袞褍褉薪邪谢 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢芯胁械写械薪懈褟 懈 懈薪卸械薪械褉懈懈 | 10 | 2021

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<a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="multi_lang" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Language</a> <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby=""> <a class="dropdown-item" href="" title="English"> <img src="">English </a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="" title="Spanish"> <img src="">Spanish </a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="" title="Chinese"> <img src="">Chinese </a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="" title="German"> <img src="">German </a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="" title="French"> <img src="">French </a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="" title="Japanese"> <img src="">Japanese </a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="" title="Portuguese"> <img src="">Portuguese </a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="" title="Hindi"> <img src="">Hindi </a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="" title="Telugu"> <img src="">Telugu </a> <a class="dropdown-item" href="" title="Tamil"> <img src="">Tamil </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4"> <div class="card bg-amber-400 border-0"> <div class="card-body p-2 d-flex align-items-center"> 袨褌锌褉邪胁懈褌褜 褉褍泻芯锌懈褋褜 <a class="animate-icon mx-3 stretched-link" href="" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪" target="_blank"> <span target="_blank" class="animate-icon-horizontal"> <i class="material-icons animate-icon-horizontal-wrap animate-icon-left-to-right">arrow_forward</i> <i class="material-icons animate-icon-horizontal-wrap animate-icon-left-to-right">arrow_forward</i> </span> </a> <img src="/assets/img/manuscript.svg" alt=".." width="50"> </div> </div> <div class="mt-2 cu_whatsapp"> </div> </div> </div> </header> <section class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm"> <h2 class="text-primary font-size-6 my-3 border-bottom-2 border-yellow-900 pb-2">袨斜褗械屑 10, 袩褉芯斜谢械屑邪 10 (2021)</h2> <div class="border-bottom-1 py-2"> <div class="d-flex w-100 justify-content-between mb-1"> <span class="align-self-center"> 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢褜褋泻邪褟 褋褌邪褌褜褟 </span> </div> <h3 class="mb-2 font-size-4"><a href="" title="Application of the 3D-DGI Method for Selection of the 芒??Best芒?聺 ADC & Amplifier Combination From the Measured Trendless Sequences">Application of the 3D-DGI Method for Selection of the 芒??Best芒?聺 ADC & Amplifier Combination From the Measured Trendless Sequences</a></h3> <p class="mb-2 font-size-3 text-muted"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> RR Nigmatullin, RK Sagdiev </p> <div class="row justify-content-between align-items-center"> <div class="col pl-0"> <a class="btn btn-link" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseAbstract187034" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseAbstract"> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄 </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-auto"> <nav class="nav a-mx-2"> <a href="" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪" class="card-link border-bottom-2 yellow-900 border-yellow-900"><i class="fas fa-file-alt fa-lg"></i> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄</a> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="collapse" id="collapseAbstract187034"> <div class="card card-body p-2 bg-light"><p>3D-DGI (Discrete Geometrical Invariants) method allows to reduce initial rectangle matrices N&times;M (N-is number of data points, M &lt; N is number of columns) to a matrix M&times; P (P=13), where P &ndash; represents a set of invariants combined from of the first, second, third and the fourth moments inclusive. This &ldquo;universal&rdquo; platform allows to compare any random trendless sequences (TLS) with each other. The further analysis shows that one can extract only two significant parameters/criteria (free from treatment and model errors) for comparison of TLS recorded from the given set of ADCs. The experimental data set represented 15 rectangle matrices with parameters N=20000, M=150 (filtered in the region 1.1-5.0 kHz) and 15 matrices that were not subjected to the filtration procedure. The proposed algorithm given in the paper allows to select the &ldquo;best&rdquo; ADC&amp;Amplifier combination from the given ones based on analysis of their TLS(s) and proposed criteria. The authors think that the algorithm can find a wide application in the industrial electronics based on the simplicity, reproducibility and reliability of the proposed procedure.