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2024-04-25 14:22:17 END --> <!--nocomment--> <!-- CONTENT AREA BEGIN --> <main class="careers"> <div class="container"> <div class="section-header"> <h1 class="page-headline-1">Careers</h1> </div> <p class="section-summary"> PR Newswire, a Cision Ltd. company, is a leading global provider of news distribution and earned media software and services.  In conjunction with Cision’s cloud-based communications product suite, PR Newswire's services enable marketers, corporate communicators, and investor relations officers to identify key influencers, engage target audiences, craft and distribute strategic content, and measure meaningful impact.  Combining the world's largest multi-channel, multi-cultural content dissemination network with comprehensive workflow tools and platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world. PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions. </p> <p class="section-summary"> To support PR Newswire’s further expansion in Asia Pacific, we invite candidates with the right skill set and strong motivation to apply for this position. Long-term career development and promotion opportunities will be provided to individual with the passion to learn and grow within the organization. Please do not hesitate to contact our HR department through <a href=""></a>. </p> <p class="section-summary"> Please click <a href="">here</a> to read more about our opening in China. </p> <div class="section-content row"> <div class="col-8"> <nav class="section-nav tabs-nav"> <ul> <li class=""> <a href="javascript:;">Hong Kong</a> </li> <li class=""> <a href="javascript:;">Australia</a> </li> <li class=""> <a href="javascript:;">Japan</a> </li> <li class=""> <a href="javascript:;">Malaysia</a> </li> <li class=""> <a href="javascript:;">Singapore</a> </li> <li class=""> <a href="javascript:;">Vietnam</a> </li> <li class=""> <a href="javascript:;">Taiwan</a> </li> </ul> </nav> <ul class="tabs-content"> <li> <section class="card-careers"> <h3 class="h3-large h3-normal-title">Business Development Manager</h3> <div class="location"> <i class="icon iconfont icon-locate"></i> Hong Kong </div> <div class="careers-duties"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Primary Duties & Responsibilities:</h4> <ul> <li>To develop new business sales across marketing, corporate communications, public relations and/or investor relations segments through telephone, via emails, and through face to face meetings</li> <li>o reach or exceed specific quarterly and annual targets by achieving pre-set criteria on revenue generated, with primary focus on outbound wire distribution, multimedia services and corporate workflow solutions</li> <li>To ensure that all clients are handled to the highest standards and everything is known about their corporate IR, PR and marketing communications requirements throughout the year</li> <li>To stay ahead of competition by following up on all leads and opportunities to ensure that PR Newswire maximizes the chance of winning business and by keeping regular contact with clients and prospects</li> <li>To provide regular (weekly, monthly and ad hoc) feedback of sales activities to the Supervisor, including client wins/losses, competition activities, and product feedback.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="careers-requirements"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Desired Skills and Experience:</h4> <ul> <li>3-5 years of new business sales development experience, preferably in the relevant industries such as corporate communications, marketing, public relations, investor relations, advertising and/or media sales;</li> <li>A solid track record of consistently delivering or exceeding sales targets and other relevant KPIs;</li> <li>High level of self-motivation, energy and accountability; ability to work both independently and as a team in a fast-paced working environment;</li> <li>Competent in territory management</li> <li>Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; mature and engaging personalities;</li> <li>Fluent speaking and writing in English, Cantonese and Mandarin</li> <li>Proficiency in Internet and PC software, esp. MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint;</li> <li>User knowledge and experience in CRM system is preferred. Salesforce is an advantage</li> </ul> </div> </section> </li> <li><!