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width="1179" height="419" alt="11th World Congress of Advanced Materials 2025 (WCAM 2025) & Nano S&T 2025" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/california-hydrogen-convention-2025" hreflang="en">California Hydrogen Convention 2025</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Monday, May 12, 2025 - Thursday, May 15, 2025</div></div><div><div>Long Beach, California</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/california%2520hydrogen%2520convention%25202025.png" width="1065" height="136" alt="California Hydrogen Convention 2025" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/41st-sci-process-development-symposium" hreflang="en">41st SCI Process Development Symposium</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Wednesday, April 2, 2025 - Friday, April 4, 2025</div></div><div><div>Cambridge, UK</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/41st%2520sci%2520process.png" width="944" height="398" alt="41st SCI Process Development Symposium" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/15th-spanish-conference-on-electron-devices" hreflang="en">15th Spanish Conference on Electron Devices</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - Thursday, January 30, 2025</div></div><div><div>Málaga, Spain</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/15th%2520spanish%2520conference%2520electron%2520devices.png" width="1464" height="263" alt="15th Spanish Conference on Electron Devices" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/50th-conference-on-the-physics-chemistry-of-surfaces-interfaces-pcsi-2025" hreflang="en">50th Conference on the Physics & Chemistry of Surfaces & Interfaces - PCSI 2025</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Sunday, January 19, 2025 - Thursday, January 23, 2025</div></div><div><div>Kailua-Kona, Hawaii</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/PCSI%25202025.png" width="2000" height="386" alt="50th Conference on the Physics & Chemistry of Surfaces & Interfaces - PCSI 2025" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/bioinorganic-chemistry-gordon-research-seminar-grs-2025" hreflang="en">Bioinorganic Chemistry Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) 2025</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Friday, January 17, 2025 - Monday, January 20, 2025</div></div><div><div>Ventura, California</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/Bioinorganic%2520chem%25202025.png" width="1084" height="226" alt="Bioinorganic Chemistry Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) 2025" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/7th-lasers-optics-and-photonics-summit" hreflang="en">7th Lasers Optics and Photonics Summit</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Monday, December 16, 2024 - Tuesday, December 17, 2024</div></div><div><div>Osaka, Japan</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/7th%2520laser%2520optics%2520and%2520photonics.png" width="1438" height="190" alt="7th Lasers Optics and Photonics Summit" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/world-robotics-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-congress-2024" hreflang="en">World Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Congress 2024</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Monday, December 16, 2024 - Tuesday, December 17, 2024</div></div><div><div>Osaka, Japan</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/spectus%2520robotics.png" width="1437" height="174" alt="World Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Congress 2024" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/pacsurf-2024-pacific-rim-symposium-on-surfaces-coatings-interfaces" hreflang="en">PacSurf 2024 - Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings & Interfaces</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Sunday, December 8, 2024 - Thursday, December 12, 2024</div></div><div><div>Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/pacsurf2024.png" width="1906" height="407" alt="PacSurf 2024 - Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings & Interfaces" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/6th-conference-on-the-combined-australian-materials-societies-cams-2024" hreflang="en">6th Conference on the Combined Australian Materials Societies - CAMS 2024</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Wednesday, December 4, 2024 - Friday, December 6, 2024</div></div><div><div>Adelaide, Australia</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/CAMS-2024.jpg" width="721" height="241" alt="6th Conference on the Combined Australian Materials Societies - CAMS 2024" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/defense-techconnect-innovation-summit-2024-dtc-2024" hreflang="en">Defense TechConnect Innovation Summit 2024 - DTC 2024</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Tuesday, December 3, 2024 - Thursday, December 5, 2024</div></div><div><div>Austin, Texas</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/defensetechconnect.png" width="1008" height="123" alt="Defense TechConnect Innovation Summit 2024 - DTC 2024" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/the-workshop-on-innovative-nanoscale-devices-and-systems-winds-2024" hreflang="en">The Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems (WINDS) 2024</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Sunday, December 1, 2024 - Friday, December 6, 2024</div></div><div><div>Waimea, Hawaii</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/winds2024.png" width="740" height="254" alt="The Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems (WINDS) 2024" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/battery-technology-physics-world-live-webinar" hreflang="en">Battery Technology - Physics World Live Webinar</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Thursday, November 21, 2024</div></div><div><div>Online Webinar</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/physicsworldlive-webinar.png" width="690" height="292" alt="Battery Technology - Physics World Live Webinar" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/phase-engineering-of-nanomaterials-2024" hreflang="en">Phase Engineering of Nanomaterials 2024</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Wednesday, November 20, 2024 - Friday, November 22, 2024</div></div><div><div>Hong Kong, China</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/Phase%2520Engineering%25202024.png" width="980" height="166" alt="Phase Engineering of Nanomaterials 2024" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/selectbio-lab-on-a-chip-and-microfluidics-world-congress-2024-exhibition" hreflang="en">SelectBIO Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics World Congress 2024 Exhibition</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Monday, November 18, 2024 - Wednesday, November 20, 2024</div></div><div><div>Laguna Hills, California</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/Lab%2520on%2520achip%25202024.png" width="1415" height="296" alt="SelectBIO Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics World Congress 2024 Exhibition" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/2024-acd-annual-meeting" hreflang="en">2024 ACD Annual Meeting</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Monday, November 11, 2024 - Thursday, November 14, 2024</div></div><div><div>La Quinta, California</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/2024%2520annual%2520meeting%2520acd.png" width="1737" height="428" alt="2024 ACD Annual Meeting" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/3rd-world-symposium-on-materials-sciences-and-engineering-smse-2024" hreflang="en">3rd World Symposium on Materials Sciences and Engineering - SMSE 2024</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - Thursday, November 7, 2024</div></div><div><div>Nagoya, Japan</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/smse2024.png" width="900" height="202" alt="3rd World Symposium on Materials Sciences and Engineering - SMSE 2024" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/eage-get24-hydrogen-energy-storage-conference-2024" hreflang="en">EAGE GET24 - Hydrogen & Energy Storage Conference 2024</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Monday, November 4, 2024 - Thursday, November 7, 2024</div></div><div><div>Rotterdam, The Netherlands</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/GET24.png" width="1308" height="500" alt="EAGE GET24 - Hydrogen & Energy Storage Conference 2024" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/avs-70th-international-symposium-and-exhibition-2024" hreflang="en">AVS 70th International Symposium and Exhibition 2024</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Sunday, November 3, 2024 - Friday, November 8, 2024</div></div><div><div>Tampa, Florida</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/avs%252070th.png" width="1341" height="282" alt="AVS 70th International Symposium and Exhibition 2024" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/2024-aiche-annual-meeting" hreflang="en">2024 AIChE Annual Meeting</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Sunday, October 27, 2024 - Thursday, October 31, 2024</div></div><div><div>San Diego, California</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/AICHE%25202024.png" width="910" height="264" alt="2024 AIChE Annual Meeting" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/future-materials-2024-5th-international-conference-on-materials-science-and-nanotechnology" hreflang="en">Future Materials 2024- 5th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Monday, October 21, 2024 - Wednesday, October 23, 2024</div></div><div><div>Athens, Greece</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/image%2520%25285%2529.png" width="492" height="152" alt="Future Materials 2024- 5th International Conference on Materials Science and Nanotechnology" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/nanocon-2024" hreflang="en">NANOCON 2024</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - Friday, October 18, 2024</div></div><div><div>Czech Republic, EU</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/Nanocon2024.jpg" width="1448" height="261" alt="NANOCON 2024" /> </div></div></li> <li><div><span><a href="/event/3rd-international-conference-on-advanced-nanomaterials-and-nanotechnology" hreflang="en">3rd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology</a></span></div><div class="views-field views-field-event-calendar-date"><div class="field-content">Thursday, October 10, 2024 - Friday, October 11, 2024</div></div><div><div>London, United Kingdom</div></div><div><div> <img loading="lazy" src="/images/images/conferences/Advanced-Nanomat-Nanotech.jpg" width="1309" height="331" alt="3rd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology" /> </div></div></li> </ul> </div> <nav class="pager" role="navigation" aria-labelledby="pagination-heading"> <h4 