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class="heading--1cooZo6n heading--h3--23mHEuMI subtitle--3jXY-5PN">Apple's lowest-cost notebook starts at $999 with an M2 chip and 13.6-inch display. Updated M3 models start at $1,099 (13.6-inch) and $1,299 (15.3-inch).</h2><div class="textRow--3IWlPgCD textRow__minor--1ftgA2JY">By <a href="">MacRumors Staff</a> <time itemProp="dateModified" dateTime="2024-11-14T17:26:10 PST">on November 14, 2024</time></div></div><div class="headerCol--1urEfuE9"><img src="" width="904" height="564" alt="MacBook Air"/></div></header><aside><div class="quickInfoRow--3c5e-xPk"><div class="quickInfoCol--TcLho3s8"><h3 class="heading--1cooZo6n heading--h3--23mHEuMI">At a Glance</h3><div class="productInfo--3ukUW5xm">13" MacBook Air<br /><div class="status--3AXqaCzw "><div class="productBuyStatus--vbWO6ijy statusCell--1FKTVtOd "><strong>Neutral</strong></div><div class="statusCell--1FKTVtOd"><a class="buyerslink--3amL-Du0" href="">Mid-product Cycle</a></div></div></div><div class="productInfo--3ukUW5xm">15" MacBook Air<br /><div class="status--3AXqaCzw "><div class="productBuyStatus--vbWO6ijy statusCell--1FKTVtOd "><strong>Neutral</strong></div><div class="statusCell--1FKTVtOd"><a class="buyerslink--3amL-Du0" href="">Mid-product Cycle</a></div></div></div><ul><li>Apple in March 2024 launched updated 13-inch and 15-inch models equipped with Apple's M3 chip.</li> <li>M2 13-inch options remain available at lower prices.</li><li>RAM increased to 16GB minimum in October 2024.</li></ul></div><div class="quickInfoCol--TcLho3s8"><h3 class="heading--1cooZo6n heading--h3--23mHEuMI">Current Specs</h3><ul><li>13.6" or 15.3" screen size</li> <li>2560 x 1664 (13-inch) or 2880 x 1864 (15-inch) Liquid Retina display with True Tone</li> <li>Apple M2 or M3 chip with 8-core CPU and up to 10-core GPU</li> <li>Up to 24 GB RAM</li> <li>Up to 2 TB SSD</li> <li>Touch ID</li> <li>Thunderbolt/USB-C</li> <li>Scissor-switch Magic Keyboard</li> </ul></div><div class="quickInfoCol--TcLho3s8"><h3 class="heading--1cooZo6n heading--h3--23mHEuMI">Models</h3><p><b>13.6-inch M2:</b><br> - Starting at $999 with M2 chip (8-core GPU), 16 GB memory & 256 GB storage<br> <b>13.6-inch M3:</b><br> - Starting at $1,099 with M3 chip (8-core GPU), 16GB memory & 256 GB storage<br> <b>15.3-inch M3:</b><br> - Starting at $1,299 with M3 chip (10-core graphics), 16 GB memory & 256 GB storage</p></div></div><div class="quickInfoFooter--3-malOHZ"><div class="quickInfoFooterCol--1UZMBAzi"><div class="quickInfoLastUpdated--gdDDTTUv"><div>Roundup Last Updated <span itemprop="dateModified" content="2024-11-14T17:26:10 PST">2 weeks ago</span></div></div></div><div class="quickInfoFooterCol--1UZMBAzi recentChanges--2wp1TZhg"><ul id="highlight"><!-- --></ul></div><div class="quickInfoFooterCol--1UZMBAzi"><ul><li></li><li></li></ul></div></div></aside><div class="subscribe--2zyGL_u1"><form class="emailForm--1udYfxHy" action="" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" target="_blank" novalidate=""><p><label for="mce-FORM">Subscribe for regular MacRumors news and future <strong>MacBook Air</strong> <!-- -->info.</label></p><input type="email" value="" title="Email address" name="EMAIL" id="mce-FORM" placeholder="Email Address" size="30"/><input type="text" class="honepot--1tQ5qxA3" name="b_7d0106b433773bd0aef5828e0_3989954cde" value="" title="Leave blank" tabindex="-1"/><input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id=""/></form></div><div><div class="ugc--2nTu61bm" data-io-article-url="/roundup/macbook-air/"><h2 class="section-title" id="should_you_buy_a_macbook_air">Should You Buy a MacBook Air?</h2> <section> <div class="col-80 center"> <p>Apple refreshed the MacBook Air in March of 2024, which means <strong>now is still a good time to upgrade</strong>. The latest 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Air models feature faster M3 chips, with price and display size as the only significant differentiating factors between the two sizes. Apple increased the starting RAM to 16GB in October 2024 without raising the price, making the MacBook Air an even better deal.</p> <p>Note that a refreshed MacBook Air is is expected until spring 2025, with Apple planning to add a next-generation M4 chip. If you're someone who prefers to have the latest technology, you might want to wait to buy a MacBook Air.</p> <p>The MacBook Air is Apple's most popular computer and it is the best machine for most people because it is ideal for day-to-day tasks. The exception would be those who need the MacBook Pro for more system intensive apps for video editing, photo editing, and 3D rendering.</p> <p>Pricing on the M3 MacBook Air starts at $1,099 for the 13-inch version, but Apple is also selling the prior-generation M2 model starting at $999. If you don't need the performance gains introduced with the M3 chip, picking up the M2 MacBook Air is a good way to save some money while still getting great machine.</p> </div> </section> <h2 class="section-title" id="the_m3_macbook_air">The M3 MacBook Air</h2> <section> <div class="col-80 center"> <div class="table-of-contents"> <h2>Contents</h2> <ol> <li><a href='#should_you_buy_a_macbook_air'>Should You Buy a MacBook Air?</a></li><li><a href='#the_m3_macbook_air'>The M3 MacBook Air</a></li><li><a href='#how_to_buy'>How to Buy</a></li><li><a href='#reviews'>Reviews</a></li><li><a href='#design'>Design</a></li><ul><li><a href='#keyboard_and_trackpad'>Keyboard and Trackpad</a></li></ul><ul><li><a href='#touch_id'>Touch ID</a></li></ul><ul><li><a href='#ports'>Ports</a></li></ul><li><a href='#display'>Display</a></li><li><a href='#m3_apple_silicon_chip'>M3 Apple Silicon Chip</a></li><ul><li><a href='#media_engine'>Media Engine</a></li></ul><ul><li><a href='#memory'>Memory</a></li></ul><ul><li><a href='#custom_technologies'>Custom Technologies</a></li></ul><ul><li><a href='#storage'>Storage</a></li></ul><li><a href='#battery_life'>Battery Life</a></li><li><a href='#other_features'>Other Features</a></li><ul><li><a href='#connectivity'>Connectivity</a></li></ul><ul><li><a href='#speakers_and_microphone'>Speakers and Microphone</a></li></ul><ul><li><a href='#facetime_camera'>FaceTime Camera</a></li></ul><li><a href='#available_configurations_and_upgrade_options'>Available Configurations and Upgrade Options</a></li><ul><li><a href='#13-inch_macbook_air'>13-Inch MacBook Air</a></li></ul><ul><li><a href='#15-inch_macbook_air'>15-Inch MacBook Air</a></li></ul><li><a href='#m2_macbook_air'>M2 MacBook Air</a></li><li><a href='#whats_next_for_the_macbook_air'>What's Next For the MacBook Air</a></li><li><a href='#macbook-air-timeline'>MacBook Air Timeline</a></li> </ol> </div> <p>Apple in March 2024 updated the MacBook Air line, refreshing <strong>the 13.6-inch and the 15.3-inch models</strong>. Both of the new MacBook Air machines include the M3 chip, which is built on an updated 3-nanometer process. With 13- and 15-inch options, the MacBook Air lineup is suitable for those who want portability and those who prefer larger displays, with no need for those who want a bigger screen to shell out more money for the MacBook Pro lineup. </p> <p>Apple <b>did not change the design</b> of the MacBook Air with the 2024 update, using the same design that was first introduced in 2022. The MacBook Air continues to feature the same uniform, flat body, similar to the MacBook Pro.