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platform because of our flagship events such as Sugar & Ethanol India Conference (SEIC) and Sugar & Ethanol International Awards (SEIA). </p> <div class="tc tf yo zf mb"> <!--<a href="#" class="ek jk lk gh gi hi rg ml il vc _d _l" >Get Started Now</a >--> <span class="tc sf"> <a href="#" class="inline-block ek xj kk wm"> Call us - 9075 999 101 </a> <span class="inline-block">For any question or concern</span> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- ===== Hero End ===== --> <!-- ===== Small Features Start ===== --> <section id="features"> <div class="bb ze ki yn 2xl:ud-px-12.5"> <div class="tc uf zo xf ap zf bp mq"> <!-- Small Features Item --> <div class="animate_top kn to/3 tc cg oq"> <div class="tc wf xf cf ae cd rg mh"> <img src="images/icon-01.svg" alt="Icon" /> </div> <div> <h4 class="ek yj go kk wm xb">5 Million+</h4> <p>Readers across the Globe</p> </div> </div> <!-- Small Features Item --> <div class="animate_top kn to/3 tc cg oq"> <div class="tc wf xf cf ae cd rg 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2.67317 2.54003 1.79254 1.66492 0.715833C1.35516 1.24788 1.19238 1.85269 1.19326 2.46833C1.19326 3.67667 1.80826 4.74417 2.74326 5.36917C2.18993 5.35175 1.64878 5.20232 1.16492 4.93333V4.97667C1.16509 5.78142 1.44356 6.56135 1.95313 7.18422C2.46269 7.80709 3.17199 8.23456 3.96075 8.39417C3.4471 8.53337 2.90851 8.55388 2.38576 8.45417C2.60814 9.14686 3.04159 9.75267 3.62541 10.1868C4.20924 10.6209 4.9142 10.8615 5.64159 10.875C4.91866 11.4428 4.0909 11.8625 3.20566 12.1101C2.32041 12.3578 1.39503 12.4285 0.482422 12.3183C2.0755 13.3429 3.93 13.8868 5.82409 13.885C12.2349 13.885 15.7408 8.57417 15.7408 3.96833C15.7408 3.81833 15.7366 3.66667 15.7299 3.51833C16.4123 3.02514 17.0013 2.41418 17.4691 1.71417L17.4683 1.71333Z" fill=""/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> <svg class="uh vl ml il" width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.78353 2.16665C3.78331 2.60867 3.6075 3.03251 3.29478 3.34491C2.98207 3.65732 2.55806 3.8327 2.11603 3.83248C1.674 3.83226 1.25017 3.65645 0.937761 3.34373C0.625357 3.03102 0.449975 2.60701 0.450196 2.16498C0.450417 1.72295 0.626223 1.29912 0.93894 0.986712C1.25166 0.674307 1.67567 0.498925 2.1177 0.499146C2.55972 0.499367 2.98356 0.675173 3.29596 0.98789C3.60837 1.30061 3.78375 1.72462 3.78353 2.16665V2.16665ZM3.83353 5.06665H0.500195V15.5H3.83353V5.06665ZM9.1002 5.06665H5.78353V15.5H9.06686V10.025C9.06686 6.97498 13.0419 6.69165 13.0419 10.025V15.5H16.3335V8.89165C16.3335 3.74998 10.4502 3.94165 9.06686 6.46665L9.1002 5.06665V5.06665Z" fill=""/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <h4 class="yj go kk wm ob zb"><a href="">Uppal Shah</a></h4> <p>Co-Founder & Managing Director</p> </div> <!-- Team Item --> <div class="animate_top rj"> <div class="c i pg z-1"> <img style="border-radius: 10px;" class="vd" src="images/Hemant Shah.jpg" alt="Team" /> <div class="ef im nl il"> <span class="h -ud-left-5 -ud-bottom-21 rc de gd gh if wa"></span> <span class="h s p rc vd hd mh va"></span> <div class="h s p 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1.79254 1.66492 0.715833C1.35516 1.24788 1.19238 1.85269 1.19326 2.46833C1.19326 3.67667 1.80826 4.74417 2.74326 5.36917C2.18993 5.35175 1.64878 5.20232 1.16492 4.93333V4.97667C1.16509 5.78142 1.44356 6.56135 1.95313 7.18422C2.46269 7.80709 3.17199 8.23456 3.96075 8.39417C3.4471 8.53337 2.90851 8.55388 2.38576 8.45417C2.60814 