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"description": "General" }, { "code": "C51", "description": "Model Construction and Estimation" }, { "code": "C52", "description": "Model Evaluation, Validation, and Selection" }, { "code": "C53", "description": "Forecasting and Prediction Methods • Simulation Methods" }, { "code": "C54", "description": "Quantitative Policy Modeling" }, { "code": "C55", "description": "Large Data Sets: Modeling and Analysis" }, { "code": "C57", "description": "Econometrics of Games and Auctions" }, { "code": "C58", "description": "Financial Econometrics" }, { "code": "C59", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "C6", "description": "Mathematical Methods • Programming Models • Mathematical and Simulation Modeling", "classification": [ { "code": "C60", "description": "General" }, { "code": "C61", "description": "Optimization Techniques • Programming Models • Dynamic Analysis" }, { "code": "C62", "description": "Existence and Stability Conditions of Equilibrium" }, { "code": "C63", "description": 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Estimating, and Organizing Microeconomic Data • Data Access" }, { "code": "C82", "description": "Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic Data • Data Access" }, { "code": "C83", "description": "Survey Methods • Sampling Methods" }, { "code": "C87", "description": "Econometric Software" }, { "code": "C88", "description": "Other Computer Software" }, { "code": "C89", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "C9", "description": "Design of Experiments", "classification": [ { "code": "C90", "description": "General" }, { "code": "C91", "description": "Laboratory, Individual Behavior" }, { "code": "C92", "description": "Laboratory, Group Behavior" }, { "code": "C93", "description": "Field Experiments" }, { "code": "C99", "description": "Other" } ] } ] }, { "code": "D", "description": "Microeconomics", "classification": [ { "code": "D0", "description": "General", "classification": [ { "code": "D00", "description": "General" }, { "code": "D01", "description": "Microeconomic Behavior: Underlying Principles" }, { "code": "D02", "description": "Institutions: Design, Formation, Operations, and Impact" }, { "code": "D04", "description": "Microeconomic Policy: Formulation, Implementation, and Evaluation" } ] }, { "code": "D1", "description": "Household Behavior and Family Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "D10", "description": "General" }, { "code": "D11", "description": "Consumer Economics: Theory" }, { "code": "D12", "description": "Consumer Economics: Empirical Analysis" }, { "code": "D13", "description": "Household Production and Intrahousehold Allocation" }, { "code": "D14", "description": "Household Saving • Personal Finance" }, { "code": "D15", "description": "Intertemporal Household Choice • Life Cycle Models and Saving" }, { "code": "D16", "description": "Collaborative Consumption" }, { "code": "D18", "description": "Consumer Protection" }, { "code": "D19", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "D2", "description": "Production and Organizations", "classification": [ { "code": "D20", "description": "General" }, { "code": "D21", "description": "Firm Behavior: Theory" }, { "code": "D22", "description": "Firm Behavior: Empirical Analysis" }, { "code": "D23", "description": "Organizational Behavior • Transaction Costs • Property Rights" }, { "code": "D24", "description": "Production • Cost • Capital • Capital, Total Factor, and Multifactor Productivity • Capacity" }, { "code": "D25", "description": "Intertemporal Firm Choice: Investment, Capacity, and Financing" }, { "code": "D26", "description": "Crowd-Based Firms" }, { "code": "D29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "D3", "description": "Distribution", "classification": [ { "code": "D30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "D31", "description": "Personal Income, Wealth, and Their Distributions" }, { "code": "D33", "description": "Factor Income Distribution" }, { "code": "D39", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "D4", "description": "Market Structure, Pricing, and Design", "classification": [ { "code": "D40", "description": "General" }, { "code": "D41", "description": "Perfect Competition" }, { "code": "D42", "description": "Monopoly" }, { "code": "D43", "description": "Oligopoly and Other Forms of Market Imperfection" }, { "code": "D44", "description": "Auctions" }, { "code": "D45", "description": "Rationing • Licensing" }, { "code": "D46", "description": "Value Theory" }, { "code": "D47", "description": "Market Design" }, { "code": "D49", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "D5", "description": "General Equilibrium and Disequilibrium", "classification": [ { "code": "D50", "description": "General" }, { "code": "D51", "description": "Exchange and Production Economies" }, { "code": "D52", "description": "Incomplete Markets" }, { "code": "D53", "description": "Financial Markets" }, { "code": "D57", "description": "Input–Output Tables and Analysis" }, { "code": "D58", "description": "Computable and Other Applied General Equilibrium Models" }, { "code": "D59", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "D6", "description": "Welfare Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "D60", "description": "General" }, { "code": "D61", "description": "Allocative Efficiency • Cost–Benefit Analysis" }, { "code": "D62", "description": "Externalities" }, { "code": "D63", "description": "Equity, Justice, Inequality, and Other Normative Criteria and Measurement" }, { "code": "D64", "description": "Altruism • Philanthropy • Intergenerational Transfers" }, { "code": "D69", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "D7", "description": "Analysis of Collective Decision-Making", "classification": [ { "code": "D70", "description": "General" }, { "code": "D71", "description": "Social Choice • Clubs • Committees • Associations" }, { "code": "D72", "description": "Political Processes: Rent-Seeking, Lobbying, Elections, Legislatures, and Voting Behavior" }, { "code": "D73", "description": "Bureaucracy • Administrative Processes in Public Organizations • Corruption" }, { "code": "D74", "description": "Conflict • Conflict Resolution • Alliances • Revolutions" }, { "code": "D78", "description": "Positive Analysis of Policy Formulation and Implementation" }, { "code": "D79", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "D8", "description": "Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty", "classification": [ { "code": "D80", "description": "General" }, { "code": "D81", "description": "Criteria for Decision-Making under Risk and Uncertainty" }, { "code": "D82", "description": "Asymmetric and Private Information • Mechanism Design" }, { "code": "D83", "description": "Search • Learning • Information and Knowledge • Communication • Belief • Unawareness" }, { "code": "D84", "description": "Expectations • Speculations" }, { "code": "D85", "description": "Network Formation and Analysis: Theory" }, { "code": "D86", "description": "Economics of Contract: Theory" }, { "code": "D87", "description": "Neuroeconomics" }, { "code": "D89", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "D9", "description": "Micro-Based Behavioral Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "D90", "description": "General" }, { "code": "D91", "description": "Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making" } ] } ] }, { "code": "E", "description": "Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "E0", "description": "General", "classification": [ { "code": "E00", "description": "General" }, { "code": "E01", "description": "Measurement and Data on National Income and Product Accounts and Wealth • Environmental Accounts" }, { "code": "E02", "description": "Institutions and the Macroeconomy" } ] }, { "code": "E1", "description": "General Aggregative Models", "classification": [ { "code": "E10", "description": "General" }, { "code": "E11", "description": "Marxian • Sraffian • Kaleckian" }, { "code": "E12", "description": "Keynes • Keynesian • Post-Keynesian • Modern Monetary Theory" }, { "code": "E14", "description": "Austrian • Evolutionary • Institutional " }, { "code": "E13", "description": "Neoclassical" }, { "code": "E16", "description": "Social Accounting Matrix" }, { "code": "E17", "description": "Forecasting and Simulation: Models and Applications" }, { "code": "E19", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "E2", "description": "Consumption, Saving, Production, Investment, Labor Markets, and Informal Economy", "classification": [ { "code": "E20", "description": "General" }, { "code": "E21", "description": "Consumption • Saving • Wealth" }, { "code": "E22", "description": "Investment • Capital • Intangible Capital • Capacity" }, { "code": "E23", "description": "Production" }, { "code": "E24", "description": "Employment • Unemployment • Wages • Intergenerational Income Distribution • Aggregate Human Capital • Aggregate Labor Productivity" }, { "code": "E25", "description": "Aggregate Factor Income Distribution" }, { "code": "E26", "description": "Informal Economy • Underground Economy" }, { "code": "E27", "description": "Forecasting and Simulation: Models and Applications" }, { "code": "E29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "E3", "description": "Prices, Business Fluctuations, and Cycles", "classification": [ { "code": "E30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "E31", "description": "Price Level • Inflation • Deflation" }, { "code": "E32", "description": "Business Fluctuations • Cycles" }, { "code": "E37", "description": "Forecasting and Simulation: Models and Applications" }, { "code": "E39", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "E4", "description": "Money and Interest Rates", "classification": [ { "code": "E40", "description": "General" }, { "code": "E41", "description": "Demand for Money" }, { "code": "E42", "description": "Monetary Systems • Standards • Regimes • Government and the Monetary System • Payment Systems" }, { "code": "E43", "description": "Interest Rates: Determination, Term Structure, and Effects " }, { "code": "E44", "description": "Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy" }, { "code": "E47", "description": "Forecasting and Simulation: Models and Applications" }, { "code": "E49", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "E5", "description": "Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit", "classification": [ { "code": "E50", "description": "General" }, { "code": "E51", "description": "Money Supply • Credit • Money Multipliers" }, { "code": "E52", "description": "Monetary Policy" }, { "code": "E58", "description": "Central Banks and Their Policies" }, { "code": "E59", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "E6", "description": "Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, and General Outlook", "classification": [ { "code": "E60", "description": "General" }, { "code": "E61", "description": "Policy Objectives • Policy Designs and Consistency • Policy Coordination" }, { "code": "E62", "description": "Fiscal Policy • Modern Monetary Theory" }, { "code": "E63", "description": "Comparative or Joint Analysis of Fiscal and Monetary Policy • Stabilization • Treasury Policy" }, { "code": "E64", "description": "Incomes Policy • Price Policy" }, { "code": "E65", "description": "Studies of Particular Policy Episodes" }, { "code": "E66", "description": "General Outlook and Conditions" }, { "code": "E69", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "E7", "description": "Macro-Based Behavioral Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "E70", "description": "General" }, { "code": "E71", "description": "Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on the Macro Economy" } ] } ] }, { "code": "F", "description": "International Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "F0", "description": "General", "classification": [ { "code": "F00", "description": "General" }, { "code": "F01", "description": "Global Outlook" }, { "code": "F02", "description": "International Economic Order and Integration" } ] }, { "code": "F1", "description": "Trade", "classification": [ { "code": "F10", "description": "General" }, { "code": "F11", "description": "Neoclassical Models of Trade" }, { "code": "F12", "description": "Models of Trade with Imperfect Competition and Scale Economies • Fragmentation" }, { "code": "F13", "description": "Trade Policy • International Trade Organizations" }, { "code": "F14", "description": "Empirical Studies of Trade" }, { "code": "F15", "description": "Economic Integration" }, { "code": "F16", "description": "Trade and Labor Market Interactions" }, { "code": "F17", "description": "Trade Forecasting and Simulation" }, { "code": "F18", "description": "Trade and Environment" }, { "code": "F19", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "F2", "description": "International Factor Movements and International Business", "classification": [ { "code": "F20", "description": "General" }, { "code": "F21", "description": "International Investment • Long-Term Capital Movements" }, { "code": "F22", "description": "International Migration" }, { "code": "F23", "description": "Multinational Firms • International Business" }, { "code": "F24", "description": "Remittances" }, { "code": "F29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "F3", "description": "International Finance", "classification": [ { "code": "F30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "F31", "description": "Foreign Exchange" }, { "code": "F32", "description": "Current Account Adjustment • Short-Term Capital Movements" }, { "code": "F33", "description": "International Monetary Arrangements and Institutions" }, { "code": "F34", "description": "International Lending and Debt Problems" }, { "code": "F35", "description": "Foreign Aid" }, { "code": "F36", "description": "Financial Aspects of Economic Integration" }, { "code": "F37", "description": "International Finance Forecasting and Simulation: Models and Applications" }, { "code": "F38", "description": "International Financial Policy: Financial Transactions Tax; Capital Controls" }, { "code": "F39", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "F4", "description": "Macroeconomic Aspects of International Trade and Finance", "classification": [ { "code": "F40", "description": "General" }, { "code": "F41", "description": "Open Economy Macroeconomics" }, { "code": "F42", "description": "International Policy Coordination and Transmission" }, { "code": "F43", "description": "Economic Growth of Open Economies" }, { "code": "F44", "description": "International Business Cycles" }, { "code": "F45", "description": "Macroeconomic Issues of Monetary Unions" }, { "code": "F47", "description": "Forecasting and Simulation: Models and