</p> <p>The 13-inch MacBook Air measures in at 11.97 inches wide and 8.46 inches tall. It is <strong>11.3mm thick</strong> and it <strong>weighs 2.7 pounds</strong>. The 15-inch MacBook Air is 13.4 inches wide and 9.35 inches tall. It is <strong>11.5mm thick</strong>, and at <strong>3.3 pounds</strong>, it weighs a half pound more than the 13-inch model. It is, however, lighter than the 3.6 pound 14-inch MacBook Pro.</p> <p><strong>Thin black bezels</strong> surround a <strong>13.6-inch Liquid Retina Display</strong> for the 13-inch model and a <strong>15.3-inch Liquid Retina Display</strong> for the 15-inch model, both of which support 1 billion colors and feature <strong>500 nits brightness</strong>.</p> <p>There is a <strong>notch at the top of the MacBook Air display</strong>, which allows for more screen space around the <strong>1080p FaceTime HD camera</strong>. Apple added a built-in <strong>four-speaker sound system</strong> for the 13-inch MacBook Air that supports <strong>spatial audio</strong> and <strong>wide stereo</strong>, while the 15-inch model has a <strong>six-speaker system</strong>, just like the prior-generation version. Both models include a <strong>three-microphone array</strong>.</p> <p>The MacBook Air comes in <strong>Silver, Space Gray, Starlight, and Midnight</strong>, the latter of which is a dark blue shade that's almost black. The MacBook Air continues to feature a <strong>black keyboard</strong> with <strong>Touch ID</strong> and a large <strong>Force Touch trackpad</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Two USB-C ports</strong> are available on the MacBook Air along with a <strong>MagSafe port</strong> for charging purposes and a <strong>3.5mm headphone jack</strong> with support for high-impedance headphones. </p> <p>The <strong>battery</strong> in the MacBook Air <strong>lasts for up to 18 hours</strong> when watching movies or TV, and up to 15 hours when browsing the web. It <strong>supports fast-charging</strong> with an optional 70W USB-C power adapter. Both models have the same battery life.</p> <p>The MacBook Air models <strong>use Apple's M3 chip</strong>, which replaces the prior-generation M2 chip. The M3 has an <strong>8-core CPU</strong> with <strong>four high-efficiency cores</strong> and <strong>four high-performance cores</strong> along with an integrated <strong>GPU that has up to 10 cores</strong>. </p> <p>The M3 is up to <strong>30 percent faster</strong> than the prior-generation M2 chips, with the performance cores offering 15 percent faster speeds and the efficiency cores offering up to 30 percent faster speeds. There is support for <strong>up to 24GB unified memory</strong>, and in October 2024, Apple <strong>increased the base RAM</strong> of the MacBook Air <strong>to 16GB</strong>.</p> <p>Apple added <b>hardware-accelerated ray tracing</b> and <b>mesh shading</b> to the M3 to provide more accurate lighting and shadows in video games, and to make 3D design faster. There's also a <b>media engine</b> and a <b>16-core Neural Engine</b>.</p> <p><div class="center-wrap"><div class='video-wrapper'><div class='video-container'><div class="ls_video_embed aspect-16-9 lazyload" data-youtube="qI_HH9zBEEo" data-ytparams="modestbranding=1" data-thumb-size="maxresdefault"><button class="play-btn">play</button></div></div></div><em><a href="//">Subscribe to the MacRumors YouTube channel</a> for more videos.</em></div></p> <p>Pricing on the 13-inch MacBook Air with M3 chip starts at <strong>$1,099</strong>, while the 15-inch MacBook Air is priced starting at <strong>$1,299</strong>. There are SSD, memory, and processor upgrades available for both models at higher prices. Apple is continuing to sell the prior-generation M2 MacBook Air starting at $999 for those who want a more affordable option.</p> <p><small><b>Note:</b> See an error in this roundup or want to offer feedback? <a href="">Send us an email here</a>.</small></p> </div> </section> <h2 class="section-title" id="how_to_buy">How to Buy</h2> <section> <div class="col-80 center"> <p>The M3 MacBook Air can be ordered from Apple's online store or Apple retail stores, with third-party retailers also selling the machine. Pricing starts at $1,099 for the 13-inch machine, while pricing on the 15-inch machine starts at $1,299.</p> <ul> <li><a href="">MacBook Air Buyer's Guide: Comparing the Generations</a></li> <li><a href="">MacBook Air vs. MacBook Pro Buyer's Guide: 30+ Differences Compared</a></li> <li><a href="">M2 vs. M3 MacBook Air Buyer's Guide: All Differences Compared</a></li> <li><a href="">Apple Silicon Buyer's Guide: All the Differences Explained</a></li> <li><a href="">M2 vs. M3 Buyer's Guide: How Much Better Really Is M3?</a></li> </ul> </div> </section> <h2 class="section-title" id="reviews">Reviews</h2> <section> <div class="col-80 center"> <p>Reviewers praised the performance of the new M3 chip, which is up to 20 percent faster than the M2 chip in the prior-generation model. </p> <p><div class='video-wrapper'><div class='video-container'><div class="ls_video_embed aspect-16-9 lazyload" data-youtube="tM9oB1yYOuc" data-ytparams="modestbranding=1" data-thumb-size="maxresdefault"><button class="play-btn">play</button></div></div></div></p> <p>Support for two external displays when in clamshell mode was also a favorite feature of reviewers because of its versatility. Two displays can be plugged in directly to the ports on the machine. </p> <p><div class="center-wrap"><div class='video-wrapper'><div class='video-container'><div class="ls_video_embed aspect-16-9 lazyload" data-youtube="rNiebbGvAhU" data-ytparams="modestbranding=1" data-thumb-size="maxresdefault"><button class="play-btn">play</button></div></div></div></div></p> <p>The Midnight version of the MacBook Air no longer has such a significant fingerprint problem thanks to the anodization method that Apple is using, but it's not perfect and does not eliminate all fingerprints. </p> </div> </section> <h2 class="section-title" id="design">Design</h2> <section> <div class="col-80 center"> <p>Apple redesigned the MacBook Air in 2022, introducing a flat MacBook Pro-style body that's the same thickness from front to back, a departure from the tapered look that previous models used. With the 2024 refresh, Apple is using that same design, and we won't be due for a new look for a few more years.