9.14686 3.04159 9.75267 3.62541 10.1868C4.20924 10.6209 4.9142 10.8615 5.64159 10.875C4.91866 11.4428 4.0909 11.8625 3.20566 12.1101C2.32041 12.3578 1.39503 12.4285 0.482422 12.3183C2.0755 13.3429 3.93 13.8868 5.82409 13.885C12.2349 13.885 15.7408 8.57417 15.7408 3.96833C15.7408 3.81833 15.7366 3.66667 15.7299 3.51833C16.4123 3.02514 17.0013 2.41418 17.4691 1.71417L17.4683 1.71333Z" fill=""/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> <svg class="uh vl ml il" width="17" height="16" viewBox="0 0 17 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.78353 2.16665C3.78331 2.60867 3.6075 3.03251 3.29478 3.34491C2.98207 3.65732 2.55806 3.8327 2.11603 3.83248C1.674 3.83226 1.25017 3.65645 0.937761 3.34373C0.625357 3.03102 0.449975 2.60701 0.450196 2.16498C0.450417 1.72295 0.626223 1.29912 0.93894 0.986712C1.25166 0.674307 1.67567 0.498925 2.1177 0.499146C2.55972 0.499367 2.98356 0.675173 3.29596 0.98789C3.60837 1.30061 3.78375 1.72462 3.78353 2.16665V2.16665ZM3.83353 5.06665H0.500195V15.5H3.83353V5.06665ZM9.1002 5.06665H5.78353V15.5H9.06686V10.025C9.06686 6.97498 13.0419 6.69165 13.0419 10.025V15.5H16.3335V8.89165C16.3335 3.74998 10.4502 3.94165 9.06686 6.46665L9.1002 5.06665V5.06665Z" fill=""/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <h4 class="yj go kk wm ob zb"><a href="">Hemant Shah</a></h4> <p>Co-Founder & Executive Director</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- ===== Team End ===== --> <!-- ===== Services Start ===== --> <section class="lj tp kr"> <!-- Section Title Start --> <div x-data="{ sectionTitle: `We Offer The Best Quality Service for You`, sectionTitleText: `Our product basket has been crafted with a customer-centric approach in mind. We offer end-to-end services, beginning from news, information, research, and consulting to networking events and roundtable conferences.`}" > <div class="animate_top bb ze rj ki xn vq"> <h2 x-text="sectionTitle" class="fk vj pr kk wm on/5 gq/2 bb _b" > </h2> <p class="bb on/5 wo/5 hq" x-text="sectionTitleText"></p> </div> </div> <!-- Section Title End --> <div class="bb ze ki xn yq mb en"> <div class="wc qf pn xo ng"> <!-- Service Item --> <div class="animate_top sg oi pi zq ml il am cn _m"> <img src="images/icon-04.svg" alt="Icon" /> <h4 class="ek zj kk wm nb _b">Generate Sales Leads</h4> <!-- <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In convallis tortor.</p>--> </div> <!-- Service Item --> <div class="animate_top sg oi pi zq ml il am cn _m"> <img src="images/icon-05.svg" alt="Icon" /> <h4 class="ek zj kk wm nb _b">Enhance Positioning of your Company</h4> </div> <!-- Service Item --> <div class="animate_top sg oi pi zq ml il am cn _m"> <img src="images/icon-06.svg" alt="Icon" /> <h4 class="ek zj kk wm nb _b">Unveil New Services</h4> </div> <!-- Service Item --> <div class="animate_top sg oi pi zq ml il am cn _m"> <img src="images/icon-07.svg" alt="Icon" /> <h4 class="ek zj kk wm nb _b">Penetrate New Markets</h4> </div> <!-- Service Item --> <div class="animate_top sg oi pi zq ml il am cn _m"> <img src="images/icon-05.svg" alt="Icon" /> <h4 class="ek zj kk wm nb _b">Enhance Customer Loyalty</h4> </div> <!-- Service Item --> <div class="animate_top sg oi pi zq ml il am cn _m"> <img src="images/icon-06.svg" alt="Icon" /> <h4 class="ek zj kk wm nb _b">Foster New Business Partnerships</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- ===== Services End ===== --> <!-- ===== Projects Start ===== --> <section class="pg pj vp mr oj wp nr"> <!