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Anderson (of ''Centre d’Etudes Préhistoire, Antiquité et Moyen Age del [[CNRS]]''), discovered archaeological remains that demonstrate the existence of threshing boards at least 8,000 years old in the [[Near East]] and [[Balkans]]. The artefacts are [[lithic flake]]s and, above all [[obsidian]] or [[flint]] [[blade]]s, recognizable through the type of microscopic wear that it has. Her work was completed by Jacques Chabot (of the ''Centre interuniversitaire d'études sur les lettres, les arts et les traditions'', CELAT), who has studied [[Mitanni]] (northern [[Mesopotamia]] and [[Armenia]]). Both count among their specialties the study of [[Lithic analysis#Function|microwear analysis]], through which it is possible to take a particular piece of flint or obsidian (to take the most common examples) and determine the tasks for which it was used.&lt;ref>{{cite journal |author1=Anderson, Patricia C. |author2=Chabot, Jacques |author3=van Gijn, Annelou | title = The Functional Riddle of 'Glossy' Canaanean Blades and the Near Eastern Threshing Sledge | year = 2004 | journal = Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology | volume = 17 | issue = 1, June | doi = 10.1558/jmea. | pages = 87&amp;ndash;130 }}&lt;/ref> Concretely, the cutting of cereals leaves a very characteristic ''[[Gloss (material appearance)|glossy]]'' pattern of wear, owing to the presence of microscopic mineral particles (''[[phytolith]]s'') in the stalks of the plants. Therefore, scholars using controlled experimental replication studies and functional analysis with a [[scanning electron microscope]] are able to identify stone artefacts that were used as [[sickle]]s or the teeth of threshing boards. The edge damage on the pieces used in threshing boards is distinct because, besides the ''glossy'' abrasion characteristic of cutting cereals, they have micro-scars from chipping, as a result of the blows of the threshing board against the rock surface of the threshing floor.&lt;ref name="benito">{{cite journal | author = Benito del Rey, Luis y Benito Álvarez, José-Manuel | title = La taille actuelle de la pierre à la manière préhistorique. L'exemple des pierres pour Tribula à Cantalejo (Segovia - Espagne) | year = 1994 | journal = Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française | volume = Tome 91 | issue = Numéro 3, mai–juin |language = fr }} (p. 222 and footnote 10)&lt;/ref> The most productive [[archaeological site]] is [[Aratashen]], Armenia: a village occupied between 5000 and 3000&amp;nbsp;BC ([[Neolithic]] and [[Copper Age]]). The [[Excavation (archaeology)|archaeological excavations]] have provided thousands of pieces from the knapping of obsidian (suggesting that Aratashen was a centre of production and trade of artefacts of that highly regarded stone); the rest of the [[archaeological record]] consists mainly of fragments of common pottery, [[ground stone]]s, and other agricultural tools. Analysing a sample of 200 lithic flakes and blades, selected from the best-preserved pieces, it is possible to differentiate between those used in sickles and those used in threshing boards.&lt;!-- isn't this last sentence redundant to earlier in this section?--> The lithic blades of obsidian were knapped using highly developed and standardized methods, such as the use of a "pectoral crutch" with a copper point.&lt;ref>{{in lang|fr}} ''«Grande béquille pectorale»'': {{cite journal | author = Pelegrin, Jacques | title = Débitage expérimental par pression, "du plus petit au plus grand" | year = 1988 | journal = Technologie Préhistorique | volume = Notes et monographies techniques | issue = 25 | isbn = 2-222-04235-6 | page = 46 }}&lt;/ref> Beginning at the headwaters of the river [[Euphrates]], where this site is located, the craftsmen and peddlers sold their wares throughout the [[Middle East]]. The threshing boards must have been important in the [[protohistory]] of Mesopotamia, since they already appear in some of the oldest written documents discovered: specifically, several [[sandstone]] tablets from the early town of [[Kish (Sumer)|Kish]] ([[Iraq]]), engraved with [[cuneiform script|cuneiform]] [[pictographic|pictograms]], which could be the world's oldest surviving written record, dating to the middle of the [[4th millennium BC]] (Early [[Uruk period]]).