</p> <p><img alt="macbook air body" width="2000" height="126" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-850090 lazyload" src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 400w, 800w, 1600w, 2500w" data-sizes="auto" loading="lazy" /><noscript><img src="" alt="macbook air body" width="2000" height="126" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-850090" /></noscript></p> <p>The 2024 MacBook Air models are available in 15.3-inch and 13.6-inch sizes, both of which use the same design. The two models look the same except for the screen size. The 13-inch MacBook Air is 11.97 inches long, 8.46 inches deep, 11.3mm thick, and it weighs in at 2.7 pounds.</p> <p><img alt="macbook air design" width="2000" height="912" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-850089 lazyload" src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 400w, 800w, 1600w, 2500w" data-sizes="auto" loading="lazy" /><noscript><img src="" alt="macbook air design" width="2000" height="912" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-850089" /></noscript></p> <p>The 15-inch MacBook Air is, of course, larger. It is 11.5mm thick, so just a touch thicker than the 13-inch version. It is 13.4 inches long and 9.35 inches deep, and it is heavier at 3.3 pounds.</p> <p><img alt="15 inch macbook air" width="1498" height="831" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-898272 lazyload" src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 400w, 800w, 1600w, 2500w" data-sizes="auto" loading="lazy" /><noscript><img src="" alt="15 inch macbook air" width="1498" height="831" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-898272" /></noscript></p> <p>Two Thunderbolt/USB-C ports are available at the left side of both machines, along with a MagSafe charging port on the left and a 3.5mm headphone jack on the right. There are four rubber feet on the bottom of the machine, another MacBook Pro-style design touch.</p> <p><img alt="m2 macbook air" width="2000" height="1125" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-848293 lazyload" src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 400w, 800w, 1600w, 2500w" data-sizes="auto" loading="lazy" /><noscript><img src="" alt="m2 macbook air" width="2000" height="1125" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-848293" /></noscript></p> <p>There are black bezels around the display, similar to the prior-generation model, and the MacBook Air features a black Magic Keyboard with no Touch Bar, along with a large Force Touch trackpad.</p> <p>Apple sells the MacBook Air models in Silver, Space Gray, Starlight (a light gold), and Midnight, a dark blue color. The Midnight version of the MacBook Air has a new anodization seal to reduce fingerprints.</p> <h2 id="keyboard_and_trackpad">Keyboard and Trackpad</h2> <p>The 2024 MacBook Air uses the same Magic Keyboard from the prior-generation model. It features a scissor switch mechanism that is able to hold up to dust and particulates without failing, unlike the butterfly keyboards that Apple used in older Macs. </p> <p><img alt="macbook air keyboard" width="2000" height="1125" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-850088 lazyload" src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 400w, 800w, 1600w, 2500w" data-sizes="auto" loading="lazy" /><noscript><img src="" alt="macbook air keyboard" width="2000" height="1125" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-850088" /></noscript></p> <p>The scissor mechanism in the MacBook Air's keyboard offers 1mm of key travel and a stable key feel, plus it uses an Apple-designed rubber dome that stores more potential energy for a more responsive key press. The keyboard also features backlit keys controlled by an ambient light sensor to light up the keys in dark rooms. The MacBook Air has a full row of function keys with no Touch Bar. </p> <p>Below the keyboard, there's a large Force Touch trackpad that is unchanged from prior models. The Force Touch trackpad has no traditional buttons and is powered by a set of Force Sensors, allowing users to press anywhere on the trackpad to get the same response. A Taptic Engine powered by magnets provides users with tactile feedback when using the trackpad, replacing the feel of a physical button press.</p> <p>The Force Touch trackpad supports a light press, which is used as a regular click, along with a deeper press or "force click" as a separate gesture that does things like offer up definitions for a highlighted word.</p> <h2 id="touch_id">Touch ID</h2> <p>The M3 MacBook Air has a Touch ID fingerprint sensor that's located next to the function keys at the top of the keyboard. Touch ID is powered by a Secure Enclave that keeps your fingerprint data and personal information safe.</p> <p>Touch ID on the MacBook Air can be used instead of a password, unlocking the Mac when a finger is placed on the sensor. It also replaces a password for password-protected apps, and it can be used to make Apple Pay purchases in Safari.</p> <h2 id="ports">Ports</h2> <p>The MacBook Air features two Thunderbolt 3/USB-C ports that support transfer speeds of up to 40Gb/s, plus there's a MagSafe 3 charging port.