GWV 1141\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Die Lehrer werden mit viel Segen geschm\u00fcckt (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister, BWV 181 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Die Leiden Jesu (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2|LLibrettos\\1","Das Leiden und der Tod Jesu Christi, WacR III:6 (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Der leidende Jesus (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\3|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2","Leiligheds Sang af Dr. David, WoO 19 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5","Leise, leise lasst uns singen, D.635 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\2","L\u00e9lio, ou le retour \u00e0 la vie, H 55 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\2","Lenore (Andr\u00e9, Johann)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","6 Lenten Canticles (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Lenzgef\u00fchl (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Leoi 4, Op.81 (Ng, Sissel)|SScores\\1","Lerne dich selbst kennen (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Lernt Bescheidenheit! (Zumsteeg, Johann Rudolf)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","12 Lessons in Modern Singing for Tenor or Soprano (Rubini, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Let Ev'ry Voice Jehovah's Glory Sing (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Let God Arise, HWV 256a (Handel, George Frideric)|SScores\\3|PParts\\6","Let God Arise (Lawes, William)|SScores\\1","Let Hector, Achilles and Each Brave Commander, Z.501 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Let Independence Be Our Boast (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)|SScores\\2","Let the people praise Thee, O God (Fletcher, Percy Eastman)|SScores\\1","Let the Words of My Mouth (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Let This Mind be in You, Op.105 (Beach, Amy Marcy)|SScores\\1","Letanie e Quattro Antifone dell' Anno, Op.11 (Cossoni, Carlo Donato)|SScores\\8","Das letzte Lied, Op.9 (Beschnitt, Johannes)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Die letzten Dinge, WoO 61 (Spohr, Louis)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Die letzten Leiden des Erl\u00f6sers, H.776 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Levavi oculos meos in montes (Burlini, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Levita Laurentium (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Leyer und Schwerdt, Op.42 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Liber motetorum (Vento, Ivo de)|PParts\\4","Libera me Domine (Seyfried, Ignaz)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Libera me Domine (Stadler, Maximilian)|PParts\\1","Libera me Domine (Tuczeck, Vincenz Franz)|SScores\\1","Libera me, CPM 188 (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Libera me, Domine (Czerny, Carl)|SScores\\1","Libera me, K.54 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Libertaria (Young, Sabrina Pena)|SScores\\14|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Das Licht des Lebens scheinet hell, GWV 1107\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Das Licht scheint in der Finsternis, GWV 1107\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Licht und Liebe, D.352 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Liczba Pi, O.77 (Verotta, Davide)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Lieb, \u00fcb dein Heil! eil! (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Die Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen in unser Herz (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Die Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen in unser Herz, GWV 1139\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die Liebe leidet nicht Gesellen, GWV 1156\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die Liebe sei nicht falsch, GWV 1171\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Liebesbann (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\1","Liebeslieder Waltzes, Op.52 (Brahms, Johannes)|RRecordings\\36|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\34","4 Liebeslieder, Op.32 (Gr\u00e4dener, Carl Georg Peter)|SScores\\1","Liebeslied (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Liebesnovelle (Huber, Hans)|SScores\\1","Liebeszauber, WoO 10 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Liebet den Herrn alle seine Heiligen, GWV 1142\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Liebet eure Feinde so wird euer Lohn, GWV 1155\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Liebet eure Feinde, segnet die euch fluchen, TWV 1:1046 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Liebet eure Feinde, segnet die euch fluchen, TWV 1:1047 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Liebe (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\1","Liebster Gott vergiss mein nicht, GWV 1104\/09 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Liebster Gott vergisst du mich, GWV 1148\/11 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Liebster Gott, wenn werd ich sterben?, BWV 8 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|BBooks\\1|OOther\\3","Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen, BWV 123 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|OOther\\1","Liebster Jesu, willst du scheiden (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Lied aus G\u00f6the's Divan, G.190 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Lied beim Rundetanz, D.Anh.I\/18 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Lied im Freien, D.Anh.I\/19 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Lied im Freien (Gade, Niels)|SScores\\1","Das Lied vom blinden Hessen (Meyerbeer, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Das Lied von der Erde (Mahler, Gustav)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|OOther\\1","Das Lied von der Glocke, Op.45 (Bruch, Max)|VVocal Scores\\1","6 Lieder for Soprano or Tenor (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\2","4 Lieder for Soprano, Tenor and Bass, G.15-18 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Lieder f\u00fcr 3 M\u00e4nnerstimmen (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\6","Lieder f\u00fcr 4 M\u00e4nnerstimmen (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\8","6 Lieder f\u00fcr gemischten Chor, Op.24 (Franz, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","2 Lieder f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerchor, Op.10 (Pfeil, Heinrich)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","2 Lieder f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerquartett (Matzka, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","3 Lieder f\u00fcr Soprano und M\u00e4nner-Quartett, Op.568 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","Lieder im Volkston, Op.13 (Fr\u00f6hlich, Friedrich Theodor)|PParts\\1","3 Lieder im Volkston, Op.23 (Ramann, Bruno)|SScores\\1","3 Lieder im Volkston, Op.51 (H\u00e4ssler, Karl)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","24 Lieder mit Melodien, IJK 74 (Kirnberger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder nach Gedichten von H\u00f6lderlin (Hindemith, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Lieder und Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Bass (Schumann, Robert)|SScores\\2","5 Lieder und Ges\u00e4nge, Op.19 (K\u00fccken, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","36 Lieder und Rundges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr den M\u00e4nnerchor (N\u00e4geli, Hans Georg)|PParts\\1","4 Lieder von Walther von der Vogelweide, Op.2 (Harder, Knud)|SScores\\2","Lieder zum Gebrauche des Waysenhauses zu Z\u00fcrich (Schmidlin, Johannes)|PParts\\1","2 Lieder (Bruschius, A. G.)|SScores\\1","2 Lieder (Hegar, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","3 Lieder (Mahler, Gustav)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder (Weiss, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\2","5 Lieder, D-Tu Mk 67 (Various)|PParts\\1","2 Lieder, Op.1 (M\u00fcller, Richard)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","4 Lieder, Op.1 (Nicola\u00ef, Willem Frederik Gerard)|SScores\\1","5 Lieder, Op.1 (Gall, Jan Karol)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\7","4 Lieder, Op.3 (Kauffmann, Emil)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.6 (Rudorff, Ernst)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.7 (Kauffmann, Emil)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.8 (Henkel, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","5 Lieder, Op.13 (Zenger, Max)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","2 Lieder, Op.14 (Ansorge, Max)|SScores\\1","3 Lieder, Op.14 (Kistler, Cyrill)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","4 Lieder, Op.14 (Lyapunov, Sergey)|SScores\\1","5 Lieder, Op.14 (Reinecke, Carl)|SScores\\1","2 Lieder, Op.15 (Chomentowski, Stanislas)|SScores\\2","3 Lieder, Op.15 (Zenger, Max)|SScores\\1","2 Lieder, Op.19 (Foerster, Adolph Martin)|PParts\\1","3 Lieder, Op.19 (B\u00e4rwolf, Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.20 (Kistler, Cyrill)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.22 (Reichel, Adolf)|SScores\\1","5 Lieder, Op.23 (Reichel, Adolf)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","6 Lieder, Op.25 (Hauptmann, Moritz)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder, Op.29 (Fesca, Alexander)|SScores\\5","6 Lieder, Op.31 (Damcke, Berthold)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","3 Lieder, Op.32 (Volkmann, Robert)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder, Op.32 (Fesca, Alexander)","6 Lieder, Op.32 (Hauptmann, Moritz)|SScores\\2","3 Lieder, Op.33 (MacDowell, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","3 Lieder, Op.40b (Krug, Arnold)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder, Op.41 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","2 Lieder, Op.46 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder, Op.47 (Hauptmann, Moritz)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder, Op.48 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Lieder, Op.49 (Fesca, Alexander)|SScores\\1","10 Lieder, Op.52 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","6 Lieder, Op.63 (Esser, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","5 Lieder, Op.75 (Gumbert, Ferdinand)|SScores\\4","3 Lieder, Op.106 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\2","6 Lieder, Op.139 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\2","6 Lieder, Op.173 (Ries, Ferdinand)|PParts\\1","5 Lieder, Op.256 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.368 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder, Op.374 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.541 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","3 Lieder, Op.612 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","Liederlust (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Liete piante, verdi erbe, limpide acque (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Lift up Your Heads, O Ye Gates (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","The Light of Asia (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\3","The Light of Life, Op.29 (Elgar, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\31|VVocal Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Light of the Lonely Pilgrim's Heart (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Like Apple-Blossom, White and Red (Lloyd, Charles Harford)|SScores\\1","Like As from Heaven (Florio, Caryl)|SScores\\1","Like Silver Lamps (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","The Lily Nymph (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Lincolnshire Poacher (Dunhill, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Linde Weste wehen, D.725 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Lioba (Lange, Dani\u00ebl de)|SScores\\1","Die Lippen der Gerechten, GWV 1137\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","2 Liriche (Turchetto, Andrea)|SScores\\2","Lisetta e Castagnaccio (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SFull Scores\\1","List! For the Breeze (Goss, John)|SScores\\1","Litani\u00e6 de Beata Virgine (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Litania Ostrobramska (Moniuszko, Stanis\u0142aw)|VVocal Scores\\1","Litania pro Festo Corporis Domini, S.86 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Litania pro Festo Corporis Domini, S.88 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Litania pro Festo San Francesco Xaverii, S.85 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Litania, SWV 458 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Litaniae Beatae Mariae Virginis (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Litaniae de Beatissimae Mariae Virginae (Duni, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento, K.125 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento, K.243 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Litaniae de venerabili altaris Sacramento (Mozart, Leopold)","Litaniae de Venerabili Sacramento, MH 110 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae de Venerabili Sacramento, ZWV 147 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Litaniae de Venerabili Sacramento, ZWV 148 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Litaniae de Venerabili Sacramento (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Litaniae laurentanae (Aurisicchio, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Litaniae lauretanae in A minor (Feo, Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae in B minor (Sch\u00fctz, Anton)|PParts\\2","Litaniae lauretanae in B-flat (Hofmann, Leopold)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae in E-flat major (Muck, Beda)|SScores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae in F major (G\u00f6rbig, Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae in G major (Gr\u00fcnberger, Johann Georg)|SScores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae in G minor (Poppe, Franti\u0161ek Ludv\u00edk)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","4 Litaniae lauretanae (Valentini, Giovanni)|SScores\\4","Litaniae Lauretanae, K.109\/74e (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae, K.195\/186d (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae lauretanae, MH 88 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae, MH 120 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae, ZWV 149 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae, ZWV 150 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae, ZWV 151 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae, ZWV 152 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae (Brentner, Johann)|PParts\\7","Litaniae lauretanae (Heidenreich, Joseph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae (Reichenauer, Anton\u00edn)|PParts\\1","Litaniae Xaverianae, ZWV 154 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Litaniae Xaverianae, ZWV 155 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3","Litaniae Xaverianae, ZWV 156 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Litanie a 3 voci (Gattola, Paolo Maria)|SScores\\1","Litanie a 4 voci (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Litanie a 4 voci (Cimarosa, Domenico)|SScores\\2","Litanie della B.V., RicS 125 (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Litanie della Madonna (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\16","Litanie di S. Francesco Xaverio (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SScores\\2","Litanies de la sainte M\u00e8re de Dieu, Op.66 (Roullet, Herv\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Litanies de la Sainte Vierge, AWV 53 (Auber, Daniel Fran\u00e7ois Esprit)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\2","Litanies de la Vierge, H.82 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Litanies de la Vierge, H.88 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Litanies, H.780 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SScores\\1","Litanies (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Litany 1694 (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Litany in C major, Op.159 (F\u00fchrer, Robert)|PParts\\1","Little Tommy Went A-Fishing (Macy, James Cartwright)|SScores\\1","2 Liturgical Motets, JKB 70 (Baruk, Jason)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Liturgie No.3 (Mandyczewski, Eusebius)|SScores\\1","Llorad por Dios llorad (Hidalgo, Juan)|PParts\\1","Lo, the Winter is Past (Luard-Selby, Bertram)|SScores\\1","Lob auf den Dicken, WoO 100 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|SScores\\1","Lob der Torheit (Zimmermann, Bernd Alois)|SFull Scores\\1","Lob sey dem allerh\u00f6chsten Gott (Sarti, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Lob und Ehre, Weisheit und Dank, RoemV 224 (R\u00f6mhild, Johann Theodor)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Lob- und Dankkantate, Op.40 (Schwencke, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Lobe den Herren den m\u00e4chtigen, GWV 1171\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lobe den Herren, den m\u00e4chtigen K\u00f6nig der Ehren, BWV 137 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11|OOther\\1","Lobe den Herren, meine Seele (Schelle, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Lobe den Herrn meine Seele, BuxWV 71 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Lobe den Herrn meine Seele, FaWV D:L3 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Lobe den Herrn meine Seele, TWV 1:1054 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Lobe den Herrn meine Seele, TWV deest (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Lobe den Herrn meine Seele (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Lobe den Herrn meine Seele (Heinichen, Johann David)|PParts\\1","Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele, BWV 69a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|OOther\\2","Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele, BWV 69 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\1","Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele, BWV 143 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, GWV 1113\/23b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Lobet den Herrn alle seine Heerscharen, TWV 1:1061 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Lobet den Herrn auf Erden, ihr Menschenkinder (Topf, Johann)|SScores\\1","Lobet den Herrn denn unsern Gott, GWV 1141\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Lobet den Herrn denn unsern Gott, GWV 1171\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)","Lobet den Herrn ihr Berge und H\u00fcgel (Schultze, Andreas Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Lobet den Herrn in seinem Heiligtum, B.130 (Doles, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Lobet den Herrn in seinem Heiligtum (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\15","Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden, TWV 1:1058 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden (Reiter, Ernst Michael)|SScores\\1","Lobet den Namen des Herren (Zeutschner, Tobias)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen, BWV 11 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Lobet ihr Knechte des Herrn, GWV 1174\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lobet ihr V\u00f6lker unsern Gott, GWV 1174\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lobet ihr V\u00f6lker unsern Gott, GWV 1174\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Lobsing' ihm meine Seele (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allen (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Lobt ihn mit Herz und Munde, BWV 220 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Lobt ihn mit Herz und Munde, H.379 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Lochinvar (Wood, Charles)|SScores\\1","The Long Day Closes (Sullivan, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","2 Longfellow Songs (Ray, Nick)|SScores\\1","Lontan dalla sua Fille (Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria)|SScores\\2","Look at the Clock (Bath, Hubert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Look down, harmonious saint, HWV 124 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Loquebar de testimoniis (Zucchinetti, Giovanni Bernardo)|SScores\\2","Lord have Mercy (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\2","Lord Have Mercy (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","The Lord Hear Thee in the Day of Trouble (Blow, John)|SScores\\1","Lord in Thy Rage, T 246 (Byrd, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","The Lord is full of compassion and mercy (Hayes, Philip)|SScores\\1","The Lord is King (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","The Lord is My Light, HWV 255 (Handel, George Frideric)|SScores\\2|PParts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","The Lord is My Light, Z.55 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\2","The Lord is my Shepherd (Hemery, Valentine)|SScores\\1","The Lord Is My Strength (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","Lord of All Power and Might (Mason I, William)|SScores\\2","The Lord Omnipotent Reigneth (Adams II, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Lord Ullin's Daughter (Jackson, Arthur Herbert)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Lord's Prayer (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","The Lord's Prayer (Cooke, Thomas)|SScores\\1","The Lord's Prayer (Jensen, Richard)|SScores\\1","The Lord's Prayer (Sheppard, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","The Lord's Prayer (Stith, David Joseph)|RRecordings\\2|SScores\\1","The Lord's Prayer (Stone, Robert)|SScores\\1","The Lord's Prayer (Voigt, Augustus)|SScores\\2","Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\1","Lord, what love have I unto thy law (Kent, James)|SScores\\1","Lorelei, Op.70 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\1","Los anises de la fiesta (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Los cuatro elementos No.1 (Giunta, H\u00e9ctor Fernando)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\44|VVocal Scores\\1","Los cuatro elementos No.2 (Giunta, H\u00e9ctor Fernando)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\45|VVocal Scores\\1","Los cuatro elementos No.3 (Giunta, H\u00e9ctor Fernando)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\41|VVocal Scores\\1","Los Mercaderes se asoman (Davila, Francisco)|PParts\\1","Los toreros (Gir\u00f3, Manuel)|SScores\\1","Lost Is My Quiet Forever, Z.502 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","The Lost Leader (Bantock, Granville)|SScores\\1","The Lost Love Duet (Fried, Joseph Nicholas)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Lost Son Turns Back (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SScores\\8|PParts\\52","Lotario, HWV 26 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\3","Loud blowe the wyndes (Condell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Love and Laughter, Op.5 No.2 (Rootham, Cyril Bradley)|SScores\\1","Love Came Calling (Zamecnik, John Stepan)|SScores\\1","The Love Duet (Violette, Andrew)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Love is a Sickness (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","3 Love Songs, Op.8 (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|SScores\\7","Lovely Are Maidens (Heinrich, Anthony Philip)|SScores\\2","Lovely Rosabelle (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|VVocal Scores\\1","Lovely Spring (Aguilar, Emanuel)|SScores\\1","A Lover's Counsel (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|SScores\\1","Lover's Quarrel (Winner, Septimus)|SScores\\2","Lucas-Passion, SWV 480 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Lucifer (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Lucis Creator optime (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\4","The Lucky Horseshoe (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","Luctus de morte Augustissime Maria Theresiae Regina Galliae, H.331 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Der Ludel und der Hensel, Sigel und Oswald (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Lukas Passion, TWV 5:33 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Lukas-Passion, H.784 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|PParts\\2","Lukas-Passion, TWV 5:45 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\3|OOther\\1","Lukaspassion, BWV 246 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","A Lullaby (Williams, Charles Lee)|SScores\\1","Lumen ad revelationem gentium (Palucci, Antonio Maria)|SScores\\1","3 Lurlei-Lieder (Peters, Max)|SScores\\1","Lut\u00e8ce (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|VVocal Scores\\1","Lux aeterna (Martini, Giovanni Battista)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Lux aeterna (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Lux perpetua (Foggia, Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Luz a luz, y gracia a gracia (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","La lyre et la harpe, Op.57 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Lyric, WoO 3 (Anderson, Ezra)|SScores\\1","Lytaniae de Beata Maria Virgine (Ivanschiz, Amandus)|SScores\\1","Lytanie Lauretana (Adlgasser, Anton Cajetan)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","L\u2019aura che \u2019l verde lauro et l\u2019aureo crine (Vicentino, Nicola)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6"],"M":["Ma di che debbo lamentarmi (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Macabre Festival, Op.449 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Mache dich auf Gott, GWV 1106\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Mache dich auf Gott, GWV 1122\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mache dich auf, werde Licht, GWV 1111\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mache dich los von deinen S\u00fcnden, GWV 1163\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mache dich mein Geist bereit, GWV 1102\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mache dich mein Geist bereit, GWV 1149\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit, BWV 115 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\21|OOther\\2","Machet die Tore weit, GWV 1101\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Machet die Tore weit, TWV 1:1074 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Machet die Tore weit (F\u00f6rster, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Machet die Tore weit (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9","Machet die Tore weit (Liebe, Christian)|PParts\\1","Machet die Tore weit (Reinhold, Theodor Christlieb)|SScores\\1","Machet die Tore Weit (Schelle, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Machet euch Freunde mit dem ungerechten Mammon, GWV 1150\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Machet euch Freunde mit dem ungerechten Mammon, GWV 1150\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Machet keusch eure Seelen, TWV 1:1078 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Macht euch doch mit dem Mammon Freunde, GWV 1150\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Macht hoch die T\u00fcr (Karolak, Hans-J\u00fcrgen)|SScores\\1","Der Machtprophet der Heiland spricht, GWV 1166\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Mademoiselle Sylvia (David, Samuel)|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Madonna il vostro petto \u00e8 tutto ghiaccio (Striggio, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0","Madonna, sua merc\u00e9, pur una sera (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Madre del Sommo Amore (Campana, Fabio)|SScores\\1","Madre la de los primores (Juana In\u00e9s de la Cruz)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Madrigal \u00e0 la musique (Bordes, Charles)|SScores\\1","1 Madrigal and 18 Canons (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Madrigal for 6 Voices (Thomas, William Edwin)|SScores\\1","Madrigale II (Carniel, Publio)|SScores\\1","Madrigale (Schimmelpfennig, Georg)|SScores\\1","Madrigali a 3 voci, Libro 1 (Arcadelt, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Arcadelt, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\27|OOther\\6","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Berchem, Jacquet de)|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Pordenon, Marc'Antonio de)|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Spontone, Bartolomeo)|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Verdelot, Philippe)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 2 (Agostini, Lodovico)|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 2 (Casulana, Maddalena)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\25|PScores and Parts\\25","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 2 (Rore, Cipriano de)|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 2 (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\19","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 1 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\10","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 1 (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|PParts\\5","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 1 (Striggio, Alessandro)|PParts\\7","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 2 (Lassus, Orlande de)|PParts\\10","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 3 (Gabrieli, Andrea)|PParts\\13","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 3 (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|PParts\\5","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 5 (Leoni, Leone)|SScores\\1","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 6 (Gagliano, Marco da)|SScores\\2","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 7 (Wert, Giaches de)|PParts\\6","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 8 (Wert, Giaches de)|PParts\\5","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 11 (Wert, Giaches de)|PParts\\5","Madrigali a 8 voci (Philips, Peter)|SScores\\1|PParts\\8","Madrigali a due voci, Libro 1 (Paien, Gioan)|PParts\\2","Madrigali concertati, Op.6 (Sabbatini, Galeazzo)|SScores\\1","Madrigali et arie per sonare et cantare, Book 2 (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Madrigali et symphonie, Op.2 (Marini, Biagio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8|PParts\\1","4 Madrigali (Falcone, Achille)|SScores\\1","4 Madrigali (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores\\1","Madrigali, Libri 1-2 (Zamboni, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Madrigali, Libro 1 (Turini, Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Madrigali, Libro 2 (Turini, Francesco)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5","Madrigali, scherzi, et arie per sonare et cantare, Book 3 (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Madrigalls to Fovre Voyces (Bennet, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\18|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\133","Madrigals for 4 voices (Menta, Francesco)|PParts\\4","Madrigals for Spring (St. Clair, Richard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Madrigals to 4 voyces, Book 1 (Morley, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\2","Madrigals, Book 1, SV 23\u201339 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Madrigals, Book 2, SV 40\u201359 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60\u201374 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75\u201393 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Madrigals, Book 5, SV 94\u2013106 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Madrigals, Book 9, SV 168\u2013178 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Madrigals, Libro 2 (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\131","Madrigals, Op.9 (Hathaway, Joseph William George)|SScores\\2","Madrigals (Violette, Andrew)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Madrigal (Roger-Ducasse, Jean)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Madrigal (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SScores\\1","Mag auch ein Blinder den Weg weisen (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Mag auch ein Blinder, GWV 1145\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mag auch ein Blinder, GWV 1145\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mag ich Ungl\u00fcck nicht widerstahn, GWV 1137\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Mag ich Zuflucht in eer und zucht (Peschin, Gregor)|SScores\\1","Magi viderunt stellam (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Magica sirena (Mojica, Natanael)|SScores\\1","Magna et mirabilia, HV 108 (Eybler, Joseph)","Magnalia Dei annuntiantes (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Magnifica Dominum omnes populi (Merula, Tarquinio)|SScores\\1","Magnificat 'O bone Jesu' (Fayrfax, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Magnificat 1683 (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Magnificat a 4 in B-flat major (Durante, Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\3","Magnificat a 4 voci, Op.37 No.11 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Magnificat a 5 in B-flat major (Durante, Francesco)|SScores\\2","Magnificat a 8 (Cifra, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Magnificat a 8 (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis 'Askham' (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis 'Hardy' (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\2","Magnificat and Nunc dimittis 'Hollis' (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in 3 Parts (Dyson, Peter)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in 4 Parts (Dyson, Peter)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A minor, Op.17 (Noble, Thomas Tertius)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A minor (Rogers, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C major (Cooke, Robert)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C major (Greene, Maurice)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D major, R55 (Moeran, Ernest John)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D major (Evans, John Thomas)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in E flat major (Creighton, Robert)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in E major (Novello, Vincent)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F major (King, Charles)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F major (Travers, John)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G major (Aldrich, Henry)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G major (Bryne, Albertus)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G major (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Darke, Harold)|SScores\\1","Magnificat anima mea, GWV 1172\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Magnificat for 4 Voices (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Magnificat for 5 voices (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Magnificat for 6 voices (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Magnificat for 9 voices (Foggia, Francesco)|PParts\\1","Magnificat in A major, S.90 (Heinichen, Johann David)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Magnificat in B-flat major, S.93 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in B-flat major, S.95 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Magnificat in C major (Kuhnau, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Magnificat in C major (Lotti, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in C major (Nov\u00e1k, Jan Franti\u0161ek)|SScores\\2","Magnificat in C major (Richter, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in C (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in D major, BWV 243 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\3|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\23|PParts\\46|VVocal Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\55","Magnificat in D major, H.772 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\16|PParts\\30|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Magnificat in D major (Agricola, Johann Friedrich)|PParts\\1","Magnificat in D major (Meucci, Giovanni Vincenzio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Magnificat in D major (Perti, Giacomo Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Magnificat in E-flat major, BWV 243a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Magnificat in F major, GraunWV D:VI:11 (Graun, Johann Gottlieb)|SFull Scores\\1","Magnificat in F major, S.91 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Magnificat in F major, S.92 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in F major (Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco)|SScores\\2","Magnificat in F major (Schnecker, Peter August)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in F minor (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in G major, FaWV H:G1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in G minor (Bersanetti, Gianluca)|SScores\\1","Magnificat octavi toni, LV 286 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Magnificat octavi toni (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Magnificat octavi toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","Magnificat primi toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Magnificat primi toni (Hessen-Kassel, Moritz von)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Magnificat Primi toni (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Magnificat quarti toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","Magnificat Quinti Toni (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Magnificat quinti toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","Magnificat secundi toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Magnificat secundi toni (Hessen-Kassel, Moritz von)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Magnificat septimi toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","Magnificat Sesti Toni (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Magnificat sexti et primi toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","Magnificat Sexti toni (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Magnificat tertii et octavi toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","Magnificat, A 652 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Magnificat, A-Ed G 9 (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat, D.486 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat, H.72 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Magnificat, H.73 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Magnificat, H.77 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Magnificat, H.78 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Magnificat, IA 3334 (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1","Magnificat, IAC 187 (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat, Op.59 (Roullet, Herv\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Magnificat, RV 610 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\10","Magnificat, WAB 24 (Bruckner, Anton)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat, ZWV 107 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","2 Magnificats in E-flat major, D-B\/2 (Durante, Francesco)|SScores\\1","16 Magnificats (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\17","Magnificat (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Magnificat (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\21","Magnificat (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Magn\u00edficat (Comes, Joan Baptista)|SScores\\1","Magnificat (Descarries, Auguste)|SScores\\5","Magnificat (Drew, Harry)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat (Gibbons, Orlando)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Magnificat (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Magnificat (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Magnificat (Le Quoynte, Louis)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Magnificat (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\20","Magnificat (Reinhardt, Johann Georg)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat (Renotte, Hubert)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Magnificat (Salas, Esteban)|SScores\\1","Magnificat (\u00datly, Miroslav)|SScores\\1","Magnum Nomen Domini (Praetorius, Michael)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mai, Op.53 (Gatter, Julius)|PParts\\5","Mailied, D.129 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Mais qui sert la richesse \u00e0 l'homme (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","La maison du docteur (Ivry, Paul d')|VVocal Scores\\1","Majest\u00e4tsche Sonnenrosse, D.64 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Make Me a Clean Heart, O God (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Malia (Vi\u00ebtor, Alba Rosa)|SScores\\1","Malvaggio horrido gelo, LV 393 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Mam'zelle Mariette (Bourgeois, \u00c9mile)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Man of Nazareth (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)|SScores\\1","Man predigt wohl viel, GWV 1106\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Man sagt in einem Sprichwort (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Man sagt von gelt und grossem g\u016ft (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Man sieht nun wohl (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Man sing, man sag, hab Freud all Tag (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg, BuxWV Anh.2 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\2","Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg, BWV 149 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg, TWV 1:1088 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Man singet mit Freuden vom Siege, GWV 1128\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Man spricht, wen Gott erfreut (Gesius, Bartholom\u00e4us)|SScores\\5","Mandina amabile, K.480 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Mandragora, Op.43 (Szymanowski, Karol)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","3 Mandskor, Op.38 (Nielsen, Ludolf)|SScores\\1","The Manhattan Collection (Hastings, Thomas)|SScores\\2","2 M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores\\1","3 M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re, Op.10 (Eisler, Hanns)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","3 M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re, Op.34 (Kistler, Cyrill)|SScores\\1","2 M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re, Op.56 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|SScores\\1","3 M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re, Op.86 (Meyer-Olbersleben, Max)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","M\u00e4nnerchorsatz 'En Mueters St\u00fcbele', Op.117 (Schwenkglenks, Manfred)|SScores\\1","A Manual of Psalm Tunes (Elvey, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Manuscript, I-Bc MS Q.21 (Various)|PParts\\4","Mara, Op.61 (Hummel, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","March of the Monks of Bangor (Whiting, George Elbridge)|VVocal Scores\\1","The March of Time (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Les marchands de chansons (Legouix, Isidore-Edouard)|SScores\\1","Marcus-Passion (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Margarita dai Corai (Vecchi, Orazio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Maria dolorata (Vinci, Leonardo)|SFull Scores\\2","Maria Magdalena (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\8","Maria Magdalene et altera Maria (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Maria Mater Gratiae (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Maria wallt zum Heiligtum (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\18|PScores and Parts\\18|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Maria, Op.48 (Ryelandt, Joseph Victor Marie)|VVocal Scores\\1","Maria-Liederen (Various)|SScores\\1","Le mariage de Salomon (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","2 Marian Motets (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","6 Marianische Hymnen, Op.171 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Maricela (D\u00edaz Pe\u00f1a, Sebasti\u00e1n)|SScores\\1","Mariengarten, S.62 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Marienlied No.10 in F major, Op.56 (H\u00f6gn, August)|SScores\\1","8 Marienlieder, Op.61d (Reger, Max)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","4 Marienlieder, Op.61e (Reger, Max)|SScores\\1","Le marin ivre, Op.1 No.2 (Jean, Fran\u00e7ois-Xavier)|SScores\\1","Marinero ingrato (Cuello Piraquibis, Adri\u00e1n Antonio)","The Mariners' Glee (Barker, Nathan)|SScores\\1","Marino roque surcas (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","Markus-Passion Pasticcio, BC D 5b (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3","Markus-Passion Pasticcio, BC D 5 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|PParts\\2","Markus-Passion Pasticcio, BWV 1166 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Markus-Passion, H.783 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|PParts\\2|LLibrettos\\1","Markus-Passion, H.787 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|PParts\\1","Markus-Passion, H.791 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|PParts\\1","Markus-Passion (Beber, Ambrosius)|SScores\\1","The Marriage (Mussorgsky, Modest)|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Marriage-Hater Matched, Z.602 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Mars (Bird, Peter)|SScores\\1","Il Martellato (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","The Martial Summons! (Root, Frederic Woodman)|SScores\\2","Il martirio di S. Teodosia (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","The Martyr of Antioch (Sullivan, Arthur)|VVocal Scores\\3","Mascheratta de Gratiani (Croce, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Mass 'Praise Him Praiseworthy' (Alwood, Richard)|SScores\\2","Mass dedicated to Fray Jun\u00edpero Serra (Biggs, Richard Keys)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass for 2 Voices (Pozzetti, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Mass for 3 High Voices and Organ (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\9","Mass for 3 Voices, T 2 (Byrd, William)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Mass for 3 Voices (Sna\u00ebr, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Mass for 4 Voices in F major (Pavona, Pietro Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mass for 4 Voices, SV 190 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\29","Mass for 4 Voices, SV 257 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|RRecordings\\5|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Mass for 4 Voices, T 1 (Byrd, William)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Mass for 4 Voices (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Mass for 5 Voices, T 3 (Byrd, William)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Mass for 6 Voices, SV 205 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Mass for Eight Operatic Voices (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Mass in A major 'Quia mihi et tibi' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in A major, StWV 114 (Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in A major (Barton, Marmaduke Miller)|SScores\\1","Mass in A major (Lotti, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mass in A major (Schuster, Joseph)|SScores\\2","Mass in A major (Wagenseil, Georg Christoph)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in A minor 'Mundata est lepra eius' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in A minor, D.755 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\2","Mass in A minor (Brunetti, Giovan Gualberto)|SScores\\1","Mass in A minor (Herbeck, Johann von)|SScores\\1","Mass in A minor (Theile, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Mass in A-flat major, D.678 (Schubert, Franz)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\17|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in A-flat major (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Mass in B minor 'Matris dolorosae' (Caldara, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in B minor, BWV 232 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\47|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\56|PParts\\55|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\81","Mass in B minor (Dossert, Frank)|SScores\\1","Mass in B-flat major 'Liberae dispositionis' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in B-flat major 'Sancti Francisci' (Caldara, Antonio)|PParts\\2","Mass in B-flat major, D.324 (Schubert, Franz)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7|PParts\\9","Mass in B-flat major, Hob.XXII:10 (Haydn, Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8|PParts\\26|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Mass in B-flat major, Hob.XXII:12 (Haydn, Joseph)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\4","Mass in B-flat major, Op.2 No.2 (Kayser, Isfrid)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in B-flat major, Op.37 (Renner, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Mass in B-flat major, StWV 115 (Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in B-flat major (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Mass in B-flat major (Farmer, Henry)|SScores\\1","Mass in C major 'Desiderij' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Mass in C major 'di Toson' (Caldara, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major 'Divi Xaverii' (Caldara, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major 'Fidei vivae' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major 'Gratiarum' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Mass in C major 'Laudate eum omnes angeli eius' (Caldara, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, A-Ed A 26 (Ehrenhardt, Johann Franz)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, A-Ed A 44 (Caldara, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, A-Ed A 174 (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, D-LEb Go. S. 264 (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, D.452 (Schubert, Franz)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, Hob.XXII:9 (Haydn, Joseph)|RRecordings\\17|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Mass in C major, K.66 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|OOther\\4","Mass in C major, K.257 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, K.262\/246a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Mass in C major, K.317 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\12|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Mass in C major, Op.2 No.5 (Pinzger, Romanus)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, Op.86 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in C major, Op.108 (Krommer, Franz)|SScores\\1","Mass in C major, Op.169 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|RRecordings\\6|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\3","Mass in C major (Cerruti, Giuseppe)|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in C major (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores\\1","Mass in C major (Schubert, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Mass in C minor, K.427\/417a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\38|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in C minor, Op.147 (Schumann, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C minor (Durante, Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mass in C minor (Filtz, Johann Anton)|SScores\\1","Mass in C minor (Schubert, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Mass in C minor (\u0160kroup, Franti\u0161ek)|SScores\\1","Mass in D major 'Intende in adiutorium meum' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major 'Vix orimur morimur' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\4|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major, FaWV G:D1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Mass in D major, MH 796 (Haydn, Michael)|RRecordings\\6|SScores\\1","Mass in D major, Op.86 (Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Anton\u00edn)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\24|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Mass in D major, P.46 (Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in D major, P.58 (Danzi, Franz)|SScores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major, PWV B15 (Winter, Peter von)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major (Bioni, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Mass in D major (Cavi, Giovanni)|PParts\\1","Mass in D major (Harrer, Gottlob)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\3|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in D major (Meucci, Giovanni Vincenzio)|SScores\\4|PParts\\4","Mass in D major (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Mass in D major (Pisani, Giovanni)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major (Sarro, Domenico Natale)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major (Schenuit, Alfons William)|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major (Schreyer, Gregor)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major (Zannetti, Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mass in D minor 'Providentiae' (Caldara, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Mass in D minor, Hob.XXII:11 (Haydn, Joseph)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\46|VVocal Scores\\6","Mass in D minor, Op.10 (Paine, John Knowles)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\7","Mass in D minor (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Mass in D minor (Righini, Vincenzo)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in D minor (Sarro, Domenico Natale)|PParts\\1","Mass in D (Peters, William Cumming)|SScores\\1","Mass in E major, Op.4 (Trowbridge, John Eliot)|SScores\\1","Mass in E minor 'Comemorationis' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Mass in E minor 'Dolorosa' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Mass in E minor (Kurpi\u0144ski, Karol)|SScores\\2","Mass in E minor (Schubert, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Mass in E minor (Soares, Artur Penha)|SScores\\1","Mass in E-flat major, CPM 118 (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in E-flat major, D.950 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\9|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\4","Mass in E-flat major, GraunWV A:VI:1 (Graun, Johann Gottlieb)|SScores\\2","Mass in E-flat major, Hob.XXII:4 (Haydn, Joseph)|RRecordings\\6","Mass in E-flat major, Op.5 (Beach, Amy Marcy)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\5","Mass in E-flat major, Op.80 (Hummel, Johann Nepomuk)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in E-flat major (Concone, Giuseppe)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in E-flat major (Filtz, Johann Anton)|SScores\\1","Mass in E-flat major (Fiske, William Orville)|VVocal Scores\\11","Mass in E-flat major (Kluger, Johann Florian)|PParts\\15","Mass in E-flat major (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Mass in E-flat major (Saupe, Christian Gottlob)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mass in E-flat major (Schuster, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Mass in E-flat major (Seyfried, Ignaz)|PParts\\1","Mass in F major (D-Dl Mus.2170-D-11) (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in F major, D.105 (Schubert, Franz)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\9|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\7","Mass in F major, FaWV G:F1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Mass in F major (Cimarosa, Domenico)|SScores\\1","Mass in F major (Emiliani, Emiliano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\8","Mass in F major (Jommelli, Niccol\u00f2)|PParts\\1","Mass in F major (Poniatowski, J\u00f3zef)|VVocal Scores\\2","Mass in F major (Sarro, Domenico Natale)|SScores\\3","Mass in F minor (Tosh, Robert)|SScores\\6","Mass in G major 'Consolationis' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in G major, BWV 236 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Mass in G major, D.167 (Schubert, Franz)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Mass in G major, Op.1 No.1 (B\u00fchler, Franz)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in G major, Op.46 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|VVocal Scores\\7","Mass in G major, WoO VI\/2 (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|PParts\\10","Mass in G major (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Mass in G major (Sarro, Domenico Natale)|SScores\\2","Mass in G major (Seixas, Carlos)|SScores\\1","Mass in G minor 'Reformata' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\4|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in G minor, BWV 235 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\3","Mass in G minor (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Mass in G minor (Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Mass in G minor (Scheibl, Johann Adam)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in G minor (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Mass in G minor (Wagenseil, Georg Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mass in Honor of St. Anthony (Biggs, Richard Keys)|SScores\\1","Mass in Honor of St. Patrick (Wiegand, John)|VVocal Scores\\2","Mass in Honor of St. Pius V (Stewart, Humphrey John)|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in Honor of the 'Little Flower' (Yon, Pietro)|SScores\\1","3 Mass Movements - Migrant (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Mass No.1 in B-flat major, Op.77 (Hummel, Johann Nepomuk)|RRecordings\\6|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13","Mass No.1 in D minor, WAB 26 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\18|PParts\\41|VVocal Scores\\3|DSketches and Drafts\\1","Mass No.1 in D minor (Schuster, Joseph)|SScores\\5","Mass No.1 in F major (Giorza, Paolo)|SScores\\1","Mass No.1, Op.20 (W\u00fcllner, Franz)|SScores\\2","Mass No.1, Op.143 (Battmann, Jacques-Louis)|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","Mass No.1 (Baker, Dorothea)|SScores\\4","Mass No.2, Op.29 (W\u00fcllner, Franz)|SScores\\1","Mass No.3 in C major (Vit\u00e1sek, Jan Nepomuk Augustin)|PParts\\1","Mass No.3 in E-flat major, Op.111 (Wels, Charles)|SScores\\5","Mass No.3 in F minor, WAB 28 (Bruckner, Anton)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mass No.5 'Requiem', Op.9 (Haller, Michael)|SScores\\1","Mass No.6 in G major (Schuster, Joseph)|SFull Scores\\6","Mass No.12 in A minor (Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","A Mass of Life, RT II\/4 (Delius, Frederick)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass of St. Joseph (McManus, Stephen)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mass of the Annunciation (Baetens, Charles M)|SScores\\1","Mass of the Ascension (McManus, Stephen)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Mass of the Assumption (Baetens, Charles M)|SScores\\1","Mass of the Nativity (McManus, Stephen)|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass Pair for Christmas (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Mass Pair for Penitence (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Mass, Op.4 (Callaerts, Joseph)|SFull Scores\\1","Mass, Op.4 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Mass, Op.6 (Klose, Friedrich)|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass, Op.12 (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7|PParts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\66","Mass, Op.28 (Hol, Richard)|SScores\\1","Mass, Op.43 (Andr\u00e9, Johann Anton)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass, Op.55 (Bibl, Rudolf)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mass, Op.67 (Bibl, Rudolf)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mass, Op.105 (Plante, Cyril)|SFull Scores\\5","Mass, ULB Mus.Ms.325 (Fuchs, Valentin)|PParts\\1","Mass, ULB Mus.Ms.326 (Fuchs, Valentin)|PParts\\1","A Massabielle, Op.77 (Roullet, Herv\u00e9)|SScores\\1","9 Masses and 12 Offertories, Op.1 (Ganspeckh, Wilhelm)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","5 Masses (Petrucci, Ottaviano)|PParts\\1","6 Masses, Op.1 (B\u00fchler, Franz)|PParts\\17","6 Masses, Op.1 (Fischer, Matth\u00e4us)|PParts\\18","6 Masses, Op.2 (Pinzger, Romanus)|PParts\\1","Die Ma\u00dfnahme, Op.20 (Eisler, Hanns)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Mass (Pazzaglia, Salvatore)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5","Mass (Tomeoni, Pellegrino)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mass (Violette, Andrew)|SScores\\1","Master Cells (Nelson-King, Peter Roddy)|SScores\\1","Mater patris et filia (Brumel, Antoine)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Matinas de Pentecostes (Portugal, Marcos)|SScores\\1","Matinas de Santo Ant\u00f4nio (Souza, Jer\u00f4nimo de)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9","Matin\u00e9e dans la montagne, CG 190 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\1","Matin\u00e9e musicale, A 208-217 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Matona mia cara, LV 663 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Matrosenlied (Lachner, Vinzenz)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Matth\u00e4us Passion (Vulpius, Melchior)|SScores\\1","Matth\u00e4us-Passion, H.782 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\2|LLibretti\\1","Matth\u00e4us-Passion, H.790 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SScores\\1","Matth\u00e4us-Passion, H.802 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SScores\\1","Matth\u00e4us-Passion, SWV 479 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|VVocal Scores\\2","Matth\u00e4us-Passion (Walter, Johann)|SScores\\3","Matth\u00e4uspassion, BWV 244b (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|LLibrettos\\1","Matth\u00e4uspassion, BWV 244 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\11|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\28|PParts\\29|VVocal Scores\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\59|OOther\\13","Die Maurerfreude, K.471 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","May Morning (Distin, Theodore)|SScores\\1","Mayer Cantata, WAB 60 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Maying (Smith, Alice Mary)|SScores\\1","Maylied (Fonseca, Ida Henriette da)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Me vu\u00f2 bene s\u00ec, o n\u00f2? (Denza, Luigi)|SScores\\1","The Meadow Lark (Vi\u00ebtor, Alba Rosa)|SScores\\1","Medio Evo (Frontini, Francesco Paolo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Meditabor in mandatis tuis, LV 692 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Medita\u00e7\u00f5es (Tavares, Luciano)|SScores\\1","Meditation on a Ruin (Lambert, Edward)|SScores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","M\u00e9ditations pour le Car\u00eame, H.380-389 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\20|PScores and Parts\\20","2 Meditations, Op.67 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Das Meer, Op.31 (Nicod\u00e9, Jean Louis)|SFull Scores\\2","Megy a g\u0151z\u00f6s... (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Mehala (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|VVocal Scores\\2","319 Mehrstimmige Choralges\u00e4nge und geistliche Arien (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\2","Mein Alter k\u00f6mmt, ich kann nicht sterben (Kuhnau, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Mein bester Freund, mein Jesus weint (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Mein Freudenlicht hat sich verborgen, GWV 1133\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mein Freund ist mein und ich bin sein, R 5.1.130 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\1","Mein Freund komme in seinen Garten (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Mein Freund! (Hegar, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Mein freundlichs B (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Mein gbl\u00fct und sin (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Mein Gott betr\u00fcbt ist meine Seele, GWV 1104\/11a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mein Gott du tr\u00e4gst mich, GWV 1145\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mein Gott ich sch\u00e4me mich, TWV 1:1114 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mein Gott, mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen? (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Mein Gott, nimm die gerechte Seele, BWV Anh.17 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen?, GWV 1118\/12a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen?, GWV 1123\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen?, GWV 1127\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange, BWV 155 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\1","Mein Heiland deiner Tugend Licht, GWV 1158\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Mein Heiland neigt sein Haupt, GWV 1127\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Mein hertz fert hin (Peschin, Gregor)|SScores\\1","Mein Herz dichtet ein feines Lied (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Mein Herz ehrt Gott, GWV 1114\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mein Herz ist bereit (Vierdanck, Johann)|SScores\\1","Mein Herz klebt nicht mehr an der Erde, GWV 1136\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mein Herz singt und spielt, GWV 1161\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mein Herz soll treu an Jesu hangen, GWV 1103\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mein Herz wie hast du Haus gehalten, GWV 1150\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mein Herz zieh redliches Erbarmen, GWV 1145\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mein himmlischer Vater (Othmayr, Caspar)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mein Jesus bleibet mir (Liebhold)|SScores\\1","Mein Jesus ist mein Hausgenosse, GWV 1113\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mein Jesus seufzet, GWV 1153\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mein Kind verwirf die Zucht des Herrn nicht, TWV 1:1128 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Mein Kind wenn du krank wirst, GWV 1165\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mein Leben beginnt jeden Morgen neu (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\1","Mein liebster Jesus ist verloren, BWV 154 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\4","Mein M\u00fctterlein (Isaac, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Mein Schatz mein Jesus ist verloren, GWV 1112\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mein Sch\u00f6nste Zier (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mein S\u00fcnd' mich werden kr\u00e4nken sehr, GWV 1163\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mein Teddyb\u00e4r (Ganglberger, Johann Wilhelm)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Meine Freundin, du bist sch\u00f6n (Bach, Johann Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Meine Kindlein lasset uns nicht lieben, GWV 1153\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Meine Kindlein lasset uns nicht lieben, GWV 1154\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Meine Lieben wir sind nun Gottes Kinder, GWV 1126\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Meine Schafe h\u00f6ren meine Stimme, TWV 1:1102 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Meine Seele d\u00fcrstet nach Gott, GWV 1112\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Meine Seele erhebt den Herren, SWV 494 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Meine Seele erhebt den Herren (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn, GWV 1171\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn, GWV 1171\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn, TWV 9:18 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn (Bach, Johann Ernst)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Meine Seele ist stille zu Gott, GWV 1114\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Meine Seele r\u00fchmt und preist (Hoffmann, Melchior)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Meine Seufzer meine Klagen, GWV 1154\/09b (Graupner, Christoph)|PParts\\1","Meine Seufzer, meine Tr\u00e4nen, BWV 13 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Meine S\u00fcnden betr\u00fcben mich, P.364 (Pachelbel, Johann)|SScores\\1","Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht, BWV 124 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht, GWV 1170\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Meinen Jesum will ich lieben, TWV 1:1098 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Meister was mu\u00df ich tun (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Meister wir wissen, GWV 1164\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Meister, wir haben die ganze Nacht gearbeitet (Vulpius, Melchior)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Des Meisters Geistersang (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\2","M\u00e9langes autographes, Vol.2 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","La m\u00eal\u00e9e (Guimet, \u00c9mile)|VVocal Scores\\1","Melodeyen Gesangbuch (Various)|SScores\\1","Melodia Sacra (Weyman, David)|SScores\\6","Melod\u00eda, Op.69 (Cruz, Antonio de la)|SScores\\1","Melod\u00eda, Op.125 (Cruz, Antonio de la)|SScores\\1","Melodie na Psa\u0142terz Polski (Gom\u00f3\u0142ka, Miko\u0142aj)|SScores\\1","3 Melodien zu 'Wir gl\u00e4uben all' an einen Gott' (Hiller, Johann Adam)|SScores\\1","Melodien zu Gellert's Geistlichen Oden und Liedern (Doles, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Melodier til Landstads Salmebog (Lindeman, Ludvig Mathias)|SScores\\3","4 M\u00e9lodies d'apr\u00e8s R.M. Rilke, Op.13 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\4","15 M\u00e9lodies (Destribaud, Paul)|SScores\\1","20 M\u00e9lodies (Ugalde, Delphine)|SScores\\1","4 M\u00e9lodies, Op.7 (Grechaninov, Aleksandr)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Melting Airs (Hayes, William)|SScores\\2","Membra Jesu Nostri, BuxWV 75 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Memento Domine David, S.97 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Memento Domine David, ZWV 98 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Memento II (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Memento I (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Memento mei, CPM 189 (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Mement (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Memorial Cantata, Op.65 (Glazunov, Aleksandr)|VVocal Scores\\1","Men and Angels, Op.51 (Davies, Walford)|VVocal Scores\\3","La menace des Francs, H 117 (Berlioz, Hector)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\3","Menando un giorno (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Mengelberg Cantata (Dopper, Cornelis)|SScores\\1","M\u00e9nines, Op.3 No.4 (Jean, Fran\u00e7ois-Xavier)|SScores\\1","Der Mensch vom Weibe geboren, GWV 1157\/09a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mensch, wilt du leben seliglich, W51 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Mensch, wiltu leben seliglich (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Des Menschen Sohn geht aus zu s\u00e4en, GWV 1118\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Das menschliche Leben (Hetsch, Louis)|PParts\\1","Menschliche Nichtigkeit (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Die menschliche Stimme, G.155 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Mentre fioriv\u2019amor, LV 65 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Mentre io tutta ripongo in Dio, S.610 (Marcello, Benedetto)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mentre l'aura spir\u00f2 nel verde Lauro (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Mentre la donna, anzi la vita mia (Striggio, Alessandro)","The Merchant Kalashnikov (Rubinstein, Anton)|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","The Merchant of Venice (Sullivan, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Merciless Beauty (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Mercy n'aura qui ne prend a mercy (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Merk auf mein Herz und sieh dorthin, GWV 1111\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Merk auf mein Herz (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Merkt auf ihr Seelen Jesus lehrt, GWV 1141\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Merkt Seelen was Jesus spricht, GWV 1118\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","The Mermaid (Edwards, Julian)|VVocal Scores\\1","Merry Gypsies (Smart, George)|SScores\\1","Mes Vers Fuiraient (Mourey, Colette)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Messa a 3 voci (Rossi, Luigi Felice)|SScores\\1","Messa a 3 voci (Ventrella, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Messa \u00e0 Cinque Voci (Duni, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Messa a grand'orchestra in D minor (Cortese, Filippo)|SScores\\1","Messa \u00e0 quattro in canone, R.514\/8 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","Messa a quattro voci con orchestra, SC 6 (Puccini, Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messa breve \u00e0 5 voci, Op.17 No.1 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores\\6","Messa canonica (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Messa concertata a 4 voci (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Messa Cristo Re (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Messa da Requiem (Anzoletti, Marco)|SScores\\3","Messa da Requiem (Frontini, Francesco Paolo)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Messa della morte (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Messa della Santissima Trinit\u00e0 (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Messa di Defonti (Capuana, Mario)|SScores\\1","Messa di Gloria e Credo, A 606 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\2|PParts\\2","Messa di Gloria (Mercadante, Saverio)|SFull Scores\\1","Messa e salmi a 4 voci con istromenti, Op.14 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Messa e salmi a 5 voci con 4 istromenti, Op.36 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Messa e salmi a 5 voci, Op.17 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Messa e salmi concertati a quattro voci, Op.2a (Perti, Giacomo Antonio)|PParts\\14","Messa e salmi concertati, Op.4 (Albergati, Pirro Capacelli Conte)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Messa e salmi concertati (Grandi, Alessandro)|PParts\\1","Messa Eucaristica (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Messa facile in onore di S. Lucia, Op.180 (Bottazzo, Luigi)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Messa Facilissima, Op.100 (Ravanello, Oreste)|SScores\\1","Messa funebre per 3 soli e orchestra (Gattola, Paolo Maria)|SScores\\1","Messa Il buon Pastore (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Messa in D major, Op.16 (Finotti, Marco)|SScores\\1","Messa in pastorale (Bencini, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Messa in pastorale (Gazzaniga, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Messa melodica in honor of St. Margaret (Yon, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Messa Pastorale in G major (Richter, Franz Xaver)|RRecordings\\6","Messa per la Settimana Santa (Mayr, Giovanni Simone)|SScores\\2","Messa Solenne in B minor (Ravanello, Oreste)|SScores\\1","Messa solenne in B-flat major (Witt, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Messa solenne in E-flat major (Witt, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Messa Solenne in onore di S. Oreste, Op.83 (Ravanello, Oreste)|SScores\\1","Messa, e salmi a 3 voci, Op.24 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Messa, e salmi concertati \u00e0 3, 4 e 5 voci (Colonna, Giovanni Paolo)|PParts\\1","Messa, e Salmi da concertarsi nel'Organo (Usper, Francesco)|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Messa, salmi concertati e parte da capella, et letanie della B. V. (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Messaggera dei fior (Cattozzo, Nino)|SScores\\1","Il Messaggero di Dio, Op.24 (Masotti, Celestina)|SScores\\1","Messa (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Messe \u00e0 2 voix \u00e9gales (Neukomm, Sigismund)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Messe \u00e0 8 voix et 8 violons et fl\u00fbtes, H.3 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Messe \u00e0 grand orchestre, CG 55 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\1","Messe \u00e0 la m\u00e9moire de Jeanne d'Arc, CG 74 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messe a tre concertate, Op.16 (Milanuzzi, Carlo)|PParts\\1","Messe \u00e0 trois voix (Dodement, Arthur)|SScores\\2","Messe \u00e0 trois voix (Vasseur, L\u00e9on)|SScores\\1","Messe br\u00e8ve (Cimarosa, Domenico)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messe de la d\u00e9livrance (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Messe de minuit pour No\u00ebl, H.9 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messe de Requiem, Op.23 (Bomtempo, Jo\u00e3o Domingos)|SFull Scores\\3","Messe Delicta iuventutis meae ne memineris (Butz, Tobias)|SScores\\7","Messe des morts, H.7 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Messe des orph\u00e9ons (Grisy, Auguste)|SScores\\1","Messe des rameaux (Godefroid, F\u00e9lix)|VVocal Scores\\2","Messe du T. S. Sacrement et Quam dilecta (Neukomm, Sigismund)|SScores\\1","Messe e motetti concertate, Op.18 (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Messe f\u00fcr den Gr\u00fcndonnerstag, Op.71 (Stenov, Michael)|RRecordings\\3|SScores\\3","Messe pastorale (Valenti, Avelino)|SScores\\1","Messe pontificale (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\1","Messe pour l'Avent et le Car\u00eame (Cimarosa, Domenico)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messe pour le Samedi de Paques, H.8 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Messe pour les tr\u00e9pass\u00e9s, H.2 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Messe solennelle 'Pour chanter Notre Dame' (Dierickx, Edmond)|SScores\\2","Messe solennelle \u00e0 quatre voix et ch\u0153urs (Adam, Adolphe)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messe solennelle de Sainte-C\u00e9cile, CG 56 (Gounod, Charles)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Messe Solennelle No.3, Op.11 (Guilmant, Alexandre)|SFull Scores\\7","Messe Solennelle No.3 (Giorza, Paolo)|SScores\\2","Messe solennelle No.22 (Dietsch, Pierre-Louis)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Messe solennelle, AWV 52 (Auber, Daniel Fran\u00e7ois Esprit)|SFull Scores\\2","Messe solennelle, H 20 (Berlioz, Hector)|SFull Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messe solennelle, Op.20 (Samie, Auguste)|SScores\\1","Messe solennelle, Op.145 (Dulcken, Ferdinand Quentin)|VVocal Scores\\6","Messe solennelle (Rousseau, Samuel Alexandre)|SScores\\1","Messe, H.1 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Messe, Op.13 (Saint-Martin, L\u00e9once de)|SScores\\1","Messiah, HWV 56 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\305|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\18|PParts\\58|VVocal Scores\\40|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\108|LLibrettos\\1|OOther\\3","Der Messias, TWV 6:4 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","The Metaphysical Rap (Sohst, Wolfgang)|SScores\\1","Methinks I hear the full celestial choir (Crotch, William)|SScores\\1","M\u00e9thode compl\u00e8te de vocalisation (Panseron, Auguste Mathieu)|SScores\\4","50 Metrical Anthems (Metcalfe, Joseph Powell)|SScores\\1","Le Meurtre d'Abel (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\1","Mexico (Gastinel, L\u00e9on)|SScores\\1","Mezza Notte (Gabussi, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","Mia benigna fortuna, LV 10 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","La mia ninna-nanna t'addormenter\u00e0 (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Mia Terra (Milita, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Mich hungert Herr nach deiner Gnade, GWV 1121\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mich jammert herzlich, GWV 1151\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mich \u00fcberf\u00e4llt mein Kreuz, GWV 1153\/09a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Midi (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Midnight and Noon (Clarke, Hamilton)|SScores\\1","The Mighty Conqueror (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\2","Milda (Moniuszko, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Miles Lane (Shrubsole, William)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mille Flocons (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Milly (Chester, Pauline)|SScores\\1","Mi\u00f1a Terri\u00f1a (Viro, Angel)|SScores\\2","Mine Is the Mourning Heart (Foster, Stephen)|SScores\\2","The Minstrel and the King, Op.16 (Beach, Amy Marcy)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Mir hat die Welt tr\u00fcglich gericht, GWV 1103\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mir ist ein rot Goldfingerlein (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Mirabile mysterium (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Mirabile mysterium (Handl, Jacob)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mirami, vita mia, miram' un poco (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Mirtillo hat ein Sch\u00e4felein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Misa a cuatro voces (Pagueras, Cayetano)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Misa a Santa Cecilia, Op.30 (Maino, Ulises)|SScores\\8","Misa a tres voces y \u00f3rgano (Prota Carmena, Maria Isabel)|SScores\\1","Misa a tres voces (Ferrero, Ra\u00fal)|SScores\\1","Misa Coral, Op.70 (Prota Carmena, Maria Isabel)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Misa de requiem, Op.22 (Rodr\u00edguez, Pablo Andr\u00e9s)|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\34|VVocal Scores\\2","Misa Dos Olivais (Requena, Iordi)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Misa San Francisco de Javier (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Misera che far\u00f2, LV 591 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Miserere for 4 Voices (Haeser, August Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","Miserere in C minor, Op.11 No.2 (Kobrich, Johann Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere in C minor, P.71 (Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Miserere in C minor (Harrer, Gottlob)|SScores\\3|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere in C minor (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Miserere in C minor (Kolberer, Cajetan)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere in C minor (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Miserere in C minor (Uhlich, August)|SScores\\1","Miserere in D minor (Kolberer, Cajetan)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere in G major, S.682 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Miserere in G minor (A-Wn HK.209) (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere in G minor (D-Dl Mus.2170-E-4) (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere in G minor (Kolberer, Cajetan)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere mei Deus (Sabatino, Nicola)|OOther\\1","Miserere mei, Domine (Assisi, Ruffino d')|SScores\\1","Miserere, CG 144 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\1","Miserere, Christe, mei (Ebart, Samuel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Miserere, H.219 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SFull Scores\\1","Miserere, LWV 25 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Miserere, Op.12 (B\u00fchler, Franz)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere, Op.26 (W\u00fcllner, Franz)|SScores\\2","Miserere, Psaume 50 (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)|SScores\\1","Miserere, Salmo 50 (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere, WoO 7.4 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Miserere (Allegri, Gregorio)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\23|PScores and Parts\\23|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Miserere (Bueno, Julio A.)|SScores\\2","Miserere (Carapella, Tommaso)|SScores\\1","Miserere (Dur\u00e1n, Jos\u00e9)|PParts\\2","Miserere (Ehrenhardt, Johann Franz)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere (Martinez, Marianne)|SScores\\1","Miserere (Platti, Giovanni Benedetto)|SScores\\1","Miserere (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\2","Miserere (Sammartini, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Miserere (Scarlatti, Francesco)|PParts\\4","Miserere (Vogler, Georg Joseph)|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Misericordia and Vocem PreIntroits (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Misericordias Domini (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Misericordias tuas (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Misero! o sogno, K.431\/425b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa 'Deo Gratias' (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","Missa 'In honorem S. Angelorum Custodum', Op.13 (Molitor, Johann Baptist)|SScores\\1","Missa 'In honorem S. Fidelis a Sigmaringa Martyris', Op.12 (Molitor, Johann Baptist)|SScores\\1","Missa 'Maria, consolatrix afflictorum' (Zoller, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Missa 'Regina coeli' (Kerle, Jacobus de)|SScores\\1","Missa 'Tota pulchra es Maria', Op.11 (Molitor, Johann Baptist)|SScores\\1","Missa 'Un jour l'amant et l'amye' (Romero, Mateo)|SScores\\1","Missa 'Vivat Rex' (Madin, Henry)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Missa \u00e0 4 (Capricornus, Samuel)|SFull Scores\\1","Missa a 9 in G major (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Missa \u00e0 16 voci in Quattro Cori (Fasch, Karl Friedrich Christian)|SFull Scores\\18|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Missa A l\u2019ombre d\u2019ung buissonet (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Missa a note Nere (Rore, Cipriano de)|SScores\\4","Missa abreviada in D major (Oliveira, Manoel Dias de)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Ad Dulcissimum Cor Jesu, Op.41 (Stehle, Johann Gustav Eduard)|SScores\\1","Missa ad imitationem moduli J\u00e4ger, LV 622 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\36|PScores and Parts\\36|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Missa ad imitationem moduli Puis que j'ai perdu, LV 620 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Missa ad imitationem moduli Surge propera, LV 625 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\7","Missa ad imitationem moduli Susanne un Jour, LV 408 (Lassus, Orlande de)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa Aeterna Christi munera (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa Agnus redemit Oves (Molinari, Marco)|SScores\\1","Missa Alma Redemptoris mater (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\6","Missa Angeli Custodis (Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor)|SScores\\1","Missa Archi Episcopalis \u00e0 19 (Hofer, Andreas)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13","Missa Ascendens Christus in altum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\15","Missa Aspice Domine (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\6","Missa Attende Domine, Op.193 (Peters, Rob)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Missa Ave Maria in E-flat major, Op.48 (Fuchs-Sch\u00f6nbach, Ernst)|SScores\\1","Missa Ave Maris Stella (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\5","Missa Ave maris stella (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\8","Missa Ave Regina (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","Missa Beata Dei genetrix (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\15","Missa Beatissimae Virginis Mariae, MH 15 (Haydn, Michael)|RRecordings\\6","Missa Brevis a 6 (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Missa brevis in B-flat major, K.275\/272b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\2","Missa brevis in C major, K.220\/196b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa brevis in C major, K.258 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa brevis in C major, K.259 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\3","Missa brevis in D major, K.194\/186h (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa brevis in D minor, K.65\/61a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|DSketches and Drafts\\1","Missa brevis in D minor (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Missa brevis in F major, K.192\/186f (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa brevis in G major, K.49\/47d (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Missa brevis in G major, K.140\/Anh.C 1.12 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa Brevis in G (Makowski, Julius L.)|SScores\\1","Missa Brevis na 4 G\u0142osy M\u0119skie (P\u0119kiel, Bart\u0142omiej)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa brevis pro omni tempore, Op.1 (Stenov, Michael)|RRecordings\\4","Missa brevis, BuxWV 114 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Missa brevis, Op.15 (Molitor, Johann Baptist)|SScores\\1","Missa brevis, Op.28 (Ngo, Ethan)|SScores\\6","Missa brevis (Biber, Carl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Missa brevis (Ferber, Richard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Brevis (Scott, Douglas Walter)|SScores\\1","Missa brevis (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Missa brevis (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Cantate (Sheppard, John)|SScores\\2","Missa Carolus Sextus II (Ragazzi, Angelo)|SScores\\1","Missa Carolus Sextus I (Ragazzi, Angelo)|SScores\\1","Missa Charitatis, ZWV 10 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Circumcisionis, ZWV 11 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\7","Missa Clementina II (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","Missa concertata (Cima, Giovanni Andrea)|SScores\\1","Missa Corporis Domini, ZWV 3 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Missa Corpus Domini, ZWV 9 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\6|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Corpus Domini (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Missa Da pacem (Bauldeweyn, Noel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\17|PScores and Parts\\17","Missa de Beata Maria (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\8","Missa de Beata Virgine (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\6","Missa de oitavo tom (Oliveira, Manoel Dias de)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa de Santa Cec\u00edlia, CPM 113 (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\22","Missa de Segunda-feira Santa (Bemfica, Ant\u00f4nio Martiniano da Silva)|SScores\\3","Missa de Sta. Francisca (Kreutzer, Conradin)|RRecordings\\6","Missa Dei Amoris, Op.36 (Dumler, Martin G.)|SScores\\1","Missa Dei Filii, ZWV 20 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Dei Patris, ZWV 19 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa Deo gratias, Op.50 (Neuhofer, Franz)|VVocal Scores\\8","Missa di nona, Op.205 (Neuhofer, Franz)|SScores\\1","Missa di S. Conradi (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\5","Missa Divi Xaverii, ZWV 12 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Missa dominicalis (Reinhardt, Johann Georg)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Dum complerentur (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Missa duplex per totum annum (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Missa e Credo in E-flat major (Cunha, Ant\u00f4nio dos Santos)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\35|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa El Ojo (Pe\u00f1alosa, Francisco de)|SScores\\13","Missa Et ecce terr\u00e6 motus (Brumel, Antoine)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\22|PScores and Parts\\22","Missa Eucharistica, ZWV 15 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Eucharistica (Perosi, Lorenzo)|SScores\\6","Missa Eucharistica (Steffen, Elmer Andrew)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa ex F (Aumann, Franz Josef)|RRecordings\\6","Missa Exultate Deo (Arens, Franz Xaver)|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa festiva No.2 (Hammerel, Victor)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Fidei, ZWV 6 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa for 5 voices (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\2","Missa Gaudeamus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","Missa Gaudens, Op.22 (Dumler, Martin G.)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Gratias agimus tibi, ZWV 13 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3","Missa Hor le tue forze adopra (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\2","Missa Hosanna filio David (Yon, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Missa Humilis (Dion, Denis Alain)|SScores\\1","Missa Il bianco e dolce cigno (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Missa Immaculatae Conceptionis Beata Mariae Virginis (Reutter, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in A major (Baliani, Carlo)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in A minor (Cannicciari, Pompeo)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4","Missa in B-flat major, NovB 1a:51 (Brixi, Franti\u0161ek Xaver)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in B-flat major, ProH 28 (Hofmann, Leopold)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major, A I 9 (Zechner, Johann Georg)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major, B.Anh.1 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Missa in C major, BurG I\/2 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major, BurG I\/3 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\2","Missa in C major, D-NATk NA\/SP (H-59) (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major, M.146.7 (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|PParts\\4","Missa in C major, MH 546 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1","Missa in C major, M\u00fadZi VIII\/1:zwC3 (Zimmermann, Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major, Op.26 No.1 (Kobrich, Johann Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major, W.XIX:C9 (Vanhal, Johann Baptist)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major (Boog, Johann Nepomuk)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major (Traetta, Tommaso)|SScores\\1","Missa in C minor, SchE Missa 13 (Bachschmid, Anton Adam)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in Contrapuncto (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Missa in C (Ivanschiz, Amandus)|SScores\\1","Missa in D dorian (Casini, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1","Missa in D major, A-Ed A 159 (Fuchs I, Johann Nepomuk)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in D major, Op.31 No.1 (Kobrich, Johann Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in D major, S.2 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Missa in D major, S.3 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SFull Scores\\6|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\3","Missa in D major, S.4 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Missa in D major, S.5 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Missa in D major, S.7 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Missa in D major, S.9 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Missa in D major, S.10 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\5","Missa in D major, W.XIX:D1 (Vanhal, Johann Baptist)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in D major (Brandl, Johann Evangelist)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in D major (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SFull Scores\\1","Missa in D major (Mancini, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Missa in D major (Reutter, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in D major (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|PParts\\3","Missa in D minor, MH 2\/3 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in D minor (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|NNaxos\\0","Missa in E minor, BurG I\/7 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\4|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in E minor, NovB Ia:17 (Brixi, Franti\u0161ek Xaver)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in E minor (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Missa in F major, S.12 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa in F major, S.13 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Missa in F major, S.14 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Missa in F major, SchAl A.I.20 (Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in G major, BurG I\/9 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","Missa in G major (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Missa in G major (Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio)|SScores\\1","Missa in G major (Casali, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Missa in G major (Feo, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Missa in G major (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\2","Missa in G major (Hoffstetter, Roman)|RRecordings\\6|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\2","Missa in G major (Leo, Leonardo)|SScores\\1","Missa in G minor 'Ultima' (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Missa in G minor, SchE deest (Bachschmid, Anton Adam)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in G minor (Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in G minor (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SFull Scores\\1","Missa in honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis de Lourdes, Op.41 (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Missa in honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo (Walkiewicz, Eugeniusz)|SScores\\1","Missa in honorem S. Josaphat Episcopi et Mart., Op.45 (Walkiewicz, Eugeniusz)|SScores\\1","Missa in honorem S. Josephi Sponsi B.M.V., Op.6 (Garbusi\u0144ski, Kazimierz)|SScores\\1","Missa in honorem Sanctae Jeanne d'Arc (Cuypers, Hubert)|SScores\\1","Missa in honorem Sancti Gotthardi, MH 530 (Haydn, Michael)|RRecordings\\6","Missa in honorem Sancti Joannis Apostoli et Evangelistae (Walkiewicz, Eugeniusz)|SScores\\1","Missa in memoriam Francisco Liszt, Op.68 (Weber, Kristof J.)|SScores\\1","Missa Integra, ZWV 23 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa IV super Angelus ad Pastores (Praetorius, Hieronymus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa Janua Coeli (Nebbia, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Missa Judica me, ZWV 2 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3|PParts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa Laetatus sum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Missa L\u2019homme arm\u00e9 (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6","Missa Malheur me bat (Obrecht, Jacob)|SScores\\1","Missa Mater admirabilis, Op.86 (Griesbacher, Peter)|SScores\\1","Missa Mille regretz (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Missa Misericordiae (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Missa Nativitatis Domini, ZWV 8 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\7","Missa non tota (Reichenauer, Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6","Missa Nossa Senhora das Merc\u00eas, M.R. Op.42 (Santos, Marcos Vinicius Ribeiro dos)","Missa nuptialis (Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Missa O magnum mysterium (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Missa O quam gloriosum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Missa O salutaris hostia (La Rue, Pierre de)|SScores\\1","Missa octavi toni (Lotti, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Missa Omnium Sanctorum, ZWV 21 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\7|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa Paschalis, ZWV 7 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa paschalis (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Missa Pastorale, Op.147 (Diabelli, Anton)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Pastorale (Lickl, Johann Georg)|SFull Scores\\6|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa pastoralis bohemica (Ryba, Jakub Jan)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Missa Pastorella (Reindl, Constantin)|SScores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Pastoritia, Op.8 (B\u00fchler, Franz)|PParts\\19","Missa Pater peccavi (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa Pequena and Credo in C major (Sousa, Joaquim de Paula)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Missa per il Santissimo Natale di Nostro Signore (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SScores\\1","Missa prima, Op.12 (Garbusi\u0144ski, Kazimierz)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Missa pro Defunctis (Anerio, Giovanni Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa pro defunctis (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Missa Pro defunctis (Brumel, Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa pro Defunctis (Cardoso, Manuel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Missa pro defunctis (Ett, Kaspar)|RRecordings\\7|SScores\\2","Missa pro Defunctis (Lotti, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Missa pro defunctis (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\6","Missa pro defunctis (Neukomm, Sigismund)|SScores\\1","Missa pro defunctis (Perosi, Lorenzo)|SScores\\1","Missa pro Defunctis (Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio)|SScores\\14","Missa pro defunctis (Siewi\u0144ski, Andrzej)|PParts\\1","Missa pro defunctis (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\11","Missa pro pace, Op.644 (La Hache, Theodor von)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa pro victoria (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\7","Missa Prolationum (Ockeghem, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Missa Purificationis Sanctae Mariae (Novotn\u00fd, Franz Nikolaus)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Purificationis, K.28 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Purificationis, ZWV 16 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Quadragesimalis, K.29 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Missa Quam pulchri sunt (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\7","Missa Quarti toni (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7|PParts\\8","Missa Quatuor vocum (Scarlatti, Domenico)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa Quem Dicunt Homines (Divitis, Antonius)|SScores\\1","Missa Rorate Caeli, Op.192 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\2","Missa Salisburgensis (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","Missa Salve Regina (Stehle, Johann Gustav Eduard)|SScores\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Missa Sancta Caeciliae, ZWV 1 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\4","Missa Sancta No.1, Op.75a (Weber, Carl Maria von)|RRecordings\\6|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancta No.2, Op.76 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Antonii Durcovici Martyris (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Missa Sancti Antonii Paduani (Poppe, Franti\u0161ek Ludv\u00edk)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Gabrielis, MH 17 (Haydn, Michael)|RRecordings\\6|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Henrici (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|SScores\\1","Missa Sancti Hieronymi, MH 254 (Haydn, Michael)|RRecordings\\6","Missa Sancti Josephi, ZWV 14 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa Sancti Leopoldi, HerEy 12 (Eybler, Joseph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Martini, DorA I.7 (Aumann, Franz Josef)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Michaelis, HV 2 (Eybler, Joseph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\2","Missa Sancti Petri (Reichenauer, Anton\u00edn)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Missa Sancti Spiritus, ZWV 4 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Stephani (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Wolfgangi, HV 11 (Eybler, Joseph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sanctissim\u00e6 Trinitatis, E.113 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Missa Sanctissimae Trinitatis, ZWV 17 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sanctorum Apostolorum, HV 15 (Eybler, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Missa Se la face ay pale (Dufay, Guillaume)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Missa secunda, IGP 60 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Missa sexdecim vocibus concinenda (Abbatini, Antonio Maria)|SScores\\1|PParts\\13","Missa sexti toni (Lotti, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa Si bona suscepimus (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6","Missa Simile est regnum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Missa sine nomine (Spontone, Bartolomeo)|SScores\\1","Missa solemnis in C major, K.337 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa solemnis in C major, M\u00fadZi VIII\/1:C4 (Zimmermann, Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Solemnis in C major, S.74 (Hummel, Johann Nepomuk)","Missa Solemnis in C major (Lickl, Johann Georg)|RRecordings\\6","Missa solemnis in C minor, K.139\/47a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\3|OOther\\2","Missa solemnis No.2 (Cherubini, Luigi)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","Missa solemnis No.3 (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Missa Solemnis No.4, Op.67 (Stehle, Johann Gustav Eduard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Solemnis, JKB 37 (Baruk, Jason)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Missa solemnis, Op.40 (Kiel, Friedrich)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1","Missa solemnis, Op.110 (Lindpaintner, Peter Joseph von)|SFull Scores\\1","Missa solemnis, Op.123 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|RRecordings\\10|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\28|VVocal Scores\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|OOther\\1","Missa solemnis, ProH 14 (Hofmann, Leopold)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa solemnis, WAB 29 (Bruckner, Anton)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\12","Missa Solemnis (Mechelaere, Edward)|SFull Scores\\2","Missa Solennis, KWV 3101 (Kreutzer, Conradin)|RRecordings\\6|SScores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Solennis, S.9 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Missa sopra 'Ach Gott im Himmel sieh darein', TWV 9:1 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Missa sopra 'Durch Adams Fall ist ganz', TWV 9:4 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Missa sopra 'Ein Kindelein so l\u00f6belich', TWV 9:5 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\3","Missa sopra 'Erbarm dich mein o Herre Gott', TWV 9:6 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Missa sopra 'Es wird schier der letzte Tag herkommen', TWV 9:7 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Missa sopra 'Komm heiliger Geist', TWV 9:11 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Missa Stella quam viderant magi (Anerio, Giovanni Francesco)|SScores\\1","Missa Sti. Joannis Nepomucensis, K.34a (Fux, Johann Joseph)|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa super Bella Amfitrit' altera, LV 1146 (Lassus, Orlande de)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\33","Missa super cantu Romano (Heredia, Pedro de)|SScores\\1","Missa super Christ lag in Todesbanden (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Missa super Fr\u00e8re Thibault, LV 417 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Missa super Quam mirabilis (Burck, Joachim a)|PParts\\1","Missa Super Scalam Aretinam (Lopez Capillas, Francisco)|SScores\\1","Missa super Surrexit pastor bonus, LV Anh.105 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\2","Missa super Surrexit pastor bonus (Vento, Ivo de)|SScores\\2","Missa Surge propera (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\6","Missa Sursum Corda, Op.8 (Hamma, Franz)|SScores\\1","Missa Suscipe Deprecationem Nostram (Reutter der \u00c4ltere, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Missa tempore Quadragesima, MH 553 (Haydn, Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Missa tota in canone (Aigner, Engelbert)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Missa Tota (Baal, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Missa Trahe me post te (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\7","Missa Tribus Vocibus Virorum (Benoit, Peter)|SScores\\1","Missa Ubi Caritas, Op.75 (Spada, Luca)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Missa Ultimi miei sospiri (Monte, Philippe de)|RRecordings\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Missa Un gay bergier (Handl, Jacob)|RRecordings\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Missa Vestiva i colli \u00e0 5 (Graziani, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","Missa Videte manus meas (Aston, Hugh)|SScores\\3","Missa Vidi speciosam (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\8","Missa VIII Octo vocum (Hassler, Hans Leo)|RRecordings\\5|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Missa Vita hominis brevis est (Reinhardt, Johann Georg)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa vocalis (Hor\u00e1k, V\u00e1clav Emanuel)","Missa Votiva, ZWV 18 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Vulnerasti cor meum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\6","Missa, Op.20 (Ebner, Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Missa, Op.91 (Rinck, Christian Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","6 Missae breves, Op.2 (Gleissner, Franz)|PParts\\11","16 Missae (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|PParts\\13","6 Missae, Op.1 (Gleissner, Franz)|PParts\\11","8 Missae, Op.1 (Kraus, Lambert)|PParts\\8","Missarum diversorum auctorum (Petrucci, Ottaviano)|PParts\\9","Missarum, Liber 1 (Josquin Desprez)|PParts\\2","Missarum, Liber 1 (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\4","Missarum, Liber 2 (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\3","Missarum, Liber 3 (Josquin Desprez)|PParts\\1","Missa (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Missa (Schieferdecker, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","6 Missis solennibus, Op.31 (Kobrich, Johann Anton)|PParts\\10","Mit deiner zucht (Greiter, Matthias)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Mit Ernst ihr Menschenkinder, GWV 1104\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Mit Ernst, o Menschenkinder (Eccard, Johannes)","Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin, BWV 125 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin (Agricola, Martin)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mit fried und freud ich far dahin (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mit Gott, so w\u00f6ll'n wir's heben an (Vento, Ivo de)|SScores\\1","Mit H\u00f6rnerschall und Lustgesang (Stollewerk, Nina)|SScores\\1","Mit Lust th\u00e4t ich ausreiten (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Mit Lust trit ich an diesen Tanz (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Mit Lust zu tragen mir gef\u00e4llt (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Der mit S\u00fcnden beleidigte Heiland, TWV 1:306 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1","Die mit Tr\u00e4nen s\u00e4en werden mit Freuden ernten (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Die mit Tr\u00e4nen s\u00e4en (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Die mit Tr\u00e4nen s\u00e4en, GWV 1133\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die mit Tr\u00e4nen s\u00e4en, werden mit Freuden ernden, JLB 8 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Mittat vobis (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Mitten wir im Leben sind (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Mitten wir im leben sind (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\35|PScores and Parts\\35","Mitternacht, WAB 80 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Moderen, Op.41 (Nielsen, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Moderne Melodie a voce sola con 2, 3, 4 e 5 stromenti e organo (Grossi, Carlo)|SScores\\1","6 Moduli (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|SScores\\2","Mon amyti\u00e9 tousiours augmente (Arcadelt, Jacob)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mondenschein, D.875 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Mondnacht, JWV 82 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Mondnacht (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Monstra te esse matrem, C.132 (Cl\u00e9rambault, Louis-Nicolas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Moore's Irish Melodies (Various)|SScores\\21|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Moralis Hispani et multorum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","6 Moralische Kantaten, TWV 20:23-28 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","More Daisies (Lehmann, Liza)|SScores\\2","Der Morgen (F\u00fchrer, Robert)|PParts\\1","Der Morgen, Op.27 (Ries, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\2","Morgen-Segen: Die g\u00fcldne Sonne (Ebeling, Johann Georg)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Morgenstern ist aufgedrungen (Thiel, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Morir non puo'l mio core (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Moritur in ligno (Giovannelli, Ruggiero)|SScores\\1","Morning and Evening Service in A major (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\1","Morning and Evening Service in G major (Cooke, Benjamin)|PParts\\1","Morning and Evening Service (Wesley, Samuel)|SScores\\2","The Morning Cometh (Hastings, Horace Lorenzo)|SScores\\1","The Morning of the Year (Cadman, Charles Wakefield)|SScores\\2","Morning Service in E-flat major, Op.168 (Loretz, John M.)|SScores\\4","Morning, Evening and Communion Service in B-flat major, Op.10 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mors et vita, CG 33 (Gounod, Charles)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\42|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\19","La mort d'Oph\u00e9lie, H 92 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","La mort d'Orph\u00e9e (Delibes, L\u00e9o)|VVocal Scores\\1","Mortales gozemos (Literes, Antonio)|PParts\\1","La morte delusa (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","La morte di san Giuseppe (Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\4|VVocal Scores\\7","Morte e sepoltura di Cristo (Caldara, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Morven and the Grail, Op.79 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\1","Moses, Op.67 (Bruch, Max)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1","Most Glorious Lord of Life! (West, John Ebenezer)|SScores\\1","Motecta cum octo vocibus (Gherardini, Arcangelo)|PParts\\4","Motectorum a 4 voci, Liber 1 (D'India, Sigismondo)|PParts\\1","Motet de Sainte C\u00e9cile (Jullien, Gilles)|SScores\\2","Motet for 4 Voices (Hollinrake, Horace)|SScores\\1","Motet pour la Vierge, H.359 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Motet pour une longue offrande, H.434 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Motet, Op.2 No.7 (Hovhannisyan, Gor)|SScores\\2","3 Motetes, Op.147 (Eslava, Hilari\u00f3n)|SScores\\1","3 Motetes, Op.156 (Eslava, Hilari\u00f3n)|SScores\\1","Motetos e Miserere para a Prociss\u00e3o dos Passos (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","8 Motets \u00e0 4 & 5 voix (Mouton, Jean)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","3 Motets \u00e0 la Sainte Vierge, Op.31 (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Motets \u00e0 une, deux et trois voix, Op.1 (Bernier, Nicolas)|SScores\\3","Motets de feu mr. de Lalande (Lalande, Michel Richard de)|SScores\\25","5 Motets en l'honeur du Sacr\u00e9-Coeur (Walczy\u0144ski, Franciszek)|SScores\\1","3 Motets for the Epiphany, Op.18 (Grassi, Ciro)|SScores\\8","Motets pour la chapelle du Roy (Du Mont, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\22|PScores and Parts\\22","3 Motets (Josquin Desprez)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","3 Motets (Roger-Ducasse, Jean)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\3","4 Motets (Josquin Desprez)|SScores\\1","6 Motets (Bo\u00ebllmann, L\u00e9on)|SScores\\2","16 Motets (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Motets, Livre 1 (Campra, Andr\u00e9)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\12","Motets, Livre 2 (Campra, Andr\u00e9)|SScores\\5","Motets, Livre 2 (Cl\u00e9rambault, Louis-Nicolas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Motets, Livre 3 (Campra, Andr\u00e9)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Motets, Livre 3 (Cl\u00e9rambault, Louis-Nicolas)|SScores\\1","Motets, Livre 4 (Campra, Andr\u00e9)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Motets, Livre 5 (Campra, Andr\u00e9)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","2 Motets, Op.21 (Grassi, Ciro)|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","12 Motets, Op.42 (Pelucchi, Eva)|SScores\\1","5 Motets, Op.50 (McGrath, Joseph J.)|SScores\\1","4 Motets, Op.69 (McGrath, Joseph J.)|SScores\\1","15 Motette f\u00fcr den M\u00e4nnerchor (N\u00e4geli, Hans Georg)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","3 Motetten, Op.41 (Hauptmann, Moritz)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Motetti a 1-3 voci, I-Bc V.165 (Various)|PParts\\1","Motetti a due, tre et quattro voci, Libro 3 (Grandi, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Motetti a voce sola con due violini, Op.41 (Tarditi, Orazio)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Motetti con sinfonie, Libro 1 (Grandi, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Motetti con sinfonie, Libro 3 (Grandi, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","Motetti concertati, Op.5 (Rovetta, Giovanni)|PParts\\1","Motetti e sonate concertati, Op.6 (Merula, Tarquinio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Motetti, Op.11 (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Motetti (Carissimi, Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Motettorum, Book 10 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\4","Mother Goose Medley (Gracey, William Adolphe)|SScores\\1","Mottetti a 1, 2 e 3 voci con violini, e senza, Op.13 (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mottetti a voce sola, Op.11 (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores\\1","Mottetti a voce sola (Buccelleni, Giovanni Nicola)|SScores\\7","Mottetti passeggiati, Libro 1 (Kapsperger, Giovanni Girolamo)|SScores\\1","Mottetti sacri ad una, due, tr\u00e8, e quattro voci con violini (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Mottetti, I-MOe Mus.F.1143 (Stradella, Alessandro)|SScores\\2","Mottetti, Op.7 (Leonarda, Isabella)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Mottetti (Meda, Bianca Maria)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Mottetto per San Gaudenzio (Mercadante, Saverio)|SFull Scores\\1","Mount Sinai (Neukomm, Sigismund)|VVocal Scores\\3","The Mountebanks (Martin, Easthope)|SScores\\1","Mozart and Salieri, Op.48 (Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","A Mozart Imitation No.2: Aria Written for Cantonese 'If I Could Go Back' (Takami, Erik)|SScores\\1","Mozarts Gedaechtnis Feyer (Cannabich, Carl August)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Mr. & Mrs. Brown (Foster, Stephen)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","M\u0161a glagolskaja (Jan\u00e1\u010dek, Leo\u0161)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Msza ma\u0142a, Op.5 (Garbusi\u0144ski, Kazimierz)|SScores\\1","Msza No.1 (Nidecki, Tomasz Napoleon)|SScores\\1","Msza pasterska, Op.76 (Elsner, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Msza pastoralna (Sieros\u0142awski, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Msza polska (Wallek-Walewski, Boles\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Msza \u017ba\u0142obna (Kope\u0107, Kacper)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Msza \u017ca\u0142obna (Krogulski, J\u00f3zef W.)|SScores\\1","Msza \u017ca\u0142obna (Wallek-Walewski, Boles\u0142aw)|PParts\\2","Msza, Op.80 (Elsner, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Msza (Zientarski, Romuald)|SScores\\1","Mulier quae erat (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Des M\u00fcllers Lust und Leid (Z\u00f6llner, Carl Friedrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Mundus insanus valeat (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Muses, chantez le loz de la princesse (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Musette, Op.3 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Die Music g\u00f6nnt uns Gott zur Freud' (Hessen-Kassel, Moritz von)|SScores\\1","Music in the Mine (Dett, Robert Nathaniel)|SScores\\1","Music of the Church (Various)|SScores\\2","Musica cum Musis (Hessen-Kassel, Moritz von)|SScores\\1","Musica da tavola per il giorno del nome di Federico Augusto, S.267 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\3|PParts\\5","Musica Dei donum optimi, LV 999 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\21|PScores and Parts\\21","Musica diversa (Tiburtino, Giuliano)|PParts\\3","Musica ecclesiastica da capella, Op.10 (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|PParts\\4","The Musical Ass (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","The Musical Casket (Various)|SScores\\1","The Musical Trust, Op.67 No.2 (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","Musicalische Seelenlust, Teil 2 (Michael, Tobias)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\6","Musicalische Trostquelle (Briegel, Wolfgang Carl)|SScores\\2","Musicalischer Andachten, Teil 3 (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Musicalischer Freuden- und Andachtswecker (Staden, Johann)|PParts\\4","Musicalischer Leuthe-Spiegel (Speer, Daniel)|PParts\\2","Musicche di Camera Libro Quarto, Op.4 (Valentini, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Musiche corali (Banchieri, Adriano)|SScores\\1","Musiche Sacre (Cavalli, Francesco)|RRecordings\\4|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8|PParts\\12","Die Musik (Winter, Peter von)|PParts\\1","Musikalisch-t\u00fcrkischer Eulenspiegel (Speer, Daniel)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\8","Musikalische Exequien, Op.7 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|RRecordings\\4|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\37|PScores and Parts\\37|VVocal Scores\\2","Musikalisches Allerley (Various)|SScores\\8","Musikalisches Kunstbuch (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Musikalisches Kunstmagazin (Reichardt, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\10","Der Musikfeind (Gen\u00e9e, Richard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Musiques et Chants du Moyen-Age (Ad\u00e8s) (Various)|RRecordings\\2","Mu\u00df nicht der Mensch auf dieser Erden (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores\\1","Mu\u00df nicht der Mensch immer in Streit sein, TWV 1:1146 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","M\u00fcsst' ich auch durch tausend Drachen, K.435\/416b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|SScores\\1","Muteti duo (Pichler, Rudolf Johann)|SScores\\1","My Bonnie Lass She Smileth (German, Edward)|SScores\\1","My Delight and Thy Delight (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SScores\\1","My Delight and Thy Delight (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\1","My Earl of Essex (Potter, Stephen)|SScores\\1","My God, my God, look upon me (Reynolds I, John)|SScores\\1","My Heart and My Tree (Bliss, Philip Paul)|SScores\\2","My Heart is Inditing, HWV 261 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","My Heart was Glad (Carnall, Arthur)|SScores\\1","My Lady of Sleep (Hopekirk, Helen)|SScores\\1","My Mom's Prayer (Saral, Ali Riza)|RRecordings\\4|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|LLibrettos\\1","My Muse (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","My soul doth magnify the Lord (Farmer, John)|SScores\\1","My Voice Thou Shalt Hear (Neukomm, Sigismund)|SScores\\1","My Wee Wife Waiting at the Door (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","Mynheer Vandunck (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|VVocal Scores\\3","Myrrha, M.29 (Ravel, Maurice)|SScores\\1"],"N":["Na ust koralu (Marczewski, Lucjan)|SScores\\1","Nach dir will ich mich sehnen, TWV 1:1149 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich, BWV 150 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Nachdem die Sonn beschlossen (Eccard, Johannes)","Nachkl\u00e4nge, D.873a (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Nacht der Erde (Silcher, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Die Nacht der Leiden Jesu (Schwencke, Christian Friedrich Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","Die Nacht ist vergangen, GWV 1101\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Die Nacht, Op.99 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\2","Nachthelle, D.892 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Nachtwache, ML 58 (Schultz, Johannes)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Nad grobem, Op.8 (Rudkowski, Mateusz)|SScores\\1","Nagy Isten \u00e9gi diadala,j\u00f6tt le ma! (Lovas, Imre)|SScores\\1","Nahet euch zu Gott, GWV 1144\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Nahet euch zu Gott, GWV 1163\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Name des Herren (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores\\1|PParts\\8","Der Name des Herrn, GWV 1162\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Namensfeier f\u00fcr Franz Michael Vierthaler, D.294 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\2","Nanas de la cebolla (Mart\u00ednez Garc\u00eda, Salvador)|SScores\\1","Naomi (Chipp, Edmund Thomas)|VVocal Scores\\2","Narcisse (Massenet, Jules)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","Nasce la pena mia (Striggio, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Nascondiglio (Mascia, Giuseppe)|SFull Scores\\1","Il natale d'Apollo (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\4","National Ode (Damrosch, Leopold)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","National Psalmody (Forbes, Henry)|SScores\\2","Nativitas unde gaudia \/ Nativitas tua, Dei genitrix (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","The Nativity according to St. Luke (Bullard, Frederic Field)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Nativity, Op.38 (Paine, John Knowles)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Nativity (Adams II, Thomas)","The Nativity (Stewart, Humphrey John)|VVocal Scores\\1","Natur und Liebe, Op.61 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|SScores\\2|PParts\\6","Der nat\u00fcrliche Mensch vernimmt nichts vom Geiste, GWV 1119\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Natus est nobis Deus de Deo (Handl, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","La nave Santa Maria pre\u00f1ada (Tello, Miguel)|PParts\\1","Ne confide (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Ne irascaris Domine (Byrd, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\20|PScores and Parts\\20","Ne recorderis (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Ne timeas Maria (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Ne timeas Maria (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\17","Nebuchadnezzar (Dyson, George)|VVocal Scores\\1","Negliya que quele (Dur\u00f3n, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Nehmet das Wort an mit Sanftmut, GWV 1134\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Nehmet das Wort an mit Sanftmut (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Nehmet euch untereinander auf, GWV 1102\/11a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Neige deine Ohren mein Gott, GWV 1125\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Neighborhood (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SScores\\2|PParts\\54|OOther\\1","Nella notte che fu s\u00ec buja (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Nella pietra e nel legno (Donella, Valentino)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Nesciens Mater (Lambe, Walter)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Nessun visse gi\u00e0 mai pi\u00f9 di me lieto (Marenzio, Luca)","Nessun visse giamai, LV 777 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Nestor, Who Did to Thrice Man's Age Attain, Z.503 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","75 Neu aufgenommene Chor\u00e4le zum neuen Hamburgischen Gesangbuche (Schwencke, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","25 Neue Choralmelodien (Hiller, Johann Adam)|SScores\\1","Neue Liebeslieder Waltzes, Op.65 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Neue Lieder und Choralmelodien, LadK deest (Knecht, Justin Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Neuer lieblicher und zierlicher Intraden (Altenburg, Michael)|SScores and Parts\\120|PScores and Parts\\120","Das neugeborne Kindelein, BWV 122 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\2","Das neugeborne Kindelein (Liebe, Christian)|PParts\\1","The New Choir and Congregation (Root, George Frederick)|SScores\\1","The New Earth, Op.85 (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|VVocal Scores\\2","New Imperial Edition Tenor Songs (Northcote, Sydney)|SScores\\1","The New Life (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)|SScores\\1","New Sacred Melodies (White, W. J.)|SScores\\2","The New-Born King (Fletcher, Percy Eastman)|SScores\\1","Newe Deudsche Geistliche Gesenge (Rhau, Georg)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Newe Teutsche geistliche und weltliche Liedlein (Glanner, Caspar)|PParts\\8","Das newgebohrne Kindelein, BuxWV 13 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Nicht so traurig nicht so sehr, GWV 1113\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Nicht uns Herr, GWV 1153\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Nicht unserm Namen, Herr, Op.31 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","Nichtig ist doch was wir sch\u00e4tzen (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\2","Nichts, nichts kann mich verdammen, TWV 1:1153 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Niedrigkeit ist ein Spott, TWV 1:1157 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Niemand kann Jesum einen Herrn heissen, GWV 1134\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Niemand kann Jesum einen Herrn heissen, GWV 1140\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","The Night Has a Thousand Eyes (Gaines, Samuel Richards)|SScores\\1","Night, Op.47 (Schwenkglenks, Manfred)|SScores\\1","Night, TH 88 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|SScores\\1","The Nightingale and the Rose, EV 34 (Bitzan, Wendelin)|RRecordings\\5|SScores\\1","Nigra sum sed formosa filia (Dognazzi, Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Nigra sum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Nihil est sub sole quietum (Lorenzani, Paolo)|SScores\\1","Nimm nicht zu Herzen, TWV 1:1160 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nimm von uns Herr du treuer Gott, H.373 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott, BWV 101 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\2","Nimm, was dein ist, und gehe hin, BWV 144 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\4","Ninfe in belli semplicete (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1","Ninna nanna (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus (1697) (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SFull Scores\\1","Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum (Asola, Giammateo)|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus in D major, FaWV I:N1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Nisi Dominus, A 650 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Nisi Dominus, H.160 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Nisi Dominus, HWV 238 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Nisi Dominus, K.deest (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus, RV 803 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus, S.99 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Nisi Dominus, SV 200 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus, SV 201 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus, ZWV 92 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Nisi Dominus (Adolfati, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\19","Nisi Dominus (Casini, Giovanni Maria)|PParts\\9","Nisi Dominus (Della Ciaja, Azzolino Bernardino)|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Nisi tu Domine (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","No che lass\u00f9 nei cori, S.489 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","No longer mourn for me (Somervell, Arthur)|SScores\\1","No riches from his scanty store (Cooke, Robert)|SScores\\1","Nobis natus, nobis datus (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Noble Numbers, Op.28 (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\5","Noblesse gist au coeur du vertueux (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Les noces de Prom\u00e9th\u00e9e, Op.19 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Les noces, K040 (Stravinsky, Igor)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\2","La nocte acquieta (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Noctem quietam (Hahn, Reynaldo)|SScores\\1","Nocturne, musique de sc\u00e8ne (Hahn, Reynaldo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","3 Nocturnes fran\u00e7ais (Gail, Sophie)|SScores\\1","2 Nocturnes (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\2","12 Nocturnes (Paz, Narciso)|SScores\\1","Le No\u00ebl des Pauvres (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","No\u00ebl (Busnois, Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","No\u00ebl (L\u00fctgen, Paul)|SScores\\1","El Noi de la Mare (Rondeau, Michel)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\28","Nolo mortem peccatoris (Morley, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Non aspettare Godot (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Non corruptibilibus (Dall'Albero, Claudio)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Non \u00e8 s\u00ec denso velo (Wert, Giaches de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Non ex virili semine (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Non Fecit Taliter (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Non mai non cangero (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Non mi toglia il ben mio (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Non moriar (Senfl, Ludwig)","Non nobis Domine, Hob.XXIIIa:1 (Haydn, Joseph)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Non pi\u00f9! Tutto ascoltai, K.490 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2","Non rumor di tamburi o suon di trombe (Conforti, Giovanni Battista)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Non si levav\u2019ancor l\u2019alba novella, SV 40 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18","Non s\u00f2 dir se pena sia (Ots, Charles)|SScores\\1","Non torrentes, BurG Anh.24 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\2","Die Nonne, Op.35 (Meinardus, Ludwig Siegfried)|VVocal Scores\\1","Nonsense Songs from 'Alice in Wonderland' (Lehmann, Liza)|SScores\\12","La noria (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Norrland, Op.55 (Hall\u00e9n, Andreas)|SScores\\2","50 Norske Fjeldmelodier for Mandsstemmer (Lindeman, Ludvig Mathias)|SScores\\1","Nos qui sumus in hoc mundo, LV 503 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Not Unto Us, O Lord (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Nothing Matters (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","Notti d'oriente (Bottesini, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Notti Lombardi (Braga, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","6 Notturni, Op.1 (Schacht, Theodor von)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\2","4 Notturnos, Op.22 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","N\u00f3tt (Bl\u00f6ndal, \u00deorvaldur)|SScores\\2","Notus in Judea Deus, H.206 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","12 Nouveaux nocturnes (Blangini, Joseph Marie Felix)|SScores\\1","Novarum sirenarum sacrae harmoniae, Op.2 (Rauch I, Johann Georg)|PParts\\8","Novelli Fiori Ecclesiastici, Op.9 (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|SScores\\1","Novello's Part-Song Book (Various)|SScores\\19","Now is Christ Risen from the Dead (Allen, George Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Now is Christ risen from the dead (Fawcett, John)|SScores\\1","Now is Christ Risen (West, John Ebenezer)|SScores\\1","Now Late on the Sabbath Day (Ward, Frank Edwin)|SScores\\1","Now Must I Dye (Morley, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Now Raise Your Voices High (Maynard, Walter)|SScores\\1","Nox (P\u00e9rilhou, Albert)|SScores\\2","Nu bitten wir den heiligen geist \u00e0 5 (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Nu bitten wir den heiligen Geist (Heintz, Wolff)|SScores\\1","Nu freut euch lieben Christen gmein (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\19|PScores and Parts\\19","Nuit et Silence (Raoux, Louis-Alexis)|SScores\\2","La nuit m\u00fbrit, Op.240 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Nuit persane, Op.26bis (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SFull Scores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\1","La nuit, CG 182 (Gounod, Charles)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Nun aber bleibet Glaube, GWV 1119\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Nun aber gehe ich hin, TWV 1:1163 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nun aber gibst du Gott einen gn\u00e4digen Regen (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Nun bitten den Heiligen Geist (Staden, Johann)|SScores\\1","Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist (Hassler, Hans Leo)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Nun danket alle Gott, GWV 1109\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Nun danket alle Gott, P.381 (Pachelbel, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Nun danket alle Gott (Altnikol, Johann Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Nun danket alle Gott (Cr\u00fcger, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Nun danket alle Gott (Topf, Johann)|SScores\\1","Nun fanget an (Hassler, Hans Leo)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Nun freut euch, Gottes Kinder, all (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Nun gibst du Gott einen gn\u00e4digen Regen, GWV 1138\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Nun gibt mein Jesus gute Nacht, GWV 1127\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Nun hab ich meinen Gott gesehen, GWV 1169\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Nun ich singe Gott ich knie (Theile, Johann)|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Nun ist alles wohl gemacht, GWV 1127\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, GWV 1122\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Nun ist er da wohlauf zum Blutvergie\u00dfen, L.540 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\2","Nun ist es billig Jesu Christ (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, TWV 1:1174 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, TWV 1:1175 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, TWV 1:1177 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, TWV 1:1178 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 61 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 62 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\24|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13|OOther\\2","Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Nun kommt die grosse Marterwoche, TWV 1:1179 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nun kommt er der K\u00f6nig der Ehre, HoWV II.64 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Nun lernet dich mein Herze kennen, TWV 1:1181 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nun liebe Seel, nun ist es Zeit (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0","Nun lob mein Seel den Herren, GWV 1171\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (Praetorius, Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Nun merke ich da\u00df der Herr seinen Gesalbten hilft (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Nun merke ich dass der Herr, GWV 1174\/15 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","The Nun of Nidaros, Op.83 (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\1","Nun sch\u00fcrz dich, Gretlein (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Nun so ist es denn geschehen (D\u00fcben, Gustaf)|PParts\\1","Nun treten wir ins neue Jahr (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Nun wir denn sind gerecht worden, TWV 1:1184 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nunc dimittis octavi toni, LV Anh.110 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Nunc dimittis quarti toni, LV Anh.115 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Nunc dimittis secundi toni, LV Anh.119 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Nunc dimittis septimi toni, LV Anh.120 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Nunc dimittis tertii toni, LV Anh.123 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Nunc Dimittis (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Nunc Dimittis (Shute, Benjamin)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Nunc dimittis (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Nunmehr hab ich ausgeruft, TWV 1:1182 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nuova angioletta sovra l'ale accorte (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Il nuovo anno (Mussatti, Giovacchino)|SScores\\1","Nuptiae factae sunt (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Nur jedem das Seine, BWV 163 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Nymph, over thee (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Nymphs of the Forest (Horsley, William)|SScores\\1"],"O":["O admirabile commercium, H.49 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","O allm\u00e4chtiger Gott, dich lobt der Christen Rott (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","O altitudo divitiarum (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","O altitudo divitiarum (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1","O amantissime Jesu (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|SScores\\1","O Amarilli zart (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","O Amarilli, sch\u00f6nste Zier (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","O anima mea (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores\\2","O barmherziger Vater (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\2","O Beata Mater, Op.13 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","O beata solitudo! (Salieri, Antonio)|SScores\\2","O beatae viae, SV 312 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","O beato chi pietoso, S.640 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","O beatum Pontificem (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","O belle Galath\u00e9e (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","O belt\u00e0 rara (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","O bitt\u2019 euch, liebe V\u00f6gelein, Op.43 (Gumbert, Ferdinand)|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","O bone Iesu o piissimi Iesu (Sammaruco, Francesco)|SScores\\1","O Bone Jesu (S\u00e1nchez, Jos\u00e9 Luis)|SScores\\1","O coelestis Jerusalem, H.252 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","O combien est heureux (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","O come let us sing unto the Lord (Crampton, Thomas)|SScores\\1","O come vaneggiate (Giovannelli, Ruggiero)|SScores\\1","O Come, Let Us Sing unto the Lord, HWV 253 (Handel, George Frideric)","O Come, Let Us Sing (Foster, Myles Birket)|SScores\\1","O cor amoris (Faure, Jean-Baptiste)|SScores\\1","O Crux benedicta (Gesualdo, Carlo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","O crux, ave spes unica, H.349 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","O crux, ave spes unica, H.351 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","O Crux (Cervi, Luigi)|SScores\\1","O d'immensa piet\u00e0, S.650 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","O dass es muss im Fr\u00fchling sein!, Op.20 (Nolopp, Friedrich Ernst Arnold Werner)|SScores\\1","O dass sie weise w\u00e4ren, GWV 1106\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","O Death, Where is Thy Sting? (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)|SScores\\1","O decus apostolicum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","O Dieux !... (Bo\u00ebsset, Antoine de)|SScores\\1","O dolce anima mia, SV 63 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","O dolce anima mia (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","O dolci parolette, LV 183 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","O Domine Jesu Christe, adoro te (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","O Domine Jesu Christe (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","O Domine Jesu Christe (Ingegneri, Marc Antonio)|SScores\\1","O Domine Jesu Christe (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","O Domine Jesu Christe (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","O Domine Jesu Christe (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","O Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","O du allers\u00fc\u00dfester und liebster Herr Jesu, SWV 340 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","O du armer Judas (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","O du Hirte meiner Seele, GWV 1132\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O du meine Seele singe fr\u00f6hlich, GWV 1171\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","O dulce, O ineffabile convivium, H.270 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","O dulcis amor Iesu dulcis Salvator (Facchi, Agostino)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O Emmanuel Rex (Jerusalem, Ignacio)|SScores\\1","O ewige Weisheit allm\u00e4chtige Liebe, NesF E27 (Freislich, Johann Balthasar Christian)|SScores\\2","O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe, BWV 34a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10","O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe, BWV 34 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|BBooks\\1","O Ewigkeit wer denkt an dich, GWV 1142\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)","O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 20 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\16|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 60 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|OOther\\2","O felici cortesi habitori (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","O fidelis et dilecte commensalis (Bouteiller, Pierre)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","O fons amoris (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","O Fortun, wie dass du mich so gar sehr betr\u00fcbest (Schein, Johann Hermann)","O Freude \u00fcber Freud (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","O fr\u00f6hliche Stunde, der Lebensf\u00fcrst lebt (Fischer, Johann Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","O frommer Gott (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","O gdyby\u015b zn\u00f3w (\u0141ukasiewicz, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","O genti tutte voi che il vasto giro del mondo, S.648 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","O Give Thanks unto the Lord, Z.33 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","O Give Thanks unto the Lord (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","O gloriosa Virginum (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","O God, the Protector, Op.50 (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\1","O God, the strength of all them (Lucas, Charles)|SScores\\1","O God, Who by the Leading of a Star (Attwood, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","O Gott Vater, du hast Gewalt (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","O Gottes Sohn von Ewigkeit, GWV 1154\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O Gottes Sohn von Ewigkeit, GWV 1154\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","O haylige, onbeflecte, zart iunckfrawschafft marie (Virdung, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","O Heiland aller Welt ich mu\u00df dir sehnlich klagen (Liebe, Christian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","O heilges Geist- und Wasserbad, BWV 165 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","O heilige Nacht, S.49 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","O heiliges Fest, TWV 1:721 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","O Herr dein herzliches Erbarmen, HoWV II.54 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\2","O Herr dreieiniger Gott, H.364 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","O Herr gib uns ein fruchtbar Jahr, H.370 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","O Herr hilf o Herr la\u00df wohl gelingen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","O Herr hilf o Herr la\u00df wohl gelingen (Wecker, Georg Caspar)|SScores\\1","O Herr la\u00df mich dein Angesicht oft sehen, H.387 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","O Herr, hilf, wir verderben (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","O Herr, ich klag (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","O Herr, ich ruf dein Namen an (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","O Herre Gott, begnade mich (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","O Herre Gott, begnade mich (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","O ho! So geb der Mann ein Pfenning (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","O Hush Thee, My Babie (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","O ihr lieben Hirten, f\u00fcrchtet euch nicht (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","O ihr Toren und tr\u00e4gen Herzens, GWV 1129\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O in primavera eterna (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O Jammerblick die Lebenssonne, GWV 1127\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O Jesu Christ mein h\u00f6chstes Licht, GWV 1139\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O Jesu Christ mein's Lebens Licht, GWV 1133\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht, BWV 118 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|LLibrettos\\1","O Jesu, cordis mei thesaurus (Antonelli, Abundio)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","O Jesu, Thou art Standing (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","O Jesus Christ mein h\u00f6chstes Licht, GWV 1159\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O Jesus, que finezas (Leo, Leonardo)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","O Lamm Gottes unschuldig (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\4","O Land h\u00f6re des Herren Wort (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","O leide, leide gern (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O Lord, Grant the King a Long Life (Attwood, Thomas)|SScores\\1","O Lord, grant the King a long life (Child, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","O Lord, I Will Praise Thee (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","O Lord, My God (Humfrey, Pelham)|SScores\\1","O Lord, Thou art My God (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)|SScores\\1","O lux beata Trinitas (Fayrfax, Robert)|SScores\\1","O lux, et decus Hispaniae (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","O magnum mysterium, T 126 (Byrd, William)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\17","O magnum mysterium (Esperan\u00e7a, Pedro da)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","O magnum mysterium (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\19|PScores and Parts\\19|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","O Margarita penitens (Perez, Davide)|SScores\\1","O Maria, clausus hortus, LV 552 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O mein Gott f\u00fcr den ich trete, GWV 1121\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","O mein Gott, vor dem ich trete, TWV 1:1205 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","O mein Gott, vor dem ich trete, TWV 1:1206 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","O meine Seel, warum bist du betr\u00fcbet, SWV 419 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O Mensch bedenk du bist aus Staub (Call, Leonhard von)|SScores\\1","O Mensch verachtest du den Reichtum, GWV 1124\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","O Mensch! wie ist dein Herz bestellt, GWV 1118\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","O mignonnes de jupiter (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","O Mistress Mine! (Cruickshank, William Alexander Campbell)|SScores\\1","O Mortal Man (Weelkes, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","O musica du Edle kunst (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","O nata lux (Tallis, Thomas)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","O Night (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","O Praise the Lord with One Consent, HWV 254 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\2|SScores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","O Praise the Lord (Weldon, John)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","O pretiosum et admirabile Sacramentum (Marini, Biagio)|SScores\\1","O pretiosum et admirandum convivium (Tricarico, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","O prole nobile di magni principi, S.628 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","O pulcherrima mulier quid agis in deliciarum Paradiso (Gibellini, Nicola)|SScores\\1","O pulcherrima mulierum (Gallerano, Leandro)|SScores\\1","O quam gloriosum est regnum (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores\\2","O quam inanes (Giovannelli, Ruggiero)|SScores\\1","O quam metuendus est (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","O quam pulchra es amica mea, SV 317 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus \u00e0 2 (Biondi, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus \u00e0 4 (Biondi, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus \u00e0 4 (Porta, Ercole)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus II (Brunelli, Antonio)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Agostini, Pietro Simone)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Badii, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Banchi d'Argenta, Giovanni)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Bussoni, Arcangelo)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Caruso, Giuseppe)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Casati detto Filago, Girolamo)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Ciminelli, Carlo)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Colombini, Francesco)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Corfini, Jacopo)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Francisco \u00e0 Tarento, Abbate D.)