{"title":"A Study of the Damages to Historical Monuments due to Climatic Factors and Air Pollution and Offering Solutions","authors":"Shoureshe Kanani, Hassan Zandi","volume":56,"journal":"International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences","pagesStart":1018,"pagesEnd":1022,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/6941","abstract":"Historical monuments as architectural heritage are,\r\neconomically and culturally, considered one of the key aspects for\r\nmodern communities. Cultural heritage represents a country-s\r\nnational identity and pride and maintains and enriches that country-s\r\nculture. Therefore, conservation of the monuments remained from\r\nour ancestors requires everybody-s serious and unremitting effort.\r\nConservation, renewal, restoration, and technical study of cultural\r\nand historical matters are issues which have a special status among\r\nvarious forms of art and science in the present century and this is due\r\nto two reasons: firstly, progress of humankind in this century has\r\ncreated a factor called environmental pollution which not only has\r\ncaused new destructive processes of cultural\/historical monuments\r\nbut also has accelerated the previous destructive processes by several\r\ntimes, and secondly, the rapid advance of various sciences, especially\r\nchemistry, has lead to the contribution of new methods and materials\r\nto this significant issue.","references":"[1] Shin MAEKAWA1, Franciza TOLEDO \" SUSTAINABLE CLIMATE\r\nCONTROL FOR HISTORIC BUILDINGS IN HOT AND HUMID\r\nREGIONS \"- The 18th Conference on Passive and Low Energy\r\nArchitecture, Florian\u251c\u2502polis - BRAZIL, 7-9 November 2001 Paper Code\r\nPL01-386 PLEA 2001\r\n[2] R. Kerschner\"A Practical Approach to Environmental Requirements for\r\nCollections in Historic Buildings\"Journal of the American Institute for\r\nConservation 31, 65-761992).\r\n[3] S. Maekawa, \"Report on the Efficacy Evaluation of Environmental\r\nImprovements Implemented in Prentis House\", Horseshoe Barn, and\r\nStagecoach Inn at the Shelburne Museum, VT. GCI Internal Report,\r\n1999.\r\n[4] CR10X Measurement and Control Module and PC208W 3.2 Datalogger\r\nSupport Software from Campbell Scientific Inc.\r\n[5] N. Valent\u251c\u00a1n. Microbiological Analyses in the Historical Archive in the\r\nCity of La Laguna in Tenerife Island, GCI Internal report, December\r\n2000.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 56, 2011"}