-- Section Title Start --> <div x-data="{ sectionTitle: `We Offer Premium Products.`, sectionTitleText: ``}" > <div class="animate_top bb ze rj ki xn vq"> <h2 x-text="sectionTitle" class="fk vj pr kk wm on/5 gq/2 bb _b" > </h2> <p class="bb on/5 wo/5 hq" x-text="sectionTitleText"></p> </div> </div> <!-- Section Title End --> <div class="bb ze ki xn 2xl:ud-px-0 jb" x-data="{filterTab: 1}"> <!-- Porject Tab <div class="projects-tab _e bb tc uf wf xf cg rg hh rm vk xm si ti fc" > <button data-filter="*" @click="filterTab = 1" :class="{ 'gh lk' : filterTab === 1 }" class="project-tab-btn ek rg ml il vi mi" > All </button> <button data-filter=".branding" @click="filterTab = 2" :class="{ 'gh lk' : filterTab === 2 }" class="project-tab-btn ek rg ml il vi mi" > Branding Strategy </button> <button data-filter=".digital" @click="filterTab = 3" :class="{ 'gh lk' : filterTab === 3 }" class="project-tab-btn ek rg ml il vi mi" > Digital Experiences </button> <button data-filter=".ecommerce" @click="filterTab = 4" :class="{ 'gh lk' : filterTab === 4 }" class="project-tab-btn ek rg ml il vi mi" > Ecommerce </button> </div>--> <!-- Projects item wrapper --> <div class="projects-wrapper tc -ud-mx-5"> <div class="project-sizer"></div> <!-- Project Item --> <div class="project-item wi fb vd jn/2 to/3 branding ecommerce"> <div class="c i pg sg z-1"> <img src="images/1-chinimandi.png" alt="Project" /> <div class="h s r df nl kl im tc sf wf xf vd yc sg al hh/20 z-10" > <h4 class="ek tj kk hc">ChiniMandi</h4> <p>News & Information</p> <a target="_blank" class="c tc wf xf ie ld rg _g dh ml il ph jm km jc" href="" > <svg class="th lm ml il" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.4763 6.16664L6.00634 1.69664L7.18467 0.518311L13.6663 6.99998L7.18467 13.4816L6.00634 12.3033L10.4763 7.83331H0.333008V6.16664H10.4763Z" /> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Project Item --> <div class="project-item wi fb vd jn/2 to/3 digital"> <div class="c i pg sg z-1"> <img src="images/roundtable-conference.png" alt="Project" /> <div class="h s r df nl kl im tc sf wf xf vd yc sg al hh/20 z-10" > <h4 class="ek tj kk hc">RoundTable Conference</h4> <p>Policy Makers Event</p> <a target="_blank" class="c tc wf xf ie ld rg _g dh ml il ph jm km jc" href="" > <svg class="th lm ml il" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.4763 6.16664L6.00634 1.69664L7.18467 0.518311L13.6663 6.99998L7.18467 13.4816L6.00634 12.3033L10.4763 7.83331H0.333008V6.16664H10.4763Z" /> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Project Item --> <div class="project-item wi fb vd jn/2 to/3 branding ecommerce"> <div class="c i pg sg z-1"> <img src="images/3-seia.png" alt="Project" /> <div class="h s r df nl kl im tc sf wf xf vd yc sg al hh/20 z-10" > <h4 class="ek tj kk hc">SEIA Awards</h4> <p>Awards for Sugar Industry</p> <a target="_blank class="c tc wf xf ie ld rg _g dh ml il ph jm km jc" href="" > <svg class="th lm ml il" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.4763 6.16664L6.00634 1.69664L7.18467 0.518311L13.6663 6.99998L7.18467 13.4816L6.00634 12.3033L10.4763 7.83331H0.333008V6.16664H10.4763Z" /> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Project Item --> <div class="project-item wi fb vd vo/3 digital ecommerce"> <div class="c i pg sg z-1"> <img src="images/3-seic.png" alt="Project" /> <div class="h s r df nl kl im tc sf wf xf vd yc sg al hh/20 z-10" > <h4 class="ek tj kk hc">SEIC Conference</h4> <p>Conference for Sugar Industry</p> <a target="_blank class="c tc wf xf ie ld rg _g dh ml il ph jm km jc" href="" > <svg class="th lm ml il" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.4763 6.16664L6.00634 1.69664L7.18467 0.518311L13.6663 6.99998L7.18467 13.4816L6.00634 12.3033L10.4763 7.83331H0.333008V6.16664H10.4763Z" /> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- ===== Projects End ===== --> <!