Interclean2026 - 会邦 Matchexpo
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Interclean is pushing boundaries! See you next time, from 14-17 April 2026, when Amsterdam will once again be the city of cleaning and hygiene.About InnovationInterclean Amsterdam is the professional cleaning and hygiene trade show, offering the most complete overview of innovative products and solutions as well as proven and evidence-based innovations from around the world.World-leading exhibitorsMeet the market leaders and game-changers in the industry. At Interclean Amsterdam, cleaning and hygiene professionals and exhibiting companies from all over the world come together to network.A Variety of ActivitiesLearn and be inspired by experts from around the world in drama classes on our three stages, live demonstrations in our outdoor demo area, the Robotics Arena, and more.Photos:"/> <meta property="og:image" content=""/> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon"/> <script> var ai_chat_url = ''; let screen_width = screen.availWidth let white_list = ['/live-stream', '/mobile', '/invite-', '/community', '/supply-demand', '/job', '/city-plan-form'] //过滤白名单-是否进入 /mobile let is_pass = true //是否通过白名单筛选 white_list.forEach(item => { if (location.pathname.indexOf(item) !== -1) { is_pass = false } }) resizeInitWindow() window.addEventListener('resize', () => { resizeInitWindow() }) function resizeInitWindow() { if (window.screen.availWidth < 992) { document.querySelector('html').style.fontSize = ((screen_width / 375) * 62.5) + '%' if (is_pass) { if ((location.pathname.indexOf('/expo') > -1 || location.pathname.indexOf('/news') > -1 || location.pathname.indexOf('/live') > -1 || location.pathname.indexOf('/homepage') > -1)) { //跳转到对应的移动端页面 location.href = '/mobile' + location.pathname } else { //没有相关页面关键词跳转到移动端首页 location.href = '/mobile/index' } } } else { document.querySelector('html').style.fontSize = ((screen_width / 1920) * 62.5) + '%' } } </script> <script src="/common/js-config?v=8.8"></script> <!-- 导入 Vue 3 --> <script src="/assets/lib/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <script src="/assets/lib/vue@next.js"></script> <script src="/assets/lib/"></script> <script src="/lang/i18n.js?v=8.8"></script> <script src="/lang/module/en-us.js?v=8.8"></script> <script src="/lang/module/en-us-all.min.js?v=8.8"></script> <script src="/assets/lib/axios.min.js"></script> <!-- 导入组件库 --> <script src="/assets/lib/element-plus.js"></script> <!-- 导入压缩js库 --> <script src="/assets/utils/utils-all.min.js?v=8.8"></script> <script src="/assets/chatgpt-icon/iconfont.js?v=8.8"></script> <link href="/assets/iconfont/iconfont.css?v=8.8" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="/assets/css/element/index-rem.css?v=8.8" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="/assets/css/community/recommendUser.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="/assets/css/index.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="/assets/css/index/all.css?v=8.8" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="/assets/chatgpt-icon/iconfont.css?v=8.8" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="/assets/css/layout/common.css?v=8.8" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <script src="/assets/lib/viewer.js"></script> <link href="/assets/css/expo/expoDetails.css?v=8.8" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="/assets/css/lib/viewer.css?v=8.8" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="/assets/css/detailsAboutInfo/detailsAboutInfo.css?v=8.8" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <link href="/assets/css/layout.css?v=8.8" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> </head> <body data-lang="en-us" > <div id="loadingBox" class="loading_container"> <div class="boxes"> <div class="box"> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> </div> <div class="box"> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> </div> <div class="box"> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> </div> <div class="box"> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container_body"> <div class="head_container"> <div style=""> <div class="head" id="headBox" > <div class="head_logo aichat_logo" v-if="isAiChatBot"> <svg class="icon svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href="#icon-jiqi"></use> </svg> <span>星光GPT大师</span> </div> <a class="head_logo" href="/" v-else> <svg class="icon_en svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href="#ic_Matchpages"></use> </svg> </a> <div class="head_menu" style="display: none" > <div class="el-row"> <div class="el-col-3" > <a class="nav_item" href="/"> Home </a> </div> <div class="el-col-3" > <a class="nav_item" href="/news"> News </a> </div> <div class="el-col-5" > <a class="nav_item" href="/expo"> Events & Fairs </a> </div> <div class="el-col-4"> <a class="nav_item" href="/community/dynamic"> Community </a> </div> <div class="el-col-4"> <a class="nav_item" href="/courses"> Curriculum </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="head_user" v-if="isAiChatBot"> <div class="head_item"> <a class="none_token" v-if="!$config.apiToken" @click="toRoute('/register')"> Register </a> <span class="none_token">{{ baseUserInfo.curr_enterprise_name }}</span> <div class="user_avatar_box"> <img :src="baseUserInfo.curr_enterprise_logo ? 