</p> <p><img alt="macbook air ports" width="1300" height="691" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-850087 lazyload" src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 400w, 800w, 1600w, 2500w" data-sizes="auto" loading="lazy" /><noscript><img src="" alt="macbook air ports" width="1300" height="691" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-850087" /></noscript></p> <p>Apple also still includes a 3.5mm headphone jack with support for high-impedance headphones. </p> </div> </section> <h2 class="section-title" id="display">Display</h2> <section> <div class="col-80 center"> <p>There are two MacBook Air models, one with a display that measures in at 13.6 inches and one with a display that measures in at 15.3 inches. Both models have slim bezels and use "Liquid Retina Display Technology," with no new changes to display technology in 2024. Like the MacBook Pro, the MacBook Air has a notch to allow for more display space while still providing access to a 1080p webcam. </p></p> <p><img alt="macbook air display" width="1300" height="731" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-850086 lazyload" src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 400w, 800w, 1600w, 2500w" data-sizes="auto" loading="lazy" /><noscript><img src="" alt="macbook air display" width="1300" height="731" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-850086" /></noscript></p> <p>The 13-inch MacBook Air has a 2560 x 1664 resolution with 224 pixels per inch, while the 15-inch MacBook Air has a 2880 by 1864 resolution, also with 224 pixels per inch. Both displays offer support for 1 billion colors and P3 Wide color for vivid, true-to-life colors. Brightness maxes out at 500 nits.</p> <p>The display in the MacBook Air uses True Tone, which is designed to tweak the color of the display to match the lighting in the room. True Tone works through a multi-channel ambient light sensor that's included in the MacBook Air models, which is able to determine both the brightness of the room and the color temperature.</p> <p>After detecting the white balance, the MacBook Air is able to adjust both the color and intensity of the display to match the room's lighting for a more natural, paper-like viewing experience that also cuts down on eyestrain.</p> </div> </section> <h2 class="section-title" id="m3_apple_silicon_chip">M3 Apple Silicon Chip</h2> <section> <div class="col-80 center"> <p>The MacBook Air models are equipped with Apple's M3 chip, built on the next-generation 3-nanometer process. This is the same M3 chip that Apple previously introduced in the MacBook Pro lineup.</p> <p>The M3 chip has an 8-core CPU and up to a 10-core GPU. Entry-level models have an 8-core GPU, while higher-end models have the improved 10-core GPU.</p> <p>According to Apple, the M3 represents the "biggest leap forward in graphics architecture ever for Apple silicon" with faster and more efficient GPU technology. The M3's GPU supports Dynamic Caching, hardware-accelerated ray tracing, and mesh shading.</p> <p>Dynamic Caching allocates the use of local memory in hardware in real time, so only the exact amount of memory needed is used for each task. It increases the average utilization of the GPU, thereby increasing performance for demanding pro apps and games.</p> <p>With hardware-accelerated ray tracing, light looks more realistic as it interacts with a scene, allowing for more physically accurate images. Game developers can use the ray-tracing and mesh shading for more accurate shadows and reflections as well as more efficient geometry processing. </p> <p>CPU performance is up to 30 percent faster. The performance cores in the chip are up to 15 percent faster than the M2 performance cores, while the M3 efficiency cores are up to 30 percent faster than the M2 efficiency cores. </p> <p>Benchmarks of the M3 chip in the MacBook Air featured a single-core score of 3157 and a multi-core score of 12020, which is a 20 percent improvement in single-core performance and an 18 percent improvement in multi-core performance compared to the M2 chip (which earned 2610/10120 scores).</p> <h3 id="media_engine">Media Engine</h3> <p>Apple includes a media engine in its Apple silicon chips to speed up video processing while preserving battery life. The M3 offers dedicated acceleration for the ProRes video codec, along with video encode/decode engines and hardware accelerated support for H.264, HEVC, ProRes, and ProRes RAW. </p> <h3 id="memory">Memory</h3> <p>The M3 uses a system-on-a-chip architecture with support for up to 24GB unified memory and up to 100GB/s memory bandwidth. As of October 2024, all MacBook Air models start with 16GB RAM instead of 8GB.</p> <h3 id="custom_technologies">Custom Technologies</h3> <p>There's a 16-core Neural Engine built into the M3 chip that handles AI tasks and boosts camera performance alongside the custom image signal processor, plus there's a display engine that can drive multiple external displays.</p> <p>The MacBook Air supports one external display at 6K resolution at up to 60Hz when open, or two external displays at 5K resolution at up to 60Hz when used in clamshell mode.</p> <h3 id="storage">Storage</h3> <p>The base model MacBook Air machines have 256GB SSDs, but they can be updated with up to 2TB of storage. It is worth noting that Apple is now using <a href="">two 128GB SSDs</a> in the base model MacBook Air, so that machine no longer suffers from slower SSD speeds due to a single SSD module.</p> </div> </section> <h2 class="section-title" id="battery_life">Battery Life</h2> <section> <div class="col-80 center"> <p>The 13-inch MacBook Air is equipped with a 52.6-watt-hour lithium-polymer battery, while the 15-inch MacBook Air has a 66.5-watt-hour lithium-polymer battery. Though the 15-inch MacBook Air's battery is larger, both machines last for up to 18 hours when watching movies using the Apple TV app, or up to 15 hours when wirelessly browsing the web. </p> <p>The base model 13-inch MacBook Air ships with a 30W USB-C power adapter, but for an additional $20, customers can upgrade to a 35W Dual USB-C Port Compact Power Adapter or a 70W USB-C power adapter that supports fast charging. The higher-tier 13-inch models and all 15-inch MacBook Air models ships with the 35W Dual USB-C Power Adapter, but customers can opt for the 70W USB-C power adapter at no additional charge.</p> </div> </section> <h2 class="section-title" id="other_features">Other Features</h2> <section> <div class="col-80 center"> <h3 id="connectivity">Connectivity</h3> <p>The MacBook Air supports Wi-Fi 6E, which means it is able to connect to 6GHz networks. It also supports the <a href="">Bluetooth 5.3 specification</a>.</p> <h3 id="speakers_and_microphone">Speakers and Microphone</h3> <p>The 13-inch MacBook Air features a four-speaker sound system with improved stereo separation and vocal clarity from two tweeters and two ultra-thin woofers. There is more space in the 15-inch MacBook Air, so it is equipped with a six-speaker sound system with force-cancelling woofers for superior sound. The sound system is one of the few differences between the 13- and 15-inch models.