-- ===== Testimonials Start ===== --> <section class="hj rp hr"> <!-- Section Title Start --> <div x-data="{ sectionTitle: `Client’s Testimonials`, sectionTitleText: `Our aim is to always bring a joyful smile on the faces of our customers. Have a look at what our customers have to say for us.`}" > <div class="animate_top bb ze rj ki xn vq"> <h2 x-text="sectionTitle" class="fk vj pr kk wm on/5 gq/2 bb _b" > </h2> <p class="bb on/5 wo/5 hq" x-text="sectionTitleText"></p> </div> </div> <!-- Section Title End --> <div class="bb ze ki xn ar"> <div class="animate_top jb cq"> <!-- Slider main container --> <div class="swiper testimonial-01"> <!-- Additional required wrapper --> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <!-- Slides --> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="i hh rm sg vk xm bi qj"> <!-- Border Shape --> <span class="rc je md/2 gh xg h q r"></span> <span class="rc je md/2 mh yg h q p"></span> <div class="tc sf rn tn un zf dp"> <img class="bf" src="images/narendra mohan.png" alt="User" /> <div> <img src="images/icon-quote.svg" alt="Quote" /> <p class="ek ik xj _p kc fb"> ChiniMandi is different form stereotype portals being dynamic and almost a “single window service” for all the information you need about sugar world. With a click of mouse you access happenings in Indian Sugar Industry, that too, all updated ones. I am continuously recommending it to all those concerned with sugarcane value chain. For all its exhaustiveness and versatility, it is worth. </p> <div class="tc yf vf"> <div> <span class="rc ek xj kk wm zb">Mr. Narendra Mohan</span> <span class="rc">Former Director, National Sugar Institute, India</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="i hh rm sg vk xm bi qj"> <!-- Border Shape --> <span class="rc je md/2 gh xg h q r"></span> <span class="rc je md/2 mh yg h q p"></span> <div class="tc sf rn tn un zf dp"> <img class="bf" src="images/pg medhe.png" alt="User" /> <div> <img src="images/icon-quote.svg" alt="Quote" /> <p class="ek ik xj _p kc fb"> As ChiniMandi has stepped into the industry with a boom, I take the opportunity to wish them All the very Best for the wonderful initiative of bringing the entire sugar industry & all the related information at one STOP! It’s indeed a revolutionary step in to the dynamics of Sugar History. </p> <div class="tc yf vf"> <div> <span class="rc ek xj kk wm zb">Mr. P. G. Medhe</span> <span class="rc">Honorary Expert Advisor of Chhatrapati Rajaram S.S.K. Ltd</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="i hh rm sg vk xm bi qj"> <!-- Border Shape --> <span class="rc je md/2 gh xg h q r"></span> <span class="rc je md/2 mh yg h q p"></span> <div class="tc sf rn tn un zf dp"> <img style="max-width:300px;" class="bf" src="" alt="User" /> <div> <img src="images/icon-quote.svg" alt="Quote" /> <p class="ek ik xj _p kc fb"> As a customer & partner looking after multiple facets of Sugar Business, ChiniMandi makes my job much easier & has helped us save time on a consistent basis. The website is a blend of clarity & simplicity! The ability to easily keep track of news, developments, market views, prices & sugar related notifications at one place has helped us to process information efficiently. </p> <div class="tc yf vf"> <div> <span class="rc ek xj kk wm zb">Mr. Yatin Wadhwana</span> <span class="rc">Director, Gradient Commercial</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="i hh rm sg vk xm bi qj"> <!