Fiction Writing Articles, News and Resources
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Here you'll find links to fiction markets, resources for fiction writers, research resources, articles and more. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""> <B>Fiction Writing News</B></A><BR> The latest fiction writing news from Writers Write. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""> <B>Fiction Writing Articles</B></A><BR> A list of our fiction writing articles covering writer's block, settings, writing myths, writing rules, research tips and more. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""> <B>Fiction Markets</A></B><BR> Find fiction writing markets in a variety of genres including fantasy, historical, horror, juvenile, literary, mystery, romance, science fiction, western and young adult. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""> <B>Characters and Character Development</B></A><BR> Find helpful resources and information about developing characters including character traits, character flaws, naming characters and more. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""> <B>Fiction Writing Links</B></A><BR> Don't miss our large collection of fiction writing links to research resources, organizations, genre resources, and more. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""> <B>Tone and Tone Words</B></A><BR> Learn about how a writers set the tone of a story and find lists of tone words. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""> <B>Writing Prompts</B></A><BR> Find writing prompts to help spark your creativity and break your writer's block. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>Pen Names</B></A><BR> Information about pen names and why authors use them. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>Plot Generators</B></A><BR> A collection of great plot generators to help you come up with story ideas. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""> <B>Popular Fiction Book Genres and Subgenres List</B></A><BR> This is a list of the main commercial fiction genres and the many subgenres. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>Short Story Ideas</B></A><BR> Discovery several ways and methods for coming up with story ideas. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""> <B>Making Time for Writing</B></A><BR> No more how busy you are you have to make time for writing in your busy schedule. Our readers told us how they find time to write. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""> <B>Quotes About Writing</B></A><BR> Read quotes from famous authors about writing. Some are serious and some are humorous, but they will all make you think. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""> <B>Writing Memes</B></A><BR> Take a break from writing with these fun writing memes. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""> <B>Author's Tone as Theme Music</B></A> Alex Keegan explain how the author can use tone as theme music from the opening of a story with examples from literature. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>How Many Words</B></A><BR> Find our how many words there are in a typical short story, novella or novel. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>Writing Rules: The Ten and A Half Commandments of Writing</B></A><BR> Learn the basic rules of writing, such as write stories that have a point and seduction not instruction. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>NaNoWriMo</B></A><BR> Learn more about National Novel Writing Month and writing a fast 50,000 word novel. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>How Many Words are in a Chapter?</B></A><BR> Chapter length varies by author, genre and novel. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>Denouement Explanation and Examples</B></A><BR> Find out what a denouement is with examples from literature. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>Metaphors and Similes</B></A><BR> Find out more about metaphors and similes with examples from literature. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>Strong Verbs Make Your Writing More Powerful</B></A><BR> Find out how using strong verbs can help with pacing and make your fiction more interesting. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>Famous Short Stories</B></A><BR> Read our curated collection of classic short stories available online. See how the masters of the craft write. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>Stephen King and His Creepy Muse</B></A><BR> Do you need a strange creepy helper like Stephen King's muse? <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>Fanfiction</B></A><BR> Learn more about fanfiction and find fanfiction websites. <BR><BR> <A HREF=""><B>Creepypasta</B></A><BR> Learn more about the online horror fiction known as creepypasta. <BR><BR> <div class="adsmain"> <script async src="//"></script> <!-- writerswrite slot2 --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9653124453449571" data-ad-slot="9276248512" data-ad-format="rectangle"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </div> <BR> </div><div id="sidebar"> <div class="class1"> <BR> <div class="ads300"> <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <!-- ww-sidebar --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9653124453449571" data-ad-slot="3847517411" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </div> <br><br> <div class="boxc"> <div class="sideheader">Latest News</div> <ul> <li><p><A class="elem3" HREF="">Merriam-Webster Names Polarization 2024 Word of the Year</A></p></li> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <li><p><A class="elem3" HREF="">Winners of the 2024 Kirkus Prizes Announced</A></p></li> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <li><p><A class="elem3" HREF="">Han Kang Wins The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2024</A></p></li> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <li><p><A class="elem3" HREF="">2024 National Book Awards Finalists Announced</A></p></li> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <li><p><A class="elem3" HREF="">Booker Prize 2024 Shortlist Announced</A></p></li> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </ul></div> <div class="boxb"> <div class="sideheader">Index</div> <ul> <li><A HREF="">Articles</A></li> <li><A HREF="">Fiction Markets</A></li> <li><A HREF="">Fiction Writing Resources</A></li> <li><A HREF="">Fiction Writing News</A></li> <li><A HREF="">Name Generators</A></li> <li><A HREF="">Self-publishing</A></li> <li><A HREF="">Writing Prompts</A></li> </ul></div> <div class="center"> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC=""></A> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC=""></A> <a href=""><img src="" width="20" height="20"></a> </div> </div></div></div><div id="footer"> <div class="center"><BR><BR><FONT SIZE=2> <A HREF=""></A><BR> Copyright © 2021 by Writers Write, Inc. 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