id="pagination-heading" class="visually-hidden">Pagination</h4> <ul class="pager__items js-pager__items"> <div class="pager__summary"> 1 of 45 </div> <li class="pager__item pager__item--ellipsis" role="presentation">…</li> <li class="pager__item pager__item--next"> <a href="?page=1" title="Go to next 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</strong> <strong>EVENT: Macro BeGe 2012, Belgian-German (Macro)Molecular Meeting Houffalize, Belgium 12/13/12 12/14/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: RACI Research & Development Topics Conference 2012, 20th Annual Waurn Ponds Campus, Geelong 12/11/12 12/14/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICAMET 2012, International Conference on Advanced Material Engineering & Technology Penang Island, Malaysia 11/28/1211/30/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NanotechItaly 2012 Venice, Italy 11/21/1211/23/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: New Horizons in Catalysis and Polymorphism & Crystallization Prague 11/19/12 11/20/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Dayton Regional Science Festival 2012: Ignite Innovation Dayton, Ohio 11/15/12 11/18/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Rare Earths Conference 2012 Hong Kong, China 11/13/12 11/14/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Laser World of Photonics India 2012, 1st Mumbai, India 11/12/12 11/14/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Cellular Materials CELLMAT 2012 Dresden, Germany 11/7/12 11/9/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NanoMED International Conference on Nanotechnology in Medicine London, UK 11/7/12 11/9/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Energy Harvesting & Storage USA 2012 Washington D.C. 11/7/12 11/8/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: FCS & E 2012, Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition 2012 Uncasville, Connecticut 11/5/12 11/8/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: GSA Annual Meeting 2012: Geological Society of America's Annual Meeting & Geoscience Exposition Charlotte, North Carolina 11/4/12 11/7/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: North American Cold Spray 2012 Worcester, MA 10/30/12 11/1/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: IONS-12 NA, The International OSA Student Project Conference 2012 North America New York, NY October 2012 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Flow Chemistry India 2012 Mumbai, India 10/29/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Flow Chemistry Asia 2012 Singapore, Asia 10/25/12 10/26/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nano Sciences & Technologies 2012 Quingdao, China 10/26/12 10/28/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: M3D 2012, 8th Modern Drug Discovery & Development Summit Philadelphia, PA 10/24/12 10/26/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: BIO China 2012 Shanghai, China 10/24/12 10/25/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: SLONANO 2012, 11th Annual Ljubljana, Slovenia 10/24/12 10/26/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Batteries 2012 Nice, France 10/24/12 10/26/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy Workshop, 8th Bicentennial 2012 Punta de Tralca, Chile 10/23/12 10/25/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: CSChE 2012, 62nd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference Vancouver, BC 10/14/12 10/17/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Pacific Rim Summit on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy 2012, 7th Annual, BIO Pacific Rim Vancouver, Canada 10/10/12 10/12/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: F-cell 2012 and Battery+Storage 2012 Stuttgart, Germany 10/8/12 10/10/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NFA 2012, 1st International Conference on Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications Strbske Pleso, Slovakia 10/3/12 10/6/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Printed Electronics Asia 2012 Tokyo, Japan 10/2/12 10/3/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ISROS 2012, 3rdInternational Symposium on Reliability of Optoelectronics For Space and ESREF 2012, 23nd European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis Cagliari, Sardinia (Italy) 10/1/12 10/5/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: BSANS 2012, First Baltic School on Application of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation in Solid State Physics and Material Science Riga, Latvia 10/1/12 10/4/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 2nd Virtual Nanotechnology Poster Conference September 2012 </strong> <strong>EVENT: COM 2012, 51st Annual Conference of Metallurgists Niagra Falls 9/30/12 10/3/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Wisconsin Science Festival 2012- Madison, Wisconsin 9/27/12 9/30/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Lab-On-A-Chip World Congress co-located with Microarray World Congress, Molecular Diagnostics World Congress and Single Cell Analysis Summit San Diego, CA 9/25/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: EOSAM 2012, EOS Annual Meeting Scotland, UK 2012 9/25/12 9/28/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ISQE 2012, 17th International School on Quantum Electronics (ISQE) "Laser Physics and Applications" Nessebar, Bulgaria 9/24/12 9/28/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanoforum VIII 2012 Edition Rome, Italy 9/24/12 9/26/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: AMPT 2012, 15th International Conference on “Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies Wollongong, NSW Austrailia 9/23/12 9/26/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICPAM-9, 9th International Conference On Physics Of Advanced Materials Iasi, Russia 9/20/12 9/23/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Sally Ride Science Festival at Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 9/22/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NanoSmat 2012 , 7th Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials Prague, Czech Republic 9/18/12 9/21/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Metamaterials 2012, 6th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics St. Petersburg, Russia 9/17/12 9/22/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: OPRD 2012, Organic Process Research and Development Conference Edinburgh, UK 9/17/12 9/19/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 3rd Process Safety Management Conference for the Chemical, Petrochemical & Refining Industries Houston, TX 9/12/12 9/14/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: PSE 2012, 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany 9/10/12 9/14/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: HPLS & A 2012, 19th International Symposium on High-Power Laser Systems and Applications Istanbul, Turkey 9/10/12 9/14/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: TNT 2012: Trends in NanoTechnology Madrid, Spain 9/10/12 9/14/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICIF China 2012, 11th China International Chemical Industry Fair Beijing, China 9/10/12 9/12/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: QCD / DEC 2012, 6th International Conference on Quenching and Control of Distortion and the 4th International Distortion Engineering Conference Chicago, Illinois 9/9/12 9/13/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: JEMS 2012 (Joint European Magnetic Symposium) Parma, Italy 9/9/12 9/13/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ISC 2012, 29th International Symposium on Chromatography Torun, Poland 9/9/12 9/13/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICCC 40, 40th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry Velencia, Spain 9/9/12 9/13/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanomanufacturing Summit 2012 & 11th Annual NanoBusiness Conference Boston, Ma 9/4/12 9/6/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: REEC 2012, Rare Earth Elements and Compounds Conference Münster, Germany 9/4/12 9/6/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICPOC-21, 21st International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry Durham, UK 9/9/12 9/13/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICCC 40, 40th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry Velencia, Spain 9/9/12 9/13/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Electrochem 2012 Dublin, Ireland 9/2/12 9/4/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 3M Nano 2012, 2nd International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale 8/29/12 9/1/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: SPIG 2012, 26th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases Zrenjanin, Serbia 8/27/12 8/31/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: EUCMOS 2012, 31st European Congress of Molecular Spectroscopy Cluj-Napoca, Romania 8/26/12 8/31/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ABAF 2012, 13th International Conference Advanced Batteries, Accumulators and Fuel Cells Czech Republic 8/26/12 8/30/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NANO 2012, IEEE 12th International Conference on Nanotechnology Birmingham, UK 8/20/12 8/23/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICORS 2012, 23rd International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy Bangalore, India 8/12/12 8/17/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: SPIE Optics + Photonics 2012 San Diego, CA 8/12/12 8/16/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICCT 2012, 22nd IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics and CALCON 2012, 67th Calorimetry Conference Búzios, Brazil 8/5/12 8/10/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: CAARI 2012, 22nd International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry Fort Worth, TX 8/5/12 8/10/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ASP 2012 Meeting, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 124th Meeting Tucson, AZ 8/4/12 8/8/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Energy Sustainability Conference & Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference (6th & 10th) 2012 San Diego, CA 7/23/12 7/26/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Green Composites Workshop 2012 Chicago, IL 7/20/12 7/21/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: E- MRS International School: Materials for Renewable Energy Erice, Italy 7/18/12 7/28/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICBNI 2012, 1st International Conference on BioNano Innovation Queensland, Australia 7/18/12 7/20/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICPC 2012, 19th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry Rotterdam, The Netherlands 7/8/12 7/12/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: XXIV IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry Coimbra , Portugal 7/15/12 7/20/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: PREP 2012, 25th Symposium on Preparative & Process Chromatography Boston, MA 7/15/12 7/18/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Mg 2012, 9th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications Vancouver, Canada 7/8/12 7/12/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ISBOMC '12, 6th International Symposium on Bioorganometallic Chemistry Toronto Ontario, Canada 7/8/12 7/12/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ONS-12 Naples, The International OSA Student Project Conference 2012 Naples, Italy 7/4/12 7/7/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: UK Semiconductors 2012 Sheffield, UK 7/4/12 7/5/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NanoStruc 2012, International Conference on Structural Nano Composites Bedfordshire, UK 7/2/12 7/4/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: PMM 2012, Polymers in Medicine 2012, 76th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules Prague, Czech Republic 7/1/12 7/5/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NANOTEXNOLOGY 2012, It combines the well-established Conferences NN12, ISFOE12 and the summer school ISSON12 Thessaloniki, Greece 6/30/12 7/7/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: the 4th International Conference on NANO-structures SELF-Assembly NanoSEA 2012 Sardinia, Italy 6/25/12 6/29/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: COMS 2012, Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems Tønsberg, Norway 6/24/12 6/27/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: IV National Congress of Powder Matallurgy Sevilla, Spain 6/20/12 6/21/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NanoBio Europe 2012 Varse, Italy 6/18/12 6/20/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: AeroMat 2012 Conference and Exposition Charlotte, North Carolina 6/18/12 6/21/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Terahertz Science & Technology (TST 2012) Kaiserstejnsky Palace, Prague, Czech Republic 6/17/12 6/20/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Terahertz Science & Technology (TST 2012) Kaiserstejnsky Palace, Prague, Czech Republic 6/17/12 6/20/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanofibers 2012 Tokyo, Japan 6/4/12 - 6/5/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICOOPMA 12, Fifth International Conference on Optical and Optoelectronic Properties of Materials and Applications Nara, Japan 6/3/12 6/7/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: BiPoCo 2012, Int Conf Biobased Polymers and Composites Siófok, Hungary 5/27/12 5/31/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Fourth European Workshop in Drug Synthesis Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) Italy 5/27/12 5/31/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 2nd International Rare Earth Industry Summit 2012 Xlamen, China 5/23/12 5/25/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanotech 2012 Conference and Expo, TechConnect World San Luis Potosi, Mexico 5/20/12 5/23/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Swiss NanoConvention 2012 Beaulieu Lausanne 5/22/12- 5/24/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, 9th International Conference 2012 Minneapolis, MN 5/22/26 5/26/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: CISILE 2012, 10th China International Scientific Instrument and Laboratory Equipment Exhibition Beijing, China 5/15/12 5/17/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ISSF 2012, Supercritical Fluids, 10th International Symposium San Francisco, CA 5/13/12 5/16/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: BPG 2012, Annual Meeting of the Belgian Polymer Group Blankenberge, Belgium 5/10/12 5/11/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: the Internations Rare Earth Summit 2012 San Francisco, CA 5/9/12 5/11/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 5th International Conference Sample Prep 2012 San Diego, CA 5/3/12 5/4/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 2nd USA Science & Engineering Festival Washington DC 4/28/12 4/29/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites 7th & 5th ECNP Young Scientist Conference Prague, Czech Republic 4/24/12 4/27/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: PhoBiA Annual Nanophotonics International Conference Wroclaw, Poland 4/25/12 4/27/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Weather Modification Association Annual Meeting Las Vegas, NV 4/25/12 4/27/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: HiPerNano 2012 Savoy Place, London 4/24/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: SPIE Defense Security and Sensing 2012 Baltimore, Md 4/23/12 4/27/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: FM&NT 2012, Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies Conference Riga, Latvia 4/17/12 4/20/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 12th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences Corfu, Greece 4/16/12 4/21/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Silicon PV 2nd International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics 2012 Leuven, Belgium 4/3/12 4/5/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Polychar 20, 2012 World Forum on Advanced Materials Dubrovnik, Croatia 3/26/123/30/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Porous Semiconductors Science and Technology 8th International Conference PSST-2012 Malaga, Spain 3/25/123/30/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Organic Process Research and Development 2012 San Francisco, California 3/19/123/21/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Organic Process Research and Development The Leading Process Chemistry Conference San Francisco, CA 3/18/123/21/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering San Diego, CA 3/17/123/24/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 2nd International Conference of the Flow Chemistry Society Munich, Germany 3/13/123/14/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: TREM 12, Critical Metals Policy Conference, Technology & Rare Earth Metals Washington DC 3/13/12 3/14/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 3rd International Congress Nanotechnology in Medicine& Biology Krems,Austria 3/1/12 3/2/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 8th EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics Delft, Netherlands 2/27/12 3/1/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Science Academies’ Lecture Workshop on Instrumental Techniques in Chemical Sciences Osmanabad, Maharashtra India 2/25/12 2/26/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Microwave & Flow Chemistry Conference 2012 Puerto Calero, Lanzarote Spain 2/28/12 3/2/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Microwave & Flow Chemistry Conference 2012 Puerto Calero, Lanzarote Spain 2/28/12 3/2/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Solid State Chemistry Conference 2012 Puerto Calero, Lanzarote Spain 2/24/12 2/27/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: The Composites Exhibition and Convention 2012 Las Vegas, NV 2/23/12 2/23/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Supramolecular Chemistry Conference 2012 Puerto Calero, Lanzarote Spain 2/20/12 2/23/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 39th Annual Waterborne Symposium 2012 New Orleans, LA 2/13/12 2/17/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Peptide Therapeutics Conference 2012 -Puerto Calero, Lanzarote Spain 2/12/12 2/16/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Natural Products Conference 2012 Puerto Calero, Lanzarote Spain 2/10/12 2/13/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Electrochemistry Conference 2012 Puerto Calero, Lanzarote Spain 2/8/12 2/11/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanopores Conference 2012 Puerto Calero, Lanzarote Spain 2/6/12 2/10/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: HTC-12th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers Bruges, Belgium 2/1/12 2/3/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: HTSP-2nd International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques for Sample Preparation Bruges, Belgium 1/31/12 2/1/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: INDO-JAPAN Conference on Frontier Nano-Materials for Energy (FNE 2012) Sharda University, India 1/9/12 1/11/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT: National Conference on Sustainable Chemistry: Challenges and Opportunities Osmanabad, India 1/9/12 1/10/12 </strong> <strong>EVENT:TICME 2011,</strong> <strong>Trento Innovation Conferences On Materials Engineering Trento, Italy 12/12/11 12/14/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: The 6th International Conference of the Africa Materials Research Society Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe 12/11/11 12/16/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 19th Annual Research and Development Topics Conference Melbourne, Australia 12/9/11 12/9/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 4th Bangalore Nano Conference Bangalore, India 12/8/11 12/9/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: European Optical Society 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano- Optoelectronic Systems Bremen, Germany 12/7/11 12/9/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: BioPhysChem 2011, a joint meeting of the RACI Physical Chemistry Division and the Australian Society for Biophysics Wollongong, Australia 12/3/11 12/6/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: MicroNano Conference '11 The Netherlands 11/15/11 11/16/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: CATSA 2011 Conference, Catalysis Society of South Africa Gauteng, South Africa 11/13/11 11/16/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Sólidos 2011 San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina 11/8/11 11/11/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Bay Area Science Festival San Francisco, CA 10/29/11 11/6/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Cell Seminar & Exposition 2011 Orlando, FL 10/31/11 11/3/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: SAMPE CHINA 2011 Tianjin, China 10/26/11 10/28/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: M3D 2011, 7th Modern Drug Discovery & Development Summit San Diego, CA 10/19/11 10/21/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NanoSmat 2011, 6th Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials Krakow, Poland 10/17/11 10/20/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 2nd International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology Amsterdam, The Netherlands 10/10/11 10/12/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: GSA Annual Meeting 2011, Geological Society of America's Annual Meeting & Geoscience Exposition Minneapolis, Minnesota 10/9/11 10/12/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: COM 2011, Conference of Metallurgists