</p> <p>Both MacBook Air speaker systems support wide stereo sound and Spatial Audio. Spatial Audio is available when playing music or video with Dolby Atmos on the built-in speakers, and Spatial Audio with dynamic head tracking can be used with the third-generation AirPods, AirPods Pro, and AirPods Max. </p> <p>The MacBook Air is also equipped with a three-microphone array with directional beamforming for enhanced voice clarity in audio and video calls. Apple says that the M3 models now feature Voice Isolation and Wide Spectrum microphone modes.</p> <h3 id="facetime_camera">FaceTime Camera</h3> <p>The MacBook Air features the same 1080p FaceTime HD camera as the prior-generation models. It is powered by an advanced image signal processor with computational video that improves video quality, and Apple says it offers double the resolution and low-light performance of earlier generations.</p> </div> </section> <h2 class="section-title" id="available_configurations_and_upgrade_options">Available Configurations and Upgrade Options</h2> <section> <div class="col-80 center"> <h3 id="13-inch_macbook_air">13-Inch MacBook Air</h3> <p>There are three stock 13-inch M3 MacBook Air configurations available from Apple, in Silver, Space Gray, Starlight, and Midnight.</p> <ul> <li><strong>$1,099</strong> - M3 chip with 8-core GPU, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD.</li> <li><strong>$1,299</strong> - M3 chip with 10-core GPU, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD.</li> <li><strong>$1,499</strong> - M3 chip with 10-core GPU, 24GB RAM, 512GB SSD.</li> </ul> <h4>Entry-Level 13-Inch MacBook Air Upgrade Options</h4> <ul> <li>10-core GPU - +$100</li> <li>24GB Unified Memory - +$200</li> <li>512GB SSD - +$200</li> <li>1TB SSD - +$400</li> <li>2TB SSD - +$800</li> <li>35W Dual USB-C Power Adapter - +$20</li> <li>70W USB-C Power Adapter - +$20</li> </ul> <h4>Middle-Tier 13-Inch MacBook Air Upgrade Options</h4> <ul> <li>24GB Unified Memory - +$200</li> <li>1TB SSD - +$200</li> <li>2TB SSD - +$600</li> </ul> <h4>Higher-End 13-Inch MacBook Air Upgrade Options</h4> <ul> <li>1TB SSD - +$200</li> <li>2TB SSD - +$600</li> </ul> <h3 id="15-inch_macbook_air">15-Inch MacBook Air</h3> <p>There are three stock 15-inch MacBook Air configurations available from Apple as well. </p> <ul> <li><strong>$1,299</strong> - M3 chip with 10-core GPU, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD.</li> <li><strong>$1,499</strong> - M3 chip with 10-core GPU, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD.</li> <li><strong>$1,699</strong> - M3 chip with 10-core GPU, 24GB RAM, 512GB SSD.</li> </ul> <h4>Entry-Level 15-Inch MacBook Air Upgrade Options</h4> <ul> <li>24GB Unified Memory - +$200</li> <li>512GB SSD - +$200</li> <li>1TB SSD - +$400</li> <li>2TB SSD - +$800</li> </ul> <h4>Middle-Tier 15-Inch MacBook Air Upgrade Options</h4> <ul> <li>24GB Unified Memory - +$200</li> <li>1TB SSD - +$200</li> <li>2TB SSD - +$600</li> </ul> <h4>Higher-End 15-Inch MacBook Air Upgrade Options</h4> <ul> <li>1TB SSD - +$200</li> <li>2TB SSD - +$600</li> </ul> </div> </section> <h2 class="section-title" id="m2_macbook_air">M2 MacBook Air</h2> <section> <div class="col-80 center"> <p>Apple is continuing to sell the prior-generation M2 MacBook Air alongside the M3 models, with the M2 MacBook Air available at a lower cost. The M2 MacBook Air is priced starting at $999, keeping the sub-$1000 price point for the MacBook Air line. </p> <p>The M2 MacBook Air is only available in a 13.6-inch size, and the entry-level version features an 8-core CPU, 8-core GPU, 16GB RAM, and a 256GB SSD. An upgrade to a 10-core GPU is available as well as additional upgrades to memory and storage, maxing out at 24GB unified memory and a 2TB SSD.</p> </div> </section> <h2 class="section-title" id="whats_next_for_the_macbook_air">What's Next For the MacBook Air</h2> <section> <div class="col-80 center"> <p>Apple is expected to <a href="">update the MacBook Air lineup</a> with the next-generation M4 chip in the <a href="">spring of 2025</a>. The M4 chip will feature a focus on AI, with Apple aiming to improve AI-related performance. The chip will be built on Apple's 3-nanometer process, and it could have improvements to performance and efficiency compared to the M3. </p> <p>Apple is expected to start display shipments for the MacBook Air in October 2024 to prepare for the 2025 launch.</p> <p>Apple plans to eventually release a MacBook Air with an OLED display, but it might be several years away. Initial rumors suggested it OLED could come to the MacBook Air in 2027, but <em>The Elec</em> believes it could <a href="">take significantly longer</a> due to pricing concerns and supply chain challenges. </p> </div> </section> <div class="buyer-guide-page"> <div class="center-wrap"> <div class="guide"> <div class="deals-section"> <div class="affiliate-pricing-table"> <div class="table-header"> <div class="row"> <div class="legend"><span class="content">Best Prices</span></div> <div class="cell zero"><img src="" alt="amazon" width="86" height="26"></div> <div class="cell one"><img src="" alt="b&h photo" width="36" height="24"></div> <div class="cell two"><img src="" alt="adorama" width="91" height="20"></div> <div class="cell four"><img src="" alt="best buy" width="41" height="30"></div> <div class="cell five"><img src="" alt="apple store" width="40" height="46"></div> </div> </div> <div class="table-body"> <div id="848895" class="product selected" data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB - Midnight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB - Midnight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$949.00</a></div> <div class="cell one best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$949.00</a></div> <div class="cell two best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$949.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$949.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1199.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="848893" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB - Silver"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB - Silver</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$949.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1084.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$949.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1199.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="848892" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$949.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1079.