Team | Text - AI-powered technology for customer service software

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class="main"><main class="Team_main__3nPq0"><section class="Team_hero__zej6d"><h1><div class="index-module_type__E-SaG"></div></h1></section><div class="Filter_filterWrapper__UKHxJ"><h3>Filter: </h3><button class="Filter_filterButton__rHA7y"><span>Departments</span><svg fill="none" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 12"><path d="m2 2 8 8 8-8" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2.7" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg></button></div><section><div class="People_people__7EfOW"><div id="Adam Dudzic" style="order:0" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1607328155/team/original/adam-dudzic.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1607328155/team/original/adam-dudzic.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Adam Dudzic photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Adam Dudzic</p><p>System Administrator</p><p>After studying physics, Adam decided that his calling is system administration. After hours, he likes to work on his own homelab whenever he’s not out climbing in a gym or at local crags.</p></div></div><div id="Adrian Puzio" style="order:1" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1607517391/team/original/adrian-puzio.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1607517391/team/original/adrian-puzio.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Adrian Puzio photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Adrian Puzio</p><p>Senior Account Executive</p><p>There is nothing more important to Adrian than a satisfied customer and the smell of freshly roasted Colombian supremo coffee beans. When he is not heading off to work, you’ll find him casually jogging or sweating his guts out to finish first during a CrossFit competition. If you ask Adrian what is important in life, he would answer that it’s keeping it simple and ice cream.</p></div></div><div id="Adrianna Lembicz" style="order:2" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642448946/team/original/adrianna-lembicz.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642448946/team/original/adrianna-lembicz.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Adrianna Lembicz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Adrianna Lembicz</p><p>ChatBot Product Expert</p><p>Ada has been working in various internet sectors for a while, including SEO, social media management, moderation, and search engine evaluation. Still, her strong suit has always been customer support — she loves solving problems and is passionate about customer education. Ada owns two dogs, three cats, and a couple of mantises. She spends her free time practicing calligraphy and painting and relaxing by cooking vegan meals, watching her favorite TV shows, and playing games.</p></div></div><div id="Agata Roginska" style="order:3" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Agata Roginska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Agata Roginska</p><p>Head of Customer Service</p><p>As a chemical engineer, Agata loves getting positive reactions from LiveChat customers she supports. At those few and far between moments when she’s not helping LiveChat customers, she enjoys cooking, reading fantasy books and playing with her three cats.</p></div></div><div id="Agnieszka Dudziak" style="order:4" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1643024418/team/original/agnieszka-dudziak.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1643024418/team/original/agnieszka-dudziak.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Agnieszka Dudziak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Agnieszka Dudziak</p><p>ChatBot Product Expert</p><p>Agnieszka provides a foster home for rabbits that fell victim to caregiver neglect or abandonment. She spends a good portion of her time on trips to the vet, giving healthy treats to bunnies, and trying to save her apartment from total bunny destruction. But most importantly, she shows them love and keeps them safe until they find a new home. She's a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter series. Besides that, she enjoys escape rooms, playing RPG games on PlayStation, and board games.</p></div></div><div id="Agnieszka Jawinska" style="order:5" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Agnieszka Jawinska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Agnieszka Jawinska</p><p>Social Media Lead</p><p>Agnieszka takes care of our social media channels and makes sure that our followers receive a healthy dose of interesting stuff every day. She spends way more time talking to people online than she does with us in the office. When we do manage to talk to her, it’s always about amazingly cheap travel deals, the new hot kale diet and the occasional dry joke (<a target="_blank" href="">so, so dry</a>). Even though this may sound like a strange combination of topics, she probably has us all figured out since she majored in psychology.</p></div></div><div id="Agnieszka Nowak" style="order:6" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Agnieszka Nowak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Agnieszka Nowak</p><p>Accountant</p><p>Agnieszka is our dedicated special tasks agent. She makes sure that we don’t forget to eat and helps us to put 100% of our time into preparing the best live chat out there. On one hand Agnieszka is an avid climber. She loves spending her free time scaling steep rock walls along Via ferratas. On the other hand, she likes sailing and is an certified inland skipper. Between her climbing and sailing adventures, she likes to work on DIY projects like rejuvenating old furniture.</p></div></div><div id="Agnieszka Susidko" style="order:7" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Agnieszka Susidko photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Agnieszka Susidko</p><p>Chief HR Officer</p><p>Agnieszka is responsible for HR at Text and generally makes sure that we don’t want to kill each other on a daily basis. That takes a lot character and Agnieszka has no shortage of that. She’s a real rock’n’roller who enjoys live performances at music festivals. She also has a calmer side: she likes photographing everything, reading up on mountain-climbing expeditions and training her dog.</p></div></div><div id="Alejandro Hernandez Cobo" style="order:8" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896462/team/original/alejandro-hernandez-cobo.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896462/team/original/alejandro-hernandez-cobo.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Alejandro Hernandez Cobo photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Alejandro Hernandez Cobo</p><p>Full-stack Developer</p><p>Alejandro is originally from Spain but has been living in Poland for quite some time now. As a Full Stack Developer, he builds internal tools to make life easier for our support heroes and customers. When he’s not coding, he’s likely out exploring on his bike or snapping photos — always finding new roads to ride and pictures to take.</p></div></div><div id="Aleksandra Kacperczyk" style="order:9" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Aleksandra Kacperczyk photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Aleksandra Kacperczyk</p><p>Platform Tools Team Leader</p><p>Once worked with bacteria, now still enjoys breaking things down and explaining the difficult. English is her favorite programming language. When not at home watching Gilmore Girls or sewing, she’s probably hanging out with friends, buying another plant, or on the tennis court trying to hit the ball.</p></div></div><div id="Aneta Giza" style="order:10" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Aneta Giza photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Aneta Giza</p><p>Recruiter</p><p>Aneta is the recruiter on a never-ending mission of attracting best talents to LiveChat. Her goal is to build the best team in the world, and she will most likely succeed as she has winning coursing through her veins. She loves team activities and challenges, and probably that’s why she devoted herself to HR and basketball!</p></div></div><div id="Anika Szeliga" style="order:11" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Anika Szeliga photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Anika Szeliga</p><p>Partner Relations Specialist</p><p>At work, Anika tries her best to support and help our customers. After hours, she is a cat lover, gamer girl (she’s a huge fan of the Dark Souls series), artist and a teacher. In love with literature, cleanliness, her cats named Porthos and Aramis, and LARPs where she plays her 8-choir Renaissance lute.</p></div></div><div id="Anna Bien-Jawulska" style="order:12" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Anna Bien-Jawulska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Anna Bien-Jawulska</p><p>HR Tech &amp; Data Specialist</p><p>Anna is part of the HR Team and is the master of operations. She is also interested in internal communication and candidate experience. After hours, she’s a big fan of books and permanently in love with her bunny.</p></div></div><div id="Anna Kaiser" style="order:13" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Anna Kaiser photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Anna Kaiser</p><p>Accountant</p><p>Ania is a financial whiz. On a daily basis, settles accounts, takes care of tons of important documents, approves payments and assigns the heap of invoices to collective payments! Quite challenging, right?! Offstage, Ania is a happy mother who dreams about becoming an astronaut and going into space.</p></div></div><div id="Anna Krolak" style="order:14" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642448961/team/original/anna-krolak.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642448961/team/original/anna-krolak.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Anna Krolak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Anna Krolak</p><p>QA engineer</p><p>You won't see this girl in the office — Anna is a home bird who takes care of finding bugs, analyzing new flows, and automating existing ones. Anna is a real sports psycho in her free time - exotic pole dance, kettlebells, and yoga are her true passions. Besides that, she enjoys traveling, crime podcasts, and listening to music.</p></div></div><div id="Arkadiusz Syrowiec" style="order:15" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Arkadiusz Syrowiec photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Arkadiusz Syrowiec</p><p>Video Editor</p><p>At Text, most of the motion pictures are Ari’s job. He rides a skateboard and snowboard but also grooves on Sci-Fi movies, astronomy, and quantum physics. After work, he takes his videography only as a form of personal expression. Secret weapon – color grading.</p></div></div><div id="Artur Duziak" style="order:16" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684502472/team/original/artur-dudziak.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684502472/team/original/artur-dudziak.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Artur Duziak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Artur Duziak</p><p>Test Automation Engineer</p><p>Massive fan of all software development related activities, especially test automation, evangelist of the whole-team approach. Privately big fan of squash, video games, books, heavy metal concerts, and cats. Also a hedgehog fanatic.</p></div></div><div id="Artur Fracala" style="order:17" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642448954/team/original/artur-fracala.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642448954/team/original/artur-fracala.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Artur Fracala photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Artur Fracala</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>Artur's biggest hobby is creating web apps. After work, he likes reading books, playing chess, and spending time with his family and friends.</p></div></div><div id="Ashley Tarczyński-Borkowicz" style="order:18" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684502470/team/original/ash-borkowicz.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684502470/team/original/ash-borkowicz.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Ashley Tarczyński-Borkowicz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Ashley Tarczyński-Borkowicz</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>Having gained a lot of perspective at LiveChat as a Support Hero, Ash now works on making HelpDesk a better experience for its users, all whilst automating their entire existence with the use of Python. In their free time, they play both board and computer games, join open source projects and dabble in Linux. Making an effort to work outside of their comfort zone, they're always excited to try something new - most recently Scala3, functional programming and ice-skating with their fiancee.</p></div></div><div id="Bartlomiej Czop" style="order:19" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Bartlomiej Czop photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Bartlomiej Czop</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>During the day, Bartek looks for bugs and makes sure that the statement “you’ll be happy with it” is not a result of a miracle, but a positive coincidence of unfortunate events. Sometimes at night, he’s in search of new stars and galaxies in the sky. He also won’t say no to good sci-fi books, games, and films.</p></div></div><div id="Bartlomiej Kubiak" style="order:20" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Bartlomiej Kubiak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Bartlomiej Kubiak</p><p>Leader of API One Team</p><p>Bartlomiej, or Bartek for short, is a man of great passion. Whether he displays it on a football field or when developing our API and web application, he always gives his all. The proud father of our ticketing system and a dedicated fan of FC Barcelona.</p></div></div><div id="Bartosz Stopyra" style="order:21" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896762/team/original/bartosz-stopyra.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896762/team/original/bartosz-stopyra.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Bartosz Stopyra photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Bartosz Stopyra</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>Bartek is a Front-end Developer with a strong attention to detail. Outside of work, he enjoys video games, crime shows, sim-racing, motorsports, and spending time with his three cats.</p></div></div><div id="Bartosz Lewandowski" style="order:22" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896603/team/original/bartosz-lewandowski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896603/team/original/bartosz-lewandowski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Bartosz Lewandowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Bartosz Lewandowski</p><p>Machine Learing Engineer</p><p>Bartek is a Machine Learning Engineer with a solid foundation in Bioinformatics, who has dedicated his career to the dynamic field of Natural Language Processing. Constantly on the pulse of AI development, Bartek thrives on integrating cutting-edge advancements into his work. Outside of the tech realm, he is passionate about photography, with a particular love for shooting on film, and enjoys collecting and repairing vintage cameras.</p></div></div><div id="Bartosz Olchowka" style="order:23" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1732528818/team/original/bartosz-olchowka.png" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1732528818/team/original/bartosz-olchowka.png 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Bartosz Olchowka photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Bartosz Olchowka</p><p>Product Engineer</p><p>Text fellow. Maker. The innovation man.</p></div></div><div id="Basia Walas" style="order:24" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684502468/team/original/basia-walas.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684502468/team/original/basia-walas.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Basia Walas photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Basia Walas</p><p>Account Executive</p><p>After getting her clinical psychology degree in the United States, Basia realized her calling is to work in sales. When not on customer calls, she is most likely reading or planning her next trip. She loves to learn new languages, travel, and explore vegan places wherever she goes. She stands for animal welfare and makes a plant-based diet seem easy. She's a mom to about 30 plants in her apartment, and she's a self-development and social justice books junkie. One thing she can't imagine living without is coffee.</p></div></div><div id="Damian Czerniakiewicz" style="order:25" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684502464/team/original/damian-czerniakiewicz.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684502464/team/original/damian-czerniakiewicz.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Damian Czerniakiewicz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Damian Czerniakiewicz</p><p>Technical Support Specialist</p><p>Damian is a natural food lover - that is why he has a degree in nutrition. He also loves martial arts and board games which taught him patience and problem-solving. As a Support Hero, he transfers those skills to every chat with the customer and ensures we are all playing in a winning team!</p></div></div><div id="Damian Hrycalik" style="order:26" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896799/team/original/damian-hrycalik.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896799/team/original/damian-hrycalik.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Damian Hrycalik photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Damian Hrycalik</p><p>MLOps Engineer</p><p>Damian has a keen interest in AI solutions, especially when they have practical applications and can be used in real-world scenarios. As an MLOps Engineer, he is driven by the challenge of transforming ideas into reliable, operational systems. In his free time, he finds balance by heading into the wild with binoculars and a camera, always in search of birds to photograph. The mountains are his natural habitat, where a love for hiking and skiing complements his passion for exploration and discovery.</p></div></div><div id="Daniel Opiola" style="order:27" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642507395/team/original/daniel-opiola.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642507395/team/original/daniel-opiola.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Daniel Opiola photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Daniel Opiola</p><p>Technical Support Hero</p><p>Daniel is an introvert who prefers doing over talking and accuracy over rush. Also, a pessimist because being ready for the worst-case scenario is better than disappointment. Daniel lives in peace with nature and enjoys adventures on a fixed-gear bicycle. If he's moody, just give him a BMX bike and some space to ride flatland. Weekend's chef — making pizza at the end of every week became his tradition. It tastes the best when there's a new episode of a favorite series to watch while eating.</p></div></div><div id="Daniel Zielinski" style="order:28" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Daniel Zielinski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Daniel Zielinski</p><p>Marketplace Specialist</p><p>Customer-focused guy. Daniel is always willing to go the extra mile to get the job done. A rebel to the status quo. He loves a challenge. Known to be a book freak and avid long distance runner.</p></div></div><div id="Darek Zabrzenski" style="order:29" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Darek Zabrzenski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Darek Zabrzenski</p><p>Head of ChatBot</p><p>Darek is at the helm of our Research and Development team working on Natural Language Processing (NLP). Thanks to his surgeon-like precision and attention to details, you will soon be able to have a conversation over LiveChat with a chat bot. After hours, Darek explores topics like modern medicine and computer-assisted diagnostics. He also likes to test how steady his hands are by constructing electronics and to chill out a bit by watching a movie.</p></div></div><div id="Dariusz Madetko" style="order:30" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Dariusz Madetko photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Dariusz Madetko</p><p>Shift Leader</p><p>Having spent ten years as a teacher, Dariusz decided it was high-time he moved forward. His communication skills and passion for educating couldn’t have been left unattended, therefore it was clear he would best utilize them as a Support Quality Lead. Dariusz is a die-hard fan of our neighbouring radio station – Radio RAM. In love with Boards of Canada and the downtempo genre. Gamer, runner, cyclist, dog person – those are just few of the nouns that could best describe him.</p></div></div><div id="Dawid Drelichowski" style="order:31" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684502468/team/original/dawid-drelichowski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684502468/team/original/dawid-drelichowski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Dawid Drelichowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Dawid Drelichowski</p><p>Senior Front-end Developer</p><p>Dawid - a changed man in his forties ;) Once a lover of clubs and music festivals - now a couch potato. He loves listening to music from crackling vinyl and reading detective stories or industry literature. Obligatory with aromatic coffee or whisk(e)y in hand. We have a recipe for a successful evening if we add a dog cuddling in his legs. In the summer, you can meet him on the bike route, where he competes with himself. In the winter, he grabs ski poles and overcomes slopes, gliding between skiers. In autumn, he goes on solo mountain trips. He feels good in the kitchen, where he prepares Asian food. In the meantime, he builds Lego with his daughter and dreams that she will grow up fast enough to trade DUPLO for TECHNICS.</p></div></div><div id="Dawid Loks" style="order:32" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896806/team/original/dawid-loks.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896806/team/original/dawid-loks.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Dawid Loks photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Dawid Loks</p><p>Support Hero</p><p>A combination of a Support Hero and a magician, Dawid always strives to make clients' problems disappear and pull solutions out of thin air. He always has an ace up his sleeve. When he's not working, he spends his free time learning new tricks, playing video games, or reading books about everything.</p></div></div><div id="Dawid Wojtasiak" style="order:33" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Dawid Wojtasiak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Dawid Wojtasiak</p><p>Product Manager</p><p>When he’s out of the office, Dawid enjoys a good cup of peppermint tea and a cosy blanket over a night out. However, sometimes, you can spot him owning the dancefloor at a party. He’s also an Italian food enthusiast and loves eating anything with cheese. Oh, and he loves road-trips and singing along – anyone up for a ride?</p></div></div><div id="Dominika Kornecka" style="order:34" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684502467/team/original/dominika-kornecka.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684502467/team/original/dominika-kornecka.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Dominika Kornecka photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Dominika Kornecka</p><p>Support Hero</p><p>Dominica is a proud cat mom that works as a Support Hero during the day and Costume Designer at night. When she is not helping customers she is diving into the world of creating costumes for characters out of this world. In her free time, she's enjoying some recreational wall climbing, concerts, and LARPs.</p></div></div><div id="Emilia Jarosz" style="order:35" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642511553/team/original/emilia-jarosz.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642511553/team/original/emilia-jarosz.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Emilia Jarosz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Emilia Jarosz</p><p>Legal Operation Specialist</p><p>She knows the location of everything, how things work, and where you can find them. Emilia knows the best — always. Privately she is an introvert who loves to spend time at home with her dog and favorite films or series. Popcorn lover who dreams of opening her own food truck with it.</p></div></div><div id="Emilia Wodyk-Zalewska" style="order:36" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1643024471/team/original/emilia-wodyk-zalewska.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1643024471/team/original/emilia-wodyk-zalewska.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Emilia Wodyk-Zalewska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Emilia Wodyk-Zalewska</p><p>Account Manager</p><p>Emilia loves to work with people and for the people. Ready to help anytime if needed. Privately multitasking mom of two boys, spending her free time close to nature. She loves challenges and exploring lakes on the stand-up paddle. After moving six times over ten years, she finally landed in the Nord part of Poland. Big fan of Bavarian beer and Käsespazle :)</p></div></div><div id="Filip Jaskolski" style="order:37" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Filip Jaskolski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Filip Jaskolski</p><p>Chief Product Officer</p><p>Filip is a software developer with particular interest towards front end and design. While he’s no stranger to any CSS, he’s keen on data crunching too. He takes care of developers’ experience and relations at LiveChat. When offline, Filip enjoys producing creepy noises on his digital piano or tinkering with microchips. In the spare time he runs a photo contest for youngsters in Poland or plays a side role as Marv.</p></div></div><div id="Filip Szczechowiak" style="order:38" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Filip Szczechowiak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Filip Szczechowiak</p><p>Software Developer</p><p>Filip is a member of our ChatBot team that takes on the latest and most innovative projects. Concepts like NLP or machine learning are his bread and butter. He likes to blow off steam by cooking (did I mention he’s a pro cook?) and watching a good movie. He likes a good challenge, but the puzzles he solves are <a href="">unlike the typical crosswords</a> you normally see.</p></div></div><div id="Gabriela Bartoszek" style="order:39" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896836/team/original/gabriela-bartoszek.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896836/team/original/gabriela-bartoszek.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Gabriela Bartoszek photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Gabriela Bartoszek</p><p>LiveChat Growth Marketing Leader</p><p>Gabriela does marketing and manages the rest as it comes.</p></div></div><div id="Grzegorz Luszczyk" style="order:40" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Grzegorz Luszczyk photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Grzegorz Luszczyk</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>Grzegorz is by nature a lazy creature. Being young and naive he tried to fight it but with time, he learned to embrace it. Nowadays he channels his inner laziness to fight his one true nemesis – repetition. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a mundane everyday task or a part of code that looks suspiciously familiar. If it can be automated or generalised it will end up that way sooner or later. Preferably much sooner since having to repeat something takes away precious time. Time that can be spent on a good book or tv show or even better on playing games and theorycrafting.</p></div></div><div id="Grzegorz Pasieka" style="order:41" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1643024371/team/original/grzegorz-pasieka.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1643024371/team/original/grzegorz-pasieka.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Grzegorz Pasieka photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Grzegorz Pasieka</p><p>Engineering Manager</p><p>Grzegorz is a person with a soul divided into front-end and back-end worlds. He tries to advocate doing what’s right, keeping things simple, and working with the bleeding edge technology while also being a good team player and solution creator. Tolkien's world is his passion, along with medieval and baroque music. Personally a father of one son and an enthusiastic coffee drinker.</p></div></div><div id="Grzegorz Zorawski" style="order:42" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896846/team/original/grzegorz-zorawski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896846/team/original/grzegorz-zorawski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Grzegorz Zorawski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Grzegorz Zorawski</p><p>Support Hero</p><p>From organizing the Chopin Competition to producing musicals, Grzesiek now channels his unique blend of artistic and organizational skills into the tech world, where he’s become a true Support Hero in IT. Bringing the same energy and dedication he showed in the arts, Grzesiek tackles every tech challenge with style and precision. Outside of work, he loves exploring new places, going for walks, and listening to just about every kind of music. He’s also a passionate American and British pop culture nerd.</p></div></div><div id="Hania Biec" style="order:43" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Hania Biec photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Hania Biec</p><p>Support Quality Lead</p><p>Hania is the gentle soul of our customer service. She spends her free time reading comic books with her cats. Occasionally, you can spot her at various cosplaying conventions. You need to have a good eye though, because her costumes are killer!