Admissions - Palm Beach Atlantic University - Modern Campus Catalog™
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The review of an application would include items, such as the applicant’s academic record, and if submitted, essay, test scores, recommendation letters, and extracurricular activities. Though a traditional entry term begins in the fall, PBA will accept applicants for spring and summer terms. The University will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, sex, handicap, or national/ethnic origin.</p> <p>The Office of Admissions and those representing the university in recruitment efforts adhere to guidelines set forth by the North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals (NACCAP), the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). Other memberships and affiliations may include the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU), regional chapters of the national organizations, and other special focus recruitment and admissions organizations. In general, as part of our agreement and affiliation with some or all of these organizations, we engage in fair and equitable admission, recruitment, and marketing practices. For the full review of the policies, please refer to each organizations website.</p> <h2><a id="admission-requirements" name="admission-requirements"></a>Undergraduate Admission Requirements</h2> <p>There are two different modalities of instruction for undergraduate degrees and programs at the University: on-campus (West Palm Beach, Orlando) and online (PBA Online Undergraduate). Within each modality, students may be classified as an incoming freshman student, transfer student, or readmitted student.</p> <h3>West Palm Beach</h3> <h3>Freshmen Students (Undergraduate)</h3> <p>A freshman student classification includes any student who has not attempted 12 or more college level credit hours post-graduation from high school or post-completion of a GED. Students who have attempted 12 or more college level credit hours may be considered a transfer student for admission and scholarship purposes. Credits earned prior to high school graduation as part of a dual enrollment program or credit by examination are not considered in the 12 or more college-level credit hours.</p> <p>Students may begin to apply for admission after their junior year in high school. The Office of Admissions recommends students submit all items listed below for admission review.  Students may be reviewed, however, without all materials below and receive an admissions decision.</p> <ul> <li>A completed online application </li> <li>High school transcripts, including any college credit coursework.</li> <li>Scores on the SAT, ACT or the Classic Learning Test (CLT) a student would like to submit for consideration.<strong> </strong>Admission to PBA is test optional for 2024-2025. Some scholarship application, state and federal grants may require a test score. PBA reserves the right to request a test score at any point in the admissions process.</li> <li>Any additional materials or steps requested by the Office of Admissions (i.e. international transcript evaluations, essays, letters of recommendation, post-secondary transcripts, or personal interview).</li> </ul> <p>In general, students should complete at least the following college preparatory coursework including: English (4 units), mathematics (3 units at the level of Algebra I or higher), natural science (3 units with lab), social science (3 units of history, government, economics, psychology, or sociology). Some flexibility is permitted in choice of subjects. Students may be accepted for admission without the recommended number of courses in a particular field. The GED is acceptable as a substitute for a high school diploma. Final transcripts with graduation date should be submitted prior to enrollment. Failure to submit final transcripts and/or official test scores or other requested items may result in a hold or automatic withdrawal from classes (subject to corresponding tuition, fees, or other charges assessed to that point in time).</p> <p>The Admission Review Committee holistically considers all pieces of an application file including, but not limited to the academic strength of a student’s program, grade point average (GPA), participation in extracurricular activities, or overall fit with the University.</p> <h3>Transfer Students</h3> <p>A transfer student classification includes any student who has attempted 12 or more college level credit hours post-graduation from high school or post-completion of the GED. Students who have attempted less than 12 college level credit hours may be considered a freshman student.</p> <p>Students may begin to apply for transfer admission at any point after attempting 12 or more college level credit hours post-graduation from high school or post-completion of the GED. Transfer students should be in good standing with all previous institutions attended and eligible for return prior to enrolling at PBA. The Office of Admissions recommends students submit all items listed below for admission review.  Students may be reviewed, however, without all materials below and receive an admissions decision.