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$949.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1199.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="848894" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$949.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1079.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$949.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1199.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974260" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB - Midnight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB - Midnight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$749.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$899.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$749.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$999.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974262" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB - Silver"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB - Silver</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$749.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$749.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$999.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974263" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$749.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$749.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$999.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974261" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$749.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" 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class="price">$999.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="848886" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB - Silver"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB - Silver</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$749.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$799.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$890.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$749.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$999.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="848883" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$749.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$799.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$899.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$749.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$999.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="848887" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2022): M2 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$887.49</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$799.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$899.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$749.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$999.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939574" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Midnight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Midnight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1049.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell two "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1049.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1499.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939571" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Silver"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Silver</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">N/A</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1299.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1299.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1049.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1499.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939573" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1049.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1199.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1394.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1049.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1499.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939572" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1049.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1199.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1299.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1049.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1499.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974290" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Midnight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Midnight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1249.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1499.00</a></div> <div class="cell 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class="price">$1499.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974295" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1249.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1499.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1499.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1249.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1499.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974294" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1249.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1499.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1249.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1499.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939564" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Midnight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Midnight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell one best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1189.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1299.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939561" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Silver"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Silver</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1185.49</a></div> <div class="cell one "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell two "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1299.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939563" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1185.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell two "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1299.