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Results</h1> <p class="intro" style="padding-bottom: 0;">Grounded in practice and research, our programs have helped millions of students make progress and teachers increase their skills. Heinemann's classroom resources demonstrate evidence of success and follow the highest research standards. On this page, you'll explore customer case studies and efficacy studies from top education organizations that demonstrate the ability our resources have to improve the lives of students. You will also discover the scholarly research that underlies these programs.</p> <!--TOC--> <div class="toc" style="height: unset;"> <p style="padding-left:4px;"><strong>Jump to...</strong></p> <p class="slider" aria-expanded="false" id="accordianfp" aria-controls="sectfp" tabindex="0" role="link"><span class="rspv-up-arrow" role="img" aria-label="collapsed icon"></span><strong>Fountas & Pinnell Literacy&trade;</strong></p> <div class="internal" id="sectfp" aria-labelledby="accordianfp" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> <ul> <li><strong>Results, Efficacy and Case Studies</strong><br /> <br /> <a href="#lli"><em>Leveled Literacy Intervention</em> (<em>LLI</em>)</a></li> <li><a href="#fpc"><em>Fountas & Pinnell Classroom&trade;</em> (<em>FPC</em>)</a></li> <li><a href="#bas"><em>Benchmark Assessment System</em> (<em>BAS</em>)</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom:15px;"><a href="#sel"><em>Sistema de evaluaci茂驴陆n de la lectura</em> (<em>SEL</em>)</a></li> <li><strong>Research</strong><br /> <br /> <a href="#fpcr"><em>Fountas & Pinnell Classroom&trade;</em> (<em>FPC</em>)</a></li> <li><a href="#llir"><em>Leveled Literacy Intervention</em> (<em>LLI</em>)</a></li> <li><a href="#basr"><em>Benchmark Assessment System</em> (<em>BAS</em>)</a></li> <li><a href="#pwsr"><em>Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study System</em> (<em>PWS</em>)</a></li> </ul> </div> <p class="slider" aria-expanded="false" id="accordianuos" aria-controls="sectuos" tabindex="0" role="link"><span class="rspv-up-arrow" role="img" aria-label="collapsed icon"></span><strong>Saxon Phonics and Spelling</strong></p> <div class="internal" id="sectuos" aria-labelledby="accordianuos" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> <ul class="uos"> <li><a href="#reb">Research Evidence Base</a></li> <li><a href="#reb">Randomized Control Trial (RCT), Grades 1, & 2</a></li> <li><a href="#reb">Case Study Research Summaries, Grades 1, 2, & 3</a></li> </ul> </div> <p class="slider" aria-expanded="false" id="accordianuos" aria-controls="sectuos" tabindex="0" role="link"><span class="rspv-up-arrow" role="img" aria-label="collapsed icon"></span><strong>Units of Study</strong></p> <div class="internal" id="sectuos" aria-labelledby="accordianuos" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> <ul class="uos"> <li><a href="#dr">Data Reports</a></li> <li><a href="#cs">Case Studies</a></li> </ul> </div> <hr> <p class="slider" aria-expanded="false" id="accordianuos" aria-controls="sectuos" tabindex="0" role="link"><span class="rspv-up-arrow" role="img" aria-label="collapsed icon"></span><strong>Do The Math</strong></p> <div class="internal" id="sectuos" aria-labelledby="accordianuos" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> <ul class="uos"> <li><a href="#dtm">ESSA Evidence Criteria for Do The Math</a></li> <li><a href="#dtm">Do The Math Clear Creek Independent School District Efficacy Study</a></li> <li><a href="#dtm">Do The Math St. Louis Park Public Schools Efficacy Study</a></li> </ul> </div> <p class="slider" aria-expanded="false" id="accordianuos" aria-controls="sectuos" tabindex="0" role="link"><span class="rspv-up-arrow" role="img" aria-label="collapsed icon"></span><strong>Math Expressions</strong></p> <div class="internal" id="sectuos" aria-labelledby="accordianuos" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> <ul class="uos"> <li><a href="#me">Math Expressions Meets ESSA Strong Evidence Criteria</a></li> <li><a href="#me">Math Expressions Research Evidence Base</a></li> <li><a href="#me">US Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences (IES)</a></li> <li><a href="#me">Math Expressions: Impact Study, Grades 2 and 4</a></li> <li><a href="#me">Math Expressions: Efficacy Study, Grades 3 and 5</a></li> </ul> </div> <p class="slider" aria-expanded="false" id="accordianuos" aria-controls="sectuos" tabindex="0" role="link"><span class="rspv-up-arrow" role="img" aria-label="collapsed icon"></span><strong>Matific</strong></p> <div class="internal" id="sectuos" aria-labelledby="accordianuos" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> <ul class="uos"> <li><a href="#mat">Research Evaluation: Matific Mathematics Learning Resources</a></li> <li><a href="#mat">An Evaluation of Matific Uses in Grades Two and Three: A Study of Matific Product Effectiveness</a></li> <li><a href="#mat">Research Evaluation of 茂驴陆Matific茂驴陆</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!--Content--> <div class="content"> <!--F&P--> <a name="fp" class="anchor"></a> <h2 class="sansheader">Fountas & Pinnell Literacy&trade;</h2> <p>Fountas and Pinnell share a long history of writing books and materials that are research-based and practical for teachers to use. As a result, they are committed to the important role of research in the development and ongoing evaluation of all of their reading, writing, phonics, and classroom resources.