</p></div></div><div id="Hubert Staniszewski" style="order:44" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Hubert Staniszewski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Hubert Staniszewski</p><p>Software Developer</p><p>Hubert is a member of our ChatBot team who came to LiveChat after a very successful run at our hackathon. Hubert takes on concepts related to NLP and tries to introduce them to LiveChat. He’s also responsible for preparing clean and friendly user interfaces. His out-of-the-box thinking helps him offer the optimal solutions in both these areas. In his free time, Hubert likes to read a good horror story, preferably from Stephen King. He’s also a big movie buff, especially when it comes to sci-fi and fantasy flicks. As you can see, Hubert is also really fond of cooking. However, it’s usually some kind of delicious food and not crystal meth.</p></div></div><div id="Izabela Gurgul" style="order:45" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896852/team/original/izabela-gurgul.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896852/team/original/izabela-gurgul.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Izabela Gurgul photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Izabela Gurgul</p><p>UX Researcher</p><p>Izabela is a User Researcher with a knack for digging deep. She’s the one collecting and interrogating evidence with both a detective’s curiosity and an empathetic mindset, ensuring that every customer voice is heard loud and clear. She is fascinated by the capabilities of the human brain and the wonders of neuroscience. As a plant-powered enthusiast, she grows her own vegetables while designing the ultimate user journey for earthworms. She also leads a personal exploration into dance and soft acrobatics.</p></div></div><div id="Izabela Kubik" style="order:46" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642507808/team/original/izabela-kubik.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642507808/team/original/izabela-kubik.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Izabela Kubik photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Izabela Kubik</p><p>Support Hero</p><p>Iza would never have guessed that she’d spend three years teaching English in China nor that she’d fall in love with Asia and the Chinese language. In her spare time, she makes something out of nothing. She loves all kinds of crafts. Watercolour, brush lettering, digital art — you name it! She is a master of pancakes and crepes — at least she says so 🙂</p></div></div><div id="Jacob Firuta" style="order:47" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jacob Firuta photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jacob Firuta</p><p>Product Manager</p><p>An apprentice wordsmith with quite a temper and a passion for writing. A spitfire that gets pulled into arguments easily but always has a laugh about it afterwards. When not writing, Jacob spends far too much time gaming, watching B class asian movies and riding his road bicycle.</p></div></div><div id="Jagoda Naumczyk" style="order:48" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1731058603/team/original/jagoda-naumczyk.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1731058603/team/original/jagoda-naumczyk.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jagoda Naumczyk photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jagoda Naumczyk</p><p>Recruiter</p><p>Jagoda handles recruitment day in and day out at Text, and there’s nothing better than when both the candidate and the hiring manager give each other a big “Yes.” She’s a sports lover who's been playing tennis for years and is also into bouldering, snowboarding, and windsurfing. As a proud dog owner, she loves taking long walks with her pup. Her cat, on the other hand, enjoys making surprise appearances during online meetings.</p></div></div><div id="Jakub Czerwinski" style="order:49" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684502464/team/original/jakub-czerwinski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684502464/team/original/jakub-czerwinski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jakub Czerwinski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jakub Czerwinski</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>Kuba is a true lover of games, team sports, and adventure. Especially volleyball and snowboarding are things he's nuts about. He is into learning new technologies and modern solutions, always looking for ways to expand his knowledge and skills. Friends are the whole world to him - he loves to surround himself with people and spend time with them.</p></div></div><div id="Jakub Derda" style="order:50" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1607328148/team/original/jakub-derda.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1607328148/team/original/jakub-derda.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jakub Derda photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jakub Derda</p><p>Platform Manager</p><p>At work, Kuba's main focus is finding solutions and turning them into projects. Privately, he's a huge Battlefield franchise fan and secretly playing Call of Duty. He also likes fantasy and science fiction books. If not at home, he likes spending time playing Magic: The Gathering or climbing.</p></div></div><div id="Jakub Fedyczak" style="order:51" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jakub Fedyczak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jakub Fedyczak</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>Jakub is responsible for intricate details of HelpDesk’s API. Atavistically compelled to overthink worst-case scenarios. When not occupied by work, his mind wanders towards everything even remotely connected to new technologies. Loves sci-fi, PlayStation, soldering things, and commuting on his bike. Got questions about Apple products? He has the answers.</p></div></div><div id="Jakub Kiszkowski" style="order:52" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1643024403/team/original/jakub-kiszkowski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1643024403/team/original/jakub-kiszkowski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jakub Kiszkowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jakub Kiszkowski</p><p>Product Manager</p><p>Kuba is a Product Manager. At work, he constantly wonders how to satisfy users and improve products. Massive fan of the Premier League. After work, he can't stop thinking about what line-up to put together in the Fantasy Premier League. He loves traveling, discovering new places, and meeting new people.</p></div></div><div id="Jakub Pyzio" style="order:53" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jakub Pyzio photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jakub Pyzio</p><p>Full-stack Developer</p><p>Solving problems with calm approach and unbreakable patience, Jakub makes sure every customer leaves our chat satisfied. When asked, he claims to be neither a dog or cat person, as he simply has sympathy for all living creatures. Hoping to substantially grow his animal family in the future, he currently enjoys spoiling his four furry companions, a cat, a rabbit and two squeaky guinea pigs.</p></div></div><div id="Jakub Ruszkiewicz" style="order:54" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jakub Ruszkiewicz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jakub Ruszkiewicz</p><p>Customer Success Manager</p><p>“It’s Kuba, not Jakub!” Besides being LiveChat’s Customer Success Manager, Kuba is an ex-professional dancer, who’s in the meantime slaying monsters as a Witcher during LARPs. A kind soul that explores art in various forms after work: graphic, music, movement, movies or literature. He can eat ALL the amounts of mint chocolate chip ice creams, even if the temperature outside is lower than the ice cream itself.</p></div></div><div id="Jakub Sikora" style="order:55" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jakub Sikora photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jakub Sikora</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>Jakub is a Front-end Developer passionate about all aspects of web development, from Agile project planning to the deployment process. Jakub loves to travel with his wife and tries to visit new places every year. In his free time, he enjoys good movies, football, and speedway. He also likes to collect soundtracks.</p></div></div><div id="Jan Bialek" style="order:56" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896870/team/original/jan-bialek.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896870/team/original/jan-bialek.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jan Bialek photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jan Bialek</p><p>Product Manger</p><p>Janek is a Product Manager at Workflows who gets a kick out of making complicated things simple. He’s all about teamwork — whether he's building products or playing basketball. When Janek isn’t brainstorming new features, you'll find him cheering for FC Barcelona, geeking out over history/philosophy books, or debating about movies. He believes good ideas can come from anywhere, especially when people put their heads together.</p></div></div><div id="Jan Donimirski" style="order:57" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896876/team/original/jan-donimirski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896876/team/original/jan-donimirski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jan Donimirski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jan Donimirski</p><p>Mobile Engineer</p><p>A Mobile Engineer dedicated to taking LiveChat’s mobile apps to the next level. Outside of work, you’ll find Jan with a good book, enjoying jazz and coffee, or getting beaten up at the boxing gym. He’s also taken up sailing as his latest hobby.</p></div></div><div id="Jan Pietruszka" style="order:58" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jan Pietruszka photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jan Pietruszka</p><p>Sales Engineer</p><p>Jan is an aspiring designer, carpenter, cook and a mechanic. A true renaissance man, he loves to spend his time making furniture, cooking delicious food and restoring old VW Beetles.</p></div></div><div id="Janka Tokarczyk" style="order:59" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684502464/team/original/janina-tokarczyk.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684502464/team/original/janina-tokarczyk.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Janka Tokarczyk photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Janka Tokarczyk</p><p>Product Designer</p><p>Ever since she has started studying Psychology Janka does her best to find the human perspective in everything she does, design included. She is a firm believer in a work-life balance (with a strong emphasis on life). Privately Janka is both a true book-lover and an accidental plant-killer, she loves coming home from a trip and enjoys laughing at memes that everyone has already seen three weeks ago.</p></div></div><div id="Janusz Mutor" style="order:60" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642500548/team/original/janusz-mutor.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642500548/team/original/janusz-mutor.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Janusz Mutor photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Janusz Mutor</p><p>Support Hero</p><p>Janusz's spirit animal is an opossum. As a Support Hero, he is on a mission to help customers and share tons of his enthusiasm with them. Privately, an owner of a brilliant cat named Lara. Being a long-time top Polish Tekken player, he spends his spare time during fighting game events and tournaments. Also, a music nerd who likes to explore the Industrial-Goth spectrum of the alternative music scene and beyond, spending as much time on bands' discographies as possible.</p></div></div><div id="Joanna Alwin" style="order:61" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Joanna Alwin photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Joanna Alwin</p><p>Chief Financial Officer</p><p>Well versed in the art of accounting, Joanna makes sure that every invoice, declaration or any other important piece of paper is double-checked, signed and archived. When not mastering her paper-fu, Joanna likes to skid dangerously fast on snowy mountain slopes or conquer muddy and forgotten paths on her bike.</p></div></div><div id="Joanna Colbourne" style="order:62" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1643123600/team/original/joanna-dobrowolskii.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1643123600/team/original/joanna-dobrowolskii.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Joanna Colbourne photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Joanna Colbourne</p><p>Account Executive</p><p>A born and raised New Yorker, Joanna lived in Hong Kong for four years before moving to her motherland of Poland. Though relatively new to the SaaS world, she's been building relationships with customers through her various roles in hospitality and events for the better part of the last decade. She spends as much of her free time as possible traveling and loves experiencing new cultures through her two passions — food and off-the-beaten-path adventures.</p></div></div><div id="Joanna Michalowska" style="order:63" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684502465/team/original/asia-michalowska.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684502465/team/original/asia-michalowska.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Joanna Michalowska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Joanna Michalowska</p><p>Data Analyst with NLP</p><p>With her mathematical background and interest in problem solving, Asia thrives when handed interesting data and an opportunity to get value out of them - whether resulting in a dashboard, an analysis or a DS/AI model. Outside of work, she recharges best during physical activities. This is when her competitive spirit awakens. She’s happy to try almost any sport or activity, some will stay with her for longer than others. On vacation you are likely to find her moving around in a campervan, on a sailing boat or on a bike. She is also a classic foodie, no easier way to make her happy than with good food (or gummies)!</p></div></div><div id="Jolanta Koniuszy" style="order:64" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Jolanta Koniuszy photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Jolanta Koniuszy</p><p>HR Business Partner</p><p>Jolanta started her career at Text as a Senior Recruiter focused on matching candidates to the company culture. These days, she supports the Text people from the first to the last day of their journey and gives our leaders expert advice on all people-related aspects. As you can see in the photo, she’s addicted to traveling around the world, preferably solo. Her favorite place to be? An airport, where all adventures begin.</p></div></div><div id="Judyta Blum" style="order:65" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Judyta Blum photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Judyta Blum</p><p>Account Executive</p><p>Judyta is a sales person with a focus on the best customer experience. She believes that there’s no planet B, so when she’s not on a call with customers, she supports the environment by starting from herself, and travels the world to enjoy the various variety of its beauty. She’s an animal lover who eats no meat and has an adopted dog from an animal shelter.</p></div></div><div id="Justyna Gladysz" style="order:66" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Justyna Gladysz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Justyna Gladysz</p><p>Support Quality Lead</p><p>Justyna’s spirit animal is a cat. She enjoys her time alone and likes to walk her own path without taking anyone’s advice. She’s independent, yet enjoys social connections. As a cat soul, she loves to be around warm people :) Her spirit of adventure, courage, curiosity, and exploration of the unknown pushes her to improve herself and extend her interests everyday. It’s known that the wisdom of a cat lies in the ability to remain quiet, observe, and then act when the time is right, so Justyna uses those abilities to reach her goals and preserves her energy even in moments of tension and action.</p></div></div><div id="Justyna Martyna" style="order:67" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Justyna Martyna photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Justyna Martyna</p><p>Accountant</p><p>Normally Justyna takes care of invoices to be entered and accounted on time. In a nutshell, she cares about the satisfaction of our contractors. Any questions about finances? Go ahead! In her free time she loves skiing, it’s a part of her life. She also enjoys traveling around the world, especially to Italy :)</p></div></div><div id="Justyna Polaczyk" style="order:68" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Justyna Polaczyk photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Justyna Polaczyk</p><p>Content Marketing Specialist</p><p>Justyna is a rebellious spirit that will either knock you out with her writing or with her fist. When not working, Justyna practices her roller derby skills under the name of ‘Bad Devil’. She’s also a part of the first polish national team that played part in Roller Derby World Cup. Yikes!</p></div></div><div id="Kacper Frackowski" style="order:69" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1607094147/team/original/kacper-frackowski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1607094147/team/original/kacper-frackowski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Kacper Frackowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Kacper Frackowski</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>Kacper likes when things are running smooth, no matter if it's software he's testing or a bicycle that he rides on. He’s a big fan of, in no particular order, nature (especially mountains and plants), arch Linux, 20th-century fiction novels, and tenement buildings.</p></div></div><div id="Kacper Klarzynski" style="order:70" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Kacper Klarzynski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Kacper Klarzynski</p><p>Software Engineer</p><p>Although Kacper is rather calm on a daily basis, he can turn into a real beast when searching for bugs! He is a huge fan of the shift-left approach to testing: one should not only know their enemy but their software as well. At LiveChat, he takes care of our chat widget, making sure that the chatting is a top-notch experience for our customers. When not focusing on work, Kacper is a jack of all trades and a master of none, reading about philosophy and psychology or watching football in his spare time. When the weather is nice, he loves to go for a run. However, his most loved activity is skiing. He dreams about becoming a digital nomad and hiding inside a mountain cabin somewhere in the Alps.</p></div></div><div id="Kacper Matczak" style="order:71" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896884/team/original/kacper-matczak.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896884/team/original/kacper-matczak.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Kacper Matczak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Kacper Matczak</p><p>Technical Support Specialist</p><p>Kacper is a Technical Support Specialist with a musical past. As a graduate in symphony conducting, he now conducts the technical issues of our customers. After hours, he’s a big fan of cycling, squash, cars, and dogs.</p></div></div><div id="Kacper Sulkowski" style="order:72" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896891/team/original/kacper-sulkowski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896891/team/original/kacper-sulkowski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Kacper Sulkowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Kacper Sulkowski</p><p>Performance Marketing Specialis</p><p>Kacper is a Senior Performance Marketing Specialist at Text, where he brings a blend of data-driven strategy and creativity to the team. With a knack for optimizing ad campaigns, he balances CPC tweaks with rock music and coffee as his fuel. A proud Real Madrid fan, Kacper is known for multitasking and managing ad spend while keeping an eye on match scores. Speaking in Polish, English, and Google Analytics, he now calls Siadło Dolne home, where he continues to master the art of performance marketing.</p></div></div><div id="Kacper Wiacek" style="order:73" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Kacper Wiacek photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Kacper Wiacek</p><p>ChatBot Product Experts Team Lead</p><p>How do you recognize a speed racer? You don’t; they go into hiding. Kacper might be seen as a quiet guy who supports customers and daydreams about new graphic designs. But what you don’t know is that he loves speed – whether it’s a bike or a scooter, he puts on his high-speed gloves and breaks all possible road rules!</p></div></div><div id="Kaia Madalinska" style="order:74" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642448994/team/original/kaia-madalinska.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642448994/team/original/kaia-madalinska.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Kaia Madalinska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Kaia Madalinska</p><p>Video Host &amp; Brand Ambassador</p><p>3,2,1! Camera! Action! You’ve probably seen Kaia around. She’s our Video Host, who can’t seem to get away from creating content and catching onto the latest trends. Not only does she love being in front of the camera during work hours, but she also loves vlogging in her private time! Apart from that, Kaia’s a beauty maniac — skincare, makeup, you name it! She also crawls into the fashion corner in her spare time, where she styles her and her friends' outfits.</p></div></div><div id="Kaja Chade" style="order:75" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Kaja Chade photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Kaja Chade</p><p>QA Engineer</p><p>Kaja was born to break things, and that’s why she became a tester. Every bug she finds gives her a disturbing satisfaction. In her free time, she ruins her health with exhausting travels with millions of transfers. She would like to be everywhere at the same time. Kaja also loves sophisticated memes and ironic humor, so when she tells a creepy joke over a coffee, stone-faced, don’t be surprised. Sometimes she looks like she wants to murder everyone, but don’t be afraid – it’s just her face in the morning. To win people over, she uses her dog, Izu. Izu is the coolest, isn’t she?</p></div></div><div id="Kamil Zajac" style="order:76" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Kamil Zajac photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Kamil Zajac</p><p>Integrations Developer</p><p>Imagine a guy that travels to all the places that you’ve always wanted to go to. A guy that skis down the world’s highest peaks, climbs the most difficult walls and wins marathons. He’s sensitive to the beauty of art, music, and poems. A guy that is always there for you, ready to listen to your problems. Well, Kamil is not him. Kamil is just another creepy dude from IT.</p></div></div><div id="Kamil Zielinski" style="order:77" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896897/team/original/kamil-zielinski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896897/team/original/kamil-zielinski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Kamil Zielinski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Kamil Zielinski</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>Kamil is a software engineer with a passion for building performant and reliable systems. Guided by the 'A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for' philosophy, he constantly pushes himself out of his comfort zone to deliver exceptional results. When not solving complex problems, you can often find him sailing on the open water, always looking for new horizons to explore.</p></div></div><div id="Karolina Zeromska" style="order:78" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1643024375/team/original/karolina-boladz.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1643024375/team/original/karolina-boladz.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Karolina Zeromska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Karolina Zeromska</p><p>Product Marketing Manager</p><p>Karolina is a Product Marketing Manager at ChatBot, believing in the power of constant improvement and innovation. She prefers chats over phone calls and cozy evenings at home instead of too much interaction in the outside world. Sounds like a cliche millennial? Yup. She tried to become a minimalist once but couldn’t get over her love of industrial design, which is obvious as she named her cat after the world’s most famous brand of vacuum cleaners.</p></div></div><div id="Karolina Popow" style="order:79" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Karolina Popow photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Karolina Popow</p><p>Growth Expert</p><p>Karolina is the Incubator leader with a wealth of experience in product and strategy. She previously served as a Chief Product Officer, now supporting the company in pursuing innovative and successful ventures. When she's not working, Karolina can be found hiking, exploring new trails, and enjoying the beauty of nature.</p></div></div><div id="Karolina Wojtowicz-Mielnicka" style="order:80" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896902/team/original/karolina-wojtowicz-mielnicka.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896902/team/original/karolina-wojtowicz-mielnicka.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Karolina Wojtowicz-Mielnicka photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Karolina Wojtowicz-Mielnicka</p><p>HelpDesk Growth Leader</p><p>As HelpDesk’s Growth Leader, Karolina combines a human-centered approach with an analytical focus to develop ideas rooted in customer needs and market reality. Her vast marketing experience enables her to turn complex strategies into actionable plans. When she’s not planning campaigns, she’s likely organizing her next mountain hike challenge, rock climbing trip, dog training session, or wine-tasting workshop.</p></div></div><div id="Kasia Janas" style="order:81" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684502461/team/original/kasia-janas.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684502461/team/original/kasia-janas.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Kasia Janas photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Kasia Janas</p><p>Product Manager</p><p>Human is at the center of Kasia's work and private life interests. She makes black-and-white portraits (and nudes;)) and finds it a great privilege to photograph people who allow her to capture a moment that will never be the same again. Working with a traditional camera, she has a way of bringing the past and present together, infusing her work with nostalgia and timelessness. Each photograph becomes a tribute to the beauty and complexity of the human spirit and experience. Still looking for models to shoot!</p></div></div><div id="Kasia Kehl" style="order:82" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Kasia Kehl photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Kasia Kehl</p><p>Support Enablement Specialist</p><p>Kasia is one of our support heroes. There are two things she really loves (besides helping customers) LARPs, which are live action role playing sessions, and horseback riding (she even co-owns a <a href="" target="_blank">Konik</a>). Since both these things take up a lot of time and preparation, Kasia is often forced to choose one over the other when planning her activities for each week.</p></div></div><div id="Kasia Kubien" style="order:83" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684502464/team/original/kasia-kubien.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684502464/team/original/kasia-kubien.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Kasia Kubien photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Kasia Kubien</p><p>Accountant</p><p>At work Kasia supports the accounting department. She’s rather a night owl than a morning bird therefore she cant imagine a day without coffee. On The one hand, she plays masterchef at home, and on the other hand tries to lead a healthy lifestyle by spending time at the gym.</p></div></div><div id="Katarzyna Gorska" style="order:84" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642448967/team/original/katarzyna-gorska-kocowska.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642448967/team/original/katarzyna-gorska-kocowska.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Katarzyna Gorska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Katarzyna Gorska</p><p>Product Designer</p><p>Product Designer at work, van life enthusiast in the meantime. She loves hiking, especially with her two doggos, who accompany her on van trips and mountain hikes. Those two pups take a special place in her heart.</p></div></div><div id="Katarzyna Janiszewska" style="order:85" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Katarzyna Janiszewska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Katarzyna Janiszewska</p><p>Attorney at Law</p><p>Katarzyna helps Text with all legal issues. Instead of using C++, NodeJS, GO or HTML she strongly prefers to use “real words”. Active, always busy, likes challenges and adrenaline. In her free time she likes traveling, sports and good movies but her true addiction is dancing. As a professional lawyer, she never loses her appeal.</p></div></div><div id="Katarzyna Ksionek" style="order:86" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896914/team/original/katarzyna-ksionek.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896914/team/original/katarzyna-ksionek.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Katarzyna Ksionek photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Katarzyna Ksionek</p><p>Legal Counsel</p><p>Kasia is a super legal counsel known for her quick thinking, sharp focus, and a great sense of humor. Passionate about privacy, data protection laws, and compliance in UX and service design, she keeps things legal, simple, and business-friendly. Outside of work, you’ll find her running (not too fast), riding her red bike, or enjoying the slopes on her snowboard</p></div></div><div id="Katarzyna Czerwinska" style="order:87" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896908/team/original/katarzyna-czerwinska.