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'active' : ''"> <div class="iconfont ic_star"></div> </span> </div> </div> <div class="expo_info"><span class="iconfont ic_phone"></span>+31 20 549 1212</div> <div class="expo_info"> <span class="iconfont ic_clockC"></span> <span> Event time: 2026-04-14 ~ 2026-04-17 </span> <span style="padding-left: 30px"> Location:Netherlands.Amsterdam.Amsterdam </span> </div> <div class="expo_info"> <span class="iconfont ic_environ"></span>Detailed address: </div> <div class="expo_image"> <el-image :preview-src-list="['']" src="" onerror="this.src= '/assets/image/img_default.svg'"></el-image> <div class="activity_count_time"> <div class="clock" id="clock"> <div class="clock_title" v-show="expoDetail.active_status === 0"> The exhibition has been conducted: </div> <div class="clock_title" v-show="expoDetail.active_status === 1"> Distance from start time: </div> <div class="clock_title" v-show="expoDetail.active_status === 2"> The exhibition is over </div> <div> <div class="time_contain" v-if="expoDetail.active_status !== 2"> <div class="flip down"> <div class="digital front iconfont ic_n_0"></div> <div class="digital back iconfont ic_n_1"></div> </div> <div class="flip down"> <div class="digital front iconfont ic_n_0"></div> <div class="digital back iconfont ic_n_1"></div> </div> <div class="flip down"> <div class="digital front iconfont ic_n_0"></div> <div class="digital back iconfont ic_n_1"></div> </div> <div class="time_title">Day</div> <div style="margin-right: 10px"></div> <div class="flip down"> <div class="digital front iconfont ic_n_0"></div> <div class="digital back iconfont ic_n_1"></div> </div> <div class="flip down"> <div class="digital front iconfont ic_n_0"></div> <div class="digital back iconfont ic_n_1"></div> </div> <div class="time_title">Time</div> <div style="margin-right: 10px"></div> <div class="flip down"> <div class="digital front iconfont ic_n_0"></div> <div class="digital back iconfont ic_n_1"></div> </div> <div class="flip down"> <div class="digital front iconfont ic_n_0"></div> <div class="digital back iconfont ic_n_1"></div> </div> <div class="time_title">Branch</div> </div> <div class="time_contain" v-if="expoDetail.active_status === 2 && $i18n.getLocale() === 'en-us'"> {{ expoDetail.end_date.mouth }} {{ new Date(expoDetail.end_time).format('dd') }}, {{ expoDetail.end_date.year }} </div> <div class="time_contain" v-else-if="expoDetail.active_status === 2"> <div class="flip down" v-for="(item,index) in expoDetail.end_date.year" :key="index"> <div class="digital front iconfont" :class="'ic_n_' + item"></div> </div> <div class="time_title">Year</div> <div style="margin-right: 10px"></div> <div class="flip down" v-for="(item,index) in new Date(expoDetail.end_time).format('MM')" :key="index"> <div class="digital front iconfont" :class="'ic_n_' + item"></div> </div> <div class="time_title">Month</div> <div style="margin-right: 10px"></div> <div class="flip down" v-for="(item,index) in new Date(expoDetail.end_time).format('dd')" :key="index"> <div class="digital front iconfont" :class="'ic_n_' + item"></div> </div> <div class="time_title">Day</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expo_ticket_list" v-if=" &&[isActiveIndex]"> <div class="ticket_label">Event ticket type:</div> <div class="ticket_list_box"> <div class="ticket_list el-row"> <div class="el-col-6" v-for="(item,index) in" @click="selectTicket(index)"> <div class="ticket_item" :class="index == isActiveIndex ? 'active' : ''" v-cloak> <div class="ticket_price" v-if="item['preferential_type'] == 1"> <span>{{ $i18n.numberFormat(item['preferential_discount']) }}</span> <span class="preferential_discount">({{ $i18n.numberFormat(item['price']) }})</span> </div> <div class="ticket_price" v-else-if="item['preferential_type'] == 2"> <span class="preferential_discount" v-show="item.preferential_num <= ticketAmount">{{ $i18n.numberFormat(item['preferential_discount']) }}</span> <span>{{ $i18n.numberFormat(item['price']) }}</span> </div> <div class="ticket_price" v-else> {{ $i18n.numberFormat(item['price']) }} </div> <div class="ticket_name">{{ item['name'] }}</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ticket_desc" v-cloak> {{ expoDetail['tickets'][isActiveIndex]['name'] }} - Explain: {{ expoDetail['tickets'][isActiveIndex]['description'] }} </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expo_main_option"> <div class="option_line_first"> <div class="ticket_amount" v-if="expoDetail['tickets'] && expoDetail['tickets'][isActiveIndex]"> <span class="ticket_amount_label">Number of tickets booked:</span> <el-input-number v-model="ticketAmount" :min="1" :max="expoDetail['tickets'][isActiveIndex]['tickets_left_count'] > 0 ? expoDetail['tickets'][isActiveIndex]['tickets_left_count'] : 99" @change="changeTicket"></el-input-number> <span v-if="expoDetail['tickets'][isActiveIndex] && expoDetail['tickets'][isActiveIndex]['is_limit'] == 1" v-cloak> {{ $t('activity.surplus',{num:expoDetail['tickets'][isActiveIndex]['tickets_left_count']}) }} </span> </div> <div class="expo_btn_list" v-if=" &&[isActiveIndex]"> <div class="expo_btn" v-if="expoDetail.is_booth_apply && ticketStatus !== 4 && ticketStatus !== 5" @click="applyStand"> Booth booking </div> <div v-if="ticketStatus === 0 || ticketStatus === 6" class="expo_btn" @click="applyExpo" :class="[isActiveIndex].is_limit === 1 &&[isActiveIndex].tickets_left_count === 0 ? 'disabled_btn' : '' "> <span v-show="ticketStatus === 6">Sign up again</span> <span v-show="ticketStatus === 0"> Sign up now </span> </div> <div class="expo_btn" :class="ticketStatus === 3 && showOrder ? 