Sustainable shrink film solutions at Segers & Balcaen | From our sponsors | Packaging Europe
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As businesses and consumers alike prioritize environmental responsibility, packaging solutions must evolve to meet these expectations.</p> <p>At Segers & Balcaen, we are committed to driving this shift through innovative packaging materials that are not only efficient but also environmentally sustainable. One of our standout innovations is our advanced shrink film, available with 30%, 50%, 70%, and even 100% recycled content (minus additives), providing customers with versatile solutions that align with their sustainability goals.</p> <h4 id="Shrink_films_engineered_for_performance_and_sustainability"><strong>Shrink films: engineered for performance and sustainability</strong></h4> <p>At Segers & Balcaen, we believe that sustainability should not come at the expense of product performance. Our shrink films are designed with both in mind.</p> <p>Available with varying degrees of recycled content, these films offer excellent functionality and durability, suitable for a wide range of applications. Whether companies are looking for 30% or 100% recycled content, they can rely on these shrink films to perform to the highest standards.</p> <p>One of our greatest achievements is the production of 100% recycled shrink film, which offers an impressive 80% reduction in CO2 emissions (LCA) compared to virgin materials. This innovation is a game-changer in reducing the environmental footprint of packaging without compromising on quality.</p> <h4 id="Commitment_to_the_circular_economy"><strong>Commitment to the circular economy</strong></h4> <p>As champions of the circular economy, Segers & Balcaen integrates post-consumer recycled (PCR) materials into our shrink films, helping to close the loop on plastic waste. The packaging industry has often been criticized for its contribution to pollution, particularly plastic waste.</p> <p>By utilizing PCR materials, we reduce the amount of plastic waste that would otherwise end up in landfills or oceans. This commitment allows our customers to make more responsible choices, contributing to the circularity of the materials they use.</p> <p>In addition to shrink films, we offer innovative mono-material laminates. Unlike traditional multi-layer laminates that are difficult to recycle, our mono-material solutions are fully recyclable.</p> <p>This simplifies the recycling process for both end-users and recycling facilities, ensuring more materials make their way back into the production cycle. This is part of our broader mission to support the transition towards a more sustainable and resource-efficient future.</p> <div class="inline_image image_size_full" data-attachment="15571" data-sequence="2"> <p class="picture"><img alt="SB 2" src="" sizes="(max-width: 1023px) 100vw, 780px" srcset=" 480w, 600w, 780w" loading="lazy" class="lazyloaded" width="1080" height="810"></p> </div> <h4 id="Innovation_driven_by_customer_needs"><strong>Innovation driven by customer needs</strong></h4> <p>Our sustainability efforts are fuelled by a deep understanding of customer needs. At Segers & Balcaen, we invest heavily in research and development to provide our clients with tailored solutions that meet both their environmental and operational goals.</p> <p>We work closely with our clients to ensure that the packaging we develop aligns with their specific requirements, whether it’s durability, strength, sealing properties, or aesthetic considerations.</p> <p>For instance, our shrink films are tough, provide reliable sealing, and designed to meet the needs of diverse industries from food to non-food applications. Whether customers are looking to protect delicate goods during shipping or package consumer products for retail, our shrink films provide reliable, sustainable options. Furthermore, our mono-laminates are an excellent alternative to complex, multi-layered packaging structures that are often more difficult to recycle.</p> <h4 id="Investing_in_the_future_of_packaging"><strong>Investing in the future of packaging</strong></h4> <p>At Segers & Balcaen, we recognize that sustainability is an ongoing journey, not a destination. We continuously invest in our manufacturing capabilities and research to further improve the environmental performance of our products.</p> <p>By optimizing production processes and sourcing sustainable materials, we strive to lower our carbon footprint even further, all while maintaining the high quality and performance that our clients expect.</p> <p>Our goal is to lead the way in sustainable packaging, offering solutions that reduce environmental impact while delivering the performance that businesses need. From reducing CO2 emissions by up to 80% with our 100% recycled shrink films to offering fully recyclable mono-laminates, we are proud to be part of the solution to today’s environmental challenges.</p> <h4 id="Partnering_for_a_sustainable_future"><strong>Partnering for a sustainable future</strong></h4> <p>Segers & Balcaen invites businesses to join us on our sustainability journey. By choosing our shrink films with up to 100% recycled content, companies can make a significant impact on their environmental footprint. Together, we can reduce waste, lower emissions, and create a more sustainable future for the packaging industry.</p> <p>With innovative products that not only meet regulatory demands but also provide superior performance, Segers & Balcaen is leading the way in sustainable packaging solutions. <a class="external" href="" target="_blank">Contact us today</a> to learn how our shrink films can help your business meet its sustainability goals while maintaining the high performance you expect.</p> <p><strong>This content was sponsored by Segers & Balcaen.</strong></p></div><div id="storytext-end" class="storytext-end"></div> </div> </div> <div class="htmlContent"> </div> </div> <div class="topics"><div class="sleeve"><span class="topicsLabel"></span><h2>Topics</h2><ul class="topicsList"><li><a href="/innovation-spotlight/304.subject">Innovation Spotlight</a></li></ul></div></div> <div class="pageOptions"> <ul><!-- <li> <a data-facebook-share="true" data-share-url='' data-share-title="Sustainable shrink film solutions at Segers & Balcaen" href="javascript:void(0)" class="facebook" title="Share this on Facebook"></a> </li> <li> <a data-twitter-share="true" data-share-url='' data-share-title="Sustainable shrink film solutions at Segers & Balcaen" href="javascript:void(0)" class="twitter" title="Share this on Twitter"></a> </li> <li> <a data-linkedin-share="true" data-share-url='' data-share-title="Sustainable shrink film solutions at Segers & Balcaen" href="javascript:void(0)" class="linkedin" title="Share this on Linked in"></a> </li> <li> <a data-whatsapp-share="true" data-share-url='' data-share-title="Sustainable shrink film solutions at Segers & Balcaen" href="javascript:void(0)" class="whatsapp" title="Share this on Whatsapp"></a> </li> --> <!--facebook--> <li> <a href="" class="facebook" title="Share this on Facebook" target="_blank"></a> </li> <!-- twitter--> <li> <a href="" class="twitter" title="Share this on Twitter" target="_blank"></a> </li> <!--linked in--> <li> <a href="" class="linkedin" title="Share this on Linked in" target="_blank"></a> </li> <li><a href="mailto:?subject=Sustainable shrink film solutions at Segers & Balcaen&body=" class="email" title="Email this article"></a></li> </ul> <ul class="pageOptions_right"> <li class=" last" aria-live="polite" data-cache-bust="true" data-ajax-load-content="" data-url="/12000/bookmark"> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="rightcolumn" class="fixedrightcolumn rightcolumn restrictedcontent"> <div id="rightcolumn_sleeve"> <!-- BELOW NOT SUPPORT Instructions for implementation depending on right or bottom. 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