&lt;ref>{{cite book | author = Clairborne, Robert | title = The Birth of Writing | year = 1974 | publisher = Time-Life Inc. | isbn = 0-8094-1282-9 | page = 10 }}&lt;/ref> One of these tablets, preserved in the [[Ashmolean Museum]] of [[Oxford University]], appears to have pictures of threshing boards on both faces, next to some numeric symbols and other pictograms. These presumed threshing boards (which might instead be sledges{{NoteTag|Sledges were as vehicles for freight before the invention of wheel.}}) have a shape similar to threshing carts that were used until recently in parts of the [[Middle East]] where non-industrial agriculture survived. Descriptions also appear in numerous cuneiform [[clay tablet]]s as early as the third millennium BC. [[File:Cilindro-sello trillo.png|thumb|left|300px|{{center|Impression from a [[cylinder seal]] from [[malatya|Arslantepe-Malatya]] ([[Turkey]]), depicting a ritual thresh, dated to the third millennium BC}}]] There are another representation, in this case without writing, in central Turkey. It is an impression of a [[cylinder seal]] from the archaeological site of '''[[Malatya|Arslantepe-Malatya]]''', which appeared near of the named «Temple B». The archaeological layers were dated to 3374&amp;nbsp;BC using [[dendrochronology]].&lt;ref>[ Graphic] on the Cornell University web site.&lt;/ref> The stamp shows a figure seated on a threshing board, with a clear image of the lithic flakes inlaid in the bottom of the board. The main figure is sitting (possibly on a [[throne]]) under a [[dossal]]. In front is a driver or oxherd, and there are peasants with pitchforks nearby. According to M. A. Frangipane, that the seal may illustrate a religious scene: {{cquote|''«This seal'' [...] (is) ''interpreted as a ritual threshing scene, emphasising the ideological reference by the Arslantepe elites to images of power expressed in a Mesopotamian environment»''&lt;ref>{{cite journal | author = Frangipane, M. A. | title = 4th millennium temple palace complex at Arslantepe-Malatya. North-South relations and the formation of early state societies in the northern regions of greater Mesopotamia | year = 1997 | volume = 23 | issue = 1 | id = | journal = Paléorient | pages = 45–73 | doi = 10.3406/paleo.1997.4644 }}. p. 64-65&lt;/ref>}} It closely resembles another scene, painted on the walls of the same site (a ceremonial procession of a person of high rank, painted in an archaic lineal style in the colours red and black), although the current condition of the wall obscures the exact nature of the vehicle in which he is seated, it is indeed possible to see that it is pulled by a pair of oxen. Professor Sherratt interprets both scenes as presenting manifestations of civil or religious power.&lt;ref>{{cite journal | author = Sherratt, Andrew | title = ArchAtlas, an electronic atlas of archaeology Animal traction and the transformation of Europe | year = 2005 | journal = P. Pétrequin. Proceedings of the Frasnois Conference | volume = [[Sheffield]], [[England]] | issue = 19–21 | url=}}&lt;/ref> In that era, the threshing board was a sophisticated and expensive implement, built by specialized artisans, using pieces of flint or obsidian; in the case of Lower Mesopotamia, these were imported from far away: in the alluvial plateau of Sumer, as in all south of Mesopotamia, it was impossible to find stone, not even a pebble.&lt;!-- Presumably translated from English, we should find the original and restore as a verbatim quotation: «En la planicie aluvial de Súmer, así como en todo el sur de Mesopotamia, era imposible encontrar piedra, ni siquiera podía hallarse un guijarro»''.-->&lt;ref name="hamblin">{{cite book | author = Hamblin, Dora Jane | title = The First Cities | url = | url-access = registration | year = 1973 | publisher = Time-Life Inc. | isbn = 0-8094-1301-9}} p.90.&lt;/ref> The discovery of a ceremonial sledge (perhaps a threshing board) with gold ornaments in the [[Puabi|Tomb of Pu-Abi]], one of the "royal tombs" of [[Ur]], dated from the 3rd millennium BC,&lt;ref>{{cite book | author = Wooley, Leonard | title = Ur Excavations II, The Royal Cemetery | year = 1934 | location = London-Philadelphia}} p.73 ''et. seq.''&lt;/ref> makes clear the underlying problem of distinguishing in the ancient representations between a true threshing board and a sledge (that is, an unwheeled vehicle for hauling freight). Although we know that the threshing board appears no later than the [[4th millennium BC]] (as we can see in ''Atarashen'' and ''Arslantepe-Malatya''), and we also know that the wheel was invented in Mesopotamia in the middle of that same millennium, still, the utilisation and spread of the wheel was not instantaneous. The sledges survived at least until the invention of the articulated axle, nearly 2000&amp;nbsp;BC. During this time, some vehicles were hybrids: sledges with wheels that could be dismantled to overcome obstacles by carrying it on shoulders or, simply, dragging it.