Ratings System Help « CAGEMATCH - The Internet Wrestling Database

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class="LayoutBodyHeader"><h1 class="TextHeader ">Ratings System Help</h1></div> <div class="LayoutBody"> <div class="LayoutContent"><div class="Text"><a href="#1">How is the total rating calculated?</a><br /><a href="#2">What is the modifier?</a> <br /><a href="#3">How does the modifier influence the total rating?</a><br /><a href="#4">How should the total rating be interpreted?</a><br /><a href="#5">Why are some ratings invalid?</a><br /><a href="#6">What should I consider before awarding a rating?</a><br /><a href="#7">Can I withdraw a rating?</a><br /><a name="1" id="1"></a><br /><strong>How is the total rating calculated?</strong> <br />The total rating is calculated according to this formula:<br />( [sum of all valid ratings] + 6.0 ) / ( [number of valid votes] + 1 )<br /><a href="#">Back to top</a><br /><a name="2" id="2"></a><br /><strong>Why the complexity?</strong> <br />The goal is to establish comparability between items with few ratings and items with a large number of ratings while also adjusting for trends and normalizing ratings towards the overall average in the database (6.0). A simple example: If 100 user rate a promo with 10 points, this promo should be superior to a promo, which 5 users have rated with 10 points. In reality it is even more complicated, but essentially the modifier balances the imbalance created by deviations, which are likelier the more votes an entry has. You can find more information about this topic here: <a href=";nr=2748">See part 1. Change to the Total Rating Calculation Algorithm</a>.<br /><a href="#">Back to top</a><br /><a name="3" id="3"></a><br /><strong>How does the modifier influence the total rating?</strong> <br />The total rating, which is displayed at an entry, is not an arithmetic average of all delivered ratings, but a separately taken quantity of quality between 0 and 10 points. This values are compareable, which are the base for the Ratings System.<br /><a href="#">Back to top</a><br /><a name="4" id="4"></a><br /><strong>How should the total rating be interpreted?</strong> <br />While for your individual ratings the meaning of 10 points (very good) to 0 points (fail) is easily understandable, this interpretation does not necessarily apply to the total rating. Basically every user has do decide for himself how many points mean that an entry is good, but we try to give a little help with the color scheme and the rating bars. You may keep in mind that everything above 7 points is good, everything between 5 and 7 is satisfactory, everything between 5 and 3 is adequate and everything below 3 is rather poor.<br /><a href="#">Back to top</a><br /><a name="5" id="5"></a><br /><strong>Why are some ratings invalid?</strong> <br />For every total rating a statistic value is calculated, that describes how far the individual ratings scatter around the arithmetic average. The more they scatter, the bigger the statistic value. If an uncommented rating differs more than double this statistic value from the arithmetic average, that rating is considered an outlier and invalid for the total rating. In other words, it is assumed that the user awarded his rating with dishonest intent, e.g. to harm a hated wrestler or promotion.<br /><br />The statistic value is recalculated with every new individual rating, so that the thresholds around the arithmetic average may shift significantly over time. Therefore it is possible that formerly valid ratings become invalid, and vice versa.<br /><a href="#">Back to top</a><br /><a name="6" id="6"></a><br /><strong>What should I consider before awarding a rating?</strong> <br />The underlying algorithem is not of your concern. Everything you need to know about the use of the Ratings System can be found under the Ratings System Rules. It may be added, that you should be aware of what entry you are rating. If you are rating a promo, do not rate the wrestler or the fued, but only the promo. If you rate a mini bio, do rate the work of the writer, not the wrestler.<br /><a href="#">Back to top</a><br /><a name="7" id="7"></a><br /><strong>Can I withdraw a rating?</strong> <br />You can withdraw or delete a certain rating by clicking on "edit your rating". Then you have to choose "Comment only", delete the text from the comment form and submit the changes. <br /><a href="#">Back to top</a></div></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="LayoutCopyright"><div class="Impressum"><a href=""></a> - &copy; 2001-2024 <a href="">Philip Kreikenbohm</a> - <a href="?id=402">Site Notice</a></div></div> </div> <script src="/2k16/scripts/cagematch.js?20240719"></script> </body> </html>

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