</p> <p><strong><a href="">Visit the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy&trade; Research and Standards Page</a></strong></p> <a name="fpe" class="anchor"></a> <div class="sansheader blueheader intro">Results, Efficacy and Case Studies</div> <a name="lli" class="anchor"></a> <h3 class="sansheader"> <em>Leveled Literacy Intervention</em> (<em>LLI</em>)</h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">The What Works Clearinghouse <em>LLI</em> Effectiveness Study</h4> <ul class="lli"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Third Party Assessment</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-2</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> The What Works Clearinghouse and the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE) found <em>LLI</em> to have a POSITIVE EFFECT on general reading achievement and reading fluency based on a comprehensive review of available evidence.</li> </ul> <div><strong><a href="">Full Report</a></strong></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Evidence for ESSA review of <em>LLI</em> K&ndash;2</h4> <ul class="lli"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Third Party Assessment</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-2</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> ESSA reviewed the research on <em>LLI</em>, finding STRONG EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS for students in grades K-2.</li> </ul> <div><strong><a href="">Full Report</a></strong></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Efficacy of the <em>Leveled Literacy Intervention</em> System for K-2 Urban Students: Denver Public Schools </h4> <ul class="lli"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party </li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-2 </li> <li><strong>Region:</strong> West </li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity:</strong> Urban </li> <li><strong>District Size:</strong> Large </li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> The results of the <em>LLI</em> efficacy study in Denver, CO revealed that <em>LLI</em> POSITIVELY IMPACTS students&rsquo; literacy achievement. </li> </ul> <div> <strong><a href="">Executive Summary</a><br /> <a href="">Full Report</a></strong> </div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Implementation of Effective Intervention: An Empirical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of <em>Fountas &amp; Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention</em> </h4> <ul class="lli"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party </li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-2 </li> <li><strong>Region:</strong> Southeast, Northeast </li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity:</strong> Rural, Suburban</li> <li><strong>District Size:</strong> Medium </li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> The <em>LLI</em> efficacy study conducted in GA and NY employed a randomized controlled trial, mixed-methods design and included both quantitative and qualitative data to discover POSITIVE IMPACTS on students&rsquo; literacy achievement. </li> </ul> <div> <strong><a href="">Executive Summary </a> <br /> <a href="">Full Report </a></strong> </div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">The Efficacy of the <em>Leveled Literacy Intervention</em> System for Students in Grades 3&ndash;5: Data Summary Report for Abilene Independent School District </h4> <ul class="lli"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party </li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> 3-5</li> <li><strong>Region:</strong> Southwest</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity:</strong> Urban</li> <li><strong>District Size:</strong> Large </li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> The quantitative and qualitative <em>LLI</em> efficacy study in Abilene, TX of 548 student participants found POSITIVE IMPACTS on students&rsquo; literacy achievement. </li> </ul> <div><strong><a href="">Full Report </a></strong></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">The Efficacy of the <em>Leveled Literacy Intervention</em> System for Students in Grades 3&ndash;5: Data Summary Report for Denver Public Schools</h4> <ul class="lli"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party </li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> 3-5</li> <li><strong>Region:</strong> West</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity:</strong> Urban</li> <li><strong>District Size:</strong> Large </li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> The <em>LLI</em> efficacy study in Denver, CO of 115 students in 3<sup>rd</sup>-5<sup>th</sup> grade used a mixed-methods design and included both quantitative and qualitative data to discover POSITIVE IMPACTS on students&rsquo; literacy achievement. </li> </ul> <div><strong><a href="">Full Report</a></strong></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">The Efficacy of the <em>Leveled Literacy Intervention</em> System for Students in Grades 3&ndash;5: Data Summary Report for Sandwich Public Schools</h4> <ul class="lli"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party </li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> 3-5</li> <li><strong>Region:</strong> Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity:</strong> Suburban</li> <li><strong>District Size:</strong> Medium </li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> The <em>LLI</em> efficacy study in Sandwich, MA determined the efficacy of LLI in increasing literacy achievement for students in grades 3-5, examined implementation fidelity, and determined perceptions