Montreal, QC, Canada 10/2/11 10/5/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: WAVE 2011 Conference, Taking Micro- & Nano Products to Market Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada 10/2/11 10/5/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Medical Electronics Symposium 2011 Arizona State University Tempe Campus 9/27/11 9/28/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 14th Austrian Chemistry Days Linz, Austria 9/26/11 9/29/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanomanufacturing Summit 2011 Boston, Massachusetts 9/25/11 9/27/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Battery Power 2011 Nashville,Tennessee 9/20/11 9/21/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: TIREC 2011, Turkey’s leading renewable energy and climate change event Istanbul, Turkey 9/19/11 9/22/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: EUCAS, ISEC, ICMC 2011 Superconductivity Centennial Conference Den Haag, The Netherlands 9/18/11 9/23/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanoforum VII 2011 Edition Rome, Italy 9/14/11 9/15/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ChemInnovations 2011 co-located with Turbomachinery Symposium and International Pump Users Symposium Houston, Texas 9/13/11 9/15/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 37th Solid-State Circuits Conference Helsinki, Finland 9/12/11- 9/16/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 41st European Solid-State Device Research Conference Helsinki, Finland 9/12/11 9/16/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NGC 2011, Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy Symposium Moscow Zelenograd, Russia 9/12/11 9/16/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Euromat 2011, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes Montpellier, France 9/12/11 9/15/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Organic Process Research and Development The Leading Process Chemistry Conference Budapest, Hungary 9/19/11 9/21/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: PTS Coating Symposium 2011, 25th Munich, Germany 9/14/11 9/17/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NGC 2011, Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics and Renewable Energy Symposium Moscow Zelenograd, Russia 9/12/11 9/16/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: the 12th Conference on Methods and Applications of Fluorescence Strasbourg, France 9/11/11 9/14/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: EMAG 2011, Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference Birmingham, UK 9/9/11 9/9/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ILCEC 2011, 6th International Liquid Crystal Elastomer Conference Lisbon, Portugal 9/5/11 9/7/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ESB 2011, 24th European Conference on Biomaterials Dublin, Ireland 9/4/11 9/8/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 22nd European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes and Nitrides, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany 9/4/11 9/8/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Eurosensors XXV, Athens, Greece 9/4/11 9/7/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ECSBM 2011, 14th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules Portugal, Coimbra University 8/29/11 9/3/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ECOSS 28, European Conference on Surface Science Wrocław, Poland 8/28/11 9/2/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: DFT 14th International Conference Density Functional Theory, Physics and Biology Athens, Greece 8/29/11 9/2/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: CSI 2011, Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXVII Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 8/28/11 9/2/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICPIG 2011, XXX International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases Belfast, Northern Ireland 8/28/11 9/2/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 3M Nano 2011, 1st International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale Changchun, China 8/29/11 9/2/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ISOS XVI & IDW 2011, Sixteenth International Symposium On Silicon Chemistry in conjunction with the annual Inorganic Discussion Weekend Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 8/14/11 8/18/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 15th International Conference on Narrow Gap Systems Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 8/1/11 8/5/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: THERMEC 2011, 7th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials Quebec City, Canada 8/1/11 8/5/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Astronomical Society of the Pacific 2011 A National Conference on Science Education and Public Outreach Baltimore, MD 7/30/11 8/3/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NSPM 2011, National School on the Physics of the Matter Sicily, Italy 7/26/11 8/7/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems 19 (EP2DS 19) and Modulated Semiconductor Structures 15 Tallahassee, FL 7/25/11 7/29/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NT11, International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes Cambridge, UK 7/11/11 7/16/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: The Scale-Up of Chemical Processes Boston, MA 7/11/11 7/13/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: UK Semiconductors 2011 Sheffield, UK 7/6/11 7/7/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: International Symposium on Material Science Engineering and Energy Technology 2011 Pathumtani, Thailand 6/30/11 7/1/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 3rd International Conference on Self-Healing Materials Bath, United Kingdom 6/27/11 6/29/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 16th International Conference on Luminescence (ICL'11) Ann Arbor, MI 6/26/11 7/1/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Hazardous Chemistry for Streamlined Large Scale Synthesis A New International Conference & Exhibition Cologne (Koeln), Germany 6/23/11 6/24/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ECerS XII 12th Conference of the European Ceramic Society Stockholm, Sweden 6/19/11 6/23/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanotech 2011 Boston, MA 6/13/11 6/16/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: the 71st Physical Electronics Conference Albany, NY 6/14/11 6/17/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ECOTRIB 2011-3rd European Confernece on Tribology Vienna, Austrailia 6/7/11 6/9/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanotech China Shanghai, China 6//7/11 6/9/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, 2011 Conference on TAPPI Washington D.C. (Arlington, VA) 6/6/11 6/8/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICM 11, 11th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials Lake Como, Italy 6/5/11 6/9/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Metals for Energy & the Environment Conference 2011 Las Vegas, NV 6/1/11 6/3/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Frontiers in Polymer 2011 Lyon, France 5/29/11 5/31/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Modern Synthetic Methods and Chiral Europe Edinburgh, UK 5/23/11 5/25/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: SAMPE 2011 / Long Beach Long Beach, CA 5/23/11 5/25/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 1st EOS Conference on Optofluidics (EOSOF 2011) Munich, Germany 5/23/11 5/25/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Modern Synthetic Methods and Chiral Europe Conference Edinburgh, UK 5/23/11 5/25/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 2nd EOS Conference on Manufacturing of Optical Components (EOSMOC 2011) Munich, Germany 5/23/11 5/25/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: AeroMat 2011 Conference and Exposition Long Beach, CA USA 5/23/11 5/25/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: World of Photonics Congress Munich, Germany 5/22/11 5/26/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Informex Specialty Chemical Exchange 2011 Houston, Texas 5/19/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: GOMD 2011, Glass & Optical Materials Division Spring Meeting Savannah, GA 5/15/11- 5/19/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: IWA Nano 2011, Nano and Water 2011 Ascona, Switzerland 5/15/11 5/18/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: BIO 2011 World Congress on Industrial Biotech & Bioprocessing Ontario, Canada 5/8/11 5/11/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: FM&NT Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies Conference Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, Riga, Lativia 5/4/11 8/4/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: CLEO 2011, CLEO/QEL Baltimore, MD 5/1/11 5/6/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nano Ostrava 2011, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Meeting, Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic 4/27/11 4/29/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2011 Orlando, FL USA 4/25/11 4/29/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: CISILE 2011, 9th China International Scientific Instrument and Laboratory Equipment Exhibition Beijing, China 4/25/11 4/27/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Printed Electronics Europe & Photovoltaics 2011 Dusseldorf, Germany 4/5/11 4/6/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro Chicago, IL USA 3/30/11 4/2/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: EC European Coatings Show 2011 Nurembergy, Germany 3/29/11 3/31/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Discussion Workshop: Cell Culture London, UK 3/18/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Analysing and moderating the function of regulatory cells in autoimmunity London, UK 3/11/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Identifying T Cell Subset Phenotype and Function in Infections London, UK 3/10/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Discussion Workshop: Perfecting the ELISPOT a time for answers London, UK 3/4/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 32nd Australasian Polymer Symposium Coffs Harbour, Austrailia 2/13/11 2/16/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Biofuels in the UK: Challenges & Opportunities London, UK 2/11/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: European Winter Conference on Plasma Spechtrochemistry Zaragoza, Spain 1/30/11 2/4/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Molecular Pharmacology of G Protein-Coupled Receptors 2010 meeting Parkville, Austrailia 12/2/10 12/4/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanosens 2010 Tech Gate Vienna, Austrailia 12/2/10 12/3/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: American Elemenst sponsors