'disabled_btn_hover' : 'disabled_btn'" @mouseover="showOrder = true" @mouseout="showOrder = false" v-if="ticketStatus === 1 || ticketStatus === 2 || ticketStatus === 3 || ticketStatus === 4 || ticketStatus === 5" v-cloak> <span v-if="ticketStatus === 1">{{ ticketStartTime }}</span> <span v-else-if="ticketStatus === 2">Registration is closed</span> <span v-else-if="ticketStatus === 3 && !showOrder">Registered</span> <span v-else-if="ticketStatus === 3 && showOrder" @click="openMyOrder('/order')">View order</span> <span v-else-if="ticketStatus === 4">Temporarily Closed</span> <span v-else-if="ticketStatus === 5">Registration is closed</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expo_desc"> <div class="expo_desc_head"> <span class="iconfont ic_schedule"></span> Exhibition details </div> <div class="expo_desc_box shadow_box"> <div class="expo_desc_body"> <p><span style="font-size: 24pt; color: #843fa1;"><strong>Interclean</strong></span></p> <p><strong><span style="font-size: 16pt;">The world's leading trade show for cleaning and hygiene professionals</span></strong></p> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;"><strong>When: </strong>14-17 April 2026</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;"><strong>Where:</strong> Amsterdam The Netherlands</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;">This May, Interclean Amsterdam returns with a combination of professional content, immersive experiences and exciting entertainment that you can't miss! Interclean is pushing boundaries! See you next time, from 14-17 April 2026, when Amsterdam will once again be the city of cleaning and hygiene.</span></p> <p><strong><span style="font-size: 16pt;">About Innovation</span></strong></p> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;">Interclean Amsterdam is the professional cleaning and hygiene trade show, offering the most complete overview of innovative products and solutions as well as proven and evidence-based innovations from around the world.</span></p> <p><strong><span style="font-size: 16pt;">World-leading exhibitors</span></strong></p> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;">Meet the market leaders and game-changers in the industry. At Interclean Amsterdam, cleaning and hygiene professionals and exhibiting companies from all over the world come together to network.</span></p> <p><strong><span style="font-size: 16pt;">A Variety of Activities</span></strong></p> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;">Learn and be inspired by experts from around the world in drama classes on our three stages, live demonstrations in our outdoor demo area, the Robotics Arena, and more.</span></p> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="entry-content"> <div class="entry-content"> <p><strong><span style="font-size: 16pt;"><img src="" alt="微信图片_20240806143340.png " /></span></strong></p> <p><strong><span style="font-size: 16pt;">Photos:</span></strong></p> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;"><img src="" alt="innovations-720x400.webp " width="1000" /></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;"><img src="" alt="exhibitors-720x400.webp " width="1000" /></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 16pt;"><img src="" alt="programme-720x400.webp " width="1000" /></span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="author_status"> </div> <div class="detail_footer"> <el-dropdown> <div class="enjoy_btn"> <span class="iconfont ic_Share"></span> <span>Share</span> </div> <template #dropdown> <el-dropdown-menu> <el-dropdown-item @click="shareUrl('facebook')"> Share to Facebook </el-dropdown-item> <el-dropdown-item @click="shareUrl('twitter')"> Share to twitter </el-dropdown-item> <el-dropdown-item @click="shareUrl('linkedin')"> Share to LinkedIn </el-dropdown-item> <el-dropdown-item @click="shareUrl('pinterest')"> Share to pinterest </el-dropdown-item> </el-dropdown-menu> </template> </el-dropdown> <div class="collection_btn" @click="collectionAct()"> <span class="iconfont ic_star" v-if="expoDetail.is_collection"></span> <span class="iconfont ic_starL" v-else></span> <span v-cloak>Collection{{ expoDetail.collections > 0 ? expoDetail.collections : '' }}</span> </div> <div class="collection_btn" style="margin-left: 30px" v-show="!expoDetail.is_thumbs_up" @click="isExpoThumbsUP(expoDetail)"><i class="iconfont ic_like"></i>Give the thumbs-up</div> <div class="collection_btn" style="margin-left: 30px" v-show="expoDetail.is_thumbs_up" @click="isExpoThumbsUP(expoDetail)"><i class="iconfont ic_likeC"></i>Liked</div> </div> </div> <div class="refund_contain" v-show="expoDetail.refund_tip"> <div class="refund_title"> <svg class="icon svg-icon" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href="#ic_warning"></use> </svg> Refund instructions </div> <div class="refund_desc" v-cloak>{{ expoDetail.refund_tip }}</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expo_desc"> <div class="refund_contain shadow_box"> <div class="refund_title"> Warm reminder </div> <div class="refund_desc"> The title, price, details and other information of the goods/services displayed on the Matchexpo platform (including website, client, etc.) are provided by the actual service provider. If users have any questions about the title, price, details and other information of goods/services, they can directly communicate with the service provider for confirmation; For other questions, please refer to the council official </div> </div> </div> <div class="expo_desc"> </div> <div> <div style="display: none"> 0 </div> <div class="ad_container ad_container_0"> <div class="ad_list details_bottom base_ad owl-carousel"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="expo_desc"> <div id="activity_exhibitor" v-loading="activityExhibitorListLoading"> <div