Romanian Journal of Physics - Submission Instructions

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Contact</a><br/> <a class="featureSetText" href="inpress.html">In press</a><br/> <a class="featureSetText" href="archive.html" title="Journal e-archive [2000*-2013]">Journal E-@rchive</a><br/> <a class="featureSetText" href="copyright.html">Copyright info</a><br/> <a class="featureSetText" href="rjp_links.html">Links</a><br/> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">This menu may not be up-to-date!</span> </td></tr> <tr><td class="navSpacerCell" height="6"><img height="6" src="imgs/sp.gif" width="176" alt=""/></td></tr> <tr><td class="navCapsBorderCell"><img height="2" src="imgs/sp.gif" width="176" alt=""/></td></tr> <tr><td class="navSectionCell" height="25"><a name="qdownload"></a> <span class="navSectionText">Quick Download Links</span> </td></tr> <tr><td class="nrfeat"> <div style="padding-top:5px;" id="target-texclass"><!-- last mod 2022-09-13 --> <sup><span style="color:red;text-weigth:bold;">NEW 2022.a</span></sup> <a href="docs/" class="qlink" title="ZIP file, 611 kB"><tt>LaTeX2e</tt> Template</a> </div> <div id="target-texmathdefs"> <a href="docs/" class="qlink" title="ZIP file, 1.6 kB">TeX Math Defs</a> </div> <div id="target-wordtemplate"><!-- last mod 2017-04-26 --> (!) <a href="docs/" class="qlink" title="ZIP file, 50 kB">MS Word 97-2003 Template</a> </div> <div style="padding-bottom:3px;" id="target-texpdfsample"> <a href="docs/sample_paper.pdf" class="qlink" title="PDF file, 485 kB"><tt>LaTeX2e</tt> sample paper PDF</a> </div> <div id="target-copyform"> <!-- last mod 2013 --> <a href="docs/" class="qlink" title="ZIP file, 30 kB">Transfer of Copyright Agreement Form</a> </div> <!-- <div style="padding-bottom:3px;"> <a href="docs/RJP_Instructions.pdf" class="qlink" target="_blank" title="PDF document, 42 Kb">Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation</a> </div> --> </td></tr> <tr><td class="navSpacerCell" height="6"><img height="6" src="imgs/sp.gif" width="176" alt=""/></td></tr> <tr><td class="navCapsBorderCell"><img height="2" src="imgs/sp.gif" width="176" alt=""/></td></tr> <tr><td class="navSectionCell" height="25"> <span class="navSectionText">LaTeX software</span> </td></tr> <tr><td class="nrfeat"> <div style="padding-top:5px;"> <a href="" class="qlink" target="_blank"><img src="imgs/TexnicCenter_logo.gif" border="0" alt="TexnicCenter logo" style="vertical-align:bottom;" width="20" height="20"/>exnicCenter editor</a></div> <div> <a href="" class="qlink" target="_blank"><img src="imgs/MikTeX_logo.gif" border="0" alt="MikTeX logo" style="vertical-align:bottom;" width="20" height="20"/> LaTeX distribution</a> </div> <div> <a href="" class="qlink" target="_blank"><img src="imgs/TeXworks_logo.gif" border="0" alt="TeXworks logo" style="vertical-align:bottom;" width="20" height="20"/>eXworks Project</a> </div> <div> <a href="" class="qlink" target="_blank">TeX Live LaTeX distribution</a> </div> <div> <a href="" class="qlink" target="_blank">TeXstudio editor/IWE</a> </div> </td</tr> <tr><td class="navSpacerCell" height="6"><img height="6" src="imgs/sp.gif" width="176" alt=""/></td></tr> <tr><td class="navCapsBorderCell"><img height="2" src="imgs/sp.gif" width="176" alt=""/></td></tr> </tbody></table> <!-- end menu --> </td><!-- begin page main content --> <td valign="top"> <table summary="" class="contentBodyCell" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="top" align="center"> &nbsp;<br /> <table summary="" border="0"> <tr><td align="center"> <a name="acceptedpapers"></a> <h3>Manuscript Acceptance for Publication</h3></td></tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:justify;vertical-align:middle;"> <p>When a manuscript is recommended by the referees and accepted by the Editorial Board for publication, the authors are required to compile and send a signed copy of the <em>Transfer of Copyright Agreement</em> form to the Editorial Office of the Romanian Journal of Physics (RJP), preferably by electronic mail. For this purpose, please, download the <a href="#target-copyform" class="intext" style="color: #445588" onclick="{document.getElementById('target-copyform').style.backgroundColor='red';window.setTimeout(objStatMarkTO, 2000, 'target-copyform');return false;}">copyright transfer agreement</a> form (available in DOC and ODF format), compile it using a compatible document editing software (MS Word or Open Office), then print and sign the form. Please, scan the signed agreement and convert it to <a href="" target="_blank" class="intext">PDF</a> format before sending it by electronic mail. It is <b>compulsory</b> to send a signed copy of the copyright transfer agreement form to the RJP Editorial Office before your manuscript can enter the final stages of publication. Failure to do so may result in further delays and even refusal from the journal to publish your paper.