Nanotech Malaysia 2010: International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 12/1/10 12/3/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Frontiers in the Simulation of Macromolecules-University of Southern California USA 11/12/10 11/14/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting 2010 Salt Lake City, Utah USA 11/7/10 11/12/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition Albuquerque, New Mexico USA 10/17/10 10/22/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Molecular Interactions Workshop Berlin, Germany 9/15/10 9/17/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NANO 2010, X International Conference on "Nanostructured Materials" Rome, Italy 9/13/10 9/17/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ANM 2010, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials Agadir, Morocco 9/12/10 9/15/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: YUCOMAT 2010, 12th Annual Conference Herceg Novi, Montenegro 9/6/10 9/10/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: European Nitrogen Cycle Meeting Enzymology and ecology of the nitrogen cycle Birmingham, UK 9/15/10 9/17/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ESB 2010, 23rd European Conference on Biomaterials Tampere, Finland 9/11/10 9/15/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Seventh International Conference on Inorganic Materials Biarritz, France 9/12/11 9/14/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nuclear Materials 2010 Karlsruhe, Germany 10/4/11 10/7/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Organic Process Research and Development (Europe) Budapest, Hungary 9/19/11 9/21/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Scale-Up of Chemical Processes Boston, Massachusetts USA 7/12/11 7/14/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Organic Process Research and Development (USA) Clearwater Beach, Florida USA 2/28/11 3/2/11 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Developing Chemical Processes for APIs Mumbai, India 1/10/11 1/11/11 </strong> <strong>/</strong> <strong>EVENT: Polymorphism and Crystallization Conference Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA 11/3/10 11/4/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Process Analytical Technology Conference Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA 11/1/10 11/2/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Rocky Mountain Conference on Analytical Chemistry, 52nd Annual Snowmass, Colorado USA 8/1/10 8/5/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: IMA 2010, 20th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association Budapest, Hungary 8/21/10 8/27/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: IMRC 2010, XIX International Materials Research Conference Cancun, Mexico 8/15/10 8/19/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICOOPMA 10, Fourth International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications Budapest, Hungary 8/15/10 8/20/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NanoBio-Zurich 2010, Third International NanoBio Conference 2010 Zurich, Switzerland 8/24/10 8/27/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Sialoglyco 2010, Conference on Sialic-Acid Related Research Potsdam, Germany 8/21/10 8/26/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ECM 26, 26th European Chrystallographic Meeting Darmstadt, Germany 8/29/10 9/2/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ECHC 2010, XXIVth European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry Vienna, Austria 8/23/10 8/27/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ECLIM 2010, 31st European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter Budapest, Hungary 9/6/10 9/10/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICPAC 2010, International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry Mauritius 7/26/10 7/30/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: OEEM 2010, International Conference on Optical, Electronic and Electrical Material Kunming, China 8/1/10 8/4/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: IMPC 2010, XXV International Mineral Processing Congress Brisbane, Australia 9/6/10 9/10/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanofair 2010, 8th International Nanotechnology Symposium Dresden, Germany 7/6/10 7/7/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ISLS 2010, XIVth International Symposium on Luminescence Spectrometry Prague, Czech Republic 7/13/10 7/16/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ESPA 2010, 7th Congress on Electronic Structure: Principles and Applications Asturias, Spain 6/29/10 7/2/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: BOS 2010, Balticum Organicum Syntheticum Riga, Latvia 6/27/10 6/30/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 1st International Congress of Nanotechnology ¨José Rubén Orellana¨ Quito, Ecuador 6/7/10 6/11/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Computational Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy Workshop, 7th Bicentennial 2010 Punta de Tralca, Chile 10/19/10 10/22/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: RSE SEE, Second Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry: South-East Europe Belgrade, Serbia 6/6/10 6/10/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: BioSensors 2010, 20th Anniversary meeting of the World Congress on Biosensors Glasgow, UK 5/26/10 5/28/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanoforum 2010, 5th edition Turin, Italy 6/16/10 6/17/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NANO 2010, 4th National Conference on Nanotechnology Pozan, Poland 6/28/10 7/2/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Sydney 2010 International Nanomedicine Conference Sydney, Australia 6/30/10 7/2/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 8th International Conference of Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers Rostock, Germany 5/25/10 5/29/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: MPMNS '10, International Workshop Magnetic Phenomena in Micro- and Nano-Structures Donetsk, Ukraine 5/27/10 5/29/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: LOPE-C 2010, Large-area, Organic and Printed Electronics Convention Messe Frankfurt, Germany 5/31/10 6/2/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: III EWDSy, Third European Workshop in Drug Synthesis Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), Italy 5/23/10 5/27/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: TSN 2010, International Conference Trends in Spintronics and Nanomagnetism Lecce, Italy 5/23/10 5/27/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: WCPT6 2010: World Congress on Particle Technology Nuremberg, Germany 4/26/10 4/29/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: CLEO/QELS 2010: Laser Science to Photonic Applications -San Jose, California 5/16/10 5/21/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: IWNCS 10, 10th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids Barcelona, Spain 4/21/10 4/23/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ISROS 2010, 2nd International Symposium on Reliability of Optoelectronics For Space Cagliari, Sardinia (Italy) 4/28/10 4/30/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ASC 2010, 3rd annual Advances in Synthetic Chemistry (co-located with ADMET Europe, MedChem Europe and Pharma Outsourcing Congress) Munich, Germany 4/8/10 4/9/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 2nd International Polymers in Defence and Aerospace Applications 2010 </strong> <strong>EVENT: TMS 2010 Annual Meeting & Exhibition Seattle, WA 2/14/10 2/18/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ICONSAT 2010, International Conference on Nano Science and Technology Mumbai, India 2/17/10 2/20/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanomedicine: Visions for the Future Amsterdam, Netherlands 2/24/10 2/25/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: PSST 2010, 7th International Conference on Porous Semiconductors Science and Technology Valencia, Spain 3/1410 3/19/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Europt(r)ode X 2010 Prague, Czech Republic 3/28/10 3/31/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: FM&NT 2010, International Conference “Functional materials and nanotechnologies” Riga, Latvia 3/16/10 3/19/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: META ’10, 2nd International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics Cairo, Egypt 2/22/10 2/25/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 10th International Physics of X-Ray Multilayer Structures (PXRMS) 2010 Big Sky, MT 2/14/10 2/18/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Gordon Research Metals In Biology Ventura, CA 1/31/10 2/5/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ArabLab 2010 Dubai 1/9/10 1/12/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Inter-American Photochemistry Society's 20th Winter Conference St. Pete Beach, FL 1/2/10 1/5/10 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Printed Electronics USA '09 San Jose, CA 12/1/09 12/4/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nano Bio Tech Montreux 2009 Montreux, Switzerland 11/16/09 11/18/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: First Nanosafety Autumn School: (Eco)toxicology of Nanoparticles Venice, Italy 11/16/09 11/20/09 </strong> <strong> </strong> <strong>EVENT: World Conference on Regenerative Medicine Leipzig, Germany 10/29/09 10/31/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 3rd Annual Nanotech Malaysia 2009 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 10/27/09 10/29/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Infocast Managing Supply Chain Risks for Critical & Strategic Metals Washington, CA 10/20/09 10/22/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: SAMPE Fall Technical Conference Wichita, Kansas 10/19/09 10/21/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 4th International ICST Conference on Nano-Networks (Nano-Net) Luzern, Switzerland 10/18/09 10/20/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 7th International Congress of Young Chemists 2009 Warsaw, Poland 10/14/09 10/18/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 36th Northeast Regional ACS Meeting (NERM) Hartford, CT 10/7/09 10/10/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 61st SERMACS '09 San Juan, Puerto Rico 10/21/09 10/24/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 10th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN 10) Granada, Spain 9/21/09 9/25/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Micro Nano Breakthrough Conference '09 Portland, OR 9/21/09 9/23/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 8th International Sector Field ICP-MS Conference Ghent, Het Pand, Belgium 9/14/09 9/16/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Organic Process Research and Development (OPRD) Lisbon, Portugal 9/9/09 9/11/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials (ICSAAM) 9/7/09-9/10/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 12th European Symposium on Organic Reactivity Haifa, Israel 9/6/09-9/11/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 13th Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis (BMOS) Sao Pedro SP, Brazil 8/31/09-9/4/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nanotech India 2009 Kerala, India 8/14/09-8/16/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Federation of European Biochemical Societies: 34th FEBS Congress "Life's Molecular Interaction"- Prague, Czech Republic 7/4/09-7/9/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Structural Investigations of Functional Materials Course by the International School on the Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter Bialowieza, Poland 7/4/09-7/11/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NanoMaterials09 Bonn, Germany 6/16/09-6/18/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 13th International IUPAC Conference on Polymers and Organic Chemistry Montreal, Canada 7/5/09-7/8/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: ChemEd 09: Chemistry on the Edge Christchurch, New Zealand 7/5/09-7/8/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 5th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries Ghent, Belgium 6/10/09-6/12/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 12th Topical Meeting on Photorefractive Materials, Effects and Devices Control of Light and Matter Bad Honnef, Germany 6/11/09-6/14/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: X Isotope Workshop of the European Society for Isotope Research (ESIR) Wroclaw, Poland 6/22/09-6/26/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: CLEO Europe/EQEC 2009, European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the XIth European Quantum Electronics Conference Munich, Germany 6/14/09-6/19/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 5th Nanoforum Turin, Italy 6/9/09-6/11/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: World Science Festival New York City, New York 6/10/09-6/14/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 1st Iberian Meeting on Ionic Liquids & 9º Encontro Nacional de QuÃmica-FÃsica Aveiro, Portugal 6/15/09-6/16/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: COMEX 3, 3rd International Conference on Collective Motion in Nuclei under Extreme Conditions Mackinac Island, Michigan 6/2/09-6/5/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: E-MRS 2009 Spring Meeting Strasbourg, France 6/8/09-6/12/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 7th International Fuel Science, Engineering & Technology Conference Newport Beach, California 6/8/09-6/10/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: CLEO|IQEC PhotonXpo Baltimore, Maryland 5/31/09-6/5/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 3rd Congress on Ionic Liquids Cairns, Australia 5/31/09-6/4/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 3rd Annual Symposium on Nanotechnology in Construction Prague, Czech Republic 5/31/09-6/2/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 7th Annual International Congress in Materials Science and Engineering (SIM) Iasi, Romania 5/28/09-5/31/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 108th Bunsentagung 2009 Cologne, Germany 5/21/09-5/23/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 6th World Congress on Catalysis by Acids and Bases Genova, Italy 5/10/09-5/14/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: POLYCHAR 17, World Forum on Advanced Materials Rouen, France 4/20/09-4/24/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 2nd Annual Advances in Synthetic Chemistry Conference Edinburgh, Scotland 4/16/09-4/17/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 7th Annual Organic Semconductor Conference London, United Kingdom 9/28/09-9/30/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Biomedica 2009 "The Life Science Summit Liège, Belgium 4/1/09-4/2/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 40th Annual Dielectrics 2009 Conference University of Reading, United Kingdom 4/15/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: 60th Annual PITTCON Chemistry Expo, Chicago, IL 3/8/09-3/12/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: conference on Biosynthetics </strong> <strong>EVENT: Solid State Chemistry" Conference Puerto Morelos, Mexico 2/25/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Materials for Advanced Metallization" Conference Grenoble, France 3/8/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: NanoSpain 2009" Conference Zaragoza, Spain 3/9/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Nucleic Acids Conference Puerto Morelos, Mexico 2/22/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Carbene Chemistry Conference Puerto Morelos, Mexico 2/18/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Main Group Chemistry Conference Puerto Morelos, Mexico 2/15/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Electrochemistry Conference Puerto Morelos, Mexico 2/8/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Polymer Chemistry Conference Puerto Morelos, Mexico Feb 4, 2009 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Medicinal Chemistry Conference 2/1/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Chemistry Conference 1/28/09 </strong> <strong>EVENT: Chemical RXNs at Surfaces Conference Feb. 8 Ventura, CA </strong> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--second layout__region--column"> <div> <div class="field-body"><div class="tab-pane" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab2" id="news"><h2>Recent News</h2><div class="mobile-only jump-link"><a href="#simple-cal">Jump to Events</a></div><div class="video"><p class="image-caption"><a href=""><video width="50%" height="auto" poster="/images/Videos/bloomberg-cory-johnson-2014-poster.png" controls><br> <source src="" type="video/mp4"><br> <source src="" type="video/webm"><br> <source src="" type="video/ogg"><br> </video></a><br><a href=""><strong>American Elements CEO Michael Silver interviewed by Cory Johnson on Bloomberg TV (Rare Earth Elements in your Smartphone)</strong></a></p></div><p class="news-link"><a href="">Join Michael Silver on the Ceramic Tech Chat Podcast as he delves into the innovative world of materials supply.</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href=",the%20these%20two%20critical%20minerals">U.S. Domestic Supply of Germanium & Gallium To Replace Chinese Imports</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">American Elements Announces New Fusion Energy Division</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">American Elements Enables Milestone Nuclear Fusion Success</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href=",full%20demand%20during%20the%20holidays">World's only Manufacturer of Iridium Rings Expands Production to Meet Holiday Demand</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">American Elements Creates Novel Nanoscale Electrolyte for Next-Generation Lithium Batteries</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">American Elements CEO Michael Silver to Deliver Keynote at Annual Ceramics Expo Conference in Cleveland</a></p><div class="video"><p class="image-caption"><a href=""><video width="50%" height="auto" poster="/images/Videos/American-Elements-CEO-Michael-Silver-keynote-speech-at-Future-Materials-2022.jpg" controls><br> <source src="" type="video/mp4"><br> <source src type="video/webm"><br> <source src type="video/ogg"><br> </video></a><br><a href=""><strong>American Elements CEO Michael Silver keynote speech at Future Materials 2022</strong></a></p></div><p class="news-link"><a href="">U.S. miners tout environmental credentials in wake of Biden victory</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">American Elements Launches Life Science Manufacturing Group</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">American Elements CEO Michael Silver Testifies Today Before U.S. Senate Committee On Energy & Natural Resources</a></p><p class="image-caption"><a href=""><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" width="234" height="211" alt="Michael Silver on CNBC: how U.S/China trade tensions are impacting the market for rare earths">CNBC Interviews American Element CEO Michael Silver on how U.S/China trade tensions are impacting the market for rare earths</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">Development aid as a means in the race for raw materials - German Business Week</a></p><p class="image-caption"><a href=""><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" width="234" height="211" alt="Michael Silver on CNN: White House Should Include Rare Earths in China Trade Deal">Michael Silver on CNN: White House Should Include Rare Earths in China Trade Deal</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">American Elements CEO Michael Silver to Deliver the Keynote Address on Challenges to the Global Ceramics Supply Chain at the 2019 Ceramics Expo - PR Newswire</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">American Elements CEO Michael Silver: China’s Dangerous Monopoly on Metals - Wall Street Journal</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">American Elements CEO & LA County Natural History Museum trustee Michael Silver served as Chairman of the 2019 Biannual Dinosaur Ball</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">American Elements CEO Michael Silver Interview teases topic of his keynote speech at Ceramics Expo 2019</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">American Elements CEO Michael Silver To Deliver Keynote Address At International Materials Science Conference</a></p><p class="image-caption"><a href=""><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" width="234" height="211" alt="CEO Michael Silver interviewed by Stuart Varney, FOX Business News">American Elements CEO to Trump: Stop North Korea's radioactive black market</a></p><p class="image-caption"><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" width="235" height="350" alt="American Elements sponsors the 2018 Ceramics Expo">American Elements sponsors the 2018 Ceramics Expo</p><p class="image-caption"><a href=""><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" width="234" height="211" alt="American Elements Expands Battery Grade Lithium Production">American Elements Expands Battery Grade Lithium Production</a></p><p class="image-caption"><a href=""><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" width="234" height="211" alt="Trump Finds Reason for the U.S. to Remain in Afghanistan: Minerals">Trump Finds Reason for the U.S. to Remain in Afghanistan: Minerals</a></p><p class="image-caption"><a href=""><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" width="234" height="211" alt="American Elements CEO Michael Silver Meets with President Trump to Propose Nationalizing America's Only Rare Earth Mine">American Elements CEO Michael Silver Meets with President Trump to Propose Nationalizing