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Gherardi, Biagio)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Giansetti, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (La Greca, Antonio)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Massenzio, Domenico)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Rogantini, Francesco)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Rubino, Bonaventura)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Sant'Agata, Tomaso da)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Signoretti, Aurelio)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Stamegna, Nicol\u00f2)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Vitali, Filippo)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","O quam suavis est Domino spiritus tuus (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","O quam suavis est (Ariosti, Attilio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1","O quam suavis est (Yon, Pietro)|SScores\\1","O quando suavissimum (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","O quanta mihi est causa gaudendi (Melani, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","O que bien si a la escarcha (Madre de Deus, Filipe da)|PParts\\1","O rex gloriae, Domine virtutem (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","O rossignuol ch\u2019in queste verdi fronde, SV 65 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","O sacramentum (Volpe, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","O Sacred Friendship (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","O sacrum convivium \u00e0 6 (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O sacrum convivium (Aichinger, Gregor)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","O sacrum convivium (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","O sacrum convivium (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0","O sacrum convivium (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","O sacrum convivium (Polleri, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","O Sacrum (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","O salutaris hostia in B-flat major (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","O Salutaris Hostia in G major (Wiegand, John)|SScores\\1","O salutaris hostia in G-flat major (Wiegand, John)|SScores\\1","O salutaris hostia No.1 in G major (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","O salutaris hostia No.2 in G major (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","O salutaris hostia (Arriaga, Juan Cris\u00f3stomo de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","O salutaris hostia (Millard, Harrison)|SScores\\1","O salutaris hostia (Schmidt, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","O salutaris hostia (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","O salutaris Hostia (Tubi, Angelo)|SScores\\1","O salutaris in G minor (Niedermeyer, Louis)|SScores\\1","O salutaris No.7, AWV 87 (Auber, Daniel Fran\u00e7ois Esprit)|SScores\\1","O salutaris, Op.20 (Mohr, D\u00e9sir\u00e9)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","O Salutaris (Aubert, Louis)|SScores\\1","O Salutaris (Batiste, Edouard)|SScores\\1","O Salutaris (Cohen, Jules)|SScores\\1","O salutaris (Descarries, Auguste)|SScores\\1","O Salutaris (Guarigue, Henri-Jean)|PParts\\1","O salutaris (Hahn, Reynaldo)|SScores\\1","O Salutaris (Lenepveu, Charles-Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","O Salutaris (O'Connor, William P.)|SScores\\1","O salutaris (Renaud, Emile)|SScores\\1","O salutaris (Wiegand, John)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","O sanctissima anima (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","O Schmerz das Leben ist gestorben, GWV 1129\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","O Schmerz o Leid mein Jesus, GWV 1127\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O sch\u00f6nes Haus o heilger Tempel, GWV 1108\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","O sing unto mie Roundelaie (Wesley, Samuel)|SScores\\1","O Sing unto the Lord, Z.44 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","O sol e a terra (Tavares, Luciano)|SScores\\1","O spem miram (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","O Sternen\u00e4ugelein, WoO 57 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","O s\u00fc\u00dfer, o freundlicher (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","O s\u00fcsses Wort das Jesus spricht, GWV 1157\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O s\u00fcsses Wort das Jesus spricht, GWV 1157\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","O Sweetest of Thy Lovely Race (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","O Taste and See How Gracious the Lord Is (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","O Titani montis incolae (Marini, Francesco Maria)|SScores\\1","O Traurigkeit o Herzeleid, GWV 1127\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O triste, triste \u00e9tait mon \u00e2me (Pillois, Jacques)|SScores\\1","O triumphantis Jerusalem (Bernier, Nicolas)|RRecordings\\1","O Vater aller Frommen (Gerstenb\u00fcttel, Joachim)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O vere et care Jesu (Legrenzi, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","O vos amici mei, H.377 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","O vos omnes ambulantes in tenebris (Vesi, Simone)|SScores\\1","O vos omnes para (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","O vos omnes (Arantes, Rafael Sales)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","O vos omnes (Lupo, Thomas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","O vos omnes (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","O wehe des Tages, GWV 1102\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O welch eine Tiefe des Reichtums, GWV 1141\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O Welt erkenne Gottes Liebe, GWV 1170\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O Welt sieh hier dein Leben, GWV 1127\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O werter heil'ger Geist (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores\\1","O wie ist die Barmherzigkeit des Herrn so gro\u00df (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","O! Sweet Be Thy Repose (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","O, quam suavis est (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","O, valuri... (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\2","Ob bei uns ist der S\u00fcnden viel, TWV 1:1186 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Obedience (McIntyre, Richard)|SScores\\1","Obeliscus Musicus, Op.2 (Meyer von Schauensee, Franz Joseph Leonti)|PParts\\11","Oberon's Court (Horn, Charles Edward)|SScores\\2","Obscuras funestas sombras (Garc\u00eda Pacheco, Fabi\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","L'obstacle (Hahn, Reynaldo)|SScores\\1","Obstination vaincue (Descarries, Auguste)|SScores\\1","Occhi stelle lucenti, GraunWV C:III:68 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Octava musica clavium octo musicarum, R 295 (Rathgeber, Valentin)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\12","Oda do m\u0142odo\u015bci (Jarecki, Henryk)|SScores\\1","Od\u00e6 sacr\u00e6 Iesu Christo servatori hominum nato et resurgenti cantat\u00e6 (Stadlmayr, Johann)|PParts\\11","The Odd-Fellows' Glee (Barker, Nathan)|SScores\\1","Ode an die Freude (Danzi, Franz)|SScores\\1","Ode auf den Sterbemorgen der Herzogin zu Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg, L.501 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\2","Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\8|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Ode on a Grecian Urn, Op.4 (Tran, Dylan J.)|RRecordings\\1","Ode on Handel (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Ode on Laying the Foundation Stone of the Imperial Institute (Sullivan, Arthur)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ode sur le jugement dernier (Neukomm, Sigismund)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ode to Hesperus (Cornell, John Henry)|SScores\\1","Ode to Joy, TH 66 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Ode to Music (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Ode To The Terrestrial Globe (Bridge, Frederick)|SScores\\1","Ode to the West Wind, Op.3 (Wood, Charles)|VVocal Scores\\1","Oden und Lieder (Wernhammer, Johann Georg)|PParts\\7","Odeon morale jucundum et vitale (Mattheson, Johann)|SScores\\1","The Odeon (Webb, George James)|SScores\\1","Odes and Select Pieces (Leslie, Henry Temple)|SScores\\1","Of one that is so fair and bright, Op.34 No.3 (Holst, Gustav)|SScores\\1","Of the Father's Love Begotten (Macfarlane, Will C.)|SScores\\1","Ofert\u00f3rio de Nossa Senhora da Assun\u00e7\u00e3o (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Offenbarung Johannis, Op.17 (Braunfels, Walter)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","The Offering (Southard, Lucien)|SScores\\2","12 Offertoria Solemnia de Communi Sanctorum, Op.5 (Kayser, Isfrid)|PParts\\10","15 Offertoria, Op.1 (Madlseder, Nonnos)|PParts\\11","Offertories, Op.55 (Sch\u00f6pf, Franz)|SScores\\1","Offertorio per la Domenica delle Palme (Giorgi, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\3","Offertorium de Sanctissimo Sacramento (Mozart, Leopold)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Offertorium in C major, M\u00fadZi VIII7\/C4 (Zimmermann, Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Offertorium in E-flat major, JWV 7 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Offertorium in E-flat major, M\u00fadZi VIII\/3:Es2 (Zimmermann, Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Offertorium, JWV 20 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Offertorium, JWV 33 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Offertotium (Righini, Vincenzo)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Officia Paschalia de resurrectione et ascensione Domini (Rhau, Georg)|SScores\\3|PParts\\4","Officiorum (ut vocant) de Nativitate etc., Tome 1 (Rhau, Georg)|PParts\\4","Officium Corporis Christi, LV 533 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Officium defunctorum, ZWV 47 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\6","Officium defunctorum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\15","Offt w\u00fcnsch ich dir (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Oft Am I by the Women Told, Z.505 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Ogier le danois (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\2","Ogni loco mi porge doglia e pianto (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Oh my God where are You (Saral, Ali Riza)|SScores\\1","Oh quando santos cielos (Paris, Juan)|SScores\\1","Oh the sweet contentment (Horsley, William)|SScores\\1","Oh! I'll be all to thee, my love (Whitaker, John)|VVocal Scores\\1","Oh! Let Me Shed One Silent Tear (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","Oh! What a Scene Does Entertain My Sight, Z.506 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\2","Oh! Youth is the Season (Neate, Charles)|SScores\\1","Oh, dear! what can the matter be? (Bantock, Granville)|SScores\\1","Ohne Glaube ist's unm\u00f6glich, GWV 1139\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Oid cielos piadosos (Paris, Juan)|SScores\\1","Oigan miren (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Ojcze Nasz (Garbusi\u0144ski, Kazimierz)|SScores\\1","Ola! Anton (Estrada, Mariano)|PParts\\1","Old Daddy Longlegs (Macirone, Clara Angela)|SScores\\1","10 Old English Carols, and 2 Hymns (Rimbault, Edward Francis)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Old English Lyrics (Williams, Gerrard)|SScores\\2","4 Old Hungarian Folksongs, Sz.50 (Bart\u00f3k, B\u00e9la)|SScores\\1","Old Irish Air (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Olivet to Calvary (Maunder, John Henry)|SScores\\2","Omar Khayy\u00e1m (Bantock, Granville)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2","L'ombre des arbres, Op.152 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Ombre des bois, Op.108 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Omnes gentes plaudite (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Omnes sancti Angeli custodes nostri (Aichinger, Gregor)|SScores\\2","Omni die dic Mariae (Gorczycki, Grzegorz Gerwazy)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Omnis mundus jocundetur (Paminger, Leonhard)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\19","On Christmas Night (Butterworth, George)|SScores\\1","On Christmas Night (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","On His Death-Bed (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","On Shore and Sea (Sullivan, Arthur)|VVocal Scores\\4","On the First Day of the Week (Lott, Edwin Mathew)|SScores\\1","On Wenlock Edge (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Once Upon a Time (Lehmann, Liza)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ondu menyi alo (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","One Thing have I Desired of the Lord (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","Onward, still Onward! (Ascher, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Onward (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)|SScores\\2","Opera varia (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\2","Opera with a Title (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2|PParts\\1|LLibrettos\\1","La \u00d3pera (Ivanovich, Jos\u00e9)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","Opere postume di Vincenzo Bellini (Bellini, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","Die Opfer die Gott gefallen, GWV 1152\/53a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Opfere Gott Dank, TWV 1:1210 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Opfere Gott Dank (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Opfre Gott Dank und bezahle, GWV 1155\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Opfre Gott Dank und bezahle, GWV 1155\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Opus aureum missarum (Capricornus, Samuel)|PParts\\1","Opus patheticum de septem doloribus Beatae Virginis Mariae (Brixi, Franti\u0161ek Xaver)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Opusculum etlicher newer und alter Reuterliedlein (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\34|PScores and Parts\\34","Or ch'ogni vento tace (Vecchi, Orazio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Or che condannami falsa calunnia, S.625 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Or che il dover, K.36\/33i (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Or che lucente e chiara (Striggio, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Or ouez les introites de taverne (Guiard)|SScores\\2","Or sus, serviteurs du Seigneur (Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Or vedi, Amor, che giovinetta donna (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Oramus domine conditor (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Oratio mea munda est (Cima, Tullio)|SScores\\1","Oratorio de No\u00ebl, Op.12 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\26","Oratorio for Soprano and Tenor, Op.1314 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Oratorio funebre all' Occasione della morte di Maria Gioseppa Regina di Pollonia, Krebs-WV 100 (Krebs, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Oratorio pour la naissance de l'enfant Jesus (Lochon, Jacques-Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\1","Oratorio Songs (Handel, George Frideric)|SScores\\2","Oratorio todesco al sepolcro santo, S.20 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Ordre du roi (Dhavernas, Octave)|VVocal Scores\\1","Oremus pro pontifice (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Orietur (Mapelli, Luigi)|SScores\\1","67 Original Chants (Heathcote, Edward)|SScores\\1","Original Hymn Tunes, Chants, Sentences, and Motets (Oliver, Henry Kemble)|SScores\\1","Orlen orlen ya los triumphales (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Ornaverunt (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Orph\u00e9e descendant aux enfers, H.471 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","L'ort villain jaloux (Ninot le Petit)|SScores\\1","Oster Kantate (Bierey, Gottlob Benedict)|SScores\\2","Oster- oder Auffahrtsfreude (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Oster-Oratorium, BWV 249 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18","Osterges\u00e4nge (Hoffmann, Eucharius)|SScores\\6","Ot\u010de n\u00e1\u0161, JW 4\/29 (Jan\u00e1\u010dek, Leo\u0161)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","O\u00f9 vais-je, malheureux (Arriaga, Juan Cris\u00f3stomo de)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","6 Oude Nederlandsche Liederen (Van Duyse, Florimond)|SScores\\7","Our Flag (Macy, James Cartwright)|SScores\\1","Out of the Deep (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\1","Out of the Deep (Hopkins, Edward John)|SScores\\1","Out of the Depths I Cry to You, O Lord (McManus, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Ouverture et interm\u00e8des, H.494 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ove l'Adria fastosa (Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco)|SScores\\1","Oy, Joseph (Guerrero, Francisco)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Oye due\u00f1o de mi vida (San Juan, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Oygan que unas gitanillas (Gavino Leal, Joseph)|PParts\\1"],"P":["Paaske Music (Grosmann, Heinrich Ernst)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\1","La pace di Kamberga, S.19 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\4","La Pace (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Padre Nostro (Vitta, Rodrigo)|SScores\\1","Pae om Pae (Vredeman, Jacob)|SScores\\2","Palmsonntagmorgen, WoO VI\/18 (Reger, Max)|SScores\\1","Pan Zmartwychwsta\u0142 (Koci\u0119da, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Pange lingua 1686 (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Pange lingua, H.58 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Pange lingua, H.68 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Pange lingua (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Pange, lingua, gloriosi corporis mysterium in D major (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores\\2","Pange, lingua, gloriosi Corporis mysterium in D minor, S.61 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Pange, lingua, gloriosi Corporis mysterium (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Pange, lingua, gloriosi Corporis mysterium (Pereira, Bento)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Pange, lingua, gloriosi Corporis mysterium (Sambataro, Carmelo Luca)|SScores\\1","Pangue Lingua in E minor (Leo, Leonardo)|SScores\\1","Panis angelicus, Op.145 (Bonis, Mel)|SScores\\1","Panis angelicus (Cattaneo, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Panis angelicus (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Panis angelicus (Goller, Vinzenz)|SScores\\1","Panis angelicus (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Panis quem ego dabo, H.275 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Les pantins (H\u00fce, Georges)|VVocal Scores\\1","Papst Leo-Messe, Op.79 (Zangl, Joseph Gregor)|VVocal Scores\\1","Par les soirs bleus d'\u00e9t\u00e9 (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Para que te disfrazas (Castellanos, Rafael Antonio)|PParts\\1","Para que tu me oigas (Rodr\u00edguez Peris, Mart\u00edn Jos\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Para un triunfo que el orbe festeja (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Paradisisches Wunder-Spiel (Various)|SScores\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 1 (Moderne, Jacques)|PParts\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 2 (Moderne, Jacques)|PParts\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 3 (Moderne, Jacques)|SScores\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 4 (Moderne, Jacques)|SScores\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 5 (Moderne, Jacques)|SScores\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 6 (Moderne, Jacques)|PParts\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 7 (Moderne, Jacques)|PParts\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 8 (Moderne, Jacques)|SScores\\2","Le parangon des chansons, Book 9 (Moderne, Jacques)|SScores\\2","Le parangon des chansons, Book 10 (Moderne, Jacques)|PParts\\1","Le parangon des chansons (Moderne, Jacques)|PParts\\13","Parant arma stellae iratae (Feo, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Paratum cor meum, H.183 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Paratum cor meum (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores\\1","Parce mihi Domine (Bret\u00f3n, Tom\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Pari\u00f3 Mar\u00eda en Bel\u00e9n (Paris, Juan)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Paris (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","The Parochial Psalmist (Various)|SScores\\1","Parsifal Mass (Veasey Jr., Clarence Archibald)|VVocal Scores\\1","Part Songs, Op.9 (Pointer, John)|SScores\\1","Part Songs, Op.11 (M\u00fcller, J.)|SScores\\1","Part Songs, Op.40 (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\4","Part Songs, Op.54 (King, Oliver)|SScores\\2","Partenope, HWV 27 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|LLibrettos\\3","The Parting Glass (Van Schenkhof, Mark)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8","Parting Gleams (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\2","The Parting Kiss (Basvecchi, P. O.)|SScores\\1","The Parting (Lambert, Edward)|SScores\\1|LLibretti\\1","Parto e sento (Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco)|SScores\\1","Parvuls filius (Clemens non Papa, Jacobus)|SScores\\1","Parysatis (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Pascha nostrum immolatum est Christus (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Pascha nostrum (Reager, John)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Pascha nostrum (Zane, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Pascualillo que me quieles (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Pasmo del Amor y Gracia (Xu\u00e1rez, Alonso)|SScores\\1","Passez votre chemin (Romagnesi, Antoine)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Passing Show (Oliver, Herbert)|SScores\\1","Passio Christi Secundum Matthaeum (K\u00fchnhausen, Johann Georg)|SScores\\1","Passio secundum Matth\u00e6um (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Passion in VI Betrachtungen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2","The Passion of Christ (Somervell, Arthur)|VVocal Scores\\2","Die Passion, Op.93 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","La passione di Cristo secondo S. Marco (Perosi, Lorenzo)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","La passione di Ges\u00f9 Cristo (Salieri, Antonio)|SScores\\2","La passione di Ges\u00f9 Cristo (Sch\u00fcrer, Johann Georg)|SScores\\1","Passione secondo San Marco, Op.40 (Caputi, Omar)|SScores\\1","La Passione, Op.21 (Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno)|SScores\\3","Passionmusik (Pfleger, Augustin)|SScores\\2","4 Passions (Coronado, Luis)|SScores\\5","Passions-Oratorium, Op.45 (Woyrsch, Felix)|VVocal Scores\\2","Passionslied, Op.19 (Meinardus, Ludwig Siegfried)|VVocal Scores\\1","Pastoral Mass in F major (Spermalogi, G.)|PParts\\1","Pastoral Mass (Maher, William Joseph)|SScores\\1","Pastorale pour No\u00ebl (Arifon, E.)|SScores\\1","La Pastorale (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Pastoralmesse (Zenetti, Leopold von)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\1","La pastorella al prato, D.513 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Pastorella de Nativitate Domini (Werner, Gregor Joseph)|SScores\\4|PParts\\3","La pastorella mia (Sabino, Ippolito)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Pastores loquebantur ad invicem (Guerrero, Francisco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Pastores loquebantur (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Pastores, dicite, quidnam vidistis? (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Pater noster, Ave Maria (Willaert, Adrian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Pater noster, CG 138 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\1","Pater noster, G.46 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Pater noster, G.174 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Pater Noster, Op.8 No.1 (Bonnet, Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Pater noster, Op.15 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Pater Noster, Op.24 (Romberg, Andreas)|VVocal Scores\\1","Pater noster (Praetorius, Hieronymus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Pater noster (Praetorius, Michael)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Pater Noster (Riga, Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\1","Pater noster (Sambataro, Carmelo Luca)|SScores\\1","Pater noster (Widor, Charles-Marie)|SScores\\1","Pater (Cartan, Jean)|VVocal Scores\\1","Die Patrioten (Scheibe, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\1|OOther\\1","Paul Revere's Ride (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\1","Paulus, Op.36 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|LLibrettos\\2","Pavane Lachrime met den Bas (Valerius, Adrianus)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Pavane (Haussmann, Valentin)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Payne\u2019s Album f\u00fcr Musik (Various)|SScores\\1","Peace I leave with you (Roberts, John Varley)|SScores\\1","Peace (Williams, Charles Lee)|SScores\\1","Le p\u00e9age (Planquette, Robert)|SScores\\1","Pearce did Love Fair Petronel (Farnaby, Giles)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Pearls of Truth in Song (Oslin, Stephen Jesse)|SScores\\1","Peccantem me quotidie (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Peccavi Domino quid faciam miser (Baselli, Constantino)|SScores\\1","Peccavi super numerum (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Peccavi, Op.6 No.6 (Fasolo, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","P\u00e9ch\u00e9s de vieillesse (Rossini, Gioacchino)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Pegaso, Op.11 (Merula, Tarquinio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Peine d'amour (Delibes, L\u00e9o)|SScores\\2","Peleo, Giasone e Pallade (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","El pelicano amante (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Penelope la casta, R.344.28 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","Penitence, Pardon and Peace (Maunder, John Henry)|SScores\\1","Per folti boschi (Arcadelt, Jacob)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Per la Sulammita (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Per larghi prati (Giovanni da Cascia)|SScores\\1","Per lignum servi facta sumus (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Per Mattia e i suoi genitori (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Per piet\u00e0, non ricercate, K.420 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Perch\u00e9 mai ben mio, SmWV 327 (S\u00fcssmayr, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\1","Perche nemica mia mi vi mostrate, LV 22 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Perfect Imperfections (Besset, Julian Raoul)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Perrette, disoit Jehan (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Pesan troppo sul'alma Nice, GraunWV B:III:41 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Petite Marguerite (Bizet, Georges)|SScores\\1","Petite Messe 'Ave verum corpus' (Gastou\u00e9, Am\u00e9d\u00e9e)|SScores\\1","Petite messe solennelle No.2 (Bord\u00e8se, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Petite messe solennelle (Rossini, Gioacchino)|RRecordings\\18|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\30|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","A Petite Vocalise Opera, Op.1336 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Petrarca Canzone 50 (Gulick, Paul van)|SScores\\1","Petrus beatus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Der pfarher von sant Veit (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Pfingst-Cantate, Op.101 (Gast, Friedrich Moritz)|SScores\\1","Pfingstfeier (Neukomm, Sigismund)|VVocal Scores\\1","Pfl\u00fcget ein Neues und s\u00e4et, GWV 1109\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Philippe, qui videt me (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Phillida Bewailed (Farnaby, Giles)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Philomela angelica cantionum sacrarum (Speer, Daniel)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\7","Philomela delectans, Op.3 (Eve, Alphonse d')|PParts\\9","Phoebus, Arise!, Op.37 (Paine, John Knowles)|VVocal Scores\\1","Phoenix Expirans (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Phrygian Mass (Cannicciari, Pompeo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Pia cantica, Op.78 (Walczy\u0144ski, Franciszek)|SScores\\1","Il piacere (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Piagne e sospira, SV 93 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Pianto Antico (Righi, Marco Elia)|SScores\\1","Il pianto di Aretusa (Mercadante, Saverio)|SFull Scores\\1","Pie Jesu ad te refugi (Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo)|SScores\\1","2 Pieces for Male Chorus (Moniuszko, Stanis\u0142aw)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","15 Pieces (Mendelssohn, Felix)|SScores\\1","19 Pieces (Mendelssohn, Felix)|SScores\\1","22 Pieces, GB-Mp MS. 130Hd4v.313 (Various)|SScores\\1","6 Pieces, Op.35 (Schoenberg, Arnold)|SScores\\2","34 Pieces, RISM-A2 464000588 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|SScores\\1","The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Boyle, George Frederick)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|VVocal Scores\\3","The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Walthew, Richard Henry)|VVocal Scores\\1","Piedrecita sin mares (Garc\u00eda Pacheco, Fabi\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Pietose rime e voi freddi sospiri (Arcadelt, Jacob)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Pie\u015bni twej gniazdo (Garbusi\u0144ski, Kazimierz)|SScores\\1","A Pilgrimes Solace (Dowland, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Pimmalione (Cimador, Giambattista)|SScores\\1","12 Piosnek sielskich (Gall, Jan Karol)|SScores\\1","Piosnka Wygna\u0144ca (Danysz, Kazimierz)|SScores\\1","The Piper of Hamelin (Graham, A. Cyril)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Pipes of Pan (De Lamarter, Eric)|SScores\\1","Pirro, R.1.72 (Paisiello, Giovanni)|SScores\\2","La pi\u00f9 bella cosa (Turchetto, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Plaindre l'ennuy de la peine (Hesdin, Nicolle des Celliers de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Le Plaisir des Larmes, WoO 6 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Plange quasi virgo (Ingegneri, Marc Antonio)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Plaude laetare galia, LWV 37 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Plaudite tympana (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|SScores\\4","Plaudite, cantate (Cavalli, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Plaudite, sonat tuba, K.165 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\6","Play Time (Wood, Haydn)|SScores\\2","Pleni sunt coeli (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Plorans ploravit, PR.6.3.01 (Lobo, Jo\u00e3o de Deus de Castro)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","4 Plumajes Airosos (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|SScores\\1","Le plus grand bien qu'on sache point (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Pocket Missa (Zehar, Farid)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Le po\u00e8me du travail (Chapuis, Auguste)|VVocal Scores\\1","3 Po\u00e8mes du 'Livre de la Jungle', Op.18 (Koechlin, Charles)|SScores\\3","2 Po\u00e8mes, Op.39 (Milhaud, Darius)|SScores\\1","21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (Cui, C\u00e9sar)|SScores\\23","6 Poems by Polonsky, Op.76 (Cui, C\u00e9sar)|SScores\\2","3 Poems by Vladislav Khodasevich, Op.137 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","7 Poems of T'ang Dynasty (Chou, Wen-chung)|SScores\\1","3 Poems, Op.69 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Poems (Stith, David Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Po\u00e9sies allemandes de Moritz Hartmann, 2nd set, Op.26 (Gouvy, Louis Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\1","Polen und Lied der polnischen J\u00e4ger (K\u00fcffner, Joseph)|PParts\\1","Polish Mass in B-flat major, Op.80 (Elsner, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Polish Mass in F major, Op.79 (Elsner, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Polish Songs, Op.74 (Chopin, Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\31|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\20","Polluerunt templum, K.253 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","6 Polnische Kriegslieder (K\u00fcffner, Joseph)|PParts\\1","12 Polskich pie\u015bni Ko\u015bcielnych (Gall, Jan Karol)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","La Pompadour (Mo\u00f3r, Emanuel)|VVocal Scores\\1","Pon fren' al gran dolor, LV 13 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Popule meus, H.350 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Porgetemi la lira (Molinaro, Simone)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Poro, re dell'Indie, HWV 28 (Handel, George Frideric)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|LLibrettos\\3","Porque los Negros celebren (G\u00f3mez del Valle, Jos\u00e9 Lorenzo)|PParts\\1","La porta (Cellitti, Venanzio)|RRecordings\\7|SScores\\7","Porteremo nell'Ombra (Cibisescu-Duran, Iulia Narcisa)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Post Martinum bonum vinum (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Posthumous Glees (Danby, John)|SScores\\1","Postquam impleti sunt dies (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\3","Posui adjutorium (Alzedo, Jos\u00e9 Bernardo)|SScores\\1","Poup\u011b, Op.12 (Ostr\u010dil, Otakar)|VVocal Scores\\1","Pour la seconde fois que le St Sacrement vient au mesme reposoir, H.372 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Pour on him, O Lord! thy blessings (Guynemer, Charles)|SScores\\1","Pour tous les saints, H.377 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Pourquoi (Cury, Ernest)|SScores\\1","Powr\u00f3t (Noskowski, Zygmunt)|VVocal Scores\\1","Pracht, Hochfart, Reichthumb (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Pr\u00e6clara custos Virginum (Xavier, Jos\u00e9 Maria)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Practische Musik-Werke (Dehn, Siegfried Wilhelm)|SScores\\2","Praeparate corda vestra (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Praesta, quaesumus (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","The Praise of Jehovah, Op.58 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|VVocal Scores\\11","Praise Offerings (Danks, Hart Pease)|VVocal Scores\\1","Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","Praise the Lord, O My Soul (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Praise to God, Op.33 (Bristow, George Frederick)|SScores\\1","Praise to the Lord (Sanders, Herbert)|SScores\\1","Praised be the Lord (Hope, William)|SScores\\1","Der praktische Organist (Herzog, Johann Georg)|SScores\\4","Praxis pietatis melica (Cr\u00fcger, Johann)|SScores\\1","Prayer in Praise of God and Canticle of the Sun (McManus, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Prayer to Jesus (Oldroyd, George)|SScores\\1","Prayers from the Ark, Op.67 (Hedges, Anthony)|SScores\\1","Precatus est Moyses, LV 858 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Preces and Responses for 3 Voices (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Preces meae, A 707 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Precz z moich oczu, Op.6 (\u015awi\u0119cicki, Witold)|SScores\\1","Prediget von denen Gerechten, GWV 1138\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Preghiera di maggio (Anzoletti, Marco)|SScores\\2","2 Preghiere latine, Op.178 (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","Preis dir Allerh\u00f6chster (B\u00fchler, Franz)|PParts\\1","Preis dir auf deinem Throne (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Preis dir, des Lebens Herr (L\u00e4gel, Johann Gottlieb)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Preis Ruhm und Ehre, D-B: 30282 (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Preise dein Gl\u00fccke, gesegnetes Sachsen, BWV 215 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Preise Jerusalem den Herrn, GWV 1101\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Preise Jerusalem den Herrn, GWV 1173\/30b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Preise Jerusalem den Herrn, GWV 1174\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Preise Jerusalem den Herrn, GWV 1174\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Preise, Jerusalem, den Herren, BWV 119 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Preise, Jerusalem, den Herren (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Preiset mit mir den Herrn (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Preiss Gottes, P.48 (Danzi, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3","Il Premiato (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Le premier livre des pseaulmes de David (Bourgeois, Loys)|PParts\\2","The Presbyterian Psalmodist (Hastings, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Presso un fiume tranquillo (Priuli, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","The Pretty Little Maid of Minnetonka (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","The Pride of May (James, Philip)|SScores\\1","Pri\u00e8re pour tous, Op.89 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","La pri\u00e8re, A 424 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Pri\u00e8re (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Primavera (Guilmant, Alexandre)|SScores\\1","Primeira Novena de Nossa Senhora do Carmo, M.R. Op.21 (Santos, Marcos Vinicius Ribeiro dos)|SScores\\1","Primo Mazzetto di Fiori (Castaldi, Bellerofonte)|SScores\\1","Primum virtutes igneae (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","La Prise de Calais (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\20","Pro Virgine non martyre, H.369 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Prociss\u00e3o de Ramos I (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|RRecordings\\3|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","The Prodigal Son (Sullivan, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\7","Proh, quos criminis, ZWV 172 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Prokris und Cephalus (Scheibe, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\4","Prometheus Unbound (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Promise which was Made unto the Fathers (Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert)|SScores\\1","El pronostico nuebo (Gal\u00e1n, Crist\u00f3bal)|PParts\\1","Psalm 1 (Drehmer, Earl Richard)|SScores\\1","Psalm 1 (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14","Psalm 2 (Brolsma, Bruce Edward)|SScores\\2","Psalm 2 (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\12","Psalm 5 (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|SScores\\2|PParts\\12","Psalm 8 (Drehmer, Earl Richard)|SScores\\1","Psalm 9, Op.21 (Fesca, Friedrich Ernst)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Psalm 13, Op.25 (Bargiel, Woldemar)|VVocal Scores\\1","Psalm 13, S.13 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Psalm 17 (Drehmer, Earl Richard)|SScores\\1","Psalm 22, WAB 34 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Psalm 24, Op.97a (Spohr, Louis)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Psalm 34 (Brolsma, Bruce Edward)|SScores\\10","Psalm 42 (Goudimel, Claude)|SScores\\1","Psalm 46, Op.57 (Buck, Dudley)","Psalm 47 (Brolsma, Bruce Edward)|SScores\\2","Psalm 80, Op.37 (Roussel, Albert)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Psalm 84, WoO 72 (Spohr, Louis)|SScores\\1","Psalm 94 (Scott, Marion)|SScores\\1","Psalm 99 (Goudimel, Claude)|SScores\\1","Psalm 100, Op.43 (Lachner, Vinzenz)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\2","Psalm 119: 9-16 (Drehmer, Earl Richard)|SScores\\2","Psalm 119 (Fasch, Karl Friedrich Christian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Psalm 125, Op.60 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\2","Psalm 127 (Rossi, Salamone)|SScores\\1","Psalm 128, P.138 (Danzi, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Psalm 130 (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Psalm 133 (Aquinus, David)|PParts\\1","Psalm 134 (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Psalm 138 (Goudimel, Claude)|SScores\\1","Psalm 145 (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Psalm 146, WAB 37 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7","Psalm 150 (Drehmer, Earl Richard)|SScores\\1","Psalm 150 (Meiland, Jakob)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","The Psalm and Hymn Tunes used at St. John's Chapel (Cecil, Theophania)|SScores\\1","Psalm and Hymn Tunes (Smee, Frederick)|SScores\\2","Psalm CL, Op.47 (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Psalm LXVII 'Deus misereatur nostri' (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Psalm of Faith in the Wilderness (Patterson, Robert G.)|SScores\\1","24 Psalm Tunes, 2 Hymns, an Ode and 3 Anthems (Shoel, Thomas)|SScores\\1","8 Psalm Tunes (Heineken, Nicholas Samuel)|SScores\\1","Psalm Tunes, Hymns & Anthems (Shoel, Thomas)|SScores\\1","30 Psalm Tunes, Op.7 (Valentine, John)|SScores\\1","Psalm XXIII (Wallace II, Robert Stephen)|SScores\\1","The Psalm-Singer's Pocket Companion (Davenport, Uriah)|SScores\\2","50 Psalmen Dauid mit 4 partyen (Boscoop, Cornelis)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Die Psalmen Davids (Bachofen, Johann Caspar)|SScores\\4","Die Psalmen Davids (Cr\u00fcger, Johann)|SScores\\2","Psalmen Davids (Hagius, Konrad)|SScores\\7","Psalmen f\u00fcr Kirchen und Schulen (Wolkenstein, David)|SScores\\1","Psalmi integri (Stadlmayr, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\13","7 Psalmi poenitentiales (Utendal, Alexander)|PParts\\4","Psalmi Vespertini (Baudrexel, Philipp Jakob)|PParts\\12","The Psalmist's Recreation (Arnold, John)|SScores\\1","Psalmodia vespertina volans (Steffani, Agostino)|PParts\\9","Psalmodia (Lossius, Lucas)|SScores\\3","A Psalmodic Rhapsody (Stock, Frederick)|VVocal Scores\\1","3 Psalms (Josquin Desprez)|SScores\\1","10 Psalms (Zannetti, Francesco)|SScores\\1|PParts\\9","3 Psalms, Op.78 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\13","Psalms (Allison, Richard)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\10","Psalms (Tattersall, William de Chair)|SScores\\1","Psalmus Hungaricus, Op.13 (Kod\u00e1ly, Zolt\u00e1n)|SScores\\1","Der Psalter Davids Gesangweis (Calvisius, Seth)|SScores\\5","Psalter und Harfe (Zahn, Johannes)|SScores\\1","Psaltes Vespertinus, Op.24 (K\u00f6nigsperger, Marianus)|PParts\\11","Psaume 92 (Goudimel, Claude)|SScores\\1","Psaume CXXX (Boulanger, Lili)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Psaume XCVIII (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\1","Les psaumes en vers mesur\u00e9s (Various)|SScores\\1","Psaumes et Cantiques \u00e0 l'usage des Eglises nationales de Vaud, Neuch\u00e2tel et Gen\u00e8ve (Various)|SScores\\2","Psaumes et cantiques \u00e0 l'usage des \u00e9glises r\u00e9form\u00e9es (Various)|SScores\\6","30 Psaumes (Lupi Second, Didier)|PParts\\2","50 Pseaulmes de David (Bourgeois, Loys)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\2","Les pseaumes de David \u00e0 quatre parties (Various)|SScores\\1","150 Pseaumes de David (Desfontaines, Jean)|SScores\\11","150 Pseaumes de David, 1564 (Goudimel, Claude)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Pseaumes en vers mezurez (Le Jeune, Claude)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Psyche, Op.32 (Juon, Paul)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\31|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Psyche (Read, John Francis Holcombe)|VVocal Scores\\1","Psyke, Op.60 (Gade, Niels)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Publio Cornelio Scipione, HWV 20 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|LLibretti\\3","Puer natus est (Spinelli, Santo)|SScores\\1","Puer natus in Bethlehem (Lossius, Lucas)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Pues el sol divino se mira (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Pues en constantes ansias ardientes (Delgado, Francisco)|PParts\\1","Pues en un portal (G\u00f3mez del Valle, Jos\u00e9 Lorenzo)|PParts\\1","Pues nuestros maridos (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Pues que ya el deseado (Paris, Juan)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Puis que ce beau mois (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Puis que la loy trespure et saicte (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Pulcheria, K.303 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\20","Pulchra et decora (Carissimi, Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Pulcinella (ballet), K034 (Stravinsky, Igor)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Pulcra facie sed pulcrior es fide (Bianciardi, Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Pulvis et umbra sumus, LV 504 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Pungente dardo, che'l mio cor consumi (Berchem, Jacquet de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Pur udendo non comprendono (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Pursalisch lustig lasst uns sein (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Pushkin's Notebook (Blagoy, Dmitry)|SScores\\1","Put Me Not to Rebuke O Lord (Loosemore, Henry)|SScores\\1"],"Q":["Quae est illa (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Quae est ista quae progiditur (Cantone, Serafino)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Quae est ista quae progiditur (Paoletti, Angelo)|SScores\\1","Quae est ista quae progreditur (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Quae est ista (Eberlin, Johann Ernst)|SScores\\1","Quae virgo peperit (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Qual dall'orto un'aurora (De Giosa, Nicola)|SScores\\1","Qual orribil spettacolo (Mazziotti, Michele)|SScores\\1","Qual vanto \u00e8 questo mai (Niccolai, Tertulliano)|SScores\\1","Quam dilecta tabernacula tua, Psaume 83 (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)|SScores\\1","Quam dilecta tabernacula, RCT 15 (Rameau, Jean-Philippe)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\6","Quam pulchra est casta generatio cum claritate (Filago, Carlo)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Quam pulchra est casta (Cornetti, Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Quam pulchri sunt gressus tui (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Quand l'ennuy facheux vou prend (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Quand le berger veid la bergere (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Quand ma maitresse rid (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Quando dal primo amore (Caimo, Gioseppe)","Quando en el oriente (Facco, Giacomo)|PParts\\1","Quando la sera scaccia, LV 15 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Quando tramonta il sole (Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria)|SScores\\2","Quanti mercenarii (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Quanti mercenarii (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Quanto di spirto abbiam nel petto accolto, S.609 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Quare fremerunt gentes (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Quare fremuerunt gentes (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Quare fremuerunt gentes (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Quare tristis es anima mea, LV 472 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Quarta et sexta feria (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Quartet for Tenor, Clarinet, Bassoon and Cello, Op.2757 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Quartet for Trumpet, Tenor, Cello and Harpsichord, Op.595 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\2","4 Quartets, Op.6 (Weisse, Hans)|SScores\\1","3 Quartets, Op.20 (P\u00fcttlingen, Johann Vesque von)|SScores\\2","3 Quartets, Op.31 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","2 Quartets, Op.55 (Arensky, Anton)|SScores\\1","3 Quartets, Op.57 (Arensky, Anton)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","3 Quartets, Op.64 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","4 Quartets, Op.92 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","6 Quartets, Op.112 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","5 Quartette f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerstimmen (Call, Leonhard von)|PParts\\1","3 Quartette (Reiter, Ernst Michael)|SScores\\1","4 Quartetten f\u00fcr M\u00e4nner-Stimmen, Op.32 (Riccius, August Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","Quartetto e Coro dei Maggi, H 59 (Berlioz, Hector)|SFull Scores\\2","Quasi cedrus exaltata sum in Libano, LV 205 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Quasi stella matutina (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Qud signum erit adventus tui o iudex saeculi (Polidori, Ortensio)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Que admirais mortales (Jerusalem, Ignacio)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\2","Que bien (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Que de passions et douleurs (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Que dulce, que suave (Dur\u00f3n, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Quedito airecillo (Dur\u00f3n, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Queen of the Valley (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Quel amor quel valor quel honor (Jerusalem, Ignacio)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Quel chiaro sol che tragge indi lontano, LV 67 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Quell' innocente figlio, D.17 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Quem terra pontus (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Quem Vidistis Pastores? (Fritz, William)|SScores\\1","Quem vidistis pastores (Canale, Floriano)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\15","Quem vidistis pastores (Caruso, Giuseppe)|SScores\\2","Quem vidistis pastores (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Quem vidistis, pastores? (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Quemadmodum desiderat cervus, BuxWV 92 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Quemadmodum desiderat cervus, LV 365 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Questa che al ciel s'innalza, S.647 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Questa si bianca neve (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Questi ch'inditio fan, LV 68 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Questi odorati fiori (Wert, Giaches de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Questo povero grida (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Qui consolabatur me (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Qui habitat in E-flat major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","Qui Habitat (Felici, Bartolomeo)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Qui luna sol et omnia (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Qui meditabitur in lege Domini (Reager, John)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Qui n'en riroit (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Qui pace Christi (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Qui paracletus diceris (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Qui pius prudens (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Qui pro quo (Gomes, Carlos)|SScores\\2","Qui sedes et Quoniam, A 600 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Qui terrena triumphat (Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio)|SScores\\2","Qui tollis in E major (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Qui tollis, A 590 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\2","Qui tollis, A 621 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Qui vagitus infantiae (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Qui voit alors que les ventz du printemps (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Quia vidisti me Thoma credidisti, LV 150 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Quicunque manducaverit, MH 259 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Quid estis pusillanimes, LV 473 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Quien a mi enamoradito (Sanz, Francisco)|PParts\\1","The Quiet Valley (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)|SScores\\1","Quiete meridiana nell' Alpe (Bossi, Marco Enrico)|SScores\\1","Quinque Salutationes Domini nostri Hiesu Christi (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Quis ascendet in montem Domini, S.21 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Quis ascendet in montem Domini (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Quis dabit mihi (Strozzi, Barbara)|SScores\\1","Quis dabit oculis (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Quo Christus, invictus Leo (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Quocunque pergis, virgines Sequuntur (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Quodcumque vinclis (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Quodlibet, BWV 524 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Quoniam in me speravit, Op.30 (Elsner, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Quoniam iniquitatem (Fasch, Karl Friedrich Christian)|SScores\\1","Quotiescumque (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1"],"R":["Raccolta d'Arie spirituali a una due e tre voci di diversi eccellentissimi autori (Bianchi, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","Racoleur et racol\u00e9 (Deransart, \u00c9douard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Rad\u00faz a Mahulena, Op.13 (Suk, Josef)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ragione \u00e8 ben ch'alcuna volta io canti (Berchem, Jacquet de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","The Rainbow of Peace (Adams II, Thomas)|SScores\\1","The Rainy Day (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Rallegrati mio cor (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","La ramilletera (Campana, Fabio)|SScores\\1","Ramonnez-moy ma chemin\u00e9e (Hesdin, Nicolle des Celliers de)|SScores\\1","Rappelle toi, Op.93 (Marchal, M\u00e1ximo)|SScores\\1","R\u00e4thsel Canon, G.61 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\1","Il Ratto impedito, G.59 (Gerson, Georg)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\24|VVocal Scores\\3","Der Raub der Sabinerinnen, Op.50 (Vierling, Georg)|SScores\\1","The Raven (Barker, George Arthur)|SScores\\1","The Realm of Fancy, Op.36 (Paine, John Knowles)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Reaper's Song (Peck, James)|SScores\\1","Rebekah (Barnby, Joseph)|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Recens fabricatus labor (Speer, Daniel)|PParts\\7","Recercada primera sobre 'Doulce Memoire' (Ortiz, Diego)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Die Rechte des Herrn, GWV 1118\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Recitative and Aria from 'Diana e Endimione', G.80 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\2","Recordare Domine (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Recordatus est (Rogier, Philippe)|SScores\\1","Die Rede des Freundlichen, GWV 1114\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","The Redeemer (Edwards, Julian)|VVocal Scores\\1","Reffley Spring (Arne, Thomas Augustine)|SScores\\1","Reformation Cantata (Christiansen, F. Melius)|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Regen Gottes trieft auf gute Sprossen, TWV 1:312 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Regensburger Liederkranz (Various)|SScores\\1","Regina caeli in C major (Zeiler, Gallus)|SScores\\1","Regina caeli in G major (Tinel, Jef)|SScores\\1","Regina caeli laetare for 5 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\5","Regina caeli laetare (Fontei, Nicol\u00f2)|SScores\\1","Regina caeli laetare (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|SScores\\1","Regina caeli laetare (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Regina caeli, S.101 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Regina caeli, S.102 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Regina caeli (Aichinger, Gregor)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Regina caeli (Anerio, Giovanni Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Regina c\u00e6li, F-Pn MS-23521 (Antoine, Merle)|SScores\\1","Regina c\u00e6li, F-Pn MS-23533 (Antoine, Merle)|SScores\\1","Regina coeli in C major, K.276\/321b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Regina coeli laetare (Busnois, Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Regina coeli laetare (Willaert, Adrian)|SScores\\1","Regina coeli, H.30 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Regina coeli, MH 128 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Regina coeli, ZWV 133 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Regina coeli (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Regina coeli (Cirri, Ignazio)|SScores\\1","Regina c\u0153li (Valenti, Avelino)|SScores\\1","Regnum mundi, LV 519 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Regole, passaggi di musica (Bovicelli, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\3","El regreso a la patria (Monasterio, Jes\u00fas de)|SScores\\1","Das Reich Gottes ist nicht Essen und Trinken, GWV 1131\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Das Reich Gottes ist nicht Essen und Trinken, GWV 1131\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Das Reich Gottes ist nicht Essen und Trinken, GWV 1138\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Das Reich Gottes ist nicht Essen und Trinken, TWV 1:193 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Reichlich das gl\u00fcck kombt alle tag (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Reif und auch der kalte Schnee (Franck, Melchior)","Reiter-Leben, Op.16 (Gade, Niels)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Rejoice in the Lord Alway, Z.49 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Rejoice in the Lord (Sheppard, John)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Reliefs polychrom\u00e9s (Gu\u00e9zec, Jean-Pierre)|SScores\\1","Religion, Op.764 (Czerny, Carl)|SScores\\1","Religi\u00f6se Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerstimmen, Op.22 (Klein, Bernhard)|SScores\\1","Religi\u00f6se Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerstimmen, Op.23 (Klein, Bernhard)|SScores\\1","12 Religi\u00f6se Ges\u00e4nge (Solle, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","3 Religi\u00f6se Ges\u00e4nge, Op.64 (Breu, Simon)|SScores\\1","Remember Not, Lord, Our Offences, Z.50 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Remember, O Thou Man (Ravenscroft, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Le renard et la poulette, Op.41 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Renard, K023 (Stravinsky, Igor)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2","Le renouveau (Koechlin, Charles)|SScores\\1","Representation (Fine, Elaine)|SScores\\2","The Reproaches (Hoyte, William Stevenson)|SScores\\1","La rep\u00fablica de las mujeres (Rodriguez de Hita, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Requiem a 3 Vozes (Arantes, Rafael Sales)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Requiem aeternam, K.146 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Requiem aeternam, K.147 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Requiem aeternam (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\1","Requiem di Luce (Fedi Caruso, Marco)|RRecordings\\2|SScores\\1","Requiem e Kyrie dalla messa funebre (Gattola, Paolo Maria)|SScores\\1","Requiem in A major (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","Requiem in C major (Pasterwitz, Georg)|SScores\\1","Requiem in C minor, M.H14 (Rosetti, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in C minor, SchE Missa 17 (Bachschmid, Anton Adam)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in C minor (Arantes, Rafael Sales)|RRecordings\\10|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15","Requiem in C minor (Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von)|SScores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in C minor (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores\\2","Requiem in C minor (Salieri, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Requiem in D minor, K.626 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\90|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\32|PParts\\86|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\38","Requiem in D minor (Aiblinger, Johann Kaspar)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\10","Requiem in E major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in E-flat major, R 297\/9 (Rathgeber, Valentin)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in E-flat major, S.18 (Heinichen, Johann David)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Requiem in E-flat major, W.XIX:Requiem Es2 (Vanhal, Johann Baptist)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in E-flat major (Aiblinger, Johann Kaspar)|PParts\\1","Requiem in E-flat major (Naumann, Johann Gottlieb)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in F major, BurG I\/51 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in F major, Op.29 No.1 (Kobrich, Johann Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in F minor (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Requiem in G minor, KomZ B18 (Zach, Jan)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem Mass No.2 in E minor (Webbe, Samuel)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Requiem Mass (Korman, James Andrew)|SScores\\1","Requiem No.1 (H\u00f6lzl, Franz Seraphin)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem No.3, Op.49 (Renner Sr., Joseph)|SScores\\1","Requiem, A 688 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Requiem, CatAd 2.02 (Adlgasser, Anton Cajetan)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem, CG 80 (Gounod, Charles)|SFull Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Requiem, HofR 46\/4 (Reutter, Georg)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem, JWV 108 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Requiem, Op.20 (Kiel, Friedrich)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Requiem, Op.20 (Raphael, G\u00fcnter)|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem, Op.21 (Huber, Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Requiem, Op.54 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem, Op.60 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Requiem, Op.63 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|NNaxos\\0","Requiem, Op.70 (Gouvy, Louis Th\u00e9odore)|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem, Op.76 (Fine, Marshall)|SFull Scores\\8","Requiem, Op.78 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\10","Requiem, Op.80 (Kiel, Friedrich)|SFull Scores\\1","Requiem, Op.89 (Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Anton\u00edn)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\10|PParts\\29|VVocal Scores\\2","Requiem, Op.146 (Lachner, Franz Paul)|SFull Scores\\1","Requiem, Op.148 (Schumann, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem, S.12 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|PParts\\3","Requiem, WAB 39 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\8","Requiem, WoO V\/9 (Reger, Max)|SFull Scores\\1","Requiem, ZWV 45 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\4","Requiem, ZWV 46 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\4|PParts\\7","7 Requiems in Memory of Samuel Webbe (Various)|SScores\\1","Requiemsatz, Op.145a (Reger, Max)|SFull Scores\\1","Requiem (Becherini, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Requiem (Gilles, Jean)|RRecordings\\10|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\7","Requiem (Jommelli, Niccol\u00f2)|SFull Scores\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem (Maliszewski, Witold)|SScores\\1","Requiem (Neff, Lyle K.)|SScores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem (Nichifor, Serban)|RRecordings\\2|SScores\\2|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Requiem (Righini, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","Requiem (Saral, Ali Riza)|SScores\\20|LLibretti\\1","Requiem (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","Requiem (Stadler, Maximilian)|PParts\\1","Requiem (Verdi, Giuseppe)|RRecordings\\24|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\21|PParts\\30|VVocal Scores\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Requiescat (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)|SFull Scores\\3","Reserenate lumina fideles populi (Mognossa, Giovanni Francesco)|SScores\\1","Resonet in laudibus, LV 363 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Resonet in laudibus, MS-5.092 (Praetorius, Michael)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Resonet in laudibus (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Respice in Servos Tuos (Perosi, Lorenzo)|SScores\\1","Respicit Dominus vias hominis, LV 982 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","The Responsary (Bull, Amos)|SScores\\1","Respons\u00f3rio de Santo Ant\u00f4nio de P\u00e1dua (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Respons\u00f3rio de S\u00e3o Caetano (Ferreira, Miguel Teodoro)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Respons\u00f3rio para S\u00e3o Pedro de Alc\u00e2ntara (Pedro I)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\22","6 Respons\u00f3rios f\u00fanebres, PR.4.1 (Lobo, Jo\u00e3o de Deus de Castro)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Responsorium in exequiis, LV Anh.147 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Resuenen los clarines (Zumaya, Manuel de)|PParts\\1","Resurgam, Op.98 (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|VVocal Scores\\3","Resurrection Light (Ashford, Emma Louise)|SScores\\1","La resurrezione, HWV 47 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Le Retour de Tendresse (Bouvard, Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Le retour du printems (Romagnesi, Antoine)|SScores\\1","The Reveille, Op.54 (Elgar, Edward)|SScores\\1","Revelabitur gloria Domini, K.284 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Reverdie (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Revertere anima mea (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","R\u00eaves (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","R\u00eavons, c'est l'heure (Massenet, Jules)|SScores\\1","Rex autem (Tejeda, Alonso de)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Rex gloriose martyrum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Rhapsody of St. Bernard, Op.38 (Smith, David Stanley)|VVocal Scores\\1","Rhapsody (Bliss, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Rheinfahrt, Op.70 (Goltermann, Georg)|PParts\\1","Die Rheingauer Glocken (Schmelz, Reinhard)|SScores\\1","Rheinsage (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Rheinweinlied-Ouverture, Op.123 (Schumann, Robert)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","La rica espiga de oro (Ximeno, Fabi\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","La ricerca del Santo Graal (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Richard L\u00f6wenherz, Op.200 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ridiamo, cantiamo (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\1","The Righteous Live for Evermore (Lloyd, Charles Harford)|SScores\\1","The Righteous Live for Evermore (Prescott, Oliveria)|SScores\\1","3 Rilke Songs for Choir (Gulick, Paul van)|SScores\\1","Rimanti amor in sempiterno oblio (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Rinaldo, Op.50 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ring Out Your Bells (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Ring, Ring (Bielenberg, Aliosha)|SScores\\1","Ringet danach dass ihr durch die enge Pforte, GWV 1117\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ringet danach dass ihr durch die enge Pforte, GWV 1154\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Rings um mich schwebet Traurigkeit (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Der Ritterschwur (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\1","River of Eden (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","Robin Hood (Hatton, John Liptrot)|VVocal Scores\\1","Robustas trompas Violines suaves (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","The Rock of Liberty, Op.36 (Cole, Rossetter Gleason)|VVocal Scores\\1","Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|LLibrettos\\3","Rodrigo, HWV 5 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\22","Le Roi de Thul\u00e9, Op.104 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Le roi des t\u00e9nors (Lhuillier, Edmond)|SScores\\1","Romance de La Luna, Luna (Antonio, Lincoln)|SScores\\1","Romance of the Year, Op.53 (Shapleigh, Bertram)|SScores\\1","Romance, G.15 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","4 Romances to Verses by Pushkin, Op.68 (N\u00e1pravn\u00edk, Eduard)|SScores\\1","3 Romances (Blangini, Joseph Marie Felix)|SScores\\1","4 Romances (Brugui\u00e8re, \u00c9douard)|SScores\\1","5 Romances (Lushpa, Ilia)|RRecordings\\4|SScores\\2","Romances, Op.2 (Engel, Joel)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","2 Romances, Op.7 (Maykapar, Samuil)|SScores\\1","4 Romances, Op.55 (Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","2 Romances, Op.188 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","2 Romances, Op.189 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","2 Romances, Op.190 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","2 Romances, Op.191 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","2 Romances, Op.197 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","2 Romances, Op.201 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Romans 8:38-39 (Roberts, Joshua A.)|SScores\\1","Romanzen und Balladen, Op.67 (Schumann, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Romei e vagabondi, santi e briganti (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\2","Romeo and Juliet (duet), TH 215 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Rom\u00e9o et Juliette, H 79 (Berlioz, Hector)|RRecordings\\12|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\14|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\28","Rompeltier (Obrecht, Jacob)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Rondeaux de Printemps (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Rond\u00f2 arlecchinesco, Op.46, BV 266 (Busoni, Ferruccio)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\14","Rorate Caeli (Hamilton, Gregory)|SScores\\1","Rorate coeli (Guerrero, Francisco)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Rosarium Litaniarium Beatae V. Mariae (Various)|PParts\\1","Rose and Lily (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","La rose et l'abeille (Bizet, Georges)|SScores\\1","The Rose Maiden, Op.3 (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\3","The Rose of Sharon, Op.30 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|VVocal Scores\\3","Rosina, wo was dein Gestalt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","La Rosmene, R.337.11 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores\\3","Le rossignol plaisant et gratieux, LV 91 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Rost Codex (Rost, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\23|PScores and Parts\\23","A Round for Machaut (St. Clair, Richard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Rubri maris trajectus (Manna, Gennaro)|PParts\\1|LLibretti\\2","Rufe getrost schone nicht, GWV 1106\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Rufe Gott im Leiden an, GWV 1155\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Rufet nicht die Weisheit? (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ruhe hier, mein Geist (Melchior, Johann Abraham)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ruhe, Friede, Freud und Wonne (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","R\u00fchme dich nicht des morgenden Tags, GWV 1157\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ruidosas trompas sonoros eccos (Literes, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Rumi Cantata (Saral, Ali Riza)|SScores\\4","Rundgesang, LadK deest (Knecht, Justin Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Russian Church Chants for the 12 Major Christian Holidays (Arkhangelsky, Aleksandr)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6","R\u00fcste dich mein Geist zum k\u00e4mpfen, GWV 1120\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ruth and Naomi (Damrosch, Leopold)|VVocal Scores\\2","Ruth (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\4"],"S":["S'\u00e8 il Signore mio pastore, S.622 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","S'Gebot ist schon ausgangen (Knuth, J\u00fcrgen)|SScores\\4","S'il est un charmant gazon (Kosz\u00fcl, Julien)|SScores\\1","S'ogni mio ben havete (Striggio, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","S'on me regarde (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","S. Giovanni Battista, G.3.3 (Stradella, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","Sabbath Evening Song (Geibel, Adam)|SScores\\1","Saccharissa's Grown Old, Z.507 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Sacer Janus quadrifrons tribus vocibus (Steffani, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Sacerdos et Pontifex (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Sacra cetra concertata, Op.13 (Milanuzzi, Carlo)|PParts\\1","Sacra Ruris Laetita, Sive Vesperae Rurales, Op.13 (K\u00f6nigsperger, Marianus)|PParts\\2","Sacrae cantiones una, duabusque vocibus concinendae (Caprioli, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores\\25","Sacrae melodiae (Lappi, Pietro)|SScores\\19","Sacramentum supremum (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)|SScores\\1","Sacrarum cantionum, Op.3 (Buchner, Philip Friedrich)|PParts\\6","Sacred Compositions, Op.28 (Klein, Bruno Oscar)|SScores\\2","The Sacred Harmonist (Webb, John Charles)|SScores\\1","Sacred Harmony for the Use of St. George's Church Edinburgh (Various)|SScores\\1","Sacred Harmony (Harrison, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Sacred Hymns (Tailour, Robert)|SScores\\1","Sacred Melody (Moreton, John)|SScores\\1","Sacred Music Sung in St. George's Church Edinburgh (Smith, Robert Archibald)|SScores\\2","Sacred Music (Cole, John)|SScores\\1","Sacred Music (Stoeckel, Gustav Jakob)|SScores\\1","Sacred Peace, Celestial Treasure (Storace, Stephen)|SScores\\1","4 Sacred Pieces, Op.124 (Sudds, William F.)|SScores\\2","18 Sacred Songs, I-Vc Torr.Ms.C.59 (Various)|SScores\\1","Sacri concentus duarum vocum (Casati, Gasparo)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Sacri concentus, Op.3 (Pietkin, Lambert)|SScores\\2","Sacri concerti di salmi (Macchetti, Teofilo)|PParts\\1","Sacri concerti (Rusca, Claudia Francesca)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\22|PScores and Parts\\22|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Sacri Concerti (Valentini, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sacrificio a Venere (Bononcini, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Sacrificium Vespertinum, Op.3 (Schreyer, Gregor)|PParts\\11","Sacrificium, A 706 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Sacris solemniis (Schmidt, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","El sacristan del barbero (G\u00f3mez del Valle, Jos\u00e9 Lorenzo)|PParts\\1","Sacrorum Canticorum (Patta, Serafino)|SScores\\1","Sacrorum concentuum, Liber 2 (D'India, Sigismondo)|PParts\\1","Sacrorum hymnorum, Book 1 (Rhau, Georg)|PParts\\4","Sacrum-profanum (\u017bo\u0142nowski, Maciej)|SScores\\1","Saepe expugnaverunt me (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Sag nicht, ich bin ein Christ, TWV 1:1232 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Sage mir an du den meine Seele liebet, TWV 1:1231 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Saget den G\u00e4sten, SWV 459 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Saget den verzagten Herzen, GWV 1131\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Saget der Tochter Zion siehe dein Heil kommt (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Saget unter den Heiden, GWV 1111\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Saggio di studi di composizione musicale sopra alcuni partimenti di Fenaroli (Picchianti, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Il sagrifizio di Jefte (Galuppi, Baldassare)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Sagt was sind doch unsre Tage, GWV 1157\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","A Saia de Carolina (Viro, Angel)|SScores\\2","Sailing (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)|SScores\\1","La Saint Cr\u00e9pin (Bord\u00e8se, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Saint Fran\u00e7ois d'Assise, CG 34 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\2|PParts\\15","La Saint Jean (Bord\u00e8se, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Saint Ludmila, Op.71 (Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Anton\u00edn)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Saint Ursula (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\1","Sakali Man (Santiago, Francisco)|SScores\\1","Salamis, Op.25 (Bruch, Max)|VVocal Scores\\1","Salamon \u00c9nekek \u00c9neke (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","The Salem Collection of Classical Sacred Musick (Various)|SScores\\1","2 Salmer (Nielsen, Ludolf)|SScores\\1","Salmi a 1, 3, 4 e 5 voci concertati, Op.6 (Uccellini, Marco)|SScores\\1","Salmi a otto voci concertati, Op.3 (Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Salmi Concertati a 4 voci con Strumenti, Op.19 (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores\\1","Salmi concertati, Op.6 (Mazzaferrata, Giovanni Battista)|PParts\\1","Salmi concertati, Op.8 (Monferrato, Natale)|PParts\\1","Salmi et messa concertati, Op.18 (Merula, Tarquinio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Salmi passaggiati per tutte le voci nella maniera che si cantano in Roma (Severi, Francesco)|SScores\\7","Salmo da Terra (Costa, Fabio)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Il Salmo Miserere (Alfieri, Pietro)|SScores\\2","Salmo Nunc dimittis per Compieta \u00e0 otto concertato (Giorgi, Giovanni)|VVocal Scores\\3","Salut au Br\u00e9sil! (Giraudon, Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Salvatorem exspectamus (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Salve Jesu sancte sponse (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Salve o Maria (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Salve o regina, SV 326 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Salve Regina a 4 (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina a 6 (Valls, Francisco)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina des Jesuites, H.27 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Salve Regina for 6 Voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Salve Regina I for 5 Voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Salve Regina II for 5 Voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Salve Regina II (Fuentes Matons, Laureano)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina in A major, MH 634 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Salve Regina in B minor (Brunetti, Giovan Gualberto)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina in C major (Morlacchi, Francesco)|SScores\\2","Salve Regina in C minor (Caldara, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Salve Regina in D minor (Martini, Giovanni Battista)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Salve Regina in F major (Bertoni, Ferdinando)|SScores\\3","Salve Regina in G major (Holler, Augustin)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Salve Regina in G minor, Hob.XXIIIb:2 (Haydn, Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\2","Salve regina mater mire (Dunstaple, John)|SScores\\1","Salve regina mater misericordiae (Dunstaple, John)|SScores\\1","Salve regina misericoriae (Dunstaple, John)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina No.1 in B-flat major (Pappalardo, Salvatore)|SScores\\1","2 Salve Regina (Vanhal, Johann Baptist)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","6 Salve Regina (Various)|PParts\\1","Salve Regina, A 678 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Salve Regina, C.114 (Cl\u00e9rambault, Louis-Nicolas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Salve Regina, D.106 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Salve Regina, D.811 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Salve Regina, IFF 57 (Frontini, Francesco Paolo)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina, MH 32 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Salve Regina, MH 34 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Salve Regina, Op.10 No.1 (Zientarski, Romuald)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina, Op.18 (Mohr, D\u00e9sir\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina, RicS 13g (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Salve Regina, SV 327 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Salve Regina, ZWV 136 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Salve Regina, ZWV 137 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\4|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Salve Regina, ZWV 140 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3","Salve Regina, ZWV 141 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Salve Regina (Anonymous)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Benelli, Antonio Peregrino)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Byrd, William)|SScores\\2","Salve Regina (Dur\u00f3n, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Salve Regina (Filago, Carlo)|SScores\\2","Salve Regina (Guerrero, Francisco)|SScores\\6","Salve Regina (Ligniville, Eug\u00e8ne de)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Salve Regina (Niccolai, Tertulliano)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Salve Regina (Nichifor, Serban)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Pearsall, Robert Lucas)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Piazzano, Geremia)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Ramella, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Souza, Jer\u00f4nimo de)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8","Salve Regina (St. Pierre, Anthony)|SScores\\2","Salve Regina (Vlahek, Bruno)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Ziani, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Salve Rex Christe (Gletle, Johann Melchior)|SScores\\1","Salve Sancta Parens (Meucci, Giovanni Vincenzio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Salve Virgo (Neri, Massimiliano)|SScores\\1","Salvete cives nostri (Peace, Albert Lister)|SScores\\1","Salvete pastores et gaudete (Crivelli, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Salvos fac nos, MH 351 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Salvum fac servum tuum, Op.33 (Zvona\u0159, Josef Leopold)|PParts\\1","Salvum me fac Deus (Antoine, Merle)|SScores\\1","Salvum me fac Domine quoniam (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Samlet euch Sch\u00e4tze (Gerstenb\u00fcttel, Joachim)|SScores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Samlet euch, getreue Catten, GWV 1052 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Samling af Sange for Chor (Malling, J\u00f6rgen)|SScores\\3","San Timoteo Canyontata, Op.33 (Alburger, Mark)|VVocal Scores\\1","Sancta Civitas (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2","Sancta et immaculata virginitas, LV 548 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Sancta et immaculata virginitas (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Sancta Maria succurre miseris (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Sancta Maria succurre miseris (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Sancta Maria, K.Anh.C 3.15 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Sancta Maria (Anchieta, Juan de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Sancta Maria (Niedermeyer, Louis)|SScores\\1","Sancta Maria (Xavier, Jos\u00e9 Maria)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13","Sancte Paule apostole (Santini, Fortunato)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Sanctify, O Beatific Lord (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Sanctissimae Virgini Missa senis vocibus ac Vesperae pluribus decantandae (Monteverdi, Claudio)|PParts\\15","Sanctorum agmina (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Sanctorum meritis (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Sanctorum meritis (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","1510 Sanctus and Agnus Chaconne (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Sanctus and Agnus Dei, ZWV 34 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Sanctus and Agnus Dei, ZWV 202 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Sanctus Deus (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Sanctus Dominus (Lotti, Antonio)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Sanctus (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\1","Sanctus (Bianciardi, Vincenzio)|SScores\\1|PParts\\12","Sanctus (Carnaby, William)|SScores\\1","Sanctus (Fry, James)|SScores\\1","Sanctus (R\u00f6llig, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","Sanftmutsvolle, zarte Triebe, TWV 1:1235a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","2 Sange, Op.59 (Nielsen, Ludolf)|SScores\\1","S\u00e4ngers Morgenfahrt, Op.147 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","Sanita e allegrezza (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Sans toi, Op.26 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Santa Pelagia (Stradella, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Saper vorrei se m'ami, Hob.XXVa:2 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\2","Saper vorrei se m\u2019ami (Salieri, Antonio)|SScores\\7","Sara la baigneuse, H 69 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2","Saranda volde e plio (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Sardanapale (Pr\u00e9vost, Eug\u00e8ne)|SScores\\1","Satanas und sein Get\u00fcmmel (B\u00f6hm, Georg)|SScores\\1","Satiro e Corisca (Merula, Tarquinio)|SScores\\3","Saul of Tarsus (Parry, Joseph)|VVocal Scores\\1","Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich?, SWV 415 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Saule, Saule quid me persequeris (Accademico Bizzarro Capriccioso)|SScores\\1","Saule, Saule quid me persequeris (Rinaldi, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Saulle (Andreozzi, Gaetano)|SFull Scores\\2","The Savior Hath Risen, Op.81 (Bailey, Eben Howe)|SScores\\1","4 Sayings of Jesus (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Scapulis suis obumbrabit tibi Dominus, LV 686 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Scapulis suis (Breunich, Johann Michael)|SScores\\1","Scelesta (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Scenes from Longfellow's 'Golden Legend' (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\2","Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op.30 (Elgar, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Schaff und wirk o Herr Gott (Philipp III)|PParts\\1","Schaffe in mir Gott ein reines Herz (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\9","Schaffe in mir Gott ein reines Herz (Thieme, Clemens)|PParts\\1","Schallt ihr Stimmen, GWV 1058 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Schallt t\u00f6nende Paucken, klingt helle Trompeten, GWV 1070 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Schatzgr\u00e4ber (Boero, Leonardo)|SScores\\1","Schau hier die Rabenart, GWV 1151\/28b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Schau Seele! Jesus geht zum Vater, TWV 1:1244 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Schau, lieber Gott, wie meine Feind, BWV 153 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\3","Schaue Jesus meine Not, GWV 1121\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Schauende, Op.204 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Schauet doch und sehet, BWV 46 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|OOther\\1","Schaut die Demut-Palmen tragen, TWV 1:1245 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Scheidegru\u00df (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\1","Scheiden und Meiden (Cornelius, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Lo schernito (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Scherz, List und Rache, Op.1 (Bruch, Max)|VVocal Scores\\1","Scherzi Amorosi Canzonette ad una voce sola (Stefani, Giovanni)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Scherzi e canzonette, Op.5 (Marini, Biagio)|SScores\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Scherzi musicali, SV 246-251 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Scherzi, capricci et fantasie per cantar a due voci (Puliti, Gabriello)|PParts\\1","Scherzt und lacht vergn\u00fcgte Sinnen, MWV 2.7 (Molter, Johann Melchior)|SScores\\1","Schicket euch in die Zeit, GWV 1140\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Schicket euch in die Zeit, GWV 1151\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Schillers lyrische Gedichte (Reichardt, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Schirmer's Soprano and Tenor Duet Collection (Various)|SScores\\1","Die Schlacht vor Pavia (Werrecore, Mathias)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Schlecht und recht beh\u00fcten mich, GWV 1104\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Schlecht und recht beh\u00fcten mich, GWV 1164\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Schleicht, spielende Wellen, BWV 206 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Schlemihl (Reznicek, Emil von)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Die schmachtende Verspottung des zum Tode verurteilten Heilandes, GWV 1170\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Schmecket und sehet wie freundlich der Herr ist, GWV 1130\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Schmecket und sehet wie freundlich der Herr ist, GWV 1143\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Schmecket und sehet wie freundlich der Herr ist, GWV 1143\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Schmecket und sehet wie freundlich der Herr ist (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Schmerz verzerret ihr Gesicht, D.65 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Schm\u00fccke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 180 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|OOther\\2","Schm\u00fccket das Fest mit Maien (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Schneider's Christmas Carol (Shuey, Michael Gabriel Edouard)|SScores\\1","Schon hebt sich der Schleier der sinkenden Nacht, BreB B4.54 (Bergt, August)|PParts\\1","Sch\u00f6ne Nacht (Nagel, Wilhelm)|SScores\\2","Der Sch\u00f6nste unter Menschenkindern, GWV 1158\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die Sch\u00f6pfung, Hob.XXI:2 (Haydn, Joseph)|RRecordings\\32|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\40|VVocal Scores\\28|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\37|LLibrettos\\2|DSketches and Drafts\\5","Das Schrecken des K\u00f6niges ist wie das Br\u00fcllen, GWV 1161\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Schreib meinen Nam' aufs beste ins Buch des Lebens ein, H.380 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Schuldige sie Gott dass sie fallen, GWV 1106\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Sch\u00fctz (Krauss, Clemens)|PParts\\5","Schweig Seele schweige aller Freuden, GWV 1119\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht, BWV 211 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Schweizer Wanderlied (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Schwertlied, D.170 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Schwesterlein (Grandauer, Karl)|PParts\\2","Schwing dich auf zu deinem Gott, GWV 1133\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Schwingt freudig euch empor, BWV 36c (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12","Schwingt freudig euch empor, BWV 36 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\15|BBooks\\1|OOther\\3","Scielta d'ariosi salmi (Casati, Gasparo)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Sciolto havean dall'alte sponde (Carissimi, Giacomo)|SScores\\2","Scotch Strathspey and Reel (Grainger, Percy)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","The Scottish Metrical Psalter (Various)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Scrupule (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Sct. Cassian's-Messe, Op.72 (Zangl, Joseph Gregor)|PParts\\3","Se al labbro mio non credi, K.295 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Se ben l'empia mia sorte, LV 26 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Se la mia morte brami, Op.2 (Sousamidis, Savvas)|SScores\\1","Se nel partir da voi, SV 32 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Sechs dreistimmige Chansons (Binchois, Gilles)|SScores\\2","Sechsstimmige Fest- und Zeit-Andachten (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|PParts\\7","Seconde musiche (Melli, Domenico Maria)|SScores\\1","Secondo libro di madrigali (Valentini, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\14","Secour\u00e8s moy, madame, LV 102 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Le secret des vagues (La Tombelle, Fernand de)|SScores\\1","Le secret (Adam, Adolphe)|SScores\\1","Sed noli modo (McIntyre, Richard)|SScores\\1","Sederunt principes (P\u00e9rotin)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","See our Oars with Feather'd Spray (Stevenson, John)|SScores\\2","See Where She Sits, Z.508 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\2","See, the Dawn from Heaven (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|SScores\\2","Seed-Time and Harvest (Foster, Myles Birket)|VVocal Scores\\2","Seed-time and Harvest (West, John Ebenezer)|SScores\\1","The Seeds of Love (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Seehunde, WVE-208c (Kan-no, Shigeru)|SScores\\1","Seek ye the lord (Roberts, John Varley)|SScores\\1","Die Seenixe, Op.11 (Chomentowski, Stanislas)|SScores\\2","Der Segen des Herrn machet reich ohne M\u00fche, TWV 1:309 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Segen des Herrn machet reich ohne M\u00fche, TWV 1:310 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Segen des Herrn (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Segia l'amai crudele (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Segne alle die dir fluchen, GWV 1147\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Sehet an den Feigenbaum, GWV 1102\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sehet an die Exempel der Alten, TWV 1:1259 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Sehet darauf dass nicht jemand Gottes Gnade, GWV 1151\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sehet die V\u00f6gel unter dem Himmel, GWV 1156\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sehet drauf dass niemand, GWV 1106\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Sehet welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Sehet welch eine Liebe, GWV 1107\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Sehet welch eine Liebe (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Sehet wir gehen hinauf gen Jerusalem, GWV 1119\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Sehet zu dass ihr vorsichtig wandelt, GWV 1121\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sehet zu dass niemand B\u00f6ses, GWV 1158\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sehet zu tut rechtschaffne Fr\u00fcchte der Busse, GWV 1152\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sehet zu wie ihr vorsichtig wandelt, GWV 1166\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Sehet, wir geh'n hinauf gen Jerusalem, BWV 159 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|LLibrettos\\1|OOther\\2","Sehet, wir gehen hinauf gen Jerusalem, TWV 1:1264 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Sehnsucht (Naumann, Reinhardt)|SScores\\1","Seht doch die Welt will h\u00f6flich sein, GWV 1143\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Seht Gottes Lamm geht hin, GWV 1119\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Seht Jesus sucht das Heil der Seelen, GWV 1124\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Seht Jesus weint da Salem lacht, GWV 1151\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Seht Jesus weint ob Salems S\u00fcnden, GWV 1151\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Seht Jesus weint, GWV 1151\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seht Zions K\u00f6nig weint, GWV 1151\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sei gerne bei den Alten, GWV 1141\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Sei getreu, bis an den Tod (Neithardt, Heinrich August)|SScores\\1","Sei getrost du kleine Herde, GWV 1140\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Sei getrost Gott l\u00e4sst keinen, GWV 1110\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sei Lob und Ehr dem h\u00f6chsten Gut, BWV 117 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\4","Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren, BWV 231 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Sei mir gesegnet Stunde der Andacht (H\u00e4ussler, Ernst)|PParts\\1","Sei nun wieder zufrieden, meine Seele (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Sei stille dem Herrn und warte auf ihn, GWV 1113\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sei stille Welt der Herr steigt selbst vom Thron, RoemV 190 (R\u00f6mhild, Johann Theodor)|PParts\\1","Sei willkommen, Jesulein (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Sei, lieber Tag, willkommen (Bach, Johann Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Seid allezeit bereit zur Verantwortung, GWV 1173\/30a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Seid barmherzig wie auch euer Vater, GWV 1145\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seid barmherzig wie auch euer Vater, GWV 1145\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seid barmherzig, Krebs-WV 112 (Krebs, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Seid barmherzig, TWV 1:1268 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Seid elend und traget Leid, GWV 1127\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seid fr\u00f6hlich alle Zeit (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Seid fr\u00f6hlich in Hoffnung, GWV 1121\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seid gastfrei untereinander, GWV 1148\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Seid ihr mit Christo auferstanden, GWV 1136\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Seid klug wie die Schlangen, GWV 1161\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seid niemand nichts schuldig, GWV 1119\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Seid n\u00fcchtern und wachet, GWV 1116\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seid n\u00fcchtern und wachet, GWV 1149\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Seid n\u00fcchtern und wachet, TWV 1:1275 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Seid n\u00fcchtern und wachet, TWV 1:1276 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Seid untertan aller menschlicher Ordnung, GWV 1164\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Seid wacker allezeit und betet, GWV 1102\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sein Auge hat dich nun gesehen, L.531 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Sein Rat ist wunderbar, GWV 1136\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Selectae Harmoniae quatvor vocum, de passione Domini (Rhau, Georg)|PParts\\1","A Selection of 100 Psalm and Hymn Tunes (Valentine, Thomas)|SScores\\1","A Selection of Glees, Duets, Canzonets, etc. (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\3","A Selection of the Best Psalm and Hymn Tunes (Robertson, John)|SScores\\3","The Self Banished (Elgar, Edward)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Selig ist der das Brot isst, GWV 1143\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Selig ist der und heilig, TWV 1:1293 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Selig seid ihr wenn euch die Menschen, GWV 1124\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Selig sind deine Leute, GWV 1154\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Selig sind deine M\u00e4nner, GWV 1154\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Selig sind die aus Erbarmen, GWV 1153\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Selig sind die Gottes Wort h\u00f6ren (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Selig sind die reinen Herzens sind, GWV 1169\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Selig sind die Seelen, GWV 1148\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Selig sind die Todten, TWV 4:1 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Selig sind die Todten, TWV 4:4a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Selig sind die Toten, GWV 1175\/31c (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Selig sind die Toten, SWV 391 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\18|PScores and Parts\\18","Selig sind die Toten, TWV 8:13 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Selig sind, die zum Abendmahle des Lammes berufen sind, TWV 1:1304 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Seliges Erw\u00e4gen des Leidens und Sterbens Jesu Christi, TWV 5:2 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Die Seligpreisungen, Op.43 (Stenov, Michael)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Selva morale e spirituale, SV 252-288 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\11","S\u00e9miramis, Op.14 (Schmitt, Florent)|VVocal Scores\\1","Sempre pi\u00f9 t'amo (Carafa, Michele)|SScores\\1","Sen ziemi (Wallek-Walewski, Boles\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit, GWV 1111\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit, GWV 1134\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Senex puerum portabat (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","A Se\u00f1or que se acerca (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|PParts\\1","Sepelierunt Stephanum (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores\\2","Les sept paroles de N. S. J\u00e9sus-Christ (Deslandres, Adolphe)|SScores\\1","Les Sept paroles de Notre Seigneur J\u00e9sus-Christ sur la croix, CG 147 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\1","Les Sept Paroles du Christ (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Sepulto Domino (Festa II, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Sepulto Domino (Gesualdo, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Sequenza di Pentecoste (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","The Seraph (Robertson, John)|SScores\\1","The Seraph (Whitaker, John)|SScores\\2","Serbate, o Dei custodi, D.35 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Serbisches Liederspiel, Op.32 (Henschel, George)|SScores\\1","Serenada (Gall, Jan Karol)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Serenade in Honor of One Lady by Four Cavaliers (Borodin, Aleksandr)|SScores\\2","S\u00e9r\u00e9nade languedocienne, Op.40 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Serenade to Music (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Serenade ved strandbredden, Op.8 (Kjerulf, Halfdan)|SScores\\1","Serenade (Blaramberg, Pavel)|SScores\\1","Serenade (Rockwell, Charles J.)|SScores\\1","S\u00e9r\u00e9nade (Wormser, Andr\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Serenata a quatro voci (Pa\u00ebr, Ferdinando)|SScores\\1","Le serment (Gail, Sophie)|SScores\\1","The Sermon on the Mount (Shepard, Thomas Griffin)|SScores\\1","A Sermon, a Narrative and a Prayer, K095 (Stravinsky, Igor)|SScores\\1","Il Serpente di Bronzo, ZWV 61 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Serpilla e Serpollo (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SScores\\1","La Serva Padrona (Karolic, Dragan)|SScores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","Service fun\u00e8bre (Neukomm, Sigismund)|VVocal Scores\\1","Service in F major (Nares, James)|SScores\\2","Service in G major (Steggall, Charles)|SScores\\1","Service No.2 (Lejeal, Alois Francis)|VVocal Scores\\1","Servus Tuus Sum (Dietrich, Sixt)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","A Set of Chants (Various)|SScores\\1","A Set of New Psalm Tunes in 4 Parts (Bishop, John)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","A Set of Services, Anthems & Psalm Tunes (Smith of Market Lavington, John)|SScores\\1","Le sette parole di Nostro Signore Ges\u00f9 Cristo in croce (Bottazzo, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Le sette ultime parole (Mercadante, Saverio)|VVocal Scores\\1","Seven, They Are Seven, Op.30 (Prokofiev, Sergey)|PParts\\43|VVocal Scores\\1","Sh'ma Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad! (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Shades of Windsor (Spofforth, Reginald)|SScores\\1","Shakespeare, CNW 15 (Nielsen, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","She Walks in Beauty (Sabin, Wallace Arthur)|SScores\\1","She's like the Swallow (Baker, Dorothea)|SScores\\1","Shelley's Hymn (Lambert, Edward)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","A Shepherd in a Shade his Plaining Made (Dowland, John)|SScores\\1","The Shepherd Strephon (Mundy, John)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Shepherds' Vision, Op.63 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\1","Shepherds, Rise! And Shake Off Sleep (Lahee, Henry)|SScores\\1","The Shining River (Perkins, Henry Southwick)|SScores\\1","The Shipwreck'd Mariner (Salomon, Johann Peter)|SScores\\1","Shir hamma'alot (Rossi, Salamone)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","7 Short Anthems (Blow, John)|SScores\\7","A Short Direction for the Performance of Cathedral Service (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","3 Short Elegies, Op.5 (Finzi, Gerald)|SScores\\1","2 Short Masses (Selle, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Short Piece No.2 for Tenor and Orchestra (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\25","Short Pieces No.1 for Tenor and Orchestra (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\24","Shout the Glad Tidings (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","Shylock, suite, Op.57 (Faur\u00e9, Gabriel)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Si consistant, HV 86 (Eybler, Joseph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\27|VVocal Scores\\1","Si disarmi quest'altiero arciero (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\2","Si duerme el amor (Zumaya, Manuel de)|PParts\\1","Si ego non abiero (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Si eras que el Monte (Literes, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Si ie suis brun, LV 486 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Si Iniquitates (Branco, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Si mostra la sorte, K.209 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Si quelque ennuy sur moy s'assemble (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Si queriendo a mi amante (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Si tu savais le don de Dieu, Op.14 (Roullet, Herv\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Sic Deus dilexit mundum (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Sich hat mein Herz zu dir geneigt (Breitengraser, Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Le Sicilien, H.497 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Sicut cedrus (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Sicut cedrus (Luka\u010di\u0107, Ivan)|PParts\\2","Sicut cervus ad fluenta, MH 143 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Sicut cervus, CG 148 (Gounod, Charles)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Sicut cervus (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Sicut erat in C major, IGD 132 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Sicut erat in C major, In.227 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Sicut ovis ad occisionem (Gesualdo, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Sie eifern um Gott, GWV 1106\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sie ist mein gl\u00fcck (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Sie r\u00fcsten sich wider die Seele, GWV 1124\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, BWV 65 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|OOther\\2","Sie werden euch in den Bann tun, BWV 44 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\2","Sie werden euch in den Bann tun, BWV 183 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|OOther\\1","Die sieben Worte des Herrn am Kreuz, Op.63 (Drath, Theodor)|SScores\\1","Der Sieg des Glaubens, Op.157 (Ries, Ferdinand)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Sieg ist da, GWV 1128\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sieh da, sieh da, ihr lieben Herrn (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Sieh die Tr\u00e4nen die die Deinen \u00fcber deinen Hingang weinen, L.529 (Benda, Georg)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5","Sieh hier bin ich Ehrenk\u00f6nig, GWV 1144\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)","Sieh von deines Himmels H\u00f6hen (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Siehe an die Wercke Gottes (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores\\1|PParts\\11","Siehe da eine H\u00fctte Gottes, GWV 1107\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Siehe da ist euer Gott (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Siehe dein K\u00f6nig kommt zu dir (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Siehe der Herr kommt gewaltiglich, GWV 1102\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Siehe des Herren Auge (K\u00e4fer, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Siehe des Herrn Auge, GWV 1123\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Siehe du wirst Heiden rufen, GWV 1110\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe du wirst schwanger werden, GWV 1170\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Siehe eine Jungfrau ist schwanger, GWV 1170\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Siehe ich komme im Buch ist von mir, GWV 1119\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Siehe ich komme im Buch ist von mir, GWV 1119\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe ich lege in Zion, GWV 1103\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Siehe ich sende euch wie Schafe, GWV 1169\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe mein Knecht wird weislich thun (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Siehe meine Knechte sollen essen, GWV 1143\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe meine Mahlzeit habe ich bereitet, GWV 1161\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe um Trost war mir sehr bange, GWV 1160\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe um Trost war mir sehr bange (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe zu, dass deine Gottesfurcht, BWV 179 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|OOther\\2","Siehe, also wird gesegnet der Mann (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Siehe, das ist mein Knecht (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Siehe, der H\u00fcter Israel, BWV Anh.15 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Siehe, ich bin bei euch alle Tage (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Siehe, ich komme bald (Arnoldi)|SScores\\1","Siehe, ich komme; im Buch ist von mir geschrieben, TWV 1:1332 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Siehe, ich will viel Fischer aussenden, BWV 88 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\1","Siehe, wie fein und lieblich ist's, SWV 48 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","The Siesta (Werrenrath, Reinald)|SScores\\1","Sigh No More, Ladies (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Sighs (Smart, George)|SScores\\1","Signor poich\u00e8 ti piacque, S.629 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Il Signor s'\u00e8 la mia luce, S.626 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Signor se fosti ogn'ora, S.630 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Il Signore vi mandi l'aiuto (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Sigurd Jorsalfar (incidental music), Op.22 (Grieg, Edvard)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Sigurd, Op.25 (Krug, Arnold)|VVocal Scores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","Silent Night (St. Pierre, Anthony)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Simile est regnum caelorum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Simon Ioannis diligis me plus his (Accademico Bizzarro Capriccioso)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","8 Simple Madrigals on Dutch Texts (Bouma, Hugo)|SScores\\1","A Simple Parish Mass (Oczko, Michael John)|SScores\\1","Since First I Saw Your Face (Ford, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Sinfon\u00eda I (Hern\u00e1ndez Lovera, Angel)|SFull Scores\\3","Sinfonische Fantasie, Op.7 (Andreae, Volkmar)|SFull Scores\\2","Sing on, Op.223 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Sing to the Lord a New Song, Op.40 (Ngo, Ethan)|SScores\\2","Sing unto God (Tomkins, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Sing, O Daughter of Zion (Wareing, Herbert Walter)|SScores\\1","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (Psalm 96) (Naumann, Johann Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 190 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|OOther\\1","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8|PParts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, GWV 1153\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, P.424 (Pachelbel, Johann)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, SWV 35 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (Faisst, Immanuel)|PParts\\1","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (Klein, Bernhard)|RRecordings\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Singet dem Herrn, Op.61 (Hesse, Adolf Friedrich)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Singet dem Herrn, TWV 1:1345 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Singet dem Herrn, TWV 1:1748 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5","Singet der Nacht ein stilles Lied, Op.48 (Blum, Carl Wilhelm August)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Singet fr\u00f6hlich Gotte der unsere St\u00e4rke ist, GWV 1174\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Singet fr\u00f6hlich Gotte (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Singet Gott lobsinget seinem Namen, GWV 1101\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Singet Gott lobsinget seinem Namen, GWV 1101\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Singet Gott lobsinget seinen Namen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Singet und spielet dem Herrn in euren Herzen, H.390 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","The Singing Leaves (McCollin, Frances)|VVocal Scores\\1","Siona (Various)|SScores\\1","Sir Barnaby Whigg, Z.589 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Sire and Son (Bliss, Philip Paul)|SScores\\2","La Sirena (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","La sirenetta, Op.9 (Fr\u00f3es, Silvio Deolindo)|SScores\\1","Siwy koniu (Bili\u0144ski, Antoni Zygmunt)|SScores\\1","Skolie (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\5","Der skyder en kvist (Poulsen, Brian Stenger)|SScores\\1","Sleep, Gentle Lady (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|SScores\\2","Sleeping, Why Now Sleeping (Stirling, Elizabeth)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Slov\u00e1ckou p\u011b\u0161inou, Op.12 (Petr\u017eelka, Vil\u00e9m)|SScores\\1","Smile, smile again, twice happy morn (Humfrey, Pelham)|SScores\\1","Smjertnica (Pilk, Jurij)|LLibretti\\1","Sn\u00f6frid, Op.5 (Stenhammar, Wilhelm)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Sn\u00f6frid (Andr\u00e9e, Elfrida)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Snow Maiden, Op.12 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","So besteht nun in der Freiheit, GWV 1123\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","So dem\u00fctiget euch nun, GWV 1125\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","So dir mein liebes Br\u00fcderlein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","So du freiest s\u00fcndigest du nicht, GWV 1113\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","So ermahne ich nun, GWV 1153\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","So euch der Sohn frei macht, GWV 1103\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","So euch die Welt hasset (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","So Feuer, als Flammen und grimmige Rache, TWV 1:1356 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","So freue dich, J\u00fcngling, in deiner Jugend (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin, HoWV I.10 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin, HoWV V.53 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\2","So halten wir es nun dass der Mensch, GWV 1139\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","So halten wir es nun, GWV 1152\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","So halten wir es nun, GWV 1154\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","So ihr die ihr arg seid, GWV 1140\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","So ist der Mensch gesinnt, TWV 1:1361 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","So jemand die Seinen nicht versorgt, GWV 1162\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\9","So jemand spricht ich liebe Gott, GWV 1154\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","So leget ab alle Unsauberkeit, TWV 1:1366 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","So leget nun von euch ab, TWV 1:1370 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","So nimm doch nun Herr meine Seele von mir (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","So nun das alles soll zergehen, TWV 1:1376 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","So ofte Jesus grosser Name, SchW B2:045 (Scheibe, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\1","So sich jemand unter euch l\u00e4sset d\u00fcnken, GWV 1122\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","So spricht der Herr, GWV 1140\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","So spricht der Herr: Bekehret euch (Pfleger, Augustin)|SScores\\1","So straft Herodes die Verr\u00e4ter (Mozart, Leopold)|SFull Scores\\2","So uns unser Herz nicht verdammt, GWV 1103\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","So wasche nun Jerusalem dein Herz (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","So wir im Geiste leben, GWV 1156\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","So wir sagen, da\u00df wir Gemeinschaft haben, TWV 1:1388 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","So w\u00fcnsch ich ihm ein gute nacht (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","So ziehet hin (Bahr, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","So ziehet nun an, TWV 1:1390 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Softly, Lightly, Sweetly Sing (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)|SScores\\3","Le soir descend sur la colline (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SScores\\2","Soir\u00e9es musicales (Rossini, Gioacchino)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\27","Soirs d'\u00e9t\u00e9 (Grieg, Edvard)|SScores\\1","Sol'e pensoso i pi\u00f9 deserti campi, LV 19 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sola la donna mia (Corteccia, Francesco)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","A Soldiers' Song (Clarke, Hamilton)|SScores\\1","Solemni cantu celebremus laudes (Agnelli, Lorenzo)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Solfeggiamento No.20 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.21 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.22 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.23 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.24 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.25 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.26 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.27 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.41 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","A solis ortu (Leo, Leonardo)|SScores\\1","Solitude (Protasoff, Prokhor)|SScores\\1","Soll denn so mein Herz bezahlt werden (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Soll es denn nun nicht anders sein (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Die sollen dem Herrn danken, GWV 1148\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sollt' ich mein' Freud' verschweigen (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Solo for Tenor and Organ, Op.2237 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Solo for Tenor and Organ, Op.2238 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Solo for Tenor and Organ, Op.2239 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","6 Solo Quartets, Op.77 (N\u00e1pravn\u00edk, Eduard)|SScores\\4","Solomon (Boyce, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","2 Solos for Tenor, Op.2148 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\3","Something for Thee (Wooler, Alfred)|SScores\\2","Sometimes I Wonder (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\2","Son del bel volto tuo (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\2","Son pouvoit acquerir ta grace si parfaicte (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Sonetto VII of Edmund Spenser's Amoretti (Dieren, Bernard van)|SScores\\2","Song for freedom (Pease, Frederick Henry)|SScores\\1","A Song for St. Cecilia's Day (Bancks, Jacob)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\27","The Song of King Arthur's Knights (Cusins, William George)|SScores\\1","Song of Saint Francis, Op.36 (Davies, Walford)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","A Song of September (Gibson, Archer)|SScores\\1","A Song of the High Hills, RT II\/6 (Delius, Frederick)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\16","Song of the Israelites (Teichmann, Roger)|SScores\\1","Song of the Pedlar (Williams, Charles Lee)|SScores\\2","Song of the Vikings (Faning, Eaton)|VVocal Scores\\1","Song of the Viking (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|SScores\\1","Song of the Wandering Aengus (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","Song without Words, Op.437 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","6 Songes for My Deare Herte (Dyson, Peter)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Songs and Musical Compositions (Foster, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Songs for 4 Voices, Op.66 (M\u00f6hring, Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","5 Songs for Male Voices, Op.92 (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\6","6 Songs for Mens Chorus, Op.37 (Veit, V\u00e1clav)|SFull Scores\\2","12 Songs for Mixed Voices (Henkel, Michael)|SScores\\1","Songs from 'As You Like It' (Patterson, Robert G.)|RRecordings\\5|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","3 Songs from A Child's Garden of Verse (Boden, Andrew David)|SScores\\1","2 Songs from Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night' (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\2|SScores\\2","Songs in the Night (Tuomikoski, Jaakko A. J.)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Songs made for some comedyes (Jeffreys, George)|SScores\\1","Songs of Syon (Woodward, George Ratcliffe)|SScores\\1","2 Songs (Hindemith, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","3 Songs (Dannstr\u00f6m, Isidor)|SScores\\6","5 Songs, 4 Duets and 3 Glees, Op.6 (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","4 Songs (Gardner, Alfred Linton)|SScores\\1","4 Songs (Pease, Jessie L.)|SScores\\3","5 Songs, MVWV 343 (Verheul, Maurice)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","5 Songs, Op.9 (Dannstr\u00f6m, Isidor)|SScores\\2","2 Songs, Op.10 (Smith, Wilson)|SScores\\2","3 Songs, Op.10 (Foote, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","6 Songs, Op.10 (Rogers, Clara Kathleen)|SScores\\1","6 Songs, Op.14 (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","5 Songs, Op.17 (Norman, Ludvig)|SScores\\2","2 Songs, Op.39 (Wollenhaupt, Hermann Adolf)|SScores\\2","2 Songs, Op.47 (Faur\u00e9, Gabriel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","4 Songs, Op.68 (Foote, Arthur)|SScores\\2","3 Songs, Op.164 (Scheffler, John Julia)|PParts\\12","Sonhos (Patrocinio, Rosberg do)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Der Sonnengesang des Heiligen Franz von Assisi (Collum, Herbert)|SScores\\1","Sonnet XVIII (Cummings, Robert)|SScores\\1","Sonnets CXL CXLI CXLII by William Shakespeare (Cohen, Itay)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","2 Sonnets (McIntyre, Richard)|SScores\\1","2 Sonnets, Op.12 (Finzi, Gerald)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","3 Sonnets, Opp.41-43 (Destenay, Edouard)|SScores\\1","Sonno Diletto et Caro (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Sonntag im Walde, Op.13 (Nitschmann, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Sonntags am Rhein, Op.1 (Vierling, Georg)|SScores\\1","Sonntagsfeier (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Sonoras liras festivas trompas (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Sopra i nemici miei, S.634 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","The Sorceress, Op.164 (Ries, Ferdinand)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Sorget nicht f\u00fcr den andern Morgen, GWV 1156\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sosarme, re di Media, HWV 30 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\3","Soul Voyager (Steer, Michael Maxwell)|SScores\\1","Les souliers de noce (Douay, Georges)|VVocal Scores\\1","Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum, Z.335 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Souvenir, Op.24 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","The Spacious Firmament, H.E.N.211 (Nichol, H. Ernest)|SScores\\1","Spanisches St\u00e4ndchen (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","The Spanish Cavalier (Hendrickson, William D.)|SScores\\1","8 Special Hymns in Anthem Form, Op.43 (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\5","Specimens and Illustrations of the Old Psalmody of Scotland (Mainzer, Joseph)|SScores\\1","The Spectre's Bride, Op.69 (Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Anton\u00edn)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Speed Away! Speed Away! (Woodbury, Isaac Baker)|SScores\\1","Spem in alium numquam habui (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Sperent in te omnes, LV 876 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Spiegasti troppo alto, S.466 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","The Spirit of England, Op.80 (Elgar, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","The Spirit of the Lord (Neff, Lyle K.)|SScores\\1","The Spirit, in Our Hearts (Shelley, Harry Rowe)|SScores\\1","Spiritus Sancti Gratia (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Splitter-Richter-B\u00f6sewichter (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Sprechet zu Gott, GWV 1171\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sprevit hic mundi peritura (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Sprich nicht ich will B\u00f6ses vergelten (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Spring and Autumn (Thomas, John)|SScores\\1","Srebrna ni\u0107 (Garbusi\u0144ski, Kazimierz)|SScores\\1","St. Barnabas (Armes, Philip)|SScores\\2","St. John the Baptist (Macfarren, George Alexander)|VVocal Scores\\2","St. John's Eve (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\7","St. Mark Passion (Wood, Charles)|SScores\\2","St. Patrick's (Geary, Thomas Augustine)|SScores\\1","St. Peter, Op.20 (Paine, John Knowles)|VVocal Scores\\3","St. Peter (Benedict, Julius)","Stabat Mater and Agnus Dei (La Trobe, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Stabat Mater Dolorosa (Fuentes Matons, Laureano)|SScores\\13|PParts\\15","Stabat Mater in B-flat major (Matta, Jo\u00e3o da)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15","Stabat Mater in C minor (Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Stabat mater in D major (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Stabat mater in F minor (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Stabat Mater in G minor (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Stabat mater in G minor (Caldara, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Stabat Mater, A-Ed G 10 (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater, D.383 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater, G.532 (Boccherini, Luigi)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater, Hob.XXa:1 (Haydn, Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\16|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Stabat mater, IFT 15 (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\3|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater, Op.5 (Bourgault-Ducoudray, Louis-Albert)|SScores\\1","Stabat Mater, Op.16 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2","Stabat Mater, Op.35 (Oechsner, Andreas Johann Lorenz)|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater, Op.40 (Dumler, Martin G.)|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater, Op.49 (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","Stabat Mater, Op.58 (Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Anton\u00edn)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\26|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Stabat mater (Arriaga, Juan Cris\u00f3stomo de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Stabat mater (Bachschmid, Anton Adam)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater (Brito, Est\u00eav\u00e3o de)","Stabat mater (Carol, Henri)|SScores\\2","Stabat Mater (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\2","Stabat Mater (Fry, William Henry)","Stabat Mater (Grandval, Cl\u00e9mence de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater (Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor)|SScores\\1","Stabat Mater (Maqueda Castillo, Antonio)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Stabat Mater (Maximilian III Joseph)|PParts\\1","Stabat Mater (Moreira, Ant\u00f3nio Leal)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Stabat Mater (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Stabat Mater (Oliveira, Manoel Dias de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Stabat mater (Paladilhe, \u00c9mile)|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater (Predieri, Luca Antonio)|SScores\\1","Stabat mater (Raimondi, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Stabat Mater (Scarlatti, Domenico)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Stabat Mater (Sellitto, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Stabat Mater (Sousa, Jos\u00e9 Alexandrino de)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\12","Stabat mater (Traetta, Tommaso)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Stabat Mater (Winter, Peter von)|PParts\\1","Stabat Mater (Zane, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Stairs-Agnus, Op.89b (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","The Stammerers (Harington, Henry)|SScores\\1","The Standard Tune Book (Various)|SScores\\1","Das St\u00e4ndchen (Kunze, Carl Heinrich)|PParts\\1","St\u00e4ndchen, von Tauber (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","St\u00e4ndchen, WAB 84.2 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores\\5","St\u00e4ndchen (Meyerbeer, Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Standomi un giorno, LV 64 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","The Star of Bethlehem (Root, George Frederick)|SScores\\2","The Star Song (McCall, Michael)|SScores\\1","Stara piosenka (Moniuszko, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Die Starken bed\u00fcrfen des Arztes nicht, GWV 1144\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Stars Are in the Quiet Skies (Rimbault, Edward Francis)|SScores\\2","Statio quadruplex pro Processione Theophorica, ZWV 158 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Steig Allgewaltiger von deinem festen Sitze, HoWV II.43 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Steigt ihr Seufzer in die H\u00f6he, GWV 1135\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","A Stein Song (Bullard, Frederic Field)|SScores\\2","Stein und Stahl, Licht und Strahl verschwinden, vergehen (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Stella Caeli, JKB 57 (Baruk, Jason)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Stella caeli (Lambe, Walter)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Stella c\u0153li, MH 394 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\2","Stelldichein (Opie\u0144ski, Henryk)|SScores\\1","Stephanus servus Dei (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Sterblicher durch deine Kr\u00e4fte, L.525 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Der Stern aus Jakob bricht hervor, GWV 1111\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Stern von Bethlehem, Op.83 (Kiel, Friedrich)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Stichtelycke Rymen (Butler, Joseph)|PParts\\2","Still Link'd to Memory's Feeble Chain (Knight, Joseph Philip)|SScores\\2","Das stille Lied, D.916 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\2","Stille, denn mein liebster F\u00fcrst schl\u00e4ft noch, GWV 1069 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Still\u00f2 l'anima in pianto (Marenzio, Luca)","Die Stimme des Herrn im einzigen Worte, L.521 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Stimmt an mit vollen Ch\u00f6ren, H.381 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","La storia maledetta (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Storm-Joy (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","The Story of Calvary (Adams II, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Stracciami pur il core ragion \u00e8 ben ingrato, SV 64 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","La strage degli innocenti (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","The Strain Upraise of Joy and Praise (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","The Stream (Attwater, John P.)|SScores\\1","Street Music (Clarke, Hamilton)|SScores\\1","Streuet mit Palmen (Tunder, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Strike, Seraphs, Strike Your Harps of Gold (Fawcett, John)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Strinse Amarilli il vago suo Fileno (Marenzio, Luca)","4 St\u00fccke f\u00fcr gemischten Chor, Op.13 (Eisler, Hanns)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","2 St\u00fccke f\u00fcr gemischten Chor, Op.21 (Eisler, Hanns)|SScores\\1","Studenten-Schmaus (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Study for Chorus (Saragoza, Justin)|SScores\\1","Stupida e fissa nella incerta sabbia (Berchem, Jacquet de)|PParts\\3","Der Sturm, Hob.XXIVa:8 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\14","Su la tremola fronda (Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco)|SScores\\2","Su'l carro della mente auriga siedi (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Suauissimi Jesu (Giovannelli, Ruggiero)|SScores\\1","Sub altare Dei audivi voces (Bruschi, Giulio)|SScores\\1","Sub olea pacis, ZWV 175 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Sub tuum praesidium, K.198\/Anh.C 3.08 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\9","10 Sub tuum praesidium, ZWV 157 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\12|PParts\\2","Sub tuum praesidium (Hofmann, Leopold)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Sub tuum praesidium (Verdina, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Sub tuum (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\2","Suchet den Herrn alle ihr Elenden, GWV 1125\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Suchet den Herrn alle ihr Elenden, GWV 1125\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Suchet in der Schrift, GWV 1159\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die S\u00fchne (Bronsart, Ingeborg)|VVocal Scores\\1","Das S\u00fchnopfer des neuen Bundes (Loewe, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Suite del dolore (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Suite del gaudio (Donella, Valentino)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Suite della gloria (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Les suites d'une polka (Henrion, Paul)|VVocal Scores\\1","Sulamith (Damrosch, Leopold)|VVocal Scores\\3","Sum nimis irata (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","The Summer days are come again (K\u00f6hne, Michael)|SScores\\1","Sun of My Soul (Salter, Sumner)|SScores\\1","The Sun-God's Return, Op.69 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|VVocal Scores\\1","Die S\u00fcnd hat uns verderbet sehr, TWV 1:365 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Die S\u00fcnd' hat uns verderbet sehr, GWV 1122\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sunday Irmos (Lvov, Aleksey)|SScores\\1","The Sunset Trail (Cadman, Charles Wakefield)|VVocal Scores\\2","Sunset (Barrett, William Alexander)|SScores\\1","Sunshine after Rain (Pease, Frederick Henry)|SScores\\1","Super flumina Babilonis (Carissimi, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Super flumina Babylonis in F major (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2","Super flumina Babylonis, IGP 91 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Super flumina Babylonis, LV 860 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Super flumina Babylonis, Psaume 136 (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Super flumina Babylonis (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Le supplice de Tantale (Barbier, Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric)|VVocal Scores\\1","Sur le lac d'argent (Faure, Jean-Baptiste)|SScores\\1","Surge amica mea (Bonini, Severo)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Surge illuminare Hierusalem (Vacchelli, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Surge propera amica mea (Praetorius, Jacob)|PParts\\1","Surge propera, Op.6 No.13 (Fasolo, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Surge propera (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Surge, illuminare Jerusalem (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Surrexit Dominus vere 1 (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Surrexit pastor bonus, SWV 469 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Surrexit pastor bonus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Susanne un jour, LV 98 (Lassus, Orlande de)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\19","Suscipe Domine (Goller, Vinzenz)|SScores\\1","Suscipe verbum (Porta, Costanzo)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Suspensos (Moraes, Renato Segati)|SScores\\1","S\u00fcsser Mandel-K\u00e4rnen (Dedekind, Constantin Christian)|SScores\\2","S\u00fcsser Trost, mein Jesus k\u00f6mmt, BWV 151 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|OOther\\1","Sustinuimus pacem (Carissimi, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Sweet Day, So Cool (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SScores\\1","Sweet Echo! Sleeps Thy Vocal Shell (Linley, William)|SScores\\1","Sweet is thy memory, Mary Alleen (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)|SScores\\2","The Sweetest Dream of All (Phillips, Walter A.)|SScores\\1","The Sweetest Words of All (Stults, Robert Morrison)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Sweetly, Softly (Bliss, Philip Paul)|SScores\\2","Swiftly from the mountain's brow (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Swynol Ganiadau (Jones, John A.)|SScores\\1","Sy c'est un grief tourment (Costeley, Guillaume)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Sy de beaut\u00e9 vous estiez moins parfaitte (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Sy Nodus (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Sylphen, D.Anh.I\/22 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Sylvania, Op.46 (Beach, Amy Marcy)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Sylvia, 'Tis True You're Fair, Z.512 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Sylvia, Thou Brighter Eye of Night, Z.511 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Sylvie (Guiraud, Ernest)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\6","Symphoniae sacrae I, Op.6 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\34|PScores and Parts\\34","Symphony No.1, Op.16 (Brandes, Felipe)|SScores\\4|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Symphony No.1, Op.26 (Scriabin, Aleksandr)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Symphony No.2 'De Profundis', Op.37 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Symphony No.2, Op.21 (Brandes, Felipe)|SScores\\4|PParts\\18|VVocal Scores\\1","Symphony No.2, Op.52 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\35|VVocal Scores\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\27","Symphony No.3 'Heroische', Op.118 (Huber, Hans)|SScores\\2","Symphony No.3, Op.27 (Szymanowski, Karol)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3","Symphony No.4, Op.18 No.2 (Ngo, Ethan)|SScores\\1","Symphony No.4, Op.26 (Brandes, Felipe)|SScores\\3","Symphony No.4, Op.39 (Alfv\u00e9n, Hugo)|SFull Scores\\1","Symphony No.5 (Bao, Yuankai)|RRecordings\\6|SScores\\1","Symphony No.6 'Magnificat' (Rondeau, Michel)|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\80|VVocal Scores\\4","Symphony No.6 in E minor, Op.34 (Ngo, Ethan)|SScores\\6","Symphony No.6, Op.29 (Brandes, Felipe)|SScores\\7","Symphony No.6, Op.48 (Tournemire, Charles)|SScores\\1","Symphony No.7 'Requiem' (Rondeau, Michel)|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\36|VVocal Scores\\9","Symphony No.8, Op.41 (Ngo, Ethan)|SScores\\6","Symphony No.8 (Mahler, Gustav)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Symphony No.9, Op.125 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|RRecordings\\18|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\33|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\54|DSketches and Drafts\\1","Symphony No.10, Op.50 (Brandes, Felipe)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\36|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\1","System f\u00fcr den Fugenbau (Vogler, Georg Joseph)|SScores\\3","S\u0101vitri, Op.25 (Holst, Gustav)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","S\u2019andasse amor a caccia, SV 49 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3"],"T":["T'amo mia vita, SV 104 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Tabarin (Bousquet, Georges)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","The Tabernacle (Baker, Benjamin Franklin)|SScores\\1","Der Tag der ist so freudenreich (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Der Tag ist hin (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Der Tag ist nun vergangen (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Tag, Zeit noch Stund (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Die Tageszeiten, TWV 20:39 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Taillefer, Op.52 (Strauss, Richard)|SScores\\1","Take O Take Those Lips Away, Op.6 (Pearsall, Robert Lucas)|SScores\\2","A Tale of Old Japan, Op.76 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)|VVocal Scores\\3","The Tale of the Viking (Whiting, George Elbridge)|VVocal Scores\\1","Talk (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SScores\\1|PParts\\24","Il tamburo, R.1.37 (Paisiello, Giovanni)|SScores\\7","Tamerlano, HWV 18 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|LLibrettos\\4","Tander Naken (Henry VIII)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Tantum ergo corale (Rossi, Luigi Felice)|VVocal Scores\\1","Tantum ergo in A major (Anonymous)|SScores\\2","Tantum ergo in A minor (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","Tantum ergo in B-flat major, D.730 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo in C major, D.461 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo in D major (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo in D minor, GT 6.5.d01 (Tartini, Giuseppe)|SScores\\2","Tantum ergo in E minor, GT 6.5.e01 (Tartini, Giuseppe)|SScores\\2","Tantum ergo in G major, W.E 26 (Bach, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo in G major (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Tantum Ergo No.3 in D major (Pappalardo, Salvatore)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo Sacramentum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Tantum ergo, A 667 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Tantum ergo, D.962 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\12","Tantum ergo, Day 1 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 2 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Tantum ergo, Day 3 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 4 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 5 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 6 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 7 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 8 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 9 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum Ergo, Graduale und Offertorium, Op.148 (Diabelli, Anton)|PParts\\1","Tantum ergo, Op.5 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Op.55 (Faur\u00e9, Gabriel)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","4 Tantum ergo, Op.61b (Reger, Max)|SScores\\1","Tantum Ergo (Dobici, Cesare)|SScores\\1","Tantum Ergo (Elgar, Edward)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo (Le Quoynte, Louis)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Tantum Ergo (Rol\u00f3n, Zen\u00f3n)|VVocal Scores\\1","Tantum ergo (Rossini, Gioacchino)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Tantum ergo (Tritant, Gustave)|SScores\\1","La Tarantella (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Le Tartare (Ferrari, Gabrielle)|SScores\\1","Tat Tvam Asi (Malancioiu, Gabriel)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Taylor's Sacred Minstrel (Taylor, Virgil Corydon)|SScores\\1","Tcho-Hon (Kim, Hee Cheol)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Te colimus Principem coeli, MH 640 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Te det animam meam (L\u00f3pez de Velasco, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Te Deum a 4, W.E 28 (Bach, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","Te Deum a 8, W.E 27 (Bach, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","Te Deum and Jubilate Deo, Z.232 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\6","Te Deum and Jubilate in A major (Boyce, William)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in A-flat major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in B-flat major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in B-flat minor (Foote, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in C major, Hob.XXIIIc:1 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in C major (Dressler, Louis Raphael)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in C major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in D major, BurG IV\/3 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum in D major, HWV 278 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum in D major, HWV 283 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\3","Te Deum in D major, StWV 117 (Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum in D major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum in D major (Pausch, Eugen)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum in D-flat major (Waith, William Sereno)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in E major, IJP 4 (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in E-flat major (Morgan, George Washbourne)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in E-flat major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in F major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in G major (Millard, Harrison)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in G major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum laudamus in C major (Newland, William Augustine)|SScores\\1","Te Deum Laudamus in F major (Ireland, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Te Deum Laudamus in G major (Boise, Otis Bardwell)|SScores\\1","Te Deum Laudamus in G (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","Te Deum laudamus, Op.101 (Carozzi, Napoleone)|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum laudamus (Bree, Johannes Bernardus van)|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum Laudamus (Koci\u0119da, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Te Deum Laudamus (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","Te Deum laudamus (Pedro I)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\2","Te Deum Laudamus (Salter, Sumner)|SScores\\1","Te Deum laudamus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Te Deum Laudamus (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Te Deum, A VI 6 (Zechner, Johann Georg)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum, A-Ed C 3 (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum, H 118 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Te Deum, H.145 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2","Te Deum, H.146 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\60","Te Deum, H.147 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Te Deum, K.271 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Te Deum, LWV 55 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Te Deum, MH 145 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum, Op.16 (Knollys, Edmund)|SScores\\1","Te Deum, Op.32 (Braunfels, Walter)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\4","Te Deum, Op.66 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2","Te Deum, Op.77 (Loewe, Carl)|SFull Scores\\1","Te Deum, Op.84 (Peters, Rob)|SFull Scores\\5|VVocal Scores\\5","Te Deum, PS.5.1.01 (Lobo, Jo\u00e3o de Deus de Castro)|SScores\\1","Te Deum, Ro 65 (Roman, Johan Helmich)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum, S.116 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Te Deum, S.117 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Te Deum, WAB 45 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Te Deum, ZWV 145 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Te Deum, ZWV 146 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Bagnacavallo, Francesco Antonio da)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Te Deum (Bizet, Georges)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (B\u00fchler, Franz)|PParts\\1","Te Deum (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Cowell, Augusta)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Dourlen, Victor)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Greene, Maurice)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Hartmann, Paul)|SScores\\2","Te Deum (James, Philip)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\16","Te Deum (Pinto, Francisco da Luz)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum (Scapin, Massimo)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum (Scarlatti, Domenico)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Te Deum (Silva, Francisco Manuel da)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum (Sold\u00e1, F\u00e1bio)|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Te Deum (Stainer, John)|SScores\\1","Te gloriosus Apostolorum (Asola, Giammateo)|SScores\\1","Te Joseph celebrent, S.58 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Te Lucis (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Te mane laudum carmine (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Te solo adoro, D.34 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Te\u010de voda, te\u010de (Taylor, Deems)|SScores\\1","Tecendo a manh\u00e3 (Antonio, Lincoln)|SScores\\1","Tecum principium, In.234 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Telas de corazones, Op.23 (Seco de Arpe, Manuel)|SScores\\1","Tell me lovely shepherd (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Le T\u00e9moin fid\u00e8le et l'Eglise, Op.78 (Roullet, Herv\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Temperance Medley (Kelly, Ian Donald Killeen)|SScores\\1","The Tempest, Z.631 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","The Temple Choir (Seward, Theodore Frelinghuysen)|SScores\\1","The Temple Dancer (Hugo, John Adam)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Temple of Solomon, Op.78 (Hedges, Anthony)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Temple Star (Kieffer, Aldine Silliman)|SScores\\1","The Temple, Op.14 (Davies, Walford)|VVocal Scores\\1","Tenebrae factae sunt (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Tenebrae factae sunt (Zelter, Carl Friedrich)|SScores\\1","T\u00e9nganmele, se\u00f1ores (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|PParts\\3","Tenor and Baritone (Wilson, Henry Lane)|SScores\\1","T\u00e9nor et baryton (Lamart, Octave)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Tenor-Arie (Lachner, Vinzenz)|VVocal Scores\\1","Tenorens Serenade (Olsen, Ole)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","La tentazione di Gesu (Cordara, Carlo)|VVocal Scores\\11","La terre promise (Massenet, Jules)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\5","3 Terzette, BreB A2.WoO 18 (Bergt, August)|SScores\\1","2 Terzettos (Taneyev, Sergey)|SScores\\2","Teufel, dass du dich erk\u00fchnest (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Teutoniam dudum belli atra pericla molestant, SWV 338 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Thanks Be to God (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","A Thanksgiving Anthem (Hardy, Daniel)|SScores\\1","Thanksgiving (Barth\u00e9l\u00e9mon, Fran\u00e7ois-Hippolyte)|SScores\\1","That Pearl of Great Price (Allan, James Geoffrey)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Theatrum musicum (Capricornus, Samuel)|PParts\\8","There is a Garden in Her Face (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)|SScores\\1","There is a Paradise on Earth (Pearsall, Robert Lucas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","There Never Was So Wretched Lover as I, Z.513 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","There Rolls the Deep (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SScores\\1","There Shall Be No More Night There (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","There was Silence in Bethlehem's Fields (Stainer, John)|SScores\\1","There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Fields (Key, Joseph)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field (Willan, Healey)|SScores\\1","There were Shepherds, Op.20 (Blumenschein, William Leonard)|SScores\\1","There were Shepherds (Foster, Myles Birket)|SScores\\1","There Were Shepherds (Steane, Bruce)|SScores\\1","There's Nae Luck Aboot the House (Macpherson, Charles)|SScores\\1","There's Rest in Heaven (Jarvis, Charles)|SScores\\1","There, up a High Mountain (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","These Sweeter Far Than Lilies Are, Op.39 (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Theur, hoch erleucht sein Nam (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Thirsi morir volea (Caimo, Gioseppe)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","This is Mine (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","This is the day which the Lord hath made (Howard, Samuel)|SScores\\1","This Sweet and Merry Month of May, T 317 (Byrd, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Thou art my King, O God (Ellerton, John Lodge)|SScores\\1","Thou Hallowed Chosen Morn (Sowerby, Leo)|SScores\\1","Thou Knowest, Lord, Op.76 (Beach, Amy Marcy)|SScores\\1","Thou Marvaill'st Much (Nicholson, Richard)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Thou visitest the earth (Greene, Maurice)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Though Amaryllis Dance in Green (Byrd, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Though My Mistress Be Fair, Z.514 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Three Dickinson Songs (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\1","Three Doughtie Men (Pearson, William Webster)|SScores\\1","The Three Lilies (Gaul, Harvey B.)