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896908/team/original/katarzyna-czerwinska.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Katarzyna Czerwinska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Katarzyna Czerwinska</p><p>Mobile Designer</p><p>A Mobile Designer and creative spirit at LiveChat. Kasia loves solving business problems with design tools. She thrives in creative spaces, diving into product workshops, and connecting with people — everyone’s story is a fresh source of inspiration. Beyond work, you’ll find her experimenting with Asian cuisine, enjoying outdoor runs, or diving into a good book.</p></div></div><div id="Katarzyna Rogowska" style="order:88" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Katarzyna Rogowska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Katarzyna Rogowska</p><p>Head of Legal</p><p>Kasia supports the Text legal department with her extensive knowledge of intellectual property law. She is proactive, naturally energetic and invigorated by new law challenges in a fast-paced IT environment. In Text, she tackles contracts and IP life-cycle management with tenacity and an analytical mindset. Well-versed in identifying projects risk and keeping deadlines. Diligent, self-driven lawyer and, at the same time, warm, smiling, passionate about family life. An avid reader, lover of design, board-games, and food.</p></div></div><div id="Konrad Kruk" style="order:89" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Konrad Kruk photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Konrad Kruk</p><p>Head of Widget</p><p>Konrad is responsible for the continuous development of our chat widget. A JavaScript magician by trade and a huge railroad transport buff privately. Konrad could spend hours talking about trains, the railroad, urban planning and transit. That is if you can catch him between his coding and trainspotting sessions.</p></div></div><div id="Krystian Goscinski" style="order:90" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Krystian Goscinski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Krystian Goscinski</p><p>Shift Leader</p><p>When he’s not thinking about how to help LiveChat customers, Krystian likes to think about the surrounding world and how everything works. He tries to see a positive side of everything and stays calm regardless of the situation. Meditation sessions in his free time are helping him achieve that. He’s a huge esports fan, focusing mostly League of Legend. He likes to play LoL himself when he’s not supporting his favourite teams.</p></div></div><div id="Krystian Kozak" style="order:91" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Krystian Kozak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Krystian Kozak</p><p>QA Engineer</p><p>Krystian is known for his thorough and meticulous work as a software tester. He dedicates himself to his work to achieve the best possible results. Although he keeps his tasks in perfect order, in his spare time, he likes to mess around a little. He relaxes by listening to techno and gives himself over to his passions. One of his main hobbies is climbing. He likes to keep his body fit and mind healthy by solving boulder problems. Of course, as a geek person, Krystian is interested in astronomy and loves to play video games. Known for his perfection, he masters them to the highest level!</p></div></div><div id="Krzysztof Kraus" style="order:92" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Krzysztof Kraus photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Krzysztof Kraus</p><p>Full-stack Developer</p><p>Krzysztof takes care of the quality of the OpenWidget by finding bugs and improving processes. Previously, helping LiveChat customers over chat and snipes the occasional typos and proofreads new KnowledgeBase articles. In his free time, Krzysztof doesn't shy away from good science fiction or fantasy books, always leaving the less exciting genres for later. Krzysztof also likes multiplayer games he can enjoy with his friends online, including <em>CS-GO</em>, <em>League of Legends</em> and <em>Destiny</em>.</p></div></div><div id="Krzysztof Wroblewski" style="order:93" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896920/team/original/krzysztof-wroblewski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896920/team/original/krzysztof-wroblewski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Krzysztof Wroblewski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Krzysztof Wroblewski</p><p>Video Marketing Lead</p><p>Krzysiek is a marketing pro with a severe passion for video and technology — and a bit of a knack for adventure. When he’s not busy making marketing happen, you’ll probably find him snapping photos or riding his motorcycle through some far-off corner of the world. He’s lived on three continents and visited over 90 countries, so if you need travel tips, he’s your guy. And when it comes to tech, whether it’s the latest smartphone or dissecting a computer’s innards, Krzysiek’s your go-to — he speaks fluent gadgets!</p></div></div><div id="Lucja Kaseja" style="order:94" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642449018/team/original/lucja-kaseja.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642449018/team/original/lucja-kaseja.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Lucja Kaseja photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Lucja Kaseja</p><p>Investor Relations Manager</p><p>Łucja absolutely loves numbers and analytics. At Text, she explains the stories behind our numbers to investors. Juggling between work, family, and sports activities makes her multitasking skills even better. After hours you can find her outdoors exploring the world either by bike or campervan with her whole family.</p></div></div><div id="Lucyna Matyja-Kajor" style="order:95" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642448987/team/original/lucyna-matyja-kajor.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642448987/team/original/lucyna-matyja-kajor.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Lucyna Matyja-Kajor photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Lucyna Matyja-Kajor</p><p>Data Analytics Leader</p><p>Lucyna graduated from Spanish philology to quickly learn that her boundless patience is perfect for working on endless SQL queries. She’s into getting as many breakthrough insights as possible, data visualization, and data warehouses. In her spare time, Lucy takes care of her daughter Dodo, participates in PubQuizes, and plays with Brenda — her beloved Labrador. At night, she dreams of watching every TV show ever created.</p></div></div><div id="Lukasz Jeziorski" style="order:96" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896925/team/original/lukasz-jeziorski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896925/team/original/lukasz-jeziorski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Lukasz Jeziorski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Lukasz Jeziorski</p><p>Mobile Engineer</p><p>A Mobile Engineer passionate about building high-quality mobile applications that make a difference. When not working, Łukasz is often out in nature, traveling with his family, or challenging himself with a new adventure — be it climbing, skiing, or perfecting a DIY project. A board game enthusiast and Playstation fan, he also knows how to unwind and enjoy some friendly competition.</p></div></div><div id="Lukasz Krolak" style="order:97" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Lukasz Krolak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Lukasz Krolak</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>Lukasz loves spending time on learning new front-end technologies. He is responsible for fixing bugs that will be found in the Agent App and also expanding the application by writing new functionalities. In his free time, he loves to do and explore new sports. Recently, he’s found playing squash very entertaining. If he’s not found doing sports, then he’s probably playing some games on his console, reading an amusing book or playing some board game.</p></div></div><div id="Lukasz Lanecki" style="order:98" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642445789/team/original/lukasz-lanecki.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642445789/team/original/lukasz-lanecki.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Lukasz Lanecki photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Lukasz Lanecki</p><p>Product Designer</p><p>Łukasz's greatest passion is music and almost everything related to it — listening, collecting LPs, concertgoing, dancing, and production. He's also delighted with contemporary art and appreciates well-designed things. He likes to feel the emotions flowing from the theater stage from time to time. He loves returning to his roots the most, and he finds them in nature.</p></div></div><div id="Lukasz Michalik" style="order:99" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Lukasz Michalik photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Lukasz Michalik</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>Lukasz loves astronomy, and therefore when working on the LiveChat’s backends, he focuses on efficiency, performance, and simplicity.</p></div></div><div id="Lukasz Nowicki" style="order:100" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Lukasz Nowicki photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Lukasz Nowicki</p><p>System Administrator</p><p>Lukasz makes sure that our network infrastructure is operating at optimal levels. A Linux whisperer, Lukasz brought a lot of server administration experience acquired during multiple EU projects to the table. He likes to spend his free time shoving chips across the table to surprise opponents who think he’s holding a low pair when he’s got a full house.</p></div></div><div id="Lukasz Ososinski" style="order:101" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Lukasz Ososinski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Lukasz Ososinski</p><p>Support Quality Lead</p><p>As a part of the Support Heroes team, Lukasz always tries his best to pass on his knowledge about LiveChat to the customers. In his free time, he is interested in a variety of activities such as traveling, swimming, yachting, and going outside to camp with his friends, but there are 3 things that Lukasz loves: history, LARPs, and board games. When he was younger, he was even thinking of making his own board game about the history of Poland. Nowadays, he is a part of “Creatio ex Nihilo” organization, which creates LARPs based on local history.</p></div></div><div id="Lukasz Powazka" style="order:102" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Lukasz Powazka photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Lukasz Powazka</p><p>Technical Engineer</p><p>A real charmer, gentleman and jack of all trades. Lukasz dabbles in many Text projects ranging from sending email newsletters to servicing our affiliate program. He has a heart of gold and never refuses when asked for help, even if he has his hands full.</p></div></div><div id="Maciej Beker" style="order:103" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896931/team/original/maciej-beker.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896931/team/original/maciej-beker.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Maciej Beker photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Maciej Beker</p><p>DevOps Engineer</p><p>As a part of the Infrastructure team, Maciek enjoys optimizing stuff. He always pays attention to details and loves to connect the dots. Maciek is interested in practically everything.</p></div></div><div id="Maciej Kosnik" style="order:104" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Maciej Kosnik photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Maciej Kosnik</p><p>Support Experience Lead</p><p>Maciej is a part of our Support Heroes team, always ready to give them a helping hand. After hours, he creates the magical LARP (Live Action Role Playing) worlds for his players. He’s really passionate about both traditional and experimental food and craft beer he creates in his own brewery, better known as his kitchen. In his spare time, he catches and breeds Water-type Pokémons.</p></div></div><div id="Maciej Malesa" style="order:105" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Maciej Malesa photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Maciej Malesa</p><p>Chief Technical Officer</p><p>Responsible for our backend infrastructure. He has vertical responsibilities and full understanding of servers and web services.</p></div></div><div id="Maciej Rduch" style="order:106" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507286/team/original/maciej-rduch.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507286/team/original/maciej-rduch.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Maciej Rduch photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Maciej Rduch</p><p>Product Designer</p><p>A digital nomad who loves experiencing differences in the world and deep into other cultures. His nature is to be in movement; he drives a motorbike, hikes, and dives. Maciej often dances ecstatically, where the rhythm and melody move him freely and pleasantly, increasing awareness of the moment. Professionally, much satisfaction gives him empathising with users and solving product problems.</p></div></div><div id="Maciej Serafinowicz" style="order:107" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Maciej Serafinowicz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Maciej Serafinowicz</p><p>Chief Creative Officer</p><p>The creative force behind all Text graphics that manifested into human form. With his mighty brush and the power of colors, he paints the world a much more exciting place.</p></div></div><div id="Maciej Szaflik" style="order:108" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507287/team/original/maciej-szaflik.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507287/team/original/maciej-szaflik.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Maciej Szaflik photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Maciej Szaflik</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>Maciek is a nerdy programmer who enjoys baking bread and playing video games. He has a strong attention to detail and a love for problem-solving, which he applies to his coding projects and baking endeavours. He enjoys escaping into virtual worlds and challenging himself with new and exciting video games in his free time.</p></div></div><div id="Maciej Szwarc" style="order:109" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1607328156/team/original/maciej-szwarc.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1607328156/team/original/maciej-szwarc.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Maciej Szwarc photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Maciej Szwarc</p><p>QA Engineer</p><p>Maciej takes care of the quality of the product by finding bugs, automating repeatable work, and improving processes. He's interested in software development and technologies in general. Maciej enjoys sharing his knowledge with other team members but also loves to expand his current knowledgebase. He gets bored easily, therefore he continuously keeps his tasks diverse. Besides collecting Lego Technic sets and quality memes, Maciej spends his free time playing games, working out in the gym, and petting his cat. Every now and then, he finds a new, interesting topic to dive into, whether it’s lock picking, criminal psychology, or the theory of music.</p></div></div><div id="Maciej Walaszczyk" style="order:110" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Maciej Walaszczyk photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Maciej Walaszczyk</p><p>Lead Front-end Developer</p><p>Maciej is a web development and coffee enthusiast. He likes experimenting with both stacks but there is nothing he loves more than frontend. Making web apps and implementing great UI/UX or hacking all day in JavaScript this is what drives him. If you want to talk about some web related tech, he is always available and open for conversation. In his free time, he likes traveling, mountain hiking and playing games.</p></div></div><div id="Maciej Wojcik" style="order:111" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507290/team/original/maciej-wojcik.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507290/team/original/maciej-wojcik.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Maciej Wojcik photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Maciej Wojcik</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>As a former mechanical engineer, Maciek likes when his code runs like a well-oiled machine. When not working, he can be usually seen on his bike in some random place on the other side of the country. When it gets colder, you might be able to spot him on an ice rink instead. He's much nerdier on his rest days which he spends playing strategy and cRPG games. Maciek is very proud of having worked on translation projects of some of his favorite titles.</p></div></div><div id="Maciej Zajac" style="order:112" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507282/team/original/maciej-zajac.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507282/team/original/maciej-zajac.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Maciej Zajac photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Maciej Zajac</p><p>Product Designer</p><p>Maciej is detail and user oriented Product Designer whose sole purpose is making peoples live easier and more pleasant. He treasures human connection the most and strives to translate it into his work. Loves football, video games, cooking, interior design and psychology.</p></div></div><div id="Magda Krol" style="order:113" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507284/team/original/magda-krol.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507284/team/original/magda-krol.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Magda Krol photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Magda Krol</p><p>HR Business Partner</p><p>At work, she focuses on every aspect related to people and culture. She’s addicted to the sun, traveling, and the magical feeling of “wanderlust”. She loves hiking in the Alps and long city walks while enjoying pistachio ice cream. If the weather isn’t good enough for outdoor activities, she’s happy to stay at home and enjoy good crime books or binge-watch Friends. Oh, and she's a total Potterhead.</p></div></div><div id="Magdalena Andruszak" style="order:114" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896937/team/original/magdalena-andruszak.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896937/team/original/magdalena-andruszak.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Magdalena Andruszak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Magdalena Andruszak</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>Magda is a dedicated member of the Product Platform. She went through a diverse technical journey to ultimately focus on backend development in Go. Her biggest hobby is discovering new interests in crafts and sports. She spends the rest of her time with her beloved animals.</p></div></div><div id="Malwina Glowacka" style="order:115" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1608282344/team/original/malwina-crowned.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1608282344/team/original/malwina-crowned.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Malwina Glowacka photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Malwina Glowacka</p><p>HR Tech &amp; Data Specialist</p><p>Privately, Malwina is Baloo’s – her dream Shih Tzu dog – mommy. After hours, she is a wannabe beautician: care treatments are her hobby. When summer comes around, she spends her free time rollerblading or riding a bike. When there’s snow outside, she loves painting, getting on with her DIY projects, and drinking hot cocoa. Multitasking is her superpower.</p></div></div><div id="Malwina Nowak-Pietruszko" style="order:116" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642449013/team/original/malwina-nowak.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642449013/team/original/malwina-nowak.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Malwina Nowak-Pietruszko photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Malwina Nowak-Pietruszko</p><p>Accountant</p><p>Torn between accountancy and art, Malwina loves to spend her free time creatively. She's a makeup artist busy bee and is always doing something artsy. DIY is her passion that matches a true introvert soul with a head full of ideas! She can do anything, and if she can't, she'll still do that provided that there's an online tutorial for that.</p></div></div><div id="Marcin Borowski" style="order:117" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marcin Borowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marcin Borowski</p><p>Sales Operations Specialist</p><p>When not helping our customers, Marcin is fighting villains and saving damsels in distress during LARP (live action role playing) sessions. He’s a zealot when it comes to fantasy genre. Marcin is in charge of a LARP association called <a target="_blank" href="">Fantazjada</a>.</p></div></div><div id="Marcin Debski" style="order:118" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marcin Debski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marcin Debski</p><p>Test Automation Engineer</p><p>Marcin is responsible for developing and deploying automated testing solutions that help to find bugs in software. Apart from testing, he is passionate about travelling. A few times a year, he grabs backpack and goes someplace he has never been before. He thinks that the most exciting moment in journey is a departure into unknown lands. His favourite travel destination is Southeast Asia.</p></div></div><div id="Marcin Dojwa" style="order:119" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marcin Dojwa photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marcin Dojwa</p><p>Leader of API Two Team</p><p>Server guru, who never gives up and is a very goal-oriented person. Cares about system reliability and stability. Your software depends on his work and great experience.</p></div></div><div id="Marcin Droba" style="order:120" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marcin Droba photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marcin Droba</p><p>Head of Investor Relations</p><p>At Text, Marcin cares about our shareholders and investors. When he doesn’t answer their questions, he cultivates his inner-geekiness (by playing games such as Mass Effect, reading books by Lem, Tolkien, Dukaj, Martin, and others, or watching TV shows such as Babylon 5, Expanse or Firefly). Some time ago, he and his wife, Ania, were adopted by a dog named Maja, who agreed to move out of the shelter and live with them.</p></div></div><div id="Marcin Mazur" style="order:121" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642499374/team/original/marcin-mazur.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642499374/team/original/marcin-mazur.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marcin Mazur photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marcin Mazur</p><p>Support Hero</p><p>This is Marcin, a handyman. Marcin enjoys helping other people. That's why he is happy to be a Support Hero. After work, Marcin renovates the house that his grandfather built in 1950. He tinkers with stuff, restores old doors and furniture, and arranges floors and tiles. He likes to work accurately and with concentration.</p></div></div><div id="Marcin Nawrocki" style="order:122" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marcin Nawrocki photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marcin Nawrocki</p><p>Lead Designer</p><p>Responsible for the visual layer of the LiveChat product. Interested in the areas of UI, usability and motion design. Knows how to transform business needs into a visual layer satisfying the needs of users. Marcin is always looking for the best way to solve a problem. He loves bringing projects to life with prototyping. In his free time, he explores the world from above with a drone. A huge fan of the “Saw” movie.</p></div></div><div id="Marcin Sawicki" style="order:123" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marcin Sawicki photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marcin Sawicki</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>Marcin is a part of the Front-end Development team working on the Agent App. He joined Text to improve his skills and to be a part of a company that solves customers’ problems. In his free time he enjoys playing online games with his friends, and as a born team member, he does his best to achieve the team victory.</p></div></div><div id="Marcin Wolkowski" style="order:124" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1643024442/team/original/marcin-wolkowski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1643024442/team/original/marcin-wolkowski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marcin Wolkowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marcin Wolkowski</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>Nickname Wouga, born in Wałbrzych in the '90s in an artistic family. He graduated from music school specializing in accordion, although he always preferred to play the piano. His main interests are programming, electronics, music, photography, and coffee. For the last 11 years, he has been a self-proclaimed citizen of Wrocław, and he says he loves it in all its glory. Owner of an Instagram profile <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> where he shares his photos, mainly in the architecture theme.</p></div></div><div id="Marek Reszke" style="order:125" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marek Reszke photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marek Reszke</p><p>Full-stack Developer</p><p>Marek is a Full-stack Developer working on our Agent Application. In his daily job, he appreciates good communication and code quality. Despite his introverted nature, he can’t stop talking about things he loves the most: hiking, jogging &amp; traveling. A solo mountain expedition sounds like a perfect plan for the upcoming weekend or a lazy afternoon. He’s on a ninja level when it comes to finding possibly the cheapest airline tickets. Besides that, he’s also a big fan of board games and fast cars.</p></div></div><div id="Marko Zyznewsky" style="order:126" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507276/team/original/marko-zyznewsky.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507276/team/original/marko-zyznewsky.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marko Zyznewsky photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marko Zyznewsky</p><p>Account Manager</p><p>Born and raised in the United States, Marko now lives in Madrid where he has resided for over 10 years. He believes in taking care of himself, a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. When he is not tending to customer needs, Marko loves to nerd out on music & film. Favorite director: John Carpenter; Favorite album: Kid A</p></div></div><div id="Mariusz Cieply" style="order:127" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Mariusz Cieply photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Mariusz Cieply</p><p>Chief Executive Officer</p><p>Mariusz has been with Text (LiveChat) since its founding in 2002 – first as software developer, later as project manager and now as its CEO. Mariusz is Text’s product lead and evangelizer, driving product creation that is changing the face of ecommerce. He holds an MSc in Computer Science. When he’s not at Text, Mariusz runs marathons, plays tennis, and enjoys his latest passion… wakeboarding.</p></div></div><div id="Marta Granisz" style="order:128" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marta Granisz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marta Granisz</p><p>Product Designer</p><p>A UX designer by day, a quantum physics and astronomy freak… also by day. A woman needs her sleep. As an economy Master with designing and React coding skills, Marta loves making digital products as close to perfection as possible. It could be so easy, but finding too many things just a little too interesting is her biggest guilty pleasure. After hours, you can find her playing calming guitar tunes, kicking asses on the squash court, or passing across mountain chains. Most welcoming with a snowboard affixed to her like-to-be-lazy feet.</p></div></div><div id="Marta Klibert" style="order:129" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1731067298/team/original/marta-klibert.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1731067298/team/original/marta-klibert.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marta Klibert photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marta Klibert</p><p>Graphic Designer</p><p>Marta is responsible for animations in the video team. In her free time, she is mastering every craft known to mankind, from ceramics to tufting. She loves horror movies, sweet treats, and yapping sessions.</p></div></div><div id="Marta Maciejewska" style="order:130" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896944/team/original/marta-maciejewska.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896944/team/original/marta-maciejewska.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Marta Maciejewska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Marta Maciejewska</p><p>Product Manager</p><p>Marta is a dynamic Product Manager with a rich background in project management and a talent for guiding cross-functional teams to success. She brings a balanced, focused approach to problem-solving and innovation.</p></div></div><div id="Martyna Gajewska" style="order:131" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Martyna Gajewska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Martyna Gajewska</p><p>Senior Account Manager</p><p>Martyna is one of our dedicated Account Managers, ready to help anyone and anytime. She’s an adrenaline junky. You can usually find her doing all kinds of thrilling activities like snowboarding, cart-racing or performing cooking experiments in the kitchen. Martyna’s also a crossfitter with a special place in her heart for heavy weights. She’s a dog person and a huge fan of bulldogs.