Special Interest Group on Aperiodic Crystals

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padding-left:1px"><img src="doc/banner_iycr2014.jpg" ></a></div> </div> --> <div id="pruh" class="ramecek222"> <div class="redlink2" style="padding-left:6px; padding-top: 12px" align="center"> <A HREF="#publications">Publications</A> | <a href="#aperiodic">Conferences Aperiodic</a> | <a href="#schools">Schools</a> | <A HREF="#software">Software</A> | <a href="#resgroups">Research Groups</a> | <A HREF="#miscell">Misc</A> | <A HREF="#malist">Mailing list | </A> <A HREF="#contact">Contact</A> </div> </div> <!-- ######## LEVA PULE ######## --> <div id="levapule" class="ramecek2" style="overflow:hidden"> <div style="padding-top:6px" class="bluetextbold3"> <A NAME="announcements"></A>Announcements </div> <div style="padding-top:6px; padding-bottom:6px"> <input id="oSwitchButton" type="button" value="[Click here to scroll]" onclick="fnSwitchFlow();" class="btn"> </div> <!-- <div class="bluetextbold" style="background:yellow; padding:6px"> Reminder: early-bird registration to IUCr congress finishes 30 April 2014 <br><span class="redlink"><a href="doc/iucr_meeting_2014.html" target="_parent"> More information about "aperiodic" events in IUCr meeting in Montreal</a></span> </div> --> <ul> <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">2024 International Workshop on Magnetic Crystallography</a></span>, November 24-30, 2024, Dongguan, Guangdong, China. <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">Aperiodic 2024</a></span>, <span style="background-color:#FEFEA7">Abstract submission deadline extended to 15 May 2024</span>. <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">Aperiodic 2024</a></span>, June 24-28, 2024, Caen, France. <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">The 26th IUCr congress</a></span>, August 22-29, 2023, Melbourne, Australia. <span style="background-color:#FEFEA7">Abstract submission deadline is 21 February 2023.</span> <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">The 15th International Conference on Quasicrystals, ICQ15</a></span>, June 18-23, 2023, Tel Aviv, Israel. Abstract submission deadline: 14 April 2023. <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">Aperiodic 2022</a></span>, June 19-24, 2022, Sapporo, Hokaido, Japan. The conference will be hybrid or online. Abstract submission deadline is 20 March 2022. <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="blacklink"><a href="doc/Uwe_Grimm.pdf" target="_parent"> Uwe Grimm, 1963-2021</a></span></li> <li> <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">The 5th International School on Aperiodic Crystals</a></span>, 23-27 May 2022, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">Aperiodic 2022 - 10th International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals</a></span>, June 19-24, 2022, Sapporo, Hokaido, Japan <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">25th IUCr Congress</a></span>, 14-22 August 2021, Prague, Czech Republic <div style="padding-top: 6px"> <b>IUCr 25 Highlights related to aperiodic crystallography:</b> <br><span class="redlink"><a href="doc/advert_IUCr2020_magnetic.pdf" target="parent">Magnetic structures</a></span> <br><span class="redlink"><a href="doc/advert_IUCr2020_aperiodic.pdf" target="parent">Aperiodic structures</a></span> <br><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent"> Satellite workshop on aperiodic and magnetic structures</a></span> </div> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">Aperiodic 21 - 10th International Conference on Aperiodic Crystals</a></span>, June 20-25, 2021, Sapporo, Hokaido, Japan <li><span class="redlink"><a href=""> Jana Modulation and Electron Diffraction Workshop </a></span>, Prague, Czech Republic, 17-19 June 2020</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">10th Workshop on Structural Analysis of Aperiodic Crystals</a></span>, 12-16 March 2020, Bayreuth, Germany <b>CANCELLED</b> <li><span class="redlink"><a href=""> The 4th International School on Aperiodic Crystals </a></span>, 8-14 September 2019, Cotentin Peninsula, France</li> <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="blacklink"><a href="doc/An_Pang_Tsai.pdf" target="_parent">An-Pang Tsai: 1958-2019</a></span></li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href=""> Magnetic Crystallography </a></span>, 31 May - 9 June 2019, Erice, Italy</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href=""> ICQ14 </a></span>, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, 26-31 May 2019</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href=""> Jana Modulation Workshop </a></span>, La Jolla, CA, USA, 10-13 December 2018</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="">31st meeting of the ECA</span></a>, 22-27 August 2018, Oviedo, Spain.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="">Aperiodic 2018</span></a>, 8-13 July 2018 on the Iowa State University campus in Ames, USA.</li> <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="blacklink"><a href="doc/Ted_Janssen.pdf" target="_parent">Ted Janssen: 1936-2017</a></span></li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">24th IUCr Congress and General Assembly</span></a>, 21-28 August 2017, Hyderabad, India. Abstract deadline 28 February 2017!</b></li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">Workshop "Open space between aperiodic order and strong electronic correlations"</a></span>, 19-22 June 2017, Annecy, France. Abstract submission: March 22 , 2017, Registration: March 31, 2017. <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="parent">9th Workshop on Structural Analysis of Aperiodic Crystals</a></span>, 23-26 March 2017, Bayreuth, Germany <li style="list-style-type: disc"><b>Vaclav Petricek is the recipient of the 9th Max Perutz Prize</b> "in recognition of your practical application of the theory of aperiodic structures in the widely used computing system JANA"</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href=""> 30th meeting of the ECA</a></span>, 28 August - 1 September 2016, Basel, Switzerland <br>Abstract submission deadline extended to 13 April 2016</li> <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="blacklink"><a href="" target="_parent">John W. Cahn: 1928-2016</a></span></li> <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="redlink"><a href=""> ICQ13 </a></span>, Kathmandu, Nepal, 18-23 September 2016: 10th April 2016 is the abstract submission deadline!