class="expo_desc_head"> <span class="iconfont ic_schedule"></span> Exhibitor List </div> <div class="activity_exhibitor_container shadow_box" data-page="1" data-total="100"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_index"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_list"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item_main"> <div class="item_header"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_logo bg_w"> <div class="exhibitor_logo bg_0"> <span>Centralcarta</span> </div> </a> <div class="exhibitor_name_box"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_name"> Centralcarta <div class="iti__flag iti__it"></div> </a> <div class="describe"><div class="shortdescription"> <br> AFH Tissue paper producer <br><br> </div> <div> Founded in 1990, Centralcarta is an integrated tissue company which has been operating as a producer of a complete range of disposable tissue and nonwoven products, both in the Away-from-Home, HO.RE.CA. and consumer market. <br>Centralcarta's products are studied to meet even the most complex and specific requirement. <br><br> </div></div> <div class="booth_number"><i class="iconfont ic_Vector"></i>10.304</div> <div class="action_box"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item_main"> <div class="item_header"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_logo bg_w"> <div class="exhibitor_logo bg_1"> <span>CASA KIRIKO SL</span> </div> </a> <div class="exhibitor_name_box"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_name"> CASA KIRIKO SL <div class="iti__flag iti__es"></div> </a> <div class="describe"><div class="shortdescription"> <br> CLEANING SOLUTIONS MANUFACTURER <br><br> </div> <div> Casa Kiriko, a company with 60 years of experience, specialists in the manufacturing of liquid detergents, household cleaning and Cosmetics. We offer a comprehensive quality solution, environmental and best practices certification for the development, production and clean room for the production of cosmetic products (gel, shampoo and hand soap). Domestic, professional and industrial lines, Kiriko and Unik Professional with more than 130 references in total. Moreover, we can customize products, not only Priv </div></div> <div class="booth_number"><i class="iconfont ic_Vector"></i>13.506</div> <div class="action_box"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item_main"> <div class="item_header"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_logo bg_w"> <div class="exhibitor_logo bg_2"> <span>Cartindustria Eurocarta S.r.l.</span> </div> </a> <div class="exhibitor_name_box"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_name"> Cartindustria Eurocarta S.r.l. <div class="iti__flag iti__it"></div> </a> <div class="describe"><div class="shortdescription"> <br> Tissue Converting Company <br><br> </div> <div> With an over 40years production experience, we work on providing the best solutions for the A.F.H. market: from pure pulp products through mixed qualities, up to the ecological ones. Cartindustria Eurocarta's products range includes V,Z,W fold Handtowels, industrial wipers, medical rolls and toilet papers. </div></div> <div class="booth_number"><i class="iconfont ic_Vector"></i>12.601</div> <div class="action_box"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item_main"> <div class="item_header"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_logo bg_w"> <div class="exhibitor_logo bg_3"> <span>Cartiere Carrara</span> </div> </a> <div class="exhibitor_name_box"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_name"> Cartiere Carrara <div class="iti__flag iti__it"></div> </a> <div class="describe"><div class="shortdescription"> <br> Tissue Producer specilized in AfH products <br><br> </div> <div></div></div> <div class="booth_number"><i class="iconfont ic_Vector"></i>10.303</div> <div class="action_box"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item_main"> <div class="item_header"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_logo bg_w"> <div class="exhibitor_logo bg_4"> <span>Carpet Cleaner Industries CCI GmbH</span> </div> </a> <div class="exhibitor_name_box"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_name"> Carpet Cleaner Industries CCI GmbH <div class="iti__flag iti__at"></div> </a> <div class="describe"><div class="shortdescription"> <br> Carpet Cleaner <br><br> </div> <div> Carpet Cleaner Industries CCI GmbH is a family business with tradition: founded 1990 by Erwin Ladinig, today the company is European leader in the production of systems for ecological cleaning of textile surfaces, machines and cleanser. The heart is a special dry cleaning compound for carpets which consist of 99 % organic, natural raw material. With the unique Carpet Cleaner System only soiled areas must be cleaned and so money, time and lots of water can be saved. </div></div> <div class="booth_number"><i class="iconfont ic_Vector"></i>03.113</div> <div class="action_box"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item_main"> <div class="item_header"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_logo bg_w"> <div class="exhibitor_logo bg_5"> <span>CAROD SL</span> </div> </a> <div class="exhibitor_name_box"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_name"> CAROD SL <div class="iti__flag iti__es"></div> </a> <div class="describe"><div class="shortdescription"> <br> Machinery manufacturer <br><br> </div> <div> Manufacturer of professional cleaning machines, industrial applications of engines, power generation and motor pumps </div></div> <div class="booth_number"><i