</p></div></div><div id="Mateusz Cichon" style="order:132" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Mateusz Cichon photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Mateusz Cichon</p><p>Head of Infrastructure</p><p>Music makes people more passionate about other things in their lives. Researchers found that listening to 10 of your favorite songs before work improves productivity, creativity, and makes you more open-minded. Mateusz uses this technique to enhance his performance. Besides music, his favorite discipline is cloud computing. He puts all his effort into making all Text’s cloud services run smoothly.</p></div></div><div id="Mateusz Maslon" style="order:133" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896951/team/original/mateusz-maslon.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896951/team/original/mateusz-maslon.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Mateusz Maslon photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Mateusz Maslon</p><p>SEO Specialist</p><p>Mateusz is an SEO specialist focused on maintaining a competitive advantage through data-driven approaches. He actively monitors industry trends to ensure he follows best practices in implementing effective, winning strategies. When he’s not busy analyzing data and scaling organic visibility, he enjoys playing the ukulele.</p></div></div><div id="Mateusz Pasterny" style="order:134" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896958/team/original/mateusz-pasterny.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896958/team/original/mateusz-pasterny.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Mateusz Pasterny photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Mateusz Pasterny</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>Mateusz is a Software Engineer with a passion for simple and efficient code, always advocating for teamwork to drive the best results. When he’s not immersed in coding, you’ll likely find him diving into the world of science fiction books or exploring nature on long walks through forests and mountain trails.</p></div></div><div id="Mateusz Smet" style="order:135" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896963/team/original/mateusz-smet.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896963/team/original/mateusz-smet.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Mateusz Smet photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Mateusz Smet</p><p>DevOps</p><p>Leading Devs by hand around our beautiful Infrastructure. Nothing soothes Mateusz more than the organized and harmonious resonance of server radiators. Though it might not look like it, Mateusz never tests in production.</p></div></div><div id="Mateusz Stahl" style="order:136" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507286/team/original/mateusz-stahl.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507286/team/original/mateusz-stahl.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Mateusz Stahl photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Mateusz Stahl</p><p>Head of Security</p><p>Mateusz is a passionate tech enthusiast. Whether he's delving into the intricate world of hacking to uncover hidden possibilities, joining the virtual battlegrounds of video games, or keeping up to date with the dynamic flows of the stock market, Mateusz combines his expertise with an insatiable curiosity to explore the realms of technology. His unique blend of skills and interests positions him as a forward-thinker ready to tackle the digital challenges of tomorrow.</p></div></div><div id="Michal Jawinski" style="order:137" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1644233587/team/original/michal-jawinski.gif" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1644233587/team/original/michal-jawinski.gif 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Michal Jawinski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Michal Jawinski</p><p>Product Designer</p><p>Michal is focused on designing interactions of the chat widget. He’s passionate about animations and experimental electronic music which he also produces at nights. In his free time, he loves to play basketball, watch audiovisual performances, and read sci-fi books.</p></div></div><div id="Michal Paszowski" style="order:138" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Michal Paszowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Michal Paszowski</p><p>Developer</p><p>Michał is spending both days and nights to consume as many books as possible. These binge-reading sessions are probably the reason why Michal and caffeine are BFFs. All that reading doesn’t leave him a lot of time to do anything else. This is why he knows only three chords after six years of learning to play the guitar!</p></div></div><div id="Michal Rudz" style="order:139" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730896970/team/original/michal-rudz.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730896970/team/original/michal-rudz.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Michal Rudz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Michal Rudz</p><p>Senior DevOps</p><p>Michał is a member of the Infrastructure team. He is a huge fan of cloud solutions and containerization. In his work, he loves creating solutions that streamline and simplify the work of other teams. In his free time, he enjoys playing all kinds of board games, cycling, and spending time with his family.</p></div></div><div id="Michal Sypko" style="order:140" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Michal Sypko photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Michal Sypko</p><p>Integrations Developer</p><p>Impossible? Michal believes in six impossible things before breakfast! As a former game designer, he tries to solve any problem with creativity to find the best solution. At odd times he becomes a full nerd and starts a coding marathon, which usually results in new product integration or internal tool. In his spare time, Michal is an active member of Dziobak Larp Studio and TURBOLARP, where he is a Technician Guru for various extraordinary experiences. He loves music (both listening and producing), and music loves him.</p></div></div><div id="Michal Szczyglowski" style="order:141" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Michal Szczyglowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Michal Szczyglowski</p><p>Partner Enablement Lead</p><p>Michal helps us find more and more Partners for our Affiliate Program. He’s quite the traveller and Europe is slowly getting too small for him. Right now, Michal has his sights on a far bigger goals: Asia, South America and Africa. To blow off steam, he likes to play games – both on the football pitch as well as on his gaming console.</p></div></div><div id="Michal Szpyruk" style="order:142" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507284/team/original/michal-szpyruk.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507284/team/original/michal-szpyruk.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Michal Szpyruk photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Michal Szpyruk</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>Besides his work, Michał is a big foodie. He loves visiting new restaurants, trying new foods and cooking delicious dishes for his closest ones. His favorite cuisines are korean and vietnamese. In his free time he enjoys playing video games and watching sitcoms (his faves are Friends and The Office).</p></div></div><div id="Michal Teczynski" style="order:143" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507281/team/original/michal-teczynski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507281/team/original/michal-teczynski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Michal Teczynski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Michal Teczynski</p><p>Lead Full-stack Developer</p><p>He is a very passionate about his work - he also likes to code after work as it's his hobby. His favourite sport is Formula 1. Both as sporting and technology rivalry. That's why, he likes to ride gokarts. Another passion of Michał is music - he is still learning to play guitar and is keen on going to concerts. He has two cats.</p></div></div><div id="Michal Toporowski" style="order:144" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507279/team/original/michal-toporowski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507279/team/original/michal-toporowski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Michal Toporowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Michal Toporowski</p><p>Support Hero</p><p>Dedicated to helping out the customers in a fast yet robust manner, explaining all the quirks and workarounds for their use cases. When not providing the customers with his extensive knowledge of Text products or helping out developers, Michał loves to spend time with his daughter. He enjoys SciFi, nu jazz, fantasy, old-school hip hop, traveling and games. He is an explorer always searching for the next hobby or interest to continue self-development.</p></div></div><div id="Michal Warcholinski" style="order:145" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507272/team/original/michal-warcholinski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507272/team/original/michal-warcholinski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Michal Warcholinski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Michal Warcholinski</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>A front-end developer by day and an adventurer by night. Michal is passionate about details when it comes to his work and his personal life. Some would call him a perfectionist. He believes that minor details can make a world of difference. When Michal's not spending his day coding, he’s seeking adventure and travelling across continents, enjoying new cultures and cuisines. He also loves the outdoors, spending every other spare moment hiking or climbing, and you most likely will catch him on the ski slopes in the Alps.</p></div></div><div id="Natalia Dyrek" style="order:146" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642509208/team/original/natalia-dyrek.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642509208/team/original/natalia-dyrek.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Natalia Dyrek photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Natalia Dyrek</p><p>Growth Account Executive</p><p>Sul, sul! Natalia was the first BDR to join Text, and since then, her mission has been to help companies explore their needs and get familiar with Text's solutions. Privately, she's passionate about different languages and cultures, especially Czech, Arabic, and... Simlish, of course. She calls herself a 'cozy gamer' playing The Sims, Animal Crossing, and Spiritfarer all the time. Portrait photographer wannabe inspired by Ryan Murphy's TV shows & movies.</p></div></div><div id="Natalia Mialik" style="order:147" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507274/team/original/natalia-mialik.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507274/team/original/natalia-mialik.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Natalia Mialik photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Natalia Mialik</p><p>UX Writer</p><p>As Albus Dumbledore once said: “Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic.” As a UX Writer, Natalia lives by these words. In her attempt to translate jargon into plain and simple English, she’ll ask a lot of what’s and why’s and will meticulously check if you forget a full stop, an apostrophe, and an Oxford comma. She’s a huge fan of Harry Potter books and loves tasting weird and exotic foods while traveling around the world.</p></div></div><div id="Olek Piekarz" style="order:148" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Olek Piekarz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Olek Piekarz</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>As Back-end Developer, Olek is responsible for what happens behind the scenes of LiveChat. After work, he enjoys genre TV shows and sporting events – supporting Polish athletes in whatever sports they compete in. Avid cyclist. His spirit animal is a dolphin.</p></div></div><div id="Oleksandr Tkach" style="order:149" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897134/team/original/oleksandr-tkach.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897134/team/original/oleksandr-tkach.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Oleksandr Tkach photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Oleksandr Tkach</p><p>Senior Back-end Developer</p><p>Say hello to Oleksandr, a Senior Back-end Developer dedicated to the TeamChat project. Outside of his professional role, he enjoys running and playing basketball, and has a keen interest in wristwatches and watchmaking. Oleksandr brings a well-rounded perspective to our team, balancing technical expertise with personal passions.</p></div></div><div id="Olga Rogacka" style="order:150" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Olga Rogacka photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Olga Rogacka</p><p>Content Marketing Specialist</p><p>Olga is a Content Writer, who can also do some buzz in Social Media. She loves connecting to new people via social media. She’s amazed by the power of 140 characters. Passionate about travels, compulsive shopper and good food lover. She loves spending free time on tennis court.</p></div></div><div id="Oliwia Polec" style="order:151" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Oliwia Polec photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Oliwia Polec</p><p>Technical Content Specialist</p><p>Most of the times, Oliwia can be spotted with a high-caffeinated drink in her hand, fueling her power to be 150% faster in anything she does. Thanks to this energy, she also has a high-interest in things that other people may find slightly unusual for a hobby. She’s a lover of animated movies, nordic mythology and extreme rollerblading. In her free time, she’s drawing her way up to create her own video game someday in the future, including characters from a fat sketchbook of hers. Pro-tip: you can get (almost) anything from her in exchange for some good, veg food.</p></div></div><div id="Patrycja Bratkowska" style="order:152" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Patrycja Bratkowska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Patrycja Bratkowska</p><p>Web Developer</p><p>Patrycja takes care of our LiveChat and HelpDesk websites by giving them new designs. She graduated from branding studies and was a marketing specialist before she started working as a web developer. She even founded her branding magazine, yay! She is a pleasant and empathic person, always focused on understanding other perspectives. In her free time, she reads books about science and psychology. She loves traveling and experiencing new countries.</p></div></div><div id="Patrycja Urban" style="order:153" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Patrycja Urban photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Patrycja Urban</p><p>Product Design Lead</p><p>Patrycja is an experienced problem hunter and a design mastermind. She combines these skills to come up with simple, user-oriented interfaces and no bug can deceive her! In her free time, she takes long walks (she has walked across almost whole Australia) and hunts stars falling from the night sky.</p></div></div><div id="Patryk Pilarski" style="order:154" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507270/team/original/patryk-pilarski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507270/team/original/patryk-pilarski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Patryk Pilarski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Patryk Pilarski</p><p>Data Engineer</p><p>Half bookworm, half robot, half wizard, half data, half habit, half hobbit, Patryk is great with fractions. When asked about data related things he will most likely be able to respond in a manner that may suggest that he knows thing or two about this or that. In his free time he enjoys competitive book reading, speedrunning online courses and writing 'about me' sections</p></div></div><div id="Paulina Grzegoszczyk" style="order:155" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Paulina Grzegoszczyk photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Paulina Grzegoszczyk</p><p>Front-end Engineer</p><p>Paulina is a native Silesian. Apart from working in IT for over three years, sports were always a part of her life. She was a Latin and ballroom dancer for 12 years. After that, she moved to Wrocław for studies and replaced dancing with strength training. An unusual move, but it worked perfectly for her. She is a decorated powerlifting competitor with many Polish records under her belt. She believes that you can achieve anything you want, but you have to work hard for it. Hard work and consistency always wins with genes! In her free time, she likes cooking and baking as a way to relax. She is also a lover of nature.</p></div></div><div id="Paulina Zawadzka" style="order:156" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1607328156/team/original/paulina-zawadzka.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1607328156/team/original/paulina-zawadzka.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Paulina Zawadzka photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Paulina Zawadzka</p><p>Test Automation Engineer</p><p>Paulina is a Test Automation Engineer by day and an adrenaline lover by night. She loves discovering rollercoaster rides and trying out extreme sports (with varying success). When she wants to relax, she delves into crime books or goes for long walks.</p></div></div><div id="Pawel Halabuda" style="order:157" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897142/team/original/pawel-halabuda.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897142/team/original/pawel-halabuda.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Pawel Halabuda photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Pawel Halabuda</p><p>Head of Communication</p><p>Paweł is responsible for content strategy and communication at Text. He enjoys running, among other activities, and believes that consistency is key in both business and personal life.</p></div></div><div id="Pawel Halas" style="order:158" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Pawel Halas photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Pawel Halas</p><p>Head of Partnerships</p><p>Pawel is responsible for finding places where people talk about LiveChat and participate in those conversations to spread our brand even further. As a typical NBA fan living in Europe, Pawel goes to sleep really late and is barely conscious in the morning. That’s why a cup of joe is the first thing he thinks about when he comes to the office in the morning. You can usually find him with his headphones on, listening to some weird stuff or, to his all time favorites, the Beastie Boys.</p></div></div><div id="Pawel Karoluk" style="order:159" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Pawel Karoluk photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Pawel Karoluk</p><p>System Administrator</p><p>Pawel is our virtualization specialist. Apart from fidgeting with our server structure, matrices and data centers, he’s making sure that everything runs smoothly. He’d want to virtualize everything, from servers and networks to matrices and desktops. When we tell him that this much virtualization is madness, he only says <strong>“Madness…? THIS IS XAAS!”</strong>. When not freaking out about virtualization, Pawel trains crossfit and tries his hand in long distance running.</p></div></div><div id="Pawel Kawecki" style="order:160" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897149/team/original/pawel-kawecki.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897149/team/original/pawel-kawecki.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Pawel Kawecki photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Pawel Kawecki</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>Paweł is a Go Back-end Developer from Kraków. Outside of work, he enjoys playing amateur football, working out at the gym, and hiking in the Polish Tatry mountains. Recently, he’s immersed himself in the Witcher universe, having completed Witcher 2 and Witcher 3 on Xbox, watched the Netflix series twice, and finished the Witcher saga books by Andrzej Sapkowski.</p></div></div><div id="Pawel Stepien" style="order:161" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507272/team/original/pawel-stepien.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507272/team/original/pawel-stepien.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Pawel Stepien photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Pawel Stepien</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>Though usually a quiet person, Paweł likes to chip in with some dry, ironic humor from time to time, so don't take him too seriously. Believes there's no such thing as a 'good' morning. Dabbled in esports a bit, but once that fad was over he went all in on web dev to become a front-end developer. Into minimalism, but not overly so. Favourite pastimes: video games, shows, movies, anime, soundtracks.</p></div></div><div id="Pawel Wolkowski" style="order:162" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507273/team/original/pawel-wolkowski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507273/team/original/pawel-wolkowski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Pawel Wolkowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Pawel Wolkowski</p><p>Technical Support Hero</p><p>Ex musician but still a Double Bassist. Music was just the beginning of creating and performing. Now Paweł enjoys the challenge of learning new skills and tackling new projects, driven by curiosity. Shortly a film-maker, full-time biker(except winter *), and the guy who is in love with everything electronic. Impossible case? Just give me a moment. If he could be an animal, he would like to be a penguin.</p></div></div><div id="Pawel Wolniewicz" style="order:163" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897156/team/original/pawel-wolniewicz.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897156/team/original/pawel-wolniewicz.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Pawel Wolniewicz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Pawel Wolniewicz</p><p>Support Hero</p><p>Paul is a role playing game enthusiast and loves navigating through various scenarios that the game throws at him. This prepares him to handle various customer cases to get the best result. Outside of work he loves a variety of activities, such as biking, gaming, and some DIYs.</p></div></div><div id="Pawel Zuczkowski" style="order:164" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1607328150/team/original/pawel-zuczkowski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1607328150/team/original/pawel-zuczkowski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Pawel Zuczkowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Pawel Zuczkowski</p><p>Test Automation Engineer</p><p>Pawel uses Python to automate test cases and makes sure that everything works as it should. He always appreciates constructive feedback that contributes to a positive outcome. Pawel has loved sports since childhood, especially swimming, cycling, hiking, and lifting weights. Apart from that, he is teaching his new dog, Alex, new tricks.</p></div></div><div id="Piotr Bednarek" style="order:165" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Piotr Bednarek photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Piotr Bednarek</p><p>Chief Automation Officer</p><p>Turbocharging work with automation is Piotr’s main focus. He seeks for ultimate efficiency of operations. Huge people believer and a sports enthusiast – he loves squash and bicycling.</p></div></div><div id="Piotr Grzesiak" style="order:166" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507270/team/original/piotr-grzesiak.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507270/team/original/piotr-grzesiak.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Piotr Grzesiak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Piotr Grzesiak</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>Responsible for Helpdesk backend. After work, a huge fan of bicycle commuting who is in love with The Netherlands. He never says no to hagelslag and stroopwafels.</p></div></div><div id="Piotr Sirek" style="order:167" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897200/team/original/piotr-sirek.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897200/team/original/piotr-sirek.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Piotr Sirek photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Piotr Sirek</p><p>Test Automation Engineer</p><p>Piotr is a member of our Quality Assurance team. With his experience in automated testing, he ensures our HelpDesk product runs smoothly and reliably for users. Outside of work, Piotr is a LEGO enthusiast and a Formula 1 fan, often drawing inspiration from the precision and excitement of the sport. He also enjoys exploring cities to discover specialty coffee places — always on the lookout for the perfect brew.</p></div></div><div id="Piotr Sarzynski" style="order:168" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897190/team/original/piotr-sarzynski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897190/team/original/piotr-sarzynski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Piotr Sarzynski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Piotr Sarzynski</p><p>Head of Sales</p><p>Piotr oversees the expansion of the existing customer base, ensuring that customers receive the value they pay for and more. When he’s not helping his team sell chatbots, he’s probably off somewhere pretending to be a robot himself — his passion is street dancing. He’s also an avid fan of Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, and Stanley Kubrick. A customer called him Johnny Sins once, but he swears any resemblance is purely coincidental.</p></div></div><div id="Przemyslaw Dudycz" style="order:169" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642448964/team/original/przemyslaw-dudycz.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642448964/team/original/przemyslaw-dudycz.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Przemyslaw Dudycz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Przemyslaw Dudycz</p><p>Technical Project Lead</p><p>Przemek is a backend developer that always tries to find the best solution to a problem. After work, you can find him on a basketball court, where he loves to compete with others. He enjoys playing the guitar, reading books, and theater improvisation too.</p></div></div><div id="Przemyslaw Kubik" style="order:170" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642500249/team/original/przemyslaw-kubik.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642500249/team/original/przemyslaw-kubik.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Przemyslaw Kubik photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Przemyslaw Kubik</p><p>Support Hero</p><p>Normal human beings are around 70% water. Przemek is probably 70% coffee. He enjoys spending time in the kitchen cooking "serious gourmet food" or making specialty coffee. When not in the kitchen, he is sneaking around airsoft fields or wages war on the competitive tables of Warhammer 40000. No one is sure how — it's probably all the caffeine — but he also manages to meet with his team for a Tabletop RPG session every week.</p></div></div><div id="Radek Zarzecki" style="order:171" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1607328151/team/original/radek-zarzecki.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1607328151/team/original/radek-zarzecki.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Radek Zarzecki photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Radek Zarzecki</p><p>Data Analyst</p><p>Radek is an intro-extravert. If he was in the Apollo 11 mission, he’d be Michael Collins. He’s a fan of British music and American physicists. Radek seeks patterns in day-to-day life and tries to fit our world into data. At the same time, he strongly believes in individual privacy. He’s fascinated by Nintendo's design philosophy.</p></div></div><div id="Rafal Cebo-Kloc" style="order:172" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Rafal Cebo-Kloc photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Rafal Cebo-Kloc</p><p>Head of HelpDesk</p><p>He thinks that stopping bullets is way easier than building meaningful products. That’s why he always tries to see a broader perspective of his work. He’s a strategist who loves the process of discovering and creating new things. In his free time, he likes taking photos and listening to audiobooks. He’s also a sports enthusiast.</p></div></div><div id="Rafal Luksza" style="order:173" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897206/team/original/rafal-luksza.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897206/team/original/rafal-luksza.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Rafal Luksza photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Rafal Luksza</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>A Front-end Developer who believes great code can be written from anywhere. Rafał combines their love for web development with a nomadic spirit, staying productive while exploring new places. Between coding sessions, they recharge by running outdoors and diving into engaging reads.</p></div></div><div id="Sebastian Kamieniarz" style="order:174" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Sebastian Kamieniarz photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Sebastian Kamieniarz</p><p>Test Automation Engineer</p><p>A down-to-earth guy in a constant balancing act of searching the golden mean in life. Sebastian's primary duty is to make hundreds of test cases automagically perform on their own. Outside work, when the weather is favorable, he is probably cycling or hiking. When it's not, presumably, he has a good read or tries to learn to play an instrument.</p></div></div><div id="Slawomir Pawlak" style="order:175" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897216/team/original/slawomir-pawlak.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897216/team/original/slawomir-pawlak.