|SScores\\1","Three Sleeps (Williams, Gerrard)|SScores\\1","The Throne of Grace, Op.207 (Dulcken, Ferdinand Quentin)|SScores\\1","Thy Dear Eyes (Bartlett, Homer Newton)|SScores\\4","Thy Word is a Lantern, Z.61 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Les Thyoliers (Barthe, Adrien)|SScores\\1","Til vor dronning (Olsen, Ole)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\4|OOther\\1","The Timbrel (Baker, Benjamin Franklin)|SScores\\1","Timbuctoo (Geibel, Adam)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Timebunt Gentes, HV 87 (Eybler, Joseph)|PParts\\22","Tippete, tuppete, tappete (Cottrau, Teodoro)|SScores\\1","Tirsi morir volea (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Tis Wine Was Made to Rule the Day, Z.546 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Tizian, Op.35 (Fries, Albin)|SFull Scores\\1","To a Brother Artist (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|SScores\\1","To Call Thee Mine (Vest, Matthew Raymond Cooper)|SScores\\1","To Damascus, Op.4 No.3 (Braxton, Walter Augustus)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","To fair Fidele's grassy tomb (Walmisley, Thomas Forbes)|SScores\\1","To Greece We Give Our Shining Blades (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|SScores\\2","To the Ideal, Op.39 (Hess, Ludwig)|VVocal Scores\\1","To the Motherland, Op.150 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","To Thee We Pray (Blessner, Gustav)|SScores\\1","To Thy Pastures (Sage, H. Clarence)|SScores\\1","Der Tod Abels (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\4","Der Tod des Verr\u00e4ters (Cornelius, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg (Weckmann, Matthias)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg, GWV 1128\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg, TWV 1:322 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Tod ist zu unsern Fenstern hereingefallen, GWV 1175\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Der Tod seiner Heiligen ist wertgehalten (Nicolai, Johann Michael)|PParts\\1","Der Tod seiner Heiligen ist wertgehalten, GWV 1175\/31b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Todestag des Erl\u00f6sers (Eberwein, Carl)|PParts\\1","Todo es amor (Chavarria, Roque Jacinto)|SScores\\1","Todo es dolor (Chavarria, Roque Jacinto)|SScores\\1","Der Todt Abels des Gerechten (Harrer, Gottlob)|SScores\\2|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2","Toggenburg, Op.76 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\4","Toll Nelson's knell (Attwood, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Tollite portas, K.152 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","La tomba (Bottagisio, Angelo)|SScores\\1","Tonadilla a 3 de la Abana (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","T\u00f6ne, lindernder Klang, WoO 28 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","T\u00f6net ihr Pauken, erschallt ihr Trompeten, GWV 1056 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","T\u00f6net, ihr Pauken! Erschallet, Trompeten!, BWV 214 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11|LLibrettos\\2","Die Tonkunst traurt (Danzi, Franz)|SScores\\1","Toras adonoj (Lewandowski, Louis)|SScores\\1","T\u00f6rt\u00e9net az Ember Fi\u00e1nak szenved\u00e9s\u00e9r\u0151l \u00e9s hal\u00e1l\u00e1r\u00f3l (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","8 Toskanische Lieder, Op.22 (Br\u00fcll, Ignaz)|SScores\\3","Tota pulchra es amica mea, LV 1080 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Tota pulchra es, Maria (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Tota pulchra es, WAB 46 (Bruckner, Anton)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6","Tota pulchra es (Tritant, Gustave)|SScores\\1","Tota pulchra (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Tota pulchra (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Totengr\u00e4berlied, D.38 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Totor et Titine (Wachs, Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric)|VVocal Scores\\1","Totus in corde langueo, D.136 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Tournez, tournez, Op.9 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Tous les regres (La Rue, Pierre de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Toutes les nuitz je ne pense qu'en celle (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Town and Trade (Yarwood, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Tra verdi campi a la stagion novella (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","Trachtet am ersten nach dem Reich Gottes, TWV 1:1411 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Trachtet am ersten nach dem Reiche Gottes, GWV 1123\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Trahe me post te (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\4","Transeunte Domino (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Transfige dulcissime Jesu, H.251 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","The Transfiguration (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|SScores\\3","Transponiertes Psalmen-Buch (Sultzberger, Johann Ulrich)|SScores\\11","Trastulli Estivi, Book 2 (Accademico Bizzarro Capriccioso)|SScores\\1","Trattado de Glosas (Ortiz, Diego)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Trauer- und Begr\u00e4bnis-Musik \u00fcber Johann Helms (Becker, Dietrich)|SScores\\1","2 Trauer-Ges\u00e4nge (Hainlein, Paul)|SScores\\1","6 Trauerges\u00e4nge, Op.61g (Reger, Max)|SScores\\2","Tr\u00e4ufelt ihr Himmel mit Gnade, GWV 1138\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Tr\u00e4umen und Wachen, WAB 87 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Trauungslied, WAB 49 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","A travers bois, Op.63 (Chaminade, C\u00e9cile)|SScores\\1","Le Tre ore di agonia (Zingarelli, Niccol\u00f2 Antonio)|SScores\\2","Tread Lightly (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)|SScores\\3","Tree of Life (Ferrari, Carlotta)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","Treibe doch aus meinem Herzen, GWV 1152\/09 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Tremate, empi tremate, Op.116 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Trend of Time (Girard, Harry)|SScores\\1","Tres sunt qui testimonium dant in caelo, MH 183 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Der treue Freund, der unser Elend schaut, TWV 1:324 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Treue Liebe (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\1","Treuer Gott ich muss dir klagen, GWV 1131\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Tria Sunt Munera (Esquivel Barahona, Juan)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Tribularer si nescirem (Bernhard, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Tribulationem et dolorem inveni, LV 366 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","The Tribute of Praise (Tourj\u00e9e, Eben)|SScores\\1","Trichordium und Trias Harmonica (Vogler, Georg Joseph)|VVocal Scores\\1","Trinitas sancta unitasque (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Trinklied der S\u00e4nger (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Trinklied im Mai, D.427 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Trinklied im Wald (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","Trinklied, D.148 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Trinklied, D.426 (Schubert, Franz)|LLibrettos\\1","Trinklied (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","Trio for Tenor, Baritone and Bass, Op.1326 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Il trionfo dell'amor divino (Pacieri, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Il trionfo della fede (Cimarosa, Domenico)|SScores\\1","Il trionfo di Davide (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\2","Tristes erant apostoli (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Tristis est anima mea, H.126 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Tristis est anima mea, LV 238 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Tristis est anima mea (Gesualdo, Carlo)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Tristis est anima mea (Martini, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Tritt nicht herzu zeuch deine Schuhe, GWV 1147\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","The Triumph of Columbus (Pratt, Silas Gamaliel)|VVocal Scores\\1","Triumph, ihr Himmel (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","La Tromba della Divina misericordia (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Troppo ben pu\u00f2 questo tiranno Amore, SV 102 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Trost in Tr\u00e4nen, Op.14 (Cornelius, Peter)|SScores\\1","Tr\u00f6ste uns Gott unser Heiland, GWV 1160\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Tr\u00f6stet mein Volk (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Trovas (Dutra, Benedito)|SScores\\1","The Trysting Tree (Bennett, George John)|SScores\\1","Tu che del mio dolore (Dalla Gostena, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Tu che sai quanto sia giusta, S.616 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Tu cum virgineo mater honore (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Tu es Petrus, Op.6 (Heurlier, Georges)|SScores\\1","Tu es Petrus, Op.31 (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","Tu es Petrus (Mercuri, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Tu es Petrus (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Tu es sacerdos (Bentivoglio, Giulio)|SScores\\1","Tu es via (Mapelli, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Tu Mandasti (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Tu non sai da quanti moti (Coccia, Carlo)|VVocal Scores\\1","Tu Rechnung Rechnung will Gott, GWV 1150\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Tu trinitatis unitas in D major (Xavier, Jos\u00e9 Maria)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Tue deinen Mund auf f\u00fcr die Stummen, GWV 1153\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Tue Rechnung von deinem Haushalten, GWV 1163\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Tue Rechnung! Donnerwort, BWV 168 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\1","Tulerunt Dominum, NJE 20.14 (Josquin Desprez)|SScores\\10","9 Tunes for Archbishop Parker\u2019s Psalter (Tallis, Thomas)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","The Tunes of the Psalms (Playford, Henry)|SScores\\1","Tunes to the Psalms of David (Shenton, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Die T\u00fcrkenkugel, Op.53 (Bunk, Gerard)|SScores\\1","Turn thee again, O Lord (Pye, Kellow John)|SScores\\1","Turn Thy Face from My Sins (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Die Turteltaube l\u00e4sset sich h\u00f6ren (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Tut Busse und lasse sich ein jeglicher, GWV 1104\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Tutti i madrigali a quattro voci (Rore, Cipriano de)|SScores\\3","Tutto'l di piango e poi la notte (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\17","Twilight on the Sea (Sudds, William F.)|SScores\\1","Two or Three Posies (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\1"],"U":["Ubangiji, Hear our Prayers (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh, Op.2 (Herman, Reinhold L.)|SScores\\1","\u00dcber allen Gipfeln, Op.46 (Bunk, Gerard)|SScores\\1","\u00dcber alles ziehet an die Liebe, GWV 1171\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","\u00dcber der Propheten Blut, TWV 1:1425b (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Die \u00dcbertreter werden vertilget miteinander, GWV 1166\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ubi duo vel tres congregati fuerint, SV 211 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Udir le orecchie nostre, S.643 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Udite lacrimosi spiriti d'averno (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\3","Um des Landes S\u00fcnde willen, GWV 1166\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Um haust (Thoroddsen, Emil)|SScores\\1","Um Mitternacht, WAB 90 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Un di lieto giamai non hebbi (Isaac, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Un guardo solo, S.472 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Un jour l'amant et l'amie, LV 388 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","A un ni\u00f1o llorando (Guerrero, Francisco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Un nuevo milagro (Garc\u00eda Pacheco, Fabi\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Un r\u00eave (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\1","Un t\u00e9nor sans engagement (Croze, Jean-Baptiste de)|SScores\\1","Un usurier enterra son avoir (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Una noticia alegre (Salas, Esteban)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Und als er nahe hinzu kam, TWV 1:1429 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Und da acht Tage um waren (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Und dies ist das Zeugnis Johannis (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Und ich will ihnen einen einigen Hirten erwecken (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Undankbarvolle Welt, GWV 1155\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Unde anim\u00e6 me\u00e6 salus (Zeutschner, Tobias)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Unde revertimini, LV 496 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Underneath this Myrtle Shade, Z.516 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Une dr\u00f4le de soir\u00e9e (C\u0153d\u00e8s, Auguste)|VVocal Scores\\1","Une nuit dans les lagunes (Morel, Auguste-Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\1","Une porte mal condamn\u00e9e (M\u00fcller, Jules)|VVocal Scores\\1","Une poule mouill\u00e9e (Bernicat, Firmin)|VVocal Scores\\1","Unendlich gross ist Gottes Huld und Macht (Pachaly, Traugott Immanuel)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Unendliche Freude, D.54 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Unendlicher Gott (Zumsteeg, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\1","Ungarische Kr\u00f6nungsmesse, S.11 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","The Union of the 3 Sister Arts (Pepusch, John Christopher)","Universi, qui te exspectant (Eberlin, Johann Ernst)|SScores\\1","Universitetets Aarsfest Cantata, Op.24 (Nielsen, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Unl\u00e4ngst dem blinden G\u00f6ttelein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Unos pastores (Salas, Esteban)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Uns ist ein Kind geboren, GWV 1105\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Uns ist ein Kind geboren, TWV 1:1450 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Uns ist ein Kind geboren, TWV 1:1452 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\3","Uns ist ein Kind geboren, TWV 1:1454 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Uns ist ein Kind geboren (Bach, Johann Christoph)|PParts\\1","Uns ist ein Kind geboren (Kuhnau, Johann)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\28|PParts\\26|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\15","Uns ist ein Kind geboren (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Unser Gl\u00fcck flieht in die Ferne (Fr\u00f6hlich, Friedrich Theodor)|SScores\\1","Unser Gott kommt und schweiget nicht, GWV 1102\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Unser keiner lebet ihm selber (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Unser keiner lebt ihm selber, TWV 1:1442 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Unser keiner lebt ihm selber (Meder, Johann Valentin)|PParts\\1","Unser Leben f\u00e4hret dahin, GWV 1157\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Unser Leben w\u00e4hret siebzig Jahr (Calvisius, Seth)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\25|PScores and Parts\\25","Unser Leben w\u00e4hret siebzig Jahr (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Unser lieben H\u00fchnerchen (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\38","Unser Matz hat einen gro\u00dfen langen Bart (Theile, Johann)|PParts\\1","Unser Mund sei voll Lachens, BWV 110 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\19|OOther\\1","Unser Trost ist der dass wir ein gut Gewissen, GWV 1124\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Unsere Missethat dr\u00fccket uns hart (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Unsere Tr\u00fcbsal die zeitlich und leicht ist, GWV 1137\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Unsere Tr\u00fcbsal die zeitlich und leicht ist, JLB 33 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Unsers Herzens Freude hat ein Ende, GWV 1175\/26a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Die untergehende Sonne, Op.12 (S\u00e4mann, Karl Heinrich)|VVocal Scores\\1","L'uomo coll'opre sue, S.635 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Urbs beata Jerusalem (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Usciva homai del molle e fresco grembo (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ut queant laxis resonare fibris, ZWV 118 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2"],"V":["Va, dal furor portata, K.21\/19c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Vadam et circuibo (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Vade Anania (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Vae Babylon civitas magna (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Vaga Nigella (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","Vaghe bellezze (Torti, Ludovico)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Vaghi fiori di Maria Vergine (Scapitta, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","Vaghi pensieri che mentre aveste il cielo (Rore, Cipriano de)","Vago augel, Op.170 (Cruz, Antonio de la)|SScores\\1","Vago augelleto che cantando vai (Flecha el Joven, Mateo)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Vago augelletto che cantando vai (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Valde honorandus est (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Valet will ich dir geben, GWV 1169\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Valet will ich dir geben, TWV 1:1458 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\2","V\u00e1lgame Dios (Garc\u00eda Pacheco, Fabi\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Valle che de\u2019 lamenti miei se\u2019 piena (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Valli secrete deh m'accogliete (Steffani, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Vamo Plimo y adoremo (Comes, Joan Baptista)|SScores\\1","Vamos vamosle buscando (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas (Capello, Giovanni Francesco)|SScores\\1","Variations on 'O dolce contento' (Pa\u00ebr, Ferdinando)|SScores\\1","12 Variations pour le piano-forte (Weber, Bed\u0159ich Divi\u0161)|SScores\\1","Varie cantate \u00e0 pi\u00f9 voci, I-MOe Mus.F.1153 (Stradella, Alessandro)|SScores\\4","Le vase bris\u00e9, Op.268 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Vasta (Duruelo, Fransisco)|PParts\\1","Vatene lieta homai, LV 28 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Vater die Stunde ist hier, GWV 1159\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Vater ich befehle meinen Geist, GWV 1127\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Vater in deine H\u00e4nde befehl' ich meinen Geist (Fabricius, Werner)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Der Vater ruft merkts doch, GWV 1117\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Vater schau ich fall' zu Fusse, GWV 1152\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Vater unser im Himmelreich, GWV 1135\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Vater unser im Himmelreich, GWV 1135\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Vater unser im Himmelreich (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\3","Vater unser im Himmelreich (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Vater unser im Himmelreich (Weinmann, Johann)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Das Vater Unser und die Worte des Abendmahls (Schicht, Johann Gottfried)|SScores\\1","Das Vater unser (Rinck, Christian Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Vater unser, der du bist (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Vater Unser, WoO 67 (Spohr, Louis)|VVocal Scores\\1","Vater, ich habe ges\u00fcndiget (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","3 Vaterl\u00e4ndische Ges\u00e4nge (Koessler, Hans)|SScores\\2","Vaterlandslied, WAB 92 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores\\3","Das Vaterunser (Berezovsky, Maksym)|SScores\\1","Vattene amor in Cielo (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","Vattene pur, crudel, con quella pace, SV 67 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\28","Vau. Et egressus est (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Vaya de tonadilla (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Vaya de x\u00e1cara nueva (San Juan, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Vaya de Xacara (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","Vaya de Xacara (Veana, Mat\u00edas Juan de)|PParts\\1","Vayan unas especies (Salas, Esteban)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vayomer shalcheini (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Vedi le valli e i campi che si smaltano (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","La Veglia (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","The Veil (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\6","Das Veilchen, Op.27 (Curschmann, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Velum templi, H.128 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","La vendetta (Bousquet, Georges)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Vengan todas las flores (Urruela y Arteaga, Lorenzo de)|PParts\\1","Vengo turo flanciquillo (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Veni creator Spiritus, H.54 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Veni Creator Spiritus, Op.46 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|VVocal Scores\\2","Veni creator spiritus, S.62 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Veni Creator Spiritus, ZWV 119 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Veni creator spiritus, ZWV 120 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Veni Creator Spiritus (Rener, Adam)|SScores\\1","Veni Creator (Feast, Charles F.)|SScores\\1","Veni creator (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|SScores\\2","Veni Creator (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\1","Veni Emmanuel (Trovato, Angelo Maria)|SScores\\1","Veni in hortum (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","Veni sancte spiritus reple, ZWV 210 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Veni sancte Spiritus, H.366 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritus, JW 2\/13 (Jan\u00e1\u010dek, Leo\u0161)|SScores\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritus, K.47 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritus, P.161 (Danzi, Franz)|PParts\\2","Veni Sancte Spiritus (Allegri, Gregorio)|SScores\\2","Veni Sancte Spiritus (Cattaneo, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritus (Cotumacci, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritus (Delgado)|PParts\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritus (Fritz, William)|SScores\\1","Veni sancte Spiritus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritu (Wallace II, Robert Stephen)|SScores\\1","Veni sponsa Christi (Dalla Bella, Domenico)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Veni sponsa Christi (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6","Veni sponsa Christi (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Veni, sancte Spiritus (Hassler, Hans Leo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Venid, venid deidades (Ponce de Le\u00f3n, Esteban)|SScores\\1","Venite ad me omnes (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|PParts\\1","Venite ad me (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Venite ad me (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Venite adoremus (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Venite exultemus (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","Venite filii audite me timorem Domini (Cima, Tullio)|SScores\\1","Venite Gentes (Sborgi, Gasparo)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Venite sancte spiritus (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","Venite, exultemus Domino (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Venus est par cent mille noms (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\2","V\u00e8pres, Op.22 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Ver inferno e il mio petto (Arcadelt, Jacob)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Verbannt sei dies' verfluchte Wesen, GWV 1121\/12a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Verbesserung der Forkel\u2019schen Ver\u00e4nderungen \u00fcber 'God save the King' (Vogler, Georg Joseph)|SScores\\2","Verbirg dein Antlitz nicht f\u00fcr mir (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Verbum caro factum est (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Verbum caro factum est (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Verbum caro, panum verbum, H.267 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Verbum iniquum et dolosum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Verbum supernum prodiens (Josquin Desprez)|SScores\\1","Verdamme mich nicht, GWV 1121\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Vereinigte Zwietracht der wechselnden Saiten, BWV 207 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\23|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\1","Verfallnes Salem gute Nacht, GWV 1129\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Vergebens ist all M\u00fch und Kost (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Vergeh' doch nicht du armer S\u00fcnder, P.476b (Pachelbel, Johann)|PParts\\1","Vergeltet niemand B\u00f6ses mit B\u00f6sem, GWV 1147\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Vergib deinem N\u00e4chsten, GWV 1163\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Vergib uns alle S\u00fcnde und tue uns wohl (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Vergine bella, che di sol vestita (Ruffo, Vincenzo)","Vergine bella (Paien, Gioan)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Vergine Madre figlia del tuo figlio (Mercuri, Armando)|SScores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Vergine santa d'ogni gratia piena (Rossetti, Stephano)","La verginella e simile alla rosa (Gabrieli, Andrea)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","La verginella e simile alla rosa (Viola, Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Vergiss aller der Traurigkeit (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Vergissmeinnicht, WAB 93 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores\\5|LLibrettos\\1","Verirrtes Schaf merk auf, GWV 1144\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Veritas mea in D major (Cervi, Luigi)|VVocal Scores\\1","Veritas mea, K.157 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Veritas mea, L.32 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Das Verlangen der Elenden h\u00f6rest du Herr, GWV 1153\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Das Verlangen der Elenden h\u00f6rest du Herr, GWV 1160\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Verlass dich auf den Herrn, GWV 1130\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Verla\u00df uns, die uns unsre Tage, L.582 (Benda, Georg)|PParts\\2","Verlasset euch nicht auf Unrecht, GWV 1142\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Verleih da\u00df ich aus Herzensgrund, H.369 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Verleih uns Frieden gn\u00e4diglich (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Verleih uns Frieden gn\u00e4diglich (Strutius, Thomas)|PParts\\1","Vermischte Gedichte (H\u00fcbner, Eberhard Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Il vero modo di diminuir (Dalla Casa, Girolamo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Il vero secondo libro de madrigali (Arcadelt, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\4","Verratene Liebe (Cornelius, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Versa est in luctum cythara mea (Bianciardi, Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Verschiedene Empfindungen an einem Platze, G.37 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5","Verschwunden sind die Schmerzen, D.88 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Versi della turba concertati, Op.7 (Florimi, Giovanni Andrea)|SScores\\1","Der Vers\u00f6hnungstod (Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter)|SScores\\1","Verstohlen geht der Mond auf (Gernsheim, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Versuch von kleinen leichten Motetten und Arien (Weimar, Georg Peter)|SScores\\2","Versuchet euch selbst, ob ihr im Glauben seid, TWV 1:1473 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Vertrag einer den Anderen, GWV 1147\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Vertraget einer den Andern, GWV 1158\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Vertraue du Gott, GWV 1146\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Vertrawen hertzlichen gar (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\2","Vesper\u00e6 breves, Op.8 (Schnell, Johann Jakob)|PParts\\10","Vesper\u00e6 longiores ac breviores una cum litaniis Lauretanis (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|PParts\\18","Vesperae \u00e0 32 (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15","Vesperae de Confessore (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Vesperae de Dominica et Confessore (Reinhardt, Johann Georg)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Vesperae de Dominica, K.321 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Vesperae de Dominica, MH 321 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Vesperae de Dominica, MH 809 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Vesperae solennes de confessore, K.339 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\25|VVocal Scores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Vesperae solennes de Dominica, A III 1 (Zechner, Johann Georg)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Vesperae, A-Ed G 132 (Fuchs I, Johann Nepomuk)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Vesperae (Poppe, Franti\u0161ek Ludv\u00edk)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Vespere autem Sabbati (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Vespers for 4 Voices (Giorza, Paolo)|SScores\\3","10 Vespers Psalms (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\10","Vespro a Cappella e Mottetti concertati (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores\\1","Vespro della Beata Vergine, SV 206 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\6|VVocal Scores\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Vexilla regis more hispano for 6 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Vexilla regis prodeunt (Fanfani, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\12","Vexilla Regis prodeunt (Felici, Bartolomeo)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Vexilla Regis Prodeunt (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Vexilla Regis Prodeunt (Valenti, Niccol\u00f2)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Vexilla regis (Caudana, Federico)|SScores\\1","Vezzo di Perle Musicali (Banchieri, Adriano)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Vezzosi augelli in fra le verdi fronde (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Vezzosi Augelli infra le verdi fronde (Wert, Giaches de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Victim\u00e6 Paschali (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\1","Victimae paschali laudes (Simonelli, Matteo)|SScores\\1","Victimae Paschalis (Alzedo, Jos\u00e9 Bernardo)|SScores\\1","Victoire (Adam, Adolphe)|VVocal Scores\\1","Vide Domine, quoniam tribulor (Souza, Jer\u00f4nimo de)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7","Viderunt omnes fines terrae salutare Dei nostri (Graziani, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","Viderunt omnes (P\u00e9rotin)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Videt Joannes Jesum venientem (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Vidi aquam (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Vidi aquam (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Vidi innocentes sub altare Dei (Costanzo da Cosena, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Vidi speciosam (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vidi speciosam (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Vidi speciosam (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Vidi sub altare Dei animas interfectorum (Palazzoto e Tagliavia, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Vidi turbam magnam (Porta, Costanzo)|SScores\\2","Vieille chanson du jeune temps (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Vieille pri\u00e8re bouddhique (Boulanger, Lili)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Viel tausend Sterne prangen, D.642 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Viel werden kommen von Morgen und von Abend, SWV 375 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Viele die da sind die Ersten, GWV 1117\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Viele sind berufen, GWV 1117\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Vieni Flora gentil (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Viens dans les champs, Op.13 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Vier Hirtinnen, gleich jung, gleich sch\u00f6n, SWV A1 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Vierstimmige Chor-Arien (Hiller, Johann Adam)|SScores\\2","371 Vierstimmige Choralges\u00e4nge (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\19|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","20 Vierstimmige Ch\u00f6re (Spazier, Karl)|SScores\\1","12 Vierstimmige Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerstimmen, KWV 7104 (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\1","Vierstimmige Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerstimmen (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\1","Vierstimmige Ges\u00e4nge von englischen Tonsetzern mit deutschen Worten (Various)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","12 Vierstimmige Ges\u00e4nge (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\12","Vierstimmige Kirchenges\u00e4nge (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\2","11 Vierstimmige Lieder und Ges\u00e4nge (Henkel, Michael)|SScores\\1","6 Vierstimmige Lieder, Op.10 (Reichel, Adolf)|SScores\\1","5 Vierstimmige M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","2 Vierstimmige M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re, Op.65 (D\u00f6ring, Karl Heinrich)|VVocal Scores\\1","Vierstimmige M\u00e4nnerges\u00e4nge, Op.56 (K\u00fccken, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Vierstimmige M\u00e4nnerlieder, Op.27 (Gross, Johann Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Vierstimmige Motetten und Arien (Hiller, Johann Adam)|SScores\\41","Vierstimmiger Canon, G.55 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\1","Vigilate et orate (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Villancico (Lopez, Diego)|PParts\\1","3 Villanelle a 3 voci (Fiorino, Gasparo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Virgen siempre sois para Virgen (Hidalgo, Juan)|PParts\\1","Virgo, mater ecclesiae (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Il virtuoso ritrovo academico, Op.49 (Banchieri, Adriano)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Virtute magna reddebant Apostoli (Croce, Giovanni)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Virtute magna (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","The Vision of Sir Launfal (Cadman, Charles Wakefield)|SScores\\1","The Vision of St. John (Coombs, Charles Whitney)|VVocal Scores\\1","Visionem quam Vidistis (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","The Visit to the Sepulchre (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Vitium Cantorum (McIntyre, Richard)|SScores\\1","Vivat \u00d6sterreich (Kralik, Mathilde)|SScores\\1","Vive doglioso il core (Wert, Giaches de)","Vive sera et toujours perdurable, LV 384 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","4 Vocal Duets (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|SScores\\1","3 Vocal Duets, Op.20 (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\1","Vocal Mass No.1 (Haslinger, Tobias)|PParts\\1","Vocal Mass No.2 (Haslinger, Tobias)|SScores\\1","79 Vocal Pieces, Hamilton Manuscript (Various)|SScores\\7","9 Vocal Quartets, Op.88 (Cui, C\u00e9sar)|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Vocalise Duet for Tenor and Baritone, Op.1325 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Mezzo-soprano and Tenor, Op.1343 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Soprano and Tenor, Op.1350 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Cello in D major, Op.2705 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Cello in F major, Op.2440 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Cello, Op.1940 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Cello, Op.1941 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Piano in D minor, Op.2716 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Piano in F major, Op.2715 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Strings, Op.1133 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor in G major, Op.2706 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\3","Vocalise for Tenor, Op.1323 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\3","Vocalise for Tenor, Op.1324 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\3","Vocalise Opera, Op.1136 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalises de style (Aim\u00e8s, A.)|SScores\\1","20 Vocalises journali\u00e8res (Lutgen, Balthazar)|SScores\\1","150 Vocalises pour toutes les voix (Zingarelli, Niccol\u00f2 Antonio)|SScores\\7","Vocalizzo all'Antica (Passilongo, Ciro Roberto)|SScores\\1","Voce mea ad Dominum clamavi (Guglielmo Veneziano)|SScores\\1","Voga, voga, Op.43 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Die V\u00f6glein singen (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","A Voice from the Lake (Eisfeld, Theodor)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","A Voice in the Forest (Taneyev, Sergey)|SScores\\2","Voici la charmante retraite, Op.45 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","La Voix d'airain s'est envol\u00e9e, Op.89 (Prestat, Marie Josephine Claire)|SScores\\1","Les Voix de No\u00ebl (Sabra, Wadia)|SScores\\1","Les voix de Paris (Kastner, Jean-Georges)|SScores\\3","Vola il tempo (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Volgi cor mio la tua speranza, LV 70 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Das Volk so im Finstern wandelt, GWV 1111\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Das Volk so im Finstern wandelt, GWV 1111\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Volkslied aus Ober\u00f6sterreich (Kremser, Eduard)","Volkslied, Op.90 (G\u00f6tze, Carl)|PParts\\5","Volkslieder aus Steyermark (Schm\u00f6lzer, Jakob Eduard)|SScores\\1","8 Volkslieder, Op.64 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Volksliederbuch f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerchor (Friedlaender, Max)|PParts\\1","Volkslied (Ehlert, Louis)|SScores\\1","Vollstaendige Singschule (Winter, Peter von)|SScores\\5","Vollst\u00e4ndiges Altenburger Choral-Melodien-Buch (D\u00f6ring, Johann Friedrich Samuel)|SScores\\1","Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Vom Himmel hoch da komm' ich her (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Vom Himmel hoch da komm' ich her (Morgado, Sim\u00f3n)|SScores\\1","Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Vom Himmel hoch (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Vom Himmel hoch (Loewe, Carl)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar (Schelle, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\9","Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Von der Spielmannsfahrt, Op.127 (Hofmann, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Von deutscher Seele, Op.28 (Pfitzner, Hans)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Von Gnad' und Recht (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, GWV 1113\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, GWV 1156\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\11","Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Von Herzen ich thu freuen mich (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Von Jesus kommt mir aller Segen, GWV 1146\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Vor Leid und Schmerz (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Vord\u00edsin (J\u00f3n Fri\u00f0finnsson)|SScores\\2","Vorhv\u00f6t (Laxdal, J\u00f3n)|SScores\\1","Voria che tu cantass'una canzon' (Scandello, Antonio)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Vormorgunn (Helgi Sigur\u00f0ur Helgason)|SScores\\1","Vorrei donarti, Op.27 (Masotti, Celestina)|SScores\\1","Vorria morire per uscir di guai (Waelrant, Hubert)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Vorschlag zur G\u00fcte, G.35 (Gerson, Georg)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\3","Vort land, Op.30 (Helsted, Gustav)|VVocal Scores\\1","Vorv\u00edsur (\u00c1rni Thorsteinson)|SScores\\2","Vos saecli iusti iudices (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Vox dilecti mei pulsantis (Bellazzo, Francesco)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Vox dilecti mei (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores\\1","Vox in Rama audita est (Clemens non Papa, Jacobus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Vox Maris, Op.31 (Enescu, George)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1","Vox mitte clamorem (Meder, Johann Valentin)|PParts\\1","The Voyage of Maeldune, Op.34 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|VVocal Scores\\4","Vray Dieu disoit une fillette, LV 41 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Vulnera Jesu Christi (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Vulnerasti cor meum (Benincasa, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Vulnerasti cor meum (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vulnerasti cor meum (Guglielmo Veneziano)|SScores\\1","Vulnerasti cor meum (Valentini, Giovanni)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Vu\u00f2 ven\u00ec? (Giannini, Giacomo)|SScores\\1"],"W":["Wach auf, du werte Christenheit (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores and Parts\\17|PScores and Parts\\17","Wache auf meine Ehre, GWV 1101\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Wache sichre Christenschar, GWV 1149\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BuxWV 101 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\31|OOther\\2","Wachet und betet, dass ihr nicht in Anfechtung fallet, FaWV D:W1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Wachet und betet, GWV 1116\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wachet! betet! betet! wachet!, BWV 70 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\16|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\1","Wachet, betet, seid bereit allezeit!, BWV 70a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Wachset in der Erkenntnis Gottes, GWV 1165\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wacht auf ihr Toten steht auf, GWV 1167\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wacht auf, ihr Christen alle (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Wahn der Welt ist schrecklich toll, GWV 1150\/53b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die Wahrheit findet keinen Glauben, GWV 1124\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Die Wahrheit ist ein edles Kind, TWV 1:368 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wahrlich ich sage euch so ihr den Vater, GWV 1135\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wahrlich ich sage euch so ihr den Vater, TWV 1:1493 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch, BWV 86 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18|OOther\\1","The Wake of O'Connor (Bath, Hubert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Waken Lords and Ladies gay (Bairnsfather, Georgina)|SScores\\1","Waldesgru\u00df (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","Waldlied, Op.13 (Hegar, Friedrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5","Die Wallfahrt nach Kevlaar (Humperdinck, Engelbert)|VVocal Scores\\5","Wallt ihr Hertzen in feuriger Liebe, GWV 1106\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Walrus and Carpenter (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","The Walrus and the Carpenter (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","Walsinghame, GP 278 (Bax, Arnold)|VVocal Scores\\1","Walt's Gott, mein Werk ich lasse (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Walzer-Rondo IV, Op.100 (Gumbert, Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","Wandelt in der Liebe, GWV 1154\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wandelt wie die Kinder, GWV 1107\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Wandelt wie sich's geb\u00fchret, GWV 1117\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wandelt wie sich's geb\u00fchret, GWV 1117\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","A Wanderer's Psalm, Op.50 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Wanderer (Elgar, Edward)|SScores\\1","Wanderers Nachtlied (Schnyder von Wartensee, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\1","Wanderlied (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","Wanderlust, Op.52a (Peuschel, Moritz)|PParts\\5","Wandern, Op.104e (Neuhofer, Franz)|SScores\\1","Wann ich lang such der Gsellschaft viel (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","War and Peace (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|VVocal Scores\\4","W\u00e4r Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit, BWV 14 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","W\u00e4r' Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit, GWV 1137\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","W\u00e4r' Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit, GWV 1137\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Warlich ich sage euch, so ihr (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Warlich, warlich ich sage euch (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Wartburg-Lieder, S.345 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Das Warten der Gerechten wird Freude werden, GWV 1103\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Das Warten der Gerechten wird Freude werden, GWV 1142\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Das Warten der Gerechten wird Freude werden, H.384 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wartime Christmas (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\1","Warum betr\u00fcbst du dich mein Herz, GWV 1113\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Warum betr\u00fcbst du dich, mein Herz, BWV 138 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Warum betr\u00fcbst du dich, mein Herz? (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Warum l\u00e4sst du uns Herr irren, GWV 1144\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Warum toben die Heiden und die Leute (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Warum toben die Heiden (B\u00f6hm, Georg)|SScores\\1","Warum verst\u00f6ssest du Herr meine Seele, GWV 1121\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Warum willst du unser so gar vergessen, GWV 1134\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Was betr\u00fcbst du dich meine Seele, GWV 1134\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Was betr\u00fcbst du dich meine Seele, TWV 1:1505 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Was betr\u00fcbst du dich meine Seele (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Was der alten V\u00e4ter Schar (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Was der Gottlose f\u00fcrchtet, GWV 1135\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Was erhebet sich die arme Erde (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Was fehlt dir doch, TWV 1:1507 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Was frag ich nach der Welt, BWV 94 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\2","Was gibst du denn, GWV 1169\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan, GWV 1114\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan, GWV 1114\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan, GWV 1114\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan, GWV 1153\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan, H.389 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan (Kuhnau, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, BWV 98 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, BWV 99 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, BWV 100 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\1","Was hast du Mensch was du nicht empfangen hast, TWV 1:1513 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Was hat das Licht vor Gemeinschaft mit der Finsternis, TWV 1:1514 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Was hilfts lieben Br\u00fcder, GWV 1162\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Was ist der Mensch ein Erdenkloss, GWV 1157\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Was Jesus nur mit mir wird f\u00fcgen, TWV 1:1523 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Was kr\u00e4nkst du dich (Burck, Joachim a)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Was mein Gott will das mu\u00df geschehen (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit, BWV 111 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Was mein Gott will (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Was meinest du wil aus dem Kindlein werden? (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd, BWV 208 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\4|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\6|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\42|LLibrettos\\2","Was s\u00e4umest du dich doch (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Was suchet ihr den Lebendigen bei den Toten, HoWV II.66 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Was sucht ihr den Lebendigen bei den Toten, GWV 1128\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\12","Was vom Fleisch geboren wird, TWV 1:1533 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Was werden wir essen (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Was willst du dich betr\u00fcben, BWV 107 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Was willst du dich betr\u00fcben, GWV 1103\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Was willst du dich betr\u00fcben, GWV 1133\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Was wird es noch des Wunders noch (7 voices) (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Was zeigen freche H\u00f6llenkinder, TWV 1:1533a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Waschet, reiniget euch (Gerstenb\u00fcttel, Joachim)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Wash me thoroughly (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)|SScores\\1","The Wasps (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Die Wasserfee, Op.21 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Die Wasserwogen im Meer sind gross, GWV 1115\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Watchman, What of the Night? (Sarjeant, James)|SScores\\1","The Water-Lily (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\6","The Way is Long and Weary (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","The Way of Penitence (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)|SScores\\1","We Are But Strangers Here (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","We Beheld His Glory (Clokey, Joseph Waddell)|SScores\\1","We Cobblers Lead a Merry Life (White, Felix Harold)|SScores\\1","We March, We March, To Victory (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","We praise thee, O God (Crampton, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Wealth, Sire of Flattery (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Wedding Cantata (Bird, Peter)|SScores\\2","Wedding Preces and Responses (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Wees nu gegroet (Bouma, Hugo)|SScores\\1","Weg mit allen Sch\u00e4tzen, GWV 1142\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Weg Trauern weg Weinen, GWV 1128\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Die Wege des Herrn sind eitel G\u00fcte, GWV 1113\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die Wege des Herrn sind eitel G\u00fcte, GWV 1129\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Die Wege des Herrn sind eitel G\u00fcte, GWV 1162\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Weh mir dass ich so oft, GWV 1163\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wehe denen die auf Erden wohnen, GWV 1122\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wehe denen die verborgen sein wollen, GWV 1164\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\9","Wehe euch Schriftgelehrten, GWV 1147\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wehe euch Schriftgelehrten, GWV 1147\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wehe mir dass ich ein Fremdling bin, GWV 1155\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Weht ihr Winde, GWV 1108\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Weib, was weinest du?, SWV 443 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Die Weiber mit den Fl\u00f6hen (Piltz, Niclas)|SScores\\1","Weich, verborgner Pharis\u00e4er, TWV 1:1539 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Weiche Lust und Fr\u00f6hlichkeit, TWV 1:1536 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Weichet fort aus meiner Seele, TWV 1:1537 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Weicht ihr eitlen Gedanken, GWV 1126\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Weihnacht-Cantate (Fr\u00f6hlich, Friedrich Theodor)|SScores\\1","Weihnachts-Cantilene (Reichardt, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Weihnachts-Kantate (Fr\u00f6hlich, Friedrich Theodor)|SScores\\1","Weihnachtsglocken, Op.140 (Sonnet, Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Weihnachtslied, Op.5 (Hess, Otto)|SScores\\1","Weihnachtslied (Bartel, G\u00fcnther)|SScores\\1","4 Weihnachtsmotetten, Op.55 (Stenov, Michael)|RRecordings\\4|PParts\\4","Weihnachtsoratorium, BWV 248 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\33|PParts\\94|VVocal Scores\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\84|OOther\\22","Weihnachtsoratorium, Op.110 (Wermann, Oskar)|VVocal Scores\\2","Weil ich denn rufe und ihr weigert euch, TWV 1:1540 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Weine nicht, es hat \u00fcberwunden (Weckmann, Matthias)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Weine nicht, siehe, es hat \u00fcberwunden, TWV 1:1541 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV 12 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\32|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|BBooks\\1","Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen (Politano, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Die Weinlese (Neukomm, Sigismund)|PParts\\1","Weint, ihr S\u00fcnder, weint vor Freuden (Fehre, Christoph Ludwig)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Weise mir Herr deinen Weg, GWV 1141\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\12","Die Weisheit ruft, und keiner h\u00f6rt, TWV 1:370 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Das wei\u00df ich f\u00fcr wahr, TWV 1:198 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wei\u00dft du, warum dies Herz (Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\1","6 Welch Airs Adapted to English Words (Biggs, Edward Smith)|SScores\\1","Welch \u00e4ngstliches Beben, K.389\/384A (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|SScores\\1","Welch ein j\u00e4mmerliches Klagen, L.516 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Welch Glanz erhellt den Dampf, GWV 1101\/17 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Welche der Geist Gottes treibet, GWV 1149\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Welchen der Herr lieb hat, GWV 1162\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Welcher Mensch ist unter euch, GWV 1144\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Welcher unter euch kann mich einer S\u00fcnde zeihen, TWV 1:1545 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Welcome, Yule! (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SScores\\1","The Wellingborough Melodist (Randall of Wellingborough, William)|SScores\\1","12 Welsh Folk Songs, H.183 (Holst, Gustav)|SScores\\12","Welsh Melodies for the Voice (Thomas, John)|SScores\\1","Welt ade, ich bin dein m\u00fcde, BWV Anh.170 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Die Welt bek\u00fcmmert sich, TWV 1:371 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Die Welt die hat ein thummen mut (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Welt ist Welt (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Die Welt kann ihre Lust, TWV 1:372 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Die Welt vergehet mit ihrer Lust, GWV 1142\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die Welt weiss jetzo viel zu fragen, GWV 1159\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die Welt wird sich freuen, GWV 1129\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Weltfeier, Op.17 (Weigl, Karl)|VVocal Scores\\1","Wen da d\u00fcrstet der komme zu mir, GWV 1124\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wen da d\u00fcrstet der komme, GWV 1103\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wendet euch zu mir so werdet ihr selig, GWV 1143\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wenn der Geist der Wahrheit kommen wird, GWV 1134\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wenn der Herr die Gefangenen zu Zion (Weckmann, Matthias)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Wenn der Herr Zion erl\u00f6sen wird (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Wenn der Tr\u00f6ster kommen wird, GWV 1137\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wenn des K\u00f6niges Angesicht, GWV 1105\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Wenn des Menschen Sohn kommen wird, GWV 1167\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wenn die Gerechten schreien, GWV 1115\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wenn die Gerechten \u00fcberhand nehmen, GWV 1132\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wenn du 'gessen hast und satt bist (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wenn du betest, GWV 1135\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wenn du deine Gabe auf dem Altar, GWV 1147\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wenn einer alle Ding' verst\u00fcnd', GWV 1159\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wenn einer alle Ding' verst\u00fcnd', GWV 1159\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wenn Filli ihre Liebestrahl (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Wenn ich mit Menschen- und mit Engelzungen, GWV 1119\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wenn ihr fr\u00f6hlich seid an euren Festen (Kuhnau, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Wenn ihr nicht Zeichen und Wunder, GWV 1162\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wenn man meinen Jammer w\u00e4get, GWV 1157\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Wenn mein St\u00fcndlein vorhanden ist (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Wenn mich die b\u00f6se Rott' anf\u00e4llt, TWV 1:1566 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wenn Not und Angst am gr\u00f6ssten ist, GWV 1114\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Wenn wir in h\u00f6chsten N\u00f6ten sein, GWV 1162\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Wenn wir in h\u00f6chsten N\u00f6ten sein, TWV 1:1568 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wenns kommt dass man begehret, GWV 1165\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer Barmherzigkeit \u00fcbet (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wer bei Gott in Gnaden ist, TWV 1:1573 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wer bin ich Armer, GWV 1104\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer da glaubet dass Jesus sei der Christ, GWV 1103\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wer da glaubet dass Jesus sei der Christ, GWV 1171\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer da gl\u00e4ubet und getauft wird, BWV 37 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Wer Dank opfert der preiset mich, GWV 1155\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer Dank opfert, der preiset mich, BWV 17 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Wer das Wort verachtet der verderbet, GWV 1118\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wer den Herrn f\u00fcrchtet, GWV 1110\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer den Sohn Gottes hat, GWV 1139\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer den Sp\u00f6tter z\u00fcchtiget, GWV 1124\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wer die Frommen verf\u00fchret, GWV 1120\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wer die Wahrheit tut, GWV 1139\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer edel ist (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Wer eine Grube machet, GWV 1124\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer eine Grube machet, GWV 1145\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer eine Sache kl\u00fcglich f\u00fchret, GWV 1146\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer f\u00e4hret hinauf gen Himmel, GWV 1159\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer fromm ist bekommt Trost, GWV 1134\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)","Wer Gott nicht mit uns (Walter, Johann)|SScores\\1","Wer Gott vertraut hat wohl gebaut, GWV 1123\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer ist der gut Leben begehret, GWV 1153\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer ist der so von Edom k\u00f6mmet (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Wer ist der, so von Edom kommet (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Wer ist der, so von Edom kommt, TWV 1:1585 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Wer ist der, so von Edom k\u00f6mmt (Altnikol, Johann Christoph)|SScores\\3","Wer ist wohl wie du, Jesu, TWV 1:1587 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Wer Jesum h\u00f6rt und wirft seine Netze, GWV 1146\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer Jesum liebt, GWV 1154\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer mich findet der findet das Leben, GWV 1140\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer mich liebet der wird mein Wort halten, F.72 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores\\2","Wer mich liebet der wird mein Wort halten, GWV 1138\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wer mich liebet der wird mein Wort halten, GWV 1138\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\3","Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten, BWV 74 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|OOther\\2","Wer nach Gottes Wort fraget, GWV 1159\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer nicht zur T\u00fcr hineingehet, GWV 1140\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Wer nur den lieben Gott l\u00e4sst walten, BWV 93 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Wer nur den lieben Gott l\u00e4sst walten, GWV 1148\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer nur den lieben Gott l\u00e4sst walten, GWV 1156\/09 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wer nur den lieben Gott l\u00e4sst walten (St\u00e4hle, Mika Ruben)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Wer Ohren hat der h\u00f6re, GWV 1143\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Wer Ohren hat zu h\u00f6ren ach der h\u00f6re, GWV 1118\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer Ohren hat zu h\u00f6ren der h\u00f6re, GWV 1118\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer Ohren hat zu h\u00f6ren h\u00f6re, GWV 1154\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer s\u00e4h dich f\u00fcr ein solche (Malchinger)|SScores\\1","Wer seine Missetat leugnet, GWV 1152\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer seine Missetat leugnet, GWV 1152\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer seine Missetat leugnet, GWV 1160\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer seine Ohren verstopfet, GWV 1155\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer seinen Jesum recht will lieben, GWV 1112\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Wer sich auf seinen Reichtum verl\u00e4sset, GWV 1142\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer sich das Fleisch verf\u00fchren l\u00e4sst, GWV 1148\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wer sich des Armen erbarmet, TWV 1:1599 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Wer sich gern l\u00e4sset strafen, GWV 1134\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer sich l\u00e4sset d\u00fcnken er stehe, GWV 1150\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer sich r\u00e4chet, an dem wird sich der Herr wieder r\u00e4chen, TWV 1:1600 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wer sich r\u00e4chet, an dem wird sich der Herr wieder r\u00e4chen, TWV 1:1602 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wer sich selbst erh\u00f6het, der soll erniedriget werden, TWV 1:1603 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wer sich selbst erh\u00f6het, GWV 1104\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer sich vor dir, O Gott, TWV 1:1605 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wer soll Israel den Armen, GWV 1151\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer unter dem Schirm des H\u00f6chsten, GWV 1120\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wer von Gott ist, GWV 1124\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer wahrhaftig ist der saget frei, GWV 1104\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer walzet uns den Stein (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Wer weise ist der h\u00f6ret zu, GWV 1112\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer weiss wie nahe mir mein Ende, GWV 1157\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer wei\u00df, wie nahe mir mein Ende, BWV 27 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Wer weiss, wie nahe mir mein Ende, TWV 1:1610 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Wer will verdammen, GWV 1136\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer wird auf des Herren Berg, GWV 1161\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer wolt dir nit in ehrn sein holdt (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Were I to Choose the Greatest Bliss, Z.517 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Werfet euer Vertrauen nicht weg, GWV 1110\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Werfet Panier auf im Lande, TWV 8:15 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Werter Geist Kraft aus der H\u00f6he, GWV 1134\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Werter Jesu ach wie lange, GWV 1165\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Westminster Tropes, Op.42 (Alburger, Mark)|SScores\\1","A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea (Culley, Arnold Duncan)|SScores\\1","What Are the Wild Waves Saying? (Glover, Stephen Ralph)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","What Shall He Have that Killed the Deer (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|SScores\\1","When All Things were in Quiet Silence (West, John Ebenezer)|SScores\\1","When All Thy Mercies (Riley, Albert Edward)|SScores\\1","When Allen-a-Dale Went A-Hunting (Pearsall, Robert Lucas)|SScores\\1","When beauty's soul-attracting charms (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","When Christ was born of Mary free (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SScores\\1","When Evening's Twilight (Hatton, John Liptrot)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","When Gay Philander Left the Plain, Z.519 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","When I Can Read My Title Clear (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","When it was Yet Dark (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)|SScores\\1","When My Soul Fainted within Me (Bridge, Frederick)|SScores\\1","When Myra Sings, Z.521 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","When Shall my Sorrowful Sighing Slack (Tallis, Thomas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","When Teucer from His Father Fled, Z.522 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","When the Cock Begins to Crow, ZD 172 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","When the Lord shall build up Zion (Cole, John)|SScores\\1","When the Lord Turned Again (Converse, Charles Crozat)|VVocal Scores\\1","When the Sabbath was Past, Op.219 (Bartlett, Homer Newton)|SScores\\1","When the Sabbath was Past (Foster, Myles Birket)|SScores\\1","When the Tide Comes In (Millard, Harrison)|SScores\\2","When the wind blows in the sweet rose tree (Horsley, William)|SScores\\1","When Winds Breathe Soft (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\3","When, Lovely Phyllis, Thou Art Kind, Z.520 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Where Sunless Rivers Weep (Naylor, Charles Legh)|SScores\\1","Where weeping yews and nodding cypress wave (Hutcheson, Francis)|SScores\\1","Where'er You Tread (Long, Samuel)|SScores\\1","While Bolts and Bars My Days Control, Z.523 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","While fools their time in stormy strife employ (Smith, John Stafford)|SScores\\1","Who comes so dark (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Who is Silvia? (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Who Rides for the King? (Somerville, Reginald)|SScores\\1","The Whole Booke of Psalmes (Ravenscroft, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\184|PScores and Parts\\184","Why busy boys (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Why flies Belinda (Cooke, Henry)|SScores\\1","Why fumeth in sight (Tallis, Thomas)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\3","Why Seek Ye the Living among the Dead? (Hopkins, Edward John)|SScores\\1","Wide China (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\28","Wide, Wide as the Ocean (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","Widerhall, D.428 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Widerstehet dem Teufel (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","The Widow of Nain (Caldicott, Alfred James)","The Widow To Her Child (Heins, Nicholas)|SScores\\1","Wie bald hast du gelitten, GWV 1109\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wie bist du Davids Sohn (D\u00fcben, Gustaf)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wie das Gl\u00fcck will, bin ich im Spiel (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Wie der Hirsch schreiet nach frischem Wasser (Pohle, David)|SScores\\2|PParts\\6","Wie der Hirsch schreiet (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Wie der Hirsch schreit nach frischem Wasser, Op.42 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Wie d\u00fcrft' ich bitten wenn mein Sinn, H.374 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wie eine Purpurblume (Salieri, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Wie elend sind ach arme Menschen dran, GWV 1122\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wie Flammen auf Gottes Alt\u00e4ren, L.526 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Wie gar nichts sind alle Menschen, GWV 1157\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Wie get es zu (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Wie ist dein Trost (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Wie kommt's, o zarte Filli mein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Wie lange liegst du sichre Welt, GWV 1102\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wie lange muss ich noch wallen, GWV 1133\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wie lange wollt ihr m\u00fcssig stehen, GWV 1117\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wie lieblich sind auf den Bergen, JLB 6 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, GWV 1108\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, GWV 1108\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, GWV 1112\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Wie lieblich sind die F\u00fcsse derer, GWV 1161\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Wie lieblich sind doch deine H\u00fctten, TWV 2:13 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Wie murren denn die Leute im Leben (Meder, Johann Valentin)|PParts\\1","Wie nichtig! Ach! Wie fl\u00fcchtig, P.500 (Pachelbel, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Wie ofte h\u00f6rt man nicht, TWV 1:1633 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wie sch\u00f6n bist du, Op.10 (Gr\u00fcnfeld, Alfred)|SScores\\1","Wie sch\u00f6n leuchtet der Morgenstern, BWV 1 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\37|VVocal Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18|BBooks\\1","Wie sch\u00f6n leuchtet der Morgenstern (Anonymous)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Wie sch\u00f6n leuchtet der Morgenstern (Kuhnau, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7","Wie sch\u00f6n singt uns der Engel Schar (Freundt, Cornelius)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Wie sch\u00f6n wie herrlich klingt es nicht, GWV 1164\/53b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wie sich ein Vater \u00fcber seine Kinder erbarmt, GWV 1148\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wie ungleich ist der Menschen Leben, GWV 1142\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wie wenig sind der Heilgen dein, H.371 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wie wir geh\u00f6ret haben, GWV 1137\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wie wir getragen haben das Bild, GWV 1164\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wie wol ich kan, und bin ein man (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wie? Kehren sich, bei Jesus Krippen, TWV 1:1625 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wiegenlied, IBR 516 (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Wiegenlied, IBR 517 (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Wiener Tanzmusik in der zweiten H\u00e4lfte des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts (Various)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\30|PScores and Parts\\30|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\43","Wiewol viel herter Orden sind a 5 (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","Wiewol viel herter Orden sind a 6 (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","Wikingerbalk, Op.34 (Panny, Joseph)|SFull Scores\\1","Will the Circle be Unbroken? (Gabriel, Charles Hutchinson)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Willkomm' du Licht aus Licht geboren, FaWV deest (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Willkommen du lieblicher Mai (K\u00fccken, Friedrich Wilhelm)|PParts\\1","Willkommen und Abschied, Op.9 (Henderson-Sellers, Brian)|SScores\\1","Wilt Thou Be Gone, Love (Foster, Stephen)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Wind bl\u00e4set wo er will, GWV 1141\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Wind bl\u00e4set wo er will, GWV 1141\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wind Flowers (Somervell, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Windella (Baker, Dorothea)|SScores\\1","The Winds are Blowing, Op.41 (Grechaninov, Aleksandr)|SScores\\1","The Winds Whistle Cold (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|SScores\\1","Winfried, Op.30 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Winter ist vergangen, Op.52 (Lutter, Wilhelm)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","A Winter's Evening, and Christmas Cantata (Leslie, Henry Temple)|SScores\\1","Der Wintertag, D.984 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\2","Wiosna (Studzi\u0144ski, Karol Pawe\u0142)|SScores\\1","Wir aber, die wir des Tages Kinder sind, TWV 1:1654 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir, BWV 29 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\3|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\27|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\24|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Wir dein Volk und Schafe deiner Weide (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wir die wir des Tages sind, GWV 1120\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Wir die wir leben, GWV 1137\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir die wir stark sind, GWV 1131\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir ermahnen euch liebe Br\u00fcder, GWV 1121\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir gingen alle in der Irre, HoWV I.9 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2","Wir gingen alle in der Irre, TWV 1:1659 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wir gl\u00e4uben all an einen Gott (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\2","Wir gl\u00e4uben all an einen Gott (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Wir glauben all' an einen Gott (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Wir gl\u00e4uben all' an einen Gott (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Wir haben allenthalben Tr\u00fcbsal, GWV 1118\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir haben auch ein Osterlamm, GWV 1128\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir haben einen Gott der da hilft, GWV 1165\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir haben einen Gott der da hilft, GWV 1165\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir haben erkannt und geglaubet, GWV 1159\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir haben Gottes Wort geh\u00f6rt (Burck, Joachim a)|SScores\\1","Wir haben nicht einen Hohenpriester, GWV 1120\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir haben nicht einen Hohenpriester, GWV 1120\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wir haben nicht mit Fleisch und Blut zu k\u00e4mpfen, GWV 1122\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Wir haben nicht mit Fleisch und Blut, TWV 1:1667 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Wir leiden Verfolgung, GWV 1110\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir lieben sehr im Herzen (Friderici, Daniel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Wir liegen vor dir mit unserm Gebet, HoWV V.30 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\2","Wir liegen, grosser Gott, vor dir, TWV 1:1668 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Wir m\u00fcssen alle offenbaret werden, GWV 1102\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir m\u00fcssen alle offenbaret werden, TWV 1:1670 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wir m\u00fcssen durch viel Tr\u00fcbsal in das Reich Gottes eingehen, BWV 146 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Wir m\u00fcssen durch viel Tr\u00fcbsal, GWV 1133\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir r\u00fchmen uns auch der Tr\u00fcbsal, GWV 1133\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir r\u00fchmen uns Gottes, GWV 1139\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wir sind Gottes Werke, F.74 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores\\1","Wir sind krank, GWV 1153\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir sind voller Angst und Plag, H.388 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wir singen all mit Freudenschall (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wir stehn mit Ernst im Blicke, L.519 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Wir verk\u00fcndigen euch die Verheissung, GWV 1130\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir wallen hier auf rauh und ebnen Wegen, GWV 1112\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir wandeln im Glauben, GWV 1169\/10 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir warten eines neuen Himmels, GWV 1167\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir werden ihn sehen, GWV 1169\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Wir wissen dass der Sohn Gottes kommen ist, GWV 1103\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Wir wissen dass Tr\u00fcbsal Geduld bringet, GWV 1121\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Wir wissen dass unser irdisches Haus, GWV 1175\/39b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir wissen dass wer von Gott geboren ist, GWV 1120\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir wissen, so unser irdisches Haus (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wirf dein Anliegen auf den Herrn, GWV 1123\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wirf dein Anliegen auf den Herrn, GWV 1131\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Wirt und die G\u00e4ste, H.699 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SScores\\1","Wise\u0142ka (M\u00fcnchheimer, Adam)|SScores\\2","Wisset dass euer Glaube, GWV 1121\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wisset ihr nicht dass auf diesen Tag, GWV 1127\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Wisset ihr nicht dass euer Leib, GWV 1138\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Wisset ihr nicht, da\u00df ihr Gottes Tempel seid, TWV 1:1687 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","With still increasing blessings (Somervell, Arthur)|SScores\\1","With wisdom, goodness, grace (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Witness, Ye Heavens (Farnaby, Giles)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Wo bist du, Jesus, Freund der Seelen, GWV 1112\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Wo bleiben denn die Neune, GWV 1155\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Wo blickst du hin o Seelenfreund, GWV 1122\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wo denkt ihr hin, GWV 1150\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wo der Herr nicht bei uns w\u00e4re, GWV 1124\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wo der Herr nicht das Haus bauet, SWV 473 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wo gehest du hin, BWV 166 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11|OOther\\1","Wo gehet Jesus hin, GWV 1119\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns h\u00e4lt, BWV 178 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns h\u00e4lt, GWV 1137\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns h\u00e4lt, GWV 1164\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt, GWV 1146\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Wo ist dein Freund hingangen (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Wo ist dein Stachel nun (Eccard, Johannes)","Wo ist der neugeborne K\u00f6nig, GWV 1111\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wo ist der neugeborne K\u00f6nig (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Wo ist ein solcher Gott wie du bist, HoWV V.32 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Wo ist mein Jesus ach verloren, GWV 1112\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wo ist solch ein Gott, TWV 1:1720 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wo Jesus Hunger merkt, TWV 1:1722 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wo Jesus wohnt ist lauter Segen, GWV 1123\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wo sich der Gottlose bekehret, GWV 1144\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wo sol ich mich hinkehren, ich armes br\u00fcderlein (Vogelhuber, Georg)|SScores\\1","Wo soll ich fliehen hin, BWV 5 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Wo soll ich fliehen hin?, BuxWV 112 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Wo soll ich meinen Jesum finden, GWV 1111\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wo viel Gottlose sind, GWV 1151\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wo wiltu hin weils Abend ist (1) (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Wo zween oder drei versammelt sind, GWV 1108\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wo zween oder drei versammelt sind, GWV 1129\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Wo zween unter euch eins werden, GWV 1135\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Wohl dem dem die \u00dcbertretungen vergeben sind, GWV 1160\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wohl dem der den Herren f\u00fcrchtet, GWV 1146\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wohl dem der den Herrn f\u00fcrchtet, GWV 1162\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wohl dem der in Gottes Furcht steht, GWV 1113\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wohl dem der sich des D\u00fcrftigen annimmt, GWV 1150\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wohl dem, dem die \u00dcbertretung, GWV 1120\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Wohl dem, dem die \u00dcbertretungen vergeben sind, TWV 1:1698 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wohl dem, der ein tugendsam Weib hat, GWV 1113\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wohl dem, der in Gottes Furchte steht, W101 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott, BWV 139 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Wohl den Menschen die dich, GWV 1159\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wohl uns der Heiland (Hoffmann, Johann Georg)|SScores\\1","Wohl zu tun und mitzuteilen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wohlan, ich will meinem Lieben, TWV 1:1696 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wohlauf mein Herz zu Gott, GWV 1135\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wohlauf und lasset uns hinaufgehen, GWV 1174\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Woll\u00fcstiger Sinnen, TWV 1:1723 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","The Woman of Samaria, Op.44 (Bennett, William Sterndale)|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Women on Top (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\4","The Woodland Maid (Addison, John)|SScores\\1","The World is Too Much With Us (Bantock, Granville)|SScores\\1","World of sorrow (McIntyre, Richard)|SScores\\1","A World Requiem, Op.60 (Foulds, John)|VVocal Scores\\2","Das Wort der Predigt half, GWV 1118\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Das Wort vom Kreuz ist eine Torheit, GWV 1152\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Das Wort ward Fleisch und wohnet unter uns (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Das Wort ward Fleisch und wohnet unter uns (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Das Wort ward Fleisch (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Die Worte des Erl\u00f6sers am Kreuze, Hob.XX:2 (Haydn, Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\26|VVocal Scores\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Wreck of the Hesperus, Op.61 (Fisher, Arthur Elwell)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Wreck of the Hesperus (Wareing, Herbert Walter)|VVocal Scores\\1","W\u2019hogen baadenu (Lewandowski, Louis)|RRecordings\\1"],"X":["Xacara va (Viveras, Pedro de)|PParts\\1","Xe bora scura (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1"],"Y":["Y Canigydd (Owen, John)|SScores\\2","Ya es tiempo dulzes liras (Literes, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Ya la gloria (Zumaya, Manuel de)|PParts\\1","The Yattendon Hymnal (Various)|SScores\\1","Ye Gentlemen of England (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ye Shepherds, Tell Me (Mazzinghi, Joseph)|SScores\\3","Ye Spotted Snakes (Stevens, Richard John Samuel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Yeah! (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Yelva (Lortzing, Albert)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\2","\u00ddmnos eis t\u012bn Eleuther\u00edan (Mantzaros, Nikolaos)|SScores\\1","Yo no s\u00e9, Op.147 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Yo soy un amolador (Due\u00f1as)|PParts\\1","You Gave Me Your Heart (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","You, with me (Kim, Hee Cheol)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","The Young May Moon (Lloyd, Charles Harford)|SScores\\1","Your Poetic Art, Op.96 (Cui, C\u00e9sar)|VVocal Scores\\1","Yr Anthemydd (Owen, John)|SScores\\1"],"Z":["Z'miroth ut'filoth Yisroel: A Synagogue Hymnal (Various)|SScores\\1","Zacharias war ganz verstummt (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Zanni et Magnifico (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Zapachnia\u0142y wiosn\u0105 kwiaty (Lipski, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Z\u00e1pisn\u00edk zmizel\u00e9ho (Jan\u00e1\u010dek, Leo\u0161)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Der zarte Jesus geht auf's Fest, GWV 1112\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Zarter Jesu sei mir nahe, GWV 1112\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die Zauberharfe, D.644 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Das Zaubernetz (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\1","Zbi\u00f3r, kol\u0119dy na r\u00f3\u017cne sk\u0142ady wokalne (Kowalewski, Jakub)|SScores\\1","Zeby nam zawsze dobrze bylo (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","4 Zecherlieder (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","El zefiro suave (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","Zefiro torna e di soavi accenti, SV 251 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Zefiro torna (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\17","Die zeit bringt viel (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Die Zeit der Heimsuchung ist gekommen, GWV 1151\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die Zeit meines Abschieds ist vorhanden (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores\\1","Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, BWV 134a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Zerreisset eure Herzen, GWV 1125\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Zerrei\u00dfet, zersprenget, zertr\u00fcmmert die Gruft, BWV 205 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Zeug, ohn Verzug, in deinen N\u00f6ten, TWV 1:1728 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Ziehet den alten Menschen, GWV 1101\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Zigeunerlieder, Op.103 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Zion du Predigerin steige auf, GWV 1104\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Zion klagt mit Angst und Schmerzen, GWV 1115\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Zions Held hat \u00fcberwunden, GWV 1128\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Zu fr\u00fche, ach zu fr\u00fche (Gabler, Christoph August)|PParts\\1","Zu Mitternacht ward ein Geschrei, TWV 1:1736 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Zu Rauch, WoO 30 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Zum Frieden und zur Ruh (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Zum Gottlosen spricht Gott, GWV 1147\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Zum Namensfest, WoO 40 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Zum Thron der Gnade nah'n wir S\u00fcnder (Hobein, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Zur Namensfeier des Vaters, D.80 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Z\u00fcrne nur, du alte Schlange, TWV 1:1735a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Zut! zut! zut! (Elgar, Edward)|SScores\\1","Die zwei Wurzeln (Krause, Sebastian)|SScores\\2","Zweierlei bitt' ich von dir, GWV 1123\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2"],"\u0141":["\u0141\u0105czmy sie, Op.4 No.1 (R\u00f3\u017cycki, Marian S.)|SScores\\1"],"\u015a":["\u015aluby Jana Kazimierza, Op.13 (So\u0142tys, Mieczys\u0142aw)|VVocal Scores\\3","\u015apiewak zwyci\u0119\u017cca (So\u0142tys, Mieczys\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","\u015awi\u0119ty J\u00f3zef (\u017bo\u0142nowski, Maciej)|SScores\\1"],"\u039c":["\u039cMesse (Sauter, Louis)|RRecordings\\4|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8"],"\u0421":["\u0421\u0432\u0456\u0442\u0430\u0454 (Melnichenko, Vitaly)|SScores\\1"],"\u2019":["\u2019S wird wieder Fr\u00fchling!, Op.61 No.1 (Nolopp, Friedrich Ernst Arnold Werner)|SScores\\1"]}});if(typeof origcatmap=='undefined')origcatmap={};$.extend(origcatmap,{"p1":"Scores_featuring_the_tenor_voice"});</script><script>if(typeof hassecfilters=='undefined')hassecfilters={};$.extend(hassecfilters,{"p1":[["*","All",9964],["R","Recordings",303],["N","Naxos",1393],["S","Scores",8772],["P","Parts",3163],["V","Vocal Scores",1201],["A","Arrangements and Transcriptions",1085],["L","Libretti",56],["D","Sketches and Drafts",6],["B","Books",37],["O","Other",136]]});</script><div id="mw-pages"> <h2>Pages in category "Scores featuring the tenor voice"</h2> <p>The following <span id="catnummsgp1">200</span> pages are in this category, out of <span id="catttlmsgp1">9,964</span> total. <span id='catmsgendp1'></span></p><div style='text-align:center;font-size:150%;font-weight:bold' class='catpglnksp1'>(previous 200) (<a href="/index.php?title=Category:Scores_featuring_the_tenor_voice&amp;transclude=Template%3ACatintro&amp;pagefrom=Ah%2C+piu+tremar+non+voglio%2C+k.0071%7E%7Emozart%2C+wolfgang+amadeus%0AAh%2C+pi%C3%B9+tremar+non+voglio%2C+K.71+%28Mozart%2C+Wolfgang+Amadeus%29#mw-pages" title="Category:Scores featuring the tenor voice" class="categorypaginglink">next 200</a>)</div><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"><table width='100%'><tr valign='top'><td id='catcolp1-0' class='fcatcol'><h3>0</h3> <ul><li><a href="/wiki/The_3_Jolly_Pigeons_(L%C3%B6hr,_Harvey)" title="The 3 Jolly Pigeons (Löhr, Harvey)" class="categorypagelink">The 3 Jolly Pigeons (Löhr, Harvey)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Der_46._Psalm_(Berneker,_Constanz)" title="Der 46. 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Cyrill)" class="categorypagelink">Abendläuten, Op.22 (Kistler, Cyrill)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abendlied_zu_Gott,_Hob.XXVc:9_(Haydn,_Joseph)" title="Abendlied zu Gott, Hob.XXVc:9 (Haydn, Joseph)" class="categorypagelink">Abendlied zu Gott, Hob.XXVc:9 (Haydn, Joseph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abendlied_(Violet,_Emil)" title="Abendlied (Violet, Emil)" class="categorypagelink">Abendlied (Violet, Emil)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Das_Abendrot,_D.236_(Schubert,_Franz)" title="Das Abendrot, D.236 (Schubert, Franz)" class="categorypagelink">Das Abendrot, D.236 (Schubert, Franz)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Des_Abends,_Morgens_und_Mittags_(Pezel,_Johann_Christoph)" title="Des Abends, Morgens und Mittags (Pezel, Johann Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Des Abends, Morgens und Mittags (Pezel, Johann Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abendst%C3%A4ndchen_(Schiebold,_Carl)" title="Abendständchen (Schiebold, Carl)" class="categorypagelink">Abendständchen (Schiebold, Carl)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abendzauber,_WAB_57_(Bruckner,_Anton)" title="Abendzauber, WAB 57 (Bruckner, Anton)" class="categorypagelink">Abendzauber, WAB 57 (Bruckner, Anton)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abide_With_Me_(Meale,_John_Arthur)" title="Abide With Me (Meale, John Arthur)" class="categorypagelink">Abide With Me (Meale, John Arthur)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abide_with_me_(Molloy,_James_Lynam)" title="Abide with me (Molloy, James Lynam)" class="categorypagelink">Abide with me (Molloy, James Lynam)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Above_the_Tumults_of_a_Busy_State,_Z.480_(Purcell,_Henry)" title="Above the Tumults of a Busy State, Z.480 (Purcell, Henry)" class="categorypagelink">Above the Tumults of a Busy State, Z.480 (Purcell, Henry)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abraham_auf_Moria_(Rolle,_Johann_Heinrich)" title="Abraham auf Moria (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)" class="categorypagelink">Abraham auf Moria (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abraham,_Op.65_(Molique,_Bernhard)" title="Abraham, Op.65 (Molique, Bernhard)" class="categorypagelink">Abraham, Op.65 (Molique, Bernhard)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abramo_(Torri,_Pietro)" title="Abramo (Torri, Pietro)" class="categorypagelink">Abramo (Torri, Pietro)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Die_Abreise_(Albert,_Eugen_d%27)" title="Die Abreise (Albert, Eugen d')" class="categorypagelink">Die Abreise (Albert, Eugen d')</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abschied_vom_Liebchen_(Randhartinger,_Benedict)" title="Abschied vom Liebchen (Randhartinger, Benedict)" class="categorypagelink">Abschied vom Liebchen (Randhartinger, Benedict)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Der_Abschied,_G.26_(Gerson,_Georg)" title="Der Abschied, G.26 (Gerson, Georg)" class="categorypagelink">Der Abschied, G.26 (Gerson, Georg)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abschiedsgesang,_WoO_102_(Beethoven,_Ludwig_van)" title="Abschiedsgesang, WoO 102 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)" class="categorypagelink">Abschiedsgesang, WoO 102 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abschiedsgru%C3%9F_(Silcher,_Friedrich)" title="Abschiedsgruß (Silcher, Friedrich)" class="categorypagelink">Abschiedsgruß (Silcher, Friedrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abschied_(Heydrich,_Richard_Bruno)" title="Abschied (Heydrich, Richard Bruno)" class="categorypagelink">Abschied (Heydrich, Richard Bruno)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abstractium_(Chakraborty,_Utsyo)" title="Abstractium (Chakraborty, Utsyo)" class="categorypagelink">Abstractium (Chakraborty, Utsyo)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Abu_Hassan,_J.106_(Weber,_Carl_Maria_von)" title="Abu Hassan, J.106 (Weber, Carl Maria von)" class="categorypagelink">Abu Hassan, J.106 (Weber, Carl Maria von)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Accedite_gentes_accurrite_populi,_BuxWV_1_(Buxtehude,_Dietrich)" title="Accedite gentes accurrite populi, BuxWV 1 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)" class="categorypagelink">Accedite gentes accurrite populi, BuxWV 1 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Accingeteui_Amanti_(Vecchi,_Orazio)" title="Accingeteui Amanti (Vecchi, Orazio)" class="categorypagelink">Accingeteui Amanti (Vecchi, Orazio)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Acclami_al_Signore_(Trovato,_Angelo_Maria)" title="Acclami al Signore (Trovato, Angelo Maria)" class="categorypagelink">Acclami al Signore (Trovato, Angelo Maria)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_bleib_bei_uns_Herr_Jesu_Christ,_GWV_1129/46_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach bleib bei uns Herr Jesu Christ, GWV 1129/46 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach bleib bei uns Herr Jesu Christ, GWV 1129/46 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_dass_die_H%C3%BClfe_aus_Zion_%C3%BCber_Israel_k%C3%A4me,_GWV_1125/19_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach dass die Hülfe aus Zion über Israel käme, GWV 1125/19 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach dass die Hülfe aus Zion über Israel käme, GWV 1125/19 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_dass_die_H%C3%BClfe_aus_Zion_%C3%BCber_Israel_k%C3%A4me,_GWV_1154/53_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach dass die Hülfe aus Zion über Israel käme, GWV 1154/53 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach dass die Hülfe aus Zion über Israel käme, GWV 1154/53 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_da%C3%9F_die_H%C3%BClfe_aus_Zion_%C3%BCber_Israel_k%C3%A4me_(Meister,_Johann_Friedrich)" title="Ach daß die Hülfe aus Zion über Israel käme (Meister, Johann Friedrich)" class="categorypagelink">Ach daß die Hülfe aus Zion über Israel käme (Meister, Johann Friedrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_da%C3%9F_doch_Zions_H%C3%BClfe_k%C3%A4me,_HoWV_II.156_(Homilius,_Gottfried_August)" title="Ach daß doch Zions Hülfe käme, HoWV II.156 (Homilius, Gottfried August)" class="categorypagelink">Ach daß doch Zions Hülfe käme, HoWV II.156 (Homilius, Gottfried August)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_dass_ich_h%C3%B6ren_sollte_(Theile,_Johann)" title="Ach dass ich hören sollte (Theile, Johann)" class="categorypagelink">Ach dass ich hören sollte (Theile, Johann)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_dass_ich_Wassers_genug_h%C3%A4tte_(Erlebach,_Philipp_Heinrich)" title="Ach dass ich Wassers genug hätte (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)" class="categorypagelink">Ach dass ich Wassers genug hätte (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Davids_Sohn_du_Trost,_GWV_1121/25_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Davids Sohn du Trost, GWV 1121/25 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Davids Sohn du Trost, GWV 1121/25 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_eitle_Herzen,_GWV_1142/45_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach eitle Herzen, GWV 1142/45 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach eitle Herzen, GWV 1142/45 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_es_geht_mir_wie_einem,_GWV_1117/46_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach es geht mir wie einem, GWV 1117/46 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach es geht mir wie einem, GWV 1117/46 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_es_ist_ein_elend_j%C3%A4mmerlich_Ding_(Meister,_Johann_Friedrich)" title="Ach es ist ein elend jämmerlich Ding (Meister, Johann Friedrich)" class="categorypagelink">Ach es ist ein elend jämmerlich Ding (Meister, Johann Friedrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott_vom_Himmel_sieh_darein,_F.96_(Bach,_Wilhelm_Friedemann)" title="Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, F.96 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, F.96 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott_vom_Himmel_sieh_darein,_GWV_1106/42_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1106/42 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1106/42 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott_vom_Himmel_sieh_darein,_GWV_1124/37_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1124/37 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1124/37 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott_vom_Himmel_sieh_darein,_GWV_1149/24_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1149/24 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1149/24 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott_vom_Himmel_sieh_darein_(Resinarius,_Balthasar)" title="Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein (Resinarius, Balthasar)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein (Resinarius, Balthasar)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott_vom_Himmel_sieh_darein_(Walter,_Johann)" title="Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein (Walter, Johann)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein (Walter, Johann)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott_von_Himmel_(Agricola,_Martin)" title="Ach Gott von Himmel (Agricola, Martin)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott von Himmel (Agricola, Martin)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott_wie_elend_sind_wir_dran,_GWV_1155/32_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Gott wie elend sind wir dran, GWV 1155/32 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott wie elend sind wir dran, GWV 1155/32 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott_wie_lange_soll_der_Widerw%C3%A4rtige,_GWV_1122/53_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Gott wie lange soll der Widerwärtige, GWV 1122/53 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott wie lange soll der Widerwärtige, GWV 1122/53 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott_wie_manches_Herzeleid,_GWV_1133/44_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Gott wie manches Herzeleid, GWV 1133/44 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott wie manches Herzeleid, GWV 1133/44 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott!_dein_Zion_klagt_und_weint,_TWV_1:10_(Telemann,_Georg_Philipp)" title="Ach Gott! dein Zion klagt und weint, TWV 1:10 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott! dein Zion klagt und weint, TWV 1:10 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott!_Wie_beugt_der_Eltern_Herze_geliebter_Kinder,_TWV_1:15a_(Telemann,_Georg_Philipp)" title="Ach Gott! Wie beugt der Eltern Herze geliebter Kinder, TWV 1:15a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott! Wie beugt der Eltern Herze geliebter Kinder, TWV 1:15a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott,_vom_Himmel_sieh_darein,_BWV_2_(Bach,_Johann_Sebastian)" title="Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein, BWV 2 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein, BWV 2 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Gott,_wie_manches_Herzeleid,_BWV_3_(Bach,_Johann_Sebastian)" title="Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid, BWV 3 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid, BWV 3 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_grosser_Gott_mein_Herz,_GWV_1152/26_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach grosser Gott mein Herz, GWV 1152/26 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach grosser Gott mein Herz, GWV 1152/26 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_grosser_Helfer,_GWV_1160/26_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach grosser Helfer, GWV 1160/26 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach grosser Helfer, GWV 1160/26 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_guter_Hirte_lass_dich_finden,_GWV_1140/32_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach guter Hirte lass dich finden, GWV 1140/32 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach guter Hirte lass dich finden, GWV 1140/32 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Herr_die_Frommen_warten_deiner,_GWV_1167/42_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Herr die Frommen warten deiner, GWV 1167/42 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Herr die Frommen warten deiner, GWV 1167/42 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Herr_strafe_micht_nicht_in_deinem_Zorn_(Erlebach,_Philipp_Heinrich)" title="Ach Herr strafe micht nicht in deinem Zorn (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Herr strafe micht nicht in deinem Zorn (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Herr,_ach_Herr_meiner_Schone_(Zeutschner,_Tobias)" title="Ach Herr, ach Herr meiner Schone (Zeutschner, Tobias)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Herr, ach Herr meiner Schone (Zeutschner, Tobias)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Herr,_du_Sohn_David_(Hammerschmidt,_Andreas)" title="Ach Herr, du Sohn David (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Herr, du Sohn David (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Herr,_gedenke_nicht_der_S%C3%BCnden_(Hammerschmidt,_Andreas)" title="Ach Herr, gedenke nicht der Sünden (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Herr, gedenke nicht der Sünden (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Herr,_mich_armen_S%C3%BCnder,_BWV_135_(Bach,_Johann_Sebastian)" title="Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, BWV 135 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, BWV 135 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Herr,_mich_armen_S%C3%BCnder_(Ahle,_Johann_Rudolf)" title="Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Herr,_strafe_mich_nicht_(Kn%C3%BCpfer,_Sebastian)" title="Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht (Knüpfer, Sebastian)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht (Knüpfer, Sebastian)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_hilf_mich_leid_(Mahu,_Stephan)" title="Ach hilf mich leid (Mahu, Stephan)" class="categorypagelink">Ach hilf mich leid (Mahu, Stephan)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_ich_f%C3%BChle_keine_Reue,_H.365_(St%C3%B6lzel,_Gottfried_Heinrich)" title="Ach ich fühle keine Reue, H.365 (Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich)" class="categorypagelink">Ach ich fühle keine Reue, H.365 (Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Jesu_heile_doch_die_Plagen,_GWV_1153/24_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Jesu heile doch die Plagen, GWV 1153/24 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Jesu heile doch die Plagen, GWV 1153/24 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Jesu_Satans_%C3%9Cberwinder,_GWV_1122/28_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Jesu Satans Überwinder, GWV 1122/28 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Jesu Satans Überwinder, GWV 1122/28 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Jesu_teure_Rettungsquelle,_GWV_1121/29_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Jesu teure Rettungsquelle, GWV 1121/29 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Jesu teure Rettungsquelle, GWV 1121/29 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Jesu_wie_bist_du_so_treu,_GWV_1132/45_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Jesu wie bist du so treu, GWV 1132/45 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Jesu wie bist du so treu, GWV 1132/45 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Jesu_wir_sind_wund,_GWV_1154/46_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Jesu wir sind wund, GWV 1154/46 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Jesu wir sind wund, GWV 1154/46 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Jesus_weicht_er_will_zum_Vater,_GWV_1134/26_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Jesus weicht er will zum Vater, GWV 1134/26 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Jesus weicht er will zum Vater, GWV 1134/26 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_jungfraw_wolt_jr_mit_mir_gan%3F_(Zirler,_Stephan)" title="Ach jungfraw wolt jr mit mir gan? (Zirler, Stephan)" class="categorypagelink">Ach jungfraw wolt jr mit mir gan? (Zirler, Stephan)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Jupiter_h%C3%A4tt%27st_du_Gewalt_(Senfl,_Ludwig)" title="Ach Jupiter hätt'st du Gewalt (Senfl, Ludwig)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Jupiter hätt'st du Gewalt (Senfl, Ludwig)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_lass_dich_unsers_Elends_jammern,_GWV_1119/37_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach lass dich unsers Elends jammern, GWV 1119/37 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach lass dich unsers Elends jammern, GWV 1119/37 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_liebster_Jesu_komm_herein_(Liebe,_Christian)" title="Ach liebster Jesu komm herein (Liebe, Christian)" class="categorypagelink">Ach liebster Jesu komm herein (Liebe, Christian)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_mein_herzliebes_Jesulein_(Kn%C3%BCpfer,_Sebastian)" title="Ach mein herzliebes Jesulein (Knüpfer, Sebastian)" class="categorypagelink">Ach mein herzliebes Jesulein (Knüpfer, Sebastian)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_meines_Jammers_und_Herzeleids,_GWV_1175/26b_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach meines Jammers und Herzeleids, GWV 1175/26b (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach meines Jammers und Herzeleids, GWV 1175/26b (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_sagt_mir_nichts_von_Gold_und_Sch%C3%A4tzen,_GWV_1142/40_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach sagt mir nichts von Gold und Schätzen, GWV 1142/40 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach sagt mir nichts von Gold und Schätzen, GWV 1142/40 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_scheydens_art_(W%C3%BCst,_Paulus)" title="Ach scheydens art (Wüst, Paulus)" class="categorypagelink">Ach scheydens art (Wüst, Paulus)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Seelen_wacht_der_Wolf_kommt,_GWV_1149/40_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Seelen wacht der Wolf kommt, GWV 1149/40 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Seelen wacht der Wolf kommt, GWV 1149/40 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Seelenfreund_wo_bist_du_hingegangen,_GWV_1129/42_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Seelenfreund wo bist du hingegangen, GWV 1129/42 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Seelenfreund wo bist du hingegangen, GWV 1129/42 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_Sterbliche_bedenkt_das_Ende,_GWV_1157/25_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach Sterbliche bedenkt das Ende, GWV 1157/25 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach Sterbliche bedenkt das Ende, GWV 1157/25 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_stirb_mein_Herz,_GWV_1127/38_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach stirb mein Herz, GWV 1127/38 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach stirb mein Herz, GWV 1127/38 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_s%C3%BCsse_Ruh,_die_stets_mein_Geist_empfindet,_TWV_1:33_(Telemann,_Georg_Philipp)" title="Ach süsse Ruh, die stets mein Geist empfindet, TWV 1:33 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)" class="categorypagelink">Ach süsse Ruh, die stets mein Geist empfindet, TWV 1:33 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)</a></li></ul></td><td id='catcolp1-1' class='fcatcol'><h3 class="contletter">A cont.</h3> <ul><li><a href="/wiki/Ach_was_erhebet_sich_die_arme_Erde_(Hildebrand,_Johann)" title="Ach was erhebet sich die arme Erde (Hildebrand, Johann)" class="categorypagelink">Ach was erhebet sich die arme Erde (Hildebrand, Johann)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_was_hab_ich_ausgerichtet,_GWV_1163/39_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach was hab ich ausgerichtet, GWV 1163/39 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach was hab ich ausgerichtet, GWV 1163/39 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_was_soll_ich_S%C3%BCnder_machen,_GWV_1144/24_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, GWV 1144/24 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, GWV 1144/24 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_was_soll_ich_S%C3%BCnder_machen,_H.366_(St%C3%B6lzel,_Gottfried_Heinrich)" title="Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, H.366 (Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich)" class="categorypagelink">Ach was soll ich Sünder machen, H.366 (Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_welchen_Jammer_bringt_die_S%C3%BCnde,_GWV_1153/43_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach welchen Jammer bringt die Sünde, GWV 1153/43 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach welchen Jammer bringt die Sünde, GWV 1153/43 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_wenn_kommet_doch_die_Stunde_(Kn%C3%BCpfer,_Sebastian)" title="Ach wenn kommet doch die Stunde (Knüpfer, Sebastian)" class="categorypagelink">Ach wenn kommet doch die Stunde (Knüpfer, Sebastian)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_wie_fl%C3%BCchtig,_ach_wie_nichtig,_BWV_26_(Bach,_Johann_Sebastian)" title="Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig, BWV 26 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)" class="categorypagelink">Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig, BWV 26 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_wie_fl%C3%BCchtig,_ach_wie_nichtig_(Franck,_Michael)" title="Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig (Franck, Michael)" class="categorypagelink">Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig (Franck, Michael)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_wie_nichtig,_ach_wie_fl%C3%BCchtig,_GWV_1157/28_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, GWV 1157/28 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, GWV 1157/28 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_wie_nichtig,_ach_wie_fl%C3%BCchtig,_TWV_1:37_(Telemann,_Georg_Philipp)" title="Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, TWV 1:37 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)" class="categorypagelink">Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, TWV 1:37 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_wie_nichtig,_ach_wie_fl%C3%BCchtig,_TWV_4:6_(Telemann,_Georg_Philipp)" title="Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, TWV 4:6 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)" class="categorypagelink">Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, TWV 4:6 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_wie_soll_ich_doch_in_Freuden_leben,_SWV_474_(Sch%C3%BCtz,_Heinrich)" title="Ach wie soll ich doch in Freuden leben, SWV 474 (Schütz, Heinrich)" class="categorypagelink">Ach wie soll ich doch in Freuden leben, SWV 474 (Schütz, Heinrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_wo_find%27_ich_meine_Liebe,_GWV_1112/14_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach wo find' ich meine Liebe, GWV 1112/14 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach wo find' ich meine Liebe, GWV 1112/14 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_wo_soll_ich_Jesum_finden,_GWV_1129/49_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach wo soll ich Jesum finden, GWV 1129/49 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach wo soll ich Jesum finden, GWV 1129/49 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach_zarter_Jesu,_GWV_1112/30_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Ach zarter Jesu, GWV 1112/30 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Ach zarter Jesu, GWV 1112/30 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach!_ich_sehe,_itzt,_da_ich_zur_Hochzeit_gehe,_BWV_162_(Bach,_Johann_Sebastian)" title="Ach! ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe, BWV 162 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)" class="categorypagelink">Ach! ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe, BWV 162 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach!_sieh_ihn_dulden,_bluten,_sterben_(Beck,_Christoph_Friedrich)" title="Ach! sieh ihn dulden, bluten, sterben (Beck, Christoph Friedrich)" class="categorypagelink">Ach! sieh ihn dulden, bluten, sterben (Beck, Christoph Friedrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach,_edles_Bild,_von_Tugend_mild_(Schein,_Johann_Hermann)" title="Ach, edles Bild, von Tugend mild (Schein, Johann Hermann)" class="categorypagelink">Ach, edles Bild, von Tugend mild (Schein, Johann Hermann)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach,_Herr,_straf_mich_nicht,_SWV_24_(Sch%C3%BCtz,_Heinrich)" title="Ach, Herr, straf mich nicht, SWV 24 (Schütz, Heinrich)" class="categorypagelink">Ach, Herr, straf mich nicht, SWV 24 (Schütz, Heinrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach,_Jesus_stirbt_(Hammerschmidt,_Andreas)" title="Ach, Jesus stirbt (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)" class="categorypagelink">Ach, Jesus stirbt (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach,_lieben_Christen,_seid_getrost,_BWV_114_(Bach,_Johann_Sebastian)" title="Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost, BWV 114 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)" class="categorypagelink">Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost, BWV 114 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach,_mein_Herze_schwimmt_in_Blute,_TWV_1:29_(Telemann,_Georg_Philipp)" title="Ach, mein Herze schwimmt in Blute, TWV 1:29 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)" class="categorypagelink">Ach, mein Herze schwimmt in Blute, TWV 1:29 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach,_sollte_doch_die_ganze_Welt,_TWV_1:32_(Telemann,_Georg_Philipp)" title="Ach, sollte doch die ganze Welt, TWV 1:32 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)" class="categorypagelink">Ach, sollte doch die ganze Welt, TWV 1:32 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach,_Vater_unser,_der_du_bist,_W70_(Hellinck,_Lupus)" title="Ach, Vater unser, der du bist, W70 (Hellinck, Lupus)" class="categorypagelink">Ach, Vater unser, der du bist, W70 (Hellinck, Lupus)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach,_welche_Bitterkeit_der_Schmerzen,_TWV_1:34_(Telemann,_Georg_Philipp)" title="Ach, welche Bitterkeit der Schmerzen, TWV 1:34 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)" class="categorypagelink">Ach, welche Bitterkeit der Schmerzen, TWV 1:34 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach,_wie_ist%27s_m%C3%B6glich_dann_(Jentsch,_Max)" title="Ach, wie ist's möglich dann (Jentsch, Max)" class="categorypagelink">Ach, wie ist's möglich dann (Jentsch, Max)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach,_wo_bin_ich_hingeraten,_TWV_1:41_(Telemann,_Georg_Philipp)" title="Ach, wo bin ich hingeraten, TWV 1:41 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)" class="categorypagelink">Ach, wo bin ich hingeraten, TWV 1:41 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ach,_zu_den_tiefsten_Jammerh%C3%B6hlen,_TWV_1:48_(Telemann,_Georg_Philipp)" title="Ach, zu den tiefsten Jammerhöhlen, TWV 1:48 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)" class="categorypagelink">Ach, zu den tiefsten Jammerhöhlen, TWV 1:48 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/The_Acharnians_(Parry,_Charles_Hubert_Hastings)" title="The Acharnians (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)" class="categorypagelink">The Acharnians (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Achille_in_Sciro_(Manna,_Gennaro)" title="Achille in Sciro (Manna, Gennaro)" class="categorypagelink">Achille in Sciro (Manna, Gennaro)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Achtet_es_eitel_Freude,_GWV_1133/45_(Graupner,_Christoph)" title="Achtet es eitel Freude, GWV 1133/45 (Graupner, Christoph)" class="categorypagelink">Achtet es eitel Freude, GWV 1133/45 (Graupner, Christoph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Acis_y_Galatea_(Literes,_Antonio)" title="Acis y Galatea (Literes, Antonio)" class="categorypagelink">Acis y Galatea (Literes, Antonio)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Acis,_Op.6_(Wormser,_Andr%C3%A9)" title="Acis, Op.6 (Wormser, André)" class="categorypagelink">Acis, Op.6 (Wormser, André)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ad_arma_volate_(Bassani,_Giovanni_Battista)" title="Ad arma volate (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)" class="categorypagelink">Ad arma volate (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ad_beatam_Virginem_canticum,_H.340_(Charpentier,_Marc-Antoine)" title="Ad beatam Virginem canticum, H.340 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)" class="categorypagelink">Ad beatam Virginem canticum, H.340 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ad_cantus_laetitiae_(Anonymous)" title="Ad cantus laetitiae (Anonymous)" class="categorypagelink">Ad cantus laetitiae (Anonymous)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ad_coenam_agni_providi,_LV_Anh.1_(Lassus,_Orlande_de)" title="Ad coenam agni providi, LV Anh.1 (Lassus, Orlande de)" class="categorypagelink">Ad coenam agni providi, LV Anh.1 (Lassus, Orlande de)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ad_Dominum_cum_tribularer_clamavi_(Brunetti,_Giovanni)" title="Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamavi (Brunetti, Giovanni)" class="categorypagelink">Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamavi (Brunetti, Giovanni)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ad_Dominum_cum_tribularer_clamavi_(Hassler,_Hans_Leo)" title="Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamavi (Hassler, Hans Leo)" class="categorypagelink">Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamavi (Hassler, Hans Leo)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ad_Dominum_cum_tribularer_(Phinot,_Dominique)" title="Ad Dominum cum tribularer (Phinot, Dominique)" class="categorypagelink">Ad Dominum cum tribularer (Phinot, Dominique)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ad_te_Domine_levavi,_K.153_(Fux,_Johann_Joseph)" title="Ad te Domine levavi, K.153 (Fux, Johann Joseph)" class="categorypagelink">Ad te Domine levavi, K.153 (Fux, Johann Joseph)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ad_te_Domine_levavi_(Bernardi,_Steffano)" title="Ad te Domine levavi (Bernardi, Steffano)" class="categorypagelink">Ad te Domine levavi (Bernardi, Steffano)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ad_te_levavi_animam_meam_(Bernabei,_Giuseppe_Antonio)" title="Ad te levavi animam meam (Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio)" class="categorypagelink">Ad te levavi animam meam (Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ad_te_levavi_oculos_meos,_LV_405_(Lassus,_Orlande_de)" title="Ad te levavi oculos meos, LV 405 (Lassus, Orlande de)" class="categorypagelink">Ad te levavi oculos meos, LV 405 (Lassus, Orlande de)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Addio_monti_(Donella,_Valentino)" title="Addio monti (Donella, Valentino)" class="categorypagelink">Addio monti (Donella, Valentino)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adducentur_regi_(Cervi,_Luigi)" title="Adducentur regi (Cervi, Luigi)" class="categorypagelink">Adducentur regi (Cervi, Luigi)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ad%C3%A9la%C3%AFde_et_Ferdinand_(Villebichot,_Auguste_de)" title="Adélaïde et Ferdinand (Villebichot, Auguste de)" class="categorypagelink">Adélaïde et Ferdinand (Villebichot, Auguste de)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adeste_fideles_in_A-flat_major_(Tinel,_Jef)" title="Adeste fideles in A-flat major (Tinel, Jef)" class="categorypagelink">Adeste fideles in A-flat major (Tinel, Jef)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adeste_fideles_in_F_major_(Tinel,_Jef)" title="Adeste fideles in F major (Tinel, Jef)" class="categorypagelink">Adeste fideles in F major (Tinel, Jef)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adeste_fideles_in_G_major_(Tinel,_Jef)" title="Adeste fideles in G major (Tinel, Jef)" class="categorypagelink">Adeste fideles in G major (Tinel, Jef)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adieu_natuerlic_leven_mijn_(Edelinck,_Pieter)" title="Adieu natuerlic leven mijn (Edelinck, Pieter)" class="categorypagelink">Adieu natuerlic leven mijn (Edelinck, Pieter)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adieu,_Dear_Native_Land_(Wallace,_William_Vincent)" title="Adieu, Dear Native Land (Wallace, William Vincent)" class="categorypagelink">Adieu, Dear Native Land (Wallace, William Vincent)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adieu,_Op.14_(Liebling,_Emil)" title="Adieu, Op.14 (Liebling, Emil)" class="categorypagelink">Adieu, Op.14 (Liebling, Emil)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adieu,_Ye_City-Pris%27ning_Towers_(Tomkins,_Thomas)" title="Adieu, Ye City-Pris'ning Towers (Tomkins, Thomas)" class="categorypagelink">Adieu, Ye City-Pris'ning Towers (Tomkins, Thomas)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adieu,_Ye_Streams_(Atterbury,_Luffman)" title="Adieu, Ye Streams (Atterbury, Luffman)" class="categorypagelink">Adieu, Ye Streams (Atterbury, Luffman)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Les_adieux_%C3%A0_Suzon_(Di%C3%A9mer,_Louis)" title="Les adieux à Suzon (Diémer, Louis)" class="categorypagelink">Les adieux à Suzon (Diémer, Louis)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adieu_(Jonci%C3%A8res,_Victorin_de)" title="Adieu (Joncières, Victorin de)" class="categorypagelink">Adieu (Joncières, Victorin de)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adina_(Rossini,_Gioacchino)" title="Adina (Rossini, Gioacchino)" class="categorypagelink">Adina (Rossini, Gioacchino)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adiuro_vos,_filiae_Hierusalem_(Cima,_Giovanni_Paolo)" title="Adiuro vos, filiae Hierusalem (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)" class="categorypagelink">Adiuro vos, filiae Hierusalem (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adjutor_in_opportunitatibus_(Cherubini,_Luigi)" title="Adjutor in opportunitatibus (Cherubini, Luigi)" class="categorypagelink">Adjutor in opportunitatibus (Cherubini, Luigi)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adjuva_me_Domine_(Conseil,_Jean)" title="Adjuva me Domine (Conseil, Jean)" class="categorypagelink">Adjuva me Domine (Conseil, Jean)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adon_olom_(Lewandowski,_Louis)" title="Adon olom (Lewandowski, Louis)" class="categorypagelink">Adon olom (Lewandowski, Louis)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adoramus_te_Christe,_LV_1083_(Lassus,_Orlande_de)" title="Adoramus te Christe, LV 1083 (Lassus, Orlande de)" class="categorypagelink">Adoramus te Christe, LV 1083 (Lassus, Orlande de)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adoramus_te_Christe_(Aichinger,_Gregor)" title="Adoramus te Christe (Aichinger, Gregor)" class="categorypagelink">Adoramus te Christe (Aichinger, Gregor)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adoramus_te_Christe_(Goller,_Vinzenz)" title="Adoramus te Christe (Goller, Vinzenz)" class="categorypagelink">Adoramus te Christe (Goller, Vinzenz)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adoramus_te_Christe_(Ruffo,_Vincenzo)" title="Adoramus te Christe (Ruffo, Vincenzo)" class="categorypagelink">Adoramus te Christe (Ruffo, Vincenzo)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adoramus_te_Domine,_Op.78_(Remondi,_Roberto)" title="Adoramus te Domine, Op.78 (Remondi, Roberto)" class="categorypagelink">Adoramus te Domine, Op.78 (Remondi, Roberto)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adoramus_te,_Jesu_Christe_a_6_(Handl,_Jacob)" title="Adoramus te, Jesu Christe a 6 (Handl, Jacob)" class="categorypagelink">Adoramus te, Jesu Christe a 6 (Handl, Jacob)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/L%27Adorazione_dei_magi_(Caresana,_Cristofaro)" title="L'Adorazione dei magi (Caresana, Cristofaro)" class="categorypagelink">L'Adorazione dei magi (Caresana, Cristofaro)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adoremus_in_aeternum_(Cherubini,_Luigi)" title="Adoremus in aeternum (Cherubini, Luigi)" class="categorypagelink">Adoremus in aeternum (Cherubini, Luigi)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adorna_thalamum,_LV_869_(Lassus,_Orlande_de)" title="Adorna thalamum, LV 869 (Lassus, Orlande de)" class="categorypagelink">Adorna thalamum, LV 869 (Lassus, Orlande de)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adresse_des_sterbenden_Dichters_an_die_Jugend_(Bird,_Melvin_Clive)" title="Adresse des sterbenden Dichters an die Jugend (Bird, Melvin Clive)" class="categorypagelink">Adresse des sterbenden Dichters an die Jugend (Bird, Melvin Clive)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Advent_Magnificat_-_Tone_V_(St._Pierre,_Anthony)" title="Advent Magnificat - Tone V (St. Pierre, Anthony)" class="categorypagelink">Advent Magnificat - Tone V (St. Pierre, Anthony)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Adventlied,_Op.71_(Schumann,_Robert)" title="Adventlied, Op.71 (Schumann, Robert)" class="categorypagelink">Adventlied, Op.71 (Schumann, Robert)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/The_Adventure_Club,_Op.55_(Leavitt,_William_John_de_Wolf)" title="The Adventure Club, Op.55 (Leavitt, William John de Wolf)" class="categorypagelink">The Adventure Club, Op.55 (Leavitt, William John de Wolf)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Die_Advokaten,_D.37_(Schubert,_Franz)" title="Die Advokaten, D.37 (Schubert, Franz)" class="categorypagelink">Die Advokaten, D.37 (Schubert, Franz)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Die_Advokaten_(Fischer,_Anton)" title="Die Advokaten (Fischer, Anton)" class="categorypagelink">Die Advokaten (Fischer, Anton)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Aerial_Requiem,_Op.27_(Alburger,_Mark)" title="Aerial Requiem, Op.27 (Alburger, Mark)" class="categorypagelink">Aerial Requiem, Op.27 (Alburger, Mark)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Afflictus_est_(Schmitt,_Alexander)" title="Afflictus est (Schmitt, Alexander)" class="categorypagelink">Afflictus est (Schmitt, Alexander)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Afraid,_Alas,_and_Why_so_Suddenly%3F_(Anonymous)" title="Afraid, Alas, and Why so Suddenly? (Anonymous)" class="categorypagelink">Afraid, Alas, and Why so Suddenly? (Anonymous)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Afternoon_Calls_(Sawyer,_Henry_S.)" title="Afternoon Calls (Sawyer, Henry S.)" class="categorypagelink">Afternoon Calls (Sawyer, Henry S.)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/L%27agence_Rabourdin_(Bernicat,_Firmin)" title="L'agence Rabourdin (Bernicat, Firmin)" class="categorypagelink">L'agence Rabourdin (Bernicat, Firmin)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Agitata_alma_mia,_GraunWV_B:III:12_(Graun,_Karl_Heinrich)" title="Agitata alma mia, GraunWV B:III:12 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)" class="categorypagelink">Agitata alma mia, GraunWV B:III:12 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Agnus_Dei_a_cinque,_Op.8_(Picard,_Pascal)" title="Agnus Dei a cinque, Op.8 (Picard, Pascal)" class="categorypagelink">Agnus Dei a cinque, Op.8 (Picard, Pascal)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Agnus_Dei_II_(Bird,_Melvin_Clive)" title="Agnus Dei II (Bird, Melvin Clive)" class="categorypagelink">Agnus Dei II (Bird, Melvin Clive)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Agnus_Dei_in_A_major_(Dubois,_Th%C3%A9odore)" title="Agnus Dei in A major (Dubois, Théodore)" class="categorypagelink">Agnus Dei in A major (Dubois, Théodore)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Agnus_Dei_in_F_major_(Dubois,_Th%C3%A9odore)" title="Agnus Dei in F major (Dubois, Théodore)" class="categorypagelink">Agnus Dei in F major (Dubois, Théodore)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/2_Agnus_Dei_(Morlacchi,_Francesco)" title="2 Agnus Dei (Morlacchi, Francesco)" class="categorypagelink">2 Agnus Dei (Morlacchi, Francesco)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Agnus_Dei,_Op.7_(Picard,_Pascal)" title="Agnus Dei, Op.7 (Picard, Pascal)" class="categorypagelink">Agnus Dei, Op.7 (Picard, Pascal)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Agnus_Dei,_ZWV_37_(Zelenka,_Jan_Dismas)" title="Agnus Dei, ZWV 37 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)" class="categorypagelink">Agnus Dei, ZWV 37 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Agnus_Dei_(Anzuetto,_Daladier)" title="Agnus Dei (Anzuetto, Daladier)" class="categorypagelink">Agnus Dei (Anzuetto, Daladier)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Agnus_Dei_(Bianciardi,_Vincenzio)" title="Agnus Dei (Bianciardi, Vincenzio)" class="categorypagelink">Agnus Dei (Bianciardi, Vincenzio)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Agnus_Dei_(Randhartinger,_Benedict)" title="Agnus Dei (Randhartinger, Benedict)" class="categorypagelink">Agnus Dei (Randhartinger, Benedict)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ah_che_incertezza_amara_(Danzi,_Franz)" title="Ah che incertezza amara (Danzi, Franz)" class="categorypagelink">Ah che incertezza amara (Danzi, Franz)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ah_dolente_partita,_SV_75_(Monteverdi,_Claudio)" title="Ah dolente partita, SV 75 (Monteverdi, Claudio)" class="categorypagelink">Ah dolente partita, SV 75 (Monteverdi, Claudio)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ah_Domine_Iesu_(Leonarda,_Isabella)" title="Ah Domine Iesu (Leonarda, Isabella)" class="categorypagelink">Ah Domine Iesu (Leonarda, Isabella)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ah_Me!_My_Mistress_Scorns_My_Love_(Bateson,_Thomas)" title="Ah Me! My Mistress Scorns My Love (Bateson, Thomas)" class="categorypagelink">Ah Me! My Mistress Scorns My Love (Bateson, Thomas)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ah_peccatores_graves_(F%C3%B6rster,_Kaspar)" title="Ah peccatores graves (Förster, Kaspar)" class="categorypagelink">Ah peccatores graves (Förster, Kaspar)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ah_se_fosse_intorno_al_trono_(Apell,_David_August_von)" title="Ah se fosse intorno al trono (Apell, David August von)" class="categorypagelink">Ah se fosse intorno al trono (Apell, David August von)</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Ah!_si_vous_saviez_(Salomon,_Hector)" title="Ah! si vous saviez (Salomon, Hector)" class="categorypagelink">Ah! si vous saviez (Salomon, Hector)</a></li></ul></td></tr></table></div><div style='text-align:center;font-size:150%;font-weight:bold' class='catpglnksp1'>(previous 200) (<a href="/index.php?title=Category:Scores_featuring_the_tenor_voice&amp;transclude=Template%3ACatintro&amp;pagefrom=Ah%2C+piu+tremar+non+voglio%2C+k.0071%7E%7Emozart%2C+wolfgang+amadeus%0AAh%2C+pi%C3%B9+tremar+non+voglio%2C+K.71+%28Mozart%2C+Wolfgang+Amadeus%29#mw-pages" title="Category:Scores featuring the tenor voice" class="categorypaginglink">next 200</a>)</div> </div><script>if(typeof catpagejs=='undefined')catpagejs={};$.extend(catpagejs,{"p1":{"0":["The 3 Jolly Pigeons (L\u00f6hr, Harvey)|SScores\\1","Der 46. Psalm (Berneker, Constanz)|SScores\\1","Der 69. Psalm, Op.1 (Materna, Jonas)|SScores\\1","The 98th Psalm (Titcomb, Everett)|SScores\\1","Der 145te Psalm, Op.6 (Grabeler, Peter)|VVocal Scores\\1"],"3":["394052786, Op.69 (Ng, Sissel)|SScores\\1"],"A":["\u00c0 Clichy (Adam, Adolphe)|VVocal Scores\\1","\u00c0 l'heure o\u00f9 s'\u00e9veille la rose (Dassier, Alfred)|PParts\\1","\u00c0 la France!, Op.121 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SScores\\1","\u00c0 Laure (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","\u00c0 Lydie (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\1","Ab oriente venerunt (Praetorius, Hieronymus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ab unda algente, B.IV\/7 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\2","L'abbaye, Op.16 (Koechlin, Charles)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","L'abeille (Barbier, Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric)|SScores\\1","Les abeilles (Fourdrain, F\u00e9lix)|SScores\\1","Les abeilles (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Abelard (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Abendglocken (Beer-Walbrunn, Anton)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Abendl\u00e4uten, Op.22 (Kistler, Cyrill)|SScores\\1","Abendlied zu Gott, Hob.XXVc:9 (Haydn, Joseph)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Abendlied (Violet, Emil)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Das Abendrot, D.236 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Des Abends, Morgens und Mittags (Pezel, Johann Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Abendst\u00e4ndchen (Schiebold, Carl)|SScores\\1","Abendzauber, WAB 57 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Abide With Me (Meale, John Arthur)|SScores\\1","Abide with me (Molloy, James Lynam)|SScores\\1","Above the Tumults of a Busy State, Z.480 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Abraham auf Moria (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Abraham, Op.65 (Molique, Bernhard)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Abramo (Torri, Pietro)|SFull Scores\\3","Die Abreise (Albert, Eugen d')|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\3|LLibretti\\1","Abschied vom Liebchen (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Der Abschied, G.26 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Abschiedsgesang, WoO 102 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Abschiedsgru\u00df (Silcher, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Abschied (Heydrich, Richard Bruno)|SScores\\1","Abstractium (Chakraborty, Utsyo)|SScores\\1","Abu Hassan, J.106 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Accedite gentes accurrite populi, BuxWV 1 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Accingeteui Amanti (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores and Parts\\26|PScores and Parts\\26","Acclami al Signore (Trovato, Angelo Maria)|SScores\\1","Ach bleib bei uns Herr Jesu Christ, GWV 1129\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ach dass die H\u00fclfe aus Zion \u00fcber Israel k\u00e4me, GWV 1125\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach dass die H\u00fclfe aus Zion \u00fcber Israel k\u00e4me, GWV 1154\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Ach da\u00df die H\u00fclfe aus Zion \u00fcber Israel k\u00e4me (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Ach da\u00df doch Zions H\u00fclfe k\u00e4me, HoWV II.156 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Ach dass ich h\u00f6ren sollte (Theile, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ach dass ich Wassers genug h\u00e4tte (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ach Davids Sohn du Trost, GWV 1121\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Ach eitle Herzen, GWV 1142\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach es geht mir wie einem, GWV 1117\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach es ist ein elend j\u00e4mmerlich Ding (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, F.96 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores\\1","Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1106\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1124\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein, GWV 1149\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ach Gott von Himmel (Agricola, Martin)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ach Gott wie elend sind wir dran, GWV 1155\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach Gott wie lange soll der Widerw\u00e4rtige, GWV 1122\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach Gott wie manches Herzeleid, GWV 1133\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach Gott! dein Zion klagt und weint, TWV 1:10 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ach Gott! Wie beugt der Eltern Herze geliebter Kinder, TWV 1:15a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein, BWV 2 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid, BWV 3 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Ach grosser Gott mein Herz, GWV 1152\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach grosser Helfer, GWV 1160\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach guter Hirte lass dich finden, GWV 1140\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach Herr die Frommen warten deiner, GWV 1167\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach Herr strafe micht nicht in deinem Zorn (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Ach Herr, ach Herr meiner Schone (Zeutschner, Tobias)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ach Herr, du Sohn David (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Ach Herr, gedenke nicht der S\u00fcnden (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ach Herr, mich armen S\u00fcnder, BWV 135 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Ach Herr, mich armen S\u00fcnder (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach hilf mich leid (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Ach ich f\u00fchle keine Reue, H.365 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ach Jesu heile doch die Plagen, GWV 1153\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ach Jesu Satans \u00dcberwinder, GWV 1122\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Ach Jesu teure Rettungsquelle, GWV 1121\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach Jesu wie bist du so treu, GWV 1132\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ach Jesu wir sind wund, GWV 1154\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach Jesus weicht er will zum Vater, GWV 1134\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach jungfraw wolt jr mit mir gan? (Zirler, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Ach Jupiter h\u00e4tt'st du Gewalt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ach lass dich unsers Elends jammern, GWV 1119\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Ach liebster Jesu komm herein (Liebe, Christian)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Ach mein herzliebes Jesulein (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ach meines Jammers und Herzeleids, GWV 1175\/26b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\3","Ach sagt mir nichts von Gold und Sch\u00e4tzen, GWV 1142\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Ach scheydens art (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ach Seelen wacht der Wolf kommt, GWV 1149\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach Seelenfreund wo bist du hingegangen, GWV 1129\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach Sterbliche bedenkt das Ende, GWV 1157\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach stirb mein Herz, GWV 1127\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach s\u00fcsse Ruh, die stets mein Geist empfindet, TWV 1:33 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ach was erhebet sich die arme Erde (Hildebrand, Johann)|PParts\\2","Ach was hab ich ausgerichtet, GWV 1163\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Ach was soll ich S\u00fcnder machen, GWV 1144\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ach was soll ich S\u00fcnder machen, H.366 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Ach welchen Jammer bringt die S\u00fcnde, GWV 1153\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach wenn kommet doch die Stunde (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Ach wie fl\u00fcchtig, ach wie nichtig, BWV 26 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Ach wie fl\u00fcchtig, ach wie nichtig (Franck, Michael)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ach wie nichtig, ach wie fl\u00fcchtig, GWV 1157\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\3","Ach wie nichtig, ach wie fl\u00fcchtig, TWV 1:37 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ach wie nichtig, ach wie fl\u00fcchtig, TWV 4:6 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Ach wie soll ich doch in Freuden leben, SWV 474 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ach wo find' ich meine Liebe, GWV 1112\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach wo soll ich Jesum finden, GWV 1129\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ach zarter Jesu, GWV 1112\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ach! ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe, BWV 162 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Ach! sieh ihn dulden, bluten, sterben (Beck, Christoph Friedrich)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ach, edles Bild, von Tugend mild (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Ach, Herr, straf mich nicht, SWV 24 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ach, Jesus stirbt (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost, BWV 114 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\2","Ach, mein Herze schwimmt in Blute, TWV 1:29 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ach, sollte doch die ganze Welt, TWV 1:32 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ach, Vater unser, der du bist, W70 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Ach, welche Bitterkeit der Schmerzen, TWV 1:34 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ach, wie ist's m\u00f6glich dann (Jentsch, Max)|SScores\\1","Ach, wo bin ich hingeraten, TWV 1:41 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Ach, zu den tiefsten Jammerh\u00f6hlen, TWV 1:48 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","The Acharnians (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|VVocal Scores\\2","Achille in Sciro (Manna, Gennaro)|SScores\\2","Achtet es eitel Freude, GWV 1133\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Acis y Galatea (Literes, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Acis, Op.6 (Wormser, Andr\u00e9)|VVocal Scores\\2","Ad arma volate (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Ad beatam Virginem canticum, H.340 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Ad cantus laetitiae (Anonymous)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ad coenam agni providi, LV Anh.1 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\2","Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamavi (Brunetti, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Ad Dominum cum tribularer clamavi (Hassler, Hans Leo)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Ad Dominum cum tribularer (Phinot, Dominique)|SScores\\1","Ad te Domine levavi, K.153 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ad te Domine levavi (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Ad te levavi animam meam (Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio)|SScores\\1","Ad te levavi oculos meos, LV 405 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\4","Addio monti (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Adducentur regi (Cervi, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Ad\u00e9la\u00efde et Ferdinand (Villebichot, Auguste de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Adeste fideles in A-flat major (Tinel, Jef)|SScores\\1","Adeste fideles in F major (Tinel, Jef)|SScores\\2","Adeste fideles in G major (Tinel, Jef)|SScores\\2","Adieu natuerlic leven mijn (Edelinck, Pieter)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Adieu, Dear Native Land (Wallace, William Vincent)|SScores\\2","Adieu, Op.14 (Liebling, Emil)|SScores\\1","Adieu, Ye City-Pris'ning Towers (Tomkins, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18","Adieu, Ye Streams (Atterbury, Luffman)|SScores\\1","Les adieux \u00e0 Suzon (Di\u00e9mer, Louis)|SScores\\1","Adieu (Jonci\u00e8res, Victorin de)|SScores\\1","Adina (Rossini, Gioacchino)|VVocal Scores\\1","Adiuro vos, filiae Hierusalem (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Adjutor in opportunitatibus (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","Adjuva me Domine (Conseil, Jean)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Adon olom (Lewandowski, Louis)|SScores\\3","Adoramus te Christe, LV 1083 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Adoramus te Christe (Aichinger, Gregor)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Adoramus te Christe (Goller, Vinzenz)|SScores\\1","Adoramus te Christe (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Adoramus te Domine, Op.78 (Remondi, Roberto)|SScores\\2","Adoramus te, Jesu Christe a 6 (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\1","L'Adorazione dei magi (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Adoremus in aeternum (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","Adorna thalamum, LV 869 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Adresse des sterbenden Dichters an die Jugend (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Advent Magnificat - Tone V (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","Adventlied, Op.71 (Schumann, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","The Adventure Club, Op.55 (Leavitt, William John de Wolf)|VVocal Scores\\1","Die Advokaten, D.37 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Die Advokaten (Fischer, Anton)|PParts\\1","Aerial Requiem, Op.27 (Alburger, Mark)|VVocal Scores\\1","Afflictus est (Schmitt, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Afraid, Alas, and Why so Suddenly? (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Afternoon Calls (Sawyer, Henry S.)