</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="border-bottom-1 py-2"> <div class="d-flex w-100 justify-content-between mb-1"> <span class="align-self-center"> 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢褜褋泻邪褟 褋褌邪褌褜褟 </span> </div> <h3 class="mb-2 font-size-4"><a href="" title="Development of Non-Woven Composite Materials using Reclaimed Fibers for Sound Absorption">Development of Non-Woven Composite Materials using Reclaimed Fibers for Sound Absorption</a></h3> <p class="mb-2 font-size-3 text-muted"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> Alemayehu Assefa </p> <div class="row justify-content-between align-items-center"> <div class="col pl-0"> <a class="btn btn-link" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseAbstract187016" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseAbstract"> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄 </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-auto"> <nav class="nav a-mx-2"> <a href="" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪" class="card-link border-bottom-2 yellow-900 border-yellow-900"><i class="fas fa-file-alt fa-lg"></i> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄</a> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="collapse" id="collapseAbstract187016"> <div class="card card-body p-2 bg-light"><p>Sound absorption behavior is an important requirement for the human life today, since noise affects the capability of day to day activities and even causes various health problems. Sound absorbent textile materials, especially non-woven composite structure of reclaimed materials have low production costs, low specific gravity and are aesthetically appealing. In this research the use of reclaimed cotton and polyester fiber for the development of sound absorptive non-woven composite materials has been explored. Three different blend ratios of reclaimed cotton and polyester fibers that is 25:75, 40:60 and50:50 have been used. The reclaimed cotton and polyester non-woven composites are characterized for their physical properties, such as thickness, areal density, bulk density, porosity and sound absorption characteristics in the frequency range of 250HZ-2000HZ. The values of sound absorption coefficient and noise reduction coefficient obtained signify that the reclaimed polyester fiber non-woven composite possess very good sound absorption behavior in the entire frequency range. Before compressed reclaimed cotton/polyester nonwoven composite of 25:75 blend ratio with high bulk density and low porosity is found to give the excellent performance when used by provided that air gap behind the reclaimed cotton/polyester non-woven composites.</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="border-bottom-1 py-2"> <div class="d-flex w-100 justify-content-between mb-1"> <span class="align-self-center"> 袨斜蟹芯褉薪邪褟 褋褌邪褌褜褟 </span> </div> <h3 class="mb-2 font-size-4"><a href="" title="Pretreatment, Recycling, and Regeneration Strategies of Cathode Active Materials from Spent Lithium Ion Batteries">Pretreatment, Recycling, and Regeneration Strategies of Cathode Active Materials from Spent Lithium Ion Batteries</a></h3> <p class="mb-2 font-size-3 text-muted"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> Meng Zhou* , Steven Liaw, Quanwen Sun, and Rong He </p> <div class="row justify-content-between align-items-center"> <div class="col pl-0"> <a class="btn btn-link" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseAbstract186964" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseAbstract"> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄 </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-auto"> <nav class="nav a-mx-2"> <a href="" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪" class="card-link border-bottom-2 yellow-900 border-yellow-900"><i class="fas fa-file-alt fa-lg"></i> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄</a> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="collapse" id="collapseAbstract186964"> <div