Global Flood Awareness System – GloFAS Events
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Furthermore, the annual meeting included three keynotes. Two keynotes, "Africa Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Early Action System" and "Use of GloFAS products for food security assessment", focused on the potential that GloFAS and GFM products have in large scale projects. The third keynote, "Water depth estimate and flood extent enhancement using GFM", presented a further development of the flood extent product derived within GFM.</p> <p>As in the previous meetings, there was also a broad spectrum of user applications presented in ignite talks and during the poster session. These contributions are inspiring for both other users and the developers of the service.</p> <p>All the presentations and posters are available for download from <a href="" target="_blank">this page</a><span style="color:#1abc9c">.</span></p></span> </div> </div> <div class="row margin" id=4> <div class="col-sm-3"> <p>Feb. 8, 2023</p> <p style="font-weight: 600;">2nd CEMS Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring Meeting (2023)</p> <p><a href="/get-involved/event-detail/4/">event details</a></p> <div class="row"> <img src="/media/events/4/cems2.png" class="col-xs-12" style="max-width:20rem ; max-height: 10rem;" /> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-9"> <span><p>The 2nd CEMS Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring Meeting was held online on 8 and 9 February, from 13 to 17 UTC. More than 300 participants attended the event over the two days. </p> <p>The meeting was highly interactive, with presentations on the latest developments of the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS), of the Global Flood Monitoring (GFM), and of the GloFAS and GFM data access and documentation. Keynotes and IGNITE talks provided the opportunity for 16 representatives of related initiatives to introduce their developments, use cases, and experiences using GloFAS and/or GFM data. A panel discussion was organized to share views on the actions required to support the United Nations #EarlyWarning4All initiative.</p></span> </div> </div> <div class="row margin" id=3> <div class="col-sm-3"> <p>Oct. 28, 2021</p> <p style="font-weight: 600;">1st CEMS Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring Meeting (2021)</p> <p><a href="/get-involved/event-detail/3/">event details</a></p> <div class="row"> <img src="/media/events/3/cems-week_promo_components_cP7fnLW.jpg" class="col-xs-12" style="max-width:20rem ; max-height: 10rem;" /> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-9"> <span><p>The first Copernicus Emergency Service (CEMS) Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring Meeting was held online on 28 October, from 13 to 16 UTC, as part of the 2021 CEMS Week. 117 participants joined the event.</p> <p>The main topics discussion topics were: GloFAS highlights from the last year and planned developments, the announcement of the foreseen operational release of the Global Flood Monitoring, the hydrological in-situ data collection, and the presentation of user cases.</p></span> </div> </div> </div> <br> </div> </div> <div id="to-top-button"><i class="fa fa-angle-up"></i></div> <footer class="ccl-footer"> <div class="ccl-footer-main"> <div class="ccl-footer-logo"> <img src="" class="ccl-footer-logo-img"/> </div> <div class="ccl-container ccl-container-flex"> <div class="ccl-footer-col"> <div class="ccl-footer-col-title" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;">Copernicus Services</div> <div class="ccl-footer-services"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ccl-service-button ccl-service-button-link ccl-service-button-w ccl-service-button-atmosphere ems-footer-icon"> <img class="ccl-svg ccl-service-button-icon" src=""/> Atmosphere </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ccl-service-button ccl-service-button-link ccl-service-button-w ccl-service-button-marine ems-footer-icon"> <img class="ccl-svg ccl-service-button-icon" src=""/>Marine </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ccl-service-button ccl-service-button-link ccl-service-button-w ccl-service-button-land ems-footer-icon"> <img class="ccl-svg ccl-service-button-icon" src=""/>Land </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ccl-service-button ccl-service-button-link ccl-service-button-w ccl-service-button-security ems-footer-icon"> <img class="ccl-svg ccl-service-button-icon" src=""/>Security </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ccl-service-button ccl-service-button-link ccl-service-button-w ccl-service-button-climate ems-footer-icon"> <img class="ccl-svg ccl-service-button-icon" src=""/>Climate Change </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ccl-service-button ccl-service-button-link ccl-service-button-w ccl-service-button-emergency ems-footer-icon"> <img class="ccl-svg ccl-service-button-icon" src=""/>Emergency </a> </div> </div> <div class="ccl-footer-col"> <div> <div class="ccl-footer-col-title" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;">Contact</div> <div class="ccl-footer-services" style="display:block;"> <a href="/contact-us/" target="_blank" class="ccl-service-button ccl-service-button-link ccl-service-button-w ccl-service-button-emergency ems-footer-icon"> <img class="ccl-svg ccl-service-button-icon" src="/static/images/contact.svg"/> </a> </div> </div> <div> <div class="ccl-footer-col-title" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;">Follow us</div> <div class="ccl-footer-services" style="display:block;"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ccl-service-button ccl-service-button-link ccl-service-button-w ccl-service-button-emergency ems-footer-icon"> <img class="ccl-svg ccl-service-button-icon" src="/static/images/twitter.svg"/> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ccl-footer-col"> <div class="ccl-footer-col-title" style="padding-bottom:0.5em;">Copernicus</div> <p style="margin-top:20px;"> Copernicus is an EU programme aimed at developing European information services based on satellite Earth Observation and in situ (non space) data. 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