ISO - Help and support

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Membership of ISO is only open to national standards institutes or similar organizations that represent standardization in their country (one member in each country). It's important to realize that companies that apply or certify ISO standards are not ISO members. Find out more about聽ISO members."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is conformity assessment?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Conformity assessment involves a set of processes that show your product, service or system meets the requirements of a standard. It's important to note that聽ISO doesn\u2019t provide certification or conformity assessment. Find out more about conformity assessment."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Does ISO carry out certification?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No.聽ISO doesn\u2019t provide certification or conformity assessment. Find out more about how conformity assessment and certification works."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I use the ISO logo?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Only ISO,聽ISO members, and聽ISO technical committees聽(TCs) are allowed to use the ISO logo and ISO short name in accordance with ISO Policies.聽 Read more about our name and logo."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I find a certification body?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"At ISO聽we are not involved in certification, and do not issue certificates, but we we have created some useful information for those looking for a certification body."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I find out which standards are equivalent to ISO standards?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"ISO itself does not have data on equivalent standards (such as national or regional standards). However, a number of ISO members are able to provide this information. Therefore, please contact the ISO member in your country."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How does ISO decide what standards to develop?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Working through the ISO community, it is the people who need the standards that decide. A particular industry or business sector can communicate its need for a standard聽to their聽national ISO member; the idea is then proposed to ISO as a whole. If accepted, the project is assigned to an existing technical committee. Proposals may also be made to establish technical committees to cover new scopes of technological activity. In order to use resources most efficiently, ISO only develops new standards for which there are clear market requirements. If you feel there is a need for a standard in your sector, please contact your ISO member."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why is there a charge for standards?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Developing, publishing and maintaining ISO standards incurs a cost, and revenues from selling them helps ISO and its members to cover an important part of these costs. Charging for standards allows us to ensure that they are developed in an impartial environment and therefore meet the needs of all stakeholders for which the standard is relevant. This is essential if standards are to remain effective in the real world. ISO and its members offer a number of options to access ISO standards. Contact us or your national ISO member to find the best option for your needs."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is ISO's relation to governments?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"ISO is a non-governmental organization (NGO). Therefore, unlike the United Nations, the national members of ISO are not delegations of the governments of those countries. Our national members are the national standards bodies, or equivalent organizations, in their country. Some of them are wholly private sector in origin, others are private sector organizations but have a special mandate from their governments on matters related to standardization, and others are part of the governmental framework of their countries. In addition, government experts often participate in ISO's standards' development work. So, while ISO is an NGO, it receives input from the public sector as it does from the private sector."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who pays for ISO?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"ISO's national members pay subscriptions that meet the operational cost of ISO's Central Secretariat. The dues paid by each member are calculated as a proportion of their聽country's Gross National Product and trade figures. Another source of revenue is the sale of standards, which contributes more than a third聽of the budget. 聽 The operations of the Central Secretariat in Geneva represent only about one fifth of the cost of our international standardizing activities聽. The remaining costs are borne by the organizations which manage the specific projects or loan experts to participate in the technical work. These organizations are, in effect, subsidizing the technical work by paying the travel costs of the experts and allowing them time to work on their ISO assignments. Such organizations and individuals make an essential and highly valued contribution to standardization."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who runs ISO?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The聽General Assembly is the ultimate authority of the Organization. It is composed of ISO members, and considers any matter submitted by聽the ISO Council.聽 聽 The proposals put to the General Assembly are developed by the Council,聽 which is drawn from the ISO membership. The Council, which resembles the board of directors of a business organization, meets three times per year to聽discuss key matters relating to ISO strategy and policy, financial as well as operational and statutory matters. ISO Council membership rotates regularly to ensure that it is representative. 聽 Operations are managed by a Secretary-General, who is appointed for five-year term. The Secretary-General reports to a President who is a prominent figure in standardization or in business, elected for two, or three聽years. To learn more, see our section on structure and governance. 聽 While we work together with United Nations (UN) specialized agencies on some standardization projects, ISO is an independent not-for-profit organization and is not part of the UN."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I purchase ISO products?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Our ISO products can be purchased either from the聽ISO聽Store or from the ISO national member聽body. ISO Store All items available for purchase have an associated shopping basket function on the right side of the page. Here, you can choose the format (Paper, PDF and ePub) and the language of the publication. ISO Member: Orders for ISO Standards and other ISO Publications can be addressed to your national 聽ISO Member. Some members can offer a personalized service and give technical feedback on certain standards. The main benefit of ordering through your national member is that with them, you can purchase ISO Products in your local currency."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the ISO Online Browsing Platform (OBP)?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The Online Browsing Platform聽is a platform created by ISO that allows you to search and access our standards online. On the OBP you can freely preview parts of the standards (Foreword, Introduction, Scope, Normative references or Terms & definitions). This can help you decide whether it is the right standard you are looking for. The OBP is also used to access and purchase Graphical Symbols & Symbol Collections, Country Codes, Terms & Definitions."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I access the Online Browsing Platform (OBP) and my products offline?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No, it is not possible to consult your library offline. But you can have offline access to any file you have previously downloaded to your computer."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I pay in my local currency? What is CHF?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Prices for ISO publications ordered from the ISO Store are expressed in Swiss Francs (CHF) and can only be invoiced聽in this currency. If you wish to convert the price of any ISO publication into your local currency, you can find a currency converter at聽 To purchase standards in your local currency, you can contact your national 聽ISO Member."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Which payment methods are accepted by ISO?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"As our Terms & Conditions, you can pay for your order with a credit card (MasterCard, Visa, and American Express) or by bank transfer. No debit cards are accepted. Your credit card information will be secure with the use of our Secure Transaction System. (See also our Privacy Policy ). For payment by bank transfer, the payment must聽mention your order number. Note: All bank charges have to be paid by the purchaser. If you choose this payment method, you will receive an email with the bank information. Bank transfers can take around 3 working days to be processed."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is ISO's Tax Policy?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"As per our Terms & Conditions, local taxes are applied to online orders delivered in Switzerland only. For international orders, no taxes are charged. If there are taxes to be paid outside of Switzerland, they are the customers' responsibility."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who can purchase through the ISO Store?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The ISO Store is dedicated to end users only and not resellers. If you are interested in reselling ISO products, please contact your national ISO Member for further information. Note: Please read carefully the terms of our License Agreement before placing your order.