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939562" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1172.99</a></div> <div class="cell one "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell two "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1299.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974280" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Midnight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Midnight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$844.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1099.00</a></div> <div class="cell four "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$849.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1099.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974283" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Silver"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Silver</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$844.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1099.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1099.00</a></div> <div class="cell four "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$849.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1099.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974282" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$844.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1099.00</a></div> <div class="cell four "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$849.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1099.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974281" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$844.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1099.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1099.00</a></div> <div class="cell four "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$849.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1099.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939544" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Midnight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Midnight</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">N/A</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$899.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1099.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$799.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1099.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939542" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Silver"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Silver</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1052.29</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$899.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$989.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$799.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1099.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939543" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$979.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$899.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$989.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$799.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1099.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939541" class="product " data-product="13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">13.6" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 8-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">N/A</a></div> <div class="cell one "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell two "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$799.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1099.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974309" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Midnight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Midnight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1044.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1199.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1299.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1044.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1299.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974313" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Silver"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Silver</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1044.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1299.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1299.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1044.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1299.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974312" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1044.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1199.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1299.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1044.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1299.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974311" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1044.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1299.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1299.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1044.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1299.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939598" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Midnight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Midnight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1234.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell two "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1234.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1699.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939595" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Silver"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Silver</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1234.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1499.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1499.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1234.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1699.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939597" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1455.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1349.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1449.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1234.