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auto;">2022</strong></h4> <p>'A very insightful and useful course both for newcomers and as a refresher for those with experience. Nigel is an amazing and thoughtful teacher with vast knowledge and experience in the industry. His enthusiastic method and firsthand stories made it very easy to grasp the material.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Glander International Bunkering (Valencia)</em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="introlng">AN INTRODUCTION TO LNG BUNKERING</a></h3> <h4><strong style="font-size: 1.15rem; caret-color: auto;">2017</strong></h4> <p class="eventQuote">‘A very good course which provides a very good overview of LNG Bunkering.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Ministry of Transport (Singapore)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'A great introduction and comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of LNG.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Rolls Royce (Singapore)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘Nigel Draffin is always a font of knowledge which he expertly delivers to his pupils.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Nautical Supply International Ltd (UK)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'This course provided an excellent and easy to digest introduction to LNG Bunkering in particular and LNG principles in general. &nbsp;Very well done, thank you.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Gibraltar Port Authority (Gibraltar)</span></em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="shipping">AN INTRODUCTION TO SHIPPING</a></h3> <h4><strong>2017</strong></h4> <p>'Very knowledgeable course, a lot crammed into one long day. Nigel is extremely experienced in maritime world.'</p> <p>'Extremely informative session which is excellent for those new to the topic.'</p> <p>'Nigel was a very knowledgeable and personable insturctor. Fascinating course.'</p> <p>'Very useful to have an expert explain shipping clearly in layment terms. Debusted some jargant (and introduced some new ideas!)'</p> <p>‘Really useful introduction to shipping, explaining the basics clearly and coherently.'</p> <p>'Fascinating and engaging.'</p> <p>'It was enjoyable and interesting as well as covering the fundamental basics.'</p> <p>'Found this an informative introduction to the shipping industry.' <br /><em>Inhouse training&nbsp;<em>– </em> Department for Transport (UK)</em></p> <h4><strong>2016</strong></h4> <p>'Indepth introduction to shipping. &nbsp;Nigel's delivery was fantastic. &nbsp;He has a true passion and a great amount of experience.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Steam Marine Training (UK)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘I found the trainer extremely knowledgeable and engaging with all delegates. &nbsp;A great course for those with no basic or general knowledge within the shipping industry.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Inchcape Shipping Services (UK)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'This is a very good course for a comprehensive overview of the shipping industry’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Horizon Marike (UK)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘Very comprehensive and useful’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Department for Transport (UK)</span></em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="aracon">ARACON</a></h3> <h4><strong>2022</strong></h4> <p>'This is just a short message to congratulate you on a fantastic organization of the Aracon event, you are all such an amazing team and great hosts! It's always a pleasure to see you all and to attend any event organized by you! I am sure all the delegates think pretty much the same and are as grateful as I am!' - <em>Alfaship (Canary Islands)</em></p> <h4><strong>2021</strong></h4> <p class="eventQuote">'I want to thank you for such a great conference at <em>Aracon 2021</em>, and give us the opportunity again to do networking off the screens. Great organization, dynamic, and participations. Please keep me updated with futures events, it will be a pleasure to join the next one.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>TESS CANARIAS (Gran Canaria)</em></p> <p>'ARACON was beautiful, It was fantastic to all be back together for an in person event.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Anon</em></p> <p>'The event was great and I am looking forward to the next one.' <em>– </em> <em>Anon</em></p> <h4><strong>2017</strong></h4> <p class="eventQuote">'As usual, an informative and interesting conference. A great opportunity to see some familiar face as well as some unfamiliar ones.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Hanwa Co Ltd (UK)</em></p> <p>'A very comprehensive approach of important vast number of topics, which raise questions for and seeing answers from, all professionals of the bunker industry.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Island Oil Hellas (Greece)</em></p> <p>'If there is any word better than 'excellent' I would have used it. Excellent, excellent, excellent.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Southampton Solent University (UK)</em></p> <p>'My first time attendance and it exceeded my expectations. Well organised and friendly and helpful staff at Petrospot. All going the extra mile to ensure a success. A huge thank you. A job well done.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Tanido B.V Sworn Marine Surveyors (Netherlands)</em></p> <p>'Wow! We've notices two important changes! 1) More women are involved so there is still hope for the bunker industry! 2) More bunker buyers, ship owners &amp; charterers!'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Tanido B.V Sworn Marine Surveyors (Netherlands)</em></p> <p>'I gained &amp; better understand of the new Sulphur concept, scrubbers and alternative fuels. Excellent and brave presentation about ethics! Our industry will need more and in depth ethics debates / conversations.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Island Oil Hellas (Greece)</em></p> <p>'A very comprehensive and well detailed conference, with market professionals as speakers covering subjects that reflect the future of the bunker industry.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Island Oil Hellas (Greece)</em></p> <p>'Great conference. More people compared to previous years. Good to see so many shipowners.' <em>– </em><em>Methanol Institute (Belgium)</em></p> <p>'Excellent info especially on up coming challenges.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Anglo Eastern Antwerp NV</em></p> <h4><strong>2016</strong></h4> <p class="eventQuote">'Congratulations, one of the best conferences of the past 30 years with good transparency and know how topics.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Inspectorate BV (Netherlands)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘Very interesting event where you meet with all stakeholders in the industry and get a good overview of the state of the business.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <span class="eventQuotePerson"><em>Deloitte (Belgium)</em></span></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘As a surveyor it is very important to get acquainted with the position of all parties that are involved in the bunker business, and this Symposium provides&nbsp; the proper platform for this to happen.