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Bos and Martijn Stam and published by Cambridge University Press. The page provides links to the author versions of the chapters in the book.</p> <p>You can buy the book through the <a href=""><em>Cambridge University Press webpage</em></a>.<br /> </p> <h2 id="table-of-contents">Table of Contents</h2> <ul> <li>Chapter 1. <a href="">Introduction</a><br /> by <a href="">Joppe W. Bos</a> and <a href="">Martijn Stam</a></li> <b>Part One - Cryptanalysis</b> <li>Chapter 2. <a href="">Lattice Attacks on NTRU and LWE: A History of Refinements</a><br /> by <a href="">Martin Albrecht</a> and <a href="">Léo Ducas</a></li> <li>Chapter 3. <a href="">History of Integer Factorization</a><br /> by <a href="">Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr</a></li> <li>Chapter 4. <a href="">Lattice-based Integer Factorization - An Introduction to Coppersmith’s Method</a><br /> by <a href="">Alexander May</a></li> <li>Chapter 5. <a href="">Computing Discrete Logarithms</a><br /> by <a href="">Rob Granger</a> and <a href="">Antoine Joux</a></li> <li>Chapter 6. <a href="">RSA, DH, and DSA in the Wild</a><br /> by <a href="">Nadia Heninger</a></li> <li>Chapter 7. <a href="">A Survey of Chosen-Prefix Collision Attacks</a><br /> by <a href="">Marc Stevens</a></li> <b>Part Two - Implementations</b> <li>Chapter 8. <a href="">Efficient Modular Arithmetic</a><br /> by <a href="">Joppe Bos</a>, Thorsten Kleinjung and <a href="">Dan Page</a></li> <li>Chapter 9. <a href="">Arithmetic Software Libraries</a><br /> by <a href="">Victor Shoup</a></li> <li>Chapter 10. <a href="">XTR and Tori</a><br /> by <a href="">Martijn Stam</a></li> <li>Chapter 11. <a href="">History of Cryptographic Key Sizes</a><br /> by <a href="">Nigel Smart</a> and <a href="">Emmanuel Thomé</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="page__footer"> <footer> <!-- start custom footer snippets --> <!-- end custom footer snippets --> <div class="page__footer-copyright">© 2019 Joppe W. 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