of the LLI system according to relevant stakeholder, concluding in POSITIVE IMPACTS on students&rsquo; literacy achievement. </li> </ul> <div><strong><a href="">Full Report</a></strong></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><em>Leveled Literacy Intervention</em> Data Collection Project</h4> <ul class="lli"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Self-Reported Data Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-2</li> <li><strong>Region:</strong> North America</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity:</strong> Urban, Suburban, Rural</li> <li><strong>District Size:</strong> Large, Medium, Small </li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> In this descriptive study of reading gains, 34 sites across the United States and Canada submitted data forms to self-report on student demographics, teacher experience, implementation, and performance data for <em>LLI</em>, finding POSITIVE IMPACTS on students&rsquo; literacy achievement. </li> </ul> <div> <strong> <a href="">Executive Summary: Year 1 </a> <br /> <a href="">Executive Summary: Year 2</a><br /> <a href="">Summary: Special Education Students</a><br /> <a href="">Summary: English Language Learners</a><br /> <a href="">Browse 34 Site-Specific Reports</a></strong> </div> </div> <a name="fpc" class="anchor"></a> <h3 class="sansheader"><em>Fountas &amp; Pinnell Classroom&trade;</em> (<em>FPC</em>)</h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><em>Fountas &amp; Pinnell Classroom&trade;</em> : Spotlight on Midway Independent School District</h4> <ul class="fpc"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-6</li> <li><strong>Region:</strong> Southwest</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity:</strong> Suburban</li> <li><strong>District Size:</strong> Large, Medium</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> Beyond a new level of competency in literacy as measured through assessments and report cards, <em>FPC</em> has influenced the culture at Midway Independent School District, turning reluctant students into avid readers.</li> </ul> <div><strong><a href="">Full Report</a></strong></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><em>Fountas &amp; Pinnell Classroom&trade;</em> : Spotlight on Hillsboro City Schools</h4> <ul class="fpc"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-6</li> <li><strong>Region:</strong> United States</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity:</strong> Urban, Suburban, Rural</li> <li><strong>District Size:</strong> Large, Medium, Small</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> Hillsboro City Schools&rsquo; 3<sup>rd</sup> grade state test scores doubled after the first year of implementation of <em>FPC</em>.</li> </ul> <div><strong><a href="">Full Report</a></strong></div> </div> <a name="bas" class="anchor"></a> <h3 class="sansheader"><em>Benchmark Assessment System</em> (<em>BAS</em>)</h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Field Study of Reliability and Validity of <em>Fountas &amp; Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Systems 1 and 2</em></h4> <ul class="bas"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Field Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-8</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> A total of 22 different schools participated a formative evaluation of BAS to assess reliability of text leveling, and validity and accuracy of reading cores to identify student reading levels.</li> </ul> <div> <strong> <a href="">Executive Summary</a><br /> <a href="">Full Report</a></strong> </div> </div> <a name="sel" class="anchor"></a> <h3 class="sansheader"><em>Sistema de evaluaci&oacute;n de la lectura</em> (<em>SEL</em>)</h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Field Study of Validity and Reliability: <em>Sistema de evaluaci&oacute;n de la lectura</em> (<em>SEL</em>)</h4> <ul class="sel"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Field Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-2</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> A formative evaluation of the <em>Sistema</em> was conducted to ensure that (1) the leveling of the texts is reliable, and (2) the reading scores are valid and accurately identify each student's reading level. Click on the links below to review the results.</li> </ul> <div> <strong> <a href="">Read Executive Summary</a><br /> <a href="">Read Full Report</a><br /> <a href="">Read more about <em>SEL</em> Research and the Advisory Panel</a></strong> </div> </div> <div class="stickybreak"></div> <a name="fpr" class="anchor"></a> <div class="sansheader blueheader intro">Research</div> <a name="fpcr" class="anchor"></a> <h3 class="sansheader"><em>Fountas &amp; Pinnell Classroom&trade;</em> (<em>FPC</em>)</h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">The Research Base for <em>Fountas &amp; Pinnell Classroom&trade;</em></h4> <ul class="fpc"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Research Base</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> PreK-6</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> <em>Fountas &amp; Pinnell Classroom&trade;</em> rests on a thorough and thoughtful examination of existing research. This is an extensive review of the foundational research underpinning the development of <em>FPC</em>, along with recent research that supports and aligns with a comprehensive literacy system.