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Tanido B.V. (Netherlands)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'Interesting, informative and well organised. Qualified and high profile speakers.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">BIMCO (Netherlands)</span></em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="bunkerarbitration">BUNKER ARBITRATION EXPERIENCE</a></h3> <p class="eventQuote"><br />'The Bunker Arbitration Experience was unique and fantastic.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Aegean Marine Petroleum (Greece)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'I want to thank all the participants in the mock arbitration&nbsp;<em>– </em> which I found very exciting and didactic&nbsp;<em>– </em> for their commitment and professionalism.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">M.S.B.Marine Surveyors Bureau S.A. (Panama)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'Very well organised, perfect venue and presentations.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Hapag-Lloyd (Germany)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'It should be compulsory for everyone who is involved in shipping and the bunker industry.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Mamidoil-Jetoil SA (Greece)</span></em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="bfrm">BUNKER FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT</a></h3> <h4><strong>2017</strong></h4> <p>‘The course covered the subjects I required and was attended by a good&nbsp;mix across&nbsp;the industry’ <em>– </em> <em>Fred Olsen Lines (UK)</em></p> <p>'Well presented, covered a lot of subjects, overall very good. Thanks a lot.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Maxcom (Germany)</em></p> <p>'A very good and helpful course for all of us - thank you!'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Elboil (Germany)</em></p> <p>'Practical course to get to know and understand the basics.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Euro Marine Logistics (Belgium)</em></p> <p>'The course gave me more knowledge about derivatives and seller's position in a satisfactory way. Lots of example were used to explain the theory. Well done! Location was great and dinner organised was very pleasant and relaxing! Nice group of fellow participants.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>ACE Quantum (Netherlands)</em></p> <p>'The course was enjoyable and productive and have me an idea of the big complexity of the theme.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Petrogal SA / Galp Energia SGPS, SA (Portugal)</em></p> <p>'Excellent course, for all who intend to contact the subject risk without knowledge on this matter.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Petrogal SA / Galp Energia SGPS, SA (Portugal)</em></p> <p>'I think Nigel is a good speaker, simple and easy way to talk about difficult issues!'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Petrogal SA / Galp Energia SGPS, SA (Portugal)</em></p> <h4><strong>2016</strong></h4> <p>'Very well organised and perfect examples to better understand the past, the present and the future.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Fratelli Cosulich (Portugal)</em></p> <p>'Thanks very much for the course. It's been very interesting and definitely beneficial.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Peninsula Petroleum (Gibraltar)</em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="commercialbunkering">COMMERCIAL PRACTICE IN BUNKERING</a></h3> <p class="eventQuote"><br />‘I found it enjoyable and productive – well done and well conducted’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">B.V. Campbell Lda (Portugal)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘I found the course very interesting and illuminating. I have to highlight how well the time was used to cover all the subject areas. I found it perfectly organised.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Peninsula Petroleum (Canary Islands, Spain)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘Great programme contents, well organised timetable and subject matter.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Repsol Portuguesa S.A. (Portugal)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘This course covers everything in bunkering and clarifies my questions about this subject.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Vilma Oil S.L. (Spain)</span></em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="GBS">GLOBAL BUNKERING SUMMIT</a></h3> <h4>2021 - Virtual</h4> <p>'I write on behalf of IFS Malta to congratulate Petrospot for the recent Online Global Bunker Summit. As sponsors, IFS was delighted by the preparations and planning for the sessions in which we were able to present. Across the two days, the topics discussed were very important to the industry today and showed how the global bunker community can come together and share its experiences to consider new solutions and ideas for the future. Well done to all the team for the event and we look forward to being involved again!'&nbsp;<em><em>– </em> Anthony Mollet, IFS Malta</em></p> <p>'The Global Bunkering Summit 2021, it was a great pleasure for us and we learned many things about the current global bunkering market and wind of change forwarding to the future as well. On behalf of Korea Ocean Energy Co., Ltd, I would like to say thank you very much all your members’ best effort and cooperation. Especially, Mr. D. G. Kang strongly thankful all your members.'<em> – Korea Ocean Energy Co., Ltd</em></p> <h4>2020 - Virtual</h4> <p>'I found the summit interesting and relevant with a high diversity of high-quality speakers.' <em>– Gibraltar Port Authority</em></p> <p>'A fresh initiative with a sturdy andreliable platform.' <em>– Global Fuels and Lubricants</em></p> <p>'Well put together event and environment during these difficult times.'<em> – AmSpec</em></p> <p>'Loved it. It was like having breakfast in bed, all what you need at your fingertip in your pyjama comfort, chat with audience, comments and ask question without all the stress of travelling to an event.' <em>– Seahawk Services</em></p> <p>'A great global event, which gave us the opportunity to connect, hear different points of view, especially regarding the actions taken to overcome the pandemic. Much needed event during this difficult period.' <em>– UNO Honduras</em></p> <p>'Great global approach to bunkering.' <em>– Probunkers</em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="METF"></a>Marine Energy Transition Forum</h3> <h4>2022</h4> <p>'We would like to warmly thak you for the opportunity to speak at the recent conference in Antwerpen. If I may comment, it was a well put together event with very informative and insightful presentations, and very good networking opportunities. Will be glad to continue collaboration should the need arise.' <em><em>– </em>Bureau Veritas Marine &amp; Offshore</em></p> <p>'Thank you very much for a very interesting and informative Forum on Tuesday last in Antwerp. You put a lot of hard work into the event. I enjoyed the content of the presentations and learned a great deal.' - <em>Prospect Law Ltd (UK)</em></p> <p>'We thank the organisers for an inspiring and educational event. It is always a pleasure to connect with our industry peers and map out the future of the maritime industry together.' - <em>Aura Marine</em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="MWAF"></a>MARITIME WEEK AFRICA</h3> <h4>2023 - Cape Town</h4> <p>'Feeling very empowered as a Woman in the Marine