Rancho Bernardo – San Diego Union-Tribune

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Our readers weigh in with their choices."> <span class="dfm-title metered"> 🎼 Your favorite albums of 1975 </span> </a> </li> <li class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Crime and Public Safety | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Outdoors: Anza-Borrego’s palm groves beckon to be explored"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> 🌴 Anza-Borrego’s palm groves </span> </a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </div> </header><div id="content" class="site-content"> <div class="header-banners"> <div class="dfp-ad dfp-interstitial" id="div-gpt-ad-interstitial" style="visibility:hidden"> <div class="htlad-interstitial" data-unit='' data-targeting=''></div> </div> <div class="dfp-ad dfp-top_leaderboard" id="div-gpt-ad-top_leaderboard" style="visibility:hidden"> <div class="htlad-top_leaderboard" data-unit='' data-targeting=''></div> </div> </div> <div id="primary" class="content-area"> <main id="main" class="site-main" role="main"> <section class="tag landing"> <h1 class="tag-name">Rancho Bernardo</h1> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="tag-content"> <div class='load-more-wrapper'> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-9201956 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-latest-headlines category-local-news category-news tag-top-stories-sdut location-california location-la-jolla location-mission-valley location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9201956" data-timestamp="1738604946" > <figure> <a href="" title="Authorities say three San Diego fires started in homeless encampments" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Authorities say three San Diego fires started in homeless encampments"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The fires were in Mission Valley, Rancho Bernardo and La Jolla over a three-day stretch in January during Santa Ana conditions" title="The fires were in Mission Valley, Rancho Bernardo and La Jolla over a three-day stretch in January during Santa Ana conditions" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Crime and Public Safety | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Authorities say three San Diego fires started in homeless encampments"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Authorities say three San Diego fires started in homeless encampments </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Teri Figueroa</a></div> <time datetime="2025-02-03 17:59:26">February 3, 2025 at 5:59 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The fires were in Mission Valley, Rancho Bernardo and La Jolla over a three-day stretch... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-9194836 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-business category-health category-latest-headlines category-local-news category-news tag-top-stories-sdut location-black-mountain-ranch-area location-california location-carmel-valley location-escondido location-north-county location-poway location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county location-san-marcos" data-id="9194836" data-timestamp="1738175142" > <figure> <a href="" title="Palomar Health hits pause on private management plan, citing financial turmoil" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Palomar Health hits pause on private management plan, citing financial turmoil"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="One-year suspension provides time for financial turnaround plans to progress" title="One-year suspension provides time for financial turnaround plans to progress" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Health | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Palomar Health hits pause on private management plan, citing financial turmoil"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Palomar Health hits pause on private management plan, citing financial turmoil </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Paul Sisson</a></div> <time datetime="2025-01-29 18:37:57">January 29, 2025 at 6:37 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> One-year suspension provides time for financial turnaround plans to progress </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-9187170 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-latest-headlines category-local-news category-news tag-top-stories-sdut location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9187170" data-timestamp="1737539072" > <figure> <a href="" title="Crews quickly douse Rancho Bernardo fire that led hundreds to flee homes" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Crews quickly douse Rancho Bernardo fire that led hundreds to flee homes"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Hours after the Center fire or Bernardo fire sparked, all residents were allowed to return home Wednesday afternoon, and roads were reopened." title="Hours after the Center fire or Bernardo fire sparked, all residents were allowed to return home Wednesday afternoon, and roads were reopened." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Crime and Public Safety | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Crews quickly douse Rancho Bernardo fire that led hundreds to flee homes"> <span class="dfm-title free"> Crews quickly douse Rancho Bernardo fire that led hundreds to flee homes </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Teri Figueroa</a></div> <time datetime="2025-01-23 09:00:21">January 23, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Hours after the Center fire or Bernardo fire sparked, all residents were allowed to return... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-9102847 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-latest-headlines category-local-news category-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9102847" data-timestamp="1730308824" > <figure> <a href="" title="Firefighter injured while working Rancho Bernardo house fire" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Firefighter injured while working Rancho Bernardo house fire"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The injured firefighter was taken to a hospital shortly after the blaze broke around 2 p.m. on Via Firul just east of Interstate 15" title="The injured firefighter was taken to a hospital shortly after the blaze broke around 2 p.m. on Via Firul just east of Interstate 15" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Crime and Public Safety | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Firefighter injured while working Rancho Bernardo house fire"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Firefighter injured while working Rancho Bernardo house fire </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">City News Service</a></div> <time datetime="2024-10-30 17:20:26">October 30, 2024 at 5:20 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The injured firefighter was taken to a hospital shortly after the blaze broke around 2... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-9097418 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-latest-headlines category-local-news category-local-politics category-news category-politics tag-elections location-california location-escondido location-north-county location-rancho-bernardo location-rancho-penasquitos location-san-diego location-san-diego-county location-san-marcos" data-id="9097418" data-timestamp="1729918848" > <figure> <a href="" title="The race for San Diego’s lone swing Assembly seat turns ugly" class=""></a> <a href="" title="The race for San Diego’s lone swing Assembly seat turns ugly"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Republican candidate narrowly lost to Brian Maienschein two years ago. But now it&#039;s an open race in the 76th Assembly District." title="The Republican candidate narrowly lost to Brian Maienschein two years ago. But now it&#039;s an open race in the 76th Assembly District." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Politics | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="The race for San Diego’s lone swing Assembly seat turns ugly"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> The race for San Diego’s lone swing Assembly seat turns ugly </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Emily Alvarenga</a></div> <time datetime="2024-10-26 05:01:49">October 26, 2024 at 5:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Republican candidate narrowly lost to Brian Maienschein two years ago. But now it's an... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-9080574 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-election category-la-jolla-light category-la-jolla-light-news category-latest-headlines category-local-politics category-national-politics category-news category-point-loma-ob-monthly category-point-loma-ob-monthly-news category-politics location-balboa-park location-bankers-hill location-bird-rock location-black-mountain-ranch-area location-california location-carmel-mountain-ranch location-coronado location-downtown-san-diego location-east-village location-escondido location-fairbanks-ranch location-gaslamp-quarter location-golden-hill location-la-jolla location-la-jolla-shores location-little-italy location-north-county location-north-park location-ocean-beach location-pacific-beach location-point-loma location-rancho-bernardo location-rancho-penasquitos location-rancho-santa-fe location-sabre-springs location-san-diego-north-county location-san-diego location-san-diego-county location-san-marcos" data-id="9080574" data-timestamp="1728230905" > <figure> <a href="" title="Q&amp;A with Scott Peters, candidate for California’s 50th Congressional District" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Q&amp;A with Scott Peters, candidate for California’s 50th Congressional District"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rep. Scott Peters, a Democrat and incumbent, is running for re-election to Congress." title="Rep. Scott Peters, a Democrat and incumbent, is running for re-election to Congress." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Q&amp;A with Scott Peters, candidate for California’s 50th Congressional District"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Q&amp;A with Scott Peters, candidate for California’s 50th Congressional District </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Sam Schulz</a></div> <time datetime="2024-10-12 10:31:14">October 12, 2024 at 10:31 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Rep. Scott Peters, a Democrat and incumbent, is running for re-election to Congress. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-9080031 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-education category-election category-latest-headlines category-local-news category-local-politics category-news category-politics location-california location-carmel-mountain-ranch location-north-county location-poway location-rancho-bernardo location-rancho-penasquitos location-sabre-springs location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9080031" data-timestamp="1728206401" > <figure> <a href="" title="Q&amp;A with David Cheng, candidate for Poway Unified school board" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Q&amp;A with David Cheng, candidate for Poway Unified school board"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="David Cheng, a consumer advocate attorney, is running for the Area E seat on the Poway Unified School District board of trustees." title="David Cheng, a consumer advocate attorney, is running for the Area E seat on the Poway Unified School District board of trustees." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Education | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Q&amp;A with David Cheng, candidate for Poway Unified school board"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Q&amp;A with David Cheng, candidate for Poway Unified school board </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Kristen Taketa</a></div> <time datetime="2024-10-07 08:15:38">October 7, 2024 at 8:15 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> David Cheng, a consumer advocate attorney, is running for the Area E seat on the... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-9080027 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-education category-election category-latest-headlines category-local-news category-local-politics category-news category-politics location-california location-carmel-mountain-ranch location-north-county location-poway location-rancho-bernardo location-rancho-penasquitos location-sabre-springs location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9080027" data-timestamp="1728206398" > <figure> <a href="" title="Q&amp;A with Cindy Sytsma, candidate for Poway Unified school board" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Q&amp;A with Cindy Sytsma, candidate for Poway Unified school board"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Cindy Sytsma, an educator and incumbent, is running for re-election to the Area E seat on the Poway Unified School District board of trustees." title="Cindy Sytsma, an educator and incumbent, is running for re-election to the Area E seat on the Poway Unified School District board of trustees." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Education | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Q&amp;A with Cindy Sytsma, candidate for Poway Unified school board"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Q&amp;A with Cindy Sytsma, candidate for Poway Unified school board </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Kristen Taketa</a></div> <time datetime="2024-10-06 09:20:16">October 6, 2024 at 9:20 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Cindy Sytsma, an educator and incumbent, is running for re-election to the Area E seat... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-9080023 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-education category-election category-latest-headlines category-local-news category-local-politics category-news category-politics location-california location-carmel-mountain-ranch location-north-county location-poway location-rancho-bernardo location-rancho-penasquitos location-sabre-springs location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9080023" data-timestamp="1728206395" > <figure> <a href="" title="Q&amp;A with Tim Dougherty, candidate for Poway Unified school board" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Q&amp;A with Tim Dougherty, candidate for Poway Unified school board"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Tim Dougherty, a supply-chain executive at a home-goods store, is running for the Area A seat on the Poway Unified School District board of trustees." title="Tim Dougherty, a supply-chain executive at a home-goods store, is running for the Area A seat on the Poway Unified School District board of trustees." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Education | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Q&amp;A with Tim Dougherty, candidate for Poway Unified school board"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Q&amp;A with Tim Dougherty, candidate for Poway Unified school board </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Kristen Taketa</a></div> <time datetime="2024-10-06 09:20:06">October 6, 2024 at 9:20 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Tim Dougherty, a supply-chain executive at a home-goods store, is running for the Area A... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-9080019 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-education category-election category-latest-headlines category-local-news category-local-politics category-news category-politics location-california location-carmel-mountain-ranch location-north-county location-poway location-rancho-bernardo location-rancho-penasquitos location-sabre-springs location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="9080019" data-timestamp="1728206392" > <figure> <a href="" title="Q&amp;A with Dr. Devesh Vashishtha, candidate for Poway Unified school board" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Q&amp;A with Dr. Devesh Vashishtha, candidate for Poway Unified school board"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Devesh Vashishtha, a family physician and medical director of a City Heights clinic, is running for the Area A seat on the Poway Unified School District board of trustees." title="Devesh Vashishtha, a family physician and medical director of a City Heights clinic, is running for the Area A seat on the Poway Unified School District board of trustees." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Education | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Q&amp;A with Dr. Devesh Vashishtha, candidate for Poway Unified school board"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Q&amp;A with Dr. Devesh Vashishtha, candidate for Poway Unified school board </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Kristen Taketa</a></div> <time datetime="2024-10-06 09:19:58">October 6, 2024 at 9:19 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Devesh Vashishtha, a family physician and medical director of a City Heights clinic, is running... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-8828988 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-latest-headlines category-restaurants-food-drink category-things-to-do tag-top-stories-sdut location-california location-north-county location-oceanside location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="8828988" data-timestamp="1726207229" > <figure> <a href="" title="The Dish: Communion and Paradis lead list of seven restaurant openings" class=""></a> <a href="" title="The Dish: Communion and Paradis lead list of seven restaurant openings"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Also this week: Free pizza giveaway in R.B., the Nat museum plans a cafe and Frontwave Arena vendors announced" title="Also this week: Free pizza giveaway in R.B., the Nat museum plans a cafe and Frontwave Arena vendors announced" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Restaurants, Food and Drink | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="The Dish: Communion and Paradis lead list of seven restaurant openings"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> The Dish: Communion and Paradis lead list of seven restaurant openings </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Pam Kragen</a></div> <time datetime="2024-09-18 13:37:59">September 18, 2024 at 1:37 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Also this week: Free pizza giveaway in R.B., the Nat museum plans a cafe and... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-8745765 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-latest-headlines category-news category-weather location-alpine location-borrego-springs location-california location-carlsbad location-coronado location-del-mar location-east-county location-el-cajon location-encinitas location-escondido location-fallbrook location-la-mesa location-national-city location-north-county location-oceanside location-poway location-ramona location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county location-san-marcos location-santee location-south-county location-valley-center-uninc location-vista" data-id="8745765" data-timestamp="1725643397" > <figure> <a href="" title="Here’s how hot it got Friday in 27 places around San Diego County" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Here’s how hot it got Friday in 27 places around San Diego County"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Ramona reached a record 114 degrees, while Escondido topped out at 112." title="Ramona reached a record 114 degrees, while Escondido topped out at 112." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Weather | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Here’s how hot it got Friday in 27 places around San Diego County"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Here’s how hot it got Friday in 27 places around San Diego County </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Gary Robbins</a></div> <time datetime="2024-09-07 18:47:51">September 7, 2024 at 6:47 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Ramona reached a record 114 degrees, while Escondido topped out at 112. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-8635334 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-crime-public-safety category-latest-headlines category-local-news category-news category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="8635334" data-timestamp="1724182548" > <figure> <a href="" title="Jewelry store owner fires gun during heist in Rancho Bernardo" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Jewelry store owner fires gun during heist in Rancho Bernardo"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="A store owner fired a round from a gun when a robber smashed some glass and made off with some jewelry Tuesday" title="A store owner fired a round from a gun when a robber smashed some glass and made off with some jewelry Tuesday" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Crime and Public Safety | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Jewelry store owner fires gun during heist in Rancho Bernardo"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Jewelry store owner fires gun during heist in Rancho Bernardo </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Caleb Lunetta</a></div> <time datetime="2024-08-21 15:13:20">August 21, 2024 at 3:13 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A store owner fired a round from a gun when a robber smashed some glass... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-8115538 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-business category-retail tag-top-stories-sdut location-california location-north-county location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="8115538" data-timestamp="1721239923" > <figure> <a href="" title="Petco taps former Five Below, Walmart exec as CEO of the San Diego company" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Petco taps former Five Below, Walmart exec as CEO of the San Diego company"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Petco chose the former CEO of a discount retailer as its new leader." title="Petco chose the former CEO of a discount retailer as its new leader." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Business | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Petco taps former Five Below, Walmart exec as CEO of the San Diego company"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> Petco taps former Five Below, Walmart exec as CEO of the San Diego company </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Natallie Rocha</a></div> <time datetime="2024-07-17 18:28:35">July 17, 2024 at 6:28 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Petco chose the former CEO of a discount retailer as its new leader. </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-8111631 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-entertainment category-latest-headlines category-restaurants-food-drink category-things-to-do location-alpine location-bankers-hill location-california location-carlsbad location-carmel-valley location-downtown-san-diego location-east-county location-east-village location-encinitas location-gaslamp-quarter location-la-jolla location-lakeside location-north-county location-north-park location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-north-county location-san-diego-county location-south-county location-valley-center-uninc" data-id="8111631" data-timestamp="1720764004" > <figure> <a href="" title="The Dish: 27 local restaurants win Wine Spectator awards, plus six new restaurant openings" class=""></a> <a href="" title="The Dish: 27 local restaurants win Wine Spectator awards, plus six new restaurant openings"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Also this week, new restaurant and bar openings in North Park, Pacific Beach, the Gaslamp Quarter, East Village and Mission Valley" title="Also this week, new restaurant and bar openings in North Park, Pacific Beach, the Gaslamp Quarter, East Village and Mission Valley" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Restaurants, Food and Drink | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="The Dish: 27 local restaurants win Wine Spectator awards, plus six new restaurant openings"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> The Dish: 27 local restaurants win Wine Spectator awards, plus six new restaurant openings </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Pam Kragen</a></div> <time datetime="2024-07-16 07:47:36">July 16, 2024 at 7:47 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Also this week, new restaurant and bar openings in North Park, Pacific Beach, the Gaslamp... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-8107662 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-latest-headlines category-restaurants-food-drink category-things-to-do tag-top-stories-sdut location-california location-cardiff-by-the-sea location-carlsbad location-chula-vista location-east-county location-east-village location-encinitas location-golden-hill location-la-jolla location-la-mesa location-leucadia location-north-county location-north-park location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-south-county location-san-diego-county location-san-marcos location-south-county location-south-park" data-id="8107662" data-timestamp="1719900054" > <figure> <a href="" title="San Diego’s best burgers? U-T readers offer their own picks" class=""></a> <a href="" title="San Diego’s best burgers? U-T readers offer their own picks"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="We chose our 33 favorite burgers in May. Here are the ones our readers say we missed." title="We chose our 33 favorite burgers in May. Here are the ones our readers say we missed." subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Restaurants, Food and Drink | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="San Diego’s best burgers? U-T readers offer their own picks"> <span class="dfm-title metered"> San Diego’s best burgers? U-T readers offer their own picks </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Pam Kragen</a></div> <time datetime="2024-07-03 08:59:01">July 3, 2024 at 8:59 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> We chose our 33 favorite burgers in May. Here are the ones our readers say... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-8103593 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-local-news category-things-to-do tag-fourth-of-july location-california location-chula-vista location-coronado location-del-mar location-east-county location-escondido location-fallbrook location-imperial-beach location-julian location-la-jolla location-la-mesa location-lakeside location-mira-mesa location-mission-beach location-national-city location-north-county location-oceanside location-old-town location-poway location-ramona location-rancho-bernardo location-rancho-santa-fe location-san-carlos-san-diego location-san-diego-south-county location-san-diego location-san-diego-north-county location-san-diego-county location-san-marcos location-santee location-scripps-ranch location-south-county" data-id="8103593" data-timestamp="1718918624" > <figure> <a href="" title="Where to go for Fourth of July fireworks, parades and festivities: a guide for San Diego County" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Where to go for Fourth of July fireworks, parades and festivities: a guide for San Diego County"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="From the Big Bay Boom to Star Spangled Extravaganza and a host of firework shows and parades, here are dozens of ways to celebrate the Fourth of July in San Diego County" title="From the Big Bay Boom to Star Spangled Extravaganza and a host of firework shows and parades, here are dozens of ways to celebrate the Fourth of July in San Diego County" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <h3 class="subscriber-only-tag">SUBSCRIBER ONLY</h3> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Where to go for Fourth of July fireworks, parades and festivities: a guide for San Diego County"> <span class="dfm-title premium"> Where to go for Fourth of July fireworks, parades and festivities: a guide for San Diego County </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Linda Mcintosh</a></div> <time datetime="2024-07-03 08:58:12">July 3, 2024 at 8:58 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> From the Big Bay Boom to Star Spangled Extravaganza and a host of firework shows... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-4519698 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="4519698" data-timestamp="1669059418" > <figure> <a href="" title="Over $90K in grants is presented during Rancho Bernardo Thanksgiving Luncheon" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Over $90K in grants is presented during Rancho Bernardo Thanksgiving Luncheon"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Over $90K in grants is presented during Rancho Bernardo Thanksgiving Luncheon" title="Over $90K in grants is presented during Rancho Bernardo Thanksgiving Luncheon" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Over $90K in grants is presented during Rancho Bernardo Thanksgiving Luncheon"> <span class="dfm-title"> Over $90K in grants is presented during Rancho Bernardo Thanksgiving Luncheon </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-11-21 16:36:58">November 22, 2022 at 12:36 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s holiday season officially kicked off Friday when 260 community members gathered for the... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-4552036 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="4552036" data-timestamp="1666044129" > <figure> <a href="" title="More voters support San Diego trash measure than oppose it, but even more are undecided, new poll shows" class=""></a> <a href="" title="More voters support San Diego trash measure than oppose it, but even more are undecided, new poll shows"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="More voters support San Diego trash measure than oppose it, but even more are undecided, new poll shows" title="More voters support San Diego trash measure than oppose it, but even more are undecided, new poll shows" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="More voters support San Diego trash measure than oppose it, but even more are undecided, new poll shows"> <span class="dfm-title"> More voters support San Diego trash measure than oppose it, but even more are undecided, new poll shows </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">David Garrick</a></div> <time datetime="2022-10-17 19:02:09">October 18, 2022 at 2:02 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A new poll shows more San Diegans support a ballot measure to repeal free trash... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-4537807 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="4537807" data-timestamp="1665836333" > <figure> <a href="" title="A Rancho Bernardo Thanksgiving tradition returns next month" class=""></a> <a href="" title="A Rancho Bernardo Thanksgiving tradition returns next month"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="A Rancho Bernardo Thanksgiving tradition returns next month" title="A Rancho Bernardo Thanksgiving tradition returns next month" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="A Rancho Bernardo Thanksgiving tradition returns next month"> <span class="dfm-title"> A Rancho Bernardo Thanksgiving tradition returns next month </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-10-15 09:18:53">October 15, 2022 at 4:18 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s Thanksgiving Luncheon &#8212; a decades-long community tradition &#8212; returns on Nov. 18.The luncheon... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-4552822 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="4552822" data-timestamp="1665745389" > <figure> <a href="" title="Lady Niners celebrate 55 years in Rancho Bernardo" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Lady Niners celebrate 55 years in Rancho Bernardo"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Lady Niners celebrate 55 years in Rancho Bernardo" title="Lady Niners celebrate 55 years in Rancho Bernardo" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Lady Niners celebrate 55 years in Rancho Bernardo"> <span class="dfm-title"> Lady Niners celebrate 55 years in Rancho Bernardo </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Pomerado News</a></div> <time datetime="2022-10-14 08:03:09">October 14, 2022 at 3:03 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Country Club of Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s Lady Niners recently celebrated their 55th anniversary with current... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-4560094 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="4560094" data-timestamp="1665579710" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol needs new members to resume, expand services" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol needs new members to resume, expand services"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt=" Rancho Bernardo Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol needs new members to resume, expand services" title=" Rancho Bernardo Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol needs new members to resume, expand services" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol needs new members to resume, expand services"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol needs new members to resume, expand services </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-10-12 10:02:12">October 12, 2022 at 5:02 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Residents who wanted to request a free vacation house check or a wellness check for... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-4560172 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="4560172" data-timestamp="1665579560" > <figure> <a href="" title="Birds, landscapes featured in new plein air exhibit at Rancho Bernardo Library" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Birds, landscapes featured in new plein air exhibit at Rancho Bernardo Library"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Birds, landscapes featured in new plein air exhibit at Rancho Bernardo Library" title="Birds, landscapes featured in new plein air exhibit at Rancho Bernardo Library" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Birds, landscapes featured in new plein air exhibit at Rancho Bernardo Library"> <span class="dfm-title"> Birds, landscapes featured in new plein air exhibit at Rancho Bernardo Library </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-10-12 09:59:20">October 12, 2022 at 4:59 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Paintings featuring birds and landscapes that could be from a bird&#8217;s perspective are on exhibit... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-4560547 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="4560547" data-timestamp="1665579390" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo High to celebrate a fantasy-themed homecoming" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo High to celebrate a fantasy-themed homecoming"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo High to celebrate a fantasy-themed homecoming" title="Rancho Bernardo High to celebrate a fantasy-themed homecoming" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo High to celebrate a fantasy-themed homecoming"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo High to celebrate a fantasy-themed homecoming </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-10-12 09:56:30">October 12, 2022 at 4:56 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Rancho Bernardo High&#8217;s Broncos are celebrating their fantasy-themed homecoming festivities this week.The highlights will be... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-91460 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="91460" data-timestamp="1665082300" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho BEERnardo Festival set to return on Oct. 22" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho BEERnardo Festival set to return on Oct. 22"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho BEERnardo Festival set to return on Oct. 22" title="Rancho BEERnardo Festival set to return on Oct. 22" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho BEERnardo Festival set to return on Oct. 22"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho BEERnardo Festival set to return on Oct. 22 </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-10-06 15:51:40">October 6, 2022 at 10:51 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The annual Rancho BEERnardo Festival is returning on Saturday, Oct. 22 to Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s Webb... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-92547 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="92547" data-timestamp="1665076046" > <figure> <a href="" title="San Rafael&#8217;s Knights to hold Oktoberfest in Rancho Bernardo" class=""></a> <a href="" title="San Rafael&#8217;s Knights to hold Oktoberfest in Rancho Bernardo"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="San Rafael&#039;s Knights to hold Oktoberfest in Rancho Bernardo" title="San Rafael&#039;s Knights to hold Oktoberfest in Rancho Bernardo" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="San Rafael&#8217;s Knights to hold Oktoberfest in Rancho Bernardo"> <span class="dfm-title"> San Rafael&#8217;s Knights to hold Oktoberfest in Rancho Bernardo </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-10-06 14:07:26">October 6, 2022 at 9:07 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Beer, bratwurst and oompah music are in store for those who attend the family friendly... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-107488 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="107488" data-timestamp="1664975371" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Historical Society celebrates its 40th anniversary" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Historical Society celebrates its 40th anniversary"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo Historical Society celebrates its 40th anniversary" title="Rancho Bernardo Historical Society celebrates its 40th anniversary" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Historical Society celebrates its 40th anniversary"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo Historical Society celebrates its 40th anniversary </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-10-05 10:09:31">October 5, 2022 at 5:09 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Rancho Bernardo Historical Society is celebrating its 40th anniversary with an open house from... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-107523 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news category-pomerado-news-things-to-do location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="107523" data-timestamp="1664975313" > <figure> <a href="" title="Poway Symphonette to present spooky concert at Rancho Bernardo Library" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Poway Symphonette to present spooky concert at Rancho Bernardo Library"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Poway Symphonette to present spooky concert at Rancho Bernardo Library" title="Poway Symphonette to present spooky concert at Rancho Bernardo Library" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Poway Symphonette to present spooky concert at Rancho Bernardo Library"> <span class="dfm-title"> Poway Symphonette to present spooky concert at Rancho Bernardo Library </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-10-05 10:08:33">October 5, 2022 at 5:08 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A free concert featuring spooky classics will be presented by the Poway Symphonette on Saturday... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-107630 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="107630" data-timestamp="1664975188" > <figure> <a href="" title="Safety, chili cook-off and more at 12th annual Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Safety, chili cook-off and more at 12th annual Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Safety, chili cook-off and more at 12th annual Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair" title="Safety, chili cook-off and more at 12th annual Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Safety, chili cook-off and more at 12th annual Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair"> <span class="dfm-title"> Safety, chili cook-off and more at 12th annual Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-10-05 10:06:28">October 5, 2022 at 5:06 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The 12th annual Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair was held Sunday morning in RB Community Park.... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-113317 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="113317" data-timestamp="1664390956" > <figure> <a href="" title="Brandeis Book and Author Luncheon returns to Rancho Bernardo" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Brandeis Book and Author Luncheon returns to Rancho Bernardo"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Brandeis Book and Author Luncheon returns to Rancho Bernardo" title="Brandeis Book and Author Luncheon returns to Rancho Bernardo" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Brandeis Book and Author Luncheon returns to Rancho Bernardo"> <span class="dfm-title"> Brandeis Book and Author Luncheon returns to Rancho Bernardo </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-28 15:49:16">September 28, 2022 at 10:49 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Rancho Bernardo Chapter of Brandeis National Committee held its Book and Author Luncheon on... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-116692 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="116692" data-timestamp="1664372577" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo dog, community park improvements to cost nearly $2.1M" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo dog, community park improvements to cost nearly $2.1M"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo dog, community park improvements to cost nearly $2.1M" title="Rancho Bernardo dog, community park improvements to cost nearly $2.1M" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo dog, community park improvements to cost nearly $2.1M"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo dog, community park improvements to cost nearly $2.1M </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-28 10:42:57">September 28, 2022 at 5:42 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Renovations to the Rancho Bernardo Off-Leash Dog Park will be part of a nearly $2.1... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-116723 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-north-county location-poway location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="116723" data-timestamp="1664372547" > <figure> <a href="" title="Friendship helps trio achieve Eagle Scout rank together" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Friendship helps trio achieve Eagle Scout rank together"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Friendship helps trio achieve Eagle Scout rank together" title="Friendship helps trio achieve Eagle Scout rank together" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Friendship helps trio achieve Eagle Scout rank together"> <span class="dfm-title"> Friendship helps trio achieve Eagle Scout rank together </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-28 10:42:27">September 28, 2022 at 5:42 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Three friends concluded their journey from Cub Scouts to Eagle Scouts on Monday evening when... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-116844 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="116844" data-timestamp="1664372372" > <figure> <a href="" title="Lady Niners celebrate 55 years in Rancho Bernardo" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Lady Niners celebrate 55 years in Rancho Bernardo"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Lady Niners celebrate 55 years in Rancho Bernardo" title="Lady Niners celebrate 55 years in Rancho Bernardo" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Lady Niners celebrate 55 years in Rancho Bernardo"> <span class="dfm-title"> Lady Niners celebrate 55 years in Rancho Bernardo </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Pomerado News</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-28 10:39:32">September 28, 2022 at 5:39 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Country Club of Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s Lady Niners recently celebrated their 55th anniversary with current... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-102115 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="102115" data-timestamp="1663931206" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair on Oct. 2 to include chili cook-off contest" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair on Oct. 2 to include chili cook-off contest"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair on Oct. 2 to include chili cook-off contest" title="Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair on Oct. 2 to include chili cook-off contest" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair on Oct. 2 to include chili cook-off contest"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo Safety Fair on Oct. 2 to include chili cook-off contest </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-23 08:06:46">September 23, 2022 at 3:06 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The firefighters and police officers who serve Rancho Bernardo will be serving up some chili... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-110945 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="110945" data-timestamp="1663855336" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo man wins playwriting contest in first attempt" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo man wins playwriting contest in first attempt"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo man wins playwriting contest in first attempt" title="Rancho Bernardo man wins playwriting contest in first attempt" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo man wins playwriting contest in first attempt"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo man wins playwriting contest in first attempt </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-22 11:02:16">September 22, 2022 at 6:02 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Rancho Bernardo resident Roger M. Henry said he has written short stories and novels as... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-4556989 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="4556989" data-timestamp="1663760123" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo board, residents still object to cannabis outlet&#8217;s proposed location" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo board, residents still object to cannabis outlet&#8217;s proposed location"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo board, residents still object to cannabis outlet&#039;s proposed location" title="Rancho Bernardo board, residents still object to cannabis outlet&#039;s proposed location" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo board, residents still object to cannabis outlet&#8217;s proposed location"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo board, residents still object to cannabis outlet&#8217;s proposed location </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-21 09:28:15">September 21, 2022 at 4:28 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> If a City of San Diego hearing officer approves Urbn Leaf&#8217;s application to open a... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-107018 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="107018" data-timestamp="1663162361" > <figure> <a href="" title="Fandory Factory offers coworking spaces with childcare in Rancho Bernardo" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Fandory Factory offers coworking spaces with childcare in Rancho Bernardo"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Fandory Factory offers coworking spaces with childcare in Rancho Bernardo" title="Fandory Factory offers coworking spaces with childcare in Rancho Bernardo" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Fandory Factory offers coworking spaces with childcare in Rancho Bernardo"> <span class="dfm-title"> Fandory Factory offers coworking spaces with childcare in Rancho Bernardo </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-14 10:32:41">September 14, 2022 at 5:32 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> At Fandory Factory, children play in a "town" created just for them, while their their... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-107089 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="107089" data-timestamp="1663162309" > <figure> <a href="" title="Proposed marijuana outlet, cell tower returning to Rancho Bernardo Planning Board for vote" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Proposed marijuana outlet, cell tower returning to Rancho Bernardo Planning Board for vote"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Proposed marijuana outlet, cell tower returning to Rancho Bernardo Planning Board for vote" title="Proposed marijuana outlet, cell tower returning to Rancho Bernardo Planning Board for vote" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Proposed marijuana outlet, cell tower returning to Rancho Bernardo Planning Board for vote"> <span class="dfm-title"> Proposed marijuana outlet, cell tower returning to Rancho Bernardo Planning Board for vote </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-14 10:31:49">September 14, 2022 at 5:31 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Two long-discussed proposals &#8212; a cannabis outlet in the former El Torito restaurant and a... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-107113 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="107113" data-timestamp="1663162287" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Dog Park renovation plan to be discussed" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Dog Park renovation plan to be discussed"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo Dog Park renovation plan to be discussed" title="Rancho Bernardo Dog Park renovation plan to be discussed" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Dog Park renovation plan to be discussed"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo Dog Park renovation plan to be discussed </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-21 19:01:10">September 22, 2022 at 2:01 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Rancho Bernardo Dog Park users will get a long-awaited look next week at the city&#8217;s... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-94431 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="94431" data-timestamp="1662990194" > <figure> <a href="" title="Driver turns himself in after fatal hit-and-run in Rancho Bernardo" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Driver turns himself in after fatal hit-and-run in Rancho Bernardo"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Driver turns himself in after fatal hit-and-run in Rancho Bernardo" title="Driver turns himself in after fatal hit-and-run in Rancho Bernardo" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Driver turns himself in after fatal hit-and-run in Rancho Bernardo"> <span class="dfm-title"> Driver turns himself in after fatal hit-and-run in Rancho Bernardo </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Karen Kucher</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-13 13:55:19">September 13, 2022 at 8:55 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A driver turned himself in at police headquarters early Monday &#8212; about four hours after... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-115807 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="115807" data-timestamp="1662754949" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s &#8216;Donut Dash&#8217; races rescheduled to Oct. 8" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s &#8216;Donut Dash&#8217; races rescheduled to Oct. 8"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo&#039;s &#039;Donut Dash&#039; races rescheduled to Oct. 8" title="Rancho Bernardo&#039;s &#039;Donut Dash&#039; races rescheduled to Oct. 8" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s &#8216;Donut Dash&#8217; races rescheduled to Oct. 8"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s &#8216;Donut Dash&#8217; races rescheduled to Oct. 8 </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-09 17:22:29">September 10, 2022 at 12:22 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Rain has forced the postponement of Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s inaugural &#8220;Donut Dash&#8221; that was planned for... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-4565554 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news category-pomerado-news-things-to-do location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="4565554" data-timestamp="1662550962" > <figure> <a href="" title="Piano duo to open Rancho Bernardo Library&#8217;s Discovery Concert Series" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Piano duo to open Rancho Bernardo Library&#8217;s Discovery Concert Series"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Piano duo to open Rancho Bernardo Library&#039;s Discovery Concert Series" title="Piano duo to open Rancho Bernardo Library&#039;s Discovery Concert Series" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Piano duo to open Rancho Bernardo Library&#8217;s Discovery Concert Series"> <span class="dfm-title"> Piano duo to open Rancho Bernardo Library&#8217;s Discovery Concert Series </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-07 08:42:42">September 7, 2022 at 3:42 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Grigorian Gubenko Piano Duo will open the free 2022-23 Discovery Concert Series in the... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-4566199 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="4566199" data-timestamp="1662549629" > <figure> <a href="" title="Oasis to open regional center for those 50 and older in Rancho Bernardo" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Oasis to open regional center for those 50 and older in Rancho Bernardo"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Oasis to open regional center for those 50 and older in Rancho Bernardo" title="Oasis to open regional center for those 50 and older in Rancho Bernardo" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Oasis to open regional center for those 50 and older in Rancho Bernardo"> <span class="dfm-title"> Oasis to open regional center for those 50 and older in Rancho Bernardo </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-07 09:03:12">September 7, 2022 at 4:03 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> By this time next year, those over 50 will have a new place to exercise,... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-4560721 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="4560721" data-timestamp="1661971261" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo 92-year-old stays busy with art, music and writing" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo 92-year-old stays busy with art, music and writing"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo 92-year-old stays busy with art, music and writing" title="Rancho Bernardo 92-year-old stays busy with art, music and writing" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo 92-year-old stays busy with art, music and writing"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo 92-year-old stays busy with art, music and writing </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-09-02 14:13:40">September 2, 2022 at 9:13 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Ellie Hodge isn&#8217;t slowing down in her tenth decade.Hodge recently had her first book published.... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-4561367 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="4561367" data-timestamp="1661970402" > <figure> <a href="" title="Brandeis&#8217; Book and Author Luncheon returns to Rancho Bernardo on Sept. 20" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Brandeis&#8217; Book and Author Luncheon returns to Rancho Bernardo on Sept. 20"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Brandeis&#039; Book and Author Luncheon returns to Rancho Bernardo on Sept. 20" title="Brandeis&#039; Book and Author Luncheon returns to Rancho Bernardo on Sept. 20" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Brandeis&#8217; Book and Author Luncheon returns to Rancho Bernardo on Sept. 20"> <span class="dfm-title"> Brandeis&#8217; Book and Author Luncheon returns to Rancho Bernardo on Sept. 20 </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-08-31 15:26:42">August 31, 2022 at 10:26 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Three first-time panelists are coming to Brandeis National Committee&#8217;s Book and Author Luncheon in Rancho... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-96060 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="96060" data-timestamp="1661432446" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo author&#8217;s books for children and adults include lessons in resiliency" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo author&#8217;s books for children and adults include lessons in resiliency"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo author&#039;s books for children and adults include lessons in resiliency " title="Rancho Bernardo author&#039;s books for children and adults include lessons in resiliency " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo author&#8217;s books for children and adults include lessons in resiliency"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo author&#8217;s books for children and adults include lessons in resiliency </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-08-25 10:00:46">August 25, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> When it comes to writing books, Mark W. Stevens covers the age spectrum.In the past... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-96095 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="96095" data-timestamp="1661432427" > <figure> <a href="" title="Median work on Pomerado Road will improve environment for trees" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Median work on Pomerado Road will improve environment for trees"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Median work on Pomerado Road will improve environment for trees" title="Median work on Pomerado Road will improve environment for trees" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Median work on Pomerado Road will improve environment for trees"> <span class="dfm-title"> Median work on Pomerado Road will improve environment for trees </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-08-25 10:00:27">August 25, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Motorists along Pomerado Road between Escala Drive and Cloudesly Road will encounter median work over... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-129555 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="129555" data-timestamp="1660234813" > <figure> <a href="" title="Donut Dash fundraiser coming to Rancho Bernardo Community Park" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Donut Dash fundraiser coming to Rancho Bernardo Community Park"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Donut Dash fundraiser coming to Rancho Bernardo Community Park" title="Donut Dash fundraiser coming to Rancho Bernardo Community Park" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Donut Dash fundraiser coming to Rancho Bernardo Community Park"> <span class="dfm-title"> Donut Dash fundraiser coming to Rancho Bernardo Community Park </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-08-11 13:20:13">August 11, 2022 at 8:20 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A fundraiser run with a twist &#8212; or maybe a bearclaw or jelly-filled doughnut at... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-115346 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="115346" data-timestamp="1660146719" > <figure> <a href="" title="Vines &#038; Vittles family festival returns on Sunday" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Vines &#038; Vittles family festival returns on Sunday"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Vines &amp; Vittles family festival returns on Sunday" title="Vines &amp; Vittles family festival returns on Sunday" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Vines &#038; Vittles family festival returns on Sunday"> <span class="dfm-title"> Vines &#038; Vittles family festival returns on Sunday </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-08-10 12:51:59">August 10, 2022 at 7:51 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> With more food, beverage and entertainment options, the expanded Vines &amp; Vittles festival on Sunday... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-115373 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="115373" data-timestamp="1660146686" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo High&#8217;s landscaping gets transformation" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo High&#8217;s landscaping gets transformation"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo High&#039;s landscaping gets transformation " title="Rancho Bernardo High&#039;s landscaping gets transformation " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo High&#8217;s landscaping gets transformation"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo High&#8217;s landscaping gets transformation </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-08-10 12:51:26">August 10, 2022 at 7:51 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> When students, teachers and staff return to Rancho Bernardo High School next week they will... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-130121 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="130121" data-timestamp="1659540137" > <figure> <a href="" title="Academy Award winner Peter Berkos of Rancho Bernardo to turn 100" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Academy Award winner Peter Berkos of Rancho Bernardo to turn 100"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Academy Award winner Peter Berkos of Rancho Bernardo to turn 100" title="Academy Award winner Peter Berkos of Rancho Bernardo to turn 100" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Academy Award winner Peter Berkos of Rancho Bernardo to turn 100"> <span class="dfm-title"> Academy Award winner Peter Berkos of Rancho Bernardo to turn 100 </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-08-03 12:22:17">August 3, 2022 at 7:22 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> For more than 40 years, Rancho Bernardo resident Peter Berkos has had a say in... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-128767 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="128767" data-timestamp="1659031545" > <figure> <a href="" title="Military veterans share stories, bond in Oaks North group" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Military veterans share stories, bond in Oaks North group"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Military veterans share stories, bond in Oaks North group" title="Military veterans share stories, bond in Oaks North group" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Military veterans share stories, bond in Oaks North group"> <span class="dfm-title"> Military veterans share stories, bond in Oaks North group </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-28 15:05:45">July 28, 2022 at 10:05 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Camaraderie. That is the word many of the military veterans living in Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s Oaks... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-128806 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="128806" data-timestamp="1659031521" > <figure> <a href="" title="Get your knives, scissors and garden tools sharpened at Seven Oaks event" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Get your knives, scissors and garden tools sharpened at Seven Oaks event"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Get your knives, scissors and garden tools sharpened at Seven Oaks event" title="Get your knives, scissors and garden tools sharpened at Seven Oaks event" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Get your knives, scissors and garden tools sharpened at Seven Oaks event"> <span class="dfm-title"> Get your knives, scissors and garden tools sharpened at Seven Oaks event </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-28 15:05:21">July 28, 2022 at 10:05 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Have you noticed your knives are getting a bit dull or your pruning shears aren't... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-139530 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="139530" data-timestamp="1658939739" > <figure> <a href="" title="The Church at Rancho Bernardo spreads love through Good Neighbor Day" class=""></a> <a href="" title="The Church at Rancho Bernardo spreads love through Good Neighbor Day"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="The Church at Rancho Bernardo spreads love through Good Neighbor Day" title="The Church at Rancho Bernardo spreads love through Good Neighbor Day" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="The Church at Rancho Bernardo spreads love through Good Neighbor Day"> <span class="dfm-title"> The Church at Rancho Bernardo spreads love through Good Neighbor Day </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-27 13:35:39">July 27, 2022 at 8:35 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Thousands of disadvantaged children, homeless individuals and others in need of physical assistance or an... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-142012 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="142012" data-timestamp="1658410529" > <figure> <a href="" title="Webb Park visitors advised not to feed the ducks, other wildlife" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Webb Park visitors advised not to feed the ducks, other wildlife"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Webb Park visitors advised not to feed the ducks, other wildlife" title="Webb Park visitors advised not to feed the ducks, other wildlife" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Webb Park visitors advised not to feed the ducks, other wildlife"> <span class="dfm-title"> Webb Park visitors advised not to feed the ducks, other wildlife </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-21 10:35:29">July 21, 2022 at 5:35 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Visitors to Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s Webb Park are being reminded not to feed the ducks and... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-142085 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-business category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="142085" data-timestamp="1658410460" > <figure> <a href="" title="Business Roundup: Avant&#8217;s new chef de cuisine works to expand culinary experiences" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Business Roundup: Avant&#8217;s new chef de cuisine works to expand culinary experiences"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Business Roundup: Avant&#039;s new chef de cuisine works to expand culinary experiences " title="Business Roundup: Avant&#039;s new chef de cuisine works to expand culinary experiences " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Business Roundup: Avant&#8217;s new chef de cuisine works to expand culinary experiences"> <span class="dfm-title"> Business Roundup: Avant&#8217;s new chef de cuisine works to expand culinary experiences </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-21 10:34:20">July 21, 2022 at 5:34 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> With a renewed focus on providing what customers want, the new chef de cuisine at... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-127901 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="127901" data-timestamp="1658327330" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Hall of Fame welcomes three into its ranks" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Hall of Fame welcomes three into its ranks"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo Hall of Fame welcomes three into its ranks" title="Rancho Bernardo Hall of Fame welcomes three into its ranks" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Hall of Fame welcomes three into its ranks"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo Hall of Fame welcomes three into its ranks </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-20 14:59:32">July 20, 2022 at 9:59 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Bill Chaffin, Mike Fuqua and Jim Hyldahl were honored for their leadership and contributions with... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-147579 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="147579" data-timestamp="1657723415" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo man completes 3,272-mile cross-country bicycle ride" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo man completes 3,272-mile cross-country bicycle ride"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo man completes 3,272-mile cross-country bicycle ride" title="Rancho Bernardo man completes 3,272-mile cross-country bicycle ride" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo man completes 3,272-mile cross-country bicycle ride"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo man completes 3,272-mile cross-country bicycle ride </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-13 11:43:35">July 13, 2022 at 6:43 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Nothing could keep Rancho Bernardo resident Randy Wussler from completing his goal &#8212; not steep... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-147711 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="147711" data-timestamp="1657723330" > <figure> <a href="" title="Vines &#038; Vittles returns to Rancho Bernardo on Aug. 14" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Vines &#038; Vittles returns to Rancho Bernardo on Aug. 14"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Vines &amp; Vittles returns to Rancho Bernardo on Aug. 14" title="Vines &amp; Vittles returns to Rancho Bernardo on Aug. 14" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Vines &#038; Vittles returns to Rancho Bernardo on Aug. 14"> <span class="dfm-title"> Vines &#038; Vittles returns to Rancho Bernardo on Aug. 14 </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-13 11:42:10">July 13, 2022 at 6:42 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> It is one month until an expanded Vines &amp; Vittles returns to Webb Park in... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-147768 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-north-county location-poway location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="147768" data-timestamp="1657723264" > <figure> <a href="" title="Two area artists exhibit &#8216;Scenic View&#8217; paintings at Rancho Bernardo Library" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Two area artists exhibit &#8216;Scenic View&#8217; paintings at Rancho Bernardo Library"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Two area artists exhibit &#039;Scenic View&#039; paintings at Rancho Bernardo Library" title="Two area artists exhibit &#039;Scenic View&#039; paintings at Rancho Bernardo Library" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Two area artists exhibit &#8216;Scenic View&#8217; paintings at Rancho Bernardo Library"> <span class="dfm-title"> Two area artists exhibit &#8216;Scenic View&#8217; paintings at Rancho Bernardo Library </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-13 11:41:04">July 13, 2022 at 6:41 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Two area artists are displaying their paintings of far away locales to local places in... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-147848 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="147848" data-timestamp="1657723191" > <figure> <a href="" title="Los Rancheros Kiwanians present record-breaking $25,750 in scholarships" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Los Rancheros Kiwanians present record-breaking $25,750 in scholarships"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Los Rancheros Kiwanians present record-breaking $25,750 in scholarships" title="Los Rancheros Kiwanians present record-breaking $25,750 in scholarships" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Los Rancheros Kiwanians present record-breaking $25,750 in scholarships"> <span class="dfm-title"> Los Rancheros Kiwanians present record-breaking $25,750 in scholarships </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-13 11:39:51">July 13, 2022 at 6:39 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Kiwanis Club of Los Rancheros has presented a total of $25,700 to 24 local... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-139678 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="139678" data-timestamp="1657290926" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Senior Services receives $1,000 donation" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Senior Services receives $1,000 donation"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo Senior Services receives $1,000 donation" title="Rancho Bernardo Senior Services receives $1,000 donation" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Senior Services receives $1,000 donation"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo Senior Services receives $1,000 donation </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-08 11:35:26">July 8, 2022 at 6:35 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> TEAM Referral Network, a local networking/philanthropy group of 12 businesses, has donated $1,000 to Rancho... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-139706 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="139706" data-timestamp="1657290906" > <figure> <a href="" title="North San Diego Soroptimists celebrate 45th anniversary, install officers" class=""></a> <a href="" title="North San Diego Soroptimists celebrate 45th anniversary, install officers"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="North San Diego Soroptimists celebrate 45th anniversary, install officers" title="North San Diego Soroptimists celebrate 45th anniversary, install officers" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="North San Diego Soroptimists celebrate 45th anniversary, install officers"> <span class="dfm-title"> North San Diego Soroptimists celebrate 45th anniversary, install officers </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Pomerado News</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-08 11:35:06">July 8, 2022 at 6:35 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Soroptimist International of North San Diego chapter celebrated its 45th anniversary on June 15... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-146044 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="146044" data-timestamp="1657224288" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo artist Carol Mansfield wins Water Color Society award" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo artist Carol Mansfield wins Water Color Society award"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo artist Carol Mansfield wins Water Color Society award" title="Rancho Bernardo artist Carol Mansfield wins Water Color Society award" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo artist Carol Mansfield wins Water Color Society award"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo artist Carol Mansfield wins Water Color Society award </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Pomerado News</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-07 17:04:48">July 8, 2022 at 12:04 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Carol Mansfield of Rancho Bernardo won the &#8220;Best of Theme&#8221; award in the San Diego... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-146070 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-business category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="146070" data-timestamp="1657224228" > <figure> <a href="" title="Sony Electronics named &#8216;Business of the Year&#8217; by North San Diego Business Chamber" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Sony Electronics named &#8216;Business of the Year&#8217; by North San Diego Business Chamber"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Sony Electronics named &#039;Business of the Year&#039; by North San Diego Business Chamber" title="Sony Electronics named &#039;Business of the Year&#039; by North San Diego Business Chamber" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Sony Electronics named &#8216;Business of the Year&#8217; by North San Diego Business Chamber"> <span class="dfm-title"> Sony Electronics named &#8216;Business of the Year&#8217; by North San Diego Business Chamber </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-07 17:03:48">July 8, 2022 at 12:03 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Sony Electronics, Inc., headquartered in Rancho Bernardo, was named &#8220;Business of the Year&#8221; for large... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-155955 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news category-pomerado-news-things-to-do location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="155955" data-timestamp="1657131951" > <figure> <a href="" title="Summer dance series at Mojalet debuts at new Rancho Bernardo venue" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Summer dance series at Mojalet debuts at new Rancho Bernardo venue"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Summer dance series at Mojalet debuts at new Rancho Bernardo venue" title="Summer dance series at Mojalet debuts at new Rancho Bernardo venue" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Summer dance series at Mojalet debuts at new Rancho Bernardo venue"> <span class="dfm-title"> Summer dance series at Mojalet debuts at new Rancho Bernardo venue </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-06 15:25:51">July 6, 2022 at 10:25 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Mojalet Dance Collective will bring its wide range of dance styles to its summer series,... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-156168 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="156168" data-timestamp="1657131090" > <figure> <a href="" title="Teachers inspired teen artist to pursue career in education" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Teachers inspired teen artist to pursue career in education"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Teachers inspired teen artist to pursue career in education" title="Teachers inspired teen artist to pursue career in education" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Teachers inspired teen artist to pursue career in education"> <span class="dfm-title"> Teachers inspired teen artist to pursue career in education </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-06 15:11:30">July 6, 2022 at 10:11 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Inspired by his teachers, 18-year-old artist Max Walpole is starting on a path to make... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-164533 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="164533" data-timestamp="1657062879" > <figure> <a href="" title="English bulldog wins Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s &#8216;Most Patriotic Pet&#8217; title" class=""></a> <a href="" title="English bulldog wins Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s &#8216;Most Patriotic Pet&#8217; title"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="English bulldog wins Rancho Bernardo&#039;s &#039;Most Patriotic Pet&#039; title" title="English bulldog wins Rancho Bernardo&#039;s &#039;Most Patriotic Pet&#039; title" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="English bulldog wins Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s &#8216;Most Patriotic Pet&#8217; title"> <span class="dfm-title"> English bulldog wins Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s &#8216;Most Patriotic Pet&#8217; title </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-07-05 20:14:39">July 6, 2022 at 3:14 a.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Bentley, an English bulldog &#8220;who loves America,&#8221; according to owner Audrey Bowder, was named Rancho... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-142194 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="142194" data-timestamp="1656517712" > <figure> <a href="" title="4S Ranch, Rancho Bernardo Girl Scouts earn the Gold Award" class=""></a> <a href="" title="4S Ranch, Rancho Bernardo Girl Scouts earn the Gold Award"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="4S Ranch, Rancho Bernardo Girl Scouts earn the Gold Award" title="4S Ranch, Rancho Bernardo Girl Scouts earn the Gold Award" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="4S Ranch, Rancho Bernardo Girl Scouts earn the Gold Award"> <span class="dfm-title"> 4S Ranch, Rancho Bernardo Girl Scouts earn the Gold Award </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-29 12:52:26">June 29, 2022 at 7:52 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Three Girl Scouts from 4S Ranch and one from Rancho Bernardo recently received the Gold... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-142317 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="142317" data-timestamp="1656517449" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo to celebrate the Fourth of July with full day of activities" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo to celebrate the Fourth of July with full day of activities"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo to celebrate the Fourth of July with full day of activities" title="Rancho Bernardo to celebrate the Fourth of July with full day of activities" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo to celebrate the Fourth of July with full day of activities"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo to celebrate the Fourth of July with full day of activities </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-29 12:44:09">June 29, 2022 at 7:44 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A full day of Independence Day activities will be offered in Rancho Bernardo on Monday... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-142476 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-north-county location-poway location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="142476" data-timestamp="1656517163" > <figure> <a href="" title="More collegiate honors, degrees for Rancho Bernardo, Poway students" class=""></a> <a href="" title="More collegiate honors, degrees for Rancho Bernardo, Poway students"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="More collegiate honors, degrees for Rancho Bernardo, Poway students" title="More collegiate honors, degrees for Rancho Bernardo, Poway students" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="More collegiate honors, degrees for Rancho Bernardo, Poway students"> <span class="dfm-title"> More collegiate honors, degrees for Rancho Bernardo, Poway students </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-29 12:39:23">June 29, 2022 at 7:39 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> More students from Poway and the Rancho Bernardo area have earned undergraduate or graduate degrees... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-163671 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-business category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="163671" data-timestamp="1656339201" > <figure> <a href="" title="Business Roundup: Lucia Capital Group moves headquarters to familiar Rancho Bernardo building" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Business Roundup: Lucia Capital Group moves headquarters to familiar Rancho Bernardo building"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Business Roundup: Lucia Capital Group moves headquarters to familiar Rancho Bernardo building" title="Business Roundup: Lucia Capital Group moves headquarters to familiar Rancho Bernardo building" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Business Roundup: Lucia Capital Group moves headquarters to familiar Rancho Bernardo building"> <span class="dfm-title"> Business Roundup: Lucia Capital Group moves headquarters to familiar Rancho Bernardo building </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-28 07:57:17">June 28, 2022 at 2:57 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Lucia Capital Group&#8217;s new Rancho Bernardo headquarters and financial center in the former Pacific Western... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-151034 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="151034" data-timestamp="1655980715" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo seniors have been helping San Diego police for 30 years" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo seniors have been helping San Diego police for 30 years"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo seniors have been helping San Diego police for 30 years" title="Rancho Bernardo seniors have been helping San Diego police for 30 years" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo seniors have been helping San Diego police for 30 years"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo seniors have been helping San Diego police for 30 years </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-23 07:38:35">June 23, 2022 at 2:38 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> For 30 years, a group of retired seniors in Rancho Bernardo have not only been... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-157541 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-north-county location-poway location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="157541" data-timestamp="1655913527" > <figure> <a href="" title="Repaving signals gas pipeline project near the end in Rancho Bernardo, Poway" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Repaving signals gas pipeline project near the end in Rancho Bernardo, Poway"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Repaving signals gas pipeline project near the end in Rancho Bernardo, Poway" title="Repaving signals gas pipeline project near the end in Rancho Bernardo, Poway" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Repaving signals gas pipeline project near the end in Rancho Bernardo, Poway"> <span class="dfm-title"> Repaving signals gas pipeline project near the end in Rancho Bernardo, Poway </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-22 12:58:47">June 22, 2022 at 7:58 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Repaving work will start on Monday and continue throughout July, one of the final steps... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-157917 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="157917" data-timestamp="1655910970" > <figure> <a href="" title="Parade entrants, community fair booths needed to make Spirit of the Fourth a success" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Parade entrants, community fair booths needed to make Spirit of the Fourth a success"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Parade entrants, community fair booths needed to make Spirit of the Fourth a success" title="Parade entrants, community fair booths needed to make Spirit of the Fourth a success" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Parade entrants, community fair booths needed to make Spirit of the Fourth a success"> <span class="dfm-title"> Parade entrants, community fair booths needed to make Spirit of the Fourth a success </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-22 12:16:10">June 22, 2022 at 7:16 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> With early sign-ups low, help from the community is needed to make Rancho Bernardo's 53rd... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-158084 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="158084" data-timestamp="1655910795" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo High&#8217;s top grads reflect on unconventional years" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo High&#8217;s top grads reflect on unconventional years"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo High&#039;s top grads reflect on unconventional years" title="Rancho Bernardo High&#039;s top grads reflect on unconventional years" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo High&#8217;s top grads reflect on unconventional years"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo High&#8217;s top grads reflect on unconventional years </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-25 08:48:34">June 25, 2022 at 3:48 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Rancho Bernardo High School bid farewell to 564 seniors on June 9 when members of... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-171074 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-north-county location-poway location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="171074" data-timestamp="1655304388" > <figure> <a href="" title="With singing, dancing and fitness classes, 97-year-old Poway woman has stayed active" class=""></a> <a href="" title="With singing, dancing and fitness classes, 97-year-old Poway woman has stayed active"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="With singing, dancing and fitness classes, 97-year-old Poway woman has stayed active " title="With singing, dancing and fitness classes, 97-year-old Poway woman has stayed active " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="With singing, dancing and fitness classes, 97-year-old Poway woman has stayed active"> <span class="dfm-title"> With singing, dancing and fitness classes, 97-year-old Poway woman has stayed active </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-15 11:46:28">June 15, 2022 at 6:46 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Mary Beth Doss went to the Rancho Bernardo home of her senior fitness instructor on... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-171144 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="171144" data-timestamp="1655304315" > <figure> <a href="" title="Meet Lea Hernandez, Rancho Bernardo Library&#8217;s new youth librarian" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Meet Lea Hernandez, Rancho Bernardo Library&#8217;s new youth librarian"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Meet Lea Hernandez, Rancho Bernardo Library&#039;s new youth librarian" title="Meet Lea Hernandez, Rancho Bernardo Library&#039;s new youth librarian" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Meet Lea Hernandez, Rancho Bernardo Library&#8217;s new youth librarian"> <span class="dfm-title"> Meet Lea Hernandez, Rancho Bernardo Library&#8217;s new youth librarian </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-15 11:45:15">June 15, 2022 at 6:45 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> With a love of literature and working with teens, Lea Hernandez, Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s new youth... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-171406 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="171406" data-timestamp="1655302570" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Woman&#8217;s Club honors new members" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Woman&#8217;s Club honors new members"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo Woman&#039;s Club honors new members" title="Rancho Bernardo Woman&#039;s Club honors new members" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Woman&#8217;s Club honors new members"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo Woman&#8217;s Club honors new members </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-15 11:16:10">June 15, 2022 at 6:16 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Rancho Bernardo Woman&#8217;s Club recently honored 33 women during its first New Member Luncheon... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-159406 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="159406" data-timestamp="1654884004" > <figure> <a href="" title="Half Rounders celebrate 20th anniversary" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Half Rounders celebrate 20th anniversary"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Half Rounders celebrate 20th anniversary" title="Half Rounders celebrate 20th anniversary" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Half Rounders celebrate 20th anniversary"> <span class="dfm-title"> Half Rounders celebrate 20th anniversary </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Pomerado News</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-10 15:00:04">June 10, 2022 at 10:00 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Current and former members of the Half Rounders nine-hole golf group gathered on May 17... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-154602 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="154602" data-timestamp="1654704965" > <figure> <a href="" title="Each plaque on the Rancho Bernardo Pathway of Pride has a unique story" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Each plaque on the Rancho Bernardo Pathway of Pride has a unique story"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Each plaque on the Rancho Bernardo Pathway of Pride has a unique story " title="Each plaque on the Rancho Bernardo Pathway of Pride has a unique story " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Each plaque on the Rancho Bernardo Pathway of Pride has a unique story"> <span class="dfm-title"> Each plaque on the Rancho Bernardo Pathway of Pride has a unique story </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-08 13:16:05">June 8, 2022 at 8:16 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The new plaques unveiled along the Pathway of Pride honor lost love ones, celebrate a... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-154698 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news category-pomerado-news-things-to-do location-california location-north-county location-poway location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="154698" data-timestamp="1654704916" > <figure> <a href="" title="Free summer movies return to local parks starting June 18" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Free summer movies return to local parks starting June 18"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Free summer movies return to local parks starting June 18" title="Free summer movies return to local parks starting June 18" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Free summer movies return to local parks starting June 18"> <span class="dfm-title"> Free summer movies return to local parks starting June 18 </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-09 16:33:37">June 9, 2022 at 11:33 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> With a mix of recent releases and decades-old favorites, the popular free Summer Movies in... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-172779 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="172779" data-timestamp="1654263616" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo High students hold rally to express emotions, fears about school shootings" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo High students hold rally to express emotions, fears about school shootings"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo High students hold rally to express emotions, fears about school shootings" title="Rancho Bernardo High students hold rally to express emotions, fears about school shootings" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo High students hold rally to express emotions, fears about school shootings"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo High students hold rally to express emotions, fears about school shootings </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-16 13:36:21">June 16, 2022 at 8:36 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A group of Rancho Bernardo High students organized a lunchtime rally on Thursday as a... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-168002 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="168002" data-timestamp="1654169420" > <figure> <a href="" title="Local artists&#8217; works on exhibit at Rancho Bernardo church" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Local artists&#8217; works on exhibit at Rancho Bernardo church"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Local artists&#039; works on exhibit at Rancho Bernardo church " title="Local artists&#039; works on exhibit at Rancho Bernardo church " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Local artists&#8217; works on exhibit at Rancho Bernardo church"> <span class="dfm-title"> Local artists&#8217; works on exhibit at Rancho Bernardo church </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-02 08:30:20">June 2, 2022 at 3:30 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> An exhibit featuring the works of North County Society of Fine Arts members can be... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-168060 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="168060" data-timestamp="1654169392" > <figure> <a href="" title="Brandeis National Committee&#8217;s Rancho Bernardo Chapter is getting revitalized" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Brandeis National Committee&#8217;s Rancho Bernardo Chapter is getting revitalized"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Brandeis National Committee&#039;s Rancho Bernardo Chapter is getting revitalized " title="Brandeis National Committee&#039;s Rancho Bernardo Chapter is getting revitalized " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Brandeis National Committee&#8217;s Rancho Bernardo Chapter is getting revitalized"> <span class="dfm-title"> Brandeis National Committee&#8217;s Rancho Bernardo Chapter is getting revitalized </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-02 08:29:52">June 2, 2022 at 3:29 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Rancho Bernardo Chapter of Brandeis National Committee is revving up instead of taking the... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-176491 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="176491" data-timestamp="1654096111" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo ceremony commemorates those who lost their lives in service" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo ceremony commemorates those who lost their lives in service"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo ceremony commemorates those who lost their lives in service " title="Rancho Bernardo ceremony commemorates those who lost their lives in service " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo ceremony commemorates those who lost their lives in service"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo ceremony commemorates those who lost their lives in service </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Pomerado News</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-02 08:10:48">June 2, 2022 at 3:10 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Military veterans and community members on Monday attended the Memorial Day ceremony at the Rancho... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-176605 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="176605" data-timestamp="1654096026" > <figure> <a href="" title="Read books, win prizes at the Rancho Bernardo Library this summer" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Read books, win prizes at the Rancho Bernardo Library this summer"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Read books, win prizes at the Rancho Bernardo Library this summer" title="Read books, win prizes at the Rancho Bernardo Library this summer" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Read books, win prizes at the Rancho Bernardo Library this summer"> <span class="dfm-title"> Read books, win prizes at the Rancho Bernardo Library this summer </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-06-01 12:07:06">June 1, 2022 at 7:07 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The annual Summer Reading Program kicked off on Wednesday at all San Diego Public Library... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-175145 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="175145" data-timestamp="1653584764" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Historical Society to hold pancake festival on Monday" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Historical Society to hold pancake festival on Monday"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo Historical Society to hold pancake festival on Monday" title="Rancho Bernardo Historical Society to hold pancake festival on Monday" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Historical Society to hold pancake festival on Monday"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo Historical Society to hold pancake festival on Monday </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-26 14:06:04">May 26, 2022 at 9:06 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Start Memorial Day morning by eating breakfast in Webb Park during the Rancho Bernardo Historical... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-186829 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="186829" data-timestamp="1653486451" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s Memorial Day ceremony is Monday in Webb Park" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s Memorial Day ceremony is Monday in Webb Park"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo&#039;s Memorial Day ceremony is Monday in Webb Park" title="Rancho Bernardo&#039;s Memorial Day ceremony is Monday in Webb Park" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s Memorial Day ceremony is Monday in Webb Park"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo&#8217;s Memorial Day ceremony is Monday in Webb Park </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-25 10:47:31">May 25, 2022 at 5:47 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Military veterans in Rancho Bernardo will be joined by community members on Monday to honor... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-186860 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-north-county location-poway location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="186860" data-timestamp="1653486427" > <figure> <a href="" title="4S Ranch woman collecting shoes to raise money for Ukrainians" class=""></a> <a href="" title="4S Ranch woman collecting shoes to raise money for Ukrainians"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="4S Ranch woman collecting shoes to raise money for Ukrainians" title="4S Ranch woman collecting shoes to raise money for Ukrainians" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="4S Ranch woman collecting shoes to raise money for Ukrainians"> <span class="dfm-title"> 4S Ranch woman collecting shoes to raise money for Ukrainians </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-25 10:47:07">May 25, 2022 at 5:47 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A 4S Ranch resident is leading a shoe drive throughout the area to help those... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-186954 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="186954" data-timestamp="1653486395" > <figure> <a href="" title="AquaBodies provides physical benefits and friendship in a Rancho Bernardo pool" class=""></a> <a href="" title="AquaBodies provides physical benefits and friendship in a Rancho Bernardo pool"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="AquaBodies provides physical benefits and friendship in a Rancho Bernardo pool" title="AquaBodies provides physical benefits and friendship in a Rancho Bernardo pool" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="AquaBodies provides physical benefits and friendship in a Rancho Bernardo pool"> <span class="dfm-title"> AquaBodies provides physical benefits and friendship in a Rancho Bernardo pool </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-25 10:46:35">May 25, 2022 at 5:46 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Three times a week a group of women can be found in the Club 21... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-188618 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="188618" data-timestamp="1653479818" > <figure> <a href="" title="Have a say in Rancho Bernardo Community Recreation Group&#8217;s election" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Have a say in Rancho Bernardo Community Recreation Group&#8217;s election"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Have a say in Rancho Bernardo Community Recreation Group&#039;s election" title="Have a say in Rancho Bernardo Community Recreation Group&#039;s election" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Have a say in Rancho Bernardo Community Recreation Group&#8217;s election"> <span class="dfm-title"> Have a say in Rancho Bernardo Community Recreation Group&#8217;s election </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-25 08:56:58">May 25, 2022 at 3:56 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> For the first time in many years there is a contested election for seats on... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-188900 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-business category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="188900" data-timestamp="1653479087" > <figure> <a href="" title="Business Roundup: Premier Martial Arts studio to open in Rancho Bernardo Town Center" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Business Roundup: Premier Martial Arts studio to open in Rancho Bernardo Town Center"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Business Roundup: Premier Martial Arts studio to open in Rancho Bernardo Town Center" title="Business Roundup: Premier Martial Arts studio to open in Rancho Bernardo Town Center" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Business Roundup: Premier Martial Arts studio to open in Rancho Bernardo Town Center"> <span class="dfm-title"> Business Roundup: Premier Martial Arts studio to open in Rancho Bernardo Town Center </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-25 09:03:39">May 25, 2022 at 4:03 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A new martial arts studio that combines various disciplines in its curriculum is opening in... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-182007 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="182007" data-timestamp="1652988147" > <figure> <a href="" title="Chef&#8217;s Garden at Rancho Bernardo Inn gets national recognition" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Chef&#8217;s Garden at Rancho Bernardo Inn gets national recognition"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Chef&#039;s Garden at Rancho Bernardo Inn gets national recognition" title="Chef&#039;s Garden at Rancho Bernardo Inn gets national recognition" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Chef&#8217;s Garden at Rancho Bernardo Inn gets national recognition"> <span class="dfm-title"> Chef&#8217;s Garden at Rancho Bernardo Inn gets national recognition </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-19 16:22:27">May 19, 2022 at 11:22 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Visitors to the Rancho Bernardo Inn who take a stroll along the path between its... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-182277 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="182277" data-timestamp="1652987784" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo artist wins San Diego Watercolor Society honor" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo artist wins San Diego Watercolor Society honor"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo artist wins San Diego Watercolor Society honor" title="Rancho Bernardo artist wins San Diego Watercolor Society honor" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo artist wins San Diego Watercolor Society honor"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo artist wins San Diego Watercolor Society honor </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-19 16:16:24">May 19, 2022 at 11:16 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Artist Vita Sorrentino of Rancho Bernardo won third place in this month&#8217;s San Diego Watercolor... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-182347 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="182347" data-timestamp="1652987707" > <figure> <a href="" title="Senior fair to provide information and lunch on May 25 in Rancho Bernardo" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Senior fair to provide information and lunch on May 25 in Rancho Bernardo"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Senior fair to provide information and lunch on May 25 in Rancho Bernardo" title="Senior fair to provide information and lunch on May 25 in Rancho Bernardo" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Senior fair to provide information and lunch on May 25 in Rancho Bernardo"> <span class="dfm-title"> Senior fair to provide information and lunch on May 25 in Rancho Bernardo </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-19 16:15:07">May 19, 2022 at 11:15 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Ed Brown Center for Active Adults is hosting a free senior health fair on... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-179982 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="179982" data-timestamp="1652358417" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo residents, businesses will soon have to change their trash disposal habits" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo residents, businesses will soon have to change their trash disposal habits"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo residents, businesses will soon have to change their trash disposal habits" title="Rancho Bernardo residents, businesses will soon have to change their trash disposal habits" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo residents, businesses will soon have to change their trash disposal habits"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo residents, businesses will soon have to change their trash disposal habits </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-12 09:26:57">May 12, 2022 at 4:26 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> Rancho Bernardo residents and businesses in coming months will have to separate their waste among... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-188887 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-business category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="188887" data-timestamp="1652281142" > <figure> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Business Association back after two-year hiatus" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Business Association back after two-year hiatus"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Rancho Bernardo Business Association back after two-year hiatus" title="Rancho Bernardo Business Association back after two-year hiatus" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Rancho Bernardo Business Association back after two-year hiatus"> <span class="dfm-title"> Rancho Bernardo Business Association back after two-year hiatus </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-11 11:59:02">May 11, 2022 at 6:59 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Rancho Bernardo Business Association held its first mixer in more than two years on... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-188984 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="188984" data-timestamp="1652281016" > <figure> <a href="" title="Chalk artists create colorful designs on Rancho Bernardo park sidewalks" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Chalk artists create colorful designs on Rancho Bernardo park sidewalks"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Chalk artists create colorful designs on Rancho Bernardo park sidewalks " title="Chalk artists create colorful designs on Rancho Bernardo park sidewalks " subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Chalk artists create colorful designs on Rancho Bernardo park sidewalks"> <span class="dfm-title"> Chalk artists create colorful designs on Rancho Bernardo park sidewalks </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-11 13:27:38">May 11, 2022 at 8:27 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> A sidewalk winding through Rancho Bernardo Community Park was decorated Saturday with colorful designs ranging... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <article class=" tag-search-view archive-view has-image post-189137 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-pomerado-news category-pomerado-news-business category-pomerado-news-news location-california location-rancho-bernardo location-san-diego location-san-diego-county" data-id="189137" data-timestamp="1652280848" > <figure> <a href="" title="Bernardo Heights Country Club has a new name" class=""></a> <a href="" title="Bernardo Heights Country Club has a new name"> <div class="image-wrapper"><img alt="Bernardo Heights Country Club has a new name" title="Bernardo Heights Country Club has a new name" subtitle="" class="lazyload size-feature_small" data-sizes="auto" data-src="" data-srcset=" 140w" ></div> </a> </figure> <div class="article-info"> <header> <h2 class="entry-title"> <div class="entry-section"><a href="">Pomerado News | </a></div> <a class="article-title" href="" title="Bernardo Heights Country Club has a new name"> <span class="dfm-title"> Bernardo Heights Country Club has a new name </span> </a> </h2> <!-- --> <div class="entry-meta"> <div class="byline">By <a href="">Elizabeth Marie Himchak</a></div> <time datetime="2022-05-11 11:54:08">May 11, 2022 at 6:54 p.m.</time> </div><!-- .entry-meta --> </header> <div class="excerpt"> The Bernardo Heights Country Club has a new name. It is now The Heights Golf... </div> </div><!-- .article-info --> </article> <a href="" class="load-more">Load More</a></div> </div> <aside class="sidebar-ad-container"> <div class="dfp-ad dfp-cube1_rrail_atf" id="div-gpt-ad-cube1_rrail_atf" style="visibility:hidden"> <div class="htlad-cube1_rrail_atf" data-unit='' data-targeting=''></div> </div> <div class="dfp-ad dfp-cube2_rrail_mid" id="div-gpt-ad-cube2_rrail_mid" style="visibility:hidden"> <div class="htlad-cube2_rrail_mid" data-unit='' data-targeting=''></div> </div> <div class="dfp-ad dfp-cube3_rrail_lower" id="div-gpt-ad-cube3_rrail_lower" style="visibility:hidden"> <div class="htlad-cube3_rrail_lower" data-unit='' data-targeting=''></div> </div> </aside> <div class="dfm-page-bottom-flex-container"> <div data-cswidget="11821" style="margin: 3% 0 3% 0;"> </div> </div> <div class="dfp-ad dfp-bottom_leaderboard" id="div-gpt-ad-bottom_leaderboard" style="visibility:hidden"> <div class="htlad-bottom_leaderboard" data-unit='' 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