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1699.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939596" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1234.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1299.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1449.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1234.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1699.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974322" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Midnight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Midnight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1424.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1499.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1699.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1424.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1699.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974326" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Silver"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Silver</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1424.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1549.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1699.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1424.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1699.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974325" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1424.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1699.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1699.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1424.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1699.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="974324" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 24 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1424.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1699.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1699.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1424.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1699.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939582" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Midnight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Midnight</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1185.49</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1149.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1149.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1299.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939579" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Silver"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Silver</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell two "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1299.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939581" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1175.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell two "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1299.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939580" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1183.29</a></div> <div class="cell one "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1149.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1189.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$999.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1299.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939590" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Midnight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Midnight</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1199.00</a></div> <div class="cell one best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at B&H Photo">$1199.00</a></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1349.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1199.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1499.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939587" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Silver"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Silver</div> <div class="cell zero best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1199.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell two "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1199.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1499.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939589" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Space Gray"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Space Gray</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1365.00</a></div> <div class="cell one "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell two "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1199.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1499.00</span></div> </div> </div> <div id="939588" class="product " data-product="15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Starlight"> <div class="widescreen"> <div class="product-name">15.3" MacBook Air (2024): M3 Chip w/ 10-Core GPU, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD - Starlight</div> <div class="cell zero "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Amazon">$1377.99</a></div> <div class="cell one "><span class="price">N/A</span></div> <div class="cell two "><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at Adorama">$1384.00</a></div> <div class="cell four best-deal"><a class="price" rel="sponsored" href="" title="Buy at BestBuy">$1199.00</a></div> <div class="cell five"><span class="price">$1499.00</span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></article><h2 class="heading--1cooZo6n heading--h2--2RXk4Pme timelineTitle--3c2DylM9" id="macbook-air-timeline">MacBook Air<!-- --> Timeline</h2><div class="timeline--1mwrbiZU"><!-- --><div class="timeline_date">November<span>2024</span></div><div class="timeline_event noborder"><span>Nov 21</span><a href="">Apple in 2025: Home Hub, iPhone SE 4, AirTag 2, New iPads, and More</a></div><div class="timeline_event redline"><img src="" width="173" height="24" alt="Roundup Last Updated"></div><!-- --><div class="timeline_event noborder"><span>Nov 14</span><a href="">MacBook Air vs. MacBook Pro Buyer's Guide: 30+ Differences Compared</a></div><!-- --><div class="timeline_event "><span>Nov 7</span><a href="">OLED MacBook Air Could Be Delayed Beyond 2027, Claims Report</a></div><!-- --><div class="timeline_event 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