Industry' – <em>Candice Howroyd, Cockett Group</em></p> <p>'Very good conference, good presentations &amp; excellent panels' – <em>Frank Veenstra, Pro Liquid SA</em></p> <p>'Very intriguing. Glad I stumbled onto the event. Happy to come back in 2024' – <em>Mojisola Jaiye-Gbenie, Foundation Chambers of Legal Practitioners</em></p> <p>'Best attended Maritime Week Africa ever' – <em>Gert Nell, Hanseatic Bunker Services</em></p> <p>'Inspiring' – <em>Jon Hughes, MD Dan-Bunkering</em></p> <p>'Incredibly Successful' – <em>Tahra Sergeant, IBIA</em></p> <p>'A Good programme, very good speakers &amp; brilliant audience' – <em>Nigel Draffin</em></p> <p>'Food for thought, eye opening, entertaining' – <em>Mohamed Aamer Aly, Oldendorff Carriers</em></p> <p>'Excellent content &amp; engaging. WELL DONE' – <em>Adrian Strydom, South African Oil &amp; Gas Alliance</em></p> <p>'This was a really informative two days. Thank you so much' – <em>Alain Kerr, South African Oil &amp; Gas Alliance</em></p> <p>'Educational, Robust' – <em>Xoliswe Bekiswa, Saldehco</em></p> <p>'It’s been good, Great connecting' – <em>Andre October, Webber Wentzel</em></p> <p>'Setting the tone for collaboration, but we need resolutions' – <em>Unathi Sonti, Eyasekoloni Marine</em></p> <p>'Lovely to meet new people, catch up with some old friends and learn more about the Bunkering World around us' – <em>Dian Esterhuyse, Linsen Nambi</em></p> <p>'Very enlightening regarding the future of bunkering in Africa' – <em>Lisa Barnard, AMSOL</em></p> <p>'Informative, Honest, Inspiring &amp; Fun' – <em>Benedicta Durcan, Freeport Saldanha</em></p> <p>'Eye-opening, informative, raw' – <em>Silindile Zungu, Freeport Saldanha</em></p> <p>'Outstanding conference, perfect agenda for one seeking intro to Maritime Shipping &amp; Bunkering with an emphasis on Africa. Thanks' – <em>Mark Kenney</em></p> <p>'Inspired' – <em>Louis De Koker, World Fuel Services</em></p> <p>'Thank you for the lovely arrangement' – <em>Esraa Alfailakawi, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation</em></p> <p>'Impactful' – <em>Veran Bell, Oldendorff Carriers</em></p> <p>'The Conference was very informative &amp; Important' – Matlhodi Senyaysi, Ports Regulator of South Africa</p> <p>'Excellent Engagement &amp; Platform. Thank you' –<em> Hubert Siljeur, Vivo Energy</em></p> <p>'Thoroughly enjoyable. Will definitely recommend Industry players to join next year: Best Industry Practices Needed' <em>– Lovemore Mughandira, Erongo Petroleum</em></p> <p>'Happiness' – <em>Yolanda Nell, Hanseatic Bunker Services</em></p> <p>'The conference was worthwhile, but there is still more work to be done!!' – <em>Nondumiso Mfenyana, Maritime Business Chamber (Woman’s Desk) South African International Maritime Institute (SAIMI)</em></p> <h4>2021 - Virtual</h4> <p>'For a continent whose bunkering activity is usually shrouded in mystery, the recent Petrospot Maritime Week Africa Conference lifted the veil for those who attended. The speakers and panelists are to be praised for the fact-based honesty of their presentations and the organizers for asking the difficult questions. The panel discussion on West African might be one of the most revealing ever for a bunkering event. This conference remains a highlight of the “virtual era” – may it soon be over!' <em>– </em><em>BLUE Insight Lead</em></p> <p>'I was really impressed with the networking setup for Maritime Week Africa 2021. A virtual conference is of course very different; being able to request time slots with people you wanted to introduce yourself to through the event website and having an organised medium to request contact details made it feel far more like the real thing. The sessions were well put together with a great range of topics and speakers, each was a good length for a virtual audience. Most importantly, being able to connect with the industry again in a group setting was really welcome as we approach 1 year since the last face to face conferences were held.' <em>– </em><em>Arete Africa</em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="mwa">MARITIME WEEK AMERICAS</a></h3> <h4>2024 - Panama</h4> <p>'Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us and always showing us a great time at these events. I cant wait to get to Tampa, it should be a great event... All in all everything was great for us during the event.' - <em>Kenrick Dixon - BIP</em></p> <p>'It’s been a pleasure for us to participate as sponsors of such an important event. Regarding the notepads &amp; pens, we are glad to know that participants liked them. For our team, it was truly an easy way to start commercial conversations with other attendees. About the event and our brand visibility, we consider it met our expectations. Once again thank you for your coordination and follow up.' - <em>Katherin Carrillo – Viroque Energy</em></p> <h4>2022 - Panama</h4> <p>'MWA is THE networking event for anyone looking to do business in the Americas. Impeccably organised with a huge crowd of C-suite bunker industry professionals to ensure networking of the very highest quality. We look forward to attending the next edition.' - <em>Price Forbes (UK)</em></p> <p>'Attending the first Maritime Week Las Palmas in Panama earlier this month since the COVID-19 Pandemic was a rewarding experience with insightful discussions regarding the current price volatility, quality issues, and international sanctions on maritime fuels. It also hosted an impressive group during the Women In Maritime Panel which provided a unique outlook of the industry.' <em><em>– </em>ClearLynx (New York)</em></p> <p>'It was a good mixture of conference - outside activities so all could take the best. Having the bus tour on Tuesday helped to break the ice for newcomers and to chat with old faces whom we had not seen for a while.' <em>– </em><em>Decal (Panama)</em></p> <p>'Thanks, Petrospot Ltd, you did a really good job during the last MWA in Panama. For GD Fuels Brokers it was a spectacular event when we develop new relationships and also we had the opportunity to share great moments with old buddies. Without friends, Bunkers is nothing.' <em><em>– </em>GD Fuels Brokers (Colombia)</em></p> <p>'I enjoyed attending Maritime Week Americas&nbsp;<em>– </em> Panama. I had always thought that Panama is a great place for women who want to make a difference in the super-competitive market of the maritime sector.' <em><em>– </em>GTBunkers (Guatemala)</em></p> <h4>2020 - Virtual</h4> <p>'I just want to give my congratulations for the great job done by your team in the preparation and the execution of this Conference. On the Sessions I could attend, it was very nice the way they were planned and presented.' <em>– </em><em>Peninsula Petroleum</em></p> <p>'It was a great conference, and one I have never attended before, but it is certainly on my agenda for next year.' <em>– </em><em>Teekay</em></p> <p>'You have done a great job with the entire conference!'&nbsp; <em>– </em><em>TW International</em></p> <h4>2017</h4> <p>'First MWA and it really exceeded expectations. Very friendly informal atmosphere.'<em><br /></em></p> <p>'Found it very good with plenty of opportunities to network at the already planned sections, but also to step outside and have quick meetings.'</p> <p>'There was enough time to network and still attend the majority of the sessions. Excellent.'