聽"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I create or manage my Account?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Creating an Account: Go to the Online Browsing Platform and click Sign In聽on the top right corner. Click Create Account聽and enter the information required. You will receive an email confirmation and will be asked to validate your account. Editing your Account Information: Go to your Account and click on Profile. There you will be able to change the information you need. Note that this information is the one that will be displayed on your invoice, so make sure you keep it updated. The account is personal and the contact information needs to be properly indicated for a single user, and not a company. If you wish to modify the email address in your account, please contact the customer service. 聽"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I download my electronic documents?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Once you have made the payment and received an order confirmation, the electronic document can be downloaded from your online account. You will find the document under the Products tab, where you can either view it online or download it to your computer. It is important to know that all electronic files are subject to 聽ISO Copyright, which you will need to comply with."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I get an invoice for my purchase?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Referring to our Terms & Conditions, if you need a copy of your invoice, you need to log into your Account. Under the Orders聽tab, select your invoice and press the Email button. A copy will be sent to you by email. ISO regrets to inform you that once an order has been confirmed and an invoice has been generated, the invoice information can no longer be modified. Therefore please make sure that all the Account information is up to date. 聽"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"When will I receive my shipment?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"As per our Terms & Conditions, if you purchased a product in CD or paper format , then it will be shipped to you according to your selected delivery method: Standard Delivery: 4-10 business days , no tracking possibilities Express Delivery (DHL): 2-4 business days, tracking number available Shipments are sent out from the ISO Central Secretariat in Switzerland, either on the same day or the next business day, after we receive your payment. Note: Shipments to Mexico will only by sent by Express delivery and shipments to Switzerland, only by Standard delivery. PDF files have to be downloaded directly from your online account: Go to your ISO Store account."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the ISO Returns Policy?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"As per our Terms & Conditions, except in the case of an error made by the ISO Central Secretariat, ISO does not accept returns, nor provide a refund for PDF and ePub documents. For physical documents (paper or CD-ROM), the return has to be accepted by the ISO Central Secretariat first, who will explain the procedure to follow. Please note that orders will be credited only upon receipt of the returned goods. Information: Should you have any doubts about a standard you are interested in, you can refer to our Online Browsing Platform (OBP) where you can preview different sections of the standard free of charge. For more complete information, you can also contact our Customer Service team or the ISO member in your country. 聽"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I purchase a product that someone else is going to use?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"ISO publications come with a single-user licence. When you purchase a standard from the ISO Store, the document(s) can be assigned for your personal individual use (\u201cYou\u201d) or for use by your colleague(s) (\u201csomeone else\u201d) within your company. The document will be watermarked in the user\u2019s name. If you wish to post standards on your company\u2019s Intranet for access by multiple users, please聽contact us聽or your聽ISO Member聽to explore the options. Note: The ISO Store is dedicated to end users only and not resellers. If you are interested in reselling ISO products, please contact your national ISO Member for further information. 聽"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I access the ISO Standards and Handbooks that I purchased?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The electronic documents can be accessed from your Account . You will find the document under the Products聽tab, where you can either view it online on the 聽Online Browsing Platform (OBP) 聽or download it to your computer. It is important to know that all electronic files are subject to ISO Copyright, which you will need to comply with. If you purchased a product in CD or paper format, then it will be shipped to you according to your selected delivery method: Standard Delivery : 4-10 business days, sent via standard mail, no tracking possibility, Express Delivery : 2-4 business days, sent via DHL with tracking number available Shipments are sent out from the ISO Central Secretariat in Switzerland, either on the same day or the next business day, after we receive your payment."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What can I do with the standard I have purchased?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"If you purchase a hardcopy, you are allowed to share it with any person that wants to read it. However, you cannot copy the text by scanning it, photocopying it, or reproducing it in any other way. For electronic files, you can store them on any device, and you are allowed to print one copy for your own personal needs. However, you are not allowed to make copies or transfer the electronic file, or reproduce parts of it. For more information, please contact us at 聽"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is an Adobe Acrobat PDF?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"PDF is a file format created by Adobe. In order to open and read the PDF files you have purchased you will need to have the 聽Acrobat Reader聽Software installed on your computer. PDF files are provided in either character-based format or, for older documents, in TIFF image-based format. All PDF files purchased from the ISO Store are watermarked in order to protect 聽ISO Copyright."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is an ePub?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"ePub is short for electronic publication. It is a format optimized for tablets, e-readers and smartphones. It allows you to easily navigate the publication on a small, touch screen. On iOS, you can download iBooks聽from the AppStore for an optimized reading experience. To add the file to your Apple device, you can download the file from your Account and add it to the iTunes Library. For Android, you can download FBReader聽from Google Play."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is a watermark?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"All downloadable standards are watermarked. The ISO Central Secretariat uses watermarks in order to protect 聽ISO's Copyright.聽A watermark is additional information that has been added to a document to identify the rightful licensee of the document. Using a watermark is a means of personalizing each standard that you download. By default, the watermark in the PDF file displays (on each page of the document) the order number, the download date and the email address of the contact provided in the Account. Example of a watermark:"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I purchase a withdrawn standard?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Withdrawn standards are available for sale in PDF or paper version, for the price of CHF 63.00 (+ Shipping & Handling for the paper copy). Withdrawn standards can only be purchased by contacting the ISO Customer Care聽Team, Opening Hours:聽Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00 (UTC +1). Phone: +41 22 749 08 88 Email: 聽 Or by contacting your national ISO member directly."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"I want to purchase a corrigenda, but it is not available on the ISO Store?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"If you have purchased a standard and a corrigenda has been published, it will automatically be added to your Account. Alternatively, you can access it for free on the聽Online Browsing Platform."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"If I purchase a Draft, will I get the final publication for free?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Purchasing the Draft version of a standard (ISO/DIS) doesn't grant you to have its final version for free. Draft versions are subject to changes, hence the final publication will have to be purchased as well."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is a Redline document?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A Redline document compares the current standard with the previous edition. It allows you to see any updates made at a glance, by highlighting in red, all the parts that were removed from the previous edition, and by highlighting in green the new parts that were added. Redline documents are not sold separately but as a bundle, included with the standard. Information: Redline documents are only available for some standards."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I post the standard I have purchased on the intranet?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"As indicated in our Licence Agreement, standards cannot be shared with other users or posted on a company intranet. If you wish to do so, please contact your national 聽ISO member, who will be able to offer a suitable licence."