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Slawomir Pawlak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Slawomir Pawlak</p><p>Product Marketing Manager</p><p>A marketer who makes sure our products appeal to partners. When he's not juggling marketing tactics, Slawek is an avid fan of strategy board games, science fiction, and independent cinema. He claims that marketing is not much different than a good strategy game.</p></div></div><div id="Sylwia Kocur" style="order:176" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642448941/team/original/sylwia-kocur.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642448941/team/original/sylwia-kocur.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Sylwia Kocur photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Sylwia Kocur</p><p>ChatBot Product Expert</p><p>When she studied cognitive science in Poznań, Sylwia fell in love with the city and linguistics, Artificial Intelligence, and mind maps. Luckily, she found all this and more at ChatBot. When she's not thinking about the best solutions to ChatBot customers' problems, she's probably walking her dog, Zuzu, cooking (preferably breakfast food for every meal), or watching cheese shows on her couch.</p></div></div><div id="Sylwia Sobolewska" style="order:177" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Sylwia Sobolewska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Sylwia Sobolewska</p><p>Head of Billing &amp; Accounts</p><p>If Text was hiring for the incredible sense of humor, she would be a CEO. In the meantime, Text values skills, experience, and a positive attitude more so she works as a Product Manager. She is ready to solve the most complex and cross-team prob… ummmm… opportunities :). Sylwia is also passionate about coffee, does latte art like a pro and she has a happy soul of a backpacker. All that in one body!</p></div></div><div id="Stanislaw Rakowski" style="order:178" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897224/team/original/stanislaw-rakowski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897224/team/original/stanislaw-rakowski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Stanislaw Rakowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Stanislaw Rakowski</p><p>Software Engineer</p><p>Stanisław is a Software Engineer on the OpenWidget Team, involved in full-stack product development. He enjoys traveling, road cycling, and drinking coffee, and his favorite thing is combining all three — stopping for a coffee during a bike ride through beautiful scenery.</p></div></div><div id="Szymon Graczyk" style="order:179" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Szymon Graczyk photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Szymon Graczyk</p><p>Head of Product Engineering</p><p>Szymon, guiding our product engineering, nurtures the growth of our software's framework and developer experience. A stickler for quality, he loves a good, constructive debate that propels us forward. Beyond the office, you'll find Szymon reveling in a mix of 8-bit chiptunes, 90s screamo, and Magic the Gathering. He also appreciates post-apocalyptic narratives and enjoys the adventures of DIY travel. He explores the world of core strength training and running, balancing his physical pursuits with his professional ones. Always learning, always improving - that's Szymon for you.</p></div></div><div id="Szymon Klimczak" style="order:180" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Szymon Klimczak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Szymon Klimczak</p><p>Chief Growth Officer</p><p>Szymon is responsible for increasing the company’s market share for all its products and helping product teams reach their growth goals. He will also oversee customer acquisition projects across the organization. As you can see, Szymon brings almost 40 years of experience in growth, and has a passion for basketball, cooking, quizzes, and stock investments.</p></div></div><div id="Tadeusz Rzewuski" style="order:181" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897231/team/original/tadeusz-rzewuski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897231/team/original/tadeusz-rzewuski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Tadeusz Rzewuski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Tadeusz Rzewuski</p><p>Senior Web Developer</p><p>Tad finds satisfaction in solving problems and developing software that enhances user experiences. Driven by curiosity, he continually seeks to learn and grow, tinkering with technology from software to hardware. In his free time, he focuses on architecture, finding joy in creating thoughtful spaces. Whether sketching concepts or working on designs, this blend of interests allows him to contribute thoughtfully to projects by merging technical insight with creativity.</p></div></div><div id="Tomasz Guzik" style="order:182" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897238/team/original/tomasz-guzik.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897238/team/original/tomasz-guzik.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Tomasz Guzik photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Tomasz Guzik</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>Tomek is a Back-end Developer on the ChatBot team who is equally passionate about frontend development. When he’s not coding, he’s building his open-source component library or hunting for new board games to add to his ever-growing collection — especially if they’re on sale. When it’s time to step away from the game table, Tomek spends his free time smashing it in table tennis, playing badminton, or hitting the gym. In the evenings, he unwinds by getting lost in fantasy audiobooks or watching anime.</p></div></div><div id="Urszula Jarzebowska" style="order:183" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Urszula Jarzebowska photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Urszula Jarzebowska</p><p>Member of the Board</p><p>As an integral Text (LiveChat) member from day one, Urszula heads up the company's finance and administration activities. She has a lot of financial experience with both public and venture-backed companies. Urszula holds a Master of Arts degree in accounting.</p></div></div><div id="Vladyslav Kozlovskyi" style="order:184" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1731059489/team/original/vladyslav-kozlovskyi.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1731059489/team/original/vladyslav-kozlovskyi.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Vladyslav Kozlovskyi photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Vladyslav Kozlovskyi</p><p>Design System Lead</p><p>Vlad is a Design System Lead who believes in technology as the cornerstone of efficient design. For Vlad, the Design System is the single source of truth and control, ensuring consistency and scalability across all products. Known for their 'work hard, play hard' attitude, Vlad is a ping-pong ninja and a dynamic 'ready-to-go' person. Philosophy? Make it different, fight hard, and rise to Valhalla.</p></div></div><div id="Weronika Masternak" style="order:185" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1607328149/team/original/weronika-masternak.png" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1607328149/team/original/weronika-masternak.png 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Weronika Masternak photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Weronika Masternak</p><p>Product Content Specialist</p><p>Words have great power and so does Weronika. She loves to answer the burning questions and not just when she's creating a new piece of content. She has the heaps of energy, curiosity, and empathy necessary to understand this crazy world. Also, Weronika is a great fan of sociology, weightlifting, and music from the '90s. She's unstoppable, and she wants it that way.</p></div></div><div id="Wiktoria Smola" style="order:186" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642507642/team/original/wiktoria-smola.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642507642/team/original/wiktoria-smola.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Wiktoria Smola photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Wiktoria Smola</p><p>Support Hero</p><p>Wiktoria recently discovered her love for cooking, but on the other hand, she still can’t say „no” to a proposition of going to a good restaurant. When she’s at home, you can spot her watching some Disney movie and being distracted by three cats doing „zoomies” in the background!</p></div></div><div id="Wojciech Dudek" style="order:187" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897252/team/original/wojciech-dudek.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897252/team/original/wojciech-dudek.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Wojciech Dudek photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Wojciech Dudek</p><p>Front-end Developer</p><p>Wojciech is a Front-end Developer with a bit of a tech identity crisis, having dabbled in backend, hardware, and even robot programming. If it’s got a circuit — fridge, washing machine, toaster, you name it — he’s probably already thinking up a way to program it. A little obsessed with IoT and smart home automations, he’s the type who can’t resist figuring out how to wire everything up to be controlled remotely. A fan of just about every sport, though pretty terrible at most of them — but hey, enthusiasm counts, right?</p></div></div><div id="Wojciech Fabjanczuk" style="order:188" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507268/team/original/wojtek-fabjanczuk.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507268/team/original/wojtek-fabjanczuk.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Wojciech Fabjanczuk photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Wojciech Fabjanczuk</p><p>Back-end Developer</p><p>Passionate about creating scalable and efficient server-side systems. In his free time you can find him inline skating around the city, playing CS:GO, or listening to hip hop tracks.</p></div></div><div id="Wojciech Pollok" style="order:189" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Wojciech Pollok photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Wojciech Pollok</p><p>Customer Education Specialist</p><p>Wojtek is a self-made scholar dabbling in history, sociology and behavioral psychology. When not thinking why people are acting they way they are, Wojtek likes to spend his evenings reading fantasy books and watching movies.</p></div></div><div id="Wojciech Toporowski" style="order:190" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1642498957/team/original/wojciech-toporowski.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1642498957/team/original/wojciech-toporowski.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Wojciech Toporowski photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Wojciech Toporowski</p><p>Support Hero</p><p>An avid gamer with a knack for cooking. Favorite food includes pizza, lasagne, and carbonara. Wojciech has a sweet tooth as well. Do not give him any chocolate! He devours it in one go. A movie enthusiast who adores watching movies with his lovely wife and dog — "My little family," as he calls them. He loves hiking with his beloved golden retriever Rolo, but he hates cleaning Rolo's fur. It's everywhere. Always.</p></div></div><div id="Wojciech Zbrozek" style="order:191" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507268/team/original/wojtek-zbozek.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507268/team/original/wojtek-zbozek.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Wojciech Zbrozek photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Wojciech Zbrozek</p><p>Technical Support Hero</p><p>Pianist, minimalist, DIY enthusiast and work-life balance advocate. When he's done with his work for the day, Wojciech switches his laptop keyboard for a set of black and white keys to dive into the world of music. When the snow is falling, a deep powder day on the mountain is all he can think of. Beginner surfer looking forward to finally getting barrelled.</p></div></div><div id="Ziemowit Banaszek" style="order:192" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Ziemowit Banaszek photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Ziemowit Banaszek</p><p>Support Quality Lead</p><p>Ziemowit is a part of our Support team and makes sure that no customer question goes unanswered. He’s a very complicated man. On the one hand, he’s a sybarite who likes to indulge in good food, music, movies, books and alcohol. On the other, he’s a masochist that likes to lose time and time again while playing the menacing Dark Souls series. He’s also a father of four, which I guess falls somewhere in the middle.</p></div></div><div id="Ziemowit Kaniucki" style="order:193" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/" srcSet=",f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/ 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Ziemowit Kaniucki photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Ziemowit Kaniucki</p><p>Senior Growth Account Executive</p><p>By all means, this guy is making our customers delighted. He’s a former London’s Cabbie who’s building castles in the air about 993 Turbo S. There’s nothing he enjoys more than a long night ride while blasting the finest tunes. An avid sports fan who likes to stay up late and watch the NBA. Last but not least, he has a jillion sneakers, so you’ll never see him rocking the same pair two days in a row.</p></div></div><div id="Zuzanna Bocian" style="order:194" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507268/team/original/zuza-bocian.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507268/team/original/zuza-bocian.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Zuzanna Bocian photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Zuzanna Bocian</p><p>Product Marketing Specialist</p><p>In love with creating beautiful travel reports, both photo, and video. Social media is nothing complicated for her. Privately, she does a lot of sports. Lately, mainly climbing and mountain hiking. After hours, she also dances in a juggling troupe - the Griffin Guard. Hence the prop in the photo - fan veils. In addition, proud mother of a beautiful puppy named Jenny.</p></div></div><div id="Zuzanna Kokoszka" style="order:195" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1730897260/team/original/zuzanna-kokoszka.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1730897260/team/original/zuzanna-kokoszka.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Zuzanna Kokoszka photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Zuzanna Kokoszka</p><p>Office Manager</p><p>As an Office Manager, Zuza creates a good daily vibe and ensures everything runs smoothly. Need help with anything? She's the go-to person for every little thing or miracle and has it covered. After hours, Zu is the retro-loving mother of three sons who explains the wonderful power of the 90s to their kids.</p></div></div><div id="Zuzanna Kunik" style="order:196" class="People_person__RjMN6 People_show__ruyFd"><div class="People_picture__m8vEp"><img src=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_512,h_363/v1684507270/team/original/zuzanna-kunik.jpg" srcSet=",c_fit,f_auto,q_auto,e_sharpen:50,w_1024,h_726/v1684507270/team/original/zuzanna-kunik.jpg 2x" loading="lazy" alt="Zuzanna Kunik photo"/></div><div><p class="People_name__HZK2t">Zuzanna Kunik</p><p>Data Scientist with NLP</p><p>Zuza, a true data alchemist, can knit you a neat ML model beanie or neat woollen beanie - depends on the day. Thought-provoking questions for the mind, hard-style kettlebell for the body, wild at heart, weird on top, light the fuse, dance around, smile!</p></div></div><div class="People_jobButtonWrapper__AMu1I" style="order:2"><h2>This spot waits for someone like you!</h2><p>Find out more about the jobs</p><a class="cta" href="/careers/">See open positions</a></div></div><div class="People_showAllWrapper___ADdW"><button class="cta v--with-icon" style="display:inline-flex"><svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" fill="none"><path stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" d="M12 5v14m-7-7h14"></path></svg>Show all</button></div></section></main></main><footer class="Footer_footer__Dhw_9"><div class="Footer_footerContainer__vcVmy"><div class="Footer_firstRow__r23sw"><div><div class="Logo_logo__3uUlF"><a href="/">text<span class="Logo_carrier__nvDPs">|</span></a></div><div class="Footer_socialIcons__S9DDj"><a aria-label="Go to LiveChat Twitter account" href=""><svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" fill="none"><g clip-path="url(#a)"><path fill="currentColor" d="M11.903 8.464 19.348 0h-1.764l-6.465 7.35L5.955 0H0l7.808 11.114L0 19.99h1.764l6.828-7.761 5.452 7.76H20L11.902 8.465Zm-2.417 2.747-.791-1.106L2.4 1.299h2.71l5.08 7.107.791 1.106 6.604 9.238h-2.71l-5.389-7.538Z"></path></g><defs><clipPath id="a"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h20v20H0z"></path></clipPath></defs></svg></a><a aria-label="Go to LiveChat LinkedIn account" href=""><svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 21 20"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M17.543 17.042h-2.966V12.4c0-1.107-.02-2.53-1.542-2.53-1.542 0-1.778 1.207-1.778 2.451v4.721H8.294V7.498h2.842v1.304h.041c.397-.75 1.364-1.541 2.807-1.541 3.005 0 3.56 1.976 3.56 4.547v5.234ZM4.95 6.194a1.72 1.72 0 1 1-.003-3.44 1.72 1.72 0 0 1 .003 3.44ZM3.462 17.042h2.97V7.498h-2.97v9.544ZM19.02 0H1.975C1.16 0 .5.646.5 1.442v17.115C.5 19.353 1.161 20 1.975 20H19.02c.816 0 1.48-.647 1.48-1.443V1.442C20.5.646 19.835 0 19.02 0Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></a><a aria-label="Go to LiveChat Facebook account" href=""><svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 21 20"><path fill="currentColor" d="M20.5 10.06c0-5.54-4.477-10.029-10-10.029s-10 4.49-10 10.03c0 5.007 3.656 9.156 8.438 9.908v-7.01h-2.54v-2.898h2.54V7.85c0-2.513 1.492-3.902 3.777-3.902 1.094 0 2.238.196 2.238.196v2.468h-1.262c-1.242 0-1.629.774-1.629 1.567v1.88h2.774l-.443 2.9h-2.33v7.009c4.78-.752 8.437-4.901 8.437-9.908Z"></path></svg></a><a aria-label="Go to LiveChat Youtube channel" href=""><svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.935 12.99V7.352l5.403 2.828-5.403 2.808ZM19.8 6.376s-.196-1.382-.795-1.991c-.76-.8-1.613-.803-2.004-.85-2.799-.203-6.997-.203-6.997-.203h-.008s-4.199 0-6.997.203c-.392.047-1.243.05-2.005.85C.395 4.995.2 6.376.2 6.376S0 8 0 9.624v1.522c0 1.624.2 3.247.2 3.247s.195 1.382.794 1.99c.762.8 1.761.775 2.206.858 1.6.154 6.8.202 6.8.202s4.203-.006 7.001-.21c.39-.046 1.243-.05 2.004-.85.6-.608.795-1.99.795-1.99s.2-1.623.2-3.247V9.623c0-1.623-.2-3.246-.2-3.246Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></a></div></div><div class="Footer_menuLinks__BCXzL"><div><p>Build</p><a class="" href="/universe/">Universe</a><a class="" href="">Platform</a></div><div><p>Distribute</p><a class="" href="/marketplace/">Marketplace</a><a class="" href="">Developer Program</a><a class="" href="">Incubator</a><a class="" href="">Partner Program</a></div><div><p>Company</p><a class="" href="/vision/">Vision</a><a class="" href="/roadmap/">Roadmap</a><a class="" href="/focus/">Focus</a><a class="" href="/success/">Blog</a><a class="" href="/careers/">Careers</a><a class="" href="/team/">Team</a><a class="" href="/press/">Press</a><a class="" href="">Investors</a><a class="" href="/contact/">Contact</a></div></div></div><div class="Footer_secondRow__jo7Z0"><p>© <!-- -->2025<!-- --> Text, Inc. 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3.222-1.088 3.222-2.678 0-1.292-.788-2.04-1.768-2.244a2.4 2.4 0 0 0 1.2-2.2c0-1.428-1.048-2.4-2.72-2.4h-4.276v9.522Zm1.85-1.496v-2.6h2.38c.898 0 1.428.504 1.428 1.292s-.504 1.306-1.414 1.306l-2.394.002Zm0-4.08V3.481h1.986c.788 0 1.25.462 1.25 1.184s-.434 1.264-1.236 1.264h-2ZM96.357 11.67c.816 0 1.714-.34 2.04-.816v.652h1.782V6.99c0-1.646-1.2-2.72-2.978-2.72-1.524 0-2.624.734-3.032 2.108h1.712c.2-.382.586-.668 1.224-.668.762 0 1.224.49 1.224 1.144v.964a2.84 2.84 0 0 0-1.8-.6c-1.7 0-2.856.708-2.856 2.244.006 1.377 1.094 2.207 2.684 2.207Zm.48-1.225c-.774 0-1.36-.382-1.36-1.034s.544-1 1.416-1c.828 0 1.44.366 1.44 1 0 .635-.684 1.034-1.496 1.034ZM104.081 11.67c1.754 0 3.06-1 3.06-2.366 0-1-.53-1.552-1.578-1.8l-2.148-.53c-.368-.082-.544-.244-.544-.6 0-.504.4-.776 1.156-.776.816 0 1.156.382 1.156.926v.122h1.618v-.11c0-1.4-1.102-2.256-2.8-2.256-1.698 0-2.856.8-2.856 2.256 0 1.076.558 1.62 1.618 1.864l2.096.476c.4.096.584.3.584.64 0 .544-.572.856-1.346.856-.87 0-1.428-.368-1.428-.98v-.098h-1.632v.122c0 1.506 1.248 2.254 3.044 2.254ZM110.937 11.67c1.564 0 2.83-.938 3.074-2.23h-1.618c-.178.487-.666.896-1.456.896-1.074 0-1.496-.72-1.496-1.55v-.177h4.624V7.371c0-1.7-1.06-3.1-3.154-3.1s-3.264 1.36-3.264 3.276v.966c0 1.98 1.292 3.156 3.29 3.156Zm-1.5-4.435c0-.952.4-1.66 1.47-1.66 1 0 1.454.668 1.454 1.552v.176h-2.924v-.068Z"></path><path fill="#9146FF" d="M13.437 2.774V.094h-.128c-2.23.09-4.072 1.542-5.208 2.676l-.064.062-.064-.062C6.837 1.636 4.995.184 2.765.094h-.128v2.68h-2.6v4.612c0 1.12.048 2.242.12 3.154a3.72 3.72 0 0 0 3.454 3.4 63.903 63.903 0 0 0 8.854.002 3.72 3.72 0 0 0 3.452-3.4c.072-.912.114-2.034.12-3.154V2.774h-2.6Zm0 4.612c0 1.052-.044 2.102-.112 2.946a1.112 1.112 0 0 1-1.046 1.01 61.88 61.88 0 0 1-8.482 0 1.114 1.114 0 0 1-1.048-1.01 37.982 37.982 0 0 1-.112-2.946V2.774c1.888.08 3.752 2.09 4.318 2.882L8.037 7.16 9.12 5.656c.566-.8 2.432-2.8 4.318-2.882v4.612Z"></path></svg></a><a 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This comprises traffic analysis, delivering personalized content, and supporting our marketing efforts. By accessing our website, interacting with our Services, you agree to let us and our partners employ cookies and similar technologies on your computer or devices. Click the<!-- --> <a href="">Cookies Policy</a> <!-- -->to check how you can control the use of them through your device. To understand how we process your data, including through cookies, and different forms of interactions with us, please read our<!-- --> <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>.</p></div></footer></div><script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">{"props":{"pageProps":{"people":[{"name":"Adam Dudzic","position":"System Administrator","picture":"v1607328155/team/original/adam-dudzic.jpg","department":"Infrastructure","description":"After studying physics, Adam decided that his calling is system administration. After hours, he likes to work on his own homelab whenever he’s not out climbing in a gym or at local crags."},{"name":"Adrian Puzio","position":"Senior Account Executive","picture":"v1607517391/team/original/adrian-puzio.jpg","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"There is nothing more important to Adrian than a satisfied customer and the smell of freshly roasted Colombian supremo coffee beans. When he is not heading off to work, you’ll find him casually jogging or sweating his guts out to finish first during a CrossFit competition. If you ask Adrian what is important in life, he would answer that it’s keeping it simple and ice cream."},{"name":"Adrianna Lembicz","position":"ChatBot Product Expert","picture":"v1642448946/team/original/adrianna-lembicz.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Ada has been working in various internet sectors for a while, including SEO, social media management, moderation, and search engine evaluation. Still, her strong suit has always been customer support — she loves solving problems and is passionate about customer education. Ada owns two dogs, three cats, and a couple of mantises. She spends her free time practicing calligraphy and painting and relaxing by cooking vegan meals, watching her favorite TV shows, and playing games."},{"name":"Agata Roginska","position":"Head of Customer Service","picture":"","department":"Support","description":"As a chemical engineer, Agata loves getting positive reactions from LiveChat customers she supports. At those few and far between moments when she’s not helping LiveChat customers, she enjoys cooking, reading fantasy books and playing with her three cats."},{"name":"Agnieszka Dudziak","position":"ChatBot Product Expert","picture":"v1643024418/team/original/agnieszka-dudziak.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Agnieszka provides a foster home for rabbits that fell victim to caregiver neglect or abandonment. She spends a good portion of her time on trips to the vet, giving healthy treats to bunnies, and trying to save her apartment from total bunny destruction. But most importantly, she shows them love and keeps them safe until they find a new home. She's a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter series. Besides that, she enjoys escape rooms, playing RPG games on PlayStation, and board games."},{"name":"Agnieszka Jawinska","position":"Social Media Lead","picture":"","department":"Marketing","description":"Agnieszka takes care of our social media channels and makes sure that our followers receive a healthy dose of interesting stuff every day. She spends way more time talking to people online than she does with us in the office. When we do manage to talk to her, it’s always about amazingly cheap travel deals, the new hot kale diet and the occasional dry joke (\u003ca target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"\u003eso, so dry\u003c/a\u003e). Even though this may sound like a strange combination of topics, she probably has us all figured out since she majored in psychology."},{"name":"Agnieszka Nowak","position":"Accountant","picture":"","department":"Legal \u0026 Finance","description":"Agnieszka is our dedicated special tasks agent. She makes sure that we don’t forget to eat and helps us to put 100% of our time into preparing the best live chat out there. On one hand Agnieszka is an avid climber. She loves spending her free time scaling steep rock walls along Via ferratas. On the other hand, she likes sailing and is an certified inland skipper. Between her climbing and sailing adventures, she likes to work on DIY projects like rejuvenating old furniture."},{"name":"Agnieszka Susidko","position":"Chief HR Officer","picture":"","department":"CXO","description":"Agnieszka is responsible for HR at Text and generally makes sure that we don’t want to kill each other on a daily basis. That takes a lot character and Agnieszka has no shortage of that. She’s a real rock’n’roller who enjoys live performances at music festivals. She also has a calmer side: she likes photographing everything, reading up on mountain-climbing expeditions and training her dog."},{"name":"Alejandro Hernandez Cobo","position":"Full-stack Developer","picture":"v1730896462/team/original/alejandro-hernandez-cobo.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Alejandro is originally from Spain but has been living in Poland for quite some time now. As a Full Stack Developer, he builds internal tools to make life easier for our support heroes and customers. When he’s not coding, he’s likely out exploring on his bike or snapping photos — always finding new roads to ride and pictures to take."},{"name":"Aleksandra Kacperczyk","position":"Platform Tools Team Leader","picture":"","department":"Product Management","description":"Once worked with bacteria, now still enjoys breaking things down and explaining the difficult. English is her favorite programming language. When not at home watching Gilmore Girls or sewing, she’s probably hanging out with friends, buying another plant, or on the tennis court trying to hit the ball."},{"name":"Aneta Giza","position":"Recruiter","picture":"","department":"People","description":"Aneta is the recruiter on a never-ending mission of attracting best talents to LiveChat. Her goal is to build the best team in the world, and she will most likely succeed as she has winning coursing through her veins. She loves team activities and challenges, and probably that’s why she devoted herself to HR and basketball!"},{"name":"Anika Szeliga","position":"Partner Relations Specialist","picture":"","department":"Developer Relations","description":"At work, Anika tries her best to support and help our customers. After hours, she is a cat lover, gamer girl (she’s a huge fan of the Dark Souls series), artist and a teacher. In love with literature, cleanliness, her cats named Porthos and Aramis, and LARPs where she plays her 8-choir Renaissance lute."},{"name":"Anna Bien-Jawulska","position":"HR Tech \u0026 Data Specialist","picture":"","department":"People","description":"Anna is part of the HR Team and is the master of operations. She is also interested in internal communication and candidate experience. After hours, she’s a big fan of books and permanently in love with her bunny."},{"name":"Anna Kaiser","position":"Accountant","picture":"","department":"Legal \u0026 Finance","description":"Ania is a financial whiz. On a daily basis, settles accounts, takes care of tons of important documents, approves payments and assigns the heap of invoices to collective payments! Quite challenging, right?! Offstage, Ania is a happy mother who dreams about becoming an astronaut and going into space."},{"name":"Anna Krolak","position":"QA engineer","picture":"v1642448961/team/original/anna-krolak.jpg","department":"QA","description":"You won't see this girl in the office — Anna is a home bird who takes care of finding bugs, analyzing new flows, and automating existing ones. Anna is a real sports psycho in her free time - exotic pole dance, kettlebells, and yoga are her true passions. Besides that, she enjoys traveling, crime podcasts, and listening to music."},{"name":"Arkadiusz Syrowiec","position":"Video Editor","picture":"","department":"Design","description":"At Text, most of the motion pictures are Ari’s job. He rides a skateboard and snowboard but also grooves on Sci-Fi movies, astronomy, and quantum physics. After work, he takes his videography only as a form of personal expression. Secret weapon – color grading."},{"name":"Artur Duziak","position":"Test Automation Engineer","picture":"v1684502472/team/original/artur-dudziak.jpg","department":"QA","description":"Massive fan of all software development related activities, especially test automation, evangelist of the whole-team approach. Privately big fan of squash, video games, books, heavy metal concerts, and cats. Also a hedgehog fanatic."},{"name":"Artur Fracala","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"v1642448954/team/original/artur-fracala.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Artur's biggest hobby is creating web apps. After work, he likes reading books, playing chess, and spending time with his family and friends."