</p> <h4>2016</h4> <p>'Fantastic. The best organisation I've ever seen for a bunker conference.' <em>– </em><em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Caribbean Fuels (Guadeloupe)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘MWA is outstanding value. I have made fantastic contacts in the industry and gained a deeper and up to date standing of the article issues facing the industry’ <em>– </em><em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Platts (UK)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘Outstanding content with highly qualified panellists’ <em>– </em><em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Emerson Process Management (USA)&nbsp;</span></em><em class="style1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘Another fantastic Petrospot event with high-quality discussions on a number of progressive topics’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Maersk Oil Trading (Denmark)</span></em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="GIB">MARITIME WEEK GIBRALTAR</a></h3> <h4>2021</h4> <p>'I want to send a special thanks to the Petrospot team for the support and generous opportunities you gave the University at Maritime Week Gibraltar. We have received very good feedback and feel the event has been a success all around and from the University’s perspective definitely a huge success with perfect timing.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> Aaron Lopez</p> <p>'I just wanted to thank you for organising such a wonderful event on the Rock. I thoroughly enjoyed literally every event we attended!' <em>– Yael Selig, Ince</em></p> <p>'Just wanted to thank the Petrospot team. We had a great time. Everything was all planned to perfection. We really appreciate your hard working.'&nbsp;<em><em>– </em> Ian Sulivan, Sulivan Shipping</em></p> <p>'This year’s Maritime Week Gibraltar organised and hosted by Petrospot, was one of the best maritime conference events I’ve ever attended. The main conference day was diverse and extremely interesting with many industry-leading experts providing excellent, insightful presentations. The second day, provided many more detailed breakout sessions, which allowed more involved conversations and debates on specific subjects. Added to this, there were a number of networking receptions, with many dignitaries present held at some of Gibraltar’s most historical sites. Overall MWG-21 was highly informative, inclusive and very well organised. It certainly demonstrated the positive mindset across the maritime sector, at this challenging time.' <em>– Steve Bee, VPS</em></p> <p>'Maritime Week Gibraltar was a pleasure indeed! MWG21 was a great experience overall. We are very happy to have attended and to have seen old and new faces! The Welcome Reception at The Convent was very nice; the HMS Dragon visit and reception were also very nice events. I liked the breakout sessions – this was the first time I have experienced them – because they involve smaller groups and give you the opportunity to exchange much more information and ideas. I liked both the courses I attended, An Introduction to Shipping and Bunkering and LNG Bunkering, especially the latter. The attention that all you guys at Petrospot paid to the event was great. Overall, it was a very nice event and I'm already looking forward to the next one!'&nbsp;<em><em>– </em> Miren Jugo Viloria, Orinoco Surveying Group</em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="MWLP"></a>&nbsp;Maritime Week Las Palmas</h3> <h4>2022</h4> <p>'I would like to thank Petrospot Limited for this incredible opportunity to learn more about the maritime industry and to highlight the importance of my island in the sector both at national and international levels.' <em><em>– </em>Intern, Las Palmas Port Authority</em></p> <p>'A spectacular panel of women in the bunkering sector.' <em><em>– </em>Cluster Maritimo de Canarias, Spain</em></p> <p>'I want to truly thank Petrospot Limited, for this fascinating experience which has taught me a deal about maritime international trade and the entire industry surrounding it.' <em><em>– </em>Port of Las Palmas, Spain</em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="MARSEC">Marsec</a></h3> <h4><strong>2021 - Virtual</strong></h4> <p>'I personally found MarSec21+ a very great and fruitful event to attend. One of the most important was the live discussion part. The rewinding capability of the session enables us to clarify any doubts existing before asking. Overall, it was a great experience for a learner like me.'&nbsp;<em><em>– </em> Samarth Upadhyay, Indian Maritime University, Kolkata campus</em></p> <p>'This was well put together with excellent sessions and a chance to connect with people of interest.'&nbsp;<em><em>– </em> Doris McBryde, US Coast Guard</em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="mebc">MIDDLE EAST BUNKERING CONVENTION</a></h3> <h4><strong>2023</strong></h4> <p>'It was a pleasure to meet you at MEBC 2023 and spend 3 days together incl. Basics of Bunkering day. The event was well organised with valuable and up to date market insights and interesting networking' – <em>Mark Vais, IBT Bunkering &amp; Trading</em></p> <p>'Very informative, forward thinking and great for interaction' <em>– Alexice Brady, Peninsula</em></p> <p>'Another Triumph' – <em>Nigel Draffin</em></p> <p>'Interesting brainstorming, qualified speakers, hilarious moderator' – <em>Haris Koulouris,&nbsp;Peninsula</em></p> <p>'Great interactive conference, lots of good information' –<em> Carolina Karlsson<em>, Nautical Supply International DMCC<br /></em></em></p> <p>'Engaging and beneficial' – <em>Anthony Mollet, Marine Fuels Alliance Ltd<br /></em></p> <p>'First event in the industry - very eye opening. Thank you' – <em>Marina Gussev, Bunker Partner OU<br /></em></p> <p>'Well organised, interesting topics, informative for me as a new person in the industry' – <em>Ameena Siddiqua, Cockett Marine Oil (Asia) Pte Ltd</em></p> <p>'First conference. Inspiring' – <em>Maria Ravaev<em>, Bunker Partner OU</em></em></p> <p>'Great learning experience' – <em>Steve Esau, SEA-LNG</em></p> <p>'I really enjoyed the informative presentations from all speakers. They made me feel comfortable in asking questions and gave me confidence in doing so. The Petrospot team are welcimng and great to talk to' – <em>NSI</em></p> <p>'The event and evening reception was well organised with valuable and up to date market insights and interesting networking' – <em>Mark Vais,&nbsp;IBT Energy</em></p> <h4><strong>2022</strong></h4> <p>'Firstly congratulations on organising such a nice event and it was indeed special to see so many familiar and new faces after the long Covid hiatus. <br />The sessions were highly insightful and indeed and lot of new things to catch up on about what has been going on in different aspects of shipping especially with the speakers being experts in diversified fields.<br />Once again thank you and look forward to seeing the team during the next MEBC.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Viking Marines</em></p> <h4><strong>2021 - Virtual<br /></strong></h4> <p class="eventQuote">'While I was tweeting I found a tweet which stated about the Middle East Bunkering Convention. I joined, just to see what’s going on and without expecting anything. But it changed my whole business. I got lot of knowledge and many more contacts and most importantly I got a call which changed my entire business to a brand new level. Thank you Middle East Bunkering Convention.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Bunker Fuel Maldives</em></p> <h4><strong>2017</strong></h4> <p class="eventQuote">'Good venue, well organised, industry expert presentations with ample networking opportunities.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">VPS (UK)</span></em></p> <p>'Extremely informative and excellent networking opportunity.