</li> </ul> <div> <strong> <a href="">Read <em>FPC</em> Research Base</a><br /> <a href="">Read more about FPC Research and Standards</a></strong> </div> </div> <a name="llir" class="anchor"></a> <h3 class="sansheader"><em>Leveled Literacy Intervention</em> (<em>LLI</em>)</h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Research Base for <em>Leveled Literacy Intervention</em>, Grades K&ndash;2 (Levels A&ndash;N)</h4> <ul class="lli"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Research Base</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-5+</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> The development of <em>LLI</em> was driven by prior research that established about how children learn to read, and what works best with struggling readers.</li> </ul> <div><strong><em><a href="">LLI K-2 Research Base</a></em></strong></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Research Base for <em>Leveled Literacy Intervention</em>, Grades 3&ndash;5+ (Levels L&ndash;W)</h4> <ul class="lli"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Research Base</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-5+</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> The 15 principles on which the <em>LLI Red, Gold, </em> and <em>Purple</em> systems are based are discussed, along with the supporting research. The lesson framework for the extended systems of <em>LLI</em> rests on these principles.</li> </ul> <div><strong><em><a href="">LLI 3-5 Research Base</a></em></strong></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Research connected with the Development of <em>LLI</em></h4> <ul class="lli"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Field Study, Pilot Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-5+</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> During the development of <em>LLI</em>, a field study was conducted at sites around the United States to assess the <em>LLI</em> Student data from three of sites was analyzed for a pilot research project that examined student progress.</li> </ul> <div> <strong> <a href="">Field Study</a><br /> <a href="">Pilot Study</a><br /> <a href="">Read more about LLI Research, Standards and Efficacy</a></strong> </div> </div> <a name="basr" class="anchor"></a> <h3 class="sansheader"><em>Benchmark Assessment System</em> (<em>BAS</em>)</h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><em>BAS</em> Research</h4> <ul class="bas"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Field Study, Study Conducted by Third Party</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-8</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> An outside evaluation team conducted an independent study of the system's reliability and validity as a way of measuring reading progress against grade-level criteria.</li> </ul> <div> <strong> <a href="">Executive Summary</a><br /> <a href="">Full Report</a><br /> <a href="">Read more about <em>BAS</em> Research</a></strong> </div> </div> <a name="pwsr" class="anchor"></a> <h3 class="sansheader"><em>Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study System</em> (<em>PWS</em>)</h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Research Base: <em>Phonics, Spelling</em> and <em>Word Study Systems (K-6)</em></h4> <ul class="pws"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Research Base</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-6</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> This document explores twelve compelling principles distilled from a large body of research and decades of research on literacy</li> </ul> <div><strong><a href="">Research Base</a></strong></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">The <em>Fountas &amp; Pinnell Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study Systems</em>: Explicit, Systematic, and Grounded in the Twelve Principles from Research</h4> <ul class="pws"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Research Summary</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-6</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> The <em>Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study Systems</em>are grounded in twelve principles derived from research evidence.</li> </ul> <div><strong><a href="">Twelve Principles</a></strong></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><em>Phonics Lessons</em> &copy; 2003</h4> <ul class="pws"> <li><strong>Report Type:</strong> Research Base</li> <li><strong>Grade Level:</strong> K-6</li> <li><strong>Highlights:</strong> <em>Phonics Lessons</em> are grounded in a wide base of academic research, including all the areas examined by The National Reading Panel, and reflect its recommendations for phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.</li> </ul> <div> <strong> <a href="">Phonics Lessons Research Base (2003)</a><br /> <a href="">Read more about <em>PWS</em> Research</a></strong> </div> </div> <!--SAXON--> <div class="stickybreak"></div> <hr class="stripe" /> <a name="reb" class="anchor"></a> <h2 class="sansheader" style="position:relative;top:unset;">Saxon Phonics and Spelling</h2> <p style="position:relative;top:unset;z-index:2;"><strong><!--<a href="">Saxon Page</a>--></strong></p> <a name="reb" class="anchor"></a> <div class="sansheader blueheader intro" style="margin-bottom:20px;">Research Data</div> <h3 class="sansheader">Saxon Phonics and Spelling: Evidence and Research Trials </h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>Research Evidence Base</strong></h4> <!