</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> 3rd International School on Aperiodic Crystals</a></span>, 4-8 July 2016, Antwerp, Belgium: 1st April 2016 is the registration deadline!</li> <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="blacklink"><a href="doc/Aloysio_Janner.pdf" target="_parent">Aloysio Janner: 1928-2016</a></span></li> <li>Aperiodic 2018 will be hosted in Ames, Iowa, USA</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> 3rd International School on Aperiodic Crystals</a></span>, 4-8 July 2016, Antwerp, Belgium</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> Transversal Aspects of Tiling</a></span>: 30 May - 3 June 2016 Computational aspects; 6 - 10 June Dynamical, arithmetical and algebraic aspects; 13 - 17 June Physical aspects; 20 - 24 June Probabilistic aspects</li> <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="blacklink"><a href="doc/Chris_Henley.pdf" target="_parent">Chris Henley: 1955-2015</a></span></li> <!-- <li><b><span style="background-color:#FEFEA7">Workshop in Bayreuth coming soon!! (12-15 March)</span> &nbsp;<span class="redlink"><a href="doc/bayreuth_2015_flyer.pdf">Flyer</a></span></li> --> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="">APERIODIC2015</a></span>: early bird registration, deadline 10 July</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> Aperiodic 2015</a></span>, 30 August - 4 September 2015, Prague, Czech Republic</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> 8th Workshop on Structural Analysis of Aperiodic Crystals</a></span>, 12-15 March 2015, Bayreuth, Germany <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">25th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Magnetic structures</a></span>, 1-2 December 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. </li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">24th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Advanced topics</a></span>, 27-28 November 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. </li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">23rd Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Basics of Jana2006</a></span>, 16-17 October 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. </li> <li><span class="redlink"> <a href="" target="_parent"> <!-- <span style="background:yellow"> -->Introduction to aperiodic crystals</span></a>: Satellite workshop of the 23rd IUCr Congress, 5 August 2014, Montreal, Canada</li> <li style="list-style-type: disc">March 2014: SIG3 and CAC web pages have been joined</li> <li>Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie offers free online access to the journal's present and previous issues until June 30,2014.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">22nd Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Advanced topics</a></span>, 28-29 April 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. </li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">21st Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Basics of Jana2006</a></span>, 24-25 April 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. </li> <li><b>IUCr meeting in Montreal offers very good focus on aperiodic crystals!</b><span class="redlink"><a href="doc/Montreal.html"> (read more) </a></span> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> IUCr Congress Satellite Workshop on the Role of Magnetic Symmetry in the Description & Determination of Magnetic Structures</a></span>, 14-16 August 2014, Hamilton, Canada <li style="list-style-type: disc"><b><span style="background:yellow">Aloysio Janner and Ted Janssen have received the 10th Ewald prize</span></b> "for the development of superspace crystallography and its application to the analysis of aperiodic crystals"</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">23rd IUCr Congress and General Assembly</span></a>, 5-12 August 2014, Montreal, Canada. </li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">20th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Magnetic structures</a></span>, 16-17 January 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. </li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">19th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Electron diffraction</a></span>, 16-17 December 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. </li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">12th International Conference on Quasicrystals ICQ12</a></span> , 1-6 September 2013, Krakow, Poland</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="">2nd International School on Aperiodic Crystals</a></span>, 7-12 April 2013, Bayreuth, Germany.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">16th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Rigid body, restraints, constraints, commensurate refinement</a></span>, 7-8 March 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. </li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">15th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Electron diffraction</a></span>, two days in December 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. </li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">14th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Magnetic structures</a></span>, 15-16 October 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. </li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">13th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Powder diffraction</a></span>, 26-27 September 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. </li> <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span style="background:yellow; font-weight:bold">5 October 2011: Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Dan Shechtman for 'the discovery of quasicrystals'</span></li> <li style="list-style-type: disc">3+d Dimensional Superspace Groups at <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"></a></span></li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Aperiodic 2012</a></span>, 2-7 September 2012, Cairns, Australia.