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>G.O.R.E Consultants DMCC (United Arab Emirates)</em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'Overall topics have covered a vast field of economic, political and shipping knowledge. Very happy with all information provided.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">OMTI (United Arab Emirates)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'Quality of the speakers and the detail in planning speaker topics are carefully arranged so overlap is minimised. Full 360 coverage with regards to content is insured.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Cockett Marine Oil Group (Singapore)</span></em></p> <p>'Petrospot organise and deliver the best conferences in the industry.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>VPS (UK)</em></p> <p>'Relevant topics superbly delivered.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>VPS (UK)</em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'Ideal Bunkering convention to enhance one's knowledge and utilise this platform to make new acquaintances and even friends, given the common interests of the participants.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Central Shipmanagement (United Arab Emirates)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'Well balanced conference with a good mix of technical and commercial topics.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Lanka Maritime Services (Sri Lanka)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'A very informative and interesting convention. The PPTs and session delivery by industry experts were very relevant as well as some good insight into the future.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Cockett Marine Oil DMCC (United Arab Emirates)</span></em></p> <p>'The speakers and audience are strong and gives you an all maritime picture in very simple words.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Suez Canal Economic Zone (Egypt)</em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'I enjoyed the bunkering surgery session and the lively debates and discussions.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Cockett Marine Oil DMCC (United Arab Emirates)</em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'I liked the speeches from this conference: very informative and supportive, with strong issues'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Big Port Service DMCC&nbsp;<em>(United Arab Emirates)</em></span></em></p> <p>'Fantastic presentations from best professionals in the industry! Thank you very much.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>OMTI (United Arab Emirates)</em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="mfm">Mass Flow Meters</a></h3> <p>'This course is highly recommended! It provides a clear view of Mass Flow Meter systems, requirements and techniques. It delivers on its promise to teach the fundamentals of bunkering methods and best practices using MFM systems.&nbsp;Additionally, it gives you an invaluable network of surveyors, suppliers, shipowners and fleet managers.' - <em>Ruben Hermida Gonzalez, Business Development Director, Silecmar</em></p> <p>'Thank you Petrospot and C4 Fuel for having given us the opportunity to share our experience of mass flow meters as a marine fuel supplier. Energy efficiency cannot wait anymore; it’s time to go and MFMs are one of the tools that can help' - <em>Armelle Breneol, Marine Fuels Technical Advisor, ExxonMobil</em></p> <p>'Not only did the MFM course provide an insight into the technical details, it also facilitated discussions about the implementation and practical use of Mass Flow Meters. I can highly recommend participation in this course if you are working within the bunker industry' - <em>Martin Fuglsang Knudsen, Bunker Operator Fleet Management, DFDS A/S</em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="SES"> summit</a></h3> <h4 class="eventQuote"><strong>2020 - Virtual</strong></h4> <p>'This meeting was perfect for me, whether to get to know new companies or to know what they are doing, developing, studying or even thinking about the decarbonisation process of the shipbuilding industry. It was truly enlightening.' <em>– Rafael M L Madureira, Transpetro</em></p> <p>'A good insights into the transition opportunities and challenges for the shipping sector!' <em>– Søren Juel Hansen, Energinet</em></p> <p>'We cannot talk about the future of energy without talking of shipping.' <em>– Fernanda Diaz-Rodriguez, International Valuation Standards Council</em></p> <hr /> <h3>THE BUNKERING SYMPOSIUM</h3> <p class="eventQuote"><br />'Excellent and cohesive. The past, present and future were all treated with complimentary presentations in logical sequence.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Razaghi Meyer International (UK)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘Great job and congratulations to the Petrospot team.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">BP Marine (Netherlands)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘An excellent event to discuss the important matters at hand through the eyes of different positions in the shipping market. Good excuse for networking!’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Global Vision Bunkers BV (Netherlands)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'The event was very well organised. All discussions were very relevant to the current shipping/bunkering climate.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Guardian Marine Testing (UK)</span></em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="ibia">THE IBIA ANNUAL CONVENTION</a></h3> <p class="eventQuote"><br />'My first attendance at an IBIA Event. Excellent organisation and presentation and a great opportunity to meet people at the heart of the industry.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Environmental Fuels (UK)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘It was an amazing course. Nigel is a great speaker. I have learned so much and improved my knowledge a lot’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Fratelli Cosulich Consultadora e Paticipações Lda (Madeira, Portugal)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'My first attendance at an IBIA Event. Excellent organisation and presentation and a great opportunity to meet people at the heart of the industry.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Environmental Fuels (UK)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'Another well-organised event in excellent surroundings and world-class speakers&nbsp;<em>– </em> topical, insightful and educational.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Razaghi Meyer International (UK)</em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="oxfordbunker">THE OXFORD BUNKER COURSE</a></h3> <h4>2022</h4> <p>'The Process of learning and development is incredibly important keeping yourself fully updated with market changes and challenges, and implementing new effective business strategies. That's what The Oxford Bunkercourse has offered me over a full week program, thanks to the Petrospot team!'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Oman Oil Marketing Company (Oman)</em></p> <p>'Great course! Will definitely use course material during my routine work. The training booklet is really well structured and is going to be super useful for me in future as it is answering a lot of actual questions.