-- Australia --> <section class="card-careers"> <h3 class="h3-large h3-normal-title">Business Development Manager</h3> <div class="location"> <i class="icon iconfont icon-locate"></i> Australia </div> <div class="careers-duties"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Primary Duties & Responsibilities:</h4> <ul> <li>To develop new business sales across marketing, corporate communications, public relations and/or investor relations segments through telephone, via emails, and through face to face meetings</li> <li>o reach or exceed specific quarterly and annual targets by achieving pre-set criteria on revenue generated, with primary focus on outbound wire distribution, multimedia services and corporate workflow solutions</li> <li>To ensure that all clients are handled to the highest standards and everything is known about their corporate IR, PR and marketing communications requirements throughout the year</li> <li>To stay ahead of competition by following up on all leads and opportunities to ensure that PR Newswire maximizes the chance of winning business and by keeping regular contact with clients and prospects</li> <li>To provide regular (weekly, monthly and ad hoc) feedback of sales activities to the Supervisor, including client wins/losses, competition activities, and product feedback.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="careers-requirements"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Desired Skills and Experience:</h4> <ul> <li>3-5 years of new business sales development experience, preferably in the relevant industries such as corporate communications, marketing, public relations, investor relations, advertising and/or media sales;</li> <li>A solid track record of consistently delivering or exceeding sales targets and other relevant KPIs;</li> <li>High level of self-motivation, energy and accountability; ability to work both independently and as a team in a fast-paced working environment;</li> <li>Competent in territory management</li> <li>Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; mature and engaging personalities;</li> <li>Fluent speaking and writing in English, Cantonese and Mandarin</li> <li>Proficiency in Internet and PC software, esp. MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint;</li> <li>User knowledge and experience in CRM system is preferred. Salesforce is an advantage</li> </ul> </div> </section> </li> <li><!-- Japan --> <section class="card-careers"> <h3 class="h3-large h3-normal-title">Business Development Manager</h3> <div class="location"> <i class="icon iconfont icon-locate"></i> Tokyo, Japan </div> <div class="careers-duties"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Job Description:</h4> <ul> <li>Responsible for the product sales including content distribution, media monitoring, multimedia & professional services, in Japanese market;  </li> <li>Develop the business, and accomplish individual sales target;  </li> <li>Provide professional advice and solutions combined with PR Newswire product regarding to the clients requirements;  </li> <li>Make analysis of the market periodically. </li> </ul> </div> <div class="careers-requirements"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Qualification Requirements:</h4> <ul> <li>Bachelor's degree or above;</li> <li>Minimum of 3 years commercial or sales experience, including BD experience in Japanese market;  </li> <li>Fluent Japanese and English skill as working language; </li> <li>Have PR, media or marketing experience and knowledge;</li> <li>Good communication and expression skills;  </li> <li>Ability to work under pressure and have strong initiative.  </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="card-careers"> <h3 class="h3-large h3-normal-title">営業担当を募集</h3> <div class="location"> <i class="icon iconfont icon-locate"></i> 勤務地 東京 </div> <div class="careers-duties"> <h4 class="h4-normal">仕事内容:</h4> <ul> <li>日本市場向けのプレスリリース配信、メディアモニタリング、マルチメディアなどのプロダクト及び配信サービスの営業;</li> <li>新たな業務を開拓、営業目標に達成できること;</li> <li>クライアントのニーズや希望に合わせて、適切な配信サービスを提案すること;</li> <li>定期的にマーケティング分析を行うこと。</li> </ul> </div> <div class="careers-requirements"> <h4 class="h4-normal">必要能力・資格:</h4> <ul> <li>大卒もしくは大卒以上</li> <li>営業経験3年以上、日本マーケティングを開拓経験有り</li> <li>日本語と英語はビジネスレベル</li> <li>メディアもしくはマーケティングリサーチ経験や知識を持ってる</li> <li>コミュニケーション能力と交流スキルが優れてる</li> <li>プレシャーに強く、積極的に仕事する</li> </ul> </div> </section> </li> <li><!-- Malaysia --> <section class="card-careers"> <h3 class="h3-large h3-normal-title">Business Development Manager</h3> <div class="location"> <i class="icon iconfont icon-locate"></i> Malaysia </div> <div class="careers-duties"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Primary Duties & Responsibilities:</h4> <ul> <li>To develop new business sales across marketing, corporate communications, public relations and/or investor relations segments through telephone, via emails, and through face to face meetings</li> <li>o reach or exceed specific quarterly and annual targets by achieving pre-set criteria on revenue generated, with primary focus on outbound wire distribution, multimedia services and corporate workflow solutions</li> <li>To ensure that all clients are handled to the highest standards and everything is known about their corporate IR, PR and marketing communications requirements throughout the year</li> <li>To stay ahead of competition by following up on all leads and opportunities to ensure that PR Newswire maximizes the chance of winning business and by keeping regular contact with clients and prospects</li> <li>To provide regular (weekly, monthly and ad hoc) feedback of sales activities to the Supervisor, including client wins/losses, competition activities, and product feedback.