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">ECM 27</a></span>, 6-11 August 2012, Bergen, Norway.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">ACA annual meeting</a></span>, 28 July - 1 August 2012, Boston, USA.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">3rd Turkish Crystallographic Meeting</a></span>, 7-9 June 2012, Izmir, Turkey.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">12th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006</a></span>, 3-4 May 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. </li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">11th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006</a></span>, 26-27 March 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">10th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006</a></span>, 6-7 December 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Aperiodic crystals for beginners (IUCr XXII satellite)</a></span>, 31 August - 1 September 2011, Alcala de Henares, Spain</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> XXII IUCr Congress</a></span>, 22-30 August 2011, Madrid, Spain</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">9th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006</a></span>, 13-15 July 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">8th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006</a></span>, 27-28 June 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> 7th workshop on structure analysis of aperiodic crystals</a></span>, 17-20 March 2011, Bayreuth, Germany</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">7th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: magnetic structures</a></span>, 14-15 February 2011.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">5th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006</a></span>, 17-18 January 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">6th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006</a></span>, 16-17 December 2010, Prague, Czech Republic.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">School on aperiodic crystals</a></span> , Carqueiranne 26 September - 2 October 2010, France</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">ECM26</a></span> , 29 August - 2 September 2010, Darmstadt, Germany.</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">4th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006</a></span>, 12-13 July 2010, Prague, Czech Republic</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">11th International Conference on Quasicrystals ICQ11</a></span> , 13-18 June 2010, Sapporo, Japan</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Third Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006</a></span>, (Prague, 2010)</li> <li style="list-style-type: disc"><span class="blacklink"><a href="doc/Dominique_Grebille.pdf" target="_parent">Dominique Grebille, 1957-2009</a></span></li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Aperiodic'09</a></span>, (Liverpool, 2009)</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="">ECM25</a></span>,(Istanbul, 2009)</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">ACA meeting</a></span>, (Toronto, 2009)</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Workshop Jana2006</a></span>, (Toronto, 2009)</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="">6th Workshop on Structural Analysis of Incommensurate Crystals</a></span>, (Bayreuth, 2009)</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">XXI IUCr Congress</a></span>, (Osaka, 2008)</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">10th International Conference on Quasicrystals</a></span>, (Zurich, 2008)</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Quasicrystals - The Silver Jubilee</a></span>, (Tel Aviv, 2007)</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">24rd European Crystallographic Meeting ECM24</a></span>, (Marrakech, 2007)</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> The 5th Workshop on Structural Analysis of Aperiodic Crystals</a></span>, (Bayreuth, 2007)</li> <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Aperiodic'06</a></span>, (Zao, 2006) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">23rd European Crystallographic Meeting ECM23</a></span>, (Leuven, 2006) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">XX IUCr Congress</a></span>, (Florence, 2005) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">9th International Conference on Quasicrystals</a></span>, (Ames, 2005) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">ECM 22</a></span>, (Budapest, 2004) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">ACA meeting</a></span>, (Chicago, 2004) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> Third Asian International Workshop on Quasicrystals</a></span>, (Taipei, 2004) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">BCA meeting</a></span>, (Manchester, 2004) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Aperiodic 2003</a></span>, (Belo Horizonte, 2003) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> 34th course on high pressure crystallography 2001</a></span>, (Erice, 2003) <li><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> 4th Workshop on Structural Analysis of Aperiodic Crystals</a></span>, (Bayreuth, 2003) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">19th IUCr Congress</a></span>, (Geneva,2002) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Quasicrystals 2001</a></span>, (Sendai,2001) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">ECM20</a></span>, (Krakow,2001) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Workshop on aperiodic structures</a></span>, (Krakow,2001) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> Solid State Chemistry 2000</a></span>, (Prague,2000) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> ECM 19</a></span>, (Nancy,2000) <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> Aperiodic 2000</A></span>, (Nijmegen,2000) <LI>Course on <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> Structural Analysis of aperiodic Crystals</a></span>, (Bayreuth,2000) <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> The 7th International