America's Only Rare Earth Mine</a></p><p class="image-caption"><a href=""><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" width="234" height="211" alt="Mr. Silver interviewed by CBSLA News reporting on creation of Iridium jewelry">CEO Michael Silver Interview on CBS News - January 8, 2017</a></p><p class="image-caption"><a href="">American Elements Metals & Chemicals displayed in Getty Museum major exhibition “ The Art of Alchemy”</a></p><p><a href=""><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" width="234" height="211" alt="Getty Center LA blockbuster show 'The Art of Alchemy' exhibits American Elements' metals"></a></p><p class="image-caption"><a href="">Getty Center LA blockbuster show 'The Art of Alchemy' exhibits American Elements' metals</a></p><p><a href=""><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" width="298" height="211" alt="american elements ceo michael silver interviewed by cory johnson on bloomberg tv"></a></p><p class="image-caption"><a href="">American Elements CEO Michael Silver interviewed by Cory Johnson on Bloomberg TV (Rare Earth Elements in your Smartphone)</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">American Elements Expands 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing Capacity | Yahoo Finance - Feburary 2, 2017</a></p><p><a href=""><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" width="234" height="211" alt="American Elements attends Materials Science & Engineering 2016"></a></p><p class="image-caption">American Elements attends Materials Science & Engineering 2016 Meeting</p><p class="news-link"><a href="">The War Over the Periodic Table | Bloomberg View - October 23, 2015</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">AMERICAN ELEMENTS EXPANDS ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS PRODUCTION TO MEET DEMAND FROM THIN FILM AND CATALYST MANUFACTURERS</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">China's rare earths quotas go, possible new moves stoke supply doubts | Reuters - January 7, 2015</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">Wall Street Journal - Michael Silver: The Environmentalist's Catch-22 | WSJ - October 8, 2014</a></p><p class="news-link">Rare Earths Update: In Pursuit of Alternatives | IndustryWeek - July 22, 2014 | <a href="">Link</a> | <a href="">PDF</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">June 3, 2014 | Making China Play Fair with US Industry - Article by CEO Michael Silver | IndustryWeek</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">March 28, 2014 | WTO Rules Against China On Rare Earths Export Restrictions | Financial Times</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">March 11, 2013 | Press Release: American Elements CEO Michael Silver to speak at the 4th Annual Ceramic Leadership Summit on April 9, 2014</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">3rd Annual U.S. Endangered Elements List (EEL13)</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">December 10, 2012 | Industry input on critical minerals: the Endangered Elements List | American Resources Policy Network</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">December 5, 2012 | American Elements CEO Michael Silver, Keynote Address 118th Annual NWMA Meeting</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">November 28, 2012 | Hunting endangered elements with American Elements CEO Michael Silver |</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">September 19, 2012 | Analysis: Rare earth prices to erode on fresh supply, China | Reuters</a><br> </p><p class="news-link"><a href="">July 27, 2012 OSA: Michael Silver, American Elements, Interviewed by Steve Jacobs, University of Rochester</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">July 19, 2012 American Mining Companies Begin Putting Pressure on the Senate over Strategic Metals Legislationc</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">June 11, 2012 New York Times - China, a Rare Earths Giant, Set to Start Importing the Elements</a></p><p><a href=""><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" width="234" height="211" alt="Michael Silver - American Elements CEO attends G20 Meeting"></a></p><p class="image-caption">American Elements attends G20 Meeting</p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">May 22, 2012 NASDAQ - Rare Earth Junior Miners Should Applaud China: Michael Silver</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">March 14, 2012 Metal Miner - China’s Rare Earths Export Restrictions in Obama’s Crosshairs</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">March 13, 2012 The Wall Street Journal - U.S. and Europe Move on China Minerals</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">March 13, 2012 Reuters - WRAPUP 4-US, EU, Japan Take On China at WTO Over Rare Earths</a></p><p class="news-link">March 12, 2012 Yahoo Finance - American Elements Strongly Supports Molycorp-Neo Materials Acquisition</p><p class="news-link"><a href="">March 7, 2012 Rare Earth Investing News - China Set to Define Future Market for Rare Earth Metals</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">March 2012 Industrial Minerals - Industry Calls for US Critical Minerals Strategy</a></p><p class="news-link"> </p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">March 14, 2012 Big Government - Cracking the Chinese Monopoly on Rare Earths</a></p><p class="news-link">February 21, 2012 IRN USA News - News & Views Radio interview with CEO Michael Silver</p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">February 2, 2012 Le Ministère est «prêt» à faire face à l'avancée des terres rares</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">February 2, 2012 China will trotz WTO-Urteil an Bewirtschaftung von Seltener Erde festhalten</a></p><p class="news-link">January 31, 2012 Reuters - China Rare Earths Safe from WTO ruling on Export Curbs</p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">January 24, 2012 American Elements CEO Michael Silver on Bloomberg</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">January 11, 2012 EMPact Radio with Dr. Dr. Peter Pry, interview with Michael N. Silver</a></p><p class="news-link">December 28, 2011 The Real Side Radio Show with Joe Messina, interview with CEO Michael Silver</p><p class="news-link">December 14, 2011 The Guy Green Radio Show, Interview with American Elements CEO</p><p class="news-link">December 9, 2011 The Roger Hedgecock Radio Show – Featuring Michael Silver, CEO American Elements</p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">November 29, 2011 The STAGE RIGHT Show - Featuring Michael Silver, CEO of American Elements</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">November 28, 2011 State of Alaska Department Of Natural Resources - Strategic Metals & American Competitiveness in the 21st Century</a></p><p><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" alt="American Elements CEO Michael Silver, Former Alaska Governor Sean Purnell and Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan" width="255" height="223"></p><p class="image-caption">American Elements CEO Michael Silver, Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan and Former Alaska Governor Sean Purnell</p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">November 28, 2011 KABC Radio Show - American Element's CEO, Michael Silver Rare Earths & Our Financial Crisis</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">October 19, 2011 - China's Largest Rare Earths Producer Halts Output</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">October 7, 2011 The Wall Street Journal - Onetime Highfliers Return to Earth</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">October 5, 2011 The Wall Street Journal - Oil, Gold...Rare Earths?</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">October 3, 2011 The Market Oracle - Will the U.S. Ever Build A Strategic Metals Reserve?</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">2011 Beijing Rare Earth Meeting TV News Coverage (Video)- Interview with American Elements CEO Michael Silver</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">September 16, 2011 Reuters - Rare Earth Prices to Stay High as China Extends Crackdown</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">September 16, 2011 The New York Tmes - China Consolidates Grip on Rare Earths</a></p><p class="news-link">August 30, 2011 Wall Street Journal: Market Watch - America Needs a Strategic Metals Reserve</p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">July 26, 2011 Wall Street Journal (pg. 17) – Rare Earth Prices Decline Within China</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="" target="_blank">March, 2011 – The Real Issue With Rare Earths-Nature Photonics</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">September 27, 2010 -- American Elements Continuing to Produce and Stock all Grades of Rare Earth Metals and Compounds</a></p><p class="news-link">March 25, 2010 -- American Elements expands Erbium Oxide production to meet demand from glass and optics manufacturers</p><p class="news-link"><a href="">September 15, 2009 -- American Elements to produce first pure iridium wedding ring and wedding bands</a></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" alt="American Elements CEO speaking before Aeromat 2012 at the NASCAR Hall of" width="259" height="193"></a></p><p class="image-caption">American Elements CEO speaking before Aeromat 2012 at the NASCAR Hall of<br>Fame</p><p class="news-link"><a href="">June 30, 2009 -- American Elements expands Bismuth Telluride production to meet demand from computer chip manufacturers</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">December 12, 2008 -- American Elements in compliance with REACH requirements</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">December 4, 2008 -- American Elements establishes green technology & alternative energy R&D support department</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">October 27, 2008 -- American Elements expands metallic bromide production</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">October 6, 2008 -- American Elements announces expanded bismuth production to meet demand for lead free bullets</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">August 29, 2008 -- American Elements announces I-Mite™ indium nanoparticles for next generation transparent anti-static packaging and coatings</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">August 22, 2008 -- American Elements announces expanded bromide and iodide manufacturing capacity</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">July 30, 2008 -- American Elements announces launch of new line of rotatable sputtering targets</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">July 16, 2008 -- American Elements now offers spray dried forms of its oxide, carbide, and selected other metallic powders</a></p><p><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" alt="American Elements magnets at the 2014 Spanish Nanophotonics