},{"name":"Ashley Tarczyński-Borkowicz","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"v1684502470/team/original/ash-borkowicz.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Having gained a lot of perspective at LiveChat as a Support Hero, Ash now works on making HelpDesk a better experience for its users, all whilst automating their entire existence with the use of Python. In their free time, they play both board and computer games, join open source projects and dabble in Linux. Making an effort to work outside of their comfort zone, they're always excited to try something new - most recently Scala3, functional programming and ice-skating with their fiancee."},{"name":"Bartlomiej Czop","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"During the day, Bartek looks for bugs and makes sure that the statement “you’ll be happy with it” is not a result of a miracle, but a positive coincidence of unfortunate events. Sometimes at night, he’s in search of new stars and galaxies in the sky. He also won’t say no to good sci-fi books, games, and films."},{"name":"Bartlomiej Kubiak","position":"Leader of API One Team","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Bartlomiej, or Bartek for short, is a man of great passion. Whether he displays it on a football field or when developing our API and web application, he always gives his all. The proud father of our ticketing system and a dedicated fan of FC Barcelona."},{"name":"Bartosz Stopyra","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"v1730896762/team/original/bartosz-stopyra.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Bartek is a Front-end Developer with a strong attention to detail. Outside of work, he enjoys video games, crime shows, sim-racing, motorsports, and spending time with his three cats."},{"name":"Bartosz Lewandowski","position":"Machine Learing Engineer","picture":"v1730896603/team/original/bartosz-lewandowski.jpg","department":"Data \u0026 Research","description":"Bartek is a Machine Learning Engineer with a solid foundation in Bioinformatics, who has dedicated his career to the dynamic field of Natural Language Processing. Constantly on the pulse of AI development, Bartek thrives on integrating cutting-edge advancements into his work. Outside of the tech realm, he is passionate about photography, with a particular love for shooting on film, and enjoys collecting and repairing vintage cameras."},{"name":"Bartosz Olchowka","position":"Product Engineer","picture":"v1732528818/team/original/bartosz-olchowka.png","department":"Development","description":"Text fellow. Maker. The innovation man."},{"name":"Basia Walas","position":"Account Executive","picture":"v1684502468/team/original/basia-walas.jpg","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"After getting her clinical psychology degree in the United States, Basia realized her calling is to work in sales. When not on customer calls, she is most likely reading or planning her next trip. She loves to learn new languages, travel, and explore vegan places wherever she goes. She stands for animal welfare and makes a plant-based diet seem easy. She's a mom to about 30 plants in her apartment, and she's a self-development and social justice books junkie. One thing she can't imagine living without is coffee."},{"name":"Damian Czerniakiewicz","position":"Technical Support Specialist","picture":"v1684502464/team/original/damian-czerniakiewicz.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Damian is a natural food lover - that is why he has a degree in nutrition. He also loves martial arts and board games which taught him patience and problem-solving. As a Support Hero, he transfers those skills to every chat with the customer and ensures we are all playing in a winning team!"},{"name":"Damian Hrycalik","position":"MLOps Engineer","picture":"v1730896799/team/original/damian-hrycalik.jpg","department":"Data \u0026 Research","description":"Damian has a keen interest in AI solutions, especially when they have practical applications and can be used in real-world scenarios. As an MLOps Engineer, he is driven by the challenge of transforming ideas into reliable, operational systems. In his free time, he finds balance by heading into the wild with binoculars and a camera, always in search of birds to photograph. The mountains are his natural habitat, where a love for hiking and skiing complements his passion for exploration and discovery."},{"name":"Daniel Opiola","position":"Technical Support Hero","picture":"v1642507395/team/original/daniel-opiola.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Daniel is an introvert who prefers doing over talking and accuracy over rush. Also, a pessimist because being ready for the worst-case scenario is better than disappointment. Daniel lives in peace with nature and enjoys adventures on a fixed-gear bicycle. If he's moody, just give him a BMX bike and some space to ride flatland. Weekend's chef — making pizza at the end of every week became his tradition. It tastes the best when there's a new episode of a favorite series to watch while eating."},{"name":"Daniel Zielinski","position":"Marketplace Specialist","picture":"","department":"Developer Relations","description":"Customer-focused guy. Daniel is always willing to go the extra mile to get the job done. A rebel to the status quo. He loves a challenge. Known to be a book freak and avid long distance runner."},{"name":"Darek Zabrzenski","position":"Head of ChatBot","picture":"","department":"Product Management","description":"Darek is at the helm of our Research and Development team working on Natural Language Processing (NLP). Thanks to his surgeon-like precision and attention to details, you will soon be able to have a conversation over LiveChat with a chat bot. After hours, Darek explores topics like modern medicine and computer-assisted diagnostics. He also likes to test how steady his hands are by constructing electronics and to chill out a bit by watching a movie."},{"name":"Dariusz Madetko","position":"Shift Leader","picture":"","department":"Support","description":"Having spent ten years as a teacher, Dariusz decided it was high-time he moved forward. His communication skills and passion for educating couldn’t have been left unattended, therefore it was clear he would best utilize them as a Support Quality Lead. Dariusz is a die-hard fan of our neighbouring radio station – Radio RAM. In love with Boards of Canada and the downtempo genre. Gamer, runner, cyclist, dog person – those are just few of the nouns that could best describe him."},{"name":"Dawid Drelichowski","position":"Senior Front-end Developer","picture":"v1684502468/team/original/dawid-drelichowski.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Dawid - a changed man in his forties ;) Once a lover of clubs and music festivals - now a couch potato. He loves listening to music from crackling vinyl and reading detective stories or industry literature. Obligatory with aromatic coffee or whisk(e)y in hand. We have a recipe for a successful evening if we add a dog cuddling in his legs. In the summer, you can meet him on the bike route, where he competes with himself. In the winter, he grabs ski poles and overcomes slopes, gliding between skiers. In autumn, he goes on solo mountain trips. He feels good in the kitchen, where he prepares Asian food. In the meantime, he builds Lego with his daughter and dreams that she will grow up fast enough to trade DUPLO for TECHNICS."},{"name":"Dawid Loks","position":"Support Hero","picture":"v1730896806/team/original/dawid-loks.jpg","department":"Support","description":"A combination of a Support Hero and a magician, Dawid always strives to make clients' problems disappear and pull solutions out of thin air. He always has an ace up his sleeve. When he's not working, he spends his free time learning new tricks, playing video games, or reading books about everything."},{"name":"Dawid Wojtasiak","position":"Product Manager","picture":"","department":"Product Management","description":"When he’s out of the office, Dawid enjoys a good cup of peppermint tea and a cosy blanket over a night out. However, sometimes, you can spot him owning the dancefloor at a party. He’s also an Italian food enthusiast and loves eating anything with cheese. Oh, and he loves road-trips and singing along – anyone up for a ride?"},{"name":"Dominika Kornecka","position":"Support Hero","picture":"v1684502467/team/original/dominika-kornecka.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Dominica is a proud cat mom that works as a Support Hero during the day and Costume Designer at night. When she is not helping customers she is diving into the world of creating costumes for characters out of this world. In her free time, she's enjoying some recreational wall climbing, concerts, and LARPs."},{"name":"Emilia Jarosz","position":"Legal Operation Specialist","picture":"v1642511553/team/original/emilia-jarosz.jpg","department":"Legal \u0026 Finance","description":"She knows the location of everything, how things work, and where you can find them. Emilia knows the best — always. Privately she is an introvert who loves to spend time at home with her dog and favorite films or series. Popcorn lover who dreams of opening her own food truck with it."},{"name":"Emilia Wodyk-Zalewska","position":"Account Manager","picture":"v1643024471/team/original/emilia-wodyk-zalewska.jpg","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"Emilia loves to work with people and for the people. Ready to help anytime if needed. Privately multitasking mom of two boys, spending her free time close to nature. She loves challenges and exploring lakes on the stand-up paddle. After moving six times over ten years, she finally landed in the Nord part of Poland. Big fan of Bavarian beer and Käsespazle :)"},{"name":"Filip Jaskolski","position":"Chief Product Officer","picture":"","department":"CXO","description":"Filip is a software developer with particular interest towards front end and design. While he’s no stranger to any CSS, he’s keen on data crunching too. He takes care of developers’ experience and relations at LiveChat. When offline, Filip enjoys producing creepy noises on his digital piano or tinkering with microchips. In the spare time he runs a photo contest for youngsters in Poland or plays a side role as Marv."},{"name":"Filip Szczechowiak","position":"Software Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Filip is a member of our ChatBot team that takes on the latest and most innovative projects. Concepts like NLP or machine learning are his bread and butter. He likes to blow off steam by cooking (did I mention he’s a pro cook?) and watching a good movie. He likes a good challenge, but the puzzles he solves are \u003ca href=\"\"\u003eunlike the typical crosswords\u003c/a\u003e you normally see."},{"name":"Gabriela Bartoszek","position":"LiveChat Growth Marketing Leader","picture":"v1730896836/team/original/gabriela-bartoszek.jpg","department":"Product Management","description":"Gabriela does marketing and manages the rest as it comes."},{"name":"Grzegorz Luszczyk","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Grzegorz is by nature a lazy creature. Being young and naive he tried to fight it but with time, he learned to embrace it. Nowadays he channels his inner laziness to fight his one true nemesis – repetition. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a mundane everyday task or a part of code that looks suspiciously familiar. If it can be automated or generalised it will end up that way sooner or later. Preferably much sooner since having to repeat something takes away precious time. Time that can be spent on a good book or tv show or even better on playing games and theorycrafting."},{"name":"Grzegorz Pasieka","position":"Engineering Manager","picture":"v1643024371/team/original/grzegorz-pasieka.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Grzegorz is a person with a soul divided into front-end and back-end worlds. He tries to advocate doing what’s right, keeping things simple, and working with the bleeding edge technology while also being a good team player and solution creator. Tolkien's world is his passion, along with medieval and baroque music. Personally a father of one son and an enthusiastic coffee drinker."},{"name":"Grzegorz Zorawski","position":"Support Hero","picture":"v1730896846/team/original/grzegorz-zorawski.jpg","department":"Support","description":"From organizing the Chopin Competition to producing musicals, Grzesiek now channels his unique blend of artistic and organizational skills into the tech world, where he’s become a true Support Hero in IT. Bringing the same energy and dedication he showed in the arts, Grzesiek tackles every tech challenge with style and precision. Outside of work, he loves exploring new places, going for walks, and listening to just about every kind of music. He’s also a passionate American and British pop culture nerd."},{"name":"Hania Biec","position":"Support Quality Lead","picture":"","department":"Support","description":"Hania is the gentle soul of our customer service. She spends her free time reading comic books with her cats. Occasionally, you can spot her at various cosplaying conventions. You need to have a good eye though, because her costumes are killer!"},{"name":"Hubert Staniszewski","position":"Software Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Hubert is a member of our ChatBot team who came to LiveChat after a very successful run at our hackathon. Hubert takes on concepts related to NLP and tries to introduce them to LiveChat. He’s also responsible for preparing clean and friendly user interfaces. His out-of-the-box thinking helps him offer the optimal solutions in both these areas. In his free time, Hubert likes to read a good horror story, preferably from Stephen King. He’s also a big movie buff, especially when it comes to sci-fi and fantasy flicks. As you can see, Hubert is also really fond of cooking. However, it’s usually some kind of delicious food and not crystal meth."},{"name":"Izabela Gurgul","position":"UX Researcher","picture":"v1730896852/team/original/izabela-gurgul.jpg","department":"Data \u0026 Research","description":"Izabela is a User Researcher with a knack for digging deep. She’s the one collecting and interrogating evidence with both a detective’s curiosity and an empathetic mindset, ensuring that every customer voice is heard loud and clear. She is fascinated by the capabilities of the human brain and the wonders of neuroscience. As a plant-powered enthusiast, she grows her own vegetables while designing the ultimate user journey for earthworms. She also leads a personal exploration into dance and soft acrobatics."},{"name":"Izabela Kubik","position":"Support Hero","picture":"v1642507808/team/original/izabela-kubik.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Iza would never have guessed that she’d spend three years teaching English in China nor that she’d fall in love with Asia and the Chinese language. In her spare time, she makes something out of nothing. She loves all kinds of crafts. Watercolour, brush lettering, digital art — you name it! She is a master of pancakes and crepes — at least she says so 🙂"},{"name":"Jacob Firuta","position":"Product Manager","picture":"","department":"Product Management","description":"An apprentice wordsmith with quite a temper and a passion for writing. A spitfire that gets pulled into arguments easily but always has a laugh about it afterwards. When not writing, Jacob spends far too much time gaming, watching B class asian movies and riding his road bicycle."},{"name":"Jagoda Naumczyk","position":"Recruiter","picture":"v1731058603/team/original/jagoda-naumczyk.jpg","department":"People","description":"Jagoda handles recruitment day in and day out at Text, and there’s nothing better than when both the candidate and the hiring manager give each other a big “Yes.” She’s a sports lover who's been playing tennis for years and is also into bouldering, snowboarding, and windsurfing. As a proud dog owner, she loves taking long walks with her pup. Her cat, on the other hand, enjoys making surprise appearances during online meetings."},{"name":"Jakub Czerwinski","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"v1684502464/team/original/jakub-czerwinski.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Kuba is a true lover of games, team sports, and adventure. Especially volleyball and snowboarding are things he's nuts about. He is into learning new technologies and modern solutions, always looking for ways to expand his knowledge and skills. Friends are the whole world to him - he loves to surround himself with people and spend time with them."},{"name":"Jakub Derda","position":"Platform Manager","picture":"v1607328148/team/original/jakub-derda.jpg","department":"Product Management","description":"At work, Kuba's main focus is finding solutions and turning them into projects. Privately, he's a huge Battlefield franchise fan and secretly playing Call of Duty. He also likes fantasy and science fiction books. If not at home, he likes spending time playing Magic: The Gathering or climbing."},{"name":"Jakub Fedyczak","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Jakub is responsible for intricate details of HelpDesk’s API. Atavistically compelled to overthink worst-case scenarios. When not occupied by work, his mind wanders towards everything even remotely connected to new technologies. Loves sci-fi, PlayStation, soldering things, and commuting on his bike. Got questions about Apple products? He has the answers."},{"name":"Jakub Kiszkowski","position":"Product Manager","picture":"v1643024403/team/original/jakub-kiszkowski.jpg","department":"Product Management","description":"Kuba is a Product Manager. At work, he constantly wonders how to satisfy users and improve products. Massive fan of the Premier League. After work, he can't stop thinking about what line-up to put together in the Fantasy Premier League. He loves traveling, discovering new places, and meeting new people."},{"name":"Jakub Pyzio","position":"Full-stack Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Solving problems with calm approach and unbreakable patience, Jakub makes sure every customer leaves our chat satisfied. When asked, he claims to be neither a dog or cat person, as he simply has sympathy for all living creatures. Hoping to substantially grow his animal family in the future, he currently enjoys spoiling his four furry companions, a cat, a rabbit and two squeaky guinea pigs."},{"name":"Jakub Ruszkiewicz","position":"Customer Success Manager","picture":"","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"“It’s Kuba, not Jakub!” Besides being LiveChat’s Customer Success Manager, Kuba is an ex-professional dancer, who’s in the meantime slaying monsters as a Witcher during LARPs. A kind soul that explores art in various forms after work: graphic, music, movement, movies or literature. He can eat ALL the amounts of mint chocolate chip ice creams, even if the temperature outside is lower than the ice cream itself."},{"name":"Jakub Sikora","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Jakub is a Front-end Developer passionate about all aspects of web development, from Agile project planning to the deployment process. Jakub loves to travel with his wife and tries to visit new places every year. In his free time, he enjoys good movies, football, and speedway. He also likes to collect soundtracks."},{"name":"Jan Bialek","position":"Product Manger","picture":"v1730896870/team/original/jan-bialek.jpg","department":"Product Management","description":"Janek is a Product Manager at Workflows who gets a kick out of making complicated things simple. He’s all about teamwork — whether he's building products or playing basketball. When Janek isn’t brainstorming new features, you'll find him cheering for FC Barcelona, geeking out over history/philosophy books, or debating about movies. He believes good ideas can come from anywhere, especially when people put their heads together."},{"name":"Jan Donimirski","position":"Mobile Engineer","picture":"v1730896876/team/original/jan-donimirski.jpg","department":"Development","description":"A Mobile Engineer dedicated to taking LiveChat’s mobile apps to the next level. Outside of work, you’ll find Jan with a good book, enjoying jazz and coffee, or getting beaten up at the boxing gym. He’s also taken up sailing as his latest hobby."},{"name":"Jan Pietruszka","position":"Sales Engineer","picture":"","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"Jan is an aspiring designer, carpenter, cook and a mechanic. A true renaissance man, he loves to spend his time making furniture, cooking delicious food and restoring old VW Beetles."},{"name":"Janka Tokarczyk","position":"Product Designer","picture":"v1684502464/team/original/janina-tokarczyk.jpg","department":"Design","description":"Ever since she has started studying Psychology Janka does her best to find the human perspective in everything she does, design included. She is a firm believer in a work-life balance (with a strong emphasis on life). Privately Janka is both a true book-lover and an accidental plant-killer, she loves coming home from a trip and enjoys laughing at memes that everyone has already seen three weeks ago."},{"name":"Janusz Mutor","position":"Support Hero","picture":"v1642500548/team/original/janusz-mutor.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Janusz's spirit animal is an opossum. As a Support Hero, he is on a mission to help customers and share tons of his enthusiasm with them. Privately, an owner of a brilliant cat named Lara. Being a long-time top Polish Tekken player, he spends his spare time during fighting game events and tournaments. Also, a music nerd who likes to explore the Industrial-Goth spectrum of the alternative music scene and beyond, spending as much time on bands' discographies as possible."},{"name":"Joanna Alwin","position":"Chief Financial Officer","picture":"","department":"CXO","description":"Well versed in the art of accounting, Joanna makes sure that every invoice, declaration or any other important piece of paper is double-checked, signed and archived. When not mastering her paper-fu, Joanna likes to skid dangerously fast on snowy mountain slopes or conquer muddy and forgotten paths on her bike."},{"name":"Joanna Colbourne","position":"Account Executive","picture":"v1643123600/team/original/joanna-dobrowolskii.jpg","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"A born and raised New Yorker, Joanna lived in Hong Kong for four years before moving to her motherland of Poland. Though relatively new to the SaaS world, she's been building relationships with customers through her various roles in hospitality and events for the better part of the last decade. She spends as much of her free time as possible traveling and loves experiencing new cultures through her two passions — food and off-the-beaten-path adventures."},{"name":"Joanna Michalowska","position":"Data Analyst with NLP","picture":"v1684502465/team/original/asia-michalowska.jpg","department":"Data \u0026 Research","description":"With her mathematical background and interest in problem solving, Asia thrives when handed interesting data and an opportunity to get value out of them - whether resulting in a dashboard, an analysis or a DS/AI model. Outside of work, she recharges best during physical activities. This is when her competitive spirit awakens. She’s happy to try almost any sport or activity, some will stay with her for longer than others. On vacation you are likely to find her moving around in a campervan, on a sailing boat or on a bike. She is also a classic foodie, no easier way to make her happy than with good food (or gummies)!"},{"name":"Jolanta Koniuszy","position":"HR Business Partner","picture":"","department":"People","description":"Jolanta started her career at Text as a Senior Recruiter focused on matching candidates to the company culture. These days, she supports the Text people from the first to the last day of their journey and gives our leaders expert advice on all people-related aspects. As you can see in the photo, she’s addicted to traveling around the world, preferably solo. Her favorite place to be? An airport, where all adventures begin."},{"name":"Judyta Blum","position":"Account Executive","picture":"","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"Judyta is a sales person with a focus on the best customer experience. She believes that there’s no planet B, so when she’s not on a call with customers, she supports the environment by starting from herself, and travels the world to enjoy the various variety of its beauty. She’s an animal lover who eats no meat and has an adopted dog from an animal shelter."},{"name":"Justyna Gladysz","position":"Support Quality Lead","picture":"","department":"Support","description":"Justyna’s spirit animal is a cat. She enjoys her time alone and likes to walk her own path without taking anyone’s advice. She’s independent, yet enjoys social connections. As a cat soul, she loves to be around warm people :) Her spirit of adventure, courage, curiosity, and exploration of the unknown pushes her to improve herself and extend her interests everyday. It’s known that the wisdom of a cat lies in the ability to remain quiet, observe, and then act when the time is right, so Justyna uses those abilities to reach her goals and preserves her energy even in moments of tension and action."},{"name":"Justyna Martyna","position":"Accountant","picture":"","department":"Legal \u0026 Finance","description":"Normally Justyna takes care of invoices to be entered and accounted on time. In a nutshell, she cares about the satisfaction of our contractors. Any questions about finances? Go ahead! In her free time she loves skiing, it’s a part of her life. She also enjoys traveling around the world, especially to Italy :)"},{"name":"Justyna Polaczyk","position":"Content Marketing Specialist","picture":"","department":"Marketing","description":"Justyna is a rebellious spirit that will either knock you out with her writing or with her fist. When not working, Justyna practices her roller derby skills under the name of ‘Bad Devil’. She’s also a part of the first polish national team that played part in Roller Derby World Cup. Yikes!"},{"name":"Kacper Frackowski","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"v1607094147/team/original/kacper-frackowski.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Kacper likes when things are running smooth, no matter if it's software he's testing or a bicycle that he rides on. He’s a big fan of, in no particular order, nature (especially mountains and plants), arch Linux, 20th-century fiction novels, and tenement buildings."},{"name":"Kacper Klarzynski","position":"Software Engineer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Although Kacper is rather calm on a daily basis, he can turn into a real beast when searching for bugs! He is a huge fan of the shift-left approach to testing: one should not only know their enemy but their software as well. At LiveChat, he takes care of our chat widget, making sure that the chatting is a top-notch experience for our customers. When not focusing on work, Kacper is a jack of all trades and a master of none, reading about philosophy and psychology or watching football in his spare time. When the weather is nice, he loves to go for a run. However, his most loved activity is skiing. He dreams about becoming a digital nomad and hiding inside a mountain cabin somewhere in the Alps."},{"name":"Kacper Matczak","position":"Technical Support Specialist","picture":"v1730896884/team/original/kacper-matczak.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Kacper is a Technical Support Specialist with a musical past. As a graduate in symphony conducting, he now conducts the technical issues of our customers. After hours, he’s a big fan of cycling, squash, cars, and dogs."},{"name":"Kacper Sulkowski","position":"Performance Marketing Specialis","picture":"v1730896891/team/original/kacper-sulkowski.jpg","department":"Marketing","description":"Kacper is a Senior Performance Marketing Specialist at Text, where he brings a blend of data-driven strategy and creativity to the team. With a knack for optimizing ad campaigns, he balances CPC tweaks with rock music and coffee as his fuel. A proud Real Madrid fan, Kacper is known for multitasking and managing ad spend while keeping an eye on match scores. Speaking in Polish, English, and Google Analytics, he now calls Siadło Dolne home, where he continues to master the art of performance marketing."},{"name":"Kacper Wiacek","position":"ChatBot Product Experts Team Lead","picture":"","department":"Support","description":"How do you recognize a speed racer? You don’t; they go into hiding. Kacper might be seen as a quiet guy who supports customers and daydreams about new graphic designs. But what you don’t know is that he loves speed – whether it’s a bike or a scooter, he puts on his high-speed gloves and breaks all possible road rules!"},{"name":"Kaia Madalinska","position":"Video Host \u0026 Brand Ambassador","picture":"v1642448994/team/original/kaia-madalinska.jpg","department":"Marketing","description":"3,2,1! Camera! Action! You’ve probably seen Kaia around. She’s our Video Host, who can’t seem to get away from creating content and catching onto the latest trends. Not only does she love being in front of the camera during work hours, but she also loves vlogging in her private time! Apart from that, Kaia’s a beauty maniac — skincare, makeup, you name it! She also crawls into the fashion corner in her spare time, where she styles her and her friends' outfits."},{"name":"Kaja Chade","position":"QA Engineer","picture":"","department":"QA","description":"Kaja was born to break things, and that’s why she became a tester. Every bug she finds gives her a disturbing satisfaction. In her free time, she ruins her health with exhausting travels with millions of transfers. She would like to be everywhere at the same time. Kaja also loves sophisticated memes and ironic humor, so when she tells a creepy joke over a coffee, stone-faced, don’t be surprised. Sometimes she looks like she wants to murder everyone, but don’t be afraid – it’s just her face in the morning. To win people over, she uses her dog, Izu. Izu is the coolest, isn’t she?"},{"name":"Kamil Zajac","position":"Integrations Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Imagine a guy that travels to all the places that you’ve always wanted to go to. A guy that skis down the world’s highest peaks, climbs the most difficult walls and wins marathons. He’s sensitive to the beauty of art, music, and poems. A guy that is always there for you, ready to listen to your problems. Well, Kamil is not him. Kamil is just another creepy dude from IT."