Applications" }, { "code": "F49", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "F5", "description": "International Relations, National Security, and International Political Economy", "classification": [ { "code": "F50", "description": "General" }, { "code": "F51", "description": "International Conflicts • Negotiations • Sanctions" }, { "code": "F52", "description": "National Security • Economic Nationalism" }, { "code": "F53", "description": "International Agreements and Observance • International Organizations" }, { "code": "F54", "description": "Colonialism • Imperialism • Postcolonialism" }, { "code": "F55", "description": "International Institutional Arrangements" }, { "code": "F59", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "F6", "description": "Economic Impacts of Globalization", "classification": [ { "code": "F60", "description": "General" }, { "code": "F61", "description": "Microeconomic Impacts" }, { "code": "F62", "description": "Macroeconomic Impacts" }, { "code": "F63", "description": "Economic Development" }, { "code": "F64", "description": "Environment" }, { "code": "F65", "description": "Finance" }, { "code": "F66", "description": "Labor" }, { "code": "F68", "description": "Policy" }, { "code": "F69", "description": "Other" } ] } ] }, { "code": "G", "description": "Financial Economics", "classification": [ { 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"description": "General" }, { "code": "G21", "description": "Banks • Depository Institutions • Micro Finance Institutions • Mortgages" }, { "code": "G22", "description": "Insurance • Insurance Companies • Actuarial Studies" }, { "code": "G23", "description": "Non-bank Financial Institutions • Financial Instruments • Institutional Investors" }, { "code": "G24", "description": "Investment Banking • Venture Capital • Brokerage • Ratings and Ratings Agencies" }, { "code": "G28", "description": "Government Policy and Regulation" }, { "code": "G29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "G3", "description": "Corporate Finance and Governance", "classification": [ { "code": "G30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "G31", "description": "Capital Budgeting • Fixed Investment and Inventory Studies • Capacity" }, { "code": "G32", "description": "Financing Policy • Financial Risk and Risk Management • Capital and Ownership Structure • Value of Firms • Goodwill" }, { "code": "G33", "description": "Bankruptcy • Liquidation" }, { "code": "G34", "description": "Mergers • Acquisitions • Restructuring • Corporate Governance" }, { "code": "G35", "description": "Payout Policy" }, { "code": "G38", "description": "Government Policy and Regulation" }, { "code": "G39", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "G4", "description": "Behavioral Finance", "classification": [ { "code": "G40", "description": "General" }, { "code": "G41", "description": "Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making in Financial Markets" } ] }, { "code": "G5", "description": "Household Finance ", "classification": [ { "code": "G50", "description": "General" }, { "code": "G51", "description": "Household Saving, Borrowing, Debt, and Wealth" }, { "code": "G52", "description": "Insurance" }, { "code": "G53", "description": "Financial Literacy" }, { "code": "G59", "description": "Other" } ] } ] }, { "code": "H", "description": "Public Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "H0", "description": "General", "classification": [ { "code": "H00", "description": "General" } ] }, { "code": "H1", "description": "Structure and Scope of Government", "classification": [ { "code": "H10", "description": "General" }, { "code": "H11", "description": "Structure, Scope, and Performance of Government" }, { "code": "H12", "description": "Crisis Management" }, { "code": "H13", "description": "Economics of Eminent Domain • Expropriation • Nationalization" }, { "code": "H19", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "H2", "description": "Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue", "classification": [ { "code": "H20", "description": "General" }, { "code": "H21", "description": "Efficiency • Optimal Taxation" }, { "code": "H22", "description": "Incidence" }, { "code": "H23", "description": "Externalities • Redistributive Effects • Environmental Taxes and Subsidies" }, { "code": "H24", "description": "Personal Income and Other Nonbusiness Taxes and Subsidies" }, { "code": "H25", "description": "Business Taxes and Subsidies" }, { "code": "H26", "description": "Tax Evasion and Avoidance" }, { "code": "H27", "description": "Other Sources of Revenue" }, { "code": "H29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "H3", "description": "Fiscal Policies and Behavior of Economic Agents", "classification": [ { "code": "H30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "H31", "description": "Household" }, { "code": "H32", "description": "Firm" }, { "code": "H39", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "H4", "description": "Publicly Provided Goods", "classification": [ { "code": "H40", "description": "General" }, { "code": "H41", "description": "Public Goods" }, { "code": "H42", "description": "Publicly Provided Private Goods" }, { "code": "H43", "description": "Project Evaluation • Social Discount Rate" }, { "code": "H44", "description": "Publicly Provided Goods: Mixed Markets" }, { "code": "H49", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "H5", "description": "National Government Expenditures and Related Policies", "classification": [ { "code": "H50", "description": "General" }, { "code": "H51", "description": "Government Expenditures and Health" }, { "code": "H52", "description": "Government Expenditures and Education" }, { "code": "H53", "description": "Government Expenditures and Welfare Programs" }, { "code": "H54", "description": "Infrastructures • Other Public Investment and Capital Stock" }, { "code": "H55", "description": "Social Security and Public Pensions" }, { "code": "H56", "description": "National Security and War" }, { "code": "H57", "description": "Procurement" }, { "code": "H59", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "H6", "description": "National Budget, Deficit, and Debt", "classification": [ { "code": "H60", "description": "General" }, { "code": "H61", "description": "Budget • Budget Systems" }, { "code": "H62", "description": "Deficit • Surplus" }, { "code": "H63", "description": "Debt • Debt Management • Sovereign 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Issues", "classification": [ { "code": "H80", "description": "General" }, { "code": "H81", "description": "Governmental Loans • Loan Guarantees • Credits • Grants • Bailouts" }, { "code": "H82", "description": "Governmental Property" }, { "code": "H83", "description": "Public Administration • Public Sector Accounting and Audits" }, { "code": "H84", "description": "Disaster Aid" }, { "code": "H87", "description": "International Fiscal Issues • International Public Goods" }, { "code": "H89", "description": "Other" } ] } ] }, { "code": "I", "description": "Health, Education, and Welfare", "classification": [ { "code": "I0", "description": "General", "classification": [ { "code": "I00", "description": "General" } ] }, { "code": "I1", "description": "Health", "classification": [ { "code": "I10", "description": "General" }, { "code": "I11", "description": "Analysis of Health Care Markets" }, { "code": "I12", "description": "Health