class="iconfont ic_Vector"></i>05.426</div> <div class="action_box"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item_main"> <div class="item_header"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_logo bg_w"> <div class="exhibitor_logo bg_6"> <span>Cappah International</span> </div> </a> <div class="exhibitor_name_box"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_name"> Cappah International <div class="iti__flag iti__nl"></div> </a> <div class="describe"><div class="shortdescription"> <br> Quality Cleaning Products Manufacturer <br><br> </div> <div> Cappah - a major brand name in Europe for supplying Kentucky Mops, Dust Mops, Wet Mops, Bonnet Pads and other cleaning products. Since from it's inception in 1994, customers have chosen CAPPAH for quality dust control and cleaning supplies at right price. </div></div> <div class="booth_number"><i class="iconfont ic_Vector"></i>05.310</div> <div class="action_box"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item_main"> <div class="item_header"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_logo bg_w"> <div class="exhibitor_logo bg_0"> <span>CANGNAN SHENGFENG COTTON PRODUCTS CO.,LTD</span> </div> </a> <div class="exhibitor_name_box"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_name"> CANGNAN SHENGFENG COTTON PRODUCTS CO.,LTD <div class="iti__flag iti__cn"></div> </a> <div class="describe"><div class="shortdescription"> <br> Professional mop manufacturer <br><br> </div> <div> Shengfeng was founded in 1998,and has been engaged in manufacturing and exporting various mops, mop heads, yarns, etc. for more than 20 years. Our products are widely used for hotel, community cleaning, waiting room, stadium all such large public places,as well as for household cleaning. <br>With more than 20 years of combined experience in manufacturing and exporting cleaning products, we are committed to give you fast service, good price,and high quality for operating your business well. </div></div> <div class="booth_number"><i class="iconfont ic_Vector"></i>05.529</div> <div class="action_box"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item_main"> <div class="item_header"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_logo bg_w"> <img src="" /> </a> <div class="exhibitor_name_box"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_name"> Calvatis GmbH </a> <div class="describe"><p class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-body1 text-editor-left">Calvatis GmbH is a worldwide leading private owned manufacturer of detergents and disinfectants designed for industrial applications. We offer our business partners individual and high-quality onestop hygiene concepts. Our well known calgonit-branded product portfolio is worldwide marketed since 1929. Across the years the name „calgonit“ has anchored in the mind of people and is associated like no other brand with cleanliness and hygiene.</p> <p class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-body1 text-editor-left">Our main business segments are global Hygiene Consulting and Management for the Beverage, Food and Milk processing industry, Agriculture, Catering</p> <p class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-body1 text-editor-left">as well as Cleaning Services, Water Treatment, Equipment and Plant Engineering.</p> <p class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-body1 text-editor-left">Our exceptional high degree of specialisation sets Calvatis Group apart from other competitors enabling us to submit each client a perfectly tailored</p> <p class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-body1 text-editor-left">solution covering a customised, well concerted mix of chemicals, engineering and services.</p> <p class="MuiTypography-root MuiTypography-body1 text-editor-left">Innovative product development, creative engineering, efficiency and sustainability are the major focus of our business.</p></div> <div class="booth_number"><i class="iconfont ic_Vector"></i>07.311B</div> <div class="action_box"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item"> <div class="activity_exhibitor_item_main"> <div class="item_header"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_logo bg_w"> <div class="exhibitor_logo bg_2"> <span>Caddy Clean Scandinavia AB</span> </div> </a> <div class="exhibitor_name_box"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="exhibitor_name"> Caddy Clean Scandinavia AB <div class="iti__flag iti__se"></div> </a> <div class="describe"><div class="shortdescription"> <br><br><br> </div> <div> Manufacturer of the batteryoperated scrubbing machine Caddy Clean. </div></div> <div class="booth_number"><i class="iconfont ic_Vector"></i>02.403</div> <div class="action_box"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div v-if=" > 0" class="page_list" 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item.is_thumbs_up = 1 } }) } else { mtpRequest({ url: '/api/user/cancel-thumbs-up', method: 'post', data:params }).then(res=>{ if (res.ret === 0) { this.$message.success('Like canceled'); item.is_thumbs_up = 0 } }) } } }, getRandom(){ return Math.round(Math.random()*20+20); }, setExpoNotice() { let timer = '' setTime(this) getExpoNotice(this) function setTime(that) { let random_time = that.getRandom() * 1000 timer = setTimeout(()=>{ getExpoNotice(that,'1') },random_time) } function getExpoNotice(that,type) { mtpRequest({ url:'/api/activity/active-data', method:'get', params:{ activity_id:that.expoId } }).then(res=>{ if ([0]) { that.