Golden Rule Day : Golden Rule Day : Special Events : News + Events : Charter for Compassion

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unto you”—is one of humanity’s most enduring moral principles, found in nearly every religious and ethical tradition. It transcends culture, faith, and ideology, offering a simple yet profound guide for how we treat one another. At its core, the Golden Rule is about empathy, urging us to step into another’s shoes and consider how our actions impact those around us. In a world increasingly divided by conflict, fear, and uncertainty, this principle remains a timeless compass, pointing us back to our shared humanity.</p><p>In these unprecedented times—marked by global crises, political polarization, and social unrest—the Golden Rule is more relevant than ever. We can apply it by fostering respectful dialogue in place of hostility, offering kindness instead of judgment, and choosing cooperation over division. Whether in our daily interactions, leadership decisions, or global policies, living by this principle can help rebuild trust and compassion in our communities. By embracing the Golden Rule, we don’t just create a more ethical world—we create a more hopeful one.</p><p>Join us throughout the day to revitalize your knowledge on the power of the Golden Rule, and to take action utilizing the timeless compass given to us through this all-encompassing principle.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="button-content sb-center-flex-justify" id="content_f3f753dbb7c88bab393561ba6f398069"> <div class="button-content__content"> <a href=";id=167" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer " class="button" itemprop="url"> sign up to get notifications </a> </div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>How to participate?</strong></p><p><strong>Be part of the experience—whether from the front row or behind the scenes!</strong> As a <strong>spectator</strong>, you’ll witness powerful stories, inspiring content, and meaningful conversations that will leave you energized and engaged.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>But why stop there?</strong></p><p>Step up as a <strong>content provider</strong> and share your voice, creativity, and unique perspective with the world. Whether you're watching or contributing, your participation helps build a vibrant, compassionate community. Choose your role and join the movement today!</p><p>Record yourself answering the following question:&nbsp;</p><ol><li><strong>How does the</strong> <strong>Golden Rule serves as humanity’s timeless compass?</strong><br />&nbsp;</li><li><strong>How do you apply this guiding principle in your own life?</strong><br />&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Share a personal story</strong> or examples of moments when you’ve put it into practice, or reflect on situations where remembering this timeless wisdom could make a difference.</li></ol><p>Keep your video short and impactful—<strong>aim for 2 minutes or less!</strong></p><p>Your voice matters—let’s inspire compassion together!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h4><strong>How to Record and Upload a Video to the Cloud</strong></h4><p><strong>Step 1: Recording Your Video</strong></p><ol><li><strong>Choose Your Device</strong> – Use a smartphone, tablet, or digital camera.<br />&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Find a Good Location</strong> – Ensure proper lighting and minimal background noise.<br />&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Position the Camera</strong> – Use a tripod or stable surface to avoid shaky footage.<br />&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Frame Yourself Properly</strong> – Keep your face centered with some space above your head.<br />&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Check Audio</strong> – Speak clearly and ensure the microphone is not covered.<br />&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Press Record</strong> – Start recording and speak naturally. Pause if needed.<br />&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Review Your Video</strong> – Play it back to check for clarity and quality.<br />&nbsp;</li></ol><p><strong>Step 2: Uploading Your Video to the Cloud</strong></p><p>You can upload your video to cloud storage services like <strong>Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, or iCloud</strong>. Follow these steps based on your preferred service:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h4><strong>Google Drive</strong></h4><ol><li>Open the <strong>Google Drive</strong> app or go to <a href="" title="">Drive.Google.</a><br />&nbsp;</li><li>Tap the <strong>“+”</strong> button → Select <strong>“Upload”</strong> → Choose <strong>“Photos and Videos”</strong> → Select your video.<br />&nbsp;</li><li>Wait for the upload to finish. Once done, you can share it by selecting the file, tapping the <strong>Share</strong> icon, and sending the link.</li></ol><h4>&nbsp;</h4><h4><strong>Dropbox</strong></h4><ol><li>Open the <strong>Dropbox</strong> app or visit <a href="" title="">Dropbox.</a><br />&nbsp;</li><li>Tap the <strong>“+”</strong> button → Choose <strong>“Upload files”</strong> → Select your video.<br />&nbsp;</li><li>After uploading, tap the file, select <strong>“Share”</strong>, and copy the link to share with others.</li></ol><p>&nbsp;</p><h4><strong>OneDrive</strong></h4><ol><li>Open the <strong>OneDrive</strong> app or go to <a href="" target="_blank" title="" rel="noreferrer noopener">OneDrive.</a><br />&nbsp;</li><li>Tap <strong>“Upload”</strong> → Select your video.<br />&nbsp;</li><li>Once uploaded, tap the file, choose <strong>“Share”</strong>, and send the link.</li></ol><p>&nbsp;</p><h4><strong>iCloud (for Apple Users)</strong></h4><ol><li>Open the <strong>Files</strong> app or go to <a href="" target="_blank" title="" rel="noreferrer noopener">iCloud.</a><br />&nbsp;</li><li>Select <strong>iCloud Drive</strong>, tap the <strong>Upload</strong> icon, and choose your video.<br />&nbsp;</li><li>Once uploaded, select the file, tap <strong>“Share”</strong>, and send the link.</li></ol><p>Now your video is securely stored and ready to share with the world!&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Make sure you share your submission with <a href="" target="_blank" title="" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><hr><h4><br /></h4> <div class="collection collection--gallery collection--gallery--next-prev" id="content_d441957f176d65130295947aa7d23240"> <ul class="collection__items grid grid--block grid--block-horz-center grid--block-vert-middle grid--block-xs-2 grid--block-sm-3 sb-border-thin"> <li class="collection-item collection-item--has-image" id="content_d441957f176d65130295947aa7d23240_item_14284205"> <div class="collection-item__content clearfix"> <div 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