},{"name":"Kamil Zielinski","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"v1730896897/team/original/kamil-zielinski.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Kamil is a software engineer with a passion for building performant and reliable systems. Guided by the 'A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for' philosophy, he constantly pushes himself out of his comfort zone to deliver exceptional results. When not solving complex problems, you can often find him sailing on the open water, always looking for new horizons to explore."},{"name":"Karolina Zeromska","position":"Product Marketing Manager","picture":"v1643024375/team/original/karolina-boladz.jpg","department":"Marketing","description":"Karolina is a Product Marketing Manager at ChatBot, believing in the power of constant improvement and innovation. She prefers chats over phone calls and cozy evenings at home instead of too much interaction in the outside world. Sounds like a cliche millennial? Yup. She tried to become a minimalist once but couldn’t get over her love of industrial design, which is obvious as she named her cat after the world’s most famous brand of vacuum cleaners."},{"name":"Karolina Popow","position":"Growth Expert","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Karolina is the Incubator leader with a wealth of experience in product and strategy. She previously served as a Chief Product Officer, now supporting the company in pursuing innovative and successful ventures. When she's not working, Karolina can be found hiking, exploring new trails, and enjoying the beauty of nature."},{"name":"Karolina Wojtowicz-Mielnicka","position":"HelpDesk Growth Leader","picture":"v1730896902/team/original/karolina-wojtowicz-mielnicka.jpg","department":"Marketing","description":"As HelpDesk’s Growth Leader, Karolina combines a human-centered approach with an analytical focus to develop ideas rooted in customer needs and market reality. Her vast marketing experience enables her to turn complex strategies into actionable plans. When she’s not planning campaigns, she’s likely organizing her next mountain hike challenge, rock climbing trip, dog training session, or wine-tasting workshop."},{"name":"Kasia Janas","position":"Product Manager","picture":"v1684502461/team/original/kasia-janas.jpg","department":"Product Management","description":"Human is at the center of Kasia's work and private life interests. She makes black-and-white portraits (and nudes;)) and finds it a great privilege to photograph people who allow her to capture a moment that will never be the same again. Working with a traditional camera, she has a way of bringing the past and present together, infusing her work with nostalgia and timelessness. Each photograph becomes a tribute to the beauty and complexity of the human spirit and experience. Still looking for models to shoot!"},{"name":"Kasia Kehl","position":"Support Enablement Specialist","picture":"","department":"Support","description":"Kasia is one of our support heroes. There are two things she really loves (besides helping customers) LARPs, which are live action role playing sessions, and horseback riding (she even co-owns a \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eKonik\u003c/a\u003e). Since both these things take up a lot of time and preparation, Kasia is often forced to choose one over the other when planning her activities for each week."},{"name":"Kasia Kubien","position":"Accountant","picture":"v1684502464/team/original/kasia-kubien.jpg","department":"Legal \u0026 Finance","description":"At work Kasia supports the accounting department. She’s rather a night owl than a morning bird therefore she cant imagine a day without coffee. On The one hand, she plays masterchef at home, and on the other hand tries to lead a healthy lifestyle by spending time at the gym."},{"name":"Katarzyna Gorska","position":"Product Designer","picture":"v1642448967/team/original/katarzyna-gorska-kocowska.jpg","department":"Design","description":"Product Designer at work, van life enthusiast in the meantime. She loves hiking, especially with her two doggos, who accompany her on van trips and mountain hikes. Those two pups take a special place in her heart."},{"name":"Katarzyna Janiszewska","position":"Attorney at Law","picture":"","department":"Legal \u0026 Finance","description":"Katarzyna helps Text with all legal issues. Instead of using C++, NodeJS, GO or HTML she strongly prefers to use “real words”. Active, always busy, likes challenges and adrenaline. In her free time she likes traveling, sports and good movies but her true addiction is dancing. As a professional lawyer, she never loses her appeal."},{"name":"Katarzyna Ksionek","position":"Legal Counsel","picture":"v1730896914/team/original/katarzyna-ksionek.jpg","department":"Legal \u0026 Finance","description":"Kasia is a super legal counsel known for her quick thinking, sharp focus, and a great sense of humor. Passionate about privacy, data protection laws, and compliance in UX and service design, she keeps things legal, simple, and business-friendly. Outside of work, you’ll find her running (not too fast), riding her red bike, or enjoying the slopes on her snowboard"},{"name":"Katarzyna Czerwinska","position":"Mobile Designer","picture":"v1730896908/team/original/katarzyna-czerwinska.jpg","department":"Design","description":"A Mobile Designer and creative spirit at LiveChat. Kasia loves solving business problems with design tools. She thrives in creative spaces, diving into product workshops, and connecting with people — everyone’s story is a fresh source of inspiration. Beyond work, you’ll find her experimenting with Asian cuisine, enjoying outdoor runs, or diving into a good book."},{"name":"Katarzyna Rogowska","position":"Head of Legal","picture":"","department":"Legal \u0026 Finance","description":"Kasia supports the Text legal department with her extensive knowledge of intellectual property law. She is proactive, naturally energetic and invigorated by new law challenges in a fast-paced IT environment. In Text, she tackles contracts and IP life-cycle management with tenacity and an analytical mindset. Well-versed in identifying projects risk and keeping deadlines. Diligent, self-driven lawyer and, at the same time, warm, smiling, passionate about family life. An avid reader, lover of design, board-games, and food."},{"name":"Konrad Kruk","position":"Head of Widget","picture":"","department":"Product Management","description":"Konrad is responsible for the continuous development of our chat widget. A JavaScript magician by trade and a huge railroad transport buff privately. Konrad could spend hours talking about trains, the railroad, urban planning and transit. That is if you can catch him between his coding and trainspotting sessions."},{"name":"Krystian Goscinski","position":"Shift Leader","picture":"","department":"Support","description":"When he’s not thinking about how to help LiveChat customers, Krystian likes to think about the surrounding world and how everything works. He tries to see a positive side of everything and stays calm regardless of the situation. Meditation sessions in his free time are helping him achieve that. He’s a huge esports fan, focusing mostly League of Legend. He likes to play LoL himself when he’s not supporting his favourite teams."},{"name":"Krystian Kozak","position":"QA Engineer","picture":"","department":"QA","description":"Krystian is known for his thorough and meticulous work as a software tester. He dedicates himself to his work to achieve the best possible results. Although he keeps his tasks in perfect order, in his spare time, he likes to mess around a little. He relaxes by listening to techno and gives himself over to his passions. One of his main hobbies is climbing. He likes to keep his body fit and mind healthy by solving boulder problems. Of course, as a geek person, Krystian is interested in astronomy and loves to play video games. Known for his perfection, he masters them to the highest level!"},{"name":"Krzysztof Kraus","position":"Full-stack Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Krzysztof takes care of the quality of the OpenWidget by finding bugs and improving processes. Previously, helping LiveChat customers over chat and snipes the occasional typos and proofreads new KnowledgeBase articles. In his free time, Krzysztof doesn't shy away from good science fiction or fantasy books, always leaving the less exciting genres for later. Krzysztof also likes multiplayer games he can enjoy with his friends online, including \u003cem\u003eCS-GO\u003c/em\u003e, \u003cem\u003eLeague of Legends\u003c/em\u003e and \u003cem\u003eDestiny\u003c/em\u003e."},{"name":"Krzysztof Wroblewski","position":"Video Marketing Lead","picture":"v1730896920/team/original/krzysztof-wroblewski.jpg","department":"Marketing","description":"Krzysiek is a marketing pro with a severe passion for video and technology — and a bit of a knack for adventure. When he’s not busy making marketing happen, you’ll probably find him snapping photos or riding his motorcycle through some far-off corner of the world. He’s lived on three continents and visited over 90 countries, so if you need travel tips, he’s your guy. And when it comes to tech, whether it’s the latest smartphone or dissecting a computer’s innards, Krzysiek’s your go-to — he speaks fluent gadgets!"},{"name":"Lucja Kaseja","position":"Investor Relations Manager","picture":"v1642449018/team/original/lucja-kaseja.jpg","department":"Investor Relations","description":"Łucja absolutely loves numbers and analytics. At Text, she explains the stories behind our numbers to investors. Juggling between work, family, and sports activities makes her multitasking skills even better. After hours you can find her outdoors exploring the world either by bike or campervan with her whole family."},{"name":"Lucyna Matyja-Kajor","position":"Data Analytics Leader","picture":"v1642448987/team/original/lucyna-matyja-kajor.jpg","department":"Data \u0026 Research","description":"Lucyna graduated from Spanish philology to quickly learn that her boundless patience is perfect for working on endless SQL queries. She’s into getting as many breakthrough insights as possible, data visualization, and data warehouses. In her spare time, Lucy takes care of her daughter Dodo, participates in PubQuizes, and plays with Brenda — her beloved Labrador. At night, she dreams of watching every TV show ever created."},{"name":"Lukasz Jeziorski","position":"Mobile Engineer","picture":"v1730896925/team/original/lukasz-jeziorski.jpg","department":"Development","description":"A Mobile Engineer passionate about building high-quality mobile applications that make a difference. When not working, Łukasz is often out in nature, traveling with his family, or challenging himself with a new adventure — be it climbing, skiing, or perfecting a DIY project. A board game enthusiast and Playstation fan, he also knows how to unwind and enjoy some friendly competition."},{"name":"Lukasz Krolak","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Lukasz loves spending time on learning new front-end technologies. He is responsible for fixing bugs that will be found in the Agent App and also expanding the application by writing new functionalities. In his free time, he loves to do and explore new sports. Recently, he’s found playing squash very entertaining. If he’s not found doing sports, then he’s probably playing some games on his console, reading an amusing book or playing some board game."},{"name":"Lukasz Lanecki","position":"Product Designer","picture":"v1642445789/team/original/lukasz-lanecki.jpg","department":"Design","description":"Łukasz's greatest passion is music and almost everything related to it — listening, collecting LPs, concertgoing, dancing, and production. He's also delighted with contemporary art and appreciates well-designed things. He likes to feel the emotions flowing from the theater stage from time to time. He loves returning to his roots the most, and he finds them in nature."},{"name":"Lukasz Michalik","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Lukasz loves astronomy, and therefore when working on the LiveChat’s backends, he focuses on efficiency, performance, and simplicity."},{"name":"Lukasz Nowicki","position":"System Administrator","picture":"","department":"Infrastructure","description":"Lukasz makes sure that our network infrastructure is operating at optimal levels. A Linux whisperer, Lukasz brought a lot of server administration experience acquired during multiple EU projects to the table. He likes to spend his free time shoving chips across the table to surprise opponents who think he’s holding a low pair when he’s got a full house."},{"name":"Lukasz Ososinski","position":"Support Quality Lead","picture":"","department":"Support","description":"As a part of the Support Heroes team, Lukasz always tries his best to pass on his knowledge about LiveChat to the customers. In his free time, he is interested in a variety of activities such as traveling, swimming, yachting, and going outside to camp with his friends, but there are 3 things that Lukasz loves: history, LARPs, and board games. When he was younger, he was even thinking of making his own board game about the history of Poland. Nowadays, he is a part of “Creatio ex Nihilo” organization, which creates LARPs based on local history."},{"name":"Lukasz Powazka","position":"Technical Engineer","picture":"","department":"Support","description":"A real charmer, gentleman and jack of all trades. Lukasz dabbles in many Text projects ranging from sending email newsletters to servicing our affiliate program. He has a heart of gold and never refuses when asked for help, even if he has his hands full."},{"name":"Maciej Beker","position":"DevOps Engineer","picture":"v1730896931/team/original/maciej-beker.jpg","department":"Infrastructure","description":"As a part of the Infrastructure team, Maciek enjoys optimizing stuff. He always pays attention to details and loves to connect the dots. Maciek is interested in practically everything."},{"name":"Maciej Kosnik","position":"Support Experience Lead","picture":"","department":"Support","description":"Maciej is a part of our Support Heroes team, always ready to give them a helping hand. After hours, he creates the magical LARP (Live Action Role Playing) worlds for his players. He’s really passionate about both traditional and experimental food and craft beer he creates in his own brewery, better known as his kitchen. In his spare time, he catches and breeds Water-type Pokémons."},{"name":"Maciej Malesa","position":"Chief Technical Officer","picture":"","department":"CXO","description":"Responsible for our backend infrastructure. He has vertical responsibilities and full understanding of servers and web services."},{"name":"Maciej Rduch","position":"Product Designer","picture":"v1684507286/team/original/maciej-rduch.jpg","department":"Design","description":"A digital nomad who loves experiencing differences in the world and deep into other cultures. His nature is to be in movement; he drives a motorbike, hikes, and dives. Maciej often dances ecstatically, where the rhythm and melody move him freely and pleasantly, increasing awareness of the moment. Professionally, much satisfaction gives him empathising with users and solving product problems."},{"name":"Maciej Serafinowicz","position":"Chief Creative Officer","picture":"","department":"CXO","description":"The creative force behind all Text graphics that manifested into human form. With his mighty brush and the power of colors, he paints the world a much more exciting place."},{"name":"Maciej Szaflik","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"v1684507287/team/original/maciej-szaflik.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Maciek is a nerdy programmer who enjoys baking bread and playing video games. He has a strong attention to detail and a love for problem-solving, which he applies to his coding projects and baking endeavours. He enjoys escaping into virtual worlds and challenging himself with new and exciting video games in his free time."},{"name":"Maciej Szwarc","position":"QA Engineer","picture":"v1607328156/team/original/maciej-szwarc.jpg","department":"QA","description":"Maciej takes care of the quality of the product by finding bugs, automating repeatable work, and improving processes. He's interested in software development and technologies in general. Maciej enjoys sharing his knowledge with other team members but also loves to expand his current knowledgebase. He gets bored easily, therefore he continuously keeps his tasks diverse. Besides collecting Lego Technic sets and quality memes, Maciej spends his free time playing games, working out in the gym, and petting his cat. Every now and then, he finds a new, interesting topic to dive into, whether it’s lock picking, criminal psychology, or the theory of music."},{"name":"Maciej Walaszczyk","position":"Lead Front-end Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Maciej is a web development and coffee enthusiast. He likes experimenting with both stacks but there is nothing he loves more than frontend. Making web apps and implementing great UI/UX or hacking all day in JavaScript this is what drives him. If you want to talk about some web related tech, he is always available and open for conversation. In his free time, he likes traveling, mountain hiking and playing games."},{"name":"Maciej Wojcik","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"v1684507290/team/original/maciej-wojcik.jpg","department":"Development","description":"As a former mechanical engineer, Maciek likes when his code runs like a well-oiled machine. When not working, he can be usually seen on his bike in some random place on the other side of the country. When it gets colder, you might be able to spot him on an ice rink instead. He's much nerdier on his rest days which he spends playing strategy and cRPG games. Maciek is very proud of having worked on translation projects of some of his favorite titles."},{"name":"Maciej Zajac","position":"Product Designer","picture":"v1684507282/team/original/maciej-zajac.jpg","department":"Design","description":"Maciej is detail and user oriented Product Designer whose sole purpose is making peoples live easier and more pleasant. He treasures human connection the most and strives to translate it into his work. Loves football, video games, cooking, interior design and psychology."},{"name":"Magda Krol","position":"HR Business Partner","picture":"v1684507284/team/original/magda-krol.jpg","department":"People","description":"At work, she focuses on every aspect related to people and culture. She’s addicted to the sun, traveling, and the magical feeling of “wanderlust”. She loves hiking in the Alps and long city walks while enjoying pistachio ice cream. If the weather isn’t good enough for outdoor activities, she’s happy to stay at home and enjoy good crime books or binge-watch Friends. Oh, and she's a total Potterhead."},{"name":"Magdalena Andruszak","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"v1730896937/team/original/magdalena-andruszak.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Magda is a dedicated member of the Product Platform. She went through a diverse technical journey to ultimately focus on backend development in Go. Her biggest hobby is discovering new interests in crafts and sports. She spends the rest of her time with her beloved animals."},{"name":"Malwina Glowacka","position":"HR Tech \u0026 Data Specialist","picture":"v1608282344/team/original/malwina-crowned.jpg","department":"People","description":"Privately, Malwina is Baloo’s – her dream Shih Tzu dog – mommy. After hours, she is a wannabe beautician: care treatments are her hobby. When summer comes around, she spends her free time rollerblading or riding a bike. When there’s snow outside, she loves painting, getting on with her DIY projects, and drinking hot cocoa. Multitasking is her superpower."},{"name":"Malwina Nowak-Pietruszko","position":"Accountant","picture":"v1642449013/team/original/malwina-nowak.jpg","department":"Legal \u0026 Finance","description":"Torn between accountancy and art, Malwina loves to spend her free time creatively. She's a makeup artist busy bee and is always doing something artsy. DIY is her passion that matches a true introvert soul with a head full of ideas! She can do anything, and if she can't, she'll still do that provided that there's an online tutorial for that."},{"name":"Marcin Borowski","position":"Sales Operations Specialist","picture":"","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"When not helping our customers, Marcin is fighting villains and saving damsels in distress during LARP (live action role playing) sessions. He’s a zealot when it comes to fantasy genre. Marcin is in charge of a LARP association called \u003ca target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"\u003eFantazjada\u003c/a\u003e."},{"name":"Marcin Debski","position":"Test Automation Engineer","picture":"","department":"QA","description":"Marcin is responsible for developing and deploying automated testing solutions that help to find bugs in software. Apart from testing, he is passionate about travelling. A few times a year, he grabs backpack and goes someplace he has never been before. He thinks that the most exciting moment in journey is a departure into unknown lands. His favourite travel destination is Southeast Asia."},{"name":"Marcin Dojwa","position":"Leader of API Two Team","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Server guru, who never gives up and is a very goal-oriented person. Cares about system reliability and stability. Your software depends on his work and great experience."},{"name":"Marcin Droba","position":"Head of Investor Relations","picture":"","department":"Investor Relations","description":"At Text, Marcin cares about our shareholders and investors. When he doesn’t answer their questions, he cultivates his inner-geekiness (by playing games such as Mass Effect, reading books by Lem, Tolkien, Dukaj, Martin, and others, or watching TV shows such as Babylon 5, Expanse or Firefly). Some time ago, he and his wife, Ania, were adopted by a dog named Maja, who agreed to move out of the shelter and live with them."},{"name":"Marcin Mazur","position":"Support Hero","picture":"v1642499374/team/original/marcin-mazur.jpg","department":"Support","description":"This is Marcin, a handyman. Marcin enjoys helping other people. That's why he is happy to be a Support Hero. After work, Marcin renovates the house that his grandfather built in 1950. He tinkers with stuff, restores old doors and furniture, and arranges floors and tiles. He likes to work accurately and with concentration."},{"name":"Marcin Nawrocki","position":"Lead Designer","picture":"","department":"Design","description":"Responsible for the visual layer of the LiveChat product. Interested in the areas of UI, usability and motion design. Knows how to transform business needs into a visual layer satisfying the needs of users. Marcin is always looking for the best way to solve a problem. He loves bringing projects to life with prototyping. In his free time, he explores the world from above with a drone. A huge fan of the “Saw” movie."},{"name":"Marcin Sawicki","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Marcin is a part of the Front-end Development team working on the Agent App. He joined Text to improve his skills and to be a part of a company that solves customers’ problems. In his free time he enjoys playing online games with his friends, and as a born team member, he does his best to achieve the team victory."},{"name":"Marcin Wolkowski","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"v1643024442/team/original/marcin-wolkowski.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Nickname Wouga, born in Wałbrzych in the '90s in an artistic family. He graduated from music school specializing in accordion, although he always preferred to play the piano. His main interests are programming, electronics, music, photography, and coffee. For the last 11 years, he has been a self-proclaimed citizen of Wrocław, and he says he loves it in all its glory. Owner of an Instagram profile \u003ca target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\"\\u003c/a\u003e where he shares his photos, mainly in the architecture theme."},{"name":"Marek Reszke","position":"Full-stack Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Marek is a Full-stack Developer working on our Agent Application. In his daily job, he appreciates good communication and code quality. Despite his introverted nature, he can’t stop talking about things he loves the most: hiking, jogging \u0026amp; traveling. A solo mountain expedition sounds like a perfect plan for the upcoming weekend or a lazy afternoon. He’s on a ninja level when it comes to finding possibly the cheapest airline tickets. Besides that, he’s also a big fan of board games and fast cars."},{"name":"Marko Zyznewsky","position":"Account Manager","picture":"v1684507276/team/original/marko-zyznewsky.jpg","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"Born and raised in the United States, Marko now lives in Madrid where he has resided for over 10 years. He believes in taking care of himself, a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. When he is not tending to customer needs, Marko loves to nerd out on music \u0026 film. Favorite director: John Carpenter; Favorite album: Kid A"},{"name":"Mariusz Cieply","position":"Chief Executive Officer","picture":"","department":"CXO","description":"Mariusz has been with Text (LiveChat) since its founding in 2002 – first as software developer, later as project manager and now as its CEO. Mariusz is Text’s product lead and evangelizer, driving product creation that is changing the face of ecommerce. He holds an MSc in Computer Science. When he’s not at Text, Mariusz runs marathons, plays tennis, and enjoys his latest passion… wakeboarding."},{"name":"Marta Granisz","position":"Product Designer","picture":"","department":"Design","description":"A UX designer by day, a quantum physics and astronomy freak… also by day. A woman needs her sleep. As an economy Master with designing and React coding skills, Marta loves making digital products as close to perfection as possible. It could be so easy, but finding too many things just a little too interesting is her biggest guilty pleasure. After hours, you can find her playing calming guitar tunes, kicking asses on the squash court, or passing across mountain chains. Most welcoming with a snowboard affixed to her like-to-be-lazy feet."},{"name":"Marta Klibert","position":"Graphic Designer","picture":"v1731067298/team/original/marta-klibert.jpg","department":"Design","description":"Marta is responsible for animations in the video team. In her free time, she is mastering every craft known to mankind, from ceramics to tufting. She loves horror movies, sweet treats, and yapping sessions."},{"name":"Marta Maciejewska","position":"Product Manager","picture":"v1730896944/team/original/marta-maciejewska.jpg","department":"Product Management","description":"Marta is a dynamic Product Manager with a rich background in project management and a talent for guiding cross-functional teams to success. She brings a balanced, focused approach to problem-solving and innovation."},{"name":"Martyna Gajewska","position":"Senior Account Manager","picture":"","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"Martyna is one of our dedicated Account Managers, ready to help anyone and anytime. She’s an adrenaline junky. You can usually find her doing all kinds of thrilling activities like snowboarding, cart-racing or performing cooking experiments in the kitchen. Martyna’s also a crossfitter with a special place in her heart for heavy weights. She’s a dog person and a huge fan of bulldogs."},{"name":"Mateusz Cichon","position":"Head of Infrastructure","picture":"","department":"Infrastructure","description":"Music makes people more passionate about other things in their lives. Researchers found that listening to 10 of your favorite songs before work improves productivity, creativity, and makes you more open-minded. Mateusz uses this technique to enhance his performance. Besides music, his favorite discipline is cloud computing. He puts all his effort into making all Text’s cloud services run smoothly."},{"name":"Mateusz Maslon","position":"SEO Specialist","picture":"v1730896951/team/original/mateusz-maslon.jpg","department":"Marketing","description":"Mateusz is an SEO specialist focused on maintaining a competitive advantage through data-driven approaches. He actively monitors industry trends to ensure he follows best practices in implementing effective, winning strategies. When he’s not busy analyzing data and scaling organic visibility, he enjoys playing the ukulele."},{"name":"Mateusz Pasterny","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"v1730896958/team/original/mateusz-pasterny.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Mateusz is a Software Engineer with a passion for simple and efficient code, always advocating for teamwork to drive the best results. When he’s not immersed in coding, you’ll likely find him diving into the world of science fiction books or exploring nature on long walks through forests and mountain trails."},{"name":"Mateusz Smet","position":"DevOps","picture":"v1730896963/team/original/mateusz-smet.jpg","department":"Infrastructure","description":"Leading Devs by hand around our beautiful Infrastructure. Nothing soothes Mateusz more than the organized and harmonious resonance of server radiators. Though it might not look like it, Mateusz never tests in production."},{"name":"Mateusz Stahl","position":"Head of Security","picture":"v1684507286/team/original/mateusz-stahl.jpg","department":"Product Management","description":"Mateusz is a passionate tech enthusiast. Whether he's delving into the intricate world of hacking to uncover hidden possibilities, joining the virtual battlegrounds of video games, or keeping up to date with the dynamic flows of the stock market, Mateusz combines his expertise with an insatiable curiosity to explore the realms of technology. His unique blend of skills and interests positions him as a forward-thinker ready to tackle the digital challenges of tomorrow."