</p> <ul> <li>A completed online application</li> <li>Official transcripts from all colleges previously attended. <strong>NOTE:</strong> Unofficial electronic documents may be used during the admission process; however, they are not acceptable for official university use (i.e. official course transfer credit evaluation).</li> <li>Any additional materials or steps requested by the Office of Admissions (i.e. international transcript evaluations, essays, letters of recommendation, or personal interview).</li> </ul> <p>Despite having transferable college credit, a student applying for transfer admissions may be asked to submit ACT/SAT/CLT and/or high school transcripts as part of the application process.</p> <p>Students attending an institution with an established Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Articulation Agreement (Agreement) will be held to the same application and admission requirements. Should an MOU or Agreement dictate differently, we will defer to the terms of those expressed agreements.</p> <p>Credit will be awarded for courses completed at institutionally accredited institutions if they approximately correspond to PBA courses and if the student has earned a grade of “C-” or better. All official college transcripts must be submitted directly to Palm Beach Atlantic University from every institution previously attended prior to enrollment at PBA. This includes institutions where courses were attempted and credit was not earned (failing grades or withdrawals). If the transcripts are not submitted, financial aid and class registration will be frozen. Failure to submit official transcripts may result in automatic withdrawal from courses (subject to corresponding tuition, fees, or other charges assessed to that point in time). We will make an effort to encourage official transcripts prior to the student enrolling for their respective term. For Financial Aid, FAFSA self-certify will verify high school completion. PBA reserves the right to research previous institutions attended through the National Student Clearinghouse database.</p> <p>A student presenting transfer credit from an institution that was not accredited as degree granting by a post-secondary institutional accrediting commission at the time the course work was completed may seek credit validation upon the successful completion (at least a cumulative GPA of 2.0) of 30 credit hours at PBA. For planning purposes, an unofficial evaluation of credit will be provided at the time of enrollment. Only courses that parallel those of PBA and for which a grade of “C-” or better has been earned will be considered. Upon the completion of the residency requirement and satisfaction of the academic progress requirement, the unofficial evaluation will be validated and the courses will transfer as noted on the official evaluation. The student must submit written notification to the Office of the Registrar upon successful completion of the residency requirement.</p> <p>PBA accepts course-by-course international transcript evaluations from SpanTran: The Evaluation Company. A student may also request a course-by-course evaluation from any of the evaluators who are members of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). A list of current members can be found here: <a href=""></a></p> <p><em>Articulation Agreement:</em> Any student completing an Associate of Arts degree from an institutionally accredited community college is guaranteed:</p> <ul> <li>Junior standing with the application of a minimum of 60 credit hours toward the baccalaureate degree; and</li> <li>Recognition of completion of the Faith, Roots, and Reason (General Education) requirements, excluding Exploring the Bible, Christian Values and Biblical Faith, and Freedom in American Society or American Free Enterprise.</li> </ul> <h3>Readmitted Students</h3> <p>Students who previously attended PBA as a degree-seeking student should apply for readmission back to PBA, prior to registering for courses, if they have formally withdrawn from the university or did not enroll into classes for at least two consecutive fall and spring semesters. Students who have not enrolled for one consecutive fall and spring semester or with an approved medical withdrawal do not need to apply for readmission prior to registration. The Office of Admissions recommends students submit all items listed below for admission review. Students may be reviewed, however, without all materials below and receive an admissions decision.</p> <ul> <li>A completed online readmission application</li> <li>Official transcripts from all colleges attended before and after PBA NOTE: Unofficial electronic documents may be used during the admission process; however, they are not acceptable for official university use (i.e. official course transfer credit evaluation)</li> <li>Any additional materials or steps requested by the Office of Admissions (i.e. international transcript evaluations, letters of recommendation, post-secondary transcripts, or personal interview)</li> </ul> <p>Students who left PBA with holds may be asked to resolve those holds prior to enrollment. Holds may include, but are not limited to, financial aid documents, unresolved balances, Workship holds, student accountability holds, or academic standing. Students currently under Academic Suspension must receive approval from the respective Dean prior to readmittance to PBA. Students must be in good standing with all previous institutions attended and eligible for return prior to reenrolling at PBA.