Behavior" }, { "code": "I13", "description": "Health Insurance, Public and Private" }, { "code": "I14", "description": "Health and Inequality" }, { "code": "I15", "description": "Health and Economic Development" }, { "code": "I18", "description": "Government Policy • Regulation • Public Health" }, { "code": "I19", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "I2", "description": "Education and Research Institutions", "classification": [ { "code": "I20", "description": "General" }, { "code": "I21", "description": "Analysis of Education" }, { "code": "I22", "description": "Educational Finance • Financial Aid" }, { "code": "I23", "description": "Higher Education • Research Institutions" }, { "code": "I24", "description": "Education and Inequality" }, { "code": "I25", "description": "Education and Economic Development" }, { "code": "I26", "description": "Returns to Education" }, { "code": "I28", "description": "Government Policy" }, { "code": "I29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "I3", "description": "Welfare, Well-Being, and Poverty", "classification": [ { "code": "I30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "I31", "description": "General Welfare, Well-Being " }, { "code": "I32", "description": "Measurement and Analysis of Poverty" }, { "code": "I38", "description": "Government Policy • Provision and Effects of Welfare Programs" }, { "code": "I39", "description": "Other" } ] } ] }, { "code": "J", "description": "Labor and Demographic Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "J0", "description": "General", "classification": [ { "code": "J00", "description": "General" }, { "code": "J01", "description": "Labor Economics: General" }, { "code": "J08", "description": "Labor Economics Policies" } ] }, { "code": "J1", "description": "Demographic Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "J10", "description": "General" }, { "code": "J11", "description": "Demographic Trends, Macroeconomic Effects, and Forecasts" }, { "code": "J12", "description": "Marriage • Marital Dissolution • Family Structure • Domestic Abuse" }, { "code": "J13", "description": "Fertility • Family Planning • Child Care • Children • Youth" }, { "code": "J14", "description": "Economics of the Elderly • Economics of Disability • Non-Labor Market Discrimination" }, { "code": "J15", "description": "Economics of Minorities, Races, Indigenous Peoples, and Immigrants • Non-labor Discrimination" }, { "code": "J16", "description": "Economics of Gender • Non-labor Discrimination" }, { "code": "J17", "description": "Value of Life • Forgone Income" }, { "code": "J18", "description": "Public Policy" }, { "code": "J19", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "J2", "description": "Demand and Supply of Labor", "classification": [ { "code": "J20", "description": "General" }, { "code": "J21", "description": "Labor Force and Employment, Size, and Structure" }, { "code": "J22", "description": "Time Allocation and Labor Supply" }, { "code": "J23", "description": "Labor Demand" }, { "code": "J24", "description": "Human Capital • Skills • Occupational Choice • Labor Productivity" }, { "code": "J26", "description": "Retirement • Retirement Policies" }, { "code": "J28", "description": "Safety • Job Satisfaction • Related Public Policy" }, { "code": "J29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "J3", "description": "Wages, Compensation, and Labor Costs", "classification": [ { "code": "J30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "J31", "description": "Wage Level and Structure • Wage Differentials" }, { "code": "J32", "description": "Nonwage Labor Costs and Benefits • Retirement Plans • Private Pensions" }, { "code": "J33", "description": "Compensation Packages • Payment Methods" }, { "code": "J38", "description": "Public Policy" }, { "code": "J39", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "J4", "description": "Particular Labor Markets", "classification": [ { "code": "J40", "description": "General" }, { "code": "J41", "description": "Labor Contracts" }, { "code": "J42", "description": "Monopsony • Segmented Labor Markets" }, { "code": "J43", "description": "Agricultural Labor Markets" }, { "code": "J44", "description": "Professional Labor Markets • Occupational Licensing" }, { "code": "J45", "description": "Public Sector Labor Markets" }, { "code": "J46", "description": "Informal Labor Markets" }, { "code": "J47", "description": "Coercive Labor Markets" }, { "code": "J48", "description": "Public Policy" }, { "code": "J49", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "J5", "description": "Labor–Management Relations, Trade Unions, and Collective Bargaining", "classification": [ { "code": "J50", "description": "General" }, { "code": "J51", "description": "Trade Unions: Objectives, Structure, and Effects" }, { "code": "J52", "description": "Dispute Resolution: Strikes, Arbitration, and Mediation • Collective Bargaining" }, { "code": "J53", "description": "Labor–Management Relations • Industrial Jurisprudence" }, { "code": "J54", "description": "Producer Cooperatives • Labor Managed Firms • Employee Ownership" }, { "code": "J58", "description": "Public Policy" }, { "code": "J59", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "J6", "description": "Mobility, Unemployment, Vacancies, and Immigrant Workers", "classification": [ { "code": "J60", "description": "General" }, { "code": "J61", "description": "Geographic Labor Mobility • Immigrant Workers" }, { "code": "J62", "description": "Job, Occupational, and Intergenerational Mobility" }, { "code": "J63", "description": "Turnover • Vacancies • Layoffs" }, { "code": "J64", "description": "Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search" }, { "code": "J65", "description": "Unemployment Insurance • Severance Pay • Plant Closings" }, { "code": "J68", "description": "Public Policy" }, { "code": "J69", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "J7", "description": "Labor Discrimination", "classification": [ { "code": "J70", "description": "General" }, { "code": "J71", "description": "Discrimination" }, { "code": "J78", "description": "Public Policy" }, { "code": "J79", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "J8", "description": "Labor Standards: National and International", "classification": [ { "code": "J80", "description": "General" }, { "code": "J81", "description": "Working Conditions" }, { "code": "J82", "description": "Labor Force Composition" }, { "code": "J83", "description": "Workers' Rights" }, { "code": "J88", "description": "Public Policy" }, { "code": "J89", "description": "Other" } ] } ] }, { "code": "K", "description": "Law and Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "K0", "description": "General", "classification": [ { "code": "K00", "description": "General" } ] }, { "code": "K1", "description": "Basic Areas of Law", "classification": [ { "code": "K10", "description": "General" }, { "code": "K11", "description": "Property Law" }, { "code": "K12", "description": "Contract Law" }, { "code": "K13", "description": "Tort Law and Product Liability • Forensic Economics" }, { "code": "K14", "description": "Criminal Law" }, { "code": "K15", "description": "Civil Law • Common Law" }, { "code": "K16", "description": "Election Law" }, { "code": "K19", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "K2", "description": "Regulation and Business Law", "classification": [ { "code": "K20", "description": "General" }, { "code": "K21", "description": "Antitrust