Altmetric – Phase 2 Trial of Topical Application of the Hedgehog Inhibitor Patidegib in Patients With Gorlin Syndrome
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The score is derived from an automated algorithm, and represents a weighted count of the amount of attention we've picked up for a research output.</p> <p><a target="_blank" href="">Click here to learn more about how Altmetric Attention Scores are calculated.</a></p> " href="#"><i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i></a> About this Attention Score </h2> <ul> <li> <div class='summary'>In the top 25% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric</div> </li> <li> <div class='summary'>High Attention Score compared to outputs of the same age (88th percentile)</div> </li> <li> <div class='summary'>High Attention Score compared to outputs of the same age and source (96th percentile)</div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class='mention-counts-wrapper'> <h2>Mentioned by</h2> <dl class='mention-counts'> <dt style="background-color: #B60000">news</dt><dd><a href="/details/170943333/news"><strong>1</strong> news outlet</a></dd> </dl> <dl class='mention-counts'> <dt style="background-color: #e89500">blogs</dt><dd><a href="/details/170943333/blogs"><strong>1</strong> blog</a></dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class='content-panel'><div class='tab-panel-wrapper'> <div class='tab-panel'> <a class="summary_tab active" href="/details/170943333">Summary</a> <a href="/details/170943333/news">News</a> <a href="/details/170943333/blogs">Blogs</a> </div> </div> <div class='content-panel-inner' id='main-content'> <div class='tabbed-panel'> <div class='summary-panel'> <a class='limited-access-warning' href='' target='_blank'> You are seeing a free-to-access but limited selection of the activity Altmetric has collected about this research output. <strong>Click here to find out more</strong>. </a> <div class='summary-document-wrapper'> <div class='summary-document-details'> <div class='document-details-table'> <table> <tr> <th>Title</th> <td> <div class='content-wrapper'> Phase 2 Trial of Topical Application of the Hedgehog Inhibitor Patidegib in Patients With Gorlin Syndrome </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Published in</th> <td> <div class='content-wrapper'> British Journal of Dermatology, November 2024 </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>DOI</th> <td><a target="_blank" href="">10.1093/bjd/ljae444</a></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Pubmed ID</th> <td> <div class='content-wrapper'> <a target="_blank" href="">39545486</a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Authors</th> <td> <div class='content-wrapper'> <p class='truncated' data-truncate-collapse='[hide]' data-truncate-expand='[show]' data-truncate-to='100'> John T Lear, Catherine A Harwood, Zeeshaan Hasan, Jonathan Kentley, Jason Thomson, Andre Khoo, Alix Alderman, Mark DeSouza, Ervin H Epstein, Gerd G Kochendoerfer, Jean Y Tang </p> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class='banner'> <span class='banner-text'> <img alt='' height='20' src='/details/assets/information-ai-56fe541e4cb0ddb2e20d7b591b3ba28420e101618bdda76d3e6ad5bd5bd84a89.svg' width='20'> Sentiment analysis is coming soon for social media </span> <a class='banner-button' href='' target='_blank'>Find out more</a> </div> </div> <div class='summary-document-actions'> <a target="_blank" class="publisher button" href="">View on publisher site</a> <a class="email email-update-link button" href="/details/email_updates?document_title=Phase+2+Trial+of+Topical+Application+of+the+Hedgehog+Inhibitor+Patidegib+in+Patients+With+Gorlin+Syndrome&id=170943333">Alert me about new mentions</a> </div> </div> <sl-tab-group id='summary-tabs'> <sl-tab panel='timeline' slot='nav'> Timeline </sl-tab> <sl-tab-panel name='timeline'> <div class='timeline-promo'> <picture> <source height='400' media='(min-width: 1400px)' srcset='/details/assets/components/timeline_promo/Chart-large-99f982b1e7b0ad778e18d1edf4ffcb25cd9a74a1f60db20fe85b2896618ceeef.png' width='1513'> <source height='398' media='(min-width: 960px)' srcset='/details/assets/components/timeline_promo/Chart-medium-4cc29fe8339f07926ce2349960c9e276143cf947507bb959771bb2cc6e67a438.png' width='942'> <img alt='' class='timeline-promo-image' height='557' src='/details/assets/components/timeline_promo/Chart-small-64d94c38d69f046c3ba53a2d94fbe59735ff15de00151846a6c730aad58629ed.png' width='690'> </picture> <div class='timeline-promo-alert'> <div class='timeline-promo-icon'></div> <div class='timeline-promo-message'> <p> <a href='' target='_blank'>Login</a> to access the full chart related to this output. </p> <p> If you don’t have an account, <a href='' target='_blank'>click here to discover Explorer</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </sl-tab-panel> <sl-tab panel='score' slot='nav'> Attention Score in Context </sl-tab> <sl-tab-panel name='score'> <h2>Attention Score in Context</h2> <div class='section-summary'> <div class='link'><a class="contextual-help-link" data-type="score_context" title="About this data" data-content="<h3>What am I seeing on this tab?