</p> <h3>International Students</h3> <p>International student classification includes any student without U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Residency. Please note that students who are U.S. Citizens or have U.S. Permanent Residency who attend an institution outside of the United States may be required to submit third-party translations or evaluations of any transcript. International students applying to PBA are recommended to submit an application at least two months prior to the desired date of enrollment for full consideration. International students are classified as Freshman or Transfer based on the parameters previously outlined. The Office of Admissions recommends students submit all items listed below for admission review.  Students may be reviewed, however, without all materials below and receive an admissions decision. </p> <p><strong>Freshmen</strong></p> <ul> <li> <div>A completed online application</div> </li> <li> <div>Scores on the SAT, ACT or the Classic Learning Test (CLT) a student would like to submit for consideration. Admission to PBA is test optional for 2024-2025. Some scholarship application, state and federal grants may require a test score. PBA reserves the right to request a test score at any point in the admissions process.</div> </li> <li> <div>English language proficiency scores; For students seeking entry to PBA from a country where English is not the primary language, a minimum TOEFL score of 79, IELTS score of 6.5 or Duolingo score of 100 is required. This requirement is waived for students who have enrolled at a school in the US for at least one academic semester, have  enrolled at an English language school for at least one academic semester or have enrolled at a school outside of the US where the primary language of instruction is English for one academic semester.</div> </li> <li>International transcripts must be evaluated by a company that is a current member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services, Inc. <a href=""></a>. An official course-by-course evaluation must be sent to PBA by the evaluation company to complete the admissions application and have any eligible credits evaluated for transfer.</li> </ul> <div><strong>Transfers</strong></div> <ul> <li> <div>A completed online application</div> </li> <li> <div>English language proficiency scores; For students seeking entry to PBA from a country where English is not the primary language, a minimum TOEFL score of 79, IELTS score of 6.5 or Duolingo score of 105 is required. <strong>T</strong>his requirement is waived for students who have enrolled at a school in the US for at least one academic semester, have enrolled at an English language school for at least one academic semester or have enrolled at a school outside of the US where the primary language of instruction is English for one academic semester.</div> </li> <li> <div>Official transcripts from all colleges previously attended. NOTE: Unofficial electronic documents may be used during the admission process; however, they are not acceptable for official university use (i.e. official course transfer credit evaluation). Transcripts from universities outside the U.S. must include a course by course evaluation and GPA equivalent from an educational consulting firm that is an approved member* of the NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Services, <a href=""></a>). </div> </li> <li> <div>Any additional materials or steps requested by the Office of Admissions (i.e. essays, letters of recommendation, or personal interview).</div> </li> </ul> <div> <p>Despite having transferable college credit, a student applying for transfer admissions may be asked to submit ACT/SAT/CLT and/or high school transcripts as part of the application process. </p> </div> <p><strong>Student Visa</strong></p> <p>International students who are not citizens or residents of the U.S. and do not hold a qualifying visa type to study in the US are required to apply for an F-1 student visa to study at PBA. Proof of financial support including tuition, living and other miscellaneous expenses for one academic year is required to apply.</p> <h3>Non-Degree Students</h3> <p>Students may be admitted to PBA on a non-degree seeking basis. To apply, students must submit an online non-degree seeking application with the desired entry term listed (fall, spring or summer). In addition, students may be required to submit an essay, transcripts, standardized test scores, or other requested documents.</p> <p>Non-degree seeking students will be enrolled at PBA depending on available space for the class or classes requested. In order to ensure availability, degree-seeking students will be prioritized for scheduling. This may result in non-degree seeking students receiving a registration window within two weeks of classes starting. If a student desires to take a course at PBA that has pre-requisites, the student must supply official college transcripts demonstrating completion of those requirements. Non-degree seeking study is limited to nine credit hours only; if a student wishes to take classes beyond nine credits, they must apply as a full-time, degree seeking student. If a student is interested in living on campus, he or she must apply for housing and fulfill any requirements requested by Residence Life. The University reserves the right to deny housing to any student.