&lt;ref name="hamblin b">{{cite book | author = Hamblin, Dora Jane | title = The First Cities | url = | url-access = registration | year = 1973 | publisher = Time-Life Inc. | isbn = 0-8094-1301-9}}&lt;/ref> Consequently—except in the case of Arslantepe, where the lithic flakes are clear visible—we cannot determine whether these representations are threshing boards or sledges for freight or for rites. [[James Frazer]] compiled numerous ceremonies of harvest and thresh, that centered on a ''Cereal Spirit''. From the [[Ancient Egypt]]ian era to pre-industrial period, this spirit seems to have reside d in the first threshed sheaf or, sometimes, in the last one.&lt;ref>{{cite book | author = Frazer, James George | title = [[The Golden Bough]] | year = 1995 | orig-year = 1922 | type = reprint | publisher = Touchstone edition | isbn = 0-684-82630-5 | author-link = James Frazer}} (p. 488 and followings)&lt;/ref> === Classical Greece and Rome === During the early history of Greece and Rome the threshing board was not used. Only after the development of commerce (with occurred in the 5th and 4th centuries in Greece and 2nd and 1st centuries in Rome) and the subsequent transmission of information from the near east that it became widely used. According to V.V. Struve, who cites, in part, verses of [[The Iliad]], the Greeks of the 8th century BC threshed cereals by trampling them with oxen:&lt;ref>{{cite book | author = Struve, V. V. | title = Historia de la Antigua Grecia | year = 1979|edition=Third | publisher = Akal Editor | location = [[Madrid]] | isbn = 84-7339-190-X | language=Spanish }} p. 115&lt;/ref> {{cquote|''[A]s one who yokes broad-browed oxen that they may tread barley in a threshing-floor - and it is soon bruised small under the feet of the lowing cattle - even so did the horses of Achilles trample on the shields and bodies of the slain.''&lt;br />([[s:The Iliad/Book XX|Chapter XX]] of [[Iliad]])}} [[Carthage]], which colonized the southeastern [[Iberian Peninsula]] in the 3rd century BC, had advanced agricultural technology, greatly superior to the Roman techniques of the time. Their methods astonished travellers such as [[Agathocles]] and [[Marcus Atilius Regulus|Regulus]], and were an inspiration for the writings of [[Marcus Terentius Varro|Varro]] and Pliny. One well-known Carthaginian agronomist, ''[[Mago (agricultural writer)|Mago]]'', wrote a treatise that was translated into Latin by order of the Roman Senate. The ancient Romans describe Tunisia, today mainly desert, as a fertile landscape of [[olive grove]]s and [[wheat|wheat fields]]. In [[Hispania]], the Carthaginians are known to have introduced several new crops (mainly [[fruit tree]]s) and some machines like the threshing board, either the version with stone-chips (''tribulum'' in Latin) or the version with rollers (''threshing cart'', named in their honour ''plostellum punicum'' by the Romans).&lt;ref>{{cite book | author = Blázquez, José María | chapter = Capítulo XVI, Colonización cartaginesa en la península Ibérica | title = Historia de España antigua. Tomo I: Protohistoria | year = 1983|edition=Second | publisher = Ediciones Cátedra | location =[[Madrid]] | language=Spanish | isbn = 84-376-0232-7 }} (página 421)&lt;/ref> In [[Ancient Rome|Rome]], the threshing board had only economic significance, without the religious symbolism it took on in the [[Hebrew Bible]]. The treatises of agriculture written by Roman experts as Cato, Varro, Columella and Pliny the Elder (quoted above), touch the topic of threshing. In chronological order: *'''Cato''': In the time of [[Cato the Elder]]—that is, the 2nd century BC—Rome was intensely connected with the conquered areas of [[Ancient Greece|Greece]] and [[Carthage]], whose higher degree of agricultural development threatened Roman traditionalism. Cato's book ''De Agricultura''&lt;ref name="uchicago">{{cite web|url= |title=LacusCurtius • Cato — De Agricultura ||access-date=22 December 2015}}&lt;/ref> was against exotic innovations such as the threshing board in its different variants, defending instead a traditional agricultural system based on manual labour. To some writers, Cato's ideas drove, indirectly, to the disintegration of [[republicanism|republican]] society and even the imperial economy. Cato preferred threshing by trampling by mules or oxen. He doesn't expressly mention the threshing board, in spite of the fact it was already spreading through the empire. It is, then, "almost impossible to define, on the basis of Cato's report, when this or that implement or refinement came into use".