</p> <p>Once the above-mentioned legal issues are settled, the latest existing form of the paper will become available (full text) in the <a href="accepted_papers.html" class="intext">Accepted Manuscripts</a> section of this web site.</p> <p> For your submitted contribution and especially for papers accepted for publication please, provide a set of at least three key words to describe and better index your paper in scientific databases. Failure to do so will imply that the journal board would select these key words which may not always reflect properly the contents of your paper. <!-- and their corresponding <a href="" target="_blank" class="intext">PACS</a> number(s) whenever possible/available. --> </p> <p>Similarly, please, check that your (accepted) paper appears in the right Physics field <a class="intext" href="aims.html#majorTopics" target="_blank">category</a> when assigned to a journal issue having the preliminary contents published in the <a class="intext" href="inpress.html">in-press</a> section of this site. Again, the journal board will take steps to assign your paper to the right Physics field, but your input as author(s) is always welcome to ensure your contribution benefits from the best public exposure possible. </p> <p>While in press the authors may still ask for minor modifications/corrections of the content of the manuscript (preferably as soon as spotted) though this practice may introduce further delays in the process of publishing the paper since the referees must also agree with every modification the authors make. Changing the title and list of authors is allowed <strong>if and only if</strong> the referees and the Editorial Board also agree to it and the authors provide a new, signed transfer of copyright agreement containing the updated data. </p> <p> Once an accepted manuscript is assigned to appear in a specific issue of RJP, it will be included in the preliminary contents which is published on the web site well before the hard copy is printed. At this point modifying the manuscript is <u>strongly</u> discouraged as it is almost impossible for the editors to intervene in the publication process. An electronic copy of the manuscript (may <b>not</b> be latest version!) will continue to be available through the <i>Accepted Manuscripts</i> list until the official electronic version of the paper is posted on the website. </p> <p><strong>Please, do not link to entries on the temporary list of accepted papers when citing articles being processed for publication! You are welcome to ask the Editorial Office for the correct way of citing such articles. Please, check first if the paper has been assigned to an <a class="intext" href="inpress.html">in-press number</a> and if so, use the citing suggestion published on the number contents page.</strong> </p> <p> In order to facilitate reference lookup and ensure that the papers published by this journal are properly indexed by various organizations specialized in citation related services, authors are kindly asked to give correct and complete references when citing published works. In the same spirit, the authors should cite only papers which are published online in their final, official form (which also contains the <strong>page numbers/article number</strong> as printed). For scientific papers published in RJP, this site provides citation suggestions on the number contents web page (these changes are slowly propagated to older volumes - 2015 and earlier). </p> <p> The RJP Editorial Office reserves the right to make last minute changes in the preliminary volume contents (indicated by <sup><span class="IDXpreed">Contents only</span></sup>) which are posted on this web site. When in doubt about the correct way to reference an article published in this journal, you are <strong>welcome</strong> to ask the redactional personnel for confirmation of the validity of such data. </p> <p/> </td> </tr> <tr><td align="center"> <a name="manuscript"></a> <h3>Manuscript Preparation &amp; Submission</h3></td></tr> <tr> <td class="instruct"> The recommended length for contributions is: <ul> <li>max. 20 typed pages (6,500 words) for review papers,</li> <li>max. 10 typed pages (3,300 words) for original papers,</li> <li>max. 5 typed pages (1,600 words) for short research notes.