|SScores\\1","L'agence Rabourdin (Bernicat, Firmin)|VVocal Scores\\1","Agitata alma mia, GraunWV B:III:12 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Agnus Dei a cinque, Op.8 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Agnus Dei II (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Agnus Dei in A major (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\2","Agnus Dei in F major (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\3","2 Agnus Dei (Morlacchi, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Agnus Dei, Op.7 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Agnus Dei, ZWV 37 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Agnus Dei (Anzuetto, Daladier)","Agnus Dei (Bianciardi, Vincenzio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Agnus Dei (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Ah che incertezza amara (Danzi, Franz)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ah dolente partita, SV 75 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Ah Domine Iesu (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores\\1","Ah Me! My Mistress Scorns My Love (Bateson, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Ah peccatores graves (F\u00f6rster, Kaspar)|SScores\\2","Ah se fosse intorno al trono (Apell, David August von)|PParts\\1","Ah! si vous saviez (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Ah, pi\u00f9 tremar non voglio, K.71 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|SScores\\2","Ahi che in sentirlo io moro, S.384a (Marcello, Benedetto)|SFull Scores\\3","Ahi come a un vago sol cortese giro, SV 101 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Ahi dispietata morte, ahi crudel vita (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Ahi qual crucio, GraunWV B:III:13 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ahi tormentosi abissi (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","6 Airs harmonized for 3 and 4 Voices (Knyvett, Charles)|SScores\\1","Airs italiens du XVIII si\u00e8cle (Viardot, Pauline)|SScores\\8","Al festivo aplauso heroyco (Literes, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Al mexor zenit (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Al prodigio mayor de la gracia (Zumaya, Manuel de)|PParts\\1","Al que en solio de rayas (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Al relox seas compara (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|PParts\\1","Alados Gerarquias (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|PParts\\1","Alas, How Barbarous We Are, Z.482 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","L'Albatros (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Albion, thy sea-encircled isle (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Albricias pastores (Paris, Juan)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Album der Wiener Meister (Various)|SScores\\1","Album for Mandssang, Op.30 (Grieg, Edvard)|RRecordings\\12|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Album for Mandssang (Kjerulf, Halfdan)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","El Alcalde de Bel\u00e9n (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Alcun non pu\u00f2 saper da chi sia amato (Rore, Cipriano de)","Alcyone, M.34 (Ravel, Maurice)|SScores\\1","Alegres Pastores (Delgado, Francisco)|PParts\\1","Aleph. Ego vir (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Aleph. Quomodo obscuratum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Alessandro nell'Indie (Caballone, Michele)|SScores\\3","Alexander (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Alice Brand, Op.76 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\2","Aliquot Cantiones (Regnart, Jacob)|PParts\\4","All Creatures Now are Merry-minded (Bennet, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18","All Day Long They Twist My Words (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\1","All solch dein G\u00fct wir preisen, BuxWV 3 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\7","All that I Ask of You Is Love (Ingraham, Herbert)|SScores\\2","All the World's a Stage (Muffett, Jake)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","All Things are Thine (Sowerby, Leo)|SScores\\1","All This Night, Op.33 (Finzi, Gerald)|SScores\\1","All wilden Tier im gr\u00fcnen Wald (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","All'apparir di quelle luci ardenti (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","All-Night Vigil, Op.37 (Rachmaninoff, Sergei)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\30|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Allan Water (Button, Henry Elliot)|SScores\\1","Alle die gottselig leben wollen, HoWV II.79 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Alle die vor mir kommen sind, GWV 1140\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Alle die vor mir kommen sind, GWV 1140\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Alle Dinge sind m\u00f6glich, GWV 1121\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Alle Kreatur Gottes, GWV 1148\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Alle Schrift von Gott eingegeben ist, GWV 1147\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Alle Schrift von Gott eingegeben ist, GWV 1159\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Alle, die gottselig leben wollen, TWV 1:54 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","All\u00e9gorie (Charpentier, Gustave)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Allein auf Gottes Wort (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Allein Gott in der h\u00f6h II (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Allein Gott in der h\u00f6h I (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Allein Gott in der H\u00f6h sei Ehr (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 33 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Alleluia Absorta est mors, FbWV 701 (Froberger, Johann Jacob)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Alleluia in B-flat major, MH 362 (Haydn, Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Alleluia, Op.23 (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Alleluia, Wohl dem, der den Herren f\u00fcrchtet (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Alleluia. A Hymnal (Various)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Alleluia. Ich danke dem Herren (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Alleluja 'Dominus regnavit decorem' (Pagueras, Cayetano)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Alleluja! Christus surrexit (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Alleluja, laudem dicite (Hassler, Hans Leo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Alleluja. F\u00fcrchtet euch nicht (Topf, Johann)|SScores\\1","Alleluya, Op.1 (Garcia, Juan Pablo)|SScores\\1","Aller Augen warten auf dich, Herre, SWV 429 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Der Allergr\u00f6sseste, von Weisheit, Macht und St\u00e4rke, TWV 1:229 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Alles Fleisch ist Heu und alle seine G\u00fcte, TWV 4:4c (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Alles Fleisch ist wie Gras, GWV 1157\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Alles vergehet (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Alles was die Erd' enth\u00e4lt (Call, Leonhard von)|PParts\\1","Alles was einen Fehl hat, GWV 1147\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Alles was ihr bittet, GWV 1135\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Alles was ihr bittet, GWV 1135\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Alles was ihr tut mit Worten oder mit Werken (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\8","Alles was ihr wollet, GWV 1145\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Alles was mir mein Vater gibt, GWV 1141\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Alles, was ist auf dieser Welt (Ritter, Christian)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Allez mes premieres amours (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Allons au vert bocage (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Allor che il giogo barbaro (Martinez, Marianne)|SScores\\2","Allor che lieta l'alba adduce il giorno (Striggio, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Alma cortes'e bella, Ch.85 (Gabrieli, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Alma cortese in piu bel lembo involta, LV 3 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Alma Dei creatoris, K.277\/272a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\3","Alma real dignissima, LV 177 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater for 5 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater for 8 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Alma Redemptoris Mater G minor (Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater in A major (Zeiler, Gallus)|SScores\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater in D major, R 300\/7 (Rathgeber, Valentin)|PParts\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater in D minor (Nov\u00e1k, Jan Franti\u0161ek)|SScores\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater, IJD 3 (Dunstaple, John)|SScores\\1","Alma redemptoris Mater (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Alma redemptoris Mater (Graziani, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","Alme giuste alme innocenti, S.632 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Almighty God, to You all Hearts are Open (Thompson, Jacob)|SScores\\1","Almo factori omnium (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Alone with Russia, Op.63 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Alone, Op.225 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SFull Scores\\1","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, GWV 1139\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, TWV 1:74 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, TWV 1:76 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, TWV 1:81 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores\\1|PParts\\11","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, SWV 380 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt (Franck, Melchior)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt (Praetorius, Hieronymus)|SScores\\1","Also hat Gott geliebt die Welt, HoWV II.Anh.22 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Also heilig ist der Tag (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Also heilig ist der Tag (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Also ists geschrieben, GWV 1130\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)","Also ists geschrieben, GWV 1130\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","4 Altdeutsche Minnelieder in Madrigalenform (Koessler, Hans)|SScores\\1","2 Altdeutsche Volkslieder (Keller, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","Das alte Jahr ist nun dahin (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Das alte Jahr vergangen ist (Hassler, Hans Leo)|SScores\\1","Alte Madrigale und andere a cappella-Ges\u00e4nge (J\u00f6de, Fritz)|SScores\\1","6 Altniederl\u00e4ndische Volkslieder (Kremser, Eduard)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Alvus tumescit virgines (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Alyssa, M.38 (Ravel, Maurice)|SFull Scores\\1","Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats, BWV 42 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|BBooks\\2|OOther\\3","Am Geburtstage des Kaisers, D.748 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Am g\u00f6ttlichen Segen ist alles gelegen, TWV 1:93 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Am Kreuz erblasst, Op.76 (Rinck, Christian Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Am Lindenbaum (Keller, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Am M\u00fchlenwehr (Uthmann, Gustav Adolf)|SScores\\1","Ama l'Aquila Giove (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","El amanecer (Eslava, Hilari\u00f3n)|SScores\\1","Amantes serafines que ardeis (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","Amarus, JW 3\/6 (Jan\u00e1\u010dek, Leo\u0161)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15","Amate Jesum omnes gentes, H.271 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Les Amazones, Op.26 (Chaminade, C\u00e9cile)|VVocal Scores\\3","Amen in C minor (Mattei, Stanislao)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","The American Flag, Op.102 (Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Anton\u00edn)|VVocal Scores\\1","The American Flag (Busch, Carl)|VVocal Scores\\2","L'Amfiparnaso (Vecchi, Orazio)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\13","L'ami de ma dame (Binchois, Gilles)|SScores\\2","Amicus meus, H.127 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Amidst the Myrtles as I Walk (Battishill, Jonathan)|SScores\\1","Amiti\u00e9, reprends ton empire, H 10 (Berlioz, Hector)|SScores\\1","Amor obligado poco fino es (Durango y de los Arcos, Mat\u00edas)|PParts\\1","L'Amor Possente (Chianei, Candido)|SScores\\1","Amor vittorioso (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Amor, wie ist dein Lieblichkeit (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Amore mi assisti (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\1","Amors Macht, D.Anh.I\/20 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","L'amour et les allumettes (Dubost, Louis-Antoine)|VVocal Scores\\1","Amour, tu fais de nos coeurs (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Amoureux d'une valse (Moniot, Eug\u00e8ne)|VVocal Scores\\1","Amyntas with His Phyllis Fair (Pilkington, Francis)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\17","An Adelheid, Op.51 (Krebs, Karl August)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","An aller welt (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","An den Fl\u00fcssen Babylons (Kirnberger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","An den heiligen Franziskus von Paula, S.28 (Liszt, Franz)|SScores\\1","An dich mein hort (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","An die K\u00fcnstler, S.70 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","An die Sonne, D.439 (Schubert, Franz)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","An Episode from the Life of Franz Schubert, Op.61 (Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail)|VVocal Scores\\1","L'an et le moys, le jour, l'heure et moment (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","An Evening Prayer (Kleber, Henry)|SScores\\2","An filius non est Dei, BuxWV 6 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","An Irish Folk Song (Foote, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","An Occasional Oratorio, HWV 62 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\27","An Opera of Daniel (Lambert, Edward)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","An Wasserfl\u00fcssen Babylon a 7 (Wannenmacher, Johannes)|SScores\\4","An Wasserfl\u00fcssen Babylon, W162 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Anbetung dem Erbarmer, H.807 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Anchor che col partire (Rore, Cipriano de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\20|PScores and Parts\\20|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\2","The Ancient Mariner (Barnett, John Francis)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Ancient of Days (Coombs, Charles Whitney)|VVocal Scores\\1","And shall Trelawney die? (Macirone, Clara Angela)|SScores\\1","And Ye Shall Serve the Lord Your God (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","Die Andacht fragt nach dir, GWV 1111\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Andenken, D.423 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Andere Kern-Spr\u00fcche (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|PParts\\1","Andreas Christi famulus \u00e0 8 (Crecquillon, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Andreas Christi famulus (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\2","Androm\u00e8de (Lekeu, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","L'Anfione, Op.7 (Grossi, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Angel-Voices, Ever Singing (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","Angele Dei, Marginalia No.93 (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","Angele Dei, Marginalia No.94 (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","Angele Dei, Marginalia No.95 (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","Angelum amatorem (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Angelus autem (Tejeda, Alonso de)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Angelus Domini apparuit (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Angelus Domini descendit, ZWV 161 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Angelus Domini descendit (Mapelli, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Angelus Domini descendit (Pagueras, Cayetano)|SScores\\1","Angenehmes Wiederau, BWV 30a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Les anges de Bethl\u00e9em (Boisdeffre, Ren\u00e9 de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Angla, Op.60 (Hummel, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\1","Anima Christi sanctifica me (Durante, Silvestro)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Anima Christi sanctifica me (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Anima Christi sanctifica me (Valentini, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Anima Christi, Op.82 (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","Anima Christi (B\u00fctner, Crato)|SScores\\1","Anima Christi (Dyson, Peter)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","Anima mea liquefacta est, IA 38 (Anonymous)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Anna regnum progenies (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Annabel Lee, Op.41b (Holbrooke, Joseph)|VVocal Scores\\1","Annabel Lee (Lacy, Frederick St. John)|SScores\\1","\u00c4nnchen von Tharau (Silcher, Friedrich)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Annie o' the Banks o' Dee (Glover, Stephen Ralph)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Anoche cuando dorm\u00eda (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Antequam comedam suspiro (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","The Anthem Book of the Methodist Episcopal Church (Converse, Charles Crozat)|SScores\\1","The Anthem Book of the United Free Church of Scotland (Various)|SScores\\2","Anthem Fuddugol Ddirwestol (Owen, John)|SScores\\1","Anthem, 2 Hymns and 2 Dismissions (Wyvill, Zerubbabel)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","12 Anthems and 12 Psalm Tunes, 2nd Book (Smith of Market Lavington, John)|SScores\\1","12 Anthems and 12 Psalm Tunes, 3rd Book (Smith of Market Lavington, John)|SScores\\1","3 Anthems (Beckwith, John)|SScores\\1","6 Anthems (Bond, Capel)|SScores\\1","6 Anthems (Milton Sr., John)|SScores\\1","20 Anthems (Chapple, Samuel)|SScores\\1","30 Anthems (Croft, William)|SScores\\6","Antiennes pour les V\u00eapres d'un Confesseur non pontife, H.33-35 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ant\u00edfona de Nossa Senhora (Pedro I)|SScores\\1","Ant\u00edfona portuguesa de Santa Rita (Meireles, Jos\u00e9 Rodrigues Domingues de)|SScores\\1","Antifone mariane, Op.17 (Grassi, Ciro)|SScores\\14","Antigone, Op.55 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Antigono (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\3","Antiphona ad Confractorium (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","4 Antiphons (Weigl, Nivard)|PParts\\1","Das Antlitz des Herrn, GWV 1150\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Antoniuslied (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Antwort, Op.45 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|SScores\\1","Aperite mihi portas justitiae, BuxWV 7 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","El Apocalipsis (Bret\u00f3n, Tom\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Apollo, s'ancor vive il bel desio (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\18|PScores and Parts\\18|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\25","Apollon aux muses (Massenet, Jules)|SScores\\1","Apostole Christi Jacobe (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Apostolische Chor-Music (Briegel, Wolfgang Carl)|SScores\\2","Apotheosis sive Consecratio SS Ignatii et Francisci Xaverii (Kapsperger, Giovanni Girolamo)|SScores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","Appariran per me, LV 82 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Applausus, MH 144 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\2","Applicatio, MH 323 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\2","Applicatio (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2","Approche toy, jeune roy debonnaire (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","L'arabe (Chausson, Ernest)|SScores\\1","\u00c1r\u00e6\u00f0i, dirfska og orka og kraftur (\u00c1rni Beinteinn G\u00edslason)|SScores\\1","Ard\u00e9, corazon, ard\u00e9, Op.148 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Ardens est cor meum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ardens est (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","L'Ardito (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Are You Lonesome (Le Boy, Grace)|SScores\\1","Argentina, mi pa\u00eds (Giunta, H\u00e9ctor Fernando)|SScores\\1|PParts\\35","\u00c4rgre dich, o Seele, nicht, BWV 186a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","\u00c4rgre dich, o Seele, nicht, BWV 186 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\16|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","Ariadne, Op.4 (Smieton, John More)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","12 Ariae ex Canticis Salomonis (Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von)|PParts\\13","24 Arias and Cantatas, I-Vc Torr.Ms.B.21 (Various)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Arias and Cantatas, P-Ln C.I.C.14\/2 (Various)|SScores\\1","2 Arias (Myslive\u010dek, Josef)|SScores\\1","27 Arias, D-B (Various)|SScores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Arie spirituali, Op.9 (Fasolo, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Arien (Krieger, Adam)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","4 Ariettas and a Duetto (Catalani, Angelica)|SScores\\1","2 Ariette (Teichmann, Antoni)|SScores\\2","4 Arietten und ein Duett, Op.82 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Arise Oh King (Toker, Hakan Ali)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Arise, Awake (Morley, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Arise, Shine, for Thy Light is Come (Elvey, George Job)|SScores\\1","Arise, Shine, Op.7b (Cobb, Gerard Francis)|SScores\\1","Der arme Mensch mu\u00df, durch der S\u00fcnden Schuld, TWV 1:231 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Arminio, HWV 36 (Handel, George Frideric)|SFull Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\3","Armonici entusiasmi di Davide, Op.9 (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Aromatica rosa Americana (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Arresta al quanto a tue vittorie, GraunWV B:III:15 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ars longa vita brevis (Turchetto, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Ars, Lux et Veritas (Rodr\u00edguez, Iv\u00e1n Enrique)|RRecordings\\1","The Art of Venus (Lambert, Edward)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1|LLibrettos\\1","Art thou weary, art thou languid (Schnecker, Peter August)|SScores\\1","Art Thou Weary? (Gaul, Harvey B.)|SScores\\1","Artaserse (Ferrandini, Giovanni Battista)|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\3|LLibretti\\1","L'arte musicale in Italia (Torchi, Luigi)|SScores\\4","Artifex mirus (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","As Discords 'neath a Master's Hand (Andrews, Mark)|SScores\\1","As I laye a-Thynkynge (Elgar, Edward)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","As it Began to Dawn (Chaffin, Lucien Gates)|SScores\\1","As it Began to Dawn (Harker, Frederick Flaxington)|SScores\\1","As Pants the Hart (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","As the Day Breaks (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","As Vesta Was, from Latmos Hill Descending (Weelkes, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","As We Have Borne the Image of the Earthy (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Ascendens Christus in altum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ascendente Jesu in naviculam (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Ascendit Deus (Carturan, Carlo)|SScores\\2","Ascendo ad patrem meum (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Ascendo (Maillard, Jean)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Aschermittwochlied, Op.11 (Abeille, Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","The Ash Grove (Dunhill, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Asperges me, Domine (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\4","Asperges me, K.204 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\2","Asperges me (Binchois, Gilles)|SScores\\1","Asperges me (Feast, Charles F.)|SScores\\1","Asperges me (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Aspiciens a longe (Comes, Joan Baptista)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Assumpta est Maria (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Assumpta est Maria (Comes, Joan Baptista)|SScores\\1","Assumpta est Maria (Paciotto, Pietro Paolo)|SScores\\1","Assumpta est Maria (Quagliati, Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Assumpta est Maria (Valeri, Valerio)|SScores\\1","Assumpta est Maria (Xavier, Jos\u00e9 Maria)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","At Halfdans Kjerulfs Statue, EG 167 (Grieg, Edvard)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","At the Wicket Gate (Geibel, Adam)|SScores\\1","Atala et Chactas (Deransart, \u00c9douard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Atalanta, HWV 35 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|LLibrettos\\3","Atencion que para hacer en todo (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|PParts\\1","Atene edificata (Cimarosa, Domenico)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Athalia, HWV 52 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Athena's Soldier (Ruiz Molina, David)|SScores\\1","Atrapasuenos (Lewalter, Rainer)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\16","Attale et Erimene, MH 11 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\2","Attendite a falsis profetis (Strata, Giovanni Battista)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Attendite et videte (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Attilio Regolo (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Au bon lapin saut\u00e9 (Villebichot, Auguste de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Au feu d'amour (La Rue, Pierre de)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Aubade, H 78 (Berlioz, Hector)|SScores\\1","The Auctioneer (Leslie, Charles Eddy)|SScores\\1","Audi benigne Conditor (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Audi Domine hymnum (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Audi dulcis amica mea, LV 42 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Audite caeli, S.7 (Lalande, Michel Richard de)|SScores\\1","Audite mortales state cum metu (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores\\1","Audite nova, LV 483 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Audite populi (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|SScores\\1","Auf Christen posaunet, F.95 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Auf Christenmensch, GWV 1120\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\4","Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein, BWV 128 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Auf Danzig la\u00df in jauchzenden Ch\u00f6ren, NesF E20 (Freislich, Johann Balthasar Christian)|SScores\\1|PParts\\3","Auf Darmstadt, GWV 1055 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Auf dem rechten Wege ist Leben, GWV 1169\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die auf den Herrn harren, GWV 1174\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die auf den Herrn hoffen, TWV 7:9 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Auf dich, Herr, traue ich, SWV 462 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Auf diesen Tag bedenken wir, GWV 1136\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|VVocal Scores\\3","Auf frohlocket mit vollen Ch\u00f6ren, GWV 1136\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Auf gehet dem H\u00f6chsten mit Danken, GWV 1109\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Auf ihr Christen auf zum Streit, GWV 1162\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Auf ihr Herzen schickt euch an, GWV 1138\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Auf mein Geist lass alles stehen, GWV 1111\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Auf mein Geist, auf zum Erg\u00f6tzern, GWV 1065 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Auf schm\u00fccket euch, GWV 1161\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Auf Zion auf ermuntre dich, GWV 1101\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Auf Zion schreie Hosianna, GWV 1101\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Auf Zion werde Licht, GWV 1111\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Auf, schmetternde T\u00f6ne der muntern Trompeten, BWV 207a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Die Auferstehung Jesu (Witt, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu, SchW B2:301 (Scheibe, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\4|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2","Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu, WFV XIV\/10 (Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich)|PParts\\1","Auferstehung und Lob Gottes (Schaeffer, Julius)|SScores\\3","Auferstehungs-Historie (Scandello, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Die Auferweckung des Lazarus, Op.132 (Loewe, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\4","Die Auferweckung Lazarus (Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich)|SScores\\3","Aufmunterung zur Freude, G.18 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Aufmunterung zur Freude, G.108 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Augen, streuet Perlentr\u00e4nen, P.33 (Pachelbel, Johann)|SScores\\1","Auguste jam coelestium, D.488 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Augustin, Op.32 (Sommer, Hans)|VVocal Scores\\1","L'aultre jour jouer m'aloie (Conseil, Jean)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Aumone (Neukomm, Sigismund)|SScores\\1","Aurea luce, et decore roseo (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Aurora sch\u00f6n mit ihrem Haar (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","L'aurore, M.45 (Ravel, Maurice)|SScores\\1","Aus dem Danklied zu Gott, Hob.XXVc:8 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, BWV 131 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Aus der Tiefe, Op.30 (Henschel, George)|VVocal Scores\\1","Aus der Tiefe, SWV 25 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Aus der Tiefen rufe ich Herr h\u00f6re meine Stimme, H.419 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Aus der Tiefen rufen wir, GWV 1113\/23a (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Aus Goethe's west-\u00f6stlichem Divan, Op.69 (Huber, Hans)|SScores\\1","Aus Gottes reichen Allmachtsh\u00e4nden, GWV 1123\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Aus gutem Grund (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Aus meines Herzens Grunde (Wolder, David)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Aus Osten, Op.42 (Franz, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, BWV 38 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, GWV 1163\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, GWV 1165\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, W105 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (L\u00fctkemann, Paul)|SScores\\1","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Praetorius, Michael)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Auserlesene Oden zum Singen beym Clavier (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ausfahrt (Keller, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","21 Ausgew\u00e4hlte Kirchenkompositionen (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\2","Ausgew\u00e4hlte Werke von Andreas Hammerschmidt (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ausgew\u00e4hlte Werke von Leopold Mozart (Mozart, Leopold)|SScores\\1","Ausgew\u00e4hlte Werke (Kerll, Johann Caspar)|SScores\\48|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Die Ausgie\u00dfung des Heiligen Geistes, WacR IV:3 (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\5","Auswahl maurerischer Ges\u00e4nge (Various)|SScores\\1","L'autrier que passa (Busnois, Antoine)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Autumn Song (Pease, Alfred Humphries)|SScores\\1","Ave ancilla trinitatis (Brumel, Antoine)|NNaxos\\0","Ave Atque Vale, Op.114 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ave color boni vini (Bruhier, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Ave gratia plena (Spataro, Giovanni)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Ave Maria a 8 (Cannicciari, Pompeo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ave Maria alta stirps, LV 644 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria do Carmo, M.R. Op.37 (Santos, Marcos Vinicius Ribeiro dos)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ave Maria dulcis et pia (Pasino, Stefano)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maria for 4 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Ave Maria for 8 Voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ave Maria for Tenor, Choir and Organ (Viro, Angel)|SScores\\2","Ave Maria gratia plena (Adlgasser, Anton Cajetan)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria gratia plena (McManus, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria gratia plena (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ave Maria in A major, ICS 19 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ave Maria in A major (Cattaneo, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in A major (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\3","Ave Maria in A minor (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in A-flat major (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ave Maria in B-flat minor (Doss, Adolf von)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in D major (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in D minor (Nichifor, Serban)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maria in E-flat major, Peters 30 (Waud, J. Haydn)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in F major, Op.4 (H\u00f6gn, August)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in F major (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in G major (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria in G minor (Giorgi, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ave Maria moderna, Op.21 (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria No.1 (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria No.1 (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria No.2 in D minor (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria No.2 (Witt, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria zart (Braun, Johann Georg Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maria, Op.1 (Benoit, Peter)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria, Op.3 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria, Op.36 (Heinze, Gustav Adolf)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria, Op.55 (Pedrosa, Juan Antonio)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria, Op.104 (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ave Maria, PG 92 (Olmeda, Federico)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","Ave Maria, PG 95 (Olmeda, Federico)|SScores\\2","Ave Maria, SV 213 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Ave Maria (Aliseda, Jer\u00f3nimo de)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Batiste, Edouard)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Benoit, Peter)|SScores\\2","Ave Maria (Boumard, Jean)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Brassart, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ave Maria (Calzolari, Elia)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Carreras, Miguel)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Caudana, Federico)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Champagne, Claude)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Ch\u00e9rouvrier, Edmond)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Costa, Jo\u00e3o Am\u00e9rico da)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maria (Dancla, Charles)|SFull Scores\\1","Ave Maria (Demersseman, Jules)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Donizetti, Gaetano)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Faure, Jean-Baptiste)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maria (Goller, Vinzenz)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Gordigiani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ave Mar\u00eda (Guerra Sard\u00e1, Cratilio)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Honhon, Adrien)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Jansfort, Simon)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Lalanne, J. M. de)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Lejeal, Alois Francis)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Mapelli, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Menke, Johannes)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Miltitz, Carl Borrom\u00e4us von)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Niedermeyer, Louis)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Oczko, Michael John)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ave Maria (Onslow, George)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Pozzoli, Ettore)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Smart, Henry Thomas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maria (Stith, David Joseph)|SScores\\1","Ave maria (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Ave Maria (Thieriot, Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Toscano, \u00c9mile)|SScores\\1","Ave Maria (Veccia, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella 1688 (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ave maris stella a 3 voci (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\2","Ave maris stella \u00e0 deux voix (Adam, Adolphe)|SScores\\1","Ave Maris Stella No.2 (Rosewig, Albert Henry)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella, JWV 161 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Ave maris stella, Op.18 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella, S.59 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Ave maris stella (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Ave maris stella (Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria)|SScores\\3|PParts\\4","Ave maris stella (Dunstaple, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave Maris Stella (Dur\u00f3n, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Ave maris stella (Perosi, Lorenzo)|SScores\\2","Ave maris stella (Polignac, Edmond de)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella (Power, Leonel)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella (Proch, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella (Salas, Esteban)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella (Soriano, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Ave maris stella (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ave maris stella (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Ave Regina caelorum for 5 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Ave Regina caelorum for 8 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Ave Regina caelorum, LV 554 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Ave Regina caelorum (Almada, Christian Alejandro)|SScores\\1","Ave Regina caelorum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ave Regina caelorum (Obrecht, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ave Regina caelorum (Werner, Gregor Joseph)|SScores\\1","Ave regina coelorum in F major (Zeiler, Gallus)|SScores\\1","Ave regina coelorum und Alma redemtoris mater, Op.36 (G\u00e4nsbacher, Johann Baptist)|PParts\\1","6 Ave Regina Coelorum, ZWV 128 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\8|PParts\\9","Ave Regina Coelorum (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Ave Regina coelorum (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ave Regina Coelorum (Poglietti, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ave Regina coelorum (Power, Leonel)|SScores\\1","Ave regina in B-flat major (Aufschnaiter, Benedikt Anton)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2","Ave regina in C minor (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Ave regina (Menegali)|SScores\\1","Ave stella matutina (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Ave verum corpus, Op.81 (Spada, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ave verum corpus, T 92 (Byrd, William)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Ave verum corpus (Brunetti, Domenico)|RRecordings\\1","Ave verum Corpus (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Ave verum in E-flat major (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Ave Verum, Op.166 (Bonis, Mel)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ave verum (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Ave Verum (Dumler, Martin G.)|SScores\\1","Ave Verum (Warren, Francis Purcell)|SScores\\1","Ave Virgo gloriosa, F 11.31 (Frescobaldi, Girolamo)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Avecque vous (Cornet, S\u00e9verin)|PParts\\1","Avecques vous mon amour finira, LV 38 (Lassus, Orlande de)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Aveja para labrar (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Aveugle par amour (Sivry, Charles de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Avorio e gemma ed ogni pietra dura (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Awake Up, My Glory (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Awake Up, My Glory (Haynes, Battison)|SScores\\1","Awake Up, My Glory (Wise, Michael)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ay Jes\u00fas (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Ay que abismo de luzes (Veana, Mat\u00edas Juan de)|PParts\\1","Ay que alegre festivo alborozo (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1"],"B":["Bacchanalian (Distin, Theodore)|SScores\\1","Bacchic Song, Op.72 (Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail)|SScores\\2","Bacchus to Melpomene (Linley, William)|SScores\\1","Les bacheliers de Salamanque (Burty, Marc)|SScores\\1","Baci soavi e cari, SV 27 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Badelied, D.Anh.I\/21 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Bagatelle for Soprano, Tenor and English Horn, Op.456 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Bailecito (Massa, Juan Bautista)|SScores\\1","Bajazet et le joueur de fl\u00fbte (Guiraud, Ernest)|SScores\\4","Bajeczka o myszce (Wallek-Walewski, Boles\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","The Ballad of Barbara Allen (Girtain IV, Edgar)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Balletti a cinque voci (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Das Bandel, K.441 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6","Les Bandits (Raoux, Louis-Alexis)|SScores\\2","Le bapt\u00eame de Clovis (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|VVocal Scores\\1","\u00dear sem j\u00f3lalj\u00f3sin lj\u00f3ma (Hallgr\u00edmur \u00deorsteinsson)|SScores\\1","The Barber of Seville, TH 18 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|SScores\\1","La barbi\u00e8re improvis\u00e9e (O'Kelly, Joseph)|VVocal Scores\\1","Bardengesang, D.147 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","The Barks (Hastings, Frank Seymour)|SScores\\1","Barmherzig treuer Gott (Strattner, Georg Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Barmherzig und gn\u00e4dig ist der Herr, GWV 1163\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Barmherzig und Gn\u00e4dig, Op.26 (Grell, Eduard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Barmherziges Herze der ewigen Liebe, BWV 185 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\1","Le basile (Solage)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","6 Basque Songs (Guridi, Jes\u00fas)|SScores\\1","Le batelier, Op.22 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Be Glad, O Ye Righteous (Smart, Henry Thomas)|SScores\\1","Be Still and Know that I am God (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","Be ye Angry (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Be Ye Therefore Followers of God (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)|SScores\\1","Beata Dei genitrix (Guerrero, Francisco)|SScores\\1","Beata es Maria, H.25 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Beata es, virgo Maria, Ch.8 (Gabrieli, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Beata es, virgo Maria, quae Dominum portasti (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\1","Beata Mater (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Beata quoque agmina (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Beatam me dicent (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Beati inmaculati in via a 13 (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Beati omnes in G minor, S.25 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Beati omnes qui timent Dominum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|PParts\\1","Beati omnes qui timent II (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Beati omnes qui timent I (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Beati omnes, ZWV 94 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Beati Omnes (Janitsch, Johann Gottlieb)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14","Beati Pacifica (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Beati quorum remissae sunt (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Beato l'uomo (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Beatus auctor seculi (Praetorius, Hieronymus)|SScores\\1","Beatus auctor seculi (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Beatus ille qui procul negottis (Turchetto, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Beatus Laurentius (Aleotti, Vittoria)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Beatus Nicolaus, LV 1137 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Beatus Nicolaus (Anonymous)|SScores\\2","Beatus qui intelligit (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Beatus vir a 4\u00ba concertato (Jommelli, Niccol\u00f2)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir for 3 voices (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir in B-flat major (Caldara, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Beatus vir in C major, IAC 14 (Caldara, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Beatus vir in C major, IAC 15 (Caldara, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Beatus vir in C major, INP 13 (Porpora, Nicola Antonio)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir in C major, INP 15 (Porpora, Nicola Antonio)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir qui inventus est (Molli, Antonio)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Beatus vir, Op.56 (Elsner, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Beatus vir, qui non abiit (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Beatus vir, RV 795 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Beatus vir, S.26 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\3","Beatus vir, S.27 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir, S.28 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir, SV 268 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir, ZWV 76 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Beatus vir (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Beatus vir (Foggia, Francesco)|PParts\\1","Beatus vir (Harrer, Gottlob)|SScores\\2","Beatus Vir (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\20","Beatus vir (Theile, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Beau le cristal, LV 574 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","La beaut\u00e9 du diable (Alary, Giulio)|VVocal Scores\\2","Beauty Sat Bathing By a Spring (Pilkington, Francis)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Beaux yeux, les doux vainqueurs (Gu\u00e9dron, Pierre)|SScores\\1","Becker Psalter, Op.5 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\172","The Bees Madrigall (Butler, Charles)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Bees (Fletcher, Percy Eastman)|SScores\\1","Befiehl dem Engel da\u00df er komm', BuxWV 10 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Befiehl dem Herrn deine Wege, GWV 1123\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Befiehl dem Herrn deine Wege, GWV 1156\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Befiehl dem Herrn deine Wege (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Befiehl du deine Wege, GWV 1156\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Befiehl du deine Wege (Altnikol, Johann Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Befiehle dem Herren (Bahr, Johann)|SScores\\1","Befiel dem Herrn deine Wege, Op.85 (Rinck, Christian Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Befleissige dich Gott zu erzeigen, GWV 1117\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Die befreiung Israels, WacR I:11 (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Begr\u00fc\u00dfung, MWV D 2 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7","Beguine Motets (Steer, Michael Maxwell)|SScores\\1","Beg\u00fcrtet eure Lenden, GWV 1136\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Behold I Have Given You Every Herb (Harris, Cuthbert)|SScores\\1","Behold Now, Praise the Lord (Titcomb, Everett)|SScores\\2","Behold, how Good and Joyful (Clarke-Whitfeld, John)|SScores\\1","Behold, I Shew You a Mystery (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Behold, O God Our Defender (Sowerby, Leo)|SScores\\1","Beh\u00fcte dein Herz mit allem Fleiss, GWV 1122\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Bei dem Herrn findet man Hilfe, GWV 1165\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Bei Gott ist mein Heil, GWV 1174\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Bei Jesu ist recht viel Vergn\u00fcgen, GWV 1112\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Die Beichte, Op.97 No.1 (K\u00fccken, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Beim Aufgang der Sonne, Op.11 (S\u00e4mann, Karl Heinrich)|VVocal Scores\\1","Beitrag zur f\u00fcnfzigj\u00e4hrigen Jubelfeier des Herrn von Salieri, D.407 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Bekehret euch zu mir, TWV 1:121 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","The Beleaguered (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Il Bell'umore (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Bella movet Israel bella terris (F\u00f6rster, Kaspar)|SScores\\1","La bella prigioniera, A 15 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","La Bellezza (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Bello sol rutilante (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","The Bells, Op.35 (Rachmaninoff, Sergei)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\24|VVocal Scores\\3","The Bells (Fox, George)|VVocal Scores\\1","Belshazzar, HWV 61 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Bemmenuto (Valente, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","Ben mi credea passar mio tempo, LV 18 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Beneath a Weight of Hapless Love (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Benedic Anima Mea and Gloria in F major (Danks, Hart Pease)|SScores\\1","Benedic Anima Mea in B-flat major (Sparks, P. B.)|SScores\\1","Benedic anima mea (Du Mont, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Benedicam Domino (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Benedicam Domino (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Benedicam Dominum in omni tempore (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Benedicam Dominum qui tribuit, LV 875 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Benedicam Dominum, BuxWV 113 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Benedicam Dominum, HV 55 (Eybler, Joseph)|PParts\\18","Benedicam Dominum (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores\\1","Benedicam Dominum (Du Mont, Henry)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Benedicamus Patrem (Eberlin, Johann Ernst)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Benedicamus Patrem (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Benedicite gentes, LV 877 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Benedicta et Venerabilis (Alzedo, Jos\u00e9 Bernardo)|SScores\\1","Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas (Zeutschner, Tobias)","Benedicta tu es (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\5","Benedictio et claritas (Mielczewski, Marcin)|SScores\\1","Benediction Service (Warren, Francis Purcell)|SScores\\1","Benedictus Deus in G major (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel (Croce, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Benedictus Dominus, Deus Israel (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Benedictus Dominus, LWV 64\/2 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|SScores\\1","Benedictus es Domine, LV 856 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Benedictus es, Domine, HerEy 64 (Eybler, Joseph)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Benedictus in B-flat major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Benedictus in C major (Ireland, John)|SScores\\1","Benedictus in C major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Benedictus in G major (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores\\1","Benedictus sit Deus Pater, ZWV 207 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Benedictus, Fuga ex una (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\2","Benedictus (Adonay, Marcelo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Benedictus (Seixas, Carlos)|SScores\\1","Benedictus (Wiltberger, August)|SScores\\1","Benedictus (Wiltberger, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Benedite il Signore (Soto de Langa, Francisco)|SFull Scores\\2","Benedixisti Domine terram tuam, LV 709 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Benedixisti Domine, K.150 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Benedixisti (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Benedixisti (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\5","Bequemliches Leben, gem\u00e4chlicher Stand, TWV 1:123 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Berceuse d'\u00e9t\u00e9 (Robert, Fernand-Raoul)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Die Beredsamkeit, Hob.XXVc:4 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Bereite dich mein Geist zur Freude, dein Gl\u00fcck ist gro\u00df, GWV 1066 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Bereitet die Wege, bereitet die Bahn, BWV 132 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Berenice, HWV 38 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\24|LLibrettos\\3","Berges-Zauber f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerchor und Horn, Op.36 (Reinhold, Hugo)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Bergm\u00e4nnisches Trinklied (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Berlepsch Lieder (J\u00fcrgens, Karl)|SScores\\9","Berlurette et Larfaillon (Liouville, Frantz)|VVocal Scores\\1","Beschaffens gl\u00fcck (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Beschliesset einen Rat, GWV 1158\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Besorge deines Herzens Feld, GWV 1118\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Bespiegelt euch in Jesu Leiden (Rolle, Christian Friedrich)|SScores\\3|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2","Bessre dich Jerusalem, GWV 1151\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Bestelle dein Haus, GWV 1157\/09b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","La bestia che io vidi (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Betet stets in allen Anliegen, GWV 1135\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Bethany (Rhys-Herbert, William)|VVocal Scores\\3","Bethlehem Down (Warlock, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Betr\u00fcbte Seele merke auf, GWV 1121\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Betr\u00fcbte Sulamith geh hin, GWV 1120\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Betr\u00fcbter Lohn der Missetaten, TWV 1:125a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Betr\u00fcbter Tag in Zion t\u00f6nen, GWV 1127\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Betr\u00fcbter Tag vor allen Tagen, GWV 1127\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Die Betstunde, Op.60 (Kron, Louis)|SScores\\1","The Better Day Coming Tomorrow (Thompson, Will Lamartine)|SScores\\1","Bewaffnet mit Schrecken erf\u00fcllet die Nacht, L.542 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\2","Bewahr dein Herz o frommer Christ (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Bewahre deinen Fuss, GWV 1147\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Beweise Herr, deine wunderliche G\u00fcte (Zeutschner, Tobias)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Bey Paucken und Trompeten, GWV 1274\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\17|PScores and Parts\\17","Bey Paucken und Trompeten, GWV 1277\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\17|PScores and Parts\\17","B\u00ed b\u00ed og blaka (Sigf\u00fas Einarsson)|SScores\\1","Il bianco e dolce cigno (Arcadelt, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18","Il Bianco e dolce cigno (Benigna, Lorenzo)|SScores\\1","Biblis (Massenet, Jules)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Bicinium super Salve sancta parens (Coclico, Adrianus Petit)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Bicinium (Bellermann, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Bien, bien je vous pardonne (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","The Bill of Fare (Merz, Karl)|SScores\\1","Bind an der Teufel ist bald hin, GWV 1122\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","The Birth of Christ, Op.66 (Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong)|VVocal Scores\\1","Bisher habt ihr nichts gebeten in meinem Namen, BWV 87 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\2","Bittet so werdet ihr nehmen, GWV 1114\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Bittet so werdet ihr nehmen, GWV 1135\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Bittet so wird euch gegeben, GWV 1135\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Bixby's Home Songs (Various)|SScores\\1","Bjergpigen (Rosenfeld, Leopold)|VVocal Scores\\1","\u00dej\u00f3\u00f0v\u00edsa (Bl\u00f6ndal, \u00deorvaldur)|SScores\\2","Bl\u00e5 grottan, Op.43 (Netzel, Laura)|SScores\\1","The Black Vulture (Rogers, Chris)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Blanc et clairet sont les couleurs (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Blaset mit der Posaune zu Zion, GWV 1102\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Blaset mit der Posaune zu Zion, GWV 1125\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden, BWV 6 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\30|VVocal Scores\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Bleib' bei mir, Op.72 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Bleib' bei uns Herr (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Bleibe bei uns denn es will Abend werden (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Bleibe bei uns, denn es will Abend werden (Fischer, Johann Christoph)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Bleibe in Gottes Wort und \u00fcbe dich, GWV 1118\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Bleibet fest in der br\u00fcderlichen Liebe, GWV 1148\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Blessed are the Undefiled (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","Blessed are They that Considereth the Poor, HWV 268 (Handel, George Frideric)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Blessed be the God and Father (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Blessed Be the Lord (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Blest are the Pure in Heart (Christiansen, F. Melius)|SScores\\1","Blest the Objects of Your Care (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Der Blinde (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind (Crandell, Kelly)|SScores\\1","The Blue and the Gray (Sudds, William F.)|VVocal Scores\\1","Blue Eyes (Daly, Joseph M.)|SScores\\1","Blurry Tale, Op.69 (Toker, Hakan Ali)|SScores\\1","Das Blut Christi wird unsre Gewissen reinigen, TWV 1:171 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Bl\u00fcten aus dem Osten, Op.63 (Weingartner, Felix)|SScores\\1","The Boatman's Good-Night (Schira, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Boldog, akit tan\u00edtasz (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Bolero (Frontera de Valldemossa, Francisco)|SScores\\1","Bon di Cariselli (Cambert, Robert)|VVocal Scores\\2","Bon Soir (Carulli, Gustavo)|SScores\\1","Bone Jesu verbum Patris (Baal, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Bone pastor, H.265 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Bonum est et suaue (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Book Lice (Jacobs, Paul)|SScores\\1","2 Bookes of Ayres (Campion, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Les bords de l'Ebro (Bosselet, Charles-Marie-Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\1","B\u00f6se Leute merken nicht aufs Recht, GWV 1103\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die Bosheit dreht das schnellste Rad, TWV 1:331a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","The Boston Musical Institute's Collection of Church Music (Comer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Bouche qui n'as point de semblable (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Bow down Thine ear, O Lord (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)|SScores\\1","Bow down thine ear, O Lord (Greene, Maurice)|SScores\\1","The Boy (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Br\u00e4utigam kommt, GWV 1161\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Bread of the World (Nunn, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Break Forth into Joy (Prentice, Ridley)|SScores\\1","Breathe Soft, Ye Winds (Paxton, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Bremisches Choralbuch (Reinthaler, Carl Martin)|SScores\\2","The Brethren's Tune and Hymn Book (Various)|SScores\\2","Breton Folk-Songs (Lehmann, Liza)|SScores\\2","The Bride of Dunkerron (Smart, Henry Thomas)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Bride, Op.25 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","A Briefe Discourse (Ravenscroft, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\24|PScores and Parts\\24|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","A Briefe Introduction to the Skill of Song (Bathe, William)|SScores\\2","Brigg Fair (Grainger, Percy)|SScores\\1","Brighter Than the Sun (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|LLibretti\\1","Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning (Coombs, Charles Whitney)|SScores\\1","Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens, BWV 148 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\1","Bringet her dem Herrn Ehre, GWV 1109\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Bringet her dem Herrn Ehre, GWV 1174\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Bringt ihm auf den Alt\u00e4ren, L.524 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\2","Broderbud (Olsen, Ole)|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Broutez, camusettes (Tessier, Charles)|SScores\\1","A Brown Bird Singing (Wood, Haydn)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Der br\u00fcderliche Theilung (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\1","Das Brummen, WoO 9 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Bryllups-Serenade (Olsen, Ole)|SScores\\1","Das Buch mit sieben Siegeln (Schmidt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Bucura-te Marie (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Buds of roses, virgin flowers (Stevenson, John)|SScores\\1","The Building of the Ship, Op.35 (Barnett, John Francis)|VVocal Scores\\1","Der b\u00fc\u00dfende S\u00fcnder, MH 147 (Haydn, Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15","Der Butterr\u00e4uber von Halberstadt (Sothilander, Georg L.)|SScores\\1","Buvons ma commere (Appenzeller, Benedictus)|SScores\\1","By the Light of the Jungle Moon (Atkinson, J. Caldwell)|SScores\\1","By the Waters of Babylon (Crampton, Thomas)|VVocal Scores\\1","Bye-Bye Till We Meet Again (Vickers, George M.)|SScores\\1"],"C":["C'est le jour de la No\u00ebl! (M\u00e9tayer, Henri)|SScores\\1","The Cab Catch (Caldicott, Alfred James)|SScores\\1","Caccia d'amore (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","La caccia del toro (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","La caduta di Gerico (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\3|PParts\\1","Caecilia Virgo et Martyr, H.415 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Caecilia (Braune, Otto)|SScores\\2","Cain, overo Il primo omicidio (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores\\3|PParts\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Call Forth Such Numbers (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\2","Call Me Back, Pal, O' Mine (Dixon, Harold)|SScores\\2","Can You Blame the Women After All? (Bowers, Frederic V.)|SScores\\1","Canada (J\u00f3n Fri\u00f0finnsson)|SScores\\2","Can\u00e7\u00e3o Sacra Barroca No.1, PVM 8 (Silva, Wenyo de Oliveira Arag\u00e3o da)|SScores\\1","Canciones populares espa\u00f1olas, Op.24 (Alejandre Prada, Manuel)|SScores\\1","4 Canciones sobre Poemas de Heinrich Heine, Op.24 (Parodi Ortega, Luis F\u00e9lix)|SScores\\1","Candid'allhor del ciel, LV 73 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Candida man qual neve (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Canon for 2 Tenor Instruments (Josquin Desprez)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Canon for 12 Voices in G major, K.348\/382g (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Canon f\u00fcr 4 Tenor oder Ba\u00df Stimmen, G.24 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\1","Canta ancor (Gomes, Carlos)|SScores\\2","Canta Jerusalem, MH 269 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","C\u00e1ntabros nobles, Op.4 (Arriaga, Juan Cris\u00f3stomo de)|PParts\\1","Cantai hor piango, LV 1 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Cantai: or piango (Willaert, Adrian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Cantantes (Bridson, Robert Edward)|SScores\\1","Cantantibus Organis (Letondal, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Cantantibus organis (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Cantata 'Rejoice in the Lord', Op.16 (Ngo, Ethan)|SScores\\1","Cantata 'We Do Not See' for Voices with Strings, Op.8 (Tripodi, Leandro)|SScores\\1|PParts\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Cantata al Sepolcro di nostro Signore, S.29 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Cantata al sepolcro di nostro signore, S.30 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Cantata del Centenario, Op.52 (Alejandre Prada, Manuel)|SScores\\1","La cantata e disfida di Don Trastullo (Jommelli, Niccol\u00f2)|SScores\\1","Cantata for the Opening of the Polytechnic Exhibition, TH 67 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Cantata in Memory of Alexander I (Glinka, Mikhail)|SScores\\1","Cantata Marii Uniri (Cibisescu-Duran, Iulia Narcisa)|SFull Scores\\1","Cantata nel secondo centenario della nascita di Don Nicola Mazza (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Cantata No.1 (Mulzer, Marco)|RRecordings\\4|SScores\\4","Cantata No.3 (Mulzer, Marco)|RRecordings\\6|SScores\\6","Cantata on the Accession of Emperor Leopold II, WoO 88 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|SScores\\2","Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph II, WoO 87 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Cantata paa 1ste Januarij 1801 (Grosmann, Heinrich Ernst)|SScores\\3|PParts\\24|VVocal Scores\\1","Cantata Paa Christi Himmelfarts Dag Gud farer op (Grosmann, Heinrich Ernst)|SScores\\5|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1","Cantata per il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Maest\u00e0, 1764 (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Cantata per il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Maest\u00e0, 1766 (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Cantata per il felicissimo giorno natalizio di Sua Maest\u00e0, 1769 (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Cantata per la traslazione del sangue di S. Gennaro, 1769 (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Cantata per la traslazione del sangue di S. Gennaro, 1781 (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Cantata Salom\u00f3n, Op.42 (Alejandre Prada, Manuel)|SScores\\1","Cantata Santa Brigida (Albergati, Pirro Capacelli Conte)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Cantata to Karl Hals, EG 164 (Grieg, Edvard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Cantata, BWV Anh.2 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","2 Cantatas (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","17 Cantatas, D-B Am.B 222 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\19","46 Cantatas, D-B (Various)|SScores\\7","30 Cantatas, Duos, etc. (Bononcini, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Cantatas (Nielsen, Carl)|SScores\\3","Cantate 'Les Droits de l'Homme' (Mourey, Colette)","Cantate da Camera, Op.4 (Mazzaferrata, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Cantate Domino canticum novum (Turini, Gregorio)|SScores\\2","Cantate Domino ministri eius (Quagliati, Paolo)|SScores\\1","Cantate Domino, Ch.6 (Gabrieli, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Cantate Domino, Op.22 (Indy, Vincent d')|SScores\\2","Cantate Domino, SV 292 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Cantate Domino (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\1","Cantate Domino (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Cantate Domino (Perini, Annibale)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Cantate en l'Honneur de la Sainte Vierge, Op.62 (Guilmant, Alexandre)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Cantate laudem Deo (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","Cantate til Kongen's F\u00f8dselsdag, G.173 (Gerson, Georg)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\26|VVocal Scores\\2|LLibrettos\\1","Cantate til Reformations-Jubelfesten (Bay, Rudolph)|SScores\\1","Cantate ved Form\u00e6lings-Acten (Naumann, Johann Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","Cantate ved Universitetets Fest, Op.84 (Hartmann, Johan Peter Emilius)|VVocal Scores\\1","Cantate (Chavaneau, Emmanuel)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\15","Cantemus Domino gloriose enim magnificatus est (Rinoldi, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Cantemus Domino gloriose enim magnificatus est (Rubino, Bonaventura)|SScores\\1","Cantemus Domino gloriose enim magnificatus tuus (Beretta, Francesco)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Canten acordes los Angeles y hombres (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Cantica Sacra de Beata Virgine Maria, Op.24 (\u017bukowski, Otton Mieczys\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Cantica Sacra (Fast, J. J.)|SScores\\1","Cantici spirituali (Capello, Giovanni Francesco)|SScores\\22","3 Canticles (Cummings, Robert)|SScores\\1","Canticle (McManus, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Cantico delle creature (Artm\u00fcller, Conrad)|SScores\\1","Canticum Beatae Mariae Virginis (Gombert, Nicolas)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Canticum in honoris BMV inter homines et angelos, H.400 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Canticum morti (Verheyen, Pierre-Emmanuel)|SScores\\1","Canticum pro pace, H.392 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Canticum sacrum, K086 (Stravinsky, Igor)|SScores\\2","Cantiones sacrae octonis vocibus (Philips, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\8","Cantiones sacrae, Op.1 (Hacquart, Carolus)|PParts\\1","Cantiones suavissimae (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|PParts\\4","24 Cantiones, lieder, chansons, et madrigali, LV 1573.8 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\4","Cantionum ecclesiasticarum, Libro 1 (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Le cantique des cantiques, Op.16 (Boisdeffre, Ren\u00e9 de)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Cantique nuptial, Op.45 (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Cantique pour messe de mariage (Yung, Alfred)|SScores\\1","Cantique pour No\u00ebl (Le Guennant, Auguste)|SScores\\1","Cantiques sacr\u00e9s pour les principales solemnit\u00e9s des Chr\u00e9tiens (Various)|SScores\\1","24 Cantiques (Lef\u00e9bure-W\u00e9ly, Louis James Alfred)|SScores\\1","Il canto dei profughi (Anzoletti, Marco)|SScores\\1","Canto delle Palle (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Canto Llano de la Inmaculada Concepcion, FO 68 (Corr\u00eaa de Araujo, Francisco)|SScores\\2","Cantus Ecclesi\u00e6 (Darley, William Henry Westray)|SScores\\1","Cantus lugubris in obitum Friderici Magni (Reichardt, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Cantus sacri tribus vocibus aequalibus, Op.66 (Ravanello, Oreste)|SScores\\37|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Canzon del Cucco e Rossignuolo (Croce, Giovanni)|SScores\\3","18 Canzonets (Travers, John)|SScores\\2","Canzonette a 3 voci (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores\\1","24 Canzonette a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Hassler, Hans Leo)|PParts\\4","Canzonette, Libro 3 (Lambardi, Francesco)|PParts\\1","6 Canzonette, Op.5 (Cannabich, Carl August)|SScores\\1","6 Canzonette, Op.10 (Cannabich, Carl August)|SScores\\2","Canzone (Bodro, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Canzoni alla francese (Banchieri, Adriano)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","24 Canzoni Napoletane, Libro 1 (Scandello, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\4","Caractacus, Op.35 (Elgar, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\31|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Caractacus (Read, John Francis Holcombe)|VVocal Scores\\1","Caractacus (Wesley Jr., Charles)|SScores\\1","Caritas numquam excidit, Op.22 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Carmina Christo (Haweis, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Carne de donsella (Madre de Deus, Filipe da)|PParts\\1","Il Carnevale di Venezia (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Carnival Waltz (Kram, Richard)|SScores\\1","Caro dolce ben mio (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Caro mea vere est cibus (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Caro mea, Op.6 No.12 (Fasolo, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Caro mio Druck und Schluck, K.Anh.5\/571a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|SScores\\1","Carol from a Chester Mystery Play (Dyson, Peter)|SScores\\4","5 Carolina Low Country Spirituals (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Carols for Christmastide (Zitterbart Jr., Fidelis)|SScores\\1","3 Carols for Tenor and Lute (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Carro della Morte (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Casada soy, marido tengo (Rodr\u00edguez Peris, Mart\u00edn Jos\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Cast Thy Burden on the Lord (Hosmer, Elmer Samuel)|SScores\\1","Catacombenmis (De Vocht, Lodewijk)|SScores\\1","Catarina and Felinio, Mn.108 (Florczak, Lukas)|PParts\\11|LLibrettos\\1","Catches, Glees and Canons, Op.4 (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Cathedral Chants of the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries (Rimbault, Edward Francis)|SScores\\1","Cathedral Chants (Gooch, Frederick)|SScores\\2","Cathedral Chants (Various)|SScores\\3","The Cathedral Magazine (Various)|SScores\\3","Cautivos de Ysrael (Paris, Juan)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","A Cavalier War Song (Hopkins, John)|SScores\\1","Ce beau temps me fait resjouir (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Ce ne fut pas (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Ce qui fait r\u00eaver (David, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Cease Myne Eyes (Morley, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Cecilia, volgi un sguardo, HWV 89 (Handel, George Frideric)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Celebrate this Festival, Z.321 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Centenary Singer (Various)|SScores\\1","Cento concerti ecclesiastici (Viadana, Lodovico da)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","A Century\u2019s Penultimate (Wood, Charles)|SScores\\1","La cerva verr\u00e0 saltando (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Cessoz mon cueur (Colin, Pierre)|SScores\\1","Chamber Suite for Soprano and Tenor, Op.1132 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\4","Chanson du berger de la grotte verte (Girardin, Louis Stanislas de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Chanson galante (Ravel, Maurice)|SScores\\1","29 Chansons a quatre parties (Manchicourt, Pierre de)|PParts\\4","Chansons \u00e0 quatre voix, Op.39 (Schmitt, Florent)|SScores\\2","3 Chansons de fous (Ferroud, Pierre-Octave)|VVocal Scores\\1","Les chansons de la Guerre, la chasse, le chant des oyseaux, l'alouette, le rossignol (Janequin, Cl\u00e9ment)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Chansons des bois d'amaranthe (Massenet, Jules)|SScores\\1","Chansons et madrigaux (Hahn, Reynaldo)|SScores\\1","29 Chansons musicales a quatre parties (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","32 Chansons musicales a quatre parties (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","34 Chansons musicales a quatre parties (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","35 Chansons musicales a quatre parties (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","28 Chansons nouvelles en musique a quatre parties (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\4","33 Chansons nouvelles en musique a quatre parties (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 1 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","29 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 1 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|SScores\\1","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 2 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","26 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 2 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\2","22 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 3 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","24 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 4 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 5 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 5 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 6 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\2","29 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 7 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 8 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","27 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 9 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","26 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 10 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","28 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 10 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","22 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 11 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\2","28 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 11 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","25 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 12 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","30 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 12 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","24 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 13 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","27 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 14 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","19 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 15 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","30 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 15 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","20 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 16 (Du Chemin, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","29 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 16 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","28 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 20 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","28 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 25 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\2","30 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 31 (Janequin, Cl\u00e9ment)|PParts\\2","24 Chansons nouvelles, Livre 32 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\1","60 Chansons zu vier Stimmen (Eitner, Robert)|SScores\\2","3 Chansons, M.69 (Ravel, Maurice)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","2 Chansons, Op.226 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","2 Chansons, Op.227 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Chant de guerre, Op.63 (Schmitt, Florent)|VVocal Scores\\1","Le chant de la nuit, Op.120 (Schmitt, Florent)|VVocal Scores\\1","Chant de Mai (Strelezki, Anton)|SScores\\1","Le chant des amis (Thomas, Ambroise)|SScores\\1","Le chant des Ca\u00efdjis (Mass\u00e9, Victor)|SScores\\1","Chant des chemins de fer, H 110 (Berlioz, Hector)|SFull Scores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Chant sur la mort de Haydn (Cherubini, Luigi)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Le chanteur et la danseuse (Cohen, L\u00e9once)|SScores\\1","Chants for Certain Psalms (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","6 Chants Populaires Fran\u00e7ais (Set 2), Op.100 (Indy, Vincent d')|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Chants sacr\u00e9s (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\5","24 Chants (Gray, Jonathan)|SScores\\1","La chapelle du bon Dieu (Reynaud, Siffrein)|SScores\\1","Chaplet of St. Michael (Heitmann, Jay John)|SScores\\1","The Chaplet (Boyce, William)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","6 Characters in Search of a Stage (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\2","Charlottenburgian Rhapsody, EV 52 (Bitzan, Wendelin)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Chassons ennuy et toute desplaisance (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Che avvenne, che fu, A 101 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Che dolce mirare, S.399c (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\1","Che dolce pi\u00f9, che pi\u00f9 giocondo stato (Paien, Gioan)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Che pi\u00f9 d'un giorno (Lechner, Leonhard)|SScores\\3","A Cheerful Word (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","Cherubic Hymn No.2 (Bortniansky, Dmytro)|SScores\\1","Cherubic Hymn No.4 (Bortniansky, Dmytro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Cherubic Hymn No.5 (Bortniansky, Dmytro)","Cherubic Hymn No.6 (Bortniansky, Dmytro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Chez Niniche (Villebichot, Auguste de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Chi chi li chi (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Chi la gagliarda (Donato, Baldassare)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Chi nel Signor confida (Porpora, Nicola Antonio)|PParts\\1","Chi vuol udir i miei sospiri in rime (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Chiedei paingendo alla mia (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1","Child Jesus Comes from Heavenly Height (Lutkin, Peter Christian)|SScores\\1","Childe Jesus (Clokey, Joseph Waddell)|VVocal Scores\\1","Chirurgie (Ferroud, Pierre-Octave)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Choeur \u00e0 4 parties et solo de t\u00e9nor (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\1","Choeurs sans accompagnement, Op.37 (Alary, Georges)|SScores\\2","The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","The Choir (Various)|SScores\\1","Chopin (Orefice, Giacomo)|VVocal Scores\\2","5 Choral Ballads, Op.54 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)|VVocal Scores\\1","Choral for Soprano, Tenor, Choir and Organ, Op.559 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","3 Choral Pieces, Op.9 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\3","6 Choral Pieces, Op.83 (Peters, Rob)|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","6 Choral Pieces, Op.90 (Peters, Rob)|PParts\\1","3 Choral Pieces, Op.112 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\3","6 Choral Pieces, Op.132 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\6","2 Choral Songs (Vi\u00ebtor, Alba Rosa)|SScores\\2","5 Choral Songs, Op.29 (T\u00e4glichsbeck, Thomas)|PParts\\13","Choral-Buch zum Hamburgischen Gesangbuche (Schwencke, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Chorale Harmonisations, BWV 1-438 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18|OOther\\30","Chorale No.1, Op.1 (Thomopoulos, Dimitris)|SScores\\1","2 Chor\u00e4le zu Hochzeiten, D-Tu Mk 86 (Various)|PParts\\1","15 Chor\u00e4le, ULB Mus Ms 1199 (Reich, Johann Baptist)|PParts\\1","383 Chorales, D-B Am.B 46\/II (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","135 Chorales, D-Bsa SA 818 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","149 Chorales, D-LEb Peters Ms. R 18 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","389 Choralges\u00e4nge (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\154","5 Choralkantaten, WoO V\/4 (Reger, Max)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Choralpassion, Op.7 (Distler, Hugo)|SScores\\1","Ch\u00f6re des bei dem Erntefest im Bubene\u010d versammelten b\u00f6hmischen Landvolkes (Ma\u0161ek, Vincenc)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ch\u00f6re zu Herders Entfesseltem Prometheus, S.69 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","3 Ch\u00f6re, Op.167 (Lachner, Franz Paul)|SScores\\1","Chorgesang am heiligen Abend, Op.8 (Zumsteeg, Emilie)|SScores\\1","Chorges\u00e4nge, Sammlung 1 (N\u00e4geli, Hans Georg)|PParts\\1","3 Chorlieder, Op.18 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|SScores\\1","Chorus for the Jubilee of Osip Petrov, TH 68 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","A Chorus Girl (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Chorus of Spirits and Hours (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\2","3 Choruses for Male Voices (Bantock, Granville)|SScores\\3","4 Choruses in Old Sonata Form (Salzedo, Carlos)|SScores\\1","Christ der ist erstanden, 1st tune (Bruck, Arnold von)","Christ der ist erstanden, 2nd tune (Bruck, Arnold von)","Christ der ist erstanden (Mahu, Stephan)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Christ der ist erstanden (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","Christ in the Universe, Op.55 (Davies, Walford)|VVocal Scores\\1","Christ is Born (Clokey, Joseph Waddell)|VVocal Scores\\1","Christ is Risen from the Dead (Roberts, John Varley)|SScores\\1","Christ ist erstanden, TWV 1:136 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Christ ist erstanden (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\2","Christ ist erstanden (Finck, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","Christ ist erstanden (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Christ ist erstanden (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\3","Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\20|PParts\\36|VVocal Scores\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\27|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Christ lag in Todesbanden, W17 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\4","Christ lag in Todesbanden (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\2","Christ lag in Todesbanden (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Christ lag in Todesbanden (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Christ lag in Todesbanden (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Christ lag in Todesbanden (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Christ lag in Todesbanden (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\32|PScores and Parts\\32","Christ our Passover (Foote, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Christ Our Passover (Shepperd, Frank N.)|SScores\\1","Christ our Passover (Vogrich, Max)|SScores\\1","Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Warren, George William)|SScores\\1","Christ Triumphant, Op.35 (Clough-Leighter, Henry)|SScores\\1","Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, BWV 7 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|BBooks\\1","Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, GWV 1104\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (Bernhard, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (Heintz, Wolff)|SScores\\1","Christ Was Born on Christmas Day (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Christ, the Victor (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Christbaum, Op.84 (Kammerlander, Karl)|SScores\\2","Christe adoramus te, SV 294 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Christe qui lux es (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Christe qui lux es (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Christe, Redemptor omnium (Riscos, Juan)|SScores\\1","Christen, \u00e4tzet diesen Tag, BWV 63 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Christian Heart-Songs (Zundel, John)|SScores\\1","Christlicher und seliger Glaubens-Kampf (Kessel, Johann)|PParts\\7","Christmas Anthem in F major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","A Christmas Carol (Christiansen, F. Melius)|SScores\\1","Christmas is Coming (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","3 Christmas Motets (Galliculus, Johannes)|SScores\\1","Christmas Ode (Cooke, Benjamin)|DSketches and Drafts\\1","Christmas Oratorio, Op.11 (Stenov, Michael)|RRecordings\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Christmas (Somervell, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Christoforus, Op.120 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|VVocal Scores\\4","Christum lieb haben ist besser, TWV 1:137 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Christum wir sollen loben schon, BWV 121 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\1","Christum wir sollen loben schon (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Christum wir sollen loben schon (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Christus am \u00d6lberge, Op.85 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|PParts\\29|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Christus der ist mein Leben, TWV 1:138 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Christus der ist mein Leben (Vulpius, Melchior)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Christus der uns selig macht, GWV 1121\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Christus factus est (Asola, Giammateo)|SScores\\2","Christus hat einmal f\u00fcr die S\u00fcnde gelitten, TWV 1:140 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Christus hat uns erl\u00f6set, GWV 1127\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Christus ist aufgefahren, TWV 1:145 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Christus ist des Gesetzes Ende (Kirnberger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Christus ist nicht eingegangen, GWV 1135\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Christus kommt her von den V\u00e4tern (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Christus resurgens ex mortuis, LV 550 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Christus resurgens ex mortuis, LV 712 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Christus Rex, Op.79 (Ryelandt, Joseph Victor Marie)|VVocal Scores\\1","Christus, der ist mein Leben, BWV 95 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\2","7 Chromatische Motetten des Barock (Blume, Friedrich)","Church and Sunday School Hymnal (Brunk, John David)|SScores\\3","Church Compositions (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","10 Church Pieces for the Organ with 4 Anthems in Score, Op.2 (Jones, William)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","The Church Praise Book (Various)|SScores\\1","Church Psalmody (Steggall, Charles)|SScores\\1","The Church Singer (Converse, Charles Crozat)|SScores\\1","Chwa\u0142a Tobie S\u0142owo Bo\u017ce (Harasimiuk, Piotr Tomasz)|SScores\\1","3 Ch\u0153urs a cappella, Op.40 (Schmitt, Florent)|SScores\\2","Ch\u2019io non t\u2019ami, cor mio, SV 70 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Ch\u2019io t\u2019ami, SV 98 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Cibavit eos (Matucci, Giovanni Bonaventura)|SScores\\1","Cibavit eos (Ramella, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Cilicio Caecilia membra domabat (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","La Cimotoe (Araja, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Cingari simo venite a giocare (Willaert, Adrian)|NNaxos\\0","Circumdederunt me (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Cithara Davidis Poenitentis, Op.13 (Rathgeber, Valentin)|PParts\\9","Clair de lune (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Clairi\u00e8res dans le ciel (Boulanger, Lili)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\19","Les clairs de lune, Op.9 (Koechlin, Charles)|SScores\\1","Clama in fortitudine (Xu\u00e1rez, Alonso)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Clamabat autem mulier Chananaea (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Clamabat autem mulier (Lusitano, Vicente)|SScores\\1","Clamat anus cum jubilo plena (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Clare Poems (Steer, Michael Maxwell)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Clarice cara mia sposa, K.256 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Class and Chorus (McIntosh, Rigdon McCoy)|SScores\\1","2 Clavier- ein Sing-Rondo, eine Serenate und 2 Neujahrslieder (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Clavierst\u00fccke (Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\4","Cleofide (Agricola, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\4","Cleopatra (Anfossi, Pasquale)|SScores\\2","The Close of Day (Clapp\u00e9, Arthur A.)|SScores\\1","The Cloud Cap't Towers (Stevens, Richard John Samuel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","The Clouds (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Clover Blossoms (Boott, Francis)|SScores\\1","Clytemnestre (Wormser, Andr\u00e9)|VVocal Scores\\1","La coccinelle (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Cocotte et chiffonnier (Petit, Albert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Coelestis urbs Jerusalem (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Coeli enarrant gloriam Dei (Sayve, Lambert de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Le coeur est bon (Sermisy, Claudin de)|SScores and Parts\\26|PScores and Parts\\26|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Coffee Cantata (Karolic, Dragan)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|LLibrettos\\1","Le colima\u00e7on, Op.47 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","The Collected Compositions of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort (Albert, Prince Consort)|SScores\\4","Collected Songs (Hensel, Fanny)|SScores\\2","A Collection of 30 Standard Psalm Tunes (Various)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Catches, Canons and Glees (Nares, James)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Catches, Canons and Glees (Warren, Thomas)|SScores\\8","A Collection of Favorite Glees, Catches and Rounds (Various)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Hymns (Various)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Motets or Antiphons (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Old Christmas Carols (Rimbault, Edward Francis)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Psalm Tunes sung in Newbury Church (Various)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Psalm Tunes, Anthems, Hymns, and Chants (Wainwright, John)|SScores\\1","A Collection of Psalm Tunes (Webbe Jr., Samuel)|SScores\\2","A Collection of Tunes (Lawrence, William)|SScores\\1","Collegerunt Pontifices (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Colonial Song (Grainger, Percy)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Coloritum (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Columbus, Op.11 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Columbus, Op.36 (Hummel, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\2","Columbus, Op.60 (Brambach, Carl Joseph)|VVocal Scores\\1","Come and Worship the Lord (Adams II, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Come away, Death (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Come Away, Sweet Love (Greaves, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Come Hither, Ye Faithful (Berwald, William)|SScores\\1","Come Holy Ghost (Boyce, William)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Come le limpide onde (Martinez, Marianne)|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\9","Come Let Us Be Merry (Pearsall, Robert Lucas)|SScores\\1","Come live with me and be my love (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Come nave ch'in mezzo all' onde sia (Lechner, Leonhard)|SScores\\3","Come to Me Love at Twilight (Henderson, Effie)|SScores\\1","Come Unto Him (Johnston, Edward F.)|SScores\\1","Come unto Me, ye weary (Jordan, Charles Warwick)|SScores\\1","Come, Bounteous May (Spofforth, Reginald)|SScores\\1","Come, Dear Companions of th' Arcadian Fields, Z.483 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Come, Fairest Nymph (Mornington, Garrett Colley Wellesley)|SScores\\1","Come, Gentle Spring (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Come, Gentle Zephyr (Horsley, William)|SScores\\1","Come, Lay by All Care, Z.484 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Come, Let us Join our Cheerful Songs (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","Come, Lord Jesus, Come (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Come, My Dear One, Share My Gladness (Roberts, John Varley)|SScores\\1","Come, with High and Holy Gladness (Blair, Hugh)|SScores\\1","Come, ye children (Higgs, Henry Marcellus)|SScores\\1","Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Anthem (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","Comfort Ye, My People (Federlein, Gottfried Harrison)|SScores\\1","The Coming of the King, IDB 11 (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\3","10 Commandments Songs (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","Commemorative Poems (Janssen, Christiaan)|PParts\\16","Commencement Hymn (Paine, John Knowles)|SScores\\2","Communion Service in D major (Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert)|SScores\\1","Communion Service in E-flat major (Osborne, George Alexander)|SScores\\1","Communion Service (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Communion Service (Velu, Charles)|SScores\\1","Como la Luz ha nacido (Salas, Esteban)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Compieta concertata, e breve \u00e0 3 e 4 voci, Op.3a (Cherici, Sebastiano)|PParts\\12","Completoria (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2","Completoria (Meucci, Giovanni Vincenzio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Completorium in G major, B.Anh.34 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3|PParts\\2","Completorium (Gorczycki, Grzegorz Gerwazy)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Completory Concenti, Op.25 (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|PParts\\12","Comrades (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)|SScores\\1","Con jubilo en el orbe (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Con lagrime e sospir (Verdelot, Philippe)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Con ossequio, con rispetto, K.210 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Concentus Sacri (Rosewig, Albert Henry)|SScores\\1","Concentus Vespertinus seu Psalmi minores (Sperling, Johann Peter)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Conceptio tua (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores\\2","Concerti Ecclesiastici, Book 4 (Moro, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Concerti ecclesiastici, Op.19 (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|PParts\\3","Concerti Sacri Motetti a 1, 2, 3 e 4 voci con Violini e senza, Op.11 (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Concerti Spirituali, Op.3 (Melani, Alessandro)|PParts\\5","Concerti spirituali, Op.8 (Merula, Tarquinio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Concerti, Book 2, Op.7 (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Concerti, Book 3, Op.12 (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)|PParts\\5","Concerti, Book 4, Op.16 (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)|PParts\\5","Concertini a 2, 3, 4 e 5 voci con il basso continuo (Allegri, Gregorio)|SScores\\1","Concerto sacro di salmi intieri, Op.14 (Milanuzzi, Carlo)|PParts\\2","Concerto sacro di salmi intieri, Op.21 (Milanuzzi, Carlo)|PParts\\1","Concertuum sacrorum (Scheidt, Samuel)|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Concordi laetitia (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","La concordia de' pianeti (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2","Conditor alme siderum (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Conditor alme siderum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Confestim montes adiit (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Confirma hoc Deus (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Confirma hoc Deus (Salieri, Antonio)|VVocal Scores\\1","Confitebor in D major (Bonno, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Confitebor in G major (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Confitebor No.5 (Mayr, Giovanni Simone)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine, LV 848 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Confitebor tibi Domine, S.31 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine, S.32 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine, S.33 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Confitebor tibi domine, SV 265 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi domine, SV 267 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine, ZWV 70 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine, ZWV 72 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Confitebor tibi Domine, ZWV 73 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine, ZWV 100 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine (Foggia, Francesco)|PParts\\1","Confitebor tibi Domine (Le Quoynte, Louis)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Confitebor tibi, Domine, RV 596 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\1","Confitebor (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Confitebur, K.79 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Confitemini Domino (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Confitemini Domino (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Confitemini Domino (Zeutschner, Tobias)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Confortamini (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Confortare (Dyson, George)|SScores\\1","Congaudete in solemnitate Sancti Antoni (Gagliano, Giovanni Battista da)|SScores\\2","Congratulamini Mihi (Aleotti, Vittoria)|SScores\\2","Congratulamini mihi (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6","Congratulamini mihi (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Congregati sunt inimici nostri et gloriantur in virtute sua (Graziani, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","The Congregational Harmonist (Clark, Thomas)|SScores\\1","The Conqueror (Leslie, Charles Eddy)|SScores\\1","Conscendit iubilans (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Conseil tenu par les rats, Op.123 (Schmitt, Florent)|SScores\\1","Consiglio Amoroso (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores\\1","Consign'd to dust beneath this stone (Battishill, Jonathan)|SScores\\1","Consolationes piae ex psalmis Davidicis (Coclico, Adrianus Petit)|PParts\\4","Construction for Voices and Orchestra, Op.435 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1","Consurgite fortes ad arma venite (Scorpione, Domenico)|SScores\\1","Le content est riche (Sermisy, Claudin de)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","Il contento (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","La contesa di Pallade e Venere (Sarro, Domenico Natale)|SScores\\1","Continuatio theatri musici (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Continuer je veulx ma fermet\u00e9 (Bourguignon, Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\1","Contrapuncti Compositi (Franck, Melchior)|PParts\\4","Il convegno (Lucantoni, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Convertentur sedentes (Mozart, Leopold)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","The Copenhagen Chansonnier (Various)|SScores\\1","Copre madonna ad arte con freddi (Virchi, Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Coram Crucifixo, Op.20 (Walczy\u0144ski, Franciszek)|SScores\\1","Corona aurea super caput eius (Burlini, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Corona gemmarum coelestium (Nodari, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores\\29","Coronation Cantata, Op.56 (Glazunov, Aleksandr)|SFull Scores\\2","The Coronation (Seward, Theodore Frelinghuysen)|SScores\\1","Corpus Christi (Warlock, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","The Corsair (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\6","Cos'\u00e8 l'amore? (Gomes, Carlos)|SScores\\2","Cosmus, CNW 19 (Nielsen, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Cottage Melodies (Bradbury, William Batchelder)|SScores\\3","La couronne de fleurs, H.486 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Courtes Litanies de la Vierge, H.90 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","The Coventry Carol (Dyson, Peter)|SScores\\1","The Coventry Carol (St. Pierre, Anthony)|SScores\\1","The Cowley Carol Book (Woodward, George Ratcliffe)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Crabbed Age and Youth (Stevens, Richard John Samuel)|SScores\\2","Cranbrook (Clark, Thomas)|SScores\\1","The Crane Book, Op.117 (Hirschfeld, C. Ren\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Creator alme siderum (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Crederci, Op.25 (Masotti, Celestina)|SScores\\1","Credidi in B-flat major (Leo, Leonardo)|SScores\\1","Credidi propter quod locutus sum, S.34 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Credidi propter quod locutus sum (Fabri, Stefano)|SScores\\1","Credidi, A 648 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Credidi, ZWV 85 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Credidi (Merula, Tarquinio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Credo a 8 voci (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","Credo in B-flat major (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Credo in C major (Naumann, Johann Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","Credo in D major (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\18","Credo in E minor (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores\\1","Credo in F major (Lotti, Antonio)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Credo in unum Deum (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Credo sopra un motivo variato della 'Lucia di Lammermoor' (Pepe, Marcello)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Credo! (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Credo, A 585 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\2","Credo, A 602 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Credo, IGB 7 (Binchois, Gilles)|SScores\\1","Credo, K055 (Stravinsky, Igor)|SScores\\1","Credo, ZWV 31 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Credo (Pedro I)|SScores\\3|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\2","Credo (Tallini, Gennaro)|SScores\\1","Credo (Zachara da Teramo, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Cresce la pena mia (Tromboncino, Bartolomeo)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","5 Cretan Preludes (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Cries of London (Gibbons, Orlando)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Cross and Crown (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","The Crown of Praise (Kieffer, Aldine Silliman)|SScores\\1","The Crucifixion and Resurrection (Berwald, William)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Crucifixion (Stainer, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Crucifixus (Caldara, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Crucifixus (Nichifor, Serban)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Cruda Amarilli, SV 94 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Cruda Amarilli (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Crudel acerba inesorabil morte, LV 12 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Crudel perch\u00e9 mi fuggi, SV 55 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Crudel, di che peccato a doler t'hai (Fiesco, Giulio)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Crudelis Herodes Deum, S.62 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Crudelis Herodes Deum, ZWV 112 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Crudelis Herodes (Palucci, Antonio Maria)|SScores\\1","Crux fidelis, inter omnes (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\3","Crux fidelis (Oliveira, Manoel Dias de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Crux Fidelis (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|SScores\\3","The Cryer (Hall, King)|SScores\\1","Cual la paloma (Bret\u00f3n, Tom\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Cultus laterutico-musicus, Op.4 (Spie\u00df, Meinrad)|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\30","Cum appropinquaret Iesus (Accademico Bizzarro Capriccioso)|SScores\\1","Cum audisset Joannes (Cardoso, Manuel)|SScores\\2","Cum descendisset Jesus de monte (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Cum egrotasset Iob fleuit (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Cum factus esset Jesus annorum duodecim (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Cum Invocarem (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Cum invocarem (Lazzari, Ferdinando Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\6","Cum invocarem (Theile, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Cum invocarum, exaudivit me (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Cum natus esset Jesus (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Cum natus esset (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Cum Sancto Spiritu in C minor (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Cum Sancto Spiritu in D major, IGD 117 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Cum Sancto Spiritu in D major, IGD 118 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Cum Sancto Spiritu, A 584 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Cum transisset sabbatum (Pagueras, Cayetano)|SScores\\1","Cunis solennib (Profe, Ambrosius)|PParts\\7","Cupid Once Upon a Bed of Roses (Roberts, John Varley)|SScores\\1","Cupido blind, das Venus Kind (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Cur mundus militat, H.379 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Cur plaudit hodie Mater Ecclesia (Lucio, Francesco)|SScores\\1","The Curlew (Warlock, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\6","Currite ad aras, ZWV 166 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Currite, populi, psallite timpanis, SV 297 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","A Cycle of Songs, Op.68 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|SScores\\2","Cyclops (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\4|LLibrettos\\1","Les cydalyses (P\u00e9navaire, Jean-Gr\u00e9goire)|SScores\\1","Cymbalum Genethliacum (Helder, Bartholom\u00e4us)|PParts\\6","C\u0153leste Convivium del Signor (Danielis, Daniel)|PParts\\1","C\u0153li enarrant, Op.42 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","C\u0153ur de J\u00e9sus Enfant (Guilmant, Alexandre)|SScores\\2"],"D":["D'altro non calme (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","D'amour me plainctz et du mal que je sens (Goudimel, Claude)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","D'amour me plains (Pathie, Rogier)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","D'ou vient que ce beau tems (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","D'un seul soleil vient toute ma lumi\u00e8re (Janequin, Cl\u00e9ment)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8","Da aber Johannes die Werk Christi h\u00f6rete (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Da die Zeit erf\u00fcllet war sandte Gott (Endler, Johann Samuel)|SScores\\1","Da die Zeit erf\u00fcllet ward (Wiedner, Johann Gottlieb)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Da dieser Elende rief h\u00f6ret der Herr (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Da Gott wollte Zorn erzeigen, GWV 1116\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Da Jakob nu das Kleid ansah (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund, SWV 478 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|PParts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Da Jesus erkennete, GWV 1126\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Da l'estrem' orizzonte (Rore, Cipriano de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Da le belle contrade d'oriente (Rore, Cipriano de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Da pacem Domine in diebus nostris (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Da pacem Domine, Op.6 No.1 (Fasolo, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Da pacem, Domine (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Die da reich werden wollen, H.308 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Da truncken sie die liebe lange nacht (Heintz, Wolff)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Da voi cari lumi (Karolic, Dragan)|SScores\\2","Da ward Jesus vom Geist, GWV 1120\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Daf\u00fcr halte uns jedermann, GWV 1150\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Daf\u00fcr halte uns jedermann, TWV 1:155 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Dah Dah! (Kram, Richard)|SScores\\1","Dai crini omai scuotete (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7","The Daisy Chain (Lehmann, Liza)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Dakota Odowan (Various)|SScores\\1","Dal cor ripieno di celeste fiamma, S.644 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Dall oriente l'astro del giorno (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\1","Dalla Francia un saluto t'invia, In.255 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Dalla spiaggia dei mondi (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Dalle odorate spoglie (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\19","Dame Venus Hence to Paphos Go (Bateson, Thomas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","La damnation de Faust, H 111 (Berlioz, Hector)|RRecordings\\4|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\20|PParts\\76|VVocal Scores\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\46|LLibrettos\\1","Danish and Norwegian Melodies (Stokes, Charles)|SScores\\1","Danke f\u00fcr alles dem der dich geschaffen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Des Dankes Wort sei mir verg\u00f6nnt, WAB 62 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Danket dem Herrn aller Herren, GWV 1174\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Danket dem Herrn prediget seinen Namen, GWV 1174\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Danket dem Herrn, TWV 1:157 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Danket dem Herrn, TWV 1:163 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Danket dem Herrn (Topf, Johann)|SScores\\1","Danket dem H\u00f6chsten, GWV 1109\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Danket Gott, frohlockt mit H\u00e4nden, GWV 1174\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Danket mit Jauchzen dem Herrscher der H\u00f6hen, GWV 1174\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Danket preist Gott in der H\u00f6he, GWV 1109\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Danksaget dem Vater der uns t\u00fcchtig gemacht hat, GWV 1165\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Danksaget dem Vater (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Danksaget dem Vater (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Dankt Gott lobt ihn ihr Frommen, GWV 1109\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Danny Boy (Violette, Andrew)|SScores\\1","Dans cette \u00e9table (Noyon, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Dans les bois, Op.103 (Plante, Cyril)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","La danza augurale (Mercadante, Saverio)|SScores\\1","Daran ist erschienen die Liebe Gottes, TWV 1:168 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Daran ist erschienen die Liebe Gottes (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Daran ist erschienen die Liebe Gottes (Theile, Johann)|PParts\\1","Dark Night of the Soul (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Darum preiset Gott seine Liebe gegen uns, GWV 1132\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Darum preiset Gott seine Liebe gegen uns, GWV 1139\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Darum s\u00e4et euch Gerechtigkeit, JLB 4 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Darum will ich auch erw\u00e4hlen, JLB 3 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Dass Gott sei ist ihnen offenbar, GWV 1156\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","The Daughter of Jairus (Stainer, John)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","A Daughter of the Forest (Nevin, Arthur)|VVocal Scores\\1","David and Goliath (Bliss, Philip Paul)|SScores\\2","Davidde penitente, K.469 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Davids Sohn, la\u00df mich H\u00fclfe schauen, TWV 1:204 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","The Day I Was Sot Free! (Lucas, Samuel)|SScores\\1","The Day Is Past and Over (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","The Day of Resurrection (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","The Day of Resurrection (Vogrich, Max)|SScores\\1","Dazu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes, BWV 40 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|BBooks\\1|OOther\\3","Dazu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes, TWV 1:207 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Dazu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","De Amor la ofizina (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","De Coelo veniet (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\2","De Cora Lux (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","De Oorlog (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\1","De profundis et Memento (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","De profundis in G minor (Salieri, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","De profundis, CG 88 (Gounod, Charles)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1","De Profundis, H.156 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","De Profundis, H.222 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","De Profundis, LWV 62 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","De profundis, Op.17 (Dupr\u00e9, Marcel)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","De Profundis, S.23 (Lalande, Michel Richard de)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","De profundis, SwWV 170 (Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon)|SScores\\2","De profundis, ZWV 95 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|PParts\\2","De profundis, ZWV 96 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","De profundis, ZWV 97 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","De profundis (Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand)|SScores\\2","De profundis (Gherardi, Galeotto)|SScores\\1","De profundis (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","De profundis (Willaert, Adrian)|SScores\\1","De Profundis (Zehar, Farid)|SScores\\1","De Schelde (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","De torrente (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","De vitae fugacitate, SWV 94 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","De Vogels (Diepenbrock, Alphons)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dear Friend of Mine (Macy, James Cartwright)|SScores\\1","The Death of Osceola (Baker, Benjamin Franklin)|SScores\\1","Deborah, HWV 51 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Debora (Manna, Gennaro)|PParts\\2","Decantabat populus Israel, LV 191 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Decas prima, oder Musicalischen Fleisses erster Theil (Zeutschner, Tobias)|PParts\\8","Decora lux aeternitatis, S.57 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Decora lux, In.151 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Deep Peace (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Deerfield Collection of Sacred Music (Willard, Samuel)|SScores\\2","Defuncto Herode (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Deh fino a quando o Dio, S.612 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Deh rinforzate il vostro largo pianto (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Deh! dove? senza me (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\2","Dein armer hauf, Herr, thut klagen (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Dein edles Herz, der Liebe Thron, BuxWV 14 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\1","Dein Herz folge nicht den S\u00fcndern, GWV 1129\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Dein Leben lang habe Gott vor Augen, GWV 1120\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Dein sind o Gott die Gaben, GWV 1117\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Dein Vater soll nicht schelten (Hildach, Eugen)|SScores\\1","Dein Wort ist da erwarte du Allm\u00e4chtiger, L.527 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Dein Wort lass mich bekennen, GWV 1163\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Dein Wort machet mich klug, GWV 1149\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Deine Augen (Bret\u00f3n, Tom\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Deine Gnade m\u00fcsse mein Trost sein (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Deine Hand hat mich gemacht und bereitet (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Deine Toten werden leben, GWV 1157\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Deiner Sanftmut Schild, TWV 1:211 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Del gran regno delle amazoni, K.434\/480b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Della terra e di quanto in s\u00e8 contiene, S.623 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Le d\u00e9luge, Op.45 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\34|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Dem dunkeln Scho\u00df der heilgen Erde, WoO 20 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Dem Gerechten muss das Licht immer wieder aufgehen, GWV 1128\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Dem Gerechten muss das Licht immer wieder aufgehen, GWV 1129\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Dem Gerechten muss das Licht, BWV 195 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Dem Hocherhabenen sei Preis und Ehre (Gleichmann, Johann Andreas)|PParts\\1","Dem Vaterland (Meyerbeer, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Demut ist allen Menschen gut (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Den F\u00fcrsten des Lebens habt ihr get\u00f6tet, GWV 1128\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die den Herrn suchen, GWV 1123\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Den Menschen, die aus dieser Zeit (Herold, Melchior Ludolf)|SScores\\1","Den Reichen dieser Welt gebeut, GWV 1142\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Den Segen hat das Haupt, GWV 1108\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Denen die berufen sind, GWV 1162\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Denk ich Gott an deine G\u00fcte (Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter)|SScores\\5|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der H\u00f6lle lassen, JLB 21 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Dennoch bleib ich stets an dir, TWV 1:224 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Dennoch bleib' ich stets an dir, R 5.1.21 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\1","Dent Voces Organa Lire (Sborgi, Gasparo)|SScores\\1","Deo Gratias (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Le d\u00e9part des hirondelles (Villaret, Frantz)|SScores\\1","La Deposizione dalla Croce di Ges\u00f9 Cristo Salvator nostro, K.300 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Derni\u00e8re Messe des Vivants, RH 525 (Gossec, Fran\u00e7ois Joseph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\18|VVocal Scores\\1","El Desembre congelat (Rondeau, Michel)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\26|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","A desiuner la belle andouille (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Despierta Bato dormilon (Jerusalem, Ignacio)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","El desterrado (Mangiagalli, Carlos)|SScores\\1","Dettifoss (Sveinbj\u00f6rn Sveinbj\u00f6rnsson)|SScores\\1","Dettingen Te Deum, Utrecht Te Deum and Utrecht Jubilate (Handel, George Frideric)|SScores\\1","Deus dux fortissime, ZWV 60 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Deus in adiutorium II (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Deus in adiutorium I (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Deus in adjutorium, Op.11 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Deus in nomine tuo (Hahn, Bernhard)|SScores\\1","Deus misereatur nostri (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Deus misereatur nostri (Walter, Johann)|SScores\\1","Deus misereatur, Op.26 (Reed, William)|SScores\\1","Deus misereatur, Op.59 (Wiske, Charles Mortimer)|VVocal Scores\\1","Deus misereatur (Denton, Robert)|SScores\\1","Deus noster refugium, RCT 13 (Rameau, Jean-Philippe)|SScores\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Deus qui sedes super thronum (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Deus tuorum militum, SV 280 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Deus Tuorum Militum (Sborgi, Gasparo)|SScores\\1|PParts\\7","Deus, tuorum militum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","15 Deutsche Ges\u00e4nge von Matthisson (Reichardt, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Deutsche Kirchenmusik (Vogler, Georg Joseph)|SScores\\1","Das deutsche Lied (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","16 Deutsche Lieder (Himmel, Friedrich Heinrich)|SScores\\1","4 Deutsche Lieder, Op.144 (Marschner, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Deutsche Motette, Op.62 (Strauss, Richard)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Deutsche Spr\u00fcche von Leben und Tod (Lechner, Leonhard)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Deutsche Trauermesse, D.621 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Deutsche Weltliche Ges\u00e4ng und T\u00e4ntze (Franck, Melchior)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Des deutschen Liedes Sendung, Op.62 (Meyer-Olbersleben, Max)|SFull Scores\\1","Deutsches Hochamt, MH 629 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1","Deutsches Liederspiel, Op.14 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|SScores\\1","Deutsches Schwert und deutscher Sang (Rauchenecker, Georg Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Deutschlands Liederkrone (Brand, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Les deux n\u00e9gresses, Op.49 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Les deux parfaits notaires (Barbier, Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric)|VVocal Scores\\1","Les deux rus\u00e9s (M\u00fcller, Jules)|VVocal Scores\\1","Deux vieux amis, CG 374 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\1","Dextera Domini, FWV 65 (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Dextera Domini, LV 878 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Dextera Domini (Concina, Giovanni)|SScores\\2","Dextera Domini (Zane, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Dezember (St. George Tucker, Tui)|SScores\\1","Di piaceri foriera (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Dialogi, Teil 1 (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Dialogue nocturne (Massenet, Jules)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dialogus inter Angelos et Pastores Jud\u00e6, H.420 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SFull Scores\\2","Dialogus von der Geburt Christi (Keiser, Reinhard)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\48","Diane au bois (Debussy, Claude)|SScores\\1","Dicebat Jesus scribis et pharisaeis (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Dich meiden zwingt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Dichosos Ruyse\u00f1ores (Due\u00f1as)|PParts\\1","Dichte Lieder, EV 58 (Bitzan, Wendelin)|SScores\\1","Dicite in gentibus (Adlgasser, Anton Cajetan)|SScores\\1","Dicite pusillanimes, K.286 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Didone abbandonata (Jommelli, Niccol\u00f2)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\10","Dienet dem Herrn mit Furcht (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Dies est laetitiae (Messaus, Guillielmus)|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Dies est l\u00e6titi\u00e6 (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Dies irae, A 691 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Dies Irae, LWV 64\/1 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dies irae, Op.12 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Dies Irae, Op.131 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Dies irae (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Dies irae (Zamponi, Giuseppe)|PParts\\1","Dies ist der Tag den der Herr gemacht hat, GWV 1174\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Dies ist der Tag den der Herr gemacht hat, R 1.38b (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Dies ist der Tag den der Herr machet, GWV 1128\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Dies ist der Tag der Herr macht (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|VVocal Scores\\1","Dies ist der Tag, da Jesu Leidenskraft (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9","Dies ist der Tag (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Dies mei transierunt (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Dies Natalis, Op.8 (Finzi, Gerald)|RRecordings\\2|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\2","Dies Volk ehret mich mit den Lippen, GWV 1152\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Dieses ist ein Spruch des H\u00f6chsten, H.378 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Dieu cupido ce grand vilain (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Dieweil die Welt in ihrer Weisheit, GWV 1141\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Dieweil wir empfahen ein unbewegliches Reich, GWV 1136\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis (Simonelli, Matteo)|SScores\\1","Diffusa est gratia (Mapelli, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Dignus Es (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Digo que no e de cantarla (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","Dilexi quoniam exaudiet Dominus (Allevi, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Dilexisti justitiam (Tebaldini, Giovanni)|VVocal Scores\\1","Diliges proximum tuum, LV 694 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Diminutions on 'Pulchra es anima mea', SVP 1.28 (Rognoni Taeggio, Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dimmi Clori gentil perch\u00e8 non ami (Leoni, Leone)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Dimmi qual'\u00e8 colei (Bottaccio, Paolo)|SScores\\1","Din di rin din (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Dir, Seele des Weltalls, K.429\/468a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Dirtyscape, kwv.4 (Kushki, Mohsen)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","La disfatta di Dario (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Dite almeno, in che mancai, K.479 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Dithyrambe, D.47 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Dithyrambe (Berger, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Diuersi linguaggi \u00e0 9 (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores and Parts\\22|PScores and Parts\\22","The Diver (Vogrich, Max)|VVocal Scores\\1","5 Divertimentos harm\u00f4nicos (Pinto, Lu\u00eds \u00c1lvares)|SScores\\5","Divine Harmony (Alcock Sr., John)|SScores\\2","Divine Harmony (Bishop, John)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Divine Harmony (Weldon, John)|SScores\\3","Divine lodi musicali, Libro 1 (Riccio, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Divine lodi musicali, Libro 2 (Riccio, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Divine lodi musicali, Libro 3 (Riccio, Giovanni Battista)|SScores and Parts\\56|PScores and Parts\\56","Dixerunt impii non est vobis salus in Deo vestro (Savioni, Mario)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus a 12 (Benincasa, Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Dixit Dominus a due cori (1742) (Leo, Leonardo)|SScores\\2","Dixit Dominus a quattro voci concertato (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Dixit Dominus and Magnificat, K.193\/186g (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Dixit Dominus Domino meo (Cocchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus for 7 voices (Rovetta, Giovanni)|PParts\\1","Dixit Dominus for 8 Voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Dixit Dominus II (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in A major (Feo, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in B-flat major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\4|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Dixit Dominus in B-flat major (Meucci, Giovanni Vincenzio)|SScores\\1|PParts\\4","Dixit Dominus in B-flat major (Porpora, Nicola Antonio)|SScores\\2","Dixit Dominus in B-flat major (Rastrelli, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in C major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in C major (Manna, Gennaro)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2","Dixit Dominus in C major (Rastrelli, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in D major, RV 807 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in D major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3","Dixit Dominus in D major (Meucci, Giovanni Vincenzio)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Dixit Dominus in F major, S.45 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in F major (Manna, Gennaro)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2","Dixit Dominus in G major, FaWV I:D1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus in G major, M\u00fclH 164\/3 (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\2","Dixit Dominus in G minor (Manna, Gennaro)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus I (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus, BuxWV 17 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\7","Dixit Dominus, H.202 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus, H.204 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Dixit Dominus, HWV 232 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Dixit Dominus, IFT 24 (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Dixit Dominus, IFT 25 (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Dixit Dominus, In.122 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Dixit Dominus, S.44 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus, S.46 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus, S.47 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus, S.48 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus, ZWV 68 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2","Dixit Dominus (Antoine, Merle)|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus (Bertali, Antonio)|PParts\\2","Dixit Dominus (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Dixit Dominus (Foggia, Francesco)|PParts\\1","Dixit Dominus (L\u00f3pez del R\u00edo, Manuel Antonio)|PParts\\1","Dixit Dominus (Milanuzzi, Carlo)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Dixit Dominus (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5","Dixit Dominus (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dixit Dominus (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Dixit Jesus Petro (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Do Hani (Lubomirski, Konstanty)|SScores\\1","Do Pie\u015bni (Bursa, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Do zdrowia, Op.10 (Rudkowski, Mateusz)|SScores\\1","Doctor bonus amicus Dei (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Doctor egregie Paule (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Doe You Not Know (Morley, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Dolce \u00e8 per voi soffrire (Steffani, Agostino)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dolcemente dormiva la mia Clori, SV 52 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Dolci son le quadrella (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\20","Domine ad adiuvandum me festina (Harrer, Gottlob)|SScores\\1","Domine ad adjuvandum in C (Zipoli, Domenico)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Domine ad adjuvandum me festina (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Domine ad adjuvandum, In.126 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Domine convertere, LV 849 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Domine Deus in simplicitate (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Domine Deus meus, LV 616 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Domine Deus salutis meae, H.207 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Domine Deus, Agnus Dei (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\2","Domine deus, Deus virtutum (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\17","Domine Dominus noster quam admirabilis (Ziani, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Domine fac mecum misericordiam, K.155 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Domine in auxilium meum respice, LV 867 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Domine in auxilium meum, K.154 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Domine in furore tuo argus me (Bargnani, Ottavio)|SScores\\1","Domine Jesu Christe in A minor, S.100 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Domine ne in furore tuo (Theile, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Domine non secundum, FWV 66 (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Domine non sum dignus (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Domine probasti me, S.49 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Domine probasti me, ZWV 101 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Domine probasti me (Beretta, Francesco)|PParts\\1","Domine salvum fac regem, BuxWV 18 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Domine salvum fac regem, S.23 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Domine salvum, H.283 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Domine salvum, H.287 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Domine salvum, H.296 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Domine salvum, H.301 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Domine salvum, H.302 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Domine salvum, H.305 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SFull Scores\\2","Domine secundum actum meum, LV 474 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Domine, in virtute tua (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)|SScores\\1","Domine, non sum dignus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Domine, quis habitabit tabernaculo tuo? (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Domine, tu mihi lavas pedes (Sousa, Jos\u00e9 Alexandrino de)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","A Domino factum est istud (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Dominus a dextris, In.133 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Dominus dabit benignitatem, K.285 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Dominus regnavit, Op.49 (Nuffel, Jules van)|SScores\\1","Dominus regnavit (Desmarets, Henri)|SScores\\1","Donna Flavia e Don Perichetto (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","Donna gentil per farui pi\u00f9 perfetta (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1","Die Donnerode, TWV 6:3 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0","Dont vient cela (Sermisy, Claudin de)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","A dorad vendidos (Garc\u00eda, Joaqu\u00edn)|PParts\\1","Dorian Service (Tallis, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dormendo un giorno a baia a l'ombra Amore (Arcadelt, Jacob)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Dormi non piangere, Op.149 (Giuliani, Mauro)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Dort oben auf dem Berge (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dos Canciones de Rosal\u00eda de Castro (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","La double \u00e9preuve (Vercken, L\u00e9on)|VVocal Scores\\1","Douce amiti\u00e9 fille du ciel! (Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang)|SScores\\1","Doux Matin (Bigot-Duschek)|SScores\\1","Dov' \u00e8 quell' usignolo (Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria)|SScores\\2","Dove sei stato mio bel alpino (Macchi, Mario)|SScores\\1","Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\1","Drama Christi (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","3 Dramatic Songs, Op.69 (Holbrooke, Joseph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","The Dream of Endymion (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","The Dream of Gerontius, Op.38 (Elgar, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","The Dream of Jubal, Op.41 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|VVocal Scores\\6","Dream Pictures, Op.19 (Whiting, George Elbridge)|SScores\\1","Dream-King and His Love, Op.31 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\2","Dream-Love (Fletcher, Percy Eastman)|SScores\\1","Dreaming (Shelley, Harry Rowe)|SScores\\1","Drei sind, die da zeugen im Himmel, TWV 1:374 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Dreifach ist der Schritt der Zeit, D.70 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","30 Dreystimmige Ges\u00e4nge (N\u00e4geli, Hans Georg)|PParts\\1","Dreystimmiges Canonisches Lied, G.36 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Drink to Me only with Thine Eyes (Button, Henry Elliot)|SScores\\1","Dr\u00f8mte mig en dr\u00f8m i nat (Poulsen, Brian Stenger)|SScores\\1","Drottinn, sem veittir fr\u00e6g\u00f0 (\u00cds\u00f3lfur P\u00e1lsson)|SScores\\2","Dr\u00fcckt dich des Schicksals schwere B\u00fcrde (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","Du bist ein Mensch, GWV 1156\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Du bist mir, schn\u00f6des Gut der Erden, TWV 1:384a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Du bist wie eine Blume, WAB 64 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Du fonds de ma pens\u00e9e (Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon)|SScores\\1","Du Friedef\u00fcrst, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 116 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Du Friedef\u00fcrst, Herr Jesu Christ (Gesius, Bartholom\u00e4us)","Du Frieden-F\u00fcrst Herr Jesu Christ, BuxWV 20 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5","Du gehst o Jesu willig, GWV 1119\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Du gewaltiger Herrscher richtest, GWV 1163\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Du Gott, dem nichts ist verborgen, TWV 1:389 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Du hast mit deinen Vaterh\u00e4nden (L\u00f6w, Rudolf)|SScores\\1","Du hast, o Jesulein, kein Bett (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Du Herr Gott Zebaoth Gott Israel, GWV 1150\/53a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Du Hirte Israel h\u00f6re, GWV 1132\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Du Hirte Israel, h\u00f6re, BWV 104 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Du kleine Herde freue dich, GWV 1136\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Du Lebensf\u00fcrst Herr Jesu Christ, BuxWV 22 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Du lechzendes du d\u00fcrres Land, GWV 1138\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Du machst mir, strenger Tod, kein Leiden, TWV 1:392 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Du \u00f6ffnest deine Hand, L.541 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Du rufst o Gott die Sterblichen der Erde, HoWV II.141 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9","Du sagst ich bin ein Christ, GWV 1149\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Du schalks Knecht alle diese Schuld, GWV 1163\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Du Schalksknecht, SWV 397 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\15","Du schmachtende du m\u00fcde Schar, GWV 1138\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Du sollst dies Ringlein tragen (Bellermann, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Du sollst Gott deinen Herrn lieben, GWV 1154\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Du sollst Gott, deinen Herrn, lieben, FaWV D:D10 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Du sollt Gott deinen Herren lieben (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Du sollt Gott, deinen Herren, lieben, BWV 77 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Du starker Keltertreter, HoWV I.5 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Du Tochter Zion freue dich sehr, H.411 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Du Tochter Zion, freue dich, TWV 1:407 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Du unerschaffnes h\u00f6chstes Wesen, GWV 1117\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Du Vater bist voll G\u00fcte, H.367 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Du wagst es du L\u00e4sterer, L.523 (Benda, Georg)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn, BWV 23 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|BBooks\\1","Du wunders\u00fcsses Kind, Op.17 (Horn, August)|SScores\\1","Du, bekr\u00e4nzend uns're Laren, J.283 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Duchess of Padua (Lambert, Edward)|SScores\\1|OOther\\1","Due Canoni a tre voci, Op.7 (Curschmann, Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Due\u00f1o adorado (Delgado, Francisco)|PParts\\1","Duerme Ni\u00f1o hermoso (Paris, Juan)|SScores\\1","Duet for Glass Harmonica and Tenor, Op.2294 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Horn in F and Tenor in A minor, Op.2441 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Natural Trumpet in C and Tenor, Op.1742 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Bassoon, Op.1328 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Cello, Op.1327 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Cello, Op.2267 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Cello, Op.3095 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Cornet, Op.1734 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Guitar, Op.1886 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Piano, Op.1329 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Duet for Tenor and Piano, Op.1330 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","2 Duets for Tenor and Bass, Op.2149 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","24 Duets (Asioli, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","2 Duets, Op.10 (Faur\u00e9, Gabriel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","4 Duets, Op.10 (Asioli, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","2 Duets, Op.18 (Taneyev, Sergey)|SScores\\4","3 Duets, Op.27 (Hall\u00e9n, Andreas)|SScores\\2","6 Duets, Op.34 (St\u00f6hr, Richard)|SScores\\6","6 Duets, Op.46 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","2 Duets, Op.106 (Prokofiev, Sergey)|SScores\\2","Duett aus 'Claudine von Villa Bella', G.54 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Duett aus den Ungl\u00fcckbringenden Pantoffeln, G.164 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5","Duette, Op.38 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|SScores\\2","4 Duette, Op.176 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\2","12 Duetti (Asioli, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","Duetti, terzetti, e madrigali a pi\u00f9 voci (Lotti, Antonio)|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Duetto della Semiramide, G.19 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Duetto di Metastasio, G.183 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5","Duetto d\u2019Adriano, G.53 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5","A Dugout's Ballad (Schmitt, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Dulce est e incundum (Giovannelli, Ruggiero)|SScores\\1","Dulcibella, Whene'er I Sue for a Kiss, Z.485 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","The Dulcimer (Woodbury, Isaac Baker)|SScores\\2","Dulcis Christe bone Jesu (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Dulcis Christe (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Dulcissime amantissime benignissime (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Dum aurora finem daret (Boeck, August de)|SScores\\1","Dum refulget in caelo, B.Anh.21 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","Dum ti Dum (Kozeluch, Leopold)|SScores\\2","Dunque fia ver (haime) che mi convegna (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Duo Concertante, Op.439 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Duo Seraphim clamabant (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Duo Seraphim clambant alter ad alterum (Falconieri, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Duo Seraphim (Lambert, Edward)|SScores\\1","Duo sui dodici modi (Various)|SScores\\1","Duos and Trios II (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6","2 Duos with Piano, Hob.XXVa:1-2 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, W145 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Durch Adams fall ist ganz verderbt (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\21|PScores and Parts\\21","Durch Christi Auferstehungskraft, TWV 1:397 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Durch G\u00fcte und Treue wird Missetat vers\u00f6hnet, GWV 1163\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Dwelling in Beulah Land (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","The Dying Christian to his Soul (Richardson, B. J.)|SScores\\1","The Dying Lover (Thomas, William Edwin)|SScores\\1","The Dying Soldier (Barker, Nathan)|SScores\\3"],"E":["E ben ragion se l'eterno mottore (Caimo, Gioseppe)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","E molti altri ancora (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","\u00c8 nato per noi un bambino (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","E sch\u00f6n und zart, von edler Art (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","E tra verdi arbuscelli (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","The Eagle's Force, T 281 (Byrd, William)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Easter Anthem in E-flat major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Easter Anthem in G major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Easter Cantata, Op.22 (Philips, Eugen)|VVocal Scores\\2","Ebbiva lo Rre (Ruta, Michele)|SScores\\1","Ebialenma Tohan Malen (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Ecce Deus noster Salvator noster nobiscum est (Cecchelli, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Ecce fidelis servus, Op.54 (Faur\u00e9, Gabriel)|SScores\\2","Ecce Maria (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Ecce nos reliquimus omnia (Santa Maria, Salvatore)|SScores\\1","Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum, LV 1129 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Ecce nunc benedicite, ZWV 99 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Ecce Nunc Benedicite (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\12","Ecce nunc benedicite (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\1","Ecce panis angelorum (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","Ecce panis angelorum (Sabino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1","Ecce panis, Op.66 (Guilmant, Alexandre)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ecce panis (Tritant, Gustave)|SScores\\1","Ecce quam bonum (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Ecce quomodo moritur (Reutter, Georg)|SScores\\1","Ecce quomodo (Cunha, Ant\u00f4nio dos Santos)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Ecce sacerdos magnus, Op.25 (Surzy\u0144ski, Mieczys\u0142aw)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ecce sacerdos magnus (Caudana, Federico)|SScores\\1","Ecce sacerdos magnus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Ecce sacrum paratum convivium, SV 299 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ecce virgo concipiet, K.287 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ecce virgo concipiet (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ecclesia triumphans, Op.3 (Meyer von Schauensee, Franz Joseph Leonti)|PParts\\11","Ecclesiastes 9:9 (Roberts, Joshua A.)