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is a country codes collection and why purchase it?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The 聽country codes collection is an annual subscription that provides you with the complete updated lists of official country codes from ISO聽3166 (parts 1, 2 and 3) in .XML, .CSV and .XLS format so you can download them to your database. With the subscription you will also receive notifications of any updates."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I download the country codes collection that I have purchased?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You have to go to the Online Browsing Platform and access to your Account. You will find your collection under the Subscriptions tab."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What can I do with the country codes collection that I have purchased?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The Country Codes can be downloaded to your database and used in order to implement the standard ISO聽3166. However, selling them to others and further reproduction is not permitted."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Will I be notified of any updates made to the country codes collection?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Updates are included in your subscription. You will be notified when changes are made so you can download the latest versions."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What happens when my country codes subscription expires?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Your subscription is automatically renewed every year, which means that you will keep receiving updates until you stop the auto-renewal. This is easy to do through from 聽your account and will be effective immediately."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I purchase Graphical Symbols?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"If you are looking for a single Graphical Symbol, you can search, preview and buy it from the 聽Online Browsing Platform (OBP). They are available in AI, DWG, EPS formats and in some cases also in vectorized PDF. If you buy a Graphical Symbol collection, (ISO聽7000 or ISO聽7000/IEC聽60417), you pay a yearly fee to access and download the symbols."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I access the Graphical Symbols that I have purchased?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You have to go to the Online Browsing Platform 聽and log into your Account. If you purchased an individual symbol, it will be available under the Products tab. If you purchased a Collection of Graphical Symbols, you will find it under the Subscriptions聽tab."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What can I do with the Graphical Symbols that I have purchased?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Graphical Symbols can be reproduced as needed for the implementation of the respective ISO Standards. However, posting them on the Internet or selling them to others is not permitted."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Will I be notified of any updates made to the Graphical Symbols Collection?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"When you subscribe to a Graphical Symbol Collection, you will be informed if an update is available. Updates are included in your annual subscription and any modification in the collection will be updated automatically in your Account, free of charge."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What happens when my subscription expires?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The subscription to a Graphical Symbols Collection lasts for one year. The subscription is automatically renewed, unless you cancel the renewal. To do so, you have to log into your Account and select the Stop Auto-renewal."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the notification tool?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The notification tool sends you an alert via email when there is any updated information regarding a standard you follow. You will receive information when a new standard is published, withdrawn, or if a new format of the standard is available."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I subscribe to notifications?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"First of all, you will need to sign into your Account. Then you can go to the 聽Online Browsing Platform, search for the standard and click on Follow. If you wish to stop following a standard, then you go to your Account and uncheck the Following聽button. Another possibility is when you buy a standard through the ISO Store. On the Shopping Basket, the Follow聽function will be automatically selected. If you do not want to receive notifications about the standard, you can uncheck Follow."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I access the documents from the notifications?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can click on the document reference to access it. If it is already part of your library, you will be able to see the entire document. Otherwise, you will only be able to see the publicly available sections. You can then decide to purchase the standard if you wish."}}],"@type":"FAQPage","@context":""}</script><script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/CsrfServlet"></script> </head> <!-- Topbar utility --> <body class="theme-red lang-en jnt-page is-prod is-live" id="page-f9d0d564-b368-4041-b92d-50f8f1fe6b72"> <a id="page-top" class="skip-navigation btn btn-info visually-hidden visually-hidden-focusable" href="#content">Skip to main content</a> <nav role="navigation" aria-label="Utility Navigation" class="nav-utility navbar-expand-lg text-sm navbar-dark bg-darkergray text-light"> <div class="container d-flex justify-content-between"> <div class="ticker text-truncate float-start"></div> <ul class="nav d-flex justify-content-end justify-content-sm-around justify-content-md-end" id="utilities"> <li class="nav-item d-none d-sm-block"> <a href="" class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center" title="ISO's applications portal"><i class="bi-grid-3x3-gap-fill"></i>&nbsp;Applications</a> </li> <li 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id="section-main" class=" "> <div class="container"> <div class="row row-title " > <div class="col-md-12"><h2>Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)</h2></div></div><div class="row " > <div class="col-md-7"><div class="collapse-link"> <button class="accordion-button h3 collapsed" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#accordion-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="accordion-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8">General</button> </div> <div class="collapse ms-4" id="accordion-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion faqs" id="id-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-a01b29de-eb54-4415-b3d4-2abcbd6d946e"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-a01b29de-eb54-4415-b3d4-2abcbd6d946e" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-a01b29de-eb54-4415-b3d4-2abcbd6d946e"> Can anyone join ISO?</button> </h3><div id="id-a01b29de-eb54-4415-b3d4-2abcbd6d946e" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-a01b29de-eb54-4415-b3d4-2abcbd6d946e" data-bs-parent="#id-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Individuals or businesses can&#39;t join ISO. Membership of ISO is only open to national standards institutes or similar organizations that represent standardization in their country (one member in each country). It&#39;s important to realize that companies that apply or certify ISO standards are not ISO members. Find out <a href="/about/members" title="Members">more about&nbsp;ISO members.</a></p></div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-c0c5fbff-f45e-4aaa-8b7b-07a207cb7149"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-c0c5fbff-f45e-4aaa-8b7b-07a207cb7149" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-c0c5fbff-f45e-4aaa-8b7b-07a207cb7149"> What is conformity assessment?</button> </h3><div id="id-c0c5fbff-f45e-4aaa-8b7b-07a207cb7149" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-c0c5fbff-f45e-4aaa-8b7b-07a207cb7149" data-bs-parent="#id-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Conformity assessment involves a set of processes that show your product, service or system meets the requirements of a standard. It&#39;s important to note that&nbsp;ISO doesn&rsquo;t provide certification or conformity assessment. Find out more <a href="/conformity-assessment.html" title="Certification &amp; conformity">about conformity assessment</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-ef29d707-170d-4a15-aeae-ca05bb7ccff2"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-ef29d707-170d-4a15-aeae-ca05bb7ccff2" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-ef29d707-170d-4a15-aeae-ca05bb7ccff2"> Does ISO carry out certification?</button> </h3><div id="id-ef29d707-170d-4a15-aeae-ca05bb7ccff2" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-ef29d707-170d-4a15-aeae-ca05bb7ccff2" data-bs-parent="#id-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>No.&nbsp;ISO doesn&rsquo;t provide certification or conformity assessment. Find out more about <a href="/conformity-assessment.html" title="Certification &amp; conformity">how conformity assessment and certification works</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-a3c98bba-378f-475c-98ad-f09420e17b28"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-a3c98bba-378f-475c-98ad-f09420e17b28" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-a3c98bba-378f-475c-98ad-f09420e17b28"> Can I use the ISO logo?</button> </h3><div id="id-a3c98bba-378f-475c-98ad-f09420e17b28" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-a3c98bba-378f-475c-98ad-f09420e17b28" data-bs-parent="#id-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Only ISO,&nbsp;ISO members, and&nbsp;ISO technical committees&nbsp;(TCs) are allowed to use the ISO logo and ISO short name in accordance with ISO Policies.