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Stonewin SIA (Latvia)</em></p> <p>'This course was perfect for me, being new to the bunkering industry! It was so good to be at a residential course, away from the office, to be able to fully focus on learning!'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Bergen Bunkers (Norway)</em></p> <p>'Honestly, I very much enjoyed Oxford Bunker Course! Very much organised with valuable information which cannot only enhance your knowledge of the bunker industry but hopefully can help you take a step forward with your career ambitions! Nigel’s passion for the industry is “contagious” and inspiring. Thanks to everyone for this work and for the knowledge shared with us. P.S. I totally recommend this course to anyone within our industry.'&nbsp;<em>– </em><em> Total Energy Trading SA (Switzerland)</em></p> <h4>2018</h4> <p>'A fantastic experience and highly beneficial to anyone who wishes to expand their knowledge on the subject of bunkering.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Stanley Services Ltd (Falkland Islands)</em></p> <p>‘Really intensive and productive bunkering week. Highly recommended for all levels of experience and all professionals within the bunker industry.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Glander International Bunkering DMCC (Dubai)</em></p> <p>‘The Oxford Bunker Course was a fantastic opportunity to learn many aspects of the bunker industry and meet industry contacts that will be professional friends moving forwards. Fantastic course, well organised and thoroughly thought out. Nigel’s knowledge and enthusiasm is so contagious I looked forward to each presentation. The guest lectures are also a fantastic insight into certain areas of the industry.’ <em>– </em><em>S&amp;P Global Platts (UK)</em></p> <p>‘This course was really interesting and complete. It covers all the aspects of bunkering.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Addax Energy S. A. (Switzerland)</em></p> <p>‘Thank you for an intense, detailed and very helpful course.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Mercuria (UK)</em></p> <h4>2017</h4> <p>'Excellent course! Great Organising!'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Ghana Oil Company (Ghana)</em></p> <p>'It was more than my expectations. I've learned a lot and it was very productive.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Omega Energy (Congo)</em></p> <p>'Excellent introduction to Bunker topics. Nigel is a great lecturer. Topics and classmates create a great formula for learning and enjoying.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Euro-marine Logistics (Belgium)</em></p> <p>'Very well made and informative / interesting. At some point you have a feeling that Michael Caine is presenting - Well done Nigel!'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Euro-marine Logistics (Belgium)</em></p> <p>'Essentially my thoughts are the same as they were on Friday – Nigel and the guys managed to turn what could have been fairly dull into a week that was enjoyable, interesting and fun.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Nautical Supply International (UK)</em></p> <p>'The course has helped me to gain fundamental knowledge on many aspect of bunkering and the oil industry. As I am new in the business this knowledge will make the start much easier.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Hapag-Lloyd AG (Germany)</em></p> <p>'Very informative. A comprehensive course &amp; well presented.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Sullivan Shipping Agencies Ltd (Malta)</em></p> <p>'It was very well planned, in depth knowledge within the different areas covering bunkering.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Northern Energy &amp; Supply AB (Sweden)</em></p> <p>'Personally, think that you have a good team. All lessons were entertaining and productive.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Minerva Bunkers (Spain)</em></p> <p>'The course was very informative. The course implanted not only the basic knowledge about the bunkering but also provided deep insight into the technical, legal, engineering &amp; financial issues related with bunkering.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Indian Oil Corporation Limited (India)</em></p> <h4>2016</h4> <p>'Very comprehensive course, with top notch speakers!'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>CFB Halifax (Canada)</em></p> <p>'I came on this course after being in the industry for 9 months and feel that not only has my knowledge expanded, but also my network. Met a really diverse and interesting group of people, all whie learning the intricacies surrounding the bunker industry.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Hanwa Co Ltd. (UK)</em></p> <p>'Very good course with very skilled teachers. Thank you for a very interesting course which gave a good understanding of the business. The way the course is organised is very good.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Bergen Bunkers AS (Norway)<br /></em></p> <p>'For five days of your time, you get expert lecturers, excellent industry knowledge and info and network with international peers.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>DCC (Ireland)</em></p> <p>'It has been a great week with loads of new insights.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Bomin Deutschland (Germany)</em></p> <p>'Thoroughly enjoyed. Very useful course.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>SeaTec UK Ltd. (UK)</em></p> <h4>2015</h4> <p class="eventQuote">'Excellent course, excellent teachers, a unique experience which enabled me to experience the industry from different perspectives allowing me to reflect on my own role. I would recommend this to everyone.' <em>–</em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">KPI Bridge Oil (UK)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'I thought the course was brilliant, it was a packed five days but well worth it. &nbsp;The lecturers were top class, and made everything easily understandable – the course slides were also very straight forward and to the point. &nbsp;The group we had was really good as well, and the activities organised were great. &nbsp;All in all I would definitely recommend it to those who would join Seychelles Petroleum in this field of bunkering.' <em>– </em><em>Seychelles Petroleum Co (Seychelles)</em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'The case studies were one of the most interesting parts of the week. &nbsp;Thank you.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">World Fuel Services (UK)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘Great experience and opportunity to meet people from bunker industry around the world’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">YPF S.A. (Argentina)</span></em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="oxfordbunkeradv">THE OXFORD BUNKER COURSE (ADVANCED)</a></h3> <h4>2016</h4> <p>'Both training programme and location found ideal. Many thanks for this fruitful 3 days that will help in my future appointment.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>CMA-CGM (France)<br /></em></p> <p>'Excellent course, perfect level for me. Exercises were particularly good.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>World Fuel Services (UK)</em></p> <p>'Excellent course in excellent hotel surroundings. All speakers showed great knowledge and experience.'