|SScores\\1","Ecclesiastes, or The Preacher, Op.3 (Alburger, Mark)|SScores\\10","Ecclesiodiae (Walliser, Christoph Thomas)|PParts\\3","Ecco che un altra volta, o piagge apriche (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Ecco quel fiero istante (Costa, Michael)|VVocal Scores\\3","Ecco Silvio, SV 97 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Ecco, Dio \u00e8 la mia salvezza (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Eccoti pago Enea (Manna, Gennaro)|SScores\\1","L'echo (Schimon, Adolf)|SScores\\1","The Echo, Op.37 (Kulling, Franz Albert)|SScores\\1","Echoes (Sullivan, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Eclectic Tune Book (Bradbury, William Batchelder)|SScores\\1","Eden, Op.40 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\4|LLibrettos\\1","Egmond en Hoorn (Cartol, Hendrik)|SScores\\2","Ego flos campi et lilium convallium (Guglielmo Veneziano)|SScores\\1","Ego flos campi, Op.6 No.10 (Fasolo, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Ego mater agnitionis, H.371 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Ego pro te rogavi Petre (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Ego sum panis vivus in D major (Pozzoli, Ettore)|SScores\\1","Ego sum panis vivus, IGP 20 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Ego sum panis vivus (Costantini, Alessandro)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ego sum panis vivus (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Ego sum resurrectio, LV 542 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Egrediamur (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Egredietur virga (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Die Ehe soll ehrlich gehalten werden, GWV 1113\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die Ehe soll ehrlich gehalten werden, TWV 1:332 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der ehlich Stand ist billig g'nannt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ehr sei Gott in der H\u00f6h allein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\15|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he! (Gregor, Christian)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, FaWV D:E1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\3","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, GWV 1105\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, H.340 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, H.342 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, H.352 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, INS 3 (St\u00f6ssel, Nikolaus)|PParts\\1","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, NesF A72 (Freislich, Johann Balthasar Christian)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he, R 5.1.44b (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\2","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he (Arnoldi)|SScores\\1","Ehre sei Gott in der H\u00f6he (Bach, Johann Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ehre sei Gott in her H\u00f6he (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Eile mich, Gott, zu erretten (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Ein Abt den w\u00f6ll wir weihen (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","Ein alt b\u00f6s Weib, runzelt am Leib (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ein Arzt ist uns gegeben, TWV 1:416 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BWV 80 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\18|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12|OOther\\2","Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, TWV 8:7 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, W95 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (Franck, Melchior)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein feste Burg (Agricola, Martin)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ein gl\u00e4ubigs Flehn, in Jesu Namen, TWV 1:421 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein guter Mensch bringt Gutes hervor, GWV 1122\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Ein hei\u00dfer Durst, TWV 1:422a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend wei\u00df, BWV 134 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|OOther\\1","Ein Jammerton, ein schluchzend Ach, TWV 1:424 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ein jeglicher Baum der nicht gute Fr\u00fcchte, GWV 1149\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ein jeglicher Baum wird, GWV 1149\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ein jeglicher guter Baum, GWV 1149\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ein jeglicher wie ihn der Herr berufen, GWV 1117\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ein Jungfrau mir gefallen th\u00e4t (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ein Kind ist uns geboren (M\u00fcller, Wilhelm Adolph)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Ein Kindlein in der Wiegen (Corner, David Gregor)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Ein K\u00f6nig der die Armen, GWV 1101\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4","Ein L\u00e4mmlein geht und tr\u00e4gt die Schuld, GraunWV B:VII:4 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\6|PParts\\1","Ein L\u00e4mmlein geht und tr\u00e4gt die Schuld, GWV 1119\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ein L\u00e4mmlein geht und tr\u00e4gt die Schuld (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ein meidlein zu dem brunnen ging (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Ein Mensch ist in seinem Leben wie Gras, GWV 1157\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ein Mensch ist in seinem Leben, TWV 4:18 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Ein neues Lied wir heben an (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\21|PScores and Parts\\21","Ein Neujahrshymnus (Marx, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Ein Pudding (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Ein Reicher schmachtet in der H\u00f6lle, GWV 1142\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)","Ein Richter mu\u00df im Urteilsprechen, TWV 1:429 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein sch\u00f6nes weib erfrewet mich (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Ein seliges Kind Gottes, TWV 1:431a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein ungef\u00e4rbt Gem\u00fcte, BWV 24 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Ein ungef\u00e4rbt' Gem\u00fcte, TWV 1:434 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ein Vater lernt sein Haus besorgen, GWV 1162\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott (Meyerhoffer, Georg Christoph)|SScores\\1","Eine Deutsche Messe (Taubmann, Otto)|VVocal Scores\\2","Eine gute Nacht (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Einen Jux will er sich machen (M\u00fcller, Adolf)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Einen Propheten wie mich, GWV 1123\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Einen solchen Hohenpriester sollten wir haben, TWV 1:418 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Einf\u00e4ltiges Kirchenlied (Lavater, Johann Caspar)|PParts\\1","Eins bitte ich vom Herrn, BuxWV 24 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Eins bitte ich vom Herrn, GWV 1112\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Eins bitte ich vom Herrn, GWV 1112\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Eins ist Not in Jesus' Schule, GWV 1141\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Einsamer Spazierflug (Kammert\u00f6ns, Christoph)|SScores\\1","A el golfo del mundo (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","A el pan de los cielos (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Electiones diversorum motetorum distincte quatuor vocibus (Various)|PParts\\1","Elegiac Quintetto Vocale (Heinrich, Anthony Philip)|SScores\\3","6 Elegies for Voices and Continuo, Op.3 (Jackson, William)|SScores\\2","3 Elegies, Op.17 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Elegischer Gesang, Op.118 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Elegy on the Death of Mr. Shenstone (Arne, Thomas Augustine)|SScores\\2","Elegy to the Memory of Jonathan Battishill (Wesley Jr., Charles)|SScores\\1","30 Elementar-Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr den M\u00e4nnerchor (N\u00e4geli, Hans Georg)|PParts\\1","Elend bringt Pein dem Herzen mein (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Elend ich rieff (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Die Elenden sollen essen, BWV 75 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\19|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\20","\u00c9l\u00e9vation au St Sacrement, H.264 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\3","El\u00e9vation pour la paix, H.237 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Elia (Reutter, Georg)|SScores\\2","Elijah, Op.70 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|RRecordings\\3|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\26|DSketches and Drafts\\1","Elimi Tut! (Alever, Gizem)|SScores\\1","Elisium (Winter, Peter von)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ella (Geibel, Adam)|SScores\\1","Elle craint l'esperon (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Elle d\u00e9bute ce soir (Lhuillier, Edmond)|VVocal Scores\\1","Elle!, Op.27 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Ellen McJones Aberdeen (Edmonds, Paul)|SScores\\1","Elletione de motetti, Libro 1 (Various)|PParts\\4","Ellys (Litta, Paolo)|VVocal Scores\\1","Eloa, Op.70 (Lefebvre, Charles)|VVocal Scores\\2","Elslin liepstes Elselin (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","The Elves' Dance (Bennet, John)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Emendemus in melius, LV 420 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Emendemus in Melius (Bridson, Robert Edward)|SScores\\1","Emendemus in melius (Fabri, Stefano)|SScores\\1","Emendemus in melius (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Emily Jane was a Nursery Maid (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Emmaus, Op.46 (Meinardus, Ludwig Siegfried)|SScores\\1","En el entierro de un amigo (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","En famille sans le savoir (Mortreuil, Victor)|VVocal Scores\\1","En filant ma quenouille (Gouin, Pierre)|SScores\\1","En gratulemur hodie, SV 302 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","En la cama de la culpa doliente (Veana, Mat\u00edas Juan de)|PParts\\1","En novus Elysiis, SWV 49 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Encore un coup, un petit coup (Bon Voisin)|SScores\\1","The End of the Sabbath (Carnall, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Ende gut und alles gut, GWV 1167\/09a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Das Ende kommt, der Tod, GWV 1165\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Endymion's Dream, Op.65 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)|VVocal Scores\\1","L'enfant prodigue (Caillebotte, Martial)|VVocal Scores\\1","L'enfant prodigue (Debussy, Claude)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Der Engel des Herrn lagert sich, TWV 1:235 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Die Engel frohlocken, GWV 1105\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Engel Heer begeht ein Freudenfest, GWV 1105\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Der Engel Heer singt in der H\u00f6he, GWV 1105\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","The English Girl (Steane, Bruce)|SScores\\1","3 English Melodies, Op.264 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\3","English Romantic Partsongs (Various)|SScores\\1","English Songs, HWV 228 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\11","Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease (Xu, Xavier Shuang)|SScores\\1","L'ennuy, le dueil, la peine et le martyre (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Ent\u00e4ussre dich mein Herz, GWV 1169\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die entdeckte Verstellung (Keiser, Reinhard)|VVocal Scores\\2","Enthalte uns dein Wort, GWV 1146\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Entlaubet ist der Walde (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Entlaubet ist der Walde (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Entra l'uomo allor che nasce, D.33 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Entre deux jardins (Villebichot, Auguste de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Entsagen, WAB 14 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Envoy (Hollinrake, Horace)|SScores\\1","Epitaphium Carpentarii, H.474 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\3","Epithalamium, Op.37 (Hedges, Anthony)|VVocal Scores\\1","Er hat alles wohl gemacht, GWV 1153\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Er hat alles wohl gemacht (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Er hat seinen Engeln befohlen, GWV 1110\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Er ist gesetzt zum Auferstehn und Falle, L.517 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Er ist nicht mehr (Kellner, Johann Christoph)|SScores\\1","Er rufet seinen Schafen mit Namen, BWV 175 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12|OOther\\1","Er selbst der Herr, GWV 1102\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Er selbst der Satan, GWV 1120\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Er, der Messias, ist ein Stein, TWV 1:445 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Era il bel viso suo (Schiavetti, Giulio)","Era il bel viso suo (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Era illusione (Mangiagalli, Carlos)|SScores\\1","Era l\u2019anima mia, SV 96 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Erat Iesus (Tejeda, Alonso de)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erat Jesus ejiciens daemonium (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\2","Erat Joseph et Maria (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Erbarm dich mein o Herre Gott, GWV 1155\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Erbarm dich mein o Herre Gott, GWV 1155\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erbarm dich mein o Herre Gott, GWV 1163\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Erbarm dich mein o Herre Gott, H.372 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Erbarm dich meyn o herre got (Hegenwald, Erhard)|SScores\\1","Erde Luft und Himmel krachen, GWV 1102\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Die Erde trinkt f\u00fcr sich, SWV 438 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ere Morning Break (Argentesi, Dario)|SScores\\1","Erforsche mich erfahr mein Herz (Hiller, Johann Adam)|SScores\\1","Erforsche mich Gott und erfahre mein Herz, GWV 1145\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Erforsche mich, Gott, Krebs-WV 151 (Krebs, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Erforsche mich, Gott, und erfahre mein Herz, BWV 136 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\1","Erforsche mich, Gott (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Erfreue dich o Christenheit, GWV 1136\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Erfreue uns wieder, GWV 1155\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Erfreut euch sch\u00fcchterne Gem\u00fcter, GWV 1128\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen, BWV 66 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\1","Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde, BWV 83 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\1","Ergib dich Gott allein, GWV 1169\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ergreifet den Harnisch Gottes, GWV 1120\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erhalt uns Herr bei deinem Wort, BuxWV 27 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort, BWV 126 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|OOther\\1","Erheb ihn ewig o mein Geist (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Erhebe dich du Richter der Welt, GWV 1102\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Erh\u00f6htes Fleisch und Blut, BWV 173 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Erh\u00f6re Herr mein \u00e4chzend Flehen, GWV 1125\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Erh\u00f6re uns nach der wunderlichen Gerechtigkeit, GWV 1115\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Eri\u00e7\u00f3 (Iglesias Carr\u00e9, Xavier)|SScores\\1","Erinnerung von G\u00f6the, G.27 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\1","Erinnerungen, D.424 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Erkauftes Volk lass alles Trauern sein, GWV 1136\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erkennet dass der Herr Gott ist, GWV 1132\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erkennet dass der Herr Gott ist, GWV 1144\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Erkennet doch da\u00df der Herr seine Heiligen wunderlich f\u00fchret (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","The Erl King (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Ermuntert euch ihr tr\u00e4gen Herzen, GWV 1118\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ermuntert euch und wacht, GWV 1149\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ermunterung im Herbst, G.105 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Ermuntre dich betr\u00fcbter Geist, GWV 1129\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","2 Ernste Ges\u00e4nge, Op.56 (Rinkens, Wilhelm)|SScores\\11","8 Ernste Lieder, Op.46 (W\u00fcllner, Franz)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Erntedankfest-Cantate, Op.65 (Gast, Friedrich Moritz)|SScores\\1","Erntefeier, Op.104 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|VVocal Scores\\1","Er\u00f6ffnet die Tore der Held ist gekommen (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Er\u00f6ffnet euch ihr Augenquellen, GWV 1127\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Errette mich Herr, GWV 1164\/53a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Erschallet, ihr Lieder, BWV 172 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\29|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11|OOther\\1","Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag (Erythr\u00e4us, Gotthard)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Erschrecke sichre Welt, GWV 1163\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Erschrecklich ist es, GWV 1142\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erschrockne Herde fasse dich, GWV 1131\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Erschrocknes Zion sei erfreut, GWV 1128\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Erst wirdt erfrewt mein traurigs Herz (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Erstanden ist der heilge Christ (Vulpius, Melchior)|SScores\\2","Erstanden ist der heilige Christ (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores\\1","Erstanden ist der heil\u2032ge Christ (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Der erste Fr\u00fchlingstag, Op.28 (Mozart, Franz Xaver Wolfgang)|SScores\\1|PParts\\49","Der erste Psalm (Fr\u00f6hlich, Friedrich Theodor)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Die erste Walpurgisnacht, Op.60 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\6|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Die ersten Menschen (Stephan, Rudi)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Ert\u00f6nt ihr H\u00fctten der Gerechten, NesF A76 (Freislich, Johann Balthasar Christian)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ertrage nur das Joch der M\u00e4ngel, TWV 1:479 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Eructavit cor meum a 6 (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Erue, Domine (Dietrich, Sixt)|SScores\\3","Erwache doch mein Herze, R 5.1.50 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|SScores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Erwache tr\u00e4ge Christenschar, GWV 1111\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Erwache von dem S\u00fcndenschlafe, L.528 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Erwacht ihr Heiden, GWV 1111\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Erw\u00e4g', O Mensch, TWV 1:487b (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Erwecke dich, Herr (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Erwin (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SFull Scores\\5","Erw\u00fcnschtes Freudenlicht, BWV 184 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\2","Erzittre toll und freche Welt, GWV 1120\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Erz\u00fcrne dich nicht (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Es begab sich dass Jesus, GWV 1157\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Es danke Gott wer danken kann, GWV 1109\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Es danken dir die Himmelsheere, GWV 1109\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es danken dir Gott die V\u00f6lker, H.340 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Es dringt doher (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Es erhub sich ein Streit im Himmel, SWV Anh.11 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Es erhub sich ein Streit, BWV 19 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Es erhub sich ein Streit (Bach, Johann Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es erhub sich ein Streit (Weckmann, Matthias)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Es f\u00e4hret Jesus auf mit Jauchzen, TWV 1:489 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2","Es f\u00e4llt ein holder Tau der Gnade, GWV 1138\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Es geht gen disen summer (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\3","Es gieng ein landzknecht (Bruck, Arnold von)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Es gieng ein wolgezogner Knecht (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Es het ein biderman ein weib (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Es ist besser niedrigen Gem\u00fctes sein, RoemV 187 (R\u00f6mhild, Johann Theodor)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2","Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, BWV 9 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (Griepenkerl, Friedrich Conrad)|SScores\\1","Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist, BWV 45 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|OOther\\1","Es ist ein einiger Gesetzgeber, GWV 1145\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Es ist ein grosser Gewinn, TWV 1:503 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Es ist ein k\u00f6stlich Ding geduldig sein (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Es ist ein k\u00f6stlich Ding, GWV 1110\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es ist ein k\u00f6stlich Ding, GWV 1110\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es ist ein k\u00f6stlich Ding, TWV 1:504 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\3","Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Praetorius, Michael)|RRecordings\\3|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\47","Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Schmitt, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Vulpius, Melchior)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Es ist eine Art, GWV 1155\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es ist eine Stimme eines Predigers, F.89 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Es ist eine Stimme eines Predigers, GWV 1104\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es ist ein\u2019 Ros\u2019 entsprungen (Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","Es ist erschienen die heilsame Gnade, GWV 1105\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Es ist erschienen die heilsame Gnade, GWV 1170\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es ist euch gut dass ich hingehe, GWV 1137\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Es ist euch gut, da\u00df ich hingehe, BWV 108 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|OOther\\2","Es ist genug dass wir, GWV 1117\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es ist genug mein matter Sinn, GWV 1169\/45b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Es ist genug, so nimm, Herr (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit, GWV 1167\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit, TWV 1:509 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Es ist gut auf den Herrn vertrauen, TWV 1:512 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Es ist hie kein Unterschied sie sind allzumal S\u00fcnder (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Es ist in keinem andern Heil, GWV 1109\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es ist kein guter Baum, GWV 1149\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Es ist keine Obrigkeit ohne von Gott, TWV 1:513 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Es ist leider zu beklagen, GWV 1106\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe, BWV 25 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|BBooks\\1|OOther\\3","Es ist nit alles Golde (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Es ist noch um ein Kleines, GWV 1142\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es ist umsonst dass ihr fr\u00fch aufsteht, GWV 1146\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es ist umsonst, da\u00df ihr fr\u00fch aufsteht, TWV 1:515 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Es ist viel Not vorhanden (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Es ist vollbracht, GWV 1126\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es jagt ein J\u00e4ger g'schwinde dort (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Es jauchze aller Kreis der Erden, GWV 1105\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Es jauchzen aller Engel Scharen, GWV 1136\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es klinget oft, kl\u00e4glich nach, TWV 1:518a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Es k\u00f6mmet die Stunde, TWV 1:520 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Es kommt die Zeit dass wer euch t\u00f6tet, GWV 1137\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Es kommt die Zeit, GWV 1137\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es kommt ein Schiff geladen (Weinreis, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Es liegt ein Haus im Oberland (Reuter, Oswald)|SScores\\1","Es liegt so abendstill der See, Op.11 (Goetz, Hermann)|VVocal Scores\\1","Es mi Rosa bella (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|PParts\\2","Es m\u00fct vil leut (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Es naheten aber zu Jesu allerlei Z\u00f6llner und S\u00fcnder (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Es rei\u00dfet euch ein schrecklich Ende, BWV 90 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|OOther\\2","Es sei denn dass eure Gerechtigkeit, GWV 1147\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es sei denn dass jemand geboren werde, GWV 1141\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es sei denn dass jemand von neuem geboren werde, GWV 1141\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es sei denn (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Es sei fern von mir r\u00fchmen, TWV 1:526 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Es sind Gerechte denen gehet es, GWV 1127\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Es sind ja Gott sehr schlechte Sachen, GWV 1142\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Es soll geschehen ehe sie rufen, GWV 1148\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Es sollen dir danken alle deine Werke, GWV 1111\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Es sout ein Meiskin halen win (Sampson)|SScores\\1","Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Es steh Gott auf (Kuhnau, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Es stehen Jesus Augen offen, GWV 1123\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Es steht ein einsamer Weiher (Keller, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Es steht geschrieben, GWV 1151\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Es taget vor dem Walde (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Es wallen die Herzen entz\u00fcndete Flammen, GWV 1062 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es wallen die Herzen in freudigem Triebe, GWV 1060 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Es war ein Mensch der machte ein gross Abendmahl, GWV 1143\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Es war einmal (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Es wechselt Lust und Traurigkeit, GWV 1113\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es werden nicht alle die zu mir sagen (Fehre, Christoph Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Es werden nicht alle die zu mir sagen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Es werden sich erheben falsche Christen, GWV 1166\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es wird des Herrn Tag kommen, GWV 1102\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es wird ein Durchbrecher, TWV 1:539 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Es wird ein unbarmherzig Gericht, TWV 1:542 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Es wird eine Rute aufgehen (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Es wird Freude sein vor den Engeln Gottes (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Es wird grosse Not auf Erden sein, GWV 1166\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es wird sein die Wurzel Jesse, GWV 1111\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Es woll uns Gott gen\u00e4dig sein (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\28|PScores and Parts\\28","Es wollt ein alt Mann auf die Bulschaft gan (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\2","Es wolt ein fraw zum weine gan (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Espagne et Tyrol (Herv\u00e9)|VVocal Scores\\1","Esprit doux de bonne nature (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Esset meine Lieben und trinket, GWV 1126\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Est modus in rebus (Turchetto, Andrea)|SScores\\1","A este Sol peregrino (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Esther, HWV 50b (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Esther (Manna, Gennaro)|PParts\\2","Esto mihi in Deum protectorem (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","Estote ergo misericordes, LV 192 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Estote Fortes in Bello (Comes, Joan Baptista)|SScores\\1","Et in terra pax hominibus (Power, Leonel)|SScores\\1","Et incarnatus est, Op.1 (Siscar Llor\u00e9ns, Marta)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Et oltre al mio destino (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Et respicientes viderunt revolutum lapidem (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Et resurrexit, SV 260 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|RRecordings\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Et Vidi \/ Bestia (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","L'\u00e9ternelle idole (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\1","L'\u00e9ternelle s\u00e9r\u00e9nade (H\u00fce, Georges)|SScores\\1","Des \u00e9toiles qui savent rire (Avni, Boaz)|SScores\\1","Les \u00e9toiles sont belles (Psimikakis-Chalkokondylis, Nikolaos-Laonikos)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2|PParts\\8","Etz chajjim hi (Alkan, Charles-Valentin)|SScores\\2","Euer Leben ist verborgen mit Christo in Gott, GWV 1103\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Euge bone (Tye, Christopher)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Euge serve bone, H.375 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Euphonia (Vit\u00e1sek, Jan Nepomuk Augustin)|SScores\\9","Eure Rede sei allezeit lieblich, GWV 1154\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Euro gentil, LV 69 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Euterpe, Op.76 (Horsley, Charles Edward)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ev'ry Bush New Springing (Cavendish, Michael)|SScores\\2","Der evangelische Kirchenchor, WoO VI\/17 (Reger, Max)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\5","The Eve of Saint Agnes (Surette, Thomas Whitney)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Eve of St. Agnes (Barnett, John Francis)|VVocal Scores\\2","Evening Prayer (Abbot, John M.)|SScores\\1","The Evening Primrose (Boden, Andrew David)|SScores\\1","Evening Service in G major (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Evening Service, Z.231 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Evening (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Every Town Is Your Home Town (Branscombe, Gena)|SScores\\1","Everyman, Op.17 (Davies, Walford)|VVocal Scores\\7","\u00c8ve (Massenet, Jules)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2","Evocations, Op.15 (Roussel, Albert)|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Das ewige Licht geht da herein, GWV 1107\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Ewiger Gott, aus des Gebot (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Ex altari tuo Domine (Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio)|SScores\\2","Ex Sion species decoris ejus, K.139 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Exaltabo te Domine (Croce, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Exaltabo te Domine (Descarries, Auguste)|SScores\\1","Exaltabo te, Domine (Cattaneo, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Exaltata est sancta Dei Genetrix (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Exaudi Deus orationem meam, LV 851 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Exaudi Domine (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Exaudiat te Dominus, H.162 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Exaudiat te Dominus (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Excalibur (McAlpin, Colin)|PParts\\7","Exercices de chant (Rill\u00e9, Laurent de)|SScores\\1","Exiit edictum (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Exiit sermo (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Exiit sermo (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Exita fuorem et memento belli (Sances, Giovanni Felice)|SScores\\1","Exotic Suite, Op.29 (Vasilenko, Sergey)|VVocal Scores\\1","Expectans expectavi, LV 873 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Expeditionis musicae classis I, Op.1 (Gletle, Johann Melchior)|PParts\\15","Expeditionis musicae classis II, Op.2 (Gletle, Johann Melchior)|PParts\\16","Expeditionis musicae classis IV, Op.5 (Gletle, Johann Melchior)|PParts\\6","Expeditionis musicae classis V, Op.6 (Gletle, Johann Melchior)|PParts\\19","Expugna impugnantes me, W.YE 7 (Bach, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","Expurgate vetus fermentus (Buel, Christoph)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Exsultate Deo (Hassler, Hans Leo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Exsultate justi in Domino, LV 349 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Exsultet orbis gaudiis, ZWV 114 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Exsurgens Joseph (Comes, Joan Baptista)|SScores\\1","The Extract of Opera (Root, Frederic Woodman)|SScores\\2","Exultate Deo (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\20","Exultate gaudete iubilate laetamini (Ziani, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Exultate omnes gentes in Domino (Melvi, Francesco Maria)|SScores\\1","Exultate, iusti, in Domino (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Exultet c\u00e6lum laudibus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Exultet omnium, C.112 (Cl\u00e9rambault, Louis-Nicolas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Eye-Oeil-Ojo-Auge (Torre, Salvador)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|OOther\\1","Ezio, HWV 29 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|LLibrettos\\3"],"F":["25 Fables de La Fontaine (Bruneau, Alexandre)|SScores\\1","Factum est silentium in coelo (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\2","Factus est repente (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\1","Fader w\u00e5r (D\u00fcben, Gustaf)|SScores\\1","Fahr wohl, Op.94 (K\u00fccken, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Fahrt ihr Sinnen auf die H\u00f6he, GWV 1146\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Fain Would I Change That Note (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Fair and Ugly (Travers, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Fair Cloe, My Breast So Alarms, Z.486 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Fair Daffodils (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\2","Fair Hebe when Dame Flora Meets (Bateson, Thomas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","The Fairy Boat, Op.4 (Foerster, Adolph Martin)|SScores\\1","The Fairy Bridal (Hewitt, John Hill)|SScores\\3","The Fairy Ring (Cummings, William Hayman)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Fall of Babylon (Nicholds, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Fall, leaves, fall (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\1","Fallax gratia, LV 475 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Fame's Penny-Trumpet (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Familienpolka (Sch\u00e4ffer, August)|PParts\\1","The Family Choir (Various)|SScores\\1","Fammi una gratia, amore (Isaac, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","F\u00e1nas\u00f6ngur (\u00c1rni Thorsteinson)|SScores\\1","Le Fanfalughe a 2, 3, 4 e 5 voci con il basso per sonare (Donati, Ignazio)|SScores\\1","Fantasia for Tenor and Organ, Op.536 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\2","Fantasie recercari contrapunti a 3 voci (Various)|PParts\\3","Fantasie, Recercari, Contrapunti a 3 voci, Libro 1 (Willaert, Adrian)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Fantasy, Op.42 (Davies, Walford)|VVocal Scores\\1","Far Away (Lindsay, Maria)|SScores\\1","Fare thee well thou native vale (Danby, John)|SScores\\1","Farewell to Arms, Op.9 (Finzi, Gerald)|SScores\\1","A Farewell (Neff, Lyle K.)|SScores\\1","The Farmer's Boy (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Fasciculus myrrhae (Peranda, Marco Gioseppe)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Fast allgemeines Evangelisch-Musicalisches Lieder-Buch (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\3","Father and Daughter (Grainger, Percy)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2","Father Finn's Carol Book (Finn, William J.)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Father's Come Home (Whiting, S. K.)|SScores\\1","Father, All-Holy (Wood, Charles)|SScores\\1","The Fatherhood of God (Schnecker, Peter August)|SScores\\5","Fatherland, GP 92 (Bax, Arnold)|VVocal Scores\\1","Fato, fortuna, predistatio, caso ventura (Lechner, Leonhard)|SScores\\3","Faune et flore (Bird, Melvin Clive)|PParts\\26","Faust et H\u00e9l\u00e8ne (Boulanger, Lili)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Faust Symphony, S.108 (Liszt, Franz)|RRecordings\\3|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|PParts\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","3 Favorite Scotch Songs (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\1","Fear No More the Heat o' the Sun (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Fecunda tierra que en puro seno (Literes, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Die Feier des Todes Jesu, WacR III:9 (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Die Feier des Wohlwollens, Op.36 (Kuhlau, Friedrich)|VVocal Scores\\2","Der Feinde sch\u00e4umende Menge st\u00fcrzt w\u00fctend auf dich her, L.530 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Die Feinde wollen Jesum fangen, GWV 1158\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\11","Feldmahlergratitudesong (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","La Felicit\u00e0 dell'Anfriso (Guglielmi, Pietro Alessandro)|SScores\\1","La felicit\u00e0 della terra (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Felix namque, H.360 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Fest- Bus- und Danck-Lieder (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|PParts\\12","Fest-Cantate, Op.48 (Tietz, Philipp)|VVocal Scores\\1","Festgesang, WAB 15 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Festina lente (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Festival Te Deum, Op.25 (Reed, William)|SScores\\1","Festive Harmony (Various)|SScores\\1","Festkantate, WAB 16 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\3","Die Festzeiten, Op.66 (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Feuillets d'album, H 121 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\5","La fianc\u00e9e (Ren\u00e9, Charles)|SScores\\1","Fidi compagni a suon di tromba, GraunWV B:III:27 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Fiera stella, LV 14 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","The Fifth of November (Wallace, Dorian)|SScores\\1","Fighting Men (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Filiae Ierusalem surgite ite in montem myrrhae (Duponchel, Jacques)|SScores\\1","Filiae regum (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Filius meus, parvulus est (Ugarte, Joaqu\u00edn)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Filius prodigus, H.399 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Fill the Bowl with Rosy Wine, Z.487 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","La fille de Jepht\u00e9 (Broutin, Cl\u00e9ment)|VVocal Scores\\1","Filli cara (Giovannelli, Ruggiero)|SScores\\1","Filli e Nadolmio (Sellitto, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Film Cue 072091 (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15","Firenze, Juvenilia No.20 (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","The First Christmas Tree (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Fischerlied, D.364 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Fischerlied (Panny, Joseph)|PParts\\1","Das Fischerm\u00e4dchen, Op.4 (Oechsner, Andreas Johann Lorenz)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","The Fisherman and His Child (White, Charles Albert)|SScores\\1","Five Sayings of Jesus, Op.35 (Davies, Walford)|VVocal Scores\\1","Five Times by the Taper's Light (Storace, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Flag of Our Country (Mathiot, A.)|SScores\\1","Flanziquiyo (San Juan, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Flavio Crispo, S.120 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Flavio, re de' Longobardi, HWV 16 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|LLibrettos\\3","Fleisch und Geist stimmt nicht zusammen, GWV 1123\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Fleur de n\u00e9flier (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\1","Fleurette (Kelly, Ian Donald Killeen)|SScores\\1","Fleuriste et typographe (Villebichot, Auguste de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Fleurs des landes, H 124 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\11","The Flight of the Eagle (Norris, Homer Albert)|SScores\\1","The Flirt (Bridge, Frederick)|SScores\\1","Floriana (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\2","Die Flucht der heiligen Familie, Op.13 (W\u00fcllner, Franz)|SFull Scores\\2","Fly, Bold Rebellion, Z.324 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\2","Foeno iacere pertulit (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Fog in the Desert, kwv.6 (Kushki, Mohsen)","3 Folk Songs (Schoenberg, Arnold)|SScores\\1","3 Folk Songs, Op.49 (Schoenberg, Arnold)|SScores\\1","La folla dei poveri \u00e8 qui (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Fond Love is Blind (Bateson, Thomas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Fons citharizancium - Sub Arturo - In omnem terram (Alanus, Johannes)|SScores\\1","For He is Risen, Op.54 (Clokey, Joseph Waddell)|SScores\\1","A Ford Song (Flivver, A.)|SScores\\1","Foresters, Sound the Cheerful Horn (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","La for\u00eat (De Jaer, Baudouin)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Forgiveness in Righteousness (Labrecque, Denis G.)|SFull Scores\\1","Fortem virili pectore (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Fortuna desperata, IA 265 (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Fortuna Nasci pati mori (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","La forza della virt\u00f9 (Keiser, Reinhard)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Four Jolly Smiths (Leslie, Henry Temple)|SScores\\1","Four Leaf Clover (Brownell, Leila M.)|SScores\\2","The Four Winds (Busch, Carl)|VVocal Scores\\1","8 Four-Part Songs (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","6 Four-Part Songs, Op.30 (Mounsey Bartholomew, Ann)|SScores\\1","Fra le dorate chiome (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Fra pioggie, nevi e gelo (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Fra Rold til Rebild, CNW 22 (Nielsen, Carl)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Fraget nach dem Herrn, GWV 1114\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Franciscus, Op.36 (Tinel, Edgar)|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Fratres sobrii estote, LV 368 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Fr\u00e9d\u00e9gonde (Ollone, Max d')|VVocal Scores\\1","The Free Church Psalmody (Various)|SScores\\2","Freier Sinn und froher Mut, WAB 147 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Freluchette (Montaubry, Jean Baptiste Edouard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Fremdl\u00e4ndische Volksweisen, Op.87 (J\u00fcngst, Hugo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Freu dich, du werte Christenheit (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Die Freude der Hirten \u00fcber die Geburt Jesu, HoWV I.1 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\3","Freude Freude \u00fcber Freude, GWV 1105\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Die Freude reget sich, BWV 36b (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11","Freude, sch\u00f6ner G\u00f6tterfunken (Winter, Peter von)|SScores\\1","Das Freudenfest, P.163 (Danzi, Franz)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Freue dich des Weibes deiner Jugend, SWV 453 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Freue dich herzlich, GWV 1131\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Freue dich und sei fr\u00f6hlich du Tochter Zion, GWV 1101\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Freue dich, du Tochter Zion (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Freue dich, erl\u00f6ste Schaar, BWV 30 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\24|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Freuen und fr\u00f6hlich m\u00fcssen sein, GWV 1169\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Freuen und fr\u00f6hlich m\u00fcssen sein, GWV 1171\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Freuet euch dass ihr mit Christo leidet, GWV 1119\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Freuet euch dass ihr mit Christo leidet, GWV 1137\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Freuet euch der Barmherzigkeit Gottes (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Freuet euch des Herrn, GWV 1174\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Freuet euch mit den Fr\u00f6hlichen, GWV 1113\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Freuet euch mit den Fr\u00f6hlichen, GWV 1153\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Freuet euch mit mir, GWV 1144\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Freund warum bist du kommen, GWV 1122\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Freundlicher Gruss mit Buss (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Freundlicher Held, ich hab erw\u00e4hlt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Freundschaft (Meyerbeer, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Fre\u00fcntlich von art (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Freut euch Gottes Geist die Taube, GWV 1138\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Freut euch, ihr Christen alle (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\4","Freut euch, ihr lieben Christen I (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Freyhir (Mathieu, \u00c9mile)|VVocal Scores\\1","Fried gib mir, Herr auf Erden (Vento, Ivo de)|SScores\\1","Der Friede Gottes welcher h\u00f6her ist, GWV 1130\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Friede Gottes welcher h\u00f6her ist, GWV 1131\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Friede Gottes welcher h\u00f6her ist, GWV 1131\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Friede Gottes welcher h\u00f6her ist, GWV 1138\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Friede sei mit euch (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Der Friede (Schnyder von Wartensee, Franz Xaver)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Friede, WoO 39 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Frieden (Reznicek, Emil von)|VVocal Scores\\1","Frisch auf du edle Musikkunst (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\2","Frisch auf, ihr Kloster Br\u00fcder mein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Frisch auff und last uns singen (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Frisque et gaillard (Clemens non Papa, Jacobus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","The Frog (Newton, Ernest Richard)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Fr\u00f6hlich soll mein Herze springen (Cr\u00fcger, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Fr\u00f6hlich soll mein Herze springen (Ebeling, Johann Georg)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Fr\u00f6hlich wollen wir Alleluja singen (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Fr\u00f6hlich wollen wir Halleluia singen, W158 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Die Fr\u00f6hliche Sommerzeit, Teil 1 (Sommer, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Fr\u00f6hliche Stunden, GWV 1154\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Frohlocke werte Christenheit, GWV 1105\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Frohlocke werte Christenheit, GWV 1128\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Frohlocket ihr Himmel, GWV 1105\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Frohlocket mit H\u00e4nden alle V\u00f6lker, GWV 1136\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Frohlocket und preiset den herrschenden Sieger, HoWV I.11 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\3","Frohlocket, ihr Engel, TWV 1:564 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Frohlockt lasst frohe Lieder h\u00f6ren, GWV 1174\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Fr\u00f6lich wil ich singen (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Fr\u00f6lich zu seyn zu dieser zeit (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Fr\u00f6liche und liebliche Ehrnlieder (Praetorius, Christoph)|PParts\\8","Frolocke! Darmstadt, GWV 1054 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","From hardy climes and dangerous toils of war, Z.325 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","From Mouths of Babies (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","From My Youth, Op.51 (Nikolsky, Aleksandr)|SScores\\1","From Stormy Windes (Turges, Edmund)|SScores\\1","Fromme Herzen finden nicht, GWV 1110\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)","Der Frommen Weg meidet das Arge, GWV 1104\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die Frucht des Gerechten ist ein Baum, GWV 1126\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Fr\u00fches Morgengebet (Kim, Hee Cheol)|SScores\\1","Fr\u00fchlings Orakel, G.39 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5","Fr\u00fchlings Seele, Op.34 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|SScores\\1","Fr\u00fchlings-Phantasie, Op.23 (Gade, Niels)|VVocal Scores\\1","Fr\u00fchlingsd\u00e4mmerung (Thuille, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Fr\u00fchlingslied, D.243 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Fr\u00fchlingsnacht, Op.139 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\1","Fr\u00fchlingswanderschaft (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Die Fr\u00fchlingszeit (K\u00f6llner, Eduard)|SScores\\1","Fuga in subdiapente (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","La fuga (Lucantoni, Giovanni)|SScores\\2","Fugensammlung, Teil 1 (Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","2 Fughe dissimili in una (Raimondi, Pietro)|SScores\\1","4 Fughe in una dissimili nel modo (Raimondi, Pietro)|SScores\\1","F\u00fchr uns Herr in Versuchung nicht, GWV 1121\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","F\u00fchr uns Herr in Versuchung nicht, GWV 1122\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","F\u00fchr uns Herr in Versuchung nicht, GWV 1150\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","F\u00fchre meine Seele aus dem Kerker, GWV 1175\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","F\u00fchret einen guten Wandel, GWV 1122\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","F\u00fchrwahr, er trug unsere Krankheit (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","La fuite (Bizet, Georges)|SScores\\1","La fuite (Duparc, Henri)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","La fuite, Op.38 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Full Fathom Five (Teichmann, Roger)|SScores\\1","Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline, HWV 264 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\1","Funeral Cantata (De Assun\u00e7\u00e3o Rondon Mello, R\u00f4mulo)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\1","Funeral Dirge of Gen. Zachary Taylor (Barnes, G. L.)|SScores\\1","Die Furcht des Herrn ist Zucht zur Weisheit, GWV 1119\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","F\u00fcrchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir, BWV 228 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","F\u00fcrchte dich vor der keinem, GWV 1103\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","F\u00fcrchtet den Herrn, ihr seine Heiligen, TWV 1:570 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","F\u00fcrchtet euch nicht wenn euch die Leute, GWV 1137\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","F\u00fcrchtet euch nicht, ich verk\u00fcndige euch (Topf, Johann)|SScores\\2","F\u00fcrchtet euch nicht (Bach, Johann Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","F\u00fcrwahr er trug unsere Krankheit, BuxWV 31 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","F\u00fcrwahr er trug unsre Krankheit, GWV 1119\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","F\u00fcrwahr er trug unsre Krankheit, GWV 1125\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","F\u00fcrwahr, er der Herr Messias trug unsre Krankheit, TWV 1:575 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Fy du plaisir qui mille ennuis attire (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Fynsk Foraar, Op.42 (Nielsen, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1"],"G":["25 Galliards, Pavans and Chansons (Attaingnant, Pierre)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","A gam agozi Jehova (Akabuogu, Chukwudimma)|SScores\\1","A Game of Fives (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Gantz neue lustige T\u00e4ntz und Liedlein (Haiden, Hans Christoph)|PParts\\4","Der gantz Psalter Davids (Hemmel, Sigmund)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Die ganze Welt liegt voller Kranken, GWV 1114\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gar oft sich schickt, dasz eim gel\u00fcckt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","La gara amorosa, S.498 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\1","Garden of Kama (Vincent, Henry Bethuel)|SScores\\1","The Garden of Olivet (Bottesini, Giovanni)|SScores\\3","Gartenlieder, Op.3 (Hensel, Fanny)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Gastibelza (Monpou, Hippolyte)|SScores\\2","Gaude et laetare Ferrariensis civitas (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\2","Gaude laetare turba fidelis, ZWV 168 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Gaude Maria Virgo (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Gaudeamus omnes in Domino (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Gaudeamus omnes in Domino (Quagliati, Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gaudeamus (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Gaudens gaudebo (Cervi, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Gaudent in coelis animae Sanctorum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Gaudent in coelis, LV 502 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Gaudete omnes et laetamini, SwWV 182 (Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Gaudete, Christus est natus (Anonymous)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|OOther\\1","Gaudete, jubilate et exultate (Angelini, Romano)|PParts\\1","Gdzie jest tw\u00f3j sen? (Le\u015bniewicz, Iza)|SScores\\1","Gdzie\u017c to jedziesz Jasiu? (Bursa, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Gebet unserm Gott allein die Ehre, GWV 1153\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gebet (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Die Geburt Christi, Op.90 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|VVocal Scores\\1","Gedenke des Sabbattages, GWV 1158\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gedenke Herr an die Schmach, GWV 1170\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Gedenke, Herr, wie es uns gehet, BWV 217 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gedenket an den der ein solches Widersprechen, GWV 1108\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Gedenket an den der ein solches Widersprechen, GWV 1119\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gedicht an die Jugend (Kim, Hee Cheol)|SScores\\1|PParts\\3","Die Gedichte und das Requiem f\u00fcr Mignon, Op.91 (Rubinstein, Anton)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","3 Gedichte, Op.13 (Volkmann, Robert)|SScores\\1","4 Gedichte, Op.88 (Lachner, Franz Paul)|SScores\\1","4 Gedichte, Op.107 (Lachner, Franz Paul)|SScores\\2","8 Gedichte, Op.116 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","6 Gedichte, Op.134 (Marschner, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Geduld! Wenn Menschen sich zum Teufeln machen, TWV 1:589 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Geduldig sein und hoffen, TWV 1:587 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gedult hofft gnad (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Gedult und Demut (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Geh aus, mein Herz und suche Freud (Harder, August)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Geh mein Herz in deine Kammer, GWV 1135\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gehe hin, bis das End komme (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Das Geheimnis des Herrn ist offenbaret, GWV 1118\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Das Geheimnis des Herrn ist unter denen, GWV 1170\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Das Geheimnis des Herrn ist unter denen, GWV 1170\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Geheimnisvolle Rose, Op.84 (Klinger, Ernst)|SScores\\1","Gehet ein durch die enge Pforte, TWV 1:592 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gehet hin in alle Welt (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Gehorsam ist besser denn Opfer, GWV 1169\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Geht hin und lehret alle V\u00f6lker (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Der Geist des Herrn, GWV 1138\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","3 Geistliche Abendlieder, Op.65 (Fuchs-Sch\u00f6nbach, Ernst)|SScores\\1","Geistliche Concerten, Teil 2 (Vierdanck, Johann)|PParts\\6","3 Geistliche Ges\u00e4nge, Op.63 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|SScores\\1","Geistliche Ges\u00e4nge, Op.110 (Reger, Max)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Geistliche Harmonien (Horn, Johann Caspar)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","50 Geistliche Lieder und Psalmen (Osiander, Lucas)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","6 Geistliche Lieder (Kollmann, Augustus Frederic Christopher)|SScores\\1","6 Geistliche Lieder, Op.45 (T\u00e4glichsbeck, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Geistliche Lieder (Luther, Martin)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Geistliche Oden (Various)|SScores\\1","20 Geistliche und Weltliche Teutsche Lieder (P\u00fchler, Johannes)|PParts\\4","Geistliche Volkslieder mit ihren urspr\u00fcnglichen Weisen (Various)|SScores\\1","Geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien, Theil 1 (Profe, Ambrosius)|SScores\\1|PParts\\6","Geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien, Theil 2 (Profe, Ambrosius)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Geistlicher Concerten und Harmonien, Theil 3 (Profe, Ambrosius)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\7","Geistlicher Lateinisch und Teutscher Concerten und Psalmen Davids (Selich, Daniel)|SScores\\1|PParts\\12","Geistliches Lied (Loewe, Carl)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gellerts geistliche Oden und Lieder (Egli, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr der Gott Israel, GWV 1171\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Gelobet sei der Herr der Gott Israel (Heinichen, Johann David)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr der Gott Israel (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr mein Hort (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich, GWV 1133\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich, GWV 1153\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich, GWV 1155\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich, GWV 1162\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich, GWV 1165\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich, GWV 1165\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr t\u00e4glich (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Gelobet sei der Herr, GWV 1171\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr, GWV 1174\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei der Herr, TWV 1:598 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei Gott der mein Gebet nicht verwirft, H.385 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei Gott und der Vater unsres Herrn Jesu Christi (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei Gott und der Vater, GWV 1141\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Gelobet sei Gott und der Vater, TWV 1:607 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gelobet sei Gott und der Vater, TWV 1:608 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gelobet sei Gott und der Vater (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Gelobet seist du, Christe (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, BWV 91 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (Anonymous)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\24|PScores and Parts\\24","Gelobet seist du, Jesus Christ, TWV 1:611 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gelobet seist du, Jesus Christ, TWV 1:612 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gelobt sei Gott im h\u00f6chsten Thron (Vulpius, Melchior)|NNaxos\\0","The Gem Rose (Arakelian, Grigor)|SScores\\1","3 Gemischte Ch\u00f6re (Hausegger, Siegmund von)|SScores\\3","Gen Himmel f\u00e4hrt der Herre Christ (Eccard, Johannes)","Gentle God (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Gentle Maiden See Before Thee (Avery, H.)|SScores\\1","Gently Lead Us (Jerome, Frederick)|SScores\\1","Gently, Gently Wake the Song (Root, George Frederick)|SScores\\2","Genus superni luninis (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Georgian Song (Balakirev, Mily)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Der Gerechte h\u00e4lt sich weislich, GWV 1158\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Gerechte muss viel leiden, GWV 1108\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Gerechte schlage mich freundlich, GWV 1134\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Gerechte schlage mich freundlich, GWV 1134\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Gerechte wird gr\u00fcnen, GWV 1174\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Die Gerechten m\u00fcssen sich freuen, FaWV D:D4 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Der Gerechten Pfad gl\u00e4nzet, GWV 1139\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Gerechten Seelen sind in Gottes Hand (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Die Gerechten werden sich des Herrn freuen, GWV 1101\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die Gerechten werden sich des Herrn freuen, GWV 1113\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die Gerechten werden weggerafft (Stoltzenberg, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Gerechten Wunsch muss doch geraten, GWV 1109\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gerechtigkeit erh\u00f6het ein Volk, GWV 1106\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gerechtigkeit ihr F\u00fcrsten, L.537 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Germanenzug, WAB 70 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Germania (T\u00e4glichsbeck, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Gesammelte Werke (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\71","Gesang der M\u00f6nche, WoO 104 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Gesang im Gr\u00fcnen, IBR 501 (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Gesang-Lehre (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\4","12 Ges\u00e4nge am Klavier, Heft 2 (Woelfl, Joseph)|SScores\\1","4 Ges\u00e4nge aus 'Wilhelm Meister', D.877 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Ges\u00e4nge der heiligen Liturgie (Various)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","7 Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr 4 M\u00e4nnerstimmen, Op.11 (Steinacker, Karl)|SScores\\1","10 Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerchor, Op.97 (Raff, Joachim)|SScores\\3","2 Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Bass (Schumann, Robert)|SScores\\2","Ges\u00e4nge und Lieder, Op.116 (Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","Ges\u00e4nge zur Leichenfeier, Op.29 (Gross, Johann Benjamin)|SScores\\1","6 Ges\u00e4nge (Schicht, Johann Gottfried)|SScores\\1","5 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.13 (Gade, Niels)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","4 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.20 (Goetz, Hermann)|SScores\\4","6 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.25 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","3 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.26 (D\u00fcrrner, Johann Ruprecht)|SScores\\1","5 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.31 (Schreck, Gustav)|SScores\\1","6 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.37 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","3 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.52 (Vierling, Georg)|SScores\\1","3 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.66 (Lachner, Franz Paul)|PParts\\1","3 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.73 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|SScores\\3","3 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.91 (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2","5 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.104 (Brahms, Johannes)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","4 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.124 (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\2","4 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.141 (Lachner, Franz Paul)|SScores\\2","8 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.165 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","5 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.235 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","3 Ges\u00e4nge, Op.354 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","Ges\u00e4nge, Sammlung 4 (Weber, Bernhard Anselm)|SScores\\1","8 Gesangquartette, JWV 26 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","2 Gesangsquartette, JWV 68 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\2","Geschwinde, ihr wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\21","Der gesegnete Kelch, GWV 1126\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gesellschaftliche Ges\u00e4nge, Op.11 (Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\6","Das Gesetz des Herrn ist ohne Wandel, GWV 1118\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Des Gesetzes Werk ist beschrieben, GWV 1150\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gespr\u00e4che \u00fcber die Evangelia, Teil 1 (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gest\u00e4ndnis eines getreuen Liebhabers, G.16 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Gethsemane (Williams, Charles Lee)|VVocal Scores\\1","Die Gewaltigen raten, GWV 1123\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ghirlanda de Madrigali a 4 voci (Aleotti, Vittoria)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\23|PScores and Parts\\23","Giacea la mia virt\u00f9 vinta e smarita (Zanotti, Camillo)|SScores\\1","Gianguir (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\8|PParts\\5","La Giara (Casella, Alfredo)|SScores\\1","Gib dem Volke dass sie essen, GWV 1148\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gib unserm F\u00fcrsten und aller Obrigkeit, SWV 373 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Gionata (Piccinni, Niccol\u00f2)|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Giona (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Il giorno si bello (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\1","Giorno terribile (Calegari, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Giovane illustre, sopra il Mincio nata (Striggio, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","The Gipsy Countess (Glover, Stephen Ralph)|SScores\\4","Gitene Ninfe (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Gi\u00f9 ne' tartarei regni, S.423 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Giuditta, R.500.9 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4","Giulietta mia (Gomes, Carlos)|SScores\\1","Giunto alla tomba (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Il Giuseppe riconosciuto (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\4|PParts\\10","Giustino, HWV 37 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\3","Give Me Not Love, Op.61 (Beach, Amy Marcy)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Give Thanks to God (Novello, Vincent)|SScores\\1","Glaube Liebe Hoffnung (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Der Glaube, BreB A2.WoO 5 (Bergt, August)|PParts\\1","Glaube, Hoffnung und Liebe, D.954 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Des Glaubenstrieb ist stets gesch\u00e4ftig, GWV 1162\/42a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","6 Glees for 3 and 4 Voices (Denman, Henry)|SScores\\1","4 Glees (King, Matthew Peter)|SScores\\1","6 Glees (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","6 Glees (Spofforth, Reginald)|SScores\\1","6 Glees (Walmisley, Thomas Forbes)|SScores\\1","5 Glees, Op.12 (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Gleich wie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel f\u00e4llt, BWV 18 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\37|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Gleich wie ein kleines V\u00f6gelein (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Das Gleichnis vom barmherzigen Samariter (Beer, Hans-Peter)|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\57","Gleichwie du nicht weisest den Weg, GWV 1141\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","La gloire, Op.131 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SScores\\1","Gl\u00f6mska (Andr\u00e9e, Elfrida)|SScores\\1","Gloria d'amore (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gloria e lode a te, Cristo Signore (Stella, Simone)|SScores\\1","Gloria in altissimis Deo (Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita)|SScores\\1","Gloria in C major (Zane, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Gloria in D major, RV 588 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6","Gloria in excelsis Deo, BWV 191 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Pease, Frederick Henry)|SScores\\1","Gloria in excelsis, A 587 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Gloria in excelsis, A 606a (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\2","Gloria in excelsis, In.142 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Gloria in G major, RV Anh.24 (Ruggieri, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1","Gloria Patri et Filio, Z.105 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gloria Patri et Sicut erat (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Gloria Patri in E-flat major (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Gloria Patri pour le De Profundis, H.205 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Gloria Patri, Op.10 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Gloria Patri, Op.26 (Saar, Donat)|VVocal Scores\\1","Gloria Settings (Binchois, Gilles)|SScores\\4","Gloria Solemne in C major, W.YE 3 (Bach, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","Gloria tibi Trinitas, Op.30e (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","Gloria, A 617 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Gloria, laus et honor (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Gloria, Op.105 (Alburger, Mark)|VVocal Scores\\1","Gloria, ZWV 30 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3|PParts\\10","Gloriose confessor (Guerrero, Francisco)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Der glorreiche Augenblick, Op.136 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","Glory be to the Father (Ayrton, Edmund)|SScores\\1","Glory be to the Father (Overend, Marmaduke)|SScores\\1","Glory to God in the Highest (Bayley, Clowes)|SScores\\1","Glory to God in the Highest (Bortniansky, Dmytro)|SScores\\1","Glory to God (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|RRecordings\\2|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Das Gl\u00fcck von Edenhall, Op.143 (Schumann, Robert)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","Gl\u00fcck zu dem Helikon, SWV 96 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Gl\u00fccklich lebt vor Noth geborgen, Op.3 (Kalafati, Vasily)|SScores\\2","Der Gl\u00fcckliche, G.17 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Gl\u00fcck (Dreyer, Heinz Theo)|SScores\\1","Die Gnad kombt oben her, LV 747 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Der Gnadenbrunn fleusst noch, GWV 1141\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Der Gnadenbrunn' fleusst noch, GWV 1143\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die Gnadent\u00fcr ist aufgetan, GWV 1144\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Go Tell Amynta, Gentle Swain, Z.489 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Go Tell it on de Mountains! (Burleigh, Harry Thacker)|SScores\\1","Go, Happy Rose (Iliffe, Frederick)|SScores\\1","Go, Idle Boy (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","The Goblet, Op.61 (Arensky, Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","God in me (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","God is Gone Up! (Hopkins, Edward John)|SScores\\1","God is Our Refuge (Foote, Arthur)|SScores\\1","God of the Earnest Heart (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\1","God Our Life, Op.14 (Smith, David Stanley)|VVocal Scores\\1","God, Be in My Head (Davies, Walford)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","God, that madest earth and heaven (Hogarth, George)|SScores\\1","God, Who is Rich in Mercy (Garrett, George Mursell)|SScores\\1","Going Out with the Tide! (Pease, Alfred Humphries)|SScores\\1","The Golden Cloud Did Sleep (Dargomyzhsky, Aleksandr)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Golden Lyre (Taylor, Virgil Corydon)|SScores\\1","The Golden Threshold (Lehmann, Liza)|VVocal Scores\\1","Le golfe de Baya (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SScores\\1","Golgatha, Op.65 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|VVocal Scores\\1","Gondelfahrer, D.809 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Gondoliere des Dogen (Reznicek, Emil von)|VVocal Scores\\2","Good King Wenceslas (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Good News (McIntosh, Rigdon McCoy)|SScores\\1","Good Night, Beloved! (Monk, Edwin George)|SScores\\1","Good Night, Good Night Beloved (Lindsay, Maria)|SScores\\1","Good Night, Good Night, Beloved (Pinsuti, Ciro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","The Good Old Plough (Hutchinson, Asa B.)|SScores\\1","The Good Shepherd (Oczko, Michael John)|SScores\\1","Good-Night (Barton, Claude)|SScores\\1","Goodnight Song (Dyson, Peter)|SScores\\2","The Goslings (Bridge, Frederick)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Gospel Harmonist (Whittemore, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Gotentreue, Op.138 (Rauchenecker, Georg Wilhelm)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Gott deine Gerechtigkeit ist hoch, GWV 1175\/39c (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott der Herr der M\u00e4chtige redet, GWV 1101\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott der Herr der M\u00e4chtige redet, GWV 1103\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott der Herr ist Sonne und Schild, GWV 1113\/54 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Gott der Vater Jesus Christus (Kuhnau, Johann)|SScores\\1","Gott der Vater wohn uns bei (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Gott der Vater wohn uns bei (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Der Gott des Friedens, TWV 1:250 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott du bist derselbe mein K\u00f6nig (Meder, Johann Valentin)|PParts\\1","Gott du erh\u00f6rest Gebet, GWV 1160\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gott du Gott Israel deinem Namen sei ewig Ehr', P.173 (Pachelbel, Johann)|SScores\\1","Gott du labest die Elenden, GWV 1161\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott eilet mit den Seinen, GWV 1157\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Gott f\u00e4hret auf mit Jauchzen, BWV 43 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\18|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|BBooks\\2|OOther\\2","Gott f\u00e4hret auf mit Jauchzen, F.75 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores\\2","Gott f\u00e4hret auf mit Jauchzen (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Gott f\u00fchrt die Seinen wunderbar, GWV 1115\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott gebe euch viel Gnade und Friede, GWV 1109\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott gef\u00e4llige Music-Freude (Volckmar, Tobias)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gott gib dein Gericht dem K\u00f6nige, GWV 1125\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott hat den der von keiner S\u00fcnde wusste, GWV 1119\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott hat den der von keiner S\u00fcnde wusste, GWV 1125\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott hat Geduld mit uns, TWV 1:653 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott hat uns berufen, TWV 1:656 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott hat uns das ewige Leben gegeben, TWV 1:657 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott hat uns nicht gesetzt zum Zorn, GWV 1139\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Gott hat uns selig gemacht, GWV 1117\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Gott hilf mir denn das Wasser (Theile, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott hilf mir, BuxWV 34 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gott ist der Herr (Pachaly, Traugott Immanuel)|SScores\\1","Gott ist die Liebe, GWV 1139\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gott ist ein rechter Richter, TWV 1:663 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott ist getreu, GWV 1121\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott ist mein Hirt (L\u00f6w, Rudolf)|SScores\\1","Gott ist mein K\u00f6nig, BWV 71 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Gott ist treu, GWV 1159\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott ist unser Zuversicht, JLB 1 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Gott ist unsre Zuversicht und St\u00e4rke (Doles, Johann Friedrich)|PParts\\1","Gott ist wundersam in seinem Heiligtum (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Gott ist's der in euch wirket, GWV 1163\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott kennt und siehet die Gedanken, GWV 1160\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott kommt mein Herz lass dich bewegen, GWV 1102\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott liebt die Welt, GWV 1139\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott macht ein grosses Mahl, GWV 1143\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Gott macht ein grosses Mahl, GWV 1143\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)","Gott man lobet dich in der Stille, GWV 1109\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Gott muss richten, GWV 1102\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott rechnet ach was soll ich machen, GWV 1163\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott segnet den Frommen ihre G\u00fcter, TWV 1:679 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Gott segnet den Frommen ihre G\u00fcter (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gott sei Dank der uns den Sieg gegeben hat (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gott sei Dank durch alle Welt (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gott sei gedanket dass ihr Knechte, GWV 1111\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\19|PScores and Parts\\19","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig denn Menschen wollen, GWV 1158\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig nach deiner G\u00fcte, GWV 1122\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig nach deiner G\u00fcte (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig nach deiner G\u00fcte (Theile, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig, TWV 1:681 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig (Kuhnau, Johann)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Gott sei mir gn\u00e4dig (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Gott sei uns gn\u00e4dig, GWV 1109\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Gott selbst ist Richter aller Welt, GWV 1102\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott sieh uns gn\u00e4dig an (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Gott sorgt f\u00fcr mich, Op.177 (Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Gott steigt herab, L.511 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Gott stellt mit Knechten Rechnung an, GWV 1163\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gott straft den Kanken auf seinem Bette, TWV 1:684 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Gott und Menschen sind getrennt, GWV 1104\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Gott unsers Herrn Jesu Christi, TWV 1:254 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Gott unsrer V\u00e4ter hat Jesum, GWV 1130\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Die Gott vertrauen, die erfahren, TWV 1:344 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott wacht ob den Seinen, GWV 1110\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Gott warum verst\u00f6ssest du uns, GWV 1151\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Gott widerstehet den Hoff\u00e4rtigen, GWV 1120\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Gott wie Dein Name (L\u00fcbeck, Vincent)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4","Gott will mich auch probieren, GWV 1121\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott wir warten deiner G\u00fcte, GWV 1174\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott wird alle Werke, GWV 1150\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gott wird ein schwaches Menschenkind, GWV 1107\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gott Zebaoth wende dich doch, GWV 1117\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gott! Du l\u00e4ssest mich erfahren, TWV 1:638 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gott, bei dir ist die lebendige Quelle, TWV 1:633 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6","Gott, deine G\u00fcte reicht so weit (Drobisch, Carl Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Gott, du bist gross, Op.98 (Spohr, Louis)|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Gott, man lobet dich in der Stille, BWV 120 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Gott, wie dein Name, so ist auch dein Ruhm, BWV 171 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\1","Gottes Kraft ist in den Schwachen, GWV 1153\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Gottes Liebe gehet weit, TWV 1:640 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Gottes Rat ist wunderbarlich (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Gottes Rat ist wunderbar (Petri, Balthasar Abraham)|SScores\\1","Gottes Wille meint es gut, GWV 1114\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gottes Wort und Jesum lieben, GWV 1123\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gottesfurcht, der Weisheit Quelle, TWV 1:639 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gottlob der Glanz der Freiheit strahlet, GWV 1149\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gottlob der Satan ist geschlagen, GWV 1122\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gottlob! nun geht das Jahr zu Ende, BWV 28 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|BBooks\\1|OOther\\3","Der Gottlose bestehet nicht, GWV 1125\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Der Gottlose dr\u00e4uet dem Gerechten, GWV 1124\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Gottlose ist wie ein Wetter, TWV 1:251 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Der Gottlose lauert auf den Gerechten, GWV 1164\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Der Gottlose lauert im Verborgenen, GWV 1158\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Gottlose lauert, da\u00df er den Elenden erhasche, TWV 1:253 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Gottlosen Arbeit, JLB 2 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\3|PParts\\5","Der Gottlosen Opfer ist dem Herrn ein Greuel, GWV 1147\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die Gottseligkeit ist zu allen Dingen n\u00fctz, GWV 1123\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gouttes et pleurs (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Das Grab, D.329a (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Das Grab, D.643a (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Das Grab (Schnyder von Wartensee, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\2","Grablied bei der Begr\u00e4bnisfeier Klara Vespermanns (Stuntz, Joseph Hartmann)|SScores\\1","Grablied (Graetz, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Grablied (Keller, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","The Grace of God That Bringeth Salvation (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Gradual do Esp\u00edrito Santo (Silva, Jo\u00e3o de Ara\u00fajo)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Gradual e Ofert\u00f3rio de Quinta-feira Santa II (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Gradual e Ofert\u00f3rio de Quinta-feira Santa I (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Gradual e Ofert\u00f3rio do Esp\u00edrito Santo (Ferreira, Miguel Teodoro)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Graduale pastorale (Labler, Franti\u0161ek Xaver Martin)|PParts\\1","Graduale (Krogulski, J\u00f3zef W.)|SScores\\1","6 Gradualien, Op.318 (Czerny, Carl)|SScores\\1","Grand Magnificat in C major (Novello, Vincent)|SScores\\1","The Grand Rally! (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)|SScores\\3","Grand Sonata, Op.16 (Loewe, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Grande messe des morts, H 75 (Berlioz, Hector)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Grands Motets, LWV 77 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\18","Gr\u00e6nlandsv\u00edsur (Sigf\u00fas Einarsson)|SScores\\1","Gravi pene in amor si provan molte (Guami, Gioseffo)","Gravi pene in amor si provan molte (Paien, Gioan)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Grazie agl'inganni tuoi, K.532\/Anh.A 54 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Great and Marvellous (Turner, Edmund)|SScores\\1","Great is the Lord (Federlein, Gottfried Harrison)|SScores\\1","Great Mass in C major (Rieder, Ambros)|SScores\\8|PParts\\18","Great Orpheus Was a Fiddler (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|SScores\\1","The Greeting Glee (Barker, Nathan)|SScores\\1","Greiffenbergische Psalter- und Harfen-Lust (M\u00f6ller, Johann)|SScores\\4","Grilanda musicale (Various)|SScores\\1","Gross sind die Werke des Herrn, GWV 1138\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gross sind die Werke des Herrn, GWV 1139\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gross sind die Werke des Herrn, GWV 1171\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gross sind die Werke des Herrn, GWV 1174\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\15","Gro\u00df und wundersam sind deine Werk' (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Gross und wundersam sind deine Werke, GWV 1134\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Gro\u00df und wundersam sind deine Werke (Petri, Balthasar Abraham)|SScores\\1","Der grosse Drache z\u00fcrnt (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Grosse Garce (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Der grosse Gott der Herr, GWV 1150\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der grosse Gott will seinen Sohn, GWV 1161\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\8","Der grosse Hirt stirbt f\u00fcr die Herde, GWV 1132\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Grosse Messe, Op.16 (Becker, Albert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Grosse Messe, Op.37 (Braunfels, Walter)|SFull Scores\\1","Grosse St\u00e4dte, grosse S\u00fcnden, TWV 1:702 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der gro\u00dfe Tag des Herren (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Grosse Vokalmesse (Rauchenecker, Georg Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Grosser Helfer komm und rette, GWV 1165\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Gro\u00dfer Tag, du Tag der Freuden, GWV 1063 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Grosser Vater voll Erbarmen, GWV 1145\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Grosserer-Societetets Centenary Cantata, Op.31 (Nielsen, Carl)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Das gr\u00f6\u00dfte Kind (Mattheson, Johann)|SScores\\2","Der gr\u00f6sste Lehrer Jesus spricht, GWV 1147\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Growing Up (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Gru\u00df dem Vaterlande, Op.121 (Blum, Carl Wilhelm August)|SScores\\1","Guarda qui, che lo vedrai, Hob.XXVa:1 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\2","La guerri\u00e8re (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\1","Guillaume le Conqu\u00e9rant (Bernard, \u00c9mile)|VVocal Scores\\1","Guillot, un jour estant deliber\u00e9 (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Gustate et videte (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Gute Nacht o Wesen, GWV 1131\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Gute Nacht o Wesen, GWV 1143\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Gute Nacht, s\u00fc\u00dfe Ruh, Op.21 (Nolopp, Friedrich Ernst Arnold Werner)|SScores\\1","Gute Nacht, vergangnes Jahr, TWV 1:704 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Gute-Nacht (K\u00e9ler, B\u00e9la)|SScores\\1","Guter Hirte frommer Herden, GWV 1132\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Guter Hirte willst du nicht, GWV 1132\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Guter Hirte willst du nicht, GWV 1132\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Guter, seltzamer, und k\u00fcnstreicher teutscher Gesang (Schmeltzl, Wolfgang)|PParts\\4"],"H":["Ha del olvido (Dur\u00f3n, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Habe deine Lust an dem Herren (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\2","Habe deine Lust an dem Herrn, GWV 1153\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Habe deine Lust an dem Herrn, TWV 1:705 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Habe deine Lust an dem Herrn (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Habt einerlei Sinn untereinander, GWV 1158\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Habt ihr nicht gesehen den meine Seele liebet, R 5.1.75 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\1","Habt nicht lieb die Welt, R 5.1.76 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\1","Habt nicht lieb die Welt, TWV 1:710 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hadumoth, Op.40 (Le Beau, Luise Adolpha)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Haec Deum coeli (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Haec dies quam fecit Dominus, S.56 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Haec dies quam fecit Dominus, ZWV 169 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Haec Dies, Op.6 (Jongen, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Haec dies, ZWV 170 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Haec dies (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Haec est dies (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\8","Haec quae ter triplici, LV 540 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Hagoromo (Komatsu, K\u014dsuke)|SFull Scores\\1","Hagoromo (Migot, Georges Elbert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hail monarch, sprung of race divine (Blow, John)|SScores\\1","Hail Smiling Morn (Spofforth, Reginald)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Hail the King!, Op.104 (Bartlett, Homer Newton)|SScores\\1","Hail, Bright Cecilia, Z.328 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Hail, lovely Nymph, whom Britain's isles adore (Chard, George William)|SScores\\1","Hakon Jarl, Op.142 (Reinecke, Carl)|VVocal Scores\\1","Halelwiah Drachefn (Various)|SScores\\1","Halleluja Dank und Ehre, GWV 1109\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Halleluja Dank und Ehre, GWV 1109\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Halleluja denn der allm\u00e4chtige Gott, GWV 1136\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Halleluja! Er lebt, TWV 1:712 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Halleluja! Weihnacht ist da! (Nestler, Theo)|SScores\\1","Halleluja, Op.63 (Rinck, Christian Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Hallelujah in C major (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Hallelujah Jesus lebt, GWV 1128\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Das Hallelujah von Pfeffel (Droste zu H\u00fclshoff, Maximilian Friedrich von)|SScores\\1","The Hallelujah (Waite, John James)|SScores\\4","Halleluja (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Halt im Ged\u00e4chtnis Jesum Christ, BWV 67 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\2","Halt, was du hast, TWV 8:9 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Halte! fausse route (Decq, Adhemar)|SScores\\1","Haltet meinen Sabbat, GWV 1158\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Hamilton's Select Psalmody (Various)|SScores\\1","The Handel Collection of Church Music (Johnson, Artemas Nixon)|SScores\\1","Hans Beutler der wollt reiten aus (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","Hark to Philomela singing (Knyvett, William)|SScores\\1","Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Arnold, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Hark! the nightingale is singing (Stratton, Stephen Samuel)|SScores\\1","Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Hark, Hark, My Soul (Lansing, A. W.)|SScores\\1","Hark, Hark, the Lark (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\4","Hark, how the wild musicians sing, Z.542 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Harmonia cantionum ecclesiasticarum (Calvisius, Seth)|SScores\\3","Harmoniae angelicae cantionum ecclesiasticarum (Bodenschatz, Erhard)|SScores\\1","The Harmonic Minstrelsey (Janes, Walter)|SScores\\1","Harmonie du Soir (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Die Harmonie in der Ehe, Hob.XXVc:2 (Haydn, Joseph)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Harmony of Sion (Roome, Francis)|SScores\\2","Harnasie, Op.55 (Szymanowski, Karol)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","The Harp of Glory (Dale, William Thomas)|SScores\\2","The Harp of Judah (Emerson, Luther Orlando)|SScores\\1","The Harp of the West (Various)|SScores\\1","Harpa de Si\u00e3o (Lehmann, Jo\u00e3o Baptista)|SScores\\3","Harpens kraft (Mondrup, Christian)|SScores\\3","Harre auf den Herrn, GWV 1142\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Harto de tanta porfia (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Das H\u00e4schen (Bunk, Gerard)|SScores\\1","Hassan, RT I\/9 (Delius, Frederick)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Hast du denn, Jesu, dein Angesicht, TWV 1:718 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hastings's Church Music (Hastings, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Hat uns der Teufel gen Teiningen bracht (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","Die Hauptsumma des Gebots ist Liebe, GWV 1159\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Das Haus der Gottlosen wird vertilget, GWV 1170\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Hausmusik aus alter Zeit (Riemann, Hugo)|SScores\\1","Have You Seen But the White Lily Grow? (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","He is Risen! (Gadsby, Henry Robert)|SScores\\1","Heac est dies quam fecit Dominus (Caruso, Giuseppe)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Health to My Dear (Spofforth, Reginald)|SScores\\1","Hear my voice, O God (Neate, Charles)|SScores\\1","Hear the Easter Bells (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","Hear the Voice and Prayer (Tallis, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Hear, O thou Shepherd of Israel (Yarwood, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Hearken unto Me, My People (Sullivan, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Heart To Heart (Salaman, Charles Kensington)|SScores\\1","Heave The Anchor (Barrett, William Alexander)|SScores\\1","The Heavenly Hallelujah (Randall of Wellingborough, William)|SScores\\1","The Heavens Declare the Glory of God (Macpherson, Charles)|SScores\\1","Hebet eure Augen auf gen Himmel, GWV 1102\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Hebet eure H\u00e4nde auf, GWV 1174\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Hebrew Hymnal for School and Home (Various)|SScores\\1","Die Heiden freuen sich, GWV 1111\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Heil du mich lieber Herre, H.376 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Das Heil ist ferne von den Gottlosen, GWV 1118\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Heil unserm K\u00f6nig (Schinn, Georg)|PParts\\1","Der Heiland ruht auf Flut und Wellen, GWV 1115\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Heiland warnt, GWV 1149\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die heilgen drei K\u00f6nige (Fr\u00f6hlich, Friedrich Theodor)|SScores\\1","Der Heilig Geist vom Himmel kam (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\10","Heilig ist der Herr Zebaoth (F\u00f6rster, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Heilig ist der Herr Zebaoth (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Heilig ist der Herr (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Heilig ist Gott der Herr Zebaoth (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Heilig ist Gott der Herr Zebaoth (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Heilig ist unser Gott, HoWV II.96 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Heilig, heilig, heilig heisst Gott, GWV 1141\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Heilig, heilig, heilig ist der Herr (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Das heilige Feuer (Uthmann, Gustav Adolf)|SScores\\1","Heilige Flammen der ewigen Liebe, TWV 1:719 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Heilige Geist so recht lehret, GWV 1137\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Heiliger Jesus und Sonntags-Freud (Scheiffelhut, Jacob)|PParts\\2","Heiliger Saame g\u00f6ttlicher Kraft, TWV 1:720 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Heilmittel (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Heimlich bin ich in Treuen dein (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Heinrich der Finkler, Op.15 (W\u00fcllner, Franz)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hej bracia czyli \u015bpicie (Krogulski, J\u00f3zef W\u0142adys\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Held, du hast den Feind gebunden (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","H\u00e9l\u00e8ne, H 40 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Helft mir Gottes g\u00fcte preisen (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Helft mir Gotts g\u00fcte preisen (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Die helle Sonn leucht jetzt herf\u00fcr (Vulpius, Melchior)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Hemmt eure Tr\u00e4nenflut (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Henry Miller in Brooklyn, Op.77 (Alburger, Mark)|SScores\\1","Henry of Navarre, Op.48 (Whiting, George Elbridge)|VVocal Scores\\1","Henry VIII (Sullivan, Arthur)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Heptaphonum opus musicum (Fiebig, Johann Christoph Anton)|PParts\\7","H\u00e9raclite et D\u00e9mocrite (Douay, Georges)|VVocal Scores\\1","Herbei, wer lustig sein will hier (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Herbes et fleurs qu'on voit renaistre (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Herbstgef\u00fchl (Kralik, Mathilde)|SScores\\1","Hercules, HWV 60 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Here in Cool Grot (Mornington, Garrett Colley Wellesley)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Here's to Thee, Dick, Z.493 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Hermanns Tod, WacR I:10 (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\1","The Heroes (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|SScores\\1","Herr Christ der einig Gottes Sohn, GWV 1139\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Herr Christ der einig Gottes Sohn, GWV 1159\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn, BWV 96 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Herr Christ, der einig Gottes son (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Herr Christe tu mir geben (Eccard, Johannes)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Herr deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben, GWV 1125\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Der Herr denket an uns, BWV 196 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Herr der K\u00f6nig freuet sich in deiner Kraft, GWV 1165\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr der unter ihnen ist, GWV 1147\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Herr du bist Gott, GWV 1174\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Herr du machst dein Werk lebendig, GWV 1113\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Herr du weissest alle Dinge (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Der Herr erh\u00e4lt alle die da fallen, GWV 1131\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr erh\u00f6re dich in der Not, GWV 1174\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr erh\u00f6re dich in der Not, GWV 1176\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herr erh\u00f6re mein Gebet, GWV 1163\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr es ist dir keiner gleich unter den G\u00f6ttern, GWV 1141\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Herr gedenke nicht (Neithardt, Heinrich August)|SScores\\1","Herr gehe nicht ins Gericht (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Der Herr geht aus des Grabes Banden, GWV 1128\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr gibt Weisheit, GWV 1131\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Herr Gott barmherzig und gn\u00e4dig, GWV 1163\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herr Gott des die Rache ist, GWV 1167\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr Gott dich loben wir, GWV 1109\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Herr Gott Vater mein starker Held, GWV 1161\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Herr Gott Zebaoth wer ist wie du, GWV 1115\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herr Gott Zebaoth, GWV 1131\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Herr Gott Zebaoth, wer ist, wie du, TWV 1:750 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr Gott, Beherrscher aller Dinge, BWV 120a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|OOther\\1","Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir, BWV 130 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Herr Gott, dich loben wir, BWV 16 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Herr Gott, dich loben wir (Resinarius, Balthasar)|SScores\\1","Herr Gott, dich loben wir (Silcher, Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Herr grosser Gott ach sieh doch, GWV 1152\/53b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herr haben wir nicht in deinem Namen, GWV 1167\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Herr hast du nicht guten Samen, GWV 1116\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr hat alles wohlgemacht, GWV 1153\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr hat gesagt zu meinem Herrn, GWV 1159\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)","Der Herr hat Gro\u00dfes an uns getan (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Der Herr hat Grosses an uns getan, GWV 1174\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr hat mich gehabt, GWV 1107\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Der Herr hat offenbaret seinen heiligen Arm (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Herr hat seine Stadt verlassen, GWV 1151\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Der Herr hat unsere Gerechtigkeit hervorgebracht, GWV 1146\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr h\u00f6ret die Armen, GWV 1155\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr ich habe lieb die St\u00e4tte deines Hauses (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Herr ich habe lieb die St\u00e4tte, GWV 1112\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Herr ich rufe zu dir eile zu mir (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Der Herr ist allen g\u00fctig, GWV 1105\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist allen g\u00fctig, GWV 1148\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist aufgefahren in die H\u00f6he, GWV 1136\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist deine Zuversicht, GWV 1120\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist freundlich, GWV 1103\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist gerecht in allen seinen Wegen (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist gern bei denen Seinen, GWV 1113\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist Gott der uns erleuchtet (Liebe, Christian)|PParts\\1","Der Herr ist Gott der uns erleuchtet, GWV 1138\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist gross in seinen Werken, GWV 1123\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist gross zu Zion, GWV 1101\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Der Herr ist gross, GWV 1171\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Der Herr ist Hirt, GWV 1132\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist ihre St\u00e4rke, GWV 1174\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist in seinem heiligen Tempel, GWV 1138\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist K\u00f6nig des freue sich, GWV 1101\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist K\u00f6nig und herrlich geschm\u00fcckt, GWV 1101\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, BWV 112 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|OOther\\3","Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, GWV 1140\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, GWV 1140\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, GWV 1148\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist mein Gut, GWV 1169\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist mein Hirt (Klein, Bernhard)|RRecordings\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Der Herr ist mein Hirt (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist mein Hirt, GWV 1132\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Der Herr ist mein Hirte (Br\u00e4uer, Carl Ehregott)|PParts\\1","Der Herr ist mein Hirte, Op.19 (Grell, Eduard)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist mein Hirte, TWV 1:266 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist mit mir, BuxWV 15 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Herr ist nah und niemand will ihn kennen, GWV 1104\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist nahe allen die ihn anrufen, GWV 1114\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Der Herr ist nahe allen, TWV 1:274 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist nahe bei denen, GWV 1114\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist nahe bei denen, GWV 1129\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Herr ist nahe bei denen, GWV 1152\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist nahe bei denen, TWV 1:275 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist nahe (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Herr ist Richter aller Welt, GWV 1102\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist siegreich auferstanden, GWV 1130\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr ist Sonne und Schild, GWV 1123\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr ist treu, GWV 1122\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr ist wahrhaftig auferstanden, GWV 1130\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Herr Jesu Christ du h\u00f6chstes Gut, GWV 1152\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr Jesu Christ du h\u00f6chstes Gut, GWV 1152\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herr Jesu Christ du h\u00f6chstes Gut, GWV 1160\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Herr Jesu Christ wahr Mensch und Gott (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend, TWV 1:755 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr Jesu Christ, du h\u00f6chstes Gut, BWV 113 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18|OOther\\2","Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott, BWV 127 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\2","Herr Jesu Christ (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Herr Jesu Geist wahr' Mensch und Gott (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Herr Jesu Licht der Heiden (Westenholz, Carl August Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Herr Jesu, Gnadensonne (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Der Herr kennet die Tage der Frommen, TWV 1:281 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Der Herr l\u00e4sset sein Heil verk\u00fcndigen, GWV 1126\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr lebet, TWV 1:284 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Herr lehre doch mich da\u00df es ein Ende, H.310 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Herr lehre mich tun nach deinem Wohlgefallen (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Der Herr machet zunichte, GWV 1164\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr macht alles wohl (Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb)|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Herr nachdem er mit ihnen geredet, GWV 1136\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr nun l\u00e4ssest du deinen Diener, GWV 1169\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr nun l\u00e4ssest du deinen Diener, GWV 1169\/45a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Herr nun l\u00e4ssest du deinen Diener (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Herr nun l\u00e4ssest du deinen Diener (Jacobi, Christian August)|SScores\\1","Herr nun l\u00e4\u00dft du deinen Diener, BuxWV 37 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Der Herr regieret, TWV 1:285 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Der Herr schauet vom Himmel, GWV 1150\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Herr sende den Sch\u00f6pfer der Tugend (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Der Herr sprach zu dem Knechte, GWV 1143\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Herr strafe mich nicht in deinem Zorn (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Herr tue meine Lippen auf (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Der Herr \u00fcbet Gewalt, GWV 1152\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr unser Gott sei mit uns, GWV 1145\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Herr unser Gott, GWV 1174\/17 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Herr unser Herrscher wie herrlich ist dein Name (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Der Herr vergibt die S\u00fcnden, GWV 1160\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr verst\u00f6\u00dfet nicht ewiglich, TWV 1:288 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\2","Herr warum trittest du so ferne, GWV 1121\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr weiss alle Dinge, GWV 1160\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr weiss die Gottseligen aus der Versuchung zu erl\u00f6sen (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Herr wenn ich nur dich habe, GWV 1175\/31a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr wenn Tr\u00fcbsal da ist (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Herr wer ist dir gleich unter den G\u00f6ttern (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Herr wer wird wohnen, GWV 1145\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Herr wie du willst so will auch ich, GWV 1114\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Herr wie gro\u00df ist deine G\u00fcte, RoemV 201 (R\u00f6mhild, Johann Theodor)|PParts\\1","Herr wie lange willst du mein so gar vergessen, GWV 1121\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr wie sind deine Werke so gross, GWV 1109\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Herr wie sind deine Werke so gross, GWV 1156\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Herr wir warten deiner G\u00fcte, GWV 1174\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Der Herr wird den Elenden, TWV 1:291 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Herr wird dich segnen aus Zion, GWV 1169\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr wird euch in Tr\u00fcbsal, GWV 1123\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Herr wird K\u00f6nig sein, GWV 1101\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Herr wird mit Gerechtigkeit, F.81 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores\\2","Der Herr wird seinem Volk Kraft geben (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Der Herr wird seinem Volk Kraft geben, GWV 1130\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Herr wird seinem Volk Kraft geben, GWV 1131\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Herr wohin sollen wir gehen, GWV 1129\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Herr Zebaoth der Gott Israel, GWV 1174\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Der Herr zeucht Gerechtigkeit an, HoWV II.120 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Der Herr zu deiner Rechten, F.73 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores\\1","Herr! Dein Wort erh\u00e4lt, TWV 1:735 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr! Meiner Sehnsucht Seltenheit eilt, TWV 1:764 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Herr! Schau! Die Seele steht dir offen, TWV 1:766a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr! straf mich nicht in deinem Zorne! (Knecht, Justin Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Herr, dein Wille geschehe, Op.1 (Fuchs-Sch\u00f6nbach, Ernst)|SScores\\1","Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben, BWV 102 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\25|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\1","Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben, TWV 1:734 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr, die Wasserstr\u00f6me erheben sich, GWV 1115\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht mit deinem Knecht, BWV 105 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|OOther\\1","Herr, h\u00f6re meine Worte (Grotthuss, Dietrich Ewald von)|SScores\\1","Herr, ich bin beide, TWV 1:753 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr, ich bin nicht wert (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Herr, ich habe lieb die St\u00e4tte deines Hauses, TWV 2:2 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Herr, ich lasse dich nicht, BuxWV 36 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Herr, nun l\u00e4ssest du deinen Diener, SWV 432-433 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Herr, schau doch meine matte Seele, TWV 1:767 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Herr, sei mir gn\u00e4dig, denn mir ist Angst, TWV 1:769 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Herr, sie haben nicht Wein (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Herr, unser Gott! (Schnabel, Joseph)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Herr, was mu\u00df ich tun, da\u00df ich das ewige Leben erbe, TWV 1:775 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Herr, wer wird wohnen in deiner H\u00fctte?, GWV 1145\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Herr, wer wird wohnen in deiner H\u00fctte (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Herr, wie du willt, so schick's mit mir, BWV 73 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|OOther\\1","Herr, wie lange willst du mein so gar vergessen (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Herr, wir liegen vor dir, TWV 1:782 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Des Herren Segen machet reich, H.368 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Des Herren Tag wird kommen, GWV 1166\/12a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herren v\u00e5r Gud, BuxWV 40 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Des Herrn Rat ist wunderbarlich, R 5.1.30 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|SScores\\2","Hertz und Auge m\u00fcssen weinen (St\u00e4hle, Mika Ruben)|RRecordings\\9|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Herz bedenke was du bist, NesF A71 (Freislich, Johann Balthasar Christian)|SScores\\2","Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0","Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\21|PParts\\34|VVocal Scores\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\86","Herz, mein Herz, h\u00f6r' auf zu klagen (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Herz, Mut und Gier weicht nit von dir (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Herzbrechend ist das Augenbrechen, TWV 1:782a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr, BuxWV 41 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, O Herr, TWV 1:783 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Herzlich tut mich verlangen, GWV 1165\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Herzlich tut mich verlangen (Hassler, Hans Leo)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Heth. Cogitavit Dominus (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Heth. Cogitavit Dominus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Heu me quid faciam misera tulerunt Dominum meum (Leoni, Leone)|SScores\\1","Heulet denn des Herrn Tag ist nahe, GWV 1102\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Heure du soir (Adam, Adolphe)|SScores\\1","Heures d'amour (Kastner, Jean-Georges)|SScores\\2","Heut ist der Tag recht freudenreich, GWV 1105\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn, BuxWV 43 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn, GWV 1129\/15 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn (Gesius, Bartholom\u00e4us)|SScores\\2","Heute geht aus seiner Kammer, TWV 1:787 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hey diddle diddle (Nathan, Isaac)|SScores\\1","Heyri\u00f0 t\u00edmans kr\u00f6fur kalla (Magn\u00fas Einarsson)|SScores\\1","Hezekiah (Armes, Philip)|VVocal Scores\\2","Hiawatha (Burton, Frederick Russell)","Hibernia (Weyman, David)|SScores\\1","Hic est beatissimus Evangelista (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Hic est Praecursor dilectus (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Hic vir despiciens mundum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Hide Not Thou Thy Face From Us, O Lord (Farrant, Richard)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Hier hab ich manche Plage, TWV 1:794 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Hier ist mein Herz, geliebter Jesu, TWV 1:795 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hier will ich bei dir stehen, HoWV I.Anh.5 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|PParts\\1","High Germany (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Hilf dass ich rede stets, GWV 1165\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Hilf deinem Volk und segne dein Erbe (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Hilf Gott, wie ist der menschen not (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\19|PScores and Parts\\19","Hilf Herr die Welt ist frech, GWV 1134\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Hilf Herr! O hilf, du gro\u00dfer K\u00f6nig, TWV 1:803 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hilf, Herr, die Heiligen haben abgenommen, TWV 1:800 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hilfft mich jetzt nit fre\u00fcntlicher gru\u00df (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Der Himmel dacht auf Anhalts Ruhm und Gl\u00fcck, BWV 66a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1","Die Himmel erz\u00e4hlen die Ehre Gottes, BWV 76 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\22|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Die Himmel erz\u00e4hlen die Ehre Gottes, SWV 455 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Himmel lacht! die Erde jubiliert, BWV 31 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\28|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Der Himmel majest\u00e4tischer Lieder, L.539 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Himmel und Erde sind voll seiner G\u00fcte, L.535 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Himmel und Erde vergehen (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Himmel und Erde vergehen (Klein, Bernhard)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Himmelsk\u00f6nig, sei willkommen, BWV 182 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\19|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Himmelssonne, Seelenwonne, GWV 1112\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Himno de Yeron (Castillo Hidalgo, Mauricio Andr\u00e9s)|SScores\\1","Hinni, Op.29 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores\\2","Der hinunter gefahren ist (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Hiob's Todessang (Loewe, Carl)|VVocal Scores\\2","Der Hirte Coridon I (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Die Hirten bey der Krippe zu Bethlehem (Westenholz, Carl August Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Hispaniae schola musica sacra (Pedrell, Felipe)|SScores\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Historie extraordinaire d'un pantin de bois (Torrent, Claude)|SScores\\2","L'hiver, Op.18 (Bordes, Charles)|SScores\\1","Hoc in templo, summe Deus (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Hoch tut euch auf (Klein, Bernhard)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Hoch vom Himmel komm ich her (Luidke, Matth\u00e4us)|SScores\\1","Das hochbetr\u00fcbte F\u00fcrstenhaus, GWV 1175\/16b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","H\u00f6chster Formierer, GWV 1153\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","H\u00f6chster, deine Macht und G\u00fcte, HoWV II.178 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","H\u00f6chsterw\u00fcnschtes Freudenfest, BWV 194 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\16|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|LLibrettos\\1|OOther\\6","Hochzeit der Thetis, Op.120 (Loewe, Carl)|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Hochzeitsbraten, D.930 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Hochzeitsglocken, WoO 159 (Mo\u00f3r, Emanuel)|VVocal Scores\\1","3 Hochzeitslieder, Op.71 (Volkmann, Robert)|SScores\\1","Hodie Christus natus est, SWV 456 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Hodie Christus natus est, SwWV 163 (Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\21","Hodie Christus natus est (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","Hodie Christus natus est (Feltz, Louis)|SScores\\3","Hodie Christus natus est (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Hodie Christus natus est (Rousseau, Samuel Alexandre)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hodie completi sunt dies Pentecostes, Ch.57 (Gabrieli, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Hodie completi sunt dies Pentecostes (Hassler, Hans Leo)|SScores\\1","Hodie completi sunt dies Pentecostes (Naldi, Romolo)|SScores\\1","Hodie in Bethlehem (Cervi, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Hodie nobis de coelo pax vera descendit (Porta, Costanzo)|SScores\\2","Hodie (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Hoert hier mijn lieve gheselle (Edelinck, Pieter)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Hoffen wir allein in diesem Leben, GWV 1129\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Hoffen wir allein in diesem Leben, GWV 1165\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Hoffet auf den Herrn allezeit, GWV 1114\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die Hoffnung die sich verzeucht, GWV 1121\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Das hohe Lied, WAB 74 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores\\6","Hoheit Stolz und Fleisches Wahn, GWV 1104\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Hohelied (Franck, Melchior)","Holla, gut Gsell (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Die h\u00f6llische Schlange (Meder, Johann Valentin)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","The Holy Child, Op.37 (Parker, Horatio)","The Holy City, Op.36 (Gaul, Alfred Robert)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Holy Night (Brewer, John Hyatt)|SScores\\1","Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\2","Holy, Holy, Holy (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|RRecordings\\2|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Homage to Belgium (Nichifor, Serban)|RRecordings\\4|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Home Thoughts (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Homeward Bound (Read, John Francis Holcombe)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hommage \u00e0 Aurel Stroe (Malancioiu, Gabriel)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Homo quidam fecit cenam magnam (Cima, Tullio)|SScores\\1","Homo quidam fecit cenam magnam (Gherardi, Biagio)|SScores\\1","Homo Quidam (Desmet, Aloys)|SScores\\1","Honey in duh rock (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Honorabile est inter omnes, LV 477 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Hoogmis (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\1","Hopeful for Voices Raised (Locks, Stephen Mark)|SScores\\1","Hor ch'a noi rimena (Rasi, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Hor fuggi infedele ombra (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","H\u00f6r zu von neuen sachen (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Hora Novissima, Op.30 (Parker, Horatio)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\4","H\u00f6re mein Volk (Petri, Balthasar Abraham)|SScores\\1","H\u00f6re Tochter schaue drauf, GWV 1161\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","H\u00f6ret zu, es ging ein S\u00e4mann aus (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","H\u00f6rst du den Ton, der deinen Namen feiert (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","H\u00f6rt Jesus will zum Vater gehen, GWV 1134\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","H\u00f6rt Menschen h\u00f6rt, GWV 1118\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Hortus Conclusus (Crachelius, Tobias)|SScores\\1","Hortus Musicus I, Op.20 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\6","Hortus Musicus II, Op.36 (Peters, Rob)|SFull Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Hosanna \u00e0 saint Viateur (Descarries, Auguste)|SScores\\1","Hosanna Filio David (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Hosanna to the Prince of Light (Blumenschein, William Leonard)|SScores\\1","Hosanna to the Son of David (Weelkes, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Hosianna dem Sohne David, TWV 1:808 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Hosianna dem Sohne David (Tunder, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Hosianna gelobet sei der da kommt, H.383 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Hosianna Jesus ziehet bei uns ein, GWV 1101\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Hosianna sei willkommen, GWV 1174\/09 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Hosianna! Dieses soll die Losung sein, TWV 1:810 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Hostias et preces (Sabbatini, Luigi Antonio)|SScores\\2","Hostis Herodes impie (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Houtebeen (Franceschina, John Charles)|SScores\\1","How Beauteous are Their Feet (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|SScores\\1","How Beautiful upon the Mountains (Smith, Robert Archibald)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","How Excellent is Thy Name (Risher, Anna Priscilla)|SScores\\1","How far is it to Bethlehem? (Shaw, Geoffrey Turton)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","How Goodly are Thy Tents (Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Gore)|SScores\\1","How Great Are the Blessings, Z.494 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","How Lovely are Thy Dwellings (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","How sleep the brave (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\2","How Still and Peaceful is the Grave (Tye, Christopher)|SScores\\1","How Sweet Is the Air and Refreshing, Z.495 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","How the Viking Got his Horns (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1|OOther\\1","Hoyda, hoyda, jolly rutterkin (Cornysh, William)|SScores\\2","Le Hoyoux (Mathieu, \u00c9mile)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hujus obtentu Deus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Humorous Quartets for Men's Voices (Kratz, Lee G.)|SScores\\2","Humptie Dumptie (Macirone, Clara Angela)|SScores\\1","The Hunt Is Up (Hatton, John Liptrot)|SScores\\1","Hunting Song (Bullard, Frederic Field)|SScores\\1","A Hunts Up (Bennet, John)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Hush, Hush! Tread Softly (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\1","H\u00fctet euch, da\u00df eure Herzen nicht beschweret werden (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Hvi vil du dig saa klage, CNW 177 (Nielsen, Carl)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Hymn 337, Op.10 (Carozzi, Napoleone)|SScores\\1","Hymn for a Dead Comrade (Macy, James Cartwright)|SScores\\1","A Hymn for the Fast Day (Addison, John)|SScores\\1","Hymn for the Golden Jubilee of the Priesthood of Pope Leo XIII (Wiegand, John)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hymn na Zwiastowanie Naj\u015bwi\u0119tszej Maryi Panny (Gruberski, Eugeniusz)|SScores\\1","The Hymn of Adam and Eve (Galliard, Johann Ernst)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Hymn of the 4 Voices Without Lyrics (Eom, Dae-Ho)|SScores\\1","Hymn to Adversity (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Hymn to Eros, Op.19 (Strube, Gustav)|VVocal Scores\\2","A Hymn to God the Father (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","A Hymn with Various Harmonies to the Same Melody (Kollmann, Augustus Frederic Christopher)|SScores\\1","Hymne \u00e0 l'Et\u00e9, Op.61 (Schmitt, Florent)|SScores\\1","Hymne \u00e0 la Libert\u00e9, RH 628 (Gossec, Fran\u00e7ois Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Hymne an die Kunst, Op.25 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|VVocal Scores\\1","Hymne an die Musik, Op.82 (Baldamus, Gustav)|SScores\\1","Hymne auf die Natur (Neubauer, Franz Christoph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\2","Hymne de la Nuit, Op.60 (Neukomm, Sigismund)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Hymne des Marseillais, H 51A (Berlioz, Hector)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\13","Hymne til kunsten, CNW 113 (Nielsen, Carl)|SScores\\2","Hymne, Op.7 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Hymnen der orthodoxen orientalischen Kirche (Preyer, Gottfried)|SScores\\2","3 Hymnen, Op.50 (Krufft, Nikolaus von)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","3 Hymnes \u00e0 saint Nicaise, H.55-57 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Hymni in sacris pro defunctis (Hor\u00e1k, V\u00e1clav Emanuel)|SScores\\1","4 Hymni Mariani, Op.47 (Walczy\u0144ski, Franciszek)|SScores\\1","Hymni Sacri de Sanctissimo Sacramento, Op.22 (\u017bukowski, Otton Mieczys\u0142aw)|SScores\\2","4 Hymni, Op.7 (Gordigiani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Hymnos Andron, Op.53 (Parker, Horatio)","12 Hymns and 4 Anthems, Op.1 (Bond, Hugh)|SScores\\3","12 Hymns and a Favourite Lyric-Poem (Milgrove, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Hymns and Tunes as sung at St. Thomas's Church (Warren, George William)|SScores\\1","12 Hymns from German Masters of 15th Century (Gerber, Rudolf)|SScores\\1","Hymns of Praise and Prayer, with Tunes (Various)|SScores\\1","4 Hymns (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Hymns, Op.122 (Sudds, William F.)|SScores\\1","2 Hymns, ZWV 111-112 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","3 Hymns, ZWV 113, 117 & 120 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","2 Hymns, ZWV 118 & 114 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","2 Hymns, ZWV 120 & 113 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|PParts\\1","Hymnus amoris, Op.12 (Nielsen, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Hymnus an den heiligen Geist, D.948 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Hymnus in Coena Domini, Op.14 (Kinkel, Johanna)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14"],"I":["I am Alpha and Omega (Stainer, John)|SScores\\1","I am the Light (McIntyre, Richard)|SScores\\1","I am the Resurrection and the Life (Morley, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","I am well pleased that the Lord hath heard (Ellerton, John Lodge)|SScores\\1","I Cannot Help Loving Thee (Johns, Clayton)|SScores\\1","I Could Live in a Desert If Only with Thee (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","I dannati (Tallini, Gennaro)|SScores\\1","I Discovered (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","I dolci colli (Striggio, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","I Get to Heaven, Op.54 (Lutter, Wilhelm)|SScores\\3","I gondolieri (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\2","I Have a Little Sweetheart (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","I Heard a Great Voice (Johnston, Edward F.)|SScores\\1","I heard a voice from Heav'n (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","I languish to complain me (Bennet, John)|SScores\\1","I lieti amanti e la fanciulle tenere (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","I Looked, and Behold a White Cloud, HWC 344 (Willan, Healey)|SScores\\1","I Love My Darling Lassie (Pease, Alfred Humphries)|SScores\\1","I Love My Jean (Bennett, George John)|SScores\\1","I Love the Lord (Carter, George)|SScores\\2","I Loved You (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","I molteplici Egitti alle spalle (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","I penitenti al sepolcro del redentore, ZWV 63 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","I pescatori (Gabussi, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","I piansi, or canto (Willaert, Adrian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","I Prithee Send Me Back My Heart (Hall, King)|SScores\\1","I Saw Fair Cloris All Alone, Z.498 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","I Shall Not Die, But Live (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\1","I Skoven, Op.11 (Rung, Frederik)|SScores\\1","I Spy Celia, Z.499 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","I Thought My Love (Farmer, John)|SScores\\1","I Was Glad (Attwood, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","I Will Arise, and Go to My Father (Creighton, Robert)|SScores\\1","I Will Arise (Owst, Wilberfoss George)|SScores\\1","I will Greatly Rejoice in the Lord (Cruickshank, William Alexander Campbell)|SScores\\1","I Will Lay Me Down in Peace (Hiles, Henry)|SScores\\1","I Will Lay Me Down in Peace (Sullivan, Arthur)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\1","I will Lift up Mine Eyes (Clarke-Whitfeld, John)|SScores\\1","I Will Magnify Thee O God (Neate, Charles)|SScores\\1","I Will Magnify Thee, HWV 250a (Handel, George Frideric)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\12","I Will Sing of Thy Power (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","I'm so Lonely (Orrin, Ed. W.)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ich armer Mensch, ich S\u00fcndenknecht, BWV 55 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\1","Ich armes Keutzlein kleine (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Ich armes Keuzlein kleine (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Ich armes Meidlein klag mich sehr (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich beschwere euch, ihr T\u00f6chter (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Ich bin arm und elend (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich bin das Brot des Lebens (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Ich bin das Licht der Welt (Pfleger, Augustin)|SScores\\1","Ich bin der Erste und der Letzte, TWV 1:816 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Ich bin der Herr dein Arzt, TWV 1:817 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben, GWV 1165\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Ich bin die Auferstehung und das Leben, SWV 464 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Ich bin die T\u00fcr, GWV 1140\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich bin ein guter Hirt, BWV 85 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\2","Ich bin mit meinem Gott zufrieden (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Ich bin vergn\u00fcgt an diesen G\u00fctern, TWV 1:823 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich danke dir da\u00df du mich dem\u00fctigest, H.386 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich danke dir Gott ewiglich (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich danke dir Herr dass du zornig bist gewesen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ich danke dir, Gott (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Ich danke dir, Herr, von ganzem Herzen, SWV 347 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich dienet eim Herren drei ganze Jahr (Reuter, Oswald)|SScores\\1","Ich eifre mich schier zu Tode, GWV 1151\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich elender Mensch, wer wird mich erl\u00f6sen, BWV 48 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|OOther\\4","Ich erz\u00e4hle meine Wege, GWV 1141\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich fahre auf zu meinem Vater, TWV 1:825 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ich freue mich dess, das mir geredt ist (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich freue mich im Herren (Vierdanck, Johann)|SScores\\1","Ich freue mich im Herrn (Kuhnau, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich freue mich in dir, BWV 133 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\2","Ich freue mich und bin fr\u00f6hlich in dir (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich f\u00fcrchte keinen Tod auf Erden, TWV 4:4b (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ich glaube Gott und seinem Worte (St\u00e4hle, Mika Ruben)|RRecordings\\6|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Ich glaube, lieber Herr, BWV 109 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn, BWV 92 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Ich hab in mich gesogen, D.778b (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Ich hab mich Gott ergeben, GWV 1169\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)","Ich hab mich redlich ghalten (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ich hab' in Jesu Trost und Wonne, GWV 1130\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Ich hab's gewagt (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Ich habe den Herrn alle Zeit f\u00fcr Augen (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Ich habe dich zum Licht der Heiden gemacht (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Ich habe einen Held erwecket (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich habe euch zuvorderst gegeben, GWV 1130\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich habe f\u00fcr dich gebeten, GWV 1162\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich habe in Gottes Herz und Sinn, GWV 1165\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden, GWV 1175\/26c (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden, TWV 1:833 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden, TWV 1:835 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden (Kuhnau, Johann)|SScores\\1","Ich habe meine Zuversicht, BWV 188 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Ich habe mir vorgesetzt, GWV 1124\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich halte aber daf\u00fcr, TWV 1:840 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Ich halte es daf\u00fcr, R 5.1.91 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\1","Ich halte es daf\u00fcr (Liebe, Christian)|SScores\\1","Ich h\u00e4tt mir ein Endlein f\u00fcrgenommen (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich hatte mich verirret, TWV 1:842 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ich hatte viel Bek\u00fcmmernis, BWV 21 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\19|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\21|OOther\\2","Ich hatte viele Bek\u00fcmmernisse, GWV 1129\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich hoffe darauf dass du so gn\u00e4dig bist, GWV 1153\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich hoffe darauf da\u00df du so gn\u00e4dig bist, RoemV 189 (R\u00f6mhild, Johann Theodor)|PParts\\1","Ich hoffe darauf, da\u00df du so gn\u00e4dig bist, TWV 1:847 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Ich hoffete aufs Licht, TWV 4:13 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ich irre noch in S\u00fcndenwegen, GWV 1132\/12a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich kenn des Klaffers Eigenschaft (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich kenne dich (Petri, Balthasar Abraham)|SScores\\1","Ich klag den Tag und alle Stund (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Ich klag den tag (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ich komme jetzt als ein armer Gast, GWV 1126\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ich lasse dich nicht, BWV 1165 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|PParts\\1","Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn!, BWV 157 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Ich lebe, mein Herze, zu deinem Erg\u00f6tzen, BWV 145 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|OOther\\3","Ich liebe den H\u00f6chsten von ganzem Gem\u00fcte, BWV 174 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|OOther\\2","Ich liebe Jesum voller Freuden, GWV 1159\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich lieg' im Streit und wiederstreb', GWV 1131\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Ich liege und schlafe ganz in Frieden, GWV 1115\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich liege und schlafe (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Ich muss im Leben immer wandeln, TWV 1:852 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich preise dich Herr denn du hast mich erh\u00f6ret (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 177 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\2","Ich r\u00fcf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (Utendal, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Ich sahe an alles Thun (Bernhard, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\10","Ich sandte die Propheten nicht (Bernhard, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Ich scheid dahin (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich schell mein Horn (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich seh' euch fast mit bittern Tr\u00e4nen, TWV 1:862a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich singe meinen Gott zu ehren, GWV 1171\/11 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich soll und musz ein Bulen haben (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0","Ich steh mit einem Fu\u00df im Grabe, BWV 156 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\3|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\43|OOther\\1","Ich stund an einem morgen (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Ich stund an einem morgen (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Ich verschmachte fast, GWV 1152\/12a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich wage mich an Gott, GWV 1121\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich war tot und siehe ich bin lebendig, H.325 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Ich war tot, und siehe, ich bin lebendig, TWV 1:872 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ich weine, durch der Armut plage, TWV 1:872a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich weis mir eine M\u00fclnerin (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Ich Weisheit wohne bei der Witze, GWV 1174\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich wei\u00df mir ein Meidlein, LV 750 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ich weiss, dass mein Erl\u00f6ser lebet, SWV 457 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ich wei\u00df, da\u00df mein Erl\u00f6ser lebt, TWV 1:874 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ich wei\u00df, da\u00df mein Erl\u00f6ser lebt, TWV 1:876 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ich wei\u00df, da\u00df mein Erl\u00f6ser lebt, TWV 1:877 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Ich weisz ein stolze Mullerin (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich werde nicht sterben, SWV 346 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich werfe mich zu deinen F\u00fcssen, GWV 1160\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ich werfe mich zu deinen F\u00fcssen, TWV 1:882 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ich wickle mich in deine Wunden, GWV 1130\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich will den Herren loben allezeit (2) (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Ich will dich all mein Leben lang (Vierling, Johann Gottfried)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Ich will dich lieben, meine St\u00e4rke (Zingsem, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Ich will dir mein Hort lobsingen, L.510 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Ich will euch wiedersehen (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Ich will ihnen einen einigen Hirten erwecken (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ich will ihre Speise segnen (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Ich will in aller Not (Eberlin, Johann Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ich will in den St\u00e4dten Juda, GWV 1161\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ich will in Friede fahren (Krieger, Johann)|SScores\\1","Ich will meinen Geist ausgie\u00dfen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ich will meinen Geist, JLB 7 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ich will mich Gl\u00fccks betragen (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Ich will mich mit dir verloben in Ewigkeit (Franck, Melchior)|PParts\\1","Ich will mich mit dir verloben (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Ich will mit Brandopfer gehen (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich will nun fr\u00f6hlich singen (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Ich will rein Wasser \u00fcber euch sprengen, TWV 1:891 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ich will selbst meine Schafe weiden, H.382 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ich will singen (Briegel, Wolfgang Carl)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ich winselte wie ein Kranich, TWV 1:894 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Ich w\u00fcnsch alln Frauen Ehr durch einer Frauen (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Idyle (Dupuy, Bernard Aymable)|SScores\\1","Idylle sur le retour de la sant\u00e9 du Roi, H.489 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Idylle, Op.15 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\4","If ever I more riches did desire, Z.544 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\1","If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","If Love and All the World Were Young (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","If Thou Indeed Derive Thy Light from Heaven (Dyson, Peter)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","If Ye Love Me (Tallis, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Ihn la\u00dft tun und walten, H.375 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Ihr Armen freuet euch, GWV 1103\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr armen Menschen lernt doch beten, GWV 1135\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ihr brausenden Wogen, L.518 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Ihr Christen findet euch zu Gott (Hoffmann, Johann Georg)|SScores\\1","Ihr die ihr mit vergn\u00fcgtem Blick (Rezel, Andreas Christian)|PParts\\1","Ihr die ihr ohne Liebe lebt, GWV 1126\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr Freunde Jesu kommt herbei, GWV 1119\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Ihr frommen Schafe wacht, GWV 1140\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr Frommen, richtet euch empor, GWV 1167\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Ihr Gedanken kommt zusammen, GWV 1126\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\3","Ihr Gl\u00e4ubigen ent\u00e4ussert euch der Sorgen, GWV 1148\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr Gl\u00e4ubigen lernt von der Welt, GWV 1150\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr Gr\u00e4ber \u00f6ffnet eure Pforten, GWV 1167\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ihr habt nicht einen knechtlichen Geist, TWV 1:904 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ihr heiligen Br\u00fcder, GWV 1132\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr Heiligen lobsinget dem Herren (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ihr Heiligen lobsinget dem Herrn, GWV 1133\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ihr Herren was recht und gleich ist, GWV 1114\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Ihr Herzen r\u00e4umt die S\u00fcnde aus, GWV 1138\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr Lieben glaubet nicht einem jeglichen Geist, GWV 1140\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Ihr Lieben glaubet nicht einem jeglichen Geist (Endler, Johann Samuel)|SScores\\1","Ihr Lieben lasset uns untereinander, GWV 1145\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ihr Lieben, lasset uns untereinander, TWV 1:909 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ihr Menschen h\u00f6rt Gott ladet euch, GWV 1161\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr Menschen h\u00f6rt, GWV 1161\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ihr Menschen richtet euch empor, GWV 1156\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr Menschen wacht der Satan will, GWV 1116\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr Menschen, r\u00fchmet Gottes Liebe, BWV 167 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","Ihr Pharis\u00e4er dieser Zeit, GWV 1126\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ihr schlummert, ihr schlafet (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ihr sch\u00fcchternen Blicke beharrlischer S\u00fcnder, TWV 1:912 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ihr seid alle Gottes Kinder, TWV 1:915 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ihr seid nicht fleischlich, GWV 1134\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr sollt nicht sorgen, GWV 1156\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr sollt sehen was f\u00fcr ein Unterschied, GWV 1142\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ihr stolzen Pharis\u00e4er schweigt, GWV 1147\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Ihr S\u00fcnder schickt euch an, GWV 1125\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Ihr unsre neuen Leiter, K.484 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ihr werdet traurig sein, GWV 1129\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Ihr werdet traurig sein, GWV 1157\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr werdet weinen und heulen, BWV 103 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\3","Ihr werdet weinen und heulen, GWV 1133\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ihr, die ihr euch von Christo nennet, BWV 164 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\2","Ihrsgleichen lebt auf Erden nicht (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Illumina oculos meos, LV 1081 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Illustris Corona Stellarum Duodecim, Op.3 (Faitelli, Vigilius Blasius)|PParts\\9","Iluminare Jerusalem (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Im Anfang war das Wort, GWV 1124\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Im Blute wird er dir erscheinen, L.522 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Im Freien (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Im Garten leidet Christus Not (Eccard, Johannes)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\18|PScores and Parts\\18","Im Gegenw\u00e4rtigen Vergangenes, D.710 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Im Mai (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Im meyen h\u00f6rt man die hanen kreen (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Im Schweiss deines Angesichts, GWV 1146\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Im stillen Friedhof (Wolf, Hugo)|SScores\\1","Im Stra\u00dfencaf\u00e9 (Hirsch, Cornelius)|SScores\\1","Imitazione del veneziano (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","Immaculata conceptio (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Immisit Dominus pestilentiam, ZWV 58 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\4","Immutemur habitu (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Imperial Edition Tenor Songs (Various)|SScores\\1","3 Imperial Requiem Masses, Op.2 (Laucher, Joseph Anton)|PParts\\1","The Imprisoned Songster, Op.23 (Raff, Joseph Kaspar)|SScores\\1","Impromptu for Chorus and Strings, Op.2266 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\5","Impromptu for Soprano, Tenor, Chorus and Organ, Op.2253 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\5","Improperium expectavit cor meum, LV 852 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","In a Gondola (Beach, John Parsons)|SScores\\1","In a Persian Garden (Lehmann, Liza)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","In allen meinen Taten, BWV 97 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\1","In allen meinen Taten, GWV 1146\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","In coena Domini (Graziani, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","In convertendo Dominus (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","In convertendo Dominus (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","In convertendo Dominus (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","In convertendo, S.63 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","In convertendo, ZWV 91 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","In cuius nunc praeconia (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","In dead of night profound (Havergal, Henry East)|SScores\\1","In deinem Schmuck gehen der K\u00f6nige T\u00f6chter, HoWV II.Anh.34 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","In den Wunden Jesu sterben (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","In des Gerechten Hause, GWV 1113\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr, SWV 446 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","In dich hab ich gehoffet (L\u00fctkemann, Paul)|SScores\\1","In dich wollst du mich kleiden ein, TWV 1:938 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","In die tribulationis (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","In diser welt, hab ich kein gelt (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","In Domino confido (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","In Domino gaudebo (Bentivoglio, Giulio)|SScores\\1","In Ephraim ist allenthalben L\u00fcgen, TWV 1:940 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","In Exitu Israel de Egipto (Basili, Francesco)|SScores\\1","In exitu Israel, S.64 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","In exitu Israel, S.65 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","In exitu Israel, ZWV 83 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","In exitu Israel, ZWV 84 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","In exitu Isra\u00ebl (Adolfati, Andrea)|SScores\\1","In exitu Israel (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","In Fairyland, Op.33 (Morgan, Orlando)|SScores\\1","In festo corporis Christi canticum, H.344 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","In Filli sch\u00f6nen \u00c4ugelein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","In finem dilexit eos (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","In Freud erhebt sich ganz mein Herz (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","In Gottes Namen fahren wir (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","In hoc apparuit (Sambataro, Carmelo Luca)|SScores\\1","In honorem Sancti Xaverij canticum, H.355 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","In illo tempore assumpsit Jesus Duodecim (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","In illo tempore cum turba plurima (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","In illo tempore loquente Jesu (Gombert, Nicolas)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","In illo tempore (Soriano, Francesco)|SScores\\1","In Jewry God is Known (Thomas, William Edwin)|SScores\\1","In Jewry is God Known (Clarke-Whitfeld, John)|SScores\\1","In Kedars bangen H\u00fctten, L.534 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","In memoriam Dylan Thomas, K084 (Stravinsky, Igor)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","In Memoriam (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","In memoriam (Reznicek, Emil von)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\2","In mezo al mar (Strohbach, Siegfried)|SScores\\1","In mezzo a' tristi affanni, S.624 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","In monte Oliveti, Responsoria, Op.98 No.1 (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","In myne zynn (Busnois, Antoine)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","In Natali Domini gaudent omnes Angeli (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","In nativitatem Domini canticum, H.314 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","In nobil sangue vita humile e queta, Ch.180 (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","In nomine Iesu omne genu flectatur (Cima, Tullio)|SScores\\1","In obitum augustissime nec non piissimae Gallorum reginae Lamentum, H.409 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1","In Old Japan (Forsyth, Cecil)|SScores\\1","In omnem terram exivit, S.651 (Marcello, Benedetto)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","In omnibus requiem quaesivi, LV 249 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","In Paper Case (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\2","In Paradisum (Nichifor, Serban)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","In Peace 'mongst Ourselves (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","In Praise of Neptune (German, Edward)|SScores\\1","In qual parte del ciel, LV 72 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","In questa tomba oscura (Various)|SScores\\66","In seiner Ordnung schafft der Herr, Op.36 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|SScores\\1|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","In Some Kind Dream, Z.497 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","In suprema nocte coenae (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","In te Domine speravi (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","In te Domine speravi (Kusser, Johann)|PParts\\1","In te domine speravi (Pohle, David)|SScores\\1","In te Domine speravi (Saladino, Michele)|SScores\\2","In te Domine speravi (Schieferdecker, Johann Christian)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","In te speravi Domine, LV 690 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","In te, Domine, speravi (Gombert, Nicolas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","In the Beginning (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","In the Forest (Roberton, Hugh S.)