class="card card-body p-2 bg-light"><p>Lithium Ion Batteries (LIBs) have paved the way for the creation of portable consumer electronics and electric vehicles. The demands for LIBs of various chemistries show no sign of slowing. Many valuable metals, like Lithium and Cobalt, are contained in batteries, located primarily on the cathode component. The burden from increasing demand of LIBs has attracted attention to reuse the valuable active materials from the cathodes. This paper reviews the recent development of reusing spent LIBs in three categories: Pretreatment, Recycling and Regeneration. Pretreatment covers discharging, dismantling of the spent LIBs and separation of the useful part from waste; Recycling focuses on the recovery of value materials, four strategies (pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, biometallurgy and electrochemical process) are discussed in details; Regeneration revives the spent electrodes, the mostly used methods are organized, including solid state synthesis, hydrothermal treatment, sol-gel and co-precipitation method. We summarize the advantages and disadvantages of each method, aim to organize the state-of-the-art technologies and provide a guideline for future development.</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="border-bottom-1 py-2"> <div class="d-flex w-100 justify-content-between mb-1"> <span class="align-self-center"> 袨斜蟹芯褉薪邪褟 褋褌邪褌褜褟 </span> </div> <h3 class="mb-2 font-size-4"><a href="" title="Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties on Synthesized AA 6061 Reinforced with B4C">Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties on Synthesized AA 6061 Reinforced with B4C</a></h3> <p class="mb-2 font-size-3 text-muted"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> Hartaj Singh, Kapil Singh, Sachit Vardhan </p> <div class="row justify-content-between align-items-center"> <div class="col pl-0"> <a class="btn btn-link" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseAbstract185712" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseAbstract"> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄 </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-auto"> <nav class="nav a-mx-2"> <a href="" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪" class="card-link border-bottom-2 yellow-900 border-yellow-900"><i class="fas fa-file-alt fa-lg"></i> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄</a> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="collapse" id="collapseAbstract185712"> <div class="card card-body p-2 bg-light"><p>Aluminium metrics based aluminium alloys have numerous applications in the field of modern technology. The aluminium alloys having three<br /> platforms of industrial applications which are widely used in electronics goods, ground transportation such as automobile, aerospace<br /> engineering and marine as well as military purposes. Aluminium alloys having low density, lightweight, excellent malleability and high<br /> strength are the key potency of these alloys. At present, the aluminium alloys are the capability to full fill the current demand of the modern<br /> industry. To enhance the mechanical properties of this aluminium alloys can be developed by reinforcing with ceramics such as SiC,<br /> MgO, Gr and so on are used to achieve the desirable properties of the<br /> materials. The present works investigated on Al 6061/B4C composites have been synthesized with different weight percentages of B4C (0, 1, 5,<br /> and 15%) along with varied particulate sizes of 50, 100 and 150 &mu;m were used. The cast composites were produced<br /> via stir casting method and the addition of B4C particles in the base matrix has been analysis by SEM. The mechanical property such as<br /> Vickers hardness and UTS has been studied and the values of ultimate tensile strength have been optimized using the Taguchi method</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="border-bottom-1 py-2"> <div class="d-flex w-100 justify-content-between mb-1"> <span class="align-self-center"> 袠褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌褜 </span> </div> <h3 class="mb-2 font-size-4"><a href="" title="Electric Arc Thermal Spray Process using Zn Coating for Stainless Steel Thin