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fieldtag=a --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Author</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search?/aCoulter%2C+Charles+Russell%2C+-1997%2C/acoulter+charles+russell+++++1997/-3,-1,0,B/browse">Coulter, Charles Russell, -1997, author.</a> </td></tr> </table> <!-- END INNER BIB TABLE --> </td></tr> </table> <!-- END BIBDETAIL TABLE --> <h1 class="bibDisplayTitle"> <!-- BEGIN BIBDETAIL TABLE BORDER --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="bibDetail"> <tr class="bibInfoEntry" ><td> <!-- BEGIN INNER BIB TABLE --> <table width="100%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0"> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=t --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Title</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <strong>Encyclopedia of ancient deities / by Charles Russell Coulter and Patricia Turner.</strong></td></tr> </table> <!-- END INNER BIB TABLE --> </td></tr> </table> <!-- END BIBDETAIL TABLE --> </h1> <!-- BEGIN BIBDETAIL TABLE BORDER --> <table 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Link</th><th align="left" width="25%">Call Number and Holdings</th><th align="left" width="20%">Request Status</th></tr> <tr class="holdings9mccp"><td><a name="9mccp"></a>Alliance - Colorado Christian University</td> <td>CCU Electronic Resources C902</td> <td><a href="">CCU Access</a></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Online</td> </tr> </table> <!-- begin page widgit for 3 lines on 1 pages --> <!-- end page widgit for 3 lines on 1 pages --> <br /></div></td></tr> <div class="bibDisplayItems"> <div class="bibDisplayItemsHeader"><h2>Copies</h2></div> <div class="bibDisplayItemsMain"> </div> </div> <div class="bibDisplayContentMore"> <!-- BEGIN BIBDETAIL TABLE BORDER --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="bibDetail"> <tr class="bibInfoEntry" ><td> <!-- BEGIN INNER BIB TABLE --> <table width="100%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0"> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=r --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Description</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 1 online resource (1493 pages)</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=r --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> text/unmediated/volume/</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=d --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Subject</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search?/,-1,0,B/browse">Gods -- Encyclopedias.</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=d --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search?/,-1,0,B/browse">Goddesses -- Encyclopedias.</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=d --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search?/,-1,0,B/browse">Mythology -- Encyclopedias.</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=d --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> Electronic books.</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=d --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> Encyclopedias.</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=d --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> Reference works.</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Note</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> Description based upon print version of record.</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=n --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Summary</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> &#34;This reference work lists all the known gods through recorded history. Alphabetically arranged entries provide the name of each deity (with alternate spellings), as well as notes on names that may be linguistically or functionally related. The tribe or culture that worshiped the deity is identified, and the god's origins and functions are explained.&#34; &#34;An extensive bibliography provides opportunities for further research and an exhaustive index provides access to the entries through virtually all names, forms and kinds of deities.&#34;--Jacket.</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=b --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Add Author</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search?/aTurner%2C+Patricia%2C+1940-/aturner+patricia+++++1940/-3,-1,0,B/browse">Turner, Patricia, 1940- author.</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=b --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> <a href="/search?/aTurner%2C+Patricia%2C+1940-/aturner+patricia+++++1940/-3,-1,0,B/browse">Turner, Patricia, 1940-</a> </td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=c --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">LC #</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> BL473 .C67 2000</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=c --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Nlm #</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 291.211 C855en</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=c --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">Dewey #</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 202.1103</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td valign="top" width="20%" class="bibInfoLabel">ISBN</td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 9780786491797</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 0786491795</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 0786403179 (hardcover &#59; alk. paper)</td></tr> <tr><!-- next row for fieldtag=i --> <td></td> <td class="bibInfoData"> 9780786403172 (hardcover &#59; alk. paper)</td></tr> </table> <!-- END INNER BIB TABLE --> </td></tr> </table> <!-- END BIBDETAIL TABLE --> </div> <div class="bibDisplayContentMore bibDisplayReviews"> <div class="bibDisplayPermLink actionButtonArea"> <div class="bibRecordLink"><a id="recordnum" href="/record=b46112188" > </a></div></div> </div> </div> </div><!-- close bibDisplayContent --> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- close bibDisplayBody --> <br /> <!-- begin botlogo.html file --> <!-- Rel 2009B Example Set --> <!-- Updated: Sept 2009 --> </div><!-- pageContent --> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div><!-- fullPage --> </div><!-- min-height --> <script src="" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { if (document.URL.indexOf("/record/") === -1) { linkCollectorWithMARC(); }; }); </script> <script> function linkCollectorWithMARC() { $(".briefcitTitle a").each(function () { newCheckLinksWithMARC( this ) }) } function newCheckLinksWithMARC( titleAnchorElement ) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: titleAnchorElement, dataType: "html", success: function (t) { var n = t, i = /\<td\>AVAILABLE\<\/td\>/, r = /\<td\>STATUS UNKNOWN\<\/td\>/, a = /\<td\>DUE/, b = /HOLD\<\/td\>/, s = i.test(n), c = r.test(n), x = a.test(n), y = b.test(n); s || c || x || y || checkMarc( titleAnchorElement ) ; }, error: function(response) { console.log(response); } }) } function checkMarc( titleAnchorElement ) { var requestElement = $(titleAnchorElement).parents().children(".briefcitRequest").html(); var matchBibID = /b\d+/; var recNum = matchBibID.exec(requestElement); if( recNum === null || recNum === undefined ){ $('#__requestItem').hide(); $('#bib_items').before('<h3 style="color:#8F2A14;">Sorry, there are currently no copies available.</h3>'); return; } var elibPermLink = ""; var links_string = elibPermLink + recNum[0]; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '', data: links_string, success: function(response) { var parsed = JSON.parse(response); var parsedNum = +parsed; if (parsedNum === 0) { $(titleAnchorElement).parents().children(".briefcitRequest").html( "<p style='color:#AD0023; font-weight: bold;' >No copies available</p>"); } }, error: function(response) { console.log(response); } }) }; </script> <!-- end botlogo.html file --> </body> </html>

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