|SScores\\1","In the Garden (Harris, Victor)|SScores\\1","In the Lonely Vale of Streams (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","In the Merry Month of May (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","In the Moon-Shower, Op.70 No.4 (Loomis, Harvey Worthington)|SScores\\2","In Thee, O Lord, Have I Put My Trust (Tours, Berthold)|SScores\\1","In Thee, O Lord (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)|SScores\\1","In this mazy life's career (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","In una verde piaggia (Asola, Giammateo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","In virtute tua (Cavalli, Francesco)|SScores\\1","In voce exultationis (Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio)|SScores\\2","In Zion t\u00f6nen Freudench\u00f6re, GWV 1101\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","The Inarticulate Burr (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","L'incendio di Troia (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\3","Incipit lamentatio Jeremi\u00e6 (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Incipit lamentatio (Allegri, Gregorio)|SScores\\1","Incipit oratio Jeremi\u00e6 (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Inclina cor meum (Rogier, Philippe)|SScores\\1","Inclina Domine aurem tuam (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Inclina Domine (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","The Indian Emperor, Z.598 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Indica mihi quem diligit anima mea (Riccio, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Indica mihi quem diligit anima mea (Viadana, Lodovico da)|SScores\\1","Indica mihi quem diligit anima mea (Vitali, Filippo)|SScores\\1","Ines de Castro, Op.53 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Infans fudit sanguinem (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Ingiustissimo Amor, perche si raro (Arcadelt, Jacob)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ingiustissimo Amor (Paien, Gioan)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ingrediente Domino (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\8","Ingressus Angelus (Praetorius, Michael)|SScores\\2","Iniquos odio habui, LV 233 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Iniquos odio habui (Valentini, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Inno delle nazioni (Verdi, Giuseppe)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\26|VVocal Scores\\1","Inno e Responsi per il S. Natale a 4 voci, violino e organo (Perti, Giacomo Antonio)|SScores\\1","INRI, Oratorium (Artm\u00fcller, Conrad)|SScores\\1","Inspire Us Genius of the Day (Eccles, John)|SScores\\1","Inspirer and Hearer of Prayer (Jackson, Samuel P.)|SScores\\1","Intende voci orationis meae, K.156 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Intende voci, D.963 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Inter natos mulierum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Inter vestibulum et altare (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\2","Interludes pour la messe 'Dominicis Infra Annum' (La Tombelle, Fernand de)|SScores\\1","Intimations of Immortality, Op.29 (Finzi, Gerald)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\30|VVocal Scores\\1","Intonuit de coelo (Biechteler, Matthias Sigmund)|SScores\\1","Introduction and Fugue on 'Non Nobis Domine' (Diettenhofer, Joseph)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Introduttione a i Balletti (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","3 Introits (Whitlock, Percy William)|SScores\\1","Introits (Ley, Henry)|SScores\\1","Introitus della Messa da Requiem (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","L'invenzione della croce (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\2","Invidia ai morti (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Invidioso Amor del mio bel stato (Striggio, Alessandro)","Inviolata, integra et casta es Maria, H.48 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Inviolata (Riga, Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\1","Invitat\u00f3rio e Jaculat\u00f3ria da Novena de Nossa Senhora da Concei\u00e7\u00e3o (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","L'invito (Alary, Giulio)|SScores\\1","Invocation to Music (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|VVocal Scores\\2","Io allora non avevo visto il mare (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\1","Io amai sempre, et amo forte anchora (Willaert, Adrian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Io la vidi (Verdi, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Io mi pensai (Arcadelt, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Io non son per\u00f2 morto (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Io sempre t'amer\u00f2, S.617 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Io t'amer\u00f2, Op.140 (Cruz, Antonio de la)|SScores\\1","Io vo gridando come spiritato (Conversi, Girolamo)|SScores\\3","Ipsi sum desponsata (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Ir Christen algeleiche (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Iris, G.154 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\7","Iris, vos rigueurs inhumaines (Bo\u00ebsset, Antoine de)|SScores\\1","6 Irish Songs, Op.85 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\6","Irlande, H 38 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\17","Irret euch nicht, GWV 1150\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Is it a dreame (Blow, John)|SScores\\1","Is There a Time (Neate, Charles)|SScores\\1","Isabella, ormai mi rendi, A 112 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Isaias (Mancinelli, Luigi)|VVocal Scores\\2","Isis (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","\u00cdslandslj\u00f3\u00f0 (Laxdal, J\u00f3n)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","\u00cdslenzk s\u00e1lmas\u00f6ngsb\u00f3k (Bjarni \u00deorsteinsson)|SScores\\1","Israel in Egypt, HWV 54 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Israel in the Wilderness, Op.43 (Gaul, Alfred Robert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Israel vergiss mein nicht, GWV 1125\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Das ist das ewige Leben (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Das ist das ewige Leben (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Das ist das ewige Leben, GWV 1104\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Das ist das ewige Leben, GWV 1111\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Das ist das ewige Leben, TWV 1:176 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Das ist die Freudigkeit die wir haben zu Gott (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Ist dieser nicht des Menschen Sohn, GWV 1127\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Das ist ein k\u00f6stlich Ding, GWV 1155\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ist es recht da\u00df man dem Kaiser Zinse gebe, BuxWV 54 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Ist euch das Kreuz bitter und schwer, TWV 1:944 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ist Gott f\u00fcr uns wer mag wieder uns sein, GWV 1139\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Das ist je gewi\u00dflich wahr, SWV 277 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Das ist je gewisslich wahr, TWV 1:183 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ist jemand in Christo, GWV 1160\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Das ist meine Freude, D-B: 30282 (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Das ist meine Freude (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Das ist meine Freude, TWV 1:188 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Das ist meine Freude, TWV 8:17 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Das ist mir lieb (Praetorius, Hieronymus)|SScores\\1","Das ist mir lieb (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Das ist mir lieb, SWV 51 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Ist nicht Ephraim mein teurer Sohn (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Iste confessor in G minor (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Iste confessor, In.152 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Iste Confessor (Felici, Bartolomeo)|SScores\\1|PParts\\13","Iste Confessor (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Iste confessor (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Iste confessor (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Iste Sanctus pro lege Dei sui (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Isti qui amicti sunt (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","It was a lover and his lass (Stevens, Richard John Samuel)|SScores\\1","It's a Bonnie World (Brueton, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Ite in universum mundum (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Ite, angeli veloces (Hindemith, Paul)|VVocal Scores\\3","Itzt blicken durch des Himmels Saal, SWV 460 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Itzund ich mich vergleiche (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Iubilate Deo omnis terra (Massari, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Iustorum animae (Quadri, Riccardo)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Ivy and Holly, R66 (Moeran, Ernest John)|SScores\\1","Ize\u00ffl (Piern\u00e9, Gabriel)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\17"],"J":["J'aime mon dieu et sa saincte parolle (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","J'ay content\u00e9 (Sermisy, Claudin de)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","J'ayme trop mieux souffrir la mort (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","A ja sobie podrygom (Lachman, Wac\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Ja, mir hast du Arbeit gemacht, JLB 5 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","The Jackdaw of Rheims (Bath, Hubert)|SScores\\1","The Jackdaw of Rheims (Fox, George)|VVocal Scores\\1","Jacksonville Florida 1995 (Costello, Andy)|SScores\\1","Jaculat\u00f3ria de S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 (Bastos, Martiniano Ribeiro)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","J\u00e4gers Feierabend (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Das Jahr ist fortgelaufen (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Das Jahr st\u00fcrzt hin ins Meer der Ewigkeiten, L.515 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Die Jahreszeiten, Hob.XXI:3 (Haydn, Joseph)|RRecordings\\48|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\15","Jairus begehrt, Jesus gew\u00e4hrt (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Jam Sol Recedit Igneus (Felici, Bartolomeo)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jam sol recessit aureus, ZWV 115 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Janitor coeli, doctor orbis pariter (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Jason, Op.26 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\9","Jauchze du Tochter Zion, GWV 1101\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jauchze frohlocke gefallene Welt, GWV 1105\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Jauchze, Darmstadt sey voll Wonne, GWV 1053 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt - Mein Herz ist bereitet (Anonymous)|SScores\\4","Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt, SWV 36 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Jauchzet dem Herrn alle Welt, GWV 1173\/17 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jauchzet dem Herrn alle Welt, TWV 8:10 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Jauchzet dem Herrn alle Welt (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores\\1","Jauchzet dem Herrn alle Welt (Hiller, Johann Adam)|PParts\\1","Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt, P.213 (Pachelbel, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt (Topf, Johann)|SScores\\1","Jauchzet Gott alle Lande, GWV 1171\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Jauchzet Gott alle Lande, GWV 1174\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jauchzet Gott alle Lande (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Jauchzet ihr Himmel erfreue dich Erde, GWV 1105\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Jauchzet ihr Himmel freue dich Erde, GWV 1105\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Jauchzet ihr Himmel freue dich Erde, L.607 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Jauchzt ihr frohen Christenscharen (F\u00f6rster, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\1","Je dors, je suis heureux (Beauplan, Am\u00e9d\u00e9e de)|SScores\\1","Je n'ay plaisir si-non en ta presence (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Je ne l'ose dire (Certon, Pierre)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Je ne veux point a l'amour consentir (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Je plains le tems de ma jeunesse folle (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Je sens sur mon ame plouvoir (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Je t'ayme, ma belle, ta danse me plait (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Je vous salue, Marie! (Rill\u00e9, Laurent de)|SScores\\2","Je voy des glissantes eaux le ruisseaux (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Jean \u00e9tait un petit homme (Torrent, Claude)|SScores\\1","Jedermann sei untertan der Obrigkeit, TWV 1:960 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Jehovah, quam multi sunt hostes mei, Z.135 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Jephte (Carissimi, Giacomo)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Jephtha, HWV 70 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Jerusalem du Predigerin, GWV 1104\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Jerusalem f\u00e4llet dahin, GWV 1151\/28a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Jerusalem f\u00e4llet dahin, GWV 1151\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Jerusalem sieh deinen K\u00f6nig an, GWV 1125\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jerusalem surge, H.130 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Jerusalem wie oft habe ich, GWV 1106\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Jesen, Op.4 (Hristi\u0107, Stevan)|SScores\\2","Jesse Virga (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Jessy Lea (Macfarren, George Alexander)|VVocal Scores\\2","Jesu amabilis (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\12","Jesu benigne \u00e2 cuius igne (Capricornus, Samuel)|PParts\\1","Jesu clemens pie Deus (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Jesu corona virginum, ZWV 116 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Jesu Corona Virginum (Sborgi, Gasparo)|PParts\\3","Jesu delitium vultus (Geist, Christian)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Jesu der du meine Seele hast, GWV 1144\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Jesu du h\u00f6chste G\u00fctigkeit (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\2","Jesu dulcedo cordium fons (Capricornus, Samuel)|PParts\\1","Jesu dulcis memoria, BuxWV 57 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Jesu Dulcis Memoria, JKB 55 (Baruk, Jason)|SScores\\1","Jesu frommer Menschenherden, GWV 1140\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Jesu hilf siegen, GWV 1137\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jesu komm mein Trost und Lachen, BuxWV 58 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\6","Jesu Leiden Pein und Tod, GWV 1125\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesu lieber Meister, GWV 1155\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jesu mein Herr und Gott allein, GWV 1109\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesu meine Freude, Krebs-WV 110 (Krebs, Johann Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Jesu meine Freude, TWV 1:966 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Jesu meiner Seelen Licht, GWV 1119\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Jesu mi dulcissime (Marini, Biagio)|SScores\\1","Jesu redemptor omnium, S.60 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Jesu rege mein Gem\u00fcte, GWV 1153\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Jesu Retter in der Not, GWV 1162\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesu rex admirabilis (Capricornus, Samuel)|PParts\\1","Jesu salvator noster (Cordans, Bartolomeo)|SScores\\1","Jesu segne du dies Jahr (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Jesu, corona virginum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Jesu, deine Passion (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\4|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\28|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\35|OOther\\2","Jesu, meines Lebens Leben, BuxWV 62 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Jesu, nostra redemptio (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Jesu, nun sei gepreiset, BWV 41 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11|BBooks\\2|OOther\\2","Jesulein du Tausendsch\u00f6n, BuxWV 63 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Jesus auf das er heiligte das Volk, GWV 1126\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Jesus Christus nostre salus (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Jesus Christus unser Heiland, der von uns den Gotteszorn wandt (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\33|PScores and Parts\\33","Jesus Christus unser Heiland, TWV 1:976 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Jesus Christus, ob er wohl (Arnoldi)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod \u00fcberwandt (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\31|PScores and Parts\\31","Jesus Christus, unser Heiland (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Jesus geht der Welt zum Segen, GWV 1119\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus gibt sich selbst zu essen, GWV 1126\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Jesus ging hinauf auf einen Berg, GWV 1123\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus hat die rechte Lehre, GWV 1159\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus in pace imperat (Capricornus, Samuel)|PParts\\1","Jesus ist bereit zu retten, GWV 1114\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Jesus ist der beste Lehrer, GWV 1164\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Jesus ist die Segensquelle, GWV 1146\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Jesus lebt sagt es an, GWV 1128\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Jesus lebt sagt es an, GWV 1128\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Jesus meine Zuversicht, GWV 1130\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus meine Zuversicht, GWV 1130\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Jesus nahm zu sich die Zw\u00f6lfe, BWV 22 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12|BBooks\\1","Jesus nimmt den Himmel ein, GWV 1136\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus nimmt die S\u00fcnder an, GWV 1144\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jesus nimmt die S\u00fcnder an, GWV 1144\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Jesus only (Rotoli, Augusto)|SScores\\1","Jesus schl\u00e4ft, was soll ich hoffen?, BWV 81 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|OOther\\1","Jesus sorget f\u00fcr die Frommen, GWV 1123\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jesus spricht von seinem Leiden, GWV 1119\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus stirbt ach soll ich leben, GWV 1125\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Jesus weint ob Salems Schaden, GWV 1151\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Jesus' Augen stehn voll Tr\u00e4nen, GWV 1151\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus' Augen stehn voll Tr\u00e4nen, GWV 1151\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus' Herz ist voll Erbarmen, GWV 1148\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Jesus' Liebe heilt die Kranken, GWV 1155\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\10","Jesus' Liebe ist gesch\u00e4ftig, GWV 1134\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Jesus, meine Zuversicht (Cr\u00fcger, Johann)|SScores\\2","Jesus, zu dir rufen wir (Trenner, Stefan)|SScores\\2","Jetzt bringt Sanct Martin Gsellschaft viel (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","Jetzt geht der Lebensf\u00fcrst zum Tode, TWV 1:989 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Jetzt merk ich wol, dasz ich mich soll zum Gl\u00fcck (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Jetzt Scheiden bringt mir Schwer (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Le jeu, le riz, le passetemps (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Jeune poule et vieux coq (Abadie, Louis)|VVocal Scores\\1","Jewish Hymnal (Various)|SScores\\4","Jhesu Christ, Saint Mary's Sone, Op.33 (Oldroyd, George)|VVocal Scores\\1","Job (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\5","Le jockey de Zaza (Petit, Albert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Jocus Nuptialis (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Jod. Manum suam (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Johann Cr\u00fcger's Choral-Melodien (Cr\u00fcger, Johann)|SScores\\1","Johann Rudolf Ahles ausgew\u00e4hlte Gesangswerke (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Johannes est nomen eius, LV 1086 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Johannes Passion (Selle, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Johannes-Passion 1757, TWV 5:42 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Johannes-Passion, H. 789 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SScores\\1","Johannes-Passion, H.785 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Johannes-Passion, SWV 481 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Johannes-Passion (Scandello, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Johannes-Passion (Walter, Johann)|SScores\\1","Johannespassion, BWV 245 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\28|PParts\\35|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\27|LLibrettos\\1|OOther\\17","Johannespassion (Mulzer, Marco)|SScores\\1","John Barleycorn (Bridge, Frederick)|SScores\\1","Johnnie Cope (Sweeting, Edward Thomas)|SScores\\1","Le joli tambour (Strohbach, Siegfried)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","J\u00f3nas Hallgr\u00edmsson (Sigf\u00fas Einarsson)|SScores\\1","Jor\u00addan\u00adis or\u00adas prae\u00advia (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Joseph and His Brethren, HWV 59 (Handel, George Frideric)|SFull Scores\\3|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Joseph lieber Joseph mein II (Schr\u00f6ter, Leonhard)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Joseph Lieber Joseph mein (Walter, Johann)|RRecordings\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Joseph (Macfarren, George Alexander)|VVocal Scores\\1","Joshua, HWV 64 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Joy to the Victors (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","The Joyous Birds are Singing (Zimmermann, Agnes)|SScores\\1","Jube Domine, MWV B 10 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Jubel Music. Op! op i Andagtsfulde Siele (Grosmann, Heinrich Ernst)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\1","Jubilate Deo in D major (Sparks, P. B.)|SScores\\1","Jubilate Deo omnis terra, LV 854 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Jubilate Deo omnis terra, S.9 (Lalande, Michel Richard de)|SScores\\1","Jubilate Deo omnis terra (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Jubilate Deo, HV 91 (Eybler, Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\21","Jubilate Deo (Aiblinger, Johann Kaspar)|SScores\\1","Jubilate Deo (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Jubilate Deo (Praetorius, Michael)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Jubilate Deo (Quagliati, Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Jubilate in G major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Jubilate, o amoeni chori, RV 639 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Jubilate (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","The Jubilee Anthem (Smith, John Stafford)|SScores\\1","A Jubilee Ode, Op.36 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|VVocal Scores\\1","Jubilus Bernhardi (Capricornus, Samuel)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\3","Juchhe (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\4|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\15|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\38|LLibrettos\\1","Judicium Salomonis (Carissimi, Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Judick et Halonferme (Deransart, \u00c9douard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Judith (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Judith (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\19|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Jugendtr\u00e4ume, Op.28 (Krasinsky, Fritz)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Julh\u00e4lsning i toner (Various)|SScores\\1","Julia, Your Unjust Disdain, Z.500 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","A June Moonrise (De Lamarter, Eric)|SScores\\1","Der junge Krieger (Keller, Karl)|SScores\\1","Der j\u00fcngste Tag wird bald sein Ziel erreichen, TWV 1:301 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Der j\u00fcngste Tag wird bald sein Ziel erreichen, TWV 1:302 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Juravit Dominus (O'Connell, Rev. W. H.)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Justitiae Domini (Trovato, Angelo Maria)|SScores\\1","Justitiam colui, certamina longa (Gattola, Paolo Maria)|SScores\\1","Justorum animae in manu Dei sunt (Kozeluch, Jan Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\1","Justus ut palma florebit (Mapelli, Luigi)|SScores\\1"],"K":["Kaiserrequiem, K.51-53 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|PParts\\11","Kalanus, Op.48 (Gade, Niels)|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Kanon 'Bedenket es gut', Op.11 (Lutter, Wilhelm)|SScores\\3","Kantata ku czci Sw. Pam. Henryka Sienkiewicza, Op.13 (Walkiewicz, Eugeniusz)|SScores\\1","Kantata o Anti Star\u010devi\u0107u (Glasnovi\u0107, Vinko)|SScores\\1","Kantata (Sveinbj\u00f6rn Sveinbj\u00f6rnsson)|SScores\\1","Kantate f\u00fcr Irene Kiesewetter, D.936 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Kantate zum Geburtstag des S\u00e4ngers Johann Michael Vogl, D.666 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","12 Kantaten (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Karavaanikuoro, Op.21 No.1 (Kuula, Toivo)|SScores\\1","Die Karpathen (K\u00e9ler, B\u00e9la)|SScores\\1|PParts\\31|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Kdo\u017e jste bo\u017e\u00ed bojovn\u00edci (\u010cechtick\u00fd, Bohuslav)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Kehr wider gl\u00fcck mit freud und wonn (Peuerl, Paul)|SScores\\1","Kehre wieder du abtr\u00fcnnige Israel, GWV 1125\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Kehre wieder Jungfrau Israel, GWV 1170\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kehret wieder kommt zur\u00fccke, R 5.1.108 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\2","Kein Adler in der Welt so sch\u00f6n (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Kein H\u00f6hers lebt, noch schwebt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Kern-Spr\u00fcche (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kerstmis (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\1","Kev\u00e4t, Op.27a No.8 (Kuula, Toivo)|SScores\\1","6 Keyboard Sonatas and an Ode (Zinck, Hartenack Otto Conrad)|SScores\\3","Kiedy ranne wstaj\u0105 zorze (Moniuszko, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Killiecrankie (Moonie, James Anderson)|VVocal Scores\\2","Kindlich gro\u00df ist das gottselige Geheimnis, TWV 1:1017 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","King David (Macfarren, George Alexander)|VVocal Scores\\1","The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Shelley, Harry Rowe)|SScores\\1","King Olaf's Christmas (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\1","King Richard the Second, Z.581 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","The King Shall Rejoice (Boyce, William)|SScores\\1","The King shall rejoice (Goss, John)|SScores\\1","Kingdom Songs (Various)|SScores\\2","The Kingdom, Op.51 (Elgar, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\32|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1|LLibretti\\2","Kings Shall See and Arise (Bridge, Frederick)|SScores\\1","Kirchen- und Tafel-Music (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\9","Kirchen-Musik f\u00fcr kleinere Stadt- und Landch\u00f6re (Aiblinger, Johann Kaspar)|PParts\\2","4 Kirchenges\u00e4nge, WoO VI\/20 (Reger, Max)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Kirchweihfest-Cantate, Op.60 (Gast, Friedrich Moritz)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Kirke-Arie, Op.108 (Krygell, Johan Adam)|SScores\\1","Kiyoyori (Tuttle, Marshall)|SScores\\1","Das Klagende Lied (Mahler, Gustav)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\3","Klage (Gl\u00fcck, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Kl\u00e4rchen auf Eberstein, Op.97 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|VVocal Scores\\2","Klein bottle canon (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Klein ist mein Trost auf dieser Erd (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Die kleine Herde lebt in Schrecken, GWV 1131\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kleine Hochzeits-Kantate, WoO 16 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","3 kleine lateinische Messen, Op.14 (Hetsch, Louis)|PParts\\1","2 Kleine Lieder zu Heine, Op.2 (Materna, Jonas)|SScores\\2","Kleine Passionsmusik (Loewe, Carl)|SFull Scores\\1","Klopstoks Auferstehungs-Gesang (Lobedanz, Georg Carl Friedrich)|SScores\\1","3 Kolendy polskie (Rogosz\u00f3wna, Zofia)|SScores\\1","Kollebloemen, Op.20 (Tinel, Edgar)|VVocal Scores\\1","20 Kol\u0119d, Op.21 No.3 (Nowowiejski, Feliks)|SScores\\1","Kol\u0119da z Ewanieliey S. Lukassa (Anonymous)|SScores\\3","Kom heiliger geist, Herre Gott (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Komm du sch\u00f6ne Freudenkrone (B\u00e4stel, Johann Ernst)|SScores\\1","Komm du sch\u00f6ne Freudenkrone (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Komm Gott sch\u00f6pfer (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\19|PScores and Parts\\19","Komm o Tod du Schlafes Bruder, GWV 1165\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Komm wert'ster Jesu sei mein Gast, GWV 1113\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Komm werter Tr\u00f6ster, GWV 1137\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Komm wieder Herr zu der Menge, TWV 2:12 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","Komm, du s\u00fcsse Todesstunde, BWV 161 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12|OOther\\2","Komm, Gott Sch\u00f6pfer, heiliger Geist (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\3","Kommet her sehet an die Werke, GWV 1161\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommet her und sehet die Werke, GWV 1113\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kommet her und sehet die Werke, GWV 1152\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Kommet her zu mir (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Kommet herzu lasset uns dem Herrn frohlocken, GWV 1174\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommet herzu lasset uns dem Herrn frohlocken, GWV 1174\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1","Kommet lasset uns anbeten, GWV 1101\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Kommet lasset uns anbeten, GWV 1109\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommet la\u00dft uns auf den Berg des Herrn gehen (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Kommt frohlocket mit Danken, GWV 1174\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommt her und schaut, GraunWV B:VII:5 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\5","Kommt her zu mir spricht Gottes Sohn, GWV 1161\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Kommt herbei zerstreute Schafe, GWV 1144\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kommt h\u00f6rt Jesus Lehre an, GWV 1164\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Kommt Jesus \u00f6ffnet seine Schule, GWV 1141\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Kommt lasset uns heute in freudigen Ch\u00f6ren (Hobein, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Kommt lasst euch bauen, GWV 1118\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Kommt lasst euch den Herren lehren, GWV 1145\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommt Seelen kommt nehmt eure Pflicht, GWV 1169\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kommt Seelen seid in Andacht stille, GWV 1119\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Kommt Seelen stellt euch ein, GWV 1126\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommt seht doch Gottes Freundlichkeit, GWV 1161\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kommt S\u00fcnder Jesus ladet euch, GWV 1143\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kommt S\u00fcnder Jesus locket euch, GWV 1144\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommt vor Gottes Angesicht, GWV 1169\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Kommt wir wollen wieder zum Herrn, GWV 1152\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kommt zu Gottes Abendmahl, GWV 1143\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kommt, ihr Sch\u00e4flein, TWV 1:1010 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Kommt, la\u00dft uns anbeten, Op.46 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\6|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\5","Kompositioner (Rung, Henrik)|SScores\\1","Der K\u00f6nig der Himmel (Jentsch, Max)|SScores\\1","Der K\u00f6nig jauchzt (Agricola, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","K\u00f6nig Trojan, Op.8 (Parker, Horatio)","K\u00f6nig, ein Herr ob alle Reich (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Konzertarien (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|VVocal Scores\\2","3 Koorliederen voor Vlaanderen (Tinel, Jef)|SScores\\4","Kopparslagaren (Zander, Johan David)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Koral-Melodier til den Evangelisk-christelige Psalmebog (Zinck, Hartenack Otto Conrad)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Korsfarerne, Op.50 (Gade, Niels)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2","A k\u00f6zel\u00edt\u0151 t\u00e9l (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1","Kreuzigung, Op.2a (Stenov, Michael)|RRecordings\\1","Kriegersang (Mandyczewski, Eusebius)|SScores\\1","Krieges-Angst-Seufftzer (Hildebrand, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Kronstorfer Messe, WAB 146 (Bruckner, Anton)|RRecordings\\4|SScores\\5","K\u00fcndlich gro\u00df ist das gottselige Geheimn\u00fc\u00df (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Kurze und leichte Messe, Op.50 (Stehle, Johann Gustav Eduard)|SScores\\5","K\u00fcsset den Sohn da\u00df er nicht z\u00fcrne (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","K\u00fcsset den Sohn, GWV 1104\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Kv\u00f6ldv\u00edsa (Wiehe, Holger)|SScores\\2","2 Kwartety m\u0119skie, Op.18 (Cyrbes, W\u0142adys\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Kyrie a 4 voci (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Kyrie a 4, con Strumenti (Sardelli, Federico Maria)|SScores\\1","Kyrie Angelicum (Paumann, Conrad)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Kyrie Brevis a 5, Op.1 (Sousamidis, Savvas)|SScores\\1","Kyrie eleison - Vater auf dem Himmelsthron (Trenner, Stefan)|SScores\\2","Kyrie eleison in F major (Perez, Davide)|SScores\\1","Kyrie eleison in G major (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Kyrie Eleison No.1 in C major (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, SWV 458 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\4","Kyrie eleison (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Kyrie eleison (Cocchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Kyrie eleison (Henschel, George)|SScores\\1","Kyrie et Pater noster (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","Kyrie for 3 Voices, JKB 56 (Baruk, Jason)|SScores\\1","Kyrie for 8 Voices (Sarti, Giuseppe)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Kyrie in A minor (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Kyrie in C major (Porta, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in C minor, JKB 59 (Baruk, Jason)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in C minor, MWV B 12 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Kyrie in D minor, D.31 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in D minor, D.49 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in D minor, In.169 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Kyrie in D minor (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Kyrie in D minor (Karolic, Dragan)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in E major, IGD 130 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in E major, IGD 131 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in F major, BWV 233a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Kyrie in F major (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Kyrie in F major (Porpora, Nicola Antonio)|SScores\\1","Kyrie in G major, 1765 (Valli, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Kyrie, Christe, Kyrie (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|SFull Scores\\2","Kyrie, Sanctus and Agnus Dei, ZWV 26 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Kyrie (Berecz, Mih\u00e1ly)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Kyrie (Durante, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Kyrie (Farn, Kat)|SScores\\1"],"L":["A la dolce ombra de le belle frondi (Rore, Cipriano de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\18|PScores and Parts\\18|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","A la nave (Scolari, Giuseppe)|PParts\\1","Laboravi in gemitu meo (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Laboravi in Gemitu (Rogier, Philippe)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Laboravi, RCT 16 (Rameau, Jean-Philippe)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Le Lac L\u00e9man, Op.2 No.11 (Jean, Fran\u00e7ois-Xavier)|SScores\\1","Das Lachen, G.104 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Das Lachen, WoO 13 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Lacrime di Davide, Op.21 (Marini, Biagio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Lacrimosa (Torrent, Claude)|SFull Scores\\1","Ladainha de Nossa Senhora das Dores, CPM 50a (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Ladainha de Nossa Senhora (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7","Ladainha de Nossa Senhora (Souza, Jer\u00f4nimo de)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Ladainha in A major (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Ladainha in A minor (Rodrigues, Francisco de Melo)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6","Ladainha in B-flat major (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Ladainha (Silva, Francisco Manuel da)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","The Ladies (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|SScores\\1","The Lady of the Lake (Macfarren, George Alexander)|VVocal Scores\\2","Lady on the Silver Throne (Goodhart, Arthur Murray)|SScores\\1","The Lady's Birthday (Warlock, Peter)|SScores\\1","Lady's Musical Library (Jarvis, Charles)|SScores\\1","Lady, When I Behold Your Passions (Farnaby, Giles)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Laetamini vos o caeli (Grandi, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","Laetaniae della Beata Vergine, SV 204 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Laetare mater ecclesia (Filippini, Stefano)|SScores\\1","Laetare turba (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Laetatus sum in his (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Laetatus sum, H.161 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\3","Laetatus sum, S.69 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Laetatus sum, S.70 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Laetatus sum, SV 199 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Laetatus Sum (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\17","Laetatus sum (Della Ciaja, Azzolino Bernardino)|SScores\\1","Laetatus sum (Falconi, Philipo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Laetatus Sum (Perosi, Lorenzo)|SScores\\1","Laetatus sum (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Laetatus sum (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Laetemur omnes (Cervi, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Laetentur coeli (Carturan, Carlo)|SScores\\2","Le Lagrime d'Erminia, Op.6 (Marini, Biagio)|SScores\\1","Laissez chanter les oiseaux (Tagliafico, Dieudonn\u00e9)|SScores\\1","The Lake Isle of Innisfree (Bird, Peter)|SScores\\1","The Lamb of God, Schleifer 115 (Gilchrist, William Wallace)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Lamb (Karolic, Dragan)|SScores\\1","Lamed. Matribus suis dixerunt (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Lament to my motherly (Saral, Ali Riza)|SScores\\1","Lamentabatur Jacob (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Lamentaci\u00f3n de S\u00e1bado Santo (Puente, Juan Manuel de la)|SScores\\1","Lamentatio Henrici Noel (Dowland, John)|SScores\\1","Lamentationes Ieremiae Prophetae (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\2|PParts\\2","3 Lamentationes Jeremiae in Coena Domini, S.71-73 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","6 Lamentationes pro hebdomada sancta, ZWV 53 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\15|PParts\\47|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","3 Lamentationes pro hebdomada sancta, ZWV 54 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\6","The Lamentations of Shinran (St. Clair, Richard)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Lamentationum, Liber 1 (Petrucci, Ottaviano)|SScores\\2","Lamentationum, Liber 2 (Petrucci, Ottaviano)|SScores\\2","Lamentazione per il Venerd\u00ec Santo Lectio 2 1686 (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Lamento d'Arianna, SV 107 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\17|PScores and Parts\\17","Lamento di San Francesco Saverio (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores\\2","Lamento (Chianei, Candido)|SScores\\1","Die lange und kurze Zeit, G.106 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Languente miseris (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Lapidabant Stephanum invocantem (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Las Canciones de B\u00e9cquer (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Las je n'yray plus (Costeley, Guillaume)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Las Siete Palabras (S\u00e1nchez, Jos\u00e9 Luis)|SScores\\1","Las! faut il qu'on m'estime legere (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Lasciar' il velo (Layolle, Francesco de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","La\u00df Darmstadt unter vollen Ch\u00f6ren ein jauchzendes Frolocken h\u00f6ren (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Lass dein Ohr auf Weisheit, GWV 1138\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Lass der Gottlosen Bosheit ein Ende werden, GWV 1134\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Lass der Gottlosen Bosheit ein Ende werden, GWV 1160\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","La\u00df dich's nicht irren (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Lass die Weinenden nicht ohne Trost, GWV 1157\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Lass dir an meiner Gnade gen\u00fcgen, GWV 1135\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Lass dir wohlgefallen die Rede, GWV 1135\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","La\u00df meinen Mund deines Ruhmes (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Lass mich beizeit mein Haus bestellen, TWV 1:1034 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Lass uns miteinander rechten, GWV 1163\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lass, F\u00fcrstin, lass noch einen Strahl, BWV 198 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\19|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Lasset die Kindlein zu mir kommen (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Lasset euch niemand verf\u00fchren, GWV 1149\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Lasset euer Licht leuchten, GWV 1158\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Lasset eure Lenden umg\u00fcrtet sein, GWV 1102\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Lasset fr\u00f6hlich sein, GWV 1170\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Lasset uns aufsehen auf Jesum, TWV 1:1023 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Lasset uns dem Herrn singen, GWV 1174\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Lasset uns doch den Herrn, GWV 1148\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Lasset uns doch den Herrn, GWV 1156\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Lasset uns Gott lieben, TWV 1:1026 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Lasset uns Gutes tun, GWV 1117\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Lasset uns halten an der Bekenntnis, GWV 1103\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Lasset uns hinzutreten zum Gnadenstuhl, GWV 1155\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lasset uns laufen durch Geduld, GWV 1162\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Lasset uns nicht schlafen, GWV 1116\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lasset uns Ostern halten, GWV 1128\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lasset uns Ostern halten, GWV 1128\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Lasset uns rechtschaffen sein, GWV 1108\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Lasset uns rechtschaffen sein, TWV 1:1029 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Lasset uns unser Herz, GWV 1175\/39a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Lasset uns untereinander, GWV 1112\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Lasset unsere Bitte vor, GWV 1174\/54 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Lasso ch'il crederia, LV 322 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Lasso, dicea, perche venisti Amore (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","La\u00dft uns das Kindlein wiegen (Gippenbusch, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","La\u00dft uns ein St\u00fcndlein lustig sein (Franck, Melchior)","La\u00dft uns sorgen, la\u00dft uns wachen, BWV 213 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Lasst uns zu Gottes Tempel eilen, GWV 1112\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lasst uns zur dunklen Laube gehn (Schikaneder, Emanuel)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","The Last Night of the Year (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\2","The Last Temptation of Jesus Christ (Sisca, Todd Michael-Michael)|SScores\\1","A Late Lark (Delius, Frederick)|SFull Scores\\1","Lateinische Messe No.3, Op.25 (Pembaur, Josef)|VVocal Scores\\4","Latin Mass in D-flat major (Moniuszko, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Lauda anima mea Dominum (Aichinger, Gregor)|SScores\\2","Lauda Ierusalem (Casini, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1|PParts\\7","Lauda Jerusalem Dominum (Della Ciaja, Azzolino Bernardino)|SScores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem Dominum (Desmarets, Henri)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem in D major, FaWV I:L2 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem, H.158 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Lauda Jerusalem, S.78 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Lauda Jerusalem, S.80 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Lauda Jerusalem, SV 202 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem, SV 203 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem, ZWV 102 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem, ZWV 104 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Lauda Jerusalem (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\19","Lauda Sion a 2 voci, Op.3 (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\2","Lauda Sion Salvatorem (Caruso, Giuseppe)|SScores\\2","Lauda Sion Salvatorem (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Lauda Sion, H.268 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Lauda Sion, MH 215 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|OOther\\1","Lauda Sion, Op.73 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3","Lauda suflete al meu pe Domnul ! (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Laudamus, A 596 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Laudate Ceciliam, Z.329 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\2","Laudate Dominum for 9 voices (Foggia, Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Laudate Dominum in D major, BC.161 (Morlacchi, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum in G major (Rastrelli, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Von Sachsen, Johann Georg II.)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum quoniam bonus, LV 343 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum quoniam bonus, S.57 (Lalande, Michel Richard de)|SScores\\2","Laudate dominum, CPM 76 (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum, H.152 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum, H.214 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum, S.83 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\3|PParts\\6","Laudate Dominum, ZWV 87 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Laudate Dominum (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Laudate Dominum (Mayr, Giovanni Simone)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Laudate Dominum (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Laudate Dominum (Vogler, Georg Joseph)|SScores\\1","Laudate Jehovam, TWV 7:25 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\2","Laudate mulierem fortem, C.115 (Cl\u00e9rambault, Louis-Nicolas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Laudate pueri Dominum for 8 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri Dominum, H.149 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Laudate Pueri Dominum, Op.3 (Sousamidis, Savvas)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri Dominum (Anzalone, Giacinto)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Laudate Pueri Dominum (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\19","Laudate pueri Dominum (Foggia, Francesco)|PParts\\1","Laudate pueri Dominum (Graziani, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri Dominum (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri Dominum (Wiering)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri in A major, FaWV I:L3 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri in C major (Durante, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri in D major (Nov\u00e1k, Jan Franti\u0161ek)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri in G major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, A 646 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Laudate pueri, A 647 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, CPM 77 (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, K.deest (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, S.81 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, S.82 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, S.84 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Laudate pueri, ZWV 81 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Laudate Pueri (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Laudate pueri (Strungk, Nicolaus Adam)|SScores\\7","Laudes Mariae resonans (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Laudi a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Animuccia, Giovanni)|PParts\\4","Lauert nur ihr Otterschlangen, GWV 1158\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Laughing Trio (Operti, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Laut verk\u00fcnde unsre Freude, K.623 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Lauter in der Liebe wandeln, GWV 1145\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lautrier priay de danser deux fillettes (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","The Law of the Lord is Perfect (Foote, Arthur)|SScores\\1","The Lay of the Four Winds, Op.8 (Bauer, Marion)|SScores\\1","Lazarus, D.689 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Lazarus (Edwards, Julian)|VVocal Scores\\1","A le guancie di rose (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Lead, Kindly Light (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","The League of the Alps (Busch, Carl)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Leap of Roushan Beg, Op.75 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\1","Das Leben war das Licht der Menschen, GWV 1107\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Lebensbild, D.425 (Schubert, Franz)|OOther\\2","Lebensfrohsinn (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Lebenslied, D.Anh.I\/23 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","The Lee Shore (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)|SScores\\1","La Lega (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","The Legend of Saint Cecilia (Benedict, Julius)|VVocal Scores\\1","La l\u00e9gende humaine (Dupont, Auguste)|VVocal Scores\\1","3 Legenden, Op.37 (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\4","Legenden (Loewe, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Leget ab alle Unsauberkeit, GWV 1118\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Leget alles ab von euch, GWV 1147\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Leggiadre Donne, che quella bellezza (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Lehre mich tun nach deinem Wohlgefallen, GWV 1141\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Die Lehrer werden mit viel Segen geschm\u00fcckt (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Leichtgesinnte Flattergeister, BWV 181 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Die Leiden Jesu (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2|LLibrettos\\1","Das Leiden und der Tod Jesu Christi, WacR III:6 (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Der leidende Jesus (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\3|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2","Leiligheds Sang af Dr. David, WoO 19 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5","Leise, leise lasst uns singen, D.635 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\2","L\u00e9lio, ou le retour \u00e0 la vie, H 55 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\2","Lenore (Andr\u00e9, Johann)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","6 Lenten Canticles (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Lenzgef\u00fchl (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Leoi 4, Op.81 (Ng, Sissel)|SScores\\1","Lerne dich selbst kennen (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Lernt Bescheidenheit! (Zumsteeg, Johann Rudolf)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","12 Lessons in Modern Singing for Tenor or Soprano (Rubini, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Let Ev'ry Voice Jehovah's Glory Sing (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Let God Arise, HWV 256a (Handel, George Frideric)|SScores\\3|PParts\\6","Let God Arise (Lawes, William)|SScores\\1","Let Hector, Achilles and Each Brave Commander, Z.501 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Let Independence Be Our Boast (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)|SScores\\2","Let the people praise Thee, O God (Fletcher, Percy Eastman)|SScores\\1","Let the Words of My Mouth (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Let This Mind be in You, Op.105 (Beach, Amy Marcy)|SScores\\1","Letanie e Quattro Antifone dell' Anno, Op.11 (Cossoni, Carlo Donato)|SScores\\8","Das letzte Lied, Op.9 (Beschnitt, Johannes)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Die letzten Dinge, WoO 61 (Spohr, Louis)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Die letzten Leiden des Erl\u00f6sers, H.776 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Levavi oculos meos in montes (Burlini, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Levita Laurentium (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Leyer und Schwerdt, Op.42 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Liber motetorum (Vento, Ivo de)|PParts\\4","Libera me Domine (Seyfried, Ignaz)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Libera me Domine (Stadler, Maximilian)|PParts\\1","Libera me Domine (Tuczeck, Vincenz Franz)|SScores\\1","Libera me, CPM 188 (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Libera me, Domine (Czerny, Carl)|SScores\\1","Libera me, K.54 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Libertaria (Young, Sabrina Pena)|SScores\\14|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Das Licht des Lebens scheinet hell, GWV 1107\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Das Licht scheint in der Finsternis, GWV 1107\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Licht und Liebe, D.352 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Liczba Pi, O.77 (Verotta, Davide)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Lieb, \u00fcb dein Heil! eil! (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Die Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen in unser Herz (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Die Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen in unser Herz, GWV 1139\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die Liebe leidet nicht Gesellen, GWV 1156\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die Liebe sei nicht falsch, GWV 1171\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Liebesbann (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\1","Liebeslieder Waltzes, Op.52 (Brahms, Johannes)|RRecordings\\36|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\34","4 Liebeslieder, Op.32 (Gr\u00e4dener, Carl Georg Peter)|SScores\\1","Liebeslied (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Liebesnovelle (Huber, Hans)|SScores\\1","Liebeszauber, WoO 10 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Liebet den Herrn alle seine Heiligen, GWV 1142\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Liebet eure Feinde so wird euer Lohn, GWV 1155\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Liebet eure Feinde, segnet die euch fluchen, TWV 1:1046 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Liebet eure Feinde, segnet die euch fluchen, TWV 1:1047 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Liebe (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\1","Liebster Gott vergiss mein nicht, GWV 1104\/09 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Liebster Gott vergisst du mich, GWV 1148\/11 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Liebster Gott, wenn werd ich sterben?, BWV 8 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|BBooks\\1|OOther\\3","Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen, BWV 123 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|OOther\\1","Liebster Jesu, willst du scheiden (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Lied aus G\u00f6the's Divan, G.190 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Lied beim Rundetanz, D.Anh.I\/18 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Lied im Freien, D.Anh.I\/19 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Lied im Freien (Gade, Niels)|SScores\\1","Das Lied vom blinden Hessen (Meyerbeer, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Das Lied von der Erde (Mahler, Gustav)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|OOther\\1","Das Lied von der Glocke, Op.45 (Bruch, Max)|VVocal Scores\\1","6 Lieder for Soprano or Tenor (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\2","4 Lieder for Soprano, Tenor and Bass, G.15-18 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Lieder f\u00fcr 3 M\u00e4nnerstimmen (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\6","Lieder f\u00fcr 4 M\u00e4nnerstimmen (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\8","6 Lieder f\u00fcr gemischten Chor, Op.24 (Franz, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","2 Lieder f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerchor, Op.10 (Pfeil, Heinrich)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","2 Lieder f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerquartett (Matzka, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","3 Lieder f\u00fcr Soprano und M\u00e4nner-Quartett, Op.568 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","Lieder im Volkston, Op.13 (Fr\u00f6hlich, Friedrich Theodor)|PParts\\1","3 Lieder im Volkston, Op.23 (Ramann, Bruno)|SScores\\1","3 Lieder im Volkston, Op.51 (H\u00e4ssler, Karl)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","24 Lieder mit Melodien, IJK 74 (Kirnberger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder nach Gedichten von H\u00f6lderlin (Hindemith, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Lieder und Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Bass (Schumann, Robert)|SScores\\2","5 Lieder und Ges\u00e4nge, Op.19 (K\u00fccken, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","36 Lieder und Rundges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr den M\u00e4nnerchor (N\u00e4geli, Hans Georg)|PParts\\1","4 Lieder von Walther von der Vogelweide, Op.2 (Harder, Knud)|SScores\\2","Lieder zum Gebrauche des Waysenhauses zu Z\u00fcrich (Schmidlin, Johannes)|PParts\\1","2 Lieder (Bruschius, A. G.)|SScores\\1","2 Lieder (Hegar, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","3 Lieder (Mahler, Gustav)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder (Weiss, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\2","5 Lieder, D-Tu Mk 67 (Various)|PParts\\1","2 Lieder, Op.1 (M\u00fcller, Richard)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","4 Lieder, Op.1 (Nicola\u00ef, Willem Frederik Gerard)|SScores\\1","5 Lieder, Op.1 (Gall, Jan Karol)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\7","4 Lieder, Op.3 (Kauffmann, Emil)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.6 (Rudorff, Ernst)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.7 (Kauffmann, Emil)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.8 (Henkel, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","5 Lieder, Op.13 (Zenger, Max)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","2 Lieder, Op.14 (Ansorge, Max)|SScores\\1","3 Lieder, Op.14 (Kistler, Cyrill)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","4 Lieder, Op.14 (Lyapunov, Sergey)|SScores\\1","5 Lieder, Op.14 (Reinecke, Carl)|SScores\\1","2 Lieder, Op.15 (Chomentowski, Stanislas)|SScores\\2","3 Lieder, Op.15 (Zenger, Max)|SScores\\1","2 Lieder, Op.19 (Foerster, Adolph Martin)|PParts\\1","3 Lieder, Op.19 (B\u00e4rwolf, Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.20 (Kistler, Cyrill)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.22 (Reichel, Adolf)|SScores\\1","5 Lieder, Op.23 (Reichel, Adolf)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","6 Lieder, Op.25 (Hauptmann, Moritz)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder, Op.29 (Fesca, Alexander)|SScores\\5","6 Lieder, Op.31 (Damcke, Berthold)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","3 Lieder, Op.32 (Volkmann, Robert)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder, Op.32 (Fesca, Alexander)","6 Lieder, Op.32 (Hauptmann, Moritz)|SScores\\2","3 Lieder, Op.33 (MacDowell, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","3 Lieder, Op.40b (Krug, Arnold)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder, Op.41 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","2 Lieder, Op.46 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder, Op.47 (Hauptmann, Moritz)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder, Op.48 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Lieder, Op.49 (Fesca, Alexander)|SScores\\1","10 Lieder, Op.52 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","6 Lieder, Op.63 (Esser, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","5 Lieder, Op.75 (Gumbert, Ferdinand)|SScores\\4","3 Lieder, Op.106 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\2","6 Lieder, Op.139 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\2","6 Lieder, Op.173 (Ries, Ferdinand)|PParts\\1","5 Lieder, Op.256 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.368 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","6 Lieder, Op.374 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","4 Lieder, Op.541 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","3 Lieder, Op.612 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","Liederlust (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Liete piante, verdi erbe, limpide acque (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Lift up Your Heads, O Ye Gates (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","The Light of Asia (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\3","The Light of Life, Op.29 (Elgar, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\31|VVocal Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Light of the Lonely Pilgrim's Heart (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Like Apple-Blossom, White and Red (Lloyd, Charles Harford)|SScores\\1","Like As from Heaven (Florio, Caryl)|SScores\\1","Like Silver Lamps (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","The Lily Nymph (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Lincolnshire Poacher (Dunhill, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Linde Weste wehen, D.725 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Lioba (Lange, Dani\u00ebl de)|SScores\\1","Die Lippen der Gerechten, GWV 1137\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","2 Liriche (Turchetto, Andrea)|SScores\\2","Lisetta e Castagnaccio (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SFull Scores\\1","List! For the Breeze (Goss, John)|SScores\\1","Litani\u00e6 de Beata Virgine (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Litania Ostrobramska (Moniuszko, Stanis\u0142aw)|VVocal Scores\\1","Litania pro Festo Corporis Domini, S.86 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Litania pro Festo Corporis Domini, S.88 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Litania pro Festo San Francesco Xaverii, S.85 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Litania, SWV 458 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Litaniae Beatae Mariae Virginis (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Litaniae de Beatissimae Mariae Virginae (Duni, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento, K.125 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Litaniae de venerabili altaris sacramento, K.243 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Litaniae de venerabili altaris Sacramento (Mozart, Leopold)","Litaniae de Venerabili Sacramento, MH 110 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae de Venerabili Sacramento, ZWV 147 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Litaniae de Venerabili Sacramento, ZWV 148 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Litaniae de Venerabili Sacramento (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Litaniae laurentanae (Aurisicchio, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Litaniae lauretanae in A minor (Feo, Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae in B minor (Sch\u00fctz, Anton)|PParts\\2","Litaniae lauretanae in B-flat (Hofmann, Leopold)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae in E-flat major (Muck, Beda)|SScores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae in F major (G\u00f6rbig, Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae in G major (Gr\u00fcnberger, Johann Georg)|SScores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae in G minor (Poppe, Franti\u0161ek Ludv\u00edk)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","4 Litaniae lauretanae (Valentini, Giovanni)|SScores\\4","Litaniae Lauretanae, K.109\/74e (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae, K.195\/186d (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae lauretanae, MH 88 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae, MH 120 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae, ZWV 149 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae, ZWV 150 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae, ZWV 151 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae, ZWV 152 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae (Brentner, Johann)|PParts\\7","Litaniae lauretanae (Heidenreich, Joseph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Litaniae Lauretanae (Reichenauer, Anton\u00edn)|PParts\\1","Litaniae Xaverianae, ZWV 154 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Litaniae Xaverianae, ZWV 155 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3","Litaniae Xaverianae, ZWV 156 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Litanie a 3 voci (Gattola, Paolo Maria)|SScores\\1","Litanie a 4 voci (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Litanie a 4 voci (Cimarosa, Domenico)|SScores\\2","Litanie della B.V., RicS 125 (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Litanie della Madonna (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\16","Litanie di S. Francesco Xaverio (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SScores\\2","Litanies de la sainte M\u00e8re de Dieu, Op.66 (Roullet, Herv\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Litanies de la Sainte Vierge, AWV 53 (Auber, Daniel Fran\u00e7ois Esprit)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\2","Litanies de la Vierge, H.82 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Litanies de la Vierge, H.88 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Litanies, H.780 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SScores\\1","Litanies (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Litany 1694 (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Litany in C major, Op.159 (F\u00fchrer, Robert)|PParts\\1","Little Tommy Went A-Fishing (Macy, James Cartwright)|SScores\\1","2 Liturgical Motets, JKB 70 (Baruk, Jason)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Liturgie No.3 (Mandyczewski, Eusebius)|SScores\\1","Llorad por Dios llorad (Hidalgo, Juan)|PParts\\1","Lo, the Winter is Past (Luard-Selby, Bertram)|SScores\\1","Lob auf den Dicken, WoO 100 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|SScores\\1","Lob der Torheit (Zimmermann, Bernd Alois)|SFull Scores\\1","Lob sey dem allerh\u00f6chsten Gott (Sarti, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Lob und Ehre, Weisheit und Dank, RoemV 224 (R\u00f6mhild, Johann Theodor)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Lob- und Dankkantate, Op.40 (Schwencke, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Lobe den Herren den m\u00e4chtigen, GWV 1171\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lobe den Herren, den m\u00e4chtigen K\u00f6nig der Ehren, BWV 137 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11|OOther\\1","Lobe den Herren, meine Seele (Schelle, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Lobe den Herrn meine Seele, BuxWV 71 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Lobe den Herrn meine Seele, FaWV D:L3 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Lobe den Herrn meine Seele, TWV 1:1054 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Lobe den Herrn meine Seele, TWV deest (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Lobe den Herrn meine Seele (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Lobe den Herrn meine Seele (Heinichen, Johann David)|PParts\\1","Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele, BWV 69a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|OOther\\2","Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele, BWV 69 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\1","Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele, BWV 143 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, GWV 1113\/23b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Lobet den Herrn alle seine Heerscharen, TWV 1:1061 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Lobet den Herrn auf Erden, ihr Menschenkinder (Topf, Johann)|SScores\\1","Lobet den Herrn denn unsern Gott, GWV 1141\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Lobet den Herrn denn unsern Gott, GWV 1171\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)","Lobet den Herrn ihr Berge und H\u00fcgel (Schultze, Andreas Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Lobet den Herrn in seinem Heiligtum, B.130 (Doles, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Lobet den Herrn in seinem Heiligtum (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\15","Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden, TWV 1:1058 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden (Reiter, Ernst Michael)|SScores\\1","Lobet den Namen des Herren (Zeutschner, Tobias)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen, BWV 11 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Lobet ihr Knechte des Herrn, GWV 1174\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lobet ihr V\u00f6lker unsern Gott, GWV 1174\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Lobet ihr V\u00f6lker unsern Gott, GWV 1174\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Lobsing' ihm meine Seele (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allen (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Lobt ihn mit Herz und Munde, BWV 220 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Lobt ihn mit Herz und Munde, H.379 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Lochinvar (Wood, Charles)|SScores\\1","The Long Day Closes (Sullivan, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","2 Longfellow Songs (Ray, Nick)|SScores\\1","Lontan dalla sua Fille (Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria)|SScores\\2","Look at the Clock (Bath, Hubert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Look down, harmonious saint, HWV 124 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Loquebar de testimoniis (Zucchinetti, Giovanni Bernardo)|SScores\\2","Lord have Mercy (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\2","Lord Have Mercy (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","The Lord Hear Thee in the Day of Trouble (Blow, John)|SScores\\1","Lord in Thy Rage, T 246 (Byrd, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","The Lord is full of compassion and mercy (Hayes, Philip)|SScores\\1","The Lord is King (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","The Lord is My Light, HWV 255 (Handel, George Frideric)|SScores\\2|PParts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","The Lord is My Light, Z.55 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\2","The Lord is my Shepherd (Hemery, Valentine)|SScores\\1","The Lord Is My Strength (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","Lord of All Power and Might (Mason I, William)|SScores\\2","The Lord Omnipotent Reigneth (Adams II, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Lord Ullin's Daughter (Jackson, Arthur Herbert)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Lord's Prayer (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","The Lord's Prayer (Cooke, Thomas)|SScores\\1","The Lord's Prayer (Jensen, Richard)|SScores\\1","The Lord's Prayer (Sheppard, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","The Lord's Prayer (Stith, David Joseph)|RRecordings\\2|SScores\\1","The Lord's Prayer (Stone, Robert)|SScores\\1","The Lord's Prayer (Voigt, Augustus)|SScores\\2","Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\1","Lord, what love have I unto thy law (Kent, James)|SScores\\1","Lorelei, Op.70 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\1","Los anises de la fiesta (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Los cuatro elementos No.1 (Giunta, H\u00e9ctor Fernando)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\44|VVocal Scores\\1","Los cuatro elementos No.2 (Giunta, H\u00e9ctor Fernando)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\45|VVocal Scores\\1","Los cuatro elementos No.3 (Giunta, H\u00e9ctor Fernando)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\41|VVocal Scores\\1","Los Mercaderes se asoman (Davila, Francisco)|PParts\\1","Los toreros (Gir\u00f3, Manuel)|SScores\\1","Lost Is My Quiet Forever, Z.502 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","The Lost Leader (Bantock, Granville)|SScores\\1","The Lost Love Duet (Fried, Joseph Nicholas)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Lost Son Turns Back (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SScores\\8|PParts\\52","Lotario, HWV 26 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\3","Loud blowe the wyndes (Condell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Love and Laughter, Op.5 No.2 (Rootham, Cyril Bradley)|SScores\\1","Love Came Calling (Zamecnik, John Stepan)|SScores\\1","The Love Duet (Violette, Andrew)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Love is a Sickness (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","3 Love Songs, Op.8 (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|SScores\\7","Lovely Are Maidens (Heinrich, Anthony Philip)|SScores\\2","Lovely Rosabelle (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|VVocal Scores\\1","Lovely Spring (Aguilar, Emanuel)|SScores\\1","A Lover's Counsel (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|SScores\\1","Lover's Quarrel (Winner, Septimus)|SScores\\2","Lucas-Passion, SWV 480 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Lucifer (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Lucis Creator optime (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\4","The Lucky Horseshoe (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","Luctus de morte Augustissime Maria Theresiae Regina Galliae, H.331 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Der Ludel und der Hensel, Sigel und Oswald (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Lukas Passion, TWV 5:33 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Lukas-Passion, H.784 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|PParts\\2","Lukas-Passion, TWV 5:45 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\3|OOther\\1","Lukaspassion, BWV 246 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","A Lullaby (Williams, Charles Lee)|SScores\\1","Lumen ad revelationem gentium (Palucci, Antonio Maria)|SScores\\1","3 Lurlei-Lieder (Peters, Max)|SScores\\1","Lut\u00e8ce (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|VVocal Scores\\1","Lux aeterna (Martini, Giovanni Battista)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Lux aeterna (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Lux perpetua (Foggia, Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Luz a luz, y gracia a gracia (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","La lyre et la harpe, Op.57 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Lyric, WoO 3 (Anderson, Ezra)|SScores\\1","Lytaniae de Beata Maria Virgine (Ivanschiz, Amandus)|SScores\\1","Lytanie Lauretana (Adlgasser, Anton Cajetan)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","L\u2019aura che \u2019l verde lauro et l\u2019aureo crine (Vicentino, Nicola)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6"],"M":["Ma di che debbo lamentarmi (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Macabre Festival, Op.449 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Mache dich auf Gott, GWV 1106\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Mache dich auf Gott, GWV 1122\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mache dich auf, werde Licht, GWV 1111\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mache dich los von deinen S\u00fcnden, GWV 1163\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mache dich mein Geist bereit, GWV 1102\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mache dich mein Geist bereit, GWV 1149\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit, BWV 115 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\21|OOther\\2","Machet die Tore weit, GWV 1101\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Machet die Tore weit, TWV 1:1074 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Machet die Tore weit (F\u00f6rster, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Machet die Tore weit (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9","Machet die Tore weit (Liebe, Christian)|PParts\\1","Machet die Tore weit (Reinhold, Theodor Christlieb)|SScores\\1","Machet die Tore Weit (Schelle, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Machet euch Freunde mit dem ungerechten Mammon, GWV 1150\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Machet euch Freunde mit dem ungerechten Mammon, GWV 1150\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Machet keusch eure Seelen, TWV 1:1078 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Macht euch doch mit dem Mammon Freunde, GWV 1150\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Macht hoch die T\u00fcr (Karolak, Hans-J\u00fcrgen)|SScores\\1","Der Machtprophet der Heiland spricht, GWV 1166\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Mademoiselle Sylvia (David, Samuel)|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Madonna il vostro petto \u00e8 tutto ghiaccio (Striggio, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0","Madonna, sua merc\u00e9, pur una sera (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Madre del Sommo Amore (Campana, Fabio)|SScores\\1","Madre la de los primores (Juana In\u00e9s de la Cruz)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Madrigal \u00e0 la musique (Bordes, Charles)|SScores\\1","1 Madrigal and 18 Canons (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Madrigal for 6 Voices (Thomas, William Edwin)|SScores\\1","Madrigale II (Carniel, Publio)|SScores\\1","Madrigale (Schimmelpfennig, Georg)|SScores\\1","Madrigali a 3 voci, Libro 1 (Arcadelt, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Arcadelt, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\27|OOther\\6","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Berchem, Jacquet de)|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Pordenon, Marc'Antonio de)|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Spontone, Bartolomeo)|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 1 (Verdelot, Philippe)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 2 (Agostini, Lodovico)|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 2 (Casulana, Maddalena)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\25|PScores and Parts\\25","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 2 (Rore, Cipriano de)|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci, Libro 2 (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|PParts\\4","Madrigali a 4 voci (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\19","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 1 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\10","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 1 (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|PParts\\5","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 1 (Striggio, Alessandro)|PParts\\7","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 2 (Lassus, Orlande de)|PParts\\10","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 3 (Gabrieli, Andrea)|PParts\\13","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 3 (Ruffo, Vincenzo)|PParts\\5","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 5 (Leoni, Leone)|SScores\\1","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 6 (Gagliano, Marco da)|SScores\\2","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 7 (Wert, Giaches de)|PParts\\6","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 8 (Wert, Giaches de)|PParts\\5","Madrigali a 5 voci, Libro 11 (Wert, Giaches de)|PParts\\5","Madrigali a 8 voci (Philips, Peter)|SScores\\1|PParts\\8","Madrigali a due voci, Libro 1 (Paien, Gioan)|PParts\\2","Madrigali concertati, Op.6 (Sabbatini, Galeazzo)|SScores\\1","Madrigali et arie per sonare et cantare, Book 2 (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Madrigali et symphonie, Op.2 (Marini, Biagio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8|PParts\\1","4 Madrigali (Falcone, Achille)|SScores\\1","4 Madrigali (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores\\1","Madrigali, Libri 1-2 (Zamboni, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Madrigali, Libro 1 (Turini, Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Madrigali, Libro 2 (Turini, Francesco)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5","Madrigali, scherzi, et arie per sonare et cantare, Book 3 (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Madrigalls to Fovre Voyces (Bennet, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\18|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\133","Madrigals for 4 voices (Menta, Francesco)|PParts\\4","Madrigals for Spring (St. Clair, Richard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Madrigals to 4 voyces, Book 1 (Morley, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\2","Madrigals, Book 1, SV 23\u201339 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Madrigals, Book 2, SV 40\u201359 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60\u201374 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75\u201393 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Madrigals, Book 5, SV 94\u2013106 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Madrigals, Book 9, SV 168\u2013178 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Madrigals, Libro 2 (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\131","Madrigals, Op.9 (Hathaway, Joseph William George)|SScores\\2","Madrigals (Violette, Andrew)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Madrigal (Roger-Ducasse, Jean)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Madrigal (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SScores\\1","Mag auch ein Blinder den Weg weisen (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Mag auch ein Blinder, GWV 1145\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mag auch ein Blinder, GWV 1145\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mag ich Ungl\u00fcck nicht widerstahn, GWV 1137\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Mag ich Zuflucht in eer und zucht (Peschin, Gregor)|SScores\\1","Magi viderunt stellam (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Magica sirena (Mojica, Natanael)|SScores\\1","Magna et mirabilia, HV 108 (Eybler, Joseph)","Magnalia Dei annuntiantes (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Magnifica Dominum omnes populi (Merula, Tarquinio)|SScores\\1","Magnificat 'O bone Jesu' (Fayrfax, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Magnificat 1683 (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Magnificat a 4 in B-flat major (Durante, Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\3","Magnificat a 4 voci, Op.37 No.11 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Magnificat a 5 in B-flat major (Durante, Francesco)|SScores\\2","Magnificat a 8 (Cifra, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Magnificat a 8 (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis 'Askham' (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis 'Hardy' (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\2","Magnificat and Nunc dimittis 'Hollis' (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in 3 Parts (Dyson, Peter)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in 4 Parts (Dyson, Peter)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A minor, Op.17 (Noble, Thomas Tertius)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in A minor (Rogers, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C major (Cooke, Robert)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in C major (Greene, Maurice)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D major, R55 (Moeran, Ernest John)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D major (Evans, John Thomas)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in E flat major (Creighton, Robert)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in E major (Novello, Vincent)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F major (King, Charles)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F major (Travers, John)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G major (Aldrich, Henry)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G major (Bryne, Albertus)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G major (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Darke, Harold)|SScores\\1","Magnificat anima mea, GWV 1172\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Magnificat for 4 Voices (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Magnificat for 5 voices (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Magnificat for 6 voices (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Magnificat for 9 voices (Foggia, Francesco)|PParts\\1","Magnificat in A major, S.90 (Heinichen, Johann David)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Magnificat in B-flat major, S.93 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in B-flat major, S.95 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Magnificat in C major (Kuhnau, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Magnificat in C major (Lotti, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in C major (Nov\u00e1k, Jan Franti\u0161ek)|SScores\\2","Magnificat in C major (Richter, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in C (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in D major, BWV 243 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\3|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\23|PParts\\46|VVocal Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\55","Magnificat in D major, H.772 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\16|PParts\\30|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Magnificat in D major (Agricola, Johann Friedrich)|PParts\\1","Magnificat in D major (Meucci, Giovanni Vincenzio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Magnificat in D major (Perti, Giacomo Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Magnificat in E-flat major, BWV 243a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Magnificat in F major, GraunWV D:VI:11 (Graun, Johann Gottlieb)|SFull Scores\\1","Magnificat in F major, S.91 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Magnificat in F major, S.92 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in F major (Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco)|SScores\\2","Magnificat in F major (Schnecker, Peter August)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in F minor (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in G major, FaWV H:G1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Magnificat in G minor (Bersanetti, Gianluca)|SScores\\1","Magnificat octavi toni, LV 286 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Magnificat octavi toni (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Magnificat octavi toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","Magnificat primi toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Magnificat primi toni (Hessen-Kassel, Moritz von)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Magnificat Primi toni (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Magnificat quarti toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","Magnificat Quinti Toni (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Magnificat quinti toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","Magnificat secundi toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Magnificat secundi toni (Hessen-Kassel, Moritz von)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Magnificat septimi toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","Magnificat Sesti Toni (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Magnificat sexti et primi toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","Magnificat Sexti toni (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Magnificat tertii et octavi toni (Gombert, Nicolas)|PParts\\1","Magnificat, A 652 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Magnificat, A-Ed G 9 (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat, D.486 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat, H.72 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Magnificat, H.73 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Magnificat, H.77 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Magnificat, H.78 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Magnificat, IA 3334 (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1","Magnificat, IAC 187 (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat, Op.59 (Roullet, Herv\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Magnificat, RV 610 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\10","Magnificat, WAB 24 (Bruckner, Anton)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat, ZWV 107 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","2 Magnificats in E-flat major, D-B\/2 (Durante, Francesco)|SScores\\1","16 Magnificats (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\17","Magnificat (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Magnificat (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\21","Magnificat (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Magn\u00edficat (Comes, Joan Baptista)|SScores\\1","Magnificat (Descarries, Auguste)|SScores\\5","Magnificat (Drew, Harry)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat (Gibbons, Orlando)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Magnificat (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Magnificat (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Magnificat (Le Quoynte, Louis)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Magnificat (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\20","Magnificat (Reinhardt, Johann Georg)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Magnificat (Renotte, Hubert)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Magnificat (Salas, Esteban)|SScores\\1","Magnificat (\u00datly, Miroslav)|SScores\\1","Magnum Nomen Domini (Praetorius, Michael)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mai, Op.53 (Gatter, Julius)|PParts\\5","Mailied, D.129 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Mais qui sert la richesse \u00e0 l'homme (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","La maison du docteur (Ivry, Paul d')|VVocal Scores\\1","Majest\u00e4tsche Sonnenrosse, D.64 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Make Me a Clean Heart, O God (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Malia (Vi\u00ebtor, Alba Rosa)|SScores\\1","Malvaggio horrido gelo, LV 393 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Mam'zelle Mariette (Bourgeois, \u00c9mile)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Man of Nazareth (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)|SScores\\1","Man predigt wohl viel, GWV 1106\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Man sagt in einem Sprichwort (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Man sagt von gelt und grossem g\u016ft (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Man sieht nun wohl (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Man sing, man sag, hab Freud all Tag (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg, BuxWV Anh.2 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores\\2","Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg, BWV 149 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg, TWV 1:1088 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Man singet mit Freuden vom Siege, GWV 1128\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Man spricht, wen Gott erfreut (Gesius, Bartholom\u00e4us)|SScores\\5","Mandina amabile, K.480 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Mandragora, Op.43 (Szymanowski, Karol)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","3 Mandskor, Op.38 (Nielsen, Ludolf)|SScores\\1","The Manhattan Collection (Hastings, Thomas)|SScores\\2","2 M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores\\1","3 M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re, Op.10 (Eisler, Hanns)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","3 M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re, Op.34 (Kistler, Cyrill)|SScores\\1","2 M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re, Op.56 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|SScores\\1","3 M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re, Op.86 (Meyer-Olbersleben, Max)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","M\u00e4nnerchorsatz 'En Mueters St\u00fcbele', Op.117 (Schwenkglenks, Manfred)|SScores\\1","A Manual of Psalm Tunes (Elvey, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Manuscript, I-Bc MS Q.21 (Various)|PParts\\4","Mara, Op.61 (Hummel, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","March of the Monks of Bangor (Whiting, George Elbridge)|VVocal Scores\\1","The March of Time (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Les marchands de chansons (Legouix, Isidore-Edouard)|SScores\\1","Marcus-Passion (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Margarita dai Corai (Vecchi, Orazio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Maria dolorata (Vinci, Leonardo)|SFull Scores\\2","Maria Magdalena (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\8","Maria Magdalene et altera Maria (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Maria Mater Gratiae (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Maria wallt zum Heiligtum (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\18|PScores and Parts\\18|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Maria, Op.48 (Ryelandt, Joseph Victor Marie)|VVocal Scores\\1","Maria-Liederen (Various)|SScores\\1","Le mariage de Salomon (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","2 Marian Motets (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","6 Marianische Hymnen, Op.171 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Maricela (D\u00edaz Pe\u00f1a, Sebasti\u00e1n)|SScores\\1","Mariengarten, S.62 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Marienlied No.10 in F major, Op.56 (H\u00f6gn, August)|SScores\\1","8 Marienlieder, Op.61d (Reger, Max)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","4 Marienlieder, Op.61e (Reger, Max)|SScores\\1","Le marin ivre, Op.1 No.2 (Jean, Fran\u00e7ois-Xavier)|SScores\\1","Marinero ingrato (Cuello Piraquibis, Adri\u00e1n Antonio)","The Mariners' Glee (Barker, Nathan)|SScores\\1","Marino roque surcas (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","Markus-Passion Pasticcio, BC D 5b (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3","Markus-Passion Pasticcio, BC D 5 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|PParts\\2","Markus-Passion Pasticcio, BWV 1166 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Markus-Passion, H.783 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|PParts\\2|LLibrettos\\1","Markus-Passion, H.787 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|PParts\\1","Markus-Passion, H.791 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|PParts\\1","Markus-Passion (Beber, Ambrosius)|SScores\\1","The Marriage (Mussorgsky, Modest)|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Marriage-Hater Matched, Z.602 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Mars (Bird, Peter)|SScores\\1","Il Martellato (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","The Martial Summons! (Root, Frederic Woodman)|SScores\\2","Il martirio di S. Teodosia (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","The Martyr of Antioch (Sullivan, Arthur)|VVocal Scores\\3","Mascheratta de Gratiani (Croce, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Mass 'Praise Him Praiseworthy' (Alwood, Richard)|SScores\\2","Mass dedicated to Fray Jun\u00edpero Serra (Biggs, Richard Keys)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass for 2 Voices (Pozzetti, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Mass for 3 High Voices and Organ (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\9","Mass for 3 Voices, T 2 (Byrd, William)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Mass for 3 Voices (Sna\u00ebr, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Mass for 4 Voices in F major (Pavona, Pietro Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mass for 4 Voices, SV 190 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\29","Mass for 4 Voices, SV 257 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|RRecordings\\5|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Mass for 4 Voices, T 1 (Byrd, William)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Mass for 4 Voices (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Mass for 5 Voices, T 3 (Byrd, William)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Mass for 6 Voices, SV 205 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Mass for Eight Operatic Voices (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Mass in A major 'Quia mihi et tibi' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in A major, StWV 114 (Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in A major (Barton, Marmaduke Miller)|SScores\\1","Mass in A major (Lotti, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mass in A major (Schuster, Joseph)|SScores\\2","Mass in A major (Wagenseil, Georg Christoph)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in A minor 'Mundata est lepra eius' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in A minor, D.755 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\2","Mass in A minor (Brunetti, Giovan Gualberto)|SScores\\1","Mass in A minor (Herbeck, Johann von)|SScores\\1","Mass in A minor (Theile, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Mass in A-flat major, D.678 (Schubert, Franz)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\17|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in A-flat major (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Mass in B minor 'Matris dolorosae' (Caldara, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in B minor, BWV 232 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\47|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\56|PParts\\55|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\81","Mass in B minor (Dossert, Frank)|SScores\\1","Mass in B-flat major 'Liberae dispositionis' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in B-flat major 'Sancti Francisci' (Caldara, Antonio)|PParts\\2","Mass in B-flat major, D.324 (Schubert, Franz)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7|PParts\\9","Mass in B-flat major, Hob.XXII:10 (Haydn, Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8|PParts\\26|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Mass in B-flat major, Hob.XXII:12 (Haydn, Joseph)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\4","Mass in B-flat major, Op.2 No.2 (Kayser, Isfrid)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in B-flat major, Op.37 (Renner, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Mass in B-flat major, StWV 115 (Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in B-flat major (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Mass in B-flat major (Farmer, Henry)|SScores\\1","Mass in C major 'Desiderij' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Mass in C major 'di Toson' (Caldara, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major 'Divi Xaverii' (Caldara, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major 'Fidei vivae' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major 'Gratiarum' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Mass in C major 'Laudate eum omnes angeli eius' (Caldara, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, A-Ed A 26 (Ehrenhardt, Johann Franz)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, A-Ed A 44 (Caldara, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, A-Ed A 174 (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, D-LEb Go. S. 264 (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, D.452 (Schubert, Franz)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, Hob.XXII:9 (Haydn, Joseph)|RRecordings\\17|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Mass in C major, K.66 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|OOther\\4","Mass in C major, K.257 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, K.262\/246a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Mass in C major, K.317 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\12|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Mass in C major, Op.2 No.5 (Pinzger, Romanus)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C major, Op.86 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in C major, Op.108 (Krommer, Franz)|SScores\\1","Mass in C major, Op.169 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|RRecordings\\6|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\3","Mass in C major (Cerruti, Giuseppe)|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in C major (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores\\1","Mass in C major (Schubert, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Mass in C minor, K.427\/417a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\38|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in C minor, Op.147 (Schumann, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in C minor (Durante, Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mass in C minor (Filtz, Johann Anton)|SScores\\1","Mass in C minor (Schubert, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Mass in C minor (\u0160kroup, Franti\u0161ek)|SScores\\1","Mass in D major 'Intende in adiutorium meum' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major 'Vix orimur morimur' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\4|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major, FaWV G:D1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Mass in D major, MH 796 (Haydn, Michael)|RRecordings\\6|SScores\\1","Mass in D major, Op.86 (Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Anton\u00edn)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\24|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Mass in D major, P.46 (Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in D major, P.58 (Danzi, Franz)|SScores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major, PWV B15 (Winter, Peter von)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major (Bioni, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Mass in D major (Cavi, Giovanni)|PParts\\1","Mass in D major (Harrer, Gottlob)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\3|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in D major (Meucci, Giovanni Vincenzio)|SScores\\4|PParts\\4","Mass in D major (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Mass in D major (Pisani, Giovanni)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major (Sarro, Domenico Natale)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major (Schenuit, Alfons William)|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major (Schreyer, Gregor)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in D major (Zannetti, Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mass in D minor 'Providentiae' (Caldara, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Mass in D minor, Hob.XXII:11 (Haydn, Joseph)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\46|VVocal Scores\\6","Mass in D minor, Op.10 (Paine, John Knowles)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\7","Mass in D minor (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Mass in D minor (Righini, Vincenzo)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in D minor (Sarro, Domenico Natale)|PParts\\1","Mass in D (Peters, William Cumming)|SScores\\1","Mass in E major, Op.4 (Trowbridge, John Eliot)|SScores\\1","Mass in E minor 'Comemorationis' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Mass in E minor 'Dolorosa' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Mass in E minor (Kurpi\u0144ski, Karol)|SScores\\2","Mass in E minor (Schubert, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Mass in E minor (Soares, Artur Penha)|SScores\\1","Mass in E-flat major, CPM 118 (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in E-flat major, D.950 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\9|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\4","Mass in E-flat major, GraunWV A:VI:1 (Graun, Johann Gottlieb)|SScores\\2","Mass in E-flat major, Hob.XXII:4 (Haydn, Joseph)|RRecordings\\6","Mass in E-flat major, Op.5 (Beach, Amy Marcy)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\5","Mass in E-flat major, Op.80 (Hummel, Johann Nepomuk)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in E-flat major (Concone, Giuseppe)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mass in E-flat major (Filtz, Johann Anton)|SScores\\1","Mass in E-flat major (Fiske, William Orville)|VVocal Scores\\11","Mass in E-flat major (Kluger, Johann Florian)|PParts\\15","Mass in E-flat major (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Mass in E-flat major (Saupe, Christian Gottlob)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mass in E-flat major (Schuster, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Mass in E-flat major (Seyfried, Ignaz)|PParts\\1","Mass in F major (D-Dl Mus.2170-D-11) (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in F major, D.105 (Schubert, Franz)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\9|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\7","Mass in F major, FaWV G:F1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Mass in F major (Cimarosa, Domenico)|SScores\\1","Mass in F major (Emiliani, Emiliano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\8","Mass in F major (Jommelli, Niccol\u00f2)|PParts\\1","Mass in F major (Poniatowski, J\u00f3zef)|VVocal Scores\\2","Mass in F major (Sarro, Domenico Natale)|SScores\\3","Mass in F minor (Tosh, Robert)|SScores\\6","Mass in G major 'Consolationis' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in G major, BWV 236 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Mass in G major, D.167 (Schubert, Franz)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Mass in G major, Op.1 No.1 (B\u00fchler, Franz)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in G major, Op.46 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|VVocal Scores\\7","Mass in G major, WoO VI\/2 (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|PParts\\10","Mass in G major (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Mass in G major (Sarro, Domenico Natale)|SScores\\2","Mass in G major (Seixas, Carlos)|SScores\\1","Mass in G minor 'Reformata' (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\4|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in G minor, BWV 235 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\3","Mass in G minor (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Mass in G minor (Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Mass in G minor (Scheibl, Johann Adam)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in G minor (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Mass in G minor (Wagenseil, Georg Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mass in Honor of St. Anthony (Biggs, Richard Keys)|SScores\\1","Mass in Honor of St. Patrick (Wiegand, John)|VVocal Scores\\2","Mass in Honor of St. Pius V (Stewart, Humphrey John)|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass in Honor of the 'Little Flower' (Yon, Pietro)|SScores\\1","3 Mass Movements - Migrant (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Mass No.1 in B-flat major, Op.77 (Hummel, Johann Nepomuk)|RRecordings\\6|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13","Mass No.1 in D minor, WAB 26 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\18|PParts\\41|VVocal Scores\\3|DSketches and Drafts\\1","Mass No.1 in D minor (Schuster, Joseph)|SScores\\5","Mass No.1 in F major (Giorza, Paolo)|SScores\\1","Mass No.1, Op.20 (W\u00fcllner, Franz)|SScores\\2","Mass No.1, Op.143 (Battmann, Jacques-Louis)|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","Mass No.1 (Baker, Dorothea)|SScores\\4","Mass No.2, Op.29 (W\u00fcllner, Franz)|SScores\\1","Mass No.3 in C major (Vit\u00e1sek, Jan Nepomuk Augustin)|PParts\\1","Mass No.3 in E-flat major, Op.111 (Wels, Charles)|SScores\\5","Mass No.3 in F minor, WAB 28 (Bruckner, Anton)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mass No.5 'Requiem', Op.9 (Haller, Michael)|SScores\\1","Mass No.6 in G major (Schuster, Joseph)|SFull Scores\\6","Mass No.12 in A minor (Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","A Mass of Life, RT II\/4 (Delius, Frederick)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass of St. Joseph (McManus, Stephen)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mass of the Annunciation (Baetens, Charles M)|SScores\\1","Mass of the Ascension (McManus, Stephen)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Mass of the Assumption (Baetens, Charles M)|SScores\\1","Mass of the Nativity (McManus, Stephen)|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass Pair for Christmas (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Mass Pair for Penitence (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Mass, Op.4 (Callaerts, Joseph)|SFull Scores\\1","Mass, Op.4 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Mass, Op.6 (Klose, Friedrich)|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass, Op.12 (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7|PParts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\66","Mass, Op.28 (Hol, Richard)|SScores\\1","Mass, Op.43 (Andr\u00e9, Johann Anton)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Mass, Op.55 (Bibl, Rudolf)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mass, Op.67 (Bibl, Rudolf)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mass, Op.105 (Plante, Cyril)|SFull Scores\\5","Mass, ULB Mus.Ms.325 (Fuchs, Valentin)|PParts\\1","Mass, ULB Mus.Ms.326 (Fuchs, Valentin)|PParts\\1","A Massabielle, Op.77 (Roullet, Herv\u00e9)|SScores\\1","9 Masses and 12 Offertories, Op.1 (Ganspeckh, Wilhelm)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","5 Masses (Petrucci, Ottaviano)|PParts\\1","6 Masses, Op.1 (B\u00fchler, Franz)|PParts\\17","6 Masses, Op.1 (Fischer, Matth\u00e4us)|PParts\\18","6 Masses, Op.2 (Pinzger, Romanus)|PParts\\1","Die Ma\u00dfnahme, Op.20 (Eisler, Hanns)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Mass (Pazzaglia, Salvatore)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5","Mass (Tomeoni, Pellegrino)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mass (Violette, Andrew)|SScores\\1","Master Cells (Nelson-King, Peter Roddy)|SScores\\1","Mater patris et filia (Brumel, Antoine)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Matinas de Pentecostes (Portugal, Marcos)|SScores\\1","Matinas de Santo Ant\u00f4nio (Souza, Jer\u00f4nimo de)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9","Matin\u00e9e dans la montagne, CG 190 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\1","Matin\u00e9e musicale, A 208-217 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Matona mia cara, LV 663 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Matrosenlied (Lachner, Vinzenz)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Matth\u00e4us Passion (Vulpius, Melchior)|SScores\\1","Matth\u00e4us-Passion, H.782 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\2|LLibretti\\1","Matth\u00e4us-Passion, H.790 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SScores\\1","Matth\u00e4us-Passion, H.802 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SScores\\1","Matth\u00e4us-Passion, SWV 479 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|VVocal Scores\\2","Matth\u00e4us-Passion (Walter, Johann)|SScores\\3","Matth\u00e4uspassion, BWV 244b (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|LLibrettos\\1","Matth\u00e4uspassion, BWV 244 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\11|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\28|PParts\\29|VVocal Scores\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\59|OOther\\13","Die Maurerfreude, K.471 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","May Morning (Distin, Theodore)|SScores\\1","Mayer Cantata, WAB 60 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Maying (Smith, Alice Mary)|SScores\\1","Maylied (Fonseca, Ida Henriette da)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Me vu\u00f2 bene s\u00ec, o n\u00f2? (Denza, Luigi)|SScores\\1","The Meadow Lark (Vi\u00ebtor, Alba Rosa)|SScores\\1","Medio Evo (Frontini, Francesco Paolo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Meditabor in mandatis tuis, LV 692 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Medita\u00e7\u00f5es (Tavares, Luciano)|SScores\\1","Meditation on a Ruin (Lambert, Edward)|SScores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","M\u00e9ditations pour le Car\u00eame, H.380-389 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\20|PScores and Parts\\20","2 Meditations, Op.67 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Das Meer, Op.31 (Nicod\u00e9, Jean Louis)|SFull Scores\\2","Megy a g\u0151z\u00f6s... (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Mehala (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|VVocal Scores\\2","319 Mehrstimmige Choralges\u00e4nge und geistliche Arien (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\2","Mein Alter k\u00f6mmt, ich kann nicht sterben (Kuhnau, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Mein bester Freund, mein Jesus weint (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Mein Freudenlicht hat sich verborgen, GWV 1133\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mein Freund ist mein und ich bin sein, R 5.1.130 (Tag, Christian Gotthilf)|PParts\\1","Mein Freund komme in seinen Garten (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Mein Freund! (Hegar, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Mein freundlichs B (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Mein gbl\u00fct und sin (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Mein Gott betr\u00fcbt ist meine Seele, GWV 1104\/11a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mein Gott du tr\u00e4gst mich, GWV 1145\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mein Gott ich sch\u00e4me mich, TWV 1:1114 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mein Gott, mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen? (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Mein Gott, nimm die gerechte Seele, BWV Anh.17 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen?, GWV 1118\/12a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen?, GWV 1123\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen?, GWV 1127\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange, BWV 155 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\1","Mein Heiland deiner Tugend Licht, GWV 1158\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Mein Heiland neigt sein Haupt, GWV 1127\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Mein hertz fert hin (Peschin, Gregor)|SScores\\1","Mein Herz dichtet ein feines Lied (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Mein Herz ehrt Gott, GWV 1114\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mein Herz ist bereit (Vierdanck, Johann)|SScores\\1","Mein Herz klebt nicht mehr an der Erde, GWV 1136\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mein Herz singt und spielt, GWV 1161\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mein Herz soll treu an Jesu hangen, GWV 1103\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mein Herz wie hast du Haus gehalten, GWV 1150\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mein Herz zieh redliches Erbarmen, GWV 1145\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mein himmlischer Vater (Othmayr, Caspar)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mein Jesus bleibet mir (Liebhold)|SScores\\1","Mein Jesus ist mein Hausgenosse, GWV 1113\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mein Jesus seufzet, GWV 1153\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mein Kind verwirf die Zucht des Herrn nicht, TWV 1:1128 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Mein Kind wenn du krank wirst, GWV 1165\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Mein Leben beginnt jeden Morgen neu (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\1","Mein liebster Jesus ist verloren, BWV 154 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\4","Mein M\u00fctterlein (Isaac, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Mein Schatz mein Jesus ist verloren, GWV 1112\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mein Sch\u00f6nste Zier (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mein S\u00fcnd' mich werden kr\u00e4nken sehr, GWV 1163\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mein Teddyb\u00e4r (Ganglberger, Johann Wilhelm)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Meine Freundin, du bist sch\u00f6n (Bach, Johann Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Meine Kindlein lasset uns nicht lieben, GWV 1153\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Meine Kindlein lasset uns nicht lieben, GWV 1154\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Meine Lieben wir sind nun Gottes Kinder, GWV 1126\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Meine Schafe h\u00f6ren meine Stimme, TWV 1:1102 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Meine Seele d\u00fcrstet nach Gott, GWV 1112\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Meine Seele erhebt den Herren, SWV 494 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Meine Seele erhebt den Herren (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn, GWV 1171\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn, GWV 1171\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn, TWV 9:18 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn (Bach, Johann Ernst)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Meine Seele ist stille zu Gott, GWV 1114\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Meine Seele r\u00fchmt und preist (Hoffmann, Melchior)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Meine Seufzer meine Klagen, GWV 1154\/09b (Graupner, Christoph)|PParts\\1","Meine Seufzer, meine Tr\u00e4nen, BWV 13 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Meine S\u00fcnden betr\u00fcben mich, P.364 (Pachelbel, Johann)|SScores\\1","Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht, BWV 124 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht, GWV 1170\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Meinen Jesum will ich lieben, TWV 1:1098 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Meister was mu\u00df ich tun (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Meister wir wissen, GWV 1164\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Meister, wir haben die ganze Nacht gearbeitet (Vulpius, Melchior)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Des Meisters Geistersang (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\2","M\u00e9langes autographes, Vol.2 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","La m\u00eal\u00e9e (Guimet, \u00c9mile)|VVocal Scores\\1","Melodeyen Gesangbuch (Various)|SScores\\1","Melodia Sacra (Weyman, David)|SScores\\6","Melod\u00eda, Op.69 (Cruz, Antonio de la)|SScores\\1","Melod\u00eda, Op.125 (Cruz, Antonio de la)|SScores\\1","Melodie na Psa\u0142terz Polski (Gom\u00f3\u0142ka, Miko\u0142aj)|SScores\\1","3 Melodien zu 'Wir gl\u00e4uben all' an einen Gott' (Hiller, Johann Adam)|SScores\\1","Melodien zu Gellert's Geistlichen Oden und Liedern (Doles, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Melodier til Landstads Salmebog (Lindeman, Ludvig Mathias)|SScores\\3","4 M\u00e9lodies d'apr\u00e8s R.M. Rilke, Op.13 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\4","15 M\u00e9lodies (Destribaud, Paul)|SScores\\1","20 M\u00e9lodies (Ugalde, Delphine)|SScores\\1","4 M\u00e9lodies, Op.7 (Grechaninov, Aleksandr)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Melting Airs (Hayes, William)|SScores\\2","Membra Jesu Nostri, BuxWV 75 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Memento Domine David, S.97 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Memento Domine David, ZWV 98 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Memento II (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Memento I (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Memento mei, CPM 189 (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Mement (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Memorial Cantata, Op.65 (Glazunov, Aleksandr)|VVocal Scores\\1","Men and Angels, Op.51 (Davies, Walford)|VVocal Scores\\3","La menace des Francs, H 117 (Berlioz, Hector)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\3","Menando un giorno (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Mengelberg Cantata (Dopper, Cornelis)|SScores\\1","M\u00e9nines, Op.3 No.4 (Jean, Fran\u00e7ois-Xavier)|SScores\\1","Der Mensch vom Weibe geboren, GWV 1157\/09a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Mensch, wilt du leben seliglich, W51 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Mensch, wiltu leben seliglich (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Des Menschen Sohn geht aus zu s\u00e4en, GWV 1118\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Das menschliche Leben (Hetsch, Louis)|PParts\\1","Menschliche Nichtigkeit (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Die menschliche Stimme, G.155 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Mentre fioriv\u2019amor, LV 65 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Mentre io tutta ripongo in Dio, S.610 (Marcello, Benedetto)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mentre l'aura spir\u00f2 nel verde Lauro (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Mentre la donna, anzi la vita mia (Striggio, Alessandro)","The Merchant Kalashnikov (Rubinstein, Anton)|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","The Merchant of Venice (Sullivan, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Merciless Beauty (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Mercy n'aura qui ne prend a mercy (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Merk auf mein Herz und sieh dorthin, GWV 1111\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Merk auf mein Herz (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Merkt auf ihr Seelen Jesus lehrt, GWV 1141\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Merkt Seelen was Jesus spricht, GWV 1118\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","The Mermaid (Edwards, Julian)|VVocal Scores\\1","Merry Gypsies (Smart, George)|SScores\\1","Mes Vers Fuiraient (Mourey, Colette)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Messa a 3 voci (Rossi, Luigi Felice)|SScores\\1","Messa a 3 voci (Ventrella, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Messa \u00e0 Cinque Voci (Duni, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Messa a grand'orchestra in D minor (Cortese, Filippo)|SScores\\1","Messa \u00e0 quattro in canone, R.514\/8 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","Messa a quattro voci con orchestra, SC 6 (Puccini, Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messa breve \u00e0 5 voci, Op.17 No.1 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores\\6","Messa canonica (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Messa concertata a 4 voci (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Messa Cristo Re (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Messa da Requiem (Anzoletti, Marco)|SScores\\3","Messa da Requiem (Frontini, Francesco Paolo)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Messa della morte (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Messa della Santissima Trinit\u00e0 (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Messa di Defonti (Capuana, Mario)|SScores\\1","Messa di Gloria e Credo, A 606 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\2|PParts\\2","Messa di Gloria (Mercadante, Saverio)|SFull Scores\\1","Messa e salmi a 4 voci con istromenti, Op.14 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Messa e salmi a 5 voci con 4 istromenti, Op.36 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Messa e salmi a 5 voci, Op.17 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Messa e salmi concertati a quattro voci, Op.2a (Perti, Giacomo Antonio)|PParts\\14","Messa e salmi concertati, Op.4 (Albergati, Pirro Capacelli Conte)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Messa e salmi concertati (Grandi, Alessandro)|PParts\\1","Messa Eucaristica (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Messa facile in onore di S. Lucia, Op.180 (Bottazzo, Luigi)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Messa Facilissima, Op.100 (Ravanello, Oreste)|SScores\\1","Messa funebre per 3 soli e orchestra (Gattola, Paolo Maria)|SScores\\1","Messa Il buon Pastore (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Messa in D major, Op.16 (Finotti, Marco)|SScores\\1","Messa in pastorale (Bencini, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Messa in pastorale (Gazzaniga, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Messa melodica in honor of St. Margaret (Yon, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Messa Pastorale in G major (Richter, Franz Xaver)|RRecordings\\6","Messa per la Settimana Santa (Mayr, Giovanni Simone)|SScores\\2","Messa Solenne in B minor (Ravanello, Oreste)|SScores\\1","Messa solenne in B-flat major (Witt, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Messa solenne in E-flat major (Witt, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Messa Solenne in onore di S. Oreste, Op.83 (Ravanello, Oreste)|SScores\\1","Messa, e salmi a 3 voci, Op.24 (Cazzati, Maurizio)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Messa, e salmi concertati \u00e0 3, 4 e 5 voci (Colonna, Giovanni Paolo)|PParts\\1","Messa, e Salmi da concertarsi nel'Organo (Usper, Francesco)|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Messa, salmi concertati e parte da capella, et letanie della B. V. (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Messaggera dei fior (Cattozzo, Nino)|SScores\\1","Il Messaggero di Dio, Op.24 (Masotti, Celestina)|SScores\\1","Messa (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Messe \u00e0 2 voix \u00e9gales (Neukomm, Sigismund)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Messe \u00e0 8 voix et 8 violons et fl\u00fbtes, H.3 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Messe \u00e0 grand orchestre, CG 55 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\1","Messe \u00e0 la m\u00e9moire de Jeanne d'Arc, CG 74 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messe a tre concertate, Op.16 (Milanuzzi, Carlo)|PParts\\1","Messe \u00e0 trois voix (Dodement, Arthur)|SScores\\2","Messe \u00e0 trois voix (Vasseur, L\u00e9on)|SScores\\1","Messe br\u00e8ve (Cimarosa, Domenico)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messe de la d\u00e9livrance (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Messe de minuit pour No\u00ebl, H.9 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messe de Requiem, Op.23 (Bomtempo, Jo\u00e3o Domingos)|SFull Scores\\3","Messe Delicta iuventutis meae ne memineris (Butz, Tobias)|SScores\\7","Messe des morts, H.7 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Messe des orph\u00e9ons (Grisy, Auguste)|SScores\\1","Messe des rameaux (Godefroid, F\u00e9lix)|VVocal Scores\\2","Messe du T. S. Sacrement et Quam dilecta (Neukomm, Sigismund)|SScores\\1","Messe e motetti concertate, Op.18 (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Messe f\u00fcr den Gr\u00fcndonnerstag, Op.71 (Stenov, Michael)|RRecordings\\3|SScores\\3","Messe pastorale (Valenti, Avelino)|SScores\\1","Messe pontificale (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\1","Messe pour l'Avent et le Car\u00eame (Cimarosa, Domenico)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messe pour le Samedi de Paques, H.8 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Messe pour les tr\u00e9pass\u00e9s, H.2 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Messe solennelle 'Pour chanter Notre Dame' (Dierickx, Edmond)|SScores\\2","Messe solennelle \u00e0 quatre voix et ch\u0153urs (Adam, Adolphe)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messe solennelle de Sainte-C\u00e9cile, CG 56 (Gounod, Charles)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Messe Solennelle No.3, Op.11 (Guilmant, Alexandre)|SFull Scores\\7","Messe Solennelle No.3 (Giorza, Paolo)|SScores\\2","Messe solennelle No.22 (Dietsch, Pierre-Louis)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Messe solennelle, AWV 52 (Auber, Daniel Fran\u00e7ois Esprit)|SFull Scores\\2","Messe solennelle, H 20 (Berlioz, Hector)|SFull Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Messe solennelle, Op.20 (Samie, Auguste)|SScores\\1","Messe solennelle, Op.145 (Dulcken, Ferdinand Quentin)|VVocal Scores\\6","Messe solennelle (Rousseau, Samuel Alexandre)|SScores\\1","Messe, H.1 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Messe, Op.13 (Saint-Martin, L\u00e9once de)|SScores\\1","Messiah, HWV 56 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\305|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\18|PParts\\58|VVocal Scores\\40|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\108|LLibrettos\\1|OOther\\3","Der Messias, TWV 6:4 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","The Metaphysical Rap (Sohst, Wolfgang)|SScores\\1","Methinks I hear the full celestial choir (Crotch, William)|SScores\\1","M\u00e9thode compl\u00e8te de vocalisation (Panseron, Auguste Mathieu)|SScores\\4","50 Metrical Anthems (Metcalfe, Joseph Powell)|SScores\\1","Le Meurtre d'Abel (Benoit, Peter)|SFull Scores\\1","Mexico (Gastinel, L\u00e9on)|SScores\\1","Mezza Notte (Gabussi, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","Mia benigna fortuna, LV 10 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","La mia ninna-nanna t'addormenter\u00e0 (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Mia Terra (Milita, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Mich hungert Herr nach deiner Gnade, GWV 1121\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mich jammert herzlich, GWV 1151\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mich \u00fcberf\u00e4llt mein Kreuz, GWV 1153\/09a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Midi (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Midnight and Noon (Clarke, Hamilton)|SScores\\1","The Mighty Conqueror (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\2","Milda (Moniuszko, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Miles Lane (Shrubsole, William)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mille Flocons (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Milly (Chester, Pauline)|SScores\\1","Mi\u00f1a Terri\u00f1a (Viro, Angel)|SScores\\2","Mine Is the Mourning Heart (Foster, Stephen)|SScores\\2","The Minstrel and the King, Op.16 (Beach, Amy Marcy)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Mir hat die Welt tr\u00fcglich gericht, GWV 1103\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Mir ist ein rot Goldfingerlein (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Mirabile mysterium (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Mirabile mysterium (Handl, Jacob)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Mirami, vita mia, miram' un poco (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Mirtillo hat ein Sch\u00e4felein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Misa a cuatro voces (Pagueras, Cayetano)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Misa a Santa Cecilia, Op.30 (Maino, Ulises)|SScores\\8","Misa a tres voces y \u00f3rgano (Prota Carmena, Maria Isabel)|SScores\\1","Misa a tres voces (Ferrero, Ra\u00fal)|SScores\\1","Misa Coral, Op.70 (Prota Carmena, Maria Isabel)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Misa de requiem, Op.22 (Rodr\u00edguez, Pablo Andr\u00e9s)|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\34|VVocal Scores\\2","Misa Dos Olivais (Requena, Iordi)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Misa San Francisco de Javier (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Misera che far\u00f2, LV 591 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Miserere for 4 Voices (Haeser, August Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","Miserere in C minor, Op.11 No.2 (Kobrich, Johann Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere in C minor, P.71 (Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Miserere in C minor (Harrer, Gottlob)|SScores\\3|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere in C minor (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Miserere in C minor (Kolberer, Cajetan)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere in C minor (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Miserere in C minor (Uhlich, August)|SScores\\1","Miserere in D minor (Kolberer, Cajetan)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere in G major, S.682 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Miserere in G minor (A-Wn HK.209) (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere in G minor (D-Dl Mus.2170-E-4) (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere in G minor (Kolberer, Cajetan)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere mei Deus (Sabatino, Nicola)|OOther\\1","Miserere mei, Domine (Assisi, Ruffino d')|SScores\\1","Miserere, CG 144 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\1","Miserere, Christe, mei (Ebart, Samuel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Miserere, H.219 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SFull Scores\\1","Miserere, LWV 25 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Miserere, Op.12 (B\u00fchler, Franz)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere, Op.26 (W\u00fcllner, Franz)|SScores\\2","Miserere, Psaume 50 (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)|SScores\\1","Miserere, Salmo 50 (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere, WoO 7.4 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Miserere (Allegri, Gregorio)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\23|PScores and Parts\\23|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Miserere (Bueno, Julio A.)|SScores\\2","Miserere (Carapella, Tommaso)|SScores\\1","Miserere (Dur\u00e1n, Jos\u00e9)|PParts\\2","Miserere (Ehrenhardt, Johann Franz)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Miserere (Martinez, Marianne)|SScores\\1","Miserere (Platti, Giovanni Benedetto)|SScores\\1","Miserere (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\2","Miserere (Sammartini, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Miserere (Scarlatti, Francesco)|PParts\\4","Miserere (Vogler, Georg Joseph)|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Misericordia and Vocem PreIntroits (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Misericordias Domini (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Misericordias tuas (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Misero! o sogno, K.431\/425b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa 'Deo Gratias' (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","Missa 'In honorem S. Angelorum Custodum', Op.13 (Molitor, Johann Baptist)|SScores\\1","Missa 'In honorem S. Fidelis a Sigmaringa Martyris', Op.12 (Molitor, Johann Baptist)|SScores\\1","Missa 'Maria, consolatrix afflictorum' (Zoller, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Missa 'Regina coeli' (Kerle, Jacobus de)|SScores\\1","Missa 'Tota pulchra es Maria', Op.11 (Molitor, Johann Baptist)|SScores\\1","Missa 'Un jour l'amant et l'amye' (Romero, Mateo)|SScores\\1","Missa 'Vivat Rex' (Madin, Henry)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Missa \u00e0 4 (Capricornus, Samuel)|SFull Scores\\1","Missa a 9 in G major (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Missa \u00e0 16 voci in Quattro Cori (Fasch, Karl Friedrich Christian)|SFull Scores\\18|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Missa A l\u2019ombre d\u2019ung buissonet (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Missa a note Nere (Rore, Cipriano de)|SScores\\4","Missa abreviada in D major (Oliveira, Manoel Dias de)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Ad Dulcissimum Cor Jesu, Op.41 (Stehle, Johann Gustav Eduard)|SScores\\1","Missa ad imitationem moduli J\u00e4ger, LV 622 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\36|PScores and Parts\\36|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Missa ad imitationem moduli Puis que j'ai perdu, LV 620 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Missa ad imitationem moduli Surge propera, LV 625 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\7","Missa ad imitationem moduli Susanne un Jour, LV 408 (Lassus, Orlande de)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa Aeterna Christi munera (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa Agnus redemit Oves (Molinari, Marco)|SScores\\1","Missa Alma Redemptoris mater (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\6","Missa Angeli Custodis (Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor)|SScores\\1","Missa Archi Episcopalis \u00e0 19 (Hofer, Andreas)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13","Missa Ascendens Christus in altum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\15","Missa Aspice Domine (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\6","Missa Attende Domine, Op.193 (Peters, Rob)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Missa Ave Maria in E-flat major, Op.48 (Fuchs-Sch\u00f6nbach, Ernst)|SScores\\1","Missa Ave Maris Stella (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\5","Missa Ave maris stella (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\8","Missa Ave Regina (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","Missa Beata Dei genetrix (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\15","Missa Beatissimae Virginis Mariae, MH 15 (Haydn, Michael)|RRecordings\\6","Missa Brevis a 6 (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Missa brevis in B-flat major, K.275\/272b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\2","Missa brevis in C major, K.220\/196b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa brevis in C major, K.258 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa brevis in C major, K.259 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\3","Missa brevis in D major, K.194\/186h (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa brevis in D minor, K.65\/61a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|DSketches and Drafts\\1","Missa brevis in D minor (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Missa brevis in F major, K.192\/186f (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa brevis in G major, K.49\/47d (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","Missa brevis in G major, K.140\/Anh.C 1.12 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa Brevis in G (Makowski, Julius L.)|SScores\\1","Missa Brevis na 4 G\u0142osy M\u0119skie (P\u0119kiel, Bart\u0142omiej)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa brevis pro omni tempore, Op.1 (Stenov, Michael)|RRecordings\\4","Missa brevis, BuxWV 114 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Missa brevis, Op.15 (Molitor, Johann Baptist)|SScores\\1","Missa brevis, Op.28 (Ngo, Ethan)|SScores\\6","Missa brevis (Biber, Carl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Missa brevis (Ferber, Richard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Brevis (Scott, Douglas Walter)|SScores\\1","Missa brevis (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Missa brevis (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Cantate (Sheppard, John)|SScores\\2","Missa Carolus Sextus II (Ragazzi, Angelo)|SScores\\1","Missa Carolus Sextus I (Ragazzi, Angelo)|SScores\\1","Missa Charitatis, ZWV 10 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Circumcisionis, ZWV 11 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\7","Missa Clementina II (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","Missa concertata (Cima, Giovanni Andrea)|SScores\\1","Missa Corporis Domini, ZWV 3 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Missa Corpus Domini, ZWV 9 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\6|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Corpus Domini (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Missa Da pacem (Bauldeweyn, Noel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\17|PScores and Parts\\17","Missa de Beata Maria (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\8","Missa de Beata Virgine (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\6","Missa de oitavo tom (Oliveira, Manoel Dias de)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa de Santa Cec\u00edlia, CPM 113 (Nunes Garcia, Jos\u00e9 Maur\u00edcio)|SScores\\2|PParts\\22","Missa de Segunda-feira Santa (Bemfica, Ant\u00f4nio Martiniano da Silva)|SScores\\3","Missa de Sta. Francisca (Kreutzer, Conradin)|RRecordings\\6","Missa Dei Amoris, Op.36 (Dumler, Martin G.)|SScores\\1","Missa Dei Filii, ZWV 20 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Dei Patris, ZWV 19 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa Deo gratias, Op.50 (Neuhofer, Franz)|VVocal Scores\\8","Missa di nona, Op.205 (Neuhofer, Franz)|SScores\\1","Missa di S. Conradi (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\5","Missa Divi Xaverii, ZWV 12 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Missa dominicalis (Reinhardt, Johann Georg)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Dum complerentur (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Missa duplex per totum annum (Stoltzer, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Missa e Credo in E-flat major (Cunha, Ant\u00f4nio dos Santos)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\35|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa El Ojo (Pe\u00f1alosa, Francisco de)|SScores\\13","Missa Et ecce terr\u00e6 motus (Brumel, Antoine)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\22|PScores and Parts\\22","Missa Eucharistica, ZWV 15 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Eucharistica (Perosi, Lorenzo)|SScores\\6","Missa Eucharistica (Steffen, Elmer Andrew)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa ex F (Aumann, Franz Josef)|RRecordings\\6","Missa Exultate Deo (Arens, Franz Xaver)|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa festiva No.2 (Hammerel, Victor)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Fidei, ZWV 6 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa for 5 voices (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\2","Missa Gaudeamus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","Missa Gaudens, Op.22 (Dumler, Martin G.)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Gratias agimus tibi, ZWV 13 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3","Missa Hor le tue forze adopra (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\2","Missa Hosanna filio David (Yon, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Missa Humilis (Dion, Denis Alain)|SScores\\1","Missa Il bianco e dolce cigno (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Missa Immaculatae Conceptionis Beata Mariae Virginis (Reutter, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in A major (Baliani, Carlo)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in A minor (Cannicciari, Pompeo)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4","Missa in B-flat major, NovB 1a:51 (Brixi, Franti\u0161ek Xaver)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in B-flat major, ProH 28 (Hofmann, Leopold)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major, A I 9 (Zechner, Johann Georg)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major, B.Anh.1 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Missa in C major, BurG I\/2 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major, BurG I\/3 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\2","Missa in C major, D-NATk NA\/SP (H-59) (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major, M.146.7 (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|PParts\\4","Missa in C major, MH 546 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1","Missa in C major, M\u00fadZi VIII\/1:zwC3 (Zimmermann, Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major, Op.26 No.1 (Kobrich, Johann Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major, W.XIX:C9 (Vanhal, Johann Baptist)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major (Boog, Johann Nepomuk)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in C major (Traetta, Tommaso)|SScores\\1","Missa in C minor, SchE Missa 13 (Bachschmid, Anton Adam)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in Contrapuncto (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Missa in C (Ivanschiz, Amandus)|SScores\\1","Missa in D dorian (Casini, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1","Missa in D major, A-Ed A 159 (Fuchs I, Johann Nepomuk)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in D major, Op.31 No.1 (Kobrich, Johann Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in D major, S.2 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Missa in D major, S.3 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SFull Scores\\6|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\3","Missa in D major, S.4 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Missa in D major, S.5 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Missa in D major, S.7 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Missa in D major, S.9 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Missa in D major, S.10 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\5","Missa in D major, W.XIX:D1 (Vanhal, Johann Baptist)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in D major (Brandl, Johann Evangelist)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in D major (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SFull Scores\\1","Missa in D major (Mancini, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Missa in D major (Reutter, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in D major (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|PParts\\3","Missa in D minor, MH 2\/3 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in D minor (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|NNaxos\\0","Missa in E minor, BurG I\/7 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\4|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in E minor, NovB Ia:17 (Brixi, Franti\u0161ek Xaver)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in E minor (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Missa in F major, S.12 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa in F major, S.13 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Missa in F major, S.14 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Missa in F major, SchAl A.I.20 (Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in G major, BurG I\/9 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","Missa in G major (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Missa in G major (Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio)|SScores\\1","Missa in G major (Casali, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Missa in G major (Feo, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Missa in G major (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\2","Missa in G major (Hoffstetter, Roman)|RRecordings\\6|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\2","Missa in G major (Leo, Leonardo)|SScores\\1","Missa in G minor 'Ultima' (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Missa in G minor, SchE deest (Bachschmid, Anton Adam)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in G minor (Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa in G minor (Hasse, Johann Adolph)|SFull Scores\\1","Missa in honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis de Lourdes, Op.41 (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Missa in honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo (Walkiewicz, Eugeniusz)|SScores\\1","Missa in honorem S. Josaphat Episcopi et Mart., Op.45 (Walkiewicz, Eugeniusz)|SScores\\1","Missa in honorem S. Josephi Sponsi B.M.V., Op.6 (Garbusi\u0144ski, Kazimierz)|SScores\\1","Missa in honorem Sanctae Jeanne d'Arc (Cuypers, Hubert)|SScores\\1","Missa in honorem Sancti Gotthardi, MH 530 (Haydn, Michael)|RRecordings\\6","Missa in honorem Sancti Joannis Apostoli et Evangelistae (Walkiewicz, Eugeniusz)|SScores\\1","Missa in memoriam Francisco Liszt, Op.68 (Weber, Kristof J.)