},{"name":"Michal Jawinski","position":"Product Designer","picture":"v1644233587/team/original/michal-jawinski.gif","department":"Design","description":"Michal is focused on designing interactions of the chat widget. He’s passionate about animations and experimental electronic music which he also produces at nights. In his free time, he loves to play basketball, watch audiovisual performances, and read sci-fi books."},{"name":"Michal Paszowski","position":"Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Michał is spending both days and nights to consume as many books as possible. These binge-reading sessions are probably the reason why Michal and caffeine are BFFs. All that reading doesn’t leave him a lot of time to do anything else. This is why he knows only three chords after six years of learning to play the guitar!"},{"name":"Michal Rudz","position":"Senior DevOps","picture":"v1730896970/team/original/michal-rudz.jpg","department":"Infrastructure","description":"Michał is a member of the Infrastructure team. He is a huge fan of cloud solutions and containerization. In his work, he loves creating solutions that streamline and simplify the work of other teams. In his free time, he enjoys playing all kinds of board games, cycling, and spending time with his family."},{"name":"Michal Sypko","position":"Integrations Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Impossible? Michal believes in six impossible things before breakfast! As a former game designer, he tries to solve any problem with creativity to find the best solution. At odd times he becomes a full nerd and starts a coding marathon, which usually results in new product integration or internal tool. In his spare time, Michal is an active member of Dziobak Larp Studio and TURBOLARP, where he is a Technician Guru for various extraordinary experiences. He loves music (both listening and producing), and music loves him."},{"name":"Michal Szczyglowski","position":"Partner Enablement Lead","picture":"","department":"Developer Relations","description":"Michal helps us find more and more Partners for our Affiliate Program. He’s quite the traveller and Europe is slowly getting too small for him. Right now, Michal has his sights on a far bigger goals: Asia, South America and Africa. To blow off steam, he likes to play games – both on the football pitch as well as on his gaming console."},{"name":"Michal Szpyruk","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"v1684507284/team/original/michal-szpyruk.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Besides his work, Michał is a big foodie. He loves visiting new restaurants, trying new foods and cooking delicious dishes for his closest ones. His favorite cuisines are korean and vietnamese. In his free time he enjoys playing video games and watching sitcoms (his faves are Friends and The Office)."},{"name":"Michal Teczynski","position":"Lead Full-stack Developer","picture":"v1684507281/team/original/michal-teczynski.jpg","department":"Development","description":"He is a very passionate about his work - he also likes to code after work as it's his hobby. His favourite sport is Formula 1. Both as sporting and technology rivalry. That's why, he likes to ride gokarts. Another passion of Michał is music - he is still learning to play guitar and is keen on going to concerts. He has two cats."},{"name":"Michal Toporowski","position":"Support Hero","picture":"v1684507279/team/original/michal-toporowski.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Dedicated to helping out the customers in a fast yet robust manner, explaining all the quirks and workarounds for their use cases. When not providing the customers with his extensive knowledge of Text products or helping out developers, Michał loves to spend time with his daughter. He enjoys SciFi, nu jazz, fantasy, old-school hip hop, traveling and games. He is an explorer always searching for the next hobby or interest to continue self-development."},{"name":"Michal Warcholinski","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"v1684507272/team/original/michal-warcholinski.jpg","department":"Development","description":"A front-end developer by day and an adventurer by night. Michal is passionate about details when it comes to his work and his personal life. Some would call him a perfectionist. He believes that minor details can make a world of difference. When Michal's not spending his day coding, he’s seeking adventure and travelling across continents, enjoying new cultures and cuisines. He also loves the outdoors, spending every other spare moment hiking or climbing, and you most likely will catch him on the ski slopes in the Alps."},{"name":"Natalia Dyrek","position":"Growth Account Executive","picture":"v1642509208/team/original/natalia-dyrek.jpg","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"Sul, sul! Natalia was the first BDR to join Text, and since then, her mission has been to help companies explore their needs and get familiar with Text's solutions. Privately, she's passionate about different languages and cultures, especially Czech, Arabic, and... Simlish, of course. She calls herself a 'cozy gamer' playing The Sims, Animal Crossing, and Spiritfarer all the time. Portrait photographer wannabe inspired by Ryan Murphy's TV shows \u0026 movies."},{"name":"Natalia Mialik","position":"UX Writer","picture":"v1684507274/team/original/natalia-mialik.jpg","department":"Marketing","description":"As Albus Dumbledore once said: “Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic.” As a UX Writer, Natalia lives by these words. In her attempt to translate jargon into plain and simple English, she’ll ask a lot of what’s and why’s and will meticulously check if you forget a full stop, an apostrophe, and an Oxford comma. She’s a huge fan of Harry Potter books and loves tasting weird and exotic foods while traveling around the world."},{"name":"Olek Piekarz","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"As Back-end Developer, Olek is responsible for what happens behind the scenes of LiveChat. After work, he enjoys genre TV shows and sporting events – supporting Polish athletes in whatever sports they compete in. Avid cyclist. His spirit animal is a dolphin."},{"name":"Oleksandr Tkach","position":"Senior Back-end Developer","picture":"v1730897134/team/original/oleksandr-tkach.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Say hello to Oleksandr, a Senior Back-end Developer dedicated to the TeamChat project. Outside of his professional role, he enjoys running and playing basketball, and has a keen interest in wristwatches and watchmaking. Oleksandr brings a well-rounded perspective to our team, balancing technical expertise with personal passions."},{"name":"Olga Rogacka","position":"Content Marketing Specialist","picture":"","department":"Marketing","description":"Olga is a Content Writer, who can also do some buzz in Social Media. She loves connecting to new people via social media. She’s amazed by the power of 140 characters. Passionate about travels, compulsive shopper and good food lover. She loves spending free time on tennis court."},{"name":"Oliwia Polec","position":"Technical Content Specialist","picture":"","department":"Developer Relations","description":"Most of the times, Oliwia can be spotted with a high-caffeinated drink in her hand, fueling her power to be 150% faster in anything she does. Thanks to this energy, she also has a high-interest in things that other people may find slightly unusual for a hobby. She’s a lover of animated movies, nordic mythology and extreme rollerblading. In her free time, she’s drawing her way up to create her own video game someday in the future, including characters from a fat sketchbook of hers. Pro-tip: you can get (almost) anything from her in exchange for some good, veg food."},{"name":"Patrycja Bratkowska","position":"Web Developer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Patrycja takes care of our LiveChat and HelpDesk websites by giving them new designs. She graduated from branding studies and was a marketing specialist before she started working as a web developer. She even founded her branding magazine, yay! She is a pleasant and empathic person, always focused on understanding other perspectives. In her free time, she reads books about science and psychology. She loves traveling and experiencing new countries."},{"name":"Patrycja Urban","position":"Product Design Lead","picture":"","department":"Design","description":"Patrycja is an experienced problem hunter and a design mastermind. She combines these skills to come up with simple, user-oriented interfaces and no bug can deceive her! In her free time, she takes long walks (she has walked across almost whole Australia) and hunts stars falling from the night sky."},{"name":"Patryk Pilarski","position":"Data Engineer","picture":"v1684507270/team/original/patryk-pilarski.jpg","department":"Data \u0026 Research","description":"Half bookworm, half robot, half wizard, half data, half habit, half hobbit, Patryk is great with fractions. When asked about data related things he will most likely be able to respond in a manner that may suggest that he knows thing or two about this or that. In his free time he enjoys competitive book reading, speedrunning online courses and writing 'about me' sections"},{"name":"Paulina Grzegoszczyk","position":"Front-end Engineer","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Paulina is a native Silesian. Apart from working in IT for over three years, sports were always a part of her life. She was a Latin and ballroom dancer for 12 years. After that, she moved to Wrocław for studies and replaced dancing with strength training. An unusual move, but it worked perfectly for her. She is a decorated powerlifting competitor with many Polish records under her belt. She believes that you can achieve anything you want, but you have to work hard for it. Hard work and consistency always wins with genes! In her free time, she likes cooking and baking as a way to relax. She is also a lover of nature."},{"name":"Paulina Zawadzka","position":"Test Automation Engineer","picture":"v1607328156/team/original/paulina-zawadzka.jpg","department":"QA","description":"Paulina is a Test Automation Engineer by day and an adrenaline lover by night. She loves discovering rollercoaster rides and trying out extreme sports (with varying success). When she wants to relax, she delves into crime books or goes for long walks."},{"name":"Pawel Halabuda","position":"Head of Communication","picture":"v1730897142/team/original/pawel-halabuda.jpg","department":"Marketing","description":"Paweł is responsible for content strategy and communication at Text. He enjoys running, among other activities, and believes that consistency is key in both business and personal life."},{"name":"Pawel Halas","position":"Head of Partnerships","picture":"","department":"Marketing","description":"Pawel is responsible for finding places where people talk about LiveChat and participate in those conversations to spread our brand even further. As a typical NBA fan living in Europe, Pawel goes to sleep really late and is barely conscious in the morning. That’s why a cup of joe is the first thing he thinks about when he comes to the office in the morning. You can usually find him with his headphones on, listening to some weird stuff or, to his all time favorites, the Beastie Boys."},{"name":"Pawel Karoluk","position":"System Administrator","picture":"","department":"Infrastructure","description":"Pawel is our virtualization specialist. Apart from fidgeting with our server structure, matrices and data centers, he’s making sure that everything runs smoothly. He’d want to virtualize everything, from servers and networks to matrices and desktops. When we tell him that this much virtualization is madness, he only says \u003cstrong\u003e“Madness…? THIS IS XAAS!”\u003c/strong\u003e. When not freaking out about virtualization, Pawel trains crossfit and tries his hand in long distance running."},{"name":"Pawel Kawecki","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"v1730897149/team/original/pawel-kawecki.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Paweł is a Go Back-end Developer from Kraków. Outside of work, he enjoys playing amateur football, working out at the gym, and hiking in the Polish Tatry mountains. Recently, he’s immersed himself in the Witcher universe, having completed Witcher 2 and Witcher 3 on Xbox, watched the Netflix series twice, and finished the Witcher saga books by Andrzej Sapkowski."},{"name":"Pawel Stepien","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"v1684507272/team/original/pawel-stepien.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Though usually a quiet person, Paweł likes to chip in with some dry, ironic humor from time to time, so don't take him too seriously. Believes there's no such thing as a 'good' morning. Dabbled in esports a bit, but once that fad was over he went all in on web dev to become a front-end developer. Into minimalism, but not overly so. Favourite pastimes: video games, shows, movies, anime, soundtracks."},{"name":"Pawel Wolkowski","position":"Technical Support Hero","picture":"v1684507273/team/original/pawel-wolkowski.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Ex musician but still a Double Bassist. Music was just the beginning of creating and performing. Now Paweł enjoys the challenge of learning new skills and tackling new projects, driven by curiosity. Shortly a film-maker, full-time biker(except winter *), and the guy who is in love with everything electronic. Impossible case? Just give me a moment. If he could be an animal, he would like to be a penguin."},{"name":"Pawel Wolniewicz","position":"Support Hero","picture":"v1730897156/team/original/pawel-wolniewicz.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Paul is a role playing game enthusiast and loves navigating through various scenarios that the game throws at him. This prepares him to handle various customer cases to get the best result. Outside of work he loves a variety of activities, such as biking, gaming, and some DIYs."},{"name":"Pawel Zuczkowski","position":"Test Automation Engineer","picture":"v1607328150/team/original/pawel-zuczkowski.jpg","department":"QA","description":"Pawel uses Python to automate test cases and makes sure that everything works as it should. He always appreciates constructive feedback that contributes to a positive outcome. Pawel has loved sports since childhood, especially swimming, cycling, hiking, and lifting weights. Apart from that, he is teaching his new dog, Alex, new tricks."},{"name":"Piotr Bednarek","position":"Chief Automation Officer","picture":"","department":"CXO","description":"Turbocharging work with automation is Piotr’s main focus. He seeks for ultimate efficiency of operations. Huge people believer and a sports enthusiast – he loves squash and bicycling."},{"name":"Piotr Grzesiak","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"v1684507270/team/original/piotr-grzesiak.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Responsible for Helpdesk backend. After work, a huge fan of bicycle commuting who is in love with The Netherlands. He never says no to hagelslag and stroopwafels."},{"name":"Piotr Sirek","position":"Test Automation Engineer","picture":"v1730897200/team/original/piotr-sirek.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Piotr is a member of our Quality Assurance team. With his experience in automated testing, he ensures our HelpDesk product runs smoothly and reliably for users. Outside of work, Piotr is a LEGO enthusiast and a Formula 1 fan, often drawing inspiration from the precision and excitement of the sport. He also enjoys exploring cities to discover specialty coffee places — always on the lookout for the perfect brew."},{"name":"Piotr Sarzynski","position":"Head of Sales","picture":"v1730897190/team/original/piotr-sarzynski.jpg","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"Piotr oversees the expansion of the existing customer base, ensuring that customers receive the value they pay for and more. When he’s not helping his team sell chatbots, he’s probably off somewhere pretending to be a robot himself — his passion is street dancing. He’s also an avid fan of Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, and Stanley Kubrick. A customer called him Johnny Sins once, but he swears any resemblance is purely coincidental."},{"name":"Przemyslaw Dudycz","position":"Technical Project Lead","picture":"v1642448964/team/original/przemyslaw-dudycz.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Przemek is a backend developer that always tries to find the best solution to a problem. After work, you can find him on a basketball court, where he loves to compete with others. He enjoys playing the guitar, reading books, and theater improvisation too."},{"name":"Przemyslaw Kubik","position":"Support Hero","picture":"v1642500249/team/original/przemyslaw-kubik.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Normal human beings are around 70% water. Przemek is probably 70% coffee. He enjoys spending time in the kitchen cooking \"serious gourmet food\" or making specialty coffee. When not in the kitchen, he is sneaking around airsoft fields or wages war on the competitive tables of Warhammer 40000. No one is sure how — it's probably all the caffeine — but he also manages to meet with his team for a Tabletop RPG session every week."},{"name":"Radek Zarzecki","position":"Data Analyst","picture":"v1607328151/team/original/radek-zarzecki.jpg","department":"Data \u0026 Research","description":"Radek is an intro-extravert. If he was in the Apollo 11 mission, he’d be Michael Collins. He’s a fan of British music and American physicists. Radek seeks patterns in day-to-day life and tries to fit our world into data. At the same time, he strongly believes in individual privacy. He’s fascinated by Nintendo's design philosophy."},{"name":"Rafal Cebo-Kloc","position":"Head of HelpDesk","picture":"","department":"Product Management","description":"He thinks that stopping bullets is way easier than building meaningful products. That’s why he always tries to see a broader perspective of his work. He’s a strategist who loves the process of discovering and creating new things. In his free time, he likes taking photos and listening to audiobooks. He’s also a sports enthusiast."},{"name":"Rafal Luksza","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"v1730897206/team/original/rafal-luksza.jpg","department":"Development","description":"A Front-end Developer who believes great code can be written from anywhere. Rafał combines their love for web development with a nomadic spirit, staying productive while exploring new places. Between coding sessions, they recharge by running outdoors and diving into engaging reads."},{"name":"Sebastian Kamieniarz","position":"Test Automation Engineer","picture":"","department":"QA","description":"A down-to-earth guy in a constant balancing act of searching the golden mean in life. Sebastian's primary duty is to make hundreds of test cases automagically perform on their own. Outside work, when the weather is favorable, he is probably cycling or hiking. When it's not, presumably, he has a good read or tries to learn to play an instrument."},{"name":"Slawomir Pawlak","position":"Product Marketing Manager","picture":"v1730897216/team/original/slawomir-pawlak.jpg","department":"Marketing","description":"A marketer who makes sure our products appeal to partners. When he's not juggling marketing tactics, Slawek is an avid fan of strategy board games, science fiction, and independent cinema. He claims that marketing is not much different than a good strategy game."},{"name":"Sylwia Kocur","position":"ChatBot Product Expert","picture":"v1642448941/team/original/sylwia-kocur.jpg","department":"Support","description":"When she studied cognitive science in Poznań, Sylwia fell in love with the city and linguistics, Artificial Intelligence, and mind maps. Luckily, she found all this and more at ChatBot. When she's not thinking about the best solutions to ChatBot customers' problems, she's probably walking her dog, Zuzu, cooking (preferably breakfast food for every meal), or watching cheese shows on her couch."},{"name":"Sylwia Sobolewska","position":"Head of Billing \u0026 Accounts","picture":"","department":"Product Management","description":"If Text was hiring for the incredible sense of humor, she would be a CEO. In the meantime, Text values skills, experience, and a positive attitude more so she works as a Product Manager. She is ready to solve the most complex and cross-team prob… ummmm… opportunities :). Sylwia is also passionate about coffee, does latte art like a pro and she has a happy soul of a backpacker. All that in one body!"},{"name":"Stanislaw Rakowski","position":"Software Engineer","picture":"v1730897224/team/original/stanislaw-rakowski.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Stanisław is a Software Engineer on the OpenWidget Team, involved in full-stack product development. He enjoys traveling, road cycling, and drinking coffee, and his favorite thing is combining all three — stopping for a coffee during a bike ride through beautiful scenery."},{"name":"Szymon Graczyk","position":"Head of Product Engineering","picture":"","department":"Development","description":"Szymon, guiding our product engineering, nurtures the growth of our software's framework and developer experience. A stickler for quality, he loves a good, constructive debate that propels us forward. Beyond the office, you'll find Szymon reveling in a mix of 8-bit chiptunes, 90s screamo, and Magic the Gathering. He also appreciates post-apocalyptic narratives and enjoys the adventures of DIY travel. He explores the world of core strength training and running, balancing his physical pursuits with his professional ones. Always learning, always improving - that's Szymon for you."},{"name":"Szymon Klimczak","position":"Chief Growth Officer","picture":"","department":"CXO","description":"Szymon is responsible for increasing the company’s market share for all its products and helping product teams reach their growth goals. He will also oversee customer acquisition projects across the organization. As you can see, Szymon brings almost 40 years of experience in growth, and has a passion for basketball, cooking, quizzes, and stock investments."},{"name":"Tadeusz Rzewuski","position":"Senior Web Developer","picture":"v1730897231/team/original/tadeusz-rzewuski.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Tad finds satisfaction in solving problems and developing software that enhances user experiences. Driven by curiosity, he continually seeks to learn and grow, tinkering with technology from software to hardware. In his free time, he focuses on architecture, finding joy in creating thoughtful spaces. Whether sketching concepts or working on designs, this blend of interests allows him to contribute thoughtfully to projects by merging technical insight with creativity."},{"name":"Tomasz Guzik","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"v1730897238/team/original/tomasz-guzik.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Tomek is a Back-end Developer on the ChatBot team who is equally passionate about frontend development. When he’s not coding, he’s building his open-source component library or hunting for new board games to add to his ever-growing collection — especially if they’re on sale. When it’s time to step away from the game table, Tomek spends his free time smashing it in table tennis, playing badminton, or hitting the gym. In the evenings, he unwinds by getting lost in fantasy audiobooks or watching anime."},{"name":"Urszula Jarzebowska","position":"Member of the Board","picture":"","department":"Member of the Board","description":"As an integral Text (LiveChat) member from day one, Urszula heads up the company's finance and administration activities. She has a lot of financial experience with both public and venture-backed companies. Urszula holds a Master of Arts degree in accounting."},{"name":"Vladyslav Kozlovskyi","position":"Design System Lead","picture":"v1731059489/team/original/vladyslav-kozlovskyi.jpg","department":"Design","description":"Vlad is a Design System Lead who believes in technology as the cornerstone of efficient design. For Vlad, the Design System is the single source of truth and control, ensuring consistency and scalability across all products. Known for their 'work hard, play hard' attitude, Vlad is a ping-pong ninja and a dynamic 'ready-to-go' person. Philosophy? Make it different, fight hard, and rise to Valhalla."},{"name":"Weronika Masternak","position":"Product Content Specialist","picture":"v1607328149/team/original/weronika-masternak.png","department":"Marketing","description":"Words have great power and so does Weronika. She loves to answer the burning questions and not just when she's creating a new piece of content. She has the heaps of energy, curiosity, and empathy necessary to understand this crazy world. Also, Weronika is a great fan of sociology, weightlifting, and music from the '90s. She's unstoppable, and she wants it that way."},{"name":"Wiktoria Smola","position":"Support Hero","picture":"v1642507642/team/original/wiktoria-smola.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Wiktoria recently discovered her love for cooking, but on the other hand, she still can’t say „no” to a proposition of going to a good restaurant. When she’s at home, you can spot her watching some Disney movie and being distracted by three cats doing „zoomies” in the background!"},{"name":"Wojciech Dudek","position":"Front-end Developer","picture":"v1730897252/team/original/wojciech-dudek.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Wojciech is a Front-end Developer with a bit of a tech identity crisis, having dabbled in backend, hardware, and even robot programming. If it’s got a circuit — fridge, washing machine, toaster, you name it — he’s probably already thinking up a way to program it. A little obsessed with IoT and smart home automations, he’s the type who can’t resist figuring out how to wire everything up to be controlled remotely. A fan of just about every sport, though pretty terrible at most of them — but hey, enthusiasm counts, right?"},{"name":"Wojciech Fabjanczuk","position":"Back-end Developer","picture":"v1684507268/team/original/wojtek-fabjanczuk.jpg","department":"Development","description":"Passionate about creating scalable and efficient server-side systems. In his free time you can find him inline skating around the city, playing CS:GO, or listening to hip hop tracks."},{"name":"Wojciech Pollok","position":"Customer Education Specialist","picture":"","department":"Marketing","description":"Wojtek is a self-made scholar dabbling in history, sociology and behavioral psychology. When not thinking why people are acting they way they are, Wojtek likes to spend his evenings reading fantasy books and watching movies."},{"name":"Wojciech Toporowski","position":"Support Hero","picture":"v1642498957/team/original/wojciech-toporowski.jpg","department":"Support","description":"An avid gamer with a knack for cooking. Favorite food includes pizza, lasagne, and carbonara. Wojciech has a sweet tooth as well. Do not give him any chocolate! He devours it in one go. A movie enthusiast who adores watching movies with his lovely wife and dog — \"My little family,\" as he calls them. He loves hiking with his beloved golden retriever Rolo, but he hates cleaning Rolo's fur. It's everywhere. Always."},{"name":"Wojciech Zbrozek","position":"Technical Support Hero","picture":"v1684507268/team/original/wojtek-zbozek.jpg","department":"Support","description":"Pianist, minimalist, DIY enthusiast and work-life balance advocate. When he's done with his work for the day, Wojciech switches his laptop keyboard for a set of black and white keys to dive into the world of music. When the snow is falling, a deep powder day on the mountain is all he can think of. Beginner surfer looking forward to finally getting barrelled."},{"name":"Ziemowit Banaszek","position":"Support Quality Lead","picture":"","department":"Support","description":"Ziemowit is a part of our Support team and makes sure that no customer question goes unanswered. He’s a very complicated man. On the one hand, he’s a sybarite who likes to indulge in good food, music, movies, books and alcohol. On the other, he’s a masochist that likes to lose time and time again while playing the menacing Dark Souls series. He’s also a father of four, which I guess falls somewhere in the middle."},{"name":"Ziemowit Kaniucki","position":"Senior Growth Account Executive","picture":"","department":"Sales \u0026 Account Management","description":"By all means, this guy is making our customers delighted. He’s a former London’s Cabbie who’s building castles in the air about 993 Turbo S. There’s nothing he enjoys more than a long night ride while blasting the finest tunes. An avid sports fan who likes to stay up late and watch the NBA. Last but not least, he has a jillion sneakers, so you’ll never see him rocking the same pair two days in a row."},{"name":"Zuzanna Bocian","position":"Product Marketing Specialist","picture":"v1684507268/team/original/zuza-bocian.jpg","department":"Marketing","description":"In love with creating beautiful travel reports, both photo, and video. Social media is nothing complicated for her. Privately, she does a lot of sports. Lately, mainly climbing and mountain hiking. After hours, she also dances in a juggling troupe - the Griffin Guard. Hence the prop in the photo - fan veils. In addition, proud mother of a beautiful puppy named Jenny."},{"name":"Zuzanna Kokoszka","position":"Office Manager","picture":"v1730897260/team/original/zuzanna-kokoszka.jpg","department":"Office Management","description":"As an Office Manager, Zuza creates a good daily vibe and ensures everything runs smoothly. Need help with anything? She's the go-to person for every little thing or miracle and has it covered. After hours, Zu is the retro-loving mother of three sons who explains the wonderful power of the 90s to their kids."},{"name":"Zuzanna Kunik","position":"Data Scientist with NLP","picture":"v1684507270/team/original/zuzanna-kunik.jpg","department":"Data \u0026 Research","description":"Zuza, a true data alchemist, can knit you a neat ML model beanie or neat woollen beanie - depends on the day. Thought-provoking questions for the mind, hard-style kettlebell for the body, wild at heart, weird on top, light the fuse, dance around, smile!"}]},"__N_SSG":true},"page":"/team","query":{},"buildId":"F8w5WIXs5wIDq6Rq4JK-W","isFallback":false,"gsp":true,"scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>

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