-- Border Shape --> <span class="rc je md/2 gh xg h q r"></span> <span class="rc je md/2 mh yg h q p"></span> <div class="tc sf rn tn un zf dp"> <img style="max-width:300px;" class="bf" src="" alt="User" /> <div> <img src="images/icon-quote.svg" alt="Quote" /> <p class="ek ik xj _p kc fb"> ChiniMandi is an excellent initiative to disseminate Sugar related information to Stakeholders. This goes a long way in helping everyone take much more informed decision and reduce risk. I am originally an Edible Oil man and ChiniMandi has helped me in understanding the Sugar Sector much better. I would indeed recommend ChiniMandi, there is no reason for not recommending as you are doing a wonderful job for the Sugar Industry. Keep up the good work and don’t look back. </p> <div class="tc yf vf"> <div> <span class="rc ek xj kk wm zb">Mr. Atul Chaturvedi</span> <span class="rc">Executive Chairman, Shree Renuka Sugars Ltd.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="i hh rm sg vk xm bi qj"> <!-- Border Shape --> <span class="rc je md/2 gh xg h q r"></span> <span class="rc je md/2 mh yg h q p"></span> <div class="tc sf rn tn un zf dp"> <img style="max-width:300px;" class="bf" src="" alt="User" /> <div> <img src="images/icon-quote.svg" alt="Quote" /> <p class="ek ik xj _p kc fb"> It is very important when we have a communication vehicle that clearly transmits to its readers what is happening with the sugar and ethanol market in India, Brazil and the rest of the world. At this point, ChiniMandi fulfills this important role very well. </p> <div class="tc yf vf"> <div> <span class="rc ek xj kk wm zb">Mr. Arnaldo Luiz Correa</span> <span class="rc">Risk Management Consultant | Director, Archer Consulting</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="i hh rm sg vk xm bi qj"> <!-- Border Shape --> <span class="rc je md/2 gh xg h q r"></span> <span class="rc je md/2 mh yg h q p"></span> <div class="tc sf rn tn un zf dp"> <img style="max-width:300px;" class="bf" src="" alt="User" /> <div> <img src="images/icon-quote.svg" alt="Quote" /> <p class="ek ik xj _p kc fb"> ChiniMandi has made a credible name in the short time that it has been in the market. It has filled in a long felt gap in the sugar market with its reach and width of coverage. It’s young team is both responsive and responsible in its approach to the challenge of the sector by providing credible inputs to the stakeholders. We wish ChiniMandi and its team all the best in their future endeavors. </p> <div class="tc yf vf"> <div> <span class="rc ek xj kk wm zb">Mr. Adhir Jha</span> <span class="rc">Managing Director & CEO, Indian Sugar Exim Corporation Limited (ISEC)</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="i hh rm sg vk xm bi qj"> <!