Law" }, { "code": "K22", "description": "Business and Securities Law" }, { "code": "K23", "description": "Regulated Industries and Administrative Law" }, { "code": "K24", "description": "Cyber Law" }, { "code": "K25", "description": "Real Estate Law" }, { "code": "K29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "K3", "description": "Other Substantive Areas of Law", "classification": [ { "code": "K30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "K31", "description": "Labor Law" }, { "code": "K32", "description": "Energy, Environmental, Health, and Safety Law" }, { "code": "K33", "description": "International Law" }, { "code": "K34", "description": "Tax Law" }, { "code": "K35", "description": "Personal Bankruptcy Law" }, { "code": "K36", "description": "Family and Personal Law" }, { "code": "K37", "description": "Immigration Law" }, { "code": "K38", "description": "Human Rights Law • Gender Law • Animal Rights Law" }, { "code": "K39", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "K4", "description": "Legal Procedure, the Legal System, and Illegal Behavior", "classification": [ { "code": "K40", "description": "General" }, { "code": "K41", "description": "Litigation Process" }, { "code": "K42", "description": "Illegal Behavior and the Enforcement of Law" }, { "code": "K49", "description": "Other" } ] } ] }, { "code": "L", "description": "Industrial Organization", "classification": [ { "code": "L0", "description": "General", "classification": [ { "code": "L00", "description": "General" } ] }, { "code": "L1", "description": "Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance", "classification": [ { "code": "L10", "description": "General" }, { "code": "L11", "description": "Production, Pricing, and Market Structure • Size Distribution of Firms" }, { "code": "L12", "description": "Monopoly • Monopolization Strategies" }, { "code": "L13", "description": "Oligopoly and Other Imperfect Markets" }, { "code": "L14", "description": "Transactional Relationships • Contracts and Reputation • Networks" }, { "code": "L15", "description": "Information and Product Quality • Standardization and Compatibility" }, { "code": "L16", "description": "Industrial Organization and Macroeconomics: Industrial Structure and Structural Change • Industrial Price Indices" }, { "code": "L17", "description": "Open Source Products and Markets" }, { "code": "L19", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "L2", "description": "Firm Objectives, Organization, and Behavior", "classification": [ { "code": "L20", "description": "General" }, { "code": "L21", "description": "Business Objectives of the Firm" }, { "code": "L22", "description": "Firm Organization and Market Structure" }, { "code": "L23", "description": "Organization of Production" }, { "code": "L24", "description": "Contracting Out • Joint Ventures • Technology Licensing" }, { "code": "L25", "description": "Firm Performance: Size, Diversification, and Scope" }, { "code": "L26", "description": "Entrepreneurship" }, { "code": "L29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "L3", "description": "Nonprofit Organizations and Public Enterprise", "classification": [ { "code": "L30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "L31", "description": "Nonprofit Institutions • NGOs • Social Entrepreneurship" }, { "code": "L32", "description": "Public Enterprises • Public-Private Enterprises" }, { "code": "L33", "description": "Comparison of Public and Private Enterprises and Nonprofit Institutions • Privatization • Contracting Out" }, { "code": "L38", "description": "Public Policy" }, { "code": "L39", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "L4", "description": "Antitrust Issues and Policies", "classification": [ { "code": "L40", "description": "General" }, { "code": "L41", "description": "Monopolization • Horizontal Anticompetitive Practices" }, { "code": "L42", "description": "Vertical Restraints • Resale Price Maintenance • Quantity Discounts" }, { "code": "L43", "description": "Legal Monopolies and Regulation or Deregulation" }, { "code": "L44", "description": "Antitrust Policy and Public Enterprises, Nonprofit Institutions, and Professional Organizations" }, { "code": "L49", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "L5", "description": "Regulation and Industrial Policy", "classification": [ { "code": "L50", "description": "General" }, { "code": "L51", "description": "Economics of Regulation" }, { "code": "L52", "description": "Industrial Policy • Sectoral Planning Methods" }, { "code": "L53", "description": "Enterprise Policy " }, { "code": "L59", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "L6", "description": "Industry Studies: Manufacturing", "classification": [ { "code": "L60", "description": "General" }, { "code": "L61", "description": "Metals and Metal Products • Cement • Glass • Ceramics" }, { "code": "L62", "description": "Automobiles • Other Transportation Equipment • Related Parts and Equipment" }, { "code": "L63", "description": "Microelectronics • Computers • Communications Equipment" }, { "code": "L64", "description": "Other Machinery • Business Equipment • Armaments" }, { "code": "L65", "description": "Chemicals • Rubber • Drugs • Biotechnology • Plastics" }, { "code": "L66", "description": "Food • Beverages • Cosmetics • Tobacco • Wine and Spirits" }, { "code": "L67", "description": "Other Consumer Nondurables: Clothing, Textiles, Shoes, and Leather Goods; Household Goods; Sports Equipment" }, { "code": "L68", "description": "Appliances • Furniture • Other Consumer Durables" }, { "code": "L69", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "L7", "description": "Industry Studies: Primary Products and Construction", "classification": [ { "code": "L70", "description": "General" }, { "code": "L71", "description": "Mining, Extraction, and Refining: Hydrocarbon Fuels" }, { "code": "L72", "description": "Mining, Extraction, and Refining: Other Nonrenewable Resources" }, { "code": "L73", "description": "Forest Products" }, { "code": "L74", "description": "Construction" }, { "code": "L78", "description": "Government Policy" }, { "code": "L79", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "L8", "description": "Industry Studies: Services", "classification": [ { "code": "L80", "description": "General" }, { "code": "L81", "description": "Retail and Wholesale Trade • e-Commerce" }, { "code": "L82", "description": "Entertainment • Media" }, { "code": "L83", "description": "Sports • Gambling • Restaurants • Recreation • Tourism" }, { "code": "L84", "description": "Personal, Professional, and Business Services" }, { "code": "L85", "description": "Real Estate Services" }, { "code": "L86", "description": "Information and Internet Services • Computer Software" }, { "code": "L87", "description": "Postal and Delivery Services" }, { "code": "L88", "description": "Government Policy" }, { "code": "L89", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "L9", "description": "Industry Studies: Transportation and Utilities", "classification": [ { "code": "L90", "description": "General" }, { "code": "L91", "description": "Transportation: General" }, { "code": "L92", "description": "Railroads and Other Surface Transportation" }, { "code": "L93", "description": "Air Transportation" }, { "code": "L94", "description": "Electric Utilities" }, { "code": "L95", "description": "Gas Utilities • Pipelines • Water