&lt;ref>{{in lang|es}} ''«[resulta] casi imposible definir, sobre la base de la exposición de Catón, cuando entró en uso tal o cual instrumento, cuándo fue aplicado tal o cual perfeccionamiento»'': {{cite book | author = Kovaliov, Sergei I. | title = Historia de Roma | year = 1979|edition=Third | publisher = Akal Editor | location = [[Madrid]] | isbn = 84-7339-455-0 }} p. 178&lt;/ref> *'''Varro''': Unlike Cato, [[Marcus Terentius Varro]] was not a man of action but a scholar, a πολιγραφοτάτω, in the 1st century BC. Varro, whose studies were wider than Cato's, tried to combine the cosmopolitan Greek outlook with Rome's provincial traditions. In his book of agricultural advice ''Rerum Rusticarum de Agri Cultura''&lt;ref>{{in lang|la}} ''[ ''Rerum Rusticarum de Agri Cultura'' online in the original Latin]''&lt;/ref> Varro only twice reflects the reality of his times by mentioning threshing boards. He advises, "None of the implements that can be produced in the plantation (farm) itself should be bought, as with almost all everything which is made from unfinished wood such as hampers, baskets, '''threshing boards''', stakes, rakes…";&lt;ref>Varro, ''Rerum Rusticarum…'' Liber primus, XII: ''«Quae nasci in fundo ac fieri a domesticis poterunt, eorum nequid ematur, ut fere sunt quae ex viminibus et materia rustica fiunt, ut corbes, fiscinae, tribula, valli, rastelli…»''&lt;/ref> the inclination to self-sufficiency that he demonstrates here would later be harmful to Rome. Varro nonetheless shows himself more open to innovation that Cato: "To achieve an abundant and high-quality harvest, the stalks should be taken to the threshing floor without piling them up, so the grain is in the best condition, and the grain (should be) separated from the stalks on the threshing floor, a process which is done, among other ways, with a pair of mules and a '''threshing board'''. This is made with a wooden board (with its underside) equipped with stone-chips or saws of iron, which, with a plow in front or a large counterweight, is pulled by a pair of mules yoked together and thus separates the grain from the stalks…".&lt;ref>Varro, ''Rerum Rusticarum…'' Liber primus, LII. ''«Quae seges grandissima atque optima fuerit, seorsum in aream secerni oportet spicas, ut semen optimum habeat; e spicis in area excuti grana. Quod fit apud alios iumentis iunctis ac tribulo. Id fit e tabula lapidibus aut ferro asperata, quae cum imposito auriga aut pondere grandi trahitur iumentis iunctis, discutit e spica grana;…»''&lt;/ref> That is, he explains in a very didactic way how the threshing boards works and the advantages of this innovative device. Next, he talks about the variant called ''plostellum poenicum'' (=''punicum''=Punic=Carthaginian), a threshing implement with rollers and metallic saws whose origin is, as we have already seen, Carthaginian, and which was used in Hispania (which had, in the past, been controlled by Carthage): "Another way to make it is by means of a cart with teethed rollers and bearings; this cart is named ''plostellum punicum'', in which one can sit and move the device that is pulled by mules, as it is done in [[Hispania Citerior]] and other places."&lt;ref>Varro, ''Rerum Rusticarum…'' Liber primus, LII. ''«…aut ex axibus dentatis cum orbiculis, quod vocant plostellum poenicum; in eo quis sedeat atque agitet quae trahant iumenta, ut in Hispania citeriore et aliis locis faciunt.»''&lt;/ref> *'''Columella''' ([[Columella|Lucius Junius Moderatus]], [[0s|beginning of Common Era]] - 60s): a native of [[Hispania Baetica]]; after finishing his military career, Columella worked managing large estates. This writer from Hispania brings a new note to this topic, writing, in this case, about [[threshing floor]]s: "The threshing floor, if it is possible, must be placed in such way that it can be overseen by the master or by the foreman; the best is one that is cobbled, because not only allows that the cereal be quickly threshed, since the ground don't give way to the blows of hoofs and threshing boards, but also, these cereals, before being winnowed, are cleaner and lack the pebbles and little clods that always remaine in a threshing floor of pressed earth."&lt;ref>{{usurped|1=[ De Re Rustica, cap VI]}}: ''«Area, si competit, ita constituenda est, ut vel a domino vel certe a procuratore despici possit. Eaque optima est silice constrata, quod et celeriter frumenta deteruntur, non cedente solo pulsibus ungularum tribularumque, et eadem ventilata mundiora sunt, lapillisque carent et glaebulis, quas per trituram fere terrena remittit area.»''