-- Border Shape --> <span class="rc je md/2 gh xg h q r"></span> <span class="rc je md/2 mh yg h q p"></span> <div class="tc sf rn tn un zf dp"> <img style="max-width:300px;" class="bf" src="" alt="User" /> <div> <img src="images/icon-quote.svg" alt="Quote" /> <p class="ek ik xj _p kc fb"> The Indian sugar industry is a key driver of rural development, aids India’s economic growth, inherently inclusive by supporting over 50 million farmers, workers, entrepreneurs apart from a host of allied services and SME’s across the country. I appreciate the contribution of the Team ChiniMandi in developing this website for industry stakeholders and policy makers. </p> <div class="tc yf vf"> <div> <span class="rc ek xj kk wm zb">Mr. Sameer G. Patil</span> <span class="rc">Chief Business Officer, BSE</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="i hh rm sg vk xm bi qj"> <!-- Border Shape --> <span class="rc je md/2 gh xg h q r"></span> <span class="rc je md/2 mh yg h q p"></span> <div class="tc sf rn tn un zf dp"> <img style="max-width:300px;" class="bf" src="" alt="User" /> <div> <img src="images/icon-quote.svg" alt="Quote" /> <p class="ek ik xj _p kc fb"> ChiniMandi connects views of decision makers to a dynamic network of information, symmetric to the sugar industry. The portal is very user-friendly and quick with information. </p> <div class="tc yf vf"> <div> <span class="rc ek xj kk wm zb">Mr. Somnath Chatterjee</span> <span class="rc">Head Procurement & Logistics, ITC Ltd : Food Division</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="i hh rm sg vk xm bi qj"> <!-- Border Shape --> <span class="rc je md/2 gh xg h q r"></span> <span class="rc je md/2 mh yg h q p"></span> <div class="tc sf rn tn un zf dp"> <img style="max-width:300px;" class="bf" src="" alt="User" /> <div> <img src="images/icon-quote.svg" alt="Quote" /> <p class="ek ik xj _p kc fb"> ChiniMandi is a must-to-read portal for being well informed on the sugar industry, especially if you need to find good and quality data and information about the Asian market. </p> <div class="tc yf vf"> <div> <span class="rc ek xj kk wm zb">Mr. Marcio Perin</span> <span class="rc">Senior Market Research Analyst – HedgePoint Global Markets</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="i hh rm sg vk xm bi qj"> <!-- Border Shape --> <span class="rc je md/2 gh xg h q r"></span> <span class="rc je md/2 mh yg h q p"></span> <div class="tc sf rn tn un zf dp"> <img style="max-width:300px;" class="bf" src="" alt="User" /> <div> <img src="images/icon-quote.svg" alt="Quote" /> <p class="ek ik xj _p kc fb"> ChiniMandi is a one-stop destination for most things related to the sugar industry. The website has established its leadership position by covering everything from news, in-depth analysis, government policy, analysis and industry insights. I recommend ChiniMandi to everyone who wants information related to the Sugar Industry. </p> <div class="tc yf vf"> <div> <span class="rc ek xj kk wm zb">Mr. Samir Somaiya</span> <span class="rc">Chairman & M.D., Godavari Biorefineries Ltd.</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- If we need navigation --> <div class="tc wf xf fg jb"> <div class="swiper-button-prev c tc wf xf ie ld rg _g dh pf ml vr hh rm tl zm rl ym" > <svg class="th lm" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.52366 7.83336L7.99366 12.3034L6.81533 13.4817L0.333663 7.00002L6.81533 0.518357L7.99366 1.69669L3.52366 6.16669L13.667 6.16669L13.667 7.83336L3.52366 7.83336Z" fill="" /> </svg> </div> <div class="swiper-button-next c tc wf xf ie ld rg _g dh pf ml vr hh rm tl zm rl ym" > <svg class="th lm" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M10.4763 6.16664L6.00634 1.69664L7.18467 0.518311L13.6663 6.99998L7.18467 13.4816L6.00634 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