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But without a bidet or copies of the Guardian, is there a sustainable option?</p> </div> <a href="" class="comment-count-info pluck-init-inline shorturl-p-2gj4y comment-count-id-361953745 pluck-commentable"> <span class="link-comment-count"></span><span class="link-comment-count-words"></span> </a> </li> <li class="normal live odd "> <div class="linktext"> <h3><a href="">Kevin McCloud's top green home tips</a></h3> </div> <div class="trailtext"> <p><strong>Kevin McCloud:</strong> As Grand Designs Live opens, TV presenter Kevin McCloud selects 10 products from recycled scourers to insulating blinds</p> </div> <a href="" class="comment-count-info pluck-init-inline shorturl-p-2gtcj comment-count-id-361919665 pluck-commentable"> <span class="link-comment-count"></span><span class="link-comment-count-words"></span> </a> </li> <li class="normal live edge "> <div class="linktext"> <h3><a href="">Why don't we hear about toxic household items any more?</a></h3> </div> <div class="trailtext"> <p><strong>Leo Hickman</strong>: Parabens, phthalates and other sythentic chemicals are still in use, but these days we do not hear much about them</p> </div> <a href="" class="comment-count-info pluck-init-inline shorturl-p-2gtch comment-count-id-361919589 pluck-commentable"> <span class="link-comment-count"></span><span class="link-comment-count-words"></span> </a> </li> <li class="normal live last"><a class="more" href="">More ethical and green living</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="best-of-web" class="pickabletag tag-tag environment component one-column-image-editable"> <div class="hd"> <h2> <a href="">Guardian Environment Network: Our web picks</a> </h2> </div> <ul class="tri trail trailblock"> <li class="normal live first odd "> <div class="linktext"> <h3><a href="">Why I stopped believing in environmentalism and started the Dark Mountain Project</a></h3> </div> <div class="trailtext"> <p>Former deputy editor of the Ecologist, Paul Kingsnorth, explains why he became disillusioned with the parables of environmentalism, so decided to write his own instead</p> </div> <a href="" class="comment-count-info pluck-init-inline shorturl-p-2gjp8 comment-count-id-361995689 pluck-commentable"> <span class="link-comment-count"></span><span class="link-comment-count-words"></span> </a> </li> <li class="normal live edge "> <div class="linktext"> <h3><a href="">Green groups divided over US climate bill stand off</a></h3> </div> <div class="trailtext"> <p>Campaigners call for urgent effort to save US climate bill, while some insist proposed legislation remains fundamentally flawed</p> </div> </li> <li class="normal live odd "> <div class="linktext"> <h3><a href="">Can the Sahara light up Europe with solar power?</a></h3> </div> <div class="trailtext"> <p>Across the world's sunbelts, concentrated solar power is emerging as a blindingly obvious answer both to global power – and local water – needs. But can it reach the scale required, asks <strong>Duncan Graham-Rowe</strong></p> </div> <a href="" class="comment-count-info pluck-init-inline shorturl-p-2gtca comment-count-id-361919250 pluck-commentable"> <span class="link-comment-count"></span><span class="link-comment-count-words"></span> </a> </li> <li class="normal live last"><a class="more" href="">All Guardian Environment Network</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="slot-machine component environment"> <div class="hd"> <h2> <a href="" class="link-text">Data store</a> </h2> </div> <!-- end hd --> <div class="bd"> <ul> <li> <h3 class="strap"> <a href="" class="strap-link">Carbon emissions</a> </h3> <a href="" class="link-image "> <img src="" width="220" height="84" alt="US historical CO2 emissions 1900-2004 were 314,772 mmt"/> </a> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">US total CO2 emissions 1900-2004</a> </h3> <p class="trail-text"> The US has made the biggest historical contribution to global warming </p> </li> <!-- end trail --> <li> <h3 class="strap"> <a href="" class="strap-link">Energy</a> </h3> <a href="" class="link-image "> <img src="" width="220" height="84" alt="UK energy use in 2005"/> </a> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">UK energy use in 2005</a> </h3> <p class="trail-text"> The US consumes 10 times as much energy </p> </li> <!-- end trail --> </ul> </div> <!-- end bd --> </div><!-- end trailblock --> </div> <div class="five-col edge"> <div id="latest-news" class=" environment five-col component standard-trailblock trailblock"> <div class="hd"> <h2> Latest news </h2> </div> <!-- end hd --> <div class="bd"> <ul> <li> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">Sea ice loss driving Arctic warming cycle, scientists confirm</a> </h3> <a href="" class="link-image "> <img src="" width="140" height="84" alt="Arctic sea ice "/> </a> <p class="trail-text"> <span class="kicker"> </span> Study identifies cycle of ice loss and temperature rise that could see Arctic's icy cover disappear sooner than expected </p> <a 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</span> Laundry tablets and toilet cleaners among items marketed with exaggerated or unsubstantiated green claims, study finds </p> <a href="" class="comment-count-info pluck-init-inline shorturl-p-2gjq8 comment-count-id-361998907 pluck-commentable"> <span class="link-comment-count"></span><span class="link-comment-count-words"></span> </a> </li> <!-- end trail --> </ul> </div> <!