</p> <p>Non-degree seeking students also have the ability to audit a course. When auditing a course, the cost for the course will be less but the student will not receive credit. Should the student decide to audit a course, he or she must notify the Admissions Office.</p> <p>Students who have completed a degree and are seeking to fulfill pre-requisites for graduate school may also apply for admission as a non-degree seeking student.</p> <p>Due to the nature of our capacity constraints, non-degree students may need to wait on an application decision while the Office of Admission determines if there is space to enroll.</p> <h3>Transient Students from Other Institutions</h3> <p>PBA welcomes transient students who are currently enrolled in other colleges and universities. A non-degree application must be submitted, and the student must also submit a letter of good standing from the institution in which he or she is currently enrolled. Transient study is usually limited to nine credit hours and students should obtain approval from the institution in which they are enrolled. Transient students are subject to the same application process and policies outlined for Non-degree seeking students. In addition, transient students may be required to show proof that the PBA course will transfer to the home institution and has been approved for transient/transfer work.</p> <h3>Supplemental Applications</h3> <p>Some programs require either an audition or a supplemental application prior to official major declaration There may also be additional documents requested for these programs, including but not limited to, an audition, portfolio, headshot, essays, or test scores. The following list may include, but is not limited to these programs:</p> <ul> <li>Music</li> <li>Instrument Performance</li> <li>Keyboard Performance</li> <li>Popular Music</li> <li>Music Education</li> <li>Voice Performance</li> <li>Worship Leadership</li> </ul> <h3><a id="veterans-benefits" name="veterans-benefits"></a>Veterans Benefits</h3> <p>The Office of Admissions is committed to working with veterans in the utmost ethical way. As a department, we commit to engaging in low-pressure conversations designed to benefit, support, and educate our veterans in the admissions process. In addition, we do not provide commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance. We will work closely with students to direct them to speak with their Educational Services Officer or counselor within their military service prior to enrolling the student in the institution.</p> <p>Veterans may qualify for educational assistance according to their length of military service. Widows and children of veterans who died or were disabled as a result of service, connected injury or disease may also be eligible for educational benefits. Information may be obtained from the Veterans Administration or from PBA’s Office of the Registrar. Veterans receiving benefits under chapter 31 and 33 have their tuition and fees paid directly to the school by the government.  Veterans enrolled under all other chapters receive their allowances directly from the government and pay tuition and fees as all students are required.</p> <p><em>WARNING: Students who drop or withdraw from a course may not be paid for the course unless the circumstances for having to drop the course are considered to be mitigating circumstances by the Veterans Administration, i.e., circumstances beyond the control of the student.</em></p> <h3>VA Pending Payment Compliance</h3> <p>In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), Palm Beach Atlantic University adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA.  PBA will not:</p> <ul> <li>Prevent the student’s enrollment;</li> <li>Assess a late penalty fee to the student;</li> <li>Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;</li> <li>Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.</li> </ul> <p>However, to qualify for this provision, students are required to:</p> <ul> <li>Produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the end of the first week of classes;</li> <li>Provide a written request to be certified;</li> <li>Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies </li> </ul> <p><em>WARNING: Students who drop or withdraw from a course may not be paid for the course unless the circumstances for having to drop the course are considered to be mitigating circumstances by the Veterans Administration, i.e., circumstances beyond the control of the student.</em></p> <h3>Vocational Rehabilitation</h3> <p>Physically disabled students may be approved to receive financial assistance to attend college for the purpose of vocational rehabilitation. Those who wish to consult with a representative regarding vocational rehabilitation should contact their local district office of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services.