WGS84 to KKJ converter

<html><head><title>WGS84 to KKJ converter</title> <style>body { background: #f9f9f9 url(// 0 0 no-repeat; }</style> </head><body> <h3>WGS84 to KKJ converter</h3><p style="color: red"><b>KKJ is not defined outside Finland!</b></p><p>This tool can be used to link WGS84 coordinates to map services that accept Finnish KKJ national grid coordinate system based coordinates only.<br> It converts the coordinates, subtracts the reference point, and redirects to the requested service with the results.</p> <p>Formula used to localise coordinates:<br> P<sub>KKJ</sub> = P<sub>KKJ reference point</sub> + P<sub>KKJ local</sub><br> I<sub>KKJ</sub> = I<sub>KKJ reference point</sub> + I<sub>KKJ local</sub></p> <p>Usage example:<br> <tt>kkj?latdegdec=<b>60.168333</b>&londegdec=<b>24.95625</b>&Pref=<b>6600000</b>&Iref=2<b>500000</b>&link=<b>{Plocal}&e={Ilocal}</b></tt><br> <br> Where:<br> <table border=0> <tr><td><i>latdegdec</i></td><td>WGS84 latitude in decimal degrees</td></tr> <tr><td><i>londegdec</i></td><td>WGS84 longitude in decimal degrees</td></tr> <tr><td><i>Pref</i></td><td>P<sub>KKJ reference point</sub> used in the map service</td></tr> <tr><td><i>Iref</i></td><td>I<sub>KKJ reference point</sub> used in the map service</td></tr> <tr><td><i>link</i></td><td>HTTP link to the map service, where <tt>{Plocal}</tt> and <tt>{Ilocal}</tt> will be replaced with P<sub>KKJ local</sub> and I<sub>KKJ local</sub> respectively, and <tt>{PlocalS}</tt>, <tt>{PlocalN}</tt>, <tt>{IlocalW}</tt> and <tt>{IlocalE}</tt> with the viewpoint boundaries.</td></tr> </table> All parameters are required.</p> <p>The WGS84 to KKJ code was written by Matti Aarnio and is available from <a href=""></a>.</p> </body></html>

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