|SScores\\1","Missa Integra, ZWV 23 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa IV super Angelus ad Pastores (Praetorius, Hieronymus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa Janua Coeli (Nebbia, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Missa Judica me, ZWV 2 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3|PParts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa Laetatus sum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Missa L\u2019homme arm\u00e9 (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6","Missa Malheur me bat (Obrecht, Jacob)|SScores\\1","Missa Mater admirabilis, Op.86 (Griesbacher, Peter)|SScores\\1","Missa Mille regretz (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Missa Misericordiae (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Missa Nativitatis Domini, ZWV 8 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\7","Missa non tota (Reichenauer, Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6","Missa Nossa Senhora das Merc\u00eas, M.R. Op.42 (Santos, Marcos Vinicius Ribeiro dos)","Missa nuptialis (Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Missa O magnum mysterium (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Missa O quam gloriosum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Missa O salutaris hostia (La Rue, Pierre de)|SScores\\1","Missa octavi toni (Lotti, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Missa Omnium Sanctorum, ZWV 21 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\7|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa Paschalis, ZWV 7 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa paschalis (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Missa Pastorale, Op.147 (Diabelli, Anton)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Pastorale (Lickl, Johann Georg)|SFull Scores\\6|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa pastoralis bohemica (Ryba, Jakub Jan)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Missa Pastorella (Reindl, Constantin)|SScores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Pastoritia, Op.8 (B\u00fchler, Franz)|PParts\\19","Missa Pater peccavi (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa Pequena and Credo in C major (Sousa, Joaquim de Paula)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Missa per il Santissimo Natale di Nostro Signore (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SScores\\1","Missa prima, Op.12 (Garbusi\u0144ski, Kazimierz)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Missa pro Defunctis (Anerio, Giovanni Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa pro defunctis (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Missa Pro defunctis (Brumel, Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa pro Defunctis (Cardoso, Manuel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Missa pro defunctis (Ett, Kaspar)|RRecordings\\7|SScores\\2","Missa pro Defunctis (Lotti, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Missa pro defunctis (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\6","Missa pro defunctis (Neukomm, Sigismund)|SScores\\1","Missa pro defunctis (Perosi, Lorenzo)|SScores\\1","Missa pro Defunctis (Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio)|SScores\\14","Missa pro defunctis (Siewi\u0144ski, Andrzej)|PParts\\1","Missa pro defunctis (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\11","Missa pro pace, Op.644 (La Hache, Theodor von)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa pro victoria (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\7","Missa Prolationum (Ockeghem, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Missa Purificationis Sanctae Mariae (Novotn\u00fd, Franz Nikolaus)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Purificationis, K.28 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Purificationis, ZWV 16 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Quadragesimalis, K.29 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Missa Quam pulchri sunt (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\7","Missa Quarti toni (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7|PParts\\8","Missa Quatuor vocum (Scarlatti, Domenico)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa Quem Dicunt Homines (Divitis, Antonius)|SScores\\1","Missa Rorate Caeli, Op.192 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\2","Missa Salisburgensis (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","Missa Salve Regina (Stehle, Johann Gustav Eduard)|SScores\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Missa Sancta Caeciliae, ZWV 1 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\4","Missa Sancta No.1, Op.75a (Weber, Carl Maria von)|RRecordings\\6|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancta No.2, Op.76 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Antonii Durcovici Martyris (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Missa Sancti Antonii Paduani (Poppe, Franti\u0161ek Ludv\u00edk)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Gabrielis, MH 17 (Haydn, Michael)|RRecordings\\6|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Henrici (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|SScores\\1","Missa Sancti Hieronymi, MH 254 (Haydn, Michael)|RRecordings\\6","Missa Sancti Josephi, ZWV 14 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa Sancti Leopoldi, HerEy 12 (Eybler, Joseph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Martini, DorA I.7 (Aumann, Franz Josef)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Michaelis, HV 2 (Eybler, Joseph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\2","Missa Sancti Petri (Reichenauer, Anton\u00edn)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Missa Sancti Spiritus, ZWV 4 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Stephani (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sancti Wolfgangi, HV 11 (Eybler, Joseph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sanctissim\u00e6 Trinitatis, E.113 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Missa Sanctissimae Trinitatis, ZWV 17 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Sanctorum Apostolorum, HV 15 (Eybler, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Missa Se la face ay pale (Dufay, Guillaume)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Missa secunda, IGP 60 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Missa sexdecim vocibus concinenda (Abbatini, Antonio Maria)|SScores\\1|PParts\\13","Missa sexti toni (Lotti, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Missa Si bona suscepimus (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6","Missa Simile est regnum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","Missa sine nomine (Spontone, Bartolomeo)|SScores\\1","Missa solemnis in C major, K.337 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Missa solemnis in C major, M\u00fadZi VIII\/1:C4 (Zimmermann, Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Solemnis in C major, S.74 (Hummel, Johann Nepomuk)","Missa Solemnis in C major (Lickl, Johann Georg)|RRecordings\\6","Missa solemnis in C minor, K.139\/47a (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\3|OOther\\2","Missa solemnis No.2 (Cherubini, Luigi)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","Missa solemnis No.3 (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Missa Solemnis No.4, Op.67 (Stehle, Johann Gustav Eduard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Solemnis, JKB 37 (Baruk, Jason)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Missa solemnis, Op.40 (Kiel, Friedrich)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1","Missa solemnis, Op.110 (Lindpaintner, Peter Joseph von)|SFull Scores\\1","Missa solemnis, Op.123 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|RRecordings\\10|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\28|VVocal Scores\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|OOther\\1","Missa solemnis, ProH 14 (Hofmann, Leopold)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa solemnis, WAB 29 (Bruckner, Anton)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\12","Missa Solemnis (Mechelaere, Edward)|SFull Scores\\2","Missa Solennis, KWV 3101 (Kreutzer, Conradin)|RRecordings\\6|SScores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Solennis, S.9 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Missa sopra 'Ach Gott im Himmel sieh darein', TWV 9:1 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Missa sopra 'Durch Adams Fall ist ganz', TWV 9:4 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Missa sopra 'Ein Kindelein so l\u00f6belich', TWV 9:5 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\3","Missa sopra 'Erbarm dich mein o Herre Gott', TWV 9:6 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Missa sopra 'Es wird schier der letzte Tag herkommen', TWV 9:7 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Missa sopra 'Komm heiliger Geist', TWV 9:11 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Missa Stella quam viderant magi (Anerio, Giovanni Francesco)|SScores\\1","Missa Sti. Joannis Nepomucensis, K.34a (Fux, Johann Joseph)|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa super Bella Amfitrit' altera, LV 1146 (Lassus, Orlande de)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\33","Missa super cantu Romano (Heredia, Pedro de)|SScores\\1","Missa super Christ lag in Todesbanden (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Missa super Fr\u00e8re Thibault, LV 417 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Missa super Quam mirabilis (Burck, Joachim a)|PParts\\1","Missa Super Scalam Aretinam (Lopez Capillas, Francisco)|SScores\\1","Missa super Surrexit pastor bonus, LV Anh.105 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\2","Missa super Surrexit pastor bonus (Vento, Ivo de)|SScores\\2","Missa Surge propera (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\6","Missa Sursum Corda, Op.8 (Hamma, Franz)|SScores\\1","Missa Suscipe Deprecationem Nostram (Reutter der \u00c4ltere, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Missa tempore Quadragesima, MH 553 (Haydn, Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Missa tota in canone (Aigner, Engelbert)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Missa Tota (Baal, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Missa Trahe me post te (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\7","Missa Tribus Vocibus Virorum (Benoit, Peter)|SScores\\1","Missa Ubi Caritas, Op.75 (Spada, Luca)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Missa Ultimi miei sospiri (Monte, Philippe de)|RRecordings\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Missa Un gay bergier (Handl, Jacob)|RRecordings\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Missa Vestiva i colli \u00e0 5 (Graziani, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","Missa Videte manus meas (Aston, Hugh)|SScores\\3","Missa Vidi speciosam (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\8","Missa VIII Octo vocum (Hassler, Hans Leo)|RRecordings\\5|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Missa Vita hominis brevis est (Reinhardt, Johann Georg)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa vocalis (Hor\u00e1k, V\u00e1clav Emanuel)","Missa Votiva, ZWV 18 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Missa Vulnerasti cor meum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\6","Missa, Op.20 (Ebner, Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Missa, Op.91 (Rinck, Christian Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","6 Missae breves, Op.2 (Gleissner, Franz)|PParts\\11","16 Missae (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|PParts\\13","6 Missae, Op.1 (Gleissner, Franz)|PParts\\11","8 Missae, Op.1 (Kraus, Lambert)|PParts\\8","Missarum diversorum auctorum (Petrucci, Ottaviano)|PParts\\9","Missarum, Liber 1 (Josquin Desprez)|PParts\\2","Missarum, Liber 1 (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\4","Missarum, Liber 2 (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\3","Missarum, Liber 3 (Josquin Desprez)|PParts\\1","Missa (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Missa (Schieferdecker, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","6 Missis solennibus, Op.31 (Kobrich, Johann Anton)|PParts\\10","Mit deiner zucht (Greiter, Matthias)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Mit Ernst ihr Menschenkinder, GWV 1104\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Mit Ernst, o Menschenkinder (Eccard, Johannes)","Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin, BWV 125 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin (Agricola, Martin)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mit fried und freud ich far dahin (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mit Gott, so w\u00f6ll'n wir's heben an (Vento, Ivo de)|SScores\\1","Mit H\u00f6rnerschall und Lustgesang (Stollewerk, Nina)|SScores\\1","Mit Lust th\u00e4t ich ausreiten (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Mit Lust trit ich an diesen Tanz (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Mit Lust zu tragen mir gef\u00e4llt (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Der mit S\u00fcnden beleidigte Heiland, TWV 1:306 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1","Die mit Tr\u00e4nen s\u00e4en werden mit Freuden ernten (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Die mit Tr\u00e4nen s\u00e4en (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Die mit Tr\u00e4nen s\u00e4en, GWV 1133\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die mit Tr\u00e4nen s\u00e4en, werden mit Freuden ernden, JLB 8 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Mittat vobis (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Mitten wir im Leben sind (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Mitten wir im leben sind (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\35|PScores and Parts\\35","Mitternacht, WAB 80 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Moderen, Op.41 (Nielsen, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Moderne Melodie a voce sola con 2, 3, 4 e 5 stromenti e organo (Grossi, Carlo)|SScores\\1","6 Moduli (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|SScores\\2","Mon amyti\u00e9 tousiours augmente (Arcadelt, Jacob)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mondenschein, D.875 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Mondnacht, JWV 82 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Mondnacht (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Monstra te esse matrem, C.132 (Cl\u00e9rambault, Louis-Nicolas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Moore's Irish Melodies (Various)|SScores\\21|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Moralis Hispani et multorum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","6 Moralische Kantaten, TWV 20:23-28 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","More Daisies (Lehmann, Liza)|SScores\\2","Der Morgen (F\u00fchrer, Robert)|PParts\\1","Der Morgen, Op.27 (Ries, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\2","Morgen-Segen: Die g\u00fcldne Sonne (Ebeling, Johann Georg)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Morgenstern ist aufgedrungen (Thiel, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Morir non puo'l mio core (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Moritur in ligno (Giovannelli, Ruggiero)|SScores\\1","Morning and Evening Service in A major (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\1","Morning and Evening Service in G major (Cooke, Benjamin)|PParts\\1","Morning and Evening Service (Wesley, Samuel)|SScores\\2","The Morning Cometh (Hastings, Horace Lorenzo)|SScores\\1","The Morning of the Year (Cadman, Charles Wakefield)|SScores\\2","Morning Service in E-flat major, Op.168 (Loretz, John M.)|SScores\\4","Morning, Evening and Communion Service in B-flat major, Op.10 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Mors et vita, CG 33 (Gounod, Charles)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\42|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\19","La mort d'Oph\u00e9lie, H 92 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","La mort d'Orph\u00e9e (Delibes, L\u00e9o)|VVocal Scores\\1","Mortales gozemos (Literes, Antonio)|PParts\\1","La morte delusa (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","La morte di san Giuseppe (Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\4|VVocal Scores\\7","Morte e sepoltura di Cristo (Caldara, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Morven and the Grail, Op.79 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\1","Moses, Op.67 (Bruch, Max)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1","Most Glorious Lord of Life! (West, John Ebenezer)|SScores\\1","Motecta cum octo vocibus (Gherardini, Arcangelo)|PParts\\4","Motectorum a 4 voci, Liber 1 (D'India, Sigismondo)|PParts\\1","Motet de Sainte C\u00e9cile (Jullien, Gilles)|SScores\\2","Motet for 4 Voices (Hollinrake, Horace)|SScores\\1","Motet pour la Vierge, H.359 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Motet pour une longue offrande, H.434 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Motet, Op.2 No.7 (Hovhannisyan, Gor)|SScores\\2","3 Motetes, Op.147 (Eslava, Hilari\u00f3n)|SScores\\1","3 Motetes, Op.156 (Eslava, Hilari\u00f3n)|SScores\\1","Motetos e Miserere para a Prociss\u00e3o dos Passos (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","8 Motets \u00e0 4 & 5 voix (Mouton, Jean)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","3 Motets \u00e0 la Sainte Vierge, Op.31 (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Motets \u00e0 une, deux et trois voix, Op.1 (Bernier, Nicolas)|SScores\\3","Motets de feu mr. de Lalande (Lalande, Michel Richard de)|SScores\\25","5 Motets en l'honeur du Sacr\u00e9-Coeur (Walczy\u0144ski, Franciszek)|SScores\\1","3 Motets for the Epiphany, Op.18 (Grassi, Ciro)|SScores\\8","Motets pour la chapelle du Roy (Du Mont, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\22|PScores and Parts\\22","3 Motets (Josquin Desprez)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","3 Motets (Roger-Ducasse, Jean)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\3","4 Motets (Josquin Desprez)|SScores\\1","6 Motets (Bo\u00ebllmann, L\u00e9on)|SScores\\2","16 Motets (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Motets, Livre 1 (Campra, Andr\u00e9)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\12","Motets, Livre 2 (Campra, Andr\u00e9)|SScores\\5","Motets, Livre 2 (Cl\u00e9rambault, Louis-Nicolas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Motets, Livre 3 (Campra, Andr\u00e9)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Motets, Livre 3 (Cl\u00e9rambault, Louis-Nicolas)|SScores\\1","Motets, Livre 4 (Campra, Andr\u00e9)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Motets, Livre 5 (Campra, Andr\u00e9)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","2 Motets, Op.21 (Grassi, Ciro)|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","12 Motets, Op.42 (Pelucchi, Eva)|SScores\\1","5 Motets, Op.50 (McGrath, Joseph J.)|SScores\\1","4 Motets, Op.69 (McGrath, Joseph J.)|SScores\\1","15 Motette f\u00fcr den M\u00e4nnerchor (N\u00e4geli, Hans Georg)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","3 Motetten, Op.41 (Hauptmann, Moritz)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Motetti a 1-3 voci, I-Bc V.165 (Various)|PParts\\1","Motetti a due, tre et quattro voci, Libro 3 (Grandi, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Motetti a voce sola con due violini, Op.41 (Tarditi, Orazio)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Motetti con sinfonie, Libro 1 (Grandi, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Motetti con sinfonie, Libro 3 (Grandi, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","Motetti concertati, Op.5 (Rovetta, Giovanni)|PParts\\1","Motetti e sonate concertati, Op.6 (Merula, Tarquinio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Motetti, Op.11 (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Motetti (Carissimi, Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Motettorum, Book 10 (Attaingnant, Pierre)|PParts\\4","Mother Goose Medley (Gracey, William Adolphe)|SScores\\1","Mottetti a 1, 2 e 3 voci con violini, e senza, Op.13 (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Mottetti a voce sola, Op.11 (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores\\1","Mottetti a voce sola (Buccelleni, Giovanni Nicola)|SScores\\7","Mottetti passeggiati, Libro 1 (Kapsperger, Giovanni Girolamo)|SScores\\1","Mottetti sacri ad una, due, tr\u00e8, e quattro voci con violini (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Mottetti, I-MOe Mus.F.1143 (Stradella, Alessandro)|SScores\\2","Mottetti, Op.7 (Leonarda, Isabella)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Mottetti (Meda, Bianca Maria)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Mottetto per San Gaudenzio (Mercadante, Saverio)|SFull Scores\\1","Mount Sinai (Neukomm, Sigismund)|VVocal Scores\\3","The Mountebanks (Martin, Easthope)|SScores\\1","Mozart and Salieri, Op.48 (Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","A Mozart Imitation No.2: Aria Written for Cantonese 'If I Could Go Back' (Takami, Erik)|SScores\\1","Mozarts Gedaechtnis Feyer (Cannabich, Carl August)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Mr. & Mrs. Brown (Foster, Stephen)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","M\u0161a glagolskaja (Jan\u00e1\u010dek, Leo\u0161)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Msza ma\u0142a, Op.5 (Garbusi\u0144ski, Kazimierz)|SScores\\1","Msza No.1 (Nidecki, Tomasz Napoleon)|SScores\\1","Msza pasterska, Op.76 (Elsner, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Msza pastoralna (Sieros\u0142awski, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Msza polska (Wallek-Walewski, Boles\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Msza \u017ba\u0142obna (Kope\u0107, Kacper)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Msza \u017ca\u0142obna (Krogulski, J\u00f3zef W.)|SScores\\1","Msza \u017ca\u0142obna (Wallek-Walewski, Boles\u0142aw)|PParts\\2","Msza, Op.80 (Elsner, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Msza (Zientarski, Romuald)|SScores\\1","Mulier quae erat (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Des M\u00fcllers Lust und Leid (Z\u00f6llner, Carl Friedrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Mundus insanus valeat (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Muses, chantez le loz de la princesse (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Musette, Op.3 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Die Music g\u00f6nnt uns Gott zur Freud' (Hessen-Kassel, Moritz von)|SScores\\1","Music in the Mine (Dett, Robert Nathaniel)|SScores\\1","Music of the Church (Various)|SScores\\2","Musica cum Musis (Hessen-Kassel, Moritz von)|SScores\\1","Musica da tavola per il giorno del nome di Federico Augusto, S.267 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\3|PParts\\5","Musica Dei donum optimi, LV 999 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\21|PScores and Parts\\21","Musica diversa (Tiburtino, Giuliano)|PParts\\3","Musica ecclesiastica da capella, Op.10 (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|PParts\\4","The Musical Ass (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","The Musical Casket (Various)|SScores\\1","The Musical Trust, Op.67 No.2 (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","Musicalische Seelenlust, Teil 2 (Michael, Tobias)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\6","Musicalische Trostquelle (Briegel, Wolfgang Carl)|SScores\\2","Musicalischer Andachten, Teil 3 (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Musicalischer Freuden- und Andachtswecker (Staden, Johann)|PParts\\4","Musicalischer Leuthe-Spiegel (Speer, Daniel)|PParts\\2","Musicche di Camera Libro Quarto, Op.4 (Valentini, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Musiche corali (Banchieri, Adriano)|SScores\\1","Musiche Sacre (Cavalli, Francesco)|RRecordings\\4|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8|PParts\\12","Die Musik (Winter, Peter von)|PParts\\1","Musikalisch-t\u00fcrkischer Eulenspiegel (Speer, Daniel)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\8","Musikalische Exequien, Op.7 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|RRecordings\\4|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\37|PScores and Parts\\37|VVocal Scores\\2","Musikalisches Allerley (Various)|SScores\\8","Musikalisches Kunstbuch (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Musikalisches Kunstmagazin (Reichardt, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\10","Der Musikfeind (Gen\u00e9e, Richard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Musiques et Chants du Moyen-Age (Ad\u00e8s) (Various)|RRecordings\\2","Mu\u00df nicht der Mensch auf dieser Erden (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores\\1","Mu\u00df nicht der Mensch immer in Streit sein, TWV 1:1146 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","M\u00fcsst' ich auch durch tausend Drachen, K.435\/416b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|SScores\\1","Muteti duo (Pichler, Rudolf Johann)|SScores\\1","My Bonnie Lass She Smileth (German, Edward)|SScores\\1","My Delight and Thy Delight (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SScores\\1","My Delight and Thy Delight (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\1","My Earl of Essex (Potter, Stephen)|SScores\\1","My God, my God, look upon me (Reynolds I, John)|SScores\\1","My Heart and My Tree (Bliss, Philip Paul)|SScores\\2","My Heart is Inditing, HWV 261 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","My Heart was Glad (Carnall, Arthur)|SScores\\1","My Lady of Sleep (Hopekirk, Helen)|SScores\\1","My Mom's Prayer (Saral, Ali Riza)|RRecordings\\4|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|LLibrettos\\1","My Muse (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","My soul doth magnify the Lord (Farmer, John)|SScores\\1","My Voice Thou Shalt Hear (Neukomm, Sigismund)|SScores\\1","My Wee Wife Waiting at the Door (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","Mynheer Vandunck (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|VVocal Scores\\3","Myrrha, M.29 (Ravel, Maurice)|SScores\\1"],"N":["Na ust koralu (Marczewski, Lucjan)|SScores\\1","Nach dir will ich mich sehnen, TWV 1:1149 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich, BWV 150 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Nachdem die Sonn beschlossen (Eccard, Johannes)","Nachkl\u00e4nge, D.873a (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Nacht der Erde (Silcher, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Die Nacht der Leiden Jesu (Schwencke, Christian Friedrich Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","Die Nacht ist vergangen, GWV 1101\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Die Nacht, Op.99 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\2","Nachthelle, D.892 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Nachtwache, ML 58 (Schultz, Johannes)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Nad grobem, Op.8 (Rudkowski, Mateusz)|SScores\\1","Nagy Isten \u00e9gi diadala,j\u00f6tt le ma! (Lovas, Imre)|SScores\\1","Nahet euch zu Gott, GWV 1144\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Nahet euch zu Gott, GWV 1163\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Name des Herren (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores\\1|PParts\\8","Der Name des Herrn, GWV 1162\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Namensfeier f\u00fcr Franz Michael Vierthaler, D.294 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\2","Nanas de la cebolla (Mart\u00ednez Garc\u00eda, Salvador)|SScores\\1","Naomi (Chipp, Edmund Thomas)|VVocal Scores\\2","Narcisse (Massenet, Jules)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","Nasce la pena mia (Striggio, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Nascondiglio (Mascia, Giuseppe)|SFull Scores\\1","Il natale d'Apollo (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\4","National Ode (Damrosch, Leopold)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","National Psalmody (Forbes, Henry)|SScores\\2","Nativitas unde gaudia \/ Nativitas tua, Dei genitrix (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","The Nativity according to St. Luke (Bullard, Frederic Field)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Nativity, Op.38 (Paine, John Knowles)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Nativity (Adams II, Thomas)","The Nativity (Stewart, Humphrey John)|VVocal Scores\\1","Natur und Liebe, Op.61 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|SScores\\2|PParts\\6","Der nat\u00fcrliche Mensch vernimmt nichts vom Geiste, GWV 1119\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Natus est nobis Deus de Deo (Handl, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","La nave Santa Maria pre\u00f1ada (Tello, Miguel)|PParts\\1","Ne confide (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Ne irascaris Domine (Byrd, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\20|PScores and Parts\\20","Ne recorderis (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Ne timeas Maria (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Ne timeas Maria (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\17","Nebuchadnezzar (Dyson, George)|VVocal Scores\\1","Negliya que quele (Dur\u00f3n, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Nehmet das Wort an mit Sanftmut, GWV 1134\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Nehmet das Wort an mit Sanftmut (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Nehmet euch untereinander auf, GWV 1102\/11a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Neige deine Ohren mein Gott, GWV 1125\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Neighborhood (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SScores\\2|PParts\\54|OOther\\1","Nella notte che fu s\u00ec buja (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Nella pietra e nel legno (Donella, Valentino)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Nesciens Mater (Lambe, Walter)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Nessun visse gi\u00e0 mai pi\u00f9 di me lieto (Marenzio, Luca)","Nessun visse giamai, LV 777 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Nestor, Who Did to Thrice Man's Age Attain, Z.503 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","75 Neu aufgenommene Chor\u00e4le zum neuen Hamburgischen Gesangbuche (Schwencke, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","25 Neue Choralmelodien (Hiller, Johann Adam)|SScores\\1","Neue Liebeslieder Waltzes, Op.65 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Neue Lieder und Choralmelodien, LadK deest (Knecht, Justin Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Neuer lieblicher und zierlicher Intraden (Altenburg, Michael)|SScores and Parts\\120|PScores and Parts\\120","Das neugeborne Kindelein, BWV 122 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\2","Das neugeborne Kindelein (Liebe, Christian)|PParts\\1","The New Choir and Congregation (Root, George Frederick)|SScores\\1","The New Earth, Op.85 (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|VVocal Scores\\2","New Imperial Edition Tenor Songs (Northcote, Sydney)|SScores\\1","The New Life (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)|SScores\\1","New Sacred Melodies (White, W. J.)|SScores\\2","The New-Born King (Fletcher, Percy Eastman)|SScores\\1","Newe Deudsche Geistliche Gesenge (Rhau, Georg)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Newe Teutsche geistliche und weltliche Liedlein (Glanner, Caspar)|PParts\\8","Das newgebohrne Kindelein, BuxWV 13 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Nicht so traurig nicht so sehr, GWV 1113\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Nicht uns Herr, GWV 1153\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Nicht unserm Namen, Herr, Op.31 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","Nichtig ist doch was wir sch\u00e4tzen (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\2","Nichts, nichts kann mich verdammen, TWV 1:1153 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Niedrigkeit ist ein Spott, TWV 1:1157 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Niemand kann Jesum einen Herrn heissen, GWV 1134\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Niemand kann Jesum einen Herrn heissen, GWV 1140\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","The Night Has a Thousand Eyes (Gaines, Samuel Richards)|SScores\\1","Night, Op.47 (Schwenkglenks, Manfred)|SScores\\1","Night, TH 88 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|SScores\\1","The Nightingale and the Rose, EV 34 (Bitzan, Wendelin)|RRecordings\\5|SScores\\1","Nigra sum sed formosa filia (Dognazzi, Francesco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Nigra sum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Nihil est sub sole quietum (Lorenzani, Paolo)|SScores\\1","Nimm nicht zu Herzen, TWV 1:1160 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nimm von uns Herr du treuer Gott, H.373 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott, BWV 101 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\2","Nimm, was dein ist, und gehe hin, BWV 144 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\4","Ninfe in belli semplicete (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1","Ninna nanna (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus (1697) (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SFull Scores\\1","Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum (Asola, Giammateo)|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus in D major, FaWV I:N1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Nisi Dominus, A 650 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Nisi Dominus, H.160 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Nisi Dominus, HWV 238 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Nisi Dominus, K.deest (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus, RV 803 (Vivaldi, Antonio)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus, S.99 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Nisi Dominus, SV 200 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus, SV 201 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus, ZWV 92 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Nisi Dominus (Adolfati, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\19","Nisi Dominus (Casini, Giovanni Maria)|PParts\\9","Nisi Dominus (Della Ciaja, Azzolino Bernardino)|SScores\\1","Nisi Dominus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Nisi tu Domine (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","No che lass\u00f9 nei cori, S.489 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","No longer mourn for me (Somervell, Arthur)|SScores\\1","No riches from his scanty store (Cooke, Robert)|SScores\\1","Nobis natus, nobis datus (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Noble Numbers, Op.28 (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\5","Noblesse gist au coeur du vertueux (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Les noces de Prom\u00e9th\u00e9e, Op.19 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Les noces, K040 (Stravinsky, Igor)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\2","La nocte acquieta (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Noctem quietam (Hahn, Reynaldo)|SScores\\1","Nocturne, musique de sc\u00e8ne (Hahn, Reynaldo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","3 Nocturnes fran\u00e7ais (Gail, Sophie)|SScores\\1","2 Nocturnes (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\2","12 Nocturnes (Paz, Narciso)|SScores\\1","Le No\u00ebl des Pauvres (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","No\u00ebl (Busnois, Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","No\u00ebl (L\u00fctgen, Paul)|SScores\\1","El Noi de la Mare (Rondeau, Michel)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\28","Nolo mortem peccatoris (Morley, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Non aspettare Godot (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Non corruptibilibus (Dall'Albero, Claudio)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Non \u00e8 s\u00ec denso velo (Wert, Giaches de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Non ex virili semine (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Non Fecit Taliter (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Non mai non cangero (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Non mi toglia il ben mio (Gesualdo, Carlo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Non moriar (Senfl, Ludwig)","Non nobis Domine, Hob.XXIIIa:1 (Haydn, Joseph)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Non pi\u00f9! Tutto ascoltai, K.490 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2","Non rumor di tamburi o suon di trombe (Conforti, Giovanni Battista)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Non si levav\u2019ancor l\u2019alba novella, SV 40 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18","Non s\u00f2 dir se pena sia (Ots, Charles)|SScores\\1","Non torrentes, BurG Anh.24 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\2","Die Nonne, Op.35 (Meinardus, Ludwig Siegfried)|VVocal Scores\\1","Nonsense Songs from 'Alice in Wonderland' (Lehmann, Liza)|SScores\\12","La noria (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Norrland, Op.55 (Hall\u00e9n, Andreas)|SScores\\2","50 Norske Fjeldmelodier for Mandsstemmer (Lindeman, Ludvig Mathias)|SScores\\1","Nos qui sumus in hoc mundo, LV 503 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Not Unto Us, O Lord (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Nothing Matters (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","Notti d'oriente (Bottesini, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Notti Lombardi (Braga, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","6 Notturni, Op.1 (Schacht, Theodor von)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\2","4 Notturnos, Op.22 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","N\u00f3tt (Bl\u00f6ndal, \u00deorvaldur)|SScores\\2","Notus in Judea Deus, H.206 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","12 Nouveaux nocturnes (Blangini, Joseph Marie Felix)|SScores\\1","Novarum sirenarum sacrae harmoniae, Op.2 (Rauch I, Johann Georg)|PParts\\8","Novelli Fiori Ecclesiastici, Op.9 (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|SScores\\1","Novello's Part-Song Book (Various)|SScores\\19","Now is Christ Risen from the Dead (Allen, George Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Now is Christ risen from the dead (Fawcett, John)|SScores\\1","Now is Christ Risen (West, John Ebenezer)|SScores\\1","Now Late on the Sabbath Day (Ward, Frank Edwin)|SScores\\1","Now Must I Dye (Morley, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Now Raise Your Voices High (Maynard, Walter)|SScores\\1","Nox (P\u00e9rilhou, Albert)|SScores\\2","Nu bitten wir den heiligen geist \u00e0 5 (Walter, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Nu bitten wir den heiligen Geist (Heintz, Wolff)|SScores\\1","Nu freut euch lieben Christen gmein (Walter, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\19|PScores and Parts\\19","Nuit et Silence (Raoux, Louis-Alexis)|SScores\\2","La nuit m\u00fbrit, Op.240 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Nuit persane, Op.26bis (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SFull Scores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\1","La nuit, CG 182 (Gounod, Charles)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Nun aber bleibet Glaube, GWV 1119\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Nun aber gehe ich hin, TWV 1:1163 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nun aber gibst du Gott einen gn\u00e4digen Regen (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Nun bitten den Heiligen Geist (Staden, Johann)|SScores\\1","Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist (Hassler, Hans Leo)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Nun danket alle Gott, GWV 1109\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Nun danket alle Gott, P.381 (Pachelbel, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Nun danket alle Gott (Altnikol, Johann Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Nun danket alle Gott (Cr\u00fcger, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Nun danket alle Gott (Topf, Johann)|SScores\\1","Nun fanget an (Hassler, Hans Leo)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Nun freut euch, Gottes Kinder, all (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Nun gibst du Gott einen gn\u00e4digen Regen, GWV 1138\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Nun gibt mein Jesus gute Nacht, GWV 1127\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Nun hab ich meinen Gott gesehen, GWV 1169\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Nun ich singe Gott ich knie (Theile, Johann)|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Nun ist alles wohl gemacht, GWV 1127\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, GWV 1122\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Nun ist er da wohlauf zum Blutvergie\u00dfen, L.540 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\2","Nun ist es billig Jesu Christ (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, TWV 1:1174 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, TWV 1:1175 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, TWV 1:1177 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, TWV 1:1178 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 61 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 62 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\24|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13|OOther\\2","Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Nun kommt die grosse Marterwoche, TWV 1:1179 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nun kommt er der K\u00f6nig der Ehre, HoWV II.64 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Nun lernet dich mein Herze kennen, TWV 1:1181 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nun liebe Seel, nun ist es Zeit (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0","Nun lob mein Seel den Herren, GWV 1171\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren (Praetorius, Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Nun merke ich da\u00df der Herr seinen Gesalbten hilft (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Nun merke ich dass der Herr, GWV 1174\/15 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","The Nun of Nidaros, Op.83 (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\1","Nun sch\u00fcrz dich, Gretlein (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Nun so ist es denn geschehen (D\u00fcben, Gustaf)|PParts\\1","Nun treten wir ins neue Jahr (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Nun wir denn sind gerecht worden, TWV 1:1184 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nunc dimittis octavi toni, LV Anh.110 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Nunc dimittis quarti toni, LV Anh.115 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Nunc dimittis secundi toni, LV Anh.119 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Nunc dimittis septimi toni, LV Anh.120 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Nunc dimittis tertii toni, LV Anh.123 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Nunc Dimittis (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Nunc Dimittis (Shute, Benjamin)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Nunc dimittis (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Nunmehr hab ich ausgeruft, TWV 1:1182 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Nuova angioletta sovra l'ale accorte (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Il nuovo anno (Mussatti, Giovacchino)|SScores\\1","Nuptiae factae sunt (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Nur jedem das Seine, BWV 163 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Nymph, over thee (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Nymphs of the Forest (Horsley, William)|SScores\\1"],"O":["O admirabile commercium, H.49 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","O allm\u00e4chtiger Gott, dich lobt der Christen Rott (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","O altitudo divitiarum (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","O altitudo divitiarum (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores\\1","O amantissime Jesu (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|SScores\\1","O Amarilli zart (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","O Amarilli, sch\u00f6nste Zier (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","O anima mea (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores\\2","O barmherziger Vater (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\2","O Beata Mater, Op.13 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","O beata solitudo! (Salieri, Antonio)|SScores\\2","O beatae viae, SV 312 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","O beato chi pietoso, S.640 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","O beatum Pontificem (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","O belle Galath\u00e9e (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","O belt\u00e0 rara (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","O bitt\u2019 euch, liebe V\u00f6gelein, Op.43 (Gumbert, Ferdinand)|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","O bone Iesu o piissimi Iesu (Sammaruco, Francesco)|SScores\\1","O Bone Jesu (S\u00e1nchez, Jos\u00e9 Luis)|SScores\\1","O coelestis Jerusalem, H.252 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","O combien est heureux (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","O come let us sing unto the Lord (Crampton, Thomas)|SScores\\1","O come vaneggiate (Giovannelli, Ruggiero)|SScores\\1","O Come, Let Us Sing unto the Lord, HWV 253 (Handel, George Frideric)","O Come, Let Us Sing (Foster, Myles Birket)|SScores\\1","O cor amoris (Faure, Jean-Baptiste)|SScores\\1","O Crux benedicta (Gesualdo, Carlo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","O crux, ave spes unica, H.349 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","O crux, ave spes unica, H.351 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","O Crux (Cervi, Luigi)|SScores\\1","O d'immensa piet\u00e0, S.650 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","O dass es muss im Fr\u00fchling sein!, Op.20 (Nolopp, Friedrich Ernst Arnold Werner)|SScores\\1","O dass sie weise w\u00e4ren, GWV 1106\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","O Death, Where is Thy Sting? (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)|SScores\\1","O decus apostolicum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","O Dieux !... (Bo\u00ebsset, Antoine de)|SScores\\1","O dolce anima mia, SV 63 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","O dolce anima mia (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","O dolci parolette, LV 183 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","O Domine Jesu Christe, adoro te (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","O Domine Jesu Christe (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","O Domine Jesu Christe (Ingegneri, Marc Antonio)|SScores\\1","O Domine Jesu Christe (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","O Domine Jesu Christe (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","O Domine Jesu Christe (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","O Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo (Ghizzolo, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","O du allers\u00fc\u00dfester und liebster Herr Jesu, SWV 340 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","O du armer Judas (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","O du Hirte meiner Seele, GWV 1132\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O du meine Seele singe fr\u00f6hlich, GWV 1171\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","O dulce, O ineffabile convivium, H.270 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","O dulcis amor Iesu dulcis Salvator (Facchi, Agostino)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O Emmanuel Rex (Jerusalem, Ignacio)|SScores\\1","O ewige Weisheit allm\u00e4chtige Liebe, NesF E27 (Freislich, Johann Balthasar Christian)|SScores\\2","O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe, BWV 34a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10","O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe, BWV 34 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|BBooks\\1","O Ewigkeit wer denkt an dich, GWV 1142\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)","O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 20 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\16|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 60 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|OOther\\2","O felici cortesi habitori (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","O fidelis et dilecte commensalis (Bouteiller, Pierre)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","O fons amoris (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","O Fortun, wie dass du mich so gar sehr betr\u00fcbest (Schein, Johann Hermann)","O Freude \u00fcber Freud (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","O fr\u00f6hliche Stunde, der Lebensf\u00fcrst lebt (Fischer, Johann Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","O frommer Gott (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","O gdyby\u015b zn\u00f3w (\u0141ukasiewicz, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","O genti tutte voi che il vasto giro del mondo, S.648 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","O Give Thanks unto the Lord, Z.33 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","O Give Thanks unto the Lord (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","O gloriosa Virginum (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","O God, the Protector, Op.50 (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\1","O God, the strength of all them (Lucas, Charles)|SScores\\1","O God, Who by the Leading of a Star (Attwood, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","O Gott Vater, du hast Gewalt (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","O Gottes Sohn von Ewigkeit, GWV 1154\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O Gottes Sohn von Ewigkeit, GWV 1154\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","O haylige, onbeflecte, zart iunckfrawschafft marie (Virdung, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","O Heiland aller Welt ich mu\u00df dir sehnlich klagen (Liebe, Christian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","O heilges Geist- und Wasserbad, BWV 165 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","O heilige Nacht, S.49 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","O heiliges Fest, TWV 1:721 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","O Herr dein herzliches Erbarmen, HoWV II.54 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\2","O Herr dreieiniger Gott, H.364 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","O Herr gib uns ein fruchtbar Jahr, H.370 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","O Herr hilf o Herr la\u00df wohl gelingen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","O Herr hilf o Herr la\u00df wohl gelingen (Wecker, Georg Caspar)|SScores\\1","O Herr la\u00df mich dein Angesicht oft sehen, H.387 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","O Herr, hilf, wir verderben (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","O Herr, ich klag (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","O Herr, ich ruf dein Namen an (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","O Herre Gott, begnade mich (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","O Herre Gott, begnade mich (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","O ho! So geb der Mann ein Pfenning (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","O Hush Thee, My Babie (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","O ihr lieben Hirten, f\u00fcrchtet euch nicht (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","O ihr Toren und tr\u00e4gen Herzens, GWV 1129\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O in primavera eterna (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O Jammerblick die Lebenssonne, GWV 1127\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O Jesu Christ mein h\u00f6chstes Licht, GWV 1139\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O Jesu Christ mein's Lebens Licht, GWV 1133\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht, BWV 118 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|LLibrettos\\1","O Jesu, cordis mei thesaurus (Antonelli, Abundio)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","O Jesu, Thou art Standing (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","O Jesus Christ mein h\u00f6chstes Licht, GWV 1159\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O Jesus, que finezas (Leo, Leonardo)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","O Lamm Gottes unschuldig (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\4","O Land h\u00f6re des Herren Wort (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","O leide, leide gern (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O Lord, Grant the King a Long Life (Attwood, Thomas)|SScores\\1","O Lord, grant the King a long life (Child, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","O Lord, I Will Praise Thee (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","O Lord, My God (Humfrey, Pelham)|SScores\\1","O Lord, Thou art My God (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)|SScores\\1","O lux beata Trinitas (Fayrfax, Robert)|SScores\\1","O lux, et decus Hispaniae (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","O magnum mysterium, T 126 (Byrd, William)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\17","O magnum mysterium (Esperan\u00e7a, Pedro da)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","O magnum mysterium (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\19|PScores and Parts\\19|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","O Margarita penitens (Perez, Davide)|SScores\\1","O Maria, clausus hortus, LV 552 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O mein Gott f\u00fcr den ich trete, GWV 1121\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","O mein Gott, vor dem ich trete, TWV 1:1205 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","O mein Gott, vor dem ich trete, TWV 1:1206 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","O meine Seel, warum bist du betr\u00fcbet, SWV 419 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O Mensch bedenk du bist aus Staub (Call, Leonhard von)|SScores\\1","O Mensch verachtest du den Reichtum, GWV 1124\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","O Mensch! wie ist dein Herz bestellt, GWV 1118\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","O mignonnes de jupiter (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","O Mistress Mine! (Cruickshank, William Alexander Campbell)|SScores\\1","O Mortal Man (Weelkes, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","O musica du Edle kunst (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","O nata lux (Tallis, Thomas)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","O Night (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","O Praise the Lord with One Consent, HWV 254 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\2|SScores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","O Praise the Lord (Weldon, John)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","O pretiosum et admirabile Sacramentum (Marini, Biagio)|SScores\\1","O pretiosum et admirandum convivium (Tricarico, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","O prole nobile di magni principi, S.628 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","O pulcherrima mulier quid agis in deliciarum Paradiso (Gibellini, Nicola)|SScores\\1","O pulcherrima mulierum (Gallerano, Leandro)|SScores\\1","O quam gloriosum est regnum (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores\\2","O quam inanes (Giovannelli, Ruggiero)|SScores\\1","O quam metuendus est (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","O quam pulchra es amica mea, SV 317 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus \u00e0 2 (Biondi, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus \u00e0 4 (Biondi, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus \u00e0 4 (Porta, Ercole)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus II (Brunelli, Antonio)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Agostini, Pietro Simone)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Badii, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Banchi d'Argenta, Giovanni)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Bussoni, Arcangelo)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Caruso, Giuseppe)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Casati detto Filago, Girolamo)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Ciminelli, Carlo)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Colombini, Francesco)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Corfini, Jacopo)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Francisco \u00e0 Tarento, Abbate D.)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Gherardi, Biagio)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Giansetti, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (La Greca, Antonio)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Massenzio, Domenico)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Rogantini, Francesco)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Rubino, Bonaventura)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Sant'Agata, Tomaso da)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Signoretti, Aurelio)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Stamegna, Nicol\u00f2)|SScores\\2","O quam suavis est Domine spiritus tuus (Vitali, Filippo)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","O quam suavis est Domino spiritus tuus (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","O quam suavis est (Ariosti, Attilio)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1","O quam suavis est (Yon, Pietro)|SScores\\1","O quando suavissimum (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","O quanta mihi est causa gaudendi (Melani, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","O que bien si a la escarcha (Madre de Deus, Filipe da)|PParts\\1","O rex gloriae, Domine virtutem (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","O rossignuol ch\u2019in queste verdi fronde, SV 65 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","O sacramentum (Volpe, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","O Sacred Friendship (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","O sacrum convivium \u00e0 6 (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O sacrum convivium (Aichinger, Gregor)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","O sacrum convivium (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","O sacrum convivium (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0","O sacrum convivium (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","O sacrum convivium (Polleri, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","O Sacrum (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","O salutaris hostia in B-flat major (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","O Salutaris Hostia in G major (Wiegand, John)|SScores\\1","O salutaris hostia in G-flat major (Wiegand, John)|SScores\\1","O salutaris hostia No.1 in G major (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","O salutaris hostia No.2 in G major (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","O salutaris hostia (Arriaga, Juan Cris\u00f3stomo de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","O salutaris hostia (Millard, Harrison)|SScores\\1","O salutaris hostia (Schmidt, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","O salutaris hostia (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","O salutaris Hostia (Tubi, Angelo)|SScores\\1","O salutaris in G minor (Niedermeyer, Louis)|SScores\\1","O salutaris No.7, AWV 87 (Auber, Daniel Fran\u00e7ois Esprit)|SScores\\1","O salutaris, Op.20 (Mohr, D\u00e9sir\u00e9)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","O Salutaris (Aubert, Louis)|SScores\\1","O Salutaris (Batiste, Edouard)|SScores\\1","O Salutaris (Cohen, Jules)|SScores\\1","O salutaris (Descarries, Auguste)|SScores\\1","O Salutaris (Guarigue, Henri-Jean)|PParts\\1","O salutaris (Hahn, Reynaldo)|SScores\\1","O Salutaris (Lenepveu, Charles-Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","O Salutaris (O'Connor, William P.)|SScores\\1","O salutaris (Renaud, Emile)|SScores\\1","O salutaris (Wiegand, John)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","O sanctissima anima (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","O Schmerz das Leben ist gestorben, GWV 1129\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","O Schmerz o Leid mein Jesus, GWV 1127\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O sch\u00f6nes Haus o heilger Tempel, GWV 1108\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","O sing unto mie Roundelaie (Wesley, Samuel)|SScores\\1","O Sing unto the Lord, Z.44 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","O sol e a terra (Tavares, Luciano)|SScores\\1","O spem miram (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","O Sternen\u00e4ugelein, WoO 57 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","O s\u00fc\u00dfer, o freundlicher (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","O s\u00fcsses Wort das Jesus spricht, GWV 1157\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O s\u00fcsses Wort das Jesus spricht, GWV 1157\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","O Sweetest of Thy Lovely Race (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","O Taste and See How Gracious the Lord Is (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","O Titani montis incolae (Marini, Francesco Maria)|SScores\\1","O Traurigkeit o Herzeleid, GWV 1127\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O triste, triste \u00e9tait mon \u00e2me (Pillois, Jacques)|SScores\\1","O triumphantis Jerusalem (Bernier, Nicolas)|RRecordings\\1","O Vater aller Frommen (Gerstenb\u00fcttel, Joachim)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","O vere et care Jesu (Legrenzi, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","O vos amici mei, H.377 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","O vos omnes ambulantes in tenebris (Vesi, Simone)|SScores\\1","O vos omnes para (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","O vos omnes (Arantes, Rafael Sales)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","O vos omnes (Lupo, Thomas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","O vos omnes (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","O wehe des Tages, GWV 1102\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O welch eine Tiefe des Reichtums, GWV 1141\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O Welt erkenne Gottes Liebe, GWV 1170\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","O Welt sieh hier dein Leben, GWV 1127\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","O werter heil'ger Geist (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores\\1","O wie ist die Barmherzigkeit des Herrn so gro\u00df (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","O! Sweet Be Thy Repose (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","O, quam suavis est (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","O, valuri... (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\2","Ob bei uns ist der S\u00fcnden viel, TWV 1:1186 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Obedience (McIntyre, Richard)|SScores\\1","Obeliscus Musicus, Op.2 (Meyer von Schauensee, Franz Joseph Leonti)|PParts\\11","Oberon's Court (Horn, Charles Edward)|SScores\\2","Obscuras funestas sombras (Garc\u00eda Pacheco, Fabi\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","L'obstacle (Hahn, Reynaldo)|SScores\\1","Obstination vaincue (Descarries, Auguste)|SScores\\1","Occhi stelle lucenti, GraunWV C:III:68 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Octava musica clavium octo musicarum, R 295 (Rathgeber, Valentin)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\12","Oda do m\u0142odo\u015bci (Jarecki, Henryk)|SScores\\1","Od\u00e6 sacr\u00e6 Iesu Christo servatori hominum nato et resurgenti cantat\u00e6 (Stadlmayr, Johann)|PParts\\11","The Odd-Fellows' Glee (Barker, Nathan)|SScores\\1","Ode an die Freude (Danzi, Franz)|SScores\\1","Ode auf den Sterbemorgen der Herzogin zu Sachsen-Gotha und Altenburg, L.501 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\2","Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\8|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Ode on a Grecian Urn, Op.4 (Tran, Dylan J.)|RRecordings\\1","Ode on Handel (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Ode on Laying the Foundation Stone of the Imperial Institute (Sullivan, Arthur)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ode sur le jugement dernier (Neukomm, Sigismund)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ode to Hesperus (Cornell, John Henry)|SScores\\1","Ode to Joy, TH 66 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Ode to Music (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Ode To The Terrestrial Globe (Bridge, Frederick)|SScores\\1","Ode to the West Wind, Op.3 (Wood, Charles)|VVocal Scores\\1","Oden und Lieder (Wernhammer, Johann Georg)|PParts\\7","Odeon morale jucundum et vitale (Mattheson, Johann)|SScores\\1","The Odeon (Webb, George James)|SScores\\1","Odes and Select Pieces (Leslie, Henry Temple)|SScores\\1","Of one that is so fair and bright, Op.34 No.3 (Holst, Gustav)|SScores\\1","Of the Father's Love Begotten (Macfarlane, Will C.)|SScores\\1","Ofert\u00f3rio de Nossa Senhora da Assun\u00e7\u00e3o (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Offenbarung Johannis, Op.17 (Braunfels, Walter)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","The Offering (Southard, Lucien)|SScores\\2","12 Offertoria Solemnia de Communi Sanctorum, Op.5 (Kayser, Isfrid)|PParts\\10","15 Offertoria, Op.1 (Madlseder, Nonnos)|PParts\\11","Offertories, Op.55 (Sch\u00f6pf, Franz)|SScores\\1","Offertorio per la Domenica delle Palme (Giorgi, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\3","Offertorium de Sanctissimo Sacramento (Mozart, Leopold)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Offertorium in C major, M\u00fadZi VIII7\/C4 (Zimmermann, Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Offertorium in E-flat major, JWV 7 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Offertorium in E-flat major, M\u00fadZi VIII\/3:Es2 (Zimmermann, Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Offertorium, JWV 20 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Offertorium, JWV 33 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Offertotium (Righini, Vincenzo)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Officia Paschalia de resurrectione et ascensione Domini (Rhau, Georg)|SScores\\3|PParts\\4","Officiorum (ut vocant) de Nativitate etc., Tome 1 (Rhau, Georg)|PParts\\4","Officium Corporis Christi, LV 533 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Officium defunctorum, ZWV 47 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\6","Officium defunctorum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\15","Offt w\u00fcnsch ich dir (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Oft Am I by the Women Told, Z.505 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Ogier le danois (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\2","Ogni loco mi porge doglia e pianto (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Oh my God where are You (Saral, Ali Riza)|SScores\\1","Oh quando santos cielos (Paris, Juan)|SScores\\1","Oh the sweet contentment (Horsley, William)|SScores\\1","Oh! I'll be all to thee, my love (Whitaker, John)|VVocal Scores\\1","Oh! Let Me Shed One Silent Tear (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","Oh! What a Scene Does Entertain My Sight, Z.506 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\2","Oh! Youth is the Season (Neate, Charles)|SScores\\1","Oh, dear! what can the matter be? (Bantock, Granville)|SScores\\1","Ohne Glaube ist's unm\u00f6glich, GWV 1139\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Oid cielos piadosos (Paris, Juan)|SScores\\1","Oigan miren (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Ojcze Nasz (Garbusi\u0144ski, Kazimierz)|SScores\\1","Ola! Anton (Estrada, Mariano)|PParts\\1","Old Daddy Longlegs (Macirone, Clara Angela)|SScores\\1","10 Old English Carols, and 2 Hymns (Rimbault, Edward Francis)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Old English Lyrics (Williams, Gerrard)|SScores\\2","4 Old Hungarian Folksongs, Sz.50 (Bart\u00f3k, B\u00e9la)|SScores\\1","Old Irish Air (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Olivet to Calvary (Maunder, John Henry)|SScores\\2","Omar Khayy\u00e1m (Bantock, Granville)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2","L'ombre des arbres, Op.152 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Ombre des bois, Op.108 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Omnes gentes plaudite (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Omnes sancti Angeli custodes nostri (Aichinger, Gregor)|SScores\\2","Omni die dic Mariae (Gorczycki, Grzegorz Gerwazy)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Omnis mundus jocundetur (Paminger, Leonhard)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\19","On Christmas Night (Butterworth, George)|SScores\\1","On Christmas Night (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","On His Death-Bed (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","On Shore and Sea (Sullivan, Arthur)|VVocal Scores\\4","On the First Day of the Week (Lott, Edwin Mathew)|SScores\\1","On Wenlock Edge (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|RRecordings\\5|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Once Upon a Time (Lehmann, Liza)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ondu menyi alo (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","One Thing have I Desired of the Lord (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","Onward, still Onward! (Ascher, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Onward (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)|SScores\\2","Opera varia (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\2","Opera with a Title (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2|PParts\\1|LLibrettos\\1","La \u00d3pera (Ivanovich, Jos\u00e9)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","Opere postume di Vincenzo Bellini (Bellini, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","Die Opfer die Gott gefallen, GWV 1152\/53a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Opfere Gott Dank, TWV 1:1210 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Opfere Gott Dank (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Opfre Gott Dank und bezahle, GWV 1155\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Opfre Gott Dank und bezahle, GWV 1155\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Opus aureum missarum (Capricornus, Samuel)|PParts\\1","Opus patheticum de septem doloribus Beatae Virginis Mariae (Brixi, Franti\u0161ek Xaver)|SScores\\2|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Opusculum etlicher newer und alter Reuterliedlein (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\34|PScores and Parts\\34","Or ch'ogni vento tace (Vecchi, Orazio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Or che condannami falsa calunnia, S.625 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Or che il dover, K.36\/33i (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Or che lucente e chiara (Striggio, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Or ouez les introites de taverne (Guiard)|SScores\\2","Or sus, serviteurs du Seigneur (Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Or vedi, Amor, che giovinetta donna (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Oramus domine conditor (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Oratio mea munda est (Cima, Tullio)|SScores\\1","Oratorio de No\u00ebl, Op.12 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\26","Oratorio for Soprano and Tenor, Op.1314 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Oratorio funebre all' Occasione della morte di Maria Gioseppa Regina di Pollonia, Krebs-WV 100 (Krebs, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Oratorio pour la naissance de l'enfant Jesus (Lochon, Jacques-Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\1","Oratorio Songs (Handel, George Frideric)|SScores\\2","Oratorio todesco al sepolcro santo, S.20 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Ordre du roi (Dhavernas, Octave)|VVocal Scores\\1","Oremus pro pontifice (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Orietur (Mapelli, Luigi)|SScores\\1","67 Original Chants (Heathcote, Edward)|SScores\\1","Original Hymn Tunes, Chants, Sentences, and Motets (Oliver, Henry Kemble)|SScores\\1","Orlen orlen ya los triumphales (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Ornaverunt (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Orph\u00e9e descendant aux enfers, H.471 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","L'ort villain jaloux (Ninot le Petit)|SScores\\1","Oster Kantate (Bierey, Gottlob Benedict)|SScores\\2","Oster- oder Auffahrtsfreude (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Oster-Oratorium, BWV 249 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18","Osterges\u00e4nge (Hoffmann, Eucharius)|SScores\\6","Ot\u010de n\u00e1\u0161, JW 4\/29 (Jan\u00e1\u010dek, Leo\u0161)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","O\u00f9 vais-je, malheureux (Arriaga, Juan Cris\u00f3stomo de)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","6 Oude Nederlandsche Liederen (Van Duyse, Florimond)|SScores\\7","Our Flag (Macy, James Cartwright)|SScores\\1","Out of the Deep (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\1","Out of the Deep (Hopkins, Edward John)|SScores\\1","Out of the Depths I Cry to You, O Lord (McManus, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Ouverture et interm\u00e8des, H.494 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Ove l'Adria fastosa (Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco)|SScores\\1","Oy, Joseph (Guerrero, Francisco)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Oye due\u00f1o de mi vida (San Juan, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Oygan que unas gitanillas (Gavino Leal, Joseph)|PParts\\1"],"P":["Paaske Music (Grosmann, Heinrich Ernst)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\1","La pace di Kamberga, S.19 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\4","La Pace (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Padre Nostro (Vitta, Rodrigo)|SScores\\1","Pae om Pae (Vredeman, Jacob)|SScores\\2","Palmsonntagmorgen, WoO VI\/18 (Reger, Max)|SScores\\1","Pan Zmartwychwsta\u0142 (Koci\u0119da, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Pange lingua 1686 (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","Pange lingua, H.58 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Pange lingua, H.68 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Pange lingua (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Pange, lingua, gloriosi corporis mysterium in D major (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores\\2","Pange, lingua, gloriosi Corporis mysterium in D minor, S.61 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Pange, lingua, gloriosi Corporis mysterium (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Pange, lingua, gloriosi Corporis mysterium (Pereira, Bento)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Pange, lingua, gloriosi Corporis mysterium (Sambataro, Carmelo Luca)|SScores\\1","Pangue Lingua in E minor (Leo, Leonardo)|SScores\\1","Panis angelicus, Op.145 (Bonis, Mel)|SScores\\1","Panis angelicus (Cattaneo, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Panis angelicus (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Panis angelicus (Goller, Vinzenz)|SScores\\1","Panis angelicus (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Panis quem ego dabo, H.275 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Les pantins (H\u00fce, Georges)|VVocal Scores\\1","Papst Leo-Messe, Op.79 (Zangl, Joseph Gregor)|VVocal Scores\\1","Par les soirs bleus d'\u00e9t\u00e9 (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Para que te disfrazas (Castellanos, Rafael Antonio)|PParts\\1","Para que tu me oigas (Rodr\u00edguez Peris, Mart\u00edn Jos\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Para un triunfo que el orbe festeja (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Paradisisches Wunder-Spiel (Various)|SScores\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 1 (Moderne, Jacques)|PParts\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 2 (Moderne, Jacques)|PParts\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 3 (Moderne, Jacques)|SScores\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 4 (Moderne, Jacques)|SScores\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 5 (Moderne, Jacques)|SScores\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 6 (Moderne, Jacques)|PParts\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 7 (Moderne, Jacques)|PParts\\1","Le parangon des chansons, Book 8 (Moderne, Jacques)|SScores\\2","Le parangon des chansons, Book 9 (Moderne, Jacques)|SScores\\2","Le parangon des chansons, Book 10 (Moderne, Jacques)|PParts\\1","Le parangon des chansons (Moderne, Jacques)|PParts\\13","Parant arma stellae iratae (Feo, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Paratum cor meum, H.183 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Paratum cor meum (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores\\1","Parce mihi Domine (Bret\u00f3n, Tom\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","Pari\u00f3 Mar\u00eda en Bel\u00e9n (Paris, Juan)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Paris (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","The Parochial Psalmist (Various)|SScores\\1","Parsifal Mass (Veasey Jr., Clarence Archibald)|VVocal Scores\\1","Part Songs, Op.9 (Pointer, John)|SScores\\1","Part Songs, Op.11 (M\u00fcller, J.)|SScores\\1","Part Songs, Op.40 (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\4","Part Songs, Op.54 (King, Oliver)|SScores\\2","Partenope, HWV 27 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|LLibrettos\\3","The Parting Glass (Van Schenkhof, Mark)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8","Parting Gleams (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\2","The Parting Kiss (Basvecchi, P. O.)|SScores\\1","The Parting (Lambert, Edward)|SScores\\1|LLibretti\\1","Parto e sento (Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco)|SScores\\1","Parvuls filius (Clemens non Papa, Jacobus)|SScores\\1","Parysatis (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Pascha nostrum immolatum est Christus (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Pascha nostrum (Reager, John)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Pascha nostrum (Zane, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Pascualillo que me quieles (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Pasmo del Amor y Gracia (Xu\u00e1rez, Alonso)|SScores\\1","Passez votre chemin (Romagnesi, Antoine)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Passing Show (Oliver, Herbert)|SScores\\1","Passio Christi Secundum Matthaeum (K\u00fchnhausen, Johann Georg)|SScores\\1","Passio secundum Matth\u00e6um (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Passion in VI Betrachtungen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2","The Passion of Christ (Somervell, Arthur)|VVocal Scores\\2","Die Passion, Op.93 (Herzogenberg, Heinrich von)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","La passione di Cristo secondo S. Marco (Perosi, Lorenzo)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","La passione di Ges\u00f9 Cristo (Salieri, Antonio)|SScores\\2","La passione di Ges\u00f9 Cristo (Sch\u00fcrer, Johann Georg)|SScores\\1","Passione secondo San Marco, Op.40 (Caputi, Omar)|SScores\\1","La Passione, Op.21 (Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno)|SScores\\3","Passionmusik (Pfleger, Augustin)|SScores\\2","4 Passions (Coronado, Luis)|SScores\\5","Passions-Oratorium, Op.45 (Woyrsch, Felix)|VVocal Scores\\2","Passionslied, Op.19 (Meinardus, Ludwig Siegfried)|VVocal Scores\\1","Pastoral Mass in F major (Spermalogi, G.)|PParts\\1","Pastoral Mass (Maher, William Joseph)|SScores\\1","Pastorale pour No\u00ebl (Arifon, E.)|SScores\\1","La Pastorale (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Pastoralmesse (Zenetti, Leopold von)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\1","La pastorella al prato, D.513 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Pastorella de Nativitate Domini (Werner, Gregor Joseph)|SScores\\4|PParts\\3","La pastorella mia (Sabino, Ippolito)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Pastores loquebantur ad invicem (Guerrero, Francisco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Pastores loquebantur (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Pastores, dicite, quidnam vidistis? (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Pater noster, Ave Maria (Willaert, Adrian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Pater noster, CG 138 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\1","Pater noster, G.46 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Pater noster, G.174 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Pater Noster, Op.8 No.1 (Bonnet, Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Pater noster, Op.15 (Picard, Pascal)|SScores\\1","Pater Noster, Op.24 (Romberg, Andreas)|VVocal Scores\\1","Pater noster (Praetorius, Hieronymus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Pater noster (Praetorius, Michael)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Pater Noster (Riga, Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\1","Pater noster (Sambataro, Carmelo Luca)|SScores\\1","Pater noster (Widor, Charles-Marie)|SScores\\1","Pater (Cartan, Jean)|VVocal Scores\\1","Die Patrioten (Scheibe, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\1|OOther\\1","Paul Revere's Ride (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\1","Paulus, Op.36 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|LLibrettos\\2","Pavane Lachrime met den Bas (Valerius, Adrianus)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Pavane (Haussmann, Valentin)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Payne\u2019s Album f\u00fcr Musik (Various)|SScores\\1","Peace I leave with you (Roberts, John Varley)|SScores\\1","Peace (Williams, Charles Lee)|SScores\\1","Le p\u00e9age (Planquette, Robert)|SScores\\1","Pearce did Love Fair Petronel (Farnaby, Giles)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Pearls of Truth in Song (Oslin, Stephen Jesse)|SScores\\1","Peccantem me quotidie (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Peccavi Domino quid faciam miser (Baselli, Constantino)|SScores\\1","Peccavi super numerum (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Peccavi, Op.6 No.6 (Fasolo, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","P\u00e9ch\u00e9s de vieillesse (Rossini, Gioacchino)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Pegaso, Op.11 (Merula, Tarquinio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Peine d'amour (Delibes, L\u00e9o)|SScores\\2","Peleo, Giasone e Pallade (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","El pelicano amante (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Penelope la casta, R.344.28 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores\\1","Penitence, Pardon and Peace (Maunder, John Henry)|SScores\\1","Per folti boschi (Arcadelt, Jacob)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Per la Sulammita (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Per larghi prati (Giovanni da Cascia)|SScores\\1","Per lignum servi facta sumus (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Per Mattia e i suoi genitori (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Per piet\u00e0, non ricercate, K.420 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Perch\u00e9 mai ben mio, SmWV 327 (S\u00fcssmayr, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\1","Perche nemica mia mi vi mostrate, LV 22 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Perfect Imperfections (Besset, Julian Raoul)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Perrette, disoit Jehan (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Pesan troppo sul'alma Nice, GraunWV B:III:41 (Graun, Karl Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Petite Marguerite (Bizet, Georges)|SScores\\1","Petite Messe 'Ave verum corpus' (Gastou\u00e9, Am\u00e9d\u00e9e)|SScores\\1","Petite messe solennelle No.2 (Bord\u00e8se, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Petite messe solennelle (Rossini, Gioacchino)|RRecordings\\18|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\30|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\16","A Petite Vocalise Opera, Op.1336 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Petrarca Canzone 50 (Gulick, Paul van)|SScores\\1","Petrus beatus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Der pfarher von sant Veit (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Pfingst-Cantate, Op.101 (Gast, Friedrich Moritz)|SScores\\1","Pfingstfeier (Neukomm, Sigismund)|VVocal Scores\\1","Pfl\u00fcget ein Neues und s\u00e4et, GWV 1109\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Philippe, qui videt me (Brumel, Antoine)|SScores\\1","Phillida Bewailed (Farnaby, Giles)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Philomela angelica cantionum sacrarum (Speer, Daniel)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\7","Philomela delectans, Op.3 (Eve, Alphonse d')|PParts\\9","Phoebus, Arise!, Op.37 (Paine, John Knowles)|VVocal Scores\\1","Phoenix Expirans (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Phrygian Mass (Cannicciari, Pompeo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Pia cantica, Op.78 (Walczy\u0144ski, Franciszek)|SScores\\1","Il piacere (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Piagne e sospira, SV 93 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Pianto Antico (Righi, Marco Elia)|SScores\\1","Il pianto di Aretusa (Mercadante, Saverio)|SFull Scores\\1","Pie Jesu ad te refugi (Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo)|SScores\\1","2 Pieces for Male Chorus (Moniuszko, Stanis\u0142aw)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","15 Pieces (Mendelssohn, Felix)|SScores\\1","19 Pieces (Mendelssohn, Felix)|SScores\\1","22 Pieces, GB-Mp MS. 130Hd4v.313 (Various)|SScores\\1","6 Pieces, Op.35 (Schoenberg, Arnold)|SScores\\2","34 Pieces, RISM-A2 464000588 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|SScores\\1","The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Boyle, George Frederick)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|VVocal Scores\\3","The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Walthew, Richard Henry)|VVocal Scores\\1","Piedrecita sin mares (Garc\u00eda Pacheco, Fabi\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Pietose rime e voi freddi sospiri (Arcadelt, Jacob)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Pie\u015bni twej gniazdo (Garbusi\u0144ski, Kazimierz)|SScores\\1","A Pilgrimes Solace (Dowland, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Pimmalione (Cimador, Giambattista)|SScores\\1","12 Piosnek sielskich (Gall, Jan Karol)|SScores\\1","Piosnka Wygna\u0144ca (Danysz, Kazimierz)|SScores\\1","The Piper of Hamelin (Graham, A. Cyril)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Pipes of Pan (De Lamarter, Eric)|SScores\\1","Pirro, R.1.72 (Paisiello, Giovanni)|SScores\\2","La pi\u00f9 bella cosa (Turchetto, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Plaindre l'ennuy de la peine (Hesdin, Nicolle des Celliers de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Le Plaisir des Larmes, WoO 6 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","Plange quasi virgo (Ingegneri, Marc Antonio)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Plaude laetare galia, LWV 37 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Plaudite tympana (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|SScores\\4","Plaudite, cantate (Cavalli, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Plaudite, sonat tuba, K.165 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\6","Play Time (Wood, Haydn)|SScores\\2","Pleni sunt coeli (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Plorans ploravit, PR.6.3.01 (Lobo, Jo\u00e3o de Deus de Castro)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","4 Plumajes Airosos (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|SScores\\1","Le plus grand bien qu'on sache point (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Pocket Missa (Zehar, Farid)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Le po\u00e8me du travail (Chapuis, Auguste)|VVocal Scores\\1","3 Po\u00e8mes du 'Livre de la Jungle', Op.18 (Koechlin, Charles)|SScores\\3","2 Po\u00e8mes, Op.39 (Milhaud, Darius)|SScores\\1","21 Poems by Nekrasov, Op.62 (Cui, C\u00e9sar)|SScores\\23","6 Poems by Polonsky, Op.76 (Cui, C\u00e9sar)|SScores\\2","3 Poems by Vladislav Khodasevich, Op.137 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","7 Poems of T'ang Dynasty (Chou, Wen-chung)|SScores\\1","3 Poems, Op.69 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Poems (Stith, David Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Po\u00e9sies allemandes de Moritz Hartmann, 2nd set, Op.26 (Gouvy, Louis Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\1","Polen und Lied der polnischen J\u00e4ger (K\u00fcffner, Joseph)|PParts\\1","Polish Mass in B-flat major, Op.80 (Elsner, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Polish Mass in F major, Op.79 (Elsner, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Polish Songs, Op.74 (Chopin, Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\31|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\20","Polluerunt templum, K.253 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","6 Polnische Kriegslieder (K\u00fcffner, Joseph)|PParts\\1","12 Polskich pie\u015bni Ko\u015bcielnych (Gall, Jan Karol)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","La Pompadour (Mo\u00f3r, Emanuel)|VVocal Scores\\1","Pon fren' al gran dolor, LV 13 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Popule meus, H.350 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Porgetemi la lira (Molinaro, Simone)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Poro, re dell'Indie, HWV 28 (Handel, George Frideric)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|LLibrettos\\3","Porque los Negros celebren (G\u00f3mez del Valle, Jos\u00e9 Lorenzo)|PParts\\1","La porta (Cellitti, Venanzio)|RRecordings\\7|SScores\\7","Porteremo nell'Ombra (Cibisescu-Duran, Iulia Narcisa)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Post Martinum bonum vinum (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Posthumous Glees (Danby, John)|SScores\\1","Postquam impleti sunt dies (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\3","Posui adjutorium (Alzedo, Jos\u00e9 Bernardo)|SScores\\1","Poup\u011b, Op.12 (Ostr\u010dil, Otakar)|VVocal Scores\\1","Pour la seconde fois que le St Sacrement vient au mesme reposoir, H.372 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Pour on him, O Lord! thy blessings (Guynemer, Charles)|SScores\\1","Pour tous les saints, H.377 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Pourquoi (Cury, Ernest)|SScores\\1","Powr\u00f3t (Noskowski, Zygmunt)|VVocal Scores\\1","Pracht, Hochfart, Reichthumb (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Pr\u00e6clara custos Virginum (Xavier, Jos\u00e9 Maria)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","Practische Musik-Werke (Dehn, Siegfried Wilhelm)|SScores\\2","Praeparate corda vestra (Bernardi, Steffano)|SScores\\1","Praesta, quaesumus (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","The Praise of Jehovah, Op.58 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|VVocal Scores\\11","Praise Offerings (Danks, Hart Pease)|VVocal Scores\\1","Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem (Hall, Edward Vine)|SScores\\1","Praise the Lord, O My Soul (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Praise to God, Op.33 (Bristow, George Frederick)|SScores\\1","Praise to the Lord (Sanders, Herbert)|SScores\\1","Praised be the Lord (Hope, William)|SScores\\1","Der praktische Organist (Herzog, Johann Georg)|SScores\\4","Praxis pietatis melica (Cr\u00fcger, Johann)|SScores\\1","Prayer in Praise of God and Canticle of the Sun (McManus, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Prayer to Jesus (Oldroyd, George)|SScores\\1","Prayers from the Ark, Op.67 (Hedges, Anthony)|SScores\\1","Precatus est Moyses, LV 858 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Preces and Responses for 3 Voices (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Preces meae, A 707 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Precz z moich oczu, Op.6 (\u015awi\u0119cicki, Witold)|SScores\\1","Prediget von denen Gerechten, GWV 1138\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Preghiera di maggio (Anzoletti, Marco)|SScores\\2","2 Preghiere latine, Op.178 (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","Preis dir Allerh\u00f6chster (B\u00fchler, Franz)|PParts\\1","Preis dir auf deinem Throne (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Preis dir, des Lebens Herr (L\u00e4gel, Johann Gottlieb)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Preis Ruhm und Ehre, D-B: 30282 (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Preise dein Gl\u00fccke, gesegnetes Sachsen, BWV 215 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Preise Jerusalem den Herrn, GWV 1101\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Preise Jerusalem den Herrn, GWV 1173\/30b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Preise Jerusalem den Herrn, GWV 1174\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Preise Jerusalem den Herrn, GWV 1174\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Preise, Jerusalem, den Herren, BWV 119 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Preise, Jerusalem, den Herren (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Preiset mit mir den Herrn (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Preiss Gottes, P.48 (Danzi, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3","Il Premiato (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Le premier livre des pseaulmes de David (Bourgeois, Loys)|PParts\\2","The Presbyterian Psalmodist (Hastings, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Presso un fiume tranquillo (Priuli, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","The Pretty Little Maid of Minnetonka (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","The Pride of May (James, Philip)|SScores\\1","Pri\u00e8re pour tous, Op.89 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","La pri\u00e8re, A 424 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Pri\u00e8re (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Primavera (Guilmant, Alexandre)|SScores\\1","Primeira Novena de Nossa Senhora do Carmo, M.R. Op.21 (Santos, Marcos Vinicius Ribeiro dos)|SScores\\1","Primo Mazzetto di Fiori (Castaldi, Bellerofonte)|SScores\\1","Primum virtutes igneae (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","La Prise de Calais (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\20","Pro Virgine non martyre, H.369 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Prociss\u00e3o de Ramos I (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|RRecordings\\3|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","The Prodigal Son (Sullivan, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\7","Proh, quos criminis, ZWV 172 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Prokris und Cephalus (Scheibe, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\4","Prometheus Unbound (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Promise which was Made unto the Fathers (Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert)|SScores\\1","El pronostico nuebo (Gal\u00e1n, Crist\u00f3bal)|PParts\\1","Psalm 1 (Drehmer, Earl Richard)|SScores\\1","Psalm 1 (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14","Psalm 2 (Brolsma, Bruce Edward)|SScores\\2","Psalm 2 (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\12","Psalm 5 (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|SScores\\2|PParts\\12","Psalm 8 (Drehmer, Earl Richard)|SScores\\1","Psalm 9, Op.21 (Fesca, Friedrich Ernst)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Psalm 13, Op.25 (Bargiel, Woldemar)|VVocal Scores\\1","Psalm 13, S.13 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Psalm 17 (Drehmer, Earl Richard)|SScores\\1","Psalm 22, WAB 34 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Psalm 24, Op.97a (Spohr, Louis)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Psalm 34 (Brolsma, Bruce Edward)|SScores\\10","Psalm 42 (Goudimel, Claude)|SScores\\1","Psalm 46, Op.57 (Buck, Dudley)","Psalm 47 (Brolsma, Bruce Edward)|SScores\\2","Psalm 80, Op.37 (Roussel, Albert)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Psalm 84, WoO 72 (Spohr, Louis)|SScores\\1","Psalm 94 (Scott, Marion)|SScores\\1","Psalm 99 (Goudimel, Claude)|SScores\\1","Psalm 100, Op.43 (Lachner, Vinzenz)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\2","Psalm 119: 9-16 (Drehmer, Earl Richard)|SScores\\2","Psalm 119 (Fasch, Karl Friedrich Christian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Psalm 125, Op.60 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\2","Psalm 127 (Rossi, Salamone)|SScores\\1","Psalm 128, P.138 (Danzi, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Psalm 130 (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Psalm 133 (Aquinus, David)|PParts\\1","Psalm 134 (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Psalm 138 (Goudimel, Claude)|SScores\\1","Psalm 145 (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Psalm 146, WAB 37 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7","Psalm 150 (Drehmer, Earl Richard)|SScores\\1","Psalm 150 (Meiland, Jakob)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","The Psalm and Hymn Tunes used at St. John's Chapel (Cecil, Theophania)|SScores\\1","Psalm and Hymn Tunes (Smee, Frederick)|SScores\\2","Psalm CL, Op.47 (Tinel, Edgar)|SScores\\1","Psalm LXVII 'Deus misereatur nostri' (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Psalm of Faith in the Wilderness (Patterson, Robert G.)|SScores\\1","24 Psalm Tunes, 2 Hymns, an Ode and 3 Anthems (Shoel, Thomas)|SScores\\1","8 Psalm Tunes (Heineken, Nicholas Samuel)|SScores\\1","Psalm Tunes, Hymns & Anthems (Shoel, Thomas)|SScores\\1","30 Psalm Tunes, Op.7 (Valentine, John)|SScores\\1","Psalm XXIII (Wallace II, Robert Stephen)|SScores\\1","The Psalm-Singer's Pocket Companion (Davenport, Uriah)|SScores\\2","50 Psalmen Dauid mit 4 partyen (Boscoop, Cornelis)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Die Psalmen Davids (Bachofen, Johann Caspar)|SScores\\4","Die Psalmen Davids (Cr\u00fcger, Johann)|SScores\\2","Psalmen Davids (Hagius, Konrad)|SScores\\7","Psalmen f\u00fcr Kirchen und Schulen (Wolkenstein, David)|SScores\\1","Psalmi integri (Stadlmayr, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\13","7 Psalmi poenitentiales (Utendal, Alexander)|PParts\\4","Psalmi Vespertini (Baudrexel, Philipp Jakob)|PParts\\12","The Psalmist's Recreation (Arnold, John)|SScores\\1","Psalmodia vespertina volans (Steffani, Agostino)|PParts\\9","Psalmodia (Lossius, Lucas)|SScores\\3","A Psalmodic Rhapsody (Stock, Frederick)|VVocal Scores\\1","3 Psalms (Josquin Desprez)|SScores\\1","10 Psalms (Zannetti, Francesco)|SScores\\1|PParts\\9","3 Psalms, Op.78 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\13","Psalms (Allison, Richard)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\10","Psalms (Tattersall, William de Chair)|SScores\\1","Psalmus Hungaricus, Op.13 (Kod\u00e1ly, Zolt\u00e1n)|SScores\\1","Der Psalter Davids Gesangweis (Calvisius, Seth)|SScores\\5","Psalter und Harfe (Zahn, Johannes)|SScores\\1","Psaltes Vespertinus, Op.24 (K\u00f6nigsperger, Marianus)|PParts\\11","Psaume 92 (Goudimel, Claude)|SScores\\1","Psaume CXXX (Boulanger, Lili)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Psaume XCVIII (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\1","Les psaumes en vers mesur\u00e9s (Various)|SScores\\1","Psaumes et Cantiques \u00e0 l'usage des Eglises nationales de Vaud, Neuch\u00e2tel et Gen\u00e8ve (Various)|SScores\\2","Psaumes et cantiques \u00e0 l'usage des \u00e9glises r\u00e9form\u00e9es (Various)|SScores\\6","30 Psaumes (Lupi Second, Didier)|PParts\\2","50 Pseaulmes de David (Bourgeois, Loys)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\2","Les pseaumes de David \u00e0 quatre parties (Various)|SScores\\1","150 Pseaumes de David (Desfontaines, Jean)|SScores\\11","150 Pseaumes de David, 1564 (Goudimel, Claude)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Pseaumes en vers mezurez (Le Jeune, Claude)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Psyche, Op.32 (Juon, Paul)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\31|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Psyche (Read, John Francis Holcombe)|VVocal Scores\\1","Psyke, Op.60 (Gade, Niels)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Publio Cornelio Scipione, HWV 20 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|LLibretti\\3","Puer natus est (Spinelli, Santo)|SScores\\1","Puer natus in Bethlehem (Lossius, Lucas)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Pues el sol divino se mira (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Pues en constantes ansias ardientes (Delgado, Francisco)|PParts\\1","Pues en un portal (G\u00f3mez del Valle, Jos\u00e9 Lorenzo)|PParts\\1","Pues nuestros maridos (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Pues que ya el deseado (Paris, Juan)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Puis que ce beau mois (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Puis que la loy trespure et saicte (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Pulcheria, K.303 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\20","Pulchra et decora (Carissimi, Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Pulcinella (ballet), K034 (Stravinsky, Igor)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Pulcra facie sed pulcrior es fide (Bianciardi, Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Pulvis et umbra sumus, LV 504 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Pungente dardo, che'l mio cor consumi (Berchem, Jacquet de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Pur udendo non comprendono (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Pursalisch lustig lasst uns sein (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Pushkin's Notebook (Blagoy, Dmitry)|SScores\\1","Put Me Not to Rebuke O Lord (Loosemore, Henry)|SScores\\1"],"Q":["Quae est illa (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Quae est ista quae progiditur (Cantone, Serafino)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Quae est ista quae progiditur (Paoletti, Angelo)|SScores\\1","Quae est ista quae progreditur (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Quae est ista (Eberlin, Johann Ernst)|SScores\\1","Quae virgo peperit (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Qual dall'orto un'aurora (De Giosa, Nicola)|SScores\\1","Qual orribil spettacolo (Mazziotti, Michele)|SScores\\1","Qual vanto \u00e8 questo mai (Niccolai, Tertulliano)|SScores\\1","Quam dilecta tabernacula tua, Psaume 83 (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)|SScores\\1","Quam dilecta tabernacula, RCT 15 (Rameau, Jean-Philippe)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\6","Quam pulchra est casta generatio cum claritate (Filago, Carlo)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Quam pulchra est casta (Cornetti, Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Quam pulchri sunt gressus tui (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Quand l'ennuy facheux vou prend (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Quand le berger veid la bergere (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Quand ma maitresse rid (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Quando dal primo amore (Caimo, Gioseppe)","Quando en el oriente (Facco, Giacomo)|PParts\\1","Quando la sera scaccia, LV 15 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Quando tramonta il sole (Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria)|SScores\\2","Quanti mercenarii (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Quanti mercenarii (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Quanto di spirto abbiam nel petto accolto, S.609 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Quare fremerunt gentes (Rovetta, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Quare fremuerunt gentes (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Quare fremuerunt gentes (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Quare tristis es anima mea, LV 472 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Quarta et sexta feria (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Quartet for Tenor, Clarinet, Bassoon and Cello, Op.2757 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Quartet for Trumpet, Tenor, Cello and Harpsichord, Op.595 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\2","4 Quartets, Op.6 (Weisse, Hans)|SScores\\1","3 Quartets, Op.20 (P\u00fcttlingen, Johann Vesque von)|SScores\\2","3 Quartets, Op.31 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","2 Quartets, Op.55 (Arensky, Anton)|SScores\\1","3 Quartets, Op.57 (Arensky, Anton)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","3 Quartets, Op.64 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","4 Quartets, Op.92 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","6 Quartets, Op.112 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","5 Quartette f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerstimmen (Call, Leonhard von)|PParts\\1","3 Quartette (Reiter, Ernst Michael)|SScores\\1","4 Quartetten f\u00fcr M\u00e4nner-Stimmen, Op.32 (Riccius, August Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","Quartetto e Coro dei Maggi, H 59 (Berlioz, Hector)|SFull Scores\\2","Quasi cedrus exaltata sum in Libano, LV 205 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Quasi stella matutina (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Qud signum erit adventus tui o iudex saeculi (Polidori, Ortensio)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Que admirais mortales (Jerusalem, Ignacio)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\2","Que bien (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Que de passions et douleurs (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Que dulce, que suave (Dur\u00f3n, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Quedito airecillo (Dur\u00f3n, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Queen of the Valley (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Quel amor quel valor quel honor (Jerusalem, Ignacio)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Quel chiaro sol che tragge indi lontano, LV 67 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Quell' innocente figlio, D.17 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Quem terra pontus (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Quem Vidistis Pastores? (Fritz, William)|SScores\\1","Quem vidistis pastores (Canale, Floriano)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\15","Quem vidistis pastores (Caruso, Giuseppe)|SScores\\2","Quem vidistis pastores (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Quem vidistis, pastores? (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Quemadmodum desiderat cervus, BuxWV 92 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Quemadmodum desiderat cervus, LV 365 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Questa che al ciel s'innalza, S.647 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Questa si bianca neve (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Questi ch'inditio fan, LV 68 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Questi odorati fiori (Wert, Giaches de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Questo povero grida (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Qui consolabatur me (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Qui habitat in E-flat major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","Qui Habitat (Felici, Bartolomeo)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Qui luna sol et omnia (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Qui meditabitur in lege Domini (Reager, John)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Qui n'en riroit (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Qui pace Christi (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Qui paracletus diceris (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Qui pius prudens (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Qui pro quo (Gomes, Carlos)|SScores\\2","Qui sedes et Quoniam, A 600 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Qui terrena triumphat (Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio)|SScores\\2","Qui tollis in E major (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Qui tollis, A 590 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\2","Qui tollis, A 621 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Qui vagitus infantiae (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Qui voit alors que les ventz du printemps (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Quia vidisti me Thoma credidisti, LV 150 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Quicunque manducaverit, MH 259 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Quid estis pusillanimes, LV 473 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Quien a mi enamoradito (Sanz, Francisco)|PParts\\1","The Quiet Valley (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)|SScores\\1","Quiete meridiana nell' Alpe (Bossi, Marco Enrico)|SScores\\1","Quinque Salutationes Domini nostri Hiesu Christi (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Quis ascendet in montem Domini, S.21 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Quis ascendet in montem Domini (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Quis dabit mihi (Strozzi, Barbara)|SScores\\1","Quis dabit oculis (Senfl, Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Quo Christus, invictus Leo (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Quocunque pergis, virgines Sequuntur (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Quodcumque vinclis (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Quodlibet, BWV 524 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Quoniam in me speravit, Op.30 (Elsner, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Quoniam iniquitatem (Fasch, Karl Friedrich Christian)|SScores\\1","Quotiescumque (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1"],"R":["Raccolta d'Arie spirituali a una due e tre voci di diversi eccellentissimi autori (Bianchi, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","Racoleur et racol\u00e9 (Deransart, \u00c9douard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Rad\u00faz a Mahulena, Op.13 (Suk, Josef)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ragione \u00e8 ben ch'alcuna volta io canti (Berchem, Jacquet de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","The Rainbow of Peace (Adams II, Thomas)|SScores\\1","The Rainy Day (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Rallegrati mio cor (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","La ramilletera (Campana, Fabio)|SScores\\1","Ramonnez-moy ma chemin\u00e9e (Hesdin, Nicolle des Celliers de)|SScores\\1","Rappelle toi, Op.93 (Marchal, M\u00e1ximo)|SScores\\1","R\u00e4thsel Canon, G.61 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\1","Il Ratto impedito, G.59 (Gerson, Georg)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\24|VVocal Scores\\3","Der Raub der Sabinerinnen, Op.50 (Vierling, Georg)|SScores\\1","The Raven (Barker, George Arthur)|SScores\\1","The Realm of Fancy, Op.36 (Paine, John Knowles)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Reaper's Song (Peck, James)|SScores\\1","Rebekah (Barnby, Joseph)|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Recens fabricatus labor (Speer, Daniel)|PParts\\7","Recercada primera sobre 'Doulce Memoire' (Ortiz, Diego)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Die Rechte des Herrn, GWV 1118\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Recitative and Aria from 'Diana e Endimione', G.80 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\2","Recordare Domine (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Recordatus est (Rogier, Philippe)|SScores\\1","Die Rede des Freundlichen, GWV 1114\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","The Redeemer (Edwards, Julian)|VVocal Scores\\1","Reffley Spring (Arne, Thomas Augustine)|SScores\\1","Reformation Cantata (Christiansen, F. Melius)|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Regen Gottes trieft auf gute Sprossen, TWV 1:312 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Regensburger Liederkranz (Various)|SScores\\1","Regina caeli in C major (Zeiler, Gallus)|SScores\\1","Regina caeli in G major (Tinel, Jef)|SScores\\1","Regina caeli laetare for 5 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\5","Regina caeli laetare (Fontei, Nicol\u00f2)|SScores\\1","Regina caeli laetare (Grancini, Michel Angelo)|SScores\\1","Regina caeli laetare (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Regina caeli, S.101 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Regina caeli, S.102 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Regina caeli (Aichinger, Gregor)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Regina caeli (Anerio, Giovanni Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Regina c\u00e6li, F-Pn MS-23521 (Antoine, Merle)|SScores\\1","Regina c\u00e6li, F-Pn MS-23533 (Antoine, Merle)|SScores\\1","Regina coeli in C major, K.276\/321b (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Regina coeli laetare (Busnois, Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Regina coeli laetare (Willaert, Adrian)|SScores\\1","Regina coeli, H.30 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Regina coeli, MH 128 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Regina coeli, ZWV 133 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Regina coeli (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Regina coeli (Cirri, Ignazio)|SScores\\1","Regina c\u0153li (Valenti, Avelino)|SScores\\1","Regnum mundi, LV 519 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Regole, passaggi di musica (Bovicelli, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\3","El regreso a la patria (Monasterio, Jes\u00fas de)|SScores\\1","Das Reich Gottes ist nicht Essen und Trinken, GWV 1131\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Das Reich Gottes ist nicht Essen und Trinken, GWV 1131\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Das Reich Gottes ist nicht Essen und Trinken, GWV 1138\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Das Reich Gottes ist nicht Essen und Trinken, TWV 1:193 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Reichlich das gl\u00fcck kombt alle tag (Peuerl, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Der Reif und auch der kalte Schnee (Franck, Melchior)","Reiter-Leben, Op.16 (Gade, Niels)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Rejoice in the Lord Alway, Z.49 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Rejoice in the Lord (Sheppard, John)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Reliefs polychrom\u00e9s (Gu\u00e9zec, Jean-Pierre)|SScores\\1","Religion, Op.764 (Czerny, Carl)|SScores\\1","Religi\u00f6se Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerstimmen, Op.22 (Klein, Bernhard)|SScores\\1","Religi\u00f6se Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerstimmen, Op.23 (Klein, Bernhard)|SScores\\1","12 Religi\u00f6se Ges\u00e4nge (Solle, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","3 Religi\u00f6se Ges\u00e4nge, Op.64 (Breu, Simon)|SScores\\1","Remember Not, Lord, Our Offences, Z.50 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Remember, O Thou Man (Ravenscroft, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Le renard et la poulette, Op.41 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Renard, K023 (Stravinsky, Igor)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2","Le renouveau (Koechlin, Charles)|SScores\\1","Representation (Fine, Elaine)|SScores\\2","The Reproaches (Hoyte, William Stevenson)|SScores\\1","La rep\u00fablica de las mujeres (Rodriguez de Hita, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Requiem a 3 Vozes (Arantes, Rafael Sales)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Requiem aeternam, K.146 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Requiem aeternam, K.147 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Requiem aeternam (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\1","Requiem di Luce (Fedi Caruso, Marco)|RRecordings\\2|SScores\\1","Requiem e Kyrie dalla messa funebre (Gattola, Paolo Maria)|SScores\\1","Requiem in A major (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2","Requiem in C major (Pasterwitz, Georg)|SScores\\1","Requiem in C minor, M.H14 (Rosetti, Antonio)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in C minor, SchE Missa 17 (Bachschmid, Anton Adam)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in C minor (Arantes, Rafael Sales)|RRecordings\\10|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15","Requiem in C minor (Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von)|SScores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in C minor (Fago, Francesco Nicola)|SScores\\2","Requiem in C minor (Salieri, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Requiem in D minor, K.626 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\90|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\32|PParts\\86|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\38","Requiem in D minor (Aiblinger, Johann Kaspar)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\10","Requiem in E major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in E-flat major, R 297\/9 (Rathgeber, Valentin)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in E-flat major, S.18 (Heinichen, Johann David)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Requiem in E-flat major, W.XIX:Requiem Es2 (Vanhal, Johann Baptist)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in E-flat major (Aiblinger, Johann Kaspar)|PParts\\1","Requiem in E-flat major (Naumann, Johann Gottlieb)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in F major, BurG I\/51 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in F major, Op.29 No.1 (Kobrich, Johann Anton)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem in F minor (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Requiem in G minor, KomZ B18 (Zach, Jan)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem Mass No.2 in E minor (Webbe, Samuel)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Requiem Mass (Korman, James Andrew)|SScores\\1","Requiem No.1 (H\u00f6lzl, Franz Seraphin)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem No.3, Op.49 (Renner Sr., Joseph)|SScores\\1","Requiem, A 688 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Requiem, CatAd 2.02 (Adlgasser, Anton Cajetan)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem, CG 80 (Gounod, Charles)|SFull Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Requiem, HofR 46\/4 (Reutter, Georg)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem, JWV 108 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Requiem, Op.20 (Kiel, Friedrich)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Requiem, Op.20 (Raphael, G\u00fcnter)|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem, Op.21 (Huber, Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Requiem, Op.54 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem, Op.60 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Requiem, Op.63 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|NNaxos\\0","Requiem, Op.70 (Gouvy, Louis Th\u00e9odore)|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem, Op.76 (Fine, Marshall)|SFull Scores\\8","Requiem, Op.78 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\10","Requiem, Op.80 (Kiel, Friedrich)|SFull Scores\\1","Requiem, Op.89 (Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Anton\u00edn)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\10|PParts\\29|VVocal Scores\\2","Requiem, Op.146 (Lachner, Franz Paul)|SFull Scores\\1","Requiem, Op.148 (Schumann, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem, S.12 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|PParts\\3","Requiem, WAB 39 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\8","Requiem, WoO V\/9 (Reger, Max)|SFull Scores\\1","Requiem, ZWV 45 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\4","Requiem, ZWV 46 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\4|PParts\\7","7 Requiems in Memory of Samuel Webbe (Various)|SScores\\1","Requiemsatz, Op.145a (Reger, Max)|SFull Scores\\1","Requiem (Becherini, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Requiem (Gilles, Jean)|RRecordings\\10|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\7","Requiem (Jommelli, Niccol\u00f2)|SFull Scores\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem (Maliszewski, Witold)|SScores\\1","Requiem (Neff, Lyle K.)|SScores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Requiem (Nichifor, Serban)|RRecordings\\2|SScores\\2|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Requiem (Righini, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","Requiem (Saral, Ali Riza)|SScores\\20|LLibretti\\1","Requiem (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","Requiem (Stadler, Maximilian)|PParts\\1","Requiem (Verdi, Giuseppe)|RRecordings\\24|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\21|PParts\\30|VVocal Scores\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Requiescat (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)|SFull Scores\\3","Reserenate lumina fideles populi (Mognossa, Giovanni Francesco)|SScores\\1","Resonet in laudibus, LV 363 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Resonet in laudibus, MS-5.092 (Praetorius, Michael)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Resonet in laudibus (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Respice in Servos Tuos (Perosi, Lorenzo)|SScores\\1","Respicit Dominus vias hominis, LV 982 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","The Responsary (Bull, Amos)|SScores\\1","Respons\u00f3rio de Santo Ant\u00f4nio de P\u00e1dua (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Respons\u00f3rio de S\u00e3o Caetano (Ferreira, Miguel Teodoro)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Respons\u00f3rio para S\u00e3o Pedro de Alc\u00e2ntara (Pedro I)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\22","6 Respons\u00f3rios f\u00fanebres, PR.4.1 (Lobo, Jo\u00e3o de Deus de Castro)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Responsorium in exequiis, LV Anh.147 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Resuenen los clarines (Zumaya, Manuel de)|PParts\\1","Resurgam, Op.98 (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|VVocal Scores\\3","Resurrection Light (Ashford, Emma Louise)|SScores\\1","La resurrezione, HWV 47 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Le Retour de Tendresse (Bouvard, Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Le retour du printems (Romagnesi, Antoine)|SScores\\1","The Reveille, Op.54 (Elgar, Edward)|SScores\\1","Revelabitur gloria Domini, K.284 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Reverdie (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Revertere anima mea (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","R\u00eaves (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","R\u00eavons, c'est l'heure (Massenet, Jules)|SScores\\1","Rex autem (Tejeda, Alonso de)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Rex gloriose martyrum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Rhapsody of St. Bernard, Op.38 (Smith, David Stanley)|VVocal Scores\\1","Rhapsody (Bliss, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Rheinfahrt, Op.70 (Goltermann, Georg)|PParts\\1","Die Rheingauer Glocken (Schmelz, Reinhard)|SScores\\1","Rheinsage (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Rheinweinlied-Ouverture, Op.123 (Schumann, Robert)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","La rica espiga de oro (Ximeno, Fabi\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","La ricerca del Santo Graal (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Richard L\u00f6wenherz, Op.200 (Hiller, Ferdinand)|VVocal Scores\\1","Ridiamo, cantiamo (Rossini, Gioacchino)|SScores\\1","The Righteous Live for Evermore (Lloyd, Charles Harford)|SScores\\1","The Righteous Live for Evermore (Prescott, Oliveria)|SScores\\1","3 Rilke Songs for Choir (Gulick, Paul van)|SScores\\1","Rimanti amor in sempiterno oblio (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Rinaldo, Op.50 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ring Out Your Bells (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Ring, Ring (Bielenberg, Aliosha)|SScores\\1","Ringet danach dass ihr durch die enge Pforte, GWV 1117\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ringet danach dass ihr durch die enge Pforte, GWV 1154\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Rings um mich schwebet Traurigkeit (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Der Ritterschwur (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\1","River of Eden (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","Robin Hood (Hatton, John Liptrot)|VVocal Scores\\1","Robustas trompas Violines suaves (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","The Rock of Liberty, Op.36 (Cole, Rossetter Gleason)|VVocal Scores\\1","Rodelinda, regina de' Longobardi, HWV 19 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|LLibrettos\\3","Rodrigo, HWV 5 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\22","Le Roi de Thul\u00e9, Op.104 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Le roi des t\u00e9nors (Lhuillier, Edmond)|SScores\\1","Romance de La Luna, Luna (Antonio, Lincoln)|SScores\\1","Romance of the Year, Op.53 (Shapleigh, Bertram)|SScores\\1","Romance, G.15 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\4","4 Romances to Verses by Pushkin, Op.68 (N\u00e1pravn\u00edk, Eduard)|SScores\\1","3 Romances (Blangini, Joseph Marie Felix)|SScores\\1","4 Romances (Brugui\u00e8re, \u00c9douard)|SScores\\1","5 Romances (Lushpa, Ilia)|RRecordings\\4|SScores\\2","Romances, Op.2 (Engel, Joel)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","2 Romances, Op.7 (Maykapar, Samuil)|SScores\\1","4 Romances, Op.55 (Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","2 Romances, Op.188 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","2 Romances, Op.189 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","2 Romances, Op.190 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","2 Romances, Op.191 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","2 Romances, Op.197 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","2 Romances, Op.201 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Romans 8:38-39 (Roberts, Joshua A.)|SScores\\1","Romanzen und Balladen, Op.67 (Schumann, Robert)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Romei e vagabondi, santi e briganti (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\2","Romeo and Juliet (duet), TH 215 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Rom\u00e9o et Juliette, H 79 (Berlioz, Hector)|RRecordings\\12|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\14|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\28","Rompeltier (Obrecht, Jacob)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Rondeaux de Printemps (Mourey, Colette)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Rond\u00f2 arlecchinesco, Op.46, BV 266 (Busoni, Ferruccio)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\14","Rorate Caeli (Hamilton, Gregory)|SScores\\1","Rorate coeli (Guerrero, Francisco)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Rosarium Litaniarium Beatae V. Mariae (Various)|PParts\\1","Rose and Lily (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","La rose et l'abeille (Bizet, Georges)|SScores\\1","The Rose Maiden, Op.3 (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\3","The Rose of Sharon, Op.30 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|VVocal Scores\\3","Rosina, wo was dein Gestalt (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","La Rosmene, R.337.11 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)|SScores\\3","Le rossignol plaisant et gratieux, LV 91 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Rost Codex (Rost, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\23|PScores and Parts\\23","A Round for Machaut (St. Clair, Richard)|VVocal Scores\\1","Rubri maris trajectus (Manna, Gennaro)|PParts\\1|LLibretti\\2","Rufe getrost schone nicht, GWV 1106\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Rufe Gott im Leiden an, GWV 1155\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Rufet nicht die Weisheit? (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Ruhe hier, mein Geist (Melchior, Johann Abraham)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Ruhe, Friede, Freud und Wonne (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","R\u00fchme dich nicht des morgenden Tags, GWV 1157\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Ruidosas trompas sonoros eccos (Literes, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Rumi Cantata (Saral, Ali Riza)|SScores\\4","Rundgesang, LadK deest (Knecht, Justin Heinrich)|PParts\\1","Russian Church Chants for the 12 Major Christian Holidays (Arkhangelsky, Aleksandr)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6","R\u00fcste dich mein Geist zum k\u00e4mpfen, GWV 1120\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Ruth and Naomi (Damrosch, Leopold)|VVocal Scores\\2","Ruth (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\4"],"S":["S'\u00e8 il Signore mio pastore, S.622 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","S'Gebot ist schon ausgangen (Knuth, J\u00fcrgen)|SScores\\4","S'il est un charmant gazon (Kosz\u00fcl, Julien)|SScores\\1","S'ogni mio ben havete (Striggio, Alessandro)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","S'on me regarde (Anonymous)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","S. Giovanni Battista, G.3.3 (Stradella, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","Sabbath Evening Song (Geibel, Adam)|SScores\\1","Saccharissa's Grown Old, Z.507 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Sacer Janus quadrifrons tribus vocibus (Steffani, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Sacerdos et Pontifex (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Sacra cetra concertata, Op.13 (Milanuzzi, Carlo)|PParts\\1","Sacra Ruris Laetita, Sive Vesperae Rurales, Op.13 (K\u00f6nigsperger, Marianus)|PParts\\2","Sacrae cantiones una, duabusque vocibus concinendae (Caprioli, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores\\25","Sacrae melodiae (Lappi, Pietro)|SScores\\19","Sacramentum supremum (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)|SScores\\1","Sacrarum cantionum, Op.3 (Buchner, Philip Friedrich)|PParts\\6","Sacred Compositions, Op.28 (Klein, Bruno Oscar)|SScores\\2","The Sacred Harmonist (Webb, John Charles)|SScores\\1","Sacred Harmony for the Use of St. George's Church Edinburgh (Various)|SScores\\1","Sacred Harmony (Harrison, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Sacred Hymns (Tailour, Robert)|SScores\\1","Sacred Melody (Moreton, John)|SScores\\1","Sacred Music Sung in St. George's Church Edinburgh (Smith, Robert Archibald)|SScores\\2","Sacred Music (Cole, John)|SScores\\1","Sacred Music (Stoeckel, Gustav Jakob)|SScores\\1","Sacred Peace, Celestial Treasure (Storace, Stephen)|SScores\\1","4 Sacred Pieces, Op.124 (Sudds, William F.)|SScores\\2","18 Sacred Songs, I-Vc Torr.Ms.C.59 (Various)|SScores\\1","Sacri concentus duarum vocum (Casati, Gasparo)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Sacri concentus, Op.3 (Pietkin, Lambert)|SScores\\2","Sacri concerti di salmi (Macchetti, Teofilo)|PParts\\1","Sacri concerti (Rusca, Claudia Francesca)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\22|PScores and Parts\\22|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Sacri Concerti (Valentini, Giovanni)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sacrificio a Venere (Bononcini, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Sacrificium Vespertinum, Op.3 (Schreyer, Gregor)|PParts\\11","Sacrificium, A 706 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Sacris solemniis (Schmidt, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","El sacristan del barbero (G\u00f3mez del Valle, Jos\u00e9 Lorenzo)|PParts\\1","Sacrorum Canticorum (Patta, Serafino)|SScores\\1","Sacrorum concentuum, Liber 2 (D'India, Sigismondo)|PParts\\1","Sacrorum hymnorum, Book 1 (Rhau, Georg)|PParts\\4","Sacrum-profanum (\u017bo\u0142nowski, Maciej)|SScores\\1","Saepe expugnaverunt me (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Sag nicht, ich bin ein Christ, TWV 1:1232 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Sage mir an du den meine Seele liebet, TWV 1:1231 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Saget den G\u00e4sten, SWV 459 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Saget den verzagten Herzen, GWV 1131\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Saget der Tochter Zion siehe dein Heil kommt (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Saget unter den Heiden, GWV 1111\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Saggio di studi di composizione musicale sopra alcuni partimenti di Fenaroli (Picchianti, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Il sagrifizio di Jefte (Galuppi, Baldassare)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Sagt was sind doch unsre Tage, GWV 1157\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","A Saia de Carolina (Viro, Angel)|SScores\\2","Sailing (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)|SScores\\1","La Saint Cr\u00e9pin (Bord\u00e8se, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Saint Fran\u00e7ois d'Assise, CG 34 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\2|PParts\\15","La Saint Jean (Bord\u00e8se, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Saint Ludmila, Op.71 (Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Anton\u00edn)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Saint Ursula (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\1","Sakali Man (Santiago, Francisco)|SScores\\1","Salamis, Op.25 (Bruch, Max)|VVocal Scores\\1","Salamon \u00c9nekek \u00c9neke (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1","The Salem Collection of Classical Sacred Musick (Various)|SScores\\1","2 Salmer (Nielsen, Ludolf)|SScores\\1","Salmi a 1, 3, 4 e 5 voci concertati, Op.6 (Uccellini, Marco)|SScores\\1","Salmi a otto voci concertati, Op.3 (Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Salmi Concertati a 4 voci con Strumenti, Op.19 (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores\\1","Salmi concertati, Op.6 (Mazzaferrata, Giovanni Battista)|PParts\\1","Salmi concertati, Op.8 (Monferrato, Natale)|PParts\\1","Salmi et messa concertati, Op.18 (Merula, Tarquinio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Salmi passaggiati per tutte le voci nella maniera che si cantano in Roma (Severi, Francesco)|SScores\\7","Salmo da Terra (Costa, Fabio)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Il Salmo Miserere (Alfieri, Pietro)|SScores\\2","Salmo Nunc dimittis per Compieta \u00e0 otto concertato (Giorgi, Giovanni)|VVocal Scores\\3","Salut au Br\u00e9sil! (Giraudon, Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Salvatorem exspectamus (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Salve Jesu sancte sponse (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Salve o Maria (Bird, Melvin Clive)|SScores\\1","Salve o regina, SV 326 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Salve Regina a 4 (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina a 6 (Valls, Francisco)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina des Jesuites, H.27 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Salve Regina for 6 Voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Salve Regina I for 5 Voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Salve Regina II for 5 Voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Salve Regina II (Fuentes Matons, Laureano)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina in A major, MH 634 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Salve Regina in B minor (Brunetti, Giovan Gualberto)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina in C major (Morlacchi, Francesco)|SScores\\2","Salve Regina in C minor (Caldara, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Salve Regina in D minor (Martini, Giovanni Battista)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Salve Regina in F major (Bertoni, Ferdinando)|SScores\\3","Salve Regina in G major (Holler, Augustin)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Salve Regina in G minor, Hob.XXIIIb:2 (Haydn, Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\2","Salve regina mater mire (Dunstaple, John)|SScores\\1","Salve regina mater misericordiae (Dunstaple, John)|SScores\\1","Salve regina misericoriae (Dunstaple, John)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina No.1 in B-flat major (Pappalardo, Salvatore)|SScores\\1","2 Salve Regina (Vanhal, Johann Baptist)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","6 Salve Regina (Various)|PParts\\1","Salve Regina, A 678 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|PParts\\1","Salve Regina, C.114 (Cl\u00e9rambault, Louis-Nicolas)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Salve Regina, D.106 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Salve Regina, D.811 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Salve Regina, IFF 57 (Frontini, Francesco Paolo)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina, MH 32 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Salve Regina, MH 34 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Salve Regina, Op.10 No.1 (Zientarski, Romuald)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina, Op.18 (Mohr, D\u00e9sir\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina, RicS 13g (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Salve Regina, SV 327 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Salve Regina, ZWV 136 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Salve Regina, ZWV 137 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\4|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Salve Regina, ZWV 140 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3","Salve Regina, ZWV 141 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Salve Regina (Anonymous)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Benelli, Antonio Peregrino)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Byrd, William)|SScores\\2","Salve Regina (Dur\u00f3n, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Salve Regina (Filago, Carlo)|SScores\\2","Salve Regina (Guerrero, Francisco)|SScores\\6","Salve Regina (Ligniville, Eug\u00e8ne de)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Salve Regina (Niccolai, Tertulliano)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Salve Regina (Nichifor, Serban)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Pearsall, Robert Lucas)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Piazzano, Geremia)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Ramella, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Souza, Jer\u00f4nimo de)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8","Salve Regina (St. Pierre, Anthony)|SScores\\2","Salve Regina (Vlahek, Bruno)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Salve Regina (Ziani, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Salve Rex Christe (Gletle, Johann Melchior)|SScores\\1","Salve Sancta Parens (Meucci, Giovanni Vincenzio)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Salve Virgo (Neri, Massimiliano)|SScores\\1","Salvete cives nostri (Peace, Albert Lister)|SScores\\1","Salvete pastores et gaudete (Crivelli, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Salvos fac nos, MH 351 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Salvum fac servum tuum, Op.33 (Zvona\u0159, Josef Leopold)|PParts\\1","Salvum me fac Deus (Antoine, Merle)|SScores\\1","Salvum me fac Domine quoniam (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Samlet euch Sch\u00e4tze (Gerstenb\u00fcttel, Joachim)|SScores\\1|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Samlet euch, getreue Catten, GWV 1052 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Samling af Sange for Chor (Malling, J\u00f6rgen)|SScores\\3","San Timoteo Canyontata, Op.33 (Alburger, Mark)|VVocal Scores\\1","Sancta Civitas (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2","Sancta et immaculata virginitas, LV 548 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Sancta et immaculata virginitas (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Sancta Maria succurre miseris (Gabrieli, Andrea)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12","Sancta Maria succurre miseris (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Sancta Maria, K.Anh.C 3.15 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Sancta Maria (Anchieta, Juan de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Sancta Maria (Niedermeyer, Louis)|SScores\\1","Sancta Maria (Xavier, Jos\u00e9 Maria)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13","Sancte Paule apostole (Santini, Fortunato)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Sanctify, O Beatific Lord (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Sanctissimae Virgini Missa senis vocibus ac Vesperae pluribus decantandae (Monteverdi, Claudio)|PParts\\15","Sanctorum agmina (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Sanctorum meritis (Thermignon, Delfino)|SScores\\2","Sanctorum meritis (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","1510 Sanctus and Agnus Chaconne (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Sanctus and Agnus Dei, ZWV 34 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Sanctus and Agnus Dei, ZWV 202 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2","Sanctus Deus (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Sanctus Dominus (Lotti, Antonio)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Sanctus (Anerio, Felice)|SScores\\1","Sanctus (Bianciardi, Vincenzio)|SScores\\1|PParts\\12","Sanctus (Carnaby, William)|SScores\\1","Sanctus (Fry, James)|SScores\\1","Sanctus (R\u00f6llig, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","Sanftmutsvolle, zarte Triebe, TWV 1:1235a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","2 Sange, Op.59 (Nielsen, Ludolf)|SScores\\1","S\u00e4ngers Morgenfahrt, Op.147 (Abt, Franz)|SScores\\1","Sanita e allegrezza (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Sans toi, Op.26 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Santa Pelagia (Stradella, Alessandro)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Saper vorrei se m'ami, Hob.XXVa:2 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\2","Saper vorrei se m\u2019ami (Salieri, Antonio)|SScores\\7","Sara la baigneuse, H 69 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2","Saranda volde e plio (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Sardanapale (Pr\u00e9vost, Eug\u00e8ne)|SScores\\1","Satanas und sein Get\u00fcmmel (B\u00f6hm, Georg)|SScores\\1","Satiro e Corisca (Merula, Tarquinio)|SScores\\3","Saul of Tarsus (Parry, Joseph)|VVocal Scores\\1","Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich?, SWV 415 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Saule, Saule quid me persequeris (Accademico Bizzarro Capriccioso)|SScores\\1","Saule, Saule quid me persequeris (Rinaldi, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Saulle (Andreozzi, Gaetano)|SFull Scores\\2","The Savior Hath Risen, Op.81 (Bailey, Eben Howe)|SScores\\1","4 Sayings of Jesus (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Scapulis suis obumbrabit tibi Dominus, LV 686 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Scapulis suis (Breunich, Johann Michael)|SScores\\1","Scelesta (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Scenes from Longfellow's 'Golden Legend' (Buck, Dudley)|VVocal Scores\\2","Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op.30 (Elgar, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Schaff und wirk o Herr Gott (Philipp III)|PParts\\1","Schaffe in mir Gott ein reines Herz (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\9","Schaffe in mir Gott ein reines Herz (Thieme, Clemens)|PParts\\1","Schallt ihr Stimmen, GWV 1058 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Schallt t\u00f6nende Paucken, klingt helle Trompeten, GWV 1070 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Schatzgr\u00e4ber (Boero, Leonardo)|SScores\\1","Schau hier die Rabenart, GWV 1151\/28b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Schau Seele! Jesus geht zum Vater, TWV 1:1244 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Schau, lieber Gott, wie meine Feind, BWV 153 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\3","Schaue Jesus meine Not, GWV 1121\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Schauende, Op.204 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Schauet doch und sehet, BWV 46 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|OOther\\1","Schaut die Demut-Palmen tragen, TWV 1:1245 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Scheidegru\u00df (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\1","Scheiden und Meiden (Cornelius, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Lo schernito (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Scherz, List und Rache, Op.1 (Bruch, Max)|VVocal Scores\\1","Scherzi Amorosi Canzonette ad una voce sola (Stefani, Giovanni)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Scherzi e canzonette, Op.5 (Marini, Biagio)|SScores\\16|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Scherzi musicali, SV 246-251 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Scherzi, capricci et fantasie per cantar a due voci (Puliti, Gabriello)|PParts\\1","Scherzt und lacht vergn\u00fcgte Sinnen, MWV 2.7 (Molter, Johann Melchior)|SScores\\1","Schicket euch in die Zeit, GWV 1140\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Schicket euch in die Zeit, GWV 1151\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Schillers lyrische Gedichte (Reichardt, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Schirmer's Soprano and Tenor Duet Collection (Various)|SScores\\1","Die Schlacht vor Pavia (Werrecore, Mathias)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Schlecht und recht beh\u00fcten mich, GWV 1104\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Schlecht und recht beh\u00fcten mich, GWV 1164\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Schleicht, spielende Wellen, BWV 206 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Schlemihl (Reznicek, Emil von)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Die schmachtende Verspottung des zum Tode verurteilten Heilandes, GWV 1170\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Schmecket und sehet wie freundlich der Herr ist, GWV 1130\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Schmecket und sehet wie freundlich der Herr ist, GWV 1143\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Schmecket und sehet wie freundlich der Herr ist, GWV 1143\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Schmecket und sehet wie freundlich der Herr ist (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Schmerz verzerret ihr Gesicht, D.65 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Schm\u00fccke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 180 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|OOther\\2","Schm\u00fccket das Fest mit Maien (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Schneider's Christmas Carol (Shuey, Michael Gabriel Edouard)|SScores\\1","Schon hebt sich der Schleier der sinkenden Nacht, BreB B4.54 (Bergt, August)|PParts\\1","Sch\u00f6ne Nacht (Nagel, Wilhelm)|SScores\\2","Der Sch\u00f6nste unter Menschenkindern, GWV 1158\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die Sch\u00f6pfung, Hob.XXI:2 (Haydn, Joseph)|RRecordings\\32|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\40|VVocal Scores\\28|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\37|LLibrettos\\2|DSketches and Drafts\\5","Das Schrecken des K\u00f6niges ist wie das Br\u00fcllen, GWV 1161\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Schreib meinen Nam' aufs beste ins Buch des Lebens ein, H.380 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Schuldige sie Gott dass sie fallen, GWV 1106\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Sch\u00fctz (Krauss, Clemens)|PParts\\5","Schweig Seele schweige aller Freuden, GWV 1119\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht, BWV 211 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Schweizer Wanderlied (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Schwertlied, D.170 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Schwesterlein (Grandauer, Karl)|PParts\\2","Schwing dich auf zu deinem Gott, GWV 1133\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Schwingt freudig euch empor, BWV 36c (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12","Schwingt freudig euch empor, BWV 36 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\15|BBooks\\1|OOther\\3","Scielta d'ariosi salmi (Casati, Gasparo)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Sciolto havean dall'alte sponde (Carissimi, Giacomo)|SScores\\2","Scotch Strathspey and Reel (Grainger, Percy)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","The Scottish Metrical Psalter (Various)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","12 Scottish Songs, WoO 156 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Scrupule (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Sct. Cassian's-Messe, Op.72 (Zangl, Joseph Gregor)|PParts\\3","Se al labbro mio non credi, K.295 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Se ben l'empia mia sorte, LV 26 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Se la mia morte brami, Op.2 (Sousamidis, Savvas)|SScores\\1","Se nel partir da voi, SV 32 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores\\1","Sechs dreistimmige Chansons (Binchois, Gilles)|SScores\\2","Sechsstimmige Fest- und Zeit-Andachten (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|PParts\\7","Seconde musiche (Melli, Domenico Maria)|SScores\\1","Secondo libro di madrigali (Valentini, Giovanni)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\14","Secour\u00e8s moy, madame, LV 102 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Le secret des vagues (La Tombelle, Fernand de)|SScores\\1","Le secret (Adam, Adolphe)|SScores\\1","Sed noli modo (McIntyre, Richard)|SScores\\1","Sederunt principes (P\u00e9rotin)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","See our Oars with Feather'd Spray (Stevenson, John)|SScores\\2","See Where She Sits, Z.508 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\2","See, the Dawn from Heaven (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|SScores\\2","Seed-Time and Harvest (Foster, Myles Birket)|VVocal Scores\\2","Seed-time and Harvest (West, John Ebenezer)|SScores\\1","The Seeds of Love (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|SScores\\1","Seehunde, WVE-208c (Kan-no, Shigeru)|SScores\\1","Seek ye the lord (Roberts, John Varley)|SScores\\1","Die Seenixe, Op.11 (Chomentowski, Stanislas)|SScores\\2","Der Segen des Herrn machet reich ohne M\u00fche, TWV 1:309 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Segen des Herrn machet reich ohne M\u00fche, TWV 1:310 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Segen des Herrn (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Segia l'amai crudele (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Segne alle die dir fluchen, GWV 1147\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Sehet an den Feigenbaum, GWV 1102\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sehet an die Exempel der Alten, TWV 1:1259 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Sehet darauf dass nicht jemand Gottes Gnade, GWV 1151\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sehet die V\u00f6gel unter dem Himmel, GWV 1156\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sehet drauf dass niemand, GWV 1106\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Sehet welch eine Liebe hat uns der Vater erzeiget (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Sehet welch eine Liebe, GWV 1107\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Sehet welch eine Liebe (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Sehet wir gehen hinauf gen Jerusalem, GWV 1119\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Sehet zu dass ihr vorsichtig wandelt, GWV 1121\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sehet zu dass niemand B\u00f6ses, GWV 1158\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sehet zu tut rechtschaffne Fr\u00fcchte der Busse, GWV 1152\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sehet zu wie ihr vorsichtig wandelt, GWV 1166\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Sehet, wir geh'n hinauf gen Jerusalem, BWV 159 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|LLibrettos\\1|OOther\\2","Sehet, wir gehen hinauf gen Jerusalem, TWV 1:1264 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Sehnsucht (Naumann, Reinhardt)|SScores\\1","Seht doch die Welt will h\u00f6flich sein, GWV 1143\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Seht Gottes Lamm geht hin, GWV 1119\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Seht Jesus sucht das Heil der Seelen, GWV 1124\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Seht Jesus weint da Salem lacht, GWV 1151\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Seht Jesus weint ob Salems S\u00fcnden, GWV 1151\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Seht Jesus weint, GWV 1151\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seht Zions K\u00f6nig weint, GWV 1151\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sei gerne bei den Alten, GWV 1141\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Sei getreu, bis an den Tod (Neithardt, Heinrich August)|SScores\\1","Sei getrost du kleine Herde, GWV 1140\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Sei getrost Gott l\u00e4sst keinen, GWV 1110\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sei Lob und Ehr dem h\u00f6chsten Gut, BWV 117 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\4","Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren, BWV 231 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Sei mir gesegnet Stunde der Andacht (H\u00e4ussler, Ernst)|PParts\\1","Sei nun wieder zufrieden, meine Seele (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Sei stille dem Herrn und warte auf ihn, GWV 1113\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sei stille Welt der Herr steigt selbst vom Thron, RoemV 190 (R\u00f6mhild, Johann Theodor)|PParts\\1","Sei willkommen, Jesulein (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Sei, lieber Tag, willkommen (Bach, Johann Michael)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Seid allezeit bereit zur Verantwortung, GWV 1173\/30a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Seid barmherzig wie auch euer Vater, GWV 1145\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seid barmherzig wie auch euer Vater, GWV 1145\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seid barmherzig, Krebs-WV 112 (Krebs, Johann Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Seid barmherzig, TWV 1:1268 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Seid elend und traget Leid, GWV 1127\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seid fr\u00f6hlich alle Zeit (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Seid fr\u00f6hlich in Hoffnung, GWV 1121\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seid gastfrei untereinander, GWV 1148\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Seid ihr mit Christo auferstanden, GWV 1136\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Seid klug wie die Schlangen, GWV 1161\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seid niemand nichts schuldig, GWV 1119\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Seid n\u00fcchtern und wachet, GWV 1116\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Seid n\u00fcchtern und wachet, GWV 1149\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Seid n\u00fcchtern und wachet, TWV 1:1275 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Seid n\u00fcchtern und wachet, TWV 1:1276 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Seid untertan aller menschlicher Ordnung, GWV 1164\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Seid wacker allezeit und betet, GWV 1102\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sein Auge hat dich nun gesehen, L.531 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Sein Rat ist wunderbar, GWV 1136\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Selectae Harmoniae quatvor vocum, de passione Domini (Rhau, Georg)|PParts\\1","A Selection of 100 Psalm and Hymn Tunes (Valentine, Thomas)|SScores\\1","A Selection of Glees, Duets, Canzonets, etc. (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\3","A Selection of the Best Psalm and Hymn Tunes (Robertson, John)|SScores\\3","The Self Banished (Elgar, Edward)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Selig ist der das Brot isst, GWV 1143\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Selig ist der und heilig, TWV 1:1293 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Selig seid ihr wenn euch die Menschen, GWV 1124\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Selig sind deine Leute, GWV 1154\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Selig sind deine M\u00e4nner, GWV 1154\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Selig sind die aus Erbarmen, GWV 1153\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Selig sind die Gottes Wort h\u00f6ren (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Selig sind die reinen Herzens sind, GWV 1169\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Selig sind die Seelen, GWV 1148\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Selig sind die Todten, TWV 4:1 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Selig sind die Todten, TWV 4:4a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Selig sind die Toten, GWV 1175\/31c (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Selig sind die Toten, SWV 391 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\18|PScores and Parts\\18","Selig sind die Toten, TWV 8:13 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Selig sind, die zum Abendmahle des Lammes berufen sind, TWV 1:1304 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Seliges Erw\u00e4gen des Leidens und Sterbens Jesu Christi, TWV 5:2 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Die Seligpreisungen, Op.43 (Stenov, Michael)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Selva morale e spirituale, SV 252-288 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\11","S\u00e9miramis, Op.14 (Schmitt, Florent)|VVocal Scores\\1","Sempre pi\u00f9 t'amo (Carafa, Michele)|SScores\\1","Sen ziemi (Wallek-Walewski, Boles\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit, GWV 1111\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit, GWV 1134\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Sende dein Licht und deine Wahrheit (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Senex puerum portabat (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","A Se\u00f1or que se acerca (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|PParts\\1","Sepelierunt Stephanum (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores\\2","Les sept paroles de N. S. J\u00e9sus-Christ (Deslandres, Adolphe)|SScores\\1","Les Sept paroles de Notre Seigneur J\u00e9sus-Christ sur la croix, CG 147 (Gounod, Charles)|SScores\\1","Les Sept Paroles du Christ (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\22|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Sepulto Domino (Festa II, Andrea)|SScores\\1","Sepulto Domino (Gesualdo, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Sequenza di Pentecoste (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","The Seraph (Robertson, John)|SScores\\1","The Seraph (Whitaker, John)|SScores\\2","Serbate, o Dei custodi, D.35 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Serbisches Liederspiel, Op.32 (Henschel, George)|SScores\\1","Serenada (Gall, Jan Karol)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Serenade in Honor of One Lady by Four Cavaliers (Borodin, Aleksandr)|SScores\\2","S\u00e9r\u00e9nade languedocienne, Op.40 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Serenade to Music (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Serenade ved strandbredden, Op.8 (Kjerulf, Halfdan)|SScores\\1","Serenade (Blaramberg, Pavel)|SScores\\1","Serenade (Rockwell, Charles J.)