</h3> <p>An Altmetric Attention Score is calculated for every research output that has been mentioned in at least one of our <a href='' target='_blank'>tracked sources</a>. On its own, the Altmetric Attention Score doesn’t provide enough information for you to assess the amount of attention received, relative to other output tracked. For instance, you might want to know if the amount of attention is typical for journal articles that were published at a similar time. Or, you might want to know if the amount of attention exceeds levels expected for other articles in the same journal. With contextual information, you can compare this output’s Altmetric Attention Score against other facets, e.g., in the same journal, age, and more.</p> <p>Please note that if Altmetric has not found any mentions of the research output, that output will not be included in the Attention Score in Context calculations. <a href='' target='_blank'>Click here to learn how Altmetric Attention Scores are calculated</a>.</p> " href="#"><i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i></a></div> <div class='text'>This research output has an <strong>Altmetric Attention Score</strong> of <strong>12</strong>. This is our high-level measure of the quality and quantity of online attention that it has received. This Attention Score, as well as the ranking and number of research outputs shown below, was calculated when the research output was last mentioned on <strong>21 November 2024</strong>.</div> </div> <sl-tab-group class='score-context'> <sl-tab panel='all' slot='nav'> <div class='context'> <div class='prelude'>All research outputs</div> <div class='large-number'><span class='hash'>#</span>3,128,722</div> <div class='small-number'>of 27,251,929 outputs</div> </div> </sl-tab> <sl-tab panel='journal' slot='nav'> <div class='context'> <div class='prelude'>Outputs from British Journal of Dermatology</div> <div class='large-number'><span class='hash'>#</span>1,159</div> <div class='small-number'>of 10,875 outputs</div> </div> </sl-tab> <sl-tab panel='coeval' slot='nav'> <div class='context'> <div class='prelude'>Outputs of similar age</div> <div class='large-number'><span class='hash'>#</span>16,855</div> <div class='small-number'>of 154,998 outputs</div> </div> </sl-tab> <sl-tab panel='coeval_journal' slot='nav'> <div class='context'> <div class='prelude'>Outputs of similar age from British Journal of Dermatology</div> <div class='large-number'><span class='hash'>#</span>1</div> <div class='small-number'>of 25 outputs</div> </div> </sl-tab> <sl-tab-panel name='all'> <div class='score-context-content'> Altmetric has tracked 27,251,929 research outputs across all sources so far. Compared to these this one has done well and is in the 88th percentile: it's <strong>in the top 25% of all research outputs ever tracked</strong> by Altmetric. </div> </sl-tab-panel> <sl-tab-panel name='journal'> <div class='score-context-content'> So far Altmetric has tracked 10,875 research outputs from this source. They typically receive more attention than average, with a mean Attention Score of 9.4. This one has done well, scoring <strong>higher than 88% of its peers</strong>. </div> </sl-tab-panel> <sl-tab-panel name='coeval'> <div class='score-context-content'> Older research outputs will score higher simply because they've had more time to accumulate mentions. To account for age we can compare this Altmetric Attention Score to the 154,998 tracked outputs that were published within six weeks on either side of this one in any source. This one has done well, scoring <strong>higher than 88% of its contemporaries</strong>. </div> </sl-tab-panel> <sl-tab-panel name='coeval_journal'> <div class='score-context-content'> We're also able to compare this research output to 25 others from the same source and published within six weeks on either side of this one. This one has done particularly well, scoring <strong>higher than 96% of its contemporaries</strong>. </div> </sl-tab-panel> </sl-tab-group> </sl-tab-panel> </sl-tab-group> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='branding-footer'> <p class='credits'>This page is provided by <a href='' target='_blank'>Altmetric</a>.</p> <a class='logo' href='' target='_blank'>Altmetric</a> </div> </div> <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script></body> </html>