&nbsp; Read more about <a href="/iso-name-and-logo.html" title="ISO name and logo">our name and logo</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-4203a362-1fa1-44dd-b850-c5422cc8f230"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-4203a362-1fa1-44dd-b850-c5422cc8f230" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-4203a362-1fa1-44dd-b850-c5422cc8f230"> How can I find a certification body?</button> </h3><div id="id-4203a362-1fa1-44dd-b850-c5422cc8f230" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-4203a362-1fa1-44dd-b850-c5422cc8f230" data-bs-parent="#id-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>At ISO&nbsp;we are not involved in certification, and do not issue certificates, but we we have created some useful <a href="/certification.html" title="Certification">information for those looking for a certification body</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-88d5d372-9886-4f8d-81b0-0085ae270469"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-88d5d372-9886-4f8d-81b0-0085ae270469" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-88d5d372-9886-4f8d-81b0-0085ae270469"> How can I find out which standards are equivalent to ISO standards?</button> </h3><div id="id-88d5d372-9886-4f8d-81b0-0085ae270469" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-88d5d372-9886-4f8d-81b0-0085ae270469" data-bs-parent="#id-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>ISO itself does not have data on equivalent standards (such as national or regional standards). However, a number of ISO members are able to provide this information. Therefore, <a href="/about/members" title="Members">please contact the ISO member in your country</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-9429938f-dc43-4336-a010-d28c5c075445"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-9429938f-dc43-4336-a010-d28c5c075445" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-9429938f-dc43-4336-a010-d28c5c075445"> How does ISO decide what standards to develop?</button> </h3><div id="id-9429938f-dc43-4336-a010-d28c5c075445" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-9429938f-dc43-4336-a010-d28c5c075445" data-bs-parent="#id-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Working through the ISO community, it is the people who need the standards that decide. A particular industry or business sector can communicate its need for a standard&nbsp;to their&nbsp;national ISO member; the idea is then proposed to ISO as a whole.</p> <p>If accepted, the project is assigned to an existing technical committee. Proposals may also be made to establish technical committees to cover new scopes of technological activity. In order to use resources most efficiently, ISO only develops new standards for which there are clear market requirements.</p> <p>If you feel there is a need for a standard in your sector, <a href="/about/members" title="Members">please contact your ISO member</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-60e8912e-988e-40b4-b729-918f5efd8144"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-60e8912e-988e-40b4-b729-918f5efd8144" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-60e8912e-988e-40b4-b729-918f5efd8144"> Why is there a charge for standards?</button> </h3><div id="id-60e8912e-988e-40b4-b729-918f5efd8144" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-60e8912e-988e-40b4-b729-918f5efd8144" data-bs-parent="#id-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Developing, publishing and maintaining ISO standards incurs a cost, and revenues from selling them helps ISO and its members to cover an important part of these costs. Charging for standards allows us to ensure that they are developed in an impartial environment and therefore meet the needs of all stakeholders for which the standard is relevant. This is essential if standards are to remain effective in the real world. ISO and its members offer a number of options to access ISO standards. Contact us or <a href="/about/members" title="Members">your national ISO member</a> to find the best option for your needs.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-437c70f7-4f26-4695-a32b-ff8fe980fadb"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-437c70f7-4f26-4695-a32b-ff8fe980fadb" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-437c70f7-4f26-4695-a32b-ff8fe980fadb"> What is ISO's relation to governments?</button> </h3><div id="id-437c70f7-4f26-4695-a32b-ff8fe980fadb" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-437c70f7-4f26-4695-a32b-ff8fe980fadb" data-bs-parent="#id-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>ISO is a non-governmental organization (NGO). Therefore, unlike the United Nations, the national members of ISO are not delegations of the governments of those countries. Our national members are the national standards bodies, or equivalent organizations, in their country. Some of them are wholly private sector in origin, others are private sector organizations but have a special mandate from their governments on matters related to standardization, and others are part of the governmental framework of their countries. In addition, government experts often participate in ISO&#39;s standards&#39; development work. So, while ISO is an NGO, it receives input from the public sector as it does from the private sector.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-53135582-01fd-467a-b892-2663a7259221"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-53135582-01fd-467a-b892-2663a7259221" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-53135582-01fd-467a-b892-2663a7259221"> Who pays for ISO?</button> </h3><div id="id-53135582-01fd-467a-b892-2663a7259221" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-53135582-01fd-467a-b892-2663a7259221" data-bs-parent="#id-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion-body"> <div><a href="/about/members" title="Members">ISO&#39;s national members</a> pay subscriptions that meet the operational cost of ISO&#39;s Central Secretariat. The dues paid by each member are calculated as a proportion of their&nbsp;country&#39;s Gross National Product and trade figures. Another source of revenue is the sale of standards, which contributes more than a third&nbsp;of the budget.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>The operations of the Central Secretariat in Geneva represent only about one fifth of the cost of our international standardizing activities&nbsp;. The remaining costs are borne by the organizations which manage the specific projects or loan experts to participate in the technical work. These organizations are, in effect, subsidizing the technical work by paying the travel costs of the experts and allowing them time to work on their ISO assignments. Such organizations and individuals make an essential and highly valued contribution to standardization.</div> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-1549ad54-0583-4ad7-a3f4-245fe6eb8b4d"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-1549ad54-0583-4ad7-a3f4-245fe6eb8b4d" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-1549ad54-0583-4ad7-a3f4-245fe6eb8b4d"> Who runs ISO?</button> </h3><div id="id-1549ad54-0583-4ad7-a3f4-245fe6eb8b4d" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-1549ad54-0583-4ad7-a3f4-245fe6eb8b4d" data-bs-parent="#id-e87ff974-ef5d-4288-9055-f08b3604edc8"> <div class="accordion-body"> <div>The&nbsp;General Assembly is the ultimate authority of the Organization. It is composed of <a href="/about/members" title="Members">ISO members</a>, and considers any matter submitted by&nbsp;<a href="/committee/55010.html" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" title="ISO/COUNCIL">the ISO Council</a>.&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>The proposals put to the General Assembly are developed by the Council,&nbsp; which is drawn from the ISO membership. The Council, which resembles the board of directors of a business organization, meets three times per year to&nbsp;discuss key matters relating to ISO strategy and policy, financial as well as operational and statutory matters. ISO Council membership rotates regularly to ensure that it is representative.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Operations are managed by a Secretary-General, who is appointed for five-year term. The Secretary-General reports to a President who is a prominent figure in standardization or in business, elected for two, or three&nbsp;years. To learn more, <a href="/structure.html" title="Structure">see our section on structure and governance</a>.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>While we work together with United Nations (UN) specialized agencies on some standardization projects, ISO is an independent not-for-profit organization and is not part of the UN.</div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div><div class="collapse-link"> <button class="accordion-button h3 collapsed" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#accordion-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="accordion-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219">Purchasing</button> </div> <div class="collapse ms-4" id="accordion-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion faqs" id="id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-8a43195a-de12-4244-ac09-9f4c9babd9eb"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-8a43195a-de12-4244-ac09-9f4c9babd9eb" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-8a43195a-de12-4244-ac09-9f4c9babd9eb"> How can I purchase ISO products?</button> </h3><div id="id-8a43195a-de12-4244-ac09-9f4c9babd9eb" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-8a43195a-de12-4244-ac09-9f4c9babd9eb" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Our ISO products can be purchased either from the&nbsp;<a href="/store.html" title="Store">ISO&nbsp;Store</a> or from the ISO national <a href="/about/members" title="Members">member&nbsp;body</a>. ISO Store All items available for purchase have an associated shopping basket function on the right side of the page. Here, you can choose the format (Paper, PDF and ePub) and the language of the publication.