$message.Notification({message: '<span class="notice_message"><i class="iconfont ic_jinggao"></i>'[0] + '</span>',position:'top-right',dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true,offset:100}) } if ([1]) { setTimeout(()=>{ that.$message.Notification({message: '<span class="notice_message"><i class="iconfont ic_jinggao"></i>'[1] + '</span>',position:'top-right',dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true,offset:170}) },1000) } if (type || timer) { clearTimeout(timer) timer = '' setTime(that) } }) } }, attentionAboutHomepage(cancel,id,index) { if (!this.$config.apiToken) { $('#headBox').trigger('loginDialog','reloadPage') } else { //相关企业关注 mtpRequest({ url: '/api/network/enterprise-collection-opt', method: 'get', params: { enterprise_id: id, cancel: cancel, } }).then(res => { if (res.ret === 0) { if (cancel === 0) { this.aboutHomepageList[index].is_account_concern = 1 if (this.aboutHomepageList[index].enterprise_id === this.expoDetail.enterprise_id) { this.expoDetail.sponsor.is_account_concern = 1 } } else { this.aboutHomepageList[index].is_account_concern = 0 if (this.aboutHomepageList[index].enterprise_id === this.expoDetail.enterprise_id) { this.expoDetail.sponsor.is_account_concern = 0 } } } }) } }, getAboutHomePage() { mtpRequest({ url:'/api/activity/related-enterprise', method:'get', params:{ activity_id:this.expoId, page:1, } }).then(res=>{ if (res.ret === 0) { this.aboutHomepageList = } }) }, initIndexOwl() { let owl = $('.author_about_user_list') if (owl) { owl.owlCarousel({ margin: 10, items: 4, animateOut: 'fadeOut', // nav: true, dots:false, loop: false, }) } let about_homepage = $('.owl-carousel.about_homepage_list') if (about_homepage) { about_homepage.owlCarousel({ margin: 10, items: 4, animateOut: 'fadeOut', nav: true, dots:false, loop: false, }) } // 参展商 /*let activity_exhibitor = $('.owl-carousel.activity_exhibitor_list') if (activity_exhibitor) { activity_exhibitor.owlCarousel({ margin: 10, items: 6, animateOut: 'fadeOut', nav: true, dots:false, loop: false, }) }*/ }, openMyOrder(url) { if (this.$config.apiToken) {,'_blank') } else { this.LoginDialogVisible=true this.successUrl='closeLoginPopup' } }, closepopup(){ this.LoginDialogVisible=false this.successUrl='' if (this.$config.apiToken) { this.getUserInfo() } }, showShare() { this.shareWechat = true this.$nextTick(()=>{ this.creatQrCode() }) }, shareUrl(type) { if (type && type === 'facebook') { mpshare_facebook(window.location.origin+'/expo/' + this.expoDetail.activity_id, } else if (type && type === 'twitter') { mpshare_twitter(window.location.origin+'/expo/' + this.expoDetail.activity_id, } else if (type && type === 'linkedin') { mpshare_linkedin(window.location.origin+'/expo/' + this.expoDetail.activity_id, } else if (type && type === 'pinterest') { mpshare_pinterest(window.location.origin+'/expo/' + this.expoDetail.activity_id, } else { const input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly'); // 设置为只读, 防止在 ios 下拉起键盘 // input.setAttribute('value', value); // textarea 不能用此方式赋值, 否则无法复制内容 input.value = window.location.origin +'/expo/' + this.expoDetail.activity_id; document.body.appendChild(input); input.setSelectionRange(0, 9999); // 防止 ios 下没有全选内容而无法复制; document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(input); this.$message.success('Share link copied successfully') } }, handleMouseover(cancel) { if (cancel === 1) { this.attentionText = 'Followed' } else { this.attentionText = 'Paid attention to' } }, applyStand() { let params = { form_id: this.expoDetail.form_id, ticket_index: this.isActiveIndex, } localStorage.setItem('standApply'+this.expoDetail.activity_id,JSON.stringify(params))'/stand-apply?activity_id=' + this.expoDetail.activity_id,'_self') }, applyExpo() { /*if (!this.$config.apiToken) { this.LoginDialogVisible=true this.successUrl='closeLoginPopup' } else { }*/ if ( !( this.expoDetail.form_info && this.expoDetail.form_info.form_items && this.expoDetail.form_info.form_items.length > 0 ) ) { this.$message.error('The data of the exhibition is abnormal. Please report to the customer service for inspection') return false } if ([this.isActiveIndex] &&[this.isActiveIndex].is_limit === 1 &&[this.isActiveIndex].tickets_left_count === 0 ) { ElementPlus.ElMessage({ message: 'Tickets have been sold out', type: 'error', }) return false } if ([this.isActiveIndex] &&[this.isActiveIndex].is_limit === 1 &&[this.isActiveIndex].tickets_left_count < this.ticketAmount ) { ElementPlus.ElMessage({ message: 'Tickets purchased cannot be greater than the remaining tickets', type: 'error', }) return false } let pay_max =[this.isActiveIndex].purchase_max_num if (this.ticketCountList && this.ticketCountList[this.baseUserInfo.curr_enterprise_id]) { let ticket_item = this.ticketCountList[this.baseUserInfo.curr_enterprise_id] let ticket_id =[this.isActiveIndex].id // 剩余可报名数量 if (ticket_item &&[ticket_id]) { let limit_num = pay_max -[ticket_id].count > 0 ? pay_max -[ticket_id].count : 0 if (limit_num !== 0 && this.ticketAmount > limit_num ) { this.$message.warning('This identity exceeds the purchase limit') return false } } else { if (pay_max && this.ticketAmount > pay_max) { this.$message.warning('This identity exceeds the purchase limit') return false } } } else { if (pay_max && this.ticketAmount > pay_max ) { this.