Wires">Electric Arc Thermal Spray Process using Zn Coating for Stainless Steel Thin Wires</a></h3> <p class="mb-2 font-size-3 text-muted"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> Maftah H. Alkathafi* and Alhammali A. Younis </p> <div class="row justify-content-between align-items-center"> <div class="col pl-0"> <a class="btn btn-link" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseAbstract185644" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseAbstract"> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄 </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-auto"> <nav class="nav a-mx-2"> <a href="" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪" class="card-link border-bottom-2 yellow-900 border-yellow-900"><i class="fas fa-file-alt fa-lg"></i> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄</a> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="collapse" id="collapseAbstract185644"> <div class="card card-body p-2 bg-light"><p>Coating of zinc was applied on stainless steel wire substrate using twin wire arc spray to change the surface properties of the substrate, such adhesion, wettability, and corrosion and wear resistance. In this work, there are three basic experimental activities. Firstly the coating parameter optimization, followed by wire coating and finally the fiber coats properties characterization. The properties of the coated wires have analyzed through metallographic analysis and bending test is a mechanical test was used in this work to study qualitatively the adhesion of the coated layer. The results showed that the optimal parameters to coat Zn-layer on the stainless steel wires are as following:</p> <p><strong>Voltage: </strong>22 V<br /> <strong>Current: </strong>200 A<br /> <strong>Air pressure: </strong>2.4 bar<br /> <strong>Stand-off distance: </strong>150 mm<br /> <strong>Wire clamping pressure:</strong> 1 bar<br /> <strong>Gun speed: </strong>18000 mm/min<br /> <strong>Nozzle diameter:</strong> 2.2 mm<br /> <strong>Blasting (pressure/distance):</strong> 6 bar/100 mm<br /> <strong>Linear wire speed: </strong>785.398 mm/min</p> <p>Average coating thickness was varied between 100 &micro;m and 220 &micro;m.</p> <p>The Zn-coating layer started to crack for the bending angles less than 120<sup>&deg;</sup>C.</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="border-bottom-1 py-2"> <div class="d-flex w-100 justify-content-between mb-1"> <span class="align-self-center"> 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢褜褋泻邪褟 褋褌邪褌褜褟 </span> </div> <h3 class="mb-2 font-size-4"><a href="" title="THE IMPACTS OF TRIPLE-A SUPPLY CHAIN ON SUPPLY CHAIN PERFORMANCE IN ETHIOPIAN TEXTILE SHARE COMPANY">THE IMPACTS OF TRIPLE-A SUPPLY CHAIN ON SUPPLY CHAIN PERFORMANCE IN ETHIOPIAN TEXTILE SHARE COMPANY</a></h3> <p class="mb-2 font-size-3 text-muted"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> Endris Ali </p> <div class="row justify-content-between align-items-center"> <div class="col pl-0"> <a class="btn btn-link" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseAbstract185583" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseAbstract"> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄 </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-auto"> <nav class="nav a-mx-2"> <a href="" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪" class="card-link border-bottom-2 yellow-900 border-yellow-900"><i class="fas fa-file-alt fa-lg"></i> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄</a> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="collapse" id="collapseAbstract185583"> <div class="card card-body p-2 bg-light"><p>This study aimed to investigate the impacts of triple-A supply chain (SC) on SC performance in Bahir Dar &amp; Kombolcha textile Share Company, Ethiopia. The study used survey questionnaires as a data collection instrument. Statistical package for social science to purify measurement items through exploratory factor analysis &amp; Partial least square structural equation model used to test whether SC agility, SC adaptability and SC alignment have individual and/or joint effects on SC performance. The finding indicates that SC adaptability, SC alignment and SC agility have a positive and significant effect on SC performance. The result also indicates that the joint triple-A SC had the strongest impact on SC performance.