</p> <p><em>NOTE: The Financial Aid Office coordinates the process for Satisfactory Academic Progress and Eligibility for Financial Assistance. Any student who receives financial assistance at PBA of any type (federal, state, institutional, or outside scholarships/grants) must demonstrate both qualitatively and quantitatively the ability to do satisfactory academic work and to progress measurably toward a degree. At the end of the spring semester of each academic year, the Financial Aid Office evaluates the academic progress of each student receiving financial assistance. This evaluation determines a student’s eligibility to receive financial assistance in the next academic year. In addition, at the end of both the fall and spring semesters, the Office of the Registrar reviews the qualitative academic progress of all degree-seeking students to determine the eligibility for continued enrollment at PBA.</em></p> <p>Undergraduate students enrolled in a PBA Online program, or graduate students or pharmacy students should note the refund policy stated in those sections of the Catalog.</p> <h3>Yellow Ribbon Program</h3> <p>Palm Beach Atlantic University has committed to a maximum Yellow Ribbon Program match contribution of $5,000 for undergraduate and $5,000 for the Gregory School of Pharmacy students, and a maximum match of $3,000 for graduate students. PBA has entered an agreement with VA to contribute up to 50% of unmet charges and VA will match 50%. The combined school and VA Yellow ribbon contributions cannot exceed the tuition and fee amount charged the student.</p> <p>Funds for Yellow Ribbon contributions may derive from any source of institutional funding that are not already allocated or awarded for a non-Yellow Ribbon purpose.  Student ledgers must denote the school’s and VA’s contributions as “Yellow Ribbon.”</p> <p>Yellow Ribbon funds cannot be denoted as any type of grant, scholarship or other fund sources that would be applied to the student’s account regardless of Yellow Ribbon program participation.</p> <p>To apply for Yellow Ribbon students must contact the Veterans & Military Service Office at 561-803-2145 or email <a href=""></a></p> <h2>Deadline for Completing Applications</h2> <p>Applications are accepted throughout the year. The Admission Review Committee convenes to review files on a rolling admission basis. While there is no deadline, students are encouraged to apply early for housing, registration, and financial assistance.</p> <p>A mandatory $300 reservation deposit is required for all first-time PBA students. This deposit secures the student’s registration and applied to their bill in their first semester at PBA. Readmission and non-degree students are required to submit a $100 reservation to secure the student’s registration.</p> <h2><a id="admission-status" name="admission-status"></a>Admission Status</h2> <h3>Capacity</h3> <p>The Admission Review Committee encourages early applications from those students who are interested in enrolling at PBA. </p> <h3>Admission Decisions</h3> <p>The Admission Review Committee renders admission decisions based on a holistic review of a student’s application. Students who are admitted to PBA are invited to enroll at PBA for the entry term for which they applied. To secure their spot at PBA, students submit a $300 enrollment deposit ($100 for readmission and non-degree students); the University only guarantees registration and housing to those students who have deposited while space is available.  Deposits are non-refundable after May 1 for the fall semester, and are non-refundable after December 1 for the spring semester.</p> <p>Below is an outline of the potential admission decisions rendered by the Admission Review Committee:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Regular Acceptance: </strong>Students who are admitted to PBA without any condition, based on the student’s application materials, at the discretion of the Admission Review Committee.</li> <li><strong>Conditional Acceptance: </strong>Students who are admitted to the University under the condition that they complete specific academic course requirements at the discretion of the Admission Review Committee. Conditional courses may be either remedial or credit-seeking in mathematics and/or English disciplines to provide additional academic support for the students.</li> <li> <p><strong>Provisional Acceptance:</strong> Students who are admitted to the University without all required application documents, under the provision that they will submit a required document, such as an International Transcript Evaluation. Should this documentation not be received or be unsatisfactory once received, PBA reserves the right to revoke said student’s acceptance.  </p> </li> <li><strong>Denial:</strong> Students who fail to meet the overall criteria necessary for admission, at the discretion of the Admission Review Committee, may be denied. A decision will be sent directly to these applicants after it has been finalized.</li> <li><strong>Waitlist:</strong> Students who, after initial review of the application, are deemed not admitted nor denied. In the event of a student being placed on the waitlist, the student is able to upload additional documents for review. A re-review will then take place for the student to be admitted or denied. </li> </ul> <h2><a id="special-programs" name="special-programs"></a>Special Programs</h2> <h3>Dual Enrolled High School Students</h3> <p>Students may be eligible to enroll in college-level courses at PBA for a transcript fee while still attending high school. In general, students should be 16 years of age prior to the start of classes and maintain a 3.0 high school GPA to be eligible for dual enrollment. Opportunities for dual enrollment are typically available through dual enrollment partnerships with various high schools. To be eligible for the program:</p> <ul> <li>Students must be enrolled and in good standing in a partner high school and approved by the high school to participate.