&nbsp; <em>– </em><em>CMA-CGM (France)</em></p> <h4>2015</h4> <p>&nbsp;'I found the course comprehensive and was especially impressed with the level of detail covered on the technical aspect'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Peninsula Petroleum (Singapore)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘A very good course, good mix of commercial and bunker learning.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <span class="eventQuotePerson"><em>Trillion Energy Pte Ltd (Singapore)</em></span></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘Appreciate the course director Nigel Draffin. &nbsp;He is a professional. &nbsp;I will try to join more courses in the future because I have learnt a lot. Great opportunity for me to improve myself in the Bunker Industry.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">International Bunkering Services (China)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘Well planned and structured. &nbsp;Exercises and test were fruitful and fun’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Vale (Singapore)</span></em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="oxbcac">THE OXFORD BUNKER COURSE (ADVANCED COMMERCIAL)</a></h3> <h4>2017</h4> <p>'I found this course enjoyable. The resource persons give us a lot of useful and current information.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>AI Energy Group (Ghana)</em></p> <p>'Would recommend experienced bunker personnel to attend this course as I've picked up / learnt a few new technical facts and info. Also you are updated with latest info re specs / credit / clauses etc in shipping and bunkering.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>OceanConnect Marine (UK)</em></p> <p>'Good place to keep up with the industry's most recent developments &amp; practice.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Fuel Supplies Maldives (Maldives)</em></p> <p>'Very positive course, able to go deeper in most of the bunker chain.' <em>– </em><em>CEPSA (United Arab Emirates)</em></p> <p>'It was a very good experience for me. Nigel is a great lecturer. I am sure that this course will help me in the future. Everybody was very good - thank you for this.' <em>– </em><em>Cye Petrol Tic. Ltd. Sti. (Turkey)</em></p> <p>'Wide range of topics regarding the bunkering banner that allow us to do a better job at work.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>UNO Honduras (Honduras)</em></p> <p>'The course was what I expected. I'm very pleased with what I've learned.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Atlantic Marine Fuels (Colombia)</em></p> <p>'I enjoyed and learned alot from this course. The speaker's anility and knowledge is very high.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>UNO Honduras (Honduras)</em></p> <p>'As someone new to the industry, this course has been extremely informative, fun and very current.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Integrity Fuels Logistics Corp. (USA)</em></p> <h4>2016</h4> <p>'This course is essential to all bunkering professionals.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>–&nbsp;</em><em>GOIL<br /></em></p> <p>'The course helped me in a huge way. I now have a full understanding about bunkering.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>–&nbsp;</em><em>BP Southern Africa</em></p> <p>'It was an enjoyable course, &nbsp;interactive and productive throughout all sessions.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>–&nbsp;</em><em>GBS</em></p> <p>'Great eye contact by the presenter Nigel. The speed of delivery was fantastic.'&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>–&nbsp;</em><em>ZEN Petroleum</em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="oilshipafrica">OIL AND SHIPPING AFRICA</a></h3> <h4><strong>2017</strong></h4> <p class="eventQuote">'Very informative presentations about the future of bunkering in Africa. For security reasons bunkering should be encouraged at anchorages than offshore.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Ghana Oil Company Ltd (GOIL) (Ghana)</em></p> <p>'This provides participants with the opportunity to learn best practices within the industry and anticipate future developments.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>National Petroleum Authority (Ghana)</em></p> <p>'Overall, well organised, informative, pleasant supporting staff, nice venue.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Regional Maritime University of Ghana</em></p> <p>'The conference was a great opportunity to learn and connect. Thank you. Looking forward to the next one. The speakers and staff were well appreciated, well versed and professional.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Oyleium Ghana Ltd (Ghana)</em></p> <p>&nbsp;'Very educational and good exposure on the future of bunkering business in Africa.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Ghana Oil Company Ltd (GOIL) (Ghana)</em></p> <p>'Brilliant networking in shipping/agency companies. Very educational.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Forte-Atlantic Maritime Services Nigeria Limited (Nigeria)</em></p> <p>&nbsp;'Each time I attend the Petrrospot events I always leave refreshed and reinvigorated, like having a drink of fresh water from a spring well.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Ayoknox Ventures (Nigeria)</em></p> <p>'Conference was excellent. Content very educational.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Ghana Oil Company Ltd (GOIL) (Ghana)</em></p> <p>'On the whole the event was enjoyable and educative. I hope it will continue to be organised in other African countries.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Corlay Cameroun S.A. (Cameroon)</em></p> <p>'Petrospot has given the stakeholders in the Bunkering and Shipping industry a platform to network and learn from their collective challenges and successes.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>AI Energy Group (Ghana)</em></p> <p>'A very interesting and enlightening event. Good networking opportunities.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Finnexx Energy Ghana Ltd (Ghana)</em></p> <p>'Simply splendid good material and good networking.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Baron Rivers Nigeria Limited (Nigeria)</em></p> <h4><strong>2016</strong></h4> <p class="eventQuote">‘It was surely an exceptional event for us. The networking aspect was very good indeed. We will definitely keep in touch.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Port Agency Services (PAS) (Mauritius)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘The event, as usual, is the best in the bunker business anywhere in the world and I found it very enjoyable.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Springwes Nigeria Ltd (Nigeria)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘The event was very informative and the presentations supplied a great insight into the maritime industry and bunkers.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Intertek South Africa (South Africa)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘The conference was very interesting and I made good business contacts.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Stena Oil (Sweden)</span></em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="bunkerseminars">PETROSPOT BUNKER SEMINARS</a></h3> <h4><strong>2017</strong></h4> <p>'Very good and to the point material.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Curoil (Curaçao)</em></p> <p>'Very informative, thank you.