Utilities" }, { "code": "L96", "description": "Telecommunications" }, { "code": "L97", "description": "Utilities: General" }, { "code": "L98", "description": "Government Policy" }, { "code": "L99", "description": "Other" } ] } ] }, { "code": "M", "description": "Business Administration and Business Economics • Marketing • Accounting • Personnel Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "M0", "description": "General", "classification": [ { "code": "M00", "description": "General" } ] }, { "code": "M1", "description": "Business Administration", "classification": [ { "code": "M10", "description": "General" }, { "code": "M11", "description": "Production Management" }, { "code": "M12", "description": "Personnel Management • Executives; Executive Compensation" }, { "code": "M13", "description": "New Firms • Startups" }, { "code": "M14", "description": "Corporate Culture • Diversity • Social Responsibility" }, { "code": "M15", "description": "IT Management" }, { "code": "M16", "description": "International Business Administration" }, { "code": "M19", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "M2", "description": "Business Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "M20", "description": "General" }, { "code": "M21", "description": "Business Economics" }, { "code": "M29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "M3", "description": "Marketing and Advertising", "classification": [ { "code": "M30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "M31", "description": "Marketing" }, { "code": "M37", "description": "Advertising" }, { "code": "M38", "description": "Government Policy and Regulation" }, { "code": "M39", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "M4", "description": "Accounting and Auditing", "classification": [ { "code": "M40", "description": "General" }, { "code": "M41", "description": "Accounting" }, { "code": "M42", "description": "Auditing" }, { "code": "M48", "description": "Government Policy and Regulation" }, { "code": "M49", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "M5", "description": "Personnel Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "M50", "description": "General" }, { "code": "M51", "description": "Firm Employment Decisions • Promotions" }, { "code": "M52", "description": "Compensation and Compensation Methods and Their Effects" }, { "code": "M53", "description": "Training" }, { "code": "M54", "description": "Labor Management" }, { "code": "M55", "description": "Labor Contracting Devices" }, { "code": "M59", "description": "Other" } ] } ] }, { "code": "N", "description": "Economic History", "classification": [ { "code": "N0", "description": "General", "classification": [ { "code": "N00", "description": "General" }, { "code": "N01", "description": "Development of the Discipline: Historiographical; Sources and Methods" } ] }, { "code": "N1", "description": "Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics • Industrial Structure • Growth • Fluctuations", "classification": [ { "code": "N10", "description": "General, International, or Comparative" }, { "code": "N11", "description": "U.S. • Canada: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N12", "description": "U.S. • Canada: 1913–" }, { "code": "N13", "description": "Europe: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N14", "description": "Europe: 1913–" }, { "code": "N15", "description": "Asia including Middle East" }, { "code": "N16", "description": "Latin America • Caribbean" }, { "code": "N17", "description": "Africa • Oceania" } ] }, { "code": "N2", "description": "Financial Markets and Institutions", "classification": [ { "code": "N20", "description": "General, International, or Comparative" }, { "code": "N21", "description": "U.S. • Canada: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N22", "description": "U.S. • Canada: 1913–" }, { "code": "N23", "description": "Europe: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N24", "description": "Europe: 1913–" }, { "code": "N25", "description": "Asia including Middle East" }, { "code": "N26", "description": "Latin America • Caribbean" }, { "code": "N27", "description": "Africa • Oceania" } ] }, { "code": "N3", "description": "Labor and Consumers, Demography, Education, Health, Welfare, Income, Wealth, Religion, and Philanthropy", "classification": [ { "code": "N30", "description": "General, International, or Comparative" }, { "code": "N31", "description": "U.S. • Canada: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N32", "description": "U.S. • Canada: 1913-" }, { "code": "N33", "description": "Europe: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N34", "description": "Europe: 1913-" }, { "code": "N35", "description": "Asia including Middle East" }, { "code": "N36", "description": "Latin America • Caribbean" }, { "code": "N37", "description": "Africa • Oceania" } ] }, { "code": "N4", "description": "Government, War, Law, International Relations, and Regulation", "classification": [ { "code": "N40", "description": "General, International, or Comparative" }, { "code": "N41", "description": "U.S. • Canada: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N42", "description": "U.S. • Canada: 1913–" }, { "code": "N43", "description": "Europe: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N44", "description": "Europe: 1913–" }, { "code": "N45", "description": "Asia including Middle East" }, { "code": "N46", "description": "Latin America • Caribbean" }, { "code": "N47", "description": "Africa • Oceania" } ] }, { "code": "N5", "description": "Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment, and Extractive Industries", "classification": [ { "code": "N50", "description": "General, International, or Comparative" }, { "code": "N51", "description": "U.S. • Canada: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N52", "description": "U.S. • Canada: 1913–" }, { "code": "N53", "description": "Europe: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N54", "description": "Europe: 1913–" }, { "code": "N55", "description": "Asia including Middle East" }, { "code": "N56", "description": "Latin America • Caribbean" }, { "code": "N57", "description": "Africa • Oceania" } ] }, { "code": "N6", "description": "Manufacturing and Construction", "classification": [ { "code": "N60", "description": "General, International, or Comparative" }, { "code": "N61", "description": "U.S. • Canada: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N62", "description": "U.S. • Canada: 1913–" }, { "code": "N63", "description": "Europe: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N64", "description": "Europe: 1913–" }, { "code": "N65", "description": "Asia including Middle East" }, { "code": "N66", "description": "Latin America • Caribbean" }, { "code": "N67", "description": "Africa • Oceania" } ] }, { "code": "N7", "description": "Transport, Trade, Energy, Technology, and Other Services", "classification": [ { "code": "N70", "description": "General, International, or Comparative" }, { "code": "N71", "description": "U.S. • Canada: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N72", "description": "U.S. • Canada: 1913–" }, { "code": "N73", "description": "Europe: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N74", "description": "Europe: 1913–" }, { "code": "N75", "description": "Asia including Middle East" }, { "code": "N76", "description": "Latin America • Caribbean" }, { "code": "N77", "description": "Africa • Oceania" } ] }, { "code": "N8", "description": "Micro-Business History", "classification": [ { "code": "N80", "description": "General, International, or Comparative" }, { "code": "N81", "description": "U.S. • Canada: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N82", "description": "U.S. • Canada: 1913–" }, { "code": "N83", "description": "Europe: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N84", "description": "Europe: 1913–" }, { "code": "N85", "description": "Asia including Middle East" }, { "code": "N86", "description": "Latin America • Caribbean" }, { "code": "N87", "description": "Africa • Oceania" } ] }, { "code": "N9", "description": "Regional and Urban History", "classification": [ { "code": "N90", "description": "General, International, or Comparative" }, { "code": "N91", "description": "U.S. • Canada: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N92", "description": "U.S. • Canada: 1913–" }, { "code": "N93", "description": "Europe: Pre-1913" }, { "code": "N94", "description": "Europe: 1913–" }, { "code": "N95", "description": "Asia including Middle East" }, { "code": "N96", "description": "Latin America • Caribbean" }, { "code": "N97", "description": "Africa • Oceania" } ] } ] }, { "code": "O", "description": "Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth", "classification": [ { "code": "O1", "description": "Economic Development", "classification": [ { "code": "O10", "description": "General" }, { "code": "O11", "description": "Macroeconomic Analyses of Economic Development" }, { "code": "O12", "description": "Microeconomic Analyses of Economic Development" }, { "code": "O13", "description": "Agriculture • Natural Resources • Energy • Environment • Other Primary Products" }, { "code": "O14", "description": "Industrialization • Manufacturing and Service Industries • Choice of Technology" }, { "code": "O15", "description": "Human Resources • Human Development • Income Distribution • Migration" }, { "code": "O16", "description": "Financial Markets • Saving and Capital Investment • Corporate Finance and Governance" }, { "code": "O17", "description": "Formal and Informal Sectors • Shadow Economy • Institutional Arrangements" }, { "code": "O18", "description": "Urban, Rural, Regional, and Transportation Analysis • Housing • Infrastructure" }, { "code": "O19", "description": "International Linkages to Development • Role of International Organizations" } ] }, { "code": "O2", "description": "Development Planning and Policy", "classification": [ { "code": "O20", "description": "General" }, { "code": "O21", "description": "Planning Models • Planning Policy" }, { "code": "O22", "description": "Project Analysis" }, { "code": "O23", "description": "Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Development" }, { "code": "O24", "description": "Trade Policy • Factor Movement Policy • Foreign Exchange Policy" }, { "code": "O25", "description": "Industrial Policy" }, { "code": "O29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "O3", "description": "Innovation • Research and Development • Technological Change • Intellectual Property Rights", "classification": [ { "code": "O30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "O31", "description": "Innovation and Invention: Processes and Incentives" }, { "code": "O32", "description": "Management of Technological Innovation and R&D" }, { "code": "O33", "description": "Technological Change: Choices and Consequences • Diffusion Processes" }, { "code": "O34", "description": "Intellectual Property and Intellectual Capital" }, { "code": "O35", "description": "Social Innovation" }, { "code": "O36", "description": "Open Innovation" }, { "code": "O38", "description": "Government Policy" }, { "code": "O39", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "O4", "description": "Economic Growth and Aggregate Productivity", "classification": [ { "code": "O40", "description": "General" }, { "code": "O41", "description": "One, Two, and Multisector Growth Models" }, { "code": "O42", "description": "Monetary Growth Models" }, { "code": "O43", "description": "Institutions and Growth" }, { "code": "O44", "description": "Environment and Growth" }, { "code": "O47", "description": "Empirical Studies of Economic Growth • Aggregate Productivity • Cross-Country Output Convergence" }, { "code": "O49", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "O5", "description": "Economywide Country Studies", "classification": [ { "code": "O50", "description": "General" }, { "code": "O51", "description": "U.S. • Canada" }, { "code": "O52", "description": "Europe" }, { "code": "O53", "description": "Asia including Middle East" }, { "code": "O54", "description": "Latin America • Caribbean" }, { "code": "O55", "description": "Africa" }, { "code": "O56", "description": "Oceania" }, { "code": "O57", "description": "Comparative Studies of Countries" } ] } ] }, { "code": "P", "description": "Political Economy and Comparative Economic Systems", "classification": [ { "code": "P0", "description": "General", "classification": [ { "code": "P00", "description": "General" } ] }, { "code": "P1", "description": "Capitalist Economies", "classification": [ { "code": "P10", "description": "General" }, { "code": "P11", "description": "Planning, Coordination, and Reform" }, { "code": "P12", "description": "Capitalist Enterprises" }, { "code": "P13", "description": "Cooperative Enterprises" }, { "code": "P14", "description": "Property Rights" }, { "code": "P16", "description": "Capitalist Institutions • Welfare State" }, { "code": "P17", "description": "Performance and Prospects" }, { "code": "P18", "description": "Energy • Environment" }, { "code": "P19", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "P2", "description": "Socialist and Transition Economies", "classification": [ { "code": "P20", "description": "General" }, { "code": "P21", "description": "Planning, Coordination, and Reform" }, { "code": "P22", "description": "Prices" }, { "code": "P23", "description": "Factor and Product Markets • Industry Studies • Population" }, { "code": "P24", "description": "National Income, Product, and Expenditure • Money • Inflation" }, { "code": "P25", "description": "Urban, Rural, and Regional Economics" }, { "code": "P26", "description": "Property Rights" }, { "code": "P27", "description": "Performance and Prospects" }, { "code": "P28", "description": "Natural Resources • Energy • Environment" }, { "code": "P29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "P3", "description": "Socialist Institutions and Their Transitions", "classification": [ { "code": "P30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "P31", "description": "Socialist Enterprises and Their Transitions" }, { "code": "P32", "description": "Collectives • Communes • Agriculture" }, { "code": "P33", "description": "International Trade, Finance, Investment, Relations, and Aid" }, { "code": "P34", "description": "Financial Economics" }, { "code": "P35", "description": "Public Economics" }, { "code": "P36", "description": "Consumer Economics • Health • Education and Training • Welfare, Income, Wealth, and Poverty" }, { "code": "P37", "description": "Legal Institutions • Illegal Behavior" }, { "code": "P39", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "P4", "description": "Other Economic Systems", "classification": [ { "code": "P40", "description": "General" }, { "code": "P41", "description": "Planning, Coordination, and