Conference"></p><p class="image-caption">American Elements magnets at the 2014 Spanish Nanophotonics Conference</p><p class="news-link"><a href="">July 10, 2008 -- American Elements announces new AE Carbides™ product group</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">May 28, 2008 -- American Elements begins bulk Cadmium Telluride production to meet demand from solar energy and lighting industries</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">May 13, 2008 -- American Elements announces expanded Vanadium production capacity</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">April 22, 2008 -- American Elements announces availability of advanced metal and high purity tubes</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">April 1, 2008 -- American Elements continues expansion of high purity semi-conductor materials production adding selenides, antimonides, and arsenides</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">March 17, 2008 -- American Elements announces expanded high purity semi-conductor materials production including Zinc Telluride, Lead Telluride, Cadmium Telluride and Germanium Telluride</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">February 19, 2008 -- American Elements announces new AE Refractory Metals™ product group</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">January 9, 2008 -- American Elements to mint coins from rare and advanced metals for ETF, hedge fund and private investor reserves</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">January 3, 2008 -- American Elements advises of new 25% export tariff by Chinese government on all rare earth metals and compounds</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">December 3, 2007 -- American Elements announces novel surface functionalized nanoparticle production method</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">October 21, 2007 -- American Elements announces launch of new Aluminum Oxynitride</a></p><p class="news-link"> </p><p class="news-link"><a href="">October 3, 2007 -- American Elements announces P-MITE™ line of Platinum nanoparticles for catalyst applications</a></p><p><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" alt="American Elements magnets at the Composite Spain 2014 Conference." width="300"></p><p class="image-caption">American Elements magnets at the Composite Spain 2014 Conference.</p><p class="news-link"><a href="">September 18, 2007 -- American Elements advises of new 10% export tariff on rare earth metals anticipated October 1 by Chinese government</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">September 4, 2007 -- American Elements quantum dots</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">July 25, 2007 -- American Elements announces expanded Hafnium production capacity</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">June 13, 2007 -- American Elements combines nanoparticle, rare earths and bulk chemical capabilities in launch of new AE Water Treatment™ group</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">May 4, 2007 -- American Elements announces new technological advance in precious metal foil manufacturing</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">April 25, 2007 -- American Elements announces appointment of Tin Hang Technology Ltd. as exclusive distributor for Hong Kong</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">April 18, 2007 -- American Elements announces technological breakthrough in copper and nickel metal production</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">March 26, 2007 -- Nanoparticle, nanopowder and nanoscale foil research support department established within American Elements' Nanometal™ product group</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">March 14, 2007 -- American Elements announces new AE Solar Energy™ product group</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">March 6, 2007 -- American Elements announces silver oxalate for global warming research and naopowder particles production</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">February 19, 2007 -- American Elements Interview regarding Global Hafnium Supply -- Los Angeles Times - Reuters</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">February 6, 2007 -- American Elements announces technological breakthrough in Titanium 6AL-4V production and new ultra light high tensile strength foil for aerospace and military applications</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">January 30, 2007 -- American Elements' hafnium metal, hafnium carbide, hafnium telluride and hafnium thin film deposition and evaporation coating materials to be consolidated into product group</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">January 8, 2007 -- American Elements announces appointment of Raw Material as exclusive Brazilian distributor</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">December 18, 2006 -- American Elements announces Mangasorb™ manganese oxide nanoparticle for environmental applications</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">December 11, 2006 -- Organo-Metallic materials production at American Elements to be consolidated into AE Organo-Metallics™ product group</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">December 5, 2006 -- American Elements presents Polonium 210 Isotope information, history, applications, properties</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">November 21, 2006 -- American Elements' global solutions production operations to be consolidated into AE Solutions™ product group</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">November 1, 2006 -- American Elements announces launch of new AE Isotopes™ line of isotopic materials</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">October 17, 2006 -- American Elements announces development of new high purity silver nanopowder particles</a></p><p><img class="image-center img-responsive" src="" alt="American Elements CEO Speaking at Euromines Critical Materials Conference, Brussels, March 9, 2012" width="312" height="238"><br> </p><p class="image-caption">American Elements CEO Speaking at Euromines Critical Materials Conference, Brussels, March 9, 2012</p><p class="news-link"><a href="">September 26, 2006 -- American Elements announces rod, pellets, tablets, granules, and other new forms of elemental metals for next generation deposition processes</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">September 19, 2006 -- American Elements announces 3X expansion of its copper sulfate capacity</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">September 8, 2006 -- American Elements announces online publication of its fuel cell raw materials list</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">July 19, 2006 -- American Elements announces appointment of Aedco as exclusive distributor for Egypt and Arabic-speaking countries</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">June 8, 2006 -- American Elements announces plans to consolidate nanoparticle, nanopowder, and nanoscale foil divisions into a single product group under it's tradename Nanometal™</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">June 8, 2006 -- American Elements announces new Iridium production facilities will expand iridium metal, foil, and wire capacity</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">May 5, 2006 -- American Elements announces launch of new Nanometal™ line of nanoscale ultra thin foil and film</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">April 28, 2006 -- American Elements announces appointment of Impex Quimica as exclusive Spanish distributor</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">March 10, 2006 -- American Elements announces appointment of Liberty International as exclusive Indian distributor</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">March 1, 2006 -- American Elements announces launch of new Ruthenium Target for perpendicular memory recording (PMR)</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">February 23, 2006 -- American Elements announces launch of new T-MITE™, C-MITE™ and A-MITE™ Oxide Nanopowders</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">January 30, 2006 -- American Elements announces appointment of Sepulchre as exclusive Benelux distributor</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">December 7, 2005 -- American Elements announces expansion of its sputtering target production facility to support increased demand for target and foil products</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">August 1, 2005 -- American Elements announces Z-MITE™ line of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">March 30, 2005 -- American Elements announces launch of new Lead Crystal line of sputtering targets</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">March 28, 2005 -- American Elements announces launch of new VACUUMELT™ line of sputtering targets</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">February 7, 2005 -- American Elements announces availability of new 12 Mol. % Yttria Stabilized Zirconia</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">November 30, 2004 -- American Elements announces development of new high purity silicon arsenide product</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">August 2, 2004 -- American Elements announces new ultra high purity aluminum production capability</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">July 20, 2004 -- American Elements introduces new Heavy Gadolinium Nitrate™ that enhances nuclear reactor performance</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">May 25, 2004 -- American Elements announces NanoFluor™ line of nanoscale rare earth and advanced metallic fluoride powders</a></p><p class="news-link">November 7, 2003 -- AZELIS Electronics distributes American Elements products</p><p class="news-link"><a href="">April 14, 2003 -- American Elements announces development of new line of perovskite materials</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">December 9, 2002 -- American Elements announces new Cerifine™ Cerium oxide product</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">June 2, 2002 -- American Elements announces launch of new line of Nickel cermets</a></p><p class="news-link"><a href="">March 13, 2002 -- American Elements announces launch of new Yttrifine™ Yttrium oxide product</a></p></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </section> </main> </div> </div> <footer class="site-footer"> <div class="layout-container"> <div class="site-footer__top clearfix"> <div> <div id="block-ae-theme-casestudybox" class="footer-case-study"> <div class="layout layout--onecol"> <div class="layout__region layout__region--content"> <div> <div class="cs-invented-box"> <h5>We Invented It!</h5> <div class="cs-link"><a href="">Case Studies of selected key technologies invented or co-invented by American Elements in just the 1st two decades of this century</a></div> 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