Conference on Quasicrystals</A></span>, (Stuttgart,1999) <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> 18th IUCr Congress</A></span>, (Glasgow,1999) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="doc/springschq.html" target="_parent">Spring School on Quasicrystals</a></span>, (Aussois,1999) <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> Workshop Aperiodic Crystals</A></span>, (Bayreuth,1999) <LI><span class="bluetextbold">The Mathematical Aspects of Quasicrystals</span>, (Paris 1998) <LI><span class="bluetextbold">General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division</span>, (Grenoble 1998) <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"> ECM-18 </A></span>, (Prague 1998) <LI><span class="bluetextbold">Aperiodic'97</span>, (Grenoble 1997) <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"> 6-th International Conference on Quasicrystals</A></span>, (Tokyo 1997) <LI><span class="bluetextbold">Workshop on aperiodic structures</span>, (Krakow 1996) <LI><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> Aperiodic'94</a></span>, (Les Diablerets 1994) </ul> </div> <!-- ######## PRAVA PULE ######## --> <div id="pravapule" class="ramecek22"> <div style="padding-top:6px" class="bluetextbold3"> <A NAME="administration"></A>Administration </div> <div class="bodytext" style="padding-top:6px"> <div align="justify" class="hyphenate text" lang="en"> This web page is maintained by joint effort of the SIG3 and CAC. CAC is the <span class="bluetextbold">Commission on Aperiodic Crystals</span> established in April 1991 by International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). SIG3 is the <span class="bluetextbold">Special Interest Group on Aperiodic Crystals</span> established in August 1998 by European Crystallographic Association (ECA). </div> <div align="justify" class="hyphenate text" lang="en" style="padding-top:6px"> According to IUCr [Acta Cryst. A48(1992), p. 928] by "crystal" we mean any solid having an essentially discrete diffraction diagram, and by "aperiodic crystal" we mean any crystal in which three dimensional lattice periodicity can be considered to be absent. The mission of both SIG3 and CAC is promotion of experimental and theoretical research on aperiodic crystals, including quasicrystals, modulated crystals, composite crystals, magnetic systems, and polytypes. </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var kdejsem=location.hostname; var iframe_sig3 = '<iframe src="sig3_people.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="360pt" align="left"'; var iframe_sig3b = 'seamless>javascript needed</iframe>'; var iframe_cac = '<iframe src="cac_people.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="400pt" align="left"'; var iframe_cacb = 'seamless>javascript needed</iframe>'; if(kdejsem == '' || kdejsem == '' || kdejsem == ''){ // proc se to spojuje ze dvou kusu? // aby jmeno1 patrilo k prvnimu a jmeno2 k druhemu // viz dabelska vychytavka o kousek niz var iframe1 = iframe_sig3 + ' name="jmeno1" ' + iframe_sig3b; var iframe2 = iframe_cac + 'name="jmeno2" ' + iframe_cacb; var prvni = 'sig3_people.html'; var druhy = 'cac_people.html'; } else { var iframe1 = iframe_cac + 'name="jmeno1" ' + iframe_cacb; var iframe2 = iframe_sig3 + ' name="jmeno2" ' + iframe_sig3b; var prvni = 'cac_people.html'; var druhy = 'sig3_people.html'; } document.write(iframe1); // dabelska vychytavka reagujici na chybu pri reload v IE document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="JavaScript">this.jmeno1.location="'+prvni+'";</scr'+'ipt>'); document.write(iframe2); // dabelska vychytavka reagujici na chybu pri reload v IE document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="JavaScript">this.jmeno2.location="'+druhy+'";</scr'+'ipt>'); //--> </script> </div> <div id="levazarazka" class="ramecek2"></div> <div id="pravazarazka" class="ramecek22"></div> <!-- ######## PUBLIKACE ######## --> <div id="pruh" class="ramecek222"> <A NAME="publications"></A> <div class="redlink2" style="padding-left:6px; padding-top: 12px" align="center"> <span class="bluetextbold2">Publications:</span>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="publi/articles_this_year.html" onclick="updateObjectIframe(this); return false;"> Articles of this year</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="publi/articles_last_year.html" onclick="updateObjectIframe(this); return false;"> Articles of the last year</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="publi/articles_all_but_this_year.html" onclick="updateObjectIframe(this); return false;"> All articles except this year (7MB)</a> </div> </div> <div id="publikace" class="ramecek2"> <object id="foo" name="foo" type="text/html" data="publi/articles_this_year.html"></object> </div> <!-- ######## CONFERENCES APERIODIC ######## --> <div id="pruh" class="ramecek222"> <A NAME="aperiodic"></A> <div class="bluetextbold2" style="padding-left:6px; padding-top: 12px" align="center"> Conferences Aperiodic </div> </div> <div id="aperiodic" class="ramecek2"> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> The triannual flagship conferences Aperiodic are organized by CAC since 1994. Because the web pages of old Aperiodic conferences are vanishing we would like to conserve here memories about these nice and important events. </div> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> <span class="bluetextbold">Aperiodic2015</span>, 30 August - 4 September 2015, Prague, Czech Republic </div> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> <span class="bluetextbold">Aperiodic2012</span>, 2-7 September 2012, Cairns, Australia &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="redlink"><a href="">Report</a></span> </div> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> <span class="bluetextbold">Aperiodic2009</span>, 13-18 September 2009, Liverpool, UK &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="redlink"><a href="">Report</a></span> </div> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> <span class="bluetextbold">Aperiodic2006</span>, 17-22 September 2006, Zao, Japan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="redlink"><a href="">Report</a></span> </div> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> <span class="bluetextbold">Aperiodic2003</span>, 8-13 September 2003, Belo Horizonte, Brasil &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="redlink"><a href="">Report</a></span> </div> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> <span class="bluetextbold">Aperiodic2000</span>, 5-8 July 2000, Nijmegen, The Netherlands &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="redlink"><a href="">Report</a></span> </div> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> <span class="bluetextbold">Aperiodic1997</span>, 27-31 August 1997, L'alpe D'huez, France </div> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> <span class="bluetextbold">Aperiodic1994</span>, 18-22 September 1994, Les Diablerets, Switzerland &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="redlink"><a href="">Report</a></span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="redlink"><a href="">Gallery</a></span> </div> </div> <!