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Renew the loan period. Make a list of your favourite books and share it with others. Check the location of the library on the map and directions on how to get there. </p> <p>With mCOBISS you can:</p> <ul style="margin-left:30px"> <li>search for material</li> <li>view material on loan and renew the loan period</li> <li>reserve material, view and cancel reservations</li> <li>view loan history</li> <li>view debts and restrictions</li> <li>receive push notifications</li> <li>search and view information on libraries</li> <li>view location of libraries on the map and directions to the selected library</li> <li>save your favourite books on My Shelf</li> <li>read barcodes ISBN and ISSN</li> <li>synchronize your user profile mCOBISS and COBISS+</li> </ul> <p>Latest news: May 2024: Updated mCOBISS V4.3 mobile application.</p> <!-- zacetek NOVICE --> <div class="accordion" id="toggleArea1"> <div class="accordion-group"> <div class="accordion-heading togglize"> <a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#" href="#collapseTwo">News... <span class="font-icon-plus"></span> <span class="font-icon-minus"></span> </a> </div> <div id="collapseTwo" class="accordion-body collapse"> <div class="accordion-inner"> <p>May 2024: Updated mCOBISS V4.3 mobile application.</p> <ul> <li>Option for borrowing e-books from the provider COBISS Ela added (only in Slovenia for libraries that will offer this option).</li> <li>Bug fix for receiving push notifications on newer devices (Android).</li> </ul> </br> <p>July 2022: Updated mCOBISS V4.2 mobile application.</p> <ul> <li>Possible selection of priority reservations.</li> <li>Additional information on membership expiry.</li> <li>Additional information on outstanding debts.</li> <li>Upgraded reservation system.</li> <li>Additional display for material on interdepartmental loan.</li> <li>Greater operation stability.</li> <li>Added option for deleting a profile.</li> <li>Other minor bug fixes.</li> <li>The Android 5.0 operating system or later or the iOS 14 operating system or later is required to use this app.</li> </ul> </br> <p>January 2022: Updated mCOBISS V4.1 mobile application.</p> <ul> <li>Display of queue for loaned or reserved material.</li> <li>Updated display for available copies of e-books.</li> <li>Information for electronic resource added to loan history.</li> <li>Improved stability of operation.</li> <li>Other minor corrections.</li> </ul> </br> <p>September 2021: Updated mCOBISS V4.0 mobile application.</p> <ul> <li>Optimized app operation.</li> <li>Updated graphical user interface.</li> <li>Loan of audiobooks provided by Audibook possible (only in Slovenia).</li> <li>Login with Arnes AAI identity now possible.</li> <li>Resetting a forgotten password now simpler.</li> <li>Faster searching for material in lists.</li> <li>Adding comments to My shelf now possible.</li> <li>Other minor improvements.</li> </ul> <p>The Android 5.0 operating system or later or the iOS13 operating system or later is required to use this app.</p> </br> <p>May 2020: mCOBISS V3.2 released</p> <ul> <li>Uniform application for iOS released for all eight countries that use the COBISS system.</li> <li>Custom avatars enabled.</li> <li>Improved support for e-books. Faster loans and returns (only in Slovenia).</li> <li>Minor improvements and bug fixes.</li> </ul> </br> <p>November 2019: mCOBISS V3.1 released</p> <ul> <li>Uniform application released for all eight countries that use the COBISS system.</li> <li>Several minor improvements.</li> </ul> </br> <p>April 2018: mCOBISS V2.3.5 released</p> <ul> <li>Links redirected from COBISS/OPAC to COBISS+.</li> <li>COBISS.SI-ID set up as the link to the record in COBISS+.</li> <li>Several minor improvements.</li> </ul> </br> <p>September 2017: mCOBISS V2.3.2 released</p> <ul> <li>Correction regarding the display of push notifications in My library.</li> </ul> </br> <p>May 2017: mCOBISS for Windows released</p> <p> mCOBISS is now available for mobile phones operating on the Windows Phone platform. mCOBISS can also be used as a desktop application on computers running Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. </p> </br> <p>April 2017: mCOBISS V2.3 released</p> <ul> <li>Street view added to Library info.</li> <li>Sorting option added to My library.</li> <li>Display of book covers in search results and details on books.