-- end bd --> <div class="more-on"> <h3> More news </h3> <ul> <li> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">Rare species of tiny, lethal frog is bred in British aquarium</a> </h3> </li> <li> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">Private water suppliers poised to grow as demand set to surge</a> </h3> </li> <li> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">Deepwater Horizon oil spill could be set on fire</a> </h3> </li> <li> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">Australia puts carbon trading scheme on hold</a> </h3> </li> <li> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">Crane chicks hatch after 'epic' road trip</a> </h3> </li> <li> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">Protest shuts down rail route to opencast mine</a> </h3> </li> <li> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">All today's environment news</a> </h3> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="comment" class="pickabletag tag-tag environment five-col component standard-trailblock"> <div class="hd"> <h2> <a href="">Latest opinion</a> </h2> </div> <ul class="tri trail trailblock"> <li class="normal live first odd "> <div class="linktext"> <h3><a href="">Industry must become 'water-smart'</a></h3> </div> <div class="trailtext"> <a href="" title="Opens in a new window" class="link-image"> <img alt="Global Water shortage : California's Fertile Central Valley Suffers From Statewide Drought" src="" width="140" class="trail-image" height="84"/> </a> <strong>Andy Wales:</strong> Any business that relies on water has a responsibility to examine its whole supply chain to find ways of conserving this crucial resource<br/> </div> <a href="" class="comment-count-info pluck-init-inline shorturl-p-2gjqq comment-count-id-362000403 pluck-commentable"> <span class="link-comment-count"></span><span class="link-comment-count-words"></span> </a> </li> <li class="normal live edge "> <div class="linktext"> <h3><a href="">The main parties are spouting greenwash – we are the real deal</a></h3> </div> <div class="trailtext"> <strong>Response:</strong> There is only one Green party and in this election we can make a difference, says <strong>Darren Johnson</strong> </div> <a href="" class="comment-count-info pluck-init-inline shorturl-p-2gj93 comment-count-id-361963593 pluck-commentable"> <span class="link-comment-count"></span><span class="link-comment-count-words"></span> </a> </li> <li class="normal live odd "> <div class="linktext"> <h3><a href="">Conservative science policy ticks (nearly) all the right boxes</a></h3> </div> <div class="trailtext"> <a href="" title="Opens in a new window" class="link-image"> <img alt="David Cameron Takes The Conservative Campaign To The South West" src="" width="140" class="trail-image" height="84"/> </a> <p><strong>Martin Robbins</strong> is disappointed by the Conservatives' failure to fully endorse an evidence-based drugs policy</p> </div> <a href="" class="comment-count-info pluck-init-inline shorturl-p-2gjbc comment-count-id-361966587 pluck-commentable"> <span class="link-comment-count"></span><span class="link-comment-count-words"></span> </a> </li> <li class="normal live edge "> <div class="linktext"> <h3><a href="">Next government has 100 days to move Britain on to low-carbon track</a></h3> </div> <div class="trailtext"> <a href="" title="Opens in a new window" class="link-image"> <img alt="What green groups want" src="" width="140" class="trail-image" height="84"/> </a> <strong>Peter Young: </strong>If we want sustainable economic growth and jobs, our financial recovery is doomed to failure if it does not address our environmental deficit </div> <a href="" class="comment-count-info pluck-init-inline 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Now just £10.00 </div> </li> <li class="two-col initially-off" "> <a href="" class="link-image "> <img src="" width="140" height="84" alt="CommerceEcoPot"/> </a> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">Vienna Black Aluminium Casserole</a> </h3> <div class="trail-text"> From the new range of cookware from 'Green Pan'. Sustainably produced, and without any toxic substances. £69.95. </div> </li> <li class="two-col initially-off" "> <a href="" class="link-image "> <img src="" width="140" height="84" alt="CommerceEcoBox"/> </a> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">Love in a Box</a> </h3> <div class="trail-text"> This box from 'Grobox' contains some glorious red flowers, ready to be planted. A gift that lasts forever! Just £7.50. </div> </li> <li class="two-col initially-off" "> <a href="" class="link-image "> <img src="" width="140" height="84" alt="CommerceEcoNest"/> </a> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">Bird Friendly Hamper</a> </h3> <div class="trail-text"> Tasty treats for our feathered friends, plus some wool for nesting and a snug nest pocket, all presented in a FSC certified timber box. </div> </li> <li class="two-col initially-off" "> <a href="" class="link-image "> <img src="" width="140" height="84" alt="Ownl energy monitor - promo"/> </a> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">OWL, the Wireless Electricity Monitor</a> </h3> <div class="trail-text"> Tells you the amount of electricity you are using in terms of both power and cost. </div> </li> <li class="two-col initially-off" "> <a href="" class="link-image "> <img src="" width="140" height="84" alt="mug - promo"/> </a> <h3> <a href="" class="link-text">Heat sensitive CO2 Mug</a> </h3> <div class="trail-text"> The colours change to reveal 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