-- ######## SCHOOLS ######## --> <div id="pruh" class="ramecek222"> <A NAME="schools"></A> <div class="bluetextbold2" style="padding-left:6px; padding-top: 12px" align="center"> Schools on aperiodic crystals </div> </div> <div id="schools" class="ramecek2"> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> The international Schools on Aperiodic Crystals (ISAC) are organized triannually by CAC and SIG3 since 2010. </div> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> <span class="bluetextbold">The 2nd School on Aperiodic Crystals</span>, 2 - 12 April 2013, Bayreuth, Germany &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="redlink"><a href="">Conference web</a></span> </div> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> <span class="bluetextbold">The 1st School on Aperiodic Crystals</span>, 26 September - 2 October 2010, La Valerane-Carqueiranne, France &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="redlink"><a href="">Conference web</a></span> </div> </div> <!-- ######## SOFTWARE ######## --> <div id="pruh" class="ramecek222"> <A NAME="software"></A> <div class="bluetextbold2" style="padding-left:6px; padding-top: 12px" align="center"> Table of Software available for aperiodic crystallography </div> </div> <div id="software" class="ramecek2"> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> <i>(<b>P</b>=Powder,<b>S</b>=Single crystals,<b>Q</b>=Quasicrystals)</i> </div> <TABLE class="tab1"> <TR class="bluetextbold"> <TD ALIGN="CENTER">Name</TD> <TD width="100">Material</TD> <TD><I>Comment</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"> <A HREF="" TARGET="_self">Yamamoto's software</a></span></TD> <TD nowrap>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></TD> <TD><I>REMOS,PREMOS,MODPLT and PRJMS</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"><A HREF="/jana/jana.html" TARGET="_top">JANA</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></TD> <TD><I>Crystallographic computing system for standard, modulated and composite crystals</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"> <A HREF="" TARGET="_parent">XND</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></TD> <TD><I>Rietveld refinement. See also <span class="redlink"> <A HREF="" target="_parent"> CPD newsletter</a></span>.</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"> <A HREF="" TARGET="_self">SIMPRO</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></TD> <TD><I>Full Powder Pattern Fitting Program</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"> <A HREF="" TARGET="_self">SIMREF</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></TD> <TD><I>Simultaneous Rietveld Refinement</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"> <A HREF="">QuasiTiler 3.0</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled > S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled > Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled checked></TD> <TD><I>Program written by Eugenio Durand, at the Geometric Center, for drawing Penrose tilings and its generalizations. The page contains also an introduction to the geometry of quasicrystals. QuasiTiler is implemented as a HTML fill-out form.</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> S. Weber's programs</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled checked> S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled checked> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled checked></TD> <TD><I>Many JAVA applets and applications.</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent">CSECM</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled></TD> <TD><I>See Superspace Tools in this table.</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"><A HREF=>Phonon Software</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled > S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled > Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled ></TD> <TD><I>Calculates phonon dispersion relations and phonon density of states of crystals from force constants or Hellmann Feynman forces found by an ab initio program</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"><A HREF=>Nada</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled > S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled checked> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled ></TD> <TD><I>Program for refinement of q vectors up to 6 dimensions from CCD and Imaging plate data.