</li> <li>Option of displaying longer push notifications added.</li> <li>3D Touch for iOS added.</li> </ul> </br> <p>Maj 2016: mCOBISS V2.2 released</p> <ul> <li>Membership barcode number display updated to include a secret PIN code used by some libraries.</li> </ul> </br> <p>May 2015: mCOBISS V1.4.1 (iOS) and V 1.4.2 (Android) released</p> <ul> <li>member name and surname and membership validity added to My library</li> <li>several minor improvements</li> </ul> </br> <p>January 2015: mCOBISS V1.4 released</p> <ul> <li>option of user identification in library based on membership card barcode in My library added</li> <li>e-books supported in detailed search in My library</li> <li>several minor improvements</li> </ul> </br> <p>October 2014: mCOBISS V1.3 for iOS released</p> <ul> <li>version adapted for iOS 8</li> </ul> </br> <p>March 2014: mCOBISS V1.2 released</p> <ul> <li>interface now also available in English</li> <li>improved app response rate</li> <li>library e-mail addresses and telephone numbers added</li> <li>updated material statuses in My library</li> <li>several minor improvements</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Toggle --> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-5"> <img src="../_include/img/zaslonska-en.png" class="noscale" alt="screen" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Home Section --> <!-- iosAndroid Section --> <div id="iosAndroid" class="page-alternate"> <div class="container"> <!-- Title Page --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="title-page"> <h1 class="title">iOS / ANDROID</h1> <p>mCOBISS is available for several types of mobile devices. The app is available free of charge for phones and tablets that work on the Android or iOS operating system. To download it, use your mobile device to visit the website <a href=""></a> and select the correct link:</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Title Page --> <!-- aplikaciji --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4 profile" style="text-align:center"> <h3 class="profile-name">iOS</h3> <div class="image-wrap"> <a href="" class="external"><img src="../_include/img/ios-android/ios-en.png" alt="iOS aplication" style="min-width:120px;max-width:220px" /></a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 profile" style="text-align:center"> <h3 class="profile-name">Android</h3> <div class="image-wrap"> <a href="" class="external"><img src="../_include/img/ios-android/android-en.png" alt="Android aplication" style="min-width:120px;max-width:220px" /></a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 profile" style="text-align:center"> <h3 class="profile-name">Huawei</h3> <div class="image-wrap"> <a href="" class="external"><img src="../_include/img/ios-android/huawei-en.svg" alt="Huawei" style="min-width:120px;max-width:220px" /></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 profile"> <a class="button" href="description.html" class="external" style="width:100%;padding:0;">Detailed mCOBISS description</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End ios & andorid Section --> <!-- Kontakt Section --> <div id="contact" class="page"> <div class="container"> <!-- Title Page --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="title-page"> <h1 class="title">Do you have any suggestions or remarks?</h1> <p>The mCOBISS mobile app is being updated and adapted to the quickly developing world of mobile devices and customer requirements constantly. Your suggestions will help us improve and perfect it.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Title Page --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="contact-details"> <h3>Contact details</h3> <ul> <li>Institut informacijskih znanosti (Institute of Information Science)<br>Prešernova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor</li> <li>(02) 2520-333</li> <li>E-mail: <a href=""></a></li> <li>URL: <a href=""></a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href=""></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Kontakt Section --> <!-- Footer --> <footer style="border-top:1px solid #aaa"> <img src="../_include/img/esrr.png" id="esrr" alt="logo ESRR" /><br /><br /><img src="../_include/img/mizs_slo2.png" alt="logo MISZ" /> <p class="credits">&copy; 2014 <script> new Date().getFullYear() > 2014 && document.write("-" + new Date().getFullYear()); </script> IZUM. 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