</p> <p><strong>ISO Member:</strong></p> <p>Orders for ISO Standards and other ISO Publications can be addressed to your national &nbsp;ISO Member. Some members can offer a personalized service and give technical feedback on certain standards. The main benefit of ordering through your national member is that with them, you can purchase ISO Products in your local currency.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-4a21bd9f-6753-4b62-b654-d742bd2047c4"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-4a21bd9f-6753-4b62-b654-d742bd2047c4" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-4a21bd9f-6753-4b62-b654-d742bd2047c4"> What is the ISO Online Browsing Platform (OBP)?</button> </h3><div id="id-4a21bd9f-6753-4b62-b654-d742bd2047c4" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-4a21bd9f-6753-4b62-b654-d742bd2047c4" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>The <a href="" target="_blank">Online Browsing Platform</a>&nbsp;is a platform created by ISO that allows you to search and access our standards online. On the OBP you can freely preview parts of the standards (Foreword, Introduction, Scope, Normative references or Terms &amp; definitions). This can help you decide whether it is the right standard you are looking for. The OBP is also used to access and purchase Graphical Symbols &amp; Symbol Collections, Country Codes, Terms &amp; Definitions.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-e0fb8cf1-b14b-4e3f-be62-0062f907f6c7"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-e0fb8cf1-b14b-4e3f-be62-0062f907f6c7" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-e0fb8cf1-b14b-4e3f-be62-0062f907f6c7"> Can I access the Online Browsing Platform (OBP) and my products offline?</button> </h3><div id="id-e0fb8cf1-b14b-4e3f-be62-0062f907f6c7" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-e0fb8cf1-b14b-4e3f-be62-0062f907f6c7" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>No, it is not possible to consult your library offline. But you can have offline access to any file you have previously downloaded to your computer.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-7a91e5c9-fbba-48a1-b7cb-424d7d4af0e1"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-7a91e5c9-fbba-48a1-b7cb-424d7d4af0e1" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-7a91e5c9-fbba-48a1-b7cb-424d7d4af0e1"> Can I pay in my local currency? What is CHF?</button> </h3><div id="id-7a91e5c9-fbba-48a1-b7cb-424d7d4af0e1" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-7a91e5c9-fbba-48a1-b7cb-424d7d4af0e1" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Prices for ISO publications ordered from the ISO Store are expressed in Swiss Francs (CHF) and can only be invoiced&nbsp;in this currency. If you wish to convert the price of any ISO publication into your local currency, you can find a currency converter at&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>. To purchase standards in your local currency, you can contact your national &nbsp;ISO Member.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-f26779e2-4013-4a53-92c8-d743c57232c7"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-f26779e2-4013-4a53-92c8-d743c57232c7" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-f26779e2-4013-4a53-92c8-d743c57232c7"> Which payment methods are accepted by ISO?</button> </h3><div id="id-f26779e2-4013-4a53-92c8-d743c57232c7" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-f26779e2-4013-4a53-92c8-d743c57232c7" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>As our <a href="/home/store/terms-conditions-licence-agreeme.html#payment" title="Terms conditions">Terms &amp; Conditions</a>, you can pay for your order with a credit card (MasterCard, Visa, and American Express) or by bank transfer. No debit cards are accepted. Your credit card information will be secure with the use of our Secure Transaction System. (See also our Privacy Policy ). For payment by bank transfer, the payment must&nbsp;mention your order number.</p> <p>Note: All bank charges have to be paid by the purchaser. If you choose this payment method, you will receive an email with the bank information. Bank transfers can take around 3 working days to be processed.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-1cb6749d-1697-47f2-8e4b-121f326f76c1"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-1cb6749d-1697-47f2-8e4b-121f326f76c1" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-1cb6749d-1697-47f2-8e4b-121f326f76c1"> What is ISO's Tax Policy?</button> </h3><div id="id-1cb6749d-1697-47f2-8e4b-121f326f76c1" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-1cb6749d-1697-47f2-8e4b-121f326f76c1" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>As per our <a href="/terms-conditions-licence-agreement.html" title="Terms conditions">Terms &amp; Conditions</a>, local taxes are applied to online orders delivered in Switzerland only. For international orders, no taxes are charged. If there are taxes to be paid outside of Switzerland, they are the customers&#39; responsibility.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-9c357ea1-4ef1-4596-9c36-ef5796e37b63"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-9c357ea1-4ef1-4596-9c36-ef5796e37b63" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-9c357ea1-4ef1-4596-9c36-ef5796e37b63"> Who can purchase through the ISO Store?</button> </h3><div id="id-9c357ea1-4ef1-4596-9c36-ef5796e37b63" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-9c357ea1-4ef1-4596-9c36-ef5796e37b63" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>The ISO Store is dedicated to end users only and not resellers. If you are interested in reselling ISO products, please contact your national ISO Member for further information.</p> <p>Note: Please read carefully the terms of our <a href="/home/store/terms-conditions-licence-agreeme.html#Customer-Licence" title="Licence Agreement">License Agreement</a> before placing your order.&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-4222ea95-3ee7-4dc0-b5b3-c54f7504dfb2"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-4222ea95-3ee7-4dc0-b5b3-c54f7504dfb2" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-4222ea95-3ee7-4dc0-b5b3-c54f7504dfb2"> How do I create or manage my Account?</button> </h3><div id="id-4222ea95-3ee7-4dc0-b5b3-c54f7504dfb2" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-4222ea95-3ee7-4dc0-b5b3-c54f7504dfb2" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p><em>Creating an Account:</em></p> <ul> <li>Go to the <a href="" target="_blank">Online Browsing Platform</a> and click &quot;Sign In&quot;&nbsp;on the top right corner.</li> <li>Click &quot;Create Account&quot;&nbsp;and enter the information required.</li> <li>You will receive an email confirmation and will be asked to validate your account.</li> </ul> <p><em>Editing your Account Information:</em></p> <p>Go to your Account and click on &quot;Profile&quot;. There you will be able to change the information you need. Note that this information is the one that will be displayed on your invoice, so make sure you keep it updated. The account is personal and the contact information needs to be properly indicated for a single user, and not a company. If you wish to modify the email address in your account, please contact the customer service. &nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-fd3e8662-adf9-4c33-bb2b-c0758156c008"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-fd3e8662-adf9-4c33-bb2b-c0758156c008" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-fd3e8662-adf9-4c33-bb2b-c0758156c008"> How do I download my electronic documents?</button> </h3><div id="id-fd3e8662-adf9-4c33-bb2b-c0758156c008" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-fd3e8662-adf9-4c33-bb2b-c0758156c008" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Once you have made the payment and received an order confirmation, the electronic document can be downloaded from your online account. You will find the document under the &quot;Products&quot; tab, where you can either view it online or download it to your computer. It is important to know that all electronic files are subject to &nbsp;<a href="/privacy.html" title="Privacy and copyright">ISO Copyright</a>, which you will need to comply with.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-a8f29ba3-56ab-4a88-9013-1bba8760f6d4"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-a8f29ba3-56ab-4a88-9013-1bba8760f6d4" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-a8f29ba3-56ab-4a88-9013-1bba8760f6d4"> How can I get an invoice for my purchase?</button> </h3><div id="id-a8f29ba3-56ab-4a88-9013-1bba8760f6d4" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-a8f29ba3-56ab-4a88-9013-1bba8760f6d4" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Referring to our Terms &amp; Conditions, if you need a copy of your invoice, you need to log into your Account. Under the &quot;Orders&nbsp;tab&quot;, select your invoice and press the &quot;Email&quot; button. A copy will be sent to you by email. ISO regrets to inform you that once an order has been confirmed and an invoice has been generated, the invoice information can no longer be modified. Therefore please make sure that all the Account information is up to date. &nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-0b32424e-79a6-457e-8402-800c26396128"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-0b32424e-79a6-457e-8402-800c26396128" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-0b32424e-79a6-457e-8402-800c26396128"> When will I receive my shipment?