</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"> <A HREF=>tilings.exe</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled > S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled > Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled checked></TD> <TD><I>The program generates Ammann-Beenker and Penrose quasicrystal structures with various parameters. </I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"><A HREF=>DIMS</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled > S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled checked> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled ></TD> <TD><I>Ab-initio direct-method phasing of diffraction data from incommensurately modulated/composite crystals </I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"><A HREF=>VEC</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled > S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled checked> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled ></TD> <TD><I>Visual computing in Electron Crystallography, including structure-solving programs DIMS and MIMS for incommensurately modulated/composite crystals</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"> <A HREF="" target="_parent">Tiling</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled > S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled checked></TD> <TD><I>Two programs for Mathematica to obtain quasiperiodic tilings using the generalized grid method (GDM). See also Z. Kristallogr. <strong>218</strong>, <span class="redlink"> <A HREF="" target="_parent">397</a></span> (2003)</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent"> Superspace Tools in Lausanne</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled checked> S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled checked> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled checked></TD> <TD><I>On line tools concerning mostly the superspace symmetry. <br><strong>Crystal Symmetry Environment database (CSE)</strong>. Recently reincarnated from the CSESM project of Janssen, Janner, Thiers and Ephraim, this database provides information concerning space groups of arbitrary dimensions. It allows manipulation and inspection of the groups, e.g. generators, Wyckoff positions, point group symmetry and systematic extinctions. Space groups of 2-,3-,4- and (3+1)- dimensions are currently available. The new Java interface enables the visualisation of structures possessing a selected space group. <br><strong>NADA</strong>. Based on the orientation matrix of the main reflections and rough estimates of the modulation wave vector(s) components, NADA re-indexes the peaks (main and satellite reflections) with integers in higher dimensions (hklm1, hklm1m2 or hklm1m2m3, respectively) and then simultaneously refines the orientation matrix and modulation wave vector(s) components. Refinement is carried out by the least squares method using the observed spatial peak positions. Standard uncertainties on all refined parameters are calculated analytically. <br><strong>Superspace group finder</strong>. This database provides all potential transformations of (3+1)D superspace groups into 3D space groups for commensurate modulation, listing possible options for q-vector components, t-values and origin shifts of consequent superstructures. The method is based on 3-dimensional rational cuts and enables a common (3+1)D superspace group between different members of a structural family to be found. Alternatively, you may explore 3D space groups resulting from a (3+1)D superspace group. The project has been conceived in order to exploit possibilities offered by the superspace concept with the aim of finding a common denominator in a series of structures based on a limited number of structural blocks, i.e. modular structures. <br><strong>List of (3+1) dimensional superspace groups</strong>. According International Tables for Crystallography (1999) nomenclature, Volume C, Table <br><strong>Bravais classes: 4D to 3D correspondence</strong>. This page shows potential transformations of (3+1)D Bravais classes into 3D classes for commensurate modulation, listing possible options for q-vector components and orientation of consequent superstructures. <br><strong>Rational approximator</strong>. How far from a rational expression is your incommensurate q-value? This applet converts real numbers into the closest rational number with the smallest denominator e.g. 0.85714285 => 6/7. <br><strong>Superspace Harvester</strong>. The applet helps to find a superspace model for a set of structures by simulating the diffraction pattern for each structure on a semi-transparent layer. By superposing the layers you identify common spots which would correspond to the same main reflection. All other peaks are expected to be satellites - different colors attributed to patterns help you figure out a modulation for each particular case.</I> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"> <A HREF="" target="_parent">Superflip</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></TD> <TD><I>Program for solution of three or more dimensional structures by the charge flipping method.</I></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><span class="redlink"> <A HREF="" target="_parent">INJAVIS</a></span></TD> <TD NOWRAP>P<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> S<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled></TD> <TD><I>An interactive molecular dynamics JAVA applet to demonstrate self-assembly of identical particles to a decagonal quasicrystal in two dimensions.</I></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <div style="padding-top: 6px"> See also: <span class="redlink"><a href=""> CCP4 - software for incommensurate/modulated structures</a></span> <div style="padding-top: 4px"> <b><i>Links to any interesting software for aperiodic structures are welcome!</i></b> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ######## RESEARCH GROUPS ######## --> <div id="pruh" class="ramecek222"> <A NAME="resgroups"></A> <div class="bluetextbold2" style="padding-left:6px; padding-top: 12px" align="center"> Research groups in the field of Aperiodic Crystallography </div> </div> <div id="groups" class="ramecek2"> <div style="padding-bottom: 6px"> <I>(<b>M</b>=Modulated structures,<b>Q</b>=Quasicrystals)</I> </div> <TABLE class="tab1"> <TR class="bluetextbold"> <TD ALIGN="CENTER">Country</TD> <TD ALIGN="CENTER">City</TD> <TD>Name</TD> <TD>Scope</TD> </TR> <tr> <td>Australia</td> <td>Canberra</td> <td><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Solid State Inorganic Chemistry</a></span> at <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Research School of Chemistry</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </tr> <tr> <td>China</td> <td>Beijing</td> <td><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> Research group on methods of solving crystal structures</a></span> at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences</td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </tr> <TR> <TD>Czech&nbsp;Republic</td> <td>Prague</td> <TD>Institute