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class="tile_text_date_single_timestamp"> <time data-o-component="o-date" class="tile_text_date_single_date" datetime="" ><h4>November 25, 2024</h4></time > </div> <h3 class="tile_text_date_single_title">Employee Spotlight: Embracing Inclusion and Innovation- Maggi&#x27;s Journey at the FT Sofia</h3> <p class="tile_text_date_single_blurb">Magdalena Zhisheva, shares her experiences working in the Collaboration Tooling team in Sofia, Bulgaria. Learn how Maggi navigates life with...</p> <div class="tile_text_date_single_link"> <a href="/careers/ft-blog/employee-spotlightembracing-inclusion-and-innovati" ><h4> FIND OUT MORE <span class="tile_text_date_single_link_arrow" ><i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i ></span></h4 ></a> </div> </div> <div class="tile_text_date_single_container" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-offset="50" > <div class="tile_text_date_single_timestamp"> <time data-o-component="o-date" class="tile_text_date_single_date" datetime="" ><h4>October 22, 2024</h4></time > </div> <h3 class="tile_text_date_single_title">From intern to employee: our journey so far at FT Manila</h3> <p class="tile_text_date_single_blurb">Angela Chriselle Vaquilar and Reivin Louise Cantanero from our Manila office share their journeys from interns to full-time employees at...</p> <div class="tile_text_date_single_link"> <a href="/careers/ft-blog/from-intern-to-employee-our-journey-so-far-at-ft-m" ><h4> FIND OUT MORE <span class="tile_text_date_single_link_arrow" ><i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i ></span></h4 ></a> </div> </div> <div class="tile_text_date_single_container" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-offset="50" > <div class="tile_text_date_single_timestamp"> <time data-o-component="o-date" class="tile_text_date_single_date" datetime="" ><h4>October 16, 2024</h4></time > </div> <h3 class="tile_text_date_single_title">Employee Spotlight: Interview with Che Wheatley, Head of Marketing at FT Live</h3> <p class="tile_text_date_single_blurb">This life at FT blog features Che, Head of Marketing at FT Live, reflecting on her career growth, advocacy for...</p> <div class="tile_text_date_single_link"> <a href="/careers/ft-blog/employee-spotlight-interview-with-che-wheatley-hea" ><h4> FIND OUT MORE <span class="tile_text_date_single_link_arrow" ><i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i ></span></h4 ></a> </div> </div> <div class="tile_text_date_single_container" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-offset="50" > <div class="tile_text_date_single_timestamp"> <time data-o-component="o-date" class="tile_text_date_single_date" datetime="" ><h4>September 24, 2024</h4></time > </div> <h3 class="tile_text_date_single_title">Navigating the transition: returning from maternity leave and mastering the working parent juggle</h3> <p class="tile_text_date_single_blurb">Cherry Ainsworth, the FT’s Head of Talent Acquisition and mum to two young boys, recently returned to her role after...</p> <div class="tile_text_date_single_link"> <a href="/careers/ft-blog/returning-from-maternity" ><h4> FIND OUT MORE <span class="tile_text_date_single_link_arrow" ><i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i ></span></h4 ></a> </div> </div> <div class="tile_text_date_single_container" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-offset="50" > <div class="tile_text_date_single_timestamp"> <time data-o-component="o-date" class="tile_text_date_single_date" datetime="" ><h4>September 8, 2024</h4></time > </div> <h3 class="tile_text_date_single_title">Employee Spotlight: Interview with Luke Blaney, Cyber Security Director at the Financial Times</h3> <p class="tile_text_date_single_blurb">In this instalment of the Life at FT Blog, we speak to Luke Blaney, Cyber Security Director. Luke shares his...</p> <div class="tile_text_date_single_link"> <a href="/careers/ft-blog/employee-spotlight-interview-with-luke-blaney-cybe" ><h4> FIND OUT MORE <span class="tile_text_date_single_link_arrow" ><i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i ></span></h4 ></a> </div> </div> <div class="tile_text_date_single_container" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-offset="50" > <div class="tile_text_date_single_timestamp"> <time data-o-component="o-date" class="tile_text_date_single_date" datetime="" ><h4>September 3, 2024</h4></time > </div> <h3 class="tile_text_date_single_title">From Manchester to the FT newsroom: Maisie&#x27;s inspiring journey as an apprentice and her advice on seizing opportunities in journalism.</h3> <p class="tile_text_date_single_blurb">Hear from our newsroom apprentice Maisie on her journey at the FT so far - what&#x27;s led her here, what...</p> <div class="tile_text_date_single_link"> <a href="/careers/ft-blog/from-manchester-to-the-ft-newsroom" ><h4> FIND OUT MORE <span class="tile_text_date_single_link_arrow" ><i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></i ></span></h4 ></a> </div> </div> <div class="single_press_tile_flexible_height_container"> <div class="tile_flexible_height_container" data-aos="fade-up" data-aos-offset="50" > <h2 class="tile_flexible_height_header">Welcome to the Life at FT blog</h2> <div class="tile_flexible_height_standfirst"> <p class="tile_flexible_height_content"> <div class="press__single__content"><p>A place where you can get an inside perspective on our workplace, people and culture.</p></div><div class="press__single__content"><p>Here we share stories and updates from employees across our global offices as well as giving you an insight to our benefits and projects we are working on to make the FT a better place to work. 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