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Vital Energy Bunkering S.A. (Panama)</em></p> <h4><strong>2016</strong></h4> <p>‘Wonderfully detailed and explanatory presentations for both newcomers and old hands alike’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Jardine Shipping Services (Singapore)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘The event was very well planned. The topics covered provided a very good insight into the challenges faced in the oil and gas industry’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">BW Offshore (Singapore) Pte Ltd (Singapore)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘This is an eye-opener to me I am more enlightened in managing credit risk’ <em>– </em><em class="eventQuotePerson">Jessco Maritime Resources Ltd (Nigeria)</em></p> <p class="eventQuote">‘Credit risk management is absolutely necessary for the sales and commercial team. Very useful seminar.’&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em class="eventQuotePerson">Organización Terpel S.A. (Colombia)</em></p> <hr /> <h3>PETROSPOT LUNCH FORUMS</h3> <p class="eventQuote"><br />'It was a very productive and engaging meeting about very relevant subject matter in today's maritime industry.&nbsp; The representatives from the industry were diverse and prompted at times heated discussion about important issues.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">Transport Research Laboratory (UK)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'A well-balanced event allowing industry, government and specialist consultants to share ideas and perspectives in an information environment.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">MBT SIGMA (UK)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'Piracy is very real, rampant and becoming ever more brutal and sophisticated, and, there is nothing romantic about it!&nbsp; This Forum has given many the opportunity to come together to discuss a reality that others seem to ignore.&nbsp; It is an excellent platform in the battle against something that is proving to be a growing threat to commerce and an even bigger threat to many lives.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">EPSa Ltd (Germany)</span></em></p> <p class="eventQuote">'It was a great experience to meet private and public organisations and decision makers that where all stakeholders in the logistic supply chain security. The quality of the people involved made is possible to challenge ritual topics and prepare targets to achieve solutions.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em><span class="eventQuotePerson">ZOCA Container Security BV (Netherlands)</span></em></p> <hr /> <h3><a id="psw"></a>PORTUGAL SHIPPING WEEK</h3> <h4>2024</h4> <p>'I enjoyed every single moment that you and your great team organized around the conference and want to congratulate all of you for the good work developed and the successful gathering of energy &amp; shipping professionals.' - <em>Nacho de Miguel, Head of Alternative Fuels &amp; Sustainability, Peninsula</em></p> <p>'Again, it was a great pleasure working with you and the EISAP and EUROMAR organisations, and we particularly appreciated the valuable insights and opportunities for collaboration that it provided. Indeed, we also keep in mind the excellent networking environment you have provided.' - <em>Duarte Lynce Faria, APS - Ports of Sines and the Algarve Authority</em></p> <h4>2022</h4> <p>'When I received the invitation to #PortugalShippingWeek, I couldn't have been happier. It will remain one of my fondest memories in 2022. My colleague&nbsp;and I enjoyed discussion of high-level maritime experts and players.'&nbsp;<em>– </em> <em>Döhle Asse Assekuranzkontor GmbH &amp; Co. KG&nbsp;(Germany)</em></p> <p>&nbsp;'Extremely grateful to have participated in the PORTUGAL SHIPPING WEEK, a week full of learning, experience, very interesting conferences and contact with great figures of the maritime world.'&nbsp;<em><em>– </em> European Mar/Euromar (Portugal)</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="eventQuote">&nbsp;</p> </div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-grid"> <div class="g-block size-100"> <div class="g-content"> <div class="platform-content"><div class="moduletable "> <!-- Blank250 Starts Here --> <div id="blankBM153" > <div id="holderBM153"> <div id="innerBM153"> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Blank250 Ends Here --> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer id="g-footer"> <div class="g-container"> <div class="g-grid"> <div id="footer-quicklinks" class="g-block size-35"> <div class="g-content"> <div class="platform-content"><div class="moduletable "> <ul class="nav menu mod-list"> <li class="item-119 divider"><span class="separator ">Quick Links:</span> </li><li class="item-343"><a href="/about-us-foot" >About Us</a></li><li class="item-122"><a href="/contact" >Contact</a></li><li class="item-121"><a href="/consultancy" >Consultancy</a></li><li class="item-123 current active"><a href="/event-reviews" >Event Reviews</a></li><li class="item-125"><a href="/terms-of-use" >Terms and Conditions</a></li></ul> </div></div> </div> </div> <div id="footer-social" class="g-block size-40"> <div class="g-content"> <div class="platform-content"><div class="moduletable _charity"> <div class="custom_charity" > <div style="text-align: center;"> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="Sailors Society" width="80" style="margin: 16px 20px 0px; width: 80px !important; float: left;" /></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="Maritime Speakers Bureau" width="130" height="68" style="margin-right: 20px; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 20px; float: left;" /></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="CPD recognised" width="120" height="72" style="margin-top: 20px; margin-right: 20px; margin-left: 20px;" /></a></p> </div></div> </div></div> </div> </div> <div id="footer-blog" class="g-block size-25"> <div class="g-content"> <div class="platform-content"><div class="moduletable "> <!-- Blank250 Starts Here --> <div id="blankBM154" > <div id="holderBM154"> <div id="innerBM154"> <div> <p><a href="#" id="bf_new_subs_button" class="button" style="display: block; text-align: center; margin: 6px 0">NEWSLETTER FREE SUBSCRIPTION</a></p> <script> var subs_form_found = false; const setup_subs_form = function() { subs_form_found = (jQuery('.acym__subscription__form__popup__overlay').length > 0); if(subs_form_found) { jQuery("#bf_new_subs_button").on("click", function() { console.log("Clicked New Subs Button"); document.cookie = 'acym_form_1=; Max-Age=-99999999; path=/; domain=' + location.hostname; let acym_popupForm = document.querySelector('.acym__subscription__form__popup__overlay'); if(acym_popupForm != null) { delayRemaining = false; if (!scrollRemaining) { = "inline"; console.log('Subs form should be showing!'); } else { console.log('Subs form already showing!'); } } } ); } else { // continue looking setTimeout( setup_subs_form, 1000); } }; // end subs function setup_subs_form(); // initiate handler lookup process </script> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Blank250 Ends Here --> </div></div><div class="platform-content"><div class="moduletable "> <div class="custom" > <p style="text-align: right; margin-top: 30px;"><a href="" class="button">View Petrospot News</a></p></div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="g-grid"> <div id="copyright" class="g-block size-100"> <div id="copyright-9329-particle" class="g-content g-particle"> &copy; 2024 Petrospot limited all rights reserved. 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