-- <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: 3-5</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast, Southeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban, Suburban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Large, Medium</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners, Students with Disabilities</li> <li><strong>Highlights: </strong>&ldquo;Overall, results indicate that TCRWP implementation is associated with improvements on ELS achievement starting in the second year of implementation, and in schools that opt to continue with the approach long term, the magnitude of effects grow larder over time.&rdquo; Furthermore, results pertain to subgroups of students with disabilities and multilingual language learners as well as the general student population.</li> </ul>--> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>Randomized Control Trial (RCT) Grades 1 and 2</strong></h4> <!-- <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Efficacy Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Large</li> <li><strong>Race/Ethnicity:</strong> Asian, Black, Hispanic, White, Multiracial</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Students with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners</li> </ul>--> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Case Studies Research Trials (CSRT) Grades 1, 2, and 3</h4> <!--<ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Efficacy Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban, Suburban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Large</li> <li><strong>Race/Ethnicity:</strong> Asian, Black, Hispanic, White, Multiracial</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Students with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners</li> </ul>--> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="stickybreak"></div> <!--UOS--> <div class="stickybreak"></div> <hr class="stripe" /> <a name="uos" class="anchor"></a> <h2 class="sansheader" style="position:relative;top:unset;">Units of Study</h2> <p style="position:relative;top:unset;z-index:2;"><strong><a href="">Visit the Units of Study Research &amp; Results Page</a></strong></p> <a name="dr" class="anchor"></a> <div class="sansheader blueheader intro" style="margin-bottom:20px;">Data Reports</div> <h3 class="sansheader">Units of Study: Reading, Writing, Phonics, Grades K-8 </h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>American Institutes for Research Study</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: 3-5</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast, Southeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban, Suburban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Large, Medium</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners, Students with Disabilities</li> <li><strong>Highlights: </strong>&ldquo;Overall, results indicate that TCRWP implementation is associated with improvements on ELS achievement starting in the second year of implementation, and in schools that opt to continue with the approach long term, the magnitude of effects grow larder over time.&rdquo; Furthermore, results pertain to subgroups of students with disabilities and multilingual language learners as well as the general student population.</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>New York City Data Report, 2019</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Efficacy Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Large</li> <li><strong>Race/Ethnicity:</strong> Asian, Black, Hispanic, White, Multiracial</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Students with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">California Data Report, 2018</h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Efficacy Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban, Suburban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Large</li> <li><strong>Race/Ethnicity:</strong> Asian, Black, Hispanic, White, Multiracial</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Students with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="stickybreak"></div> <a name="cs" class="anchor"></a> <div class="sansheader blueheader intro" style="margin-bottom:20px;">Case Studies</div> <h3 class="sansheader">Units of Study: Reading, Writing, Phonics, Grades K-8 </h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>PS 249, The Caton School, Brooklyn, NY<br /> PS 36, J.C. Drumgoole School, Staten Island, NY<br /> PS 199, Jesse Isadore Strauss, Manhattan, NY</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: K-2</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Large</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Students with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>View the Case Study</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>PS 249, The Caton School, Brooklyn, NY</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>Race/Ethnicity</strong>: Hispanic, Black</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Large</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Students with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners</li> <li><strong>Highlights</strong>: National Blue Ribbon School; number 1 Title I school in the country</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>View the Case Study</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>North Shore Middle School/Hartland South Intermediate School, Hartland Lakeside School District, Hartland, WI<br /> Southwood Glen Elementary School, Franklin School District, Franklin, WI</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: K-8</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Midwest</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Suburban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Medium</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Students with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>View the Case Study</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>PS 15, Roberto Clemente School, Manhattan, NY</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Large</li> <li><strong>Race/Ethnicity</strong>: Hispanic, Asian, Black</li> <li><strong>Highlights</strong>: The school was recently recognized as a School of Recognition in Good Standing, with special commendation as &lsquo;Most Improved.