</li> <li>Students must have academic standing at the high school sophomore, junior, or senior level.</li> <li>Students must possess a minimum cumulative GPA (unweighted) of 3.0 while participating in the program.</li> <li>For courses requiring pre-requisites, students must have successfully completed the pre-requisites with a grade of B or higher to continue.</li> <li>Students’ high school transcripts must be provided to PBA by their high school upon request so that eligibility can be verified.</li> </ul> <p>Dual enrollment and the early college program is limited to 29 credit hours earned; instruction beyond 29 credit hours requires payment of the full undergraduate tuition rate. Students may enroll in no more than 11 credit hours (including both dual enrollment and early college program courses) in a single semester.</p> <h3>Propel Early College Program</h3> <p>Students may be eligible to enroll in college-level courses at PBA at a reduced rate while still attending high school. In general, students should be 16 years of age prior to the start of classes and maintain a 3.0 high school GPA to be eligible for the early college program. These courses, while not eligible for high school credit, are eligible for college credit. Opportunities for these courses are typically available online and, in limited cases, in person. The Office of Admissions recommends students submit the following items to be reviewed for admission:</p> <ul> <li>A completed online application</li> <li>High school transcripts</li> </ul> <p>Dual enrollment and the early college program is limited to 29 credit hours earned; instruction beyond 29 credit hours requires payment of the full undergraduate tuition rate. Students may enroll in no more than 11 credit hours (including both dual enrollment and early college program courses) in a single semester.</p> <h2><a id="online" name="online"></a>PBA Online</h2> <p><strong>Palm Beach Atlantic University is committed to serving the learning needs of remote students</strong> by offering the opportunity to earn a Bachelor’s degree by attending classes online.</p> <p>PBA strives to maintain a student body which represents a broad variety of abilities, backgrounds, and career goals. All qualified men and women are welcome to apply without regard to race, color, age, sex, handicap, religion, or national or ethnic origin.</p> <p>New students may begin online classes in the fall, spring, or summer. Students can be admitted unconditionally, conditionally and provisionally. For details, contact the Admissions Office.</p> <h3>Admission Requirements</h3> <ol start="1"> <li>A completed online application</li> <li>ALL PBA Online students MUST provide a copy of their state or federal ID before the start of classes</li> <li>Official transcripts from all colleges previously attended</li> <li>Official high school transcript or GED Test Score Report for applicants with fewer than 12 transferable college credits</li> <li>Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a scale of 4.0 with exceptions, on a case-by-case basis</li> </ol> <h3>Admission Status</h3> <p><strong>Regular Admission</strong>: will be offered to a student with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 on all attempted hours.</p> <p><strong>Probationary Admission</strong>: may be offered to a student with a GPA of less than 2.0. An academic hold will be placed on the academic record of a student entering PBA with a GPA less than 2.0. A student on probationary status must earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 during their first semester of enrollment at PBA. A student who fails in their first semester of enrollment to achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 will be placed on academic suspension for one semester.</p> <p><strong>Provisional Admission</strong>: Students may be admitted on a provisional basis if approved by the admissions committee. ALL official college transcripts must be submitted to PBA before registration for the subsequent term begins. If they are not, financial aid and class registration holds will be placed.</p> <p>For Financial Aid, FAFSA self-certify will verify HS completion</p> <p><em>*</em> <em>Please review the Programs of Study for additional program-specific admission requirements.</em></p> <h3>Applying to PBA</h3> <p>Applications for PBA Online programs are accepted throughout the year. Upon acceptance, a student should confirm his or her intention to enroll with a $100.00 tuition deposit (to be deducted from the cost of tuition). Admission deposits for PBA Online programs are nonrefundable.