$message.warning('This identity exceeds the purchase limit') return false } } let params = { form_id: this.expoDetail.form_id, amount: this.ticketAmount, ticket_index: this.isActiveIndex, } localStorage.setItem('activity'+this.expoDetail.activity_id,JSON.stringify(params)) window.location.href = '/apply?activity_id=' + this.expoDetail.activity_id + '&amount=' + params.amount + '&ticket_index=' + params.ticket_index + '&form_id=' + params.form_id }, scrollToComment() { let scrollHeight = document.getElementById('news_comment_box').offsetTop window.scrollTo(scrollHeight-200,500) }, scrollToTop() { window.scrollTo(0,500) }, selectTicket(index) { this.isActiveIndex = index this.judgeActivityStatus() }, getUserInfo() { mtpRequest({ url: '/api/user/base-account', method: 'post', }).then(res=>{ this.baseUserInfo = this.getTicketCountData() }) }, getExpoDetail() { let params = { id:this.expoId, preview: this.preview } this.loading = true mtpRequest({ url: '/api/activity/expo-detail', method: 'get', params }).then(res=>{ if (res.ret === 0) { this.loading = false this.expoDetail = if (this.expoDetail.active_status === 0) { this.setExpoNotice() this.setCountTime(this.expoDetail.now_time,this.expoDetail.start_time,this.expoDetail.active_status) } if (this.expoDetail.active_status === 1) { this.setExpoNotice() this.setCountTime(this.expoDetail.start_time,this.expoDetail.now_time,this.expoDetail.active_status) } this.expoDetail.start_date = this.returnDate(this.expoDetail.start_time) this.expoDetail.end_date = this.returnDate(this.expoDetail.end_time) this.loadComplete = true this.$nextTick(()=>{ this.initImageView() this.creatQrCode() this.judgeActivityStatus() }) } }) }, mpShareQzone() { mpshare_qzone(window.location.origin+'/expo/' + this.expoDetail.activity_id, }, mpShareWeibo() { mpshare_weibo(window.location.origin+'/expo/' + this.expoDetail.activity_id, }, creatQrCode() { if (this.$refs['qrcode_we'] && this.expoDetail.activity_id) { this.$refs['qrcode_we'].innerHTML = '' //生成二维码 new QRCode(this.$refs['qrcode_we'], { text: location.origin + '/mobile' + location.pathname, width: 150, height: 150, colorDark: '#000000', colorLight: '#ffffff', correctLevel: QRCode.CorrectLevel.H, }) } if (this.$refs['qrcode_we2'] && this.expoDetail.activity_id) { this.$refs['qrcode_we2'].innerHTML = '' //生成二维码 new QRCode(this.$refs['qrcode_we2'], { text: location.origin + '/mobile' + location.pathname, width: 150, height: 150, colorDark: '#000000', colorLight: '#ffffff', correctLevel: QRCode.CorrectLevel.H, }) } }, collectionAct() { //展会收藏 if (!this.$config.apiToken) { $('#headBox').trigger('loginDialog','reloadPage') } else { let params = {id: this.expoId} mtpRequest({ url: '/api/activity/collection', method: 'post', data:params }).then((res) => { if (res.ret === 0) { if (this.expoDetail.is_collection === 0) { this.$message.success('Event collection succeeded') this.expoDetail.is_collection = 1 this.expoDetail.collections += 1 } else { this.$message.success('Collection cancelled') this.expoDetail.is_collection = 0 this.expoDetail.collections -= 1 } } }) } }, isThumbsUP(item) { if (!this.$config.apiToken) { $('#headBox').trigger('loginDialog','reloadPage') } else { let params = { record_id:, record_type: 3, } if (item.is_thumbs_up === 0) { mtpRequest({ url: '/api/user/thumbs-up', method: 'post', data:params }).then(res=>{ if (res.ret === 0) { ElementPlus.ElMessage({ message: 'Like success', type: 'success', }) item.is_thumbs_up = 1 item.thumbs_up_count = item.thumbs_up_count + 1 } }) } else { mtpRequest({ url: '/api/user/cancel-thumbs-up', method: 'post', data:params }).then(res=>{ if (res.ret === 0) { ElementPlus.ElMessage({ message: 'Like canceled', type: 'success', }) item.is_thumbs_up = 0 item.thumbs_up_count = item.thumbs_up_count - 1 } }) } } }, setCountTime(start_time,now_time,active_status) { var that = this let clock = document.getElementById('clock') if (!clock) { return false } let flips = clock.querySelectorAll('.flip') let flipObjs = [] let time_result = that.countTime( new Date(start_time).getTime() - new Date(now_time).getTime() ) let next_result = that.countTime( new Date(start_time).getTime() - new Date(now_time).getTime() + 60000 ) let nextTimeStr = next_result.d + '' + next_result.h + next_result.m let nowTimeStr = time_result.d + '' + time_result.h + time_result.m let flipList = document.getElementsByClassName('flip') if (nextTimeStr[7] && flipObjs.length < 8) { let node = flipList[0].cloneNode(true) document .getElementsByClassName('time_contain')[0] .insertBefore(node, flipList[0]) flips = clock.querySelectorAll('.flip') } for (let i = 0; i < flips.length; i++) { // 创建6个Flipper实例,初始化并存入flipObjs flipObjs.push( new Flipper({ // 每个Flipper实例按数组顺序与翻板DOM的顺序一一对应 node: flips[i], // 按数组顺序取时间字符串对应位置的数字 frontText: 'ic_n_' + nowTimeStr[i], backText: 'ic_n_' + nextTimeStr[i], }) ) } let now_result_time= new Date(start_time).getTime() - new Date(now_time).getTime() + 60000 let next_result_time = new Date(start_time).getTime() - new Date(now_time).getTime() var setTime = setInterval(function () { let now_result,next_result if (now_result_time && now_result_time > 1000) { if (active_status === 1) { now_result_time -= 1000 } else { now_result_time += 1000 } now_result = that.countTime(now_result_time) } if (next_result_time && next_result_time > 1000) { if (active_status === 1) { next_result_time -= 1000 } else { next_result_time += 1000 } next_result = that.countTime(next_result_time) } let nextTimeStr = next_result.d + '' + next_result.h + next_result.m let nowTimeStr = now_result.d + '' + now_result.h + now_result.m if (that.time_str === '') { that.time_str = nowTimeStr } // 将当前时间和下一秒时间逐位对比 for (let i = 0; i < flipObjs.length; i++) { // 如果前后数字没有变化,则直接跳过,不翻牌 if (that.time_str[i] === nowTimeStr[i]) { continue } // 传递前后牌的数字,进行向下翻牌动画 flipObjs[i].flipDown( 'ic_n_' + nowTimeStr[i], 'ic_n_' + nextTimeStr[i] ) that.time_str = '' } if (nowTimeStr === '0000000') { clearInterval(setTime) } }, 1000) }, countTime(countTime) { let d = parseInt(countTime / 86400000) let h = parseInt((countTime - 86400000 * d) / 3600000) let m = parseInt((countTime - 86400000 * d - h * 3600000) / 60000) d = d > 0 ? d : 0 h = h > 0 ? h : 0 m = m > 0 ? m : 0 if (d >= 0 && d < 10) { d = '00' + d } if (d < 100 && d >= 10) { d = '0' + d } if (h >= 0 && h < 10) { h = '0' + h } if (m >= 0 && m < 10) { m = '0' + m } return { d: d, h: h, m: m, } }, returnDate(time) { let year = new Date(time).format('yyyy') let mouth = new Date(time).format('MM-dd') let hours = new Date(time).format('hh:mm') if (this.