</button> </h3><div id="id-0b32424e-79a6-457e-8402-800c26396128" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-0b32424e-79a6-457e-8402-800c26396128" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>As per our Terms &amp; Conditions, if you purchased a product in CD or paper format , then it will be shipped to you according to your selected delivery method:</p> <ul> <li>Standard Delivery: 4-10 business days , no tracking possibilities</li> <li>Express Delivery (DHL): 2-4 business days, tracking number available</li> </ul> <p>Shipments are sent out from the ISO Central Secretariat in Switzerland, either on the same day or the next business day, after we receive your payment.</p> <p>Note: Shipments to Mexico will only by sent by Express delivery and shipments to Switzerland, only by Standard delivery. PDF files have to be downloaded directly from your online account: Go to your <a href="" target="_blank">ISO Store account</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-5f05faeb-6013-4ff5-b8c5-3abad71fb737"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-5f05faeb-6013-4ff5-b8c5-3abad71fb737" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-5f05faeb-6013-4ff5-b8c5-3abad71fb737"> What is the ISO Returns Policy?</button> </h3><div id="id-5f05faeb-6013-4ff5-b8c5-3abad71fb737" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-5f05faeb-6013-4ff5-b8c5-3abad71fb737" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>As per our Terms &amp; Conditions, except in the case of an error made by the ISO Central Secretariat, ISO does not accept returns, nor provide a refund for PDF and ePub documents. For physical documents (paper or CD-ROM), the return has to be accepted by the ISO Central Secretariat first, who will explain the procedure to follow. Please note that orders will be credited only upon receipt of the returned goods.</p> <p>Information: Should you have any doubts about a standard you are interested in, you can refer to our <a href="" target="_blank">Online Browsing Platform</a> (OBP) where you can preview different sections of the standard free of charge. For more complete information, you can also contact our Customer Service team or the ISO member in your country. &nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-e5ada9e5-f1f4-4ac3-a810-5ce75691e814"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-e5ada9e5-f1f4-4ac3-a810-5ce75691e814" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-e5ada9e5-f1f4-4ac3-a810-5ce75691e814"> Can I purchase a product that someone else is going to use?</button> </h3><div id="id-e5ada9e5-f1f4-4ac3-a810-5ce75691e814" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-e5ada9e5-f1f4-4ac3-a810-5ce75691e814" data-bs-parent="#id-9a0c21a0-f24a-49e1-a529-3fd6af918219"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>ISO publications come with a single-user licence. When you purchase a standard from the ISO Store, the document(s) can be assigned for your personal individual use (&ldquo;You&rdquo;) or for use by your colleague(s) (&ldquo;someone else&rdquo;) within your company. The document will be watermarked in the user&rsquo;s name.</p> <p>If you wish to post standards on your company&rsquo;s Intranet for access by multiple users, please&nbsp;<a href="">contact us</a>&nbsp;or your&nbsp;<a href="">ISO Member</a>&nbsp;to explore the options.</p> <p>Note: The ISO Store is dedicated to end users only and not resellers. If you are interested in reselling ISO products, please contact your national <a href="">ISO Member</a> for further information.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div></div> </div><div class="collapse-link"> <button class="accordion-button h3 collapsed" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#accordion-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="accordion-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3">Standards and Handbooks</button> </div> <div class="collapse ms-4" id="accordion-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3"> <div class="accordion faqs" id="id-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3"> <div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-dad8f4a6-d1b2-4a26-a5d0-f6ac257b9d33"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-dad8f4a6-d1b2-4a26-a5d0-f6ac257b9d33" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-dad8f4a6-d1b2-4a26-a5d0-f6ac257b9d33"> How can I access the ISO Standards and Handbooks that I purchased?</button> </h3><div id="id-dad8f4a6-d1b2-4a26-a5d0-f6ac257b9d33" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-dad8f4a6-d1b2-4a26-a5d0-f6ac257b9d33" data-bs-parent="#id-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>The electronic documents can be accessed from your Account . You will find the document under the &quot;Products&quot;&nbsp;tab, where you can either view it online on the &nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Online Browsing Platform</a> (OBP) &nbsp;or download it to your computer. It is important to know that all electronic files are subject to <a href="/privacy.html" title="Privacy and copyright">ISO Copyright</a>, which you will need to comply with. If you purchased a product in CD or paper format, then it will be shipped to you according to your selected delivery method:</p> <ul> <li>Standard Delivery : 4-10 business days, sent via standard mail, no tracking possibility,</li> <li>Express Delivery : 2-4 business days, sent via DHL with tracking number available</li> </ul> <p>Shipments are sent out from the ISO Central Secretariat in Switzerland, either on the same day or the next business day, after we receive your payment.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-2f08598d-0b55-482c-930a-8e5f1a925d52"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-2f08598d-0b55-482c-930a-8e5f1a925d52" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-2f08598d-0b55-482c-930a-8e5f1a925d52"> What can I do with the standard I have purchased?</button> </h3><div id="id-2f08598d-0b55-482c-930a-8e5f1a925d52" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-2f08598d-0b55-482c-930a-8e5f1a925d52" data-bs-parent="#id-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>If you purchase a hardcopy, you are allowed to share it with any person that wants to read it. However, you cannot copy the text by scanning it, photocopying it, or reproducing it in any other way. For electronic files, you can store them on any device, and you are allowed to print one copy for your own personal needs. However, you are not allowed to make copies or transfer the electronic file, or reproduce parts of it. For more information, please contact us at &nbsp;<a href=""></a>.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-02ef391f-46bb-469d-a6ec-02a84652d1e5"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-02ef391f-46bb-469d-a6ec-02a84652d1e5" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-02ef391f-46bb-469d-a6ec-02a84652d1e5"> What is an Adobe Acrobat PDF?</button> </h3><div id="id-02ef391f-46bb-469d-a6ec-02a84652d1e5" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-02ef391f-46bb-469d-a6ec-02a84652d1e5" data-bs-parent="#id-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>PDF is a file format created by Adobe. In order to open and read the PDF files you have purchased you will need to have the &nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Acrobat Reader</a>&nbsp;Software installed on your computer. PDF files are provided in either character-based format or, for older documents, in TIFF image-based format. All PDF files purchased from the ISO Store are watermarked in order to protect &nbsp;ISO Copyright.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-9f07dfbe-e9f6-46ba-8d90-66c10dbed3e7"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-9f07dfbe-e9f6-46ba-8d90-66c10dbed3e7" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-9f07dfbe-e9f6-46ba-8d90-66c10dbed3e7"> What is an ePub?</button> </h3><div id="id-9f07dfbe-e9f6-46ba-8d90-66c10dbed3e7" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-9f07dfbe-e9f6-46ba-8d90-66c10dbed3e7" data-bs-parent="#id-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>ePub is short for &quot;electronic publication&quot;. It is a format optimized for tablets, e-readers and smartphones. It allows you to easily navigate the publication on a small, touch screen. On iOS, you can download <a href="" target="_blank">iBooks</a>&nbsp;from the AppStore for an optimized reading experience. To add the file to your Apple device, you can download the file from your Account and add it to the iTunes Library. For Android, you can download <a href=";hl=en" target="_blank">FBReader</a>&nbsp;from Google Play.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-0a257fe0-ee3a-47f3-a4ca-a420af3eec59"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-0a257fe0-ee3a-47f3-a4ca-a420af3eec59" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-0a257fe0-ee3a-47f3-a4ca-a420af3eec59"> What is a watermark?</button> </h3><div id="id-0a257fe0-ee3a-47f3-a4ca-a420af3eec59" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-0a257fe0-ee3a-47f3-a4ca-a420af3eec59" data-bs-parent="#id-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>All downloadable standards are watermarked. The ISO Central Secretariat uses watermarks in order to protect &nbsp;ISO&#39;s <a href="/privacy.html" title="Privacy and copyright">Copyright</a>.&nbsp;A watermark is additional information that has been added to a document to identify the rightful licensee of the document. Using a watermark is a means of personalizing each standard that you download. By default, the watermark in the PDF file displays (on each page of the document) the order number, the download date and the email address of the contact provided in the Account. Example of a watermark:</p> <figure class="image width-300 frame"><a class="fancybox glyphicon-zoom-in" href="/files/live/sites/isoorg/files/utilities/watermark_sample.jpg"><img alt="Sample of a watermark" class="shadow" height="103" src="/files/live/sites/isoorg/files/utilities/watermark_sample.jpg" width="500" /></a></figure> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-6d4298fe-b43f-400e-b8af-4a05212940cc"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-6d4298fe-b43f-400e-b8af-4a05212940cc" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-6d4298fe-b43f-400e-b8af-4a05212940cc"> How can I purchase a withdrawn standard?