YouTube for Songwriters - Content Strategies

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lb-grid__cell--lg-span-6 yta-page-hero-alpha__content-wrapper"> <div class="yta-page-hero-alpha__content"> <h1 class="lb-font-display-3 lb-font-weight-700"> Content Strategies </h1> <div class="yta-page-hero-alpha__content-subheading lb-font-subhead-2 lb-margin-bottom-s"></div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--md-span-12 lb-grid__cell--lg-span-6"> <div class="yta-page-hero-alpha__column-right"> <a class="lb-button lb-button--overlay yta-artist-link" href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> Justin Tranter </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="yta-section"> <div class="lb-grid"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--offset-1-span-10 lb-grid__cell--sm-span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> There are two main strategies to consider when it comes to YouTube content strategy for songwriters, producers, music publishers, PROs and societies: <em>content curation</em> and <em>content creation</em>. </p> <h2>Content curation</h2> <p> Content curation is an excellent way to add content to your channel with no uploading required. Think of content curation as the practice of harnessing the examples of your work and catalog that <em>already</em> live on the YouTube platform, uploaded by other users (e.g. user-generated content or an official music video uploaded by a record label). For example, think about songs you have written or that you represent that have been released by artists, <em>especially</em> those songs with accompanying music videos. Although the artist has released the video on their own channel, you have the ability to curate it on your personal channel as well. </p> <p class="tip"> Tip: Without uploading any new content, you can thoughtfully organize your body of work, or the body of work you represent, into a beautiful and comprehensive <strong>visual discography</strong> on your YouTube channel. </p> <p><strong>Playlist ideas for content curation:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Music videos of songs you have written or represent</li> <li> Fan-made videos featuring songs you have written or represent (such as dance videos or lip syncs) </li> <li> Cover versions of songs you have written or represent </li> <li>Remixes of songs you have written or represent</li> <li>Lyric videos of songs you have written or represent</li> <li> Highlights like new releases, hits, chart achievements, or hidden catalog gems </li> <li>Sync placements</li> <li> Educational appearances, panels, speeches, or workshops </li> <li>Footage from live shows</li> </ul> <h2>Content creation</h2> <p> Content creation involves creating and uploading <em>original</em> video content to your channel. Content creation takes channel customization one step beyond content curation, allowing for a deeper, more personal way to connect with those visiting your channel. </p> <p class="tip"> Tip: Include a mix of both curated and created content on your channel. </p> <p><strong>Ideas for content creation:</strong></p> <ul> <li> A new “cover” version of a song you wrote or that you represent, originally made popular by an artist </li> <li>Anecdotes from memorable writing sessions</li> <li>The story behind a song you wrote or represent</li> <li>Behind-the-scenes footage from the studio</li> <li> Tutorials such as how to play your song or tips for successful co-writes </li> <li>Production tips and how-to’s</li> <li>Behind-the-scenes footage from live performances</li> <li>Q&amp;As</li> <li> Content highlighting different sides of your personality, like hobbies or interests </li> <li> Collaborations with other YouTubers, including those outside of music </li> </ul> <p class="tip"> Tip: Consider using <a href=",experience%2C%20made%20for%20short%20videos." target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">YouTube Shorts</a> to tease upcoming content and releases. </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="yta-section yta-songwriters-subpage__bottom-links"> <div class="lb-grid"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--offset-1-span-10 lb-grid__cell--sm-span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <h2>Keep reading</h2> <p> You have now laid the foundation for a comprehensive and powerful YouTube channel. Take your knowledge one step further and review more in-depth strategies. </p> <ul class="column-list"> <li> <a href="/web/20240503231822/" class="ytc-arrow-link">YouTube for songwriters and producers</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20240503231822/" class="ytc-arrow-link">YouTube for music publishers, societies, &amp; PROs</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20240503231822/" class="ytc-arrow-link">Insider Tips</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="yta-songwriters-subpage__final-note"> <div class="lb-grid"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--offset-1-span-10 lb-grid__cell--sm-span-12"> <div class="yta-md"> <p> Please note: all content on your YouTube channel must adhere to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">YouTube Community Guidelines</a> and <a href=";template=terms" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Terms of Service</a>. Make sure you have the necessary content clearances for audio/video on demand content. If you are creating a live stream, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">click here to learn more about live streams on YouTube</a>. </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="lb-footer" lb-auto-init="LBFooter" lb-options="{ 'bareUrl': '/songwriters/content-strategies/', 'locales': 'de_ALL,el_ALL,en-GB_ALL,es-419_ALL,es_ALL,fr_ALL,id_ALL,it_ALL,ja_ALL,ko_ALL,nl_ALL,pl_ALL,pt-BR_ALL,pt-PT_ALL,ro_ALL,ru_ALL,sv_ALL,th_ALL,tr_ALL,vi_ALL,zh-TW_ALL' }"></footer> <script src="" nonce="04pQKEp8prwiBNe7vDhcRw"></script> <script src="" data-glue-cookie-notification-bar-category="2B" data-glue-cookie-notification-bar-language="ALL" data-glue-cookie-notification-bar-site-id="" nonce="04pQKEp8prwiBNe7vDhcRw"></script> </body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 23:18:22 May 03, 2024 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 01:38:29 Mar 02, 2025. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. 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