{"title":"Comparative Evaluation of Adaptive and Conventional Distance Relay for Parallel Transmission Line with Mutual Coupling","authors":"S.G. Srivani, Chandrasekhar Reddy Atla, K.P.Vittal","volume":18,"journal":"International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering","pagesStart":1168,"pagesEnd":1175,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/2765","abstract":"This paper presents the development of adaptive\r\ndistance relay for protection of parallel transmission line with mutual\r\ncoupling. The proposed adaptive relay, automatically adjusts its\r\noperation based on the acquisition of the data from distance relay of\r\nadjacent line and status of adjacent line from line circuit breaker IED\r\n(Intelligent Electronic Device). The zero sequence current of the\r\nadjacent parallel transmission line is used to compute zero sequence\r\ncurrent ratio and the mutual coupling effect is fully compensated.\r\nThe relay adapts to changing circumstances, like failure in\r\ncommunication from other relays and non - availability of adjacent\r\ntransmission line. The performance of the proposed adaptive relay is\r\ntested using steady state and dynamic test procedures. The fault\r\ntransients are obtained by simulating a realistic parallel transmission\r\nline system with mutual coupling effect in PSCAD. The evaluation\r\ntest results show the efficacy of adaptive distance relay over the\r\nconventional distance relay.","references":"[1] A.G.Jongepier, L.van der Sluis, \"Adaptive Distance Protection of a\r\nDouble-Circuit Line\", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.9,\r\npp.1289-1297, July 1994.\r\n[2] Yi Hu, Damir Novosel, Murali Mohan saha, \"An Adaptive Scheme for\r\nParallel-Line Distance Protection\", IEEE Transactions on Power\r\nDelivery, Vol.17, pp. 105-110, Jan2002.\r\n[3] M. H. J. Bollen, \"Traveling-wave-based protection of double-circuit\r\nlines,\" Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., pt. C, vol. 140, no. 1, pp. 37-47, Jan.1993.\r\n[4] P. G. McLaren, I. Fernando, H. Liu, E. Dirks, G.W. Swift, and C. Steele,\r\n\"Enhanced double circuit line protection,\" IEEE Trans. Power Delivery,\r\nvol. 12, pp. 1100-1108, July 1997.\r\n[5] R.D.Dunlop, R.Gutman, P.P.Marchenko, \"Analytical Development of\r\nLoadability Characteristics for EHV and UHV Transmission lines\",\r\nIEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol.PAS-98, pp.\r\n606-617, April 1979.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 18, 2008"}