</button> </h3><div id="id-6d4298fe-b43f-400e-b8af-4a05212940cc" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-6d4298fe-b43f-400e-b8af-4a05212940cc" data-bs-parent="#id-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Withdrawn standards are available for sale in PDF or paper version, for the price of CHF 63.00 (+ Shipping &amp; Handling for the paper copy). Withdrawn standards can only be purchased by contacting the ISO Customer Care&nbsp;Team, Opening Hours:&nbsp;Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00 (UTC +1).</p> <ul> <li>Phone: +41 22 749 08 88</li> <li>Email: &nbsp;</li> </ul> <p>Or by contacting your national <a href="/about/members" title="Members">ISO member</a> directly.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-00b54ccb-08b1-4a5c-85a2-f1ae7c83828d"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-00b54ccb-08b1-4a5c-85a2-f1ae7c83828d" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-00b54ccb-08b1-4a5c-85a2-f1ae7c83828d"> I want to purchase a corrigenda, but it is not available on the ISO Store?</button> </h3><div id="id-00b54ccb-08b1-4a5c-85a2-f1ae7c83828d" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-00b54ccb-08b1-4a5c-85a2-f1ae7c83828d" data-bs-parent="#id-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>If you have purchased a standard and a corrigenda has been published, it will automatically be added to your Account. Alternatively, you can access it for free on the&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Online Browsing Platform</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-821ad0c8-4a1c-4bfc-b48c-84fbb4b19d2f"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-821ad0c8-4a1c-4bfc-b48c-84fbb4b19d2f" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-821ad0c8-4a1c-4bfc-b48c-84fbb4b19d2f"> If I purchase a Draft, will I get the final publication for free?</button> </h3><div id="id-821ad0c8-4a1c-4bfc-b48c-84fbb4b19d2f" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-821ad0c8-4a1c-4bfc-b48c-84fbb4b19d2f" data-bs-parent="#id-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Purchasing the Draft version of a standard (ISO/DIS) doesn&#39;t grant you to have its final version for free. Draft versions are subject to changes, hence the final publication will have to be purchased as well.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-e3ceff62-c8cf-4059-8b14-929ddf014ed6"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-e3ceff62-c8cf-4059-8b14-929ddf014ed6" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-e3ceff62-c8cf-4059-8b14-929ddf014ed6"> What is a Redline document?</button> </h3><div id="id-e3ceff62-c8cf-4059-8b14-929ddf014ed6" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-e3ceff62-c8cf-4059-8b14-929ddf014ed6" data-bs-parent="#id-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>A Redline document compares the current standard with the previous edition. It allows you to see any updates made at a glance, by highlighting in red, all the parts that were removed from the previous edition, and by highlighting in green the new parts that were added. Redline documents are not sold separately but as a bundle, included with the standard.</p> <p>Information: Redline documents are only available for some standards.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-ce664ad7-bf66-4d4a-9505-f550ad8df0f8"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-ce664ad7-bf66-4d4a-9505-f550ad8df0f8" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-ce664ad7-bf66-4d4a-9505-f550ad8df0f8"> Can I post the standard I have purchased on the intranet?</button> </h3><div id="id-ce664ad7-bf66-4d4a-9505-f550ad8df0f8" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-ce664ad7-bf66-4d4a-9505-f550ad8df0f8" data-bs-parent="#id-a33f6aea-370e-4675-9215-21d79ea672b3"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>As indicated in our <a href="/home/store/terms-conditions-licence-agreeme.html#Customer-Licence" title="Licence Agreement">Licence Agreement</a>, standards cannot be shared with other users or posted on a company intranet. If you wish to do so, please contact your national &nbsp;<a href="/about/members" title="Members">ISO member</a>, who will be able to offer a suitable licence.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> </div><div class="collapse-link"> <button class="accordion-button h3 collapsed" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#accordion-44419d4c-5a31-4dfa-8ad9-844d2eae1e57" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="accordion-44419d4c-5a31-4dfa-8ad9-844d2eae1e57">Country codes collection</button> </div> <div class="collapse ms-4" id="accordion-44419d4c-5a31-4dfa-8ad9-844d2eae1e57"> <div class="accordion faqs" id="id-44419d4c-5a31-4dfa-8ad9-844d2eae1e57"> <div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-959eab79-063b-4b00-ae16-786c926efef6"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-959eab79-063b-4b00-ae16-786c926efef6" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-959eab79-063b-4b00-ae16-786c926efef6"> What is a country codes collection and why purchase it?</button> </h3><div id="id-959eab79-063b-4b00-ae16-786c926efef6" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-959eab79-063b-4b00-ae16-786c926efef6" data-bs-parent="#id-44419d4c-5a31-4dfa-8ad9-844d2eae1e57"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>The &nbsp;country codes collection is an annual subscription that provides you with the complete updated lists of official country codes from ISO&nbsp;3166 (parts 1, 2 and 3) in .XML, .CSV and .XLS format so you can download them to your database. With the subscription you will also receive notifications of any updates.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-2162eebd-8cc8-4d2b-95a1-7bb5e79a15ba"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-2162eebd-8cc8-4d2b-95a1-7bb5e79a15ba" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-2162eebd-8cc8-4d2b-95a1-7bb5e79a15ba"> How do I download the country codes collection that I have purchased?</button> </h3><div id="id-2162eebd-8cc8-4d2b-95a1-7bb5e79a15ba" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-2162eebd-8cc8-4d2b-95a1-7bb5e79a15ba" data-bs-parent="#id-44419d4c-5a31-4dfa-8ad9-844d2eae1e57"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>You have to go to the <a href="" target="_blank">Online Browsing Platform</a> and access to your Account. You will find your collection under the &quot;Subscriptions&quot; tab.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-fb1ef3a9-aa91-411e-b9f4-530b3aeaa37c"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-fb1ef3a9-aa91-411e-b9f4-530b3aeaa37c" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-fb1ef3a9-aa91-411e-b9f4-530b3aeaa37c"> What can I do with the country codes collection that I have purchased?</button> </h3><div id="id-fb1ef3a9-aa91-411e-b9f4-530b3aeaa37c" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-fb1ef3a9-aa91-411e-b9f4-530b3aeaa37c" data-bs-parent="#id-44419d4c-5a31-4dfa-8ad9-844d2eae1e57"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>The Country Codes can be downloaded to your database and used in order to implement the standard ISO&nbsp;3166. However, selling them to others and further reproduction is not permitted.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-285b3c03-1ea4-4f04-be89-bb5baadba180"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-285b3c03-1ea4-4f04-be89-bb5baadba180" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-285b3c03-1ea4-4f04-be89-bb5baadba180"> Will I be notified of any updates made to the country codes collection?</button> </h3><div id="id-285b3c03-1ea4-4f04-be89-bb5baadba180" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-285b3c03-1ea4-4f04-be89-bb5baadba180" data-bs-parent="#id-44419d4c-5a31-4dfa-8ad9-844d2eae1e57"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Updates are included in your subscription. You will be notified when changes are made so you can download the latest versions.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-c1286111-d838-4e24-a400-bf6bee4dafed"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-c1286111-d838-4e24-a400-bf6bee4dafed" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-c1286111-d838-4e24-a400-bf6bee4dafed"> What happens when my country codes subscription expires?</button> </h3><div id="id-c1286111-d838-4e24-a400-bf6bee4dafed" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-c1286111-d838-4e24-a400-bf6bee4dafed" data-bs-parent="#id-44419d4c-5a31-4dfa-8ad9-844d2eae1e57"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Your subscription is automatically renewed every year, which means that you will keep receiving updates until you stop the auto-renewal. This is easy to do through from &nbsp;your account and will be effective immediately.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> </div><div class="collapse-link"> <button class="accordion-button h3 collapsed" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#accordion-7c595cf8-03f6-4322-8bd5-73dc8ade91d7" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="accordion-7c595cf8-03f6-4322-8bd5-73dc8ade91d7">Graphical symbols</button> </div> <div class="collapse ms-4" id="accordion-7c595cf8-03f6-4322-8bd5-73dc8ade91d7"> <div class="accordion faqs" id="id-7c595cf8-03f6-4322-8bd5-73dc8ade91d7"> <div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-d348115c-5849-4250-9f05-e9b749942dda"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-d348115c-5849-4250-9f05-e9b749942dda" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-d348115c-5849-4250-9f05-e9b749942dda"> How can I purchase Graphical Symbols?