</p> <h3>Articulation Agreement:</h3> <p><strong>Undergraduate PBA Online Program Students in the Bachelor of Arts in Ministry</strong>: Any student completing an Associate of Arts degree from Florida’s Community College System conferred after November, 1992, or any institutionally accredited community or state college is guaranteed (1) junior standing with the application of a minimum of 60 credit hours toward the baccalaureate degree and (2) recognition of completion of the Faith, Roots, and Reason (General Education) requirements, excluding <a href="preview_course_nopop.php?catoid=49&coid=59686" onclick="acalogPopup('preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=59686&print', '3', 770, 530, 'yes');return false;" rel="remote /ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=59686&display_options[location]=tooltip&show" id="tt7417" target="_blank"> MLS 2003 - Foundations for Christian Ministry</a><span style="display: none !important"> </span>, <a href="preview_course_nopop.php?catoid=49&coid=58980" onclick="acalogPopup('preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=58980&print', '3', 770, 530, 'yes');return false;" rel="remote /ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=58980&display_options[location]=tooltip&show" id="tt750" target="_blank"> PLS 3003 - Freedom in American Society</a><span style="display: none !important"> </span>, <a href="preview_course_nopop.php?catoid=49&coid=58314" onclick="acalogPopup('preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=58314&print', '3', 770, 530, 'yes');return false;" rel="remote /ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=58314&display_options[location]=tooltip&show" id="tt3157" target="_blank"> BIB 1003 - Exploring the Bible</a><span style="display: none !important"> </span>, and <a href="preview_course_nopop.php?catoid=49&coid=58337" onclick="acalogPopup('preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=58337&print', '3', 770, 530, 'yes');return false;" rel="remote /ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=58337&display_options[location]=tooltip&show" id="tt6186" target="_blank"> THL 4153 - Christian Values and Biblical Faith</a><span style="display: none !important"> </span>.</p> <p><strong>Undergraduate PBA Online Program Students in the Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership, Bachelor of Science in Community Psychology, Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies, or Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies</strong>: Any student completing an Associate of Arts degree from Florida’s Community College System conferred after November, 1992, or any institutionally accredited community or state college is guaranteed (1) junior standing with the application of a minimum of 60 credit hours toward the baccalaureate degree and (2) recognition of completion of the Faith, Roots, and Reason (General Education) requirements, excluding<a href="preview_course_nopop.php?catoid=49&coid=59758" onclick="acalogPopup('preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=59758&print', '3', 770, 530, 'yes');return false;" rel="remote /ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=59758&display_options[location]=tooltip&show" id="tt7385" target="_blank"> LAS 1003 - Learning and Academic Success at PBA</a><span style="display: none !important"> </span>,<a href="preview_course_nopop.php?catoid=49&coid=58980" onclick="acalogPopup('preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=58980&print', '3', 770, 530, 'yes');return false;" rel="remote /ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=58980&display_options[location]=tooltip&show" id="tt7245" target="_blank"> PLS 3003 - Freedom in American Society</a><span style="display: none !important"> </span>, <a href="preview_course_nopop.php?catoid=49&coid=59692" onclick="acalogPopup('preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=59692&print', '3', 770, 530, 'yes');return false;" rel="remote /ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=59692&display_options[location]=tooltip&show" id="tt4534" target="_blank"> ORL 2023 - Academic Research Techniques</a><span style="display: none !important"> </span>, <a href="preview_course_nopop.php?catoid=49&coid=58314" onclick="acalogPopup('preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=58314&print', '3', 770, 530, 'yes');return false;" rel="remote /ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=58314&display_options[location]=tooltip&show" id="tt9821" target="_blank"> BIB 1003 - Exploring the Bible</a><span style="display: none !important"> </span>, and <a href="preview_course_nopop.php?catoid=49&coid=58337" onclick="acalogPopup('preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=58337&print', '3', 770, 530, 'yes');return false;" rel="remote /ajax/preview_course.php?catoid=49&coid=58337&display_options[location]=tooltip&show" id="tt7531" target="_blank"> THL 4153 - Christian Values and Biblical Faith</a><span style="display: none !important"> </span>.</p> <h3>International Students</h3> <p>A prospective student who is not a citizen of the United States and is applying to Palm Beach Atlantic University should make application at least four to six months in advance of the desired date of entrance, submitting all required materials two months prior to registration.</p> <p>In addition, the following documents are required by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services to be submitted in order that an I-20 may be issued for the student to enter the country:</p> <p><em>Online students are exempt from items 1 through 3.