|SScores\\1","S\u00e9r\u00e9nade (Wormser, Andr\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Serenata a quatro voci (Pa\u00ebr, Ferdinando)|SScores\\1","Le serment (Gail, Sophie)|SScores\\1","The Sermon on the Mount (Shepard, Thomas Griffin)|SScores\\1","A Sermon, a Narrative and a Prayer, K095 (Stravinsky, Igor)|SScores\\1","Il Serpente di Bronzo, ZWV 61 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SFull Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Serpilla e Serpollo (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SScores\\1","La Serva Padrona (Karolic, Dragan)|SScores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","Service fun\u00e8bre (Neukomm, Sigismund)|VVocal Scores\\1","Service in F major (Nares, James)|SScores\\2","Service in G major (Steggall, Charles)|SScores\\1","Service No.2 (Lejeal, Alois Francis)|VVocal Scores\\1","Servus Tuus Sum (Dietrich, Sixt)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","A Set of Chants (Various)|SScores\\1","A Set of New Psalm Tunes in 4 Parts (Bishop, John)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","A Set of Services, Anthems & Psalm Tunes (Smith of Market Lavington, John)|SScores\\1","Le sette parole di Nostro Signore Ges\u00f9 Cristo in croce (Bottazzo, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Le sette ultime parole (Mercadante, Saverio)|VVocal Scores\\1","Seven, They Are Seven, Op.30 (Prokofiev, Sergey)|PParts\\43|VVocal Scores\\1","Sh'ma Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad! (Nichifor, Serban)|SScores\\1","Shades of Windsor (Spofforth, Reginald)|SScores\\1","Shakespeare, CNW 15 (Nielsen, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","She Walks in Beauty (Sabin, Wallace Arthur)|SScores\\1","She's like the Swallow (Baker, Dorothea)|SScores\\1","Shelley's Hymn (Lambert, Edward)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","A Shepherd in a Shade his Plaining Made (Dowland, John)|SScores\\1","The Shepherd Strephon (Mundy, John)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Shepherds' Vision, Op.63 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\1","Shepherds, Rise! And Shake Off Sleep (Lahee, Henry)|SScores\\1","The Shining River (Perkins, Henry Southwick)|SScores\\1","The Shipwreck'd Mariner (Salomon, Johann Peter)|SScores\\1","Shir hamma'alot (Rossi, Salamone)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","7 Short Anthems (Blow, John)|SScores\\7","A Short Direction for the Performance of Cathedral Service (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","3 Short Elegies, Op.5 (Finzi, Gerald)|SScores\\1","2 Short Masses (Selle, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Short Piece No.2 for Tenor and Orchestra (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\25","Short Pieces No.1 for Tenor and Orchestra (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\24","Shout the Glad Tidings (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","Shylock, suite, Op.57 (Faur\u00e9, Gabriel)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Si consistant, HV 86 (Eybler, Joseph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\27|VVocal Scores\\1","Si disarmi quest'altiero arciero (Ristori, Giovanni Alberto)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\2","Si duerme el amor (Zumaya, Manuel de)|PParts\\1","Si ego non abiero (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Si eras que el Monte (Literes, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Si ie suis brun, LV 486 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Si Iniquitates (Branco, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Si mostra la sorte, K.209 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Si quelque ennuy sur moy s'assemble (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Si queriendo a mi amante (Dallo y Lana, Miguel Matheo)|PParts\\1","Si tu savais le don de Dieu, Op.14 (Roullet, Herv\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Sic Deus dilexit mundum (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Sich hat mein Herz zu dir geneigt (Breitengraser, Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Le Sicilien, H.497 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Sicut cedrus (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Sicut cedrus (Luka\u010di\u0107, Ivan)|PParts\\2","Sicut cervus ad fluenta, MH 143 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Sicut cervus, CG 148 (Gounod, Charles)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Sicut cervus (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Sicut erat in C major, IGD 132 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1","Sicut erat in C major, In.227 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Sicut ovis ad occisionem (Gesualdo, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Sie eifern um Gott, GWV 1106\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sie ist mein gl\u00fcck (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Sie r\u00fcsten sich wider die Seele, GWV 1124\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, BWV 65 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\13|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|OOther\\2","Sie werden euch in den Bann tun, BWV 44 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\2","Sie werden euch in den Bann tun, BWV 183 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|OOther\\1","Die sieben Worte des Herrn am Kreuz, Op.63 (Drath, Theodor)|SScores\\1","Der Sieg des Glaubens, Op.157 (Ries, Ferdinand)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Sieg ist da, GWV 1128\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sieh da, sieh da, ihr lieben Herrn (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Sieh die Tr\u00e4nen die die Deinen \u00fcber deinen Hingang weinen, L.529 (Benda, Georg)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5","Sieh hier bin ich Ehrenk\u00f6nig, GWV 1144\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)","Sieh von deines Himmels H\u00f6hen (Anonymous)|PParts\\1","Siehe an die Wercke Gottes (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores\\1|PParts\\11","Siehe da eine H\u00fctte Gottes, GWV 1107\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Siehe da ist euer Gott (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Siehe dein K\u00f6nig kommt zu dir (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Siehe der Herr kommt gewaltiglich, GWV 1102\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Siehe des Herren Auge (K\u00e4fer, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Siehe des Herrn Auge, GWV 1123\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Siehe du wirst Heiden rufen, GWV 1110\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe du wirst schwanger werden, GWV 1170\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Siehe eine Jungfrau ist schwanger, GWV 1170\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Siehe ich komme im Buch ist von mir, GWV 1119\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Siehe ich komme im Buch ist von mir, GWV 1119\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe ich lege in Zion, GWV 1103\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Siehe ich sende euch wie Schafe, GWV 1169\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe mein Knecht wird weislich thun (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Siehe meine Knechte sollen essen, GWV 1143\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe meine Mahlzeit habe ich bereitet, GWV 1161\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe um Trost war mir sehr bange, GWV 1160\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe um Trost war mir sehr bange (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Siehe zu, dass deine Gottesfurcht, BWV 179 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|OOther\\2","Siehe, also wird gesegnet der Mann (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Siehe, das ist mein Knecht (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Siehe, der H\u00fcter Israel, BWV Anh.15 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Siehe, ich bin bei euch alle Tage (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores\\1","Siehe, ich komme bald (Arnoldi)|SScores\\1","Siehe, ich komme; im Buch ist von mir geschrieben, TWV 1:1332 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Siehe, ich will viel Fischer aussenden, BWV 88 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7|OOther\\1","Siehe, wie fein und lieblich ist's, SWV 48 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","The Siesta (Werrenrath, Reinald)|SScores\\1","Sigh No More, Ladies (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Sighs (Smart, George)|SScores\\1","Signor poich\u00e8 ti piacque, S.629 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Il Signor s'\u00e8 la mia luce, S.626 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Signor se fosti ogn'ora, S.630 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Il Signore vi mandi l'aiuto (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Sigurd Jorsalfar (incidental music), Op.22 (Grieg, Edvard)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Sigurd, Op.25 (Krug, Arnold)|VVocal Scores\\1|LLibrettos\\1","Silent Night (St. Pierre, Anthony)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Simile est regnum caelorum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Simon Ioannis diligis me plus his (Accademico Bizzarro Capriccioso)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","8 Simple Madrigals on Dutch Texts (Bouma, Hugo)|SScores\\1","A Simple Parish Mass (Oczko, Michael John)|SScores\\1","Since First I Saw Your Face (Ford, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Sinfon\u00eda I (Hern\u00e1ndez Lovera, Angel)|SFull Scores\\3","Sinfonische Fantasie, Op.7 (Andreae, Volkmar)|SFull Scores\\2","Sing on, Op.223 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","Sing to the Lord a New Song, Op.40 (Ngo, Ethan)|SScores\\2","Sing unto God (Tomkins, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Sing, O Daughter of Zion (Wareing, Herbert Walter)|SScores\\1","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (Psalm 96) (Naumann, Johann Gottlieb)|SScores\\1","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 190 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3|OOther\\1","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8|PParts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, GWV 1153\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, P.424 (Pachelbel, Johann)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, SWV 35 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (Faisst, Immanuel)|PParts\\1","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (Klein, Bernhard)|RRecordings\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Singet dem Herrn, Op.61 (Hesse, Adolf Friedrich)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Singet dem Herrn, TWV 1:1345 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Singet dem Herrn, TWV 1:1748 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5","Singet der Nacht ein stilles Lied, Op.48 (Blum, Carl Wilhelm August)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Singet fr\u00f6hlich Gotte der unsere St\u00e4rke ist, GWV 1174\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Singet fr\u00f6hlich Gotte (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Singet Gott lobsinget seinem Namen, GWV 1101\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Singet Gott lobsinget seinem Namen, GWV 1101\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Singet Gott lobsinget seinen Namen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Singet und spielet dem Herrn in euren Herzen, H.390 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","The Singing Leaves (McCollin, Frances)|VVocal Scores\\1","Siona (Various)|SScores\\1","Sir Barnaby Whigg, Z.589 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Sire and Son (Bliss, Philip Paul)|SScores\\2","La Sirena (Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","La sirenetta, Op.9 (Fr\u00f3es, Silvio Deolindo)|SScores\\1","Siwy koniu (Bili\u0144ski, Antoni Zygmunt)|SScores\\1","Skolie (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\5","Der skyder en kvist (Poulsen, Brian Stenger)|SScores\\1","Sleep, Gentle Lady (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|SScores\\2","Sleeping, Why Now Sleeping (Stirling, Elizabeth)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Slov\u00e1ckou p\u011b\u0161inou, Op.12 (Petr\u017eelka, Vil\u00e9m)|SScores\\1","Smile, smile again, twice happy morn (Humfrey, Pelham)|SScores\\1","Smjertnica (Pilk, Jurij)|LLibretti\\1","Sn\u00f6frid, Op.5 (Stenhammar, Wilhelm)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Sn\u00f6frid (Andr\u00e9e, Elfrida)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Snow Maiden, Op.12 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","So besteht nun in der Freiheit, GWV 1123\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","So dem\u00fctiget euch nun, GWV 1125\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","So dir mein liebes Br\u00fcderlein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","So du freiest s\u00fcndigest du nicht, GWV 1113\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","So ermahne ich nun, GWV 1153\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","So euch der Sohn frei macht, GWV 1103\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","So euch die Welt hasset (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","So Feuer, als Flammen und grimmige Rache, TWV 1:1356 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","So freue dich, J\u00fcngling, in deiner Jugend (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin, HoWV I.10 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin, HoWV V.53 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\2","So halten wir es nun dass der Mensch, GWV 1139\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","So halten wir es nun, GWV 1152\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","So halten wir es nun, GWV 1154\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","So ihr die ihr arg seid, GWV 1140\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","So ist der Mensch gesinnt, TWV 1:1361 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","So jemand die Seinen nicht versorgt, GWV 1162\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\9","So jemand spricht ich liebe Gott, GWV 1154\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","So leget ab alle Unsauberkeit, TWV 1:1366 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","So leget nun von euch ab, TWV 1:1370 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","So nimm doch nun Herr meine Seele von mir (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","So nun das alles soll zergehen, TWV 1:1376 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","So ofte Jesus grosser Name, SchW B2:045 (Scheibe, Johann Adolph)|SScores\\1","So sich jemand unter euch l\u00e4sset d\u00fcnken, GWV 1122\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","So spricht der Herr, GWV 1140\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","So spricht der Herr: Bekehret euch (Pfleger, Augustin)|SScores\\1","So straft Herodes die Verr\u00e4ter (Mozart, Leopold)|SFull Scores\\2","So uns unser Herz nicht verdammt, GWV 1103\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","So wasche nun Jerusalem dein Herz (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","So wir im Geiste leben, GWV 1156\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","So wir sagen, da\u00df wir Gemeinschaft haben, TWV 1:1388 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","So w\u00fcnsch ich ihm ein gute nacht (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","So ziehet hin (Bahr, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","So ziehet nun an, TWV 1:1390 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Softly, Lightly, Sweetly Sing (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)|SScores\\3","Le soir descend sur la colline (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SScores\\2","Soir\u00e9es musicales (Rossini, Gioacchino)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\27","Soirs d'\u00e9t\u00e9 (Grieg, Edvard)|SScores\\1","Sol'e pensoso i pi\u00f9 deserti campi, LV 19 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sola la donna mia (Corteccia, Francesco)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","A Soldiers' Song (Clarke, Hamilton)|SScores\\1","Solemni cantu celebremus laudes (Agnelli, Lorenzo)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Solfeggiamento No.20 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.21 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.22 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.23 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.24 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.25 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.26 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.27 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Solfeggiamento No.41 (Natali, Pompeo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","A solis ortu (Leo, Leonardo)|SScores\\1","Solitude (Protasoff, Prokhor)|SScores\\1","Soll denn so mein Herz bezahlt werden (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Soll es denn nun nicht anders sein (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Die sollen dem Herrn danken, GWV 1148\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sollt' ich mein' Freud' verschweigen (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Solo for Tenor and Organ, Op.2237 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Solo for Tenor and Organ, Op.2238 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Solo for Tenor and Organ, Op.2239 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","6 Solo Quartets, Op.77 (N\u00e1pravn\u00edk, Eduard)|SScores\\4","Solomon (Boyce, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","2 Solos for Tenor, Op.2148 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\3","Something for Thee (Wooler, Alfred)|SScores\\2","Sometimes I Wonder (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\2","Son del bel volto tuo (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\2","Son pouvoit acquerir ta grace si parfaicte (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1","Sonetto VII of Edmund Spenser's Amoretti (Dieren, Bernard van)|SScores\\2","Song for freedom (Pease, Frederick Henry)|SScores\\1","A Song for St. Cecilia's Day (Bancks, Jacob)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\27","The Song of King Arthur's Knights (Cusins, William George)|SScores\\1","Song of Saint Francis, Op.36 (Davies, Walford)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","A Song of September (Gibson, Archer)|SScores\\1","A Song of the High Hills, RT II\/6 (Delius, Frederick)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\16","Song of the Israelites (Teichmann, Roger)|SScores\\1","Song of the Pedlar (Williams, Charles Lee)|SScores\\2","Song of the Vikings (Faning, Eaton)|VVocal Scores\\1","Song of the Viking (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|SScores\\1","Song of the Wandering Aengus (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","Song without Words, Op.437 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\2|PParts\\1","6 Songes for My Deare Herte (Dyson, Peter)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Songs and Musical Compositions (Foster, Stephen)|SScores\\1","Songs for 4 Voices, Op.66 (M\u00f6hring, Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","5 Songs for Male Voices, Op.92 (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\6","6 Songs for Mens Chorus, Op.37 (Veit, V\u00e1clav)|SFull Scores\\2","12 Songs for Mixed Voices (Henkel, Michael)|SScores\\1","Songs from 'As You Like It' (Patterson, Robert G.)|RRecordings\\5|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","3 Songs from A Child's Garden of Verse (Boden, Andrew David)|SScores\\1","2 Songs from Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night' (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\2|SScores\\2","Songs in the Night (Tuomikoski, Jaakko A. J.)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Songs made for some comedyes (Jeffreys, George)|SScores\\1","Songs of Syon (Woodward, George Ratcliffe)|SScores\\1","2 Songs (Hindemith, Paul)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","3 Songs (Dannstr\u00f6m, Isidor)|SScores\\6","5 Songs, 4 Duets and 3 Glees, Op.6 (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","4 Songs (Gardner, Alfred Linton)|SScores\\1","4 Songs (Pease, Jessie L.)|SScores\\3","5 Songs, MVWV 343 (Verheul, Maurice)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","5 Songs, Op.9 (Dannstr\u00f6m, Isidor)|SScores\\2","2 Songs, Op.10 (Smith, Wilson)|SScores\\2","3 Songs, Op.10 (Foote, Arthur)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","6 Songs, Op.10 (Rogers, Clara Kathleen)|SScores\\1","6 Songs, Op.14 (Chadwick, George Whitefield)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\8","5 Songs, Op.17 (Norman, Ludvig)|SScores\\2","2 Songs, Op.39 (Wollenhaupt, Hermann Adolf)|SScores\\2","2 Songs, Op.47 (Faur\u00e9, Gabriel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","4 Songs, Op.68 (Foote, Arthur)|SScores\\2","3 Songs, Op.164 (Scheffler, John Julia)|PParts\\12","Sonhos (Patrocinio, Rosberg do)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Der Sonnengesang des Heiligen Franz von Assisi (Collum, Herbert)|SScores\\1","Sonnet XVIII (Cummings, Robert)|SScores\\1","Sonnets CXL CXLI CXLII by William Shakespeare (Cohen, Itay)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","2 Sonnets (McIntyre, Richard)|SScores\\1","2 Sonnets, Op.12 (Finzi, Gerald)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","3 Sonnets, Opp.41-43 (Destenay, Edouard)|SScores\\1","Sonno Diletto et Caro (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Sonntag im Walde, Op.13 (Nitschmann, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Sonntags am Rhein, Op.1 (Vierling, Georg)|SScores\\1","Sonntagsfeier (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Sonoras liras festivas trompas (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Sopra i nemici miei, S.634 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","The Sorceress, Op.164 (Ries, Ferdinand)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Sorget nicht f\u00fcr den andern Morgen, GWV 1156\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Sosarme, re di Media, HWV 30 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\3","Soul Voyager (Steer, Michael Maxwell)|SScores\\1","Les souliers de noce (Douay, Georges)|VVocal Scores\\1","Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum, Z.335 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Souvenir, Op.24 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","The Spacious Firmament, H.E.N.211 (Nichol, H. Ernest)|SScores\\1","Spanisches St\u00e4ndchen (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","The Spanish Cavalier (Hendrickson, William D.)|SScores\\1","8 Special Hymns in Anthem Form, Op.43 (Buck, Dudley)|SScores\\5","Specimens and Illustrations of the Old Psalmody of Scotland (Mainzer, Joseph)|SScores\\1","The Spectre's Bride, Op.69 (Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Anton\u00edn)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Speed Away! Speed Away! (Woodbury, Isaac Baker)|SScores\\1","Spem in alium numquam habui (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Sperent in te omnes, LV 876 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\3","Spiegasti troppo alto, S.466 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","The Spirit of England, Op.80 (Elgar, Edward)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\3","The Spirit of the Lord (Neff, Lyle K.)|SScores\\1","The Spirit, in Our Hearts (Shelley, Harry Rowe)|SScores\\1","Spiritus Sancti Gratia (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Splitter-Richter-B\u00f6sewichter (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Sprechet zu Gott, GWV 1171\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sprevit hic mundi peritura (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Sprich nicht ich will B\u00f6ses vergelten (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Spring and Autumn (Thomas, John)|SScores\\1","Srebrna ni\u0107 (Garbusi\u0144ski, Kazimierz)|SScores\\1","St. Barnabas (Armes, Philip)|SScores\\2","St. John the Baptist (Macfarren, George Alexander)|VVocal Scores\\2","St. John's Eve (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\7","St. Mark Passion (Wood, Charles)|SScores\\2","St. Patrick's (Geary, Thomas Augustine)|SScores\\1","St. Peter, Op.20 (Paine, John Knowles)|VVocal Scores\\3","St. Peter (Benedict, Julius)","Stabat Mater and Agnus Dei (La Trobe, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Stabat Mater Dolorosa (Fuentes Matons, Laureano)|SScores\\13|PParts\\15","Stabat Mater in B-flat major (Matta, Jo\u00e3o da)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15","Stabat Mater in C minor (Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Stabat mater in D major (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Stabat mater in F minor (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\1","Stabat Mater in G minor (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Stabat mater in G minor (Caldara, Antonio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Stabat Mater, A-Ed G 10 (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater, D.383 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater, G.532 (Boccherini, Luigi)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater, Hob.XXa:1 (Haydn, Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\16|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Stabat mater, IFT 15 (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\3|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater, Op.5 (Bourgault-Ducoudray, Louis-Albert)|SScores\\1","Stabat Mater, Op.16 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2","Stabat Mater, Op.35 (Oechsner, Andreas Johann Lorenz)|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater, Op.40 (Dumler, Martin G.)|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater, Op.49 (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","Stabat Mater, Op.58 (Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Anton\u00edn)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\26|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Stabat mater (Arriaga, Juan Cris\u00f3stomo de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Stabat mater (Bachschmid, Anton Adam)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater (Brito, Est\u00eav\u00e3o de)","Stabat mater (Carol, Henri)|SScores\\2","Stabat Mater (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\2","Stabat Mater (Fry, William Henry)","Stabat Mater (Grandval, Cl\u00e9mence de)|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater (Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor)|SScores\\1","Stabat Mater (Maqueda Castillo, Antonio)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Stabat Mater (Maximilian III Joseph)|PParts\\1","Stabat Mater (Moreira, Ant\u00f3nio Leal)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Stabat Mater (Nanino, Giovanni Maria)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Stabat Mater (Oliveira, Manoel Dias de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Stabat mater (Paladilhe, \u00c9mile)|VVocal Scores\\1","Stabat Mater (Predieri, Luca Antonio)|SScores\\1","Stabat mater (Raimondi, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Stabat Mater (Scarlatti, Domenico)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Stabat Mater (Sellitto, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Stabat Mater (Sousa, Jos\u00e9 Alexandrino de)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\12","Stabat mater (Traetta, Tommaso)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Stabat Mater (Winter, Peter von)|PParts\\1","Stabat Mater (Zane, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Stairs-Agnus, Op.89b (Caldini, Fulvio)|SScores\\1","The Stammerers (Harington, Henry)|SScores\\1","The Standard Tune Book (Various)|SScores\\1","Das St\u00e4ndchen (Kunze, Carl Heinrich)|PParts\\1","St\u00e4ndchen, von Tauber (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","St\u00e4ndchen, WAB 84.2 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores\\5","St\u00e4ndchen (Meyerbeer, Giacomo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Standomi un giorno, LV 64 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","The Star of Bethlehem (Root, George Frederick)|SScores\\2","The Star Song (McCall, Michael)|SScores\\1","Stara piosenka (Moniuszko, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Die Starken bed\u00fcrfen des Arztes nicht, GWV 1144\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Stars Are in the Quiet Skies (Rimbault, Edward Francis)|SScores\\2","Statio quadruplex pro Processione Theophorica, ZWV 158 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Steig Allgewaltiger von deinem festen Sitze, HoWV II.43 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Steigt ihr Seufzer in die H\u00f6he, GWV 1135\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","A Stein Song (Bullard, Frederic Field)|SScores\\2","Stein und Stahl, Licht und Strahl verschwinden, vergehen (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Stella Caeli, JKB 57 (Baruk, Jason)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Stella caeli (Lambe, Walter)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Stella c\u0153li, MH 394 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\2","Stelldichein (Opie\u0144ski, Henryk)|SScores\\1","Stephanus servus Dei (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Sterblicher durch deine Kr\u00e4fte, L.525 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Der Stern aus Jakob bricht hervor, GWV 1111\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Stern von Bethlehem, Op.83 (Kiel, Friedrich)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Stichtelycke Rymen (Butler, Joseph)|PParts\\2","Still Link'd to Memory's Feeble Chain (Knight, Joseph Philip)|SScores\\2","Das stille Lied, D.916 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\2","Stille, denn mein liebster F\u00fcrst schl\u00e4ft noch, GWV 1069 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Still\u00f2 l'anima in pianto (Marenzio, Luca)","Die Stimme des Herrn im einzigen Worte, L.521 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Stimmt an mit vollen Ch\u00f6ren, H.381 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","La storia maledetta (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Storm-Joy (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","The Story of Calvary (Adams II, Thomas)|SScores\\2","Stracciami pur il core ragion \u00e8 ben ingrato, SV 64 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","La strage degli innocenti (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","The Strain Upraise of Joy and Praise (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","The Stream (Attwater, John P.)|SScores\\1","Street Music (Clarke, Hamilton)|SScores\\1","Streuet mit Palmen (Tunder, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Strike, Seraphs, Strike Your Harps of Gold (Fawcett, John)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\1","Strinse Amarilli il vago suo Fileno (Marenzio, Luca)","4 St\u00fccke f\u00fcr gemischten Chor, Op.13 (Eisler, Hanns)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5","2 St\u00fccke f\u00fcr gemischten Chor, Op.21 (Eisler, Hanns)|SScores\\1","Studenten-Schmaus (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Study for Chorus (Saragoza, Justin)|SScores\\1","Stupida e fissa nella incerta sabbia (Berchem, Jacquet de)|PParts\\3","Der Sturm, Hob.XXIVa:8 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\14","Su la tremola fronda (Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco)|SScores\\2","Su'l carro della mente auriga siedi (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Suauissimi Jesu (Giovannelli, Ruggiero)|SScores\\1","Sub altare Dei audivi voces (Bruschi, Giulio)|SScores\\1","Sub olea pacis, ZWV 175 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Sub tuum praesidium, K.198\/Anh.C 3.08 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\9","10 Sub tuum praesidium, ZWV 157 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\12|PParts\\2","Sub tuum praesidium (Hofmann, Leopold)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Sub tuum praesidium (Verdina, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Sub tuum (Dubois, Th\u00e9odore)|SScores\\2","Suchet den Herrn alle ihr Elenden, GWV 1125\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Suchet den Herrn alle ihr Elenden, GWV 1125\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Suchet in der Schrift, GWV 1159\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die S\u00fchne (Bronsart, Ingeborg)|VVocal Scores\\1","Das S\u00fchnopfer des neuen Bundes (Loewe, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Suite del dolore (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\2|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Suite del gaudio (Donella, Valentino)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Suite della gloria (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Les suites d'une polka (Henrion, Paul)|VVocal Scores\\1","Sulamith (Damrosch, Leopold)|VVocal Scores\\3","Sum nimis irata (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\1","The Summer days are come again (K\u00f6hne, Michael)|SScores\\1","Sun of My Soul (Salter, Sumner)|SScores\\1","The Sun-God's Return, Op.69 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|VVocal Scores\\1","Die S\u00fcnd hat uns verderbet sehr, TWV 1:365 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Die S\u00fcnd' hat uns verderbet sehr, GWV 1122\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Sunday Irmos (Lvov, Aleksey)|SScores\\1","The Sunset Trail (Cadman, Charles Wakefield)|VVocal Scores\\2","Sunset (Barrett, William Alexander)|SScores\\1","Sunshine after Rain (Pease, Frederick Henry)|SScores\\1","Super flumina Babilonis (Carissimi, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Super flumina Babylonis in F major (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\2","Super flumina Babylonis, IGP 91 (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Super flumina Babylonis, LV 860 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Super flumina Babylonis, Psaume 136 (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Super flumina Babylonis (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Le supplice de Tantale (Barbier, Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric)|VVocal Scores\\1","Sur le lac d'argent (Faure, Jean-Baptiste)|SScores\\1","Surge amica mea (Bonini, Severo)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Surge illuminare Hierusalem (Vacchelli, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\1","Surge propera amica mea (Praetorius, Jacob)|PParts\\1","Surge propera, Op.6 No.13 (Fasolo, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Surge propera (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Surge, illuminare Jerusalem (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Surrexit Dominus vere 1 (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Surrexit pastor bonus, SWV 469 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Surrexit pastor bonus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Susanne un jour, LV 98 (Lassus, Orlande de)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\19","Suscipe Domine (Goller, Vinzenz)|SScores\\1","Suscipe verbum (Porta, Costanzo)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Suspensos (Moraes, Renato Segati)|SScores\\1","S\u00fcsser Mandel-K\u00e4rnen (Dedekind, Constantin Christian)|SScores\\2","S\u00fcsser Trost, mein Jesus k\u00f6mmt, BWV 151 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\21|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|OOther\\1","Sustinuimus pacem (Carissimi, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Sweet Day, So Cool (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SScores\\1","Sweet Echo! Sleeps Thy Vocal Shell (Linley, William)|SScores\\1","Sweet is thy memory, Mary Alleen (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)|SScores\\2","The Sweetest Dream of All (Phillips, Walter A.)|SScores\\1","The Sweetest Words of All (Stults, Robert Morrison)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Sweetly, Softly (Bliss, Philip Paul)|SScores\\2","Swiftly from the mountain's brow (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Swynol Ganiadau (Jones, John A.)|SScores\\1","Sy c'est un grief tourment (Costeley, Guillaume)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Sy de beaut\u00e9 vous estiez moins parfaitte (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Sy Nodus (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Sylphen, D.Anh.I\/22 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Sylvania, Op.46 (Beach, Amy Marcy)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Sylvia, 'Tis True You're Fair, Z.512 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Sylvia, Thou Brighter Eye of Night, Z.511 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Sylvie (Guiraud, Ernest)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\6","Symphoniae sacrae I, Op.6 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\34|PScores and Parts\\34","Symphony No.1, Op.16 (Brandes, Felipe)|SScores\\4|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Symphony No.1, Op.26 (Scriabin, Aleksandr)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Symphony No.2 'De Profundis', Op.37 (Peters, Rob)|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Symphony No.2, Op.21 (Brandes, Felipe)|SScores\\4|PParts\\18|VVocal Scores\\1","Symphony No.2, Op.52 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\35|VVocal Scores\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\27","Symphony No.3 'Heroische', Op.118 (Huber, Hans)|SScores\\2","Symphony No.3, Op.27 (Szymanowski, Karol)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3","Symphony No.4, Op.18 No.2 (Ngo, Ethan)|SScores\\1","Symphony No.4, Op.26 (Brandes, Felipe)|SScores\\3","Symphony No.4, Op.39 (Alfv\u00e9n, Hugo)|SFull Scores\\1","Symphony No.5 (Bao, Yuankai)|RRecordings\\6|SScores\\1","Symphony No.6 'Magnificat' (Rondeau, Michel)|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\80|VVocal Scores\\4","Symphony No.6 in E minor, Op.34 (Ngo, Ethan)|SScores\\6","Symphony No.6, Op.29 (Brandes, Felipe)|SScores\\7","Symphony No.6, Op.48 (Tournemire, Charles)|SScores\\1","Symphony No.7 'Requiem' (Rondeau, Michel)|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\36|VVocal Scores\\9","Symphony No.8, Op.41 (Ngo, Ethan)|SScores\\6","Symphony No.8 (Mahler, Gustav)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|PParts\\20|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Symphony No.9, Op.125 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|RRecordings\\18|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\33|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\54|DSketches and Drafts\\1","Symphony No.10, Op.50 (Brandes, Felipe)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\36|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2|LLibrettos\\1","System f\u00fcr den Fugenbau (Vogler, Georg Joseph)|SScores\\3","S\u0101vitri, Op.25 (Holst, Gustav)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","S\u2019andasse amor a caccia, SV 49 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3"],"T":["T'amo mia vita, SV 104 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Tabarin (Bousquet, Georges)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","The Tabernacle (Baker, Benjamin Franklin)|SScores\\1","Der Tag der ist so freudenreich (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Der Tag ist hin (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Der Tag ist nun vergangen (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Tag, Zeit noch Stund (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Die Tageszeiten, TWV 20:39 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Taillefer, Op.52 (Strauss, Richard)|SScores\\1","Take O Take Those Lips Away, Op.6 (Pearsall, Robert Lucas)|SScores\\2","A Tale of Old Japan, Op.76 (Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel)|VVocal Scores\\3","The Tale of the Viking (Whiting, George Elbridge)|VVocal Scores\\1","Talk (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SScores\\1|PParts\\24","Il tamburo, R.1.37 (Paisiello, Giovanni)|SScores\\7","Tamerlano, HWV 18 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|LLibrettos\\4","Tander Naken (Henry VIII)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Tantum ergo corale (Rossi, Luigi Felice)|VVocal Scores\\1","Tantum ergo in A major (Anonymous)|SScores\\2","Tantum ergo in A minor (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\2","Tantum ergo in B-flat major, D.730 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo in C major, D.461 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo in D major (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo in D minor, GT 6.5.d01 (Tartini, Giuseppe)|SScores\\2","Tantum ergo in E minor, GT 6.5.e01 (Tartini, Giuseppe)|SScores\\2","Tantum ergo in G major, W.E 26 (Bach, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo in G major (Donini, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Tantum Ergo No.3 in D major (Pappalardo, Salvatore)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo Sacramentum (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Tantum ergo, A 667 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Tantum ergo, D.962 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\12","Tantum ergo, Day 1 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 2 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","Tantum ergo, Day 3 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 4 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 5 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 6 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 7 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 8 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Day 9 (Cagliero, Giovanni)|SScores\\1","Tantum Ergo, Graduale und Offertorium, Op.148 (Diabelli, Anton)|PParts\\1","Tantum ergo, Op.5 (Saint-Sa\u00ebns, Camille)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo, Op.55 (Faur\u00e9, Gabriel)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","4 Tantum ergo, Op.61b (Reger, Max)|SScores\\1","Tantum Ergo (Dobici, Cesare)|SScores\\1","Tantum Ergo (Elgar, Edward)|SScores\\1","Tantum ergo (Le Quoynte, Louis)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Tantum Ergo (Rol\u00f3n, Zen\u00f3n)|VVocal Scores\\1","Tantum ergo (Rossini, Gioacchino)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Tantum ergo (Tritant, Gustave)|SScores\\1","La Tarantella (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Le Tartare (Ferrari, Gabrielle)|SScores\\1","Tat Tvam Asi (Malancioiu, Gabriel)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Taylor's Sacred Minstrel (Taylor, Virgil Corydon)|SScores\\1","Tcho-Hon (Kim, Hee Cheol)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Te colimus Principem coeli, MH 640 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Te det animam meam (L\u00f3pez de Velasco, Sebasti\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Te Deum a 4, W.E 28 (Bach, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","Te Deum a 8, W.E 27 (Bach, Johann Christian)|SScores\\1","Te Deum and Jubilate Deo, Z.232 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\6","Te Deum and Jubilate in A major (Boyce, William)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in A-flat major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in B-flat major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in B-flat minor (Foote, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in C major, Hob.XXIIIc:1 (Haydn, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in C major (Dressler, Louis Raphael)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in C major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in D major, BurG IV\/3 (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum in D major, HWV 278 (Handel, George Frideric)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum in D major, HWV 283 (Handel, George Frideric)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\3","Te Deum in D major, StWV 117 (Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum in D major (Galuppi, Baldassare)|SScores\\3|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum in D major (Pausch, Eugen)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum in D-flat major (Waith, William Sereno)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in E major, IJP 4 (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in E-flat major (Morgan, George Washbourne)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in E-flat major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in F major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in G major (Millard, Harrison)|SScores\\1","Te Deum in G major (Parker, James Cutler Dunn)|SScores\\1","Te Deum laudamus in C major (Newland, William Augustine)|SScores\\1","Te Deum Laudamus in F major (Ireland, John)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Te Deum Laudamus in G major (Boise, Otis Bardwell)|SScores\\1","Te Deum Laudamus in G (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","Te Deum laudamus, Op.101 (Carozzi, Napoleone)|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum laudamus (Bree, Johannes Bernardus van)|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum Laudamus (Koci\u0119da, J\u00f3zef)|SScores\\1","Te Deum Laudamus (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","Te Deum laudamus (Pedro I)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\2","Te Deum Laudamus (Salter, Sumner)|SScores\\1","Te Deum laudamus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Te Deum Laudamus (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","Te Deum, A VI 6 (Zechner, Johann Georg)|SScores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum, A-Ed C 3 (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum, H 118 (Berlioz, Hector)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Te Deum, H.145 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2","Te Deum, H.146 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\60","Te Deum, H.147 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Te Deum, K.271 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Te Deum, LWV 55 (Lully, Jean-Baptiste)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Te Deum, MH 145 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum, Op.16 (Knollys, Edmund)|SScores\\1","Te Deum, Op.32 (Braunfels, Walter)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\4","Te Deum, Op.66 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\2","Te Deum, Op.77 (Loewe, Carl)|SFull Scores\\1","Te Deum, Op.84 (Peters, Rob)|SFull Scores\\5|VVocal Scores\\5","Te Deum, PS.5.1.01 (Lobo, Jo\u00e3o de Deus de Castro)|SScores\\1","Te Deum, Ro 65 (Roman, Johan Helmich)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum, S.116 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Te Deum, S.117 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\2","Te Deum, WAB 45 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Te Deum, ZWV 145 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Te Deum, ZWV 146 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Bagnacavallo, Francesco Antonio da)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Te Deum (Bizet, Georges)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (B\u00fchler, Franz)|PParts\\1","Te Deum (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Cowell, Augusta)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Dourlen, Victor)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Gervais, Charles-Hubert)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Greene, Maurice)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Hartmann, Paul)|SScores\\2","Te Deum (James, Philip)|SScores\\1","Te Deum (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\16","Te Deum (Pinto, Francisco da Luz)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum (Scapin, Massimo)|RRecordings\\1|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum (Scarlatti, Domenico)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Te Deum (Silva, Francisco Manuel da)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Te Deum (Sold\u00e1, F\u00e1bio)|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Te Deum (Stainer, John)|SScores\\1","Te gloriosus Apostolorum (Asola, Giammateo)|SScores\\1","Te Joseph celebrent, S.58 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Te Lucis (Barbieri, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Te mane laudum carmine (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Te solo adoro, D.34 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Te\u010de voda, te\u010de (Taylor, Deems)|SScores\\1","Tecendo a manh\u00e3 (Antonio, Lincoln)|SScores\\1","Tecum principium, In.234 (Donizetti, Gaetano)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Telas de corazones, Op.23 (Seco de Arpe, Manuel)|SScores\\1","Tell me lovely shepherd (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Le T\u00e9moin fid\u00e8le et l'Eglise, Op.78 (Roullet, Herv\u00e9)|SScores\\1","Temperance Medley (Kelly, Ian Donald Killeen)|SScores\\1","The Tempest, Z.631 (Purcell, Henry)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\7","The Temple Choir (Seward, Theodore Frelinghuysen)|SScores\\1","The Temple Dancer (Hugo, John Adam)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Temple of Solomon, Op.78 (Hedges, Anthony)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Temple Star (Kieffer, Aldine Silliman)|SScores\\1","The Temple, Op.14 (Davies, Walford)|VVocal Scores\\1","Tenebrae factae sunt (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Tenebrae factae sunt (Zelter, Carl Friedrich)|SScores\\1","T\u00e9nganmele, se\u00f1ores (Torrej\u00f3n y Velasco, Tom\u00e1s de)|PParts\\3","Tenor and Baritone (Wilson, Henry Lane)|SScores\\1","T\u00e9nor et baryton (Lamart, Octave)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Tenor-Arie (Lachner, Vinzenz)|VVocal Scores\\1","Tenorens Serenade (Olsen, Ole)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","La tentazione di Gesu (Cordara, Carlo)|VVocal Scores\\11","La terre promise (Massenet, Jules)|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\5","3 Terzette, BreB A2.WoO 18 (Bergt, August)|SScores\\1","2 Terzettos (Taneyev, Sergey)|SScores\\2","Teufel, dass du dich erk\u00fchnest (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Teutoniam dudum belli atra pericla molestant, SWV 338 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Thanks Be to God (Simpson, Daniel L\u00e9o)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|VVocal Scores\\1","A Thanksgiving Anthem (Hardy, Daniel)|SScores\\1","Thanksgiving (Barth\u00e9l\u00e9mon, Fran\u00e7ois-Hippolyte)|SScores\\1","That Pearl of Great Price (Allan, James Geoffrey)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Theatrum musicum (Capricornus, Samuel)|PParts\\8","There is a Garden in Her Face (Brewer, Alfred Herbert)|SScores\\1","There is a Paradise on Earth (Pearsall, Robert Lucas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","There Never Was So Wretched Lover as I, Z.513 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","There Rolls the Deep (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SScores\\1","There Shall Be No More Night There (Wood, David)|SScores\\1","There was Silence in Bethlehem's Fields (Stainer, John)|SScores\\1","There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Fields (Key, Joseph)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field (Willan, Healey)|SScores\\1","There were Shepherds, Op.20 (Blumenschein, William Leonard)|SScores\\1","There were Shepherds (Foster, Myles Birket)|SScores\\1","There Were Shepherds (Steane, Bruce)|SScores\\1","There's Nae Luck Aboot the House (Macpherson, Charles)|SScores\\1","There's Rest in Heaven (Jarvis, Charles)|SScores\\1","There, up a High Mountain (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","These Sweeter Far Than Lilies Are, Op.39 (Davies, Walford)|SScores\\1","Theur, hoch erleucht sein Nam (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Thirsi morir volea (Caimo, Gioseppe)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","This is Mine (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","This is the day which the Lord hath made (Howard, Samuel)|SScores\\1","This Sweet and Merry Month of May, T 317 (Byrd, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Thou art my King, O God (Ellerton, John Lodge)|SScores\\1","Thou Hallowed Chosen Morn (Sowerby, Leo)|SScores\\1","Thou Knowest, Lord, Op.76 (Beach, Amy Marcy)|SScores\\1","Thou Marvaill'st Much (Nicholson, Richard)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Thou visitest the earth (Greene, Maurice)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Though Amaryllis Dance in Green (Byrd, William)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Though My Mistress Be Fair, Z.514 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Three Dickinson Songs (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\1","Three Doughtie Men (Pearson, William Webster)|SScores\\1","The Three Lilies (Gaul, Harvey B.)|SScores\\1","Three Sleeps (Williams, Gerrard)|SScores\\1","The Throne of Grace, Op.207 (Dulcken, Ferdinand Quentin)|SScores\\1","Thy Dear Eyes (Bartlett, Homer Newton)|SScores\\4","Thy Word is a Lantern, Z.61 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Les Thyoliers (Barthe, Adrien)|SScores\\1","Til vor dronning (Olsen, Ole)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\4|OOther\\1","The Timbrel (Baker, Benjamin Franklin)|SScores\\1","Timbuctoo (Geibel, Adam)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Timebunt Gentes, HV 87 (Eybler, Joseph)|PParts\\22","Tippete, tuppete, tappete (Cottrau, Teodoro)|SScores\\1","Tirsi morir volea (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Tis Wine Was Made to Rule the Day, Z.546 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Tizian, Op.35 (Fries, Albin)|SFull Scores\\1","To a Brother Artist (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|SScores\\1","To Call Thee Mine (Vest, Matthew Raymond Cooper)|SScores\\1","To Damascus, Op.4 No.3 (Braxton, Walter Augustus)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","To fair Fidele's grassy tomb (Walmisley, Thomas Forbes)|SScores\\1","To Greece We Give Our Shining Blades (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|SScores\\2","To the Ideal, Op.39 (Hess, Ludwig)|VVocal Scores\\1","To the Motherland, Op.150 (Mekaev, Alexander)|SScores\\1","To Thee We Pray (Blessner, Gustav)|SScores\\1","To Thy Pastures (Sage, H. Clarence)|SScores\\1","Der Tod Abels (Rolle, Johann Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\4","Der Tod des Verr\u00e4ters (Cornelius, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg (Weckmann, Matthias)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg, GWV 1128\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg, TWV 1:322 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Tod ist zu unsern Fenstern hereingefallen, GWV 1175\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Der Tod seiner Heiligen ist wertgehalten (Nicolai, Johann Michael)|PParts\\1","Der Tod seiner Heiligen ist wertgehalten, GWV 1175\/31b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Todestag des Erl\u00f6sers (Eberwein, Carl)|PParts\\1","Todo es amor (Chavarria, Roque Jacinto)|SScores\\1","Todo es dolor (Chavarria, Roque Jacinto)|SScores\\1","Der Todt Abels des Gerechten (Harrer, Gottlob)|SScores\\2|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2","Toggenburg, Op.76 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\4","Toll Nelson's knell (Attwood, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Tollite portas, K.152 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","La tomba (Bottagisio, Angelo)|SScores\\1","Tonadilla a 3 de la Abana (Anonymous)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","T\u00f6ne, lindernder Klang, WoO 28 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","T\u00f6net ihr Pauken, erschallt ihr Trompeten, GWV 1056 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","T\u00f6net, ihr Pauken! Erschallet, Trompeten!, BWV 214 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11|LLibrettos\\2","Die Tonkunst traurt (Danzi, Franz)|SScores\\1","Toras adonoj (Lewandowski, Louis)|SScores\\1","T\u00f6rt\u00e9net az Ember Fi\u00e1nak szenved\u00e9s\u00e9r\u0151l \u00e9s hal\u00e1l\u00e1r\u00f3l (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","8 Toskanische Lieder, Op.22 (Br\u00fcll, Ignaz)|SScores\\3","Tota pulchra es amica mea, LV 1080 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Tota pulchra es, Maria (Anonymous)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Tota pulchra es, WAB 46 (Bruckner, Anton)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6","Tota pulchra es (Tritant, Gustave)|SScores\\1","Tota pulchra (Dentella, Pietro Andrea)|SScores\\1","Tota pulchra (Donella, Valentino)|SScores\\1","Totengr\u00e4berlied, D.38 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Totor et Titine (Wachs, Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric)|VVocal Scores\\1","Totus in corde langueo, D.136 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Tournez, tournez, Op.9 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Tous les regres (La Rue, Pierre de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Toutes les nuitz je ne pense qu'en celle (Costeley, Guillaume)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Town and Trade (Yarwood, Joseph)|SScores\\1","Tra verdi campi a la stagion novella (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","Trachtet am ersten nach dem Reich Gottes, TWV 1:1411 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Trachtet am ersten nach dem Reiche Gottes, GWV 1123\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Trahe me post te (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\4","Transeunte Domino (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Transfige dulcissime Jesu, H.251 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","The Transfiguration (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|SScores\\3","Transponiertes Psalmen-Buch (Sultzberger, Johann Ulrich)|SScores\\11","Trastulli Estivi, Book 2 (Accademico Bizzarro Capriccioso)|SScores\\1","Trattado de Glosas (Ortiz, Diego)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Trauer- und Begr\u00e4bnis-Musik \u00fcber Johann Helms (Becker, Dietrich)|SScores\\1","2 Trauer-Ges\u00e4nge (Hainlein, Paul)|SScores\\1","6 Trauerges\u00e4nge, Op.61g (Reger, Max)|SScores\\2","Tr\u00e4ufelt ihr Himmel mit Gnade, GWV 1138\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Tr\u00e4umen und Wachen, WAB 87 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Trauungslied, WAB 49 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","A travers bois, Op.63 (Chaminade, C\u00e9cile)|SScores\\1","Le Tre ore di agonia (Zingarelli, Niccol\u00f2 Antonio)|SScores\\2","Tread Lightly (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)|SScores\\3","Tree of Life (Ferrari, Carlotta)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2","Treibe doch aus meinem Herzen, GWV 1152\/09 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Tremate, empi tremate, Op.116 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Trend of Time (Girard, Harry)|SScores\\1","Tres sunt qui testimonium dant in caelo, MH 183 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Der treue Freund, der unser Elend schaut, TWV 1:324 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Treue Liebe (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\1","Treuer Gott ich muss dir klagen, GWV 1131\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Tria Sunt Munera (Esquivel Barahona, Juan)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Tribularer si nescirem (Bernhard, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Tribulationem et dolorem inveni, LV 366 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","The Tribute of Praise (Tourj\u00e9e, Eben)|SScores\\1","Trichordium und Trias Harmonica (Vogler, Georg Joseph)|VVocal Scores\\1","Trinitas sancta unitasque (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Trinklied der S\u00e4nger (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Trinklied im Mai, D.427 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Trinklied im Wald (Hiller, Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","Trinklied, D.148 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Trinklied, D.426 (Schubert, Franz)|LLibrettos\\1","Trinklied (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","Trio for Tenor, Baritone and Bass, Op.1326 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Il trionfo dell'amor divino (Pacieri, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Il trionfo della fede (Cimarosa, Domenico)|SScores\\1","Il trionfo di Davide (Cafaro, Pasquale)|SScores\\2","Tristes erant apostoli (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Tristis est anima mea, H.126 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Tristis est anima mea, LV 238 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Tristis est anima mea (Gesualdo, Carlo)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Tristis est anima mea (Martini, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\2","Tritt nicht herzu zeuch deine Schuhe, GWV 1147\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","The Triumph of Columbus (Pratt, Silas Gamaliel)|VVocal Scores\\1","Triumph, ihr Himmel (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","La Tromba della Divina misericordia (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Troppo ben pu\u00f2 questo tiranno Amore, SV 102 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Trost in Tr\u00e4nen, Op.14 (Cornelius, Peter)|SScores\\1","Tr\u00f6ste uns Gott unser Heiland, GWV 1160\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Tr\u00f6stet mein Volk (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Trovas (Dutra, Benedito)|SScores\\1","The Trysting Tree (Bennett, George John)|SScores\\1","Tu che del mio dolore (Dalla Gostena, Giovanni Battista)|SScores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Tu che sai quanto sia giusta, S.616 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Tu cum virgineo mater honore (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Tu es Petrus, Op.6 (Heurlier, Georges)|SScores\\1","Tu es Petrus, Op.31 (Spada, Luca)|SScores\\1","Tu es Petrus (Mercuri, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Tu es Petrus (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Tu es sacerdos (Bentivoglio, Giulio)|SScores\\1","Tu es via (Mapelli, Luigi)|SScores\\1","Tu Mandasti (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Tu non sai da quanti moti (Coccia, Carlo)|VVocal Scores\\1","Tu Rechnung Rechnung will Gott, GWV 1150\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Tu trinitatis unitas in D major (Xavier, Jos\u00e9 Maria)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Tue deinen Mund auf f\u00fcr die Stummen, GWV 1153\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Tue Rechnung von deinem Haushalten, GWV 1163\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Tue Rechnung! Donnerwort, BWV 168 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\1","Tulerunt Dominum, NJE 20.14 (Josquin Desprez)|SScores\\10","9 Tunes for Archbishop Parker\u2019s Psalter (Tallis, Thomas)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","The Tunes of the Psalms (Playford, Henry)|SScores\\1","Tunes to the Psalms of David (Shenton, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Die T\u00fcrkenkugel, Op.53 (Bunk, Gerard)|SScores\\1","Turn thee again, O Lord (Pye, Kellow John)|SScores\\1","Turn Thy Face from My Sins (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Die Turteltaube l\u00e4sset sich h\u00f6ren (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Tut Busse und lasse sich ein jeglicher, GWV 1104\/34 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Tutti i madrigali a quattro voci (Rore, Cipriano de)|SScores\\3","Tutto'l di piango e poi la notte (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\17","Twilight on the Sea (Sudds, William F.)|SScores\\1","Two or Three Posies (Bakalian, Craig)|SScores\\1"],"U":["Ubangiji, Hear our Prayers (Oriwoh, Edewede)|SScores\\1","\u00dcber allen Gipfeln ist Ruh, Op.2 (Herman, Reinhold L.)|SScores\\1","\u00dcber allen Gipfeln, Op.46 (Bunk, Gerard)|SScores\\1","\u00dcber alles ziehet an die Liebe, GWV 1171\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","\u00dcber der Propheten Blut, TWV 1:1425b (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Die \u00dcbertreter werden vertilget miteinander, GWV 1166\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Ubi duo vel tres congregati fuerint, SV 211 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Udir le orecchie nostre, S.643 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Udite lacrimosi spiriti d'averno (Cherubini, Luigi)|SScores\\3","Um des Landes S\u00fcnde willen, GWV 1166\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Um haust (Thoroddsen, Emil)|SScores\\1","Um Mitternacht, WAB 90 (Bruckner, Anton)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Un di lieto giamai non hebbi (Isaac, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Un guardo solo, S.472 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\3","Un jour l'amant et l'amie, LV 388 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","A un ni\u00f1o llorando (Guerrero, Francisco)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Un nuevo milagro (Garc\u00eda Pacheco, Fabi\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Un r\u00eave (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\1","Un t\u00e9nor sans engagement (Croze, Jean-Baptiste de)|SScores\\1","Un usurier enterra son avoir (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Una noticia alegre (Salas, Esteban)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Und als er nahe hinzu kam, TWV 1:1429 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Und da acht Tage um waren (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Und dies ist das Zeugnis Johannis (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Und ich will ihnen einen einigen Hirten erwecken (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Undankbarvolle Welt, GWV 1155\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Unde anim\u00e6 me\u00e6 salus (Zeutschner, Tobias)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Unde revertimini, LV 496 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Underneath this Myrtle Shade, Z.516 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Une dr\u00f4le de soir\u00e9e (C\u0153d\u00e8s, Auguste)|VVocal Scores\\1","Une nuit dans les lagunes (Morel, Auguste-Fran\u00e7ois)|SScores\\1","Une porte mal condamn\u00e9e (M\u00fcller, Jules)|VVocal Scores\\1","Une poule mouill\u00e9e (Bernicat, Firmin)|VVocal Scores\\1","Unendlich gross ist Gottes Huld und Macht (Pachaly, Traugott Immanuel)|SScores\\1|PParts\\2|VVocal Scores\\1","Unendliche Freude, D.54 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Unendlicher Gott (Zumsteeg, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\1","Ungarische Kr\u00f6nungsmesse, S.11 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","The Union of the 3 Sister Arts (Pepusch, John Christopher)","Universi, qui te exspectant (Eberlin, Johann Ernst)|SScores\\1","Universitetets Aarsfest Cantata, Op.24 (Nielsen, Carl)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Unl\u00e4ngst dem blinden G\u00f6ttelein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Unos pastores (Salas, Esteban)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Uns ist ein Kind geboren, GWV 1105\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Uns ist ein Kind geboren, TWV 1:1450 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Uns ist ein Kind geboren, TWV 1:1452 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\3","Uns ist ein Kind geboren, TWV 1:1454 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Uns ist ein Kind geboren (Bach, Johann Christoph)|PParts\\1","Uns ist ein Kind geboren (Kuhnau, Johann)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\28|PParts\\26|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\15","Uns ist ein Kind geboren (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Unser Gl\u00fcck flieht in die Ferne (Fr\u00f6hlich, Friedrich Theodor)|SScores\\1","Unser Gott kommt und schweiget nicht, GWV 1102\/52 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Unser keiner lebet ihm selber (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Unser keiner lebt ihm selber, TWV 1:1442 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Unser keiner lebt ihm selber (Meder, Johann Valentin)|PParts\\1","Unser Leben f\u00e4hret dahin, GWV 1157\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\7","Unser Leben w\u00e4hret siebzig Jahr (Calvisius, Seth)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\25|PScores and Parts\\25","Unser Leben w\u00e4hret siebzig Jahr (Franck, Melchior)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Unser lieben H\u00fchnerchen (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\38","Unser Matz hat einen gro\u00dfen langen Bart (Theile, Johann)|PParts\\1","Unser Mund sei voll Lachens, BWV 110 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\19|OOther\\1","Unser Trost ist der dass wir ein gut Gewissen, GWV 1124\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Unsere Missethat dr\u00fccket uns hart (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Unsere Tr\u00fcbsal die zeitlich und leicht ist, GWV 1137\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Unsere Tr\u00fcbsal die zeitlich und leicht ist, JLB 33 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Unsers Herzens Freude hat ein Ende, GWV 1175\/26a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Die untergehende Sonne, Op.12 (S\u00e4mann, Karl Heinrich)|VVocal Scores\\1","L'uomo coll'opre sue, S.635 (Marcello, Benedetto)|SScores\\2","Urbs beata Jerusalem (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Usciva homai del molle e fresco grembo (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Ut queant laxis resonare fibris, ZWV 118 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\2"],"V":["Va, dal furor portata, K.21\/19c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Vadam et circuibo (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Vade Anania (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Vae Babylon civitas magna (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Vaga Nigella (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","Vaghe bellezze (Torti, Ludovico)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Vaghi fiori di Maria Vergine (Scapitta, Vincenzo)|SScores\\1","Vaghi pensieri che mentre aveste il cielo (Rore, Cipriano de)","Vago augel, Op.170 (Cruz, Antonio de la)|SScores\\1","Vago augelleto che cantando vai (Flecha el Joven, Mateo)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6","Vago augelletto che cantando vai (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Valde honorandus est (Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Valet will ich dir geben, GWV 1169\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Valet will ich dir geben, TWV 1:1458 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\2","V\u00e1lgame Dios (Garc\u00eda Pacheco, Fabi\u00e1n)|PParts\\1","Valle che de\u2019 lamenti miei se\u2019 piena (Wert, Giaches de)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Valli secrete deh m'accogliete (Steffani, Agostino)|SScores\\1","Vamo Plimo y adoremo (Comes, Joan Baptista)|SScores\\1","Vamos vamosle buscando (Nebra, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas (Capello, Giovanni Francesco)|SScores\\1","Variations on 'O dolce contento' (Pa\u00ebr, Ferdinando)|SScores\\1","12 Variations pour le piano-forte (Weber, Bed\u0159ich Divi\u0161)|SScores\\1","Varie cantate \u00e0 pi\u00f9 voci, I-MOe Mus.F.1153 (Stradella, Alessandro)|SScores\\4","Le vase bris\u00e9, Op.268 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Vasta (Duruelo, Fransisco)|PParts\\1","Vatene lieta homai, LV 28 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Vater die Stunde ist hier, GWV 1159\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Vater ich befehle meinen Geist, GWV 1127\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Vater in deine H\u00e4nde befehl' ich meinen Geist (Fabricius, Werner)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Der Vater ruft merkts doch, GWV 1117\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Vater schau ich fall' zu Fusse, GWV 1152\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Vater unser im Himmelreich, GWV 1135\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Vater unser im Himmelreich, GWV 1135\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Vater unser im Himmelreich (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\3","Vater unser im Himmelreich (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Vater unser im Himmelreich (Weinmann, Johann)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Das Vater Unser und die Worte des Abendmahls (Schicht, Johann Gottfried)|SScores\\1","Das Vater unser (Rinck, Christian Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Vater unser, der du bist (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Vater Unser, WoO 67 (Spohr, Louis)|VVocal Scores\\1","Vater, ich habe ges\u00fcndiget (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","3 Vaterl\u00e4ndische Ges\u00e4nge (Koessler, Hans)|SScores\\2","Vaterlandslied, WAB 92 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores\\3","Das Vaterunser (Berezovsky, Maksym)|SScores\\1","Vattene amor in Cielo (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","Vattene pur, crudel, con quella pace, SV 67 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\28","Vau. Et egressus est (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\3","Vaya de tonadilla (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Vaya de x\u00e1cara nueva (San Juan, Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Vaya de Xacara (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","Vaya de Xacara (Veana, Mat\u00edas Juan de)|PParts\\1","Vayan unas especies (Salas, Esteban)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vayomer shalcheini (Bachlund, Gary)|SScores\\1","Vedi le valli e i campi che si smaltano (Marenzio, Luca)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","La Veglia (Caresana, Cristofaro)|SScores\\1","The Veil (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\6","Das Veilchen, Op.27 (Curschmann, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Velum templi, H.128 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","La vendetta (Bousquet, Georges)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Vengan todas las flores (Urruela y Arteaga, Lorenzo de)|PParts\\1","Vengo turo flanciquillo (Quiroz, Manuel Jos\u00e9 de)|PParts\\1","Veni creator Spiritus, H.54 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\2","Veni Creator Spiritus, Op.46 (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|VVocal Scores\\2","Veni creator spiritus, S.62 (Heinichen, Johann David)|SScores\\1","Veni Creator Spiritus, ZWV 119 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Veni creator spiritus, ZWV 120 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\1","Veni Creator Spiritus (Rener, Adam)|SScores\\1","Veni Creator (Feast, Charles F.)|SScores\\1","Veni creator (Franck, C\u00e9sar)|SScores\\2","Veni Creator (Holm\u00e8s, Augusta Mary Anne)|SScores\\1","Veni Emmanuel (Trovato, Angelo Maria)|SScores\\1","Veni in hortum (Vecchi, Orazio)|SScores\\1","Veni sancte spiritus reple, ZWV 210 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)|SScores\\3|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Veni sancte Spiritus, H.366 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|SScores\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritus, JW 2\/13 (Jan\u00e1\u010dek, Leo\u0161)|SScores\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritus, K.47 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritus, P.161 (Danzi, Franz)|PParts\\2","Veni Sancte Spiritus (Allegri, Gregorio)|SScores\\2","Veni Sancte Spiritus (Cattaneo, Pietro)|SScores\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritus (Cotumacci, Carlo)|SScores\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritus (Delgado)|PParts\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritus (Fritz, William)|SScores\\1","Veni sancte Spiritus (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Veni Sancte Spiritu (Wallace II, Robert Stephen)|SScores\\1","Veni sponsa Christi (Dalla Bella, Domenico)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Veni sponsa Christi (Lobo de Mesquita, Emerico)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\6","Veni sponsa Christi (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Veni, sancte Spiritus (Hassler, Hans Leo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Venid, venid deidades (Ponce de Le\u00f3n, Esteban)|SScores\\1","Venite ad me omnes (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|PParts\\1","Venite ad me (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Venite ad me (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Venite adoremus (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Venite exultemus (Marston, George)|SScores\\1","Venite filii audite me timorem Domini (Cima, Tullio)|SScores\\1","Venite Gentes (Sborgi, Gasparo)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Venite sancte spiritus (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","Venite, exultemus Domino (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Venus est par cent mille noms (Costeley, Guillaume)|SScores\\2","V\u00e8pres, Op.22 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Ver inferno e il mio petto (Arcadelt, Jacob)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Verbannt sei dies' verfluchte Wesen, GWV 1121\/12a (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Verbesserung der Forkel\u2019schen Ver\u00e4nderungen \u00fcber 'God save the King' (Vogler, Georg Joseph)|SScores\\2","Verbirg dein Antlitz nicht f\u00fcr mir (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Verbum caro factum est (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Verbum caro factum est (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Verbum caro, panum verbum, H.267 (Charpentier, Marc-Antoine)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Verbum iniquum et dolosum (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Verbum supernum prodiens (Josquin Desprez)|SScores\\1","Verdamme mich nicht, GWV 1121\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Vereinigte Zwietracht der wechselnden Saiten, BWV 207 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\23|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|OOther\\1","Verfallnes Salem gute Nacht, GWV 1129\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Vergebens ist all M\u00fch und Kost (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Vergeh' doch nicht du armer S\u00fcnder, P.476b (Pachelbel, Johann)|PParts\\1","Vergeltet niemand B\u00f6ses mit B\u00f6sem, GWV 1147\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Vergib deinem N\u00e4chsten, GWV 1163\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Vergib uns alle S\u00fcnde und tue uns wohl (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Vergine bella, che di sol vestita (Ruffo, Vincenzo)","Vergine bella (Paien, Gioan)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Vergine Madre figlia del tuo figlio (Mercuri, Armando)|SScores\\1|PParts\\3|VVocal Scores\\1","Vergine santa d'ogni gratia piena (Rossetti, Stephano)","La verginella e simile alla rosa (Gabrieli, Andrea)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","La verginella e simile alla rosa (Viola, Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Vergiss aller der Traurigkeit (Schein, Johann Hermann)","Vergissmeinnicht, WAB 93 (Bruckner, Anton)|SScores\\5|LLibrettos\\1","Verirrtes Schaf merk auf, GWV 1144\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Veritas mea in D major (Cervi, Luigi)|VVocal Scores\\1","Veritas mea, K.157 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Veritas mea, L.32 (Fux, Johann Joseph)|SScores\\1","Das Verlangen der Elenden h\u00f6rest du Herr, GWV 1153\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Das Verlangen der Elenden h\u00f6rest du Herr, GWV 1160\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Verlass dich auf den Herrn, GWV 1130\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Verla\u00df uns, die uns unsre Tage, L.582 (Benda, Georg)|PParts\\2","Verlasset euch nicht auf Unrecht, GWV 1142\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Verleih da\u00df ich aus Herzensgrund, H.369 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Verleih uns Frieden gn\u00e4diglich (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Verleih uns Frieden gn\u00e4diglich (Strutius, Thomas)|PParts\\1","Vermischte Gedichte (H\u00fcbner, Eberhard Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Il vero modo di diminuir (Dalla Casa, Girolamo)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Il vero secondo libro de madrigali (Arcadelt, Jacob)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\4","Verratene Liebe (Cornelius, Peter)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Versa est in luctum cythara mea (Bianciardi, Francesco)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Verschiedene Empfindungen an einem Platze, G.37 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\5","Verschwunden sind die Schmerzen, D.88 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Versi della turba concertati, Op.7 (Florimi, Giovanni Andrea)|SScores\\1","Der Vers\u00f6hnungstod (Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter)|SScores\\1","Verstohlen geht der Mond auf (Gernsheim, Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Versuch von kleinen leichten Motetten und Arien (Weimar, Georg Peter)|SScores\\2","Versuchet euch selbst, ob ihr im Glauben seid, TWV 1:1473 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Vertrag einer den Anderen, GWV 1147\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Vertraget einer den Andern, GWV 1158\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Vertraue du Gott, GWV 1146\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Vertrawen hertzlichen gar (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\2","Vesper\u00e6 breves, Op.8 (Schnell, Johann Jakob)|PParts\\10","Vesper\u00e6 longiores ac breviores una cum litaniis Lauretanis (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|PParts\\18","Vesperae \u00e0 32 (Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\15","Vesperae de Confessore (T\u016fma, Franti\u0161ek Ign\u00e1c Anton\u00edn)|SScores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Vesperae de Dominica et Confessore (Reinhardt, Johann Georg)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\4|VVocal Scores\\1","Vesperae de Dominica, K.321 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\6|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Vesperae de Dominica, MH 321 (Haydn, Michael)|SScores\\2|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Vesperae de Dominica, MH 809 (Haydn, Michael)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\10|VVocal Scores\\1","Vesperae solennes de confessore, K.339 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\7|PParts\\25|VVocal Scores\\7|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Vesperae solennes de Dominica, A III 1 (Zechner, Johann Georg)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Vesperae, A-Ed G 132 (Fuchs I, Johann Nepomuk)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Vesperae (Poppe, Franti\u0161ek Ludv\u00edk)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Vespere autem Sabbati (Handl, Jacob)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Vespers for 4 Voices (Giorza, Paolo)|SScores\\3","10 Vespers Psalms (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\10","Vespro a Cappella e Mottetti concertati (Leonarda, Isabella)|SScores\\1","Vespro della Beata Vergine, SV 206 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|RRecordings\\2|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\6|VVocal Scores\\12|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Vexilla regis more hispano for 6 voices (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\2","Vexilla regis prodeunt (Fanfani, Luigi)|SScores\\1|PParts\\12","Vexilla Regis prodeunt (Felici, Bartolomeo)|SScores\\1|PParts\\15","Vexilla Regis Prodeunt (Pelleschi, Luigi)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Vexilla Regis Prodeunt (Valenti, Niccol\u00f2)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Vexilla regis (Caudana, Federico)|SScores\\1","Vezzo di Perle Musicali (Banchieri, Adriano)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Vezzosi augelli in fra le verdi fronde (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Vezzosi Augelli infra le verdi fronde (Wert, Giaches de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Victim\u00e6 Paschali (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|SScores\\1","Victimae paschali laudes (Simonelli, Matteo)|SScores\\1","Victimae Paschalis (Alzedo, Jos\u00e9 Bernardo)|SScores\\1","Victoire (Adam, Adolphe)|VVocal Scores\\1","Vide Domine, quoniam tribulor (Souza, Jer\u00f4nimo de)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\7","Viderunt omnes fines terrae salutare Dei nostri (Graziani, Bonifazio)|SScores\\1","Viderunt omnes (P\u00e9rotin)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Videt Joannes Jesum venientem (Hindemith, Paul)|SScores\\1","Vidi aquam (Ammon, Blasius)|SScores\\2","Vidi aquam (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Vidi innocentes sub altare Dei (Costanzo da Cosena, Francesco)|SScores\\1","Vidi speciosam (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vidi speciosam (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","Vidi speciosam (Victoria, Tom\u00e1s Luis de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\4","Vidi sub altare Dei animas interfectorum (Palazzoto e Tagliavia, Giuseppe)|SScores\\1","Vidi turbam magnam (Porta, Costanzo)|SScores\\2","Vieille chanson du jeune temps (Salomon, Hector)|SScores\\1","Vieille pri\u00e8re bouddhique (Boulanger, Lili)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\1","Viel tausend Sterne prangen, D.642 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Viel werden kommen von Morgen und von Abend, SWV 375 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Viele die da sind die Ersten, GWV 1117\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Viele sind berufen, GWV 1117\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Vieni Flora gentil (Gabrieli, Andrea)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Viens dans les champs, Op.13 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Vier Hirtinnen, gleich jung, gleich sch\u00f6n, SWV A1 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Vierstimmige Chor-Arien (Hiller, Johann Adam)|SScores\\2","371 Vierstimmige Choralges\u00e4nge (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\19|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","20 Vierstimmige Ch\u00f6re (Spazier, Karl)|SScores\\1","12 Vierstimmige Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerstimmen, KWV 7104 (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\1","Vierstimmige Ges\u00e4nge f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerstimmen (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\1","Vierstimmige Ges\u00e4nge von englischen Tonsetzern mit deutschen Worten (Various)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","12 Vierstimmige Ges\u00e4nge (Kreutzer, Conradin)|SScores\\12","Vierstimmige Kirchenges\u00e4nge (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\2","11 Vierstimmige Lieder und Ges\u00e4nge (Henkel, Michael)|SScores\\1","6 Vierstimmige Lieder, Op.10 (Reichel, Adolf)|SScores\\1","5 Vierstimmige M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","2 Vierstimmige M\u00e4nnerch\u00f6re, Op.65 (D\u00f6ring, Karl Heinrich)|VVocal Scores\\1","Vierstimmige M\u00e4nnerges\u00e4nge, Op.56 (K\u00fccken, Friedrich Wilhelm)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Vierstimmige M\u00e4nnerlieder, Op.27 (Gross, Johann Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Vierstimmige Motetten und Arien (Hiller, Johann Adam)|SScores\\41","Vierstimmiger Canon, G.55 (Gerson, Georg)|SScores\\1","Vigilate et orate (Morales, Crist\u00f3bal de)|SScores\\1","Villancico (Lopez, Diego)|PParts\\1","3 Villanelle a 3 voci (Fiorino, Gasparo)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Virgen siempre sois para Virgen (Hidalgo, Juan)|PParts\\1","Virgo, mater ecclesiae (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Il virtuoso ritrovo academico, Op.49 (Banchieri, Adriano)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Virtute magna reddebant Apostoli (Croce, Giovanni)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Virtute magna (Massaino, Tiburtio)|SScores\\1","The Vision of Sir Launfal (Cadman, Charles Wakefield)|SScores\\1","The Vision of St. John (Coombs, Charles Whitney)|VVocal Scores\\1","Visionem quam Vidistis (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","The Visit to the Sepulchre (Lambert, Edward)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Vitium Cantorum (McIntyre, Richard)|SScores\\1","Vivat \u00d6sterreich (Kralik, Mathilde)|SScores\\1","Vive doglioso il core (Wert, Giaches de)","Vive sera et toujours perdurable, LV 384 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","4 Vocal Duets (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|SScores\\1","3 Vocal Duets, Op.20 (Whiting, Arthur Battelle)|SScores\\1","Vocal Mass No.1 (Haslinger, Tobias)|PParts\\1","Vocal Mass No.2 (Haslinger, Tobias)|SScores\\1","79 Vocal Pieces, Hamilton Manuscript (Various)|SScores\\7","9 Vocal Quartets, Op.88 (Cui, C\u00e9sar)|SScores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Vocalise Duet for Tenor and Baritone, Op.1325 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Mezzo-soprano and Tenor, Op.1343 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Soprano and Tenor, Op.1350 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Cello in D major, Op.2705 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Cello in F major, Op.2440 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Cello, Op.1940 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Cello, Op.1941 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Piano in D minor, Op.2716 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Piano in F major, Op.2715 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor and Strings, Op.1133 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalise for Tenor in G major, Op.2706 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\3","Vocalise for Tenor, Op.1323 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\3","Vocalise for Tenor, Op.1324 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores\\3","Vocalise Opera, Op.1136 (Beatty, Stephen W.)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vocalises de style (Aim\u00e8s, A.)|SScores\\1","20 Vocalises journali\u00e8res (Lutgen, Balthazar)|SScores\\1","150 Vocalises pour toutes les voix (Zingarelli, Niccol\u00f2 Antonio)|SScores\\7","Vocalizzo all'Antica (Passilongo, Ciro Roberto)|SScores\\1","Voce mea ad Dominum clamavi (Guglielmo Veneziano)|SScores\\1","Voga, voga, Op.43 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","Die V\u00f6glein singen (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","A Voice from the Lake (Eisfeld, Theodor)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","A Voice in the Forest (Taneyev, Sergey)|SScores\\2","Voici la charmante retraite, Op.45 (Rey, \u00c9tienne)|SScores\\1","La Voix d'airain s'est envol\u00e9e, Op.89 (Prestat, Marie Josephine Claire)|SScores\\1","Les Voix de No\u00ebl (Sabra, Wadia)|SScores\\1","Les voix de Paris (Kastner, Jean-Georges)|SScores\\3","Vola il tempo (Caldara, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Volgi cor mio la tua speranza, LV 70 (Lassus, Orlande de)|SScores\\1","Das Volk so im Finstern wandelt, GWV 1111\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Das Volk so im Finstern wandelt, GWV 1111\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Volkslied aus Ober\u00f6sterreich (Kremser, Eduard)","Volkslied, Op.90 (G\u00f6tze, Carl)|PParts\\5","Volkslieder aus Steyermark (Schm\u00f6lzer, Jakob Eduard)|SScores\\1","8 Volkslieder, Op.64 (Weber, Carl Maria von)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Volksliederbuch f\u00fcr M\u00e4nnerchor (Friedlaender, Max)|PParts\\1","Volkslied (Ehlert, Louis)|SScores\\1","Vollstaendige Singschule (Winter, Peter von)|SScores\\5","Vollst\u00e4ndiges Altenburger Choral-Melodien-Buch (D\u00f6ring, Johann Friedrich Samuel)|SScores\\1","Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Vom Himmel hoch da komm' ich her (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Vom Himmel hoch da komm' ich her (Morgado, Sim\u00f3n)|SScores\\1","Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Vom Himmel hoch (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1","Vom Himmel hoch (Loewe, Carl)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar (Schelle, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|PParts\\9","Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar (Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Von der Spielmannsfahrt, Op.127 (Hofmann, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Von deutscher Seele, Op.28 (Pfitzner, Hans)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1|VVocal Scores\\2","Von Gnad' und Recht (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, GWV 1113\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, GWV 1156\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\11","Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Von Herzen ich thu freuen mich (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Von Jesus kommt mir aller Segen, GWV 1146\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Vor Leid und Schmerz (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Vord\u00edsin (J\u00f3n Fri\u00f0finnsson)|SScores\\2","Vorhv\u00f6t (Laxdal, J\u00f3n)|SScores\\1","Voria che tu cantass'una canzon' (Scandello, Antonio)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Vormorgunn (Helgi Sigur\u00f0ur Helgason)|SScores\\1","Vorrei donarti, Op.27 (Masotti, Celestina)|SScores\\1","Vorria morire per uscir di guai (Waelrant, Hubert)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Vorschlag zur G\u00fcte, G.35 (Gerson, Georg)|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\3","Vort land, Op.30 (Helsted, Gustav)|VVocal Scores\\1","Vorv\u00edsur (\u00c1rni Thorsteinson)|SScores\\2","Vos saecli iusti iudices (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Vox dilecti mei pulsantis (Bellazzo, Francesco)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Vox dilecti mei (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores\\1","Vox in Rama audita est (Clemens non Papa, Jacobus)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Vox Maris, Op.31 (Enescu, George)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\1","Vox mitte clamorem (Meder, Johann Valentin)|PParts\\1","The Voyage of Maeldune, Op.34 (Stanford, Charles Villiers)|VVocal Scores\\4","Vray Dieu disoit une fillette, LV 41 (Lassus, Orlande de)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Vulnera Jesu Christi (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Vulnerasti cor meum (Benincasa, Giacomo)|SScores\\1","Vulnerasti cor meum (Cima, Giovanni Paolo)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","Vulnerasti cor meum (Guglielmo Veneziano)|SScores\\1","Vulnerasti cor meum (Valentini, Giovanni)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Vu\u00f2 ven\u00ec? (Giannini, Giacomo)|SScores\\1"],"W":["Wach auf, du werte Christenheit (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores and Parts\\17|PScores and Parts\\17","Wache auf meine Ehre, GWV 1101\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Wache sichre Christenschar, GWV 1149\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BuxWV 101 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\16|VVocal Scores\\9|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\31|OOther\\2","Wachet und betet, dass ihr nicht in Anfechtung fallet, FaWV D:W1 (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Wachet und betet, GWV 1116\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wachet! betet! betet! wachet!, BWV 70 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\16|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\1","Wachet, betet, seid bereit allezeit!, BWV 70a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Wachset in der Erkenntnis Gottes, GWV 1165\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wacht auf ihr Toten steht auf, GWV 1167\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wacht auf, ihr Christen alle (Krieger, Johann Philipp)|SScores\\1","Der Wahn der Welt ist schrecklich toll, GWV 1150\/53b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die Wahrheit findet keinen Glauben, GWV 1124\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Die Wahrheit ist ein edles Kind, TWV 1:368 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wahrlich ich sage euch so ihr den Vater, GWV 1135\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wahrlich ich sage euch so ihr den Vater, TWV 1:1493 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch, BWV 86 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18|OOther\\1","The Wake of O'Connor (Bath, Hubert)|VVocal Scores\\1","Waken Lords and Ladies gay (Bairnsfather, Georgina)|SScores\\1","Waldesgru\u00df (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","Waldlied, Op.13 (Hegar, Friedrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\5","Die Wallfahrt nach Kevlaar (Humperdinck, Engelbert)|VVocal Scores\\5","Wallt ihr Hertzen in feuriger Liebe, GWV 1106\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Walrus and Carpenter (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","The Walrus and the Carpenter (Hadley, Henry Kimball)|SScores\\1","Walsinghame, GP 278 (Bax, Arnold)|VVocal Scores\\1","Walt's Gott, mein Werk ich lasse (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\2","Walzer-Rondo IV, Op.100 (Gumbert, Ferdinand)|SScores\\1","Wandelt in der Liebe, GWV 1154\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wandelt wie die Kinder, GWV 1107\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Wandelt wie sich's geb\u00fchret, GWV 1117\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wandelt wie sich's geb\u00fchret, GWV 1117\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","A Wanderer's Psalm, Op.50 (Parker, Horatio)|VVocal Scores\\2","The Wanderer (Elgar, Edward)|SScores\\1","Wanderers Nachtlied (Schnyder von Wartensee, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\1","Wanderlied (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)|SScores\\1","Wanderlust, Op.52a (Peuschel, Moritz)|PParts\\5","Wandern, Op.104e (Neuhofer, Franz)|SScores\\1","Wann ich lang such der Gsellschaft viel (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","War and Peace (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|VVocal Scores\\4","W\u00e4r Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit, BWV 14 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","W\u00e4r' Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit, GWV 1137\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","W\u00e4r' Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit, GWV 1137\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Warlich ich sage euch, so ihr (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Warlich, warlich ich sage euch (Rosenm\u00fcller, Johann)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Wartburg-Lieder, S.345 (Liszt, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Das Warten der Gerechten wird Freude werden, GWV 1103\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Das Warten der Gerechten wird Freude werden, GWV 1142\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Das Warten der Gerechten wird Freude werden, H.384 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wartime Christmas (Ferrari, Carlotta)|SScores\\1","Warum betr\u00fcbst du dich mein Herz, GWV 1113\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Warum betr\u00fcbst du dich, mein Herz, BWV 138 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Warum betr\u00fcbst du dich, mein Herz? (Schein, Johann Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Warum l\u00e4sst du uns Herr irren, GWV 1144\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Warum toben die Heiden und die Leute (Theile, Johann)|SScores\\1","Warum toben die Heiden (B\u00f6hm, Georg)|SScores\\1","Warum verst\u00f6ssest du Herr meine Seele, GWV 1121\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Warum willst du unser so gar vergessen, GWV 1134\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Was betr\u00fcbst du dich meine Seele, GWV 1134\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|RRecordings\\1|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Was betr\u00fcbst du dich meine Seele, TWV 1:1505 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Was betr\u00fcbst du dich meine Seele (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\2|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Was der alten V\u00e4ter Schar (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores\\2","Was der Gottlose f\u00fcrchtet, GWV 1135\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Was erhebet sich die arme Erde (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Was fehlt dir doch, TWV 1:1507 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Was frag ich nach der Welt, BWV 94 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9|OOther\\2","Was gibst du denn, GWV 1169\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan, GWV 1114\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan, GWV 1114\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan, GWV 1114\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan, GWV 1153\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan, H.389 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan (Kuhnau, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, BWV 98 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, BWV 99 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, BWV 100 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8|OOther\\1","Was hast du Mensch was du nicht empfangen hast, TWV 1:1513 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Was hat das Licht vor Gemeinschaft mit der Finsternis, TWV 1:1514 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Was hilfts lieben Br\u00fcder, GWV 1162\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Was ist der Mensch ein Erdenkloss, GWV 1157\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Was Jesus nur mit mir wird f\u00fcgen, TWV 1:1523 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Was kr\u00e4nkst du dich (Burck, Joachim a)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Was mein Gott will das mu\u00df geschehen (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit, BWV 111 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\14|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6","Was mein Gott will (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Was meinest du wil aus dem Kindlein werden? (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd, BWV 208 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\4|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\6|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\42|LLibrettos\\2","Was s\u00e4umest du dich doch (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Was suchet ihr den Lebendigen bei den Toten, HoWV II.66 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Was sucht ihr den Lebendigen bei den Toten, GWV 1128\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2|PParts\\12","Was vom Fleisch geboren wird, TWV 1:1533 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Was werden wir essen (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Was willst du dich betr\u00fcben, BWV 107 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11","Was willst du dich betr\u00fcben, GWV 1103\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Was willst du dich betr\u00fcben, GWV 1133\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Was wird es noch des Wunders noch (7 voices) (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Was zeigen freche H\u00f6llenkinder, TWV 1:1533a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Waschet, reiniget euch (Gerstenb\u00fcttel, Joachim)|SScores and Parts\\5|PScores and Parts\\5","Wash me thoroughly (Wesley, Samuel Sebastian)|SScores\\1","The Wasps (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)|NNaxos\\0|VVocal Scores\\1","Die Wasserfee, Op.21 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Die Wasserwogen im Meer sind gross, GWV 1115\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Watchman, What of the Night? (Sarjeant, James)|SScores\\1","The Water-Lily (Cowen, Frederic Hymen)|VVocal Scores\\6","The Way is Long and Weary (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","The Way of Penitence (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)|SScores\\1","We Are But Strangers Here (Sullivan, Arthur)|SScores\\1","We Beheld His Glory (Clokey, Joseph Waddell)|SScores\\1","We Cobblers Lead a Merry Life (White, Felix Harold)|SScores\\1","We March, We March, To Victory (Barnby, Joseph)|SScores\\1","We praise thee, O God (Crampton, Thomas)|SScores\\1","Wealth, Sire of Flattery (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Wedding Cantata (Bird, Peter)|SScores\\2","Wedding Preces and Responses (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\1","Wees nu gegroet (Bouma, Hugo)|SScores\\1","Weg mit allen Sch\u00e4tzen, GWV 1142\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Weg Trauern weg Weinen, GWV 1128\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Die Wege des Herrn sind eitel G\u00fcte, GWV 1113\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die Wege des Herrn sind eitel G\u00fcte, GWV 1129\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Die Wege des Herrn sind eitel G\u00fcte, GWV 1162\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Weh mir dass ich so oft, GWV 1163\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wehe denen die auf Erden wohnen, GWV 1122\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wehe denen die verborgen sein wollen, GWV 1164\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\9","Wehe euch Schriftgelehrten, GWV 1147\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wehe euch Schriftgelehrten, GWV 1147\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wehe mir dass ich ein Fremdling bin, GWV 1155\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Weht ihr Winde, GWV 1108\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Weib, was weinest du?, SWV 443 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Die Weiber mit den Fl\u00f6hen (Piltz, Niclas)|SScores\\1","Weich, verborgner Pharis\u00e4er, TWV 1:1539 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Weiche Lust und Fr\u00f6hlichkeit, TWV 1:1536 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Weichet fort aus meiner Seele, TWV 1:1537 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Weicht ihr eitlen Gedanken, GWV 1126\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Weihnacht-Cantate (Fr\u00f6hlich, Friedrich Theodor)|SScores\\1","Weihnachts-Cantilene (Reichardt, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Weihnachts-Kantate (Fr\u00f6hlich, Friedrich Theodor)|SScores\\1","Weihnachtsglocken, Op.140 (Sonnet, Hermann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Weihnachtslied, Op.5 (Hess, Otto)|SScores\\1","Weihnachtslied (Bartel, G\u00fcnther)|SScores\\1","4 Weihnachtsmotetten, Op.55 (Stenov, Michael)|RRecordings\\4|PParts\\4","Weihnachtsoratorium, BWV 248 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\7|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\33|PParts\\94|VVocal Scores\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\84|OOther\\22","Weihnachtsoratorium, Op.110 (Wermann, Oskar)|VVocal Scores\\2","Weil ich denn rufe und ihr weigert euch, TWV 1:1540 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Weine nicht, es hat \u00fcberwunden (Weckmann, Matthias)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Weine nicht, siehe, es hat \u00fcberwunden, TWV 1:1541 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV 12 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\32|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14|BBooks\\1","Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen (Politano, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Die Weinlese (Neukomm, Sigismund)|PParts\\1","Weint, ihr S\u00fcnder, weint vor Freuden (Fehre, Christoph Ludwig)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Weise mir Herr deinen Weg, GWV 1141\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\12","Die Weisheit ruft, und keiner h\u00f6rt, TWV 1:370 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Das wei\u00df ich f\u00fcr wahr, TWV 1:198 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wei\u00dft du, warum dies Herz (Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver)|SScores\\1","6 Welch Airs Adapted to English Words (Biggs, Edward Smith)|SScores\\1","Welch \u00e4ngstliches Beben, K.389\/384A (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)|SScores\\1","Welch ein j\u00e4mmerliches Klagen, L.516 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Welch Glanz erhellt den Dampf, GWV 1101\/17 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Welche der Geist Gottes treibet, GWV 1149\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Welchen der Herr lieb hat, GWV 1162\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Welcher Mensch ist unter euch, GWV 1144\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Welcher unter euch kann mich einer S\u00fcnde zeihen, TWV 1:1545 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Welcome, Yule! (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SScores\\1","The Wellingborough Melodist (Randall of Wellingborough, William)|SScores\\1","12 Welsh Folk Songs, H.183 (Holst, Gustav)|SScores\\12","Welsh Melodies for the Voice (Thomas, John)|SScores\\1","Welt ade, ich bin dein m\u00fcde, BWV Anh.170 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|SScores\\1","Die Welt bek\u00fcmmert sich, TWV 1:371 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Die Welt die hat ein thummen mut (Stoltzer, Thomas)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Welt ist Welt (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Die Welt kann ihre Lust, TWV 1:372 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Die Welt vergehet mit ihrer Lust, GWV 1142\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Die Welt weiss jetzo viel zu fragen, GWV 1159\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die Welt wird sich freuen, GWV 1129\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Weltfeier, Op.17 (Weigl, Karl)|VVocal Scores\\1","Wen da d\u00fcrstet der komme zu mir, GWV 1124\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wen da d\u00fcrstet der komme, GWV 1103\/20 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wendet euch zu mir so werdet ihr selig, GWV 1143\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wenn der Geist der Wahrheit kommen wird, GWV 1134\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wenn der Herr die Gefangenen zu Zion (Weckmann, Matthias)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Wenn der Herr Zion erl\u00f6sen wird (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Wenn der Tr\u00f6ster kommen wird, GWV 1137\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wenn des K\u00f6niges Angesicht, GWV 1105\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\16|PScores and Parts\\16","Wenn des Menschen Sohn kommen wird, GWV 1167\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wenn die Gerechten schreien, GWV 1115\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wenn die Gerechten \u00fcberhand nehmen, GWV 1132\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wenn du 'gessen hast und satt bist (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wenn du betest, GWV 1135\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wenn du deine Gabe auf dem Altar, GWV 1147\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wenn einer alle Ding' verst\u00fcnd', GWV 1159\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wenn einer alle Ding' verst\u00fcnd', GWV 1159\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wenn Filli ihre Liebestrahl (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Wenn ich mit Menschen- und mit Engelzungen, GWV 1119\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wenn ihr fr\u00f6hlich seid an euren Festen (Kuhnau, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1|PParts\\1|VVocal Scores\\1","Wenn ihr nicht Zeichen und Wunder, GWV 1162\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wenn man meinen Jammer w\u00e4get, GWV 1157\/16 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Wenn mein St\u00fcndlein vorhanden ist (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|PParts\\1","Wenn mich die b\u00f6se Rott' anf\u00e4llt, TWV 1:1566 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wenn Not und Angst am gr\u00f6ssten ist, GWV 1114\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1","Wenn wir in h\u00f6chsten N\u00f6ten sein, GWV 1162\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Wenn wir in h\u00f6chsten N\u00f6ten sein, TWV 1:1568 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wenns kommt dass man begehret, GWV 1165\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer Barmherzigkeit \u00fcbet (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wer bei Gott in Gnaden ist, TWV 1:1573 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wer bin ich Armer, GWV 1104\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer da glaubet dass Jesus sei der Christ, GWV 1103\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wer da glaubet dass Jesus sei der Christ, GWV 1171\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer da gl\u00e4ubet und getauft wird, BWV 37 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\12|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\12|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Wer Dank opfert der preiset mich, GWV 1155\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer Dank opfert, der preiset mich, BWV 17 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Wer das Wort verachtet der verderbet, GWV 1118\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wer den Herrn f\u00fcrchtet, GWV 1110\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer den Sohn Gottes hat, GWV 1139\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer den Sp\u00f6tter z\u00fcchtiget, GWV 1124\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wer die Frommen verf\u00fchret, GWV 1120\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wer die Wahrheit tut, GWV 1139\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer edel ist (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Wer eine Grube machet, GWV 1124\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer eine Grube machet, GWV 1145\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer eine Sache kl\u00fcglich f\u00fchret, GWV 1146\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer f\u00e4hret hinauf gen Himmel, GWV 1159\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer fromm ist bekommt Trost, GWV 1134\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)","Wer Gott nicht mit uns (Walter, Johann)|SScores\\1","Wer Gott vertraut hat wohl gebaut, GWV 1123\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer ist der gut Leben begehret, GWV 1153\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer ist der so von Edom k\u00f6mmet (Kn\u00fcpfer, Sebastian)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\1","Wer ist der, so von Edom kommet (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Wer ist der, so von Edom kommt, TWV 1:1585 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Wer ist der, so von Edom k\u00f6mmt (Altnikol, Johann Christoph)|SScores\\3","Wer ist wohl wie du, Jesu, TWV 1:1587 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Wer Jesum h\u00f6rt und wirft seine Netze, GWV 1146\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer Jesum liebt, GWV 1154\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer mich findet der findet das Leben, GWV 1140\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer mich liebet der wird mein Wort halten, F.72 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores\\2","Wer mich liebet der wird mein Wort halten, GWV 1138\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wer mich liebet der wird mein Wort halten, GWV 1138\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\3","Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten, BWV 74 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\14|PParts\\23|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10|OOther\\2","Wer nach Gottes Wort fraget, GWV 1159\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer nicht zur T\u00fcr hineingehet, GWV 1140\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Wer nur den lieben Gott l\u00e4sst walten, BWV 93 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8","Wer nur den lieben Gott l\u00e4sst walten, GWV 1148\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer nur den lieben Gott l\u00e4sst walten, GWV 1156\/09 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wer nur den lieben Gott l\u00e4sst walten (St\u00e4hle, Mika Ruben)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Wer Ohren hat der h\u00f6re, GWV 1143\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Wer Ohren hat zu h\u00f6ren ach der h\u00f6re, GWV 1118\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer Ohren hat zu h\u00f6ren der h\u00f6re, GWV 1118\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer Ohren hat zu h\u00f6ren h\u00f6re, GWV 1154\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer s\u00e4h dich f\u00fcr ein solche (Malchinger)|SScores\\1","Wer seine Missetat leugnet, GWV 1152\/21 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer seine Missetat leugnet, GWV 1152\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer seine Missetat leugnet, GWV 1160\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer seine Ohren verstopfet, GWV 1155\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer seinen Jesum recht will lieben, GWV 1112\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Wer sich auf seinen Reichtum verl\u00e4sset, GWV 1142\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer sich das Fleisch verf\u00fchren l\u00e4sst, GWV 1148\/12 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wer sich des Armen erbarmet, TWV 1:1599 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Wer sich gern l\u00e4sset strafen, GWV 1134\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer sich l\u00e4sset d\u00fcnken er stehe, GWV 1150\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer sich r\u00e4chet, an dem wird sich der Herr wieder r\u00e4chen, TWV 1:1600 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wer sich r\u00e4chet, an dem wird sich der Herr wieder r\u00e4chen, TWV 1:1602 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wer sich selbst erh\u00f6het, der soll erniedriget werden, TWV 1:1603 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wer sich selbst erh\u00f6het, GWV 1104\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer sich vor dir, O Gott, TWV 1:1605 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wer soll Israel den Armen, GWV 1151\/13 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer unter dem Schirm des H\u00f6chsten, GWV 1120\/51 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wer von Gott ist, GWV 1124\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer wahrhaftig ist der saget frei, GWV 1104\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wer walzet uns den Stein (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Wer weise ist der h\u00f6ret zu, GWV 1112\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer weiss wie nahe mir mein Ende, GWV 1157\/45 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer wei\u00df, wie nahe mir mein Ende, BWV 27 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\17|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Wer weiss, wie nahe mir mein Ende, TWV 1:1610 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1|PParts\\1","Wer will verdammen, GWV 1136\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wer wird auf des Herren Berg, GWV 1161\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wer wolt dir nit in ehrn sein holdt (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Were I to Choose the Greatest Bliss, Z.517 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Werfet euer Vertrauen nicht weg, GWV 1110\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Werfet Panier auf im Lande, TWV 8:15 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Werter Geist Kraft aus der H\u00f6he, GWV 1134\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Werter Jesu ach wie lange, GWV 1165\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Westminster Tropes, Op.42 (Alburger, Mark)|SScores\\1","A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea (Culley, Arnold Duncan)|SScores\\1","What Are the Wild Waves Saying? (Glover, Stephen Ralph)|SScores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","What Shall He Have that Killed the Deer (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|SScores\\1","When All Things were in Quiet Silence (West, John Ebenezer)|SScores\\1","When All Thy Mercies (Riley, Albert Edward)|SScores\\1","When Allen-a-Dale Went A-Hunting (Pearsall, Robert Lucas)|SScores\\1","When beauty's soul-attracting charms (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","When Christ was born of Mary free (Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings)|SScores\\1","When Evening's Twilight (Hatton, John Liptrot)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","When Gay Philander Left the Plain, Z.519 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","When I Can Read My Title Clear (Thomas, John Rogers)|SScores\\2","When it was Yet Dark (Woodman, Raymond Huntington)|SScores\\1","When My Soul Fainted within Me (Bridge, Frederick)|SScores\\1","When Myra Sings, Z.521 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","When Shall my Sorrowful Sighing Slack (Tallis, Thomas)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\5","When Teucer from His Father Fled, Z.522 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","When the Cock Begins to Crow, ZD 172 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","When the Lord shall build up Zion (Cole, John)|SScores\\1","When the Lord Turned Again (Converse, Charles Crozat)|VVocal Scores\\1","When the Sabbath was Past, Op.219 (Bartlett, Homer Newton)|SScores\\1","When the Sabbath was Past (Foster, Myles Birket)|SScores\\1","When the Tide Comes In (Millard, Harrison)|SScores\\2","When the wind blows in the sweet rose tree (Horsley, William)|SScores\\1","When Winds Breathe Soft (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\3","When, Lovely Phyllis, Thou Art Kind, Z.520 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","Where Sunless Rivers Weep (Naylor, Charles Legh)|SScores\\1","Where weeping yews and nodding cypress wave (Hutcheson, Francis)|SScores\\1","Where'er You Tread (Long, Samuel)|SScores\\1","While Bolts and Bars My Days Control, Z.523 (Purcell, Henry)|SScores\\1","While fools their time in stormy strife employ (Smith, John Stafford)|SScores\\1","Who comes so dark (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\1","Who is Silvia? (St. Pierre, Anthony)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1","Who Rides for the King? (Somerville, Reginald)|SScores\\1","The Whole Booke of Psalmes (Ravenscroft, Thomas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\184|PScores and Parts\\184","Why busy boys (Cooke, Benjamin)|SScores\\1","Why flies Belinda (Cooke, Henry)|SScores\\1","Why fumeth in sight (Tallis, Thomas)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\3","Why Seek Ye the Living among the Dead? (Hopkins, Edward John)|SScores\\1","Wide China (Li, Cheng-Shiun)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\28","Wide, Wide as the Ocean (Miles, C. Austin)|SScores\\2","Widerhall, D.428 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\1","Widerstehet dem Teufel (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","The Widow of Nain (Caldicott, Alfred James)","The Widow To Her Child (Heins, Nicholas)|SScores\\1","Wie bald hast du gelitten, GWV 1109\/14 (Graupner, Christoph)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wie bist du Davids Sohn (D\u00fcben, Gustaf)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wie das Gl\u00fcck will, bin ich im Spiel (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Wie der Hirsch schreiet nach frischem Wasser (Pohle, David)|SScores\\2|PParts\\6","Wie der Hirsch schreiet (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Wie der Hirsch schreit nach frischem Wasser, Op.42 (Mendelssohn, Felix)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\13|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\3","Wie d\u00fcrft' ich bitten wenn mein Sinn, H.374 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wie eine Purpurblume (Salieri, Antonio)|SScores\\1","Wie elend sind ach arme Menschen dran, GWV 1122\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wie Flammen auf Gottes Alt\u00e4ren, L.526 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Wie gar nichts sind alle Menschen, GWV 1157\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\11|PScores and Parts\\11","Wie get es zu (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Wie ist dein Trost (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\1","Wie kommt's, o zarte Filli mein (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Wie lange liegst du sichre Welt, GWV 1102\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wie lange muss ich noch wallen, GWV 1133\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wie lange wollt ihr m\u00fcssig stehen, GWV 1117\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wie lieblich sind auf den Bergen, JLB 6 (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7|VVocal Scores\\1","Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, GWV 1108\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, GWV 1108\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, GWV 1112\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Wie lieblich sind die F\u00fcsse derer, GWV 1161\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Wie lieblich sind doch deine H\u00fctten, TWV 2:13 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|PParts\\1","Wie murren denn die Leute im Leben (Meder, Johann Valentin)|PParts\\1","Wie nichtig! Ach! Wie fl\u00fcchtig, P.500 (Pachelbel, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|PParts\\1","Wie ofte h\u00f6rt man nicht, TWV 1:1633 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wie sch\u00f6n bist du, Op.10 (Gr\u00fcnfeld, Alfred)|SScores\\1","Wie sch\u00f6n leuchtet der Morgenstern, BWV 1 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\1|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\37|VVocal Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\18|BBooks\\1","Wie sch\u00f6n leuchtet der Morgenstern (Anonymous)|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Wie sch\u00f6n leuchtet der Morgenstern (Kuhnau, Johann)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\7","Wie sch\u00f6n singt uns der Engel Schar (Freundt, Cornelius)|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\4","Wie sch\u00f6n wie herrlich klingt es nicht, GWV 1164\/53b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wie sich ein Vater \u00fcber seine Kinder erbarmt, GWV 1148\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wie ungleich ist der Menschen Leben, GWV 1142\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wie wenig sind der Heilgen dein, H.371 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wie wir geh\u00f6ret haben, GWV 1137\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wie wir getragen haben das Bild, GWV 1164\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wie wol ich kan, und bin ein man (W\u00fcst, Paulus)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wie? Kehren sich, bei Jesus Krippen, TWV 1:1625 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wiegenlied, IBR 516 (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Wiegenlied, IBR 517 (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","Wiener Tanzmusik in der zweiten H\u00e4lfte des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts (Various)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\30|PScores and Parts\\30|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\43","Wiewol viel herter Orden sind a 5 (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\3","Wiewol viel herter Orden sind a 6 (Senfl, Ludwig)|SScores\\2","Wikingerbalk, Op.34 (Panny, Joseph)|SFull Scores\\1","Will the Circle be Unbroken? (Gabriel, Charles Hutchinson)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Willkomm' du Licht aus Licht geboren, FaWV deest (Fasch, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\2","Willkommen du lieblicher Mai (K\u00fccken, Friedrich Wilhelm)|PParts\\1","Willkommen und Abschied, Op.9 (Henderson-Sellers, Brian)|SScores\\1","Wilt Thou Be Gone, Love (Foster, Stephen)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Der Wind bl\u00e4set wo er will, GWV 1141\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Der Wind bl\u00e4set wo er will, GWV 1141\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wind Flowers (Somervell, Arthur)|SScores\\1","Windella (Baker, Dorothea)|SScores\\1","The Winds are Blowing, Op.41 (Grechaninov, Aleksandr)|SScores\\1","The Winds Whistle Cold (Bishop, Henry Rowley)|SScores\\1","Winfried, Op.30 (Lorenz, Karl Adolf)|VVocal Scores\\1","Der Winter ist vergangen, Op.52 (Lutter, Wilhelm)|SScores and Parts\\4|PScores and Parts\\4","A Winter's Evening, and Christmas Cantata (Leslie, Henry Temple)|SScores\\1","Der Wintertag, D.984 (Schubert, Franz)|SScores\\2","Wiosna (Studzi\u0144ski, Karol Pawe\u0142)|SScores\\1","Wir aber, die wir des Tages Kinder sind, TWV 1:1654 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir, BWV 29 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|RRecordings\\3|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\17|PParts\\27|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\24|BBooks\\1|OOther\\1","Wir dein Volk und Schafe deiner Weide (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wir die wir des Tages sind, GWV 1120\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Wir die wir leben, GWV 1137\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir die wir stark sind, GWV 1131\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir ermahnen euch liebe Br\u00fcder, GWV 1121\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir gingen alle in der Irre, HoWV I.9 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15|VVocal Scores\\2","Wir gingen alle in der Irre, TWV 1:1659 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wir gl\u00e4uben all an einen Gott (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\2","Wir gl\u00e4uben all an einen Gott (Mahu, Stephan)|SScores\\1","Wir glauben all' an einen Gott (Ahle, Johann Rudolf)|SScores\\2","Wir gl\u00e4uben all' an einen Gott (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Wir haben allenthalben Tr\u00fcbsal, GWV 1118\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir haben auch ein Osterlamm, GWV 1128\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir haben einen Gott der da hilft, GWV 1165\/24 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir haben einen Gott der da hilft, GWV 1165\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir haben erkannt und geglaubet, GWV 1159\/32 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir haben Gottes Wort geh\u00f6rt (Burck, Joachim a)|SScores\\1","Wir haben nicht einen Hohenpriester, GWV 1120\/30 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir haben nicht einen Hohenpriester, GWV 1120\/48 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wir haben nicht mit Fleisch und Blut zu k\u00e4mpfen, GWV 1122\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Wir haben nicht mit Fleisch und Blut, TWV 1:1667 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Wir leiden Verfolgung, GWV 1110\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir lieben sehr im Herzen (Friderici, Daniel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Wir liegen vor dir mit unserm Gebet, HoWV V.30 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\2","Wir liegen, grosser Gott, vor dir, TWV 1:1668 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SFull Scores\\1","Wir m\u00fcssen alle offenbaret werden, GWV 1102\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir m\u00fcssen alle offenbaret werden, TWV 1:1670 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wir m\u00fcssen durch viel Tr\u00fcbsal in das Reich Gottes eingehen, BWV 146 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\15|PParts\\19|VVocal Scores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Wir m\u00fcssen durch viel Tr\u00fcbsal, GWV 1133\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir r\u00fchmen uns auch der Tr\u00fcbsal, GWV 1133\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir r\u00fchmen uns Gottes, GWV 1139\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wir sind Gottes Werke, F.74 (Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann)|SScores\\1","Wir sind krank, GWV 1153\/19 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir sind voller Angst und Plag, H.388 (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wir singen all mit Freudenschall (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wir stehn mit Ernst im Blicke, L.519 (Benda, Georg)|SScores\\1","Wir verk\u00fcndigen euch die Verheissung, GWV 1130\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir wallen hier auf rauh und ebnen Wegen, GWV 1112\/36 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir wandeln im Glauben, GWV 1169\/10 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir warten eines neuen Himmels, GWV 1167\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir werden ihn sehen, GWV 1169\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\13|PScores and Parts\\13","Wir wissen dass der Sohn Gottes kommen ist, GWV 1103\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Wir wissen dass Tr\u00fcbsal Geduld bringet, GWV 1121\/44 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Wir wissen dass unser irdisches Haus, GWV 1175\/39b (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wir wissen dass wer von Gott geboren ist, GWV 1120\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wir wissen, so unser irdisches Haus (Bach, Johann Ludwig)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wirf dein Anliegen auf den Herrn, GWV 1123\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wirf dein Anliegen auf den Herrn, GWV 1131\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Der Wirt und die G\u00e4ste, H.699 (Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel)|SScores\\1","Wise\u0142ka (M\u00fcnchheimer, Adam)|SScores\\2","Wisset dass euer Glaube, GWV 1121\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wisset ihr nicht dass auf diesen Tag, GWV 1127\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\15|VVocal Scores\\1","Wisset ihr nicht dass euer Leib, GWV 1138\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\15|PScores and Parts\\15","Wisset ihr nicht, da\u00df ihr Gottes Tempel seid, TWV 1:1687 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","With still increasing blessings (Somervell, Arthur)|SScores\\1","With wisdom, goodness, grace (Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Witness, Ye Heavens (Farnaby, Giles)|NNaxos\\0|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\13","Wo bist du, Jesus, Freund der Seelen, GWV 1112\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Wo bleiben denn die Neune, GWV 1155\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Wo blickst du hin o Seelenfreund, GWV 1122\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wo denkt ihr hin, GWV 1150\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wo der Herr nicht bei uns w\u00e4re, GWV 1124\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wo der Herr nicht das Haus bauet, SWV 473 (Sch\u00fctz, Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wo gehest du hin, BWV 166 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\10|PParts\\5|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\11|OOther\\1","Wo gehet Jesus hin, GWV 1119\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\3|PScores and Parts\\3","Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns h\u00e4lt, BWV 178 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\11|PParts\\8|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\14","Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns h\u00e4lt, GWV 1137\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns h\u00e4lt, GWV 1164\/26 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt, GWV 1146\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\14|PScores and Parts\\14","Wo ist dein Freund hingangen (Schein, Johann Hermann)|SScores\\1","Wo ist dein Stachel nun (Eccard, Johannes)","Wo ist der neugeborne K\u00f6nig, GWV 1111\/37 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wo ist der neugeborne K\u00f6nig (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|SScores\\1","Wo ist ein solcher Gott wie du bist, HoWV V.32 (Homilius, Gottfried August)|SScores\\1","Wo ist mein Jesus ach verloren, GWV 1112\/43 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wo ist solch ein Gott, TWV 1:1720 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wo Jesus Hunger merkt, TWV 1:1722 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wo Jesus wohnt ist lauter Segen, GWV 1123\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wo sich der Gottlose bekehret, GWV 1144\/47 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Wo sol ich mich hinkehren, ich armes br\u00fcderlein (Vogelhuber, Georg)|SScores\\1","Wo soll ich fliehen hin, BWV 5 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\12|PParts\\9|VVocal Scores\\4|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\6|BBooks\\1|OOther\\2","Wo soll ich fliehen hin?, BuxWV 112 (Buxtehude, Dietrich)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Wo soll ich meinen Jesum finden, GWV 1111\/50 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\1|PScores and Parts\\1","Wo viel Gottlose sind, GWV 1151\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wo wiltu hin weils Abend ist (1) (Capricornus, Samuel)|SScores\\1","Wo zween oder drei versammelt sind, GWV 1108\/25 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wo zween oder drei versammelt sind, GWV 1129\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Wo zween unter euch eins werden, GWV 1135\/27 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\2","Wohl dem dem die \u00dcbertretungen vergeben sind, GWV 1160\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Wohl dem der den Herren f\u00fcrchtet, GWV 1146\/28 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wohl dem der den Herrn f\u00fcrchtet, GWV 1162\/38 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wohl dem der in Gottes Furcht steht, GWV 1113\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wohl dem der sich des D\u00fcrftigen annimmt, GWV 1150\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wohl dem, dem die \u00dcbertretung, GWV 1120\/18 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\10|PScores and Parts\\10","Wohl dem, dem die \u00dcbertretungen vergeben sind, TWV 1:1698 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wohl dem, der ein tugendsam Weib hat, GWV 1113\/41 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wohl dem, der in Gottes Furchte steht, W101 (Hellinck, Lupus)|SScores\\1","Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott, BWV 139 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\9|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\9","Wohl den Menschen die dich, GWV 1159\/31 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Wohl uns der Heiland (Hoffmann, Johann Georg)|SScores\\1","Wohl zu tun und mitzuteilen (St\u00f6lzel, Gottfried Heinrich)|SScores\\1","Wohlan, ich will meinem Lieben, TWV 1:1696 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Wohlauf mein Herz zu Gott, GWV 1135\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\9|PScores and Parts\\9","Wohlauf und lasset uns hinaufgehen, GWV 1174\/49 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\12|PScores and Parts\\12","Woll\u00fcstiger Sinnen, TWV 1:1723 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","The Woman of Samaria, Op.44 (Bennett, William Sterndale)|VVocal Scores\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Women on Top (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores\\4","The Woodland Maid (Addison, John)|SScores\\1","The World is Too Much With Us (Bantock, Granville)|SScores\\1","World of sorrow (McIntyre, Richard)|SScores\\1","A World Requiem, Op.60 (Foulds, John)|VVocal Scores\\2","Das Wort der Predigt half, GWV 1118\/39 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Das Wort vom Kreuz ist eine Torheit, GWV 1152\/23 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Das Wort ward Fleisch und wohnet unter uns (Anonymous)|SScores\\1","Das Wort ward Fleisch und wohnet unter uns (Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1","Das Wort ward Fleisch (Hammerschmidt, Andreas)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Die Worte des Erl\u00f6sers am Kreuze, Hob.XX:2 (Haydn, Joseph)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\3|PParts\\26|VVocal Scores\\11|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","The Wreck of the Hesperus, Op.61 (Fisher, Arthur Elwell)|VVocal Scores\\1","The Wreck of the Hesperus (Wareing, Herbert Walter)|VVocal Scores\\1","W\u2019hogen baadenu (Lewandowski, Louis)|RRecordings\\1"],"X":["Xacara va (Viveras, Pedro de)|PParts\\1","Xe bora scura (Macchi, Claudio)|SScores\\1"],"Y":["Y Canigydd (Owen, John)|SScores\\2","Ya es tiempo dulzes liras (Literes, Antonio)|PParts\\1","Ya la gloria (Zumaya, Manuel de)|PParts\\1","The Yattendon Hymnal (Various)|SScores\\1","Ye Gentlemen of England (Callcott, John Wall)|SScores\\2|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Ye Shepherds, Tell Me (Mazzinghi, Joseph)|SScores\\3","Ye Spotted Snakes (Stevens, Richard John Samuel)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Yeah! (Beischer-Maty\u00f3, Tam\u00e1s)|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Yelva (Lortzing, Albert)|SFull Scores\\1|PParts\\2","\u00ddmnos eis t\u012bn Eleuther\u00edan (Mantzaros, Nikolaos)|SScores\\1","Yo no s\u00e9, Op.147 (Plante, Cyril)|SScores\\1","Yo soy un amolador (Due\u00f1as)|PParts\\1","You Gave Me Your Heart (Webbe, Samuel)|SScores\\1","You, with me (Kim, Hee Cheol)|RRecordings\\1|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","The Young May Moon (Lloyd, Charles Harford)|SScores\\1","Your Poetic Art, Op.96 (Cui, C\u00e9sar)|VVocal Scores\\1","Yr Anthemydd (Owen, John)|SScores\\1"],"Z":["Z'miroth ut'filoth Yisroel: A Synagogue Hymnal (Various)|SScores\\1","Zacharias war ganz verstummt (Eccard, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Zanni et Magnifico (Eccard, Johannes)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Zapachnia\u0142y wiosn\u0105 kwiaty (Lipski, Stanis\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","Z\u00e1pisn\u00edk zmizel\u00e9ho (Jan\u00e1\u010dek, Leo\u0161)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3","Der zarte Jesus geht auf's Fest, GWV 1112\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Zarter Jesu sei mir nahe, GWV 1112\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Die Zauberharfe, D.644 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\8|PParts\\13|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Das Zaubernetz (Loewe, Carl)|SScores\\1","Zbi\u00f3r, kol\u0119dy na r\u00f3\u017cne sk\u0142ady wokalne (Kowalewski, Jakub)|SScores\\1","Zeby nam zawsze dobrze bylo (Hill, Malcolm)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","4 Zecherlieder (Randhartinger, Benedict)|SScores\\1","El zefiro suave (Franc\u00e9s de Iribarren, Juan)|PParts\\1","Zefiro torna e di soavi accenti, SV 251 (Monteverdi, Claudio)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\1","Zefiro torna (Marenzio, Luca)|NNaxos\\0|SScores and Parts\\6|PScores and Parts\\6|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\17","Die zeit bringt viel (Bruck, Arnold von)|SScores\\1","Die Zeit der Heimsuchung ist gekommen, GWV 1151\/35 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Die Zeit meines Abschieds ist vorhanden (Bruhns, Nicolaus)|SScores\\1","Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht, BWV 134a (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\5|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\2","Zerreisset eure Herzen, GWV 1125\/46 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Zerrei\u00dfet, zersprenget, zertr\u00fcmmert die Gruft, BWV 205 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)|NNaxos\\0|SFull Scores\\4|PParts\\11|VVocal Scores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\7","Zeug, ohn Verzug, in deinen N\u00f6ten, TWV 1:1728 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\2","Ziehet den alten Menschen, GWV 1101\/42 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\7|PScores and Parts\\7","Zigeunerlieder, Op.103 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\3|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\10","Zion du Predigerin steige auf, GWV 1104\/40 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\8|PScores and Parts\\8","Zion klagt mit Angst und Schmerzen, GWV 1115\/29 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2","Zions Held hat \u00fcberwunden, GWV 1128\/22 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Zu fr\u00fche, ach zu fr\u00fche (Gabler, Christoph August)|PParts\\1","Zu Mitternacht ward ein Geschrei, TWV 1:1736 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Zu Rauch, WoO 30 (Brahms, Johannes)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\2","Zum Frieden und zur Ruh (Meister, Johann Friedrich)|SFull Scores\\2|PParts\\6|VVocal Scores\\1","Zum Gottlosen spricht Gott, GWV 1147\/53 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores\\1","Zum Namensfest, WoO 40 (Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel)|SScores\\1","Zum Thron der Gnade nah'n wir S\u00fcnder (Hobein, Johann Friedrich)|SScores\\1","Zur Namensfeier des Vaters, D.80 (Schubert, Franz)|NNaxos\\0|SScores\\1","Z\u00fcrne nur, du alte Schlange, TWV 1:1735a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)|SScores\\1","Zut! zut! zut! (Elgar, Edward)|SScores\\1","Die zwei Wurzeln (Krause, Sebastian)|SScores\\2","Zweierlei bitt' ich von dir, GWV 1123\/33 (Graupner, Christoph)|SScores and Parts\\2|PScores and Parts\\2"],"\u0141":["\u0141\u0105czmy sie, Op.4 No.1 (R\u00f3\u017cycki, Marian S.)|SScores\\1"],"\u015a":["\u015aluby Jana Kazimierza, Op.13 (So\u0142tys, Mieczys\u0142aw)|VVocal Scores\\3","\u015apiewak zwyci\u0119\u017cca (So\u0142tys, Mieczys\u0142aw)|SScores\\1","\u015awi\u0119ty J\u00f3zef (\u017bo\u0142nowski, Maciej)|SScores\\1"],"\u039c":["\u039cMesse (Sauter, Louis)|RRecordings\\4|SScores\\1|AArrangements and Transcriptions\\8"],"\u0421":["\u0421\u0432\u0456\u0442\u0430\u0454 (Melnichenko, Vitaly)|SScores\\1"],"\u2019":["\u2019S wird wieder Fr\u00fchling!, Op.61 No.1 (Nolopp, Friedrich Ernst Arnold Werner)|SScores\\1"]}});if(typeof origcatmap=='undefined')origcatmap={};$.extend(origcatmap,{"p1":"Scores_featuring_the_tenor_voice"});</script><script>if(typeof hassecfilters=='undefined')hassecfilters={};$.extend(hassecfilters,{"p1":[["*","All",9964],["R","Recordings",303],["N","Naxos",1393],["S","Scores",8772],["P","Parts",3163],["V","Vocal Scores",1201],["A","Arrangements and Transcriptions",1085],["L","Libretti",56],["D","Sketches and Drafts",6],["B","Books",37],["O","Other",136]]});</script></div></div><div class="printfooter"> Retrieved from "<a href=";oldid=1320073">;oldid=1320073</a>"</div> </div> <br /><div id="adngin-bottom-0"></div> <div class="category-links"> <!-- catlinks --> <div id='catlinks' class='catlinks'><div id="mw-normal-catlinks"><a href="/wiki/Special:Categories" title="Special:Categories">Categories</a>: <ul><li><a href="/wiki/Category:Tags" title="Category:Tags">Tags</a></li><li><a href="/wiki/Category:Scores_featuring_the_voice" title="Category:Scores featuring the voice">Scores featuring the voice</a></li></ul></div></div> <!-- /catlinks --> </div> </div><!-- container --> </div> <div class="bottom"> <div class="container"> <footer> <p>Content is available under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License</a> &bull; 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