&rsquo; </li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>View the Case Study</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>PS 91 Richard Arkwright School, Queens, NY</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban </li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Large</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Students with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>View the Case Study</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>PS 290, Manhattan New School</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Large</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>View the Case Study</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>PS/MS 20, </strong><strong>P.O. George J. Werdann, III School, Bronx, NY</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary, Middle</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Large</li> <li><strong>Race/Ethnicity</strong>: Hispanic, Black</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Students with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged, English Learner</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>View the Case Study</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>Burr Elementary School, Fairfield, CT</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary </li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Suburban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Medium</li> <li><strong>Race/Ethnicity:</strong> Hispanic, White, Multiracial</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Students with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged, English Learners</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>View the Case Study</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>Darien Public Schools, Darien, CT</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Suburban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Medium</li> <li><strong>Highlights</strong>: Hindley and Tokeneke, two of Darien&rsquo;s five elementary schools, have been awarded National Blue Ribbon status.</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>View the Case Study</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>Harwinton Consolidated School, Harwinton, CT</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Suburban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Small</li> <li><strong>Population</strong>: Hispanic, White, Multiracial</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>View the Case Study</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>Kelly Lane Primary School, Granby Public Schools, Granby, CT</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Case Study</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Northeast</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Suburban</li> <li><strong>District Size</strong>: Small</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>View the Case Study</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>Units of Study Research Base</strong></h4> <p>Teachers College Reading and Writing Project is a think tank that has long built its ideas and practices off of established and new research. Download the Research Base document for a summary of some of TCRWP&rsquo;s key beliefs and practices as well as a summary of the research that informs their work.</p> <div><a href=""><strong>Research Base</strong></a></div> </div> <hr> <!--DO THE MATH--> <div class="stickybreak"></div> <hr class="stripe" /> <a name="dtm" class="anchor"></a> <h2 class="sansheader" style="position:relative;top:unset;">Do the Math</h2> <p style="position:relative;top:unset;z-index:2;"><strong><!--<a href="">Saxon Page</a>--></strong></p> <a name="dtm" class="anchor"></a> <div class="sansheader blueheader intro" style="margin-bottom:20px;">Research Data</div> <h3 class="sansheader">Do the Math: Evidence and Studies </h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>ESSA Evidence Criteria for Do the Math</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Third Party Assessment</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: 3</li> <li><strong>Highlights: </strong>&ldquo;Results from QED study indicated significant achievement growth. Participating students outperformed peers at the comparison school in the district on the state assessment.</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>Do the Math - Clear Creek Independent School District Efficacy Study</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Third Party Assessment</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: 2</li> <li><strong>Highlights</strong>: RMC Research analysis revealed that Do The Math students made significant gains on the Math Inventory between Fall and Spring. Findings also showed a significant and positive relationship between minutes of Do The Math instruction per week and Math Inventory gains.