Reform" }, { "code": "P42", "description": "Productive Enterprises • Factor and Product Markets • Prices • Population" }, { "code": "P43", "description": "Public Economics • Financial Economics" }, { "code": "P44", "description": "National Income, Product, and Expenditure • Money • Inflation" }, { "code": "P45", "description": "International Trade, Finance, Investment, and Aid" }, { "code": "P46", "description": "Consumer Economics • Health • Education and Training • Welfare, Income, Wealth, and Poverty" }, { "code": "P47", "description": "Performance and Prospects" }, { "code": "P48", "description": "Legal Institutions • Property Rights • Natural Resources • Energy • Environment • Regional Studies" }, { "code": "P49", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "P5", "description": "Comparative Economic Systems", "classification": [ { "code": "P50", "description": "General" }, { "code": "P51", "description": "Comparative Analysis of Economic Systems" }, { "code": "P52", "description": "Comparative Studies of Particular Economies" }, { "code": "P59", "description": "Other" } ] } ] }, { "code": "Q", "description": "Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics • Environmental and Ecological Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "Q0", "description": "General", "classification": [ { "code": "Q00", "description": "General" }, { "code": "Q01", "description": "Sustainable Development" }, { "code": "Q02", "description": "Commodity Markets" } ] }, { "code": "Q1", "description": "Agriculture", "classification": [ { "code": "Q10", "description": "General" }, { "code": "Q11", "description": "Aggregate Supply and Demand Analysis • Prices" }, { "code": "Q12", "description": "Micro Analysis of Farm Firms, Farm Households, and Farm Input Markets" }, { "code": "Q13", "description": "Agricultural Markets and Marketing • Cooperatives • Agribusiness" }, { "code": "Q14", "description": "Agricultural Finance" }, { "code": "Q15", "description": "Land Ownership and Tenure • Land Reform • Land Use • Irrigation • Agriculture and Environment" }, { "code": "Q16", "description": "R&D • Agricultural Technology • Biofuels • Agricultural Extension Services" }, { "code": "Q17", "description": "Agriculture in International Trade" }, { "code": "Q18", "description": "Agricultural Policy • Food Policy • Animal Welfare Policy" }, { "code": "Q19", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "Q2", "description": "Renewable Resources and Conservation", "classification": [ { "code": "Q20", "description": "General" }, { "code": "Q21", "description": "Demand and Supply • Prices" }, { "code": "Q22", "description": "Fishery • Aquaculture" }, { "code": "Q23", "description": "Forestry" }, { "code": "Q24", "description": "Land" }, { "code": "Q25", "description": "Water" }, { "code": "Q26", "description": "Recreational Aspects of Natural Resources" }, { "code": "Q27", "description": "Issues in International Trade" }, { "code": "Q28", "description": "Government Policy" }, { "code": "Q29", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "Q3", "description": "Nonrenewable Resources and Conservation", "classification": [ { "code": "Q30", "description": "General" }, { "code": "Q31", "description": "Demand and Supply • Prices" }, { "code": "Q32", "description": "Exhaustible Resources and Economic Development" }, { "code": "Q33", "description": "Resource Booms" }, { "code": "Q34", "description": "Natural Resources and Domestic and International Conflicts" }, { "code": "Q35", "description": "Hydrocarbon Resources" }, { "code": "Q37", "description": "Issues in International Trade" }, { "code": "Q38", "description": "Government Policy" }, { "code": "Q39", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "Q4", "description": "Energy", "classification": [ { "code": "Q40", "description": "General" }, { "code": "Q41", "description": "Demand and Supply • Prices" }, { "code": "Q42", "description": "Alternative Energy Sources" }, { "code": "Q43", "description": "Energy and the Macroeconomy" }, { "code": "Q47", "description": "Energy Forecasting" }, { "code": "Q48", "description": "Government Policy" }, { "code": "Q49", "description": "Other" } ] }, { "code": "Q5", "description": "Environmental Economics", "classification": [ { "code": "Q50", "description": "General" }, { "code": "Q51", "description": "Valuation of Environmental Effects" }, { "code": "Q52", "description": "Pollution Control Adoption and Costs • Distributional Effects • Employment Effects" }, { "code": "Q53", "description": "Air Pollution • Water Pollution • Noise • Hazardous Waste • Solid Waste • Recycling" }, { "code": "Q54", "description": "Climate • Natural Disasters and Their Management • Global Warming" }, { "code": "Q55", "description": "Technological Innovation" }, { "code": "Q56", "description": "Environment and Development • Environment and Trade • Sustainability • Environmental Accounts and Accounting • Environmental Equity • Population Growth" }, { "code": "Q57", "description": "Ecological Economics: Ecosystem Services • Biodiversity Conservation • Bioeconomics • 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} msSearch.addEventListener('input', (e) => { let filter =".multiselect.multiselect-filter-holder").id; const query =; let optionsContainer = document.querySelector(`#${CSS.escape(filter)} .multiselect-options`); if ( filter == "JEL_Code") { const filteredOptions = fuzzySearchJELs(jels, query); optionsContainer.innerHTML = renderOptionsJELs(filteredOptions); } else { const filteredOptions = fuzzySearch(filter, sorted_values, filter_result, query); optionsContainer.innerHTML = renderOptions(filteredOptions); } document.querySelectorAll(`#${filter} input[type="checkbox"]`).forEach(ie => { ie.addEventListener("change", (inputEvent) => { if ( filter == "JEL_Code") { updateChildCheckboxes(,; } handleUncheck(inputEvent); performSearch(); }); }); }); msDiv.appendChild(msHeader); msBody.appendChild(msSearch); msBody.appendChild(msOptions); msDiv.appendChild(msBody); mainFormDiv.appendChild(msDiv); form.appendChild(mainFormDiv); } else { typeStr += ` <div id="dropdown1" class="dropdown"> <span class="icon"></span> <select name="${filter}" id="${filter}" class="filter foedb-filter" title="Select ${filter}" ${multiple}> <option value="all">${translate("All")}</option> `; for (let value of sorted_values) { if(value!="##!!EMPTY!!##"){ typeStr += ` <option value="${filter_result(value).value}">${filter_result(value).pretty_value}</option> `; } } typeStr += `</select></div></div>`; form.innerHTML += typeStr; } } /** form.addEventListener("input", (inputEvent) => { let typeSelection = getActiveFilterValue("type"); if(typeSelection&&JEL_Code_types.indexOf(parseInt(typeSelection))==-1){ document.getElementById("JEL_Code").setAttribute("disabled","true"); document.getElementById("JEL_Code").value = "all"; }else{ document.getElementById("JEL_Code").removeAttribute("disabled"); } if("INPUT"){ // free text search, debounce debouncedPerformSearch(); }else{ // perform instant search performSearch(); } }); */ document.getElementById("clear-filters").addEventListener("click", (clickEvent) => { clickEvent.currentTarget.parentElement.classList.add("hidden"); document.querySelectorAll(".filter-tag").forEach(item=>; }); document.getElementById("foedb-sort").addEventListener("click", (clickEvent) => { let labels = ["Newest first", "Oldest first"]; 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