</button> </h3><div id="id-d348115c-5849-4250-9f05-e9b749942dda" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-d348115c-5849-4250-9f05-e9b749942dda" data-bs-parent="#id-7c595cf8-03f6-4322-8bd5-73dc8ade91d7"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>If you are looking for a single Graphical Symbol, you can search, preview and buy it from the <a href="" target="_blank">&nbsp;Online Browsing Platform</a> (OBP). They are available in AI, DWG, EPS formats and in some cases also in vectorized PDF. If you buy a Graphical Symbol collection, (<a href="/publication/PUB400001.html" title="PUB400001 - ISO 7000 Graphical symbols for use on equipment">ISO&nbsp;7000</a> or <a href="/publication/PUB400008.html" title="PUB400008 - ISO 7000 / IEC 60417 Graphical symbols for use on equipment">ISO&nbsp;7000/IEC&nbsp;60417</a>), you pay a yearly fee to access and download the symbols.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-40cbbc8f-5196-4e43-b388-8d24f369338f"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-40cbbc8f-5196-4e43-b388-8d24f369338f" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-40cbbc8f-5196-4e43-b388-8d24f369338f"> How do I access the Graphical Symbols that I have purchased?</button> </h3><div id="id-40cbbc8f-5196-4e43-b388-8d24f369338f" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-40cbbc8f-5196-4e43-b388-8d24f369338f" data-bs-parent="#id-7c595cf8-03f6-4322-8bd5-73dc8ade91d7"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>You have to go to the <a href="" target="_blank">Online Browsing Platform</a> &nbsp;and log into your Account. If you purchased an individual symbol, it will be available under the &quot;Products&quot; tab. If you purchased a Collection of Graphical Symbols, you will find it under the &quot;Subscriptions&quot;&nbsp;tab.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-e697617c-66ef-4817-aa37-dacf3e1b16eb"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-e697617c-66ef-4817-aa37-dacf3e1b16eb" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-e697617c-66ef-4817-aa37-dacf3e1b16eb"> What can I do with the Graphical Symbols that I have purchased?</button> </h3><div id="id-e697617c-66ef-4817-aa37-dacf3e1b16eb" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-e697617c-66ef-4817-aa37-dacf3e1b16eb" data-bs-parent="#id-7c595cf8-03f6-4322-8bd5-73dc8ade91d7"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>Graphical Symbols can be reproduced as needed for the implementation of the respective ISO Standards. However, posting them on the Internet or selling them to others is not permitted.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-41929cba-85af-40a3-a097-11d84a2dc593"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-41929cba-85af-40a3-a097-11d84a2dc593" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-41929cba-85af-40a3-a097-11d84a2dc593"> Will I be notified of any updates made to the Graphical Symbols Collection?</button> </h3><div id="id-41929cba-85af-40a3-a097-11d84a2dc593" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-41929cba-85af-40a3-a097-11d84a2dc593" data-bs-parent="#id-7c595cf8-03f6-4322-8bd5-73dc8ade91d7"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>When you subscribe to a Graphical Symbol Collection, you will be informed if an update is available. Updates are included in your annual subscription and any modification in the collection will be updated automatically in your Account, free of charge.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-6008f7da-40ed-4f5e-a993-8a9023874e55"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-6008f7da-40ed-4f5e-a993-8a9023874e55" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-6008f7da-40ed-4f5e-a993-8a9023874e55"> What happens when my subscription expires?</button> </h3><div id="id-6008f7da-40ed-4f5e-a993-8a9023874e55" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-6008f7da-40ed-4f5e-a993-8a9023874e55" data-bs-parent="#id-7c595cf8-03f6-4322-8bd5-73dc8ade91d7"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>The subscription to a Graphical Symbols Collection lasts for one year. The subscription is automatically renewed, unless you cancel the renewal. To do so, you have to log into your Account and select the &quot;Stop Auto-renewal&quot;.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> </div><div class="collapse-link"> <button class="accordion-button h3 collapsed" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#accordion-c8034894-cf20-4533-9548-7c697666f562" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="accordion-c8034894-cf20-4533-9548-7c697666f562">Newsletter & notification tool</button> </div> <div class="collapse ms-4" id="accordion-c8034894-cf20-4533-9548-7c697666f562"> <div class="accordion faqs" id="id-c8034894-cf20-4533-9548-7c697666f562"> <div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-0875eb2c-e11a-497a-b94d-7db31b2a4768"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-0875eb2c-e11a-497a-b94d-7db31b2a4768" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-0875eb2c-e11a-497a-b94d-7db31b2a4768"> What is the notification tool?</button> </h3><div id="id-0875eb2c-e11a-497a-b94d-7db31b2a4768" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-0875eb2c-e11a-497a-b94d-7db31b2a4768" data-bs-parent="#id-c8034894-cf20-4533-9548-7c697666f562"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>The notification tool sends you an alert via email when there is any updated information regarding a standard you follow. You will receive information when a new standard is published, withdrawn, or if a new format of the standard is available.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-4964f0bc-46af-42f2-b22c-13140f4970ec"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-4964f0bc-46af-42f2-b22c-13140f4970ec" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-4964f0bc-46af-42f2-b22c-13140f4970ec"> How can I subscribe to notifications?</button> </h3><div id="id-4964f0bc-46af-42f2-b22c-13140f4970ec" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-4964f0bc-46af-42f2-b22c-13140f4970ec" data-bs-parent="#id-c8034894-cf20-4533-9548-7c697666f562"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>First of all, you will need to sign into your Account. Then you can go to the &nbsp;Online Browsing Platform, search for the standard and click on &quot;Follow&quot;. If you wish to stop following a standard, then you go to your Account and uncheck the &quot;Following&quot;&nbsp;button. Another possibility is when you buy a standard through the ISO Store. On the Shopping Basket, the &quot;Follow&quot;&nbsp;function will be automatically selected. If you do not want to receive notifications about the standard, you can uncheck &quot;Follow&quot;.</p> </div> </div> </div><div class="accordion-item"> <h3 class="accordion-header" id="heading-f9c15c9a-672d-4048-ab3b-8a8b4c746369"><button class="accordion-button collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#id-f9c15c9a-672d-4048-ab3b-8a8b4c746369" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="id-f9c15c9a-672d-4048-ab3b-8a8b4c746369"> How can I access the documents from the notifications?</button> </h3><div id="id-f9c15c9a-672d-4048-ab3b-8a8b4c746369" class="accordion-collapse collapse " aria-labelledby="heading-f9c15c9a-672d-4048-ab3b-8a8b4c746369" data-bs-parent="#id-c8034894-cf20-4533-9548-7c697666f562"> <div class="accordion-body"> <p>You can click on the document reference to access it. If it is already part of your library, you will be able to see the entire document. Otherwise, you will only be able to see the publicly available sections. You can then decide to purchase the standard if you wish.</p> </div> </div> </div></div> </div></div> <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-1"><h3>ISO Glossary</h3><h6>Ad hoc group (AHG) :</h6> <p>Group set up within a committee to look into a particular problem and report back to the parent committee at a meeting. The group is disbanded after the meeting at which it presents its report.</p> <h6><a href="/casco.html" title="CASCO">CASCO</a> (Conformity Assessment Committee):</h6> <p>Committee whose secretariat is provided by ISO/CS that deals with conformity assessment and is responsible for the development of conformity assessment standards.</p> <p><strong><a href="/glossary.html" title="Glossary">See the full glossary of terms</a></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p></div></div></div> </section><div class="nav-breadcrumb print-footer bg-black"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-10 small"> <!-- BREADCRUMB --> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="/home.html" title="Home page"><i class="bi-house" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></li> <li class="breadcrumb-item"> Help and support</li> </ol></div> <div class="col-sm-2 hidden-print text-end small mt-3 mt-sm-0"> <a role="button" class="dropdown-toggle text-white collapsed" data-bs-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseSitemap" target="_self" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseSitemap">Sitemap</a> </div> </div> <div class="collapse border-top" id="collapseSitemap"> <div class="row"> <!-- SITEMAP --> <nav role="navigation" aria-label="Sitemap" class="sitemap-footer clearfix text-xs" id="nav-sitemap"><ul role='menubar' class='list-inline-6 clearfix nav-level1' ><li role='menuitem' class=' hasChildren firstInLevel' ><a class='nav-link ' title="Covering almost every product, process or service imaginable, ISO makes standards used everywhere." href='/standards.html'>Standards</a><ul role='menubar' class='list-unstyled nav-level2' ><li role='menuitem' class=' noChildren firstInLevel' ><a class='nav-link ' title="Whether you run a business, work for a company or government, or you are a consumer looking for goods and services that meet customer expectations: Find out what standards can do for you." href='/benefits-of-standards.html'>Benefits</a></li><!-- close of list item level 2 --><li role='menuitem' class=' noChildren' ><a class='nav-link ' title="Here you can discover some of the best-known and most widely-used standards, as well as those that address recently emerged challenges affecting us all. 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