</li> </ul> The (principal/corresponding) author will receive one galley proof, to be returned as soon as possible.<br/><br/> <div style="background-color: #FDF2D4;border:dashed 1px black;padding:3px;"> Proofs and correspondence concerning papers in process of publication must also be addressed to:<br /><br /> <div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-weight:bold;background-color:white;font-size:110%;">&nbsp;Mrs. Margareta Oancea&nbsp;</span></div><br/> <div style="font-family:serif;font-weight:normal;font-size:80%;padding-top:5px;"> <strong>Position:</strong>&nbsp;<a href="editorial.html" class="intext">Technical Editor</a> <img src="imgs/QRCode_ico.gif" alt="QR Codes" style="float:right;" height="30" width="30" onclick="{switchVisibility('eoQRCAddr');return false;}" title="Click to view" /><br/> <b>Address:</b>&nbsp;IFIN-HH, 407 Atomi艧tilor, P.O. Box MG-6, RO-077125, Bucharest-M膬gurele, Romania<br/> <b>E-mail:</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;moancea [at] nipne [dot]ro,&nbsp;moancea_rjp [at] yahoo[dot] com.<br/> <b>Tel.</b>&nbsp;+40.21.404.23.00/3600, +40.21.404.23.55; <b>Fax.</b> +40.21.457.44.40. </div> </div> <br/>The electronic copy of the manuscript (in <a href="" target="_blank" class="intext">PDF</a> format accompanied by the source document and figures at print quality) should be sent <em>via</em> e-mail to the Technical Editor.<br/><br/> <a name="styles_download"/> When typesetting the manuscript please, follow the detailed guide lines in the "<a href="docs/RJP_Instructions.pdf" class="intext" style="color: #445588;font-style:italic;" target="_blank" title="PDF Document, 245 Kb">Manuscript Preparation Guide</a>" or download<sup><a class="intext" href="#pagefootnote">*</a></sup> and use one of the <i>manuscript templates</i> described below: <ol type="A"> <li>The <a href="#target-wordtemplate" class="intext" onclick="{window.setTimeout(objDynaMarkTO, 5000); return true;}">Microsoft (MS) Word document template</a> (.DOT) for MS Word versions 1997 to 2003. <ul type="disc" style="border:dashed 1px gray;padding:3px;text-align:justify;"> <li>Please, use the typesetting <em>styles</em> defined in the MS Word template!</li> <li>Contributions typeset using <strong>MS Word 2007</strong> or newer will not be accepted!</li> <li>For compatible, print-grade rendering of equations, please, use the LaTeX-to-SVG converter on the <a href="archive.html" class="intext">e-@rchive</a> page of this site to convert TeX formulae to SVG files <strong>iff</strong> the manuscript cannot be provided in the old MS Word version format. Please, consider using the equation number field to match the number of the equation from the paper. Do not forget to enclose the .SVG files with the submitted manuscript.</li> </ul> <br/> </li> <li style="padding-bottom:10px;">The RJP <a href="#target-texclass" class="intext" onclick="{window.setTimeout(objDynaMarkTO, 5000); return true;}">LaTeX document class</a> was developed for authors who use LaTeX publishing system to typeset their work. An extended manual/reference of the class, serving also as <em>sample LaTeX document</em>, can be found in the .ZIP file of the document class (see PDF <a href="#target-texpdfsample" style="color: #445588" class="intext" onclick="{window.setTimeout(objDynaMarkTO, 5000);return true;}">here</a>).<br> LaTeX manuscripts using <span style="font-size:85%;"><tt>.bib</tt></span> bibliographic data bases to typeset the <em>References</em> section will <strong><u>not</u></strong> be accepted into the editorial process. Please, include the contents of <span style="font-size:85%;"><tt>.bbl</tt></span> file directly into the LaTeX manuscript file.