</p></div> </div> </div> <div class="border-bottom-1 py-2"> <div class="d-flex w-100 justify-content-between mb-1"> <span class="align-self-center"> 袠褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌褜 </span> </div> <h3 class="mb-2 font-size-4"><a href="" title="Design and Development of a High Resolution Open-Source Plantar Pressure Sensing System">Design and Development of a High Resolution Open-Source Plantar Pressure Sensing System</a></h3> <p class="mb-2 font-size-3 text-muted"> <i class="fas fa-user"></i> Joshua Partheepan, Christine J. Joshua, Emily M. Hunt*, Matthew A. Reyes and Anitha S. Subburaj </p> <div class="row justify-content-between align-items-center"> <div class="col pl-0"> <a class="btn btn-link" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseAbstract185512" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseAbstract"> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄 </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-auto"> <nav class="nav a-mx-2"> <a href="" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪" class="card-link border-bottom-2 yellow-900 border-yellow-900"><i class="fas fa-file-alt fa-lg"></i> 袗斜褋褌褉邪泻褌薪褘泄</a> </nav> </div> </div> <div class="collapse" id="collapseAbstract185512"> <div class="card card-body p-2 bg-light"><p>Diabetic neuropathy is a debilitating complication of diabetes that is often diagnosed long after irreversible damage has occurred in a patient. Diagnosis of the condition commonly occurs when examinations reveal physical changes in foot structure and ulcers of the foot; such damage reveals the condition but offers no chance at prevention. To better predict diabetic neuropathy and prevent damage, pressure sensors can be used to detect the onset of the condition before damage occurs. While several pressure sensing and foot mapping systems are commercially available, each is prohibitively expensive, requires specialized software, or maps a limited portion of the foot. We present an affordable, scalable, and high resolution pressure sensing system that maps the entire foot with a novel force sensor and sensor grid. The grid is based on a matrixed array of 704 individual sensors actuated by XactFSR resistive film. Each sensor consists of interlaced sensing fingers and measures 0.250 inch (6.35 mm) square. The device offers a solution that is several thousand dollars cheaper than other products, consists of commercially available boards and cables, and provides full mapping of the foot while operating with standardized and open source software packages. Our system provides emergent economies and regions presenting a high risk of diabetes with a predictive tool that can operate in nearly any environment.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-sm-3"> <!--==========relevant topics==================--> <div class="mb-3"> <h4>袨褋薪芯胁薪褘械 屑芯屑械薪褌褘 卸褍褉薪邪谢邪</h4> <nav class="nav flex-column scrollbar a-pl-0" style="max-height:50vh;"> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袘懈芯谢芯谐懈褔械褋泻邪褟 懈薪卸械薪械褉懈褟" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袘懈芯谢芯谐懈褔械褋泻邪褟 懈薪卸械薪械褉懈褟</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袣械褉邪屑懈褔械褋泻邪褟 懈薪卸械薪械褉懈褟" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袣械褉邪屑懈褔械褋泻邪褟 懈薪卸械薪械褉懈褟</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袣芯屑锌芯蟹懈褌薪褘械 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袣芯屑锌芯蟹懈褌薪褘械 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袣芯褉褉芯蟹懈芯薪薪邪褟 薪邪褍泻邪" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袣芯褉褉芯蟹懈芯薪薪邪褟 薪邪褍泻邪</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袦邪褌械褉懈邪谢芯胁械写械薪懈械" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袦邪褌械褉懈邪谢芯胁械写械薪懈械</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袦械褌邪谢谢懈褔械褋泻懈械 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘 (褔械褉薪褘械 懈 褑胁械褌薪褘械 屑械褌邪谢谢褘)" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袦械褌邪谢谢懈褔械褋泻懈械 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘 (褔械褉薪褘械 懈 褑胁械褌薪褘械 屑械褌邪谢谢褘)</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袦芯谢械泻褍谢褟褉薪邪褟 褝谢械泻褌褉芯薪懈泻邪" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袦芯谢械泻褍谢褟褉薪邪褟 