&lt;/ref> *'''Pliny''': [[Pliny the Elder]] (23 - 79) only compiles what his predecessors had written, which we have already quoted.&lt;ref>[*.html#lxxii Naturalis Historia, Liber XVIII (naturae frugum), lxxii - 298].&lt;/ref> === Middle Ages === [[File:Trillo.jpg|thumb|upright|left|A Threshing board used as a door]] In [[Western Europe]], the [[barbarian invasions]] of Europe had detrimental effects upon agriculture, leading to the loss of many of the more advanced techniques, among them the threshing board, which was completely alien to Germanic tradition. The eastern Mediterranean areas, on the other hand, continued the use of the threshing board, passing into the Muslim culture, where it took deep root. In the Iberian Peninsula, in the [[History of Spain#Gothic Hispania (5th–8th centuries)|Visigothic kingdom]] and the Christian zone during the ''[[Reconquista]]'', the threshing board was little known (although awareness of it never quite disappeared{{NoteTag|[[Isidore of Seville]] in his ''[[Etymologiae]]'' (Libro XVII: La agricultura), simply repeats what the classical sources had to say on this theme, indicating his merely slight familiarity with the technology.}}). The degradation extended not only to the economy, but also to the very sources that we have to study the period: scholars are confronted with a documentary void that is difficult to get around. It is certain that in Islamic [[Al-Andalus]], the threshing board continued to be very popular, which led to the Christians recuperating the tradition as they advanced in the ''[[Reconquista]].'' This act coincides with a generalized recovery in all of Europe. Economic prosperity began to return at the start of the 11th century; the experts speak of the increased area of tilled lands; the increased use of draft animals (first oxen, thanks to the frontal yoke, and later horses, thanks to [[Horse collar|harness collar]]); of the increase in metal tools and improved metalworking; of the appearance of the moldboard plough, often with wheels; and the increase in watermills. Livestock became a sign of progress: peasants, less dependent and more prosperous, became able to buy draft animals, and even plows. The peasants who had their own plow and one or two draft animals were a small elite, pampered by the feudal lord, who acquired a distinct status, &lt;!-- are there good English equivalents for this? Maybe "yeoman farmer" for ''"labrador"''--> that of ''yeoman farmers'', quite distinct from ''farm-hand labourer'' whose only tool was their own arms.&lt;ref name="duby">{{cite book | author = Duby, Georges | title = The early growth of the European economy. Warriors and Peasants from the Seventh to the Twelfth Century | url = | url-access = registration | year = 1974 | publisher = Cornell University Press | location = Ithaca, New York | isbn = 0-8014-9169-X | author-link = Georges Duby }}&lt;!-- Presumably also translated into English, we should track that down: the page is from spansh edition: p. 249 -->.&lt;/ref> The existence of draft animals does not imply the diffusion of the threshing board in Western Europe, where the flail continued to be the preferred threshing implement.{{NoteTag|The threshing board, as we have had occasion to repeat throughout this article, was expensive, as were the conditions of its use, only the wealthy laborers and the nobility could afford a threshing board and a plow. Its use was, perhaps, another lordly [[ban (law)|ban]], and thus a mark of a [[bondservant|bondage]]. On the other hand, the [[Flail (agriculture)|flail]] was a cheap, simple tool, which anyone could get hold of and which supposed a certain independence and freedom.}} On the other hand, in Spain, the weight of Eastern tradition made the difference: Professor [[Julio Caro Baroja]] admits that in Spain the threshing board appears cited or represented in works of art. Concretely, he mentions some [[Romanesque sculpture|Romanesque]] reliefs in [[Beleña]] ([[Salamanca province|Salamanca]]) and [[Campisábalos, Guadalajara|Campisábalos]] ([[Province of Guadalajara|Guadalajara]]), both from the 12th century.