$i18n.getLocale() == 'en-us') { mouth = this.monthEnglish[new Date(time).getMonth()]; } return { year:year, mouth:mouth, hours:hours, } }, getTicketCountData() { // 获取活动订单购买状况 let params = { activity_id:this.expoId } mtpRequest({ url: '/api/activity/ticket-count', method: 'get', params }).then(res=>{ if (res.ret === 0) { this.ticketCountList = this.judgeActivityStatus() } }) }, enterpriseOptData(cancel) { if (this.$config.apiToken) { if (this.baseUserInfo.curr_enterprise_id) { let params params = { enterprise_id: this.expoDetail.enterprise_id, cancel: cancel, } mtpRequest({ url: '/api/network/enterprise-collection-opt', method: 'get', params }).then(res=>{ if (res.ret === 0) { if (cancel === 0) { this.expoDetail.sponsor.is_account_concern = 1 } else { this.expoDetail.sponsor.is_account_concern = 0 } } }) } } else { this.LoginDialogVisible=true this.successUrl='closeLoginPopup' } }, changeTicket() { this.judgeActivityStatus() }, judgeActivityStatus() { let now_time = this.expoDetail.now_time let tickets = let tickets_item; if (tickets && tickets[this.isActiveIndex]) { tickets_item = tickets[this.isActiveIndex] } else { return false } //ticketStatus: 0 正常 1 门票报名时间还没到 2 门票报名过期了 3报名了 4已暂停 5展会时间过期了 6再次报名 if (tickets_item.tickets_left_count === 0) { // 门票已售罄--截至报名 this.ticketStatus = 5 } else if ( tickets_item.end_date && now_time && new Date(tickets_item.end_date).getTime() < new Date(now_time).getTime() ) { // 门票过期 this.ticketStatus = 2 } else if (tickets_item.start_date && new Date(tickets_item.start_date).getTime() > new Date(now_time).getTime() ) { // 门票未开始 this.ticketStatus = 1 } else if (this.expoDetail.ticket_status === 1) { // 门票暂停售票 this.ticketStatus = 4 } else if ( new Date(this.expoDetail.end_time).getTime() < new Date(now_time).getTime() ) { // 展会已结束 this.ticketStatus = 5 } else if (this.ticketCountList && this.baseUserInfo && this.baseUserInfo['curr_enterprise_id']) { let ticket_item = this.ticketCountList[this.baseUserInfo['curr_enterprise_id']] let ticket_id = let pay_max = tickets_item.purchase_max_num // let pay_min = ticket_item.purchase_min_num if ( ticket_item && &&[ticket_id] &&[ticket_id].count > 0){ if (pay_max && pay_max >[ticket_id].count) { // 再报名 this.ticketStatus = 6 } else { // 已报过名 this.ticketStatus = 3 } if (!pay_max) { this.ticketStatus = 6 } } else { // 正常售票 this.ticketStatus = 0 } } else { // 正常售票 this.ticketStatus = 0 } this.returnTicketTime() }, returnTicketTime() { if ([this.isActiveIndex]) { this.ticketStartTime = new Date( new Date([this.isActiveIndex].start_date ).getTime() ).format('Yyyy MM DD HH: mm') + 'Start selling tickets' } }, // 显示提交参展商表单 showExhibitorForm(id, activity_id, name) { this.exhibitorForm.visible = true this.exhibitorForm.form.activity_id = activity_id this.exhibitorForm.form.activity_exhibitor_id = id this.exhibitorForm.title = "Contact" + name }, saveExhibitorForm() { if (!this.exhibitorForm.form.valid_code) { this.$message.error("Please enter the verification code") return } this.$refs['exhibitorForm'].validate((valid) => { if (valid) { mtpRequest({ url: '/api/activity/exhibitor-form', method: 'post', data: this.exhibitorForm.form }).then(res=>{ if (res.ret === 0) { this.$message.success("Submitted successfully") this.exhibitorForm.visible = false } }) } else { console.log('error submit!!'); return false; } }); }, getValidCode() { if (! { this.$message.warning("Please enter your mobile number") return } var params = {} = params.country_code = '86' this.verificationCount() mtpRequest({ url: '/api/user/get-phone-code', method: 'post', data:params }).then((res) => { if (res.ret === 0) { this.$message.success('The verification code was sent successfully. Please check it') } }) }, verificationCount() { //验证码倒计时 const TIME_COUNT = 60 if (!this.timer) { this.time_count = TIME_COUNT this.verificationShow = true this.timer = setInterval(() => { if (this.time_count > 0 && this.time_count <= TIME_COUNT) { this.time_count-- } else { this.verificationShow = false clearInterval(this.timer) this.timer = '' } }, 1000) } }, }, mounted() { if (document.getElementById('expo_detail')) { this.expoId = document.getElementById('expo_detail').getAttribute('data-expo-id') this.getExpoDetail() } this.getAboutHomePage() this.$nextTick(()=>{ this.initIndexOwl() this.initOwl() }) if (this.$config.apiToken) { this.getUserInfo() } this.$nextTick(() => { if (document.querySelector('#activity_exhibitor .activity_exhibitor_container')) { = document.querySelector('#activity_exhibitor .activity_exhibitor_container').getAttribute('data-total') ?? 0 = parseInt( } }) }, },"#expo_detail",['mtpComment']) //页面停留时长 let stayTime let expoId = '2993' window.onload = ()=>{ stayTime = new Date().getTime() } window.onbeforeunload = ()=>{ if (stayTime && stayTime > 0) { let stayTimes = new Date().getTime() - stayTime stayTime = 0 let params = { expo_id: expoId, stay_time: stayTimes } mtpRequest({ url: '/api/timeline/views', method: 'post', data: params }).then(res => { }) } } </script> </body> </html>