of Physics, <span class="redlink"><a href="/" target="_parent">Laboratory of Crystallography</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </TR> <tr> <td>France</td> <td>Bordeaux</td> <td><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Magnetic Materials and Structural Determinations</a></span> at <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">ICMCB</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </tr> <TR> <TD>France</td> <td>Caen</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">ISMRA </a></span> - <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> Laboratory of Crystallography and material Science</a></span> (CRISMAT)</td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </TR> <TR> <td>France</td> <td>Nancy</td> <td><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">LSG2M</a></span> at <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Ecole des Mines de Nancy</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled></td> </tr> <TR> <td>France</td> <td>Nancy</td> <td><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">LCM3B</a></span> at the <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">University Henri Poincare</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </tr> <TR> <TD>France</td> <td>Nantes</td> <TD>CNRS - <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">IMN</a></span>, <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> Inorganic materials for optics and storage (MIOPS)</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </TR> <tr> <td>France</td> <td>Chatillon</td> <td><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Laboratory of Microstructures</a></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>France</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Quasicrystals</a></span> at <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Metal Physics</a></span> at <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">LTPCM</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled></td> </tr> <TR> <TD>Germany</td> <td>Bayreuth</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Laboratory of Crystallography</a></span> at the <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">University of Bayreuth</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </TR> <TR> <TD>Germany</td> <td>Kiel</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">University of Kiel</a></span> - <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Crystallography</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </TR> <TR> <TD>Germany</td> <td>Mainz</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">University of Mainz</a></span> - Institute of Geosciences - <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Crystallography</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </TR> <TR> <TD>Germany</td> <td>Tubingen</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">University of Tubingen</a></span> - Institute of Theoretical Physics. <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Peter Kramers's page</a></span>.</td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled></td> </TR> <TR> <TD>Germany</td> <td>Stuttgart</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">University of Stuttgart</a></span> - <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Institute for Theoretical and Applied Physics</a></span>.</td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled></td> </TR> <TR> <TD>Japan</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">NIMS</a></span> (National Institute for Materials Science), <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> Quasicrystals research</a></span>. </td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled></td> </TR> <TR> <TD>Mexico</td> <td>Ciudad Universitaria</td> <TD>University of Mexico, <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Institute of Physics</a></span>, <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Gerardo Garcia Naumis</a></span> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled></td> </TR> <tr> <td>Netherlands</td> <td>Nijmegen</td> <td>Theoretical Solid State Physics at the <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Institute for Theoretical Physics</a></span> at <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Radboud University Nijmegen</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Russia</td> <td>Moscow</td> <td><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Inorganic crystal chemistry laboratory</a></span> at Moscow state university</td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </tr> <TR> <TD>Spain</td> <td>Bilbao</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">UPV</a></span> - <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">LAMA</a></span> - <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Dep. of the Physics of the Condensed Matter</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </TR> <TR> <TD>Sweden</td> <td>Stockholm</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Inorganic Chemistry</a></span> at the <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Stockholm university</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </TR> <TR> <TD>Switzerland</td> <td>Lausanne</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent"> Laboratory of Crystallography</a></span> at <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">EPFL</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled></td> </TR> <tr> <TD>Switzerland</td> <td>Zurich</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Crystallography</a></span> at the <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">ETH Zurich</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled></td> </TR> <TR> <TD>USA</td> <td>Pasadena</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">California Institute of Technology</a></span>. See also <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Ron Lifshitz's page</a></span>.