</em></p> <ol start="1"> <li>Financial statement assuming responsibility for annual costs.</li> <li>Bank statement verifying adequate resources.</li> <li>Completed VISA clearance form (if transferring from U.S. institution).</li> <li>International transcripts must be evaluated by a company, which is a member of either the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers <a href=""></a> or the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services, Inc. <a href=""></a> and an official report must be sent to PBA in order that foreign credit can be evaluated for transfer.</li> <li>All Online students are required to take the TOEFL as a means of assessing level of placement in English course.</li> </ol> <h3>Non-Degree Student Status</h3> <p>Students may be admitted to PBA on a non-degree basis. An application for admission must be completed online. A student is usually limited to nine hours of study. Should additional study be desired, full documentation must be received and all entrance requirements must be satisfied.</p> <h3>Post-Baccalaureate Degree, Non-Degree Students</h3> <p>Students holding a baccalaureate degree may be admitted to PBA on a non-degree basis. An application for admission must be completed online. A student is usually limited to nine hours of study. Should additional study be desired, full documentation must be received and all entrance requirements must be satisfied.</p> <h3>Transfer Students</h3> <p>The Undergraduate PBA Online Programs are designed to apply previous accredited college coursework towards your degree at Palm Beach Atlantic University.</p> <p>Transfer coursework accepted for credit toward the degree must be completed at an institution accredited as degree-granting by a post-secondary institutional accrediting commission at the time the coursework was completed. Full credit will normally be given for courses transferred from such an institution if the student has earned a grade of “C-” or better.</p> <p>A student presenting transfer credit from an institution that was not accredited as degree granting by a post-secondary institutional accrediting commission at the time the course work was completed may seek credit validation upon the successful completion of 30 credit hours at PBA, maintaining a 2.0 PBA cumulative GPA or higher. For planning purposes, an unofficial evaluation of credit will be provided at the time of enrollment. Only courses that approximately parallel those of PBA, and for which a grade of “C-” or better has been earned, will be considered. Upon the completion of the residency requirement and satisfaction of the academic progress requirement, the unofficial evaluation will be validated and the courses will transfer as noted on the official evaluation. The student must submit written notification to the Office of the Registrar upon successful completion of the residency requirement. Non-accredited coursework will not transfer to PBA.</p> <p>PBA accepts course-by-course international transcript evaluations from SpanTran: The Evaluation Company. A student may also request a course-by-course evaluation from any of the evaluators who are members of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). A list of current members can be found here: <a href=""></a></p> <p><em>Note: Telefaxed documents, both academic and financial, may be used during the admission process; however, they are not a substitute for official transcripts.</em></p> <div style="display: none; z-index: 1000;" class="tooltip for_tt7417"></div><div style="display: none; z-index: 1000;" class="tooltip for_tt750"></div><div style="display: none; z-index: 1000;" class="tooltip for_tt3157"></div><div style="display: none; z-index: 1000;" class="tooltip for_tt6186"></div><div style="display: none; z-index: 1000;" class="tooltip for_tt7385"></div><div style="display: none; z-index: 1000;" class="tooltip for_tt7245"></div><div style="display: none; z-index: 1000;" class="tooltip for_tt4534"></div><div style="display: none; z-index: 1000;" class="tooltip for_tt9821"></div><div style="display: none; z-index: 1000;" class="tooltip for_tt7531"></div> </td> </tr> </table> <br /><hr /><div style="float: right"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="acalog_top_link acalog-highlight-ignore">Back to Top</a> | <a rel="nofollow" href="/content.php?catoid=49&navoid=3717&print" onclick="acalogPopup('/content.php?catoid=49&navoid=3717&print', 'print_preview', 770, 530, 'yes');return false;" target="_blank" class="print_link acalog-highlight-ignore" alt="Text Version" title="Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window)"><span class="sr-only">Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window)</span></a></div><div class="acalog-social-media-links social-media-align"> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr role="contentinfo" aria-label="Footer with copyright and information links"> <td class="block_footer_lb">   </td> <td class="block_footer_rb"> <div class="nobr">All <a href="/misc/catalog_list.php?catoid=49" class="footer" >catalogs</a> © 2024 Palm Beach Atlantic University.</div> <div class="nobr">Powered by <a href="" target="_blank" class="footer">Modern Campus Catalog™</a>.</div> </td> </tr> </table> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>