<br> Regularly, the macros in <em>rjp_mathdefs.tex</em> are updated. To take advantage of the offerings of the latest version, please <a href="#target-texmathdefs" class="intext" onclick="{window.setTimeout(objDynaMarkTO, 5000); return true;}">download</a> and unpack the ZIP file in the local style directory overwriting the existing file (when/if prompted to do so). <ul type="disc" style="border:dashed 1px gray;padding:3px;text-align:justify;"> <!-- <li>For users of MS Windows operating system willing to typeset their scientific paper(s) in LaTeX we recommend using the following free software combination: <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="imgs/TexnicCenter_logo.gif" border="0" alt="TexnicCenter logo" style="vertical-align:middle;" width="20" height="20"/>exnicCenter</a> editor and the <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="imgs/MikTeX_logo.gif" border="0" alt="MikTeX logo" style="vertical-align:middle;" width="20" height="20"/> distribution</a>.<br/> Since 2012, development has moved exclusively on Linux (using <a href="" target="_blank">TeXLive</a> distribution) so please, let us know (contact the <a href="" target="_blank">web site administrator</a>) if you encounter problems with our style on other operating systems/LaTeX distributions (after ensuring that the problems are not caused by missing packages in your local LaTeX installation). </li> --> <li> LaTeX sources typeset using proprietary/commercial editors (<em>e.g.</em> Word Scientific) are not accepted! </li> <li> Please, do not use additional LaTeX packages that are not widely available in LaTeX distributions or on the <a href="" style="color: #445588" target="_blank" class="intext">Compressive TeX Archive Network</a> (CTAN)! </li> <!-- <li> If the present style does not "compile" with MikTeX 2.9 please install the <em>symbol</em> package from the distribution repository. </li> --> <li> The <tt>upgreek</tt> package in automatically loaded by the RJP LaTeX document class. Please, use it to enter upshape greek symbols where needed in your text (<em>e.g.</em> measurement units, mathematical/physical constants, quotes in greek language, etc.)! </li> </ul> </li> </ol> </td></tr> <tr><td><p style="font-size:small;text-align:justify;"> All correspondence regarding <strong>only</strong> technical issues encountered in typesetting your manuscript according to the guide lines above or while using the services of this web site should be addressed to redactor.rjp {at} gmail [dot] com (accompanied with clear examples of the issues when possible).<br/> Please, do not submit new contributions to this address as they will be re-routed to the Technical Editor with some delay. Repeated abuses of this address for new contribution submission will be considered unsolicited correspondence and treated with accordingly. </p></td></tr> <tr><td> <div style="background-color:#FDF2D4;border:dotted 1px black;padding:3px;font-weight:bold;color:red;text-align:justify;"> Please, be advised that failure to submit your contribution typeset according to the templates above may result in further delays in publishing your paper! </div> <p><br/></p> <a name="pagefootnote"></a> <div style="font-size:80%;">* Please, use links in the "<a class="intext" href="#qdownload">Quick Download Links</a>" section of the left-hand side menu to download template files.</div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img height="15" src="imgs/sp.gif" width="1" alt=""/></td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr></tbody></table><!-- end page main content --> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" align="center" bgcolor="#36648B" border="0" class="printhide" summary=""><tbody><tr><td class="navCapsBorderCell"><img height="3" src="imgs/sp.gif" alt="" /></td></tr><tr><td align="center" class="pageFooter" height="30">&nbsp;Copyright&nbsp;&copy;&nbsp;<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ var startYear = 2005; var today = new Date(); var thisYear = today.getFullYear(); if (startYear == thisYear) { document.write(today.getFullYear()); } else if (startYear < thisYear) { document.write(startYear + '&nbsp;-&nbsp;' + thisYear); } else { document.write(thisYear + '&nbsp;-&nbsp;' + startYear); }; //]]></script><noscript>2005 - 2023</noscript>&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Ed. 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