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="careers-requirements"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Desired Skills and Experience:</h4> <ul> <li>3-5 years of new business sales development experience, preferably in the relevant industries such as corporate communications, marketing, public relations, investor relations, advertising and/or media sales;</li> <li>A solid track record of consistently delivering or exceeding sales targets and other relevant KPIs;</li> <li>High level of self-motivation, energy and accountability; ability to work both independently and as a team in a fast-paced working environment;</li> <li>Competent in territory management</li> <li>Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; mature and engaging personalities;</li> <li>Fluent speaking and writing in English, Cantonese and Mandarin</li> <li>Proficiency in Internet and PC software, esp. MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint;</li> <li>User knowledge and experience in CRM system is preferred. Salesforce is an advantage</li> </ul> </div> </section> </li> <li><!-- Singapore --> <section class="card-careers"> <h3 class="h3-large h3-normal-title">Business Development Manager</h3> <div class="location"> <i class="icon iconfont icon-locate"></i> Singapore </div> <div class="careers-duties"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Primary Duties & Responsibilities:</h4> <ul> <li>To develop new business sales across marketing, corporate communications, public relations and/or investor relations segments through telephone, via emails, and through face to face meetings</li> <li>o reach or exceed specific quarterly and annual targets by achieving pre-set criteria on revenue generated, with primary focus on outbound wire distribution, multimedia services and corporate workflow solutions</li> <li>To ensure that all clients are handled to the highest standards and everything is known about their corporate IR, PR and marketing communications requirements throughout the year</li> <li>To stay ahead of competition by following up on all leads and opportunities to ensure that PR Newswire maximizes the chance of winning business and by keeping regular contact with clients and prospects</li> <li>To provide regular (weekly, monthly and ad hoc) feedback of sales activities to the Supervisor, including client wins/losses, competition activities, and product feedback.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="careers-requirements"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Desired Skills and Experience:</h4> <ul> <li>3-5 years of new business sales development experience, preferably in the relevant industries such as corporate communications, marketing, public relations, investor relations, advertising and/or media sales;</li> <li>A solid track record of consistently delivering or exceeding sales targets and other relevant KPIs;</li> <li>High level of self-motivation, energy and accountability; ability to work both independently and as a team in a fast-paced working environment;</li> <li>Competent in territory management</li> <li>Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; mature and engaging personalities;</li> <li>Fluent speaking and writing in English, Cantonese and Mandarin</li> <li>Proficiency in Internet and PC software, esp. MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint;</li> <li>User knowledge and experience in CRM system is preferred. Salesforce is an advantage</li> </ul> </div> </section> </li> <li><!-- Vietnam --> <section class="card-careers"> <h3 class="h3-large h3-normal-title">Business Development Manager</h3> <div class="location"> <i class="icon iconfont icon-locate"></i> Vietnam </div> <div class="careers-duties"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Primary Duties & Responsibilities:</h4> <ul> <li>To develop new business sales across marketing, corporate communications, public relations and/or investor relations segments through telephone, via emails, and through face to face meetings</li> <li>o reach or exceed specific quarterly and annual targets by achieving pre-set criteria on revenue generated, with primary focus on outbound wire distribution, multimedia services and corporate workflow solutions</li> <li>To ensure that all clients are handled to the highest standards and everything is known about their corporate IR, PR and marketing communications requirements throughout the year</li> <li>To stay ahead of competition by following up on all leads and opportunities to ensure that PR Newswire maximizes the chance of winning business and by keeping regular contact with clients and prospects</li> <li>To provide regular (weekly, monthly and ad hoc) feedback of sales activities to the Supervisor, including client wins/losses, competition activities, and product feedback.