</td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled></td> </TR> <TR> <TD>USA</td> <td>Ames</td> <TD><span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Iowa State University</a></span>, <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Ames Laboratory</a></span> - <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Xray physics</a></span> - <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">Quasicrystal research</a></span> - <span class="redlink"><a href="" target="_parent">group of Patricia A. Thiel</a></span></td> <TD NOWRAP>M<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" disabled> Q<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" checked disabled></td> </TR> </TABLE> <div style="padding-top: 6px"> <b><i>Any update or additional information are welcome!</i></b> </div> </div> <!-- ######## Miscellaneous ######## --> <div id="pruh" class="ramecek222"> <A NAME="miscell"></A> <div class="bluetextbold2" style="padding-left:6px; padding-top: 12px" align="center"> Miscellaneous Links and Information </div> </div> <div id="miscellaneous" class="ramecek2"> <ul style="list-style-type: disc"> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> S. Weber's page</a></span> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> Ron Lifshitz's page</a></span> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> Eric R. Weeks's page</a></span> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> Quasicrystal Research</a></span> at Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"> Focus Program on Quasicrystals in Germany</a></span> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent"> Laboratory of crystallography</a></span>, Zurich, Switzerland <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> Quasicrystals</a></span> at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> Prof. A.P.Tsai at Tohoku</a></span> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> Quasicrystals at NIMS</a></span> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> Aperiodic Tiling in Three Dimensions</a></span> by Ben Chaffin <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> Order Parameters, Broken Symmetry, and Topology</a></span> by James P. Sethna <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent"> Metallurgy of Quasicrystals</a></span> by A. P. Tsai <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent">Sir Roger Penrose</a></span> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent">Quasicrystals and symmetry</a></span> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent"> A Partial Bibliography of Literature on Quasicrystals</a></span> maintained by Dr. Cynthia Jenks, Iowa-State University <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent">Incommensurate Structures Database</a></span> at <span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent">Bilbao Crystallographic Server</a></span> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_parent">Jana page</a></span> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent">Akiji Yamamoto's page</a></span> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent">Incommensurate crystal structures by Razvan Caracas</a></span> <li>Textbooks on the subject of aperiodic crystals:<br> <strong>Aperiodic Crystals: From Modulated Phases to Quasicrystals</strong><br> This book written by Ted Janssen, Gervais Chapuis &amp; Marc de Boissieu will be published by Oxford in the series "International Union of Crystallography Texts on Crystallography" in June 2007.<br> <strong>Incommensurate crystallography</strong><br> This book written by Sander van Smaalen will be published by Oxford in the series "International Union of Crystallography Texts on Crystallography" in Aug. 2007. <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_self"> List of 3+d Dimensional Superspace Groups by Yamamoto</a></span> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" TARGET="_self"> List of 3+d Dimensional Superspace Groups by Stokes, Campbell and Van Smaalen</a></span> <LI>IUCr Crystallography Journals <span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent">Online</a></span> <LI>John Huesman's <span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent"> exhaustive annotated bibliography</a></span> of crystallography papers using the Fourier-space derived by Mermin and collaborators from a 1962 paper of Bienenstock and Ewald </li> <LI><span class="redlink"><A HREF="" target="_parent">Superspace groups</a></span> by Ivan Orlov. Complete list of 3+1 superspace groups from International Tables C and various tools. </ul> </div> <!-- ######## MAILING LIST ######## --> <div id="pruh" class="ramecek222"> <A NAME="malist"></A> <div class="bluetextbold2" style="padding-left:6px; padding-top: 12px" align="center"> Mailing list </div> </div> <div id="malist" class="ramecek2"> Mailing list of the special interest group SIG3 is used to announce occassionally news which we consider to be important. To be included in such list please send a request to Michal Dusek, . </div> <!-- ######## DOLEJSEK ######## --> <div id="pruh" class="ramecek222"> <div class="bluetextbold2" style="padding-left:6px; padding-top: 12px" align="center"> <A NAME="contact"></A>Contact Information </div> </div> <div id="kontakt" class="ramecek2222"> <!-- <img src="lahev.gif" alt="lahev.gif, 13kB" title="lahev" border="0" height="117" width="128" style="float: left; position:relative; top:-55px; z-index:200"> --> <div class="bluetextbold3" style="line-height: 22px; padding-left: 100px"> Please send any information, comments or suggestions concerning this web page to Michal Dusek, </div> </div> <!-- ######## KONEC ######## --> <div id="pocitadlo" class="neramecek0"> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> <!-- odkud = location.hostname; if(odkud.length <= 0)odkud="xxxx"; odkud_href = "apright.html"; document.write('<IMG SRC="',odkud, '&odkud_href=',odkud_href, '&statdir=../sgip/stat&link=SIG&show=YES" HEIGHT=20 WIDTH=60 ALT="counter" style="vertical-align:middle; padding-left: 10px">&nbsp;&nbsp;visitors since September 1998'); //--> </SCRIPT> </div> </div> <!-- konec podlozka --> <!-- Tady musi byt lahev, aby plavela pred podrizenymi div a zaroven nezvetsovala delku podlozky --> <img src="lahev.gif" alt="lahev.gif, 13kB" title="lahev" border="0" height="117" width="128" style="float: left; position:relative; left: 72px; bottom: 165px; z-index:200"> </div> <!-- konec content --> </div> <!-- konec page --> </body> </html>

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