</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Do The Math - St. Louis Park Public Schools Efficacy Study</h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Third Party Assessment</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: 3-5</li> <li><strong>Highlights</strong>: Findings from an NWEA Research Report revealed that Do The Math students scores exceeded the projected growth of the NWEA RIT scores from fall to spring.</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="stickybreak"></div> <!--MATH EXPRESSIONS--> <div class="stickybreak"></div> <hr class="stripe" /> <a name="me" class="anchor"></a> <h2 class="sansheader" style="position:relative;top:unset;">Math Expressions</h2> <p style="position:relative;top:unset;z-index:2;"><strong><!--<a href="">Saxon Page</a>--></strong></p> <a name="me" class="anchor"></a> <div class="sansheader blueheader intro" style="margin-bottom:20px;">Research Data</div> <h3 class="sansheader">Math Expressions: Evidence and Studies </h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>Math Expressions Meets ESSA Strong Evidence Criteria</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Third Party Assessment</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: 1-2</li> <li><strong>Highlights: </strong> Results indicated that students in schools randomly assigned to use Math Expressions had significantly greater math achievement as measure by math assessment designed for the Early Childhood Study-Kindergarten Class of 1998-99.</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>Math Expressions Research Evidence Base</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Research Evidence Base</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary, Middle</li> <li><strong>Highlights</strong>: The results of the study showed that students using Math Expressions were performing at higher levels of math achievement when compared with students using similar programs. Math Expressions yielded substantial increases in test scores as well as broader measures of understanding.</li> </ul> <div><a href=" Evidence Base.pdf"><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">US Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences (IES): Achievement Effects of Four Early Elementary School Math Curricula: Finding for First and Second Graders (Year 2)</h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Efficacy Study, Publication from External Organization, Study Conducted by Third Party</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Urban, Suburban</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Math Expressions: Impact Study, Grades 2 and 4</h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Midwest, West</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Suburban, Rural</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Math Expressions: Efficacy Study, Grades 3 and 5</h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Efficacy Study, Study Conducted by Third Party</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: Elementary</li> <li><strong>District Urbanicity</strong>: Suburban</li> <li><strong>Study Conducted by</strong>: Educational Research Institute of America (ERIA)</li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="stickybreak"></div> <!--MATIFIC--> <div class="stickybreak"></div> <hr class="stripe" /> <a name="mat" class="anchor"></a> <h2 class="sansheader" style="position:relative;top:unset;">Matific</h2> <p style="position:relative;top:unset;z-index:2;"><strong><!--<a href="">Saxon Page</a>--></strong></p> <a name="mat" class="anchor"></a> <div class="sansheader blueheader intro" style="margin-bottom:20px;">Research Data</div> <h3 class="sansheader">Matific: Evaluation and Studies </h3> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>Research Evaluation: Matific Mathematics Learning Resources</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Third Party Assessment</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: 1-6</li> <li><strong>Highlights: </strong> Qualitative data from the Western Sydney University study gathered from participating students is that Matific assisted learning. </li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader"><strong>An Evaluation of Matific Uses in Grades Two and Three: A Study of Matific Product Effectiveness</strong></h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Third Party Assessment</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: 2-3</li> <li><strong>Region</strong>: Hampton City School District in Virginia</li> <li><strong>Highlights</strong>: A year-long study by SEG Measurement concluded students in classes using Matific improved their math skills significantly more than students in classes receiving instruction without Matific. </li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="res-summary"> <h4 class="sansheader">Research Evaluation of "Matific" </h4> <ul class="uos"> <li><strong>Report Type</strong>: Third Party Assessment</li> <li><strong>Grade Level</strong>: 1-6, Special Ed (Henrietta Szold Institute)</li> <li><strong>Highlights</strong>: Findings from the Henrietta Szold Institute show the benefits of Matific, including comprehension and interest in both learning and teaching.</strong></li> </ul> <div><a href=""><strong>Download the Report</strong></a></div> </div> <div class="stickybreak"></div> </div> </div> <!--/.content--> </div> <!-- /.grid-row --> </div> <!-- /.wrapper --> </div> <!-- /.envelope --> <style>footer.footer .social-icons li a {background:none; 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