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="careers-requirements"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Desired Skills and Experience:</h4> <ul> <li>3-5 years of new business sales development experience, preferably in the relevant industries such as corporate communications, marketing, public relations, investor relations, advertising and/or media sales;</li> <li>A solid track record of consistently delivering or exceeding sales targets and other relevant KPIs;</li> <li>High level of self-motivation, energy and accountability; ability to work both independently and as a team in a fast-paced working environment;</li> <li>Competent in territory management</li> <li>Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; mature and engaging personalities;</li> <li>Fluent speaking and writing in English, Cantonese and Mandarin</li> <li>Proficiency in Internet and PC software, esp. MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint;</li> <li>User knowledge and experience in CRM system is preferred. Salesforce is an advantage</li> </ul> </div> </section> </li> <li><!-- Taiwan --> <section class="card-careers"> <h3 class="h3-large h3-normal-title">Business Development Manager</h3> <div class="location"> <i class="icon iconfont icon-locate"></i> Taiwan </div> <div class="careers-duties"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Primary Duties & Responsibilities:</h4> <ul> <li>To develop new business sales across marketing, corporate communications, public relations and/or investor relations segments through telephone, via emails, and through face to face meetings</li> <li>o reach or exceed specific quarterly and annual targets by achieving pre-set criteria on revenue generated, with primary focus on outbound wire distribution, multimedia services and corporate workflow solutions</li> <li>To ensure that all clients are handled to the highest standards and everything is known about their corporate IR, PR and marketing communications requirements throughout the year</li> <li>To stay ahead of competition by following up on all leads and opportunities to ensure that PR Newswire maximizes the chance of winning business and by keeping regular contact with clients and prospects</li> <li>To provide regular (weekly, monthly and ad hoc) feedback of sales activities to the Supervisor, including client wins/losses, competition activities, and product feedback.</li> </ul> </div> <div class="careers-requirements"> <h4 class="h4-normal">Desired Skills and Experience:</h4> <ul> <li>3-5 years of new business sales development experience, preferably in the relevant industries such as corporate communications, marketing, public relations, investor relations, advertising and/or media sales;</li> <li>A solid track record of consistently delivering or exceeding sales targets and other relevant KPIs;</li> <li>High level of self-motivation, energy and accountability; ability to work both independently and as a team in a fast-paced working environment;</li> <li>Competent in territory management</li> <li>Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; mature and engaging personalities;</li> <li>Fluent speaking and writing in English, Cantonese and Mandarin</li> <li>Proficiency in Internet and PC software, esp. MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint;</li> <li>User knowledge and experience in CRM system is preferred. Salesforce is an advantage</li> </ul> </div> </section> </li> </ul> <script> $('.tabs-nav ul li').eq(0).addClass('active'); $('.tabs-content li').eq(0).addClass('tabs-active'); // 选项卡 //点击选择 $('.tabs-nav').on('click', 'ul li', function () { $(this).siblings().removeClass('active'); var ind = $(this).addClass('active').index(); $(this).closest('.tabs-nav') .next('ul') .children('li') .removeClass('tabs-active') .eq(ind) .addClass('tabs-active'); }) //是都添加加长按钮 function clickToBottom(sel) { $(sel).each(function (i, item) { if ($(item).find('ul').width() > $(item).width()) { $(item).addClass('scroll').append( '<div class="tabs-nav-btn"><i class="icon iconfont icon-angle-left"></i><i class="bottom icon iconfont icon-angle-right"></i></div>' ); $(item).on('click', '.tabs-nav-btn i', function () { if ($(this).hasClass('bottom')) { $(item).addClass('click-to-bottom') } else { $(item).removeClass('click-to-bottom') } }) } }) } clickToBottom('.tabs-nav') </script> </div> <div class="col-4"> <section class="contact-hr bg-gray"> <h3 class="h3-normal h3-normal-title">Contact Information</h3> <div class="section-content"> Address: Room 1608, 16/F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong <br> Email: <a href=""></a> <br> Fax: 852-2572-1808 </div> </section> <script> var contactHr = $('.contact-hr'); 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