褝谢械泻褌褉芯薪懈泻邪</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袧邪薪芯泻芯屑锌芯蟹懈褌褘" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袧邪薪芯泻芯屑锌芯蟹懈褌褘</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袧邪薪芯屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袧邪薪芯屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袧邪薪芯褋褌褉褍泻褌褍褉褘" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袧邪薪芯褋褌褉褍泻褌褍褉褘</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袧邪薪芯褔邪褋褌懈褑褘" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袧邪薪芯褔邪褋褌懈褑褘</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袩芯谢懈屑械褉薪褘械 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袩芯谢懈屑械褉薪褘械 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袩芯谢褍锌褉芯胁芯写薪懈泻懈" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袩芯谢褍锌褉芯胁芯写薪懈泻懈</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袩芯褉懈褋褌褘械 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袩芯褉懈褋褌褘械 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袩褉懈泻谢邪写薪邪褟 懈薪卸械薪械褉懈褟" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袩褉懈泻谢邪写薪邪褟 懈薪卸械薪械褉懈褟</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袩褉芯屑褘褕谢械薪薪邪褟 懈薪卸械薪械褉懈褟" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袩褉芯屑褘褕谢械薪薪邪褟 懈薪卸械薪械褉懈褟</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="袪邪蟹褉邪斜芯褌泻邪 褝谢械泻褌褉芯薪薪褘褏 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢芯胁" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 袪邪蟹褉邪斜芯褌泻邪 褝谢械泻褌褉芯薪薪褘褏 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢芯胁</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="小锌懈薪褌褉芯薪懈泻邪" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 小锌懈薪褌褉芯薪懈泻邪</a> <a href="" class="nav-link" title="啸褉褍锌泻懈械 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i> 啸褉褍锌泻懈械 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢褘</a> </nav> </div> <!--==========Indexed in==============--> <div class="mb-3"> <h4>袠薪写械泻褋懈褉芯胁邪薪芯 胁</h4> <nav class="nav flex-column scrollbar a-pl-0" style="max-height:40vh;"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> 袠薪写械泻褋 懈褋褌芯褔薪懈泻邪 CAS (CASSI)<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> 袠薪写械泻褋 袣芯锌械褉薪懈泻邪<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> Google Scholar<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> 袨褌泻褉褘褌褜 J-胁芯褉芯褌邪<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> 袚械薪邪屑懈泻邪 袞褍褉薪邪谢Seek<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> 袧邪褑懈芯薪邪谢褜薪邪褟 懈薪褎褉邪褋褌褉褍泻褌褍褉邪 蟹薪邪薪懈泄 袣懈褌邪褟 (CNKI)<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> 袪械褎小懈泻<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> 袣邪褌邪谢芯谐 懈薪写械泻褋懈褉芯胁邪薪懈褟 懈褋褋谢械写芯胁邪褌械谢褜褋泻懈褏 卸褍褉薪邪谢芯胁 (DRJI)<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> 校薪懈胁械褉褋懈褌械褌 啸邪屑写邪褉写邪<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> EBSCO A-Z<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> OCLC- WorldCat<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> 袩褍斜谢懈泻邪褑懈懈<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> 小谢褍卸斜褘 薪邪褍褔薪芯谐芯 懈薪写械泻褋懈褉芯胁邪薪懈褟 (SIS)<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> 袠屑锌邪泻褌-褎邪泻褌芯褉 薪邪褍褔薪芯谐芯 卸褍褉薪邪谢邪 (SJIF)<br> <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="font-size: 11px;color: #0056b3;"></i> 袝胁褉芯 袩邪斜<br> </nav> </div> <!--==========USEFUL Links topics==================--> <div class=" mb-3"> <h4>小褋褘谢泻懈 锌芯 褌械屑械</h4> <div class="card-body p-0"> <nav class="nav flex-column font-size-4 a-py-1"> <a class="nav-item nav-link p-0" href="" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><span><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i></span><span class="cu_posion">袗斜褋褌褉邪谐懈褉芯胁邪薪懈械 懈 懈薪写械泻褋懈褉芯胁邪薪懈械</span></a> <a class="nav-item nav-link p-0" href="" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><span><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i></span><span class="cu_posion">袨谐谢邪胁谢械薪懈械</span></a> </nav> </div> </div> <!--==========USEFUL Links topics====END============--> <div class=" mb-3"> <h4>袞褍褉薪邪谢褘 芯褌泻褉褘褌芯谐芯 写芯褋褌褍锌邪</h4> <div class="card-body p-0"> <nav class="nav flex-column font-size-4 a-py-1"> <a class="nav-item nav-link p-0" href="" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><span><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i></span><span class="cu_posion">袚械薪械褌懈泻邪 懈 屑芯谢械泻褍谢褟褉薪邪褟 斜懈芯谢芯谐懈褟</span></a> <a class="nav-item nav-link p-0" href="" title="泻谢懈泻薪懈褌械 褋褞写邪"><span><i class="far fa-hand-point-right"></i></span><span class="cu_posion">袠屑屑褍薪芯谢芯谐懈褟 懈 屑懈泻褉芯斜懈芯谢芯谐懈褟</span></a> <a class="nav-item nav-link 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