&lt;ref>{{cite book | author = Caro Baroja Julio | title = Tecnología popular española | year = 1983 | publisher = Editorial Nacional, Colección Artes del tiempo y del espacio, [[Madrid]] | isbn = 84-276-0588-9 | author-link = Julio Caro Baroja | page = 98 }}&lt;/ref> One may add a document written in 1265, in which a woman named Doña Mayor (widow of one Don Arnal, an ecclesiastical tax collector, and thus a person of good position), leaves to the [[diocese]] [[Chapter (religion)|chapter]] of [[Salamanca]] her inheritance of ''Valcuevo'', a farm in the municipality of [[Valverdón]], Salamanca: &lt;blockquote>And I, Doña Mayor, leave on my death these two yokings &lt;!--the amount of land that one pair of oxen could plow in a day--> of country state above referred to the Cathedral Chapter, well preserved with 76 [[bushel]]s &lt;!--19 bushels is quite equal to a «kafiz» or «cahíz» an ancient Castilian word with Arab origin that refers to a unit of dry measure different in each region--> of wheat, 38 bushels of rye, and 38 bushels of barley to seed each yoking and with ploughshares, and with plows, and with ploughbeams, and with '''threshing boards''' and with all the accoutrements that a well-laid-out property should have.&lt;ref>Diocesan archive of Salamanca: ''«Et yo, donna Mayor, devo dexar a mia muerte estas duas yugadas de heredat devandichas al cabildo bien allinadas, con quatro kafiçes de trigo, et un kafiz de centeno, et un kafiz de cevada pora semiente cada yugada, et con reias, et con arados, et con timones, et con '''trillos''' et con todo appayamiento que heredade bien allinnada deve aver»''&lt;/ref>&lt;/blockquote> These documents, at least testify for the presence of threshing boards, which, undoubtedly was continuous from then until recently in the Mediterranean basin. The rest is mere generalized speculation, given that traditional historiography centers on features more like of [[Western Europe]]. In any case, none of the consulted authors describe the threshing board as playing a relevant part in the progress of medieval agriculture. We must, then, join with the despair of French historian [[Georges Duby]], in his complaint: &lt;blockquote>Through all that has been said, we can see how interesting it would be to measure the influence of technical progress on agricultural output. Nevertheless, we must renounce this hope. Before the end of the 12th century, the methods of seignorial administration were all quite primitive; they granted little importance to writing and even less to numbers. The documents are more deceptive than those of the [[Charlemagne|Carolingian era]].&lt;ref>Georges Duby, op. cit. page 249&lt;!--that page refers to the Spanish edition-->: ''«A través de cuanto hemos dicho se ve el interés que tendría la medición de la incidencia del progreso técnico en el rendimiento de la empresa agrícola. Sin embargo, hay que renunciar a hacerla. Antes de fines del siglo XII, los métodos de la administración señorial son todavía muy primitivos; conceden poca importancia a la escritura y menos aún a las cifras. Los documentos son más decepcionantes que los de la época carolingia»''&lt;/ref>&lt;!-- We should really try to track down the real original: the Spanish was, itself, a translation.-->&lt;/blockquote> Nowadays, numerous elements of traditional agriculture are being lost, and because of this various entities have been working to conserve or recover this cultural capital. Among these is an international interdisciplinary project called E.A.R.T.H., '''E'''arly '''A'''gricultural '''R'''emnants and '''T'''echnical '''H'''eritage. Participating countries include [[Bulgaria]], [[Canada]], [[France]], [[Russia]], [[Scotland]], [[Spain]], and the [[United States]]. Investigations center on broad archeological, documentary and ethnological aspects, related to diverse elements of traditional agriculture, threshing boards among them, in diverse countries, historical periods and societies.&lt;ref>[ E.A.R.T.H.], official site.&lt;/ref> &lt;div class="center"> &lt;div style="float:center; margin: 3&amp;nbsp;mm; padding: 1&amp;nbsp;mm; width: 740px; border: 1px solid;"> {{center|Chronology of evidences referred in the article}} &lt;timeline> ImageSize = width:730 height:100 PlotArea = width:700 height:50 left:20 bottom:30 TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal DateFormat = yyyy Period = from:-6000 till:2000 AlignBars = early ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:1000 start:-6000 Colors = id:canvas value:rgb(1,1,0.85) BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas PlotData= bar:a width:15 color:teal from:-5800 till:-5200 from:-4800 till:-4200 from:-3450 till:-3370 from:-3348 till:-3300 from:-2600 till:-2500 from:-1420 till:-1208 from:-1005 till:-965 from:-740 till:-698 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